The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

THE EVENING CRESCENT 3 THE PE1SE. 3 rV 11 A CONSTANT Ryan Bbo and Proprietors Sam. J. Ryan Business Manager Paul F. Hunteh City Editor may tell TEN CENTS A WEEK CRESCENT TELEPHONE NO.

104. iirrF07 ifw a 3 ting Vtf A sbuc tsies sigaret papers not injunkshun papers surved on Charly Vinel 2day but sum peepul waded threw mud 2 tri stop the wurk. ge IKSS CHK68 WBMQ they a a That as long as the world goes round You Will Need A Plumber and Heater To Do Plumbing and Heating We are in the business and can serve you well. I W.S. Patterson COMPANY, 737 College Ave.

No coffee of equal quality can be sold in this town for the same price, whether it be sold out of a bag or a bin, or under some romantic trade-mark. You may tell them you know and that Arbuckle Brothers, the greatest coffee ca PURE ALUMINUM Clear Havana 3. I 7L IS QUALITY GU4RA TE'D on Copyrights EACH EA and Call of the Wild, The Main Chance, Blazed Trail, The Virginian, Richard Carvel Are the Most Sanitary Because they are pure as silver no enamel to flake oft or chip. Are the Most Economical Because they outlast, all other kinds. Are the Most Satisfactory Because they heat quickly and require less fuel.

Are the Kind Yon Ought to Buy Because they are extremely Hght and easy to handle. See Display in Our West Show Window. ir APPLETON. JULY 22. 1D07.

Entered at the postoffice at Appleton as mail matter of the second class. Dates To Be Remembered Wednesday, July 24 Rebekahs ice cream social on Stow's lawn. Friday, July 26 Presbyterian steamer excursion to Calumet Harbor. Monday, July 29 Adjourned meeting of city council. Wednesday, July 31 Congregational Sunday school picnic.

Friday, Aug. 2 Barnum Bailey's circus. Wednesday, August 7 City council meeting. Thursday, Aug. 8 Knights of Columbus outing at Calumet Harbor.

Thursday, Aug. 15 Knights of Columbus excursion to Calumet Harbor. Thursday, Aug. 20 Wisconsin Retail Granite Marble Dealers' convention. Tuesday, Aug 27 Quincy Adams Sawyer, at Appleton theatre.

Wednesday, Aug. 28 State Horticultural society meeting at Shiocton. Monday, Sept. 9 Public schools open. Monday to Thursday, Sept.

9 to 12 Fox River Fair. PERSONAL Miss Edna Allen visited at her home in Omro over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ullman left today for Elkhart Lake.

Peter Schaefer and Henry Holm visited Neenah friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Collar spent Sunday with' relatives at Hortonville. Miss Adaline Behling, of Clintonville, is the guest of relatives in this city. W. E. Norman, of New London, spent Sunday with' Louis Zogg in this city.

Miss Elsie Broekman, of Fond du Lac, visited with Miss Anna Zogg yesterday. X. W. Voss, of Oshkosh, attended the funeral of John P. Neller Saturday afternoon.

Frank Carroll of Chicago is spending his vacation with relatives and friends in the city. Miss Rose Schefelcke and C. Staley have gone to Evanston, to spend their vacation. George L. McXutt will be the principal speaker at the Sibley (Iowa) Chautauqua from August 20 to 25.

The Misses Gertrude and Isabella. Schmidt and Amalia Stier have gone to Green Bay for several days' visit. E. Harwood has returned to Manh'at-ten, Montana, after a six weeks' visit with Appleton relatives and friends. Mrs.

J. Brahenv and little daughter of Chicago are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carroll.

Miss Margaret Adrians and little sister, Gertrude, are visiting their grandmother and otEer relatives at Freedom. Joseph A. Seidel, of Milwaukee, has returned home after visiting at the home of Frank Schreiter for several days. Mr. and Mrs.

L. H. Kruckeberg and children have returned from a week's vacation trip through the southern part of the state. David Brettschneider returned the end of last week from Chicago, where he purchased a carload of new furniture for his store. Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Thews have returned to Oshkosh after spending a week as the guest of relatives and friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaper, of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mrs.

Schaper's brother, Charles J. Sack-steder, North Division street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perrodin and sons Chester and Emerson left yesterday morning for Manitowoc, where they will visit with relatives and friends.

Charles McCarthy, and daughter of Mankato, Kansas, are making their annual visit to McCarthy's aged father and were Appleton visitors recently. Mrs. Solomon Skenedore and granddaughter, of the Oneida reservation, were in the city Saturday. Skenedore brought some of her Indian work to the Art Store. She is an adept in the making of moccasins, doll3 and otlicr Indian goods.

H. J. Diener left the city today for a week's vacation at his old home in Ellington to pick and feast on cherries from trees planted by himself years ago. He will also visit, during his vacation, among many friends and acquaintances. He has lived in this county since 1850.

BREVITIES Ellery band plays "Whistle" 118dtf Miss Mathilda Kohl, of Marshfield, is visiting here. Waltz and two-sfep party at the Har-monie hall Tuesday evening, July 23. Buy your coal and wood of D. A. Gardner, 843 Bateman street.

F. R. V. No. 779.

228d6 Dr. Samuel Plantz returned Sahirday from Ludington, Mich. There will be a band concert and dance at Brighton Beach every Wednesday evening. Music by the Appleton Citizen's band. 231d3 Miss Marie Ziegenhagen spent Sunday at her home in New London.

The best cigar is the Casimir cigar, found only at Woelz Bros. tf Don't fail to get a pair of oxfords at Heckert's sale next week. 228d4 Lloyd Corvin, of Fond du Lac, is visiting with Appleton relatives. LOST A package of Crescent collecting cards. Reward for its return to Crescent office.

Finder please act promptly. 229dtf. Walter Miller and Harry W7ood visited at Neenah yesterday evening. Waltz and two-step party at the Har-monie hall Tuesday evening, July 23. Get the pure olive oil at Rufus Lowell's drug store, price 75c a pint.

Heckert's oxford sale begins Monday. Get a pair. 228d4 C. L. McHenry, of Lansing, was in the city yesterday on business.

Miss Mayo Buck, assistant kindergarten teacher in the Fifth ward who came from Ohio a week ago to attend camp with the Second regiment as the guest of Miss Marion Morgan, returned to her home today. Our Paris Green is guaranteed to have the greatest killing power that Paris Green can have. It's fine. Downer's Pharmacy. Arthur Ritger entertained a company of friends at dinner yesterday at the Hotel Ritger.

Carpet and rug cleaning, Vacuum process. National laundry, both phones, 38. 187dtf. Vernon Rule, "Bud" Willard. George Jacobv and Frank Carroll today went into camp on Strobe's island.

Nicholas Weber, Joseph Rossmeissl and Philip Grearson left this morning on a week's trip to the Soo country. The local Women's Catholic Order of Foresters court is invited to a picnic to be held at Brighton Beach tomorrow, June 23, by the Menasha court of Women Foresters in honor of its fifth anniversary. 20 per cent discount on all oxfords at Heckert's next week. The Appleton Citizens' band will have a rehearsal tomorrow evening in preparation for the concert at Brighton Beach Wednesday evening. The rehearsal will begin at 8 o'clock.

Waltz and two-step party at the Har-monie hall Tuesday evening, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Franklin, of Milwaukee, are visiting with the former's father, Thoma sFranklin, in this city. Dr.

Fred Meyer, of Minneapolis, who spent a week with Judge James Lennon and family returned to his home last night. J. J. Hauert and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Hauert and George Hauert of Oshkosh were Black Creek visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balduan have gone to Pekin, 111. If they are pleased with conditions there they will locate permanently.

Mrs. Joseph O'Neil of Wrest Superior and Mrs. Edward Rogers of Milwaukee are the guest of, Mrs. Joseph Rogers, Superior street. Mrs.

T. T. Beveridge and daughter, Miss Ada, are visiting Charles Beveridge at Lake Mills, they having gone there from Camp Douglas. Several Appleton people were among a party entertained at the home of Miss Lizzie Schmaling at Winneconne yesterday. Among those present "from here were Mr.

and Mrs. F. Ecker; Mr. and Mrs. J.

Meyer and sons, Clarence and Nobert; Mrs. A. Tank; the Misses Rose and Clara Ecker, Misses Clara and Meta Loeper, J. Schultz and Herman, Arthur and Earl Ecker. The party drove to Winneconne the guests of Miss Marv Marolm.

1 A EM Kail ate will stand tor it. New York City. GOOD BATHING NOW AT THE LAKE The boys and girls have found the swimming hole at last, but had to go to Brighton Beach after it. A large number of Appleton people oF either sex attended Brighton and bathed in the lake last week. The attendance has not been confined to the children by any means as many of riper years are noticed having a good time in the water, which is still cool enough to be bracing and not enervating.

Some of the kids and young people remain in the water for over an hour at a time. Three-quarters of an hour is too long to be in the water. Thirty minutes ought to be the limit. The absorbtion of fresh water is weakening to the body, where one remains in the lake too long at" one time. Miss Rose M.

Stroebe left this morning in company with Mr. and Mrs? W. E. Constance, for Fond du Lac, where she will spend the next two weeks visiting friends. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Wood handle, black silk new umbrella in black silk case, on North' street to C.

W. depot, July. 20. Finder please leave at Crescent office or notifyA. J.

Fox. 231d3 FOR SALE The only steam laundry in a city of 5000 inhabitants. Machinery in use less than a year. For particulars call on or write to Henry Fetzer, Sturgeon Bay, Wris. 231d3 LOST Swastika pin and chain with small medal attached lost Saturday, in Third ward.

Finder please return to Miss Callahan, 915 College avenue, upstairs. 231d3 WANTED General machine blacksmith. Apply at Northern Boiler and Structural Iron Company's plant, on the Flats. 231d3 For Constipation. Headache.

't ilMI 11' Dizziness- Nervous Weakness. I Catarrh, Rheumatism. Backache, Skin Diseases, etc. "'iv't 3 Free Sample Union Drug rifSMUfrfeJ Appleton, Wis. IteEMa i i ti SAVE YOUR I 5 Eye Strain that probably yours comes from wise to let our specialist examine OPTICAL CO AND WASHINGTON STS.

1 (SUMMER dealers in the world, AKBUOKLE REAL ESTATE. Peter Mitchell to Jacob Schaefer, lot in Buchanan, $125. George II. Le Flore to George T. Daw-ley, strip of land in New London, $1,000.

F. J. Gens to George L. Hart, lot in First ward, $1,200. Black Creek Butter Cheese company to Joachim Brandt, lot in Middle -bourgh, $1,600.

Humphrey Pierce to Gustave Zuehlke, lot in Fifth ward, $250. Advertised Letters. Advertised letters for. week, ending July 20, 1907. Ladies Coldwell, Miss Kate; Deal-row, Mrs.

William; Miles, Mrs. lienor E. Noship, Mrs. Schielke, Hedwig; Smolk, Mrs. A.

J. Gentlemen Appleton Steam Laundry; Cady, Vlyssest, Milwaukee China Laudry; Moritz, George Rogers, Tom; Schultz, Weinman, John; Wentzell, John Zimrow, Gustuf. Morris F. Barteau, postmaster Married Wednesday. Wednesday morning at 7:30 Edwin Van Dyke of Kaukauna, and Miss Mollie T.

Flavin of this city, were united in marriage at St. Mary's church, the Rev. Father Fitzmaurice performing the ceremony. A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home on Meade street to immediate realti evas'oovfr which the young couple left for a brief wedding trip. Mr.

and Mrs. Van Dyke will be at home to their many friends after August 1, in Kaukauna. The annual excursion of the Presbyterian Sunday school will take place on Friday, July 26th', going to Calumet Harbor. The steamer Thistle has been chartered for the trip and will leave the government dock Friday morning, at 3:30 sharp, returning early in the evening. Tickets on sale at Little's drug store.

Adults 50c; children 25c. 231d2 Ice Cream and Lawn Social. The Fraternal Aid association will give an ice cream lawn social on the lawn of J. E. Feavel, 803 Second avenue, corner Second avenue and Oneida street, Wednesday evening, July 24 A cordial invitation is extended to everyone.

231d3 Marriage License. A marriage license has been granted to Ernest H. Busch' of Neenah and Catherine Barnes of Appleton. Following the custom of many years, "Old Man" Fritz, German keeper of the golf links at the St. Louis Country club, St.

Louis, sold his crop of golden silken whiskers for $8. Fritz lets his whiskers grow to his waist every three years and then cuts them off and sells them to the hairdressers. Headaches Have you ever thought that cause? It would be your eyes. A fine line of CEN The Marriage of William Ashe, Gentleman from Indiana, My Lady of the North, To Have and to Hold, Janice Meredith, In the Bishop's Carriage, Blennerhassett, In Silent Places. AT SO And many others that SEE WINDOW COMET'S Dri formerly retailed at $1.18.

boo: Commercial National Bank Building. Phones Bell 1081. Fox River 43 6-S. Brewster's Millions, The Crisis. DISPLAY TORE is now a strong favorite in the dinner bill of fare.

It's our specialty, and trying to beat us is as absurd as starting in town after the race is over. "When we lead, we're followed because being with us is making a trip to satisfaction. Keep an eye on your table, because you get your living from it. VOECKS BROS. Market Telephone 24.

TV This Examination is Absolutely Free Oculist's prescriptions accnrately filled. Our" repair department will duplicate a broken Jens, while you wait. Give Us a Trial. Ms Li The Flower of the Family is radiant with beautyand a joy forever, in her tender years of young and budding womanhood don't overlook An Occasional Photograph. Have some taken now to compare with earlier ones as well as those to be posed for in future.


HARWOOD, Next to Pettibone's..

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Post-Crescent Media. Appleton news, community, entertainment, yellow pages and classifieds. Serving Appleton, Wisconsin. Manufacturers find better quality control, more comfort making products in U.S.

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How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-4924.

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  2. Search Williams WorldCat for [name of newspaper] index (e.g., Boston Globe index) Look for format journal/magazine or newspaper. Be sure to look at what years the index was published.
Mar 22, 2024

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Where is the Appleton Post Crescent printed? ›

In January 2018, Gannett announced plans to move the Post-Crescent's printing operation from Appleton to Gannett's facility in Milwaukee. In May 2022, Gannett shifted the printing of the Post-Crescent and all the chain's Wisconsin newspapers to Peoria, Illinois.

How do I contact the Appleton Police Department? ›

This email is for questions for Appleton Police Department Only, to report a crime or provide information regarding a crime please phone the non-emergency line at 920-832-5500. To obtain a copy of a police report contact our records department during regular business hours Monday-Friday 8am-4pm at 920-832-5500.

What is the major newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (

How many newspapers are in Wisconsin? ›

This is a list of print newspapers in Wisconsin. There were 362 newspapers in Wisconsin at the beginning of 2020.

What is the major newspaper in Madison Wisconsin? ›

The Capital Times
Front page, February 14, 2024.
Circulation943 (as of 2022)
Sister newspapersWisconsin State Journal
OCLC number7351334
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What is the main newspaper in Milwaukee? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is a daily morning broadsheet printed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where it is the primary newspaper and also the largest newspaper in the state of Wisconsin, where it is widely read.


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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.