The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

appleton Post-Crescent Page Sixteen Schultz. They continued to make their home on the same farm. Solo Concert Is Held at School Funeral Rites Held for Mrs, Edwin Schultz, 42 Special to Post-Crescent Shiocton Funeral services for Last September Mrs. Schultz Arneson Places 7tli in National Ski Tournameitt submitted to an operation from which she never fully recovered. Survivors include the widower: High Gagers to Clash WitliKaws Friday Evening New London Quintet Must Win to Slay in League Title Race A sfjC It Mrs.

Edwin Schultz, 42, whose death occurred at her home Wednesday morning, were conducted her daughter, Miss Caroline Lett mann; her mother. Mrs. Mary from the First Evangelical Luther an church at Shiocton at 2 o'clock More Honors Won by New i London Kiders in Kettle-Moraine Meet Ploeger, Shiocton; two sisters, Mrs. Edward Timm, Center; Mrs. Ernest Klitzkc.

Neenah: three broth I 7 III ers, Henry Ploooger, Nccnah; Fer- 1 i ft 7 II ananct riocger, White Lake; and William Ploeger, Shiocton. i fl) Card Party Is Given At Kimberly Dwelling Special to Post-Crescent Kimberly Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ellerbush entertained at cards at their home Sunday evening. Schafs- kopf was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs.

Floyd Lambert and Mrs. Ernest KruegW. Other members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lambert, Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Weyemberg, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Harke and Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Krueger. The B. W. club met at the home of Mrs. Otto Harke, Friday evening.

Schafskopf was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Louis Weyemberg, Mrs. Joseph Friebel, Mrs. Louis Weyemberg also won the traveling prize. Other members present were: Mrs.

George Subert and Mrs. Floyd Lambert. The club meets every two weeks and will nfeet next at the home of Mrs. George Subert. Christian Mothers of the Holy Name church will hold their regular meeting at the school Wednesday evening.

The feast of St. Blase was observed at the Holy Name church Mon Saturday afternoon by the' Rev. Louis Mielke. Burial was made in the Bovina cemetery. Bearers were Henry Ploeger, William Plocger.

Ferdinand Ploeger, Edward Timm, Ernest Klitzkc and Emil Schultz. brothers and brothers-in-law of the deceased. Anna Plocger was born July 10. ir 4, at Mattoon, Wis. She was married to Otto Lettmann Aug.

29, 1917. They made their home on -a farm about two miles southeast of the village. To this union was born one daughter, Caroline. Mr. Lettmann died Dec.

20. 1931. July 24, 1933, she married Edwin Jj jstftw- t. Special to Post-Crescent New London Ingyor Arneson. Wisconsin Rapids, riding for the New London Ski club in the national meet at Red Wing, Sunday placed seventh in the class A division.

Club officials consider this a satisfactory performance be- cause some of the outstanding riders in the country were participating. More honors were won by New London riders at the Kettle-Moraine tournament at Plymouth Sunday. Leslie Jacobson, riding in 1 I '-iv- i (f 't' I I hUj Program Presented by Member of Weyaunega High School Band Special to Post-Crescent Weyauwega Members of the Weyauwega High school band took part in a solo concert Sunday afternoon at the school, under the direction of band director, H. Chase. Prof.

Michaelson of the Central Wisconsin Teachers College acted as critic. The concert was scheduled for Jan. 26 but due to bad weather, it was postponed. Another solo concert will be held during this week, probably Wednesday. Solos played by the members are a requirement, and must be played to qualify the player to enter the band and play in band tournaments.

The Young People's society of St. Peter's Lutheran church presented a play, "Suspended Animation," at the community meeting Friday night, at the Baldwins Mills school. The new fire engine recently purchased by the village, was called out for the first time Saturday night for a chimney fire at the Theodore Swanson residence. The fire was confined to the chimney and no'damage resulted. William Stroetz, who has oper 'Ax 'is' A if 1 1.

yv services an official of Father Cough class won first place in that di-, vision. Another New London rider, 9 lin's National Union for social jus ICINTf tice will speak at the village, halL Holy Name society of Holy Name church will receive Holy Commun MAY HEAD SERVICE Now assistant chief of (be United States Secret Service, Joseph E. Murphy, above, is being pointed out as the logical successor to William II. Moran, who is 72 and expected to retire in March. Murphy has been in the service 30 years.

Moran has served 58 years. day. Throats were blessed at the ion in a body next Sunday morning lis 'Z'Zsk at the 6:30 mass. In the afternoon 6:45 and 8 o'clock mass in the morn ing and at 3:45 in the afternoon. they will hold their regular meet HE OKGANIZES Holy hour will be held at the Franklin Carlson, Scandinavia, suffered a wrenched right knee in a trial jump and was forced to retire from the meet.

Next Sunday all New London riders will compete in the Central Wisconsin association meet at Peru, near Rdsholt. Lester Peterson, well known to local baseball fans, is president of the association. The men who will represent New London Ingvor Arneson, class Ruben Vbie, class Franklin Carlson and Leslie Jacobson, Class. and Frank Carlson, senior division. ing at the school.

A. E. Gerrits of Appleton, who has his office in the Holy Name Church, from 7 to 8 village, will be the speaker. o'clock Friday After the Mr. and Mrs.

Stephen Gocscr and daughter Sylvia and Mrs. Douglas of Stockbridge visited at last nine years, moved his stock of groceries to Appleton on Saturday. He will locate on Superior street in Appleton. In the hands of W. A.

Julian, treasurer of the United States shown working at his desk, lies the gigantic task of co-ordinating the wor' of bureaus involved in the distribution of the Veterans' bonus. He was assigned to that duty by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau. the hom*o of Ronald Lcvknccht ated a grocery store here for the Monday. New London A gradually improving Kaukauna High school basketball team Friday night affords the opposition for New London at the Washington school gym. New London, having won every game until tripped by Shawano last Friday, now cannot afford to lose any more games if it hopes to t.tay in the title running which position they claim' because they figure Shawano is due td drop one before the season is over.

This Is the first season that Kaukauna has had a gymnasium enabling the team to get in some regular practice sessions, which it missed sorely in past years. A good measure of the team's ability can be determined from the 2-point over-time suffered at the hands of West DePore last week. New London defeated West DePerc by a 23 to Hi count at New London and 19 to 13 at DcPere. Due to the new 10-gamc in effect instead of the former 12-game schedule, this is the only lime that Kaukauna faces New London this in conference play. Playing on the home floor, New London will enter the game a.s the favorite to win, but the Kaws have shown definite possibilities and may surprise the home team.

A special feature at the game will be the initial use of the new electric score board given to the school by the graduating class of 193G. This will. afford a new and desirable convenience to the fans who are always interested in the correct wore, and the time remaining to play. The score board will bo operated from the official table. Kolary Club and Lions Hold Joint Meet Today New London A regular meeting and luncheon of the Rolarians scheduled fur Monday noon was postponed until Tuesday.

A joint meeting of the Rotarians and Lions was held. The two civic clubs have occa.slonnl joint meetings when one or the other has arranged a program ot unusual interest. Catholic Church to Have New Assistant New London The Rev. William C. Willinger, assistant at the Most ISTf If mm is us is-is War Vets Give Radio Program Earl Fredericks Gives Principal Talk at Stevens Point Station uo Continues to Offer Sensational Values in Fine Quality FURNITURE and DRAPERIES' Lake, the latter.winning by a score of 32 to 12.

A dance was held in the gymnasium Friday evening for high school students. The attendance was small, due to the inclemency of the weather. The semester examinations were held in the public schools on Saturday. This enabled the school to make up several days which were lost at the first of the year. A son was born Saturday to Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Doering at their home. Miss Ruby Schaefer, teacher of English at Sheboygan High school, is home on a leave of absence for the.

remainder of the year. She will assist in caring for her father, William Schaefer, who has been in poor health for the last few months. The Woman's club met at he home of Mrs. A. L.

McMahon Monday afternoon, the assisting hostess beingMrs. Otto Schmidt. The main feature of the program was a talk on the Townsend plan, given by Carl Hoffmeister. He stated the plan would result in 92 per cent of the people of the country being taxed to death, in order to support the remaining 8 per cent. Music was furnished by three children, pupils of Mrs.

Zen. En-dres, who played on Hawaiian guitars. The children were June and Donald Marlin of New Holstein and Lester Knier of Kiel. This being the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Chilton Woman's club, a brief history of the club was given by Mrs. J.

E. Reinbold. During the time that the club has been in existence, it has done a great deal of civic work. It established and supported in city library, besides doing much charity work. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs.

Frank Tesch. CLEARANCE OF Patriotic Program Given at Meeting Of Relief Corps Special to Post-Crescent Chilton The Woman's- Relief corps, at its regular meeting Saturday afternoon, held a patriotic program in honor of the birthday of Washington and Lincoln. The program, which was given by children of the members, was as follows: Song, "Camping on the Old Camp Ground," by the assembly; recitation, Philip Roll; recitation, "Washington," George Coffeen; song, Dicky and Gene PfeifTer; recitation. "Lincoln." Earl Miller: recitation, Gene PfeifTer; song. Earl Miller; recitation, "Lincoln," George Coffeen; song "America," by the assembly.

The funeral of Philip Schweitzer, who died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Herman Rau last Wednesday, was conducted from St. Mary's church at 9:30 Saturday morning by the Rev. H. E.

Hunck in charge. Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery. Bearers were Norman Pfeffer. John Hume.

Victor Everix, Daniel Flat-ley, John Brocker and William Jantry of Stockbridge. The Sunday Night Club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.

Hugo Sunday evening. Honors at bridge went to Mrs. A. J. Pfeffer, Mrs.

N. Higgins, Mrs. Mollie Kroehnke and George Gog-gins. The club will meet next with Dr. and Mrs.

John Minahan. The monthly pig fair which was to have been held Saturday was postponed because of the cold, and blocked roads. Mr. and Mrs. William.

Utz have moved into the Paulsen residence on S. State street, recently vacated by Mrs. Lucy Lauer. A basketball game was played in the gymnasium here Friday evening between Chilton and Elkhart 1 1 Special to Post-Crescent New London The Learman Schaller post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Monday afternoon gave a radio program over station VLBL, Stevens Point. Eldor Schocnrock, acted as master of ceremonies and also presented German vocal selections.

Other entertainment features consisted of vocal solos end duets by Mrs. Harland Mitchell and Mrs. Arnold Kranke and instrumental music on the guitar by Elmer Bork and on the ccordian by Elmer Ko-pitzke. Miss Laura Sommers also gave vocal selections. The numbers were accompanied by Bork.

Ko-pitzke. Mrs. Irma Clapper William F. Eggers. Earl Fredericks presented the ad-address of the program.

He stressed the political aim and purpose of Veterans of Foreign Wars. In addition to this attention was oalled to the ski tournament to be held at New London Feb. 23. Precious Blood Catholic, church, has been transferred to Our Lady of Lourdes church, Marinette. He conducted his farewell mass last Sunday.

The Rev. Anthony Baier of the Marinette church will replace the Rev. Willinger at New London. BED -ROORfl S1UDTES niiinaiiMiiiiiinn ii ii ii i iiiiiinimMmi-iiin ilMiiriiiiiniiiniiiii. vnmm mw.r ir-f Hrt I I Save Phoney OK TINE QUALITY SUITES New London Reporters The ipplclon Post-Crescent liens repre-scntalivvs in tScw Ltni' don are Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer l)obb6rslein, 309 Shawano street. IScivs items may Iw left at that address or may be telephoned by calling 156K. Michael Faraday was a great re- search worker in the. relation be WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity and A A Bench.

Was $72.00, Now DODUU WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity and Cfrf AA Bench. Was J73.00, Now t5et7.UU WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity and 2Q ftf! Bench. Was $89.00, Now 3UUll tween magnetism and electricity. Things learned betweei. the ages ol 10 and 18 are best remembered, ALL WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity Please Drive Carefully according to an English educator.

$79.00 $79.00 and Bench. Was $115.00, Now MAPLE BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity and Bench. Was $98.00, Now 2 Piece GREEN TAPESTRY LIVING ROOM SUITE. (f Formerly $49.50, now tDOUUll Piece RUST TAPESTRY LIVING ROOM SUITE. 00 Formerly $89.00, now iDOUJV 2 Piece MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE.

KQ 00 Formerly $79.00, Sale Price 0iJ7UU 3 Piece RUST MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE, (l'Q (U Was $79.00, now OUUU 2 Piece BROWN or GREEN TAPESTRY LIVING tftQ Of) ROOM SUITE. Formerly $89.00, now tDUcMlU 2 Piece BROWN, GREEN, or RUST VELOUR LIVING dr7Q I A ROOM SUITE. Was $98.00, now I UU 2 Piece BLUE FRIEZE LIVING ROOM SUITE. CQQ 00 Formerly $118.00. now tDOvU 2 Piece BROWN FRIEZE LIVING ROOM SUITE.

(IJAQ A A Formerly $120.00, Sale Price 2 Piece GREEN TAPESTRY LIVING ROOM SUITE. flfl Was $129.00, now 2 Piece BLUE FRIEZE LIVING ROOM SUITE. (T A A Was $156.00, now Iwt.uU WALNUT BED ROOAI SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity QQ fift and Bench. Was $110.00, Now 30UU WALNUT MODERN BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, (PQQ AA Vanity and Bench. Was $120.00, Now D0UU MAPLE BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity QQ fifl and Bench.

Was $115.00, Now 370UU MAHOGANY BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, (jjl -J A 0.0. Vanity and Bench. Was $149.00, Now 511UUU GREY ENAMEL DECORATED BED ROOM SUITE, (Pf 1 00 Bed. Chest and Dresser. Was $175.00, Now A 17 All PRIMA VERA BED ROOM SUITE; Bed, Chert, Q1 9Q 00 Vanity and Bench.

Was $175.00. Now dU)3 0 oo was ass? a fl $159.00 WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, Bed, Chest, Vanity and Bench. Was $183.00, Now woowh.v DINING ROOM SUITES Dnnerspring 'Mattresses At Special Reduced Prices v- xrssn 1 It 3 Formerly $13.75, C() Now Pormerly $17.75, Now D.LO I Formerly $26.50, $19 75 sjilijliMigiiMROI' 3 Cigarettes -1 ir Cigarettes. Double Bech Coil Springs Forme Now i i I Try Double-Mellow Old iolds on this of er As made to smokers since Oct, 6r 1935 Piece CHERRY DINING ROOM SUITE. QQ OO Formerly.

$119.00, Now OtO.UU Fomerly 0.00 ft Piece OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Wu $129.00, Sale Price $98.00 Piece OAK DINING BOOM SUITE. $98.00 Was $139.00, Sale Price 1 iHErRCASURtOTTHtMAa- Piece WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. 1 OO Was $139.00, Now Cotton Mattresses Full or Twin Size 'AKE a sporting chance on a pack of Double' Mellow Old Golds. Smoke ten of the ciga-.

$125.00 $149.00 Piece OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Formerly $149.00, Now 8 Piece ALL MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITE. Was $189.00. Now 8 Piece ALL MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITE. (T1 CO OO f48 DAeJi7.ll Was $198.00.

Now 8 Piece WALNU1 8 Piece WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. C1 CO OO Special at PRIZE CROP T0D1CCOS tDXtltcUV Formerly $175.00, Now rettes. If you don't say they're the finest you ever tasted mail the package wrapper with the ten remaining cigarettes to us at any time before May 1st, 1936 and we'll send you double the price you paid for the full package, plus postage. SPECIAL VALUES IN WILTON RUGS In all the rich colors and newest design at great savings. 49x13 Heavy Pile Fairhill Rugs, 8-3xl0-e wrnon nug.

Keg. J60 Reg. 87930 at G5.00 wVlton Rugi Re'fV $55'oo "at $45.00 5-9x12 Part Worsted Yarn Rugs, 3-9xlZ JIain Broadloom Rugs, 8 9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs, Reg. $88.00 at $32.00 $69.00 1 9x12 Jaspe Green Broadloom, Special $29.50 ueg. oa.w a -v 49x12 Wilton Rugs, Reg.

$55.00 at $3930 19x12 Beverlee Wilton Rag, Reg. $89.50 at $70.00 CP No change in thb package. All Old Gold Cigarettes Now on Sale, NationAVIde, Are Double-Mellow Established 1760 (5D 119 West 40th Strt, New York City AVE. 111-113 COLLEGE 48 YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE' r. Usfflutf.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.