Zoom Teeth Whitening | Teeth Whitening Service (2024)

How Zoom Whitening Works

Zoom teeth whitening uses several powerful ingredients to reduce staining and brighten smiles. It comes in a gel formula, made with hydrogen peroxide. This formula is much more powerful and effective than over-the-counter products. The dentist will coat the teeth with this gel to start the whitening session. Then, the dentist uses a special light to activate the gel and remove staining on the teeth. The typical treatment session takes just over an hour and includes a five-minute fluoride treatment. With Zoom, patients will see whiter teeth after only a few visits.

“This formula is much more powerful and effective than over-the-counter products.”

Advantages of Zoom Over Home Teeth Whitening

Deciding between at-home whitening versus professional whitening depends on a variety of factors. Home whitening kits are popular today, but professional whitening is much more effective, fast, and safe for patients. The biggest reason patients prefer professional whitening like Zoom is because of the quick results. Whitening kits from the drugstore or supermarket may not be as impressive as the results from Zoom whitening. Patients who want whiter teeth faster and with more dramatic results should consider professional teeth whitening.

Patients prefer Zoom because it is gentle enough for sensitive teeth and has the added supervision of the dental provider during application. Choosing a Zoom whitening dentist also helps make sure the patient's teeth and gums do not experience enamel or sensitivity issues. According to a study from the Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice, overaggressive tooth whitening at home may cause tooth sensitivity.

“Home whitening kits are popular today, but professional whitening is much more effective, fast, and safe for patients.”

How To Prepare for Teeth Whitening

Preparing for Zoom whitening is fairly simple and easy. Our team recommends that patients start with a recent dental exam and cleaning. Before coming into the office on the day of the procedure, patients should brush and floss. It may also be more comfortable to apply lip balm before the treatments so the lips do not get too dry during the whitening process. Other than that, there are no special things to do before treatment. Patients should be able to drive themselves to and from the procedure as no anesthesia is required.

“It may also be more comfortable to apply lip balm before the treatments so the lips do not get too dry during the whitening process.”

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Zoom Teeth Whitening in Tysons, VA

What To Expect During Treatment

Before starting the treatment process, Our team will help patients understand what happens at each appointment. At the beginning, we will greet patients and bring them back to the treatment area. Here are the steps in the Zoom whitening process.

  1. Setup: The dental provider will take pictures of the current shade of teeth and give information on what type of results to expect. Next, the dentist places cheek retractors into the mouth to pull back the lips and expose the teeth for the whitening treatment.
  2. Gel Application: The next part of the process involves the proprietary Zoom gel. The dentist coats the patient's teeth with the whitening gel and uses Zoom light to activate the gel.Return Treatment: For optimal results, patients should return for additional whitening treatments. Many patients complete about three treatments.
  3. Return Treatment: For optimal results, patients should return for additional whitening treatments. Many patients complete about three treatments.
  4. After Whitening: Patients may get a home touch-up whitening kit to help maintain the results. When using the home trays, coat the tray with whitening gel and wear on the teeth for about two hours. Patients should store the touch-up kit in a cool, dry place.

“For optimal results, patients should return for additional whitening treatments.”

Questions Answered on This Page

Q. How does Zoom Whitening work?

Q. Why choose Zoom whitening over whitening at home?

Q. What does a patient need to do to prepare for teeth whitening?

Q. What happens during treatment?

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Frequently Asked Questions About Zoom Teeth Whitening

Q. Is Zoom teeth whitening right for me?

A. Patients who have healthy teeth and gums and commit to a solid oral health routine are good candidates for professional whitening. According to the American Dental Association, whitening does not work for patients with dental implants, crowns, or other restorations for the teeth. Whitening treatment is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Q. Does professional whitening hurt?

A. Zoom teeth whitening does not cause any pain or discomfort. The dentist coats the teeth with a gel, which is painless. The light to activate the product also does not cause discomfort. Patients with sensitive teeth should talk to their dentist about treatment.

Q. How much does a Zoom whitening dentist treatment cost?

A. Before the treatment, the dentist will go over the costs with the patient. Professional whitening costs vary, depending on each individual situation. After whitening, it is important to protect the investment to avoid staining the teeth.

Q. Is professional whitening permanent?

A. Zoom teeth whitening is not a permanent solution for white teeth. Patients may need to schedule repeat treatments depending on their eating habits. If patients avoid foods that stain the teeth, they may not need to return for another treatment until a year or two later.

Q. Is Zoom teeth whitening treatment safe?

A. Visiting a dentist to get professional whitening in the office helps patients protect their gums and teeth enamel. Patients with sensitivity or gum irritation would benefit from treatments under their dentist's supervision. If patients opt for an over-the-counter product, they run the risk of using too much, which could cause irritation.

Q. What can I do to maintain my results from professional whitening?

A. It is essential to keep up with excellent brushing and flossing habits after Zoom teeth whitening. The dentist may recommend a specific brand of toothpaste to help maintain results. It is also important to continue with regular dental check-ups.

Quality Dental Services Can Transform Your Smile

By visiting us as soon as possible, our team can help get you the professional treatment you need. Instead of waiting around and allowing the symptoms to get worse, we can provide you with treatment options.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology

Bleachorexia is when people continue to abuse teeth whitening solutions without consulting professionals, causing significant damage to their enamel and gums in the process.
Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide peroxide is a solution that contains hydrogen peroxide and can help to whiten teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
Deeper Teeth Stains
Deeper teeth stains are stains that require professional oral health services and can result from certain foods, beverages or improper oral hygiene.
Dentin Hypersensitivity
Dentin hypersensitivity is when the enamel wears down on the tooth enough that the dentin faces exposure and will cause great levels of pain when a person applies pressure to the tooth or drinks hot/cold beverages.
A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound in teeth whitening solutions that patients use to whiten the shade of their teeth.
Relief ACP
Relief ACP stands for amorphous calcium phosphate, which helps to relieve the pain in sensitive teeth in a gel form.
Stained Dentin
Stained dentin can result from certain foods and beverages with a lack of proper brushing. Dental professionals can provide whitening treatments to brighten the teeth.
Surface Enamel
The surface enamel is the hard outer shell that protects the dentin and pulp of the teeth. The enamel is the surface that people see when one smiles.
Surface Teeth Stains
While surface teeth stains can be inevitable with age, certain foods and beverages will only promote discoloration and faded teeth.
Teeth Whitening Concentrate
Teeth whitening concentrate is the bleaching agent that whitens the shade of teeth, which is more effective from a professional and not a general store product.

Call To Schedule an Appointment

Feel more confident and show off a beautiful, brand new smile. Zoom teeth whitening in Tysons helps patients look younger and more refreshed. Call our office today at 703-291-9006 if you want to learn more about professional whitening.

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Zoom Teeth Whitening | Teeth Whitening Service (2024)


How much does zoom teeth whitening cost? ›

Generally, the entire Zoom WhiteSpeed costs approximately $500, while the Zoom QuickPro costs between $125 and $150. At-home treatments cost less than in-office options. However, they take longer and may not achieve perfect results.

Is zoom teeth whitening worth it? ›

While plenty of options are available to remove stains and whiten your teeth, Zoom whitening is one of the most effective methods. Zoom whitening treatment uses a special UV light to activate the hydrogen peroxide in a bleaching gel applied to your teeth, helping it penetrate your enamel and break up tough stains.

Is there a downside to Zoom whitening? ›

While ZOOM! Teeth Whitening is considered safe for most individuals, there are certain risks to be aware of, particularly for those with pre-existing dental conditions or sensitivities. Potential risks may include increased tooth sensitivity, gum irritation or damage, uneven whitening results, and temporary discomfort.

How much does Zoom whitening cost Miami? ›

On average, the price range for Zoom Teeth Whitening in Miami is typically between $400 and $1000.

Why is zoom teeth whitening so expensive? ›

Demand and Competition. The high demand and low competition for cosmetic dentistry also influence the cost of zoom whitening.

How many sessions is Zoom whitening? ›

You can have a whiter smile in as few as four fifteen-minute sessions with the Philips Zoom In-Office Whitening System. Clinically shown to lighten teeth up to 8 shades in a single visit, results typically last for 12 to 24 months with good oral hygiene practices, whitening toothpaste, and use of the Zoom touch-up kit.

How painful is Zoom whitening? ›

Zoom whitening is not a painful procedure; however there may occasionally be minor discomfort due to tooth sensitivity in some patients afterwards. If present, this tooth sensitivity is typically gone within a day of undergoing the Zoom procedure.

Is there anything better than Zoom whitening? ›

In other words, laser whitening is more comfortable than zoom whitening in terms of the sensation you feel during and after the treatment. Zoom whitening may offer higher protection to your mouth but may cause discomfort and sensitivity in your teeth and gums, especially if you have thin enamel or gum recession.

How long does zoom teeth whitening last? ›

It results in faster treatment times, and you can have a new smile within an hour. Zoom teeth whitening provides longer-lasting results. Your new smile will last up to 12 months without requiring touch-up treatments to maintain the brightness.

Who is not a candidate for Zoom whitening? ›

You may not be the best candidate for Zoom whitening if you experience tooth sensitivity. This is because it's not uncommon for patients to experience “zingers” both during and after their whitening appointments.

Do teeth get whiter days after Zoom whitening? ›

You'll be amazed with the results. In most cases, teeth get even whiter the first few days after the procedure.

Is Zoom whitening better than bleaching? ›

Zoom offers several benefits over other methods such as laser teeth whitening or bleaching. The process is quick, unlike bleaching trays. Zoom teeth whitening also does not have a risk of nerve damage as laser whitening does.

How many times a year can you do Zoom whitening? ›

Q: How often can Zoom whitening be done? A: It's not recommended that you do Zoom whitening treatments more than once a year. Depending on your health and teeth, however, you may be able to have touch-up Zoom treatments every six months.

What is the 1 hour Zoom whitening? ›

What is Zoom? Zoom is an in-surgery whitening system that takes an hour. It involves careful application of peroxide to the enamel of the teeth by your dentist. A specialised light unit is then used to accelerate the breakdown of the peroxide and so speed up the whitening process.

Is Zoom better than at home whitening? ›

Both treatments have shown great results if compared to at-home whitening services. It is better to get a treatment that is quick, effective, and performed under expert supervision. So, if you also want to get white, and bright teeth, get either a regular or Zoom! Whitening Service.

How long does Zoom dental whitening last? ›

It uses a hydrogen peroxide gel and a curing light to lift stains off tooth enamel. You might ask, “How long does Zoom Teeth Whitening Last?” if you are considering getting the treatment. In most cases, patients can enjoy their brighter smiles for 12 to 24 months.

How long do teeth whiten after zoom? ›

5) After ZOOM is completed, the teeth will continue to whiten over the next 2 weeks! I have always been very careful not to proceed with matching shades or cosmetic or restorative dentistry until the ZOOM color has settled.


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