The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Joycee Speaker liu.u..tlil I- Drive Chairman J.F.GIIIinflJiam 4 Appleton Post-Creseertl 23 Miiunicy itditicg Jan. POSTCRESCENX Drive Chairman Retires From Retires tlUH Alimony odgers For Red Cross Charles H.Velte To Head Twin City Corn for Fvnds Keens Charles H. lieenah Bank Named to Board of birectori; drfifceri Elected lot County Board Names Committee 1o Aldin 'Bringing Tliem Post-Crescent Oshkosh burtiil i i Keefeil i. T. GlUlhghlm, Vice president and cashier of the ha-tional Manufacturer bank of Nee-nah-reared, after nearly years Osakoeh Tin Special probation Study ccaruunfetT-T'' Wtjr board wis given in extra nab attorney, will serve, as Ameri can neo ros mra ni 1 man for the local chapter during; I Funds Raised in Polio Campaian at the hank and the stockholders then elected him membership 0 tht.1942 campaign, it fcUaflnmine-j It 7 1 Will Advise DA On Extraditing 7lesmn fir 11 in airier txxjnue with awiaibiUlv! Chattel H.

Velte tree! rinanda! aid toUUihxl chairman Is Am assist. 1 waa am Neenslt and Meri- avances maat oy we na- the bank In 1903 and his retirement Wat -accepted after determent en several previous occasions "In recognition of hfl loyal service to cogmuon 01 mi ioyi service setting similar program'! PlrkfirrJ Winnebago county, this eommit-r trt llU advise the district attof My the prosecution of alimony i Plflrflfff and child- support dodgers. asha pdUo victims during 1951. pnor to in ii cording to Winnebago county chap- driv- Expense, were heavy h. Br!" because of the 27 SMrs.A.J.Grove tim, our bank and hU wide acquaintance Jt fi Glllinghdhl -in thU fcommunity, are most! TXs1rictAttrney Herbert J.jf Mueller reviewed for the supervit-j I QQ Art Mia atahi of all ntM ohm pleased to elect him to a place on our-boird bt eirectort-Where he can continue tb render valuable service to the bank." $.

ft. Plck ara. president, laid he accepted the retiremeni Howard W. Hinterthuer, assistant vice president for several year, wsr-eited. cashier bf the bank newcie in couniy aurini 1950.

It ot those IA atenasht and Neenah. 665 to fwin ri(. nfttint tint? nil! hjl maHl tnnk 4 321. The than. ter spent About $228 for braces and special Shoes.

The Neen'ah Menasha unit also contributed $110 toward' equipment for a Menasha youth. Thi equipment helps him to get in and out of bed. Other ifln City group tlse contributed toward the amount necessary' for the purchass ot the equipment. The money spent for the polio l. J.

cases Ultiuura ooBpiuuxayun nur- is scute stage bf thejlis-! i well as during convalescent' t. There was money Included ease as periods, ant ill the employe industrial re lations department of the Kimber- ly Clark corporation. Velte, active to community fairiiormantyears. Is past president of the Neenah Rotary club-Be fa a member of the Keenah Club, Wisconsin State Bar euocia- tion, and the Winnebago County Bar association. Vaurio served with the personnel branch, bureau of ships, washing-toa D.Crr during World Wif It After the defeat of Japan, he was transferred to work In the military.

demobilisation program and In that eapaetty worked closely with the Red Cross. iCouncilHikes tta LImi Yfltf Vlr tSHl The the- Council St its iommittee Of the whOle Session! He graduated from Neenah High bj May 1. Supervisor Joseph Drex. school in 1920 and ha been Sec-yr( chatrman ot the special build-retary of the Neenah arBb)y thM-Mamt board! ot the Equitable Reserve associ- thknw ieti uu. uiw mc Kiuyivj uic wmra ntt- ci Vov im ib9 ikh fcriMrf lecturers bank in 1933 and since id tj president.

NSmed Director holders for the coming year includ ed E. Ayhvard, tl. Gilbert, J. F. Gillingham, E.

E. Jandney, A. Kalfahs. S. N.

Pickard. Dr. in tne total mat went ror tnerapyij i i treatment of 1881 case aa well SIGHTS uc county is paying aia so aepena wit i CTsmtM irvlrftrfit a man livina bi California. Texas or in the East to brtr.g him back her to lace a charge totalling to pay the support -ot hit children as ordered by-the court at tha Um ot his divorce, he asked the board. 'Require Trips 'That would require my going out there to press the extradition and then tending the sherui out to bring the man back, would like the advice of a county board eonv tnittee at to whether the county' -money should be spent to bring someone back and put him In jail forjaelng behind in his payments," "the district attorney asked.

Those costs to bring him back could be charged back to tha man, Mueller weld. "But what are you going to Collect first, the cost Of bringing him back or the money the county has spent in its aid to dependent children, program by supporting that man' children?" he wondered. The man could be put ill Jail and made to work through the Buber law or day parole program until that bill 1 paid, Mueller continued. In com tases the men have re-married and have additional children to support which ha mad It hard tor them to support the children by the first wife, "Who will support the' second family It we bring that man bad to Jail here?" be asked. Supervisor Earl Hughes, town bf Keenah, said-the district attorney was trying to do a very conscien tious Job nd.

motions were passed to back ttim up la bringing the "support tlodgers" back and to have the special probation commit-to kdvtM him on tha Out-nt-itata Tuesday Wght granted a cenU an, requegt divoree from bed hour pay increase to all hourly! and 0Dly to one sb. paid employes in the street divorce tnd Grove withdrew Quade; S. t. Shattvtck; RtmHr-WirinterthuerCMhieri-jand-J. Sund, James Webbi J.

M. Wheel-'a J. Jones. A. F.

and er and Norton Williams. P. W. Stone, assistant cashiers. At special meeting of the board Pickard came to Neenth 20 years oi directors Immediately following' sko to become executive vice presi- 7aetui This increase how make 'the hourly pay scale for street superintendent $1.80, mechanic $1.61, heavy equipment operator $1.55, medium equipment operator $148, truck driver ttreet labor $1J3." street Cleaner gar-1 bage truck crew sna aumpslhaUser buildihg.

This building has the stockholders meeting nt th inolntp uritavte atfiA officers B. N. Pickard was renamed presi dent and other officers include S. F. Shattuck, vice president: L.

Harris, vice president; J. F. Ryan, vice president and trust officer; Ihftotlle Paralysis. The money went to care and ireaunent 01 ii tr ctuns or we disease and lor treatment or pre- vious cases. anwuut Feni u.

Neenab Menasha was rrtore than half the fund raised In the county through the March of Dimes drive a year ago this month. County chapter funds are deplet- ed and officials a "now; to-the process or seeking a loan from tne 'national foundation to tide the chapter over Until the 1SSI fund campaign 1 completed. The Chapter paid back stable amount Elect Pastor ToCSABoard Rev. D. R.

McKecfime Named "Id Serve on Social Agencies Group Neenak David McKechnle was elected to fill the unexpired term bf director Vacat ed last tall by Mrs. Donald Davis at a board of directors meeting of the Council of Social Agencies- Tuesday at the Valley Inn, i Although Mr. McKechnle has been serving on the board, his term was due to expire this month lit filling the unexpired term of Mrs. Davis his directorship will continue until 1954. Mrs.

Davis1 directorship was vacated last year when she waa elected chairman of the board. In other business at Tuesday's meeting, plans were mads tor the annual CSA meeting Tuesday night. Jan, 19, at Menasha High school. Officers, three directors, individual members ot the council snd an amendment to the by-law will be up for a vote. of Speaker The amendment states that the executive officer of escb Commun ity Chest agency shall be an Individual member of the CSA.

Ballots will be mailed out shortly to presidents of groups In the CSA. Guest speaker, at the annual meeting will be Professor S. Marvin Rife ot the tmiverslty of Wisconsin School of Education. Rife Is a specialist In the field ot family and community recreation. The session la open to the public.

Person who attended Tuesday'! meeting Included Mfl, Davis, Mr. McKechnle, Mrs. Donald Shepard, Miss Mary WUlits. Mrs. Stanley Severlon, S.

N. Plckard, Charles Madson, William Miller, the Rev. William Spalding and Mrs. Ward Sullivan. Twin City Births Neenab Theds Clark hospital today reported the following births: Son to: Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Braiee. 81ftV) fiiggin avenue, Neenah; Mr. and MrsFrsnk Lake road, Menasha) The Rev. and Mrs, Marvin Rygh, Winchester Mr.

and Mr. Gerald Winter, route 1, Larsen; Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sari Gregorious, 722. Roosevelt Street, Menasha; Mr.

and Mr. Roy Van Harpen, 73l Manitowoc street, Menasha: Mr, and Mrs. Normait Fredrick, Club 41 trailer camp, fond du Lac At JC Program Neenah Samuel N. Pickard. 'president of tha National Manufae- 'turers will be the principal speaker at the annual distinguish service award dinner program to be "sponsored by the Twin City junior Chamber of Commerce Jan.

si, Max A. Tunisia, Jayce pres. ldtnt. announced today. "What future for America' young men" will be the subject of PIckard'i talk.

Tungatt ssld that invitation have been extended to all Meenan-Menashs service clubl to attend the program. The Winner of the distinguished srvic4 award wilt be honored st tha meeting, along with six high school tenlor boys who will be giv en "meritorious service" awards, The outstanding young man. Who must be between the ages of It land 35 wilt be telected 'bilalrn of prominent Twin City business men and executives. Last year the sward went to Mowry Smith, tor outatandlng achievement. Smith this year is concluding a term on the Neenah common council.

Chairman for the event, one of th highlights on the yearly Jay. cee Calendar, Is Robert G. Pagel. Board Will Meet Menasha Miss Mary deJohge, head librarian st the Ellsha D. Smith Public library, will give her annual report at a meeting ot the library board at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon.

The meeting will be at the library. i in. i i i of dinners lor the employes." Sup ervisor Earl Hughe i charged. Chairman Shea thought the Welfare employes Should not bi authorized to attend welfare meetings st which policy is to be formulated since that was the duty of the director and the committee from the board. It probably would be all right for them to go to meetings which might be of an educational nature and which would help them In their worfcr he said.

Other supervisors thought that the department heads could bring all the Information needed at the educational meetings and pass that on ft) the caseworkers, The board also put the office of circuit court bailiff on a full time basil by setting up the office of clerk bailiff. Base pay for that office will be $170 a month plus the cost of living bonus Of $32 a month. Prank Stopper, who has been bailiff, wa designated the new clerk bailiff by the board. Be fore had been unable to receive the cost of living bonus since the Lob Ws hot on' a full time basis although he worked every day. The board also transferred $150 from the contingent fund tit pay for extra help at the county agrl-4 culturt office durmg the timof the-County Outside organisations receiving special grant from the county board, such as the 11,000 given the Disabled American Veterans chapter of Oshkosh tor use in sponsoring the state, convention In June, are to file an audit of their expens es with the board, the supervisors derided.

The board picked March 4 as its next meeting date as it Would up the 1 day session. ,1 i -i i -r mi -i i irfi attendant $1.28. This increase Will give them, the same pay hike per month as the salaried employe Who last week were granted a $10-a-monta boost in their salaries. The aldermen also decided to meet with the park board kt 1 0'- clock Thursday afternoon to. in spect comfort station at the Sixth ttreet playground.

Neenah Schoot Bus, Car Damaged In Crash Post-Crescent Oshkosh lilread Oshkeab The rear end bf a Neenah school but driven by r. Mettif, 504 Oak street, it- nth, wat slightly damaged When struck by a car driven north on Highway 41 kt Tuesday morning by George Staerkel, Oshkosh. Staerkel, who reported the acci dent to the sheriffs office Tues day afternoon, laid his car and the but were going north on High way .41 in the town of yiniand when the school but stopped. 'He said he skidded Into the rear ot the bus on the slippery road dam- aging tne irons oi nis csr. Cutting PRicESvLiKr THEY WERE PAPER He must be nutty aS an almond bar! Veht off thi bedrrt when he started sloshing prices for his January Sale! Once he got going, he couldn't stop.

Come in tomorrow and look over these wonderful bargains. Gets Divorce Will Receive $10,000, Mdnasria Building as Final Settlement Pott-Crescent Oshkosh Bureau rjahkMh Mrs. Zella u- a oivorce iaie luesaay aiternoon ci The divorce Was granted by Circuit Judge H. F. Arps following a full day of Conference with the attorneys and principles in the divorce suit to effect a final nrnnertv aAttloment in liwi nf llmni Ml.

immrioil hr (nmr its -counterclaim In which he S5u "divorce from her, as result of the conferences. The stipulation reached by the parties involved is that she is to receive $10,000 plus the building at iVim rrrrar rt Rapirin a. A fa A streeUi tabwn we Did Lietrf an assessed valuation oi The $10,000 In cash is to be paid within $0 days, the stipulation declared. 1 In return she is divested of any interest or right to any of the property holdings of Grove, which Include the Menasha Hotel building Snd several downtown business places, the Clovis residential plat and several homes. She will also resume her former name of Zclla Fredericks.

They were msrried at Cfandpn Dec." 1949, and separated June 5, 1951, 'SboutJ 7 months after the marriage. Grove was represented by Georce Stlne with Henry P. Hughea of Oshkosh as additional counsel. Ur ban Van Susteren.ot Appleton re presented Mrs. Grove with A.

S. Bradford of Appleton as additional counsel. Board to Meet Neenah The board of direct ors of the Winnebago players will meet st o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J.

Henkel. 213 First ttreet 7r103 30,708 rogged (it's made of grotum or: yet lighrweicbtaqil easy to handje. It if nailed directly to studs Or right ever old wall. til there is to it eul yo can finish with paint, wallpaper of texture if yon wuh. Ask.

to tee samples and, copy of "Modemiung Msgxl tttU frttltttw mw smiis wviuj II MI Lw Mnti 1 I iwawiiwi mi it smw Post-Crescent bshkosh Bureau Oshkosh The new Winnebago toJ hospital may be complete i advised the supervisors as we, close on Tuesday county ooar meeting. r. HMOTHE WIB fl 1 1 eentB 'a lrT sible will be finished toy Sbout The new hospital Will Contain fa cilities for housing 339 patient. It trvmntv Trunk A. The oresent hos pital will be remodeled into home for aged.

debt of the bank and was named president in 1937. During the .20 year period ithe bank grew an Institution: with deposits of slightly over one and a half million dollars on deposit to art bank with 13 million dollars on deposit VUi4 1 3.97 t.97 NYLONS" bars; I bu 1 Si la 215 hint Quality Wisconsin Phone 2-373 ease. Members of that committee are Chairman J. T. Shea of the county board, John T.

Heigl of Neensh, welfare board chairman; John Wallace Oehkoch, judiciary committee chairman; Elmer Steinhilber, Onh koah, sheriff and coroner's com mittee secretary, and Archie Dag getV Omro. Blted Man Driving Car The district attorney told the board of one recent case where it was discovered that an Oshkoth man receiving an aid to the blind pension was found to be driving a car and to have made tals Statements to the welfare office. After being taken Into court, he paid back the entire $1,300 In Aid which he had received. Re bad been examined tor blind ness and the medical report tent to tha slat welfare department which replied that the man came under the classification of those entitled to blind aid. The caseworker, however, be cam suspicious when the called on him and It was later noticed that thi mart had been driving car, although be was receiving blind aid, the district attorney pointed out The county board, following a long discussion, Voted to Send only the welfare board and the department heads In the welfare, department to attend district and state Welfare meetings and to pay the expenses involved.

A resolution submitted by the welfare board asked that the welfare department employe be allowed to attend the Average Daily Net Paid Circulation" of The Post-Crescent For the Month of November 1951 uioie irom a year or two ago wuoi still receive treatment The March of Dime campaign In Neenah Menasha is how in its second week. The drive chairman is asking that all resident! send iDutlon to tne inne bago county chapter or leave them with -Ambrose Owen at the National Bank of Neenah. Menasha Students Have Safety Unit Menash Students st Jeffer son school are akin a a man of the City and preparing figures for stop signs snd srterials kt the street corners In connection with a unit of study on safety. The students will make field trips through the ares to deter mine the safeit routes from their home to church and to school. The routes will mapped out so the student will cross busy streets and highways at corners which have automatic stop and go lights or wherS policemen direct traffic dur lng the time they are traveling to and from school, The (tudent have- seen two movies provided by the afety ds- nartment of the tity.

One waa on traffic safety and the Other On afe- ty In the home. The movie are part of a aeries which will shown at the school Twin City Deaths Albert F. Nenrlng Neenah Albert F. Nehrlng, 75.. 123 Tvler street, fllea aooui li o'clock Tuesday noon after a year long Illness.

i He war born in the town of Cal edonia, Waupaca county, Aug.iSl, 1876. Ha operated a farm at Dale before coming to live with hi! daughter, Mrs. Milton Fenske, st Neenah, sbout a year ago. He wss. member of St.

John's. Lutheran; church at Winchester. He is survived by his Adela; a daughter, Mrs. Milton; Fenskej a son, Lawrence, ot Dale: I a brother, William, of Marlon: two sisters, Mrs. John Mielke snd Mrs.1 Crl, Qitflsntrfin.

With nf MaHnh and three grandchildren. Funeral tervicer-wlll -be held kt o'clock Friday afternoon kt Trin ity Lutheran church of Neenah. The Rev. G. A.

Schaefer will be in charge. Burial will be in River side Memorial cemetery st Osh kosh. Friends may cau at the Kessler Funeral -hom*o from 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon Until 11 o'clock Friday- morning and at Trinity Lutheran church from noon until the hour of the services. Clean the entirt room without moving the cleaner! A wonderful, practical gift! Nccnoh-Mcnasha Circulation Total Circulation Post-Crescent Circulation Figures Are Audited ByThe AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Chicago' i Starts Tomorrow! This Season MANY ARE Jacqueline tdnAie Ndturil Pelit raris Fothisn VALUES 'TO S10.95" ''eaBaajBjjjJ 'a, v- with expense paid but; friends think house if 1 sliders the board changed this to limit it to Just the department heads. have been paying for a lot Will be subtly flattering) for WW Every We kndw "dress.

prised owns fee a your colors assist The jj 'L JkCN--' Gentrol Elecrrie NvSK-ivw Easy" I CLEANER II V7 With the NSYH Swivel r. Si' War The Some Dress Day fot Two Years? Ridiculous thot ony meticulous up-to-date woman has more than one Yet We 6rtdnTTriUd1TyTsu7-" to find thot this some woman only one pair of glosses. "little style conscious obdut eyewear tod. tORR OPTICIANS can show you- -full-, range -of in all the latest frames ohd you in selecting a frame that 1 HB Mr Her bafl. Aft, -TSSapss log and remodel (1 wnfMrMiMM tifti iog nutrerUl that A 5.97 tha ami Wil il lltonl and LU aHMet mid mat 4 htmmmtf It really amazing how easily and qukklyyoa cad del smart itmodtling or Bodtrnuiog job with a bright idea, a hammer and nails, and a' few big paoeli iot Gold Bead irisr Grptant Vallboardt ony occasion.

Only -pv-'V it i jnily.crrsuaWAllBOARO 0RR foflEOAHD r.IHL70RK AIID Dfielss tMlm UU LUr.iBFrt COr.lPAUY OPTICIANS DewntewN Msnathe Disl 2-762 Route No. 2, Menaihe Phone 5 9434 N. COMMMCIAl ST. HUNAN H6Nt I-7MS NEENAH.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


Where is the Appleton Post-Crescent printed? ›

In January 2018, Gannett announced plans to move the Post-Crescent's printing operation from Appleton to Gannett's facility in Milwaukee. In May 2022, Gannett shifted the printing of the Post-Crescent and all the chain's Wisconsin newspapers to Peoria, Illinois.

What is the newspaper in Appleton WI? ›

Post-Crescent Media. Appleton news, community, entertainment, yellow pages and classifieds. Serving Appleton, Wisconsin. Manufacturers find better quality control, more comfort making products in U.S.

How much does the Appleton Post Crescent cost? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Wednesday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months.

Who owns Appleton Post Crescent? ›

Like many other newspaper publishers, Gannett Co. Inc., which operates more than 200 daily local newspapers including The Post-Crescent, has already successfully introduced the approach in dozens of markets across the country, and is expanding the initiative.

What is the major newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (

What is the phone number for Appleton Post Crescent? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-4924.

How many newspapers are in Wisconsin? ›

This is a list of print newspapers in Wisconsin. There were 362 newspapers in Wisconsin at the beginning of 2020.

Where is the Wisconsin State Journal printed? ›

The Wisconsin State Journal is a daily newspaper published in Madison, Wisconsin by Lee Enterprises.

Where is daily mail printed? ›

Dacre retired as editor of the Daily Mail but remains editor-in-chief of the group. In late 2013, the paper moved its London printing operation from the city's Docklands area to a new £50 million plant in Thurrock, Essex.

Where is the Daily Mail published? ›

Daily Mail, morning daily newspaper published in London, long noted for its foreign reporting, it was one of the first British papers to popularize its coverage to appeal to a mass readership.

Where were newspapers printed? ›

The modern newspaper is a European invention. The oldest direct handwritten news sheets circulated widely in Venice as early as 1566. These weekly news sheets were full of information on wars and politics in Italy and Europe. The first printed newspapers were published weekly in Germany from 1605.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.