The Moirai and the Lair of Death and Vipers - FightFireWithFire - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Severus: Her Boy Chapter Text Chapter 2: Harry: The Stone in the Dark Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Severus: A question of loyalties Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Harry: The Moirai Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Harry: The Deciever Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Draco: The Guest Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Draco: Food Glorious Food Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Draco: The Polyphemus System Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Severus: Battle Lines Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Harry: The Adversary Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Harry: Letters Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Harry: The Cracks Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Severus: Glue Traps Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Draco: Emerald and Diamond Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Draco: Nobody’s son Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Draco: Unapologetically You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Draco: All eyes on me Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Harry: Schooling Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Harry: The Rat in the Cellar Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Severus: The Locket Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Draco: Dolos Mulciber Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Draco: The carrot and the stick Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Draco: The Rising Sun Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Draco: Summer love Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Draco: The Lake Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Draco: Of Dreams Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Severus: Becoming Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Harry: The House of Falling Snow Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Severus: His Boy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Draco: Tear Drops Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Draco: The Two Dumbledores Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Harry: The Mother’s Confession Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Harry: The Weasleys and the Wand Maker Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Harry: Letting Go Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Draco: The Harry Potter Who Came Before Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Draco: Shared not Sold Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Severus: The Fall Out Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Harry: The Bear and The Bird Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Severus: The Moirai and the Lair of Death and Vipers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Severus: Her Boy

Chapter Text

The kitchen of number twelve Grimmauld place had finally fallen silent.

For the past three hours, Molly Weasley had been furiously scrubbing every surface in sight, from the counters to the floors, to the cabinet doors themselves, but she had finally run out of steam. The heavy duty, bristled brush she had been using was now frayed and worn. Severus pretended not to see the sores on the tips of her fingers, or the way that she pressed them harshly against the china teacup in between her lightly trembling hands. He imagined it was grounding. Tangible. The screaming and stinging of her blisters against the piping hot porcelain.

It was her second cup.

The first had been smashed against a wall two hours ago, and he had been courteous enough not to mention it.

He didn’t understand why she was there. She was only torturing herself. Either the Order would return triumphant, Potter in tow, or they wouldn’t, and there was nothing either of them could do to change that. Though he supposed, that raised the question of what he was still doing there as well. He could hardly help either. He’d done his part - he’d raised the alarm, then searched the forest. And yet still he couldn’t bring himself to return to Hogwarts.

Not without knowing.

He suppressed his urge to sneer with a sip of his own cooling tea.

Potter was a fool. A fool. What did he think he could accomplish? A fifteen-year-old running off to rescue a grown man from the Dark Lord. Stupid child. He kept his mouth shut though - he wasn’t convinced that Molly Weasley wouldn’t hurl her new teacup in his direction if he opened it.

Even if he was justified in calling Potter a self-important, arrogant twit.

Still… a part of him felt the swirling, clenching, writhing of guilt low in his gut. Perhaps, if he had been able to put old grudges aside, he’d have been able to teach Potter to guard his mind. Though he had no love for the boy, the idea that the evening’s events had been put into motion by his own inaction made him feel ill. He was meant to be protecting the boy for her, and not for the first time he lamented the fact that the boy looked so much like his father - perhaps, if he had had more of Lily in him, he would have been easier to deal with.

Or perhaps more difficult.

If he was to be partitioned a portion of the blame for the evening's events, however, he felt justified in directing the headmaster towards his own hard won, fair share. If he had simply told the boy the truth, rather than hiding away from him for the entire year, then perhaps he would have known better. Perhaps, none of this would have happened.

Somewhere in the house, the quiet echo of a clock chiming could be heard. He froze, holding his breath to count the bells. One. Two. Three. Then silence. He pretended not to hear the small, muffled sob of Molly Weasley and turned his gaze to the cup in front of him.

The sudden sound of the front door smashing open, and Mrs Black screaming at the top of her lungs about mudbloods and blood-traitors, had them both on their feet in an instant. Sirius Black’s own furious wails joined his mother’s in an ear-piercing crescendo. When the kitchen door was nearly thrown off its hinges, Molly Weasley’s teacup clattered to the floor and smashed, but Severus didn’t flinch.

He had seen this coming the moment they’d heard the front door opening.

Black was practically foaming at the mouth, fury and despair fighting for dominance, twisting his lips into a maddened snarl. His eyes spotted Severus and flashed. Severus braced himself but refused to back down.

YOU!” Black roared, advancing through the kitchen like a storm, throwing the single wooden chair that had stood between them across the room; Molly Weasley let out a cry of fear, but still, Severus did not move, “YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” Hands twisted themselves into the front of his robes, and he couldn’t help the pained hiss that escaped him when Black shoved him abruptly against the countertop and pressed his shoulders back into the cabinets. The cabinet doors gave an alarming creek - he wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up on the floor before sunrise.

Unhand me, Black,” Severus snarled, winding his fingers around the other’s wrists and squeezing tightly to try and break his grip - if he truly wanted to, he’d have had a foot in Black’s groin and had the man on the ground in a moment. But it wasn’t anger in Black’s eyes.

It was grief.

He didn’t need to ask to know that Potter was gone.

He was spared from having to brawl with a man grieving the death of his godchild by Remus Lupin.

“Let him go, Sirius,” Lupin’s voice was strong and firm, and he peeled Black’s fingers from around his collar and pulled him back into his chest, “Let him go,” here his voice wobbled, and Black’s expression crumpled. The animagus sagged into his friend’s embrace, a guttural sob escaping him.

“What happened? What’s going on?” Molly asked sharply, her gaze darting between Black and the other members of the Order who were filing into the room. Tears were already gathering in her eyes. She was no fool.

Tonks only shook her head. She straightened the chair that Black had thrown across the table and sat down heavily in it, her bottom lip trembling. Shacklebolt pressed a hand to her shoulder, and lowered himself gingerly into the chair beside her, a shuddering breath the only sound that he made. With Black and Lupin seeking desperate comfort in one another, it was left to Mad-Eye to speak.

“The boy is gone,” he said darkly.

Molly gasped as if a knife had been plunged into her breast, “No!”

Mad-Eye’s gait was awkward as he shuffled behind Tonks and Shacklebolt towards the next available chair, “He was gone before we got there - long before we go there,” he added gruffly. His electric blue eye swirled around wildly, and upon spotting the teapot on the side, he summoned it with a flick of his wand. They all ignored the choked sob that Black let out.

Severus abandoned his previous chair, leaving Black and Lupin to sink into their misery, and seated himself closer to Molly, “Where is the headmaster?” He asked sharply, waving away the teapot that Moody had sent in his direction.

“Speaking to the Minister,” Shacklebolt answered heavily; the corner of his lips twitched into some shadow of a smile, “he will find it difficult to deny the return of You-Know-Who when his own security systems have flagged the abduction of Harry Potter by Death Eaters on Ministry grounds,”

“If… if the Ministry’s security were aware,” Molly started shakily, raising her cup and allowing the teapot to top her off, “then where were the Aurors?!”

“There will be in inquiry,” Mad-Eye said gruffly, adding to his cup from his hip flask, “No doubt about that. It’s gone as well,” he added with a heavy sigh, “not… not that it much matters now, I suppose, with Potter in their hands, but they took the prophesy,”

Molly shook her head once, then promptly burst into tears, “O-oh,” she moaned, burying her face in her hands, “This… this is awful! Oh, Merlin, oh poor Harry,”

The sound of his godson’s name seemed to rouse Black from Lupin’s embrace, “We have to go after them,” his voice was hoarse, “We have to do something!” His eyes found Severus’s, “Where would they take him?” He demanded.

“Wherever they have taken Harry,” the table whipped round as one at the sound of Dumbledore’s tired voice in the kitchen doorway, “is undoubtedly to wherever Voldemort is, Sirius,” he shook his head sadly, approaching the head of the table and seating himself between Lupin and Tonks.

“I don’t care,” Black snapped, “I don’t care! I’ll walk up to the bastard myself and take my godson back if that’s what it takes!” He looked sharply back to Severus, “Where. Is. He?” He ground out. Dumbledore sighed quietly and gave a small wave of his hand in Severus’s direction.

“The Dark Lord is currently hosted by the Malfoy family - this has not changed over the last year, as you well know,” Severus answered flatly, “As are all those loyal to the Dark Lord who have nowhere else to go - in other words, his most loyal and vicious Death Eaters,”

“It’s a suicide mission, Sirius,” Shacklebolt said gently.

“I don’t care,” Black responded at once, “I don’t care - I won’t leave him to that mad man! We need to act quickly! We need to act now! If we don’t, then Harry is as good as dead!”

The room suddenly became very quiet. Even Molly Weasley’s sobs had fallen silent. Black looked wildly between them all, and Severus wondered which of them would break first.

Lupin spoke carefully, his voice thick with emotion, “Sirius,” he stroked a hand down his friends back, “they’ve already had him for hours. Voldemort has been trying to kill Harry since he was a baby, and after Harry slipped away last June, I… I…,” he stuttered, his voice failing.

“He is probably already dead, Black,” Severus finished for him, and the full force of Black’s rage was suddenly aimed at him once again.

NO!” Black shuddered in his seat, his attempt to stand and loom in Severus’s direction prevented by Lupin’s arms wound tightly around his waist, “NO!! I refuse to believe it!!”

“You are being naive!” Severus exclaimed, while Black continued to try and shout him down.


“He has been missing for nearly four hours Black!”


Hope?! There’s not even a fool’s hope!”

“Sirius, please-,” Lupin tried to interrupt, tears trailing down his cheeks.

NO! No, Moony - no! We can’t let this happen! We have to save him! He’s NOT DEAD!

In the corridor beyond the kitchen, Mrs Black began to shout and rage again, while Lupin trembled and shook his head, peering up to where Black was half stood over him.

“You are being naive, Black,” Severus said harshly, “You are being a fool - the best we can hope for Potter, is that he is dead,” all eyes were on him, ranging from furious to heartbroken, “To be held captive by the Dark Lord is to be tormented and tortured, Black - you know this!” Black was shaking his head, his expression trembling, but he finally allowed himself to be pulled back down into his seat, “If we are lucky - if Potter is lucky - then he is already dead. There is no pain in death, Black, but there is plenty that the Dark Lord could inflict in life. If you love him, you should hope that he is dead,”

Black shuddered, his determined, furious expression burning away into something heartbroken and devastated. He almost appeared to collapse into himself, until his forehead was pressed into the table and his arms were gathered about his head. The hand that Lupin pressed in comfort into the middle of his back jumped and trembled with Black’s jerking sobs.

Severus’s eyes may have been the only dry ones in the room, but it wasn’t for lack of feeling.

He had failed. He had failed her. Her boy was dead, and their murderer lived on.

The headmaster cleared his throat, using a finger to wipe away the tears in his eyes, “I have discussed tonight’s event with Cornelius,” Severus’s gut clenched at the frailty he heard in the old man's voice, “and he has agreed with me that there can be no more denial of Lord Voldemort’s return. The Prophet will announce it to the world tomorrow morning, as well as news as to Harry’s… as to Harry’s…,” his voice trailed off into nothing, and he shook his head, “By dawn, the entire country will know what has happened tonight, and Cornelius will begin making moves to step down from office. I have sent out an emergency summons for the morning to all members of the Order, at home and abroad - we must figure out our path forwards without… without…,” he swallowed, but he was saved from having to find the words.

Severus let out an involuntary hiss of pain and clutched at his arm where his Dark Mark was burning furiously. He didn’t miss the apprehensive looks that were exchanged by those around the table, “The Dark Lord,” he said haltingly, pushing himself to his feet and rummaging through the inner pockets of his robes for a pepper-up potion - he would need to have his wits about him for this encounter, now more than ever, “he is summoning me - I must leave,”

“You will return as soon as you are able?” Dumbledore said gravely, having half risen with him, “The meeting is likely to go on for most of the day,”

He nodded tightly, flicking the stopper free of the potion vial and knocking back its contents, “Yes,” he banished the vial, and straightened his robes, “As soon as I am able,” he couldn’t help but to feel pity when his eyes fell on the back of Black’s head where it still remained buried under his arms, “As soon as I am able,” he repeated, before sweeping out of the room.

Before he left, he silenced the portrait of Black’s mother.

He had intended to apparate himself into the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor, and so was alarmed when he found himself forced beyond the boundaries of the Manor, and onto its front drive instead. Confused and harried, he turned to stride towards the Manor’s metal gates, but found nothing. No gates. No hedges. No imposing Manor House looming out at him in the darkness. Just trees and bushes, and Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius’s arms were crossed impatiently, a strained twist to his lips. He looked conflicted. Nearly smug, but discomfort shone through the twitching of his cheek and the way his hands flexed about his forearms.

“Severus,” he greeted, his voice flowing like oil across Severus’s skin.

“Lucius,” he answered, his eyes flicking to where he knew the Manor to be, “what’s going on?”

The near sneer on Lucius’s lips flicked into something reluctantly pleased, “Why Severus - are you telling me you don’t know?”

Severus scowled, and snapped, “The Potter boy has been snatched from the Department of Mysteries,” Lucius’s pleased smile fell, “and the Dark Lord has summoned me here, to the Manor, but there does not appear to be- … ah… I see,” he eyed the trees behind the other man more critically, “The Fidelius charm,” he said shortly, “Did the Dark Lord decide that your wards are no longer up to the task, Lucius?”

Lucius scoffed, and reached into his pocket to produce a slither of parchment that he shoved roughly under Severus’s nose, “Hardly,” he snapped, “they are as strong as ever. He simply wished for an extra layer of protection,”

He held out the parchment only for as long as it took Severus to read the impossibly thin, long looping handwriting:

‘Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire - The Lair of Death and Vipers’

The paper was snatched away and set a flame with a snap of Lucius’s fingers, “The others were quite disappointed,” Lucius added coldly; Severus looked past him to watch as gates, and hedges, and grounds popped into existence, “He interrupted their party to march them all out onto the drive to apply the charm,” he sniffed haughtily, while The Manor wrenched itself out of the ground as if someone were cranking an enormous wheel and forcing it from the earth, “Welcome to the ‘lair’,” he said darkly, clearly unimpressed.

“Does the Dark Lord fear retaliation from the Order perhaps?” Severus mused, following the other towards the enormous wrought iron gates, “For the death of their precious Boy-Who-Lived,” he didn’t have to put on the sneer that accompanied the moniker - he had always hated it.

The look that Lucius sent over his shoulder was cold, “Oh Severus,” he said pityingly, raising his left arm to the gate and passing through it as if he were merely walking through smoke, “you have no idea,”

Severus said nothing and followed him up the drive.

Lucius appeared… unhappy, which was not what he had expected. He had thought he would find the other man gleeful and rolling in the praises of the Dark Lord. Smug and pompous and bragging about the death of their Lord’s greatest enemy, a child the same age as his son. Instead, he seemed tense and put upon. As if his gift had not been received as he expected.

Severus’s eyes flicked along the great towering walls of the Manor.

To the far left, the windows to the conservatory in the west wing were illuminated with orange light. He could see the shadows of people as they moved about the room. Their movements were energetic - erratic. He heard a glass smash and an elated whoop of laughter penetrated out into the grounds.

It appeared that Lucius’s melancholy mood was not shared by the others.

Severus followed him into the foyer. Lucius frowned minutely at the sounds of laughter that echoed throughout the halls of his home. He flinched though, at a sudden guttural scream. It had come from the drawing room ahead of them.

Severus felt as if his heart had been plunged into a bucket of ice water. He forced the feeling back though, as far back into the recesses of his mind as he could.

Lucius steered them away from the drawing room, and towards the conservatory, though they did not enter it. They swept only close enough for Severus to hear someone jeer, “Do you think the Dark Lord will let us all have a turn? I wouldn’t mind making the filthy half-blood scream,” before Lucius was leading them deeper into the house, towards a study that Severus was very familiar with.

When Lucius rapped his knuckles smartly on the dark door, they waited only a beat before a high, cold voice called out from the room beyond.


The Dark Lord Voldemort was seated in a wingback leather chair in front of the fireplace, though it was far too warm for it to be lit. Nagini was coiled at his feet, her head in his lap and under his hand, her tongue flicking in and out as she tasted the air with interest. The Dark Lord had not bothered with the modest chandelier in the middle of the room, and so they were illuminated only by the flicker of dull lamps above the mantel piece. The orange light danced in the Dark Lord’s red eyes as they narrowed on Severus. A pleased smirk curled at his lips.

“Ah, Severus,” he rasped, gesturing to the second leather chair opposite his own, “please, join us. That will be all Lucius,”

Lucius gave a short, smart bow, and muttered, “My Lord,” he closed the door behind him with a click.

Severus offered his own bow, “My lord,” before he assumed the seat that he had been directed towards. Nagini twisted her head to follow him, but he ignored her. He folded his hands in his lap, “You summoned me, my Lord,”

A slow smile spread across the man’s reptilian face, “Yes, Severus, I summoned you,” the snake hissed something, catching the Dark Lord’s attention; he chuckled but did not elaborate on what had been said, “I have need of you, old friend. It will not have escaped your notice, I am sure, that Harry Potter was abducted from the Department of Mysteries this night,”

Severus inclined his head, “The Order are in disarray,” he admitted calmly, “Dumbledore claims that news of your return will be in the papers before the morning,”

Voldemort sneered a little, “Ah, yes - dear Lucius was not quite as discreet as I had hoped. I understand that the hall of prophesies is currently in a dire state of disrepair, but alas, it is of no matter,” the hand that wasn’t carefully petting Nagini’s head appeared from within his robes, and brought with it a small globe, “I have the only prophesy that matters to me,” red eyes flicked to him, “Would you like to hear it, in its entirety, for the first time?” Severus inclined his head.

The Dark Lord pressed the orb upwards until it was resting in the cradle of his fingertips. He whispered a word under his breath. The lamps above the hearth flickered for a moment. He tapped a long, pale index finger smartly against the prophesies glass surface and it emitted a sound like the ringing of a bell. And then it began to speak:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

The hoarse voice of the prophesy echoed strangely for a moment, seeming to almost hang in the air between them.

The Dark Lord lowered the orb, and tucked it into his robes once more, “‘Power the Dark Lord knows not’,” he repeated under his breath, his eyes fixed on the snake in his lap, “‘The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal’,” he let out a hissing breath through his teeth, “Interesting. Don’t you think, Severus?”

“Yes, my Lord,” Severus started, “but I do not understand why it matters, if the boy is in the manor now. I presume you mean to kill him,” he paused, thinking back to the scream he had heard in the entrance hall, “eventually,”

“I think, perhaps, not,” Severus’s heart stopped for a moment at the simple declaration; the Dark Lord stroked a finger down Nagini’s snout, “I think, that I would like to see what power exists within this mere boy that I ‘know not’,” he smirked for a moment and his red eyes found Severus’s, “If this boy may truly be my equal, then it is important that he is my ally, not my enemy,” he said mildly.

“But what of the prophesy, my Lord?” Snape asked carefully, “It suggests that you are destined to destroy one another,”

“With all the facts in front of me, Severus, I can only conclude that this prophesy is of the self-fulfilling variety. The kind that are so popular in Greek mythology - Oedipus and Laius, Cronos and Zeus, Croesus of Lydia, and so forth. In these stories, men try to flee their destiny, and in doing so simply run straight to it. A mistake I too am guilty of,” his eyes flicked to where the prophesy was concealed in his robes, “Had I heard the prophesy in its entirety, I would have employed more caution. Alas, I did not.

“But no matter. I know better now. I shall heed the lessons from these stories of the ancient past and shall cease attempting to avert this ‘doom’,” he chuckled, his voice high and piercing, “Instead, I shall act as if the prophesy simply does not exist. I shall act, instead, to my true nature, and forge a path to a future that does not hinge on the word of prophesy and oracle,”

The back of Severus’s mind raced. There was something in this story missing. The Dark Lord did not wish for companions. He wished for subjects. He considered no one his equal. Something was missing.

He stored the thought away.

“How may I serve you, my Lord?” he asked with a demure inclination of his head.

Voldemort chuckled, high and breathy, “Ah, Severus - this is why you are one of my favourites. Never attempting to presume my vision. Only ever aiming to facilitate its execution,” he glanced down at the snake in his lap and hissed out a lazy command. Nagini removed her head from his lap and slithered her way out of the room, “If I am to turn the boy to my side, Severus, I must first break him down to his constituent parts,” he said lightly.

“Torture,” Severus elaborated.

For the briefest moment Severus caught a flash of the Dark Lord’s white teeth as he grinned, “Of many different varieties,” he agreed, “Our dear Harry is currently in the cellar with the lovely Bellatrix, and the significantly less lovely Mulciber and Macnair,”

“I see,” his calm answer did nothing to betray the thrill of adrenaline that had threatened at the mention of Mulciber. They had been school friends, though now the idea of calling a wizard such as that a friend filled Severus with shame and regret. He was more monster than man, and Severus had an increasingly horrified understanding as to the variety of torture Potter was being subjected to.

“They have strict instructions to do nothing permanent to the boy,” the Dark Lord said with a dismissive wave of his hand, “and our dear Bella has been dissuaded from abusing the Cruciatus curse as she did with the Longbottom’s - I want the boy broken, not a pile of dribbling mush,” he sneered.

“I am not sure how I am to contribute to this endeavour, my Lord - I cannot imagine there are any means of torture that I could devise that Bellatrix, Mulciber, and Macnair have not already thought of or attempted,” he hoped that Albus would understand if he could not bring himself to torture Lily’s only son, even if that meant sacrificing his own life.

Voldemort chuckled, “Oh no, Severus, you misunderstand me. I have no more need for torturers. I have need of someone to ensure that the boy survives,” Severus breathed in and out steadily, “If he were to die prematurely, and against my wishes, I would be most displeased,” red eyes flashed to his, the warning in them clear, “I’m sure you understand, Severus,” his voice was soft and dangerous.

Severus bowed as lowly as his seated position would reasonably allow, “I understand completely, my Lord,”

A slow pleased smile spread across the other’s face, “Excellent,” he hissed out lowly, “Now, come Severus, let me reintroduce you to my guest,”

Severus used the walk to the drawing room as an opportunity to reinforce his occlumency shields. All feeling must be suppressed - buried and put away for later. It would do him no good to give himself away now.

He pretended to not see the flash of blonde hair, and the silhouette of a woman standing flush against the wall of the corridor that led to the east wing. Narcissa should know better than to hover like that. It would only draw the Dark Lord’s attention.

Bellatrix, Mulciber, and Macnair waited to greet them at the top of the stairs that led down into the cellar. All three lowered themselves into a deep bow, though Severus could see Bellatrix’s beady eyes glaring up through her wild hair at him. He wondered if she would ever trust him. The idea seemed unlikely at best.

“My Lord,” Macnair said meekly, “we have done as you asked. We only hope our methods have pleased you,”

“Does the boy still live?” Voldemort asked cooly.

“Yes, my Lord,” Macnair mumbled.

“And does he remain… relatively,” his red eyes fixed furiously on Bellatrix who cowered from his gaze, “intact,”

“Yes, my Lord,” Bellatrix simpered, “no other injuries that cannot be undone,” the twinge that threatened in Severus’s gut was quickly shepherded away into the confines of his mind.

The Dark Lord nodded sagely, “Excellent… this will be a marathon, not a race, I am afraid to say my old friends,” Bellatrix twitched, “If we are to persuade Mister Potter of the error of his ways, then it will take time, and patience. The boy only has so many fingers and toes… and eyes,” he added meaningfully in Bellatrix’s direction; she tittered nervously, “if we give into our baser instincts, then the boy will be limbless by the time any progress is made. Now… leave us,”

They bowed again, and muttered, “My Lord,” as they scurried away towards the drawing room door.

Voldemort beckoned to him with the slow curl of his finger.

At the bottom of the stairs, Nagini circled restlessly. Upon seeing her master, she broke into a series of frantic hisses, her head flicking this way and that between the Dark Lord, and the huddled figure in the middle of the cellar floor. The Dark Lord tutted.

“It seems I may have to have Nagini supervise the others to… temper… their enthusiasm,” Voldemort said, his voice soft and dangerous, “Nagini says the boy is dangerously cold. If you would, Severus,” the Dark Lord gestured for him to move forwards, and Severus had no choice but to turn his eyes to the boy.

Severus stepped forwards carefully, feeling as if he were approaching a dragon about to strike rather than the curled-up figure in front of him. He knelt carefully - reluctantly - at his side and used a hand to encourage the boy from his position curled in on himself, to lying half on his back. He immediately wished he hadn’t.

Potter was a mess.

He was covered in dirt, and blood, and bruises, and cuts, and… and there were bite marks at the junction of his neck and shoulder. Bites that looked as if they had been inflicted while someone was behind the boy. Against his will, his eyes sought the boys gaze, and he froze for the briefest of moments. The right eye, a dulled green, stared blankly back at him, dazed and unfocused. If Potter recognised him, he gave no indication to that effect. The left eye, though… the left eye was no more. Plucked clean from its socket, with blood smeared down the boy's cheek. Severus allowed himself a small breath before he spoke.

“The eye cannot be saved, I am afraid my Lord,”

“Yes, Severus, I am well-aware that we are long past the time frame where regrowing the boy’s eye might be possible,” he sounded torn between frustrated anger, and mild amusem*nt, “Just do what you can. Make sure he is at no risk of death before you leave. One of the house-elves will bring you anything you require,” as if on cue, a small trembling house-elf stepped out from the shadows in the corner of the cellar behind Potter. Severus raised a hand to carefully pull back the lid of Potter’s remaining eye, “I will have need of you every evening - and likely more. I am sure that Dumbledore will understand,”

Severus froze. He peered back over his shoulder, “You wish for the headmaster to be made aware of this arrangement?” He asked carefully.

The Dark Lord smiled, one hand on the bannister, “But of course, Severus. Half the fun is in rubbing the old man’s failures in his face,” and he left, Nagini trailing after him.

Severus released the breath he had been holding and turned back to the boy. If he’d had less control of himself, he’d have gasped at finding the boy looking back. He wetted his lips a little with his tongue, and carefully pressed his way into his mind, wary of causing any more damage to his mental stability. He found… nothing. No surface thoughts. No emotions. But just beyond that nothing, he found a wall, sheer and seamless that looked to reach to limitless heights. There were no cracks to exploit, no steps to climb, and no way of vaulting over. It seemed, that all it had taken for Potter to master the art of occlumency, was hours and hours of torture.

“Potter?” He tried hesitantly, “Potter, can you hear me?”

Potter’s eye flashed for a moment, and then flicked up to where Severus had rested his thumb against his brow. The boy flinched back as best as he could, dislodging Severus’s hand. He was suddenly panting in fear, his mouth working itself open and closed, though Severus wasn’t sure if he was attempting to speak or not.

“Calm down, Potter,” he said softly, holding his hands up, palms flat, “I’m not here to hurt you,” he winced at the flash of liar-fear-hysteria that surfaced in the boy's thoughts. It didn’t last long though. The boy calmed, but he withdrew into himself as he did, any awareness in his eye fading away. Severus swallowed and turned to practical matters to avoid the building crushing sensation in his chest.

This was her boy.

“You,” he snapped at the elf cowering in the corner, “bring me all of the first-aid potions stored in this house,” the elf squeaked, and then disappeared with a crack.

Now alone, Severus began to work, and as he worked, he mentally catalogued everything he saw. Dumbledore would want a full report on the boy’s well-being, but the idea of repeating everything he saw in front of him made him feel sick.

Lacerations. Broken bones. Abrasions. Mild nerve damage from extensive exposure to the Cruciatus curse. Bites… bites almost everywhere. On his neck, his shoulders, his arms, his… his inner thighs. There was so much blood on the boy, that he nearly overlooked the streaks of white fluid mingled with the red. His hands shook lightly as he healed the tears to the boy’s…

He couldn’t even think it. He blocked it out, and by the time the elf had returned, his hands were steady. So long as he didn’t look in his eye, he was able to pretend that the boy was some nameless poor soul that the Dark Lord had dragged in off the street to entertain his more predatory Death Eaters - the ones that even the others avoided.

I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev? He’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?

Her voice was so clear in his ear, that Severus nearly leapt to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest.

But no. She wasn’t there. She was dead, and she now existed only as a voice in his head. He looked down to the boy in front of him - she existed here, as well, he supposed. In the tortured child at his feet. He swallowed - oh God, what would she say? She’d be heart broken.


Regret clawed at his throat, but he forced it down.

By the time he was done, many hours later, Potter’s wounds were healed, though many scarred (the teeth marks on his shoulder made him feel sick), and Potter was no longer at risk of dying from shock or blood loss.

Part of him wondered if he had made the right choice. It would have been kinder to let the boy die. It would have been mercy.

What was done was done, however. He would waste no more time dwelling on ifs, buts or maybes.

He stood sharply, and Potter and the elf both flinched.

“Elf - ensure that he is kept clean in between my visits,” the elf nodded vigorously at his barked command,“And keep him supplied with nutritional potions. It would not do for him to starve to death when I have gone to all this effort,” he didn’t wait to hear the elf’s response. He needed to leave.

He was in the entrance hall, when he caught sight of blonde hair out of the corner of his eye again. He froze and peered discreetly over his shoulder. It was Narcissa. He turned to her more fully and considered her for a moment. She looked from him to the hallway behind her, and back again, before stepping into the shadows, her meaning clear.

He hesitated. He needed to return to the Order… but anything to delay reporting what he had found in the cellars of Malfoy Manor.

He trudged silently after her, winding through the corridors and hallways into the portion of the Manor within which the Malfoy’s actually lived, now that they were playing host to the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters. When Narcissa stepped into a parlour, Severus glanced over his shoulder, before following her in and closing the door behind him.

Narcissa had always been a pale woman, but now she was positively translucent, wringing her hands together anxiously in front of her. For a moment, he simply looked at her, appraising. She looked unwell. She looked drawn, as if she had aged a year for every month she had lived with the Dark Lord in her halls. She licked her lips but didn’t speak.

He didn’t have time for this.

“What is it, Narcissa?” He asked cooly, swallowing to suppress the roiling in his stomach.

“How… how is he?” She stuttered; he blinked at her in disbelief, “I… I heard the screaming and I-,” she hesitated, “When the Dark Lord dragged us all out of the Manor and onto the drive to cast the charm… while everyone else was watching the estate disappear, and then reappear, I was watching him,” she sat down abruptly in an arm chair, scrunching her skirt up in her hands, “He… they’ve been torturing him, haven’t there?”

“I don’t know what you were expecting when your husband dragged that boy into your home, Narcissa,” he said sharply, “For the Dark Lord to greet him with open arms? Yes, Narcissa - yes, they’re torturing him,”

She whimpered, “He… he’s just a boy,” she muttered, her gaze fixed somewhere on the carpet, “He’s… I looked at him, out on the drive and… and he’s just a boy. When I hear him scream… I can’t help but imagine it’s Draco. What are they doing to him?”

Severus shook his head, “He’s not Draco, Narcissa. He’s not Draco, and you don’t want to know what they’re doing,”

She wouldn’t let it drop though, “I saw Mulciber head down there,” she whispered, “and he was the one holding onto Potter on the drive. The way he touched him…,” she shuddered, “Is he… are they…?” She faltered, and stumbled over her words, “I just keep thinking… we nearly fell out of the Dark Lord’s favour before, when Lucius returned to his circle. He nearly didn’t forgive him. What if… what if he made a mistake again? Would… would the Dark Lord use Draco against him?” Severus said nothing, but she heard his answer anyway; she swallowed, “He would, wouldn’t he? I love my husband, truly I do, but he is not as clever as he would pretend… nor as powerful… what would it take for the Dark Lord to send Mulciber down to the cellar with Draco?” A single tear rolled down her cheek, but that was all that she allowed to escape.

He had seen enough.

“You would do well to keep these thoughts to yourself, Narcissa,” he cautioned, a hand on the door handle as he prepared to leave, “And you’re right. He is just a boy,” her expression crumpled, and he left.

He stalked down the Manor’s long gravel drive, the rising sun at his back concealed by the looming house, and apparated the moment he was across the wards.

Apparating had his stomach churning again. He blinked against the sunlight that bathed the square, but he didn’t pause to let his eyes adjust, instead choosing to push his way into the house and back into the gloom. He shut the door behind him quietly and took a moment to simply rest his forehead against it.

“Severus?” He stiffened at his whispered name and turned cautiously to find a tired Lupin watching him warily, a hand on the kitchen door, clearly just about to renter the meeting.

His gut twisted, and he turned towards the stairs, “I need a moment,” he muttered, striding up the stairs in search of the nearest bathroom.

He had barely enough time to lift the toilet seat before he was retching over the bowl and emptying his stomach of what was left of his dinner from the night before. It was mostly bile and left him feeling no relief for having allowed himself to vomit. He heaved twice more before he was able to regain control of himself.

He hadn’t vomited like that following a meeting with the Dark Lord since the first time after he had agreed to act as a spy for the headmaster. He’d been full of anxious nerves, and half convinced the Dark Lord knew of his deception despite his robust and well tested occlumency shields.

He stiffened as something encroached on his peripheral vision: it was Lupin, a glass of water dangling from his fingertips and held out for him to take. He accepted it silently, and swilled out his mouth, spitting into the toilet before flushing it and allowing himself to sink back against the wall behind him. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Lupin sank down to the hallway floor next to him.

They said nothing. Severus sipped at the glass of water, his hand trembling, and Lupin simply breathed. He wondered if Lupin was fighting back the urge to ask a million questions. He glanced at him cautiously, and was surprised to find him quietly crying, his arms wrapped around his crossed legs as if he were fighting to hold himself together. He offered Severus a sad smile, and opened his mouth to speak:

“He’s not dead, is he?” he said quietly; Severus shook his head, “But it would be better for him, if he was, wouldn’t it?” Severus nodded and Lupin’s lips trembled, and he lowered his face to press his forehead into his knees.

Severus watched his shoulders shake, and for perhaps the first time in his life, he hunted for something to say to comfort his childhood nemesis. He found nothing.

He banished the glass and pushed himself to his feet. He reached out a hand to the werewolf in front of him, “Come along, Lupin,” he swallowed to try and clear the stringing of his throat, “They are waiting for us,”

Lupin peered up at him, his face the picture of misery, before accepting the hand that was held out for him.

The meeting fell silent when he entered, Lupin at his back. The kitchen was the fullest he thought he had ever seen it, every single member of the Order present, all of them with serious, dower expressions. The Weasley’s, all of them present except for the youngest two, were so grey he could barely see their freckles. The headmaster was sat at the head of the table opposite him, Moody and Kingsley on his left and right side respectively. Black was tucked under his cousin's arm, his face buried in his hands, a vacant seat to his right where Lupin must have been sat before. He looked up when the subdued kitchen fell silent, however.

Severus took a deep steadying breath in through his nose and released it slowly through his mouth.

“I would appreciate a strong drink, if no one objects to alcohol during the meeting,” he said hoarsely.

There was a beat during which nobody moved, until Emmeline Vance, who had been sat directly opposite Dumbledore at the other end of the table, scrambled to her feet, and summoned a half empty bottle of fire whisky from the pantry. She gestured to her vacant seat for Severus to take, while Hestia Jones to her left conjured a glass with two whisky stones at the bottom.

He took a moment to gather himself, his eyes following Lupin as he shuffled back through the crowd to his seat next to Black. He looked away quickly though when he found Minerva at Tonks other side, her lips pressed tightly together, but even so he could see how they trembled. He cleared his throat and sat down.

At some point, someone had already filled his glass. He knocked back the whisky in one go, then poured another and repeated the action. His third glass he nursed between his hands. He fixed his eyes on Albus - the only way he was going to get through this meeting, was if he imagined he was speaking only to the headmaster, the only other man in the room who he felt sure would understand and would share the crushing guilt on his shoulders.

They had both failed.

He took a deep breath.

“Potter is alive,” the rooms response was divided between those afraid of death, and those aware of the pain that living could bring. The Weasley twins slumped in relief, while their father closed his eyes in despair, “He is currently being held captive in the cellars of Malfoy Manor,”

“Why?” Moody barked, his look fierce, “Why are they keeping the boy alive?”

A Weasley twin scoffed, “What does it matter why, Mad-Eye? This means we can rescue him!”

“How?” the boys' father asked gently, “How are we rescuing him? He’s under the thumb of You-Know-Who, George,”

“The Dark Lord has also seen fit to place the estate under the Fidelius charm,” Severus added; he spoke over their gasps, “and placed himself as secret keeper. I doubt he will be willing to divulge the secret to the Order of the Phoenix,”

“There has to be a way!” The other Weasley twin barked.

Severus stared resolutely at the headmaster, ignoring the way that Black had crumpled in his seat while Lupin stared unblinking up at the ceiling, tears running from the corner of his eye.

“I am amazed that Voldemort can even successfully carry the secret,” Dumbledore admitted heavily, “with a soul as damaged as his,”

“What have souls got to do with it?” a Weasley twin asked impatiently.

“Complex bit of magic, the Fidelius charm,” Aberforth said gruffly from the corner, his hand cradling the pipe he was lighting. It really was all hands-on deck - as far as Severus was aware, despite being a member, Aberforth had never attended a meeting before, “Requires the concealment of a secret within the soul of a witch or wizard. A man like Voldemort though? A murderer like him will have a soul more akin to confetti, it’ll be in so many pieces, I imagine,”

“Which bit harbour’s the secret though, I wonder,” Shacklebolt mused, “The largest piece? Or all of it,”

“None of these matters,” Moody snapped impatiently, “What really matters, is why Potter’s being kept alive in the first place!”

All eyes were suddenly on him again. He considered knocking back his third drink, but settled on sipping it, “The Dark Lord intends to try and turn Potter to his side,” there was the rumble of confused and outraged murmurs, “he… he intends to torture Potter until he is near breaking point,”

Molly Weasley let out a whimpering sob, but the rest of the room was silent. Arthur Weasley wrapped an arm around his wife and reached over to squeeze the shoulders of his boys.

“The Cruciatus?” Moody asked gruffly.

“No… no, he does not wish for Potter to turn out like the Longbottom’s. He has tasked me with ensuring that the boy survives the torture intact,”

“And who has he tasked with inflicting these cruelties Severus?” Albus asked, his voice soft.

“Bellatrix, Mulciber, and Mac-,”

Mulciber?!” Black said sharply, pulled from drowning in his misery, “Did you say Mulciber?” Severus inclined his head in a single solemn nod, and Black crumpled anew, “No, oh Merlin no… nonono f*ck! I- I can’t- I can’t listen to this,” Black stood suddenly and threaded his way urgently through the crowd that surrounded him.

Severus half expected Lupin to stand up and follow him out, but he didn’t. He stayed where he was, staring blankly up at the ceiling above, fresh tears trailing down towards his collar.

“Who’s Mulciber?” Charlie Weasley asked carefully when Black had slammed the kitchen door behind him, his eyes darting warily between Severus and Lupin.

“He went to school with us,” Lupin whispered to the ceiling.

“He’s a predator,” Moody growled.

“He’s a Death Eater with a reputation for raping young men,” Severus said flatly. No one else added to his frank description. He knocked back what remained of his drink and offered the bottle to Lupin.

Lupin accepted it and didn’t bother with a glass.

“Why… why’s he suddenly trying to turn Harry to his side, when he’s been so fixated with killing him?” Bill Weasley said quietly, his eyes flicking to the bottle that Lupin had gripped tightly to his chest.

“He listened to the prophesy and claims he has decided to disregard it. He claims to believe the prophesy to be self-fulfilling and hinges upon him acting to subvert it. He claims that if Potter has the potential to be his equal, he wishes to groom him to be his ally rather than his enemy,”

Mad-eye snorted, “Load of bollocks,” he muttered, “there’s something missing. Something he’s not telling you,”

“I concur,” Severus said shortly, his gaze fixed on Dumbledore’s expression, searching for any tell that might suggest that the headmaster had any idea as to what the Dark Lord was hiding from them, “His explanation did not ring true to my ear,”

The headmaster took a deep shuddering breath, “A matter to discuss another time,” he said with a sweep of his hand, “Did you see Harry, Severus?”

He swallowed heavily, dreading the question to come, “I did,”

“And what condition was he in?”

For a moment he said nothing. Lupin offered him the bottle of fire whisky back, but he refused it. He took a deep breath, and began to speak, knowing that if he stopped, he would never be able to start again.

“Potter was in an extremely poor condition when the Dark Lord brought me to him - he was on the verge of shock. He had lacerations and abrasions and bruises and broken bones - numerous broken bones. Nearly every one in his right hand and more fractured ribs than ribs that weren’t fractured. He had a haemopneumothorax and surgical emphysema. It’s…,” he licked his lips, and reached out for the bottle he had previously refused; Lupin handed it to him silently, “It’s a miracle he wasn’t already dead,” he admitted, stamping down the impulse to drink from the bottle as Lupin had, and instead pouring a measure into the glass in front of him, “His… his left eye has been pulled out,” Minerva gasped and slapped a hand to her mouth, “there was nothing I could do - it had been hours, there was no regrowing it,”

“We understand Severus,” the headmaster said gently, and Severus hated that he had heard the pleading edge in his voice, even if no one else had, “we all know you tried your best for Harry. What else?”

Severus drained his glass, “He was covered in bite marks - human bites. And there is… extensive physical evidence to suggest that he has been sexually assaulted,”

Lupin was suddenly on his feet, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry, I can’t,” he grabbed the bottle of fire whisky on his way out of the room.

The silence in the room was heavy and oppressive, pressing down on all of them like a millstone around their necks. Severus tried his best to avoid looking at anyone but the headmaster. His carefully controlled occlumency shields were holding, and in no danger of breaking, but he had no wish to watch as the other members of the order came to terms with the news. Molly Weasley was weeping in her husband's arms, and Minerva had her head bowed low.

“Is-,” Minerva choked out, “Is there nothing we can do Albus? He’s… he’s just a boy. A child! Surely… surely there’s something? There has to be something…,” she trailed off weakly.

For a long moment, Albus said nothing, carefully considering each and every member of the Order who now turned their expectant faces in his direction. He had not made the effort to wipe away his own tears. He had simply let them trail down into his white beard. Severus wondered if the burning guilt in his eyes was as obvious to anyone else in the room.

Finally, he spoke.

“First, I must personally apologise to every single one of you in this room. If I could, I would extend this apology to Harry, and beg his forgiveness. It is my own folly that has brought us to this new low. In trying to protect Harry from the truth, I have condemned him to a fate most terrible. By shielding him, I have left him to walk through a den of vipers, without ever knowing the danger right in front of him.There are not enough apologies, in enough languages, to make up for this grave error and its terrible consequences,” the room was silent except for their anxious breaths. Albus’s jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth before he opened his mouth and said the words that Severus knew would condemn Potter to his fate.

“I am heartbroken to tell you all, that there is nothing that we can do for Harry at this moment,” Molly sobbed, “With the Fidelius charm in place, there is no way for us to stage any kind of rescue, and even if there were, it would likely be a suicide mission that simply resulted in Voldemort relocating Harry. The only one in this Order who has any kind of access to Harry, is Severus,” eyes flicked briefly in his direction, “and in rescuing Harry, Severus would completely ruin his position amongst the Death Eaters, and we would lose a crucial source of intelligence. Intelligence that is vital to us having even the faintest of hopes in defeating the Dark Lord Voldemort for good.

“I must apologise again, my dear friends, as I tell you that, at this moment in time, there is nothing we can do for Harry.”

Chapter 2: Harry: The Stone in the Dark


Historically speaking, Harry had always had a complicated relationship with the dark, and small spaces.


Warning this chapter features rape, and while it is never explicitly said that that’s what’s happening (and neither is it described), it is very very VERY heavily implied.
If that’s a bit much then you could probably skip this chapter (it’s essentially Harry’s experiences while in captivity and nothing plot important happens)
(Also I feel compelled to say that not every chapter will be as heavy as this one)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The ground beneath Harry is hard, cold, and unforgiving, and he clings to the feeling of it biting into his cheek like a lifeline in the middle of a rough sea. It’s stone, he thinks. Enormous great slabs of stone that rise and fall with divots and pits and the other imperfections that have been left on its face from being carved into shape. He feels like he’s being carved into shape. Like bits of him are being gradually chipped away until he no longer fits the mould he has in his head.

His mould.

The blueprint that tells the story of ‘Who is Harry Potter?’. He wonders when they’ll be satisfied with his new form. Or maybe they simply wish to erase him altogether. Maybe they’re waiting to drive a chisel into a fault line at his core and split him apart completely.

The tips of his fingers press against the slabs edge and dip into the gap where one slab ends, and another begins. He can feel grout, he thinks, or perhaps it's simply dirt that has gathered between the stones in the years since they’ve been fixed into place.

He imagines that the stones are a dark grey. He only imagines, because he cannot see, though it is not for lack of light. The vision in his right eye is obscured between the ground his face is pushed against, and the edge of his nose. He can see light though, fuzzy and warm and soft. A contrast to everything else around him.

He doesn't mind it though. It’s distracting him from everything else. The hand in the middle of his back forcing his chest down to the ground, strong and powerful like an anvil holding him in place. The other hand at his hip forcing him to remain up on his knees.

He hears a whimper in his ears followed by a gasping grunt, and then a chuckle. He pulls himself back to the stones beneath him.

Yes. Grey.

His face scrapes against them, moving with the weight of the body behind him.


They’re probably grey. He doesn’t know though. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t see out of his left eye. He can’t see anything at all, not even darkness. What’s wrong with it? It… it hurts. It burns .

The hand in the middle of his back moves to squeeze harshly at the back of his neck. He can hear panting, then, “Do you want a turn?” from above him. The voice is like oil being poured down his spine - slick and cloying.

There’s a moment of considering silence.

The stones are grey, the stones are grey, the stones are grey.

Someone sniffs, “Don’t normally go in for boys, but I suppose a hole’s a hole,” the second voice is older and harsher than the first, and he can hear something jingling. The voice above him chuckles.

His forehead stings from scraping on the ground, and his fingers cramp where they cling to the stone’s edge with a desperation akin to hanging from a cliff face, certain death below. And his eye. It burns.

“Something’s better than nothing,” the oily voice says as he’s abruptly forced to acknowledge the presence behind him, resting against the back of his thighs, when it suddenly disappears, “Shame about the face though – he was a pretty little bird until Bellatrix got her hands on him,”

His forehead stings. His fingers are cramped. His eye burns. And the stones are grey.

“Though I suppose you could always ask dear old Bellatrix if she’ll let you put your end away,” the first voice continues with a greasy chuckle, “she’s much more likely to bite it off than let you anywhere near her with it though. Even her old man can’t get a look in,”


His eye burns.

“Where is she anyway?”

There’s a weight behind him again, and his effort to escape it is instinctive; involuntary. He should know better by now. There is no escape.

Hands clasp at his hips and drag him back.

His forehead stings. His fingers are cramped. His eye burns. And the stones are grey.

“Stop it,” the rough voice snaps, impatient, as if it were simply scolding a cat scratching at the carpet, “She said she was bored of watching us play with our food,”

The stones are grey the stones are grey the stones are grey.

There’s pressure. A whimpering, involuntary sound escapes him, and he hears an answering satisfied sigh.

His forehead stings. His fingers are cramped. His eye burns. The stones are grey.

Harry could hear voices, but he didn’t attempt to pay attention to them. He simply absorbed them. Felt them vibrate in his chest, and through the floor into his ears. There was a woman, he thought, maybe. And two men.

The thought of the men made something akin to terror squeeze around his heart, only more muted. Without meaning to, he found himself panting in quick fluttering, half snatched breaths, like a hare caught in a trap. He heard amused chuckles. He tried to disengage himself from his surroundings, emptying his mind of all conscious thought and simply leaving it to wander aimlessly.

He didn’t want to pay attention.

Paying attention hurt.

He’d tried to in the beginning - to keep track of everyone and everything, desperate to catch something, anything, that he might work to his advantage. To fight back. To escape.

It hadn’t taken him long to realise the futility of that idea. There was no escape. There was no fighting back. There was only pain.

He wasn’t sure there was even an inch of him that didn’t hurt, but there were certainly places that stood out.

His chest - his ribs. It hurt even to breathe, and he could hear a strange gurgling rasp with every breath he took. It felt a bit like drowning. No breath satisfied the building, burning, oxygen starved sensation that was gradually setting in. He felt like he might die, but the idea was less frightening than he’d expected. It had crossed his mind when one of the men - the one whose voice sounded like overused cooking oil - had worked his arm under Harry’s body to undo his trousers and work his belt free. The idea hadn’t frightened him. If anything, he’d felt relieved.

The memory of the man on top of him had his heart racing in his chest again, and panic creeping in at the edges. He forced the thought away and turned his focus back to pain. If he concentrated on the pain in his body, it served as an effective distraction from the other kind of pain he was in. The pain that made him want to scream and cry and sit in horrified silence all at once.

The voices were moving away. He could hear feet on stone steps. Without meaning to, he flicked his gaze in the direction of the noise before immediately giving up any attempt at watching his tormentors leave. He couldn’t see properly anyway. His glasses had been lost at some point, though he couldn’t have said when, and everything was one great splotchy blur.

There was something wrong with his left eye too - something more than blurry vision. It… it hurt, f*ck - now that he wasn’t thinking about the fact he was probably drowning in his own blood, he was suddenly overwhelmed by how intensely it hurt and burned. What had happened to him? He couldn’t quite remember.

He thought… he thought there had been a woman with a familiar crazed smile. She made him think of Sirius’s wanted posters. There had been a wand in his face, he was sure of it - it was the only thing close enough for him to focus on - and then… and then…

He stamped down on the panic-hysteria-terror-pain-desperation that threatened to overwhelm him and concentrated on becoming a blank slate.

He forced himself empty of all thought, imagining himself in the middle of a sterile, empty, cavernous room that spread for miles and miles and never stopped.

He needed protection - he needed barriers.

He could practically see it; an enormous great wall that climbed up and up and up as far as his mind’s eye could see. It was grey and flawless, without even the slightest crack in its form that someone could get a foot hold in to attempt to scurry over its top. He pressed a palm against it and sighed in relief when he found it solid and tangible against his hand. He pressed closer, until his entire front was splayed against it, his cheek turned to one side, his eyes closed.

He took a deep steadying breath in, held it, then released it.

He wrinkled his nose.

He could… feel something. Something on his face resting just above his eyebrow. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and he opened his eyes.

There was a man looking back at him. A man with familiar tunnel like black eyes.

Harry opened his mouth and he screamed.

Harry isn’t sure what’s happening.

He’s… he’s outside he thinks.

He can hear the crunching of gravel underfoot and a murmur of voices around him that threaten occasionally to raise into something like a jeer before they’re quelled again.

Someone is half dragging him along, pausing only to paw at his neck and breathe into his face.

“Come on boy – pretty little bird like you shouldn’t be crying,”

Is he crying? He can’t tell.

He’s abruptly brought to a halt and finds himself kneeling on the ground. His knees sting in protest and he digs his fingers into the gravel, though he’s not sure what that will achieve. Someone has their fist wound around his shirt at this shoulder. Fingers stroke his cheek and dip briefly into his mouth. He recoils, but they’re already gone.

He tries to peer up at the person holding him but it’s a struggle even to get his head upright, and even then he knows it’s not worth the effort. He can barely see anyway. He… he’s not sure, but the only thing to explain it is that half a blindfold has been secured to him. Or an eye patch. But why?

He feels new eyes on him, and he twists unsteadily to find them.

God… God he’s so confused. He can barely think. Can barely breath.

He hears gasps of awe around him, “Amazing,” someone murmurs.

What’s amazing? Nothing… nothing looks any different. There are hedges, Harry thinks, and a fence, and what might be a house beyond it. He can’t tell. It’s all so blurry.

He feels eyes on him again.

Historically speaking, Harry had always had a complicated relationship with the dark, and small spaces.

When he’d been little, they had reminded him of his cupboard. They reminded him of punishment. Of being locked away for hours at a time with only slithers of light from the hallway beyond penetrating through the gloom. Of missing breakfast, lunch, and dinner too, and praying that they remembered to let him out the next day. Of holding his bladder for as long as he could, knowing that asking to use the bathroom would at the very least result in a smack around the back of his head.

Of wetting himself and being punished anyway.

Now though, he’d give anything to be back in his cupboard, secluded in the dark, alone, with the four walls on either side of him holding him tight and secure.

Now, the dark meant that he was alone. That there was no one there that would hurt him or touch him. In the dark, he felt safe. In the dark, he could pretend that he was simply buried underneath his covers in Gryffindor tower, warm and cozy and safe. The dark was blessed ignorance and peace.

It was when the lights came on that everything started to go wrong.

He… he still couldn’t see much. No glasses, and with what he was beginning to realise was something seriously wrong with his left eye, the world was a blur. He could see just enough for it to feel like the room he was in went on forever and ever with no wall in sight. It left him feeling vulnerable and exposed. Like he was sat in a cage waiting for a tiger to pounce.

And they always did.

“Mulciber - what are you doing? Put that down,” the woman snapped. Bellatrix. He knew her.

And Mulciber. He hadn’t known him before, but he did now. Not to look at, but to hear panting against the back of his neck, his words pouring like an oil slick into his ear: ‘ Merlin, you’re still so tight,’ and, ‘ It’s a shame about your face - you were so much prettier before, little bird,’.

“Macnair asked for it,”

Macnair. Unlike Mulciber, he enjoyed looking at Harry’s face. He’d stroke a careful finger across Harry’s cheek, just under his left eye, while he held Harry’s jaw in a vice like grip.

Bellatrix liked to cut him. Anywhere and everywhere, it didn’t seem to much matter to her. He hadn’t seen her with a wand in her hand since he first arrived though. Perhaps she wasn’t sure she could be trusted not to use it? She hardly needed it though; she always had him screaming and crying and pleading before the day was out anyway.

Macnair preferred breaking bones. Harry’s fingers were his favourite. He’d admire them, turning them this way and that, and then let out a rasping chuckle when he made them pop.

Mulciber… Mulciber was the worst though. Because what he did… it hurt, but not in the same way. Occasionally he did it in such a way that it didn’t really hurt at all, and that was always somehow much worse. Macnair sometimes joined in, but it was always Mulciber who instigated it with an invading hand pawing underneath his clothes.

What Bellatrix and Macnair did was excruciating, but what Mulciber did made Harry want to die.

He was distantly aware that what he was being subjected to was torture, but it was hard to truly register that fact when he was screaming himself hoarse and deafened by the reverberations of his own voice.

Harry had never thought he’d be one to beg. He knew better now.

As often as he could, he relied upon drawing his consciousness in on itself and living inside the room he had made for himself. The walls had changed somewhat though. Rather than spreading as far as the eye could see and leaving Harry floating in the middle of a space bigger than he could comprehend, now they formed a room with four walls and a ceiling. It had started as a room as big as the great hall, but now it more closely resembled the smallest bedroom at Privet Drive.

The feeling of the room gradually pressing in on him was strangely comforting. Grounding. Sitting in the room’s corner, hands pressed into the walls and feeling the floor beneath him was the only time he felt in control. It felt like the only time that he truly knew who and what he was.

And then he’d open his eyes and find himself lying on cold stone slabs in the middle of an infinite space with no walls in sight and the illusion was ruined.

There was a fourth person too. A person Harry knew, but by the time he was in front of him, Harry had often withdrawn so deeply into himself that he doubted he would have even recognised his own reflection. His dark, tunnel like eyes were the only feature Harry could ever clearly make out. He was the only person Harry saw who didn’t inspire dread.

Harry was always in less pain, rather than more by the time he was finished, and Harry resented him for it. Without the pain overwhelming him, it became far too easy to dwell on what was being done to him. He longed for the pain and for the role it played as a distracting injury. When he was in pain, everything else felt pleasantly diminished.

When he came though, Harry knew it was nearly time for the lights to go out again.

He missed the darkness when it was gone.

Harry didn’t know how long he’d been there.

He’d been counting the days based off of how frequently he was plunged into darkness and left alone, but he’d lost track a long time ago. At his last tally, he’d been there thirty days, and he was sure he had spent almost as much time counting, as he had spent not counting. He’d stopped being so fixated on the passing of the days when he had finally realised the truth.

No one was coming for him.

He couldn’t have said whether that was because they couldn’t, or they wouldn’t, but he supposed it didn’t matter. The result was the same.

He’d avoided thinking about the people who might mount a rescue effort for weeks, the image of them in his mind’s eye making it feel like he’d been stabbed in the chest. He dwelt on them now though and found himself numbed to the pain. What was a tooth ache when someone had ripped out your heart, after all?

Did Sirius and Remus know where he was? His knee jerk reaction was that they must do, but then he remembered that he didn’t even know where he was. He was underground, that he was sure of, but underground where? In a house? In a prison? In a cave? He didn’t know. But… but surely, they did. Snape was a spy, wasn’t he? He must have told the order where he was. But then why hadn’t they come for him?

Part of him was aware that there must be some reason why they hadn’t - they wouldn’t simply abandon him. They loved him. But that mattered less and less as time went on. Intentional or not, he felt abandoned.



Less frequently, his mind drifted to Ron and Hermione. It wasn’t exactly as if he seriously expected them to be able to save him. The Order though - Dumbledore - had always given off an air of unending competence and resource. They were adults. Surely… surely, they could? Surely, they wouldn’t leave him here?

He wondered… he wondered if they knew what was happening to him. He hoped they didn’t. The thought made shame and humiliation claw in his belly and so he avoided the subject. It was bad enough that he was being forced to endure it at all without him making himself feel even worse about it. The Death Eaters were doing a thorough job of torturing him all on their own, they didn’t need his help.

It took him a long time to realise that there was someone else visiting him, except they only came when the lights were off. Someone with enormous, watery eyes that glistened even in the dark. A house-elf he thought. After the initial surge of panic when he’d realised, he wasn’t as alone in the dark as he’d thought, he’d quickly returned to his usual state of apathetic limbo, his mind walled away and safe. They never hurt him, the house-elf, instead they cleaned him and used magic to press a potion that tasted like bubblegum past his lips and into his stomach. He didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t care. He was only grateful that the elf didn’t ask him to try and swallow it himself.

There was another person as well. One that came with the others and the light, but one that kept well out of his sight. He’d only noticed them when he’d realised that the distant hissing he could hear was actually a voice, female and sibilant in nature. He didn’t try to consider it further, however. By the time he’d realised she was there, he had already spent most of his time with his consciousness locked safely away in his mental room.

The room was smaller now. Small enough that he could lie flat on his back in the middle of it and starfish so that a foot or hand could be pressed into each wall. If he stood up straight, he could feel his hair brushing against the ceiling. Soon, he wouldn’t be able to stand up at all, but the thought didn’t bother him. Instead, he found it almost comforting.

He’s struggling and fighting with everything he has in him. Kicking and punching, biting and spitting, and even when he’s forced down to the ground, even then he doesn’t give up the fight. Snarling and swearing and raging at the people pinning him down. They’re laughing at him. Laughing and exchanging gleeful looks. He recognises two of them.

Bellatrix Lestrange. Once upon a time he thinks she might have been beautiful, but now she looks drawn and mad, her years in Azkaban having clearly had an effect on her. Her long nails cut into his jaw where she grips his face and pins his head down. Her mouth is spread into a wide grin and he flinches when she spits in his face. Next to her, Macnair chuckles in amusem*nt. He looks just as Harry remembers him from attempting to execute Buckbeak, with deep set eyes and a thin black moustache above his top lip. He’s currently twisting Harry’s arm into an awkward angle. He can feel his elbow screaming in protest, threatening to snap at any moment.

Harry’s eyes flick down his body to the man who’s half sat on his legs. He doesn’t know this man, he’s sure of it, but he never manages to get a good look at him.

Bellatrix is wrenching his head back now, and her wand is suddenly in his face, digging into the flesh under his left eye.

Time seems to slow to a snail’s pace. Her lips twitch and then work themselves into a spell, but Harry doesn’t hear what she says. All he can hear is the whooshing of his blood in his ears. There’s a split second where nothing happens, and then Harry’s world explodes.

Harry was shivering, but he didn’t feel cold. He must be though. That’s why people shivered, wasn’t it? It was getting hard to think now. He didn’t know how long he’d been there - he’d lost all sense of time and space. It could have been anything from days to years. He imagined the actual number was somewhere between the two, but he found he didn’t care.

He didn’t much care about anything.

He didn’t attempt to fight anymore, just laid there and let himself scream when he needed to, and cry when he wanted to. What did any of it matter? He was finding it difficult to care about anything. He was holding on by the skin of his teeth, but with every day that passed, he wished he wasn’t. He just wanted it to stop - he wanted everything to stop.

The room in his mind pressed in on him on all sides now. He barely fit, sat curled up in the middle with his legs crossed and his knees pressed against the walls. It wouldn’t be long before he was completely crushed and ground down to dust. What did that mean though? If he were ash on the ground, but his body lived on.

He imagined he wouldn’t be aware enough to truly experience that inevitability, however.

He was pulled harshly from his thoughts by an insistent knocking. It took a moment for it to register that it wasn’t a physical knocking. No, it was someone tap tap tapping incessantly on the walls of the compact fortress he had built for himself. He was frozen with indecision. This had never happened before. No one tried to reach him here - it was the only place he was safe. Untouchable.

Actually no - that wasn’t true. Someone had tried to reach him here once before. The man with tunnel like black eyes. Was he back? Why was he back? What did he want? Harry hesitated for more than a moment, and then cautiously lowered his shields.

He blinked, and abruptly found himself with company.

The man with black eyes blinked back at him, clearly as surprised as Harry was that he had been granted entrance. He was sat opposite Harry, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his legs as he struggled to fit in a space that mirrored the one that Harry occupied. Harry himself barely fit comfortably, but the man was clearly much taller than him, and was struggling to contort his body into a shape that would fit into a space much too small for it. His eyes flicked about the room they shared, darting between the walls and the ceiling, before landing on Harry.

It appears that the boys defences are beginning to crush him,” the man said factually, and Harry realised with a jolt that he wasn’t speaking to Harry, “I imagine we are perhaps a few weeks away from his psyche being damaged permanently - any ambitions of the boy realising his magical potential under your guidance are dwindling with every hour he remains in these conditions,” it was with a second jolt that Harry realised he recognised the man in front of him.

It was Snape.

Had… had he been here the whole time? Did he know?

A familiar, well-worn shame swirled in his gut.

Snape’s eyes snapped to his face and narrowed, “Yes my lord,” he said, still speaking to someone else, “I understand my lord,” panic like he hadn’t experienced in weeks began to unfurl like a viper waiting to strike, “It will be done, my lord,” f*ck. f*ck he wanted him out. He wanted him out right now, “I shall start right -,”

With all the strength he had left in him, Harry lashed out, and with one enormous shove had forced the man from his mind, interrupting him mid-sentence. He found himself panting with the effort. Any triumph he felt at his success was short lived as the walls that surrounded him reabsorbed the space that had been created to accommodate Snape, until the space that remained to him was even smaller than before.

He couldn’t take much more of this.

He tried to sink back into blissful oblivion, but he found the edges of his awareness had been pinned firmly in the waking world. He felt his way cautiously along the fabric of his mind and was alarmed to find that someone had bound their consciousness to his, and they were dragging him ever upwards. He tried to fight, but he’d been fighting for what felt like years. He had nothing left to give.

He was tipped fully into awareness when arms worked their way under his back and behind his knees, and he felt himself being hauled up off the hard ground. Everything felt muted as his body tried to remember how to feel and listen and see again.

He could feel the fabric of heavy woollen robes rubbing against his cheek. He flinched away, his head lolling back uncomfortably with nothing to support it. He could feel the way he rocked with the steps of the person carrying him (Snape, his mind supplied helpfully. It was defiantly Snape). His left arm swung freely beneath him, and he felt the chill of the air prickling along his flesh. He shuddered, but that was the only effort his body made to warm itself. He’d been cold for so long.

He could hear Snape’s breaths above him and feel them puffing against his cheek when he glanced down to Harry in his arms. He could hear his footsteps echoing around them, and noticed when they became abruptly muted. Not on stones anymore then. Carpet perhaps?

Merlin. What did it matter? What did any of it matter? He tried to draw back again but found Snape unwilling to give up the purchase he had on his mind. He felt like a minnow with an enormous hook in his cheek being reeled in by a fisherman. No matter how much he tried to fight, the line held true, and the fisherman waited for him to tire again to drag him that little bit closer.

“Stop, Potter,” he heard Snape say from above him, “Your mind is on the verge of collapse. Dissociating with occlumency shields for long periods of time has a corrosive effect. You must return to the waking world, or the damage will be irreversible,”

The idea was laughable. As if any of what had happened to him was truly reversible. What was one more thing?

He gave in though. He didn’t have it in him to fight. He peered up at the potion’s professor above him. His face was just close enough that he wasn’t a complete blur - in his right eye that was. He still couldn’t remember what had happened to his left, but he’d grown to accept that he couldn’t see through it anymore. It was probably the only thing he did accept.

With Snape refusing to let him retreat, he settled on apathy. He didn’t bother to look around when they stepped through a door, the sounds around him gaining a new muffled quality, as if they had moved from an enormous hall to a small cozy office. He didn’t acknowledge that anything had changed when he was carefully lowered into an empty bathtub. He let his face rest against the porcelain and closed his eyes. He tensed at a loud crack, but otherwise didn’t react. He couldn’t help but listen though - his ears seemed to be the only sense he could rely on now.

“Master Severus called for Tippy?” A high squeaky, trembling voice. A house-elf. The house-elf who had been caring for him all this time, perhaps?

“Mister Potter requires a hot bath,” Snape sounded tired.

“Yes, Master Severus,”

Harry felt himself stiffening involuntarily when he found himself suddenly freezing cold - the elf had banished all of his clothes. His distressed whimper echoed loudly.

“Leave Mister Potter’s underwear on, Tippy,”

“But… but sir…,”

On, Tippy,” Snape insisted.

“Yes, sir,”

He was the warmest he’d been in months when he finally risked coming back to himself.

He was reclined in a bath full of hot water with bubbles up to his chin. There was a house-elf stood at the side of the bath on a footstool, his arm resting in her hands as she carefully scrubbed at his skin with a soft bristled brush. Blurry though she was, he still saw when her watery eyes flicked nervously from where she was working lather into his skin, up to his face. He blinked at her, but otherwise had nothing to say. It was the first time someone had touched him, and it hadn’t hurt in some way. It was comforting. He hadn’t been sure that touch would ever feel this way again.

He froze when he recognised the soft exhalation of someone else breathing in the room. He relaxed minutely though, when he realised, he wasn’t quite as naked as he thought he was - he still had boxers on. Though where had they come from? He hadn’t… he hadn’t had underwear for a long time.

The other person in the room was on his left side, and so he had to turn his head fully to be able to see them, and even then, they were more blur than anything else. It was a blur he’d recognise in a heartbeat though.

Severus Snape was sat with his head bowed, his elbows resting on his knees and his arms dangling down between his legs. Harry squinted to try and see him better but gave up quickly - it only made his head hurt. He didn’t know how to feel about him. On one hand, he undoubtedly owed his continued existence to the man - he should be grateful. On the other, Severus Snape was the reason he’d been forced to live through weeks of torment - he should be furious. And then there was the question of where his loyalties lay, and what that would mean for Harry now, if it meant anything at all.

He froze in place when the man raised his chin and turned his gaze in his direction. Harry imagined it was wary… no, it was cold and calculating. Harsh and judgemental maybe? He couldn’t tell. He wished he were closer so he could see him - but then no, maybe not. He wasn’t sure he wanted anyone to be close ever again.

He flinched at a clipping sound. He whipped his head around to find the house-elf carefully trimming his nails, a nail file held between her teeth. Her large eyes flicked nervously to his, and she banished the clippers in favour of a nail brush, and she set to work. He scratched the fingers of his other hand experimentally against his thigh and found them longer than usual and jagged, no doubt broken from clinging to the stone floor.

Just the thought of it made him want to sink back into himself again.

“You cannot continue using occlumency as you have been,” Snape said gravely as if reading his mind - maybe he had been. Harry reluctantly turned his face towards him, “Dissociating so completely over such a long period of time is quite literally rotting your brain,” he hesitated, then stood.

Harry flinched back without really meaning to, and Snape held up a peaceable hand between them as he carefully dragged his seat forward, so they were closer to one another. Harry could see his expression now. He’d been wrong - he looked exhausted. He didn’t relax until the man was sat back in his chair, however.

“Shielding is perfectly acceptable,” he continued, “but I would encourage you to remain in the waking world until your mind has healed, or…,” he swallowed, “or for as long as you can manage,”

Were these the words of a man forced into an intolerable position, forced to watch him being tortured to maintain his cover? Or were they the words of a man terrified of disappointing his Lord? Harry couldn’t tell but he looked strained either way. He wasn’t sure it truly mattered, not for Harry at least. There was no double agent that would save him after all.

Harry held his gaze for a moment, saying nothing. Snape visibly swallowed.

“Are you thirsty?” Harry didn’t answer the patient question - he probably was, but when you were thirsty all of the time it became difficult to recognise the feeling, “Here,” Snape withdrew his wand from his robes and used it to conjure a glass of water. He held it out for Harry to take; Harry flushed with frustration when he reached for the glass and found himself grasping at air, “Here,” the man repeated, grabbing Harry’s wrist with one hand and pressing the glass into his palm. Harry found himself holding his breath until he’d been released, “You will gradually learn to compensate for your lack of depth perception, I’m sure,”

Harry ignored him, choosing instead to gulp at the water.

“Did you…,” the reluctant question caught his attention, and he cautiously lowered the glass, “Did you wish to see?”

Harry didn’t know what he meant - see what? What was there to see? He nodded though.

The glass was carefully plucked from his grasp, and his fingers were folded around the handle of a mirror. Oh. He understood now.

In his heart of hearts, he’d known all along that his eye had been pulled out, he’d just never been quite ready to confront himself with that reality. Now, he had no choice. He gripped the mirror handle tightly, willing his hand to stop shaking, and held it close to his face. One green eye stared back at him, duller than he remembered with enormous dark circles under it. His hair was tamed somewhat by the grease that had built up in it and its added length - he hoped the elf would wash and cut it for him. His cheeks were sunken in - gaunt almost. He’d lost weight, he’d known he had by the way the bones in his wrists jutted out, but he hadn’t quite expected his face to look so much thinner. There were scars on his skin too, new ones. He looked quickly away from the ones at the junction of his neck and shoulder. He didn’t want to think about those.

Finally, with nothing else to look at, he turned his right eye to look at his left. He swallowed. There was no left eye, only his lid sunken down into the empty socket below. Part of him wanted to lift the lid up and find out what lay underneath out of sheer morbid curiosity, but it was easily dismissed. He didn’t think he could cope with that right now.

He handed the mirror back but said nothing. What was there he could say?

“I’m sure a patch could be sourced for you, if you wanted one,” Harry turned an incredulous look in his direction - as if a patch could make this in anyway better? Snape averted his eyes, looking briefly cowed before a smooth, cold mask fell into place. It raised the question again - who’s side was he truly on?

When the house-elf carefully climbed down from her step and folded it under her arm to approach the opposite side of the bath, Snape pushed himself to his feet and made for the door. He hesitated, and glanced over his shoulder, “I shall leave a vial of dreamless sleep for you on the bedside table - Tippy will be able to direct you towards it,” and with that, he was gone.

His eye fixed on the closed door, Harry offered the elf his other hand without protest and sank back into the water to stare up at the ceiling.


I promise it will get better for Harry haha not every chapter is going to be 6000 words of Harry being hurt I promise.
Also the next chapter won’t be up quite as quickly as I’m going on holiday :D which does make me worry I’ll end up like all those other ao3 writers who go on a six month hiatus and come back with some insane story as to why, so cross your fingers for me that the plane doesn’t crash or something.
Thank you for all comments and kudo’s :) I love them <3

Chapter 3: Severus: A question of loyalties


Severus shut the bathroom door tightly behind him and gave himself a moment to simply breathe.


Okay, now I’m going on holiday 😂
Enjoy! Nothing too triggering in this chapter I don’t think

Chapter Text

Severus shut the bathroom door tightly behind him and gave himself a moment to simply breathe. He’d imagined that seeing the boy out of that awful cellar would have given him some reprieve from the heavy feeling in his gut, but having that unnerving, blank single green eye turned in his direction had dissuaded him of the naive notion that the boy would experience the same relief. He might be out in the light for the first time since June, but Severus could tell from his shuttered expression, that mentally he still existed in the dark.

He licked his lips, the only external sign of his inner turmoil, but it would be a sufficient tell to the Dark Lord - he couldn’t leave yet, not until he had brought himself together again. While he waited for his shields to settle back into place, he inspected his surroundings.

The Aethonan suite was the grandest set of guest rooms within the manor, and took up the majority of the east wing’s top floor - or so Lucius had told him smugly through a poorly disguised sneer. Though he hadn’t said so, Severus was sure that Lucius had imagined offering these grand rooms to the Dark Lord himself, not to the Dark Lord’s scrawny, half-blood prisoner.

The suite was enormous, with a main living area that was nearly the entire width of the house. Enormous ornate windows spread the length of the wall and looked out across the manor’s impressive gardens, as well as providing the perfect vantage point for one to look down the estate’s driveway to the iron gate that guarded the property. In the centre of the wall beneath the window was an ostentatious drawing table with intricately carved snakes inlaid on its mahogany legs. They hissed furiously whenever someone walked passed them. This was the only evidence of the Malfoy’s allegiance to Slytherin house however, and it gave away that the drawing table had not been originally designed for the suite.

Rather than snakes, the rest of the suite was decorated with statues, and carvings, and engravings of enormous winged horses. The vast mantel piece on the living room’s back wall stood out in particular, with a statue of a horse’s head mounted on the wall, gazing down at the fireplace while feathered wings emerged from its sides. Apparently the Malfoy’s had been avid breeders of Aethonan winged-horses once upon a time. Now, their stables stood empty and they had been repurposed as a kind of workshop, though this too had been abandoned. He could hardly imagine Lucius getting his hands dirty.

Lining the walls were enormous bookcases that stretched all the way up to the room’s high ceiling. A track connected them together, and a ladder sat idle and tucked into the corner, waiting to be rolled out into place should one wish to peruse the books that were out of reach. The Manor had its own library, and so Severus wasn’t quite sure it was necessary for this suite to play host to quite so many books, especially when he had gained the impression that it went broadly unused.

In front of the fire, was a long, chesterfield style sofa that faced out into the room, with two matching arm chairs that faced one another. A long coffee table, with a proud winged horse engraved on its surface sat in the middle of the space. Tucked into the opposite corner to the suites main door was a gold harpsichord, its lid propped open and revealing on its underside a portrait of a herd Aethonan winged-horses soaring through a stormy night. Lightning occasionally flashed across the picture, and the horses flinched back in alarm.

He glanced back at the drawing table.

Yes. This definitely didn’t fit. Had Lucius perhaps made moves to redecorate the room in anticipation of the Dark Lord inhabiting them? He clearly hadn’t gotten far before the Dark Lord had expressed a preference for the more secluded and labyrinth like west wing.

He froze at the sound of a quiet sob from the bathroom behind him, and found himself landing harshly back in the present. He took a deep breath, and forced his shields back into place. He shouldn’t have allowed them to lapse in front of the boy. He never thought he’d find himself wanting to offer Potter comfort, and regretting that he couldn’t. Potter couldn’t be trusted though - not anymore.

He strode away from the bathroom towards the bedroom at the living rooms other end, glancing out at the frost covered grounds as he went.

The Dark Lord’s plan to change the boy’s allegiances could very well succeed, especially with the vulnerable position he was in now, hurt - physically and mentally - and isolated from anyone who might provide him support. Isolated from anyone who might provide him support, who wasn’t loyal to the Dark Lord, he corrected himself. He glanced distractedly at the luxurious room he found himself in as he pushed his way into the master bedroom.

This suite was certainly a part of the Dark Lord’s plan. He wouldn’t be surprised if, for the next few weeks, Potter was provided with every comfort he could possibly ask for. An effort to garner appreciation, perhaps - gratitude. He expected the Dark Lord would spend extended periods of time with Potter as well, treating him kindly and offering him gentle words.

He swallowed nervously - what could he do to counteract manipulation like that?

No, he thought, eyeing the four-poster, king’s sized bed in the middle of the bedroom. No, he couldn’t do much at all.

He stopped at a side table and pulled a vial of dreamless sleep free from his inner pocket. His fingers brushed something else as well though, something cold and wiry. Ah - he had forgotten. He pulled the pair of glasses free from his pocket and considered them. They weren’t the ones the boy normally wore, though they looked very similar. He rubbed the left lens between his fingers – it contained ordinary glass. He put the glasses and potion down, and spun slowly, taking in the bedroom.

He imagined that only Lucius’s bedroom was as grand as this.

Severus wasn’t sure Potter would ever be capable of whatever greatness the Dark Lord expected of him, not anymore at least. Not when his grey matter had been practically leaking out of his ears. But Severus could certainly see a potential future where the boy was manipulated into unerring loyalty. No - the boy couldn’t be trusted anymore.

He needed to leave - he had tarried long enough.

Waiting at the bottom of the east wing’s stairs, he found Narcissa. He didn’t know why he was surprised. The woman had been consistently concerned with the boy’s welfare. He only hoped she wasn’t as obvious in front of the house’s other residents - he wasn’t sure how her preoccupation would be received.

“Narcissa,” he greeted cooly, the picture of composure.

She shifted nervously, her hands clasped in front of her, “Not here,” she said shortly, turning and striding away, not waiting to see if Severus was following her.

“I have other duties, Narcissa,” he ground out, following her reluctantly despite himself, “I do not have long,” she stopped suddenly in front of a portrait of a slender woman with a greyhound lying at her feet. She offered Narcissa a short bow, and the portrait swung abruptly open much to Severus’s surprise.

“This house has many secrets,” Narcissa muttered under her breath, stepping over the portraits edge and leading him into a tiny sitting room. There was only enough space for two comfortable armchairs and a tiny log burner, “Lucius’s mother used this room to hide away from her husband when she wished to remain undisturbed. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention it to Lucius, I’m not sure he knows it exists,”

“Narcissa, I do not have time to listen to this,” Severus snapped impatiently, “The Dark Lord is expecting me - what can I help you with?”

She worked her wedding ring around her finger anxiously, “The Dark Lord asked to speak with me,” she admitted, “He… he wishes for me to keep an eye on the Potter boy,” her eyes flicked to the ceiling as if she could see him through the floors that separated them, “He… he didn’t explicitly say why, only that he thought the boy could benefit from a mother’s touch,” her expression soured briefly, “Because, of course, that’s all I am - Lucius’s wife and Draco’s mother,” she muttered.

Severus’s mind chewed over the new information - his instincts had been correct then. He wished to endear the boy to the cause by providing him with a support structure built entirely upon people loyal to the Dark Lord and his dogma, “I don’t understand what help you’re asking for Narcissa,” he said tightly, the picture of a man eager to be done with this conversation, “I’ve never been particularly paternal so I’m afraid I can’t help you with this endeavour,”

Her expression tightened, “What does he want, Severus?” she said sharply, “I worry that Draco will face the consequences should I fail. So tell me: what does the Dark Lord want? I can’t hope to succeed if I don’t know that,”

Severus considered his words carefully, “He wants the boy loyal,” he said slowly, “but I do not imagine he expects you to secure that loyalty. Rather, I imagine he is aiming to make the boy comfortable. To help him adjust. To offer him comfort and grow his reliance on those who are loyal to the cause,”

The Dark Lord recognised the value of familial bonds in securing the loyalty of his followers, Severus had to admit, but he didn’t think he actually understood them. If he did, he might have expected Severus’s loyalties to waver when he threatened the woman he loved. If he did, Severus thought he might not have chosen Narcissa for this. She would do an exemplary job of binding the boy’s affections to her, he was sure, especially if she believed Draco’s safety hinged upon it. But she was just as likely to become the keystone on which Potter’s loyalty or betrayal hinged.

That prophesy had been made for a reason, after all.

“But why me?!” she said harshly, “Why not you? You’re loyal to the cause, and you already know the boy!”

“I imagine Potter will feel safer with you, than me,” he said meaningfully, “considering his recent… traumatic experiences with male Death Eaters,”

“But… but you were his teacher,” she continued weakly.

“His teacher who he hated,” he reminded her coldly, turning towards the portrait, “He didn’t trust me before. He certainly won’t trust me now,” she pressed her lips together so tightly they practically disappeared, “Is that all, Narcissa?” she nodded sharply, and he took pity on her, “If the Dark Lord gives any indication as to what he expects of you, I will do my best to help you, I swear it,” her expression softened with relief.

As he strode towards the winding corridors of the west wing, he dwelt on what impact helping Narcissa might have on Potter. Would it bind him to the Dark Lord more quickly? Or would it simply bind him to Narcissa?

Would it bind her to him? If she loved him like she loved Draco?

Now that? That might be something to be exploited somewhere further down the line - potentially years, if Potter lived that long. As the lady of the manor she had some influence over the wards, if not as much as a Malfoy by blood. Though, that still left the Fidelius charm. It was something to bear in mind.

Finding himself at the end of a familiar gloomy corridor, a wide, dark door in front of him, he emptied his mind, and knocked.


The Dark Lord was alone, his enormous snake nowhere to be seen. A fire blazed in the hearth and bathed the room in flickering orange light. Severus felt himself immediately begin to sweat but resisted the urge to loosen the collar of his robes. He offered the Dark Lord a short bow.

“Ah, Severus,” he hissed with a slow smile, “Come and sit with me - tell me about the boy. Have you managed to avert disaster?” the threat was clear but Severus ignored it as he lowered himself into the second chair by the fire.

“So far, yes, my Lord,” he answered mildly, his voice free of affectation, “I have pinned the edges of the boys mind to my own to prevent him from sinking back into a fugue state,”

“That sounds uncomfortable,” Voldemort commented coldly.

“It is… unpleasant,” Severus admitted, suppressing a shudder at the memory of Potter trying to drag them both down into the depths of his own mind, “The binding is only temporary, however, and will dissolve before the week is out. I would not recommend it’s repetition - it is damaging to both parties. I suggest we find other methods of encouraging the boy to keep his consciousness in the waking world,”

“Ah, Severus - I am already ahead of you. I have put provisions in place. I have tasked Lucius’s wife with keeping the boy comfortable. I imagine he has much want of a mother, after all, and Narcissa has already demonstrated such concern for his well-being,” a knowing grin spread across his face. Severus sighed internally - he had told her to be careful, “Tell me Severus, when does Hogwarts break for Christmas?”

Severus found himself thrown by the non-sequitur, “In two weeks time, my Lord,”

“Hmm, perhaps it would do for Harry to see a school-mate. Draco will be in the Manor for Christmas, will he not?”

“I believe so, my Lord,” he said cautiously, “but Potter and Draco are… on less than friendly terms,” he said diplomatically, “I don’t imagine that placing them together will foster the environment you envision,”

“I imagine young Draco can be persuaded to set childish rivalries aside in order to further the cause, and elevate his family. He and Narcissa will no doubt be anxious to avoid disappointing me. I will impress upon them the consequences of failure if I must, but I’m sure they are already aware,” he said airily, waving a hand as if he were wafting away the insinuation that the Mafloy family weren’t already well aware of their precarious position, “And besides, perhaps an ounce of normality will serve to lead Harry gradually back to himself.”

Though Lucius had retrieved Potter and prophesy both, his lack of discretion had still revealed the Dark Lord’s return before he had been prepared to declare himself. A step out of turn, and Severus imagined Lucius would find himself confined to his own cellar - he was already confined to the manor. Though he wasn’t officially a wanted man, a mole within the ministry had revealed that Lucius was suspect number one in the abduction of Potter, and if he stepped even a toe on Ministry property he would find himself in irons.

Severus inclined his head as if deferring to the Dark Lord’s wisdom, “I understand, my Lord,” he murmured, “Though…,” he hesitated.

“Speak your mind, Severus,”

“I must admit, that while I see the boy’s loyalties becoming muddled, I cannot envision a future where he is loyal to you. Not loyal enough to fight in your name, at least. He has friends and those he considers family with the light. And then there are his parents to consider,”

Voldemort grinned, slow and wide, “He does have friends and family amongst the light, you’re right. We shall simply have to find him friends and family amongst our people as well. Narcissa is just the start, Severus. If I have my way, he will find himself surrounded by witches and wizards he feels bound to. And if that fails? Well,” he chuckled, “I am confident I will be able to dissuade him of any notion of loyalty to Dumbledore at the very least,” his tone struck a chord with Severus. There was something he wasn’t saying, but he knew better than to push the matter, “You may leave now, Severus - no doubt Dumbledore is awaiting his own report,” he sneered a little, “You will return tomorrow morning to check on the boy’s well-being,” he commanded, “I trust this task to no one but you, Severus. See that he is healthy,”

Severus heard the warning in his voice.

“Of course, my Lord,”

Severus was expecting to find the kitchen of Grimmauld Place practically bursting at the seams when he arrived - he had pre-warned Albus that today was likely the day that Potter would be removed from the cellars, and he imagined the entire Order would want to hear what he had to say.

His reports had waned in popularity since June, as the details of Potter’s treatment remained consistently horrifying, and the likelihood of rescue became increasingly bleak. Only those who had been closest to Potter stayed to listen now, out of some misguided attempt to pay homage to the boy’s suffering. A kind of self punishment, he thought; a penance for being unable to save him. What it really was, in his opinion, was unnecessary self-flagellation.

Though he held himself and Albus apart in that regard. For them, he thought it was entirely necessary. It was their failure that had condemned the boy, after all.

He had failed her. A thought he had found himself dwelling on more often than not over the last six months. He had failed her.

He found his expectations met – the kitchen was standing room only, though a chair had been saved for him, he could see. His eyes trailed across the occupants in the room - there were more than there had been in June. Potter’s abduction had inspired more than a few of his school mates who were of age to join the order. Johnson and Jordan were sat on either side of the Weasley twins, and Spinnet was stood next to Tonks.

He wondered if they had been appraised of the Order’s mortality rates before they joined.

Vance hadn’t been seen in three weeks now, and though Severus hadn’t heard her name mentioned, he imagined she was likely dead.

“Ah, Severus,” Albus said kindly, “Please, join us,”

Severus inclined his head, and lowered himself carefully into the chair, still cataloguing who was present. Lupin was there, stood shoulder to shoulder with Arthur Weasley. He was the only person other than Severus and Albus who had never missed a meeting when the topic of the day was Harry’s wellbeing. Black hadn’t attended any of them, not since that first one.

It was strange, Severus thought, that while the Weasley’s, and Tonks, and Moody, and Shacklebolt, and Lupin caused themselves, what he considered, unnecessary suffering by hearing him repeat week after week the atrocities being committed against Potter, he couldn’t help but feel disdainful that Black seemed to be sparing himself the pain of having to listen. He was the boys godfather. If anyone should listen, it should be him.

With every eye on him, he didn’t wait to be asked to speak, “Potter has been removed from the cellar, and relocated to a suite on the Manor’s top floor,” he half expected the room to collectively sag in relief, but no one moved; they knew better now, he supposed.

Dumbledore rested his steepled hands against his chin, “How is he, Severus?”

A stupid question, but one Severus supposed needed asking.

“Physically he is… well. There have been no lasting physical effects from the torture he has been subjected to, apart from his eye. Though he is now significantly underweight and has vastly reduced muscle tone. Having not eaten food for months, it will likely take just as much time for him to regain that weight,”

“And mentally?” Lupin asked anxiously, gnawing at his thumb nail, “How is he mentally?”

“Potter’s mind is… fractured. He has been using occlumency shielding intensively to disassociate, and the corrosive effects were beginning to take hold. I have had to forcefully pull his consciousness forward to prevent any further damage. It is difficult to truly assess his well being however - the shielding that remains is impenetrable without methods that would cause Potter great distress and pain. Such methods would likely have life altering consequences for Potter at this point, anyway,”

“Has he…,” the eldest Weasley son started carefully, “Has he said anything?”

“No,” Severus answered simply. There was a pause where everyone simply looked at him expectantly, but he wasn’t sure what they wanted him to say. There was no elaboration to be had, he felt.

“Do we have any insights into Voldemort’s plan going forward, Severus?” Albus asked calmly.

“The Dark Lord intends to indoctrinate Potter. His current plan revolves around fostering positive relationships between Potter and people loyal to the Dark Lord,”

“Death Eaters?!” A Weasley twin cried incredulously.

Severus forced down his irritation at being interrupted, “Yes. Death Eaters,”

Albus nodded slowly, “But he does not intend to torture Harry further?”

“The Dark Lord is a mercurial individual, who often keeps he own council,” Severus answered cooly, “I cannot possibly answer that with any accuracy,”

“Have a guess,” the other twin said snidely.

“There is no guessing with the Dark Lord,” Severus bit out harshly, “I could sit here and claim to know his mind, but it would be a lie. Is he torturing Potter right this second? No. Is he planning to torture Potter tomorrow? That remains to be seen,”

“Well then what’s the point of these meetings?!” Weasley exclaimed, “What’s the point of you, if you can’t actually tell us anything?!”

Severus felt a snarl building on his face, “How dare you-!”

“Enough,” Albus interrupted calmly, “I appreciate that this is an inflammatory topic of discussion, but we must remain civil. The goal of Lord Voldemort is to sow discord amongst us, and he is using Harry to do that. Why else would he be so eager for us to know what has been happening in the cellars of Malfoy Manor?” The Weasley boy looked reluctantly chastised, “And Severus acts as our eyes and ears within the Death Eaters at great personal cost. The value of the intelligence he provides us with is immeasurable,” he looked carefully between the witches and wizards gathered around the table, taking the time to focus his attention on the newest members of the order, “Now,” he said at length, “we must move the topic of conversation onto other matters, I’m afraid,”

And there it was. Severus had been waiting for this moment for months - the moment that Dumbledore began to carefully redirect their focus away from Potter. Not only was there no hope of saving the boy, but he ran the risk of becoming a demoralising force should Severus report that the boy was indeed being turned towards the enemies side. Severus imagined that the boy would now only be discussed in discreet private meetings. Meetings that seriously considered whether the boy remained a victim to be rescued, or had crossed the line into a hostile waiting to be suppressed.

Severus said very little for the rest of the meeting, speaking only to answer questions posed directly to him. The meeting addressed nothing of interest that he didn’t already know. Pius Thickness had been discovered to be under the influence of the Imperius curse, and measures had been taken in the ministry to identify other key individuals that might be at risk of bewitchment, but otherwise it was all reports of minor skirmishes between Death Eaters and the Aurors.

It was making everyone uneasy as the public was lulled into a false sense of security. It wouldn’t last, he was sure.

He was unsurprised when Dumbledore asked him to stay behind after dismissing the meeting. He ignored the eyes that were turned in his direction and waited patiently for the room to empty before moving himself further down the table and closer to the headmaster.

The headmaster tapped his wand against the table and Severus shuddered at the feeling of a privacy ward surrounding them. Albus let out a tired sigh, suddenly looking twenty years older.

“I don’t think you need me to tell you, Severus,” he started warily, “that we will no longer be routinely discussing Harry with the wider Order,”

“Who, pray tell, are we defining as not being the wider Order?” Severus enunciated carefully.

“Ourselves, Alastor, Kingsley,” he paused, considering, “I imagine we shall have to bring Remus and Sirius into the discussion as well,” he admitted, “They are liable to mutiny if they are kept out of the loop at this stage,”

“But they might be excluded from the discussion in the future?” He clarified.

Albus nodded sadly, “There may come a point when an extremely difficult decision has to be made, and it would be unfair to place that burden on them, as men who love Harry as their own son,”

“But not unfair to place it upon yourself - or do you not love him?”

“Ah,” Albus said, a tear gathering in the corner of his eye, “I’m afraid that this is my penance, for having failed him so,” he dabbed away the wetness on his cheek, “Now, tell me: who is the Dark Lord using to build connections with Harry?”

“He intends to start with Narcissa Malfoy,” he answered slowly, “He feels that Potter may be receptive to a mother figure, and Narcissa has expressed concern for the boy that has not gone unnoticed by the Dark Lord. He has also considered Draco. I do not believe that the Dark Lord has considered that encouraging these positive relationships may work against him, however,” he said more shrewdly, “Narcissa is not her sister - she is not an ardent follower of the Dark Lord. She supports him only because her husband does. Though she may believe in his doctrine, I do not imagine she would chose to have that man in her house. She has expressed concern to me multiple times about the safety of her son while they play host to him,”

“Are you suggesting that any relationship that forms between Narcissa and Harry may be leveraged in the other direction, Severus?” Dumbledore said with interest.

“Potentially, but obviously there is no guarantee,”

Dumbledore nodded slowly, “But potentially?”

“Narcissa would do almost anything for her son - if she were to consider Potter a son to her as well, then it follows that such devotion may extend to him,”

“To build such a relationship may take years, though,” Severus simply looked at him, not willing to be baited by the naive statement. Potter had already been held prisoner for nearly six months. It was not unreasonable for it to be years before an opportunity to free him arose - the last war had lasted nearly eleven years after all. Albus’s expression turned grim, “I see… and what of young Draco? He is changed somewhat since the summer holidays, I’ve noticed,”

“He is,” Severus agreed, “His home is overrun by Death Eaters, many more than a little insane following their incarceration in Azkaban. I believe his mother’s reticence has begun to rub off on him. But he’s still an arrogant little twit,” he added, surprising a burst of laughter from the headmaster, “I do not anticipate any strong friendship to be fostered between the two, but I do think Draco may serve to… galvanise Potter somewhat. Draw him out of the depression that is likely to set in,”

“How?” Albus asked looking faintly amused.

“By being so unendingly irritating that Potter snaps out of it to smack him round the mouth, I imagine,” Severus said dryly.

Albus looked sad now, “I hope you’re right Severus… I do hope you’re right,” he rubbed a hand across his face, lifting his half-mooned spectacles up off his nose as he did so.

Severus hesitated for a moment, “…there is something else,” Albus looked at him curiously, “He… he suggested that he knew something… something that he would use to turn the boy against you specifically,”

Albus sat back heavily in his seat, his eyes flicking across the surface of the table as he contemplated what Severus had revealed, “I see,” he said at length.

“I don’t suppose you know what that might be…,” he trailed off meaningfully; when Albus gave no answer, he pushed onwards impatiently, “Albus, if I am to even attempt to prevent Potter from being manipulated into working with his parents murder, and the man who ordered his torture and rape-,” Albus flinched, “- then I need to know the truth,”

The headmaster slumped in his seat, as if the invisible string that had been holding him up had been snipped. He considered Severus for a long time, his blue eyes flicking constantly between Severus’s own, before he slipped his glasses from his face and used both hands to rub roughly against his face. Finally, he began to speak.

“You must tell no one of this, Severus,” he started quietly, “No one - not even other members of the order, do you understand?” Severus nodded at once, “I had intended to begin… preparing Harry this year, for bringing about the downfall of the Dark Lord, for it will not be as simple as just killing the man,” he tapped a finger nervously against the table top and Severus felt dread building in his gut; he had never seen the headmaster this agitated, “I presume you have heard of Horcruxes, Severus?” He asked suddenly.

Severus felt like he might vomit. Instead, he closed his eyes and breathed carefully through his nose, “The Dark Lord has a Horcrux,”

“I believe he has several,” Severus’s eye flew open, horrified, “You remember the diary that Ginny Weasley used to open the Chamber of Secrets? I believe that to be his first,”

Severus spluttered, “His first?!” He exclaimed.

Albus nodded grimly, “I had intended to pass this information on to Harry,” he admitted warily, “I am concerned that I am likely to be targeted by Voldemort, and as Hagrid likes to say, no one lives once the Dark Lord decides to kill them. Should I die, there must be someone else who knows of their existence,”

“How… how many?” Severus said hoarsely.

Albus hesitated for a split second, “I believe he created six. With the diary destroyed, that leaves us five,” he sighed heavily, “Five Horcruxes to find and destroy - two and a half each, Severus,” he said with false levity.

“Do… do you know what they are? Where they are?” He added, something like hysteria creeping up his throat. He’d always known that the odds were stacked against them, but he hadn’t realised how heavily.

“I have an idea. I know where one is for certain. I have been… avoiding destroying it however - I imagine it lies under heavy protection, and I was loath to risk my life to retrieve it and then leave the Order leaderless at such a perilous moment. The people here, who rally to destroy the Dark Lord, they are as important to killing Tom Riddle as finding the Horcruxes,” he said seriously, “Perhaps we could destroy it together, Severus - over the Christmas period. I would trust no other with my safety in such a perilous scenario as I trust you,”

“I don’t suppose I have much choice,” Severus answered darkly, “Not unless I wish for the Dark Lord to rule the wizarding world in perpetuity. I imagine it is difficult to depose of an immortal overlord, after all,”

Dumbledore offered him a small smile, “Indeed - we shall discuss this matter in more detail in my office this weekend, yes?”

Severus stood and left the kitchen without answering. What did it matter what he said? The man was right. There was no other option other than pushing forward - and to think that he had been preparing to lay this information on the shoulders of a teenager. It occurred to him, just as he was passing the dining room, that the existence of the Horcruxes didn’t sound like something that would turn Potter against the headmaster. He was distracted however, by the sight of a person sat at the end of the dining room table running a galleon across the back of his knuckles.

It was Black. He looked… better than Severus had expected. He’d expected the man to be a sallow skinned, drunken wreck, existing in his pyjamas and refusing to eat. Instead, his hair had been cut short to reveal what remained of his good looks, and he was dressed smartly, as if he were about to leave for dinner. His hand didn’t even tremble as it tossed the coin into the air and caught it.

He hesitated, and the hesitation was just long enough for Black to notice he was being watched and to look up from the coin in his hand. His eyes flashed, and his expression turned grim.

“Hello, Severus,” he said softly.

Severus found himself turning into the room despite himself, “Black,” he answered sharply, eyeing the man carefully, “You’re looking better than I’d expected,”

Black sneered at him, “What? Were you expecting me to be drunk, wallowing in my own filth and barely aware of what day it was?” Severus pursed his lips, preparing to snap back, when the other man slumped, “Because you’d have been right a month ago,” he admitted, “Remus made me get rid of all the alcohol in the house. Shoved me in a cold shower and cut my hair while I cried liked a baby,” his lips twitched in the shadow of a smile.

“Then he burnt all my clothes and took me shopping,” Black continue, “What a weird experience that was - half of the alley looked like they wanted to hex me and the other looked like they might faint,” Severus said nothing, “He said- he said,” Black’s voice had become suddenly hoarse, “He said that… that there was no point drinking myself to death. And what if one day we discovered we had a way to rescue Harry, but I couldn’t help because I was a drunken wreck,” he turned a wet smile in Severus’s direction, “Do we have a way to rescue Harry, Severus?” Severus shook his head slowly, “No… no I didn’t think so… Remus said that Voldemort wants to try and brainwash Harry. Do you think it’ll work?”

Severus chose his words carefully, “Potter is in an incredibly vulnerable state. It is not beyond reason to suggest that the Dark Lord may be able to successfully condition him to behave as he wishes,”

Black looked back at him, his expression blank, before he spoke at the level of a whisper, “Remus thinks… Remus thinks that we might not rescue him until its too late. Until he really believes every bit of poison that Voldemort pours into his ear. That there might come a day where we’re fighting on opposite sides of this war. Is he right?”

It seemed pointless to deny it, but Severus found himself trying regardless, “Perhaps. But then again, perhaps Potter is more resilient than we give him credit for. Perhaps he will resist the indoctrination. Perhaps he will surprise us all,”

Black turned back to the coin in his hand, “I hope you’re right,” he whispered, feeling the edges of the coin, “I hope you’re right.”

Chapter 4: Harry: The Moirai


Harry wanted to be angry with Hermione. He really did. They were stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a herd of furious centaurs doing battle with Grawp behind them, with what felt like hours of time wasted.


Did I write this around a pool while on holiday? Yes. Yes I did, and I enjoyed every second of it 😂 might manage another chapter before I fly home, but also may just nap - almost certainly won’t publish though cuz my god this is a pain on a phone

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry wanted to be angry with Hermione. He really did.

They were stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a herd of furious centaurs doing battle with Grawp behind them, with what felt like hours of time wasted. Sirius needed him - for all he knew, his Godfather was dead already, he thought bitterly. But he couldn’t be angry with her. Not when she looked so green, and like she might vomit at any moment.

“It’s… it’s just a sprain,” she said faintly from the ground, her shaking hand resting against her ankle.

Harry swallowed back his inpatient reply, crouching down at her side and peering down to the appendage. That was no sprain. Ankles weren’t meant to point in that direction, and Harry was fairly certain he could see bones prodding unnaturally against the inside of her skin.

“If that’s just a sprain, then I’m a Crumple-Horned Snorlack Hermione,”

She let out a hysterical breathless giggle, “Crumple… Crumple-Horned Snor… snor… thingies aren’t real,” she protested weakly with a wince.

“That’s kind of the point,” he said shortly, “What happened anyway?”

“When the centaur dropped me,” she gasped, tears of pain welling up in her eyes now that the adrenalin was beginning to wear off, “I thought… I thought I just twisted it… but… but…,” she considered her ankle miserably, “Obviously not,”

He clenched his jaw. f*ck. f*ck. He needed to get to the Ministry, preferably immediately, but he could hardly abandon Hermione out here by the forest with a herd of murderous centaurs just out of sight. f*ck! What was he meant to do?!

“You two alright?” As if answering his prayer, a panting Ron emerged from the darkness, a small limp in his own step, “What happened? Where’s Umbridge? Are you alright - blimey Hermione!” He looked suddenly green, his eyes finding Hermione’s ankle, “What happened to you?!”

“Centaur,” she whimpered, “He dropped me,”

“Umbridge pissed them off something rotten,” Harry said as he straightened, urgency building in his chest, “Where are the others?”

Ron winced, “We tried to get away from the Inquisitorial lot, but Warrington tried to cast some nasty curse. It ended up backfiring - Neville got the worst of it, but Ginny isn’t in too good shape either. Luna’s helping them up to the hospital wing,”

Harry nodded distractedly, not truly caringin that moment if he were honest, “Right, yeah, okay - look mate, can you help Hermione up to the castle?” Hermione peered up at them from her position on the ground, “Sirius wasn’t at the house - Voldemort’s got him. I’ve got to go after him, but she really needs help,”

Ron balked, “What?!” He cried aghast, “You’re gonna’ go on your own?”

“Well you lot are hardly in a fit state to come, are you?” He snapped, his hands clenched in fists at his sides. He was wasting time!

“I am!” Ron denied, outraged.

“Yes - but someone needs to help Hermione to the hospital wing!” Harry found himself half shouting without really meaning to, and Ron scowled at him, “Look, look - I get it, I really do, you want to help, but right now the best way you can help is by taking care of Hermione,”

“You can’t go alone Harry,” Hermione said, trying to lift herself to her feet but giving up with a squeak, “You need help!”

“No,” Harry said firmly, “This is my decision to run off to try and save Sirius, no one else’s - and you need help Hermione! Look at your ankle!”

“How are you even getting there?” Ron demanded, “Cause’ if you want to floo, it looks like we both need to go back up to the castle,” he cried triumphantly.

The answer to his question came in the form of a sudden insistent tugging at the sleeve of Harry’s robe. He flinched back, and looked down to find the skeletal head of a doe-eyed Thestral following the path of his hand in an attempt to lick off the blood that coated his arm. Harry froze for a moment, then grinned. He knew exactly how he was getting to London.

Harry didn’t remember going to bed. He didn’t remember getting out of the bath. He certainly didn’t remember taking the dreamless sleep potion, and yet the empty vial sat beside him on the bedside table, right next to a pair of glasses.

Curled on his side, heavy blankets pulled up to his chin, he reached out for them cautiously. He could tell by feel alone that they weren’t his glasses - the metal frame felt different under his finger tips, colder and more delicate. He peered through the left lens and his stomach dropped when he realised it was simply glass, and he was confronted with the loss of his eye anew.

A small part of him - a part he wasn’t quite sure he recognised anymore - wanted to hurl the glasses furiously across the room. He didn’t want anything that these people offered him.

But then… a larger part of him tensed at the idea. Remembered the frustration and uncertainty of not being able to see Snape’s face the day before. Shuddered at the vulnerability that came with blindness when he was surrounded by jackals and hyenas on all sides. There was an echo of panic somewhere in the middle of his chest, and the glasses were pressed onto his face hastily.

Ah. He’d forgotten what the world was meant to look like.

He slid carefully out of the bed; the mattress was so high that he had to half jump to get down. He stood for a moment, simply absorbing the grandiose bedroom he found himself in, though he was less appreciating its beauty, and more enjoying his ability to see properly again. Once he had adjusted to the feeling, he found himself at a loss.

He didn’t know what to do. He should be relieved. He was off cold ground and had his vision returned to him. He wasn’t relieved though. He felt paralysed.

Should he stay in the bedroom? The door was right there, waiting, begging to be opened. But what was there on the other side? And that was presuming he would be able to open it at all.

His inability to predict what came next was choking him.

At least before he’d known what to expect before. Dark, then light, then pain. Horrendous as it was, nothing had taken him by surprise. There’d been no decisions to be made, no illusion of choice, he simply had to make it through the day without losing his mind.

Though, he remembered, Snape had suggested he hadn’t even been managing that. He cautiously tried drawing his mind back in on itself but found the effort futile - he was well and truly pinned in place.

He abandoned the attempt, frustrated anger crawling up his neck and building as hot tears behind his eyes. f*ck. He didn’t know what to do with this. He didn’t know what to do with the soft carpet under his toes, the heavy, floor length curtains around the window, the oak four poster bed, or the soft, warm pyjamas he didn’t remember putting on. His eyes trailed to the vanity table in the corner; it was covered in creature comforts. Aftershave and perfumes and moisturisers and combs and brushes and small chocolates wrapped in shining foil all stared out accusingly back at him, as if they too knew he didn’t belong here.

He hated this - though at least now the feelings of anxious terror seemed to have burnt themselves out. No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t seem to be able to conjure anything more intense than regular old fear, and even that seemed slow to come, as if it were striding towards him through waist deep water. It was amazing how the human mind could adapt to tolerate even the most intolerable of circ*mstances. He supposed that constant, overwhelming horror was unsustainable in the long run.

The words of a character from the dinosaur movie Dudley had insisted on recording and watching loudly in his room suddenly filtered into his inner ear, and he felt a bark of near hysterical laughter threatening to escape him.

Life did indeed find a way.

He took a deep breath. He couldn’t stay here, rooted to the spot.

His legs felt heavy, as if he were buried to the knees in quick sand. His second step came more easily, and before he knew it he was stood at the room’s door, staring down at the handle. There was something engraved into it, but he couldn’t have said what. He snatched out a hand to grasp it before he could think to deeply about the movement, and he twisted it.

The door opened with the smallest of clicks, and he strode forwards abruptly then stopped. He squinted against the low sun that streamed in through the expanse of windows along the wall. It should perhaps have been a more poignant moment - he didn’t know how long it had been since he’d last seen the sun after all - but it was dampened by the knee jerk urge to freeze with the sudden light. He shook his arms as if breaking himself from a cast.


He needed to try and free himself of the instinct. The rules had changed. Freezing wouldn’t help him now.

He gave a cursory glance to his surroundings - a room so grand he had only seen it’s likeness in the documentaries Aunt Petunia had so enjoyed about stately homes. He spared the room’s horse themed decor a curious look before turning his attention back to the window.

He wandered closer to it without really meaning to, hungry for a view of the word outside, half convinced that it no longer existed. He felt like a goldfish peering out of a round bowl, the refraction of light warping his perception and making the view beyond that bit more fantastical and untouchable.

It was a garden. Enormous and expansive with perfectly maintained rose-bushes and flower beds and a round fountain in its middle. It was walled on all sides as far as the eye could see by hedges. At the furthest edge they looked innocuous - benign almost. But as his eye travelled along them, closer and closer to the building (house? Palace?) he found himself locked in, the more imposing and intimidating they became, until finally they were married together at the end of a gravel drive by cruel wrought iron gates.

The gravel digs cruelly into his knees, into his palms. Why have they brought him out here?

A crack jerked him out of the memory, and he jumped around to find the same meek looking house-elf who had bathed him the night before peering up at him. She quivered a little under his scrutiny.

“Master Harry, sir,” she squeaked out, “Tippy has brought your breakfast, sir,” she shuffled nervously into the room, and Harry noticed for the first time the enormous door behind her. It was heavier than the one to the bedroom, and he knew immediately that it was the way out.

“That door’s locked, isn’t it?” he said, his voice hoarse and nearly unrecognisable to his ears. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spoken when it wasn’t to scream or beg. The elf nodded, a hand reaching up to twist at one of her ears. He trusted her answer.

He found himself strangely relieved that he wouldn’t have to answer the question of whether or not he could face an escape attempt. The Gryffindor in him protested his inaction, but the rest of him thought back to the enormous hedges surrounding the property. No doubt there were magical protections too. No, there was no way he was getting himself out of this, not without help.

“Master Harry?” Tippy called tentatively, her eyes flicking meaningfully to the tray that sat upon the coffee table.

He ignored her, turning his eyes back to the grounds. His gaze lingered on the frost on the grass and the frozen water in the fountain. It had been summer when he’d last been outside.

“What month is it?”

“Tippy… Tippy isn’t meant to be answering questions,” her hand twitched, threatening to reach up to one of her ears again, “Please Master Harry, you must be eating breakfast - you is skin and bones!”

“Harry is fine,” he said dully, mindlessly wandering over to the sofa and sitting down heavily on it, the fire blazing at his back. He spared the small portion of steaming porridge (topped with what looked like sunflower seeds) an uninterested look, more focussed on peering about the room he had found himself in. The only things that really caught his attention were the enormous volume of books that surrounded him. He squinted to try and read some of the titles:

Encyclopaedia of toadstools’ and ‘The Goblin Chieftains of the Fifteenth Century’ and ‘Snails: Bringing your Gastropod out of their shell!’ were some of the less exciting titles he could spy, though ‘A Worldwide history of Magical Schools’ sounded more interesting.

“Master Harry,” Tippy repeated more incessantly, “You needs to be eating! Master Severus will be angry with Tippy if you don’t eat!”

He was drawn reluctantly from his attempt at distracting himself by the note of panic in the elf’s voice. He wondered if Severus Snape was as cruel to his house-elf as Lucius Malfoy had been to his. The idea of Tippy twisting at her own ears was enough to have him reaching for the spoon.

After one mouthful, he paused to separate out the seeds - the texture of the porridge was bad enough, he didn’t think he could tolerate anything more exciting. He found himself half longing for the bubblegum flavoured potion that had been pressed past his lips - at least that didn’t make him shudder and struggle not to gag.

He managed less than half the porridge before he felt fit to burst. His stomach was out of practice he supposed. Tippy looked disappointed but didn’t press him.

“Master Harry-,”

“Harry is fine,” he reminded her quietly.

“-needs to be getting dressed. Master Severus will be here soon-,”

“Snape is coming?” he felt the echo of a flash of adrenalin in his chest.

“-and he will not be happy if you aren’t dressed-,”

“I’m more dressed than I have been in weeks!” He hissed furiously only to immediately regret it when she flinched away from him. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to be like… them. Terrorising someone weaker than him. Though was she really, in this scenario? He tried to back track regardless, “I… I’m sorry… I just…,” he just what? What was there to say that she didn’t already know? She’d been there too, after all.

Her hand closed carefully over his wrist and her enormous blue eyes blinked up at him, “You is needing to be getting dressed,” she repeated more gently, “Master Severus-,”

“-is already here,” a voice interrupted her coldly, and she jumped half a foot away from him and audibly gulped.

Severus Snape stood in the doorway, the edges of a sneer playing around his mouth. If Harry had thought he’d seen something like sympathy or regret in the man’s expression the day before, it had been cast aside this morning. He looked like he couldn’t think of anywhere worse to be.

“You’ve not eaten your breakfast, Potter,” he said disdainfully, sweeping into the room, the door closing tightly behind him before Harry could even catch a glimpse of what lay beyond it, “I ordered you to ensure that Mister Potter ate his breakfast, Tippy,”

Tippy trembled, “I… I is trying, Master Severus - Tippy is sorry!”

Harry felt something long forgotten stir in him. Something that itched to lash out in defence of the elf - it wasn’t her fault after all. But the urge felt like an ear worm of a long-forgotten song. Frustratingly familiar but not enough for him to make a tune he could put a name to. Once upon a time he’d have snapped back at Snape. He’d done it before, he was sure. But now he could barely bring himself to speak with the man in the room.

He no longer knew himself, he realised, a sinking feeling in his gut. How much of this was as a result of the lingering fear that he hadn’t quite become immune to, and how much was a result of a personality shift. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“And still in his bedclothes too,” Severus added with disgust, “You will do better next time, Tippy,” she nodded frantically, and recognising the dismissal in his voice, disappeared with a crack, leaving them alone.

Snape considered him with clinical detachment before seating himself on the edge of the armchair closest to Harry. He removed a potion from his inner pocket and held it out impatiently to Harry, “Drink it,” he said sharply; Harry accepted the potion listlessly and knocked it back in one go, a familiar bubblegum potion sliding over his tongue, “You must begin eating, unless you wish to be on nutritional potions for the rest of your life. You have lost a considerable amount of weight since June, and you were near the lower end of normal then,” something about the man’s tirade, dripping with disdain, felt forced, but Harry said nothing, “Do you understand?”

The stirring voice in the back of his mind pressed forward sharply, “I’m hardly going to gain weight on tiny portions like that, am I?” He snapped, a flash of fury prompting his tongue to lash out. He immediately regretted it, but he tried not to let his panic show, shielding his emotions furiously and guarding them jealously. His feelings were his own - they were the only thing he had left to him, and he wasn’t prepared to share.

Snape looked faintly surprised, but didn’t comment much to Harry’s relief, “You have been exclusively consuming nutrition potions for nearly six months - if we are to avoid inducing refeeding syndrome, we must be cautious-,”

Harry wasn’t listening though. His heart had dropped like a stone, “Six… six months?” he whispered, “I’ve been here for six months?”

Snape froze for a split second before he answered, “Yes - it is the beginning of December,”

Harry leapt to his feet, sudden furious energy making it impossible for him to stay still, “Six months,” he choked out, squeezing himself between the sofa and the unoccupied armchair to put some distance between himself and Snape, “F-f*ck, oh f*ck,” he moved to pace like a caged lion behind the sofa, gritting his teeth in frustration when a force stopped him from stepping too close to the fire, forcing him to pace in a circle in the small space next to a golden piano, “Six months - six months, oh god!”

“Potter, you need to calm down,” Snape said firmly; at some point he had gotten to his feet.

Harry didn’t listen to him, he couldn’t, his mind still fixed firmly on two words: six months. Half a year. It must be nearly Christmas, he thought hysterically. Six months and no one had come for him. How much longer would he be there? How long would he stay in this room? Would he be put back in the dark again?

“I’d prefer not to, but if you don’t calm down Potter, I’ll be forced to hold you down and pour a calming draught down your throat,” Harry flinched back at the threat, and would have stumbled back into the fire were it not for the force keeping him away from it - what was that?! Snape seemed to realise his poor choice of words and lowered himself slowly back into his seat, his hands held out non-threateningly in front of him.

“Potter,” he tried again more calmly, “please. Have a seat and we can talk,” Harry noticed that there were no false promises - no assurances that he was safe, and he wouldn’t be hurt, “Just sit down… sit down over there if you prefer,” he gestured to the armchair at the far end of the coffee table, “but you must sit, and calm down,”

“If I sit down, will you answer my questions?” he forced out through gritted teeth, the memory of terror making his fingers twitched by his side. He should be afraid, he thought - afraid of angering Snape, and afraid of the consequences. Instead, he found himself overwhelmed.

Everything just felt so… so much more. The bedroom, the door handle, the window, the sun, the outside, the porridge, everything. When he wasn’t busy feeling numb, he felt bowled over by the feelings that did manage to break through. He felt himself hurtling through every emotion possible at breakneck speed before he was finally caught around the neck, nearly strangling himself when the numbness set back in.

Snape inclined his head, “I will answer the questions I am able to,” the questions you’re allowed to, a small voice whispered in his ear. Allowed to by Voldemort, or was it by Dumbledore, Harry wondered. Snape watched him as he reluctantly took a seat, though nothing in his expression gave away how he truly felt about their current interaction or it’s context.

Harry wasted no time, “Where am I?” he snapped, expecting his first question to be a none-starter but needing to ask it anyway. He was surprised, therefore, when Snape answered calmly.

“The Aethanon suite of Malfoy Manor,”

Malfoy Manor. The answer brought his last clear memory of Malfoy Senior swimming into view - an amused sneer and an outstretched hand. The sneer shifted and became younger until it was the face of Malfoy Junior he saw, grinning over his shoulder as he tucked Harry’s wand away in his pocket and went to fetch Snape for Umbridge.

Where was his wand now, he wondered?

The fact that Snape had answered so readily only left him feeling uneasy. He doubted the information would have been offered up so easily if there were any way for Harry to utilise it - not that he was capable of doing anything anyway at that moment. The idea of escape had his palms sweating.

“What month is it?”

The answer came as quickly, “December. Hogwarts breaks for the holidays in two weeks,”

“Why am I still alive?” The question was gasped out.

Snape’s expression remained cool, “That is a question you will have to pose to the Dark Lord - I do not pretend to know his mind,”

Harry found himself scoffing in disbelief, and then stuttering nervously, “Is- is he coming here?!”

“He has expressed his desire to see you over lunch,” his eyes flicked briefly to Harry’s pyjamas, “I would suggest you dress yourself more appropriately for his visit,”

Harry was torn. Torn between how he thought he should feel - terrified and anxious - and how he actually felt: numb with uncertainty licking at the edges and fury sitting in the back. He felt as if he were stood on a knife’s edge, waiting to see which side of the blade he would fall. The side that was strangled by the last six months and struggled to open doors, or the side that felt driven feral by it and wanted to scream and rage. Maybe he would feel differently with Voldemort himself in front of him, his red eyes boring into his green one. He was singularly terrifying after all.

“Any more questions?” Snape asked sounding bored.

Fury licked up Harry’s spine.

Have you always been such a massive prick?’ Is what he thought, “Why are you here?” Is what he said.

“The Dark Lord wishes to ensure your continued good health,” Harry snorted, “I am here to monitor your wellbeing and prevent you from declining - physically and mentally,” Harry found himself mirroring the sneer that Snape aimed in his direction, his feral edges creeping in, “Now, if you have no more questions, I will begin,” he raised his wand and Harry flinched back.

Snape ignored him, and with a flick of his wand a series of indecipherable lights and scales and graphs appeared above Harry’s head. Harry eyed them, reluctantly curious. Snape cycled through them too fast for Harry to even attempt to figure out what they might mean. He lingered though, when an explosion of writhing gold light appeared above Harry’s head, interwoven with silver sparks that exploded like fireworks and then sprinkled to the ground. Snape frowned, his eyes darting about the configuration.

“What’s that?” Harry asked coldly.

Snape’s eyes flicked to his, then back to the phenomenon floating in the middle of the room. For a long time, he said nothing, and Harry was on the verge of demanding answers when he finally spoke, “It is your magical core - it appears… split… fractured,” Harry didn’t know what he meant - though he had no idea what a magical core should look like, the explosion of golden light hanging in the air between them looked like the picture of health to him. Then he spotted the slither of black that wound its way nefariously through the gold.

“Why is it like that?”

Snape let out a huff, and with a sharp jab of his wand the light was extinguished, “I don’t know,” he answered shortly, “though I suspect it is likely as a result of your extended period of occlumency assisted dissociation,”

Harry bristled at the man’s accusatory tone, “If you would like to experience the last six months of my life while being fully aware of every single thing that was happening to you, then be my guest,” he said lowly.

Something flickered in the potion’s professor’s expression. He continued without addressing Harry’s comment, “You are underweight and have significantly raised cortisol levels, but are otherwise, broadly speaking, physically fine,”

“What’s cortisol?”

Snape hesitated a beat, “It is a stress hormone,” Harry only stared at him, and Snape looked away, clearly uncomfortable, “You must try your best to eat,” he stood smoothly, “and avoid unnecessary stress,” Harry felt his lips twitch into a snarl, but Snape didn’t wait to hear his response. He turned and strode towards the door, leaving abruptly and without further comment.

With him gone, Harry felt the angry, feral beast in his chest leave too, and he was left at a loss with only a numb sense of unreality for company. It seemed, that when there wasn’t someone in front of him to rage against, he couldn’t quite remember how to be a person anymore. Without anger, he was left bereft. The fear was burnt down like a candle wick near the end of its life, and nothing even remotely positive could gain a purchase on him.

He found a familiar apathy returning, pinning him to his seat. He didn’t know what to do. He’d never felt this helpless emptiness before - as uncomfortable and irate as he felt around the man, he couldn’t help but wish that Snape would come back. At least he felt like he existed when he was there.

“Master Harry?”

“Just Harry is fine,” he answered automatically, barely registering that the house-elf had joined him again.

Tippy quivered slightly, “You is needing to be getting dressed,” a new urgency made her voice high and grating as she twisted her fingers together, “Th-the Dark Lord will be here soon,” soon? Didn’t Snape say lunch? “You must be getting dressed, or Tippy will be in so much trouble - the Dark Lord is not being as forgiving as Master Snape,” she absentmindedly gave her ear a cruel twist - no doubt she was disobeying some implied order about not talking poorly about Voldemort.

Harry turned his eyes to the sun outside of the window and found it had moved across the sky when he wasn’t looking. Were there no clocks in this place? A cursory glance about the room didn’t identify a single one - though he did find a shadow on the wall where one might have been once upon a time. Was this another technique to unsettle him, he wondered. Six months of torture followed by who knows how long of never knowing the time of day. He let out a derisive snort.

It seemed petty in comparison.

“Please Mas- Harry,” the elf cut herself off before the word master, “Please get dressed!”

He pushed himself up with a sigh and allowed her to shepherd him towards the bedroom and the enormous, towering wardrobe pressed flush against the wall. With him on his feet, she wasted no time in asking for permission before pressing dark, fitted robes over his head. The fabric felt expensive against his skin and seemed to cinch in enough to not appear baggy, but not so tightly that they gave away how narrow his waist truly was. Was this for his benefit? Or would Harry’s increasingly underfed appearance offend the Dark Lord’s sensibilities he wondered.

He winced when the collar was suddenly buttoned up high and tight around his throat. Any complaint died on his tongue though when Tippy suddenly froze and let out a terrified squeak. She trembled lightly as she peered up at him.

“H-h-he’s h-here,” she stuttered.

Dread stirred in Harry’s gut, but he found it surprisingly easy to ignore, “Go, Tippy,” she didn’t need to be told twice, disappearing with a louder than usual crack.

Harry turned his attention to the door and for a short moment tried to catalogue how he felt. It was like he had a presentation on a flip board in the back of his mind presenting ideas of how he ought to feel, but they were mere suggestions more than anything else. The anger though - the fury - that was very real. He wondered if it was because it was the closest thing to fear that he could generate at that moment.

He wasted no more time contemplating how he did or didn’t feel about the reptilian man waiting for him on the other side of the door. He strode forward and wrench the door open.

Lord Voldemort was just as he remembered - a tall and intimidating figure with pale skin pulled taught against his skull and bright red eyes staring out at him. He watched as they flicked up and down him, appraising, considering. Finally, the nostrils, slits that sat just above his lip, flared for a moment, and then a slow grin spread across his face.

“Harry Potter,” his name, said in that high cold voice, pierced the heavy air between them, “Come. Sit with me - we shall share a meal, you are looking thin,” he half turned towards the lounge area, and waited until Harry had taken a reluctant step forward before he seated himself on the sofa. He summoned two steaming bowls of soup with a snap of his fingers, and crusty bread rolls with another.

Harry selected a seat as far from the man as he could manage, much to his amusem*nt. He watched silently as the bowl was levitated in his direction. It was something made with lentils and leaks - leak and potato perhaps. Harry had no real desire to try it.

He froze at a quiet whispering voice coming from the Dark Lord’s direction, but Voldemort acted as if he had heard nothing.

“Leave it for now, Harry. It is much too hot. You shan’t be able to eat it like that,” Voldemort warned, stirring his own soup lazily; Harry said nothing, and the man gave a high chuckle, “Come now, Harry - Severus told me you were quite chatty earlier. Positively full of questions,” Harry gritted his teeth - of course that snake had been reporting back on him, “and yet now you sit opposite me without saying a word - even your mind is quiet. It’s amazing what a bit of torture can do for shoring up occlumency shields. Come now Harry… there must be something you wish to ask me…,”

Why am I still alive?” he snapped, jolting when he realised that the words hadn’t come out in English. Rather, his tongue had slithered and hissed in his mouth as parseltongue passed between his lips.

Voldemort grinned, and responded in kind, “Why Harry - still so spirited. Perhaps I should have left you in the cellar a month or two longer, but Severus was most insistent that you could tolerate no more - a pity,” he’d been in a cellar? “And you are asking the wrong question, child. You should be asking why I wanted to kill you in the first place,” he paused. Harry was relieved when it was simply to remove a glowing orb from his pocket, rather than as an expectation for Harry to parrot the question back at him.

Harry’s eyes flicked to the orb in his hand, recognition making him sit up straighter. It was the prophesy. The one with their names on. The one Voldemort had been so desperate to lay his hands on. Harry watched, reluctantly transfixed as the Dark Lord whispered an incantation, and with a sharp tap of his finger, a sound like a bell being rung echoed throughout the room, and the orb began to speak.

The harsh, guttural voice was faintly familiar to him, but he was distracted by listening closely to the words, rhythmic and musical like poetry. By the time the orb had fallen silent, Harry felt hardly any more comprehension than when it had first started speaking. ‘And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives,’ - that part at the very least, he felt he understood.

So, we’re destine to kill one another,” he said flatly. He heard another muttered voice, this one more scornful than the last, and realised it was coming from within Voldemort’s robes. The man himself paid it no mind.

Ah,” he said, “I believed so too, Harry. When I first heard of this prophesy, I heard only the first half. Had I heard the rest, I believe I would have acted differently. With more caution. I believe that it was my hearing only half of this prophesy that brought it into reality.

Have you ever heard of Acrisius, the mythological Greek King of Argos,” Harry shook his head, “Acrisiusvisited the Oracle at Delphi, and was told that he would die at the hand of his grandson. In order to avoid this fate, when his daughter gave birth to a baby boy, he threw daughter and grandson both into the sea, locked in a chest. Both survived, and the Grandson grew into the great hero Perseus. The story goes that Perseus participated in games in Larissa and far outstripped his competitors. When he competed in the discus however, he hit an old man in the crowd, who fell over and died. This old man was in fact his grandfather, Acrisius,”

“So what?” Harry ground out, as much as parseltongue could be ground out, “What’s that got to do with us?”

The point, Harry, is that by fighting against the future that had been prophesied for him, Acrisius instead put into motion the very circ*mstances that brought it into reality. If Perseus had been raised as a prince of Argos, would he ever have been at the games in Larissa to strike and kill his grandfather? Likewise, had I not heard that prophesy and acted to avert it, would you and I have ever become enemies as we are? I think, perhaps not,”

Harry blinked at him, then glanced down to his soup. He reached for his spoon - he wasn’t hungry, but eating would give him a moment to think. He couldn’t bring the steaming liquid to his lips though.

Give it a moment longer, Harry,” Voldemort chastised, “it is still too hot,”

Harry dropped the spoon in frustration, “I don’t understand the point of your story,” he snapped, “Let’s say you’re right, and if you hadn’t acted on the half of the prophesy you heard, we’d never be in this mess. But what does that matter now? You heard the prophesy - ‘neither can live while the other survives’ - and I’m literally right here in front of you, completely defenceless. And I have been for six months. But I’m still sat here, breathing, with a bowl of what I think is leek and potato soup in front of me. Why am I not dead?!”

A slow smile spread across Voldemort’s face, “Your death no longer aligns with my interests,”

Harry gritted his teeth in frustration, “Now what then?”

It is my aspiration that you might be persuaded to join me,” Voldemort admitted lightly.

Harry snorted, “Are you joking?”

Voldemort was not put off by his derision, “At the very least, I will accept keeping you close to me, safe, here in the manor, but I feel that eventually you will come to see my way of thinking,” Harry opened his mouth to snap back, but found himself silenced by the Dark Lord’s next amused statement, “You must understand, Harry - there is no way back to the light for you now. I doubt they would even accept you back,”

Harry swallowed heavily, and whispered, “Why?”

You have been behind enemy lines for half a year - the order is well aware of your treatment and my goals. They will view you as vulnerable. They will consider you compromised. If you returned, I imagine you would find yourself alienated from your friends,”

You’re lying,”

Even now, I am sure there are secret conversations between the leaders of the order, headed by Dumbledore himself. Conversations about whether or not you are still my victim, or if you’re now my ally,”

You’re lying!”

Conversations about whether or not they should take you out if the opportunity presents itself,”

YOU’RE LYING!!” Harry found himself on his feet, panting furiously and snarling at the smiling Dark Lord.

I’m not, and you know I’m not,” he tilted his head to one side as if considering a mildly challenging puzzle, “Sit down, Harry,” Harry found himself lowering back down into the chair mindlessly, “You will understand, Harry,” Voldemort said quietly, “One day you will understand, and you will hate Dumbledore just as much as I do,”

Harry breathed heavily through his nose as a new fear crept up his neck. What if he was right? What if the order really did view him as an enemy now? It would explain why Snape, if he were loyal to the order, was so guarded with him. It would explain why he was still there, without even the hint of a rescue effort.

He was already struggling to find himself in the shell that had been left after half a year of torture. What if Voldemort was right, and he poured his own to poison into Harry, filling him up until he too hated Dumbledore and the order? His friends? Sirius?

I have one last thing for you, Harry,” Harry felt himself jerked out of his mind, and watched as Voldemort dug a hand into his robes, “I have asked Severus and Narcissa to keep an eye on you,” Narcissa? Malfoy? “I am a busy man, I hope you understand, I may not be able to lunch with you every day,” he pulled his hand free from his robe, and wrapped around it was a small snake, orange with black stripes, only a few inches in circumference and curled into a protective ball on his palm so that Harry couldn’t even guess how long it was, “She is newly hatched - I thought she might make a good companion for you,”

Harry blinked in surprise when not one, but three heads cautiously uncoiled themselves and peered back at him.

She carefully unspoiled herself and allowed Voldemort to lower her onto the coffee table. The right head glared back up at him, while the middle and left were more focussed on Harry. The left urged them onwards, closer, and while the middle seemed just as interest in him, she had a kind of dazed, dreamy look in her eye. She reminded him of Luna.

All three heads, and Harry flinched when Voldemort pushed himself to his feet, “I must leave you now Harry, but I will see you later in the week,” he fell back into English, “Narcissa and Severus will visit you tomorrow,” Harry found himself freezing in place as the Dark Lord approached and used a surprisingly gentle hand to trap his chin. He stroked a single, long finger down Harry’s cheek, and a familiar terror shuddered in his chest, “It is such a shame about your eye,”

He was halfway out the room when Harry stopped him with a gasped-out question, “If… if you wanted me on your side, then why did you… why did you lock me in the cellar? Why did you let them torture me… and… and…,”

Voldemort offered him a slow smile, “I want you on my side, Harry, yes. But ultimately, I want you under control. I want you to know that all this,” he gestured to the grand room around them, “can disappear whenever I want it to,” he gestured to the coffee table, “Eat your soup, Harry. You’re much too thin,” and he left.


So next chapter will briefly introduce Draco and then the plan is for the chapter after that to be from his POV

Chapter 5: Harry: The Deciever


For a long time, Harry simply sat, and looked down at the small, three headed snake in front of him, while she stared back. What was she? He distantly remembered learning about a three headed species of snake, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what they were called.


Brief mentions of suicide/self-harm in this chapter, but no actual action or planning etc

Enjoy :) thank you for all comments and kudo’s!! They’re just so lovely

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For a long time, Harry simply sat, and looked down at the small, three headed snake in front of him, while she stared back. What was she? He distantly remembered learning about a three headed species of snake, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what they were called.

He should probably have been thinking about Voldemort and the unsettling conversation they’d just had, rather than figuring out the snake in front of him, but he didn’t want to. It all made him feel sick. Sick at the idea of being manipulated into joining him, and sick at the consequences of resistance.

He wanted to give up. He wanted it all to go away. He’d never regretted finding out he was a wizard before, but he did now. It would have been so much easier to be a muggle. It would have been so much easier to be anyone other than himself.

“Your eye,”

Harry jumped at the unexpected question; the middle head blinked placidly up at him, “S-sorry, what?” He said, bewildered.

“What happened to your eye?” the middle head repeated, her voice rhythmic and lilting as if she were singing a lullaby, “Did you lose it? Your kind normally have two, do they not?”

The right head’s lips twitched into something that Harry thought might have been the snake equivalent of a sneer, “One does not simply misplace an eye,” she said, her voice gravelly and coarse.

The middle head puffed up defensively, “He might have - you don’t know. You don’t know any more about the two-legged’s than I do. And perhaps some of their kind only have one eye - or none at all!”

“The red-eyed serpent-speaker had two,” the right head pointed out disdainfully, “and so did the two-legged one who hatched us. It stands to reason, therefore, that they typically have two,” the right head considered him for a moment and gave an unimpressed hiss, “This one must be a defective two-legged,”

“Not defective,” the middle head disagreed, “Damaged, perhaps. Broken,”

“Humans,” Harry found himself saying helpfully, ignoring the way his gut clenched at the word broken, “We’re called humans. And I did lose it - but I didn’t misplace it. It was taken from me by force,”

The middle head gasped, “Stolen. How awful. Can you get it back?”

Harry shook his head, feeling faintly bewildered by the conversation - hadn’t Voldemort said she was a hatchling? Perhaps snakes were born with innate knowledge of their language rather than having to learn it, “No - no, it’s gone for good. It was taken by the other man - the red-eyed serpent-speaker,”

The middle head hissed, “He harms his kin,” she said darkly, “You smell of him - is he your progenitor?” Harry shook his head, confused - he smelt of Voldemort?

“Weak,” the right head muttered to herself, “Unable to protect himself,”

Harry wanted to be offended, but it was like speaking to a child who didn’t understand that their honest opinion could hurt. In any case, the middle head was offended enough on his behalf, “No! Not weak. Vulnerable. He has no fangs and only one head,” she paused, “Defenceless,” she said the word mournfully, “Venom-less. A hatchling in a storm - alone and afraid,”

“Aren’t you a hatchling?” He asked curiously.

The right head scoffed, “We hatched fourteen nights hence. My fangs are full of venom, and we are strong. We are no hatchling,” Harry had never heard a snake sound quite so disdainful before.

The left head, who up until that point had remained silent with her scrutinising gaze fixed upon Harry, finally opened her mouth to speak. Where the right head’s voice was rough, her’s was smooth, and where the middle head’s was dreamy, her’s was grounded and firm, “His eye was taken and cannot be returned. He is damaged - but his is not broken. He is wronged by the red-eyed serpent-speaker. He is not weak, but he is defenceless,” she considered him for a moment, then declared, “He shall be ours,” and she pressed determinedly forwards, slithering closer and wasting no time in climbing up Harry’s arm and onto his shoulders where she sighed contentedly into his ear.

He had to admit that the feeling of her coils pressed against the back of his neck was comforting. The left head rested on his shoulder, while the middle investigated his ear curiously. The right seemed mostly unimpressed, muttering darkly to herself, but even she settled with her head on top of his, “Stupid hatchling. Needs protecting until fangs come in. Burden. Ours now,”

“Ours now,” the left head agreed sounding smug.

“Ours,” the middle head sighed in his ear.

“Do… do you have a name?” Harry asked, trailing a curious finger down the snake's tail. He wanted to be irritated that Voldemort’s choice of companion had taken to him so readily, but it was difficult when he found the serpent so endearing.

The middle head hummed, a tongue peeking out and fluttering in his ear, “We have no name,”

“Do I give you one name to share? Or a name each?”

“We are one being,” the right head said disdainfully from within his hair, “We should share a name,”

“I don’t want to share a name with you,” said the middle petulantly.

The right hissed furiously, “Why not?!”

The left head sighed, “Because you’re awful,” she said frankly, “We should each have a name,” she declared, ending the debate.

Harry was suddenly aware of the three expectant gazes fixed on him, waiting for the names he would bestow upon them. He gulped - there hadn’t been this much pressure to name Hedwig (he felt briefly like crying at the thought of his owl - would she even remember him now?).

“I’ll think of a good name for you all, I promise,” he vowed, reaching up to carefully stroke a finger down the nose of the left head. Her orange eyes fluttered closed, and her tongue tasted the air lazily. She was beautiful - they all were (even the right head with the permanent serpentine sneer on her snout and her terrifyingly long fangs). Part of him wanted to reject her presence outright. Accepting any gift from Voldemort felt like giving in. But he was just so lonely, and she was the only thing he’d spoken to in months who hadn’t wanted to hurt or take something from him.

“What is that?” The right head’s gravelly voice vibrated through his scalp. He followed the gaze of the two other heads, and found them staring down at a lightly trembling Tippy, “Is it food?”

“No,” Harry said immediately, “No, not food - her name is Tippy. She’s a house-elf,”

“Elf,” the middle head mimicked, “If not food, then what?”

Harry opened his mouth, and immediately changed course from detailing the controversial relationship between house-elf and wizard, and instead said, “Friend. She’s a friend. Don’t eat her,” he added firmly, just incase the fact that friends weren’t for eating wasn’t clear enough.

The right head immediately lost interest, working her way deeper into his hair. The middle head sighed happily to herself, and said, “Two friends in one day,” while the left peered down intensely at the elf, who he noticed was still shaking.

“What do you want Tippy?”

She let out a small, shocked yelp at his sudden address, leaping back a little. He heard her gulp, “M-m-master Harry is needing to eat his dinner,” she inclined her head meaningfully to the bowl of stew steaming lightly in front of him.

He sighed, his stomach already cramping at the idea of trying to force the food down - at least the snake about his shoulders would enjoy the beef he couldn’t manage, “Just Harry is fine, Tippy,” he said quietly, reaching for the spoon.

He managed a little more than half the bowl before he started to feel sick. The snake was happy to accept his leftovers, licking gravy carefully from his fingertips and swallowing chunks of steak whole. He heard Tippy shudder when the right head carefully dislocated her jaw to swallow a particularly large chunk. She was quick to disappear with a crack when the snake turned beady eyes in her direction, though she was far too small to be a real threat to the elf.

He startled slightly at the sound of running water. He had almost forgotten that the bathroom existed, having barely moved since Tippy had persuaded him to dress. He fixed his eyes on the bathroom door. He hesitated for a moment before he pushed himself to his feet, snagging the bowl of stew and bringing it with him when the middle head let out a petulant mewling sound at being pulled away from her meal. At least one of them had a good appetite, he supposed.

With a bowl in one hand and a three headed snake wrapped around his wrist, Harry used his free hand to push his way into the bathroom. His eye immediately found the enormous claw footed bath in the middle of the room, steaming water pouring from the silver tap. His gaze flicked briefly to Tippy where she was stood on a stool, peering over the water and adding salts and soaps, before trailing around the rest of the room.

As with everything else he had seen of the Aethonan suite, the bathroom was also unnecessarily grand. Porcelain winged horses were frozen in the middle of tossing their long manes on the toilet seat, and an enormous shower took up the majority of the left-most corner of the room. His eye caught on the grand mirror above the sink, however. Without meaning to, he found himself wandering towards it.

His hand trembled lightly, making the bowl of stew clatter lightly against the sink as he carefully set it down. The snake about his wrist reluctantly abandoned her meal, choosing instead to cling to his warmth rather than follow the bowl onto the cold porcelain.

The narrow glimpse of his reflection he’d gotten in Snape’s handheld mirror had disguised the whole picture, he realised. He looked just as terrible on the outside, as he felt on the inside - like a shadow of himself. Like someone he recognised from a past life. He hadn’t been this skinny since he’d started at Hogwarts and had finally been able to eat until he was no longer hungry. He looked frail. He hated looking like this. He didn’t want to be frail. He didn’t want to be weak. He wanted to be strong.

Did he still have it in him to be strong?

He tried to visualise it. He imagined the reflection in front of him with a healthy glow. With a layer of fat under the skin to fill out his face. With a fierce look in his eye - a shock of vibrant green. A firm angle at his jaw and his lips pressed harshly together. He imagined the small snake that climbed up his neck three times its current size, looming threateningly over his shoulder, fangs bared. The picture was one that soothed the anxious twist in his gut for the few seconds he was able to maintain it, and then reality set in.

His eye trailed over his impossibly high cheek bones and his hollowed in cheeks. He looked quickly away from his lips. They were pressed tightly together to suppress their light trembling. The angle of his jaw wasn’t firm - it was fragile. All it would take was a grip just a fraction too tight and it would crack and crumble, he was sure. He avoided looking at the scar that peaked out just above his robe collar (a bite mark, one of many, he knew) and instead glanced at the small snake that snuffled into his hair like an actual nest. Finally, he looked into his remaining eye. It was green, yes, but it was less emerald and more dying moss.

“Master Harry?” He jumped at the careful calling of his name, “Your bath is ready - Tippy will help, if Master Harry likes,” he looked at her reflection in the mirror; she was holding a scrubbing brush aloft in one hand, and what looked like a jar of moisturiser in the other, “Master Severus is saying Tippy is to help Master Harry relax,”

The idea of letting her touch him made Harry feel as if spiders were crawling up his back. He’d enjoyed it the night before, he knew, but now, with all his faculties returned to him, it reminded him of squeezing hands on his waist and the back of his neck - of Voldemort’s finger stroking down his cheek. Would he always feel like this about touch? Would he always be mentally transported back to cold stone?

He gritted his teeth. No. He’d spent the first eleven years of his life touch starved; he wouldn’t voluntarily go back to those days. Not if he could help it. He wanted to enjoy touch once more, and he wanted to be strong again. He wanted to feel strong again.

And maybe it would be for nothing - maybe, all he would achieve was strength from within a gilded cage at the top of an ivory tower while Voldemort destroyed the world (he hoped he would be sitting in an ivory tower, at least. A small part of him was terrified that Voldemort would get just what he wanted; Harry by his side), but at least he would be himself. Yes. He would know himself again, whoever that turned out to be.

“Master Harry?”

He sighed heavily through his nose and steeled himself. He carefully deposited the snake onto warm, folded towels and began to carefully lift his robes above his head. He felt a rush of adrenaline when he found himself naked in front of the elf and he had to fight back the sudden urge to wrap his robes back around his shoulders. He swallowed thickly and took a careful step towards the bath.

“Harry is fine,” he repeated firmly.

Harry was awake until the early hours of the morning, scouring the books around him with keen interest, hunting for names that would suit the small snake that sat around his neck. With no clock to refer to, he had no idea what time it was when he finally found his names of choice in a thick tomb on Greek mythology.

The middle head he named Clotho, the left Lachesis, and the right Atropos. Only Clotho seemed in anyway enthused by his choice, while Lachesis had nodded politely, and Atropos had sneered and said nothing.

Snape returned the next morning. For the briefest moment he looked visibly surprised to find Harry sat on the end of the sofa in front of the crackling fire dressed in the dark robes Tippy had picked out for him - they were not dissimilar to the ones that Snape habitually wore, though they were less sweeping and more fitted. The surprise was quickly replaced by a sneer, however, when the potion’s master spotted the snake curled loosely around his shoulders.

“The Dark Lord mentioned he had gifted you a serpent, but he didn’t say it was a Runespoor,” he said disdainfully; he snapped his fingers, and Tippy appeared with a crack, “Breakfast for two, if you please Tippy. Black coffee for myself, and sweet tea with cream for Potter,” Tippy bowed and disappeared with a second crack.

Harry wrinkled his nose, “Cream?”

“You need the calories,” Snape snapped, seating himself in an armchair and wincing; he worked a finger into the neck of his robes and glanced at the blazing fire, “Are you trying to cook yourself?” A flick of his wand had the fire dimming somewhat.

“She prefers it hot,” Harry replied coldly.

Snape’s top lip curled in disdain, “I’m sure she does. Self-sacrificing Potter - sweating himself to death to keep a snake happy,” Harry bristled, “She’s unlikely to live long anyway. Runespoors rarely do,”

Harry faltered, torn between anger and curiosity, “Why?”

Snape sneered, “Do you know nothing about Runespoors, Potter?” Harry shook his head slowly and Snape scoffed, “Didn’t you take Care of Magical Creatures? Another class you didn’t listen in, I presume,” anger built in Harry’s gut again, “Of course you didn’t,” Snape raised his wand and pointed it towards the bookshelves. With a smart flick, a book came soaring down and landed heavily in Harry’s lap. Harry had only a moment to read the title (‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: 6th Edition’) before a second flick of Snape’s wand had the book opening, and the pages flicking past in a rush until it settled on the chapter which discussed Runespoors.

Clotho crooned with interest at the diagram on the page, “That looks like us,”

“It’s meant to be a drawing of your kind,” Harry answered quietly, noticing when Snape suddenly flinched. He ignored the man though, absorbed in the chapter, and he was ignored in return while the man cast the same diagnostic spells as he had the morning before.

“Eat your breakfast Potter,” Snape snapped when he made no move to even acknowledge the bowl of porridge that had appeared at his elbow, “Leave the seeds,” he added harshly when Harry made to scrape the sunflower seeds out, “you need the calories” he reminded firmly. Harry wasn’t sure what point he was trying to prove when he spooned almost all of the seeds into his mouth in one go, but he did it anyway. He suppressed a grimace and continued to read.

His eyes narrowed as the chapter detailed the different roles that each head played - thinking of the snake leaning over his shoulder, it made sense. Lachesis certainly did seem like the one that made all the decisions, while Clotho definitely had a dreamy quality about her, and describing Atropos as critical seemed generous - no wonder she was the venomous one. His heart stuttered for a moment as he read the next passage:

‘The Runespoor rarely reaches a great age, as the heads tend to attack each other. It is common to see a Runespoor with the right head missing, the other two heads having banded together to bite it off.’

“What is wrong?” Clotho hissed in his ear, “You smell upset – lost,”

He swallowed heavily, “The book says that your kind tend not to live long, because you attack yourselves - you tend to bite off one of your own heads,”

“Is it her?” Lachesis considered the snarling Atropos with interest, “Because I feel that that would be justified,” she sounded as if she wouldn’t mind chewing of her sister head right then and there.

Atropos snapped her fangs, but Harry interrupted her, “I’d really rather prefer it if you didn’t bite off one of your heads,” he said sharply, “Or for you to poison yourself,” he added, eyeing Atropos’s enormous fangs, “You said I was defenceless and that you were going to look after me. Hard to do that if you’re dead,”

Clotho scowled a little and muttered “Ours,”

“Ours,” Atropos agreed reluctantly.

“Ours,” Lachesis said more firmly.

The fist around Harry’s heart relaxed slightly. Looking up, he was surprised to find Snape watching him, a reluctantly interested expression on his face. Harry frowned at him, and snapped, “What?”

Snape scowled, and ignored the question, “You still need to gain weight,” Harry rolled his eyes and petulantly spooned more porridge into his mouth, “and your cortisol levels are still high,”

“Two baths won’t undo six months of torture,” Harry reminded him thickly before swallowing, “Did you think it would?” He added harshly.

The edge of Snape’s lip twitched into a sneer, “No,” he agreed, “but picking fights with me certainly won’t help,” he said coldly.

A harsh bark of laughter escaped him, “Right. The height of stress this, sitting on a comfortable sofa, with a cup of sweet tea and cream,” he raised his cup to his lips and sipped demonstratively at it, shuddering at the overly sweet taste, “Though perhaps you’re right,” he added, “perhaps the tea is a step to far,” Snape simply blinked back at him, his hand curling into a fist on his knee. Harry licked his lips, “Tell me this - who’s side are you really on?”

Snape scoffed immediately, “I’m sorry Potter - are you expecting some grand confession as to my true loyalties?” His expression turned amused and cruel, “You’re still here, after all, aren’t you? That should answer your question,” He shook his head in disbelief, “Childish and naive as always, Potter. It’s a wonder the Dark Lord didn’t lure you into a trap sooner,”

Harry breathed carefully in and out through his nose, his breakfast threatening to make a reappearance. Snape wasn’t wrong - it was his fault that he was there, (everything that had happened to him in the cellar had been his fault too, a cruel internal voice whispered) he just hadn’t expected to have it thrown in his face.

He should have though, he realised, as his world view shifted somewhat. Everything was a weapon now. Every word, every interaction, every liberty and every restriction. Even the snake around his neck was a weapon - something for him to love. Something that Voldemort had given him and could easily take away again.

He swallowed, and steeled himself, occlumency shields pressing back the tears that threatened, “He told me that… that the Order were having secret conversations about me,” Snape stilled subtly, “Discussing if I could be trusted anymore. If I’d been… contaminated. Compromised. Do they even want to rescue me anymore?” He watched as Snape’s Adam’s apple bobbed slowly up and down, “Now - if you were on Voldemort’s side -,” Snape flinched, “- then I think you’d tell me it was true. Tell me that the Order had put a target on my back or something. But if you were on Dumbledore’s, would you really want to help him alienate me? Even if it were the truth,” please don’t let it be the truth.

Snape drew himself up carefully, until he was stood at his full height. He pulled his robes tighter around his shoulders, and re-buttoned them at his waist.

In his ear, Atropos muttered, “He smells angry,”

“No,” Lachesis whispered, “He smells afraid,”

Harry watched silently as Snape stepped closer until he was looming over him. His eyes flicked from Harry’s to the small snake about his shoulders: Atropos had barred her fangs threateningly, practically daring the man to come closer.

He peered down his nose at Harry, “It’s true,” he said softly, and Harry’s heart plummeted in his chest, “Only the Order’s leadership discuss you now,” he paused, “and Black and Lupin. The headmaster believes they deserve to be kept in the loop as to whether or not you are reclassified as an enemy to the Order,” Harry found himself barring his teeth furiously up at the man, tears prickling in the corner of his eyes; Snape tilted his head to the side, “I’m not sure what you thought you would gain from this line of questioning Potter - I was only ever going to confirm what the Dark Lord has already told you,” and he left without waiting to hear Harry’s response.

Furious tears escaped the corner of Harry’s eyes and he brushed them away furiously. He glanced back to the book in his lap, and re-read a passage that had also gained his interest:

‘Research from Parstlemouths has also revealed that Runespoor’s are surprisingly well attuned to the emotional state of wizards and beasts alike. The Dark Wizard and Parstlemouth, Herpo the Foul, as well as being infamous for breeding the first Basilisk, was also well known in his day for using his Runespoor companions to establish when his prisoners and followers alike were deceiving him. It is thought that this ability is linked to the Runespoor’s unusually strong sense of smell - strong even when compared to other serpents, both magical and mundane.’

Harry sniffed, then swallowed, then whispered, “Was he telling the truth?”

He felt a tongue flick out to taste the tear he had missed on his cheek, and Clotho answered carefully, “Yes,” and Harry couldn’t hold back the broken sound that escaped him. He slapped a hand to his mouth to smother the noise. He felt someone nosing carefully against his cheek.

He choked back his tears, taking a deep breath and pushing his occlumency shields back into place firmly - he wasn’t particularly well practiced at shielding without dissociating though, and a few tears still escaped him.

He wondered darkly if Voldemort had deliberately given him a lie detector for a pet, knowing that he would confirm all he said with Snape. He supposed Voldemort had no need for a Runespoor to know if he was being lied to though, Snape had said as much. He supposed occlumency couldn’t mask someone’s scent, he thought darkly.

“You are sad,” said Lachesis.

Clotho let out a mournful sound, “You are hurt – injured and bleeding,”

He heard Atropos snarl in his ear, “You’re ours,”

Several hours later, Harry had moved only to use the bathroom before sitting himself down heavily on the sofa again, his eye trained on the horizon and ignoring the drizzle of rain outside. He felt like there was a switch inside of him that flicked to the ‘off’ position any time he was alone and there was no one there to perform for. It was almost like being back in the small room in his mind again - quiet and controlled. He’d made half an effort to sink back into himself but had quickly given upon finding himself still firmly pinned to reality. He supposed though, if he wanted to try and find himself again, he wouldn’t have much success if he deliberately hid himself away again.

The Runespoor had been in the middle of curiously investigating the room when there was a gentle knock on the door. He froze reflexively, while three heads appeared from within a bookcase and stared at the door with interest. He saw the door handle turn slowly and the snake leapt into action, scurrying her way down and hurrying across the floor to wrap herself protectively around his neck.

“Hello? May I come in?” He had expected another visit from Voldemort, and so the polite feminine voice threw him for a moment.

“A woman,” the Clotho murmured in his ear, “Nervous – like prey. Who she is afraid will eat her?”

He realised abruptly who it must be, and he stuttered out, “Y-yes,”

He watched feeling barely able to move as Narcissa Mafloy carefully stepped inside, closing the door behind her with a click that echoed in the silent room. For a moment, they simply looked at one another. She looked as he remembered her from the Quidditch World Cup - tall and slim with perfectly coiffed blonde hair, though she was not exactly the same. She lacked the sneer on her upper lip that had made her look arrogant and superior. Instead, her expression was pleasantly neutral and betrayed nothing of her inner feelings.

He wondered what she saw when she looked at him - a scrawny boy playing dress up in robes much too rich for him, he imagined. He fought against the urge to reach up to his collar to tug it up above the highest scar on his neck - he’d tried all morning, but there was no covering it without finding a collar that ended just below his ears.

And then the moment passed, and Narcissa looked away from him as she advanced further into the room towards the vast window and the view beyond, “Good afternoon, Mister Potter,” she said, her hands held politely in front of her, “My name is Narcissa-,”

“I know who you are,” he interrupted softly, his mouth moving against his will.

She froze for a split second, but she recovered quickly, inclining her head in his direction, though she didn’t actually look at him, “Indeed - the Dark Lord has asked that I keep you company while you are our guest here,” prisoner, “Tippy will be along shortly with a spot of lunch for us both,” she approached the sofa carefully, finally allowing her eyes to land on Harry’s - the smallest twitch in her cheek was her only reaction, “I understand you’re currently on a relatively plain diet, but hopefully we will eventually be able to ask Tippy to make some of your favourite meals,” she seated herself delicately on the opposite end of the sofa, smoothing her hands over her long skirt, “How does that sound?”

Harry… didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. He almost longed to have Snape back in the room, or even Voldemort - he knew how to talk to them. He knew how to be biting and angry. Sometimes, he thought that that was all that was left of him from before. He didn’t know how to speak to Narcissa, or what to say. He should be just as furious with her, he supposed. It was her husband who had dragged him there, after all, and her son had been his worst enemy at school for five years.

It was hard to remember all that though, when she was being kind to him. He hadn’t had kindness in a long time - other than from the snake over his shoulder, and he thought Snape might have been kind to him that first evening out of the cellar, but it was hard to remember that night clearly.

“She’s uncomfortable,” Atropos said in her gravelly voice through a wide yawn, making Harry and Narcissa flinch.

“Ah,” Narcissa said to mask her small gasp, “Yes - Severus mentioned you had a snake. A Runespoor, correct?” Harry suppressed the urge to sneer at the mention of the other man, and instead nodded, “Does she have a name?”

Harry licked his lips and dug deep to try and remember how to interact like a normal human being, rather than the defensive, furious thing he had been for the last forty-eight hours, “Yes,” he cleared his voice a little, “Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos,” Narcissa’s look turned politely quizzical, “She… they- uh, that is, each head wanted its own name. The right head would have happily shared, but the other two aren’t her… ah, biggest fans,” he trailed off awkwardly.

She straightened her skirt again and maintained her mild expression. It was only then that it occurred to Harry that perhaps she didn’t know how to speak to him either. He wouldn’t know how to speak to him - the teenager that her husband had kidnapped and had been tortured in her family home for half a year.

“Those are the names of the Moirai - correct?” She said slowly, and Harry nodded, “Do you like Greek mythology then, Mister Potter?” Harry shrugged, and Narcissa’s expression became fixed, “There are some interesting stories, I find - though often wildly inappropriate for children,” she said it knowingly, as if he were in on the joke. Her fixed expression became pained when he simply looked back at her, but they were both saved from their awkward interaction by Tippy appearing with a crack.

She bowed lowly and clicked her fingers. A tray materialised on the coffee table, smartly cut sandwiches on Narcissa’s side, and what he thought might have been chicken soup on his. Straightening, Tippy looked meaningfully between Harry and the cup of tea closest to him. Unlike that morning, the tea was black, and there was no cream in sight. Harry nodded gratefully.

“Ah, what perfect timing Tippy,” Narcissa said pleasantly, “Thank you,” Tippy bowed again, and disappeared.

Narcissa started on her sandwiches silently, chewing slowly. He could imagine what was going through her mind as she figured out how to interact with the silent, unknown teenager in front of her.

Harry added a splash of milk to his tea and brought the cup up to his lips. He found himself frozen though, unable to tip the liquid into his mouth. He frowned, confused, glancing at Narcissa out of the corner of his eye. She wasn’t paying him any attention though, her gaze fixed on the window and the frosty garden beyond.

“It’s very hot,” the Clotho muttered in his ear, burrowing under his collar to enjoy more of his body heat.

It was very hot - steam curled furiously in the air above the tea’s surface. His fingers were curled delicately around the cups handle, but he when he made to rest the cup against his little finger, he found himself incapable of making contact with the porcelain’s hot surface.

He wondered if this cup had been charmed somehow to prevent the user from drinking when the contents were still too hot – perhaps it was meant for small children. He added more milk until the tea was an unappetising white colour, but he found he was now able to sip carefully at it. How strange.

Narcissa sat with him until he had finished his lunch, and then she rose to her feet and inclined her head politely to him, “I shall see you tomorrow, Mister Potter,” Harry said nothing, and if she thought it rude of him, she didn’t mention it.

It became a pattern that lasted two weeks. Snape came in the morning, and Narcissa came in the afternoon, and in the evening, Harry sat silently on the sofa trying to remember how to be a person until Tippy ran him a bath.

Harry was almost relieved to see Snape every morning - he could handle Snape. Not that he spoke to the man, or the potion’s master to him. He’d simply turn the fire down with a scowl, eye the snake lounging around Harry’s neck with disdain, and then begin casting his diagnostic charms. He would linger on the spell that demonstrated Harry’s magical signature, a thread of black still there, winding its way through the vibrant gold. Harry always considered asking him about it, but never bothered. It felt pointless.

At the end of the day, he began to realise, it didn’t matter what side Snape was on, because neither side were on Harry’s. Not really - not anymore.

Strangely, Narcissa was more difficult to deal with.

She always attempted small talk, and sometimes Harry tried to reciprocate it, but what was there for him to say? It was difficult to engage in mindless chit chat when nothing changed for him except the weather outside the window. She sometimes enquired about ‘The Moirai’ as she’d started calling his three headed snake, but there was only so many times he could say that she was fine. He’d considered asking after Draco once and had nearly choked on his words fighting them down.

There was a kind of illusion building in Harry’s head though, as much as he tried to disregard it. That they were simply enjoying mildly uncomfortable lunches and trying but failing to get to know one another. Then Harry would notice the way her eyes flicked anxiously to his lunch - she never left until he had finished - and Harry was reminded that she had been tasked by Voldemort with monitoring him. She wasn’t there to be his friend. She was fulfilling an obligation. He wondered what she had been threatened with, or rather who had been threatened, to ensure that she met the Dark Lord’s expectations.

And then he would be left alone but for the snake about his neck, and he found himself pinned to the sofa, immobile and impotent, until Tippy ran him a bath and he saw how long he could look at the scared bite marks on his neck and chest before he started to feel sick. It made him almost glad for his poor vision - they were easy to ignore if he took his glasses off before he looked in the mirror.

The pattern changed, though, on day fourteen.

The Moirai were pressed flat on the arm of the sofa, the majority of her body dipping down behind it where Harry couldn’t see her, while her eyes carefully tracked his fingers where they tapped and teased playfully across the sofa’s back. She slithered forwards carefully, Lachesis leading the way, her head swaying this way and that as she followed the path of his hand. Clotho was less focussed, her eyes drifting occasionally to the snowflakes falling outside. Atropos watched, but didn’t sway, her jaws clamped tightly closed (much to his relief - Runespoor venom sounded awful). Lachesis draw her head back, preparing to strike, when-!

“Are you listening Potter?” Snape snapped, his barked question making Harry flinch and react a second too late when Lachesis lunged forwards. His hissed in pain when she caught his finger in her mouth, though she only gripped loosely, her fangs only just piercing the skin but still stinging, “Potter!” Snape said again, “Did you hear me?”

“Yes,” Harry responded flatly, “but no, I wasn’t listening,” he eyed the potion’s master curiously - they had barely spoken to one another in weeks.

Snape scowled, “I said that you’ve gained weight, but not as much as I would like,” Harry rolled his eyes - he didn’t know why the Professor thought he gave a single sh*t as to what he’d like, “and certainly not as much as the Dark Lord would like. You must eat more,”

“I always finish my meals now,” Harry said defensively.

“Feeding your leftovers to a snake hardly counts,” Harry said nothing, “You must eat more, Potter. There will undoubtedly be consequences if you do not gain more weight,”

Harry tried his best to rationalise and ignore the anxious twist of his gut, “For me - or for you?” He asked curiously; Snape froze, “Because, to be honest, you can hang for all I care,” he said with a shrug.

Snape spoke again through gritted teeth, “Have you not considered your own well-being? Your body is already under excess strain trying to repair the magical barriers of your mind, and being underweight as you are will only exacerbate the issue - you’re at an elevated risk of sudden cardiac death,” he said gravely.

“Sudden cardiac death sounds better than this,” Harry admitted, “I wonder how upset Voldemort would be with you if I were to suddenly die. I suppose I could always try and hurry along the issue,” his eye flicked meaningfully to the sharp fire poker leaning up against the mantel piece.

Snape snorted, “By all means try, but you’ll not get very far,”

Harry froze, “What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you noticed you can’t drink your tea if it's too hot?” Snape drawled, “Or wander too close to the fire, or to the fire poker? I image if you ran a scalding hot bath, you’d be unable to get in it. Or if you tried to scratch yourself with a quill, you’d be unable to bring the point to your skin,”

“What do you mean?” Harry whispered again.

“You are afraid,” Clotho whispered from his side, staring up at him, but he ignored her as she began climbing up his arm.

Snape rolled his eyes, “The room is warded, Potter - warded so that you can’t cause yourself any harm,” a cruel smile played about his mouth, “Did you really think the Dark Lord would allow you to wander around, unsupervised, without placing limitations on your behaviour?”

“You’re a right c*nt sometimes, you know that?” Harry snapped furiously, a sick feeling sitting in his throat. It wasn’t that he was suicidal - far from it. He wanted to live just to spite every single person who wanted him dead. But knowing he couldn’t even escape through death made him want to scream and rage, and for the first time, he felt truly trapped.

He expected Snape to shout at him; to hiss and spit furiously, but he didn’t. Instead, he sighed through his nose and eyed Harry at length.

“He is sad,” Atropos grumbled, “He deceives,”

That caught his attention, “What do you mean?” He hissed out sharply, “He’s lying to me?” But Snape was right - Harry had been unable to drink his tea when it was too hot, and he could only get close enough to the fire to turn it up or down.

“Not lying,” said Clotho, “but he smells always of deception,” and Harry sagged. Of course. Snape was a spy. It made sense he always smelt a little bit like he was lying.

“He is the Deceiver,” Lachesis said firmly, and the other two nodded their agreement.

He turned his attention reluctantly back to the potion’s professor, who’s eyes were fixed on the Moirai. Harry saw him physically hesitate before he asked (as if he were unable to help himself), “What did she say?”

“She called you a deceiver,” Harry muttered, suddenly feeling tired, “suppose it makes sense that the spy smells of deception,” he licked his lips, and repeated the question he had asked two weeks prior, “Who’s side are you on really, I wonder,”

Snape was suddenly sneering again, “The same question, Potter? Should you feel the need to ask it again, I suggest you refer back to the fact that you remain a prisoner in this Manor - you shall find your answer there,” and he stood abruptly, “The Dark Lord shall be visiting you for lunch today - for your own good health, I suggest you are more polite to him than you are to me,” and he swept from the room, leaving Harry and the snake alone.

Harry held his breath for a moment to suppress the sudden onslaught of anxiety at the knowledge that Voldemort would be visiting him again and used the moment of reprieve to consider Snape’s answer, or rather, his none answer. Snape knew about Runespoors, Harry reminded himself, or he knew what was written in the book he had summoned down from a shelf for Harry to read at least. It stood to reason that he knew their capacity as organic lie-detectors as well. Something to consider later, he thought, as he carefully allowed the anxiety back in.

It was better to experience it now, than to let it build for later.

By the time there was a polite but firm knock on the door, Harry had composed himself, his occlumency walls firmly in place. As Lord Voldemort, without waiting for permission to enter, paced silently into the room, Harry wondered to himself about the skill it would take to be able to occlude undetected. A slow, cold smile spread across the Dark Lord’s face, and Harry found himself sitting up straighter and pressing a nervous hand to where the Moirai were wound around his neck under his robes, their noses just peeking out of his high collar.

“Ah, Harry,” he greeted, his voice high and breathy as it always was, “It is good to see you again - you are looking somewhat better,” he lowered himself carefully into the arm chair closest to Harry, and Harry found himself regretting that he didn’t habitually sit in the middle of the sofa, “though Severus informs me you have not gained as much weight as we would have liked,” he said sounding faintly chiding, “I shall have to speak to Narcissa about this - it is unacceptable,” Harry’s anxiety and fear hit him full force for a moment and he forced himself to look away while he gained control over his emotions; he hadn’t considered that Narcissa might be held accountable for his well-being, “Do not despair, Harry. We shall have you fighting fit in no time, won’t we?” Harry flicked his eye nervously in Voldemort’s direction and found him considering him with a faint smile.

Harry swallowed and said faintly, “Yes,”

“Yes, what?” Voldemort said carefully, and Harry found himself gritting his teeth together.

He wanted to snap back furiously - to tell the serpentine man to go f*ck himself. But then he remembered Narcissa. He remembered her painfully polite attempts to get to know him. He remembered her attempts to share a joke with him that he hadn’t understood. He remembered the delusion that they were simply sharing lunch that he still had to dissuade himself from believing half the time, and he opened his mouth and said, “Yes, my Lord,”

Voldemort’s expression turned instantly pleased, “Excellent,” he murmured quietly, before snapping his fingers, and a pot of steaming tea appeared between them. Harry didn’t even attempt to reach forwards for his cup yet - he knew by the steam that rose steadily into the air that it would be a little while yet before he would be able to drink it.

The Dark Lord folded his hands in his lap, his own cup also going ignored, and considered Harry for a moment before he spoke, “It occurred to me, Harry, that you were unable to say goodbye to your relatives before you were brought to the Manor,” Harry froze, confused, “You lived with your aunt and uncle, did you not?”

Harry nodded, then at Voldemort’s pointed look said, “Yes, my Lord,”

“Would you not appreciate the opportunity to speak to them one last time? To write them a letter perhaps?” The Dark Lord asked lightly as he steepled his hands at his chin.

Harry shifted uncomfortably, “No - thank you. I doubt they care, anyway,”

His expression turned faintly confused, though Harry didn’t believe it for a minute, “They wouldn’t care? But Harry - you’re their family! Why wouldn’t they care?” He needled and Harry wondered who he had been speaking to, “Do you not spend every summer holiday with them?” He probed.

“They hate me,” Harry said flatly.

“What would make you think that, Harry?”

“I don’t think it, I know it,” Harry snapped, “They don’t give a damn about me. They’re probably glad to be shot of the freak,”

Voldemort’s lip twitched in triumph and Harry found himself watching and feeling helpless to prevent his own manipulation, “‘Freak’, Harry - is that what they called you?” He asked softly; Harry nodded reluctantly, “I imagine that that isn’t all they did though, is it?” It was with even more reticence that Harry shook his head, “They hurt you, didn’t they? Starved you too, if Severus is to be believed, and he is not in the habit of lying to me. He mentioned you were unusually small when you started school. James Potter was a rather tall man, if I remember correctly; a little under six foot. I imagine he was near that height at your age too. I wonder if you’d have been as tall as him if you’d been fed properly as a young boy. How tall are you now, Harry?” Harry pressed his trembling lips together firmly and refused to answer.

Voldemort sighed, reaching down for his teacup, “Did you know, Harry, that muggleborn children are nearly ten times as likely to be abused by their parents as the children of witches or wizards?” Harry shook his head silently - was that true? “It’s terrible, isn’t it? And that’s a number the Ministry themselves have generated. Not that they have taken any measures to protect those vulnerable children,” for a moment, the bitterness in the man’s voice sounded genuine, “I think it would be better to take those children from their parents, and settle them with magical families the moment they demonstrate their magical ability, wouldn’t you agree?”

“You… you want to take people's children from them?” Harry stuttered in disbelief, “But that’s awful - people would be devastated! You can’t just go around stealing children!”

“But the children would be protected, Harry - surely that’s more important? The safety of magical children, over the feelings of their mundane parents. And are they really their children? I would argue that they’re our children - our kind, not theirs. History has shown that muggles cannot be trusted, Harry, not with magical children,” Voldemort said sharply, “Did you know that Severus was abused by his own muggle father?”

Harry swallowed heavily and whispered, “No,”

“No,” Voldemort repeated, “and he is not the first, nor will he be the last half-blood to be abused by their muggle parent. And yet still, the Ministry does nothing. If we can agree on nothing else, then surely, we can agree that that is wrong,”

Harry licked his bottom lip nervously, “But… but don’t you hate muggleborns,” he inclined his head towards the door to his room, “Your lot don’t even think they should be let into Hogwarts, or the wizarding world at all,”

“Can you really blame them, Harry,” Voldemort whispered, “They are a liability - a dangerous connection to the muggle world. There’s a reason for the Statue of Secrecy after all. But imagine if these muggleborn children were raised within the wizarding world, among wizarding families. They would know our ways - they would know our culture. You would not ask a wolf to live amongst sheep, and then expect them to be integrated into the pack,”

Harry couldn’t think of anything to say. His knee jerk reaction to reject everything the man said simply wasn’t there to fall back on, and it made him feel faintly ill. Was this how it started, he wondered. With Voldemort picking through his vulnerabilities and using them against him. Was this how his resistance was unravelled?

“Tell me, Harry,” Voldemort said gently, “Who placed you with your muggle relatives?”

For the longest moment, Harry said nothing. He had no doubt that Voldemort knew the answer to his own question, he simply asked it to hear Harry’s answer. He pressed a hand to his throat, resting against the coils of the snake under his clothes and seeking comfort from them, “Dumbledore,” he muttered finally.

“And who has insisted on your return year after year?”

Harry released a shuddering breath - who had told him this? Snape? Or perhaps not, he thought, realisation dawning, and a certain rat came to mind. Wormtail had been privy to many a conversation between him and Ron. He wondered if he were there, living in the manor somewhere.

“Dumbledore,” he repeated in a whisper.

“And do you believe that Dumbledore was ignorant to your treatment at the hands of your relatives?”

A memory returned to Harry - letter after letter pouring out of the chimney, all of them addressed the ‘The Cupboard Under the Stairs’, “No,” his answer was barely audible, but the flash of triumph in Voldemort’s eyes told Harry that he had been clearly heard.

Through his line of questioning, Voldemort had been gradually leaning forwards out of his chair and closer to Harry. Now though, he relaxed back into it with a sigh, “Albus Dumbledore - the man convinced that he above all others knows what’s best,” he stood abruptly, pacing away from Harry towards the window, “Tell me Harry - do you believe there to be a wizarding family in all of Britain that wouldn’t have accepted you as their own? You, the famous Harry Potter, the vanquisher of the greatest wizard that the world has ever seen?”

Voldemort glanced over his shoulder, and said firmly, “Come here Harry,” if Harry hadn’t known better, he’d have said he’d had the Imperius curse placed upon him. He found himself positively compelled to join the man at the window, “Do you think that even the great Malfoy family would have turned you away? Hmm? Lucius has always been a slippery fellow - Death Eater or not, he’d have relished the idea of having you as his ward,” he gestured to the gardens beyond the window, “This could have been your home, Harry, if Albus Dumbledore had left it to the proper authorities to organise your care. They’d have never allowed you to be left to muggles. To people who would harm you. To people who were ignorant of our ways,”

Harry’s eye trailed across the hedges and the flower beds and the trees, tracing his way from the furthest reach of the garden that he could see, all the way back to the house, until his eye caught on a familiar platinum blonde head. It was Malfoy - Draco Mafloy. Hogwarts must have broken for the holidays, he realised. He leant forwards curiously, reluctantly eager to see more of a familiar face, even if that face belonged to Malfoy.

He was sat on the low stone wall that circled closer to the house and delineated the start of the gardens. His head was bowed low, and his hands gripped desperately at his arms - even from his distance, Harry could see the way his sleeves creased under his firm grip. He… didn’t look how Harry expected him to. He expected swagger and pride - his father was currently hosting his precious Dark Lord after all. Instead, he looked withdrawn and unsure. He looked nervous.

Harry realised with a jolt that Voldemort had been quietly watching him watch Malfoy, and he flinched back away from the window. He glanced up nervously through his lashes but found that Voldemort was watching Mafloy rather than himself.

“I can’t help but wonder if you would like to see an old school friend, Harry?” For a moment Harry found himself confused - what friend? And then he realised that Voldemort meant Mafloy. In any other circ*mstance, Harry would have laughed out loud at the notion of calling Malfoy, of all people, his friend. But the truth was… he was lonely. He was lonely, and half the time he was furious, and the other half he couldn’t remember how to be a real person anymore, “It might be nice to see a familiar face, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” the word, quiet and longing, slipped out without his permission.

Voldemort looked immediately pleased, and he raised a hand to brush Harry’s fringe up and out of his face; his eyes lingered on Harry’s forehead, “Consider it an early Christmas present, then,” he said gently, stroking his hand down the back of Harry’s head and shifting his gaze to peer down into Harry’s remaining eye.

He left without saying another word, and Harry had to carefully disentangle the snake from around his neck so that he could kneel over the toilets cold porcelain and vomit up his breakfast without accidentally shaking her lose into the bowl.

Harry spent the rest of the day a bag of jittering nerves. Why had he said yes? He didn’t want to see Malfoy - he didn’t really want to see anyone, but if he had, Malfoy would be at the bottom of the list. He could imagine it now. Malfoy would sneer and laugh and taunt him, and Harry wouldn’t even be able to reach for the fire poker to skewer the bastard with it.

Harry found himself shuddering with relief when Tippy ran his bath, and still Malfoy hadn’t appeared. Maybe Voldemort had changed his mind, Harry hoped, and decided not to send Malfoy to see him after all. It was only that thought running through his mind that allowed Harry to sleep that night, the Moirai under his shirt, her heads resting peacefully on his chest.

The next morning, Harry allowed Tippy to dress him as usual, though was surprised by her choice in robes. They were more relaxed than normal, and he found himself anxiously tugging at the collar, wishing it were an inch or two higher up his neck. Though, he supposed, running a finger across the curved scar on his neck, it wasn’t anything Snape hadn’t seen before. He was still relieved though when the Moirai coiled around his neck so that the marks were concealed beneath her.

Clotho’s tongue tickled at his ear, “Not upset anymore,” she hissed, pleased.

He seated himself in his usual spot on the sofa, his hands folded in his lap, and waited for the moment that Snape would appear. He never did though.

Instead, there was a timid, unfamiliar knock at the door. Harry knew immediately who it belonged to. He watched, feeling almost petrified in his seat, as Draco Mafloy stepped carefully into the room, the door swinging shut behind him.

Harry simply looked at him, half not believing he was really there. He looked different then when Harry had seen him last - older and taller. His blonde hair was still swept back off his face, but it was longer than Harry remembered, and was styled in a way that made his hard, angular features appear softer than they truly were. Or perhaps it was simply that Harry had spent two weeks looking at his mother, and he now saw more of Narcissa than Lucius staring back at him.

Finally, reluctantly, Harry turned his focus to the expression being directed at him. It was carefully orchestrated into something relaxed and blank, but the soft line of his mouth did nothing to disguise the fire that burnt faintly at the edges of his cold grey eyes. It was the kind of fire that might have gone unnoticed by someone unfamiliar with Malfoy, but Harry saw it as clear as the nose on his face.

He was angry - outraged even - but about what?

Harry didn’t care to speculate. Instead, he sat and looked back, and waited to see which of them would speak first.


Ngl found this chapter quite difficult to write and huge swathes of it were written and then cut.

Finally getting to the Drarry haha the bit I know I’ll find super easy to write haha but the more difficult parts are important for the plot so hey ho

The plan in my head is (once we’re making drarry headway, so probably after chapter six) so publish once a week (probably a weekend), but I have no impulse control so we’ll see how that does or doesn’t go

See you on the next one!!

Chapter 6: Draco: The Guest


The picture was an old one - a portrait from the shoulders up, taken shortly after Potter had landed after retrieving his egg in the first task, but before he had been taken to the first aid tent judging by the bleeding gash at his shoulder. In the background, a group of dragon tamers tried to gain control of an enormous horntail, but they never quite managed it before the picture looped back round again.


Enjooooooy :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

June - Hogwarts

The picture was an old one - a portrait from the shoulders up, taken shortly after Potter had landed having retrieving his egg in the first task, but before he had been taken to the first aid tent judging by the bleeding gash at his shoulder. In the background, a group of dragon tamers tried to gain control of an enormous horntail, but they never quite managed it before the picture looped back round again.

The photo was triumphant. The accompanying headline was not.


Draco unglued his gaze from the photograph on the front page of the Daily Prophet and turned his attention instead to the paragraph that had somehow been wedged into the corner in the smallest font possible whilst still being legible.

In the early hours of this morning, the Ministry officially confirmed the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Cornelius Fudge, who also announced his resignation as Minister for Magic and the reinstatement of Albus Dumbledore as headmaster of Hogwarts, spoke to a select group of reporters to provide preliminary information on this developing situation. He has urged all witches and wizards in Britain to remain calm, but to act with caution.

This news comes in the wake of the confirmed abduction, by Death Eaters known and unknown, of Harry Potter from within the Ministry itself. The Ministry has stated that, while Aurors are perusing all avenues of investigation with the view of rescuing Potter, he is, at this time, presumed dead.

Read more on pages 2, 3, 4, and 5. Turn to pages 9 and 10 for a summary of the last wizarding war, and 11 and 12 for a dedication to the life and death of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.

Draco found his eyes drawn to the near grin that threatened at Potter’s lips. They would twitch and tremble just the smallest amount, but the photograph looped before he ever managed a smile. It wasn’t the sort of thing that someone who had never seen Potter in person would even notice he imagined.

When the paper had landed in front of him five minutes ago, rolled up so that only the headline glared out at him, Draco had felt fit to burst with glee. His father had hinted that something was coming - something big that would secure their family’s position in the Dark Lord’s inner circle, and killing Harry Potter certainly fit the bill.

But then, struggling with one hand, his other in a sling following the mess that Warrington had made of the night before (Goyle was still in the hospital wing, the skin of his left hand being carefully peeled away from his face), he had unrolled the paper, and revealed the picture on the front page. He’d found his gaze darting from Potter’s eyes to his mouth. It was odd. Potter’s mouth was straight and slightly parted when he looked straight at it, but when he lifted his gaze to Potter’s eyes, he swore he could see the hint of a smile in his peripheral vision.

He… he should feel glad. He did feel glad. This was it - this was the elevation of his family, and the beginning of a world where purebloods took their rightful place, and mudbloods were put in theirs. Looking at the Daily Prophet though, it was hard to feel smug. He just felt faintly sick. He’d meant it before, every time he’d insinuated that Potter would get what was coming to him, but it felt different now.

Presumed dead’.

It felt so… final. Unreal. Potter couldn’t be dead.

He glanced up surreptitiously from the paper towards the Gryffindor table and his eyes found Potter’s friends immediately. Granger was crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked, and her bottom lip trembled as she gripped the paper in both hands. Weasley looked as if he had been drained of all blood - pale, almost grey looking. His sister was tucked under his arm, her face hidden in his chest and her shoulders shaking. Draco looked away quickly, unwilling to be caught staring, and glanced up and down the rest of Potter’s table. He picked out the members of Potter’s little defence group easily enough – they all looked distraught.

It felt similar to when Diggory had died, Draco thought. But Diggory had been easy for Draco to forget while he privately celebrated the Dark Lord’s return; he hadn’t known him personally - never even spoken to the boy. Potter though? Draco wasn’t sure he would ever be able to forget Potter.

Next to him, Pansy let out a quiet shuddering breath. He looked towards her sharply, and her eyes flicked in his direction. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

He glanced carefully up and down the table to ensure no one was listening, and asked quietly,“What’s wrong?”

She nervously licked her top lip, “I… I know we hated Potter but this…,” she trailed off weakly.

“But what?” He said more harshly.

She looked at him guiltily, shrinking in her seat a little and making him feel as if he were positively towering over her, “But I don’t think I actually wanted him dead,” she admitted as if it were some great betrayal. He could see how she watched the photo of Potter out of the corner of her eye, and he felt immediately ashamed for making her feel bad for not being full of joy at the news of Potter’s demise (he was dead - he wasn’t some vanquished literary character, he was dead).

He sighed and folded the paper over to hide Potter’s face from view. He found himself looking almost automatically towards the Gryffindor table and half expecting to find Potter glaring back at him. Instead, he found Ginny Weasley’s blue eyes fixed on him, red rimmed, watery, and furious. He looked away before the tears building in her eyes could fall.

“No,” he muttered reluctantly, “I don’t think I did either.”

July - Kings-Cross Station

He was uncomfortably aware of his signet ring in a way that he wasn’t usually. He found himself spinning it around and sliding it on and off his finger, then working it onto the opposite hand to see if it felt better there. It never did. He worked his thumb nail into the snake on the ring’s face, skirting around it and worrying at the snake’s bejewelled eye with the pad of his finger. The Malfoy crest was engraved on the inside, hidden from view. It was an heirloom, passed from father to son when the son first left for Hogwarts. Some of the other purebloods had similar rings - he knew that Pansy did.

He wondered if their’s sat as uncomfortably on their fingers nowadays as his.

Pansy left him on the platform with a grim smile - no-one was lingering this year. No extended goodbyes and shouted farewells or parting hugs. Students were collected and whisked away efficiently by parents who peered suspiciously over their shoulders and avoided eye contact with witches and wizards they had exchanged easy conversation with in September.

There were witches and wizards who tarried though - milling around aimlessly, some hidden behind papers or magazines. There was nothing distinctive about any of them and Draco found his eyes practically sliding off of them no matter how hard he tried to focus on them. They were Aurors, he was sure, and he could feel at least one set of eyes on him at all times, though he never caught anyone looking.

Despite the way she was pressed discreetly into a dark corner, Draco spotted his mother almost immediately. He dragged his trunk behind him across the platform, half expecting someone to leap out at him before he could reach her, but they never did. He frowned when she finally stepped out of the shadows - she was alone. She never collected him alone. The smile on her face was strained as she reached out her arms to him and pulled him to her chest in a fierce embrace.

“Where’s father?” He muttered into her ear; his attention was focussed on the shadow of a wizard he could see in the corner of his eye. He knew if he looked at him head on, his gaze would simply slide straight past him. It was an exceptionally strong notice-me-not charm, he was sure.

“Not here,” she whispered back to him. He heard her heels clicking against the cobble stones as she came off her tiptoes and stepped back from him. Her smile turned sad, “You’ve gotten so tall. You’ll be as tall as your father soon,” she said wistfully. She flinched at the sound a rock being ground between the platform and the sole of an unseen shoe, “Come - we need to leave,” she took his hand in hers and pulled him onwards.

He followed her silently through the barrier and into the muggle side of the station. She attempted a reassuring smile over her shoulder, but Draco wasn’t fooled for a moment. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

They walked for longer than he had expected, winding their way between muggles and through muggle London, disappearing amongst the crowds and skyscrapers. They were being followed, he was sure, but his mother never stopped to check.

It was only as they rounded a corner into a particularly dark alleyway, and the prickling feeling on the back of his neck finally abated, that his mother wrapped his arm firmly around hers and apparated them away.

He expected them to appear on the front steps of the manor - even with the additional wards and safety measures his father had put into place since the Dark Lord had become a regular visitor, he had insisted that the Malfoy’s should always be able to apparate directly to their own front door. But they weren’t on the front steps. He wasn’t even sure they were at the front drive. The Manor was nowhere to be seen, only an expanse of sparse woodland.

Though, he thought, as he readjusted his weight from one foot to the other, though he couldn’t see the Manor, he could certainly hear the front drives gravel crunching beneath his feet. He glanced down, and while there were small pebbles on the ground, there were certainly not enough to account for the sound his feet were making.

“Where-?” he started, turning to his mother in confusion when his eyes caught on a figure emerging from the woods in front of them. It was his father.

With the added context of his father sweeping towards him, his robes swishing across the ground but never once becoming snagged or caught, the scene around him became instantly recognisable even without the Manor looming in the background. This was definitely his home - he’d recognise the lands around their property anywhere. He’d spent enough time playing in them as a child. But… but where was the Manor and its grounds?

“Draco,” his father greeted him, a hint of relief in the way he exhaled after saying his name. He didn’t pull him into an embrace - Draco couldn’t remember the last time his father had hugged him - but he did rest an affectionate hand on his shoulder, “welcome home, son,”

“Father,” Draco greeted in return with a deferential bow of his head; he couldn’t help the way his eyes fixed incredulously on the trees behind Lucius where the Manor should have been.

“Ah,” his father said in understanding, releasing his shoulder to dig through his robes for something. He produced a thin slip of parchment and pressed it under Draco’s nose, “Read quickly, Draco,”

Draco had only just brought the parchment into focus and skimmed the words on its surface when it was snatched away and burnt to ash in a flash of flame from his father's wand. As the words he’d read - ‘Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire: The Den of Death and Snakes’ - finally gained meaning in his mind, he jumped in alarm as his family home began to emerge from the depths of the earth.

“W-what? What’s this? Another new ward?”

Lucius’s lips pressed together until they were a thin shock of white and he shook his head, “The Dark Lord felt that another layer of protection was necessary - he has placed the Manor under the Fidelius charm,” the charm rang a bell - wasn’t that the protection that Potter’s family had been under? He was jolted from his thoughts by his father placing a heavy hand on his shoulder again, “Listen to me Draco,” Draco felt a thrill of cold fear shoot through his gut at his sudden serious tone, “Things are changing. Our favour with the Dark Lord is threatened, and while we are under more scrutiny from the outside world than ever, our home is no longer safe either. I need to know that you are prepared to do what must be done - to fulfil your role as the Malfoy heir. Do you understand?”

Draco swallowed, feeling the weight of his father’s every word pressing down on his shoulders, but not quite understanding what he meant, “Yes, father,” he said firmly anyway. His father didn’t want questions; he would save them for his mother.

Lucius nodded and dropped his hand, “Come - let’s get you settled,” he led them forwards, Draco’s trunk levitating after them. He raised his left arm to the gates, and they faded to smoke to let them pass. Draco swallowed against the abrupt change in atmosphere - the air itself felt suddenly oppressive. Heavy and cloying and thick.

Lucius made to lead them down the main driveway, but Narcissa stopped him sharply, “No, Lucius - not that way,”

His expression turned immediately pinched, “But… Cissa-,”

“No!” Narcissa repeated hotly, “I forbid it,” she glanced at Draco out of the corner of her eye and her expression immediately smoothed, “We shall use the East wings private entrance,” she said, her voice calm and serene where before it had been brittle and anxious; she placed a hand to the small of his back and ushered him down the side path, “Come Draco,”

Lucius didn’t follow; he squared his shoulders and said, “As you wish - I must leave you here then. I have other things to attend to,” watching his father march smartly away from him without another word, Draco tried not to feel hurt. His father had other responsibilities now, he tried to remind himself. Responsibilities he would be expecting Draco to shoulder one day soon.

As stoic as he tried to remain, his mother knew him too well to miss the way his posture tightened to counteract the slump that threatened. She rubbed his back once, then lowered her hand to her side. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and noticed the noble way she held herself as she guided them towards the Manor. He could practically see her mask hovering a few millimetres in front of her face - it was proud and strong and cold. It was the mask she always wore in public. She had taught him the value of masks long ago.

‘When you swim with sharks, Draco, you show your teeth, or you get bitten.’

He rarely saw the mask in place when it was just the two of them though, and he’d never seen it when it was just the two of them at home before.

He swallowed back his nerves and slid his own indifferent mask into place: things really had changed.

It was only when Narcissa had led them through the east wing’s entrance and to the sitting room that the mask finally dislodged itself. Closing the door fast behind them, her shoulders shuddered with her careful exhale, and she attempted a reassuring smile.

“I have missed you, little dragon,”

Draco rolled his eyes, a reluctant smile threatening at the corner of his mouth despite the anxious fist in his chest, “I missed you too,” she reached out to him again and he allowed her to draw him towards one of the two sofas that sat flush against the back wall on either side of the room’s grand french doors.

With their knee’s rubbing together, she pressed a palm to his cheek and sighed, “You just keep growing don’t you,” she muttered, “It’s like I closed my eyes one day and my boy had grown into a young man. It breaks my heart sometimes,” she sat back and brought her hand to the gold chain that always lay around around her neck, just beneath her clothes and out of sight. She fiddled with the ring threaded through it; gold, vibrant and shining, with an enormous cushion cut emerald in a setting so delicate that it must have been held together by magic. It had been her mother’s engagement ring - she’d wanted to bequeath it to a son to propose with one day but had given up after having three daughters. When Draco had been born though, she had been overwhelmed with joy and had worked the ring from her finger there and then and folded her youngest daughter’s fingers around it. Or at least, that was how the story had been told to Draco.

“Mother… what aren’t you telling me? Why wouldn’t you let us go through the entrance hall?”

She licked her lips nervously and dropped the ring; it disappeared beneath her clothing again, “You must listen to me carefully, Draco,” she said, her voice nearly a whisper, “The Dark Lord is not happy with your father,”

Draco shook his head, confused, “But… the papers said that Potter had been taken - that he was dead,” her lips thinned, “isn’t that what he wanted?”

“Yes - but your father was clumsy about it. He left evidence - indisputable evidence - that the Dark Lord has returned. He destroyed an enormous portion of the Department of Mysteries. Even Fudge couldn’t deny that that had happened,” she bit her lip, “The Dark Lord was not prepared to be revealed to the world yet. He is angry, very angry, and he will blame us as much as he blames your father - do you understand?”

He swallowed back the panicked lump in his throat, and nodded, “Yes,”

She nodded back encouraging, “We must be careful. Very careful, Draco. We mustn’t put a toe out of line. It’s a miracle your father wasn’t punished more severely! When I think about what the Dark Lord could have ordered, I…,” she trailed off, swallowing heavily, tears gathering in her eyes, “It makes me feel sick,” she whispered, reaching out and bringing his hands into her lap, “Your father is right, Draco, things are changing,” she looked suddenly fierce, “and I’m going to teach you to protect yourself from that change,”

“I don’t know why you don’t let me teach him, Cissy,” they both jumped at the unexpected voice; Bellatrix stood half leaning against the door, the tip of her wand pressed against the tip of her finger as she spun it around mindlessly. She flashed a grin in Draco’s direction, “Hello, nephew of mine,”

He opened his mouth, not quite sure what he was going to say back, but his mother saved him the effort, “No, Bella,” she said firmly, her look fierce, “We’ve already discussed this; I will teach him,”

“Teach me what?” He tried to keep the anxiety his aunt inspired in him out of his voice.

“I’m going to teach you occlumency, Draco,” Narcissa squeezed his hands, “You need to be able to defend your mind before you go back to Hogwarts, which only leaves us a few months, so you’ll need to work hard, but you’re a smart boy. I’m sure you can do it,”

Bellatrix chuckled, “You know, there are faster ways of learning occlumency. Ways that will shut up Draco’s mind tighter than a Gringott’s vault,”

“How?” Draco asked curiously before his mother could interrupt again.

Bellatrix’s grin turned mean, “Torture,”

No, Bella!” Narcissa snapped more harshly, but she went ignored.

“It works brilliantly really - builds defences faster and stronger than anything else. If you don’t go crazy that is, of course,” she added with a giggle, “It’s working quite well on our guest downstairs, but it remains to be seen as to whether or not he loses his mind,”

Bellatrix!” His mother cried, furious, “Not another word!”

“Guest? What guest?” His mother seethed while Bellatrix grinned, “Downstairs? The cellars? Who’s in the cellars?”

“Bella - get out!” Narcissa commanded, a furious finger pointed towards the door. Bellatrix threw her head back and let out a gleeful cackle, but she didn’t argue, practically spinning out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

“Mother - who’s in the cellar?” He asked urgently again, his heart hammering in his chest. They were using his family home as a prison now too?

“Never you mind,” Narcissa said firmly, “No Draco,” she held up a hand when he tried to protest, “this is not up for debate. Listen to me very closely, son: you must keep away from the entrance hall. You are to stay in the east wing at all times, and if you wish to go into the gardens, keep to this side of the house,” Draco could feel the circulation in his hands being gradually cut off as his mother unconsciously squeezed his wrists, “There are more dangerous people in this house than ever, do you understand? Only the east wing is warded to keep them out. You must not leave the east wing. Do you understand Draco?” her nails were biting into his skin now.

“You’re hurting me!” Draco winced, trying to pull out of her grasp.

“Do you understand?!” She barked.

“Yes!” Draco cried, alarmed. She had never spoken to him like that before - the only time she had ever come close to shouting at him was when he had ridden his father’s broom without permission and had nearly broken his neck falling off.

She relaxed almost immediately, her grip loosening. He snatched his hands back and rubbed at his sore wrists. His heart hammered in his chest, and he swallowed back the panicked fear in his throat. There was something his mother wasn’t telling him - he understood that they needed to tread carefully, but he didn’t think that that warranted the unrestrained terror he could see on her face. What was going on?!

She dropped her gaze to his wrists, and she winced at the crescent moons her nails had made. He allowed her to draw his hands back into her lap, and she rubbed her thumbs soothingly against his skin. He swallowed nervously.

“I don’t understand though,” he admitted, “You say these people are dangerous - but aren’t we on the same side?”

She sighed, refusing to look up from where she carefully massaged feeling back into his fingers, “Your aunt, who loves you, just suggested we use torture to teach you something,” she turned his hands over to look at his palms and carefully inspected his fingers, “These are not the kind of people you have ever dealt with before Draco. Half of them have spent the last decade or more in Azkaban. I love my sister, Draco, but I know how dangerous she is,” she sighed and finally met his eyes again, “I’m just so afraid for you, Draco,” she admitted in a whisper, “I just want to keep you safe from…,” she swallowed and tears gathered in her eyes; she blinked them back furiously, “I just want to keep you safe,” she said firmly, carefully squeezing his fingers, “Do you understand now?”

He nodded, “Yes,” something was missing. There was something she wasn’t saying. Who was in the cellar? And who was she so determined to keep him safe from?”

She attempted a smile, “Okay. Good. Now - it’s very important that you learn occlumency Draco. You’re going to be surrounded by people who would try and use you to learn what happens in this house - Albus Dumbledore is a known accomplished legilimence, and while I doubt he would directly attack your mind, he will almost certainly collect information passively from the surface,” she hesitated, “But this will be a useful skill at home too,” she admitted nervously, “Being able to keep your thoughts to yourself is important. You’re a sweet boy at your core Draco, no matter how much you try and deny it.

“Life is about to change. Life is about to become very frightening in many ways, and I need you to be prepared. The position and safety of this family is down to all of us to protect. No matter what, there must be no doubt in the Dark Lord’s mind that we are anything but loyal and devoted servants, Draco. No matter what we think on the inside. Am I clear?” He nodded his fervent agreement - anything to wipe the anxious look from his mother’s face; she relaxed, and stroked his cheek again, “Good boy. Now - let’s have some supper, shall we? You must be starving!”

He followed her quietly and without complaint to the small parlour they enjoyed their meals in when it was just of the two of them. His mind was less than quiet though, one thought swirling round and round: he thought they were devoted.

August - Malfoy Manor

Draco was sat at the desk in his bedroom, suppressing a yawn as he finished off the potions essay he had been set over the holidays. The late summer sun was finally working its way down to the horizon. Normally, he’d have had all his schoolwork completed within the first week of the holidays, but the majority of his time had been taken up by occlumency lessons with his mother.

He was glad his mother had opted to teach him over his aunt - it had been difficult enough to learn with someone he loved and trusted riffling about in his mind. The idea of letting Bellatrix do that to him made him feel faintly ill. He doubted she’d have turned misty eyed and summoned biscuits from the kitchen when she’d stumbled over the memory of him admitting to Pansy that he hadn’t wished Potter dead.

His mother had called him sweet. She shouldn’t have though - he should have felt smug over Potter’s death, not sad. He was an enemy of the Dark Lord after all. An enemy of everything they stood for. Bellatrix would probably have called him weak, or pathetic. She wouldn’t have understood how you could hate someone, call them your enemy, and still regret their death. He didn’t quite understand it either.

She wouldn’t have told the Dark Lord though; of that he was sure - not when it would have put her beloved sister at risk. And him, he admitted to himself reluctantly. She was many flavours of insane, but he had no doubt that she loved him. She doted on him in her way, but her way was somewhat unhinged. She reminded him of how small children could become overwhelmed with affection for small furry animals - like she loved him so much that she found herself conflicted between hugging him and slapping him. It was frightening to begin with, but he’d gotten used to it he supposed.

His mother rarely left them alone together. Not because she worried her sister would hurt him though, but rather because she was afraid of what she might say.

Bellatrix alluded frequently to their ‘guest’ in the basem*nt. She’d sigh and stretch and say, “Well, I think I’ve given Mulciber and Macnair enough alone time. It’s my turn to make our guest sing now,” and his mother would stiffen and snap at her to be quiet and leave. He’d asked her twice more who was in the basem*nt, but she refused to answer. He’d risked it and asked his father once too.

Lucius had pressed his lips firmly together and wrinkled his nose and snapped, “Your mother said ‘no’ Draco - you can’t simply ask me when you don’t get the answer you like from her. It didn’t work when you were six, and it won’t work now,”

It had struck him as a strangely, ordinary paternal answer to give when they were discussing a person being imprisoned in their home. Imprisoned, and probably being tortured if Bella’s hints were anything to go by, and yet Lucius acted as if he had asked for a new broom. It was disconcerting.

He supposed, he thought to himself as he rolled up his completed and dried essay, it wouldn’t matter soon anyway - school started in less than two weeks. If the person in the cellar was still alive by the time he came back for Christmas, he’d be amazed.

He tried to keep his thoughts flippant, as if he were simply considering a dying house plant. It worked somewhat; his heart no longer raced like it was trying to escape when he thought about the poor bastard his aunt was routinely torturing.

It shouldn’t matter, he thought firmly. He shouldn’t care. Whoever they were, a blood traitor or a mudblood, either way they were an enemy of the Dark Lord and his new world order. He should be excited that they had someone so important in their grasp that they warranted months of interrogation. They must have important information to give.

He pushed himself to his feet and reached for his ink pot. He regretted the action a split second later when his bedroom door suddenly burst open. He flinched back, catching the pot and spilling ink everywhere. Before he could even swear in frustration as his completed scroll was soaked in ink, the ink was vanished from sight, including the pot and the few splotches that had absorbed into the parchment.

He whipped around to find his father at his door, his wand pointing at Draco’s desk, a serious expression on his face. His eyes flicked to Draco’s relaxed attire then back to Draco’s face, “Get dressed Draco,” he said sharply, “the Dark Lord is asking for you,”

Draco found himself jittery as he followed his father through the Manor, both with nerves and excitement. The Dark Lord had asked to see him - him! He held in the urge to ask his father questions; if he’d had any answers to give, they’d have been whispered urgently to him while he’d been throwing his smartest robes on.

Lucius was silent as they strode onwards, further and further from the east wing they actually lived in, and deeper and deeper into the rest of the house. Draco could feel the atmosphere around him changing. Despite the August heat, the house was practically chilly as they marched through the entrance hall, their footsteps echoing loudly. Draco glanced furtively in the direction of the drawing room and the cellars he knew dwelt beneath their feet.

Draco could hear voices as they wound their way through the labyrinth like west wing with its narrow halls and dark rooms - cruel laughter and murmured conversation echoed. He could see the warped silhouette of bodies through the rippled conservatory glass - he paused when he caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Was that Rodolphus? He’d only met the man a few times, but he was sure it was him.

“Quickly Draco,” his father snapped, and he hurried to catch up.

It was only when Lucius came to a stop at the end of a dark narrow corridor that Draco realised, they were there. He swallowed and tried to remember every lesson his mother had ever taught him - he emptied his mind and carefully drew metaphorical shutters around his mind, trapping his thoughts inside and keeping external forces out.

He didn’t hear his father knock, and he didn’t hear the invitation to enter. When his father opened the door and inclined his head, he stepped forwards past him and into the small dark study beyond. He swallowed at the sight of an enormous snake stretched out across the perimeter of the room.

“Ah, young Draco,” he found his gaze snapping away from the snake to meet blood red eyes; the Dark Lord’s mouth twisted into something resembling a smile, “Please, join me,” a ghostly hand gestured to the unoccupied armchair at his side, “wait outside, if you please, Lucius,” he barely heard the click of the door as it closed, but it was loud enough to jolt him into action.

He bowed, and muttered, “My Lord,” before taking the offered seat. He felt his nerves pressing against his occlumency shields, but they held strong.

The Dark Lord watched him for a moment before he spoke, “I’m sure you are wondering why I have asked to see you at this hour, Draco,”

Draco swallowed before he spoke, “It was… unexpected my Lord. But not unwelcome. How may I serve you?”

A wide smile spread across the Dark Lord’s face with every word he spoke, “Ah Draco - even if your looks did not take after Lucius, I would know you were his son by your manner of speech. Careful and measured,” he paused, “Though I think, in a few years, you will be the more silver tongued between you. Lucius could perhaps benefit from a few lessons in occlumency; his mind is loud. Sometimes it is like being shouted at,” he chuckled, “Your mother though? Her mind is quiet… polite even. Reserved… like yours. I would know you were your mother’s son by your mind,”

Draco chose his words carefully, “My mother is an excellent teacher. She was concerned I might inadvertently give away information when I returned to Hogwarts - she wished to help me protect your secrets,”

The Dark Lord chuckled, “Not just my secrets, I’m sure,” Draco’s chest clenched but he forced the feeling down determinedly before it could gain traction, “Are you excited to return to school, Draco?”

“Yes - I enjoy learning, and I’ve missed my friends as well, of course,”

“How are your marks in school? I hear you did very well in your OWLs - E’s and O’s across the board, just what we expect from a wizard of such good breeding,” Draco suppressed his instinct to puff up with pride; it was the sort of thing his father would do, “Are you the top of your classes, Draco?”

“No,” Draco admitted reluctantly, his heart sinking; he wasn’t his father, who seemed able to manipulate and predict the path of every conversation he ever had, but he didn’t need to be to see where their’s was heading.

“And who is?”

“Hermione Granger, my Lord,”

“Ah… a muggleborn witch?”

Draco could feel a familiar defensiveness threatening to work its way into his voice. It was an old argument, one he had had with his father many times before - the shame of being bested by a mudblood, “Yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord hummed to himself, his long fingers tapping on the arm of his chair, “There are people in this world Draco, who believe that muggleborn witches like Hermione Granger are as bad as muggles themselves. People like your aunt Bellatrix would have us executing mudbloods left right and centre - and when I was a younger man, I’d have agreed with them. But it must be conceded that mudbloods are not muggles. They have magic in their veins, and that magic is precious - it is a gift. We are outnumbered by the mundane by more than a thousand to one. If we wish to take our rightful place in the world, then we shall not achieve it by squandering that gift, do you see?”

Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat - his father would have had an apoplectic fit if he were the one talking about mudbloods being precious gifts, “I, uh… I’m not sure I do, my Lord,” he admitted in a mumble.

The Dark Lord offered him a wan smile, and chuckled, “No, I don’t suppose that you do, with your father being the short-sighted man that he is. The truth is Draco, that there is a place for mudbloods in the world I want to build,” he gestured vaguely with his hand, “There are many occupations that I’m sure would be acceptable for mudbloods, under the direct supervision of more suitable witches and wizards. A witch like Hermione Granger might make a fine shop assistant for example, but would I afford her the opportunity of making political decisions for the rest of wizarding Britain? Of course not! What understanding could a child of muggles possibly have of our wider culture? Would she understand the centuries of history that have shaped us to be who we are? It was a fine thing your grandfather did when he ousted that mudblood Leach from the Minister for Magic office. It was an outrage that someone of such poor breeding ever held the position in the first place - it is this sort of thinking that we are fighting against, Draco,”

“I… I heard she started some society trying to free house-elves,” Draco said carefully.

The Dark Lord let out a harsh, throaty laugh, “Absurd - exactly the sort of nonsense I would expect from a mudblood. No, I would not trust Miss Granger with making political alliances with the wizarding populations of Europe, or in administering justice, or in,” he scoffed a little, “teaching our young people. No, a witch like Miss Granger could perhaps pour tea or sell books. It is for her own good, as well as the good of the rest of our people. Mudbloods have no loyalty to our world, Draco. Should they wish, they could simply fade back amongst the mundane, and escape the struggles of our people. How could they ever be trusted to do anything of meaning when they have no skin in the game?

“And should these mudbloods refuse to know their place? To accept the role that has been assigned to them? Well,” he smiled a little, “perhaps the magical world would benefit from a little purification. I have never met the girl, and so I cannot say for certain, but Miss Granger sounds like the kind of mudblood that needs culling. It hurts me to say it, as the idea of sacrificing magical blood always pains me, but the kind of wizards who support her ilk, pureblood or otherwise, should also be purged from our people. One bad apple spoils the bunch, after all,”

“Like the Weasleys, my Lord?”

He inclined his head, “Indeed - the Weasleys and Potters and Prewitts have long been a thorn in my side. Blood-traitors, all of them. They shame the name of wizard. Now, only the Weasleys remain,” he chuckled lowly, “It has to be said though - there are an awful lot of them. It will be a challenge to wipe them all out, but one I’m sure your aunt will enjoy. There were almost as many Prewitts at one time as well,” he titled his head to one side, a considering gaze aimed at the fireplace as if he were remembering the Prewitts fondly.

He finally turned back to Draco, “The reason I asked to speak with you Draco, was not to wax poetically about my aspirations for the elevation of our people, as enjoyable as this conversation has been. No. I asked your father to bring you to me this evening, because sometime soon I may ask something of you,”

“Anything, my Lord,” Draco said, and immediately regretting his hasty interruption. He held his breath, half expecting to be scolded.

The Dark Lord’s smile turned sharp and pleased, and he continued as if Draco hadn’t spoken, “It will not be a dangerous task, but it may be unpleasant and difficult. I brought you here today, to remind you that we all have a part to play if we wish to bring our shared vision to fruition. That muggleborns have as much a part to play as purebloods, and that even if we would not choose the part we play, that does not make that part any less important. I know you do not understand now, but when it matters, you will,” he waited, his eyes fixed on Draco’s.

“Y-yes my lord,”

The Dark lord gave a sharp nod, “Excellent. Enjoy your next term at Hogwarts, Draco. I shall see you over Christmas, I am sure of it,” hearing the dismissal in his voice, Draco stood and left.

His father was waiting for him in the hall, his back pressed flat against the wall, his eyes fixed ahead of him. He looked round at the sound of the door opening, and it was only as his posture relaxed that Draco realised how tense he had been, “Come, Draco,”

He followed his father silently, and his attention turned inwards.

His heart was pounding.

Any excitement he’d felt at being summoned by the Dark Lord himself had fled, leaving terror in its wake - what was he going to ask him to do? All that talk about mudbloods and traitors… was that all it was? Talk? He couldn’t… he didn’t think he could kill someone, if that was what he was going to ask of him. But… he’d said it wouldn’t be dangerous. Surely killing someone would be dangerous, right?

He found himself dreading going back to Hogwarts. He didn’t like Granger or Weasley, but he didn’t know how he was ever going to look them in the eye again when his parents (and him now, he supposed) served a man who was actively working towards their murder. It reminded him of the crup he’d owned years ago - Calliope. She’d been ancient, full of arthritis with the hairs around her mouth having turned pure white. She’d been sick and in pain, and so his father had decided that the kindest thing to do was to put her down. Draco had been heart broken. His father had allowed him one last day with her - he’d said anymore would be cruel - but Draco hadn’t been able to enjoy that last day. He’d hardly been able to look at her, riddled with guilt as he was with the knowledge that his father was going to kill her by the days end.

And Granger wasn’t a crup. She was a person. When the Dark Lord executed her, she’d know exactly what was happening.

f*ck. Perhaps he needed to spend more time with Aunt Bella - to toughen up. To desensitise himself. How was he meant to follow the Dark Lord’s orders, if just the thought of a girl he knew (and hated) dying turned his legs to jelly. Though if he spent more time with her, he’d inevitably end up following her down into the cellars. She’d have him torturing whoever it was down there. Merlin, just the thought of it turned his stomach.

f*ck! If he wasn’t careful, he was going to get himself killed.

He had been so wrapped up in his own head, that he nearly didn’t notice when his father came to an abrupt stop. He looked up sharply and found them in the middle of the entrance hall, the doors to the drawing room to their left, the front doors to their right. It was the front doors that had caught his father’s attention.

They were thrown open, and a stocky wizard dressed all in black was leaning against them staring out into the night, smoke rising in a lazy haze from the cigarette he gripped in between his finger and thumb. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at the sight of them, revealing sharp, broken teeth. He turned slightly to see them better, bringing his cigarette to his lips, inhaling, and then blowing smoke back into the house. Draco had just enough time to take in his chin length dirty blonde hair, and the enormous scar on his right cheek, before his father was stepping surreptitiously in front of him, shielding him from the other man’s sight.

“Lucius!” The man said, his voice so oily it was practically sliding across the floor to them. Draco half expected him to open his robe and ask them if they wanted to buy a pocket watch, “And this must be Draco,” Lucius drew himself slowly to his full height, until Draco was sure that the other man couldn’t see him at all, “What’s got the two of you out for a nighttime stroll?”

“The Dark Lord wished to see us,” Lucius answered, his voice clipped and cold, “We were just heading back. I would appreciate it if you would not smoke in my home, Mulciber,”

Mulciber’s responding chuckle was a greasy thing that had Draco shuddering.

His response was interrupted however, by a sudden shrill scream that seemed to come simultaneously from the drawing room behind them, and the floor below. Draco flinched in alarm, and without meaning to found himself instinctively stepping closer to his father. He didn’t know why, but he expected the scream to end as quickly as it had started, but it didn’t. Draco didn’t know how long it went on for, but it was long enough for him to find himself nearly plastered to his father’s back as the voice petered off into pleading sobs.

“Bella does know how to make them scream, doesn’t she,” Draco snapped his eyes back to Mulciber - at some point he had backed out into the night so that he was no longer blowing smoke into the hall, “She can keep them going for hours and hours. She’s got far more stamina than me - not sure how she does it. Not that I’ve heard any complaints from the boy,” he said with meaning, a strange predatory leer on his face that made Draco feel as if insects were crawling up his neck.

His father didn’t acknowledge his words. He placed a hand on the middle of Draco’s back and hurried him onwards, keeping his own body between Draco and Mulciber at all times, “Do not smoke inside again,” was all he said.

Draco’s hands trembled as they made their way back to their rooms, but he couldn’t quite say why. There was something about that man, Mulciber. Something that made him feel itchy all over - something that made him want to scrub his skin clean. He opened his mouth more than once to ask a question, but he found his voice trapped in his chest.

He expected to be guided back to his bedroom, and so was surprised when he was steered instead towards the sitting room. At his confused look, Lucius simply said, “Your mother will want to see you,”

Narcissa practically threw herself at him when the sitting room doors were opened, holding him tightly to her chest, and then holding him away to inspect him. When she was finally satisfied that he was unhurt and intact, her concern turned to fury.

“Why did you take him to the west wing?” She hissed, pulling him further into the room, her arm around his back.

His father stayed by the door, his teeth bared, “I had no choice!” He snapped, “The Dark Lord asked for him - I could hardly refuse him!”

With them somewhere he felt safe, and with the light of the chandelier above them chasing away the shadows, Draco finally found his tongue, “Mother - who is in the cellars?”

Narcissa turned her wide eyes from him to her husband, “What happened?” She asked dangerously.

Lucius shuffled uncomfortably, “We stumbled across Mulciber in the entrance hall - there was a scream-,”

Mulciber?!” Narcissa cut her husband off furiously, pulling Draco down onto the sofa next to her and squeezing his hands in her lap, “You introduced our son to Mulciber?!”

“Who’s Mulciber?” Draco asked in confusion, “And who the hell is in the cel-,”

His father spoke over him hotly, “I didn’t introduce our son to any-,”

“I told you! I told you I didn’t want him going near that side of the house!”

“It wasn’t my choice Cissa!” Lucius protested, “You don’t tell the Dark Lord no!”

“Who is Mulciber?!” Draco tried again.

“You must never go near that man,” his mother said urgently, “Do you understand me, Draco? Never. No matter what. If that man so much as looks at you, you get away from him as fast as you can,”

“And certainly don’t accept drinks from him,” his father added, but any illusion that Lucius had had that his wife would allow him to participate in the rest of their conversation was summarily dashed by the cold glare she sent in his direction. His shoulders slumped, defeated, and he left with a mutter that Draco didn’t hear.

Draco turned back to his mother the moment they were alone, “Mother - I heard screaming and crying. Who’s in the cellar?”

Narcissa’s lips trembled, and she leant slowly away from him. She shook her head once, then took a deep steadying breath in before she said the name, though in his heart of hearts, Draco thought he’d always known who was down there, he just hadn’t been able to accept it.

“Harry Potter.”


Next chapter will be 80% Harry and Draco’s first meeting - the beginning of it was meant to be in this chapter, but then this chapter got long and drew itself to a natural conclusion
After the next chapter I’m probably going to redraft the plot - I know what’s going to happen but scenes evolve organically in my head as I better understand the characters and motivations etc. Thinking this fic is going to be very long, which I know isn’t for some people, but I just love being able to fully realise a character arc and how characterd get from point A all the way to Z.
Anyway, this was a very long note!
I hope people are enjoying :) Thank you for kudo’s and comments - I love hearing what you guys think
Have a good weekend people! Xx

Chapter 7: Draco: Food Glorious Food


If Draco thought he’d have been able to get away with it, he’d have opted to spend the Christmas period at Hogwarts. Or anywhere, really. Anywhere other than the Manor. It was hard to look at your family home in quite the same way when you knew that Harry Potter was being tortured beneath your floors (and by your aunt, no less).


So I’m a lying liar who lies and I can’t judge chapter length for sh*t.
this ended up being only like 20% harry and Draco in the end, but I promise that the next chapter is going to be pretty much exclusively Harry and Draco interaction 😂
Thank you for any comments and kudo’s :) love interacting with you guys!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

December - Hogwarts

If Draco thought he’d have been able to get away with it, he’d have opted to spend the Christmas period at Hogwarts. Or anywhere, really. Anywhere other than the Manor. It was hard to look at your family home in quite the same way when you knew that Harry Potter was being tortured beneath your floors (and by your aunt, no less).

Blaise led the way down the snow-covered castle steps towards the carriages at the end of the drive, Pansy a step behind him and their trunks floating on either side of her. They’d ditched Crabbe and Goyle in the great hall - McGonagall had caught them bullying a third year Hufflepuff and he wasn’t interested in standing and watching their dressing down. McGonagall hadn’t been quite on form though - she’d kept looking over their shoulders in his direction. He wasn’t surprised she’d noticed he was different. It was hard to keep up with tormenting what remained of the golden trio when just looking at them made him feel sick.

Pansy glanced back over her shoulder at him, and he tried to look back at her with whatever expression she expected to see on his face. Judging by her frown, he hadn’t succeeded.

She knew something was wrong with him; they’d been friends since before they could talk - how could she not know? She’d even tried to ask him about it once. He’d apologised later, and part of him wished she would ask again. Maybe he’d find it in him to tell her if she tried once more. But she hadn’t, and Draco couldn’t blame her.

He felt the prickle of eyes on him, and looking across the steps he immediately found his observer: Snape. With his arms crossed over his chest, he watched him through narrowed eyes.

Draco turned away quickly. He always did these days. Looking at the man had been difficult for him ever since September.

He was well aware that Albus Dumbledore wasn’t the only skilled legilimence at Hogwarts, and if anything, he was more concerned by the idea of Severus Snape reading his mind than the headmaster. He imagined the headmaster was already well aware of who currently resided in the cellars of Malfoy Manor. If his aunt were to be believed, then Snape himself would have told him.

He’s a spy,’ she had whispered in his ear, ‘a double agent. Dumbledore believes Snape’s his man, and the Dark Lord believes he’s ours,’

Believes?’ He’d asked carefully, and the twisting sneer of her mouth was the closest thing to doubt he’d ever seen in her, but still she hadn’t answered. He knew what she thought though. And maybe she was right. Maybe Snape was working for Dumbledore, but Draco found it hard to believe that there was anyone in the world who could deceive the Dark Lord, and he wasn’t about to risk the man hearing the thoughts in his head. The doubts. The fears.

It was hard to look at him for another reason too, though.

He might have been a scornful git at times, but Draco had always thought him a good head of house for Slytherin, even if he was pretty awful towards the rest of the school. But it was hard to feel safe around a man - a teacher - who knew that one of his students was being tortured and did nothing to stop it. What was more frightening, was the thought that the man was helping to facilitate that torture. He’d never seen Snape in the house, but Draco had only left the east wing that one time. What if he’d been down there with his aunt?

He’d have dropped Defence if he’d known that the man was going to be taking the class that year. He’d only kept potions because his father would never have accepted him dropping it, but he didn’t hold Defence Against the Dark Arts in quite as high esteem.

He didn’t look back as the carriage carried them away. The prickling sensation on the back of his neck didn’t abate until they turned a corner and the castle disappeared from view.

Draco walked down the train carriage like a blinkered horse, his eyes dead ahead and fixed on the hood of Pansy’s cloak. He felt as if he were walking himself to the gallows, rather than going home to see his mother and father for Christmas. What if the Dark Lord was there?

It was a stupid thought. Of course, he was there. Why else would he have placed the Fidelius charm on the Manor, if he didn’t intend to make it his base of operations? Panic threatened in his stomach, but he pushed it down. He was grateful his mother had taught him occlumency before he’d found out that Potter was in the cellar - he wasn’t sure he’d ever have been able to successfully empty his mind if he’d known before he’d learnt that skill.


Draco flinched and took a half step back in alarm, his eyes snapping from Pansy’s hood to the end of the carriage. Gleeful laughter filtered back to them, and he let out a breath of relief. Just a firework, or maybe exploding snap. Without meaning to, he found himself looking into the carriage to his left.

He recognised the occupants at once - Weasley and his sister, Granger, Longbottom, and Lovegood. He stepped forwards before they noticed him hovering outside. Weasley and Granger had restarted their little defence group at the start of the term, and their membership was larger than ever. Though they were officially known as the Defence Association now, Draco knew that they more frequently called themselves Potter’s Army.

Regardless of what Dumbledore and his Order did or didn’t know, Potter’s friends all thought he was dead, just like the rest of the world. He sometimes wondered if Potter wished he were dead.

His mother wasn’t waiting for him on the platform, but he hadn’t expected her to be. She’d written the night before to inform him she had ‘other commitments’, but that she would see him at home. He’d had to swallow back bile when he’d read her letter, his eyes fixed on the shaky quality of her penmanship. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

The atmosphere on the platform was somewhat more relaxed than it had been in July, though Draco didn’t kid himself into thinking it was because things were okay. Rather, the public had instead began to acclimatise to their new normal. Despite what Moody had said in fourth year, it was hard to maintain constant vigilance. Or Not-Moody, he reminded himself. It was ridiculous that one of their best Defence teachers had been a Death Eater all along.

On reflection, it was no wonder that the man had hated him: the son of a Death Eater who denounced his Lord to escape the consequences of his actions.

He ignored the eyes that followed him as he exited the train, and after offering Pansy a small smile, he passed through the barrier to the platform’s muggle side. He spotted his escort almost instantly.

There was a little old lady stood flush again a wall just past the barriers, a thick quilt wrapped around her hunched shoulders, and an enormous carpet bag over her elbow. To anyone not paying attention, she looked just like any other passing muggle, if a little eccentric. But Draco recognised the gold chain wrapped around her fist, and the emerald ring attached to it. Any doubts as to her true identity were erased when she jabbed her wand in the direction of a passing muggle, and the man tripped over the empty air and tumbled off the platform and into the tracks below.

There was an immediate scramble by alarmed passersby to help pull the now bleeding man back to safety. Draco expected Bellatrix’s polyjuiced mouth to spread into a wide satisfied grin, but the corner of her mouth only twitched before it twisted down into a focussed grimace.

He threaded his way carefully through the crowd, winding his way between the concerned on-lookers and towards his aunt. Her eyes flashed when she spotted him and her hand snatched immediately to grasp his wrist, and she was pulling him quickly away before he could even say hello.

“Come Draco - we must be quick,” she muttered urgently out of the corner of her mouth.

He stumbled slightly but righted himself quickly, “Where’s mother?” He responded quietly, “Why isn’t she here?”

“Later,” she snapped back in a whisper, tugging him out of the station and dragging him away from the crowds. She didn’t bother with leading him to a deserted alley, waiting only until they were moderately concealed by a passing bus to apparate them away.

Draco’s heart sank in his chest when, instead of leading him to the house’s east entrance, she marched them straight down the driveway to the house’s imposing front doors.

“Where are we going?” He hoped she didn’t hear the faint tremble in his voice; if she had, she didn’t comment on it.

“The Dark Lord wishes to see you, Draco,” her voice warped and warbled a little as the effects of the polyjuice potion began to wear off.

He swallowed back the anxious lump in his throat, “N-now? Can’t I see mother and father first?”

She spun on the spot, coming to an abrupt halt and pressing a hand to the centre of his chest. He winced at the sound of her bones popping as she lost the dowagers hump of her elderly disguise and straightened to her true height; shorter than him by several inches, but still taller than his mother.

“Listen to me, Draco,” she said, her voice urgent, “You must listen very closely to the Dark Lord. If you love your mother, you will do exactly as he asks,”

“What do you mean?” He replied immediately as anxiety worked its way back up from the depths of his chest and built into hysteria, “What’s happened to mother? Is she oka-?” he was interrupted by a sudden, harsh slap. He blinked at her in disbelief, his mouth hanging open.

“Get ahold of yourself, Draco!” She growled harshly, “Did your mother’s occlumency lessons teach you nothing? Clear you mind, and control your emotions, or you’ll be the death of us all,” and she span on the spot and resumed her march up to the house.

Draco wasn’t sure how he was supposed to clear his mind after that, but he tried, and by the time Bellatrix was knocking carefully on the dark wooden door to the room Draco had met the Dark Lord in before, his mind was at least quiet, if not calm.

Bellatrix opened the door for him, and then pulled it closed behind him with a click.

The setting was almost as if Draco’s memory from August had been transposed onto the room in front of him. Nagini lay stretched out around the edges of the room, and the Dark Lord himself sat in the same armchair as before with his hands steepled at his chin. The only difference was that rather than the lanterns above the the mantel piece, the room was instead illuminated by the crackling fire in the hearth.

The flames were reflected back at him in the Dark Lord’s red eyes, dancing like the devil himself was looking back at him. He supposed, in many ways, he was.

A slow smile spread across the Dark Lord’s face, “Draco,” his cold voice was twisted into something that resembled warmth, and he gestured to the seat that Draco had occupied the last time they had met, “it is wonderful to see you. Please, take a seat,” Draco did as he was commanded, inclining his head and muttering ‘my Lord’ as he perched nervously on the edge of his chair, “How has your term been?”

Draco swallowed, and strengthened his shields, forcing himself to relax back into his seat, though the straight line of his back never wavered, “It has been hard work, but enjoyable,” he answered honestly (though he left out the part where he sometimes hid himself in the girl's bathroom on the second floor and cried while a ghost comforted him).

The Dark Lord inclined his head, “And your grades - are you still second to the mudblood girl?”

It was with effort that his next exhale remained level and steady, “Yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord hmm'ed quietly, his expression neutral, “Do not trouble yourself, young Draco,” he said softly, his voice sounding abruptly as if he were whispering right next to Draco’s ear, though Draco couldn’t tell if it was an illusion of his mind, or if it was some spell meant to unnerve him, “when I am come to power, the mudblood shall know her true place,”

Draco inhaled and emptied his mind, “Yes, my Lord,”

“The loyal shall be rewarded, do you understand Draco?”

He was empty. His mind was empty. An enormous hall full of nothing.

“Yes, my Lord,” it was like splitting himself in two: the half of him that listened to the Dark Lord, and the half of him that focused on the vacuous space in his mind where he saw nothing, he heard nothing, and he felt nothing.

“I must apologise for taking up your evening - I am sure you are tired from your journey home and eager to see your mother, but I am leaving the country for a short while, and there is a matter of great importance that I must discuss with you before I do. Do you remember the conversation we shared shortly before you returned to school?”

“Yes, my Lord,”

“I told you that I would soon be asking you to complete a task for me, and it is that task that I would like to discuss with you,” Draco swallowed, and he could have sworn the sound of it echoed throughout the room; if he heard it, the Dark Lord continued as if he had not, “Your mother tells me that you are aware of the guest we have hosted in the cellars since late June, and of his identity,”

Wait, what?

He found himself swallowing again, “I am, my Lord,” he imagined walls, immovable and infinite circling his mind.

Potter? This conversation was about… Potter? Was he… was he going to ask him to torture him? Or… to kill him?

He was a blank slate. He was untouchable and remote, an island in the sea surrounded by walls on all sides that went on and on as far as the eye could see.

“The young Mister Potter has been relocated to the top floor of the east wing,” the Aethonan suite? “It is my desire that the young Harry is… shall we say, ‘re-educated’. He has been indoctrinated to the will of the fool Albus Dumbledore and his likeminded blood-traitor supporters. This is not Harry’s fault - it is all he has ever known. However, he deserves the opportunity to learn the error of his ways. Now, do not misunderstand me,” the hint of a mocking smile flashed at the corner of his mouth for the briefest moment, “I do not intend for you to be responsible for Harry’s enlightenment. That is a task too vast to achieve over three weeks.

“Rather, I require your assistance in helping Harry back to good health. He has lost a considerable amount of weight over the last six months, and I’m sure you can appreciate that he is somewhat dimmed. It is a task your mother has attempted over the last few weeks, and a task she has failed in,” his expression turned considering, and Draco willed his heart to stop hammering in his chest; surely the man couldn’t hear heart beats, could he? “Though, I must admit, I do not think your mother’s failure is truly her fault. I suppose it is like expecting a fire to blaze when you have no spark to begin with. Still. Failures must be punished. Do you understand, Draco?”

Draco’s voice trembled lightly as he spoke, and though his thoughts remained guarded, his emotions bled into his voice, “Y-yes, my Lord,” he licked his lips nervously, “Only… Potter and I. We aren’t friends,” Draco regretted speaking almost immediately; he did not imagine that the Dark Lord tolerated excuses.

A grin spread across his face, and it did nothing to sooth the twisting feeling in his gut, “I don’t need you to be his friend, Draco. If we keep to our fire analogy, your mother is the fuel, but you are the flint. You must jolt him back to himself, and whether you achieve that by antagonising him, or befriending him, I care not. But you will do it, because I, your Lord, command it of you,” his voice lost its soft cajoling edge and became abruptly hard and domineering, “I shall speak plainly to you Draco, so that I am not misunderstood. I ask much of my followers, with the promise of great reward. And Draco, I always keep my promises. But should you fail, understand that it is your dear mother that shall pay the price,”

Draco could hardly breathe. Terror sat like a weight on his chest, crushing his chest and pushing all of the air from his lungs while stopping him from taking in anything more than the oxygen he could manage in a shallow pant. He licked his lips trying desperately to wet his dry mouth.

Finally, he nodded shakily, and rasped out, “Yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord didn’t smile; his expression remained cold and unfeeling, “Good. You have three weeks, Draco,” he reminded him, “Do not disappoint your mother,” slowly, the Dark Lord released his gaze and looked back to the fire.

Draco’s hands shook by his side as he worked his way to the east wing; Bellatrix had not waited for him.

Despair and terror fought for dominance, swirling round and round in his mind, suppressing every other thought or feeling. How the f*ck was he meant to try and… and mend Potter?! He’d told the Dark Lord that he and Potter weren’t friends, but it was such a drastic understatement that it felt like a lie. Potter hated him - he hated Potter. They always had, and they likely always would, and while the Dark Lord had said he didn’t need him to be Potter’s friend, he wasn’t sure how to fix someone without being nice to them. Hell, he didn’t know how to fix someone full stop. He was a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, not a mind-healer for f*ck’s sake!

Oh… oh God, but what if he failed. f*ck! What would happen to his mother? Would he torture her? Kill her? Lock her in the cellars like he had done to Potter?

Something like resolve reared its head in his gut: he had to do this. His would do this. His father might have let his mother down by bringing the Dark Lord’s wrath down upon them, but he would undo the damage Lucius had done, by succeeding in the task he had been set. He would. Whatever it took - he’d have Potter cursing his name and spitting poison if he had to.

He would succeed, and his mother would be safe.

He was so absorbed in his own thoughts, that he didn’t notice the figure smoking in the entrance hall’s grand doorway until his name was called.

“Ah, Draco, wasn’t it?”

Draco’s eyes snapped up and found Mulciber reclining against the door frame, a lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. The end glowed yellow as he inhaled, and taking the cigarette from his lips, he exhaled through his nose into the house. He gave the cigarette a sharp flick by his side, and its burnt end floated to the rug below as ash.

Draco unglued his feet, “It is,” he said flatly, taking a step away from the man.

Mulciber mirrored him though, “Wait,” he grinned, broken teeth flashing at him as he tossed the cigarette out into the night, “not gonna’ tell your dad about the smoking, are you? The doors’er open and everything,” his grin had an almost nervous edge, as if he really was worried that Draco was about to run off and tell on him.

Draco paused reluctantly, “No - I’m not,”

The grin turned relieved, but there was something about his wide eyes that Draco didn’t quite believe, “Oh, good - thanks. Don’t want to get on the wrong side of your dad, you know? What am I talking about: of course, you know. Strikes me as quite the authoritarian father, old Lucius Malfoy,” he said it with a wink, as if they were sharing some private opinion.

Draco’s gut twisted, “Yeah,” he muttered, every ounce of pureblood aristocratic bearing leaving him, “I guess,”

Mulciber’s lips closed to cover his teeth, and his smile turned pleased, “So it’ll be our little secret?” He pushed his robes back from his sides to slot his hands into his trouser pockets, and in doing so revealed the double wand holster at his side. He noticed Draco looking, and glanced down to his hip, “Oh,” he said, “yeah - I always carry two,” he turned back to Draco, his eyes roaming curiously over Draco’s body, “Better to be safe - you know? A wizard’s only as good as his wand, after all. Though I usually carry a blade or two as well,” he opened his robe a little wider to reveal the handle of a blade strapped across his ribs, and he tapped his left foot to draw Draco’s attention to the knife handle sticking out above his boot, “never hurts to be prepared,”

Draco nodded, inching further away from the man, a heavy, icy feeling spreading out from his stomach, “I suppose,” he said, “I need to go,” he turned to leave, but Mulciber called out again.

“Wait!” He took another step closer to Draco, his hand held out to stop him; Draco felt as if the man’s words were pinning him in place - except it wasn’t Mulciber’s words stopping him from moving, but his own fear, “So… I heard that Potter’s going to be your new pet now,” he said conversationally, rocking back and forth ever so slightly on his feet.

Draco found himself sneering a little without meaning to, “I think it might be the other way around, actually,”

Mulciber let out a bark of laughter, “Definitely not. Never let yourself forget Draco: no matter what obsession the Dark Lord has with the little bird, he’s just some half-blood whose whor* mother died for him. When the Dark Lord takes over, he’ll be forgotten. He’ll either be dead, or just another nameless, markless, subject. But you? You’ll always be a Malfoy. A pureblood. Sanctimonia Vincet Semper, right?”

Draco flinched back at the recital of his family’s motto, feeling as if ice water had been poured over him. Why did he even know that? It was as if Mulciber was trying to make him feel… special. If his mother hadn’t warned him away from the man, he thought it might have worked. Even with the warning, he felt a hint of smug pride threaten to bloom.

He needed to leave.

“Right,” he mimicked, “I uh, I need to go now,”

Mulciber nodded, still smiling, “Of course - I’m sure your mother wants to see you,” Draco nodded, and began walking away: he fought against the urge to look over his shoulder when the man called after him, “Have a good night, Draco!”

His hands shaking for a different reason now, Draco resolved immediately not to tell his mother or father about their conversation. He didn’t know why, but he felt convinced that they would blame him for the strange, uncomfortable exchange. He should have just kept walking and ignored him – it’s what his mother had told him to do, after all. Get away if he talks to you.

Shame crept in from his toes and crawled up his ankles and legs, but before it could truly take hold, he was stepping into the sitting room, and he was thoroughly distracted by the sight in front of him.

His mother was sat perched on the edge of a sofa. As far as families went, Draco knew that his was exceptionally pale, but tonight his mother looked positively translucent, as if a vampire had sucked her dry. Bellatrix was stood over her, her hands lying carefully on top of his mother's as she helped steady her trembling hands to pour herself a cup of tea. His father was opposite them, leaning so far forwards out of his seat that he was almost standing. His chin rested between his thumb and forefinger and his grey eyes were fixed intently on his wife’s face. A glint of gold caught Draco’s eye, and he spotted his mother’s gold chain wrapped around his fist.

“Mother!” He cried, alarmed, closing the door fast behind him before rushing closer, “No - don’t stand,” he scolded before she could leap to her feet, “What happened? You look terrible!”

Her relieved expression at the sight of him changed into something that he thought was meant to be amused and reassuring, “Why thank you, little dragon, you look wonderful as well,” her voice was hoarse, as if she were recovering from a cold. Or as if she had been screaming.

Bellatrix tutted a little, “Have some tea, Cissy,” she said, the gentlest he had ever heard her, “It will be good for your throat,” she stroked a hand over her youngest sister’s hair, still half hunched over her, and Narcissa smiled tiredly up at her.

“I’m fine, Bella,” her calm assertion was ruined somewhat by the way her voice croaked and the painful cough that follow, “I am fine,” she repeated more firmly.

“You’re not fine!” Draco and his father said as one, though Lucius spoke calmly where Draco did not, “Is this…,” Draco continued, anger building in his chest, “Is this because of Potter?” He spat the name in a way he hadn’t in months - he found the familiar hatred comforting almost.

Narcissa sighed, her expression turning sad. She hesitated, then glanced between her husband and sister, “Will you leave Draco and I alone, a moment?” She asked quietly; his aunt made to protest, “Please Bella,” she interrupted, “please. Just for a moment,”

Bella swallowed, and straightened reluctantly, “Fine,” she said sharply. She turned a half-arsed sneer in Lucius’s direction, “Come along, brother-in-law. Let’s see what your half-rate house-elves have prepared for dinner,”

Lucius attempted to scowl at her, but Draco thought it might have been for Narcissa’s benefit, “Indeed,” he said cooly, pushing himself to his feet, “Will Rodolphus be joining us?” He straightened his robes.

Bella snorted, “Not tonight - him and Rabastan are enjoying a ‘night on the town’,” she said it meaningfully – a code that they both understood, Draco thought. He didn’t care to work it out though. They were probably torturing muggles or something awful.

Lucius rolled his eyes, “Of course they are,” he sneered. He paused to drop a kiss to Narcissa’s crown, before carefully working her chain back over her head.He turned to Draco and hesitated; he seemed to almost sag, “Welcome home, son,” he said quietly, resting a hand on Draco’s shoulder before following Bellatrix out of the room.

Draco waited only until he heard the door click closed before he started talking, “What happened?” He demanded furiously.

Narcissa pressed her lips together, her expression sad, “The Dark Lord set me a task, and I failed,” she said quietly, “He wished for me to improve the health of the Potter boy - to get him eating properly and gaining weight. He has gained weight,” she added, “just not enough to satisfy the Dark Lord. He is… listless,” she said slowly, “Severus says he is somewhat feistier when they interact, but that he has fallen silent even with him,” she brought her trembling thumb to her mouth and worried at her nail for a moment before dropping her hand with a sigh, “He’s afraid of Severus, and I can’t connect with him,” she admitted, “I’d have struggled before, I think, but now… after what was done to him…,” tears filled her eyes but she sniffed them back determinedly, “But I think you may succeed where neither of us can,” she said firmly.

Draco scoffed, sitting back heavily in his seat, “We hate each other,” he said bitterly, his mind conjuring its own mental picture of Potter for him to consider hatefully, “we always have,”

His mother hesitated, then shook her head slowly, “I don’t think you hate him as much as you say you do, Draco,” she whispered, as if telling him a secret.

Draco raised a disbelieving eyebrow, “Oh, really?”

“I think… I think you actually know him quite well,”

“Yeah - I know how to piss him off,” he said sarcastically, and his mother scowled at him.

Don’t you take that tone with me Draco Malfoy,”

He wilted immediately at her sharp tone.

“Sorry,” he muttered, “I just… I just don’t want to fail. I don’t want him to hurt you because I fail,”

Her smile was small and sad, “Oh, Draco,” she said with a sigh, leaning forwards to press a trembling hand to his cheek, “I would happily bear your every hurt for the rest of your life, if I could. I’m your mother, and I love you,” a single tear escaped her eye and trailed down her cheek; Draco sighed into her palm and closed his eyes for a moment, simply enjoying the comfort she offered. She stroked her thumb carefully just under his eye, “Come. We shall talk about this more tomorrow,”

Draco nodded reluctantly and followed her to dinner.

The next afternoon found Draco sitting on the garden’s low stone wall that circled the house, in front of the sitting room’s enormous french doors, his cloak wrapped tightly around him against the chilly air. His mother had told him to wait for her there - she’d always enjoyed sitting outside during the winter, wrapped up against the elements and a cup of cocoa in her hands. She called it bracing but Draco just thought it was freezing.

No matter how much he tried to empty his mind, it kept circling back to Potter.

He hated him, he thought viciously. Even though he’d said it, he hadn’t realised just how true it was when he’d told Mulciber that he was Potter’s pet. He felt like a dancing monkey being trussed up to try and entertain Potter enough to stop the Dark Lord from torturing his mother. He was grateful for the shields that protected his thoughts from the outside world - they could easily get him killed. Even Bellatrix, riddled with concern for her hurt sister, would be just as likely to torture him herself as to be sympathetic with his position. Her love for the Dark Lord was fanatical, and he knew that many others felt the same.

No. Those thoughts were better kept inside. It was much safer to dwell on how much he hated Potter. He felt his lips twist into a snarl against his will. How was he ever meant to persuade the idiot to eat, when all he wanted to do was throttle him?!

He took a deep calming breath and hunched forwards, wrapping his arms around his body and gripping onto his arms. He needed to calm down. He needed to think of his mother, not of Potter. This was all for her, not for him. He loved her, and he’d do anything to keep her safe, and if that meant baby-sitting stupid f*cking Potter, or- or riling him up until he stopped being pathetic, then he’d do it. He’d do whatever it took.

“Hot chocolate?” Draco flinched and looked up sharply. His mother had somehow walked right up to him without him noticing, and was smiling down at him, a mug held out for him to take.

He accepted it gratefully and eyed her bare fingers as she sat down next to him on the wall, crossing one leg smartly over the other, “Thank you. Shouldn’t you be wearing gloves? Your fingers must be freezing,”

She rolled her eyes and knocked their shoulders together playfully, “I’m meant to be mother, not you,” she joked, lifting her cup to her lips and sipping at it carefully. He’d almost have thought that nothing was wrong if it weren’t for the tremble that remained in her fingers. He swallowed heavily, and bowed his head, “What’s wrong?” She asked lightly.

He sighed, “I don’t even know what I’m going to say to him,”

She sipped at her drink again and licked chocolate from her lips as she considered her answer, “Neither do I,” she admitted, “he doesn’t say much himself, to be honest. Or at least, not to me,”

“Am I meant to try and make friends with him? Because we’ve been enemies for years mother - I’m not sure how I’d convince him to forget it all, especially considering that it’s our home he’s imprisoned in,”

She smiled sadly at him, “I know dear,” he looked up, alarmed by the thick quality of her voice. She looked away abruptly to avoid his gaze and cleared her throat. She swallowed twice more before she turned back to him, “I’m not sure you need to be his friend. The Dark Lord wants you to draw him out of his shell; put a bit of life back into him, yes?” He nodded carefully, “Well, you’ve spent five years winding him up, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps all you need to do is treat him as you normally do?”

Draco snorted, “I can hardly do that,” he muttered, sipping at his own drink, “What if Potter tells him I’m upsetting him or something? What if he-,” he choked on his words slightly, “What if he tortures you because of it?”

She looked at him for a long moment, then took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, her breath coming as a plume of mist in the air, “I don’t know Draco,” she said simply, “All you can do is try,”

She looked sadly down at her drink, and Draco found himself hating Potter all over again.

The next morning, Draco stood at the door to Potter’s rooms for a long time, simply staring down at the handle and the silhouette of a horse embossed into it. He didn’t want to go in, he thought furiously. Not simply because he didn’t want to see Potter, but because he didn’t want the pressure of saving his mother on his shoulders. Not when he was half convinced, he’d fail. How could he possibly succeed? He wouldn’t put it past Potter to refuse to eat simply to cause Draco and his loved one's harm!

f*ck. sh*t. He took a deep breath and held it, then let it go in a rush. This was going to be difficult - but it was going to be impossible if he didn’t open the f*cking door. He clenched and relaxed his fists repeatedly, psyching himself up, then lifted a hand to knock on the door. He hesitated, and breathed for a moment, his eyes fixed on the back of his own hand. He closed his eyes and knocked quietly.

He opened the door before he could second guess himself, his heart hammering in his chest, nerves and fury fighting to get out but he tried his best to hold them back with his occlumency shields. Stepped into the room, his eyes found Potter immediately.

He didn’t look how he remembered - if it weren’t for the longer than usual unbelievably wild hair, he might not have recognised him at all at first glance. His eyes were quickly drawn from Potter’s hair to his eyes. No. Not his eyes. His eye. The left one was missing, and in its wake was an eyelid sunk back into its socket. His mind drifted back to the scream he had heard - had this happened then? He looked from the empty socket to the remaining eye. Even that wasn’t as he remembered, the previous vivid green now dulled, though he saw the hint of something feral at the edges. Something wild waiting to break free.

He paced further into the room and the door shut closed behind him.

Potter was skinny. He’d always been lithe, but now he was a few pounds of skeletal, his cheeks sunken in and his cheek bones so high they looked like they could cut him. He froze when he noticed the small three-headed snake around his neck; a Runespoor. The snake watched him, and he watched it.

Finally, he looked away from the snake, and realising that Potter wouldn’t, he spoke first.

Potter,” the name came out more harshly than he’d intended, but he found himself bolstered by the familiarity of it, like a crutch holding him up.

Potter’s eye flashed, and he responded almost immediately, “Malfoy,” his own name was said with just as much scorn.

Draco paced carefully closer to the armchair furthest from Potter, eyeing the suite as he went. His mother was unreasonably fond of it, he knew, but he had always found the horse theming a bit much. He tore his gaze from the horse bust above the mantel piece and seated himself carefully.

He looked at Potter, and Potter looked at him, and neither of them spoke. His eyes flicked again to the snake.

“Why do you have a Runespoor?” He drawled, reclining lazily in his seat and drawing on years of experience in belittling Potter; his mother had said to treat him like he usually did, after all.

Potter’s eye twitched, and he answered slowly, “It was a gift. From Voldemort,”

Draco masked his own flinch at the name with a snort and a sneer, “A gift? From the Dark Lord?” He found himself feeling even more like a plaything to keep Potter entertained, “Of course it is. I hear that the Dark Lord is rather fond of you these days. Merlin knows why though - he clearly doesn’t know how much of a waste of space you are,” Potter’s lips twitched into something that might have been the beginnings of a snarl, but he said nothing, “What is it about you, I wonder Potter?” He drawled, “How is it that a half-blood of no significant magical talent has got the Dark Lord all hot under the collar, I wonder?”

“Are you jealous?” Potter snapped back immediately, “Jealous that your precious ‘ Dark Lord’ pays me more notice than you?” He snorted, crossing his arms over his chest, “Must be difficult for you. Shown up by Hermione at school. Shown up by me at home. So much for pureblood superiority I guess,”

Draco opened his mouth, outraged and fully prepared to shout something cutting back, but he was interrupted by a crack. One of the house-elves appeared between them, her wide, watery eyes flicking between them nervously. She let out a little squeak, and snapped her fingers, and breakfast appeared on the coffee table between them. A bowl of steaming porridge for Potter, and scrambled eggs on toast for Draco.

Draco took a deep, steadying breath. He couldn’t blow up now. He needed Potter to eat his breakfast, he reminded himself.

“Eat,” he said flatly, reaching for his own plate, “You obviously need it. You’re wasting away - you look like a stiff breeze would snap you in two,”

Potter scowled at him and reached for his spoon. Draco didn’t miss the way he closed his hand an inch too soon initially, before he reached further and snagged the spoon the second time. Bye-bye depth perception, he thought hatefully, cutting into his toast. He might have felt bad for Potter a few months ago, but not now. It was his fault his mother was being tortured.

For a moment, chewing his toast, Draco thought maybe this would be easy. All it took was pissing Potter off to get his appetite up. But then Potter got halfway through his bowl and stopped. Draco felt himself grinding his teeth without meaning to.

“Finish your breakfast,” he snapped.

Potter sent him a withering glare, and the right head of the snake at his throat hissed angrily, “Tippy,” he called clearly, and the elf returned with a crack; she bowed lowly.

“Yes, Harry,” just ‘Harry’, Draco thought with a sneer. Not even respected by the house-elves and yet Draco was his bloody plaything.

“Would you take away my bowl please, I’m finished,” the elf hesitated, her eyes flicking towards Draco, before she nodded. The bowl disappeared with a pop, and then so did the elf.

Potter sent him a smug smile and it took all of Draco’s willpower for him to not start immediately shouting at him.

He considered sniping at Potter some more, relieving some of his frustration on the other boy, but caution held his tongue. There was no point talking to him when there was no food to persuade him to eat. No - he’d use his time in a more constructive manner.

Draco rolled his eyes, pushing himself to his feet, and heading to the bookshelf to pick out something to read until lunch. While Draco read about the contractual applications of blood magic, Potter sat in silence, his eyes fixed on the horizon outside the window. Occasionally, he hissed to the snake around his neck, and every time he did Draco felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, but otherwise he said nothing, and he did nothing.

Draco found his lips tipping into a sneer. Pathetic.

At around midday (judging by the sun in the sky, as the room was strangely devoid of clocks), Tippy returned again with a crack. With another snap of her fingers, lunch appeared for them both. For Draco, paella and crusty bread. For Potter, a bowl of beef stew. Once again, Potter picked up his spoon (the first attempt this time) and began to eat, but before he was even halfway done with his meal, he was fishing out chunks of beef and offering them to the snake around his neck.

Draco was going to need a mouth guard before the end of the holidays, he was sure, unless he wanted to lose the enamel on his back teeth.

“That’s for you - not the stupid snake,” he hissed furiously; he ignored Potter’s outraged exclamation and cried, “Tippy!”

The elf appeared instantly with a crack. She bowed low to the ground, her eyes fixed somewhere on the carpet in front of her, “Y-yes, M-master D-Draco?” She stuttered.

Draco rolled his eyes, “Fetch some cuts of beef for the snake - it's to get its own food every day. Or as frequently as snakes are meant to eat. It shouldn’t be eating from Potter’s bowl,” he scolded gently; just because Potter was an idiot didn’t mean that the elf deserved to be punished.

“Y-yes, Master Draco,” she bowed so lowly her nose nearly touched the carpet. With a snap of her fingers, a plate appeared on the table with five large cubes of raw beef set out neatly on its middle. Tippy disappeared just as quickly as she had come, probably sensing the building tension in the room. Draco wished he could disappear as easily.

Potter said nothing though, simply glaring at Draco and reaching for the plate of raw meet. Draco felt that the patience he displayed as he watched Potter offering the snake cube after cube deserved recognition. He waited until the snake had finished, the three mouths opening wide into sleepy yawns, their tongues lazily tasting the air, and their middle significantly thicker than when they had begun eating.

“Now,” he said harshly, “finish your lunch,”

Potter looked at him as if he was insane, throwing his hands up and exclaiming, “Why do you even care?!

Draco froze, cold fury unfurling in the base of his spine and working its way up his back and into his throat. Precious Potter, he thought viscously. So used to being the centre of attention that he couldn’t even entertain the idea that maybe Draco wasn’t worried about him at all. He was so self-centred that it made more sense to him that Draco was worried about him, rather than simply following orders.

“Let me be perfectly clear, Potter,” he said coldly and slowly, “Believe it or not, but I don’t give two sh*ts about what happens to you. They could drag you back down to the cellars and torture you for another six months for all I care,” Potter flinched and dropped his gaze to his hands in his lap, “All I care about it my mother,”

Potter looked up sharply, “Your… your mother?” He stuttered out, his expression suddenly confused and faintly worried.

Draco sneered at him, “Yes,” of course - the selfish prick hadn’t even considered that his mother might be getting hurt; Merlin, he hated him, “If you don’t start eating properly, then my mother’s going to be the one getting hurt. Not you. Not me. Her. So, I don’t care if I have to hold you down-,” Potter looked away abruptly, shifting in his chair in a way that made him look deeply uncomfortable, “-and shove a tube down your throat. You will start eating more. Do you understand me, Potter?”

For the first time since he had entered the room, Draco saw a flash of real, bone deep fear in Potter’s eye. It was gone as quickly as it had appeared though, disappearing into a painfully blank expression, as if Potter had simply picked up his personality and tucked it away elsewhere. Panic stuck in Draco’s throat - f*ck. Had he pushed too far? Had he pushed him backwards? f*ck his mother was going to be tortured and it was all his fault.

But then Potter reached out a hand, grabbed his spoon, and began to slowly and carefully finish his bowl. By the time he was finished, his expression was pinched and uncomfortable and he had a hand pressed to his subtly bulging stomach.

Draco didn’t care though. It had worked. Maybe… maybe he could do this.


(Don’t hate Draco - he’s just a scared teenager, he gets better I swear, there’s a reason this is tagged as protective Draco and its because I love nothing more than a Draco that puts Harry above everything else)

Also can I just say I think writing villains might be my new favourite thing. He’s awful, but Mulciber was sooooo much fun to write. There’s a reason I got this chapter done so quickly 😂


Chapter 8: Draco: The Polyphemus System


Draco didn’t leave Potter’s rooms until nearly nine o’clock that evening. Not until he’d seen him finish every scrap of food on his plate.


Enjoy :)
FYI Small mention of suicidal thoughts in this chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Draco didn’t leave Potter’s rooms until nearly nine o’clock that evening. Not until he’d seen him finish every scrap of food on his plate. He’d expected to return back to his room to collapse in his bed and maybe try and complete at least some of the schoolwork he’d been set, but he’d been surprised to find his mother sat at his desk, twirling her necklace around her finger anxiously.

She jumped to her feet the moment he stepped over the threshold, “Draco,” her voice was tight and stressed, “How… how did things go?” She trailed off nervously, dropping the hand from her throat.

“Well, he ate all of his meals,” Draco said feeling suddenly bone tired as he toed off his shoes; it felt strange to wear shoes in the east wing, the part of the manor he would have actually classed as his home. It felt even stranger to sit around Potter wearing only socks or slippers though.

His mother visibly wilted with relief, a careful smile appearing, “Oh… oh Draco that’s a wonderful start! I knew you’d succeed where we’d failed,” she reached forwards to take his hands in hers and to pull him to sit on the edge of the bed.

“What happened to his eye?”

His mother froze at the question: it had been one that had been rolling around his mind all day, but the idea of asking Potter himself had just made the hate in his gut twist into something frightened and nervous.

Her expression turned sad, and she stroked the back of her hand against his cheek, “It must have been… difficult for you. To see him like that. I… I hadn’t considered that. I’m sorry, Draco, for not warning you,”

Draco shrugged uncomfortably, “S’fine,” he mumbled; normally his mother would have frowned at him and told him to speak clearly, but that evening she only petted the back of his hand, “What happened to it?”

She let out a steady breath, “I haven’t asked him,” she answered, something evasive in her tone, “Probably for the same reason that you didn’t,”

“Right,” Draco muttered, rubbing a hand across his face. He hadn’t realised that being so full of hate could be so tiring.

His mother interpreted the action another way however, “Oh, Draco,” she pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around his back and leaning their heads together, “I understand, I feel the same sometimes,” Draco said nothing, not quite sure what feeling his mother thought they shared, “It’s okay to feel this way - I taught you occlumency for a reason, so you could feel this way without fear,” she pressed a kiss to the side of his head and stroked his hair, “How did you get him to eat?” She asked curiously.

Draco… didn’t want to tell her the truth. Something told him that if he told her that he’d basically shouted at Potter to get him to eat, she’d gain the sad, disappointed expression that he hated to see aimed in his direction. But he didn’t know what else he was meant to do.

“I was a bit of a git to him,” he admitted vaguely, “Provoked him a bit, you know,” he shrugged, “You said to treat like I normally do,” he pointed out, “It seemed to work,”

She nodded, “Right. Yes. I understand,” she worried at her lip, her eyes fixed somewhere to the side of him, “I worry,” she said suddenly, “About you. About him. You’re just boys - children! And he’s… and you’re…,” she sniffed once then seemed to remember herself, closing her eyes until she had composed herself again; she turned her serious gaze to him, “Just… tread carefully, Draco. I think he might be even more fragile than he appears,”

He nodded as if he understood, but really, he didn’t.

For two weeks, every day spent with Potter was near identical.

He’d arrive in the morning, knocking only out of habit, and never waiting for permission to enter. He’d push his way into the room, sneer Potter’s name in greeting, hear his name snarled in return, then he’d drop himself heavily into the armchair closest to the door. Minutes later, Tippy would appear, and with her their breakfast. Where Draco’s varied, Potter’s was always porridge topped with sunflower seeds. It was the same at lunch and supper - Draco would be served something from the long list of foods that the elf knew he liked, and Potter would receive some kind of stew or casserole. Draco wondered if they were as bland as they looked. Were they depriving Potter of flavour for a reason or was the Dark Lord merely attempting some new form of torture?

Not that he cared, particularly. So long as Potter ate every single bite, that was all that mattered. It was almost inevitable that at the end of every meal, Potter would sit with an uncomfortable expression on his face, his hand resting against his stomach. Draco couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the dramatic display.He acted as if he’d eaten the largest meal of his life three times a day, but to Draco’s eye the portions were on the small size; he’d have been surprised if even his mother would have been satisfied with them.

Still. It didn’t matter. So long as Potter ate, he could cope with a little theatrics. He’d even spent Christmas Day with the other boy, spending only a few hours in the evening with his family, but it was worth it. His mother’s hands had finally stopped shaking, and if it was up to him, they would remain steady. The only anxious thought that niggled at the back of his mind, was what would happen after he left. Potter might have been eating, but the Dark Lord had demanded a spark.

If there was some flicker of life within Potter, beyond the literal rise and fall of his chest, Draco had yet to see it.

It was with a week left of the holidays that their monotonous routine changed.

Every day without fail, Draco would enter the suite to find Potter exactly where he’d left him the night before: sat on the far end of the sofa dressed in dark casual robes, his hands folded in his lap, his three headed snake curled around his neck, her heads resting at the junction where his shoulders sloped up into his neck. It was where he would spend the entire day until Draco left him in the evening, unless he needed to relieve himself. This morning was no different.

They had finished breakfast and Potter was sat on the sofa as usual, practically puffing his cheeks up in discomfort, while Draco paced restlessly up and down the bookshelves. He’d finished his first book, ‘The Blood That Binds Us, Volume One: Contracts and Bonds’ (which had been surprisingly interesting, being unexpectedly gory and, at times, p*rnographic, especially considering it was a book about wizarding contracts) within a few days and had practically absorbed five more in a desperate attempt to escape the monotony of every day spent babysitting Potter.

When the Dark Lord had given his command, Draco had been concerned that they might tear each other's hair out. Maybe curse each other a little. He’d have preferred curses to this though - Potter would at least need to speak to him to curse him. He’d hardly said a word since that first day.

Stood in the far corner of the room, Draco glanced away from the two books he was struggling to choose between and towards Potter. He rolled his eyes. Potter was as he always was; quiet and unnaturally still, his eyes fixed on the horizon outside the window.

“Do you ever do anything?” Draco drawled, the frustration of being cooped up with Potter for two weeks catching up to him and loosening his tongue, “You always just sit there, staring out the window,” he looked over his shoulder to the sofa and found Potter unchanged; he rolled his eyes and began a slow stroll across the bookcases, his finger trailing across their spines, “The view isn’t going to change you know. Though I suppose neither of us know how long you’re going to be in here, so it might eventually,”

Potter stirred slightly, his head twitching and inclining in Draco’s direction.

Draco paused, licking his lips as he considered. Riling Potter up had been enough to get him to eat - wait. No. Actually, that wasn’t true, he realised. Potter hadn’t started eating until he’d known that Draco’s mother was at risk. Stupid saviour complex. No, since that first day, Draco hadn’t tried to rile him up at all. The most he’d done was deliberately chew too loudly just to watch the increasingly irritated tick in Potter’s jaw. Perhaps he should try again… perhaps that was the key to making Potter’s ‘spark’ return (the thought made him want to gag - like Potter was special or something).

And it wouldn’t be a hardship. If anything, it would be an excellent excuse to take out a little frustration on the four-eyed twat. Draco hid the mean smile that threatened on his face by turning back to the bookshelf and resuming his slow progress along it.

“You could be here for years, Potter. The wards around this house are impenetrable, you know? Only a Malfoy by blood can change them - so that leaves my father and me, and neither of us are letting you out,” he heard Potter shift in his seat, “and no one's getting in either, I hope you know. Wards can be broken by someone with the right skill set, sure… but no one’s breaking the Fidelius charm,” he paused dramatically, watching out the corner of his eye as Potter’s head turned slowly to look at him, “That’s the charm your parents used, wasn’t it?” Potter said nothing, “Though, of course they placed their trust in the wrong soul didn’t they. I wouldn’t get your hopes up of the same thing happening here, though. Somehow, I can’t see the Dark Lord walking up to the Aurors and telling them how to find you,” he shot a nasty grin over his shoulder, and he felt a thrill of excitement in his chest at the barely suppressed rage in Potter’s eye.

A distant part of Draco realised that he wasn’t simply trying to get a rise out of Potter, no matter what he said. He was being cruel because he’d had his hide hitched to Potter’s against his will. Because he couldn’t trust Potter to keep eating after he was gone. Because he was terrified that Potter was going to actually turn into a human statue and get his mother killed. And lastly, he was being cruel because it felt good - because he wanted to.

“Since you’re here for the duration,” he continued more brightly, “you might as well read a book or two; you are surrounded by them after all. Or did your stupid muggle relatives not teach you to read?” He paused, a passing rumour suddenly returning to him, “My father heard something once, when he was on the school board, that you nearly didn’t get your letter to Hogwarts because they kept addressing it to a cupboard,” he snorted, “Apparently, they didn’t realise until they’d sent you nearly two hundred letters. Did you know that?” Potter’s expression tightened and his cheeks flushed, his eye darting away. Was Potter… embarrassed? “Was that true?” Potter glanced back at him reluctantly and visibly hesitated before he gave a single small nod, “How come all of your letters were going to a cupboard?” He asked, genuinely curious, turning side on to Potter and holding his hands behind his back as if Potter were a specimen he was observing with vague interest.

Potter looked away again and stayed silent for a long moment. He licked his top lip and answered quietly, “It was my bedroom,”

Draco snorted on reflex, “What, like a house-elf?” He taunted. It was only when Potter didn’t answer and his whole face and neck flushed red in furious humiliation that Draco realised, he wasn’t joking. A flash of shock briefly interrupted the bubbling hatred that had been simmering in Draco for weeks now. Potter’s bedroom had been a cupboard. Had Potter been… abused? Draco’s stomach clenched.

He didn’t know what to do with that information. He didn’t know how to use it to provoke Potter in a way that didn’t leave him feeling dirty, but it was far to late to change tactics now. Potter wouldn’t accept sympathy or comfort from him, and Draco was in no place to offer it either. And so, he put it to one side, and pushed along his previous path.

He let out a small laugh, “Well, you learn something new, every day I suppose,” he said flippantly, turning away from Potter and resuming his careful pacing, “Regardless, I don’t see why you choose to just sit there and stare rather than reading something. I’m presuming Granger didn’t write all of your essays, so I know you can. Let’s see… what do we have here…,” he peered closer to the shelf, “There’s… ‘The Art of the Wand’ by Mykew Gregorovitch - something you might find handy. You could try and make yourself a new one!” Potter scowled at his bright tone, and he continued, “Or there’s ‘The Poison of Love’ by Laverne de Montmorency - though I’m not sure if that one’s fiction or nonfiction to be honest. Or perhaps…,” Draco’s finger trailed across the books when his eyes caught on a title that made the hateful thing inside him gasp with glee, “this one, Potter,” he worked the enormous book free and pulled it smoothly from the shelf. Potter flinched back, his expression turning alarmed as Draco strode towards him, the book he’d selected open in his arms as he flicked his way through its contents, not sure he’d find what he was looking for. He let out a bark of laughter when he did, and he dropped the heavy open book into Potter’s lap; the snake around his neck hissed furiously and flinched back, three sets of fangs bared in his direction.

A detailed diagram of a solitary glass eye gazed back at them. Potter stared down at it - judging by what Draco could see of his blank expression, he hadn’t quite understood what was in front of him.

‘Magical Prosthetics and Orthotics: Manufacture and Customisation’ twenty fourth edition, edited and updated by H. Pulsifer, originally written by Josefina Calderon,” Draco announced smugly, “Translated from the original Spanish,” he added helpfully, grinning down at the back of Potter’s head, “Merlin knows why we have a copy - I think mother uses this suite to store all the books she has no intention of reading but can’t throw away for one reason or another (value, heirlooms, gifts and the like). How fortuitous for you though!” He crowed patronisingly, clapping his hands together, “It’s like it was meant to be. We’ll have you looking like Mad-eye Moody in no time,” even as he finished speaking, Draco could feel in his gut that he’d gone too far.

As if in slow motion, Potter lifted his chin to look up at Draco, and Draco was reminded of the time he and one of the Weasley twins had attacked him on the quidditch pitch. His eye was blazing with fury and his teeth were half bared into a snarl.

Suddenly, Potter was on his feet, the book tumbling out of his lap to the floor as he stood. Draco had the briefest moment to take half a step back before Potter was lunging at him, his hands outstretch to shove Draco as hard as he could. Even with their height difference, and their significant weight difference, Draco still found himself forced to take two steps back to stop himself from being bowled over.

Draco braced himself, preparing to fight back, when Potter simply side stepped him and marched furiously across the room towards his bedroom. He slammed the door with such force, that the portrait of a winged horse that hung on the wall next to it let out a frightened whiny and galloped out of the frame.

The silence was deafening.

Draco swallowed heavily; his eyes fixed on the closed door. He felt as if his feet had suddenly become nailed to the carpet below. He stood frozen, simply blinking and waiting to see if Potter would come back. It took him a long time to realise that he wouldn’t.

He looked down at the feeling of something digging into his ankle and found the cover of the book sticking up against him awkwardly where it had fallen to the floor. It was more for something to do than anything else that Draco picked it up off the floor and carried it with him to sit down on the armchair that faced Potter’s door.

There was a kind of ringing in Draco’s ears - the kind that only existed to draw attention to how quiet everything was. He hadn’t realised how used he’d gotten to the sound of Potter breathing until it was gone. Or the occasional exchange of hissing between him and his serpent.

He looked down to the book in his lap and stroked his thumb against the gold embossed title. With nothing better to do, and desperately needing a distraction from the explosion that had just happened, he opened the book and began to slowly leaf through it.

The first page contained a portrait of the author, who flicked her long dark hair and smiled genially up at him. He swallowed and turned the page.

Through the power of magic, witches and wizards throughout the ages have been able to overcome many of the challenges that life brings, no less than the challenges of poor health…

He shouldn’t have said what he said but storming off seemed like an over-reaction.

‘… however, despite our many advances, there does not yet exist a method by which to mend injuries and ailments inflicted by magical means, most commonly by curses…,

Perhaps it had been a low blow though. Bringing up his eye. And immediately after laughing at him for (probably) being abused, too. His eyes flicked to the bedroom door, and he turned the page.

He paused, finding himself momentarily distracted by the intricate diagram in front of him: it was a prosthetic arm made of multiple sweeping panels, carved as if to mimic the flow of muscle, and interconnected by thin wires. In some places the panels were flush together, but in places where flexibility was required, Draco could see free air. The wrist of the diagram in front of him flexed this way and that and the fingers bent and straightened methodically.

… in constructing prosthetic limbs, it is important that first the correct materials are chosen. Much in the way that wood is the preferred material for wands, wood (usually imbedded with enchantments to improve weight, durability and permeability) acts as an excellent conduit for the magic required not only to give the limb motion and sensation, but also to maintain its integrity…

He wondered what Potter was doing in his room. Was he simply sitting in silence, the way he had done for the last fourteen days with Draco? Or was he having a heated hissed conversation with the snake? For the first time, Draco wondered what the snake thought of him. It probably hated him.

… another key component for magical prosthetic limbs are noble metals (most frequently gold or platinum): these act as a binding and conductive agent…

f*ck… this wasn’t how Draco had envisioned his day going. What if Potter didn’t come out at lunch? What if Draco had just undone everything and he stopped eating again?

… for more cost-effective prosthetics, copper may be used as an alternative, but this has implications for the longevity of any enchantments applied. Without proper routine maintenance, prosthetics made using copper may fail unexpectedly. Note: silver is not recommended however, due to the metal's susceptibility to corruption from outside magical sources (including that of the prosthetics maker themselves) …

Should he knock on the door? Apologise? He could imagine it now:

Sorry for being a dick Potter, only I’m terrified you’re going to get my mother tortured and/or killed. Be a good chap and eat a biscuit, will you?

Draco found himself snorting derisively. Yeah. Maybe not.

…the imbedding of wand cores is desirable in order to create a replacement with movement that is long lasting (Note: superior wand cores are not a necessity). Enchantments may be used as an alternative, but these must be reapplied bi-annually, and may eventually interfere with other charms that are necessary to apply to the prosthetic. While initially cheaper, such systems are likely to be more costly in the long run…

None of this was his fault, though. What did he have to apologise for? He hadn’t asked to be thrown into this stupid room with him! He wasn’t the one who’d taken Potter’s eye! He hadn’t locked Potter up or kidnapped him (but his father had) or tortured him (but his aunt had). He was as much a prisoner here as Potter!

Frustration had him flipping furiously through the book - diagrams and drawings and instructions were a blur as he rushed past them until he found what he’d been unconsciously searching for. The eye that had had Potter storming out of the room. He watched as the pupil contracted and expanded, then flicked over to stare back at him, before turning to gaze into the middle distance.

Historical Ocular Prosthetics: The Polyphemus System.’

He paused - historical?

The Polyphemus System has been the predominant type of ocular prosthesis in use for nearly two thousand years. It remains especially popular amongst Auror groups due to the tactical advantage of an eye that can see in all directions with penetrating vision. However, for the civilian population it is less than ideal: as well as drawing unwanted attention with its unusual appearance, the Polyphemus System can become incredibly uncomfortable with extended wear, and the characteristics that allow it to be free moving also mean that it can be easily dislodged and lost (or stolen by wizards wishing to incapacitate the wearer). In recent times, the-,

Draco flinched at a sudden crack and tore his gaze from the page in front of him. Tippy stood in front of him. She made to bow but froze when she didn’t find Potter sitting in his usual spot. She turned unsure eyes in his direction. He clenched his teeth.

“Yes, Tippy?”

“Y-your lunch, Master Draco,” she squeaked, snapping her fingers. A plate of tomato and mozzarella salad and toasted ciabatta appeared. She hesitated, “What about Harry, sir?”

Master Harry,” he corrected sharply, feeling suddenly intensely irritated by the elf’s continued lack of respect, “and yes, lunch for Potter as well,” he’d get Potter out of his bedroom even if he had to drag him out.

“Yes, sir,” she said at once, snapping her fingers and conjuring a familiar bowl of stew. For a split second, Draco felt a twinge of sympathy for Potter - he wouldn’t want to eat the same thing every day either. He swallowed the sympathy back though, pushed himself to his feet, and marched over to Potter’s bedroom door.

Fist raised, he hesitated and caught the urge to pound his fist against the door. He sighed, and knocked politely, “Potter - lunch is here,” he called, his voice held deliberately level. He waited, holding his breath as he strained to hear for even the slightest hint of movement on the other side of the door - but he heard nothing. He clenched his jaw against the frustration he could feel beginning to build, “Potter!” He barked more sharply, knocking firmly against the door, “Get out here - its lunch time,”

He waited, his teeth grinding, his nose flaring with each carefully controlled breath in and out, trying for the first time in two weeks to keep his frayed temper under control. But still, nothing.


He hammered on the door, “Potter! f*cking Potter, “I don’t give a sh*t if you’re busy crying into your pillow!” f*cking Potter and his stupid snake and his stupid eye, “Get out here now!” Draco was asking one simple thing of him - was it really that difficult? “HEY!” He struck the door as hard as he could, “Are you listening to me?” f*cking Potter! “Come and eat this stupid stew right f*ckING now! Do you hear me?! Eat your lunch and then feel free to carry on this childish display,” he sneered furiously, “Hide in here all day if you want to - but I’m not having my mother tortured or killed just because you’re having a meltdown!” He paused, panting, waiting to hear for movement.

For a split second, there was nothing, and Draco had been about to start beating down the door when he heard the sound of feet, muffled against the carpet striding towards the door. The door was wrenched open, and Potter shouldered his way past him without saying a word. Draco caught the briefest glance of his face. He’d accused Potter of crying into his pillow, but he hadn’t considered that it might actually be true.

But Potter moved too quickly for Draco to gather his thoughts, marching towards his bowl and sitting with purpose on the sofa. The spoon clattered noisily against the bowl as Potter snapped his hands out to grab it, but he misjudged and overshot, nearly knocking the utensil onto the carpet.

Depth perception.

He recovered though, catching the spoon and brining the bowl up under his chin. Tears still leaking down his face, his cheeks flushed red, Potter began to practically inhale his dinner. He ate faster than Draco had ever seen him eat before, chewing with purpose and glaring down at the stew as if it had wronged him personally.

Potter had made his way halfway through the bowl before Draco managed to unstick himself and cautiously approach his own lunch. Potter grimaced at he swallowed.

“Slow down - you’re going to make yourself sick,”

“f*ck you!” Potter barked, panting and staring up at Draco, “f*ck. You,” he punctuated each word with a jab of his spoon in Draco’s direction, “You wanted me to eat,” he sniffed, his gaze faltering as he lost his bite, “So I’m eating,” he finished in a mutter, turning back to the stew.

The bowl was empty in minutes, and Potter was practically green. He had his eyes closed and the back of his wrist pressed firmly against his lips while he cradled his stomach with his other hand. Draco could feel dread building in his gut. He was expecting it when Potter leapt abruptly to his feet again, though this time he rushed in the direction of the bathroom, throwing the door open and not wasting time with closing it.

Listening to Potter retch and vomit, the shame that had been incessantly pressing down on Draco since Potter had stormed out the first time finally worked its way past his defences, and guilt replaced resentment. f*ck.

He pushed himself carefully to his feet, his eyes fixed on the ajar door. His hands shook with the adrenalin flooding his system. f*ck. This was his fault. He swallowed thickly. When the retching stopped, he paced slowly towards the bathroom. Was this a good idea? Should he stay where he was? He’d caused enough harm, surely. The sound of Potter panting was briefly obscured by the flushing of the toilet.

And then Potter started crying. Quiet sobs that Draco could barely hear.

He moved on autopilot, nudging the bathroom door open and stepping inside. For a moment, Draco couldn’t see him - he could only hear the whimpers that bounced off the tiled walls as an echo that seemed to go on forever. And then he spotted him - sat, curled into a ball wedged between the toilet and the wall, his face buried in his knees, his glasses on the floor. The snake had abandoned her post from around his neck for the first time in the last two weeks, and was instead curled around his forearm, her three noses nuzzling into his hair.

One of the heads - the fiercest one - spotted him and bared her teeth threateningly in his direction.

If Potter noticed his approach though, he said nothing. Draco slid down to the floor, his back pressed against the wall opposite Potter, and simply watched as he cried. He felt almost numb. Numb except for the building shame. It made his tongue feel like lead in his mouth. He crossed his legs, and slowly let the truth he’d been so desperate to ignore come to the forefront of his mind.

He didn’t hate Potter. He wasn’t angry with Potter. It was simply easier to hate him, and be angry with him, then it was to feel those things about the person they were meant for: the Dark Lord. Easier and safer.

Potter wouldn’t torture his mother for making him cry, or shouting at him, or laughing at him, or for making him eat breakfast, or for disappointing him. Potter was an easy target and there were no consequences for treating him poorly - the Dark Lord had said as much.

Well. There were consequences. The consequences were directly in front of him, he just hadn’t thought he cared about them until he was watching it happen.

He suddenly recognised the feeling inside of him that his mother had been so sure that they shared - horror. This, all of it, it was all so dreadfully cruel. A loathsome scenario that he and Potter had both been thrust into, except that of the two of them, Draco held all the power. Potter really had been made his pet.

It was only the shuddering thought of Mulciber that brought Draco back down to Earth, and he was alarmed to see that Potter had fisted his hands harshly in his hair.

“Don’t do that,” he stretched out a hand instinctively towards the other boy, but he was too far away to reach him, “you’ll hurt yourself,”

Potter responded with a rasping hysterical laugh, “Can’t,” he lifted his chin slightly so that Draco could see his eye, “Can’t hurt m’self. S’the room. Warded. Can’t even drink m’tea if’is too hot,” he mumbled, while the snake around his wrist darted closer to investigate his face more closely; the right kept her eyes firmly fixed on Draco though, “Vol’mort doesn’t want me to try and kill m’self… I think so a’least,”

“Do you want to?” Draco asked carefully, “Kill yourself, I mean,” he clarified at Potter’s confused, bleary expression.

Potter shrugged, “Not usually. Not yet,” he said, sounding thoroughly defeated.

Draco struggled to find something to say. Not for the first time, he felt completely in over his head. He didn’t know how to deal with this at all - but this, their current situation, it was his fault. He had to at least try and make it right.

“Do you want some water?” He made to stand, but flinched back when the right snake struck out, her jaws snapping through the air. She was nowhere near him, but still it had taken him by surprise.

Potter reacted immediately, curling a hand round the snake's head and encouraging her back into his body. He spoke to her, but his words were a mixed garble between English and parstlemouth, “No!… no stop… bite… can’t. Don’t… you… him. Atropos stop. Can’t bite him… don’t,”

Draco relaxed back against the wall, watching with interest as Potter argued with the furious snake, “What’s her name?” He asked curiously.

Four sets of eyes turned to look at him, and Potter sat up slowly, “Uh, this is Clotho, and Atropos, and Lachesis,” Atropos snarled at him, Clotho looked back curiously, while Lachesis looked mostly indifferent. Of course, Potter had named each head.

It was only as Potter straightened, his head popping up out of his arms, that Draco’s eyes were drawn to his neck. It was the first time he’d seen it bare over the last two weeks - the Runespoor was constantly curled around it. But now, with the snake around his arm, Draco was able to see the crescent shaped scar that peaked up above Potter’s collar.

They were teeth marks, jagged and cruel, and Draco felt nearly drowned in guilt again.

He’d been so convinced that none of this was his fault, that he was as much a victim of this as Potter, that he’d allowed himself to become the thing he’d been so adamant he was not - another of Potter’s tormentors. It was disgusting how swiftly he’d gone from regretting Potter’s death, to feeling horrified that he was being tortured, to… to this. He imagined Bella would be proud, and that thought alone was enough to make him feel sick. Perhaps the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, he thought bitterly. His mother though…

“Your mother calls them the Moirai,” Potter added, interrupting his train of thought.

He cleared the emotion he could feel building in his throat, “Yeah, that makes sense,” his mother was going to be so disappointed in him. She’d called him a sweet boy. He doubted she’d think him sweet anymore.

“I don’t want your mother to get hurt,” Potter said quietly, his eye fixed on his knees, “Especially because of me,” f*ck, Draco could practically see her crumpled, sad expression now - she’d been so obviously worried about Potter as well, “I… I’m sorry she’s being hurt,” his voice was thick with emotion suddenly and a few more tears trailed down his cheeks, “I’m trying, I swear, I really am, I just… I get full so quickly,” he rubbed a miserable hand against his stomach, “I’m sorry. I’m trying,”

f*ck. He needed to fix this.

“Will you come and sit in the sitting room with me?” He asked carefully, “It’ll be more comfortable in there,”

Potter slumped a little where he sat but nodded. Draco considered holding out a hand for him to take, but it felt like a disingenuous step too far. He wouldn’t take his hand, if he were Potter. And of course, there was the snake to consider. And so instead he fetched Potter’s glasses while he pushed himself up from the floor and offered them to the other boy when he was finally upright. As Potter had stood, his robes had lowered, revealing more of the bite mark at his neck. Draco couldn’t help but look at it - it was uneven and jagged, as if whoever had made it was missing half their teeth.

He looked away sharply. He wanted to know what had happened, as much as he didn’t want to know. Potter accepted his glasses silently, and Draco led them back into the living room.

“Tippy!” He pretended not to see the way Potter flinched slightly at his raised voice.

Tippy appeared at once with a crack in the middle of the room, “Yes, Master Draco?”

“Clear away Potter’s bowl and bring us a pot of ginger tea to settle Potter’s stomach please,” Tippy disappeared without further comment, taking the bowl with her.

Draco snatched up the book where he’d left it on his chair and slotted it back onto the bookshelf. It hit the back panel with a thud. Draco resumed his seat just as Tippy appeared, bringing with her not only the teapot, but also a small plate of ginger biscuits.

Potter’s eye darted nervously between the plate of biscuits and Draco’s face, and Draco felt just that little bit more like a monster. He soldiered on through the feeling.

“I hope you like ginger, Potter,” he said, pouring them both a cup and adding a biscuit to the edge of their saucers. Potter looked at him like he had grown three heads like the snake around his neck, but he accepted the saucer anyway, and Draco didn’t comment or flinch when the Runespoor snapped threateningly at him (he thought it was the head called Atropos but couldn’t be certain).

“It’s okay,” Potter muttered, “Why ginger?”

Draco shrugged, relaxing back into his own seat and trying to find some new normality between them, “It’s meant to be good for settling an upset stomach - I thought everyone knew that,”

“I didn’t,” Potter made to bring the cup to his lips, but froze just before he could slurp at the liquid. He lowered the cup with a sudden frustrated noise.

“What’s wrong?” Draco asked warily, blowing carefully over the top of his own cup.

“It’s too hot,”

Draco frowned in confusion, “So? Just blow… oh,” and Potter’s words came back to him. He really couldn’t drink his tea if it was too hot, “Pass it here,” he felt Potter’s gaze on the back of his neck as he carried the cup into the bathroom to add a splash of cold water. He accepted it back looking faintly bewildered, but he was at least able to carefully sip at it now, “Don’t worry about the biscuit,” he said quickly, “Eat it if you can but… but don’t worry,”

Potter just looked at him carefully, watching his face as he drank his tea as if he were nervous about what Draco might do next.

He probably was, a small voice reminded Draco. No matter how Draco tried to cut it, the crux of the matter was that Potter was effectively a prisoner in his family home. He was Draco’s prisoner, as much as Draco had no desire to be a jailer. And Draco hadn’t exactly been benevolent. He’d be on edge too.

“I’m sorry,” Draco said abruptly.

Potter looked away uncomfortably, “What have you got to be sorry for? You didn’t put me here. You didn’t torture me or-,” Potter swallowed, “You didn’t do this to me,”

“I… I know, but I’ve been… I just. I- I’m sorry, alright?” he said harshly, but then immediately regretted his tone, “I guess… I guess I’m afraid,” he admitted reluctantly, “Afraid of what he’ll do to my mother mostly, and to me,”

Potter lowered his saucer slowly into his lap and Draco felt as if his gaze were trapped in place, fixed on Potter’s solitary green eye that stared back at him. He watched as Potter swallowed heavily and carefully licked his lips.

“I’m scared too,” Potter whispered, “I don’t feel it the same, though. I used to be terrified, but… but not anymore. Just feels kind of normal now,” he muttered, and Draco wasn’t quite sure if he was actually talking to him, or to himself, “S’like coming down for breakfast and there being this overwhelming smell of bacon, but by the time you leave for class, you can’t smell it at all anymore. You know what I mean?”

Draco nodded, “I think so,” he felt the horror his mother had alluded to creeping back in, “My mother says it's called going nose blind - the bacon thing I mean, I uh… not the fear, uh, thing,” he stumbled awkwardly over his words, “She uses it as an excuse to own as many perfumes as possible, I think,” he finished, despairing somewhat that he had awkwardly compared Potter being unable to feel normally anymore to his mother’s fragrance habits.

Potter smiled a little though, “She does always smell nice,” the smile faded though as Potter stared into the cup cradled in his hands.

“She does,” Draco agreed; he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

They sat together quietly, sipping at their tea and not talking. More than once, Draco considered getting to his feet and finding a book to read. He even briefly contemplated playing the harpsichord for something different to do, but in the end, he stayed where he was, gnawing absentmindedly at his thumb nail and swirling his cooling tea.

Potter flashed him a nervous look when their supper arrived and Draco felt as if an ice bucket had been poured over him. That single look had acted as a spotlight on the new dynamic between them - the dynamic that Draco had enforced. Any part of him that remained in denial as to his role as jailor was firmly quashed.

“Don’t- don’t worry about it,” he muttered into his cup, “Just… just have what you can manage,”

In the end, neither of them touched their meals.

Draco left around seven - what was the point in staying when neither of them were eating? He found himself compelled to find his mother. He could feel a confession desperate to break free from his chest. He practically threw himself down the east wing’s staircase, swinging himself around the bannister and marching through the corridor towards the sitting room.

He hoped she was there and not in his parent’s private rooms. He wasn’t sure how his father would receive the knowledge that his son was sickened by the atrocities that had been committed in their home, and his own role in Potter’s imprisonment, but if he was with his mother, he was about to find out one way or another. Draco was barely keeping his imminent outburst in as it was.

He pushed his way into the sitting room, and he was so stuck in his own head that he nearly walked straight into someone. The sight of pitch-black robes and black hair had Draco’s occlumency shields slamming down immediately. He swallowed back the words that were threatening to escape and forced them into his chest.

“Professor,” he said cooly, internally wincing at the slight tremble in his voice.

Severus Snape raised a single eyebrow, “Mister Malfoy,”

“Draco! I wasn’t expecting you till much later, is everything alright?” Narcissa stood from her chair, a concerned frown on her face. He glanced from her to Snape’s cool expression. She may have been willing to lower her guard around Snape, but he was not.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” he steadied his breath and willed his heartbeat to slow, “I was hoping to speak with you, mother, but I can see you’re busy,” he made to leave the room with a short bow, but Snape stopped him.

“I was on my way out anyway,” Snape half turned back to his mother and inclined his head, “Narcissa - I shall see you in a week,” black eyes turned themselves on him and practically bored their way into his skull, “Draco,” and he swept passed him, his cloak billowing behind him and briefly whipping around Draco’s legs as he marched from the room.

Draco closed the door firmly behind him.

Narcissa took half a step towards him, “Draco - what’s wrong?” When he didn’t answer, she made to move closer, “Dr-,”

“Stop,” he said shortly, holding up a hand to halt her, “Please. Please, just stop,” Narcissa froze, “Tell me the truth. What happened to Potter’s eye?” Her expression shuttered immediately. He watched as her chest rose and fell with each careful breath, “Tell me… please just tell me,”

She clenched her hands into fists, and all she said was: “Bellatrix,” but it was all Draco needed to hear.

“Why?” He responded immediately, “Because the Dark Lord told her to?”

She shook her head and said quietly, “No… no, that Dark Lord didn’t tell her to,”

“Then why?” He snapped.

“Because she wanted to,” she said simply, her voice fragile as she twisted her hands together.

Draco closed his eyes against the clenching sensation in his chest, “Is that who we are? Is that who I am?”

“No - no, Draco, that’s no who-,”

“But it is,” he interrupted, “It is who I am,” his voice caught in his throat, and he opened his eyes to see his mother’s pained expression, “It’s exactly who I am. I’ve spent two weeks hating the boy who’s been tortured in our home for months, all because his torturer tortured you too. Two weeks! Because I love you, and I don’t love him,” his lip trembled, “You know; the only reason he started eating was because I told him the Dark Lord was threatening to hurt you,” tears gathered in his mother’s eyes, “That was all it took. And yet today, I was still unnecessarily cruel to him. Because I hate him. But I don’t really - I hate the Dark Lord,” she let out a small nervous gasp, a tear escaping, but he ignored her, “I hate him because of what he did to you, but it was just that much easier to hate Potter. H-he was sobbing and crying on the floor because of me. Looking at me like he thought I was going to hurt him - torture him like Aunt Bella.

“I need you to tell me what he did to deserve this, mother,” he practically begged, “Did he do something wrong? Or is it because he’s not a pureblood? Is it because the Dark Lord commanded it? I need to know that he somehow deserved all this because otherwise I-…! I don’t know how to live with it!” She said nothing, “I don’t know how to look at- at Bellatrix or- or at father either!”

“Your father hasn’t touched him!” his mother protested vehemently.

“But he brought him here!” Draco cried, his hands held out imploringly in front of him, “He kidnapped him, and brought him here - didn’t he?”

Reluctant, silent tears pouring down her cheeks now, she nodded, and whispered, “Yes,”

“Tell me he deserved it,” Narcissa unstuck her feet, approaching him slowly, “Tell me that he deserved it - that he had it coming,” she shook her head, her hands reaching out to cradle his, “Tell me- please tell me-,”

“He doesn’t deserve this, Draco,” she said softly, pulling him closer, “He didn’t do anything, except be targeted by the Dark Lord as a baby,” she cradled his head down onto her shoulder, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, “He doesn’t deserve this,”

Draco folded his arms around her and for the first time, let himself cry. He cried for the version of his father that had died in his mind. He cried for his belief system that was beginning to quake and crumble around him. He cried for the horror story his life had become. But mostly he cried for the boy with one eye and a three-headed snake as his only true companion.

“I don’t know what to do,” he murmured into her shoulder, “This was all so much easier when I blamed him. When I hated him,”

“Oh Draco… you’re just a boy. I’m sorry that this weight has been placed on your shoulders,”

“He’s just a boy, too,”

He heard her sigh in his ear, “I know, little dragon, I know.”

Draco had been stood outside of Potter’s door, his hand on the handle but not turning it, for at least three minutes. Not a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it felt like forever when all he was doing was standing there, working up the courage to step inside.

He was terrified of what lay on the other side. Terrified that Potter would look up at him again with that single wary eye. He imagined it was how Potter would look at his father. He’d always wanted to be like his father, but now the memory of every single passing comment that had ever been made to compare them made him feel sick. He didn’t want to be like his father, kidnapping a teenager because he was ordered to. Or like his aunt, torturing them because she wanted to.

He’d never held particular stock in the kind of morals that seemed common amongst Gryffindor’s and Hufflepuff’s; those of self-sacrifice and extolling kindness to every stranger that came along, and he probably wasn’t about to start now. But he felt there was a wide gulf between looking out for his own interests and those of his loved ones, and murdering children - he just needed to figure out where on that spectrum he fell.

He took a deep breath. f*ck, he should just get it over with.

He knocked firmly with one hand and turned the door handle with the other.

On the other side of the door, Potter looked much as he had the night before, sat in his usual spot with his snake around his neck - all but for one detail. He had a book open across his lap.

Draco eyed it warily as he approached, “Good morning,”

Potter blinked in surprise - it was the first time he’d greeted him with anything other than a sneered ‘Potter’.

“Good morning,” Potter responded carefully, glancing nervously down at the book in his lap then back to Draco, as if afraid of his response.

Draco could immediately see why as he settled into his chair; a diagram of an eye stared back up at Potter. He swallowed. He’d address that in a moment.

“What do you want for breakfast?”

Potter expression turned immediately wary, “Sorry, what?”

“For breakfast. What do you want?” Silence: Draco huffed in frustration, “Look; if it’s so important that you start eating, surely it doesn’t matter what you eat so long as you eat something, so it might as well be something you want. Unless you’ve been eating porridge every day by choice,” he snarked, only to immediately feel guilty for his tone. He opened his mouth to backtrack and apologise, but he was interrupted by Potter’s derisive snort.

“No,” he said flatly, “I wasn’t aware there was a choice,”

Draco’s chest stuttered in relief, “Well - there is now. So, what do you want?”

Potter looked down to the book in his lap as he mulled over his answer, “Scrambled egg on toast?” He said carefully, “And orange juice?”

Draco nodded sharply, and cried, “Tippy!”

The elf appeared with her usual crack and deep bow, “Master Draco - Tippy is getting breakfast ready. It will be here soon,” she said sounding both nervous and reproachful.

“Change of plans, Tippy. Harry and I would like scrambled egg on toast and a glass of orange juice each for breakfast please. And a pot of tea,” he added, “Black, this time though,”

Tippy glanced nervously over her shoulder at Potter, then back to Draco, “Master Severus is saying that Harry is to be having porridge though,” she muttered nervously, her eyes flicking this way and that as if Snape were about to leap out of the walls.

Master Harry,” Draco stressed, “has asked for scrambled egg on toast. And you are a Malfoy house-elf, not Snape’s. If he has any issue with the change in menu he can speak to me,” the idea of the man confronting him made a small part of Draco quiver in fear, but he stamped the feeling down; he would not have Snape usurping his position as Master to his own house-elves, “Do you understand?”

She bowed again, low and deep, “Yes, Master Draco,” and she was gone.

For a moment, the room was silent, and then Potter said, “I told her not to call me master, you know,”

Draco rolled his eyes, “Of course you did - it’s disrespectful. For her not to call you master. She’s probably been having an aneurysm over it,”

Potter looked immediately guilty, “I did have to ask her multiple times,” he admitted.

Draco sighed, “At least let her call you master when you have company,” he said reproachfully, “It’ll reflect poorly on both of you, if she doesn’t. Like she’s disobedient, and like you’re so worthless that even the elves don’t respect you,” Potter’s expression shuttered at the word ‘worthless’, and Draco immediately regretted using it, “Anyway - I didn’t expect you to be reading that,” he nodded at the book in Potter’s lap, “Sorry, again,” he said awkwardly, wondering when the compulsion to constantly apologise would go away, if ever, “Any good?”

Potter considered the book, trailing a finger across its pages while the other hand absentmindedly stroked one of his snake’s heads (Clotho, perhaps?), “It’s interesting,” he said slowly, but then offered nothing more.

“Could you get one made?” Draco asked carefully.

Potter shrugged, “Doubt Voldemort would let me…,” he frowned, his expression turning considering, “Though… if I had a wand, and the necessary components, I could try and make one myself. I’d have to learn about runes though, but like you said, I’ve got plenty of time. Might as well use the time well,” he offered Draco a bitter smile, “Not that I have the components. Or a wand,”

Draco shuffled awkwardly in his seat, “Could always try and learn wandless magic?”

Potter looked confused, “You can do magic without a wand?”

“Yeah - it's mostly only really powerful wizards that can do it, but in some places its standard practice. Wands are mostly a European thing - and American too, I guess. Here - look,” he pushed himself to his feet and approached the bookcase along the back wall, searching through the spines for the one he had spotted the day before, “This is it,” he pulled the book free, “‘The World History of Magical Education’ - hang on, give me a second,” he returned to his seat, leafing quickly through the pages for what he was looking for, “This is it -,” he stood the book up and turned it so that Potter could see the page he was looking at, “Uagadou - it’s a school in Uganda. They have wands there, but they don’t really use them much,”

Potter shifted closer curiously, “What do they do instead? And how come they can all do wandless magic if only powerful people can do it here?”

Draco shrugged, “They use hand gestures, I think - and I guess they must learn magic that way as young children so it grows with them,” he looked around at the books that surrounded them, “You could probably find a book on it in here, though,”

Potter looked dubious, “I dunno’ - research was more Hermione’s thing,” and he looked instantly sad at his mention of Granger’s name. Draco found himself at a loss as to what to say. His instinct was to respond with something dry and witty, but he thought the nerve he’d flayed open the day before might be too raw, and so he held his tongue.

He was saved from answering by Tippy’s return.

Potter didn’t finish his plate, but he did finish his orange juice, and he only very briefly sent a nervous look in Draco’s direction when he put his knife and fork down. When the plates were taken away, they simply looked at one another. Draco took a steadying breath and took a leap of faith.

“I can teach you about runes, if you like,” he offered casually.

Potter’s expression became something careful and hopeful, and Draco had to slam his occlumency shields in place to carry the weight of the guilt that threatened to crash down on him.

He’d try and make amends, he thought firmly to himself. It would never be enough, but it was all he could do. For the crimes committed against him, technically, the Malfoy family owed Potter a life debt even if he didn’t know it. Draco wasn’t sure he could save Potter’s life, but he could at least do this.

“Yes please,” Potter answered.

For lunch, they had cottage pie. Potter looked briefly panicked at the size of the portion on his plate, and so Draco scooped nearly half of it onto his own without a word. He was careful not to eat it though, just incase Potter wanted it after all.

For super, Potter let Draco choose, and so they enjoyed steak and chips, and though Draco would have preferred it if Potter had finished his plate, he wasn’t about to turn down Potter’s left-over steak. When Tippy came to take their plates away, she hovered for a moment.

“What is it Tippy?” Draco drawled, eyeing the roll of parchment that Potter had handed to him. In an effort to teach Potter runes, he’d had the other copying runes in lines, like one might teach a small child the alphabet. It might have seemed rudimentary, but it was how Draco had learnt, and Potter was gradually improving his quill strokes, even if he couldn’t remember what they all meant yet.

“Would… would masters’ be wanting desert?” She squeaked.

Draco turned his eyes to Potter and waited; Potter answered almost immediately.

“Treacle tart,”

Even though he hadn’t finished his super, Potter still managed to find enough space to enjoy a few bites of his tart. He ended stretched out on the sofa, his face tipped up towards the ceiling and a hand resting on his stomach.

“Worth it,” he muttered.

Draco could feel that things were beginning to tentatively change between them. He wasn’t quite sure that he knew how to be kind to Potter - he wasn’t even sure if he actually wanted to be, despite how determined he felt to make amends for his family's crimes - but now, when they sat and sniped back and forth between them, it felt more like goading and baiting, then torturing and tormenting. He could handle goading.

By the last day of the holidays, Draco was sure he was beginning to see the edges of the old Potter creeping back in. He’d started rolling his eyes, and huffing in frustration at him, and scoffing and snorting in disbelief, and calling Draco a ‘pointy git’ when he was being particularly annoying.

Each one was like a little flash of the personality hidden beneath Potter’s sad eye and downturned mouth. They never lasted long, but each one lingered in Draco’s mind for hours. Hell, he’d even laughed out loud when Draco had managed to flip a spoon full of custard into his own face (though it was less a bark of laughter, and more a small titter, but still; a laugh was a laugh).

Potter had taken him by surprise though when, as Draco stood to leave following their final day together, he had suddenly said, “Do you think they’d let us write to one another?”

Draco blinked down at him, not quite believing what he’d heard. Had Potter asked to be pen pals? Really? There might have been more peace between them over the last week than there had ever been, but they were hardly friends.

Potter flushed bright red at the silence that hung between them, and looked away sharply, “Never mind,” he muttered, “Stupid idea,”

Draco licked his lip carefully, “Why do you want to write to me?”

Potter hesitated, then turned his gaze back to him. There was something desperate and pained in his green eye; something that pleaded and begged for connection. He looked away before he spoke though.

“When you’re around… sometimes I get these flashes. Flashes where I feel like me again. The me before all of this,” he glanced around listlessly at the room, from the harpsichord to the bookcase, to the drawing table to the blazing fireplace behind them, “The me from before June and the Department of Mysteries, and Bellatrix, and Mulciber, and Macnai-,” Potter seemed to run out of air suddenly, snatching his breath and closing his eye; he swallowed heavily, “I miss knowing who I am,” he whispered, “I miss me,” he opened his eye carefully, and peered up at Draco, “When you’re around, I feel like a real person again,”

And once again, Draco felt the weight of the world placed squarely on his shoulders.

He was just a kid, a desperate voice said in the back of his mind. He hadn’t known how to fix Potter when he hated him, and he certainly didn’t know how to fix him now he felt indebted to him.

But maybe Potter wasn’t asking to be fixed. Maybe, Potter was simply asking for the tools to fix himself.

Draco took a steadying breath. He could try. At the very least, he owed it to Potter to try.

“I’ll see what I can do.”


Are we about to have love letters? Hell yes we are! Eventually haha
Hope people enjoyed :) thank you for all comments and kudo’s or just for swinging by and taking a peek

Chapter 9: Severus: Battle Lines


Albus was sat behind his desk, his hands steepled at his chin, his eyes fixed on the fractured ring that lay between them, as if he expected something more from it. Severus wasn’t looking at it though. His attention was fixed firmly on the headmaster’s lined face.


So going forward the plan is to update on Friday’s or Saturday’s, but as I work basically every hour under the sun (and then the rest as well) I can’t guarantee this (may be early or slightly late) but shall try my best!
Enjoy :)
Thank you for any and all comments/kudos/just taking a look!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

December - 1996

Albus was sat behind his desk, his hands steepled at his chin, his eyes fixed on the fractured ring that lay between them, as if he expected something more from it. Severus wasn’t looking at it though. His attention was fixed firmly on the headmaster’s lined face.

He was lucky that Severus had come with him. The ring had been protected by some particularly strong magic, with more than one deadly curse layered atop the shack that housed it. Severus was surprised that there had been only one body within - some poor unwitting muggle no doubt. They had been there long enough that their bones were dry and bare, but even then, they harboured the remnants of the curse that had killed them. Dispelling that alone had taken an hour. But that wasn’t what Severus had been most needed for in the end.

No: his greatest contribution to the whole endeavour had been preventing the headmaster’s mad impulse to put the cursed ring on.

“What were you thinking?” He asked coldly; the headmaster sighed and avoided his eyes, “Hmm? What on earth possessed you to try and put on that ring? How could you not foresee that it would be cursed? Was the corpse in the corner of the room not indication enough?”

Albus wiped a tired hand across his face, lifting his half-moon spectacles above the bridge of his nose to rub at his eyes, “Folly, Severus,” he said, his voice a little hoarse, “Folly. Hubris. Arrogance. Take your pick - they’re all equally appropriate,” he let his glasses fall and offered Snape a tight smile, “Riddle is fond of accusing me of being an old fool, and I fear I have proved him correct today. I’m lucky you were there to stay my hand, Severus,”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” he responded cooly, his eyes flicking to the ring, “Why?”

“A long forgotten fantasy… one I thought I’d put to bed years ago,” Albus sighed and grasped the ring between his fingers, holding it up to the light and inspecting the black stone set into its face; it was still intact despite the sorry state of the setting that housed it, “I thought myself a changed man, but I suppose a Nundu can never truly change its spots,”

Severus exhaled heavily through his nose, unwilling to badger the man for answers, “You’re not making any sense,” Albus only smiled, “Fine. Keep your secrets, but may I trust that you will not attempt to wear any other Horcruxes we find in the future?”

“Yes Severus, you can - I sincerely doubt we will find any others that resonate with me in quite the same way,” his smile turned grim, and he tucked the ring away in a small drawer in his desk, shutting it with a resolute snap, “Thank you again, for saving me from myself,”

Severus ignored him, unwilling to be lured into the man’s riddles, “What now?” He glanced briefly to the sword of Gryffindor where it had been returned to its display cabinet above the headmaster’s head, “If you are to be believed, we are several Horcruxes short,”

Albus sat back heavily in his seat, “Indeed we are, Severus. I believe the key to finding the rest of the Horcruxes lies in Riddle’s past. I have managed to gather several memories that may guide us as to what his chosen vessels may have been, but too few to indicate where they may be hidden. It is this that I believe we may find truly troublesome. I’m sure you can appreciate the challenge we face,” Severus said nothing; that he would describe only one part of this endeavour as troublesome was laughable, “I am certain that the snake, Nagini, is one such vessel, but as for the others I have only educated guesses,” the headmaster’s expression turned shrewd, “I have been able to procure a memory that confirms my original suspicions, however; Riddle did indeed intend to split his soul into seven pieces, he discussed as much with Horace,”

Severus raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Slughorn admitted to discussing such dark magic with the Dark Lord?”

“In a manner - he was the provider of the memory, but I did have to rather bully it out of him. He provided a doctored memory upon my original request, but he was persuaded to be more forthcoming eventually. Horace had rather a sweet spot for Lily, you understand. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I used this affection to my advantage,”

Severus felt his nostrils flare; he chose not to comment on the fact that Horace wasn’t the only man whose affection for Lily Evens had been worked to the headmaster’s advantage, “You mean you played on Potter’s abduction and assumed demise?” Albus nodded looking distinctly uncomfortable; Severus snorted, “Perhaps we should re-sort professor’s when they return to the school,” he said dryly, “I do wonder what house you would have ended up in,”

“And I you, my friend,” Albus’s eyes twinkled back at him, and Severus found himself instantly irritated by it, “You have displayed some distinctly Gryffindor qualities over the years,”

Severus ignored him, “Is that why you finally decided to place me as the Defence professor? So that you had an excuse to bring Slughorn back to Hogwarts and within your reach? I would argue that this was a short-sighted decision, Albus. The curse surrounding the defence post is well established. I will be gone from Hogwarts one way or another by the end of the year, and you will find yourself in need of a Defence professor yet again. We can only hope that the curse does not demand my life to ensure that I leave my post,” he said coldly, though he didn’t truly believe he would need to die to fulfil the curses requirements.

Albus gave a considering hum, “Ah yes, another lasting legacy of Tom Riddle in this school - his last one I hope. It is a complicated piece of magic that has proven to be quite resilient; I can only hope that it will dissipate once Riddle is successfully destroyed but you never know with tenacious magic like this. But to answer your question: I do not believe that your life is at risk, Severus, and though it may turn out to be short sighted, I think it was worth it,” he hesitated, “I may have anticipated Riddle’s next move,” he admitted, “If he wishes for Harry to stand by his side, he will expect him to do so as a fully trained wizard. He will need a teacher, and you are the obvious choice. I imagine that the Dark Lord himself will be asking you to leave Hogwarts once the year is out,”

Severus didn’t bother suppressing his grimace, “Oh goodie,” Potter was a dreadful student; he always had been. The last thing he wanted was to try and educate the boy under the threat of the cruciatus curse. It didn’t help that having the boy’s accusing look turned in his direction made him feel as if his guts had turned to lead - or that more and more now he could hear Lily’s accusing voice whispering in his ear. Sometimes it was an echo from the past, but occasionally it was an imagined phrase his mind had invented to torment him with (not that he would tell Albus that), “Anyway,” he hurried the topic along, unwilling to dwell upon Lily’s imaginary scorn, “you didn’t answer my question. What is our next step for destroying the rest of the Horcruxes?”

“I am currently investigating several avenues of interest. When I know more, I shall tell you Severus, I promise,” Severus wanted to snap back; they didn’t have time for Albus to play his cards close to his chest! “Will you have time to attend this evening’s meeting?”

Severus knew he wasn’t referring to the Order meeting being held that evening. Instead, he meant the private, secret meeting being held after it. The meeting being held to discuss Potter. It was the first of what Severus expected would be many such meetings. He wondered if Lupin would be able to persuade Black to attend - he had yet to reappear at the regular meetings. Severus was struck by an unexpected conviction in his chest: if Black didn’t appear, he’d drag the man down to the meeting himself. He owed it to Potter, as his godfather, to be there, and Severus owed it to Lily to make sure her son wasn’t forgotten.

“Yes, but I may be late for the regular meeting; I promised Narcissa that I would visit her this evening. The Dark Lord has been quite liberal with his use of the Cruciatus curse over the last forty eight hours,” he felt the smallest twinge of guilt; it was his own report of Potter’s unsatisfactory condition that had prompted her torture, “Without medical attention, she runs the risk of long term neurological damage, and she can hardly attend Saint Mungos at this time: it may be her husband who is wanted for questioning by the Aurors, but I’m sure they’d be satisfied with her instead,”

Albus hmm’ed to himself, “Don’t rush yourself, Severus. The meeting will be somewhat delayed as it is - Bill Weasley has a private report to share with me beforehand,” he lowered his chin to peer meaningfully over his spectacles, though he didn’t care to elaborate and Severus didn’t bother to ask; no doubt he’d find out about the report’s subject when the headmaster decided it required Severus’s attention, “How are Harry and Narcissa getting along these days?”

Severus couldn’t help but grimace, “They barely speak. Narcissa struggles to connect with him,” how did one connect with the child tortured and abused in your home? “He is more verbose with me, if she is to be believed. Though we’re not exactly getting along well either,” he added dryly; Albus didn’t look surprised, “The boy is asking questions about loyalties, and outright lying is difficult with that Runespoor constantly about his neck. I am having to rely on half-truths and cruelty, but even then, he says his snake calls me ‘The Deceiver’,” he paused, “It is… challenging,”

Challenging was an understatement. The experience was making him hate the Dark Lord and Albus in equal measure. He’d never liked Lily’s son, but he never expected he would be actively tormenting the boy. Though he recognised that his treatment of him could never have been described as fair, it hadn’t been quite so cruel either. The boy had never been afraid of him before.

It ran contrary to every posthumous promise he had made to Lily, and he found himself struggling to reconcile his role in the Order with the crimes inflicted upon her son that he did nothing to stop. And he could stop them, if he really wanted to. He could bundle the boy away in the dead of night and apparate him back to the Order. But they would know it was him, and then who would act as spy?

Albus’s expression turned sad, “I see,” he paused, “Is there anything about Harry’s condition that I should be aware of in advance of this evening's meeting?”

Severus knew him well enough to hear the part he didn’t say. Was there anything he should know that no one else should know?


Albus nodded, “Alright. I shall see you later then, Severus.”

He was unsurprised to see the subtle tremor in Narcissa’s hand when he arrived at the manor. It was a well-known side effect of the crucistus curse, and one that usually resolved on its own. He’d given her a potion to steady her hand the night before, but still her teacup wobbled dangerously. She had been right to ask for his help - such tremors risked becoming permanent without the proper attention.

She sighed in relief upon seeing him, “Severus,” at her side on the sofa, her sister scowled and said nothing.

He inclined his head, lowering himself to the sofa opposite them and setting his potion’s bag carefully on the coffee table that stood between them, “Narcissa, Bellatrix,” Bellatrix’s eyes narrowed, “I see that the effects of the chelidonimum miniscula have worn off,”

Narcissa pressed her lips together, her eyes flicking with displeasure to her teacup; though her hand was unsteady, the liquid inside had been charmed to remain perfectly still, and was at no risk of splashing on the carpet below, “Unfortunately - is there something else you can do Severus? I can’t have Draco seeing me like this,” though her voice was firm, her words were faintly desperate, “He’s got enough to worry about as it is. He must focus on the task at hand,”

“Indeed,” he agreed smoothly, snapping his bag open and removing one of the tiny, cylindrical crystal vials he had brought with him, “Here,” he leant across the coffee table and held the vial over her tea, grasping the vial at either end and pressing down with his thumbs until the vial snapped at its tapered waist, emptying its contents into her cup, “Drink this - it will help with the tremors whilst we mend the root cause. I brought several more with me, but I suggest you limit yourself to one a day, lest you wish to experience a migraine most unpleasant,” she nodded and drank deeply from her cup until her hand was steady.

“Will it take long to mend?” She asked cautiously, lowering her empty cup to the table.

“Perhaps a few weeks,” he said, sorting through his bag and removing more potions and vials, “It is highly likely that the tremors will resolve by themselves in a few months, but should you be subjected to the cruciatus again…,” he trailed off, his meaning plain.

Narcissa pursed her lips together, “I see,”

“I will visit you daily until you no longer need the chelidonimum miniscula,” he assured her, ignoring the suspicious gaze of her sister next to her.

“You will come in the early evening?” She asked anxiously, “I would prefer it if Draco did not see you here; he would only ask questions. It would not do for him to be distracted,”

He inclined his head, “As you wish,” he glanced briefly about the room before refocusing on the task at hand, “He is visiting Potter now then?” He raised his wand and began the set of spells he was now more familiar with than ever, though usually he was using them on Potter.

“Yes,” Narcissa answered tightly, “He’s been with him all day,”

“Tippy has just served them their evening meal,”

Severus didn’t look around at the voice that had appeared from the doorway, too focussed on the readings that floated above Narcissa’s head.

He did, however, say, “Lucius,” in a cool greeting as the man swept into the room and took up residence in the armchair closest to the fire.

“It’s ridiculous,” Bellatrix muttered, “He should punish the boy, not Cissy. He’s the one not eating,”

“Yes, such an excellent idea,” Lucius said dryly, crossing his legs, “Let’s take the boy not eating and torture him some more. That’ll be sure to sort his appetite right out,”

Bellatrix sneered at her brother-in-law, “I don’t know why we care if the boy eats at all! The boy’s a filthy half-blood - let him wither away, what does it matter?!”

“The Dark Lord says it matters,” Snape interjected coldly, “He clearly has plans for the boy and it’s not our place to question him,” he paused his casting to offer Narcissa a vial from his bag, “Drink this,” she did as he asked with a grimace, and he resumed his work.

“I’m not questioning the Dark Lord,” Bellatrix denied viscously, “There are few more devoted to the Dark Lord than I - I simply dislike seeing my dear sister hurt for the sake of that brat!”

Lucius considered her with cold interest, “Your logic has always astounded me, sister-in-law. If anyone is to blame for the boy's condition, surely, it’s you? You are an excellent torturer after all. We all heard it,” he snapped his fingers and a glass of amber liquid appeared at his elbow; he sipped at it, his eyes fixed always on Bellatrix, “We all heard it for six months,”

Bellatrix let out a bark of laughter, “If we’re following that path, brother-in-law, then surely, it’s you who’s to blame? You’re the one who destroyed the Hall of Prophesy! You’re the one who dragged that filth into your halls!”

Lucius opened his mouth, fury in his eyes, but his wife interrupted him, “Can we please stop assigning blame,” she said curtly, accepting a second vial from Severus and swallowing it with a grimace, “Regardless of where it lays, our family has been assigned a task, and one we must not fail at,”

“Indeed,” Severus agreed coolly, sitting back and cancelling his spell, “But regardless, I would prefer it if you would keep such near treasonous conversations either within your own minds, or amongst yourselves, but certainly not whilst I am present. I am unwilling to sit and become complicit in such discussions when I am merely here to help you,” he finished pointedly.

Bellatrix scoffed, “Of all the people to cry treason! It is not us who spend their evenings whispering into the ear of Albus Dumbledore!”

“At the behest of the Dark Lord,” Severus reminded her, narrowing his eyes on her, “Or do you question the Dark Lord’s wisdom in regard to that as well?” He asked dangerously.

He found yellowing teeth bared in his direction, “I do not question the Dark Lord,” she practically growled, “But I do question you. Where were you when the Dark Lord needed you most? You could have found him at any time, but instead you kept yourself glued to your precious headmaster and that damned school,” she scoffed, “I find it difficult to believe that you have been playing the role of loyal spy all these years,”

Severus exhaled carefully through his nose, creating the image of an enraged man controlling his temper, rather than revealing the irritated frustration he truly felt, “This is a matter I am prepared to be questioned on by the Dark Lord - but not by the likes of you Bellatrix,” she hissed through her teeth, “And if we are asking questions about what we have all been doing while the the Dark Lord was out of power, I am not the only one you should be asking,” though Lucius didn’t shift uncomfortably in his seat, his complete lack of movement was just as telling, “Now, if that will be all Bellatrix,” he drawled, “then I will take my leave. Narcissa, I would suggest you get an early night. The treatment for this ailment is draining,” he warned.

She nodded, her expression pinched, “In a little while,” she agreed, “but I’m going to wait for Draco in his rooms first. He’ll no doubt need some support after what I’m sure has been a difficult day,”

It made Severus’s chest tighten just the smallest amount to hear her worry after her son who had been forced to keep a tortured boy company. There was no one in this house who worried after Potter. What would Lily have said, he wondered? Not that it mattered. She was gone, and of her, only Harry Potter remained, though in what form and for how much longer he couldn’t have said.

He expressed none of this.

He pushed himself smoothly to his feet, snapping his bag closed, “We shall discuss this further tomorrow Narcissa,” his eyes flicked briefly to where Lucius rolled his tumbler mindlessly side-to-side against his chin, his own gaze fixed on the hearth and the blazing fire within, “Good evening.”

He was one of the last to arrive for the meeting, filing in at the back of the queue and ignoring the way that some of their younger members looked back at him with poorly disguised suspicion. As if to compensate, Shacklebolt greeted him with a firm handshake before he filtered through the crowd to the seat that had been saved for him. No such seat had been saved for Severus, but he hadn’t expected one to be, and so instead he stood with his back pressed against the wall and his arms folded over his chest.

This was the first meeting they had held since relocating to the dining room from the kitchen. It had been set up as a kind of war room, with locked filing cabinets in the corner of the rooms, and the snarling posters of wanted Death Eaters pinned on the wall alongside significantly more normal photos of witches and wizards of interest. On the wall behind the head of the table and high above Albus were a different set of photos - those of the dead.

Motivation, Moody had said, to keep them all fighting the good fight. A reminder, Lupin had said, of all they had lost, and all that was left to lose should they fail.

Smiling pictures of Order members from years gone by gazed down at them, and at their head in the very middle, just visible above Albus’s tall hat, was the photo of Potter that the Daily Prophet had published the day after he’d been taken. Triumph burned in his eyes, even as he winced almost imperceptibly at the wound to his shoulder. Before they’d relocated, it had been pinned to the back of the kitchen door, though Severus had always ignored it. He couldn’t ignore it now. The edges of the page were frayed somewhat, as more than one person had made touching it as they left an almost ritualistic part of drawing the meetings to an end. At least Potter was not forgotten here, though it was of little comfort to the boy.

As the last person entered, the door closed with a snap, and the air fizzed as a strong privacy ward snapped into place. Severus didn’t know why they bothered now, when no nosy children occupied the house, when they had never bothered before. He glanced to his right as someone settled back against the wall next to him, and he was surprised to find Black. This was the first meeting Severus had seen him at since June. The man offered him a grim twitch of his lips and turned his attention to Albus at the head of the table, and Severus ignored him in turn.

At least he wouldn’t have to drag the man out of his bedroom after all.

Severus briefly catalogued who was and wasn’t present. All of the Weasley’s were stood together in the same corner of the room, plus Lee Jordan but sans their matriarch (who was no doubt entertaining her youngest children at home), and the eldest son, who sat at Albus’s side. Shacklebolt had seated himself between Diggle and Moody (he was the person who had likely saved his seat), and Tonks was stood whispering into Lupin’s ear. The man didn’t seem to be listening though. Despite inclining his head downwards to better hear the witch, his eyes were fixed firmly on Black, his lips pressed firmly together.

It would appear that Black’s appearance had taken him by surprise as well. Lupin’s eyes flicked to his and the man gave the slightest smile. Severus nodded in return.

The clearing of a throat silenced the room, and all eyes turned to Albus.

“Good evening everyone,” he began seriously, “Unfortunately I must begin this meeting with some unpleasant news: I have spoken to Robards this evening, and it appears that a left arm has been recovered that has been identified as belonging to Emmeline Vance,” there was a smattering of murmurs and distraught gasps, but Albus spoke above them, “There is evidence to suggest that her arm was removed while she was still alive, but despite this the Auror office are not optimistic and have declared her missing but assumed deceased,”

“If-if she’s dead,” Jones stuttered, her eyes red-rimmed, “Then where’s the rest of her?! Why just chop off her arm?”

Albus hesitated just long enough for Moody to interrupt, “The Aurors are probably expecting the rest of her to pop up at some point - intact or otherwise,” he growled darkly. Next to him, Shacklebolt winced at his phrasing, but nodded his own reluctant agreement.

“Do you mean they’re expecting more body parts?” Asked Johnson, horrified.

“Potentially,” Albus interjected before Moody could continue, “but none of us know for certain. Unfortunately, this is another example of the Death Eaters interjecting terror into the lives of the witches and wizards of this country. This serves as a harsh reminder that while Voldemort has remained fairly quiet since June, he is in no way inactive. Dear Emmeline is one of nearly fifty reports that the Aurors are investigating of people gone missing, and she is not the first to begin to reappear in parts,”

“This is just the beginning still,” Moody reminded them harshly, “The Dark Lord had eleven years to work up to mass terror attacks last time, and he’s more cautious this time round. He’s learnt what rushing in could cost him,” more than one person looked to the photo of Potter pinned on the wall, “He’s recruiting right now. Making sure people know on a person-by-person basis what happens when you oppose him,” his electric blue eye whirled around the room, focussing on each person in turn, “This is the calm before the storm. One day soon, something big will happen, and it will all go to sh*t again. We must all be ready,”

The room was deathly silent. Jones wiped furiously at her face, her expression hardened, but still the corner of her lips trembled.

“Yes,” Albus said finally, “thank you Alastor. You are indeed correct. If we learn any more of what has happened to Emmeline, or if the people responsible are brought to justice, then we shall of course keep the wider Order appraised,” Severus wondered exactly who ‘we’ were, “I know that many of us here were close to her. She shall not go forgotten,” there were a few nods, “Now, we must move onto further news - Tonks?” He gestured to her with an open palm.

Tonks cleared her throat a little and stepped forwards away from the wall, “Right,” looking past her, Severus could see that Lupin hadn’t moved, leaning his shoulder against the wall with his gaze fixed on Black, “We’ve received intelligence that there has been some surveillance of Ollivander’s shop in Diagon Alley. We weren’t sure if it was just broader monitoring of the alley itself and that’s just where the Death Eaters have decided to work form, but Ollivander has reported some suspicious folk poking around his shop as well,”

“And doing what?” Asked Charlie Weasley curiously.

“Asking him pointed questions - about wands, about muggleborns, about You-Know-Who. And being generally threatening,” she added, “Someone tried to capture him as well, but he managed to fight them off,”

A Weasley twin snorted, “I’d maybe have led with the attempted kidnapping,”

Tonks only rolled her eyes at him, “Anyway,” she continued, “the Aurors haven’t caught them and all we know from Ollivander’s description is that they were short and dumpy with a borrowed wand - who knows why that was an important detail - but no one's tried since, and the Aurors have assigned him a security detail of hit wizards who are routinely checking for monitoring spells. Short of putting him in protective custody, which he has refused, there’s not a lot else they can do,” she finished with a shrug.

“Well, we can keep an eye as well,” said the other Weasley twin, nodding to his brother and to Jordan between them, “We’re just down the road from him. We can pop in and sort out an alarm system with him so we can come running if we need to, and we can alert the rest of the Order too,” the other two nodded.

“Me and Bill hang around that way quite a bit as well,” Charlie pointed out, “Might be a good idea,”

“Indeed,” Albus said heavily, “A very good idea,” he said slowly, “I imagine you have a product or two in that joke shop of yours that Ollivander may find useful as well,”

A Weasley twin flashed the shadow of a grin, “Of course - we’re more than happy to donate to a worthy cause,”

Jordan nodded, “The Peruvian Darkness powder might be useful for him to have on hand,”

“Excellent, excellent,” Dumbledore murmured, stroking his beard, “It’s decided then. If anyone has anything to add to this matter, I shall direct them to you three then, if that is acceptable? Good, now onto the next piece of business - the Ministry’s proposal of a werewolf registry,” Albus said grimly. Severus felt Black stiffen next to him and heard him hiss through his teeth; he wasn’t the only one grumbling in displeasure.

“Ridiculous,” Arthur Weasley muttered, “As if the werewolf community needed another reason to go running into the arms of You-Know-Who,”

“Robards is grasping at straws,” Shacklebolt admitted in his deep calm voice, “Other than marked Death Eaters, he’s no way of discerning supporters of the Dark Lord from your average wizard. He’s trying to raise confidence in the Auror office - he wants to be seen to be doing something,”

Bill Weasley snorted, “By intensifying the persecution of an already persecuted group in wizarding society? What do you think Remus?”

Lupin looked briefly like a dear in headlights, but recovered quickly, finally looking away from Black, “Well… statistically speaking it's going to identify a swathe of Voldemort’s supporters. At last count, sixty to seventy percent of werewolves were in favour of him,”

“You don’t have to play devil’s advocate against your own interests, Remus” Black said harshly, taking Severus by surprise, “It’s wrong. We all know it’s wrong. As if the Ministry hasn’t done enough to make life difficult for werewolves,” he finished with a mutter.

Lupin offered him a pinched smile, “Yes, Sirius, thank you,” he said, his voice clipped, “I’m well aware that it’s wrong, and I’m certainly not arguing in favour of its implementation. Now if you’d let me finish,” Black said nothing, “I agree with Arthur. Just the mere mention of this register is going to turn more and more desperate werewolves into Voldemort’s arms. And they won’t just be privately supporting him anymore, they’ll be actively joining the likes of Greyback and his ilk and taking up arms against the Ministry. And us,” he added.

“I have tried to dissuade the Minister from putting it into law,” said Albus, tapping his fingers across the surface of the table, “He is currently ‘sitting on it’ as you might say, but rumours of it have already begun to circulate,”

Severus snorted, “Well then,” he said at length, “the Minister’s decision hardly matters at all then, does it?”

“What do you mean?” Said Charlie Weasley.

“The mere whisper of this register will be enough for many werewolves to turn to the Dark Lord - it no longer matters what the Minister actually decides. And once they are within the fold, leaving is not an option,” he said darkly, “You should have done more to keep this quiet, Albus,”

There’s was an immediate rumble around the table in defence of Albus, but he raised a hand to quieten them, “Enough, enough - Severus is not wrong, the damage may already have been done,” Severus eyed the Order members who were still grumbling. Fools, the lot of them, taken in by the air of omnipotence that Albus projected so successfully. The man may have been one of the most brilliant wizards of the age, but none of them had had to stop him from wearing a cursed ring earlier that day, “I shall continue to persuade the Minister against this course of action, and suggest that he puts out a statement vehemently denying it was ever being considered…,”

It was at this point, that Severus stopped listening.

There was a disconcerting feeling growing in his belly, one that had been there ever since the day Lily was killed, but that had been making itself known with more insistence as time went on. If he had to give it a name, he’d have called it disillusionment. He, like so many others, was so used to viewing Albus as a supreme all-knowing figure, that watching his failures had a different kind of impact. It made him question the world around him. It made him question things that had once been certainties: that Albus Dumbledore knew best.

That Albus Dumbledore had a plan.

But he’d said he would protect Lily, and she’d died, and the accomplice to her murder, Peter Pettigrew, had escaped and lived under the man's very nose for years. How had he not known?

Then there was Sirius Black, a man Severus detested (and with good reason) but who had been unfairly confined to Azkaban for twelve years for a crime he did not commit, and with no trail. How had he not known?

And then there was Quirrell. He’d told Severus to keep an eye on him, but had he known that the Dark Lord resided attached to the man? How had he not?!

And then there was the Ginny Weasley and the Chamber of Secrets. And then there was Barty Crouch Junior impersonating Moody for a year. And then there was choosing to leave Potter in ignorance rather than giving him the very information that could have kept him on guard. The information that could have saved him.

How had he not known?!

Severus was gradually coming to a realisation that made him feel cold. Albus Dumbledore did not always know best, and he certainly didn’t always have a plan.

Perhaps it was unfair of him to expect so much of a mere man, but truth be told he had never thought of Albus that way before. It was hard to look into the knowing twinkle in his eye, and not feel taken in by the illusion of authority and control. And Lily Evens’ son was paying for that naïveté. No more though. Severus’s eyes were wide open, and while he still believed in Albus and the Order, he would never close them to the man’s failings again.

His attention was caught once more by the mention of Potter’s name.

“And what about Harry?” Severus found the attention of one of the Weasley twins on him, “How is he?”

Albus interrupted before Severus was forced to think of something to say, “I understand that we are all still concerned for Harry’s well-being,” he said smoothly, “but as much as we love and miss him, we cannot continue to torture ourselves by dwelling upon him constantly. If there are any significant changes, I assure you that you will all be made aware,” the twin wilted somewhat, a frown building at his temple, “If we are to have any hope of rescuing Harry, our focus must be on what we can achieve here and now. I am not saying we are to forget about Harry,” he gestured to the picture of Potter above his head and Severus watched as the image looped, “not at all. But if we are to be of any use to him, we must move forward,”

The twin said nothing, but as the Order slowly filtered out, Severus was sure he could see some of Potter’s school mates exchanging unhappy looks.

“It’s a load of old sh*t, if you ask me,” Severus didn’t jump at the low mutter from Black at his shoulder, but it was a near thing, “He wants us to forget about Harry,” Black continued, his eyes following the Weasley twins as they shuffled out of the room, looping behind Albus to press their fingers to Potter’s photo, “Remus says it's about moral,”

Severus found himself for the second time that day stuck in a mutinous conversation he didn’t want to have, though at least in this one he was not particularly concerned about the repercussions, “It is about moral,” he pointed out quietly, nodding at Minerva as she left, “but yes, I also think he wishes for them to forget about Potter,” Black turned to him, naked surprise on his face, “What?”

He hesitated, “I didn’t expect you to agree with me,” he said, sounding faintly bewildered.

A sneering smile curled at Severus’s lips involuntarily, “Trust me Black, you’re not the only one made uncomfortable by the notion,”

Black said nothing, he only rolled his eyes and worked his way through the crowd and further into the dining room to take a seat next to Lupin. Severus hesitated, eyeing Lupin and Black on one side of the table, and Kingsley and Moody on the other. His knee jerk reaction was to sit as far from Lupin and Black as possible, but something stopped him. He was surprised when it was Potter’s voice that whispered in his ear rather than Lily’s.

Whose side are you on really, I wonder?

Whose side was he on?

“Are you gonna’ stand there all-day Snape?” Moody snapped impatiently.

Severus narrowed his eyes on the ex-Auror, and chose the seat at the end of the table directly opposite Albus, “Do you have somewhere to be, Mad-eye? I was under the impression that you were retired,”

“Thank you, gentleman,” Albus said lightly, stopping Moody before he could growl something in response, “Now is not the time, please,” Moody grumbled and readjusted his robe collar, “As I have already told each of you in turn, we are here this evening to discuss the evolving situation with Harry at Malfoy manor. I have made the decision to withdraw these conversations from regular Order meetings, as I feel they risk acting as a distracting force for other members. As I told Fred, any information that is relevant will be fed back to the wider Order, but for now, discussion of Harry shall remain amongst ourselves,”

“How often?” Lupin said at once, “How often will we be having these meetings?”

“As often as they are necessary,” Albus continued patiently, “Severus shall keep me appraised of the situation and I shall establish from there the frequency of these gatherings,”

You shall decide?” Black snapped, “You? So, what we do and do not know about Harry shall be decided solely by you?”

“Sirius, I am not trying to hide things from you,” Dumbledore said with the withering tone of a man repeating a well-worn conversation for the millionth time, “but if there has been no change, then it seems pointless to gather like this,”

“It’s not pointless - it will never be pointless,” Black said harshly, but he stopped speaking abruptly and looked away from the headmaster. For a moment Severus thought he had become overwhelmed with emotion, but then he noticed the angle of Lupin’s forearm; he had placed a hand discreetly upon Black’s knee under the table.

“That’s not what I meant, Sirius,” Dumbledore said gently, “but we have a finite amount of time available to us. I would make the most of that time,” Black didn’t answer, his eyes fixed on the photo of Potter; Dumbledore sighed, “Right - Severus,” he began, “If you would start us off - how has Harry been?”

Severus cleared his throat, “He has been withdrawn, as to be expected. Narcissa Mafloy has been tasked with keeping him company, but she has reported that they don’t speak much to one another - she has tried but says that he appears uncomfortable and unsure of how to behave around her. He has been somewhat less withdrawn with myself, though has asked me twice whose side I am on, and other than to call me a choice word (that I’m sure Black would agree with), we also have not spoken much,” Black looked up with a confused frown at his name, “The Dark Lord has now resorted to placing the Malfoy boy with him instead in an effort to, ah, galvanise Potter - but I imagine that he will be calling Draco a c*nt by the end of the Christmas holidays as well,”

Where Moody, Shacklebolt and Albus reacted with surprise, Black released a loud bark like laugh, “Harry called you a c*nt?” He asked incredulously, sounding strangely gleeful.

“Well, I was making my best effort to be one in all fairness,” Snape answered dryly.

“I’ve never heard Harry swear like that before,” Lupin muttered to himself, his eyebrows somewhere up near his hair line.

“He’s still got some spirit left in him then?” There was something hopeful in Black’s expression.

Severus hesitated, “I… couldn’t say,” he said reluctantly, “I only see him for less than an hour a day, and I would hesitate to evaluate his mental state on a single outburst,”

Black’s expression fell, but Mad-Eye interrupted anything else he might have had to say, “Never mind the boy’s spirit,” he growled, “We’re not interested in his spirit - we’re interested in his allegiances! How goes Voldemort’s plan to turn him?”

Black reeled back, outraged, “Never mind his-! I thought this was meant to be a meeting to talk about Harry’s wellbeing,” he barked, “Not to immediately throw him to the dogs!”

“Sirius, please,” Lupin cajoled.

“It has only been two weeks, Mad-Eye,” Severus answered cooly, “The Dark Lord may be an especially charming individual, but even he would struggle to change a person’s entire ideology in two weeks,”

“What’s the plan if he does succeed?” Lupin asked quietly, and the table fell suddenly silent. Next to him, Black looked as if he were torn between starting an argument and bursting into tears.

“The cruel reality is, that we must be prepared for the worst,” Albus began firmly, “We love Harry - we all do, but we can’t possibly know how long he will be under Voldemort’s thumb. We must begin making plans to contain Harry if we must, and then to de-programme him and bring him back to himself,” the knot that had been winding itself tighter and tighter in Severus’s gut began to slowly loosen, “Lee Jordan has familial connections with some well-respected mind healers - I will ask him to contact them in order to assist us with creating a plan to enact in order to help Harry,” he’d half expected Dumbledore’s first plan of action to be discussing putting the boy down, “We may end up having to take him out of the country for his own wellbeing. We must be prepared for all eventualities, yes?”

He looked at them each in turn. Severus nodded back to him, then glanced to his side and spotted Black and Lupin’s relieved expressions. Counter intuitively, the knot in his gut began to rewind itself again. He couldn’t help but wonder… Albus had said these conversations may eventually need to happen in Black and Lupin’s absence, to spare them from making difficult decisions.

He glanced back to Albus and noted the ever-present sparkle in his eye, and distrust added itself to his gut. This felt like appeasem*nt - an offering to placate Black and Lupin for as long as possible. He wondered if Albus would even investigate mind-healers.

He glanced between the men on either side of the table - Lupin and Black, and Shacklebolt and Moody. The table felt like a battle line drawn between them. He wondered which side Albus would fall on. He wondered which side he would fall on.

At the head of the table, pinned to the wall, Potter’s eyes stared down at them all.


See you next week!

Chapter 10: Harry: The Adversary


Harry found himself sitting in a contemplative silence long after Malfoy had left his rooms for the final time that evening.


Warning for mentions of non consensual touching in a dream sequence!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry found himself sitting in a contemplative silence long after Malfoy had left his rooms for the final time that evening. He was going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. He was going back to school, and Harry wasn’t going anywhere. He felt more trapped than he had in over a month. Even though he was a prisoner, he hadn’t particularly felt like one for the week that he and Malfoy had actually been talking to one another. He felt… he felt… he didn’t know how he felt.

The Moirai sat wrapped around his neck. He could tell that she was growing, and quickly too. Her coils were beginning to sag down his back, and her heads now struggled to fit neatly under his ear when they were stacked one on top of the other. He wondered how big she would be when she finished growing. Or perhaps she was like a crocodile, and she would never stop growing as long as she lived.

He could hear her voices murmuring to one another - they were talking about Malfoy. He seemed to be all they spoke about recently.

“He was cruel and emotional,” Atropos hissed. She was right. He had been cruel, and he had certainly been emotional.

“He was afraid and overwhelmed,” Clotho argued, and Harry couldn’t disagree with her either. It had been difficult to look at his face while Harry had been sat crying in the corner of the bathroom. The naked vulnerability looking back at him had made Harry feel, for the first time, that there was someone else as devastated by his situation as he was.

“He made him cry. He is unsuitable,” Lachesis said firmly with a snap of her jaws. He sighed to himself. This was an argument he’d heard repeated more than once, and though Lachesis was meant to be the one to decide their direction, she seemed unable to keep her sister-selves in line.

“But he has been happier this past week. He laughed,” Clotho pointed out, “when the Suitor flicked yellow gloop into the white hairs atop his head. He laughed,” she wasn’t wrong, that had been funny. The shocked look on Malfoy’s face, the custard dripping from his fringe. He almost found himself smiling again but for the other half of her sentence.

Harry breathed out heavily through his nose. The Suitor. They had been referring to Malfoy as that since the moment they had laid eyes on him, and nothing Harry said would dissuade them from the moniker. Other than Atropos that was - instead, she called him -

“The Pretender also made him cry every night for two weeks solid,” she growled.

“He is a poor suit,” Lachesis agreed, “We can find him a better mate than that,”

Harry could sit and listen no longer, “He’s not a Suitor,” he muttered, but he found it difficult to put conviction into his voice. It was a strange and trivial conversation to be having with a snake, and though he had bigger and significantly more pressing concerns, he found himself drawn into it despite himself, “Draco Malfoy is a dick - he was just made to come and keep me company because Voldemort thinks it’ll stop me from losing my mind. He didn’t want to see me, just as much as I didn’t want to see him,” though, that was of course, a lie. He’d asked to see Mafloy, even if it had been in a fit of madness. He did hope Voldemort would let them write to one another though, he found himself thinking anxiously. Malfoy was a dick, but he also made Harry remember who he was supposed to be - that being the antithesis to all things Draco Malfoy.

Clotho nodded enthusiastically, dragging her sister heads forwards to peer up at Harry from his chin, “Yes! A Suitor!”

Harry hesitated, then sighed, “Can you clarify what you mean by suitor?”

Clotho gave a wistful sigh, “A potential mate. To keep warm on cold nights. To breed with and grow eggs with and have hatchlings with. To watch the stars with and hold tails with,” the dreamer indeed.

“Idealistic,” Atropos hissed, “Unrealistic. Foolish. Better mates available. Do not leap at first opportunity, more shall come,” not that she knew it, but that was patently untrue. Other than Snape, Voldemort, and Malfoy’s mother, he sincerely doubted he’d be seeing anyone else at all for the foreseeable future.

Harry ignored her, feeling a little like he had entered the twilight zone, “By your definition, Malfoy can’t be a suitor. We’re both male - we can’t mate, or uh, breed - no babies coming our way or whatever… no eggs I mean. We can’t make eggs together, so no hatchlings either,”

Clotho blinked up at him, her tongue flicking out to taste the air, “Why not?”

Harry opened his mouth, and then decided against explaining the birds and the bees to a snake, “It doesn’t matter, just… just don’t call him that in front of Voldemort. I can’t see it going down well,”

“He is no suitor,” Lachesis growled, “He is unworthy. That is the end of it,”

Clotho fell into a sulking silence, while Atropos gave a satisfied nod, clearly pleased with the conversation’s conclusion, and even though Harry hadn’t wanted to be a part of the discussion in the first place, he couldn’t help but think heavily on it.

He… he really did hope that Voldemort would let them write to one another. Malfoy felt like a totem - a reminder that there existed a world beyond his rooms. A world beyond Voldemort and Death Eaters and pain, and even a world beyond Dumbledore and the Order. In Draco Malfoy, he saw a memory of life before everything had gone wrong. A life when he went to school with Ron and Hermione and all he had to worry about was homework, and when Malfoy himself was his greatest enemy. Malfoy was a tangible reminder of who he was meant to be, rather than the person he was being moulded into, and he was determined to cling onto that image until his dying breath.

“I think I’m going to miss him,” he found himself admitting out loud without meaning to. Atropos offered him a withering glare, Lachesis huffed through her nose, and Clotho sighed dreamily.

“Suitor,” she muttered happily to herself, and Harry immediately regretted opening his mouth.

He was distracted by Tippy popping into existence. She bowed low to the ground, “Harry,” he was sure that the deep bow was to compensate for dropping the ‘master’ from his name as per his request, “would you be liking Tippy to run a bath?” She squeaked, twisting her hands in front of her.

He sighed and nodded. He’d never liked baths before, but something about them now felt ritualistic. Something to look forward to at the end of every day: hot soapy water and the echoing silence of the bathroom cleansing his mind and body both.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom with his shirt off, the sound of the bath running behind him, Harry considered his appearance.

It may have been his mind playing tricks on him, but he thought perhaps he looked as if he’d gained weight. His face was less thin, he was sure, and his stomach was beginning to gradually lose its concave appearance. He still looked unwell though: the permanent dark circles under his eyes were still fixed firmly in place, and his lips were so pale as to be barely distinguishable from the rest of his face.

He found his gaze fixing itself on the sunken socket of his left eye. His mind drifted to the book Malfoy had dumped into his lap. He’d told Malfoy that maybe he would try and make his own replacement eye, but he hadn’t really meant it - it had been merely a passing fancy. He hadn’t even half an idea as to how to go about making a muggle prosthetic eye, let alone a magical one. But halfway through the week, when Malfoy had hummed his approval at Harry’s latest attempts at runes, he’d had the briefest flash of surprised triumph in his chest, and for the first time he had begun to seriously entertain the idea of making an attempt.

He had the time - he had more time than he’d ever had in his life. What he lacked were the resources and the skills. Skills he could learn, but the resources? He had a strong suspicion that Voldemort would be overly accommodating when it came to those - except for a wand. He doubted he could do anything to persuade him to give him one of those.

“Harry, sir?” Tippy squeaked, “Your bath is ready,”

He sighed to himself, turning away from the reflection that had been made hazy by the steam filled room.

All he could do was try.

The next morning found Harry stood staring up at the bookcases that lined the room feeling just slightly overwhelmed. Around his neck, the Moirai had followed the direction of his gaze, and had hissed disinterestedly before slithering beneath his collar to enjoy his body heat. He could feel three tongues darting out occasionally and brushing against his skin. He wished he could just bury his head and forget as well.

He bit his lip, contemplating his options, before he cautiously opened his mouth and said, “Tippy?”

The elf appeared with a crack, looking faintly bewildered as if she had never imagined that Harry might call on her, “Yes, Harry?”

“Do you know if there are any books in this room about wandless magic?”

She hesitated, a hand creeping up dangerously towards her ears, “Tippy is not allowed to answer questions,” she reminded him.

Ah, “Right… uh…,” he tried again, “Tippy, please summon any books in this room on wandless magic,”

Tippy’s hand began to lower slowly as a contemplative expression appeared on her face - he could only guess that she was considering whether or not doing as he asked clashed with some pre-existing command. Finally, she nodded, and with a snap of her fingers, two books soared from the shelves and landed one on top of the other on the drawing table. She disappeared with a crack before he could say thank you, as if she were terrified, he might ask her to do something else.

The sight of the books was… disheartening. He’d assumed, incorrectly it appeared, that with the size of the library around him, the selection of available books would be greater. He was even more disappointed, when upon closer inspection, he realised that one of the books she had summoned was the book that Draco himself had showed him about international wizarding schools. He disregarded it immediately and turned to the second book: The Wand and the Spirit: Unshackling the Magic Within.

Well. That sounded more promising.

Harry had barely opened the book in his lap, when he was interrupted by the door opening. A familiar but unwanted face appeared.

“Potter,” Snape greeted cooly as he approached, his eyes fixed intensely on Harry as if he were hunting for something.

“Snape,” Harry answered, mirroring his less than friendly tone as the professor took up his regular armchair; Snape’s lip twitched in displeasure, though Harry couldn’t tell if it was because of his tone, or because Harry had dropped the ‘Professor’ he might normally have used, “Tell me - now that Malfoy is gone, are we resuming our previous routine? You in the morning, then Mrs Malfoy for the rest of the day?”

If Snape was surprised by his chattiness that morning (it was not unusual for him to say nary a word to the man), he didn’t express it, “No,” he said flatly, “It may surprise you to hear, but I am an extraordinarily busy man, and I do not have the time nor the energy to attend to you every morning of the week until the end of time, or until the Dark Lord loses interest in you,” Harry scowled at his scathing tone, “You shall see me once a week, unless the Dark Lord requires more of me,” once a week… the weekends perhaps? That would make the most sense. It would be a useful way to keep track of the days. A derisive snort from Snape took him by surprise, “What on earth are you reading?” Harry glanced down to the book in his lap, “I’m not sure what you’re expecting that book to teach you Potter - it may interest you to know that it’s a favourite of Professor Trelawney’s,” Snape said mockingly, “She assigns it to her NEWT classes, you know,” Harry felt his heart sinking; he flicked the book open and skimmed its contents page. He realised immediately that Snape was right - it was all about meditating to open the readers ‘inner eye’ in order to better divine the future. f*ck. Snape continued to chortle, raising his wand and using it to conjure the diagnostic charts that Harry had become well accustomed to seeing floating above his head, “I never knew you had an interest in such rubbish - though, you’ll be interested to know that you failed your divination OWL,”

Harry felt his interest peaked immediately - Snape knew his OWL results? He ignored it in favour of saying scathingly, “Still a c*nt I see,” Snape flashed his teeth at him in a mean grin, and Harry looked away quickly, fury making his heart race.

He found himself reading the books opening section for something to do other than shouting at the man next to him.

‘For nearly three thousand years, wands have been the cornerstone of European magic, with witches and wizards who are able to perform wandless magic being among the most powerful and skilled of their kind. However, it is this reliance on wand magic that has acted as an obstacle to the wider development of magical disciplines in Europe that do not rely on wand work. For example, divination, occlumency, legilimency, and other skill sets that have no requisite for a wand (such as becoming an animagus) are far less developed in European countries than they are in Sub-Saharan nations, where wands are a relatively recent introduction.’

Harry paused. Actually, this sounded far more relevant than he’d first thought. He read on:

‘There is a perception amongst the wizarding masses, that divination is a branch of magic that one cannot learn without an innate aptitude for the discipline. This author disagrees. This author argues that this innate aptitude, is rather an innate ability to connect with the magical core that exists within each and every witch or wizard. It is through this connection, that a true seer is able to divine the future. The purpose of this book is to help the reader learn meditation techniques that allow them to connect with their magical core, so that they might better utilise the divining techniques available to them in order to gain an insight into future events.’

In fact, this book sounded almost perfect! Maybe… perhaps… he’d have to read it properly, but it certainly sounded useful (if he could teach himself the meditation techniques at least - he’d had little success with emptying his mind to learn occlumency after all).

He had been on the verge of becoming excited, when he realised that Snape had been sitting, staring at him in silence. He looked up, and found that Snape wasn’t actually looking at him, but rather at the gold cloud above his head, and the black force that snaked through it. He swallowed at the sight of his magical core. That didn’t look good.

“What’s wrong with it?

“It’s still split,” Snape muttered, “But… if that were truly the case, I’d have expected you to be a drooling mess on the floor by now,”

“Right. You gonna’ do anything about it?”

Snape scowled at him, and pushed himself to his feet, “I do not answer to you,” he reminded him coldly. He left without another word.

“The Deceiver tells the truth,” Lachesis muttered sleepily under his clothes. Harry didn’t ask her to clarify which bit she was referring to; he hadn’t particular thought he was lying about any of it, but it was nice to know that even when she was half asleep, she was looking out for him.

Harry took the briefest moment to consider whether or not he should be concerned by what Snape had said. He quickly came down on the side of ‘not’ - he couldn’t do anything about it and being a ‘drooling mess’ sounded like something he wouldn’t be particularly aware of even if it did happen. In fact, in many ways it sounded more appealing than his current experience of the world. It sounded like it wouldn’t hurt at least.

He tucked the thought away for another time and stood. For the first time in weeks, he felt apathy give way to motivation - a motivation to learn. Returning the unhelpful book on wizarding schools, and pulling out the book on prosthetics, Harry couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Hermione felt all the time. He felt the smallest twinge of sadness thinking about her, but he ignored it. It would do him no good to dwell on it. It wasn’t as if Hermione would know how much time he did or didn’t spend thinking about her and Ron.

With Calderon’s book in his hands, Harry dropped himself back onto the sofa. He reached out a hand to snag a slice of toast (Tippy must have appeared when he’d been distracted) and turned the book to the section that had been occupying his thoughts for the last week.

The diagram of an eye stared back up at him, before it blinked and whirled around madly.

He found himself cringing internally.

All he could think of was what Malfoy had said when he’d dumped the book on him in the first place - he didn’t want to look like Moody. He didn’t want to have an eye that whirled around in all directions and drew attention to him. He wanted… he wanted to look how he had before, he thought sadly to himself, but he was beginning to think that that was impossible.

He skimmed the page in front of him, a feeling building in the back of his throat like he might burst into tears at any moment, when his eye caught on a sentence:

‘In recent times, The Wednesday System has been the prosthesis of choice for the civilian population. Unlike the Polyphemus system, this replacement is bound to the wearer’s magical signature and can therefore only be removed by the wearer. Though this prosthesis does not have an extraordinary range of movement or penetration like the Polyphemus System, it is significantly more comfortable for the wearer, and is a more covert choice for those wishing to avoid drawing attention to their prosthetic. For more information on The Wednesday System, and detailed construction information, turn to page 362.’

Harry flipped eagerly to the detailed page, and relief flooded his chest at the image in front of him: an ordinary, if somewhat vibrantly blue eye stared back at him, blinking occasionally and darting about the page, but never moving beyond what he would have considered a normal range of movement. For the first time in weeks, Harry felt a genuine smile threaten at the corner of his lips.

It was interrupted immediately however, by a knock on his bedroom door.

Narcissa Malfoy entered after a polite pause. Her eyes found his immediately, and her expression fell into a familiar polite smile as she progressed further into the room. He thought she looked paler than she had before, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Good afternoon, Mister Potter,” she greeted cordially; her gaze suddenly shifted to the book in his lap and her eyes flashed in surprise, “Oh - you’re reading,”

“I’m sorry,” Harry found himself blurting out abruptly; she froze, “I… I’m sorry you were being hurt. Because of me,” he broke their shared gaze to stare down at the book in his lap, “I don’t want you to be hurt because of me,”

For a moment there was silence between them, and then the hesitant shuffle of her heels against the carpet as she stepped closer, “That’s kind of you,” she said gently, taking him be surprise as she lowered herself carefully down to the opposite end of the sofa, “but it’s not your fault, Mister Potter,”

Harry nodded at the book in his hands, “You can call me Harry,” he muttered.

“Well then it’s only fair that you call me Narcissa,” she said primly; he glanced up and found a strained smile on her face. It was a stupid thing to say really. He’d never once used her name, first or second, “Now, will you tell me what you’re reading?” He lifted the book to show her the diagram he had been staring down at and her expression froze, “Oh,”

“Malf- uh, Draco,” it felt ridiculous to refer to her son by their shared surname, “showed it to me. Well - shoved it in my face really,” her face turned pained, and he hurried to continue, “It’s… it’s amazing really, I guess. The things that can be built to uh… y’know…,” he finished in a mutter. He wondered if Malfoy had told her exactly how he’d been introduced to the book in his lap.

“I see…,” she said at length, “Were you… hoping to acquire one?”

Harry snorted, “I doubt Voldemort would-,” he ignored her flinch, “- be persuaded to get me one. But… Draco suggested learning to make my own. He was helping me practice the relevant runes before he left,” he nodded in the direction of the parchment on the drawing table, “Not that it’s much use I guess,” he admitted with a shrug, “I’d need all of this to even get started,”

“May I see?” she accepted the book and ran her finger down the list of components and instruments required, “Many of these tools require magic to work,” she said hesitantly, as if afraid of bursting his bubble.

He shrugged, “I know. Draco mentioned wandless magic. It’s probably a pipe dream but…,” he shrugged again, more weakly, “I’ve got nothing else to do with my time,”

She nodded slowly, tracing a finger across the diagram of an eye in front of her, “Draco mentioned something about you writing to one another during term time?”

Harry swallowed to temper his own eagerness, “Yeah - I… if we were allowed to. S’nice to speak to someone from before,” he mumbled.

“Even Draco?” She said, a hint of humour in her voice as she cast a knowing look in his direction.

“I… I’m not quite so afraid of him,” he admitted, and she lost her smile immediately, his implication clear: that he was afraid of everyone else.

“I see… well Harry, it may mean nothing, but I wish to assure you that you have nothing to fear from me,” Harry nodded. She was right, it didn’t mean much, “I brought these with me,” she reached into her pocket and pulled free a wad of rolled up parchment and a quill with ink, “I shall have to ask the Dark Lord’s permission for you and Draco to exchange letters, but if he agrees then you should use this parchment. It’s charmed so that only the writer and recipient can read it - Draco and I have used it for years,” she hesitated, “I don’t want to get your hopes up…,” she cautioned.

“Yeah, no, I understand,” he said quickly, reaching out and accepting the parchment and quill eagerly.

“The Dark Lord will be visiting tomorrow,” Harry ignored the familiar anxious twist in his gut, “I shall ask the question on your behalf, and should he agree, I’ll send your letter along with my own. Is that acceptable?”

He nodded, flashing her his best attempt at a grateful smile, “Yeah - thank you,”

She clapped her hands together, “Right then,” she pushed the book from her lap and closed it with a snap, “Shall we have some lunch?”

Calling their silence as they ate comfortable would have been a gross exaggeration, but he certainly felt less awkward around Malfoy’s mother than he had before. Judging by the way that Narcissa gradually stopped compulsively readjusting her skirt as she finished her sandwiches, he’d have said that she felt less tense too.

“So,” Narcissa said once their plates had been vanished by Tippy, “tell me about this book Draco found,”

“Oh, uh, if you like…. I know its probably a waste of time,” he muttered, pulling the book closer and flicking it open to the relevant page, “I’d need all kinds of things to even get started, like uh… like a torch and this thing….” He tapped a drawing to indicate the ‘thing’ he was referring to, “this tool that spins to grind or polish the glass depending on what attachment you use. Though… both of those would need magic to work,” he admitted, his heart sinking, “And I’d need the right kind of glass as well to make one of these, rather than the kind that Mad-Eye wears,” he flicked between the diagram of The Prometheus System to The Wednesday system.

“What’s the difference?” Narcissa prompted, and Harry found himself leaping into a lengthy explanation of all that he’d learnt already.

“Kind,” Clotho muttered into his ear as Narcissa listened to him patiently, his speech varying between being halting and nervous, and overly verbose and enthusiastic as he found something like obsession settling into his bones. He felt like he had when Sirius had planted the idea of them living together in his head at the end of third year; plans formed quickly and took root deep in his heart. He knew he’d only be disappointed when it was all ripped out again, but he hadn’t felt anything approaching happiness in so long that it was difficult not to indulge himself, “The Mother is kind,” Clotho said with a yawn.

The Mother. The Deceiver. The Suitor. Harry couldn’t help but note the reductionist nature of the nicknames they assigned the people who came into Harry’s new life. He wondered what they called him?

When he asked the question later, lying in bed long after Narcissa had left and he’d had his usual bath, Lachesis had looked at him, tasted the air, and simply said, “Ours.”

He’s being half dragged, stumbling and falling occasionally, his knees and palms digging into tiny, painful stones. There’s a hand twisted in his shirt, pulling him up and onwards. He hears a chuckle.

“Come along little bird, the Dark Lord wants us outside,” he tries to peer up at the slick voice but finds himself being jerked onwards, “Hush now, don’t cry - we’ll go inside again soon,” he shudders at the feeling of a hand stroking his cheek and tries to flinch away. The owner of the hand laughs and pays him no mind.

Suddenly, they’re stopping, and Harry finds himself half collapsed against someone’s leg. He tries to lean away but the spinning in his head has him nearly toppling over. He’s encouraged back against the leg by a hand fisted in his hair. The hand releases him, and he feels something (a thumb, he thinks) pressed first against his lips and then into his mouth for a moment. He doesn’t even have time to gag against the taste of it before its being removed again.

“Control yourself, Mulciber,” says a high piercing voice. A voice Harry knows.

“Yes, my Lord,” the voice above him says demurely.

Harry feels the hairs on the back of his neck prickling: someone is looking at him. He peers over his shoulder, but it's mostly pointless. He can just about make out a face turned in his direction, and what he thinks might be blonde hair, but that’s it.

An involuntary gasp of alarm escapes him when he’s roughly pulled by the collar of his shirt to make him face forward again, “Watch little bird, you’re meant to look,” a hand pets his cheek but leaves his mouth alone.

He can see the blurry outline of a great house, and hedges on either side of him. He can hear the high piercing voice again, but he can’t tell what’s being said. He glances up dizzily at the sudden burst of gold that streaks through the air and spreads outwards towards the house, settling over it like a blanket. He hears gasps around him as the gold dissipates into nothing, leaving the blur of the house in its wake, unchanged as far as Harry can tell.

He swallows back a sudden feeling of nausea.

“Amazing,” he hears from above him, “Gone - poof! Just like that,”

“And with this, my loyal followers, only those who have been deemed trustworthy shall be able to find us. For those of you gathered here, I say this: Lord Voldemort and his loyal Death Eaters may be found at Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire,” he hears a chuckle, and the voice adds, “What a lair of death and vipers we have made, don’t you think, Lucius?”

Harry awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest and his fingers trembling faintly. Snuggled under his shirt, the Moirai slept on. He carefully pushed himself to a sitting position, cradling the snake to stop her from dropping like a stone into his nap. He licked his top lip and tried to control his breathing.

He supposed he should be grateful that he hadn’t had more nightmares, though he was surprised that it was this that his subconscious had chosen to dredge up, and not the torture or the-

He clamped down on the thought immediately, screwing his eyes shut and holding his breath. No. No, he couldn’t think about it. He wouldn’t. He refused. He’d blocked it out for a reason, and it benefitted no one to dwell on it now.

“You are frightened, what is wrong?” A sleepy voice hissed; three pairs of eyes gazed up at him. He couldn’t be sure who had spoken, but he supposed it didn’t matter.

He released a shaky breath, “Nothing,” he assured her, “Nothing is wrong,”

“Liar,” Atropos half-growled. Harry ignored her, pressing a palm to his chest as he willed his heart to calm down.

It was only then that he realised that something was slightly different about his room - he frowned, glancing about as he tried to figure out what. He had been about to reach for his glasses when he realised what it was: being the dead of winter, he had been waking before the sun rose, and going to sleep long after it had set. Now, for the first time, he could see the glow of the dawn creeping around the edges of the curtains and pooling on the carpet below the window.

Without meaning to, he’d slept in. Not for the first time, he longed for a watch. Being unable to tell the time was becoming singularly disorientating.

He was pulled from his grumbling by a pop, and a familiar, blurry figure appearing at the end of his bed.

“M-master Harry,” his heart sank at Tippy’s trembling voice, “Y-y-you must b-be g-g-getting dressed!!” She stuttered in an alarmed squeak, “The D-Dark Lord has arrived in the house!”

Harry breathed heavily through his nose to suppress the knee-jerk flash of alarm in his belly, “Well f*ck,” he said flatly, before he leapt clean from the bed. The snake curled in his arms grumbled in displeasure, squeezing around his forearm to stop him from accidentally dislodging her. She reluctantly allowed him to deposit her on the dressing table so that he could throw the stiff, black robes that Tippy had summoned for him over his head. He ignored her furious swearing as she jostled around his shoulders as he rushed from the room to brush his teeth.

His heart nearly stopped in his chest when, upon exiting the bathroom, he found that the Lord Voldemort was already seated on the sofa with his back to the crackling fire. Red eyes narrowed on him, and pale lips spread into something that resembled a pleased smile. The Moirai peaked over his shoulder, and her mutters of displeasure fell abruptly silent.

“Ah,” Voldemort said as a slow exhale, “Harry. You are up late this morning, I hear,”

Harry swallowed dryly and carefully straightened himself, holding his head up high, “Yes, my Lord - sorry, I didn’t mean to,” it was only now that Harry realised that three weeks with Malfoy had made him forget what it was to be constantly afraid. It was like putting a painful pair of shoes back on and finding your blisters burnt a thousand times more. He tried to settle himself back into the feeling, to saturate himself in it so that he no longer noticed the chill in his gut.

Voldemort waved away his apology, “Nonsense Harry, I’m glad you are sleeping more soundly,” he curled his finger and beckoned Harry closed, “Come, sit with me and have some breakfast. Severus tells me you are gaining weight - this is excellent, but we have a long way to go,”

Harry approached, breathing carefully through his nose as fear settled back into his bones as if it had never left. He took a seat on the sofa, carefully choosing a spot close enough to the Dark Lord that it wouldn’t look as if Harry was deliberately avoiding any proximity to the man. He imagined he would only be asked to shuffle closer if he did. Spotting the toast rack on the coffee table, he leant closer and picked a slice (his fingers missed on the first attempt) and bit into it, breathing carefully and deliberately through his nose. Next to him, Voldemort reached for a cup of tea and blew across its surface. He took a sip, the sound of him swallowing making the hairs on the back of Harry’s neck stand on end.

It made him almost wish Malfoy wouldn’t come back. He’d been a balm to the constant terror in Harry’s life, but in doing so he had obliterated any tolerance Harry had built up against the feeling.

Harry barely suppressed a flinch when Voldemort spoke again, “Tell me, Harry, how have you and young Draco been getting on?”

He should lie, Harry thought, to protect Draco and his mother, but he doubted he could do it well enough to convince the Dark Lard: half-truths and understatements it was then, “We didn’t get on to begin with,” he said carefully, “or much towards the end. But seeing him made me feel a bit more normal. Less… less afraid,”

Voldemort’s lips twitched in a smile, and he leant forwards to snag his own slice of toast, pausing to butter it in a display that made him appear painfully human. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if this was all part of the manipulation - a performance to make Harry see him as just any other man. He couldn’t tell if it was working, but he imagined he wouldn’t until it was too late.

He’d heard once that placebos sometimes worked even when you knew they were a placebo: perhaps this would work in the same way.

“That’s wonderful to hear, Harry. I had hoped he would have that effect on you. I understand from Narcissa that you have asked to write to him while he’s away at school?”

“Y-yes please,” Voldemort glanced at him out of the corner of his red-eye, “my Lord,” Harry added quickly.

Voldemort settled back in his seat, but didn’t bite into his slice of toast, “I have considered the suggestion at length, and have decided that you have permission to communicate with Draco, though I ask that you do not try to post anything that you believe would displease me. I shall not bother with specifics,” he said dismissively, “You are a clever boy. You do not need me to tell you that attempting to persuade Draco to pass letters onto the Order would not go unnoticed, and would result in the privileges that have been extended to you being revoked,” his gaze turned suddenly hard, and Harry felt it like a slither of ice in his chest, “Am I understood?”

Harry could practically feel cold stone under his hands again.

He swallowed heavily, “Yes, my Lord,”

His eyes fixed on Harry, the Dark Lord took a bite from the slice of toast and chewed it slowly, his eyes never wavering once. Harry didn’t know what the test was, but he knew that if he dropped his gaze, it would be considered failed. Finally, he swallowed and said, “Excellent,” he exchanged the toast for tea, “Eat your breakfast Harry, before it grows cold,” Harry obeyed him without a second thought, “Narcissa also mentioned you had discovered a book of some interest to you,” Harry froze, “A book that provides details on manufacturing prosthetic eyes,”

Harry rushed to swallow his toast, and nodded, “Yes, my Lord,”

“Fetch it for me,” Harry did as he was told, and didn’t miss how Clotho nervously nudged her nose into his throat, seeking and giving comfort in equal measure. Voldemort hummed to himself as he accepted the enormous book, opening it with a tap of his finger on its cover; it opened obediently to the correct page. He considered the diagram in front of him with detached interest, “The creation of such an object would require magic, I am sure you realise Harry,” red eyes flicked up to him.

Harry nodded, “Y-yeah…,” he muttered, “I-… I thought maybe I could learn to… to do some of it wandlessly,” Voldemort raised a single eyebrow, “It would give me something to focus on, at least,”

Voldemort chuckled to himself and shook in his health, “Indeed,” he said, a mockingly indulgent edge to the word; he shut the book with a snap and set it to one side, “You know, I’m surprised Harry - you haven’t asked what I’ve been doing over the holidays. I haven’t visited you in weeks. As your host, some would say this rude of me,”

Harry didn’t need to be prompted further, “What have you been doing over the Christmas holidays?”

“I’ve been meeting with the werewolf communities in Great Britain, Harry,” well, that wasn’t an answer he had been expecting; Voldemort chuckled, “I have surprised you, Harry,”

“I… I find it difficult to believe that you like werewolves. Or care for them,” Harry admitted reluctantly, “Most wizards seem to have something against them. Are prejudiced against them. Remus can barely get a job,”

Harry was beginning to hate the sound of the Dark Lord laughing at him, “Oh, Harry, I am no fonder of werewolves than I am of mudbloods. But unlike most, I believe that werewolves have a place in wizarding society. Even if it is not a place they would like, most would be better off under my regime, if not all. Even your friend Lupin. Wormtail has told me all about him, you know. Destitute, homeless at times. In my world, he would have a place - a protected place,” he emphasised, “I wonder if Dumbledore can claim that,”

“Dumbledore has always tried to help Remus out,” Harry found himself saying defensively.

“Has he, Harry? Has he really? How?”

“He gave him a job at Hogwarts,”

“And how did that go?” Harry didn’t answer, “Exactly. He was thrown out, and his true nature exposed, I understand. Dumbledore has an unbelievable amount of influence within the legislative branches of our government, you know? All you need to do is open a chocolate frog to read his many titles: Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock. And not once has he used this influence to try and make life better for your friend Remus. Instead, he prefers to keep him beholden to him. He’s not the only one, you know,”

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “What… what do you mean?”

“Well, let's take Rubeus Hagrid, for one,” the Dark Lord folded his hands in his lap, “A man expelled from Hogwarts for a crime he did not commit. A man banned from performing magic for a crime he did not commit as a mere teenager,” he tilted his head, his eyes fixed on Harry, “Even then, all those years ago, Dumbledore had influence. And yet at no time did he try and reverse the Ministry’s decision, even years later when Hagrid had been exonerated,”

“Exonerated for a crime that you committed,” Harry pointed out through his teeth.

Voldemort ignored him, “Is it right, I wonder, that a wizard should be permanently outlawed from performing magic due to being expelled from school? His wand was snapped, and he is barred from purchasing a new one and owning it legally in this country. For a crime committed when he was under-age, that he wasn’t even guilty of. It is something you yourself could have been the victim of,” he added, reclining in his seat with half a smile, “and you’d have been guilty, at least,”

“Yeah, but… but Dumbledore helped me,”

“And why didn’t he help Hagrid?” Voldemort said immediately; Harry had no answer, “Because you held value to him. But Hagrid?” He shook his head and clicked his tongue, “Now, Hagrid’s value is as an indentured servant. He sees Albus Dumbledore as his saviour, providing him with a home when no one else would, but never stopping to consider what Dumbledore could have done for him if he’d only cared that little bit more. I imagine that Lupin see’s Dumbledore in much the same way,” Voldemort continued mildly.

”It’s not like that,” Harry interrupted desperately, “Albus Dumbledore is a good man!”

Voldemort turned a pitying gaze in his direction, “Oh, Harry,” he said gently, “Do not be so naive,” he paused, simply considering Harry, before he continued as if Harry hadn’t spoken, “And no doubt there are more. More members of marginalised groups who see the headmaster as their salvation while never wondering about the good the man could have done for them if he had simply utilised his influence,”

“Why were you seeing the werewolves?” Harry snapped, hating that he could think of no defence for the headmaster. Voldemort was deliberately misconstruing the situation, he was sure. He was manipulating the story to make Dumbledore the villain. He had no doubt he was leaving out swathes of contextual information that would reveal what he was sure would be reasonable explanations for Dumbledore’s actions. There had to be explanations, he thought desperately.

“There have been credible rumours that the Ministry are introducing a werewolf register,” Harry felt as if a bucket of ice-water had been poured over him, “The rationale being that werewolves are automatically my supporters, which I’m sure you are well aware is not the truth. Werewolves that are found to be unregistered risk Azkaban. I have been assuring them that, should they wish, they would find safety amongst my ranks,”

“And reinforce the perception that all werewolves support you,” Harry pointed out weakly.

Voldemort only shrugged and smiled, “Can you blame them, when the Ministry are pushing them so firmly into my arms?” Harry swallowed, and there was silence between them for a long moment, before Voldemort said casually, “It does make one wonder what Albus Dumbledore, with his overwhelming wealth of influence, is doing to protect the werewolves of this country, including Remus Lupin, from this fresh wave of lawfully enforced bigotry.

“You’re not wrong Harry - werewolves would be second class citizens in the world I wish to build,” Voldemort admitted, “but surely that would be a step up from vermin,”

Harry felt sick. All he could do was look back at the Dark Lord, watching as his red eyes appraised him, flicking from his eye to his empty socket. He didn’t know what to say. Was there anything to say?

Finally, the Dark Lord sniffed deeply, and said, “Food for thought,” and pushed himself to his feet; he offered Harry a cold smile, “Enjoy the rest of your breakfast Harry,” and he left.

Harry felt as if a bomb had been dropped nearby, leaving him shell-shocked. He wanted to scream and cry in equal measure but wasn’t quite sure why.

Voldemort was wrong. Dumbledore wasn’t like that. He was a good man - he did his best for Remus and Hagrid. He must have done. Why would he let them suffer? People he counted as friends? Harry refused to believe it. No. He couldn’t say for certain that Voldemort wasn’t telling the truth in some capacity but- no. That wasn’t true, actually. He could.

“Lachesis?” He whispered, “Clotho? Atropos?”

Three heads popped up curiously from within his collar. It was Lachesis who answered, “Yes, my own?”

He swallowed, “Was he being truthful?”

She paused, considering him, then nodded, “The Adversary tells the truth,” And Harry felt like he really might vomit. The Adversary. How fitting.

There had to be more to it, he thought determinedly. There had to be. Otherwise… otherwise what was the point? What were they all fighting for?

He needed something to distract himself with. Something to stop him from crying before Narcissa came for lunch. If he started, he didn’t think he’d be able to stop, and he wasn’t prepared to explain to Malfoy’s mother why he was sobbing in the corner.

He cast about for something to do, and his eye caught on the parchment on the drawing table. Malfoy’s face flashed in his mind's eye.

Well. He had permission, and it would certainly distract him.

He took a deep steadying breath and pushed himself to his feet. He settled gingerly into the desk’s chair, eyeing the snakes wrapped around the legs, and unrolled a sheet of parchment. He dipped his quill in the ink pot and began to write.


See you for the next one :) Hope people enjoyed!!

Chapter 11: Harry: Letters


Harry closed his eye and prayed for patience. He didn’t know why he was surprised that Malfoy was using these letters as an opportunity to try his hands at being a prick in a new medium. It was completely on brand. Malfoy might not have wanted Harry to be a prisoner in his home, but he was still a dickhe*d at his core.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



To be honest, I don’t think I actually thought it through when I asked if we could write to one another. I’ve been sat staring at this roll of parchment for ages debating how to even start it - ‘Dear Malfoy’ or ‘to Malfoy’ or hell, should I be using your first name now? If I mention you to your mother, I call you ‘Draco’ because it seems bizarre to speak to her about you using your surname. But just saying ‘Draco’ out loud gives me hives.

This is stupid. Even just this short paragraph has taken me a ridiculous amount of time to write and more than once I thought about giving up (I might have crumpled this letter into a ball a few times - sorry). Half a year ago, I’d never have believed that I’d be writing to you, and that it wasn’t some kind of twisted punishment for putting itching powder in your pants.

Anyway. I should probably actually write something that makes sense rather than this rambling mess.

Your mum has started coming to see me again. I won’t lie, it’s still all kinds of strange, but I think it’s becoming less so… maybe. Either way, I wanted to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me stopping eating or - I don’t quite know how to phrase it? Going back inside again? If that makes sense. Anyway. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure she doesn’t get hurt because of me.

So… I honestly don’t know what else I’m meant to write, so I’ll stop there, I guess.


9th of January 1997


I’m going to ignore your near unintelligible rambling and presume you don’t actually require a response to the existential crisis you appear to be experiencing over writing to me. I would say though, that if you could avoid screwing up your letters in the future, I would be most grateful. Trying to read your chicken scratch when the ink has bled into the folds of the parchment is nigh impossible.

That being said: if we’re going to be ‘pen-pals’ or whatever it is that you had in mind when you asked if we could exchange letters, they are going to need something that resembles substance to them. I am an excellent conversationalist, but even I would struggle to find something to say in response to your first attempt. Surely you have exchanged letters with Weasley or Granger in the past?

You could start by telling me about your day. Or asking me questions about my day. That’s how conversations normally go: questions and responses. Or at least that was my understanding of the concept, but what do I know?

I’ll start, shall I?

Hello Potter, what’s new since we saw each other last?

Now you answer. Understand?



P.S Thank you for trying to look out for mother.

Harry closed his eye and prayed for patience. He didn’t know why he was surprised that Malfoy was using these letters as an opportunity to try his hands at being a prick in a new medium. It was completely on brand. Malfoy might not have wanted Harry to be a prisoner in his home, but he was still a dickhe*d at his core.

He shook his head. Whatever. Never mind. Maybe it was a good thing that Malfoy was being as abrasive as ever. That was what he needed right? Something to keep him grounded in who he was at his core. Who he was before all this.

He leant over the drawing table, his quill hovering just above the parchment, considering. He moved only after a drip of ink had blotted the edge of the page. He wrote Malfoy’s name carefully, then stopped, appraising the letters. His handwriting wasn’t that bad, was it?

He was distracted by the sound of furious hissing below him.

“Speak to me, scoundrel!” He rolled his eye at the familiar crackling, hissing voice. He peered over the side of the desk and found The Moirai wrapped around the leg of the table. Lachesis was frowning, as much as a snake could frown, Clotho looked bored, and Atropos was baring her fangs furiously at the small snake that had been carved into the wood. Small, yes, but still only slightly smaller than the Moirai, “Speak! Or I shall strike!!” Atropos demanded.

Harry sighed to himself, carefully reached out a hand, and pulled her free of the table leg, “It’s not a real snake, Atropos,” he said impatiently, draping the protesting snake around his shoulders, “It’s made of wood,”

Atropos continued to grumble, “Should have left me. It is a matter of honour!”

Harry ignored her, re-reading Malfoy’s letter as he considered how to respond.

Stupid snake, he found himself thinking fondly.


You are such a prick. I don’t understand how you manage to be more irritating through letters, than in person. I swear, it's like you’re in the room with me just wittering away in my ear. And my handwriting isn’t that bad! Not all of us were privileged enough to have calligraphy lessons, you know.

To answer your question: nothing is new with me since we last saw one another, because I’m a prisoner locked in your home. Remember? It’s a wonder you did so well in school if you can’t even figure that out.

Though I did see the DL again. He came for breakfast. It was weird and a bit terrifying. I hate when he comes to visit. He always has some lecture or story in the bag to use to try and mess with my head. Just when I think I’ve adjusted, he throws me some curve ball to make me question everything.

I suppose I shouldn’t complain though - he did give permission for us to write to one another after all. He pretty much said we can write about whatever we want unless we think it will ‘displease’ him. He didn’t actually specify what topics were off limits though (no doubt to keep me on edge) but he did heavily imply the consequences of upsetting him (to me, not you or your mother, don’t worry).

How about you then? What’s new with you? Or is your life as dull and repetitive as mine is?


P.S I need you to know that I’m laughing at you signing ‘regards’ like you’re sending some formal address to a business associate or something. Sixteen going on sixty much.

14th of January 1997


f*ck you, just because you don’t know how to properly write a letter, don’t take it out on me. For example, you’re meant to start them with the date at the top. If you look just slightly further north, you’ll find an excellent example of this. And I did not have calligraphy classes, I simply have exceptionally beautiful handwriting.

Also: are you seriously shortening ‘The Dark Lord’ down the ‘the DL’? It took me a ridiculously long time to try and figure out what that stood for - I was on the verge of asking Pansy’s opinion, which would have opened a can of worms I’d rather not touch.

And dare I ask what you mean by the Dark Lord ‘messing with your head’? Do I want to know or does this fall under the blanket of things that would displease him. I’d rather not invoke his ire, I’m sure you understand.




It might surprise you, but it turns out that I can’t put the date at the top because I don’t know the f*cking date you insensitive prick. Do I need to keep reminding you that I’m a prisoner? I hope not or these letters are going to get old really very quickly.

And you are more than welcome to write ‘The Dark Lord’ anytime you want to reference him, but I won’t. I don’t know how often he’s going to come up in conversation but considering he’s my kidnapper I’d hazard a guess at ‘fairly often’. I’m not writing his name out in full every time. But I promise to provide a key at the bottom of the letter for any future abbreviations. Happy?

By messing with my head, I mean he keeps bringing up things that have happened or are happening and using them to try and persuade me to join him. Or at the very least see his point of view, I think? Like questioning me about my relatives, or about what’s happening to werewolves, and what happened to Hagrid. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Can I ask you questions? Will you tell me what’s going on at school? Hogwarts was the first place that ever felt like home to me. What have I missed? And who’s the new DADA teacher? Also, side note, what happened to Umbridge?


P.S DADA stands for Defence Against the Dark Arts incase you needed that one spelling out for you, you wanker.

22nd of January 1997


I had not considered that you might not know the date. I reluctantly apologise.

Also, if we’re going to be particular about it, what you should actually do is write out his name in full the first time you use it, and then add the abbreviation in brackets afterwards. To demonstrate: The Dark Lord (DL). Understand?

Re: your conversations with the Dark Lord. I’m sure you can appreciate why I too may feel less than comfortable in commenting on them. While I have never had any concerns that these letters could be read by anyone but myself (and you, obviously), I refuse to put anything in writing that might be misconstrued as me criticising the Dark Lord. You would be wise to exercise a similar restraint.

As for the DADA position (and no, I didn’t need that explaining, thank you) - Snape finally got it. I admit I would have dropped the subject had I known in advance who the lecturer would be. He is (for obvious reasons) well versed on the topic, but I find myself uncomfortable in his presence. My Aunt Bella says he’s a spy for the Dark Lord, but that Dumbledore believes he’s his man. I find either scenario unsettling. If he is the Dark Lord’s man, then I do not wish to cross him. If he is Dumbledore’s man, then I find myself even more concerned over making him my enemy, if he is sly enough to hoodwink the Dark Lord. Regardless: he is dangerous.

Umbridge was eventually retrieved from the forest and was kept in the hospital wing for days. She refused to disclose what had happened while she was unaccounted for, but the forbidden forest is now ‘extra forbidden’. I am not sure that Dumbledore quite understands the definition of the word ‘forbidden’. The ‘extra’ seem redundant.

You say you want to hear about Hogwarts, but does that mean you wish to hear about your friends? Would that not come under the list of things the Dark Lord would be ‘displeased’ with? As for my opinion in regard to opposing his will, please refer to the first paragraph of this letter.



Harry ignored the golden, swirling cloud above his head. It was more difficult to ignore the sinister black element that wound its way through it, but he persevered. He was more interested in staring at the man opposite him anyway.

Severus Snape had barely spoken to him that morning, but that was fine. Harry had no interest in speaking to him either. It only ended in sneers and cutting remarks.

What was it about this man that had Voldemort and Dumbledore alike placing such explicit trust in him? What was it that they knew that he didn’t? What it was that they each thought they knew, that the other didn’t?

He was brought back to earth by the flickering of the golden light above him, and its abrupt disappearance.

He spoke only when it was clear that Snape wouldn’t, “Well… nothing to say?”

“You’ve gained more weight, and your cortisol levels are declining, but the integrity of your magical core still leaves much to be desired. Sudden cardiac death is still a very real possibility,” the man said blandly, as if he could think of nothing that interested him less than Harry’s wellbeing.

“The integrity of my magical core?” Harry probed with interest, “It didn’t look much different to me,”

Snape scowled at him, “And what expertise around magical cores do you have?” He said coldly, pushing himself to his feet.

Harry snorted, “What expertise do you have? You’re a bloody teacher! And a sh*t one at that,”

Snape simply looked at him, his cold, tunnel like gaze practically boring its way into Harry’s eye, “The Dark Lord may want you alive, Potter, but never forget that there are many ways that I could make your life a living hell without killing you,”

Harry’s heart dropped like a stone and fear had the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. He pressed himself back into his seat. Malfoy wasn’t the only one who’s skin crawled in the presence of the other man it seemed.

Was this an act? If it was, it was a convincing one.

“Our own? You are afraid?” The soft hiss from beneath his robes caught his attention. Three heads pushed curiously up and out of his collar. Her middle was so thick now that she couldn’t force her way out without a particularly tight squeeze that nearly caught Harry’s breath in his throat. While Clotho and Lachesis considered him with concerned interest, Atropos turned her focus and her fangs in Snape’s direction.

“The Deceiver,” she growled.

Harry didn’t miss the nervous twitch at the corner of Snape’s mouth.

“Not a fan of snakes?” Harry muttered, “That’s a surprise. I thought you Slytherin’s all loved them,”

Snape bared his teeth for the briefest moment, before he snorted in derisive laughter, “Ah, Potter. Still such a child. We are not in Hogwarts anymore,” he took a pacing step forwards, and Harry flinched away without meaning to; a pleased, cruel smile spread across Snape’s lips.

“No, we’re not,” Harry agreed with a gasp, “I can’t help but wonder where your loyalties truly lie though - have you really been pulling the wool over Dumbledore’s eyes all these years?”

The smile on Snape’s lips twisted into a sneer, “One day, Potter, I shall tell you all, but don’t think for a moment that the answer will bring you any peace,” and he swept from the room without a backwards glance.

Harry didn’t ask the Runespoor sniffing at his face if Snape had been telling the truth. He knew he had been.


Thank you for your reluctant apology. It is begrudgingly accepted. And I shall be sure to bear your essay writing tips in mind, Professor Malfoy.

I can understand not wanting to comment on my meetings with the DL, but I’m probably going to write about them if/when he comes back. I won’t expect a response but putting them down in writing helps me process them. It helps to ground me.

Re: Snape. I don’t know what to think of him. The DL is as convinced he’s loyal to him, as Dumbledore is convinced of the opposite. He was… not nice, but concerned, in the beginning, but now he’s a right bastard all of the time. More awful than he’s ever been. It makes me question why? He was enemies with my dad at school, you know. Or rather, my dad was a prick who bullied him. He’s always taken it out on me, but this feels many steps further than a childish grudge.

He only comes by at the weekends now though - he’s at least useful for keeping track of the weeks as they go by. He’s keeping an eye on my well-being apparently. He says I’m gaining weight and that my cortisol levels are going down (it's a stress hormone, apparently, and he will not stop going on about it, like I can in anyway control how stressed I am when I’m being held prisoner). He still says I’m at an ‘elevated risk’ for sudden cardiac death, but this sounds like something that’s more his problem than mine.

If he’s teaching DADA though, then who’s got potions?

I sometimes wonder about my OWL results. Snape let slip that I’d failed divination (no surprises there), but I’d have liked to know how I did in the others considering all the hours I wasted on preparing for them.

As for hearing about my friends: I think I do want to hear about them, but I’m almost afraid too. I want to know they’re okay, but thinking about them already hurts. I miss them. I don’t imagine the DL will care - what difference could it possibly make to him? His ideology divided families during the first war, I doubt he’s worried it will be a problem this time.

Speak soon,


28th of January 1997


I apologise if I misunderstood, but did you just try to metaphorically hand wave ‘sudden cardiac death’? Am I meant to just gloss over that part of your last letter? Because it certainly sounds like something you should be concerned about. In case your tiny brain is struggling to understand: death is generally considered bad, Potter. You should consider ‘sudden cardiac death’ a bad thing.

Some old professor called Slughorn is teaching potions now - he was the potion’s master years and years ago (he taught my mother and father I believe). He’s an odd one. He’s gone around cherry-picking students for one reason or another (fame or talent or connections) and formed them into something called ‘The Slug Club’.

With a suspected (and as good as confirmed) Death Eater for a father, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that I am not included on the guest list for this illustrious organisation. I imagine that you’d have been his crowning jewel, though.

Granger has met the entry requirements, obviously, being top of the year and darling of the school. And Weasley has as well (both of them, Ronald and Ginevra) - I think the she-Weasley has been chosen for her quidditch skills, and the he-Weasley because he and Granger are co-chairs of the Defence Association. They reformed it in September, and so many students joined up that they’ve had to form multiple classes and even have professors as guest lecturers. Most people refer to it as ‘Potter’s Army’ now though.

I try to avoid your old crowd, if I’m honest. Winding them up just doesn’t give me quite the same satisfaction as annoying you ever did. I’ve been debating whether or not to tell you, but as far as the wider wizarding world is concerned, you’re presumed dead. They still think about you - your friends. It’s obvious. They all wear pins in the shape of a lightning bolt, and Thomas has painted a mural dedicated to you outside the great hall. It’s irritatingly good.

I forgot to tell you that we’ve started learning to apparate. For those of us who are of age in time for the test, we’ll be allowed to attempt to get our licence. It all seems a bit pointless though. Are the Aurors really going to be prosecuting people for apparating without one? Surely, they have better things to do, and surely, at this unsettled time, people should be allowed to apparate for their own safety.

Anyway. How are you and mother getting on?




Sudden cardiac death sounds just that: pretty f*cking sudden. I doubt I’d notice it happening and I think it would piss the DL off royally.

The Slug Club? Are you joking? That’s hilarious - what do they do? Sit, knit, and gossip over tea and biscuits? How weird. I can certainly see Hermione knitting, but not the rest of it (FYI that’s what your mother and I mostly do when we’re not reading - she even cracked out your baby photos the other day. Adorable. I loved the snake teddy bear.)

I don’t know how I feel about my friends thinking I’m dead. It makes me feel kind of hopeless, and like I want to cry. Maybe I shouldn’t hear about them, I don’t know. I’m in two minds. Hearing about them doesn’t make me feel better, but I still want to know more.

I’ve been meaning to say: thank you for taking the time to send me such long letters so regularly. I know you’re probably busy, and I doubt writing to me is high on your list of things you want to be doing with your time, but they really matter to me. They keep me sane.

Thank you.


P..S What I’m reading here, it’s that I’m super special and bullying other people is nothing like bullying me. I think I’m touched.

5th of February 1997



Joking about death is incredibly morbid, but I’m certain that the Dark Lord would take your death as a personal affront. Still, try to avoid it all the same, if you can.

I have no idea what goes on in these little club meetings, because as I said, I’m not invited.

However, I may or may not have attempted to sneak into a party they held recently so that I could tell you what it was like, and I can tell you this: it was extremely weird.

There were plenty of students in attendance, but seemingly even more mildly/moderately famous witches and wizards. I’m not quite sure how they were allowed into the castle - security has been particularly intense recently (for obvious reasons) but Slughorn can invite whoever he likes for a party it seems. What sense does that make? And there was definitely at least one vampire there. There was also an obscene amount of food.

Filch caught me unfortunately, and Snape marched me out and back to the dungeons (but not before I stole a slice of cake). I regret not borrowing Blaise’s camera so I could send you photo evidence. It was bizarre.

Granger came and found me the next day - she cornered me outside of Transfiguration and shouted at me until Weasley dragged her away. She always did have a mean right hook that girl. I couldn’t tell you what she was yelling I’m afraid. She caught me by complete surprise and her voice echoed horribly, but she certainly swore a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her swear before. I just let her have at it. I’m sure I deserve it on some level. It’s obvious she and Weasley think about you still - your name came up a lot in between the swearing.

As a side note: I tried to see if there was any way to access records of students’ grades (to find your OWL results), but apparently, they’re confidential or some such rubbish, and they are only made public record after one hundred years, so if we’re both still alive and kicking in a hundred years, I’ll let you know your OWL results then, okay?

And believe it or not, Potter (because I’m certainly struggling with it), but writing to you hasn’t been as much of a hardship as I might have expected.



P.S Don’t delude yourself Potter - you’re in no way special, it’s just incredibly entertaining how red you get when you’re angry.

Waking up that morning, something in Harry felt… different. Something felt settled. He felt centred, as if he were existing in every part of his body at once.

He’d been meditating (or trying to anyway) every night before bed, ever since he had found the book on divination, and while he always awoke feeling well rested, he never felt like this. He never felt so… full of potential. Could it be that the meditation was working?

A sudden thrill of inspiration took him. Flat on his back, practically smothered between his pillows, he lifted an arm into the air above him and pointed at the ceiling. He opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated.

No. No, something about this felt wrong. It felt forced. This wasn’t how he felt when he cast magic.

He very deliberately relaxed his hand and uncurled his fingers, until his hand was held in a pose that felt natural and easy. He took a deep breath and tried to sink his way into himself, and the feeling of connection at his centre.

Slowly, carefully, the settled sensation returned to him. Now what spell to cast?

Well, there was one he had longed for for weeks now.

Closing his eyes, he opened his mouth, and said, “Tempus!”

He knew it had worked before he even opened his eyes.


I KNEW you had a snake teddy! And no, she has yet to produce your baby photos for me to coo over, but I’ll convince her one day, just you wait.

Thanks for trying to look for my results for me - you didn’t have to do that. If we’re still around in a hundred years we can open them together, but I don’t think it will be worth the wait somehow. I almost certainly failed History of Magic as well as divination, and the rest I imagine I achieved a middle of the road pass. A’s and maybe one or two E’s (except DADA - I definitely got an O in that one).

Talking of divination: bizarrely it’s actually proving to be helpful to me at the moment. I’ve been following some meditative techniques in a book I found that are all designed to connect you with your ‘inner eye’ to better predict the future, but what these techniques actually do is help you connect with your magical core. I’ve been hoping (futilely so far) that it might help me with wandless magic so I can attempt making a prosthetic eye, and I’ve not really gotten anywhere so far. But this morning I was able to cast a wandless tempus!!! I know it’s small, but I was so excited.

I’m sorry, but did I read that right? Did you crash a party for me? For little old me? Why Draco, I didn’t know you cared. I’m blushing!

How long did you manage before you got kicked out? And how was the cake?

I’ve never heard Hermione swear before either. I miss her, and Ron. And you might be a pointy git, but for probably the first time ever, I don’t think you deserved to get shouted at.

You didn’t do this to me. We’re both just kids caught up in a war we have no control over, whose sides were picked out for us before we were even born. Though, I don’t know if there’s a side for me to be on anymore.

The DL said that the Order and Dumbledore wouldn’t even have me back now - that they’d consider me compromised. I don’t know how true that is, but it plays on my mind a lot. I just want things to go back to the way they were.

Anyway, I should stop writing about sad things. These letters are meant to cheer me up. Tell me something funny.


12th of February 1997


Is there anyone who manages to pass divination? Regardless of how you or I feel about the woman, it has to be said that Umbridge had a point when it came to Trelawney. The woman was a total fraud!

However, I’m very interested to hear how you’re using divination techniques to accomplish wandless magic. You shall have to show me when I return for Easter.

And do rein in your ego - I didn’t crash the party for you, I did it for me. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have been curious as well? And the cake was dry and bland. I’d give it 3/10 and would not recommend it.

We may not have chosen our sides Potter, that much is true, but in many ways, I do deserve Granger's blame. Purebloods believe in collective familial responsibility. My family has wronged you, and in order to maintain my family’s honour, I must try and set things right. I have no idea how I can truly achieve that, but I am obligated to try. And if writing to you goes a little way towards that goal, then I’ll write to you every day if I have to.

For reason we have already discussed, I can’t comment on what the Dark Lord has said to you about the Order, but I find it difficult to believe that Granger and Weasley wouldn’t have you back in a heartbeat.

f*ck Dumbledore.

f*ck the Order.

They aren’t the world. They aren’t the only people you matter to. Who cares what they think? And if they think for a second that you’re anything other than an annoying, goodie-two shoes, golden boy, then well - they never knew you at all.


Normally, when she delivered him his letters from Draco, Narcissa didn’t even bother trying to gain his attention until he had lowered the parchment in his hands. He found them singularly absorbing, and often read, and re-read sections, sometimes because of their content, but other times to simply admire the elegant nature of his handwriting. No wonder he had called Harry’s penmanship chicken scratch.

He wished they were talking in person. There was so much he wanted to say that he couldn’t fit in a single letter. He wanted to know about the party. The party that Mafloy claimed to have attended without an invitation for his own benefit, but that Harry was sure he had crashed just for Harry. Just to tell him all about it.

He wanted to ask about the ‘familial responsibility’ as well. Just reading those words made Harry’s heart hurt.

He… he wasn’t naive. He knew that Malfoy was only writing to him out of a sense of obligation, but to see it written down made his gut clench, and he found himself contemplating what exactly Malfoy’s words could mean for far longer than usual.

So long in fact, that Narcissa had apparently become bored with waiting for him to return to earth and had instead gotten to her feet and begun to pace about the rooms.

“This suite was the first guest room completed when the Manor was built, you know? It’s been renovated many times since then, obviously, most recently in the late eighteenth century by Lucius’s great-grandmother,” Narcissa trailed a finger across the engraving of a winged horse on a bookcase as she swept around the room, nervous energy apparently propelling her forward. Harry wasn’t sure what it was about today that had compelled her on this pacing monologue, “The Malfoy family used to be famous for breeding them - Aethonan winged-horses. They used to export them all over Europe and they charged through the nose for them, too. Aethonan racing was very popular once-upon-a-time,” she added, strolling carefully through the room, reaching out occasionally to touch a statue or a painting, “before brooms were reliable and fast enough that is, then it fell out of favour somewhat,”

She paused, staring out of the window into the grounds, her eyes fixed in place, though Harry couldn’t see on what. He felt compelled to prod her to keep talking, “What happened to them?”

She jumped a little, clearly not expecting the question, no doubt expecting Harry to still be absorbed in the letter in his hands, but she continued smoothly, “There was an outbreak equine alatus distemper when Lucius was a child - it killed off eighty percent of the herd in a week, including the vast majority of their breeding stock,” a hand on the window sill, she peered over her shoulder at him with a sad smile, “They were the worst effected breeder in all of Europe. Abraxas decided to cut their losses and sold or gave away the rest of the heard. The stable still stands, though,” she turned to the window and pointed out of it at an odd angle, her finger parallel with the pane, “it’s around the back of the property somewhere that way. Abraxas had some notion of using it for printing presses - he wanted to publish his own paper to compete with the Prophet, but in the end, he decided it was simpler to blackmail the Prophet’s Editor in Chief,”

Harry snorted, “Sounds familiar,” he regretted it almost immediately, looking nervously at her, but a knowing smile was tucked into the corner of her mouth.

“Quite,” she agreed. She glanced at the snake curled around his wrist, “If you don’t mind me asking, if you don’t know anything about Greek mythology, how did you name your snake?” She asked curiously.

Harry shrugged, “Looked through books,” he gestured at the shelves that surrounded them, “Picked out the ones that felt right,”

She turned from the window, “Names are important - they shouldn’t be rushed,” she lowered herself back onto the sofa and poured them a drink each, “I didn’t name Draco until he was nearly three months old,”

“What did you call him until you chose his name?” Clotho dipped her nose into his tea and enjoyed a few sips.

“‘Sweet boy’ - which was completely inaccurate. As much as I loved him, he wasn’t a sweet baby at all,” she said with a chuckle, delicately raising her cup and saucer to her chin, “He cried all day every day until he was nearly five months old, and he had the most horrendous piercing cry - the house-elves took to wearing cotton in their ears at all times,”

Harry tried to imagine a tiny wailing Draco Malfoy and a put-upon Dobby trying to work a bottle into his mouth. It was difficult to image Draco Malfoy as anything more than the sneering bully who called Hermione a mudblood. But then he remembered the look on his face the day Harry had had a breakdown in the bathroom, and the letter in his hand. Maybe there was something sweet inside the other boy.


I bet you that Lavender and Parvati passed - they loved that class with a passion, and Professor Trelawney. And you’d be surprised but she wasn’t a total fraud. I know of at least one genuine prophesy that she made (she made it to me, after all), and I know that she made another one to Dumbledore because he told me that that was why he hired her. But yeah, in her day-to-day teaching life she’s pretty bloody terrible.

Still, she didn’t deserve what Umbridge did to her. I hate that woman so much. I still have the scars on the back of my hand from her making me do lines. I think I’ll probably have them forever. In a way they serve as a good reminder that just because someone is in a position of authority, that doesn’t mean that they’re a good person.

I don’t really remember why we picked divination - it all feels so long ago. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but she just kept on predicting my death. I suppose she has to be right about it eventually though.

It’s a shame about the cake after you made all that effort to break into the party to steal it. Tippy is always bringing excellent cake to have with tea - does she make it? The lemon is my favourite.

If you’re only writing to me because you feel obliged to, then please don’t tell me. I know that you and your mother wouldn’t interact with me if you had a choice in the matter, but I’d like to live in ignorance a while longer if it’s all the same to you. It makes things more bearable.

Tell me something about school. How’re the apparition lessons? How’s quidditch?


Harry’s quill hovered over the parchment. He was being a coward. If he were braver, he’d have told Draco to stop writing to him if he was only doing so because of obligation, but he couldn’t face a reality where that meant the letters ended. He was so alone. Narcissa was pleasant and kind, but it wasn’t the same. The Moirai were possessive and protective, but it wasn’t the same.

“Your hair is getting very long,” he froze for the briefest moment at the voice behind him, but he relaxed quickly, “Do you want to cut it?” He made to glance over his shoulder at Narcissa but found himself frozen again when he felt gentle fingers running through his hair. He was torn between the instinct to pull away, and the urge to press closer, “Harry?”

He let out a shuddering breath and peered up at her, “I… no. I think I’ll leave it. For now, at least,”

Her lips twitched into half a smile; she pushed his fringe back carefully and released him with a nod, “As you like,”

Later that evening, after his bath, Harry stared into the mirror in the bathroom. He no longer felt a swooping sensation deep in his gut whenever he saw himself - as if he’d missed the bottom step of a set of stairs. The person who looked back at him wasn’t the same, but it was someone he recognised now. Someone he identified with. Even if that person had longer hair than he’d ever had before, crescent scars up his neck and down his shoulders, and one less eye than he was used to seeing.

It hurt just the smallest amount to realise that he’d let his old self-image slip away and he didn’t even miss it anymore. Harry could only compare it to the first day he hadn’t thought about Cedric after he’d died; it was the end of a mourning process.

With a sigh, Harry swept his long, wet fringe back out of his face.

Even his scar seemed faded, along with the rest of him.

18th of February 1997


At the time, I didn’t mind her (Umbridge) because she was helping to further my father’s goals - to suppress chatter about the Dark Lord and cause you trouble (though, in truth, this was my own personal goal). But as much as I didn’t care, because I ultimately benefitted from her regime, it would be obvious to a blind man that she was evil to the core.

As far as I’m aware, she’s not a supporter of the Dark Lord, but I imagine she’ll be first in line to join ranks if he achieves his ambition of gaining control of the Ministry.

Trelawney told you a prophesy? About what?

Tippy does indeed make the cakes. My favourite is her chocolate one. She makes it with this deliciously thick chocolate ganache in the middle. If you ask her to make it for you, she will.

Apparition classes are fine. It was difficult to begin with, but I found mastering it quite easy once I’d gotten the hang of it. The sensation is still unpleasant though, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used of it.

You shall be no doubt pleased to learn that Slytherin are not doing well at all in this year’s Quidditch season. It’s mostly my fault, and I’m sure I’d be kicked off the team if it weren’t for who my father is (and who he serves). I’ve been somewhat distracted this year, and this term more than ever. I worry constantly about mother, and on occasion, I reluctantly worry about you too (I’d like to stress the word reluctantly, here).

While I may have only originally agreed to write to you to keep my mother safe, if I said I didn’t enjoy exchanging letters with you at least a little bit, it would be a lie. At no point in our original agreement did I commit to writing entire rolls of parchment to you. It’s getting ridiculous quite frankly. I’ve had to ask my mother to send me fresh parchment. And I’m more than a little annoyed with myself to find that I don’t quite hate you the way that I did before. Even writing it down makes me shudder. I feel compelled to insult you in some way to even things out.

Anyway. Tell me how you're getting on with the plans for a prosthetic eye, we haven’t discussed it at all, and I find myself curious.




Harry found himself compulsively organising the items on top of the drawing table. Squaring off the torch on its stand and straightening the rotary tool and the collection of sanding, buffing, and grinding disks that had come with it. Neither could be used without magic. Narcissa had tested them for him, but he knew that wouldn’t be enough. He’d need magic to pull and manipulate the glass into shape – to make it match his eye socket – and magic to insert the iris and runes too.

He rolled a rod of glass against tabletop. There were three. More than he needed, he was sure. Even if he messed up, he could just melt it back down after all. He shouldn’t complain though. It was more than he had ever expected.

There was a tiny bar of gold as well, no bigger than his thumb nail. Just enough, he thought, to make what he needed.

If he ever managed it.

He licked his lips and pressed his fingertips to the base of the torch and willed his magic to come to the surface of his fingers.

He took a deep breath and whispered, “Incendio!” Harry jolted – he could have sworn that for the briefest moment there had been a hint of flame at the torches mouth. But no, there was nothing.

He sighed to himself. One day.


She prophesied that Wormtail would escape at the end of third year and be reunited with the DL and help him return to power. At the time it was more than a little unnerving, but knowing what I know now, I only wish there was a way to go back and change everything. To stop him escaping.

He escaped because of me; you know. Sirius and Remus wanted to kill him for what he’d done, but I persuaded them to spare him. I told them that my father wouldn’t have wanted them to become killers. That may have been true, but it would have been a sacrifice worth making if it had spared us this new world. I’d give anything to undo it all.

I’d say I’m sorry that you’re losing at Quidditch, but we both know it wouldn’t be true. Especially if its Gryffindor that are beating you. I will say that you shouldn’t worry about me (reluctantly or otherwise). I’m as fine as I can be, and that’s enough for right now.

Now onto more interesting news: I haven’t particularly written about the ‘prosthetic eye situation’ because there was honestly nothing to tell - until now that is, which makes me wonder if your mother has told you something?

Anyway, since my last letter, she has been able to acquire all of the materials required to create one! Though I am still lacking a wand, but my wandless magic skills are getting better. I can consistently summon sugar cubes now.

I’ve been reading all about making one for weeks so I’ve been itching to get started, but until I can reliably control a wandless incendio to get a torch burning, I can’t do to much.

The kind of eye that Mad-eye uses is actually quite outdated, you know - it's called the Polyphemus system, though if you ask me, it's a little insensitive to name a prosthetic eye after a cyclops. The new ones are called the Wednesday system (I have no idea why) and use Fire Crab Glass. Under the influence of magic, the glass is actually able to move while keeping its form, so that an iris constructed of gold threads and tethered in place by runes can move freely through its centre.

Certain minerals/gemstones can be incorporated into the iris to change it from a gold colour. For green you can use peridot, but I don’t have any, and if I did I think I’m a long way away from being able to use it.

It’s all very interesting. I’ve read that book cover to cover twice now. I should probably find something else to read, but it’s all so niche. There’s a book on snail husbandry of all things for some reason.


23rd of February 1997


This may come as callous advice, but don’t waste your time daydreaming about what could have been. There is no changing the past, there is only changing the path ahead of us, and while the path we’re both on isn’t one either of us would have chosen, I refuse to believe it’s the path we are condemned to for the rest of our lives. There will be more for us one day.

And yes, you’re right, mother may have let slip that she had a surprise for you, but I didn’t want to spoil it for her.

It does sound very interesting - I’ll be extremely impressed if you even make an attempt at making yourself one. It’s the kind of thing that I’d find myself frozen with self-doubt over: why even try if I’m sure I’ll fail, after all?

And to answer the question you didn’t ask, I imagine that the Wednesday system is named after Odin, the Norse God (after whom the day of the week is named for). He plucked his own eye out as a sacrifice to obtain knowledge. I find myself agreeing with you though: both names are so on the nose as to make me faintly uncomfortable.

If you like, at our next Hogsmeade visit, I’ll visit the gem shop at the end of the street. They’re almost certain to have some peridot on hand. I should forewarn you, however, that peridot isn’t even remotely similar to the colour of your eyes. It’s more of an apple green. I find myself loathing how poetic this sounds, but an actual emerald would be a better match, if you would prefer?

Also, do let me know if you find yourself an unexpected passion for snail rearing. I’m perfectly happy to keep an eye out for any attractive ones in the school grounds, on the condition that you find somewhere appropriate to house them (a terrarium, perhaps?) and keep your Runespoor away from them. I’m not bringing some poor gastropod home only for you to sacrifice it to that thing.




Can I just ask: why are ancient myths all so incredibly morbid? Plucking out eyes, sacrificing babies, blood crimes, torture, mutilation, and an alarming amount of incest (accidental, or otherwise). Your mother has enjoyed sharing some of her favourites with me, and I’m nervous to ask if all of the stories are like that, or only the ones she enjoys?!

If you could get some peridot that would be amazing - thank you!! And the book listed emerald as one of the gems unsuitable for the task - something to do with it acting as a magic sink, so it would effectively absorb the magic that is required for the eye to function. (In case you were wondering, I shall never let you live down the fact that you just compared my eye colour to emeralds you closet romantic).

It may upset you to learn that I have no intention of starting my own snail farm, as you’re quite right, they’d be at risk of being eaten. While Clotho and Lachesis would probably leave them alone if I asked, I think Atropos would eat them just to piss you off.


P.S I tried Tippy’s chocolate cake for the first time, but I stand by my original choice: the lemon is better.

28th of February 1997


Ah yes, Mother always has enjoyed her myths (Ancient Greek in particular). While most purebloods were hearing about Babbitt Rabbity, I was being told about the Labours of Heracles. Interesting? Most certainly! Appropriate for five-year-olds? Definitely not. If you were wondering, these labours were imposed upon Heracles to begin with because he was driven mad and murdered his wife and children.

Hardly appropriate.

Which head is Atropos? Is it the right one? Because if looks could kill, that snake would have killed me ten times over. I may or may not have checked out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and the book says that the right head is the venomous one, so if you would kindly ask her to leave me alone, I would be most grateful.

Unfortunately, the Hogsmeade weekend has been cancelled at the last minute, but don’t worry, peridot is used in some rare and complicated potions. I am almost certain that Slughorn will have some in his personal stores. Wish me luck - breaking into teacher’s personal affects is more your thing than mine, after all.


P.S The lemon does not even compare to the chocolate cake, and you know it, you filthy liar.

Harry struggled to sleep that night. He found himself dwelling on Draco’s last letter, his smart, looping handwriting flashing into his mind's eye every time he was just about to drop off. In the end, he was tossing and turning so frequently that the Moirai gave up sharing his body heat in favour of snuggling further down the bed by herself.

Draco was worried about him. Draco wanted to steal for him. Draco didn’t hate him, he liked him.

This was… ridiculous. He was being ridiculous. So what if Draco liked him? Plenty of people liked him, but the knowledge had never made his cheeks flush like this before.

It felt… nice. It felt… confusing. Merlin he was such a lonely, pathetic, mess.

Harry was still half asleep when he ventured out of his bedroom and into the sitting room the next morning, but it took him only a split second to realise that something was wrong.

He wasn’t alone.

Sat in the armchair that faced his bedroom, his hands folded in his lap and an enormous snake curling around his feet, was the Dark Lord. Red eyes watched him carefully, and something resembling a smile twitched at his lips.

“Ah, Harry,” he said quietly, his voice splitting the silence in the room like a knife, “Good morning,”

Harry felt the Moirai burrowing further under his night clothes, concealing herself further from sight, but something about the way that Nagini’s tongue flicked out and tasted the air told him that she knew they were there.

“G-good morning,” Harry found himself stuttering nervously. It was strange, every time the Dark Lord came to his rooms, it felt like the first time. Harry wondered if the long gaps between his visits were designed to lull Harry into a false sense of security before the Dark Lord arrived and ripped out the rug from beneath him, “I-I’m sorry. I’m not dressed. I didn’t realise you’d be visiting this morning,” he said haltingly.

The ‘smile’ on Voldemort’s face widened, “Oh no matter, Harry, no matter. Please, join me,” Harry’s feet were moving before the man had even gestured to the sofa, “Would you like some tea, Harry?” What Harry wanted was to be left alone, but he nodded anyway; the Dark Lord summoned a pot, and carefully poured Harry a cup, but Harry made no move to grab it. He could see by the way steam curled lazily into the air that it would be far too hot for him to drink, “I must apologise again, Harry. I had not intended to neglect you so, but matters arose that required my attention,”

Harry debated how to answer: was he being baited into asking what he’d been doing again? “That’s… that’s fine. Narcissa has been keeping me company,”

“Indeed,” red eyes trailed over to the set up on the drawing table, “How have you been spending your time, I wonder? Have you yet managed to construct a replacement eye?”

“No… but I have managed some wandless magic,”

Voldemort’s brow raised in dull surprise, “Oh? Show me,” he demanded.

Harry did as he was told, his hand trembling a little as he stretched it out towards the drawing table, “ Accio quill!” He couldn’t help but be relieved when the quill soared through the air towards him without difficulty.

Voldemort considered the quill, his expression blank, “Well, Harry, it is a start I suppose… I’m sure you understand why I don’t feel comfortable providing you with a wand. You do understand… don’t you?”

Harry swallowed, and whispered, “Yes,”

The Dark Lord continued almost as if Harry hadn’t spoken, “I can’t trust you, I’m afraid. Though I doubt you would be able to overpower any one of my Death Eaters, it would be irresponsible of me to risk their wellbeing by putting a weapon in your hand. There will come a day though, sooner than you think, where I shall have no such concerns. There will come a day when you make no effort to escape. There will come a day when you wish to stay here, with me and with my Death Eaters. What do you think about that, Harry?”

He opened his mouth but found no words would come out. He snapped his jaw shut, licked his lip, and tried again, but Voldemort interrupted him.

“The truth, Harry,” he said, his voice dangerously soft, “I want the truth, not whatever words you think will placate my temper and keep you safe,”

He swallowed heavily, “I think… I think that I will never want to stay here. I think that I will always want to escape,”

The Dark Lord smiled, and said softly, “We shall see, Harry… we shall see,” leaning forwards slightly, he flicked his wand out of his robes so quickly that Harry almost didn’t see it, and he found his teacup soaring into his hands, “Now Harry, I am pleased to report that I shall be able to see you more frequently for the foreseeable future. At least once a week,” his red eyes flicked to the pyjamas Harry was wearing, “Do not worry though - I shall be sure to send the house-elf to rouse you in good time, so that we may enjoy breakfast while we are both fully dressed, hmm?”

Harry nodded, and muttered, “Yes, my Lord,”

“Good, very good… you know, I am always surprised by how few questions you ask of me. Are you not curious of what I’ve been doing since we saw one another last?”

“Yes, my lord,” Harry hated how the words fell so easily from his lips. It was automatic now and took no conscious effort.

“I have been finding appropriate lands for the Dementors to inhabit, now that they have abandoned Azkaban,” Harry suppressed a shudder at the mention of the creatures, “Do you know anything of Azkaban and its origins, Harry? It wasn’t even a prison originally. It was constructed by a dark wizard who used it to torture and murder muggle sailors who drifted to close. It was this misery that first attracted the Dementors.

“You know,” he continued, his voice amused, “I find it most interesting that the wizarding population seems so terrified by the thought of my governance, when the Ministry that is currently in office are quite happy to send them to a place of such misery and torment, no matter the minor nature of their crime. Theft, fraud, assaults both minor and grievous, and murder. It matters not. Off to Azkaban you go to be driven mad,” he chuckled, “I understand that your dear Hagrid was sent there a few years ago,” his smile turned cruel, “Ah, yet another example of Albus Dumbledore doing nothing to protect his friends,”

Harry tried not to listen. He tried to sip carefully at his tea and drown out the Dark Lord’s voice with his imagination. He imagined the eye he wanted to create. He imagined lighting the torch on the desk and using it to melt the centre of a rod into a glowing red ball of molten glass. He imagined using magic to pull the glass into shape - using spells and incantations to create a prosthetic that would fit perfectly in place.

The fantasy wasn’t enough though. He found himself listening despite himself, until all he could focus on was the high, cold, hollow quality of the Dark Lord’s voice as he described in detail the torture faced by those who were condemned to Azkaban. Torture that was condoned by the very Ministry that the Order was fighting to preserve.

When the Dark Lord left, Harry walked himself calmly to the bathroom, and vomited.


This chapter and the next chapter have been the bane of my existence for seven whole days.
They’ve been written and re-written three plus times now, and no lie I was on the verge of scrapping the entire fic because I was getting so frustrated with them.
I was struggling to get the right tone, struggling to write in their seperate voices, struggling to keep their conversation coherent, struggling to keep the right level of antagonism and then begrudging enjoyment of one another’s company.
There’s about 2000 words worth of letters that were scrapped but it was just so important I got this chapter right to build their rapport
My god! 😭
I finally have something I think I’m happy with though.
Anyway, I hope people had a good time haha because I need a nap now!

Chapter 12: Harry: The Cracks


Thank you very much for the calendar, really, but did it have to be a naked Quidditch player one?! I opened it in front of your mother for f*cks sake! She was less than impressed, let me tell you. Also, did you just have this to hand?!


Enjooooooy! :)

This and chapter eleven were originally one, but I am terrible at judging chapter lengths.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The DL came to visit again. The more I see him, and the more I listen to him, the more I find myself questioning things. Dumbledore. Hogwarts. The Order. The Ministry. Everything I thought I’ve ever known about our world.

I feel like a traitor. Like I’m becoming exactly who he wants me to be.

But questioning things doesn’t make me a bad person, does it? Thinking he might be right about some things, isn’t the same as supporting him, right?

I can’t tell if I’m having my eyes opened, or the wool pulled over them, and it’s frightening me.

I wish I was at school learning to apparate and playing quidditch and watching you lose to Gryffindor or stealing from teachers. I wish everything was like before. I wish you were my nemesis rather than my confidant. I wish I didn’t feel so alone all of the time.


P.S Sorry for how sad this letter ended up being. It’s all been kind of building up inside me. Why was Hogsmeade cancelled? And don’t go getting yourself into trouble because of me.

4th of March 1997


Asking questions doesn’t make you a bad person, Harry. Not at all. I… I find myself at a loss as to what to say. I imagine that there is nothing I can say, not in writing at least, except this: you’re allowed to have doubts. You’re allowed to think poorly of Dumbledore, without betraying yourself. You’re allowed Harry.

If anything, I think you’re entitled to a little frustration. I say this with no desire to rub salt in the wound, but you’ve been a prisoner in my home for coming up to nine months now. I can’t claim to know what the Order are, or aren’t planning, but I’d have expected more from them. If Snape truly is their man, then surely, it’s worth sacrificing his position as spy to rescue you?

The Daily Prophet released a ‘tell-all’ about what happened in the Department of Mysteries last June. They revealed that there existed a prophesy within the Department about the two of you - you and the Dark Lord, I mean. The Prophet have started calling you the Chosen One, but I think the Ministry realised how de-moralising it was to proclaim a ‘dead’ person the ‘Chosen One’, so have started putting pressure on the Prophet to seed doubt about you being dead.

According to them, you’ve been sighted three times in the last week.

They weren’t able to obtain a transcript of the prophesy, but if you truly are ‘the Chosen One’, then surely, you’re worth more than a spy?

Unless Snape really is on the DL’s side.

I miss playing Quidditch against you - the she-Weasley is playing seeker for Gryffindor now, but you can really tell that she’d be better off as a chaser. She doesn’t fly like you did. You made it look effortless - like you were dancing about the pitch on your broom, and you just happened be playing Quidditch at the same time. She’s effective - her catch rate is 100%, but she’s not captivating like you were.


P.S I’ve included something in this letter for you. Take good care of it because it cost me two weeks of detention. Also: I get myself into as much trouble as I like, scar-head. You’re not my mother.

“I think we should continue our conversation about Azkaban, Harry,”

Harry pushed his occlumency shields forwards, tucking the smallest amount of himself away so he could talk without fear pressing in on him, “Yes, my Lord,”

Voldemort had lied. He hadn’t come to see Harry once a week. He’d come every day, for at least two hours every morning, sometimes with Nagini and sometimes without. The tolerance to fear that Harry had lost had very quickly been rebuilt. He barely had to use his shields at all.

“I thought we might talk about your godfather,”

Harry tried not to react, breathing carefully through his nose, “Yes, my Lord?”

“I do wonder how it is that he ended up in Azkaban for twelve years for a crime he didn’t commit,” it was hard - listening for hours at a time to the Dark Lord as he poured poison into Harry’s ears, “Though the Potter’s may have told people that Black was the secret keeper, surely all it would have taken was an interrogation under veritiserum for him to be proven innocent?” But was it poison? More and more it felt like truths that had been hidden from him, or that he had simply been too naive to consider, “And surely, at the very least, the person who cast the Fidelius charm in the first place would have known who the true secret keeper was,” it was beginning to take its toll. Initially he had tried to double down - insisting to himself that every single thing the Dark Lord murmured to him was a lie. A manipulation designed to twist him. But… but so much of it made sense, “Do you know who cast the Fidelius charm that concealed your parents, Harry?”

“No, my lord,” Harry answered flatly.

“Why, none other than Albus Dumbledore himself,” Harry had been staring into the middle distance, but found his attention abruptly focussed on the Dark Lord’s light grin, “Oh yes,” he said softly, “Albus Dumbledore set the Fidelius charm into place. If anyone would have known the true secret keeper, it would have been him,”

“You’re lying,” Harry snapped, all sense of self-preservation buried with his fear, “You’re lying!”

Voldemort only laughed, “Oh Harry, if only I was,” he shook his head, “No. No, Albus Dumbledore knew who the true secret keeper was, and still he did not speak up when Sirius Black was condemned to Azkaban without a trial. And then, yet again, when Sirius Black’s innocence was revealed to others, he refused to exert his influence on the Minister for Magic to force a trial. To exonerate him. The Minister for Magic, a man who up until this point (I am led to believe) had relied heavily on the headmaster’s guidance and advice. Surely, such a man might have been persuaded to listen. And if not he, then one of the many people in the Winzengamont who were loyal to Dumbledore. It makes one wonder why the great and good Albus Dumbledore would allow an innocent man to remain on the run… can you think of a reason why, Harry?”

Harry could feel his throat trembling, and though he found himself numbed to his emotions in that moment, their physical manifestation managed to push through his occlumency shields, and tears trailed down his cheeks. He didn’t try and play dumb. He knew why Albus Dumbledore might want Sirius out of the picture, “Me?” He whispered.

Voldemort nodded, “Yes, Harry. You,” he tilted his head, considering, “It would have been significantly more difficult for Dumbledore to manipulate and control you had you had a magical guardian - someone who loved and cared for you fighting in your corner. No… no, better to leave you to abusive muggles who kept you ignorant and weak. Do you think that Sirius Black, had he been in his full power as the patriarch of the Black line, would have simply left you at Hogwarts to compete in the Triwizard tournament? I imagine he’d have taken you out of the school, and maybe the country all together. He’d certainly have sued a person or two,” the Dark Lord chuckled coldly, “No, dear Harry. Our dear headmaster couldn’t have that,”

“I don’t believe you,” Harry whispered, tears dripping from his lips and onto his tongue, “I don’t believe you!” He tried to insist, his voice firmer.

“Ah, Harry… but you do.”


Is this peridot?? Did you steal peridot from Slughorn for me? Thank you!! Also: I told you not to get into trouble! Idiot.

I know about the prophesy. The DL showed it to me the first time he spoke with me in this room. It was all about how I had ‘a power he knew not’ and was ‘his equal’. He told me that he’d decided it was self-fulfilling. He said that if I’m meant to be his equal, than he wants me as his ally. I don’t know what to believe. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of man who considers anyone his equal. I don’t know what to believe about Snape either.

‘The Chosen One’ is ridiculous - almost as bad as ‘The-Boy-Who-Lived’ - but if that’s really what they think, then surely you’re right? Surely I’m worth more than a spy? And if Snape isn’t a spy for Dumbledore, what justification could he possibly have given for not rescuing me? Which makes me think that he is a spy for Dumbledore, which means that Dumbledore could rescue me, but won’t. It all leaves me going round and round in circles trying to make sense of everything until I’m so dizzy I feel sick. I hate it.

I wish I could fly again. Flying a broom for the first time is one of my fondest memories. Beating you at Quidditch for the first time comes in close second.

I wish I had a calendar - I wish I had a way of easily keeping track of how many days until you come back. I never thought in a million years that I’d actually miss you, you pointy prick, but I’m lonely. Your mother if good company, don’t get me wrong, but its not the same as having a friend.

And I think we might be friends now. Kind of. Right?


P.S Don’t think I haven’t noticed you using ‘the DL’. I have.

P.P.S You never did say why the Hogsmeade trip was cancelled?’

“What do you two talk about?” Harry glanced up from the drawing table, pausing midway through folding his letter neatly in two; Narcissa was watching him with a bemused smile on her face from the sofa while she twirled her necklace around her fingers, “I can barely tease more than half a roll of parchment out of him, yet you two are sending reels and reels back and forth to one another,”

Harry flushed, “Oh, uh, lots of things,” he said, noncommittal, “The past. What he’s doing. What I’m doing,” he shrugged, “The letters are a bit of a mess, to be honest - a tangled web of crossed topics,” he smiled, then paused when the light caught on the necklace between her fingers and he caught a flash of green, “What’s that?”

Narcissa paused her fiddling and looked fondly down at the chain around her fingers, “It was my mother's engagement ring. Her greatest wish was that she would be able to leave it to a son so that he might use it to propose to his own future wife, but after three difficult pregnancies, three difficult labours, and three girls, she gave up. When Draco was born, she was ecstatic,” Harry slid from his chair and approached curiously, eyeing the enormous emerald green, cushion cut stone with interest, “She lived for only two weeks after Draco was born - she’d always been sickly - but I brought him to see her as soon as I was able. She wept and worked this ring off her finger and pushed it into my hands. She said she wanted me to look after it until Draco was ready to give it to some lucky girl. Here…,” she leant closer, stretching the ring to the extent of its chain to show him, “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Harry nodded and ignored the uneasy feeling in his gut “Very.”

9th of March 1997


That is indeed peridot, and it was all he had, so you had better not lose it.

I wish I had an answer for you about Snape and the Order, but I don’t. I worry that speculating will only upset you, but I will say this: there are people in this world that believe you are worth more than a spy, and I see them at school every day.

I had another run in with your friends yesterday, and I’ve got a black eye to prove it (this time courtesy of the she-Weasley, but I guess I should be grateful she didn’t cast her bat-boggie hex on me).

It was my fault really. I stumbled across them in the courtyard, and rather than keep walking I stopped. I found myself suddenly compelled to talk to them. To tell them about you. But my mouth wouldn’t move, and by the time it would, I had pissed them all off royally for staring and being generally suspicious.

I want to tell them. They should know about you.

And yes, Potter. I think we’re kind of friends. Distant, reluctant, and the victims of circ*mstance, but friends.


P.S I hope you like your gift.

The Moirai were draped around his shoulders, her heads peering down suspiciously at Nagini as she lazily tasted the air from her position at her master's feet, and not for the first time Harry wondered if Voldemort had known he had gifted Harry his greatest defender. She didn’t like them. She didn’t like either of them, but she had the good sense to keep quiet until long after they were alone again.

“Are you listening Harry?” Voldemort asked coldly, dangerously.

“Yes, my lord,” Harry answered immediately, reengaging his brain, “You were talking about… about how it used to be illegal to marry muggles,”

Voldemort watched him for a long, silent moment, before he opened his mouth and began to speak, “One of many steps taken by a foolish Ministry of years gone by to break down the walls that divide us from muggles. The law banning mixed marriages was primarily for the protection of the muggles, you know? As much as the statue of secrecy was to protect us. I would argue that you cannot have one without the other…”

Slowly… slowly… Harry’s ears began to close again. Though he heard every word, he didn’t listen to it. He found he had a sixth sense for when the Dark Lord was approaching a topic that he had decided was especially important for unsettling Harry, but he could tell that this wasn’t one of them.

Perhaps his shields were too effective, he found himself thinking dully. He was very rarely afraid of the Dark Lord anymore, and that wasn’t because he wasn’t frightening, but rather because Harry closed himself off from all feeling when the Dark Lord was around.

It made life more tolerable, but equally more dangerous. It was like losing the ability to feel pain in the middle of a room of naked flames: there was nothing to stop him from getting burnt.


Thank you very much for the calendar, really, but did it have to be a naked Quidditch one?! I opened it in front of your mother for f*cks sake! She was less than impressed, let me tell you. Also, did you just have this to hand?!

The DL keeps visiting me. I don’t know what he’s trying to achieve - no, scratch that. I know what he’s trying to achieve, but I’m confused by his approach. He’s bouncing between undermining the Order, Dumbledore, and the Ministry, and sharing his manifesto with me. It’s… I don’t know what it is. I prefer it when he talks about his vision of the future - it’s so much easier to listen to than when he accuses Dumbledore of deliberately letting Sirius go to Azkaban so he’d have more control over me.

I can’t tell you what it means to me, that you want to tell my friends about me, but Draco: you need to be careful. I don’t want you getting yourself into trouble. What if Ron told his mum, and his mum fed back to the Order, and Snape found out? If he really is on the DL’s side, then you could be in so much danger.

Why won’t you tell me why that Hogsmeade weekend was cancelled?


14th of March 1997


I admit I did not foresee the eventuality where you opened that calendar in front of my mother (though, on reflection, of course she was going to be there when you opened it). Perhaps it would be safer for me to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays? It would certainly save me some uncomfortable questions about what magazine I had to subscribe to in order to receive that calendar.

I hope that Dumbledore didn’t actually deliberately allow your godfather to go to Azkaban. I can’t comment on the truth of such a statement, but I can say with absolute certainty that it’s abhorrent if he did. And I hadn’t considered that Snape might find out if I told your friends about you, but I find myself having to bite my tongue regardless.

I haven’t wanted to tell you why the Hogsmeade weekend was cancelled, because the reason is a grim one. Rosmerta was found hanging from the rafters of her pub, and no one believes its suicide. There’s talk of them reinforcing the wards around the village, but until that happens, there won’t be anymore trips outside of the castle.

I won’t pretend to be sorry for hiding this from you, because I’m not. Your life is grim enough. I didn’t want to make it even darker.


“I do love this room,” Narcissa said with a sigh, pacing around with her hands behind her back as had become her habit, “it’s simply full of history and secrets you know. Some big, some small. Much like the rest of the manor, I suppose,”

Harry glanced about the room, not really listening, his focus on the letter in his hands, his heart pounding. He swallowed,and forced his voice to come out level “Like what?”

“Well, like this,”

Harry distractedly followed her path over to the bathroom door; she pointed to the wooden panel next to the door where a winged horse was rearing up on its back feet. She turned to check he was watching and stroked a careful finger down its mane. The horse shuddered then pitched forwards, landing on its front hooves. It peered up at Narcissa and gave a silent whiny. Harry froze at a quiet click, and watched as Narcissa pressed the panel in. With a cranking noise, the panel disappeared sideways into the wall, and revealed a hiding place as long as Harry’s forearm and deep enough for Harry to put a hand in.

Narcissa turned to him, looking faintly pleased, “There are little hiding places everywhere - excellent for hiding valuables - in the bedroom and bathroom too,”

Harry’s eye flicked from the hiding place to her face, “I can probably guess what your husband might use such hiding places for,” he said dryly, “Ministry raids, perhaps? Though I imagine Lucius bribed them not to look too hard anyway,”

She chuckled quietly, “No bribery necessary,” she denied, “None of those men are capable of the imagination required to find hiding places like these,” she looked back to the hiding place, and closed it again, “Though there are other secrets here too - like the harpsichord,” she gestured to the piano.

Harry frowned, and said slowly, “What’s a harpsichord? Isn’t that a piano?”

She shook her head and beckoned him closer. Harry stood and carefully approached her. She offered him an encouraging smile.

“Harpsichords are like pianos, only the sound comes from plucking the string rather than striking it with a hammer. Listen,” he watched as her delicate finger pressed down on a black key, creating a sound harsher and louder than he had expected. She pressed another, and then another, until she was creating a light, dancing melody.

“I think I prefer pianos,” he said flatly.

“As do I,” Narcissa agreed, “I always think harpsichords are too harsh. But that’s not what I wanted to show you - look,” she leant closer to the propped-up lid of the harpsichord, and the portrait of winged-horses underneath. Harry watched as a flash of lightning spread out across the dark sky, and the horses flinched and reared back, their wings flapping furiously as they fought to keep themselves in the air. Narcissa took a deep breath in, and blew steadily across the portrait, catching the black clouds and pushing them out of the frame. They were replaced by soft, fluffy white clouds, and a vibrant blue sky. The winged-horses visibly relaxed, flicking their manes, contented.

She smiled at him, and Harry tried to smile back. He gave up quickly through and turned back towards the sofa, “Are there other secrets here?”

“Yes, there’s the - ah…,” her voice trailed off into nothing. Harry glanced quickly over his shoulder and found her eyes fixed on the fireplace; her expression morphed suddenly into a fixed smile, and she looked away from the fireplace to Harry’s face, “No,” she said simply, “nothing of interest,” she moved as if to shepherd him back towards his seat, but Harry had already sat himself down.

What was so special about the fireplace, he wondered, deliberately ignoring the fire that crackled behind him. What was so special about the fireplace, that even with the absence of floo powder, Narcissa Malfoy wouldn’t tell him its secret? Whatever it was, he imagined it was a secret that couldn’t help him now.

She lies,” Atropos grunted reluctantly from around his shoulder.

I know,” he murmured back, sinking back into the sofa.


I find myself back in January again, staring down at the parchment, not knowing what to say.

It shouldn’t surprise me, I know, that people are dying, but it still has.

I hope it never stops shocking me though, because if it does, then that means I’ve become used to all of this, and I never want to get used to murder and mayhem and torture and destruction. I want to feel this sick about every single death I hear about, because if I do, that means I’m still me, right? That I haven’t changed.



Harry could feel sweat beading at his brow - half from exertion, the other half from the fine, blue flame he had managed to produce and control from the mouth of the silver torch affixed to the drawing table. He was approaching five minutes now, the longest he had ever managed.

Narcissa acted as a motivational force, “Fifty seconds - don’t give up now,” she said sharply, a slight wobble of excitement in her voice, “Hold it strong, keep your focus. Forty seconds,”

Harry’s jaw was beginning to ache from clenching his teeth together. They’d been at this for hours. Or rather, Harry had been at it, and Narcissa had cheered him on. When she’d first delivered the torch and rotary tool, Harry hadn’t missed the strained edge of her encouraging smile. She hadn’t thought he’d ever be able to use either. Now that he’d proven that he could, she seemed almost as invested as he was in his success.

“There we go, keep it up. Thirty seconds!”

She’d normally have left his rooms an hour or so ago, but shortly after dinner, he had surprised both of them by finally succeeding in not only lighting the torch but in maintaining a steady flame for more than two or three seconds. With Narcissa’s encouragement, he had gradually extended his control further and further. No where near long enough to make something, but long enough to finally believe for the first time, that he just might be able to.

“Twenty seconds - you’re so close!”

Harry suppressed the urge to shudder when a bead of sweat dribbled into his ear. He was nearly there.

“Ten seconds… yes, yes, keep going, keep going! Five… four… three! Two! One! Yes!!” She practically crowed the word, clapping her hands in delight while Harry finally released the spell and allowed himself to slump back into his seat. He peered over his shoulder to her and returned the pleased smile that she aimed at him.

Around her shoulders, the Moirai fidgeted excitedly. As much as they enjoyed the heat, they’d quickly become uncomfortable with the constant exposure to the torch’s naked flame.

“I think I could do with a nap now,” Harry admitted, tiredly pushing himself out of the chair and sitting at her side, “That was exhausting!”

“That was excellent,” Narcissa corrected him, stretching out a hand to allow the Moirai to slither back to Harry, “Most excellent. There’s a long way to go, I’m sure you know, but you’ve made leaps and bounds in just one day!”

Harry worked at a sleepy grin, slumping back against the sofa, his body feeling like jelly.

All it took was a familiar voice from behind him, however, for his posture to turn from relaxed, to tense.

“Dear sister, here you are,” Harry was on his feet in an instant, spinning abruptly to face the door, “Lucius and I were beginning to think you’d gotten lost on your way back downstairs,” Bellatrix stood with her arm stretched up against the edge of the door, her lips twisted into something that resembled a smile, her yellowing teeth on show, “It’s much later than usual - what kept you?” Though Bellatrix spoke to her sister, her eyes were fixed on Harry.

Cold dread pooled in Harry’s gut, and memories of cold stone and echoing screams threatened to overwhelm him. He held them in place though, his occlumency shields keeping his breath calm and even, and his heart beating steady and true in his chest.

“Bella!” Narcissa was suddenly stepping past him towards her sister, “What are you doing here?” She said through her teeth, wrapping her fingers tightly around Bellatrix’s wrist and pulling her sharply from the door.

Bellatrix offered her an insincere pout, “Why! I was looking for my baby sister! Am I not allowed to worry after my baby sister?” She made to pinch Narcissa’s cheek, but her hand was slapped away.

“Stop it,” Narcissa said sharply, glancing nervously over her shoulder towards Harry, “You know you shouldn’t be here,”

“Why ever not! I’m not here to hurt the boy,” she grinned over her sister’s shoulder, “The Dark Lord has made his feelings clear about that,”

“All the same,” Narcissa stepped past her, her grip on Bellatrix’s wrist turning her from Harry and pulling her towards the door, “I doubt he’d approve of this. Now come on, let’s go,”

Bellatrix let out a dramatic sigh, “Oh, fine, Cissy - fine! I was only curious,” she shuffled backwards after Narcissa, but her eyes never left Harry.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Harry,” Narcissa said curtly, sending a worried look in Harry’s direction.

“Bye bye baby Potter,” Bellatrix said mockingly. Her wide, frightening smile was the last thing Harry saw of them before the door was pulled shut.

The silence was deafening. Harry released the breath he had been unintentionally holding, and waited for the fear to rush in. But it never did. In its place, he found cold, hard fury lodged in his gut, pressing up against his throat and fighting to get out, and he realised something abruptly: he wanted to hurt Bellatrix. No. He didn’t just want to hurt her. He wanted to ruin her. She had taken his eye? Well, he wanted to take both of hers. She had cut him again and again? He wanted to slit her throat and watch her bleed.

The viciousness of the thoughts should have alarmed him, but they didn’t. It was difficult to be alarmed by an idea that he was so utterly comfortable with.

He… wouldn’t have been so comfortable with the idea before though, he realised, a sinking sensation in his stomach. Before June. Before June, he had let the man responsible for his parent's death walk free. More than that - he had stopped his would-be murderers. Now though… well… now though.

The cracks had begun to show, he realised, and that? That was something that did alarm him.

“That woman,” Atropos hissed in his ear, “She smells of evil,”

“Damaged,” Clotho murmured, “Broken. Insane. Cruel,”

“Mad as a box of cats,” Harry muttered his agreement.

“Cats are mad?” Clotho asked sounding thoroughly confused. It had never occurred to him that snakes might not understand idioms, but he supposed it was obvious on reflection.

“I don’t like her,” Atropos growled, baring her fangs, “She wishes you ill. She was insincere. Who is she?”

“She supports the Adversary,” Harry told her, “She took my eye for him,”

All three heads hissed furiously, but it was Lachesis who spoke, “She is the Zealot,”

“The door is open,”

“What?” Harry said at once to Clotho’s dreamy comment: his eye snapped to the door, “What?” He repeated, taking a nervous step forward. The door didn’t look open from his position.

“The door is open,” Clotho insisted, “There is a breeze coming through the gap,”

Slowly, cautiously, Harry approached the door, his footfalls silent against the thick carpet. He half expected something to jump out him, or some barrier to appear to stop his advance.

Nothing ever did.

Before he knew it, he had crossed the room, and his gaze was fixed on the crack of the door, and the slither of corridor he could see beyond. Clotho was right, he realised as adrenaline thrilled up his spine: the door was open.

Harry found himself frozen by indecision. What… what should he do?

The Gryffindor part of him demanded that he rush forwards. That he wrench the door open and try his level best to escape. But another part of him… the part of him that had been nearly sorted into Slytherin, demanded that he stay put. This could be a trap, he reasoned. Or a test. To see if he was trustworthy. Either way, it didn’t take a genius to realise that this wasn’t simply a mistake. The door had been left open deliberately.

Why had Bellatrix really come to his rooms that evening?

Despite knowing this, ultimately, there was a reason beyond Harry’s choice that had had the hat placing him in Gryffindor.

Harry swallowed his nerves and pulled the door open.

He stared out into the corridor beyond. It was long and dark, illuminated by dimly lit chandeliers - three of them, spaced at regular intervals and ending above a thick mahogany bannister.

“What are you doing?” Clotho whispered curiously.

Harry licked his lips nervously, “I have no idea,” he admitted taking a shuffling step forward, his toes edging across the threshold, “but I have to try,” he felt her coils shudder against him, and she wasted no time in slithering under his robes and pressing her body against his. He felt her tongues tickle against the nape of his neck.

It took an agonisingly long time for him to gather the courage to step out of the room, but once he had, he felt as if he had pulled himself free of the metaphorical shackles that had bound him to the room. He crept onwards, his eye darting about the walls, his heart hammering in his chest and his stomach roiling nervously as he watched life sized portraits of blonde, aristocratic witches and wizards as they watched him back.

None of them seemed particularly interested in him, he realised with relief. There was no one rushing their way out of their frames and sprinting off to tell someone he was trying to escape.

At the top of the U-shaped staircase, his hand on the mahogany bannister, Harry was rooted to the spot by second thoughts.

This was a trap. This was definitely a trap. He knew it was a trap, so why keep going? He should go back. He wasn’t about to escape; he was just about to walk himself into more pain and suffering. He should go back.

He didn’t though. He took one step forwards to the step below, and he didn’t stop walking until they ran out. He didn’t count the flights. He had no idea how many floors he had walked down, he was too distracted straining to hear for the slightest noise and darting his eye about looking for even a hint that someone might be approaching or hiding in the shadows.

At the bottom of the stairs, the sound of his feet against the carpet became even more muffled. There was stone beneath his feet now - carpet on stone rather than carpet on wood. This was good, he tried to sooth himself. His steps would be even quieter now. But it drew his attention to something he hadn’t considered before now: he wasn’t even wearing shoes. What was he going to do if he got outside? Was he going to go sprinting barefoot through the night? The sun had nearly set. By the time he managed to get outside of the grounds it would be dark, and he’d be trying to escape with nothing but the stars to see by.

f*ck, he should just go back. It wasn’t too late. All he had to do was carefully walk back up the stairs, back through the corridor into his rooms and close the door behind hi-

No! No. No, he wasn’t turning back now, he thought determinedly. He had to keep going.

He had… no idea where he was going though, he realised as he tiptoed ever forward. There was nothing in the impossibly tall ceilings and panelled walls that even hinted at the way out. There were no shadows of people congregating behind doors to suggest where he should avoid, and no cold breezes to suggested where he should proceed.

In the end, he wandered endlessly onwards, hoping and praying that he would find his way.

When he turned a corner and saw yet another long corridor, and at its end a wide archway that opened out into an enormous stone room, Harry thought that, against all the odds, he might have made it to an exit. As he crept closer, and the air turned colder, he knew with certainty that he had.

Hope threatened in his chest as he padded cautiously out into what he realised by the enormous, bolted doors to his left, was an entrance hall. He took a single step in its direction, a smile threatening on his lips, when a movement in the shadows out of the corner of his eye had him freezing.

He snapped his gaze to the side, watching in horror as an unfamiliar figure emerged from the gloom of the dark corridor ahead of him. It was a man - a Death Eater - with lank dirty blonde hair hanging in curtains around his face, and an enormous scar that stretched from his hairline, through his brow and lip and to the tip of his chin. The man smiled at him revealing broken and missing teeth.

He spoke, and when he did, it was with a familiar oily voice that chilled Harry to the bone, “Hello, pretty little bird,”


For a moment, neither of them moved, and then the moment ended.

Harry leapt into action, lunging back the way he had come and sprinting desperately for the long corridor behind him and the rooms above that he hoped and prayed promised safety. If he couldn’t hurt himself in there, then surely no one else could either?

In the end, it didn’t matter. He only made it two steps before a fist in his hair was wrenching him backwards. He cried out in alarm, reaching back and scratching at the hand that had grabbed him and was twisting his head down. He was forced sideways, then forwards. His glasses bit painfully into the bridge of his nose as his face was smashed against the cold stone wall.

Mulciber plastered his front to Harry’s back, trapping him against the wall. He chuckled into Harry’s ear, and Harry found himself immobilised by fear, “Now now, little bird… where are you going?”

Mulciber’s body was suddenly gone, but it wasn’t for long. The man used the leverage he had over Harry’s scalp to drag him back, and spin him round, shoving his back up against the wall. Harry whimpered at the sight of his broken teeth, the pattern of them familiar and something he had seen every night embossed into his own skin.

Harry pressed his hands against the man's chest, trying desperately to force him away, “Get off me! GET OFF!

Mulciber only laughed, squeezing his free hand around Harry’s throat and leering closer.

He was so heavy, barely moving an inch no matter how hard Harry tried to push him back, and pressing closer and closer until their chests were flush and their noses were nearly touching.

Mulciber was talking - Harry could tell by the movement of his jaw and the brush of his rank breath against his cheek - but Harry couldn’t hear what he was saying. His ears were full of the sound of his own panting, desperate breathes and his terrified cries.

He pawed frantically at the man's chest, when his fingers closed around something cold and hard strapped to his ribs. It was a handle of some kind - a weapon? A wand handle? His fingers had just managed to close around it, when Mulciber was suddenly rearing back and screaming furiously.

Even though he had been released, Harry couldn’t move. He watched, transfixed as Mulciber howled and howled, cradling his hand (the one that had been wound around Harry’s hair) to his chest, “What the f*ck?! WHAT THE f*ck!!?” He looked up, practically foaming at the mouth, revealing that his hand was very quickly turning a furious red colour, starting from two small, white puncture marks in the webbing between his finger and thumb, “You bitch - YOU LITTLE f*ckING BITCH!!!

Harry flinched as Mulciber lunged forwards, but the man was suddenly blasted back with an enormous bang. He landed flat on his back, his pained groans echoing against the stone walls.

Harry didn’t have long to take in the sight of the man writhing in agony on the floor, before a hand around his wrist was wrenching him away from the wall and pulling him determinedly away from the entrance hall and back the way Harry had come before.

Harry didn’t even think to fight. He was shaking so badly that he was amazed he could even stand without assistance.

His eye trailed from the hand that was dragging him onwards, up the arm that it belonged to, and landed on familiar platinum blonde hair that spilt over a broad back. Lucius Malfoy didn’t speak to him or even acknowledge him; he simply marched him onwards. Harry didn’t resist.

When Harry tripped on a step and nearly fell, Malfoy Senior’s grip around his wrist doubled in strength and yanked upwards so that his knees didn’t even hit the ground. Harry caught sight of a disdainful sneer through blonde hair, before Malfoy looked forwards and continued their march.

He left Harry in his rooms, slamming the door behind him, all without saying a single word.

Harry stood in front of the door, numb and shaking, and taking in the room in front of him. He couldn’t have been gone for more than ten minutes, but he felt as if there should have been some tangible sign around him that time had passed between him exiting and returning. Of course, there wasn’t.

“My Own? My Own?! Are you alright?” Lachesis hissed urgently, burrowing out of his shirt to peer nervously in his face. Harry’s eye looked between the three heads.

Lachesis looked anxious, Clotho looked terrified, and Atropos looked furious. Red blood trailed down her chin and Harry realised abruptly what had happened. Atropos had bitten him.

He nodded silently, looking slowly down to his hand as he registered that he had been holding something the entire walk back to his rooms. There was a knife in his hand, long and ornate and terrifyingly sharp.

For a long time, he simply looked it, and waited for his brain to engage. He came back to himself with a shuddering gasp.

Oh f*ck.

f*ckf*ck f*ck!

No. No, he needed to control himself. He needed to get ahold of himself right now!

He tried his best to force his occlumency shields into place, and while he did a good enough job to afford himself clarity, nothing he did would stop the trembling of his hands.

For the first time, he had a weapon, and he needed to do something with it. He didn’t think Lucius had even registered that Harry had it, but Mulciber would certainly notice its absence. He needed to hide it. He needed to hide it somewhere it would never be found.

His eye darted around the room furiously, hunting and searching for something to do with it, when he landed on the wooden panel beside the bathroom door. The one with a winged-horse rearing onto its hind hooves, and Harry knew immediately what to do.

He barely remembered moving. One moment he was by the door, and the next he was stroking a shaking finger down the horse's mane. His heart hammered in his chest, and his panting breath sounded almost deafening as he waited for the panel to disappear into the wall.

He pressed the blade clumsily into the hiding space, barely registering as the blade nicked his wrist. He swore, frustrated as he struggled to figure out how Narcissa had closed the space again, working his fingers around the edges and searching desperately. Finally, his fingertip found the smallest button. He pressed it and the panel slid back into place.

The sound of the door handle turning had Harry rushing back into the middle of the room, so that when the Dark Lord Voldemort stepped over the threshold, he was nowhere near his new hiding place.

The Dark Lord’s eyes found his immediately, and fixed him in place as he approached slowly, carefully, until Voldemort was peering down at him, his expression considering. Harry’s heart was beating so wildly he thought he might be sick, but he refused to look away, staring up defiantly at the taller man and hoping that he didn’t look as frightened as he felt.

Voldemort’s slit like nostrils flared as he exhales heavily through what remained of his nose, “Oh, Harry,” he said softly, his voice toeing the fine line between gentle and dangerous; he raised a slender finger to Harry’s face and carefully stroked his cheek, “What a mess he’s made of your face, hmm?” Harry said nothing, resisting the urge to slap the hand away, “I understand why you did it, Harry. It is only natural, to want to escape. In some countries, it is not even against the law to attempt to escape prison, the instinct considered so natural that it isn’t punished,” he allowed his hand to fall, and Harry suppressed his sigh of relief, “I am a benevolent Lord, Harry. I know you may not believe it, but today I shall prove it to you. I forgive you Harry,” he nodded slowly at the shuddering breath that escaped Harry, “Yes, Harry. I forgive you.

“But understand,” he continued, “I will only forgive you this one time. Should you attempt to escape again, then there will be consequences. Do you understand?”

Harry swallowed, and his voice came out hoarse, “Yes, my Lord,”

“Of course - it is not really your fault. But do not worry: Bellatrix will be punished for her actions, and as for Mulciber, well,” he chuckled, “I dare say he has already learnt his lesson from this experience,” he raised a hand to Harry’s cheek again, but Harry flinched back.

“I don’t understand,” he bit out, “I. Do. Not. Understand. Why the f*ck am I here?!” His voice came out as a sudden shout, “Why am I even still alive?! Why won’t you just f*cking kill me and get it over with?! Death would be better than this!! Please! Please…,” he tried to swallow back his shuddering sobs, “Please just kill me. Please. I just want out of this f*cking room, and if death is the only way, then I’ll take death. Please. Please,”

Voldemort sighed, shaking his head sadly: an act that Harry didn’t believe for a moment. He reached out and carefully folded his hands around Harry’s wrists, encouraging him to the sofa, “Oh Harry. You must understand, this room is for your own safety, not only from my less obedient Death Eaters, but from the Order as well,”

Harry scoffed wetly, pulling his wrists free and shuffling back down the sofa and away from the man, “From the Order?” He said incredulously, “Why the f*ck would you need to protect me from my own friends? From my people?!”

“There is something I have been hiding from you, Harry,” Voldemort said gently, “Something that Dumbledore has hidden from you too. I hid it to try and protect you from it, but I can see now that denying the truth is causing you more harm than good, and so I shall tell you.

“When I came to your house on Halloween Harry, all those years ago, and your mother died to save you, and a mere baby defeated the greatest wizard the world had ever seen, something else extraordinary happened. When my killing curse rebounded upon me, my physical body was destroyed and my spirit fled… but not all of it,” Harry’s mouth turned suddenly dry, “You see Harry, it is well known that the act of murder causes the soul to become torn, and so when my curse rebounded, the part of my soul that had been ripped upon killing your mother broke free. This fragment, with me fled and gone, then sought refuge in the nearest living being - you.

“So, you see, Harry,” he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, but still Harry could hear every word, “while a portion of my soul remains attached to yours, I can never truly die. Should someone wish to kill me for good, they would also need to banish the part of my soul attached to you. And it is for this reason, dear Harry, that if Dumbledore truly wishes to realise his vision of destroying me, he will have to kill you first.”

The crack inside Harry widened.

If Voldemort continued to speak, Harry didn’t hear him. A high-pitched wining noise rendered him nearly deaf. He barely noticed when the Dark Lord left either, his eye fixed on the horsehead bust that peered over the mantel piece and into the flames in the hearth. He felt numb. Empty and bare, a vacuous emptiness in his chest where he had once existed.

He came to himself just long enough to whisper to the snake around his neck, “Was he telling the truth?”

“The Adversary was being honest,” Lachesis answered nervously.

When Narcissa came to his rooms several hours later, Harry had not moved from his spot on the sofa.

“Harry?” She said carefully, “Harry, are you alright?”

He turned his head to look at her. He swallowed dryly, and said, “Will you cut my hair?”


Dun dun duuuun!
Hope people enjoyed :)

Chapter 13: Severus: Glue Traps


“No. This is far more complicated than simply extending the war- ah!” Severus dropped his knife with a clatter and gripped his burning forearm with a hiss.

“Severus?” Minerva said sharply, “Severus - is it…?”


I don’t think I’ve said, but the chapter count is only an estimate and a low one at that.
I have increased it to 40 because I cannot for the life of me judge chapter lengths 😂.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Severus? Are you listening to me?”

Severus automatically straightened in his seat, “Of course - please, continue,” he glanced between the plate in front of him and Minerva to his side. She watched him with a dubious frown. He tried to focus on her face rather than the flash of red hair he could see just over her shoulder, “I am listening,” she’s not real, she’s not there, this is all in your head, “I… I am listening, I am simply weary,” he admitted reluctantly.

“Weary… I wonder if Harry is weary,” he focussed on his plate, cutting his roast potato in two and adding peas to his fork. If he just ignored her, she’d go away eventually. She always did in public. It was when he was alone that she became particularly tenacious.

Minerva’s expression became immediately understanding, “I see… we can talk about other matters, Severus? Or simply eat in silence?” She offered.

It was a strange and sometimes reluctant friendship that he had with Minerva McGonagall, but one he was growing increasingly grateful for. She was the only person he saw on a regular basis who both knew the precarious role he was playing, and also recognised its great personal cost.

Albus may have recognised it too, but he had always been too Slytherin in nature to allow himself to truly care the way that Minerva did. Severus couldn’t blame him. He imagined it would grow difficult to continuously ask someone to risk their life if you allowed yourself to care about the consequences they might face for following your orders.

No,” he rebuked at once, cutting into his beef with renewed vigour, ignoring the face he could feel pressing in on his periphery vision, “No. This is important - not only for the Order but for the people of Hogsmeade as well,” he reminded her quietly.

“Poor Rosmerta,” she sighed, her voice a whisper in his ear, “What did she ever do to deserve that?” Rosmerta had been found, a noose around her neck and swinging from her pub’s creaking rafters, “I’ll never understand why you chose to join them, Sev. You’re not even pureblood,”

Severus cleared his voice, “Please: continue,”

“Alright… as you wish,” Minerva said reluctantly, clearing her throat a little and checking the small privacy ward that surrounded them at the end of the faculty table, “Scrimgeour has suggested we provide the residents with alarms that are linked both to the castle and to the Aurors themselves, however Albus feels it is unreasonable to expect the staff to go running into unknown danger, playing Auror with none of the experience or training (which I don’t disagree with). But also, that would be leaving the castle and her students unprotected. As callous as it might sound, the residents of Hogsmeade are grown witches and wizards: I would not choose to protect them over the children living here,”

“Who’s protecting my child now, Sev? No one,”

Severus nodded, dropping his fork to rub at his eyes, “Indeed,” he agreed, swallowing back the wave of guilt that threatened to eclipse him.

“Are you sure you wish to continue, Severus?” Minerva asked immediately, “I… I know the toll that Saturdays take on you,” she added nervously.

Severus suppressed the urge to snort. Saturdays were not what plagued him now, but she wasn’t wrong. Just the word had dread pooling in his gut.

He hated them.

Saturdays meant Mafloy Manor. They meant sitting across from Harry Potter and casting every diagnostic charm known to man, as if they had some kind of therapeutic value. Looking at him every week had guilt burrowing into Severus’s chest like a disease. The boy was looking somewhat healthier now - less gaunt - but the improvement was only skin deep. Severus didn’t miss the haunted look in his eye.

Potter needed a healer, really. A mind healer, and one that specialised in magical cores. Perhaps it was naive of him to presume that the damage that had been done by six months of magically assisted dissociation might have healed by now. It hadn’t, of course. Not fully. While there was some improvement, Potter’s core remained fractured and straining at the seams.

If there were no further improvements, in the short term and in the absence of any extraneous circ*mstances, the boy might not experience any negative effects. In the long term though? Well, without magical intervention, cardiac arrest before he turned thirty seemed inevitable. They still had time though - a few years perhaps - before the damage was irreversible.

It didn’t offer Severus any comfort. It didn’t offer her any comfort either, and she made sure he knew it.

The Dark Lord had seemed unconcerned, however. He was convinced that, before that time came, he’d have succeeded in his campaign, and Potter would receive the highest quality of care that St Mungo’s could offer.

The man was… obsessed with Potter. He wanted to know everything about the boy, and Saturday afternoons were spent answering his every question about his life. His experiences. His friends. His family or lack thereof. For the questions that Severus had no answer for, he found himself assigned the task of discovering those answers. Severus didn’t need to be a genius to understand why he was so interested in Potter: how better to turn him, than to understand his every motivation.

“Please, Minerva,” Severus said through a sigh, “Just… continue. We only have an hour until the Order meeting,”

Her lips twisted into a dubious expression, “If you’re sure,”

The Order meeting. The final reason Severus despised Saturdays. With him already being near the end of his tether, he found them exhausting. If he were a lesser man, he’d skip them and rely on someone like Minerva to provide him with the cliff notes. But he wasn’t a lesser man, and his role in this war was too important for him not to understand every single move being made. He doubted she would ever leave him alone if he tried to skip them either.

And then there was the second meetings that sometimes followed - the one about Potter. He was relieved that no such meeting was planned for that evening. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to maintain a civil tongue.

He was beginning to regret accepting the Defence post: Albus had been right. The Dark Lord had heavily implied he expected Severus to leave the school at the end of the academic year and have him assume the role of Potter’s teacher. Even more worryingly, he was thinking about giving Potter his wand back.

He couldn’t see Potter trying to curse Narcissa, but he doubted the boy would have any such concerns about Severus. And while Severus was confident in his own ability to defend himself, there was the Runespoor to consider as well. Though generally non-aggressive in nature, Runespoor venom was nothing to sniff at. He might not die, but he’d be in for a world of pain.

He was already struggling with Saturdays. He wasn’t sure how he’d manage when every day became a Saturday. When he spent every day blocking out a phantom voice he hadn’t heard in nearly sixteen years. A voice that he loved, but who hated him.

“I’m sure,” he insisted.

Minerva sighed, but continued, “The idea of extending the castle’s wards has also been bandied about - I’m not sure by who, but it's almost certainly some idiot who’s not going to have to figure out how to extend millennia old wards that are anchored nearly a mile deep into the earth,” she said dryly.

“It’s not impossible, but yes, you’re right, it would be quite an undertaking. And the effects to the villages economy should be considered - unless we’re planning on allowing shoppers to have unlimited access to the village and therefore the school, it will need to be virtually inaccessible to anyone but residents,” on his other side, he saw the chair being pulled out and a figure taking a seat. He knew that if he turned to look, he’d see nothing at all. She always remained just out of sight, with her voice emanating from a point that didn’t quite correspond with where he thought he could see her.

He should see a healer. He should definitely see a healer.

Minerva hmm’ed in agreement, “Yes, yes,”

“And then we must consider the floo system - villagers would have to consent to their personal fireplaces being warded as well. And then we’d have to think about the possibility of villagers who are sympathisers to the Dark Lord and may allow Death Eaters access to the village and school,” he shook his head, “No. This is far more complicated than simply extending the war- ah!” Severus dropped his knife with a clatter and gripped his burning forearm with a hiss.

“Severus?” Minerva said sharply, “Severus - is it…?”

He gritted his teeth, carefully releasing his forearm, his eyes darting cautiously about the hall to see if anyone had noticed his reaction. He relaxed back into his seat, “Yes,” he reached for a napkin to carefully dab at his mouth, still surveying the hall for any watchers. His gaze finally found the one person who was staring up at the table: Mafloy. A figure with long red hair stood just at his shoulder, but Severus ignored her in favouring of returning Malfoy’s gaze just long enough to make it seem as if he were unconcerned by his observation, “I must leave,” he said shortly, straightening his sleeves and breaking eye contact with Malfoy to look over his shoulder, but as he expected, she was gone, “You will tell Albus?”

“Yes,” Minerva said at once as he pushed his seat back, “Yes of course. Be safe, Severus,”

He offered her a single nod before he turned to sweep his way out of the hall. He didn’t try to pretend he wasn’t rushing. He glanced over his shoulder before he left and was unsurprised to find Malfoy’s eyes still fixed firmly on him, the figure who had been behind him nowhere to be seen.

The moment both of his feet were across the castle boundaries, he disapparated.

He paused for a moment at the edge of the wards, half expecting the flick of red hair amongst the trees just beyond his vision, but there was nothing to see.

Against his better judgement, once he had passed the manor’s wrought iron gates, he strode directly down the gravel drive towards the main entrance. As a rule, he tended to avoid the manor’s entrance hall. More often than not, Mulciber could be found standing just outside of the doors smoking. Severus did not feel threatened by the man; on the contrary, Mulciber would greet him with a wide grin and a slap on the back as if they were old friends.

He hated it, not only because he didn’t particular want the man anywhere near him, but because he wasn’t wrong. They were old friends, once upon a time, and knowledge of the evil he’d so willingly welcomed into his life made him feel sick. It made it increasingly difficult to look at Potter as well, and he already needed every one of his faculties in place in order to continue maintaining his cover in front of the boy.

Standing in the entrance hall, he didn’t find Mulciber, however. Instead, he found someone he despised nearly as much: Wormtail.

The rat offered him a weak smile as he twisted his hands anxiously in front of him, “Severus - so good to see you,” he simpered.

The sneer Severus offered him wasn’t an act. Over the summer holidays, he had been encumbered with the pathetic little man as a house guest. For reasons Severus couldn’t even begin to fathom, the fool had been under the impression that he’d be staying at Spinners End and having the run of the place when Severus returned to Hogwarts. Severus had swiftly availed him of this notion.

“Wormtail - where is the Dark Lord? I was summoned,”

Pettigrew nodded eagerly, “Oh-oh yes! The Dark Lord has already left for the evening - he asked that I direct you towards Narcissa,” he pointed towards the east wing, “He said that she would be able to- oh!” He let out a squeak of surprise when Severus turned and marched away from him, not waiting to hear him finish his sentence.

If he’d told his teenaged self that of the Marauders, Peter Pettigrew was the one he ended up hating most, he’d never have believed it.

He strode through the dark halls with purpose, the confidence in his steps never betraying the uncertainty that threatened in his gut.

He’d never been called by the Dark Lord before, only to find that the Dark Lord hadn’t even stayed to speak with him. What could have possibly been so urgent as to unexpectedly call Severus from Hogwarts, but for the Dark Lord to not feel it necessary to give him instructions directly? He knew in his gut it had something to do with Potter, but what?

He quickly found the room he was looking for. The door to the sitting room was closed as he approached it, with light creeping out from around its edges into the dark hall beyond. He could hear voices - raised and furious.

He entered without knocking, and the room fell suddenly silent as the occupants turned to look at him.

Lucius and Bellatrix were stood opposite one another, Bellatrix with her back to the fireplace, and Lucius several feet away with the coffee table and sofas separating them. Between them, perched on one of the sofas was an extremely pale Narcissa. In one hand she held a tumbler of amber liquid, while the other played nervously with the chain around her neck. The expressions they greeted him with were at complete odds with one another. While Narcissa wilted in relief, Bellatrix sneered and scowled. Lucius, meanwhile, simply stared at him with hard eyes.

“Oh, Severus,” Narcissa gasped, “Thank Merlin you’re here,”

“I was summoned by the Dark Lord,” Severus answered cooly, “But I am surprised to find he has not even remained to speak with me,”

Bellatrix scoffed, “You speak as if the Dark Lord owes you something, Snape. He owes you nothing! You are nothing but his dog - he calls, and you come, and that is the end of it!”

“Like you’re any better,” Lucius snapped, though Severus was under no misconception that Lucius was in anyway defending him: rather, the man would have said anything if it meant furthering the argument Severus had clearly interrupted, “If Severus is a dog, then you’re a rabid one. Biting indiscriminately and foaming at the mouth!”

“f*ck you, Lucius! At least I have bite!” She sneered, “You’re pathetic. My sister should never have married you!”

Enough!!” Narcissa cried, slamming her glass down and sloshing its contents onto the carpet, “Enough - this fighting will achieve nothing!”

“Perhaps, Narcissa, you might do me the curtesy of telling me why I have been pulled away from my dinner,” Severus interrupted coldly, “I presume that the Dark Lord did not summon me to simply listen to your family bicker, as entertaining as that may be,” all three of them were abruptly very quiet, exchanging quick looks but determinedly avoiding Severus’s eyes. He sighed in frustration, “If I wished to watch three children avoid a confession of guilt, I’d simply return to Hogwarts and wait near the Gryffindor common rooms. One of you - tell me what has happened, right now,”

“Harry-,” Narcissa began haltingly, “Harry escaped his rooms,”

Severus raised a single eyebrow; well, he hadn’t been expecting that.

Lucius scoffed, “The boy didn’t simply escape,” he denied, jabbing a furious finger in his sister-in-laws direction, “This stupid bitch left the f*cking door open!!” He said viciously, “ Deliberately!” He added.

“Why Lucius, brother-in-law,” Bellatrix simpered, her entire attitude changing suddenly to one of a chastised schoolgirl, “It was a simple error - a mistake. Why on earth would I allow the Dark Lord’s prisoner to escape? I am a humble and loyal servant of the Dark Lord, and I have proven it many times over,”

“Oh, you’re not fooling anyone with this innocent, repentant act, Bella,” Lucius snapped, “You knew the boy would never get out of this house - and even if he did, the wards are iron clad! Unless the Dark Lord has seen fit to brand him with the dark mark, he was never setting foot off the grounds! Don’t think we haven’t all heard you muttering to yourself about the boy,” he said viciously, his hands clenched in fists at his side as he practically tipped forwards towards her, “We all know how jealous you are of the attention the boy receives from the Dark Lord. You were baiting him!” He accused, jabbing a finger in her direction, “Tempting him to try and escape knowing that Mulciber would be waiting for him,”

“Mulciber?” Severus said sharply, his heart sinking. Merlin. He thought the boy was finally safe from that man.

“He grabbed Harry in the entrance hall,” Narcissa answered him quickly before her sister and husband could begin arguing anew, “Lucius got there before anything could happen though,”

Lucius scoffed, “Unless you count the boy’s blasted snake biting Mulciber, which it doesn’t appear that the Dark Lord does if his reaction was anything to go by,”

“So… I am here to treat Mulciber?” Severus hedged cautiously.

Bellatrix let out a bark of laughter, “Mulciber has already been dealt with,” she assured him with a mad grin, “Not that he was particularly grateful about my swift intervention,” she added with a disdainful sniff.

“This mad woman chopped off his arm!” Lucius exclaimed.

“The venom was spreading,” Bellatrix defended herself, “You should have seen it! It looked like the skin on his arm was boiling off. What if it had gotten to his heart? It would have killed him surely!” Severus chose not to mention that the poison of Runespoor’s was very rarely fatal to humans, as horrendous as it might be, “Anyway, the Dark Lord has already promised Mulciber he’ll replace the arm… eventually,”

Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes, “If I am not here for Mulciber, then I can assume that I am here for Potter?”

“Yes,” Narcissa answered, “He seemed fine when I went to check on him, but the Dark Lord did not wish to wait an entire week to be assured of his wellbeing,” there was something in her voice that suggested to Severus that Potter did not seem ‘fine’ at all, but he doubted that she would express any of her true concerns in front of her sister. He recognised that his earlier prediction was beginning to be proved correct. The attachment that the Dark Lord wished to foster between Potter and Narcissa was beginning to form, but in both directions.

“I see,” he said slowly, glancing between the rooms three occupants. If Lucius and Bellatrix managed to avoid coming to blows before the end of the evening, he’d be amazed. Ultimately, though, they were none of his concern, “If you have nothing more for me Narcissa, I shall show myself to the Aethonan suite,”

“Yes, yes… please do,” Narcissa attempted a half smile, but gave up in favour of reaching for her drink and finishing the glass. Bellatrix and Lucius said nothing as he left, but he could hear their muffled shouts again before he had even made it to the end of the hallway.

He didn’t rush up to the top floor. Instead, he paced himself, walking calmly ever onwards up the stairs, trailing his hand along the bannister, focussing his attention always on the grain of the wood and using it to ground himself. With every step, he felt himself become emptier and emptier as he carefully constructed fresh occlumency shields to prepare himself for meeting with Potter.

This process of centring himself, clearing his mind, and rebuilding his shields, was a ritual he performed every Saturday morning as he made his way towards the Aethonan suite. He’d already completed it once that very morning. Repeating it left him feeling unbalanced, but he daren’t speak to the boy without it.

Potter challenged the integrity of his shields in a way that the Dark Lord never had. With the Dark Lord, the only threats to his shields were external. A penetrating attack from the Dark Lord himself. With Potter, all the threats were internal. His own guilt and horror threatening to eat him from the inside out. The longer he spent with Potter, the less he saw his father, and the more he saw a furious Lily staring back at him.

“I hope he’s not hurt,”

Severus faltered in his path and nearly stumbled up the stairs before he caught himself. He gritted his teeth and screwed his eyes shut.

She was the other reason he always reconstructed his shields before he saw Potter. Lily may have been a figment of his own imagination, for she was not as cruel in life as his subconscious had made her, but he was still only able to hold her at bay with especially strong shields. The kind he found impractical to maintain for more than an hour at a time.

It was maintaining these shields that made Saturdays so draining, but he couldn’t have her popping up to whisper in his ear while he tried to convince her son that he was the enemy.

He really should see a healer, but he wasn’t sure what they could even do for him. He was already certain he knew what would resolve these hallucinations, and it was currently a task beyond his reach. He could only hope he was able to stop them from manifesting in an even more vivid form. The last thing he needed was for Lily Evans to appear behind the Dark Lord during his weekly interrogation.

With his shields firmly in place, he took a deep breath in and out, and slowly opened his eyes. Finding only the wall ahead of him, he pushed onwards up the final flight of stairs until he was stood before the door of the Aethonan suite.

He paused one last time. If Lily was going to appear to him again before he entered the room, it would be now. He strained to listen for any sign that his mind might still be tormenting him; sometimes the only sign was the sound of smart shoes clicking against stone floors. It was a memory from years ago of their school days.

When he heard nothing, he finally turned the door handle and stepped inside.

His eyes found Potter immediately, though for a moment the sight of him made something cold swoop through his gut. Though it was obviously Potter, for a split-second Severus had thought that someone else entirely was sat in the armchair furthest from the door, his hands pressed palm to palm and wedged in between his knees. The three headed snake around his neck hissed in Severus’s direction. He didn’t miss the trail of blood down the right head's lips.

Potter’s hair had been shorn short at some point that day - shorter than Severus had ever seen it. Shaved nearly to his skin at the nape of his neck and then gradually fading into longer sections on the top of his head, but even this hair would have only stood perhaps a centimetre above the height of Severus’s knuckles if he were to run his fingers through it. Even the boy's fringe, which usually sat just above the top of his glasses, was cut short, so that his normally half-covered scar stood out in stark relief against his pale forehead.

It wasn’t his hair though, that had Severus frozen to the spot. It was the look in his eye. Hot fury and cold calculation all at once that held a promise of violence within it, though against who, Severus wasn’t sure. It was a look he’d never seen from Potter. The boy had been angry before, but it had always been mingled with terror and despair. Never this.

It wasn’t the kind of look Severus had expected to see on the face of a boy who had just had a run in with Mulciber.

Severus suppressed the urge to swallow, and he paced closer, “Potter,” he greeted cooly as he further catalogued the boy's appearance. He’d hit his head at some point - there was a graze and a bruise building at his temple - and judging by the slight cut on his nose, his glasses had been smashed against his face. The only other injury Severus could see as he carefully seated himself in the armchair opposite the boy, was a small cut to his forearm. It was deep enough to still be slowly oozing blood, but not deep enough to be concerned about.

“Professor,” the boys answer was frosty, his use of Severus’s title positively cutting, “Why are you here?”

Severus relaxed carefully back into his seat, “I understand you tried to escape this evening, and were injured in the attempt,”

The corner of Potter’s lips twitched into a mockery of a smile, “Calling it an escape attempt seems generous,” he said darkly, “It was a trap. It was always going to be a trap, I knew that, and I still tried,”

Severus nodded slowly, “If you knew it was a trap, why did you try?”

Potter’s false smile turned grim, he opened his mouth and paused, then snatched a breath before he spoke, “My Aunt Petunia… years and years ago we had a mouse infestation. Petunia wanted them gone, but didn’t want to find their little corpses in mousetraps; dead, with their spines snapped or their heads crushed. So she tried glue traps. Instead of dead mice, she found the limbs that they had chewed off in their desperation to escape,” Severus said nothing, “The instinct to escape is a strong one,”

Severus considered him for a moment longer, searching for something to say, but finding nothing. Instead, he raised his wand and began a familiar series of spells to assess the boy's health. Other than unseen bruising to the boy’s ribs, the spells told him nothing he couldn’t already see with his own eyes. He lingered over the charms that allowed him to inspect the boys magical core. He always found himself taken aback for a split second at the sight of the enormous golden cloud - it should have been a round ball, compact and contained. Not this sprawling mist. The familiar black shade swept through the gold above their heads and appeared unchanged, and the cloud of gold didn’t appear any more expansive than normal. If anything, it seemed more vivid.

“The Dark Lord came to see me,” he froze at the boys unexpected words; Severus couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard Potter call the Dark Lord by his name, “He told me something… something…,” he chuckled and shook his head, “Something… I don’t know what,”

Severus knew better than to believe the light quality of his voice, “Are we talking in riddles now, Potter?” He answered disinterested, cancelling his spell and causing the cloud above them to disappear. He expected Potter to lash out in anger, but he didn’t.

The smile on his face disappeared into nothing until he was staring at Severus through a cold eye while his snake nosed at his jaw, “He told me a story. He told me that when he came to kill me, and failed…,” Potter’s voice stuttered suddenly, betraying his true inner turmoil; he swallowed and tried again, “He told me that when his killing curse rebounded and destroyed him, that it caused a part of his soul to breakaway,” dread began to build in Severus’s gut, “He told me… he told me that that fractured part of his soul latched onto the nearest living thing. And with my mum and dad being dead… that was me,” surely… surely not, “He said that as long as I’m alive, he can never truly die. He said… he said that one day, Dumbledore would have to kill me if he truly wanted to destroy him,”

“Why are you telling me this Potter?” Severus interrupted sharply, “If a part of the Dark Lord’s soul exists within you, I’m sure he would prefer it not to become common knowledge. Unless you wish to face his wrath, I would advise you to keep your mouth shut,”

Potter ignored him though, and Severus felt the dread in his gut begin to build and build, “I’m telling you because… because I want to know if Dumbledore knows. I want to know if he knows about the piece of Voldemort’s soul inside of me. I want to know if- if he’s known all along,” something like anguished fury twisted the boy’s features, “I want to know,” he continued, his voice biting, “if Dumbledore has known this entire time, that to destroy the Dark Lord… that I would need to die as well,”

The silence in the room was deafening.

Though his occlumency shields did their job and prevented even a slither of his inner feelings from appearing on his face, inside Severus was reeling.

The boy… the boy had to die? But… but Dumbledore had said that they were saving him. Saving him for Lily. He had to die?! Did he know? Did Dumbledore know?

“I’ve been considering how you might answer,” Severus found his attention caught by the boy again, “I thought… if you were truly on the Dark Lord’s side, you would confirm what he’s told me. All the better to turn me against Dumbledore, not only to try and save my own neck, but out of anger at being lied to. But if you were truly on Dumbledore’s side… well, you can hardly confirm what the Dark Lord has said. If Dumbledore needs me to die, he hardly wants me prepared I imagine. Knowing him, he’s got some image in his head of me sacrificing myself willingly or something. So, if you’re on Dumbledore’s side, you’d tell me that he doesn’t know about this. That it’s news to you. That it’s news to him. So. Which is it?”

He paused, considering his words carefully as he picked them specifically to both be the truth, but also to neither confirm nor deny the boy’s assumptions over his loyalty, “If… if what the Dark Lord says is true… I cannot comment on whether or not the headmaster knows this. If… if he does, he has not seen fit to share this knowledge with me,”

For a long time, the boy said nothing, his singular emerald, green eye darting between Severus’s pair. The snake at his chin hissed something, and finally he spoke softly, “Ah, Severus Snape… you really do have a way with words. Never lying, but never telling the truth either,”

Severus said nothing more while he healed the cut on Potter’s arm, and Potter asked no more questions.

He did his best to reduce the swelling at his forehead. He had nothing on hand to remove the bruising, but he didn’t waste time trying to figure out a work around. He needed to get out of that room. When he left, Potter was in deep conversation with the snake around his neck and didn’t even look up to acknowledge that Severus had left the room.

As solid as his shields felt, the flash of red hair that followed him constantly as he strode down the drive of Malfoy Manor told him that they were anything but. He needed to speak to Albus. He needed to speak to Albus right now.

He very nearly splinched himself as he disapperated, changing his direction of travel at the last moment when he remembered abruptly that Albus would be at Grimmauld Place, not Hogwarts. He would still be in the middle of the meeting.

He landed in the square outside of number twelve Grimmauld place with a lurch, nearly losing his dinner on the grass as his stomach roiled and his head span. He was lucky he hadn’t lost an arm in the journey.

He took a moment, bent at the waist and breathing through his mouth. He was waiting not only for his stomach to settle, but for his mind to stop racing.

Did Dumbledore know??

He… he needed to call a meeting. A meeting with Lupin, Black, Moody and Shacklebolt. But he needed to see Dumbledore alone as well - he wasn’t an idiot. He recognised immediately the volatility of the information he had learnt that night. No matter what Dumbledore did or didn’t know, that Potter might be harbouring a slice of the Dark Lord’s soul was a bombshell that could tear them all apart.

He knew instinctively that Moody would call for immediate execution. Shacklebolt would be more sympathetic, but he had no doubt he’d be on Moody’s side. He was a good man, but a man who had been an Auror for a long time. He remembered the old days well, and he’d fall on the side of practicality. What was Potter’s life compared to that of every witch and wizard in Britain?

It wasn’t even worth dwelling on Lupin and Black. He knew what they would say. But Dumbledore… now, there was a reaction he couldn’t predict.

“He knows,” Severus sighed, screwing his eyes up tight against the voice that reached him on the wind, “He knows, and you know it,”

“I don’t know anything!” He snapped, straightening and opening his eyes. He didn’t bother peering over his shoulder.

“He knows,” the voice repeated.

He ignored her though, striding across the square towards headquarters. It wouldn’t do to pay her words any mind - he wasn’t truly communing with the dead. She was simply a manifestation of his own guilt. She didn’t know anything that he didn’t.

He really should see a healer.

He closed the front door behind him quietly, conscious of the slumbering portraits in the hall. The door to the dining room was sealed shut, but with a tap of his wand and a whispered incantation, the seal gave way and permitted him past the threshold.

It was impossible to enter surreptitiously, and all eyes turned to him. They turned away quickly though and back towards whoever had been speaking before he’d arrived. The only person who continued looking in his direction was Black. Leaning with his back against the wall, the man nodded in greeting and shuffled further along to make space for Severus.

That they had formed a kind of fragile truce was something that Severus would never have believed if he wasn’t living it. That it was Potter’s kidnapping that had made all the difference was even more surprising. Or perhaps it wasn’t. Black was no doubt James Potter’s agent on Earth in the way that Severus tried (and often failed) to be Lily’s.

“What have I missed?” Severus murmured under his breath, his eyes finding the photo of Potter above the headmaster’s head. The photograph’s eyes flashed, something knowing in them. No. A trick of the light. The photograph didn’t know anything.

“The plan for protecting Hogsmeade,” Black muttered back, “They’re talking about extending the school’s wards,”

Severus sighed warily, “A terrible idea,”

Black hummed, but didn’t comment, “What did Voldemort want?” He asked quietly instead.

Severus shook his head, “After,”

Black’s neck cracked as he snapped his head to one side to look at Severus. He knew what ‘after’ meant. He opened his mouth, but whatever he started to say was drowned out by the sound of the room collectively getting to their feet and beginning to filter out of the room. His jaw closed with an audible click as he looked away, finding Lupin in the crowd and working his way against the tide to get to him.

Severus watched the moment that Lupin spotted him, his eyes immediately narrowing in concern. He reached out a hand, catching Black’s shoulder as he approached, dipping his head to listen carefully to whatever it was Black was muttering in his ear. His eyes searched through the crowd and found him instantly. They narrowed, and the line of his mouth turned grim. He pulled away from Black to peer across the room. He reached out a hand across the heads of the leaving Order, beckoning with his fingers to Shacklebolt across the room.

Severus gave up watching, sighing to himself and pushing away from the wall to work against the stragglers - those who had paused to press their fingers to Potter’s picture before they left. He ignored the suspicious looks thrown in his direction by the younger members almost as determinedly as he ignored the photograph of Lily cradling a baby Potter to her chest. She was always watching him when he looked, but he couldn’t be sure if it were a figment of his own imagination. He could hardly ask anyway else if she was always staring in his direction, and so he chose to simply avoid looking at her.

Albus noticed at once that five familiar faces had remained behind. He nodded to Severus, but waited for the doors to close again before he resumed his seat and spoke, “Severus - I was concerned when Minerva said you were unexpectedly called away,” he gestured to the seat opposite his at the end of the table, “Please, sit,”

Severus shook his head though, his gaze flicking to Black and Lupin on one side of the table, and Moody and Shacklebolt on the other, “I’d rather stand,” he said, his tone clipped, “Potter tried to escape this evening,”

“What?” Black said sharply at once, “Tried? He was caught?”

Severus nodded tersely, “Yes. Caught by Mulciber,” Black went suddenly pale, and Moody snarled, “He didn’t hurt him though - not much. He had a sizeable bruise on his forehead, and a shallow cut on his forearm, but otherwise he is unharmed,”

“Did you speak to Harry, Severus?” Dumbledore said gravely.

“Yes,” he hesitated, “He said he knew it was a trap, but tried anyway. He… he likened it to a mouse choosing to chew off its own limb rather than remain trapped,”

“Still a fighter then,” Moody growled, his approval obvious, “Still one of us then, yes?”

“It appears so,” though for how much longer, Severus wasn’t sure, “Bellatrix left his door open in an apparent attempt to bait him. It has become clear that she is exceptionally jealous of the attention that Potter receives from the Dark Lord. She either knew Mulciber would be in place to intercept him, or she informed him of what would happen this evening. Regardless, between Potter, Bellatrix, and Mulciber, Mulciber has certainly come off most poorly,” he couldn’t help his faintly pleased smile, “Potter’s snake bit him. I understand that Mulciber’s reaction to the venom was quite extreme, and Bellatrix made the executive decision to amputate his arm,”

“Pity she didn’t amputate something else,” Black muttered.

“But Harry’s okay?” Lupin pressed, ignoring Black.

Severus inclined his head slowly, “Potter is as well as he ever is,”

“Thank you for reporting back to us, Severus. Do you have anything else for us?” Albus asked calmly, his fingers steepled under his chin.

“No - but there is something you and I must discuss in private,” he answered firmly.

If Albus was in anyway surprised that there was something about the evening that only he could hear, he didn’t show it. He merely nodded. The others in the room didn’t wait to be asked to leave before they pushed themselves to their feet. Black caught his eye on his way out and inclined his head in silent thanks.

Severus tried not to shudder. To think. Black. Grateful to him? It was unnatural.

Albus’s blue eyes followed the others as they left, flicking between them and only returning to Severus when the door had closed once more. He took in a deep breath and sighed through his nose.

“Well then, Severus. What do you have for me?”

Severus hesitated, licking his lips to buy himself time as he contemplated how to start, “Potter… when he spoke to me. He told me that the Dark Lord had told him something,” he had a flash of realisation in his gut, and he continued with more confidence, “and I think I have finally realised what it is that had the Dark Lord so convinced that he would be able to turn Potter against you,” Albus raised his brow in surprise, but said nothing, “He told Potter that when he failed to kill him - when his killing curse rebounded - that it caused a fragment of his soul to break away. I’m guessing it was already extremely fragile as a result of making so many Horcruxes, so it didn’t take much,” he swallowed nervously, “He told Potter that this fragment of soul latched onto Potter himself and that should anyone wish to destroy the Dark Lord for good, they would first need to kill Potter,” he could hear his heart pounding in his ears, nearly deafening him as he asked the question he was terrified to hear the answer to, “Did… did you know?

For a long moment Albus simply looked back at him. But then he let out a weary sigh and bowed his head, and Severus knew the truth, “You did, didn’t you?” He said harshly, “You’ve always known, haven’t you, that Potter would need to die for the Dark Lord to be truly destroyed,” he was suddenly glad he had chosen to remain standing; furious energy thrummed through his body making him feel as if he were vibrating, “You told me we were protecting him for her, for Lily. But all this time we’ve been raising him like a lamb for slaughter!”

Albus raised a placating hand, “Severus, please Severus you must calm down and listen to me,”

“What is there to listen to?” He snapped, “Do you intend to kill the boy yourself?!”

Albus reeled back, the expression on his face horrified, “Of course not Severus! As if I am capable of such a thing! I love Harry - I couldn’t possibly kill him!”

“Then what? How are you expecting him to die if you’re not going to kill him?!”

“You… you must understand Severus,” Albus started anxiously, “that my expectations as to how events might play out has been severely altered following Harry’s abduction. It never occurred to me that Voldemort might discover the truth of the connection he shares with Harry. I had… assumed, that Harry would die at Voldemort’s hand,”

“But he would still be dead!” Severus cried, outraged, “What does it matter if it's at your hand, when you would still steer him towards it?!”

“No - no, Severus you do not understand,” he said firmly, slicing his hand through the air as if to take control of the conversation, “By using Harry’s blood in his ritual to regain his body, he has redoubled the bond that ties them together. Where the Dark Lord cannot truly die while Harry lives, equally, Harry his tethered to life until the Dark Lord is dead and buried. Though this tether is not unbreakable, I firmly believe that Voldemort will find it nearly impossible to kill Harry permanently. If he were to attempt the killing curse on Harry again, I believe he would only destroy the parasitic part of his soul that is attached to Harry,”

“But he won’t try to kill the boy,” Severus sneered furiously, “He knows that the boy harbours a fragment of his soul. There is a reason he has Potter locked in the most secure room, of the most secure home in all of England like some fairytale princess! If it came to a fight to the death, the Dark Lord is fully capable of incapacitating a teenager without killing him. And even if he wasn’t, it would still be better for him to allow Potter to kill him, knowing that a faithful servant would restore him to his body once more,”

“Please Severus,” Albus raised both hands as if to contain his rage, “Please calm down and listen to me,” he reluctantly fell silent other than his heaving breaths, “I cannot pretend to know how events will transpire, but I remain confident that there remains a path ahead of us where the Dark Lord and Harry will come into conflict with one another, and if we are very lucky, the Dark Lord will be destroyed for good, and Harry will walk away alive,”

Severus shook his head in disbelief, taking an involuntary stumbling step away, “You believe in the prophesy that much?” He sneered, “What is your plan? To simply take your hands off of the reins and see where the horses take themselves?”

Albus sighed, “No, Severus,” he said witheringly, “My plan is to guide the horses as much as we feasibly can, but to trust that ultimately, they know the way home,”

Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and instead turned on his heel and strode from the room without a backwards glance, slamming the door behind him.

In the hallway, he found himself glued to the floorboards by indecision.

More and more the headmaster had proven himself to be a man who played his cards close to his chest. Not only his cards, but Potter’s cards as well. Cards that could mean the death of Lily Evan’s son - an eventuality that Severus found he couldn’t accept.

He didn’t care what Albus said - he refused to believe that there was any eventuality where the Dark Lord tried to kill Potter while he harboured his soul. When Albus finally realised that too, what steps would he be willing to take to ensure that the Dark Lord was destroyed once and for all? He claimed to love Potter - that he couldn’t possibly kill him.

Would he feel that way after another decade of war and death? Severus found it difficult to believe so.

He had failed Potter once. He couldn’t do so again.

The sound of a chair scraping against the floor in the room behind him spurred him into action.

He marched to the end of the hallway, but instead of letting himself out of the front door, he swung himself around the bannister and raced up the stairs. He had no idea where they would be, but he knew for certain that they would still be in the house.

He threw open doors indiscriminately - the drawing room, a bedroom, another bedroom, a library, a siting room, another bedroom and then another.

Finally, at nearly the top of the house, he found a door sealed shut with light spilling out around its edges. He didn’t bother to knock.

On the other side of the door, he caught Black and Lupin locked in an embrace, their arms wound around one another, and their heads pressed together. For a split-second Severus reconsidered the nature of their friendship, but they sprang apart with alarmed expressions before he could consider it further.

“Severus!” Lupin spluttered, alarmed, “What on earth are you doing?”

“You could have knocked,” Black scowled, “Or just not gone around barging into rooms in someone else’s house,”

Severus ignored him, his voice hard as he spoke, “Listen to me,” he slammed the door shut behind him, securing it with thick ward so that they would not be overheard even if Albus were to press his ear to the door, “I need you to listen to me, and not ask questions,” they exchanged a nervous look.

“Severus,” Lupin started, “What’s going on?”

“Just listen to me,” he swallowed dryly, “I need to know… I need…,” he tried again, “If there were ever a scenario where… where Potter’s best interests were contrary to that of the Order… I…,” he stumbled over his words uncharacteristically.

“Snape… maybe you should sit down…,” Black made to guide him towards a chair by the door, but Severus shut him down at once.

“No! No dammit, just listen to me!” He barked, “If there were ever a scenario where helping Potter - where saving Potter - went against Dumbledore’s command… where there was choice between Potter or Dumbledore’s word. Tell me now - which would you choose?”

“Severus… I don’t understand,” Lupin started, but he was almost immediately interrupted by Black.

“Harry,” he said firmly, “No matter what, I would choose Harry,” when Lupin said nothing, Sirius threw him an accusatory furious look, “Would you not?!”

Lupin sent him a withering look, “Of course I would,” he said harshly, “Of course I would choose Harry. He’s James’s son. He’s ours to care for and love. Just… just Severus. I don’t understand. What are you talking about? What do you know?”

“Do you swear it?” Severus said harshly, ignoring his question, “Do. You. Swear. It?”

“Yes,” Black said at once, “I swear it. I’ll take the Unbreakable vow if you need me to. I swear it on my very soul,”

“And I do too,” Lupin said in a rush, “but Severus, you have to tell us, what’s going on?”

Severus felt the winding anxious knot in his gut finally begin to unravel. He released a nervous sigh, and shook his head, “I can’t. But if it becomes relevant, then I will,” Lupin scoffed in disbelief as he turned to leave, but it was Black who stopped him.

“Snape - you swear it too, right?” Severus paused, glancing over his shoulder, his hand on the door handle, “You swear it too - right?” He said more firmly.

Severus took a deep breath in.

He nodded, “I swear it,” and he opened the door.


Oooooh can Dumbledore be trusted? Can he not be trusted? Will Severus stop hallucinating?! So many questions haha
Hope people enjoyed :) Many thanks again for kudo’s and comments (which I love)
See you on the next one!

Chapter 14: Draco: Emerald and Diamond


His arms were crossed over his chest, a warm smile on his face as he stared down at the school’s population. He sometimes moved to readjust his grip, or to turn his head to watch as students left the hall, but he never lost the pleased upwards tilt of his lips. Even when he looked at Draco. He wondered if Harry would smile at him like that in real life.


Enjoy :) Thanks for any comments or kudos!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

19th of March 1997


I have started and restarted this letter a dozen times and filled it with platitudes and reassurances that never quite delivered their intended meaning. They all felt like false promises and empty dismissals. An attempt to sweep your feelings and doubts under the rug.

After thinking long and hard about it, all I can say is this: I think, above all else, that you’re afraid of the Dark Lord making you into someone that you’re not - someone evil and cruel, but I know that that’s impossible. At your core, no matter what, you’ll always be the same irritating, self-sacrificing, scar-headed idiot who’s too noble for his own good.

But at the same time Harry: I need you to know that it’s okay to be changed by your experiences. It’s okay to grow and discover new parts of who you are. The idea that you could have gone through all of this and come out the other side as exactly the same person as before you went in, is naive.

I don’t write this to upset you, but rather to encourage you to be kind to yourself, whoever you grow into.

No one criticises carbon for becoming diamond under pressure.

At your core, you will always be Harry Potter.

There’s a reason your friends are all still carrying your memory with them like a torch; it’s because you touched all of their lives and changed them forever.

I’m sorry that you can’t talk to them. I know I’m a poor substitute - us Malfoy’s aren’t exactly known for our emotional intelligence - but I shall try my best to fill their shoes.

I’ll be home in a few days. The Express won’t arrive until late in the evening, and I shall have to greet my mother first, but I will visit you before I go to bed.

I look forward to discovering whether or not the new, amicable nature of our relationship translates from the pages of our letters to real life - I’m optimistic that, at the very least, we shall not come to blows. I can’t afford another black eye.



The mural outside of the great hall was vast, spreading almost the entire width and length of the stone wall. Draco wasn’t sure how Thomas had managed it - not only reaching all the way to the ceiling above but painting the entire thing in one night. It had appeared without warning in the morning on the second of September. The only indication that Thomas had even lifted a paintbrush had been the smear of colour across his forehead and the tired bags under his eyes.

Draco had overheard many versions of the story in the common room: Thomas had been caught by McGonagall, defiant and positively daring her to take it down. She hadn’t, of course. A fifth year claimed she had broken down into tears before adding charms to the artwork to preserve and protect it. A third year claimed she had awarded him an Order of Merlin right there and then. A second year claimed she had collapsed to the floor in reverence. Draco felt it was more likely that the professor had nodded in silent approval before giving Thomas a week of detention.

Draco pretended that he couldn’t feel the suspicious stares of the students that passed him on their way out of the great hall: what could Draco Malfoy possibly be doing, staring intently at the memorial for Harry Potter? Draco couldn’t look away though. He hated to admit it, but Thomas had talent.

The mural was a portrait of Harry from the waist up. A raven swept above him, the ‘wind’ making the tips of its flight feathers flutter. A badger to his right posed with one paw held aloft, its nose snuffling curiously at the air. The viper to his left was coiled up tightly, its back to Harry and baring its fangs furiously to the empty wall as if preparing to protect Harry from some unseen threat. The lion beneath him tossed its head this way and that, shaking its mane and roaring silently, saliva dripping from its gums. In the negative space between, vibrant colours were smeared across the stone walls: pinks and blues and greens and oranges and all colours in between.

His arms were crossed over his chest, a warm smile on his face as he stared down at the school’s population. He sometimes moved to readjust his grip, or to turn his head to watch as students left the hall, but he never lost the pleased upwards tilt of his lips. Even when he looked at Draco. He wondered if Harry would smile at him like that in real life.

The likeness was striking. Thomas had done an especially good job at capturing the vibrancy of his eyes - of replicating his specific shade of emerald green and their almond shape.

The portrait only looked faintly like the Harry that Draco had seen before he’d returned to school in January, and the comparison made Draco feel faintly sick. He wondered what Harry would look like when he went home at the weekend for the Easter holidays.

Painted in white (and messy in comparison to the rest of Thomas’s work) were written the words:

In Unity We Shall Find Victory


Draco found himself suppressing a scoff, fiddling with the signet ring on his little finger, working his nails into its face. It hadn’t felt like unity when Granger had punched him in the nose. Bizarrely though, he could have sworn he’d seen a guilty look on her face when she’d watched Ginny Weasley smack him around the mouth only a few weeks later - as if she hadn’t just done the exact same thing.

He hadn’t fought back. He hadn’t even reported the assault. He’d simply asked Pansy if he could use some concealer and had dealt with the slight orange colour under his eye for a few days - he and Pansy didn’t have even remotely the same undertone, but Mother would ask questions if he asked for some of hers.

“Are you ready?” Draco forced his gaze from the upwards tilt of Harry’s lips to Pansy who had appeared at his elbow, “You should probably stop staring at that painting, you know,” she murmured, glaring at a passing Gryffindor fifth year who sneered at both of them as he left the hall, “People are beginning to notice and ask questions,”

Draco made a noncommittal noise and turned from the mural and towards the castle’s front doors, “Let them talk,” he said with a shrug, “What’s does it matter?”

Pansy sighed, following him out into the mild March air, “You’re going to end up earning a smack from one of his friends - another one,” she said pointedly, “Two shiners in one term is enough, surely?”

Draco shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets, his eyes fixed on their destination: the Owlery, “It wasn’t that bad… went down after a few days,” for a long moment, Pansy said nothing, and there was only the sound of the crunching gravel path beneath their feet.

Finally, she spoke, “You’re different, you know,” Draco swallowed, “You’ve been different since September, but you’ve changed again since Christmas. You’re… I don’t know how to describe it,”

“Quieter?” Draco hedged.

“Less of a dick,” Pansy corrected frankly, “You don’t pick fights. You don’t call people names. You’re positively polite, for heaven's sake!” She cried, throwing her hands into the air, “You apologised to Longbottom of all people - Longbottom!”

“I bumped into him,” Draco said defensively, “and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Longbottom’s not exactly a weedy little push over anymore. Getting slapped by Hermione Granger is one thing, but I’d rather not have him back handing me,”

Draco could practically hear Pansy rolling her eyes, “Oh please - he’s no taller than you are. And my point is that I’ve known you since we were in nappies, and I don’t think I’ve heard you apologise to anyone, except perhaps your mother under duress. You managed to cut all of my hair off just before we started Hogwarts, and you didn’t even apologise to me then!”

“You asked me to cut your hair!”

“I asked you to trim my hair,” Pansy corrected with a threateningly wagged finger, “Trim!” she stressed, “I went from having hair that reached the middle of my back, to hair that barely touched my shoulders! Anyway, stop distracting me. My point is, you’ve changed. Something has changed - something massive. And you won’t talk to me about it,”

Draco sighed, closing his eyes against the hurt in her voice, “Don’t pretend to be stupid, Pansy,” he said quietly as they turned onto the steps that climbed up to the Owlery, “You know who my family are. You know the rumours. You know what’s changed, and you know why I can’t talk about it. It’s safer for both of us,”

Pansy panted a little at his side, “Draco… you’re my oldest friend… if… if we hadn’t… oh - will you stop!” She grabbed his elbow, stopping him in his tracks; her cheeks were flushed red, “You and your stupid long legs - I can’t talk and keep up with you,” she scowled, then glanced around to be sure they were well and truly alone before she continued, “You’re my oldest friend, Draco, and if you weren’t like a brother to me, we’d probably have ended up getting married,” Draco shuddered at the idea; they’d tried kissing once, and the experience had nearly convinced Draco he was fully gay until he’d snogged Daphne Greengrass under the Quidditch stands, “Your secrets are my secrets, and vice versa,” she slapped his chest, “Got it?” He sighed and gazed down at her; she rolled her eyes and slapped him again, “Oh stop being so bloody morose,”

Draco offered her a dry smile, “I don’t know what you want me to say Pans,”

“I want you to tell me what’s changed - who do you keep writing to? Because I know it’s not your mother,” Draco lost his smile immediately; he turned to carry on up the steps, but Pansy caught him by the arm and pulled him back, “Hey! Don’t you walk away from me Draco Mafloy!”

Faced with her determined, furious expression, Draco felt his resolve begin to break. He pursed his lips, “I can’t tell you,”

“But you are confirming that it’s not your mother?” Pansy needled.

“It’s not,” he admitted, “But I… Pansy. I can’t tell you. He’d kill you,”

For a moment, Pansy simply stared at him, her expression hard. Finally, she relaxed with a tired sigh, “I’m not going to make you tell me. I’m not. But Draco - you can tell me. You’re my best friend. You can talk to me,”

Draco readjusted her grip on his arm so that her hand rested in the crook of his elbow and he continued their journey up to the Owlery at a more sedate pace, “I know Pans. You’re my best friend too,”

In the Owlery, Draco selected a nondescript barn owl to tie his letter to. They rarely used the family owls now - it was too risky. Castor and Pollux stood out like sore thumbs against the barn and brown owls the rest of the school seemed to favour, with their vibrant orange eyes and their severe expressions.

They didn’t stand out as much as Harry’s snowy white owl though. Where was she now, he thought to himself as he carried his chosen barn owl to the tower’s window. He hadn’t seen her since June. Was she with Harry’s friends? With his godfather perhaps? She certainly wasn’t at the school - he’d have noticed her. No one else had a snowy owl that he knew of.

He watched as the barn owl soared away, becoming smaller and smaller until she was nothing more than a spec in the sky. He leant against the window’s edge, ignoring the errant owl feathers that attached themselves to his robes. He wished he could fly away, he found himself thinking wistfully. He wished he could help Harry fly away, too.

Behind him, Pansy was fusing over her own tawny owl, running a finger down his nose and pressing kisses to his head.

Had Harry been like that with his owl? What had her name been? He’d ask Harry when he saw him next.

Leaning out of the window, he found himself caught in a fanciful daydream that centred around him finding Harry’s owl and returning her to him. Would Harry smile? Would he cry? With joy and appreciation? He knew he’d never find out, but the very thought of it held his attention so thoroughly that he almost didn’t notice the new dot that had appeared on the horizon.

The dot came closer and closer, changing from a dot to a figure that could be identified as an owl. He watched as the owl soared through the air, its wings beating at a sedate pace… at a familiar pace… he knew that owl.

“Is that one of yours, Draco?” Pansy said curiously, pressing the side of her head against his arm so that she could peer through the window as well.

“I… I think so… but we don’t use Castor or Pollux anymore, not to write to school with at least,” Draco muttered nervously, stepping back carefully to make room for the owl approaching through the air, “That’s definitely one of them though,”

Pansy shifted nervously next to him, “It must be important then, right?”

“Right,” Draco agreed, trying his best to fight down the anxious clench of his gut.

The owl landed silently, ruffling his feathers and turning glowing orange eyes on Draco. Castor hooted in a solemn greeting and waited patiently for Draco to remove the letter attached to his leg. Pansy fished owl treats out of her pocket, her eyes flicking curiously over to Draco as he opened the letter, which was short and had obviously been written in a hurry.

‘17th of March 1997

Dearest Draco,

I am writing to you with news most urgent: there has been an incident at the Manor involving Harry. Though he is unharmed, he is very obviously shaken and has not quite been himself since. I will provide you with more details when we see one another next, but I wished to avoid you being blindsided upon your return home and give you the opportunity to prepare yourself.

I know that yours and Harry’s relationship has often been one based on antagonism, but I feel that this approach at this time will only hurt you both.

I shall see you soon, my son.



Draco read the letter twice more, his heartbeat pulsing at his temples.

An incident.

The breadth of what that might or might not mean was infinite. He’d describe tripping up the stairs as an incident. He’d also describe making a cauldron explode as an incident as well. He wished she’d taken an extra five minutes to be more specific but what was done was done.

He lingered on the letters end: ‘I know that your’s and Harry’s relationship has often been one based on antagonism’. It seemed that he wasn’t the only who kept quiet about the contents of their letters. Draco wouldn’t describe his and Harry’s relationship as antagonistic - not anymore. Teasing, perhaps. Provocative occasionally. But not antagonistic.

“Everything okay, Draco?” Pansy asked cautiously.

He tore his gaze from the letter in his hand to find that Castor had left them alone at some point. He hesitated, “There’s been an… incident, apparently,”

Pansy frowned, “An incident? That could mean nearly anything,”

“Indeed,” Draco agreed, clenching his teeth, “Come on - I need to grab my books before I go to potions. I’ll be late if I don’t leave now,”

Draco had used to love potions, and it wasn’t that he hated it now, but rather that he struggled to settle into the single-minded focus that was necessary to brew both safely and successfully. More than once he’d seen Slughorn eyeing him with incredulous wariness, no doubt wondering how this absent-minded fool had managed an Outstanding at OWL level. Draco couldn’t blame him.

Now, the only way he found success in the class was by constructing occlumency shields strong enough to keep even the Dark Lord out for the duration of the lesson. While this did mean he was once again working at the level he was accustomed to, it also meant that any of the joy he had ever gained from successful brewing was buried behind his shields. It made for an experience that left him feeling numb and drained.

And so, while he didn’t exactly hate potions, he no longer found pleasure in it either.

It’s only real benefit, was that it was the only class he took that wasn’t filled to the brim with students who loved Harry, and therefore hated him. The Ravenclaws were far too focussed on their studies to pay him much mind - only Padma Patil’s eye had lingered on him during the first class. The only other students in the class were Ernie McMillan, who was gratingly pompous and opinionated, and Granger.

For the most part, Granger ignored him outright, acting as if he didn’t even exist. On the odd occasion that they had had to interact, she had pinned him in place with a particularly stony glare that had Draco half-convinced she could actually petrify him with it.

That had all changed after she’d punched him in the face after Slughorn’s party.

For the first few days she had insisted on maintaining a kind of defiant eye contact with him whenever the opportunity presented itself. Draco gained the impression that she was trying to communicate some lack of remorse, or perhaps that she expected him to report her, and she wanted him to know that she didn’t care. But when Draco did no such thing, and only returned the eye contact with a reluctant wariness, her attitude began to change.

She watched him. She watched him a lot, to the point that he had stopped looking up when he felt eyes on the back of his neck. What was the point when he knew it would be her?

Her interest had only intensified after Weasley had punched him as well. Now, not only did she stare, but sometimes she looked like she wanted to speak to him. It was… unnerving. It left him feeling on edge - like she might ambush him at any moment.

If he’d known that that would be the day that she finally gathered the courage to do just that, he would have avoided the class all together.

He never rushed to leave the class. He preferred to trail out after everyone else to avoid walking back to the dorm with his housemates. He’d learnt his lesson after the first class, when Theodore Nott had tried to walk shoulder to shoulder with him, his shoulders back and chest puffed out. They’d never been particularly friendly before and had only really interacted when Harry had announced to the world that both of their fathers were Death Eaters. It appeared that Nott wanted to create some kind of united front - the sons of Slytherin making their Master’s presence in Hogwarts known. It was the sort of thing Crabbe and Goyle would go in for. It was the sort of thing he’d have gone in for, before Harry had been taken - before he’d found out he was being tortured in the cellars.

And so, to avoid the inevitable conflict that would undoubtedly make its way back to the Dark Lord, Draco chose to just avoid Nott, Crabbe and Goyle entirely. He should have felt lonely, but he didn’t. Pansy was enough. Pansy, and the letters he received at least once a week from Harry.

The thought had heat building at his cheeks - f*ck, he was so pathetic.

Turning out of the potion’s classroom, Draco had been completely absorbed in his own mind as he carefully deconstructed his shields and allowed himself to actually feel something. So absorbed, in fact, that he didn’t notice until his name was being half-shouted that someone was trying to get his attention.

He turned, and immediately regretted it when he saw that it was Granger who was calling his name. He glanced around quickly and found that the corridor they were in was completely deserted. He swallowed heavily.

“What do you want, Granger?” He said flatly.

She pursed her lips at him, her eyes flicking up and down him as she stepped cautiously closer. She stopped before she had to start peering up at him to see his face; she was only a little shorter than Harry, “You’re different,” she said, half accusingly.

He snorted, “Really? You started shouting my name in the middle of the corridor to tell me that?”

Her eyes narrowed on him, “You don’t deny it?”

“What’s there to deny,” he shrugged, “I don’t owe you anything, so why would I waste my time trying to deny something, like your opinion matters to me,” he sneered, “Now. If you don’t mind,” he turned to go.

“You want to tell me something,” she said very quickly, stopping Draco in his tracks, “I can see it on your face… I could see it on your face, when you stopped in the courtyard that day,” reluctantly, feeling almost compelled, Draco half turned to peer at her over his shoulder; her expression was one of nervous conviction, “Do you want to tell me something, Draco?”

He looked at her, and for a moment, he imagined it all. He imagined confessing everything. Telling her all about Harry, and the pain he’d suffered. He imagined the look of relief on her face at hearing that Harry was alive, and then watching it collapse into despair upon hearing how Harry had been treated, and at the knowledge that there was no escape for him. He imagined finally having a confident at school - someone who wouldn’t go and report back to the Dark Lord. Not that he thought Pansy would, but the Dark Lord already wanted to kill Granger. He wouldn’t be putting her at any more risk by confessing the truth.

And then the moment passed.

“I…,” the denial caught itself in his throat and he swallowed it down; he tried again, “I…,” and again, the words wouldn’t come out, “There is something I want to tell you,” he admitted, the words almost falling out of his mouth, “but I can’t,”

She swallowed, “Malfoy… Dra-,”

“I can’t,” he interrupted her harshly, “so don’t ask me again,” and he swept away without another word.

The Hogwarts Express was busier than Draco had expected. Returning home for Easter was always less popular than returning home for Christmas, especially for fifth years and above who had important exams to revise for. But this year, nearly as many students were on the train as had been on the train in December.

He imagined that the change had something to do with Madam Rosmerta. Suspected Death Eater activity so close to the school must have scared more than a few parents. He wondered how many of the students on the train would be returning after the holidays.

Still, despite the volume of students on the train, Draco still managed to get a compartment all to himself. None of the other Slytherins were going home for Easter, and no one else would dare sit with him.

The journey was a long and lonely one. He spent most of it with the compartment door locked, the blinds pulled down, and his cloak hood lowered over his head to block out the light so that he could close his eyes and snooze with the rocking of the carriage.

Nobody waited for him on the platform, and nobody waited for him on the muggle side of the station either.

Instead, the moment he had stepped through the barrier, he disapperated from the station. He didn’t have a licence yet, and wouldn’t until the holidays, but what did it matter? He wasn’t worried about being arrested for it.

Striding across the grounds towards the East Wing, Draco found himself staring up at the Manor’s top floor and the windows of the Aethonan Suite. The lights were on, but dimmed - he could only just see the edges of the yellow lamp light escaping into the night. What he could see though, was a strange flickering light - white and bright but isolated to the centre window. He found himself pausing to stare up at it. What was that?

He’d find out soon enough, he was sure.

He continued in his journey with a single mindedness, striding onwards through the grounds and then through the house until he came to the sitting room. He slowed as he approached and strained to listen for voices on the other side of the door, but he heard nothing.

He didn’t knock, pushing the door forwards cautiously and peering around its edge, “Mother?”

He found her alone, perched on the edge of the sofa, the wireless playing quietly and her needlework in her hands. She dropped it the moment she saw him though, jumping to her feet with a wide and faintly anxious smile, “Draco, darling,” she opened her arms and stepped forwards to great him, pulling him into her chest, “How are you? Did you have a good journey?”

“I’m fine - it was fine,” he muttered into her shoulder as he returned her embrace, “And you? What happened?”

Her smile faltered and disappeared; she sighed, “Always straight to the point Draco - you’re just like your father. I had hoped we might… no, well, I suppose you’re right. It is important. Come and sit,” she tugged on his hand and pulled him back towards the sofas, moving her long stitch so that he might perch on the seat next to her.

“What happened?” He repeated, “What was the incident?”

She pursed her lips, “Harry tried to escape,”

Draco blinked in surprise, “He what? How? What happened?!”

“Your… your aunt came to his rooms,” Draco found himself scowling immediately; of course, this had something to do with Bellatrix, “She said that she didn’t close the door properly - that it was an accident - but I don’t think anyone really believes her. She’s been very jealous of Harry… of the amount of attention that the Dark Lord gives him and the importance he has placed upon him,”

Draco found himself shaking his head, “She’s insane,” he muttered, “No one in their right mind would want to be the centre of that man's attention, least of all Harry,”

There was a flicker of surprise in his mother’s eyes, though he couldn’t tell if it was at his casual use of Harry’s given name, or his easy dismissal of the Dark Lord, “No, well, I don’t think anyone is claiming Bellatrix is in her right mind. Anyway, Harry made it to the entrance hall when he was caught by Mulciber,” she grimaced in displeasure, “He… he didn’t manage to hurt Harry much - your father got there in time to stop him and take Harry back to his rooms. His snake bit him though - Mulciber I mean. The Moirai bit him. If anything, he came off much worse for the encounter than Harry, but Harry has been… not… not subdued,” she hunted for the right words, “His mood has been very changeable. He is withdrawn and not himself. I don’t know what to do - I’m worried about him,” she admitted, “Something has changed. Something more than him failing to escape,”

Draco nodded slowly, absorbing all that his mother had said, “Has the Dark Lord punished Harry? Or Bella or Mulciber?”

“The Dark Lord spoke to Harry, but I don’t know what he said. And he told Bella that he expects her to make it up to him, or pay the price, but I don’t know what that means either. Your father is concerned that she has put our standing in even further jeopardy. As for Mulciber,” a tight and surprisingly vicious smile appeared at her lips, “the Dark Lord said that he’d been punished enough. Runespoor venom is very unpleasant. Your aunt had to amputate his arm to save him - or at least that’s her story,”

Draco found he suddenly had a new appreciation for the snake that very clearly hated him, “Right… right… well, I- I should probably go and see him. I promised in my last letter that I would,”

“Oh,” Narcissa said, clearly surprised; she hesitated, “You two have become… friends?” She said carefully.

“Something like that,” Draco answered vaguely, pushing himself to his feet, “I’ll see you in the morning mother,”

Were they friends? He found the question rolling around in his mind as he made his way up towards the Aethonan suite, mingling with the day dreams that frequently occupied his time, all of them centred on that very topic: being Harry’s friend. It felt needy and pathetic to admit himself preoccupied with ideas of what being friends with Harry Potter actually meant, but he refused to be embarrassed in the sanctity of his own mind.

He supposed that they were - friends that was - he had said as much in one of his letters. But… but ‘friend’ didn’t quite sit right with him. It felt like an under and overstatement all in one. They were friends in writing, but in person…?

To be Harry Potter’s friend had been all he’d wanted as a young child, but now that he potentially had that friendship, he found the word lacking. ‘Friend’ didn’t seem like enough.

Finding himself stood outside of the suite’s grand door, Draco knocked, but didn’t wait for an answer.

His eyes found Harry immediately.

He was sat hunched over the drawing table, his back to Draco. He shuffled closer, waiting for the moment that Harry would turn around, but he never did. Draco considered calling out, but he held his tongue, choosing instead to take the opportunity to simply observe him.

He could see immediately what the strange low flickering had been: a fluttering blue flame, honed to the edge of an artist’s finest paint brush burned at the mouth of a silver torch. Clasped between Harry’s fingers and held in the heart of the fire was a clear glass rod. The centre of the glass glowed a furious red under the flame’s heat and was quickly turning white.

Harry held it in place, his brow furrowed, watching and waiting, though Draco didn’t know what for. He seemed almost frozen in place.

Draco’s eyes trailed from the glass to Harry himself. His hair was shorter, Draco realised immediately. He didn’t think he’d ever seen it this short. Somehow though, it was still impossibly messy; criss crossing this way and that so that his hair stood on end and folded one strand over another. Draco realised immediately what was causing the chaotic arrangement; with the bulk of his hair cut away, Draco was able to see the double crown on Harry’s head that had his untameable hair spiralling in conflicting directions. No wonder he could never get it to lay flat.

He looked away from his hair to the rest of him.

He looked better. Much better. He’d obviously gained weight and while his face was still narrow, it now no longer looked painfully so. Had he grown too? Draco thought he might have, but he wouldn’t know until they stood next to one another. Draco found his eyes drawn to Harry’s wrists, lingering on a healing cut, and then to his fingers. There was something about the way his forefinger and thumb grasped the glass that Draco couldn’t look away from. The tension in his hands made them look simultaneously delicate and strong; a combination that Draco found unexpectedly captivating.

He blinked in surprise when Harry suddenly moved, freezing in place and half expecting him to whip around with a reprimand for staring on the tip of his tongue. But he didn’t; instead, he lifted the glowing rod clear from the flame and began to mutter under his breath. Draco watched, fascinated, as the blazing glass began to change shape, twisting and warping and tapering and bulging as the glass turned from a scorching hot white to a luminous orange, to an angry red, then finally back to white again. This white was different though - soft and sterile in appearance and at odds with the clear ends that remained.

The torch’s flame flickered, then gradually spluttered out into nothing. Harry’s shoulders raised as he took a deep breath in. Draco found himself mimicking the action without meaning to. He should probably say something before his silence became difficult to explain.

“Good evening,”

Draco half expected Harry to flinch; for him to drop the glass in between his fingers or for the newly formed centre to shatter. It didn’t though. Instead, Harry let out a small hum, and said, “I was wondering how long it would take for you to say hello,”

Draco found himself scowling and shuffling closer, nervously fiddling with his signet ring and eyeing the edge of the empty socket he could see, “You knew I was there?”

Harry turned his head. He sighed in frustration, and swivelled his whole body so that he could see Draco through his remaining eye. Draco was nearly stopped in his tracks by the vibrant green. He was wrong. Thomas hadn’t even touched the surface of Harry’s eye colour.

Harry nodded towards the window, “She saw you,” stretched out across the sill, pressed against the glass pane, the Moirai flicked her tail lazily. Draco tried his best to name the heads: Lachesis ignored him, Atropos snarled at him, and Clotho’s head swayed this way and that in an almost dreamy fashion.

“Hello,” Draco greeted cautiously with less enthusiasm now, “She’s grown,” he muttered, mostly to himself - she had at least doubled in length and diameter. He imagined she could only just about hide under Harry’s clothes now, “She’s grown a lot,”

“She has,” Harry agreed with a flicker of a smile, “I’ll be sad when she’s too big to carry around on my shoulders,”

“How big will she be when she’s fully grown?”

“Up to seven feet apparently,”

“That’s… terrifying,” Draco admitted flatly.

Harry’s lips tilted again into a shadow of a smile, “Nah… she’s like a big, grumpy, puppy at heart. She terrifies Tippy though,”

“I wonder why,” reluctantly tearing his gaze from the snake, Draco leant his hip against the drawing table and trailed a fingertip across the top, “Is this your eye then?” He nodded towards the still cooling glass.

The expression on Harry’s face turned rueful, “Yeah. An attempt at least,” he held the glass rod end on and considered it’s flattened centre for a moment, “That spell is meant to reshape the glass into the shape of my eye socket - I’ve been getting better but it's still not there. Look - can you see? How warped it is, and the sharp edges and the bubbling,” he pressed his lips together, “Not good enough yet. Wouldn’t even fit, and if it did, it’d probably really f*cking hurt,”

“Did you do that wandlessly?” Harry nodded, still inspecting his attempt critically, “And the torch - you lit that wandlessly as well?”

“Yeah,” Harry said distractedly, running a finger along the edge of the glass and scratching at its sharp edge with his thumb nail.

“And you did both at the same time?” Harry hummed an affirmative, “Harry: that’s amazing,”

Harry blinked up at him in surprise. Slowly, a small, shy smile appeared on Harry’s face, and Draco felt his breath catch just the smallest amount, “You think so?”

“Do you not?” Draco asked indignantly, “What else would you call it? I don’t know any other sixteen-year-olds who can do wandless magic,”

Harry shrugged, setting the glass down carefully on what looked like a thick white cloth, “I guess… It’s weird hearing you say my first name,” he said suddenly.

“Would you prefer it if I didn’t?” Draco asked awkwardly - should he not use his first name? He suppose he never had asked permission.

Harry shrugged again, then hesitated, “Would you mind standing on my other side? Only, it’s uncomfortable to turn so much,”

Draco felt immediately embarrassed by his own thoughtlessness, “Ah, yes - sorry,” he swept behind Harry in three steps until he was stood at his right shoulder instead; he didn’t miss the way Atropos followed him suspiciously, “I didn’t think, my apologies,”

Harry’s eye flicked from his chest to his face and his lips flashed in a grin that was there and then gone again just as quickly, “So formal,” he teased, but there was something uncomfortable in his voice, as if he too were struggling to navigate this new ‘in person’ element of their relationship. Draco felt suddenly foolish for thinking they would some how fall into the easy rapport they had developed in writing, “You know, this is probably the longest we’ve ever gone without insulting one another,” he pointed out.

“There’s still time,” Draco countered dryly, and Harry hummed in agreement, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Draco took a bracing breath in and pushed the conversation forwards with a clap of his hands, “Where’s my peridot then? You better not have lost it - two weeks detention that cost me, remember,” it was a lie. It had been four. With the current climate, breaking into Slughorn’s private potions store hadn’t gone down well, even if it hadn’t been proven that he’d actually taken anything.

Harry rolled his eye, and yanked the drawer closest to Draco open, nearly catching him with its sharp edge, “Right here - safe and sound,” Harry pulled out a mahogany ring box and flicked it open to reveal the peridot stone Draco had stolen resting on a red velvet cushion. He snapped it closed again and shut the drawer with a snap, “And I told you not to get into trouble,”

Draco rolled his eyes, “You’re not my mother - come on, let's sit down more comfortably. I’m tired of looming over you,” for a moment, Harry just looked at him, before Draco realised that he was so stood so close that if Harry were to stand, they’d end up pressed together. He took a hasty step back to give the other room, wandering back towards the sofas. Draco found himself eyeing Harry critically as he stood; huh, he had grown, though the top of his head still only came up to just above Draco’s chin, “What about her?” He nodded to the Moirai.

“She’ll be fine,” Harry said waving away his concern, “If she’s lonely she’ll make her way over. She’s perfectly happy to spy from a distance though,”

Draco eyed the snake warily as they wandered their way towards the living area, “I still think an emerald would be better though,” he wasn’t able to keep the disapproval out of his voice as they seated themselves at either end of the sofa; he gestured to the drawer, “That won’t look anything like your eye colour,”

“I told you - can’t use emerald. It’s a magic sink - one of the most effective apparently,” Harry relaxed back into his seat with a yawn, “It’s why emeralds can’t be used as part of any clothing or jewellery you intend to enchant. It draws the magic of the enchantment back in anytime it tries to activate - like a black hole. Emerald to magic is like activated charcoal to mundane poisons,” Harry paused, thinking, “Beryl, aquamarine and morganite have similar, less potent properties, but so do all gemstones in the hexagonal crystal family to some degree,”

“Now you mention it,” Draco started slowly, reluctantly ignoring the fact that Harry had at some point become well versed in crystallography, “I think I remember my mother telling me something about not being able to use jewellery with emeralds in it to create protective talismans. It’s why it used to be the ‘go-to’ stone for engagement rings. It was a status symbol - not only can you afford this rare gemstone, but you can afford for it to serve no practical purpose. My grandmother’s engagement ring was emerald,”

“I know. I’ve seen it,” there was something pinched in Harry’s expression and something sharp in his voice, but he continued before Draco could analyse it too closely, “Muggles are all about diamonds,”

Draco snorted, “Diamonds,” he drawled derisively, “Common and boring. Hard, yes, but there’s a reason it plays such an important role in industrious pursuits - they’re hardly rare,”

A reluctantly amused smile played around Harry’s lips, “You’re such a dick - you compared me to diamond in your last letter. I’m pleased to hear that I’m common and boring” he said, the joke in his voice faintly forced, “There’s nothing wrong with diamonds,”

“Other than the few million people who have died in the pursuit of mining them all over the world,” he argued quickly to cover the flush in his cheeks, “I wonder how many blood diamonds sit on display in Hatton Garden,”

“What does it matter to you if a few million muggles die?”

Draco froze, the sudden harshness of the question catching his breath in his chest. He resisted the urge to shift in his seat uncomfortably, “It… it doesn’t,” he cleared his throat and said more firmly, “I have no stake in muggle conflicts. And neither do you,”

“So you say,” Harry answered sharply, his blank expression at odds with the harshness of his tone. Draco was abruptly reminded of the ‘incident’ his mother had spoken of. Though he knew he couldn’t leave that evening without them speaking of it, he wasn’t quite ready to.

He shifted nervously, and changed the topic, “So- so presumably this prosthetic will have twenty-twenty vision, right? Is there nothing you can do about the vision in your other eye? Or are you just going to end up wearing glasses with only one prescription lens,”

Harry remained stiff and visibly ill at ease as he answered, “Y-yeah… I’ll have to keep the glasses. The book says that the methods that exist to modify eyesight are pretty taboo. They’re considered dark magic,”


“Because it involves threading slithers of gold into the eye to imbed runes directly into the retina,” Draco’s stomach turned at Harry’s flat answer, “Or silver. Historically it's been used by dark wizards to control their slaves. The book said either way it's incredibly difficult and risks blinding the patient and you definitely can’t attempt it on yourself. So. Yeah. I’m okay with glasses,”

“Yeah…,” Draco said slowly, “Glasses sound great,” he attempted a weak smile, and waited to see if it would be returned; whatever turn Harry’s mood had taken had stuck, however. Draco flicked his eyes to Harry’s hair, “You cut your hair,”

Harry blinked and reached a self-conscious hand to his head, running his fingers through his hair and then curling them as if attempting to fist the strands into his hand. They were too short though, and slid right through, “Yeah,” he muttered.

“Did my mother do it?” Harry nodded, “Figures - she always leaves it looking choppy. I’ve been doing my own since I was twelve. Do you… do you want me to smarten it up a bit?” He reached gingerly for his wand in his pocket.

Harry hesitated, then nodded, “Y-yeah. Please,” he leant forwards slightly as if he were making space for Draco to work around him.

Draco pulled his wand free and flicked it in well-practiced motions, muttering the incantation and watching as the sharp edges of Harry’s hair rounded out into something softer. It would do nothing for his hair’s chaotic criss-crossing, but it looked less like someone had hacked at his head with garden sheers, “There - all better. Did you want to see?”

Harry shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair, “No - I trust you. Thanks,”

“You’re welcome,” Draco put his wand away, “What made you want to cut it so short anyway?” He knew immediately that he had said something wrong.

Harry froze. He fisted anxiously at his hair but couldn’t gain purchase on the strands. He let out a huff of breath that sounded equal parts frustrated and relieved and dropped his hand to his side. He licked his top lip nervously, “Did… did your mother tell you what happened?”

Without meaning to, Draco had walked them straight to the conversation he had been trying to avoid. He nodded reluctantly, “Yeah - some of it. She said you tried to escape,”

Harry snorted abruptly, “Hardly. Walked my way, eyes open into a trap. Eye open,” he corrected with a miserable sneer, “Bellatrix… she left the door open. I got as far as the entrance hall but… but Mulciber was waiting for me,” Draco’s gut clenched at the memory of the man, “He… he grabbed me by my hair,” Harry said shortly, “I… I have no wand, no weapon, I don’t weigh much, and I have no experience in hand-to-hand combat. If I can make myself that little bit less vulnerable…,” he trailed off and it took Draco a moment to realise that he had nothing else to say.

Draco searched for an answer that wasn’t pitying or sympathetic; something in the challenging line of Harry’s shoulders told him it was the last thing he was looking for, “Well… I think it's safe to say that if you keep that up,” he nodded in the direction of the drawing table, “you won’t need to worry about the wand soon,” Harry flashed him false smile, “I ran into Mulciber once,” his expression soured immediately, and Draco regretted not stopping while he was ahead.

“Keep away from him,” Harry said, the viciousness of his tone taking Draco by surprise and obliterating any of the awkwardness that had been between them, “Whatever you do, keep away from him,”

“My parents said the same,” Draco said slowly, “but I stumbled across him on my own without meaning to. He made my skin crawl… I didn’t tell my parents. I don’t know why. I guess… I guess I kind of felt like I’d done something wrong,” Harry watched him, his gaze intense and heavy, but he said nothing, and Draco scrambled to find something to say, “I don’t know… it’s stupid,”

Harry shook his head and Draco watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed, “I… I…,” he took a shuddering breath, glancing away to the snake that watched them intently from the edge of the dressing table now, practically tipping off of it in her eagerness to be near them, “Never mind,” he muttered, his eye fixed on Clotho who was out front and hissing melodically at him, “Afterwards,” he said suddenly, when Draco had begun to think he had nothing else to say, “when your father brought me back… the Dark Lord came to see me,”

“Oh? What did he say?” He asked cautiously.

“He said…,” Harry glanced at him, tearing his gaze from the snake, “He said… he said it was natural to try and escape,” he finished with a mutter.

Draco knew in his gut that there was something that Harry wasn’t saying, but he knew with just as much certainty that Harry wasn’t going to say anymore, “It is natural to escape,” he agreed slowly; Harry said nothing, “Look… get some sleep, okay? Have a bath or something and ask Tippy to give you a hand massage. I’ll come back in the morning, yeah?”

Harry nodded slowly, “Yeah… yeah, okay,”

Draco’s feet grew heavier and heavier with every step he took, as if they were protesting his departure.

Harry wasn’t the only one whose mood had turned sour by the evening’s end - though perhaps sour was the wrong word. Melancholy perhaps? And faintly, privately embarrassed.

He almost felt like he was eleven years old again, holding out his hand and asking for Harry’s friendship. He thought he had it, or something near it at least, but it didn’t quite feel right.

In letters it had all been so easy. Letters left space for tempers and egos to cool. In person there was too much… too much context. It was simple to forget that Harry was a prisoner when all he had in front of him was a roll of parchment.

In person, it was impossible to forget, and their burgeoning friendship became like a spinning top preparing to fall at any moment. He didn’t want that. Friendship with Harry could be key for maintaining his family’s position. He needed to keep that top spinning.

It felt like a weak excuse to even his own ears. As if concerns about his family’s position were what had him petulantly toeing off his shoes at his bedroom door and collapsing onto his mattress.

No. He was just the same pathetic eleven-year-old desperate for Harry Potter to be his friend, and feeling internally humiliated at the fanciful day dreams where he and Harry were firm friends that he had entertained himself with at school.

He turned his gaze to the calendar pinned above his desk. He pushed himself to his feet and shuffled closer, ignoring the winking photophraph that stared down at him.

He only had three weeks, before he was back on the Hogwarts express and back to school. Three weeks to see Harry in person and discover what friendship beyond ink and parchment and whimsical day dreams could be like if they tried. It seemed like hardly enough time.

He picked up a stray quill and dipped it into his ink well. He scratched through that day’s narrow box and dropped the quill with a clatter.



Have hardly written anything all week it feels like 😂 constantly busy and then I decided to read the hunger games prequel in anticipation of seeing the film (which was great fyi and the first actual book I’ve read in months - the first anything tbh haven’t been able to focus on fanfic when my head has been occupied with my own writing haha does anyone else have this issue??)
Anyway! Back to it now though!
Sorry for the ramble 😂

Chapter 15: Draco: Nobody’s son


How would he have been doing at school this year? Would he have been made the quidditch captain for Gryffindor? Would he have been thinking about marriage? Draco imagined not marriage, but girlfriends perhaps. He’d have put money on the she-Weasley… or maybe Granger - though that would have undoubtedly split up the golden trio. Anyone with eyes could see that Weasley was gone for her.


Apologies for any typo’s but this was given it’s final proof read while I was post night shift and I’m particularly stupid when I’m sleep deprived.
Side note: if anyone’s noticed a space in between “ and words when there’s italics, I have no idea why it does that and going back and editing it to delete the space doesn’t always get rid of it, so I’m just resigned to putting up with it at this point.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At school, Draco shaved the way he imagined the majority of the school’s male population did: with a quick spell as he rushed through his morning routine. It was efficient and effective (when he was paying attention, which he always was when it came to something as important as his appearance) and that was all he had time for unless he felt like hogging a sink for twenty to thirty minutes completing his full routine every other morning.

At home, there were no such time constraints. At home, he had his own sink and his own bathroom, and while it wasn’t as grand as Harry’s (he didn’t have an enormous claw footed bathtub in the middle for one) it was significantly finer than the shared bathrooms the dorms provided.

Currently, his towel was wrapped around his waist and secured at his hip. His wet hair was swept back and out of his face as he worked the lather from his shaving brush into his skin from the top of his cheeks to halfway down his neck. His straight razor, sharp and clean, sat ready and waiting, balanced precariously on an empty soap dish. Setting his shaving brush down, he grasped the razor delicately between his fingers and held it poised just in front of his ear where the hair on his head would begin to blend into his facial hair if he were to ever let it grow long enough to. He paused, readjusted his grip, and began to shave.

His father had taught him to shave when he’d returned from school after third year with the beginnings of a moustache dusting his top lip.

Malfoys are always well groomed,’ he’d said sternly as he’d carefully lain out his own shaving paraphernalia, ‘and that means being clean shaven. One day, if you are able to, you may wish to grow a beard of some kind. This is acceptable so long as it is full and well maintained. Malfoys do not have patchy facial hair,’

Draco could grow a full beard now, if he wanted to, but he never had. It was less the look of being clean shaven that he preferred, and more the ritual that came with it when he had the time to achieve the look properly. It reminded him of sitting with his father every other night for six weeks having his small cuts healed until he was finally able to use a straight razor without staining his flannel red.

His father refused to use safety razors. He called them classless muggle inventions. He had also refused to teach Draco any shaving spells until he was certain his son could achieve a satisfactory shave with a straight razor alone.

It had been a summer of stinging cuts and sharp biting remarks from his father, but he wouldn’t have changed it for the world. It would be the last time his father would spend any significant length of time with him.

The Dark Lord had returned and was living under their roof by the time the next summer holidays had swung around, and Lucius never had time for him anymore.

Shaving became the symbol of his last true moment of connection with his father.

He wondered how Harry shaved. Did he use the spells?Or perhaps Tippy shaved him, as his skills with wandless magic were a recent development.

Harry was partly the reason Draco was shaving that morning.

He’d returned to his room, drained and near exhausted both physically and emotionally. He’d stepped into his en suit, turned on the light, and found himself sighing in despair at his own reflection.

His hair had been a mess. There had been great dark shadows under his eyes, and a well-established twelve o’clock shadow on his cheeks. He found himself irritated with his mother for not telling him to go and freshen up before seeing Harry.

As he carefully patted his face dry with his soft towel, wiping away what remained of the soap on his face before he moisturised to finish, he tried not to dwell on why he cared about what Harry thought about his appearance.

After he had carefully parted his hair and swept his fringe to one side (he didn’t bother with gel like he would have at school), he stepped out of the bathroom, and he nearly screamed.

Narcissa was sat at his desk, idly flipping through the schoolwork he had brought back with him.

Mother!” He squawked, half hiding himself behind his bathroom door, “What are you doing here?!”

Narcissa looked up from the desk, “Draco,” she greeted warmly, standing and approaching the bathroom, “Good morning,”

“Mother!” He hissed, “Do you mind? I’m half naked!”

She rolled her eyes and strode over to the bed where he had laid out his clothes for the morning; comfortable but smart had been his goal, “Oh darling, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” she gathered the clothes up and half stepped into the bathroom after him, shoving them into his arms, “Do hurry up - I’m starving and I’m sure Harry is too. We normally have breakfast much earlier than this,”

Draco snapped the door closed, scowling to himself as he rushed to dress. He found himself fighting with his boxers; in his haste, he hadn’t quite dried properly causing the cotton fabric to roll up tightly as he pulled them up his legs.

“It’s a Sunday, mother,” he grumbled as he hurriedly buttoned up his shirt, “Why are you here? And so early?”

He let out an undignified yelp when his mother snapped the bathroom door open, “I’m going to have breakfast with you and Harry,” she said simply, a belt held in between her hands, “Is that a problem?”

He scowled, turning to undo his trousers and tuck his shirt in without flashing his boxers at her, “Of course it’s not, but why?” He took the offered belt with a nod, “Thank you,”

“Because, son of mine, I imagine that if I don’t have breakfast with you, I risk another school holiday where I barely see hide nor hair of you. And I enjoy having breakfast with Harry - is that a crime?”

Finally covered, he turned back towards her and followed her out of the humid bathroom and into the cooler bedroom, pausing only to collect his signet ring and slide it onto his little finger, “No, of course not, you just took me by surprise,” it wasn’t exactly the truth. For reasons he couldn’t explain, the idea of having to share any of the time he had with Harry with his mother had him suppressing a displeased scowl. Though, the idea of being alone with Harry again left his stomach squirming with nerves. Last night had been… awkward. An uncomfortable clash of fantasy and reality.

“Though I would also appreciate it if you would join your father and I in the sitting room before you retire,” she added pointedly, opening his wardrobe and selecting a light outer robe for him to throw about his shoulders; except for in the height of summer, the manor always had a chill in the air, “Is that acceptable?” She didn’t wait for his answer, sweeping out of his room and expecting him to follow.

“Y-yes, of course,” he found himself half running after her, pulling on shoes as he went, “Is father home?”

“Not right now - the Dark Lord has had much need of him of late. He is often abroad furthering his interests and elevating our position - but I’m hopeful he will be home later on,”

Draco said nothing, striding after her as he straightened out his robe, unfolding the layers of fabric that had become tangled in his haste to dress.

At the door to the Aethonan suite, his mother paused to look at him, “You look very… smart,” she said sounding a mixture of confused surprise. She frowned a little before turning back to the door, rapping her knuckles sharply against it, and pushing her way inside. She toed her shoes off at the door and Draco followed suit, feeling unreasonably harried by his mother's interruption of his previously calm morning.

They found Harry at the drawing table in the middle of reshaping more glass. He barely moved to acknowledge their entrance, and where the previous night Draco had been nervous about disturbing him, his mother clearly had no such concerns.

“Good morning, Harry,” she greeted warmly, crossing the room to the window sill where the Moirai were stretched out again; the snake rose her heads in greeting and slithered out across the sill so that half her body was hovering in the air, stretching out towards Narcissa, “Good morning Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos,” he watched curiously as Narcissa reached out a hand to the snake, allowing her to clamber up her arm and onto her shoulders. Narcissa carried her over to the sofa and summoned Tippy with a snap of her fingers, “A large breakfast - no, actually, let’s make it brunch. It’s late enough in the day,” she threw an annoyed look in Draco’s direction, “Thank you, Tippy,” the elf disappeared with a deep bow and a pop.

“Morning,” Harry greeted, his voice flat and disinterested, his gaze still fixed on the glass in his hands, watching as it flattened itself out and then flexed to a slight curve, then thickened in its middle again, “I wasn’t sure who to expect this morning,”

“Well - it’s either we all have breakfast together, or I don’t see either of you for three weeks,” Narcissa said primly, pouring each of them a cup of tea, “This house is lonely enough as it is without spending breakfast alone as well as the rest of the day,”

“You could always try the west wing,” Harry said, his affect lifeless to the point of rudeness as he dipped the glass back into the flame, “I’m sure you’d find company there,” he lifted the glass free and frowned in concentration as the shape shifted and warped again.

His mother responded as if Harry had made a joke, “Ha! No thank you, Harry. You’ll forgive me if I don’t count those people as ‘good company’,”

Draco finally unglued his feet and made his way behind Harry towards the armchair furthest from the door. Harry hummed, dipping the glass back into the fire. He glanced up from his work and offered Draco a nod in greeting, only to double take, his eye widening in surprise.

The glass in the fire suddenly shattered with a high-pitched whistling noise.

Draco flinched in surprise, and Harry let out a hiss of pain, dropping the broken ends of the glass rods and reaching up to his face to where a fleck of molten glass had struck his cheek.

For f*cks sake,” he grumbled, jumping to his feet and rushing to the bathroom; Draco heard the sound of a tap being turned on.

“Language!” Narcissa called after him, apparently unsurprised by the display and more focussed on buttering her toast.

Draco glanced between her and the bathroom door, not quite sure what had just happened, or what to make of her uncharacteristic tolerance of Harry’s poor attitude, “Shouldn’t you be wearing safety equipment?” He called after him as he took his own seat, adding a lump of sugar to his tea and stirring. He paused to listen to Harry’s shouted response, but he couldn’t understand a word, muffled as his voice was by the door between them. He turned instead to his breakfast, buttering his own slice of toast and eyeing the sitting room with disapproval, “This room is just so ugly,” he muttered to himself, staring up at the enormous horse’s head above the fireplace and the wing tips that framed it.

“You’d be singing a different tune if it were covered in snakes, I’m sure,” Narcissa said in disapproval, “And this is nothing - one day I’ll take you to the farmhouse in Cornwall. The entire place is covered in horse portraits and statues. There’s even a matching fireplace there,”

Draco rolled his eyes, “I’m fine thanks. And it’s not just the horses - there could be a dirty great snake’s head sticking out of the wall and it would be just as tacky,”

“It’s a good job your grandmother isn’t around to hear you say that,” Narcissa pointed a teaspoon threateningly in his direction, “She’d have scourgified your mouth out for that - she loved this room,”

Harry reappeared before Draco could answer. He was scowling, a wet flannel pressed to his cheek, “Bloody glass,” he muttered, sitting heavily on Narcissa’s other side and reaching for an orange, “Never going to get it right. I’ve wasted nearly an entire rod now,”

“I’m sure that’s not true - you’re coming along in leaps and bounds. Only a few weeks ago you couldn’t even get the torch to work, remember,” Narcissa said lightly, sipping her tea, “You’ll get there. We can always get more glass if we need to, but you have spare,” Harry grunted around his toast, “Don’t speak with your mouth full, Harry,” she reprimanded with a long-suffering sigh; she turned to Draco with a tight smile, “How has your term been, Draco? How’s your work?”

Draco didn’t miss how Harry froze for the briefest moment before he continued eating his breakfast, his gaze fixed on his plate, “Okay, I guess,” Draco muttered, “Doin’ pretty well, all things considered. Could be worse,”

“Don’t mumble Draco,” Narcissa said reproachfully. Draco heard Harry shift in his seat and glanced over to find a solitary green eye staring at him; Harry looked away quickly, “How’s quidditch?”

“Oh Merlin,” Draco groaned, “Please don’t talk to me about quidditch. Don’t expect me to be on the team next year, that’s all I’ll say,”

“I know things are more difficult now, Draco, but that’s no excuse to do poorly in school or give up your hobbies,” Draco felt the weight of Harry’s gaze on him once more, but he had already looked away when Draco turned to him, “Now’s the time to buckle down and do better than ever,” Harry’s expression had settled into something grim and resigned. He glanced sadly at Narcissa, then turned his gaze to the bacon sandwich he had made himself, “How’s Pansy? Is she well? She’s been uncharacteristically lacking in presence in your letters,”

“She’s fine, Mother,” he said exasperated, “She sends her love, as always,”

“I do miss seeing Pansy,” Narcissa said sadly, “Such a lovely girl - proper and from an excellent family. When the time is right, perhaps we could broach the topic of a marriage contract with the Parkinson’s?” She needled lightly.

“Can we talk about something else, please?” It was a struggle not to snap, “I can’t see how marriage is a priority right now, all things considered,” his mother’s desire to see him and Pansy wed was no secret. In fact, it was something she brought up at least once during every school holiday, save for Christmas when she had had other worries. After his and Pansy’s disastrous attempt at a kiss, he had told her firmly that marriage was not in his or Pansy’s future, and as he was not in the habit of repeating himself, he refused to even address her continued attempts to press the issue.

Narcissa sighed and reluctantly changed the subject. Draco barely listened to her though, interjecting on autopilot where appropriate but otherwise paying more attention to Harry.

How would he have been doing at school this year? Would he have been made the quidditch captain for Gryffindor? Would he have been thinking about marriage? Draco imagined not marriage, but girlfriends perhaps. He’d have put money on the she-Weasley… or maybe Granger - though that would have undoubtedly split up the golden trio. Anyone with eyes could see that Weasley was gone for her.

Harry occasionally sent him a fleeting glance in between answering Narcissa’s increasingly strained questions with grunts and seemingly innocuous comments that came out pointed and rude. Still, despite growing increasingly offended on his mother’s behalf, Draco found his eyes caught on the small burn on Harry’s smooth cheek.

How did he shave?

Finally, with their plates empty, his mother reluctantly rose to her feet. She deposited the Moirai in Harry’s lap and left them alone.

For a moment, they simply looked at one another. Then Draco addressed the thing that had been niggling at him the entire meal.

“I’d ask you to be more polite to my mother,” he tried his best to make the question non-accusatory, his mother’s letter in the forefront of his mind:

‘I know that your’s and Harry’s relationship has often been one based on antagonism, but I feel that this approach at this time will only hurt you both.’

He could tell by the hardening of Harry’s expression that he hadn’t been able to keep the anger out of his voice.

“What?” Harry said darkly.

“You were being quite rude to her, don’t you think?” the muscles in Harry’s jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth together, “She hasn’t done anything to you,”

“Tell me - who’s manor is this?” Harry said harshly, “‘Cause it sure as sh*t isn’t ‘Potter Manor’ or ‘Voldemort Manor’ or- or- or ‘Weasley Manor’,” he paused, expectantly, “Go on. Tell me,”

Draco could feel his temper beginning to rise in the thrumming pulse at his temple, “She didn’t put you here-,” he began, but Harry spoke over him.

“It’s ‘Malfoy Manor’ - your name, and her name,” he pointed sharply from Draco to the door his mother had left by, jostling the snake in his lap as he did so, “You’re the one who wrote about ‘collective familial responsibility’, so don’t f*cking sit there and tell me that she hasn’t done anything to me,”

“You will show my mother some respect, Potter-,”

“‘Potter’?” Harry laughed incredulously, “Are you kidding me? Are we back to surnames again? Do friends call one another by their last name now or are we not actually friends?” he said harshly.

“Shut up!” Draco barked, “I’m sure you can understand why I might not appreciate you disrespecting my mother - even if you don’t have one of your own,” Draco found his words stumbling to an abrupt halt, regretting them even before the anger on Harry’s face had faded away.

Harry took a long moment to answer, “Maybe I don’t understand…,” he paused, his tongue trailing across his bottom lip, “You know… it’s amazing to me how, in your head, I’m somehow the villain in this scenario… for being rude to her. Just for being rude. When she’s my literal jailer, Draco. And yes, she’s nice - she’s lovely even - and I like her, I really do… but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s complicit in everything that’s happened to me, as much as she seems to regret it. Everything that is happening to me - the imprisonment, the brainwashing, the torment, all of it!” He spoke faster and faster as if he were racing towards the end of his sentence, “Just because I’ve adjusted - just because I’m coping - it doesn’t mean that I’m suddenly okay with all of this. I will never be okay with this, and I find it laughable that you’re angry with me for having what I think is a pretty reasonable f*cking reaction to being held prisoner!”

“She’s probably the only person in this house who actually gives a sh*t about you!” Draco half growled, his resolve to control his temper waning, “She hasn’t done anything to you!”

“Your aunt did though,” Harry said, his voice deceptively soft, “Your aunt ripped my eye out and spent six months torturing me until I was nearly insane. I… I…,” Harry’s voice became choked, and his gaze turned to the ceiling as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks, “I just want it all to be done,” he whispered, “I want to go home,” the word was pleading, “I want to run away to where no one knows my name - away from this house and the Order. From the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. But even if I escaped, there’s nowhere to go. There is no home for me” he said bitterly, brushing away the tear he couldn’t hold back, “If the Dark Lord didn’t drag me back, then Dumbledore would,”

There’s was something new in the way that Harry said the headmaster’s name; an undercurrent of resignation and fear. It was enough to catch Draco’s attention.

“What do you mean? That Dumbledore would drag you back?” He asked carefully.

Harry shook his head though, roughly wiping away the last of the wetness on his cheeks as he pushed himself to his feet, his snake cradled in his arms like a baby, “Nothing,” he muttered, “Doesn’t matter,” he stared down at the hissing snake in his arms, watching her heads sway up towards his face, “None of it matters,” he directed a sad smile in Draco’s direction, “It’s a shame we only seem to get on when there’s parchment and ink between us,”

“I don’t think that’s true,” Draco said sharply, stopping Harry in his tracks before he could turn away, “There’s something else. There’s something wrong, something you’re not telling me - that’s why you’re acting like this,”

Harry gave him a withering look, “To use your own words; you’re being naive. Of course, there’s something wrong,” he gestured to the room around them and turned towards the drawing table. He seated himself, deposited the Moirai on the windowsill where she seemed the most content, and lit the torch once more with a touch of his fingertips and a murmured incendio.

For a long time, Draco simply watched him work, anchored in place by a creeping shame. He found his eyes drawn to the room around them - the four walls of Harry’s gilded cage. The context he had acknowledged but still denied pressed in against him.

Harry kept his silence, except for the muttered spells that caused the glass in between his hands to warp and reform. With nothing else to do, Draco stood, and in an action that echoed of the Christmas Holidays that they had unwillingly spent together, he approached the bookshelves.

By the end of the day, Draco had managed to read half of ‘The Blood that Binds Us, Volume II: Familial Lines and Matrimony’ and Harry hadn’t said another word to him.

Absorbed as he was by Harry’s parting words from hours before, it wasn’t until Draco was at his bedroom door that he remembered he was meant to be seeing his mother and father before he retired for the evening. Cursing under his breath, he swept down the staircase, running his fingers through his hair to smooth it. He paused at the sitting room door, calming his breath, straightening his robes, and then knocking politely.

He opened the door to find his mother perched on the edge of the armchair closest to the fireplace where his father stood with an arm leaning against the mantel piece. Their murmured conversation ceased at once, and Lucius’s icy grey eyes snapped to his own pair.

He looked tired and drawn, an uncharacteristic stubble on his cheeks and his long hair tucked haphazardly behind his ear. The relaxing of his tense posture was the only indication that he was happy to see his son.

“Draco,” Lucius greeted, “Welcome home, son,”

Draco approached, glancing briefly towards his mother, searching for reassurance in her expression and finding only wariness, “Father,”

Draco did not outwardly express the surprise he felt when, rather than merely resting a hand on his shoulder in welcome, his father gripped the side of his neck, squeezing briefly and stroking his thumb against the outer edge of Draco’s jaw, “It is good to see you,”

Draco nodded, “And you,” something was wrong - he wanted something. Draco would have normally taken the armchair opposite his mother’s, but his father’s grip held him in place.

“How was school? How are your marks?”

“School was fine,” Draco answered carefully, “And my marks are fine - the professors don’t seem to be concerned at least,”

Lucius nodded distractedly, “Good, that’s good,” his eyes flicked nervously to his wife, “Your mother told you what happened earlier in the week, yes?”

Draco hesitated, then nodded slowly, “Harry tried to escape,”

Lucius’s responding huff of laughter was cold and angry, “He was set free, you mean,” his gaze flicked briefly towards Narcissa, “but yes. There is something that this event has revealed to us however - something that we may work to our advantage,”

“Oh,” Draco said carefully.

Lucius continued eagerly, not noticing his son’s less than eager tone, “Indeed - it has revealed the value that the Dark Lord places upon the Potter boy. I believe… I believe that this may be our way towards firmly reestablishing ourselves in the Dark Lord’s good graces,” his eyes flicked anxiously to his wife and then back to Draco, “I believe, that if you are able to make yourself a valued friend to the boy, put aside old animosity and rivalry, that the boy may pull us up with him as the Dark Lord establishes him within the ranks. Do you understand Draco? Your mother has suggested that you are already quite friendly; you have been writing to one another all term, yes?”

Draco shot Narcissa a look, betrayal hidden in its edges, “I… yes, we’ve been quite friendly,”

“It will be no hardship, then will it, little dragon?” Narcissa said anxiously, and he found himself hating the nickname, “To be a better friend to him. To get closer to him,” she swallowed, “Harry could use a friend his own age, after all. It won’t do him any harm, or you. It would benefit you both,”

For a moment, he closed his eyes, and he could practically see the letters they had exchanged in his mind’s eye. Full of insults and witty remarks and surprisingly earnest exchanges, and he knew he couldn’t agree to the plan.

“If Harry and I become friends, it will be because of a mutual enjoyment of one another's company, and not out of some desire to manipulate my way into the Dark Lord’s good graces,” he pushed his father’s hand from his shoulder.

Lucius snatched his sleeve to hold him in place, “Draco,” he said harshly, “You will do as you are told - this is for the good of the family! To keep us safe! You are being short-sighted. You are a Malfoy, not some half-witted Hufflepuff. Act. Like. It!”

Draco smacked his hand away, “I’ll do exactly as I wish,” he found his mother’s eyes on him, full of sadness and regret, “And if you’re so worried about our family's safety, you should have considered that before you let the Dark Lord put his mark on you,”

Lucius hissed through his teeth and made to grab Draco again, but Draco was already halfway across the sitting room. Lucius shouted something after him, but Draco was half deafened by the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears and didn’t hear him.

For a week, he and Harry barely spoke.

While his mother was in the room, they communicated through her like a vessel.

“How are your efforts progressing with the eye, Harry?” She’d ask politely, petting the head of one of the Moirai and pretending not to see the way that Harry and Draco only ever looked at her and never at one another, “I see you’ve started melting down your oldest attempts to start anew,”

“They’re getting better,” Harry’s affect was still flat, but rather than rude or passive aggressive, he sounded resigned and deadened, “Less sharp - less bubbling. I think I’m close to making one that will actually fit now,”

“That’s excellent news Harry!” Narcissa said brightly, sounding genuinely pleased for him; she turned faintly anxious eyes in Draco’s direction, “Isn’t that good, Draco?” She hadn’t apologised for that night with his father. She hadn’t even addressed it, and while he had never thought the plan her idea, that she had even entertained it left him feeling on edge.

Complicit indeed.

“Yeah,” he cleared his throat, “Yes, that’s wonderful,” and so their conversation would go until she left. She’d speak to Harry, Harry would answer, she’d address Draco, and Draco would reply, on and on and on it went.

When she was gone though, and Harry was working at the drawing table, and Draco was meant to be reading, Draco found himself staring at the other instead. Cataloguing day by day as his hair grew longer, as his magic grew stronger and the focus in his gaze grew more intense, watching as the burn on his cheek gradually healed as a small scar.

Harry may not have been able to see him watching, but he didn’t need to. He had three sets of eyes that were more frequently than not fixed on Draco, and Draco guessed by the soft hissing that they exchanged, that they were reporting on him.

It wasn’t until Draco had been home a week, that things changed.

Draco lifted his chin, the blade at his throat gliding against his skin, starting at the bottom of his neck and ending at the edge of his jaw. He wiped the razor against a clean flannel - first one side, and then the other. He returned the blade to his skin and worked his way around his throat until not a hair remained.

His face now clean and smooth, he gripped the edges of the sink.

Perhaps he should take his shaving equipment to school with him - the ritual of it was grounding. Perhaps he wouldn’t have time to shave this way on weekdays, but there was no reason why he couldn’t on a weekend. He could do with something to sooth him. Something to bring him back to himself when it felt like things were getting away from him.

He turned to leave the bathroom, pausing to wipe away an errant patch of foam on his earlobe.

He walked to the Aethonan suite by himself this morning; it wasn’t unusual. His mother didn’t have the patience to wait for him every morning, and he frequently found her and Harry enjoying breakfast without him.

He didn’t knock on the door, instead simply pushing his way inside, rubbing away the sleep that remained in his eyes as he toed off his shoes. It was only as the door closed that he realised that something was wrong. The room was unnaturally quiet.

Looking up, he froze.

Rather than his mother sat opposite Harry, he found Severus Snape.

Snape was glaring balefully over his shoulder, his wand raised halfway in the air, clearly in the middle of casting. Draco scrambled to find something to say, his mouth hanging open and his lips rapidly drying out.

“Have you forgotten how to knock, Mister Malfoy?” Snape asked coldly. Draco’s breath caught in his chest. He flicked his gaze to Harry and found himself caught by the sight of him. He was looking back at Draco, his green eye practically burning with fury. His stare returned to Snape, and Draco realised abruptly that the rage was meant for Snape and not for him, “Are you trying to catch flies, Mister Malfoy? What are you doing?” Snape snapped.

“I… Uh, I apologise, sir,” Draco said awkwardly, shuffling forwards, his eyes darting between the potion’s professor and Harry. The look on Harry’s face was familiar - it reminded him of the day that Harry had broken down over Christmas, but only because of its feral nature. He lacked any of the vulnerability of that day. There were no wounded tears gathering in his eyes, and no anguished twist of his mouth.

“Are you going to stand there all day, boy?” Snape barked in frustration, “Sit down!” He commanded sharply.

Draco stepped forwards to do as he had been commanded, heading for the sofa between the armchairs that Harry and Snape occupied, but he froze upon finding the Moirai stretched out across it. He hovered uncertainly, and sighed in relief when she gathered her body into a coil on the seat closet to Harry. He sat down, looking nervously between Harry and Snape.

Snape ignored them both, lifting his wand and muttering under his breath as he cast spell after spell. They were diagnostic spells - Madam Pomfrey had used them on him after Harry and one of the Weasley twins had beaten the sh*t out of him the previous year. Even Madam Pomfrey hadn’t been able to cycle through them quite this quickly though.

Draco watched them for a moment, then felt his gaze magnetically pulled towards Harry. Harry was watching him, his eye trained on Draco with a single-minded focus. The fury had faded away, leaving a resigned tiredness in its place. Draco watched him back, and Snape and his spells faded into the background.

Until that is, an explosion of gold appeared in the air between them. Silver sparks fell as a rain of fireworks, dissipating before colliding with the ground. Draco squinted against the brightness but couldn’t stop himself from looking. He watched as a slither of black swept through the cloud, cutting a path of shadow through the gold that cleaved it in two until the cloud reformed.

“What’s that?” Draco half whispered.

Snape heard him but said nothing. It was Harry who spoke, “My magical core,” he said quietly.

“Should… should it look like that?”

“No,” Harry answered again.

“What should it look like then?”

Snape sighed in irritation. The gold phenomenon between them suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by a silver globe; it was half the size of Harry’s golden cloud with a thick outer shell that contained its own swirling universe filled with shooting stars and sparks that glittered as they fell to the globes bottom before climbing their way up to the top again.

“This,” Snape said impatiently, and Draco found the man's wand pointing in his direction, “Magical cores should be contained. Not an unrestrained, swollen, unspooling mess,” the globe between them flickered, then disappeared; Snape stood, “If your core remains in this condition in the long term, it will kill you, Potter,” Harry didn’t react.

“Why is it like that?” Draco asked carefully, wary of the heavy atmosphere that was growing between them.

“Because I spent six months using occlumency to forget that I was being tortured in the cellar,” Harry answered flatly, his eye fixed on Snape. Snape remained silent and didn’t return his gaze.

Draco licked his lips, “And… and what’s the black smoke?” Snape eyed him out of the corner of his eye, and again said nothing. He looked to Harry and found a painfully blank expression on his face.

Snape turned to Harry, “Until next week Potter,” he paused, and considered Draco, “Knock, next week, Mister Malfoy,” and he left without another word.

With the closing of the door, the silence that remained between them was deafening.

The snake on the sofa slithered her way down to the floor, but rather than crawling her way up into Harry’s lap, she disappeared behind the sofa and curled up in front of the low simmering fire. Harry watched her go, his expression listless. Draco found himself abruptly pinned in place by his emerald eye, and then he looked away.

Draco swallowed and struggled to find his voice, “You don’t seem very concerned about your magical core…,” Harry said nothing, “Did you not just listen to the same thing that I did, Harry?”

“Ah, and now I’m Harry again,” he said softly.

Draco spoke through clenched teeth, “Don’t be a dick,” he snapped, “Why are you not worried? He said it would kill you!”

Harry snorted, “What does it matter? Dead. Alive. It’s all the same,”

“All the same?!” Draco cried, aghast, “How is it all the same? What the f*ck, Harry? What are you talking about? No- hey! No!” He half shouted as Harry stood and made for his bedroom, “Where are you going? Stop!” Draco scrambled to follow him, “What are you not telling me? Hey! Don’t ignore me-,”

“Just STOP Draco!” Harry shouted, stopping abruptly and spinning to face Draco, revealing the tears in his eye and his ghostly pale face, “Leave me alone!”

Draco scoffed, rearing back furiously, “No - not until you tell me what the f*ck is up with you! Hey- no!” He caught Harry by the wrist and made to pull him back, “Tell me- why! For f*cks sake Harry!” Harry wrenched free, shoving both of his hands into Draco’s chest and forcing him back a step. He disappeared into his bedroom, but Draco threw out a hand to catch the door before it could slam shut and forced his way in after him.

Harry stood rooted to the spot in the middle of the room, his shoulders hunched, his head bowed, showing Draco only the expanse of his back and the long stretch of his neck. A curved jagged scar, paler than the surrounding tissue stood in stark relief against the rest of Harry’s skin. Draco found himself rooted to the spot.

“Harry…,” he started quietly, as his eyes adjusted to the rooms dim light, “Tell me what’s wrong. There’s something you’re not saying…,” he paused, waiting to see if Harry would speak; when he didn’t, he took a careful step forwards, “Before - when I first got back from school - you tried to tell me something, but you stopped yourself,” Harry’s shoulders tensed, “Something that the Dark Lord told you after you tried to escape… what was it?”

Harry took a shuddering breath, “He… he said…,” a sob caught in his throat. Harry stumbled forwards towards the bed, catching himself against it and turning gingerly to sink down to the ground until he was sat with his back up against the bed frame. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them; he spoke in a whisper that Draco could barely hear, “He said that, when the killing curse rebounded the night he tried to kill me, that it caused a part of his soul to break free, and… and that that piece of his soul attached itself to me,” Harry peered up at him miserably.

Draco sank carefully to the ground, crossing his legs beneath him, “The… the black cloud in your magical core. Is that-?”

Harry sniffed wetly and nodded, “Yeah,” he said hoarsely, “I think so. Nothing else it could be. Nothing that makes sense. And Snape has never answered any of my questions about it so… so I don’t think he knows what it is either,” he finished with a whimper.

“But what does it actually mean?” Draco asked carefully, “That part of the Dark Lord’s soul is tied up with yours?”

“He- he said that it meant that if someone wanted to kill him… if someone wanted to kill the Dark Lord,” Harry wiped the tears on his cheeks away, “Someone like Dumbledore… he said that they would have to kill me as well,” he whimpered, hugging himself, “He said that Dumbledore knows about it and would kill me and I… I…!” His voice broke and cracked, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I should want. Should I be okay with dying? Would Dumbledore expect me to die? I don’t,” he sobbed, “I don’t want to die! But if I live, then so does he!” He threaded his fingers through his hair, gripping uselessly at strands too short to gain a purchase on, “If I want to live, does that mean that my only option is to side with him? I don’t want to be a murderer!!

“And what about Sirius - my friends. He wants to kill them. If they… if they don’t kill me, then there’s no hope of destroying him for good. I just… I just…,” Draco shuffled carefully closer, “I just wish I believed that there was someone in the Order who would pick me over- over this,” he said bitterly as Draco turned to sit by his side, their shoulders pressed flush together, “Over this impossible choice. Either I stay with the Dark Lord, and I live. Or I turn to the Order, and I die. I don’t want to die. It’s not fair. It’s not fair!! Why did it have to be me? Why couldn’t he have killed someone else’s parents that night? After everything I’ve had to live through - this is it?!” He cried, throwing his hands out in front of him as if pleading with some unseen deity, “I don’t even get a happy ending?! I either die, or I live as a prisoner in this house. Or… or worse,” his voice lowered to a whisper, “I join him, and fight against the people I love,” Harry turned to face him, his eye practically luminous as it stared out at him, “I just wish there was someone who would choose me,” he whispered, “I wish there was someone who loved me enough to try and save me,”

Draco found himself pinned in place by Harry’s pained gaze. All he could hear was the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears. For a moment, he just breathed, gathering his thoughts in a desperate attempt to find words that would bring the boy in front of him even a slither of hope, “Maybe… maybe you don’t have to choose between living as a prisoner, or joining him. Maybe you can fake it,”

Harry scoffed, “Fake it? Fake hating my friends? Fake being the kind of person who tortures a teenager for six months?”

“I… I don’t know,” he said honestly, “I don’t know what it would take. But the Dark Lord isn’t going to stop trying to get you to join him. If anything, surely, he’ll be triumphant if he thinks you’ve finally given in? You’ve got solid occlumency shields right? So, he won’t know if you’re lying to him. He won’t know what’s in your heart… right?” He said, his voice faintly desperate.

Harry shook his head, his eyes wet, his smile mocking, “And then what, Draco? Let’s say I convince him that I’m his… then what?”

“Escape,” Draco said at once, “Get away from him,”

Harry let out a bark of laughter, “And then what Draco?! Where would I go? To the Order?” He scoffed, “And what if the Dark Lord is right? I’d just be walking to my death - I don’t want to die, Draco!”

“Surely there’s someone who would help you,” Draco tried to insist, “Someone who would choose you? If… if our situations were reversed, there’s no way my mother or father wouldn’t sacrifice everything to try and save me. To keep me safe. I’m their son, for f*cks sake!”

Harry’s smile trembled, broke, and turned sad, “I’m nobody's son, Draco,”

“What about Black?” Draco said at once, “He’s your godfather, right?”

Harry shook his head, “Yeah, and the Dark Lord killed his best friend. Sirius left his family because they supported him. He… he lived through the first war. He knows as well as the rest of the Order how many people will die if the Dark Lord is left alive. What’s my life, in comparison to theirs?” He sighed, turning his face from Draco’s but allowing himself to rest his weight against Draco’s shoulder, “He won’t choose me. He shouldn’t choose me. I just wish there was someone who I thought would,” he licked his lips, and whispered, “I… I don’t really blame your mother. For all of this. I don’t blame you either. I just feel so alone, all of the time. And so powerless. At least… at least when I tried to escape, even though I knew there was no chance of success, at least I was in control of something,” he turned a sad smile in Draco’s direction, “At the end of the day, I guess I am just a mouse gnawing off my own arm for a taste of freedom,”

Draco didn’t know what he was talking about, but he found words leaving his mouth before he had consciously decided to say them, “I could choose you,”

Harry laughed, but Draco thought it was more out instinct than anything else, “What?” He said incredulously.

“I could choose you,” Draco said more certainly.

Harry’s brow furrowed in confusion, “I… Draco - you can’t choose me. What are you talking about? Your father is a Death Eater. He’s chosen for you,”

“But I’m not,” Draco interrupted, “And I don’t want to be one,”

“Don’t say that out loud,” Harry near whispered, “It’s dangerous,”

“And I don’t care about the Order either. So. I… I could choose you,”

“Draco… I…,” Harry shook his head, a single tear escaping out of the corner of his eye, “Why?”

“Do you know what I was doing last week, while I was watching an owl fly away with my last letter to you?”

Harry hesitated, then shook his head, “No,”

“I was daydreaming about finding your owl… about bringing her to you,” a smile twitched at the corner of Draco’s lips, “about making you smile again. I think… I think I could choose you,”

Harry’s face was open, and for the briefest moment it was filled with hope and warmth. And then that moment passed. His lips twitched into a sad smile, and the vibrancy in his eye dimmed, “Oh Draco… you shouldn’t choose me. I-… I don’t even think I should choose me,” he shook his head, and looked away, “You shouldn’t choose me,”

Draco said nothing out loud, but his inner thoughts betrayed more than he was ready to admit to:

I think I already have.


I just need someone to know that I have a painfully busy weekend and I’m legit angry that I’m having to socialise so much :( I even made one of the plans and I have like the opposite of fomo
Anyway 😂
I need to sleep now
Till next time! x

Chapter 16: Draco: Unapologetically You


Spending time with Harry, now that there was understanding between them and significantly less hate and fear on both sides, was as easy as breathing. Pansy was the only other person who he felt even remotely as at ease with. When he had first put quill to parchment, he could never have predicted he’d actually find a friend in the other boy.

Though the word friend sat uneasily in his gut. Friend. Friend. Hmm. It made his chest twinge just the slightest amount.


As expected I’ve had a painfully busy week: went to a wedding, went to Paris for three days, went to the dentist, took my car to be serviced, and have given up multiple evenings to social events that I just cba with.
Anyone else feeling mildly burnt out by December already?
I just want to play Planet Zoo and write fan fiction :( is that too much to ask? Stupid gainful employment and social gatherings haha

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The shaving foam on Draco’s face was beginning to irritate him. It had been sat in place for so long that it was threatening to drip down towards his collar, but no matter how many times he thought about reaching for his blade, his fingers wouldn’t move. They were locked in place, gripping the edge of the sink basin as if he were dangling from the edge of a cliff, hanging on for dear life.

When he’d returned from Harry’s rooms the night before he had collapsed in bed almost immediately, the emotional toll of the day finally catching up to him. It was only now that he was actually able to process the conversation that they’d shared.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t the secret that Harry had confessed to him that was holding him fixed in place. It was another far more personal revelation.

He could admit, silently, and within the safety of his own carefully guarded mind, that the destruction of the Dark Lord was something he longed for. He hated the man. Hated what he had done to his home and his family. Hated what he had done to the wizarding world at large - the fear and darkness that his return had heralded. Hated that he would one day be expected to be as subservient to the man as his father was.

And yet he found himself more than willing to tolerate the fear and darkness and servitude if the alternative was loosing Harry.

It was this realisation that had him frozen in place: that he was totally willing to forgo any notion of freedom for himself and his family, if it meant that Harry would be safe.

For Draco, there was no choice to be made between the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters, or Albus Dumbledore and his Order. He’d already made his choice, and he’d chosen Harry. Now he just needed to convince Harry to make the same choice.

That the Dark Lord had warded the Aethonan suite so that Harry couldn’t cause himself harm suddenly made a frightening amount of sense. Harry had said he wasn’t sure he should choose himself. Whether or not Harry would commit suicide to further cement the Dark Lord’s demise was a question that Draco didn’t want answered.

In the end, Draco abandoned his attempt at the morning shave that he usually found so soothing, wiping the foam from his face and shaving with a quick spell instead. The result was nowhere near as satisfying, but he was late enough that morning as it was. He’d miss his mother if he tarried any longer.

As he expected, he found his mother and Harry in the middle of their breakfast. What he didn’t expect was the small, genuine smile on Harry’s face, or the way his mother was enthusiastically recounting some story.

“…and there he was, stood in the middle of the entrance hall, half drowned tracking mud all about the place with this furious gnome clasped in between his little hands,” Draco groaned - not this story, “Oh!” His mother let out a surprised sound, spotting him by the door and beckoning him closer, “Good morning, little dragon,” over her shoulder, Harry’s lips spread into a grin.

Little dragon?’ Harry mouthed, miming a hearty chuckle.

Draco barely avoided rolling his eyes, “Good morning mother, Harry,” he landed heavily on the sofa, and sent her a withering glare, “You’re not retelling that old story are you?”

She chuckled, “Oh, but it is a good one darling, you have to admit,” in her lap, two snake heads turned to watch him, while the third (Clotho) was too busy enjoying a chin scratch from his mother to pay him any mind, “You were determined that you were going to start a gnome sanctuary - oh how you raged at your father when he told you no!”

“I don’t imagine he was accustomed to hearing the word,” Harry said dryly.

Draco rolled his eyes, “I’ve been told ‘no’ plenty of times, thank you. You did it yourself, if you remember? On our first day of school?”

“You were being a prick-,”

Language Harry,” Narcissa said with a sigh.

“- and you’d just insulted my first ever friend. Of course I didn’t want to shake your stupid hand you pompous git,”

“Weasley was your first ever friend?” Well. That was just sad.

Harry nodded, then paused, “Well - second if you count Hagrid, which I do,” his expression turned wistful, “I wonder how he and Fang are,”

Narcissa shifted awkwardly, no doubt made uncomfortable by the reminder that Harry was a prisoner, “It’s a shame you boys couldn’t be friends at school,” she said diplomatically.

Harry snorted, “Fat chance,” Draco wanted to be offended, but he sincerely doubted they’d have ever been anything but enemies if Harry hadn’t been taken. He didn’t want to say he was grateful that Harry was being held prisoner, but it didn’t hurt anyone to admit privately that he enjoyed their new dynamic, mercurial as it was, “Anyway - enough about that. You were telling me about Draco’s gnome sanctuary,”

“Oh yes,” Narcissa chortled, “It turned out that he’d already caught three more and had persuaded the house elves to trap them in the pantry. I had to smuggle them out of the house before Lucius could get his hands on them - I knew that if he wrung their necks that Draco would have been inconsolable. It was bad enough trying to stop him screaming himself hoarse about not being able to keep them,” Draco couldn’t help but grin, “He spent the next year fixated on everything gnome related and drew up childish plans for his future as a gnome specialist. Your father was legitimately concerned that you’d picked the idea back up again when you decided to take Care of Magical Creatures. I am surprised that you didn’t continue it to NEWT level though you know, considering how well you did in your OWLs,” she added.

“It would have been a waste of my time,” Draco said with a shrug, “I have no ambitions that require a Care of Magical Creatures OWL, let alone NEWT,”

“What grade did you get?” Harry asked curiously.

Draco answered reluctantly, noticing the tenseness in Harry’s shoulders, “I got an E,” he really, really wished he could have gotten Harry’s results for him.

“No, I suppose you’re right,” Narcissa agreed, “It wouldn’t have been the most efficient use of your time. Though the choices you have made will make for a well rounded education as it is - if you getgood grades, I don’t imagine there are many career paths that would be barred to you,”

Harry’s expression turned faintly pinched, and Draco made to move his mother on, “No, I suppose not. But mother-,”

“Your father would want you to become a Ministry man like himself, I’m sure,” she continued, sipping at what remained of her tea, “when things have settled down again, I mean. I always thought you’d be better suited as a curse breaker though - in Egypt or Cancun for Gringotts perhaps. Though I would hate to have you so far from me, but I suppose it’s a mother’s burden to accept that her children must one day fly the nest,” she said with a sigh, stroking her finger down Clotho’s nose.

Clotho wasn’t paying attention though, and like her sister heads had turned her attention in Draco’s direction. For a moment, Draco thought they had been about to slither towards him, but they were stopped in their tracks by Narcissa getting to her feet.

“Well then boys,” she said, draining the last of her tea, “I suppose I should leave you to your day and whatever it is that you get up to,” she dropped the Moirai in Harry’s lap, and stroked a gentle hand through his short hair, “I had a lovely chat this morning, Harry,” she said, her voice full of meaning and sounding as if she might cry; she turned to Draco, “Do come for dinner this evening, Draco. Your father is home,”

She left before Draco had the opportunity to answer, or to see if moisture gathered in her eyes. She left them alone and in sudden silence.

“I… I’m sorry,” Draco said finally.

Harry’s head tilted a little, “For what?”

“My mother… she… we,” he corrected, “aren’t always the most tactful. I can understand why hearing her talk about my future might not be very… well…,” he gestured to the room around them.

Harry hesitated, “It’s… well. It is a bit thoughtless I guess, but not malicious - it’s fine. It’s my problem, not hers. She’s just excited to have you home. She’s talks about you a lot,” he added with a small smile, “She loves you. She worries about you,”

Draco didn’t know what to say to that. It felt like agreeing would only open up questions about who loved and worried after Harry, and that was something he tried very hard not to think about. Thoughts like that were what had had him standing in the courtyard and staring at Harry’s friends.

I’m nobody’s son.

So instead, he said, “Will you show me how you’re getting on with your eye?”

Harry brightened for the first time since Draco had been home, dragging an armchair closer to the drawing table so that Draco could sit next to him while he showed him everything; all the while the Moirai were slung around his shoulders.

He slid open drawer after drawer to reveal all of the equipment he had hidden away, from tongs and clamps and heavy duty sheers, to buffing and grinding pads and a rotary tool that whirred and wizzed the moment Harry put his hands to it. It was the glass itself that Harry lingered over the most, though.

“It’s so interesting!” He enthused, twirling a rod of virgin glass between his fingers, “It’s made from the sand that fire crabs lay their eggs in, so it’s only found on Fiji. Fire crab eggs actually have a soft shell, so they roll their eggs in the sand and it melts and creates a super hard protective barrier. Except not all of the sand on Fiji has a high enough silica content to actually form glass, so they all go to this one cove where the sand is the right quality,”

“So wizards harvest the sand from there?” Draco asked curiously, peering at Harry’s previous attempts where they were lined up one after the other at the back of the drawing table. He flinched back minutely when Lachesis sniffed at his hair, but Harry didn’t notice.

Harry shook his head, “They don’t harvest the sand - instead they harvest the egg shells that remain after the fire crabs hatch. It’s the constant contact with the organic egg membrane that makes it so special. Normal egg-shells are porous to allow oxygen to pass through to the animal on the inside,” Draco found his eyes fixed on Harry’s hands, watching as he gestured enthusiastically, “Glass obviously isn’t porous, but the magic and heat from the egg membrane makes the inner aspects of the glass almost liquid - so the portion closest to the egg gets hot and rises to the outer surface, then picks up oxygen from the outer shell, then sinks back down to the egg as it cools,” he didn’t think he’d ever seen Harry this enthusiastic about something - something other than quidditch at least, “The fact that the middle of the glass moves under the influence of magic is what makes it so important for the prosthetic eye!

“Rather than having to have a solid eye that spins all around in the eye socket,” he twirled his finger through the air, mimicking the spinning of an eye, exposing the small healing cut at his wrist as his sleeve slid up, “which gets uncomfortable eventually, instead just the iris moves through the eye so it’s way less uncomfortable and allows for a better fit that can be bound in place,” Harry was practically panting he was speaking so quickly.

While Draco had always known that Harry was powerful, he had never considered him to be particularly clever. He’d always thought that Granger was the brains of their little outfit, but he was finding himself gradually proven wrong. Harry might not have been the best in school, but he was clearly extremely capable.

Draco found himself catching Harry’s windmilling wrist without thinking, “That’s all very interesting, but you really should start wearing protective gear or you’ll just end up with more injuries,” he tapped his finger against the cut on Harry’s wrist, “Is this from the glass exploding as well?”

The change in Harry was immediate. The Moirai coiled up threateningly, and Harry snatched his wrist back, slapping Draco’s hand away and shoving his sleeve back down. Draco felt his heart catch in his throat, surprised at being shoved away and immediately regretting grabbing Harry. He leant away carefully, his eyes fixed on the uncomfortable, angry expression on Harry’s face.

They both looked up at a sharp hiss. Atropos was glaring down at him from Harry’s shoulders, her fangs flashing in the light, venom building at their tip. It wasn’t this that prompted Draco to apologise, but the defeated slump in Harry’s posture.

“Sorry,” he muttered, “I wasn’t thinking. I won’t grab you again,”

Harry looked at him suddenly, his expression indecipherable. He glanced over Draco’s shoulder towards the bathroom and stared for a long moment, before turning his gaze back to Draco. He swallowed heavily, “You don’t need to be sorry… I just…,” he considered his wrist, flexing his fingers before running them through his short hair and testing its length; he let out a heavy breath, “It’s not from glass. It’s from when I tried to escape. Mulciber… he had a knife on him, just here,” he pressed his hand to the side of his ribs, “It nicked me,” he glanced back to the bathroom briefly, before turning his whole body towards the drawing table so that Draco could only just see the corner of his eye.

“He keeps one in his boot,” Harry looked at him sharply, “If you ever come across him again, I mean,” Draco took a deep breath in, “He keeps a blade strapped to his ribs and one in his boot, and has two wands in holsters at his hip as well,”

Harry gave him a peculiar look, “Why are you telling me this?”

“Well… if you’re ever up against him again, I want you to have every advantage possible,”

Harry stared at him, long and hard, his eye flitting between Draco’s lips and his eyes, searching but Draco couldn’t have said what for. He gave a single nod, and looked away from Draco to the row of substandard prosthetic eyes. Draco found his gaze drawn to the small burn on Harry’s cheek again.

“How do you shave?” He asked curiously.

Harry let out a bark of surprised laughter, turning back to him with an incredulous expression, “What?”

“How do you shave?” He repeated, “Does Tippy do it for you?”

Harry nodded, sending Draco a look that clearly communicated that he thought he’d lost his mind, “Yeah - at Hogwarts I’d just do the spells, but now Tippy sorts it for me. Before now I hadn’t mastered wandless magic enough to trust myself using shaving spells, and I doubt anyone’s itching to give me a blade,” his gaze flicked to the bathroom, “Why do you ask?”

Draco shrugged, “Just curious,”

“About how I shave?” Harry asked, confused; Draco nodded, unwilling to explain to Harry (or himself) why he seemed to have developed a curiosity that knew no bounds when it came to Harry. Harry rolled his eye, “Why, how do you shave?”

“Straight razor, when I have the time,”

Harry let out a cackle, throwing his head back, “Of course you do, you pompous ass,”

“You get a better shave!” Draco said defensively, but his heart wasn’t really in it.

“And only the best for the Malfoy’s, is that right?” Harry needled with a grin.

“Naturally - why settle for second best? My father taught me to shave. I cut myself half a dozen times on the first attempt alone, but he wouldn’t entertain the idea of letting a safety razor into the house,”

Harry’s grin softened, “Ron taught me the spells, and enough about using a safety razor to shave in the holidays,” he said fondly, turning his gaze to the horizon outside the window and the light rain that drizzled over the grounds, “My uncle never would have to taught me to shave - actually, no,” he corrected himself, “He’d have taught me to shave, if only so that the neighbours didn’t say anything about their scruffy, delinquent nephew,”

“Delinquent?” Draco asked warily, conscious of how changeable Harry’s mood was and reluctant to lose its current lightness.

“Yeah, they told everyone that I went to ‘Saint Brutus’s Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys’,” he shook his head a little, “Stupid,”

“And people believed that?” Draco said incredulously, “Are muggles really that unintelligent?”

The look Harry sent him was wary, “Muggles aren’t stupid - they’re just different. My relatives though, well… yeah, they were pretty stupid,”

There was a question on the tip of Draco’s tongue; a question about cupboards and school letters. He held it back though. Not now.

“Will you teach me how to use wandless magic?”

And Harry was laughing again and shaking his head, “I mean, yeah sure, if you like - but seventy percent of it is sitting and meditating and ‘connecting with your inner eye’. So as soothing as it is, it’s a little bit boring. Maybe another day? In the evening before bed?” Draco nodded eagerly; Harry hesitated, “If I teach you wandless magic, will you teach me how to use a straight razor?”

“I’ll teach you to use a straight razor regardless, if that’s what you want,” Draco said with a shrug, and Harry’s expression turned immediately pleased, “Now tell me more about this eye - how do you incorporate the peridot into the iris?”

Harry opened his mouth and immediately launched into an explanation of which Draco understood very little, but he listened anyway, his gaze fixed on the shape of Harry’s mouth and how it changed around his words.

Draco didn’t stand to leave until late in the evening; he didn’t miss the flash of disappointment on Harry’s face, “I’m sorry - mother’s expecting me for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow though, okay?”

Draco regretted attending dinner the moment he stepped foot into the dining room.

What his mother had failed to mention, was that it wasn’t only his father who would be attending the meal. While his father sat at the tables head, opposite his mother and the place that had been set for Draco was Bellatrix and, of all people, Rodolphus.

Though he was technically his uncle, Draco barely knew him.

He was a tall and exceptionally serious man with a heavy set brow and facial features that Pansy would have described as chiselled. Draco imagined that his uncle would have once been an exceptionally handsome man. Now though, the evidence of his good breeding had been diminished by his years in Azkaban, leaving him somewhat haggard and drawn. He had improved since Draco had seen him last - he’d regained some of the fullness of his cheeks as well as the broadness of his chest. Though he was of a height with his father, Rodolphus was considerably more intimidating.

“Draco,” he was jerked back to the present by his mother’s faintly strained greeting, “Have you had a good day?”

“Ah, yes - very pleasant thank you,” he unglued his feet and took his assigned place opposite Bella at his mother’s side, “Good evening - Aunt, Uncle,” he inclined his head politely and didn’t even attempt maintaining Rodolphus’s eye contact, choosing instead to unfold his napkin over his lap.

“Good evening, nephew of mine,” Bellatrix said, practically leering across the table as she lazily swirled her tumbler of whisky and ice, “I’m glad to hear you had an enjoyable evening with the half-blood,”

Draco gritted his teeth, and kept his thoughts to himself. He said nothing through the soup course, listening only enough to recognise his own name. Otherwise, he occupied himself with carefully spooning his mushroom soup into his mouth while his eyes wandered about the family dining room.

It was not quite as grand as the drawing room where his parents would host formal dinners (and where Draco had been barred from since the end of fourth year) but it was still unnecessarily opulent with an enormous chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a long mahogany dining table.

Draco found his eyes drawn to the walls though, as he always did. Where one might have expected family portraits through the ages to be hanging, instead the walls were covered in an enormous and seemingly unending family tree that wrapped around the walls from floor to ceiling detailing the name of every witch or wizard that had ever married into, or been born into the Mafloy family.

Draco knew that other families had similar representations of their family tress, but where others had enchanted tapestries, the Malfoy’s (at great expense) had enchanted the walls themselves to reflect the ever changing membership of the Malfoy clan. While Draco and his parents were currently the only ones to bare the Malfoy name, the tree detailed the existence of no less than one hundred and fifty living, direct descendants of Armand Malfoy.

Draco found his eyes trailing across the tree, following the path from Armand all the way to himself, making note of the black lines that connected married couples and linked from parents to children and so on.

Not all of the lines were black, however. Some married couples were connected by vivid red lines, with one side of the couple circled in the colour. Invariably, of the couples connected by red, it was a daughter who had married outside of the Malfoy family, and it was her husband’s name (or wife’s name as in a few cases) which was circled in red. The further back in the family tree he went, the more common the colour was, with all six of Nestor Malfoy’s daughters being connect to their husbands by red.

It was these marriages that Draco had always found most interesting as a young boy.

‘They were blood bonded, Draco,’ his mother had explained, ‘It was very common a long time ago – it was a way for one family to ensure the loyalty of another through marriage. It’s partly how the Malfoy family grew in such strength - it was family policy for many generations that any wizards wishing to marry a Malfoy daughter must bind themselves to their wives,’

‘What does that mean though?’ Draco had asked, confused.

‘Well… it’s like a bond of fealty. It’s not technically illegal now, but its very much frowned upon,”


Narcissa had sighed, and tried to find the words to explain such a thing to her eight year old son, ‘Because it binds the couple together permanently - through their blood, their magic, their souls - and as such it permanently influences the couples behaviour. There is no betrayal between blood bonded couples. Especially from the partner swearing loyalty, which was why it was so popular among Malfoy’s who married off their daughters to influential wizards. It’s effects linger in subsequent generations though, hence why it is frowned upon.’

Draco had not been old enough to quite understand the nuance of what his mother had told him, but he did now. He found his eyes lingering on the red circles around Nestor Malfoy’s daughter’s husbands. What had it felt like to be bound to someone like that? It had been curiosity about this very fact that had had him pouring over the second volume of ‘The Blood that Binds Us’ - he hadn’t quite gotten to the section on matrimony yet though, distracted as he had been with watching Harry.

“Well then nephew,” Draco was pulled rudely from his daydream and found four pairs of eyes looking at him, “are you going to tell us all about your enjoyable day with the half-blood?” Bellatrix’s honeyed words dripped like poison in his ear.

He dabbed his mouth with a napkin to give himself time to think of a response that would persuade his aunt to leave him alone, “I read a little, he worked at his desk, and we chatted in between those two things. There isn’t much else to say,” he shrugged a little, pushing his empty soup bowl away from himself.

Bellatrix chuckled, “‘Worked’. On that stupid eye, you mean? I should have taken both of his eyes – it would have been entertaining to see him try and overcome that,” she glanced towards her husband with a smirk, but Rodolphus seemed mostly disinterested in her, only offering her a placating hum, “Surely you could be doing something better with your time than watching that filthy half-blood work himself to the bone,”

Draco should have kept his mouth shut - there was no safe answer to give - but the way she said ‘half-blood’, as if it put a nasty taste in her mouth, had him full of righteous fury in a split second. All he could think of was Harry crying on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees in a futile attempt to give himself comfort.

“As you appear to have the baiting and trapping him side of things under control, there didn’t seem to be much else for me to do other than enjoy my evening as I saw fit,” Draco said coldly.

Draco!”His mother said sharply as the main course appeared in front of them.

He ignored her, “If you come up with any other hair brained schemes, do let me know will you? So I can run as far away as possible in the opposite direction, considering how poorly things went last time. Unless I decide that two arms, is one arm too many for me, in which case I’ll be sure to stick around,”

“You impudent little-!” Bella snarled, half standing, “How dare you speak to me that way!”

“Draco stop it!” Narcissa snapped.

“Are you telling me that I’m wrong?!” Draco said with a hollow laugh, “Mulciber’s in the market for a hook because of her,” he stabbed his fork in her direction, “and Harry’s got a new scar and something else to have nightmares about,”

“‘Harry’?” Bellatrix sneered, shaking her head, “Since when is he ‘Harry’. Are you making a new friend, ickle Draco?” Draco found himself grinding his teeth together at her mocking, “Are you two enjoying your play dates? Is that it? Should I dig out the old tea set that your mother and I used to play with as girls? Or perhaps our dolls - did you keep them Cissy?”

“I find it difficult to believe that any dolls of yours still have all their limbs or their heads,” Draco said flatly.

“Draco - this is enough. Lucius - tell him!” His mother cried.

Lucius only shook his head though, sipping at his own tumbler, “What is there to tell, Cissa?”

“Tell me aunt,” Draco started, his voice painfully polite, “have you always enjoyed pulling out eyes and chopping off arms? Or do you think that Azkaban sent you completely insane?”

How dare you?!” Bellatrix screeched, on her feet now; she turned abruptly to her husband, “Are you going to let him speak to me like this?!”

Rodolphus sipped at his wine, and said in his deep rumbling voice, “You don’t need me to defend you against a teenager, Trixie,”

“Draco, you will cease this at once,” his mother said firmly, the hard line of her lips trembling slightly, “We’re meant to be having dinner together as a family!”

Draco pushed himself away from the table and stood, “I’m not really hungry to be honest,” he threw his napkin down, “Enjoy the rest of your evening,” he turned to leave.

Bellatrix spluttered in fury, and it was only the clinking of her rings catching against her glass as she reached suddenly for her wand that alerted Draco to the fact that he was about to be attacked.

He responded in an instant, whipping out his own wand and throwing up the strongest shield he knew to absorb the ball of dark purple light that she sent hurtling in his direction. While the shield did its job, the impact of the curse was powerful enough to shatter it and send a shock up Draco’s wand arm.


Bellatrix’s wand went souring through the air. It was his mother who had cried out the spell, her chest heaving and her face full of shock. His father had leapt to his feet as well, but he hadn’t been quite as fast as his wife at defending their son.

For a split second the room was silent. And then Lucius started shouting.

When Draco shut the door behind him, only Rodolphus was still in his seat.

Draco found himself strangely unaffected by the disastrous dinner. He should have been horrified that his aunt had attacked him, but he was finding it more and more difficult to view her as anything more than one of Harry’s torturers. She was just another Death Eater. Insane and cruel. He should have expected her to attack, he realised on reflection. If he’d baited a rabid dog, he’d have expected it to try and bite him too after all.

His mother was clearly finding it more difficult to reconcile the sister she loved with the woman who had tried to harm her son. She was quieter than usual, and hadn’t even tried to bring the dinner up with Draco. Harry had noticed, but Draco had waved away his concerns. He didn’t need to know. He had enough worries as it was.

Harry hadn’t been easily thrown off, but Draco had ended their conversation by bringing out the wealth of school work he had been putting off and pleading the need to concentrate. And so Draco had spent the majority of the morning pouring over his potions essay, regretting with every word he wrote that he hadn’t written it a week ago.

He was distracted just before lunch by something other than Harry, however.

He felt the slightest tickle of something against his thigh, and nearly leapt out of his skin when he found a familiar three-headed snake nosing curiously at his trousers.

He swallowed heavily, freezing in place and staring down at the three headed snake by his side. It was Clotho who was nosing at him, encouraging her sister heads closer to him. Atropos looked displeased with their proximity, while Lachesis seemed almost as curious as Clotho. When they began climbing into his lap, he called for help.

“Harry… Harry!” He hissed through his teeth.

Harry glanced round curiously, blinking in surprise at the snake that had curled up in Draco’s lap before a wide grin spread its way across his face, “What?” He whispered back; Draco rolled his eyes and nodded down at the Runespoor that was snuffling her way under his robes, “What? She won’t hurt you!”

“How can you be sure?”

Harry rolled his eyes, but when he spoke next his words were hissing sibilant sounds that had the snake in his lap turning around curiously. She paused, listening, and when Harry had stopped speaking, it was Clotho who answered.

Harry’s smile turned fond and affectionate, “Clotho says you spell sharp and warm - she likes it,” Harry added, before pausing to listen further, “She says you’re warm like the winter sun through the window - she says you give comfort in a barren wasteland,” Harry’s cheeks flushed a little.

“That’s… very poetic,” Draco said carefully.

Harry shrugged, turning back to the drawing table, “She is the dreamer,” he reminded him, “She won’t hurt you - and neither will the others,”

“Even Atropos?”

Harry chuckled darkly, “Even her,”

Draco tried to unfreeze himself as he considered the snake who was investigating his pockets. He lifted a cautious hand and carefully trailed a finger down her back. She shuddered in a full body tremor, and while Atropos scowled at him (who knew snake’s could scowl), Clotho pressed her head into his palm and let out a pleased hiss. Or at least he thought it was pleased. She didn’t bite him at least. Lachesis tasted the air around his finger tips, but seemed less inclined to be pet.

She stayed in his lap for a long while, and by the time she had grown bored and abandoned him, Draco had completely lost his train of thought with his potions essay. He chose to give up on his work for the day, and decided to annoy Harry instead.

“What I don’t understand,” Draco said, peering over Harry’s shoulder down at his latest attempt at crafting a prosthetic eye, “is why the glass turns white,” below him, Harry sighed in frustration, “Like… like these older ones,” he pointed at Harry’s first few attempts which were translucent in appearance, “those ones aren’t white. Why?”

Spending time with Harry, now that there was understanding between them and significantly less hate and fear on both sides, was as easy as breathing. Pansy was the only other person who he felt even remotely as at ease with. When he had first put quill to parchment, he could never have predicted he’d actually find a friend in the other boy.

Though the word friend sat uneasily in his gut. Friend. Friend. Hmm. It made his chest twinge just the slightest amount.

“They were white,” Harry said with a sigh, finally turning off the torch and putting his latest attempt to one side, “It’s the exposure to magic. Fire crab eggs need the glass for protection and oxygen transference. When exposed to magic, the glass becomes filled with bubbles. If the glass is no longer exposed to magic, then it eventually loses the bubbles and turns clear again,” Harry peered up at him, his expression unimpressed, “Get it?”

Draco grinned down at him, taking an unreasonable amount of pleasure out of winding the other boy up, “Got it,”

“Good,” Harry said dryly, “I’m glad. Now will you kindly f*ck off and leave me alone? I’m trying to concentrate,” he spluttered in indignation when Draco tapped his cheek sharply, “Do you mind?!”

Draco chucked to himself, stepping swiftly out of range of any retaliation, “How do you even know all of this? Is it in that book on prosthetics?” He landed heavily on the sofa, pulling the school work he had abandoned into his lap.

“No - your mother bought me another book,” Harry answered absentmindedly.

“Another book? Are you turning into Granger?” He froze in his seat, regretting even mentioning her.

Harry only sighed sadly though, “I miss her,” he said softly, “I bet she’d have already mastered this,” he clasped his latest failed attempt at a prosthetic and held it close to his face, “She really is brilliant. She’s probably responsible for every challenge I’ve ever over come you know? Wouldn’t have survived the Triwizard tournament without her, wouldn’t have gotten the Philosopher’s Stone without her, wouldn’t have realised it was a basilisk attacking the school without her… I’m pretty much useless without her,” he dropped his hand heavily on the desk, “Makes me wonder why its me they’re calling the Chosen one, when everything I’ve ever achieved was because of her,”

Draco struggled to find something to say - how could he possibly express what it was that Harry had, that Granger didn’t, without giving too much of himself away?

“You’re not useless Harry,” he said firmly, “I… what do you think would have happened to Granger, if your roles were reversed? If it was her who’d been taken behind enemy lines,” Harry flinched, “because I don’t think for a moment that she’d be sat here, talking to me now. She’d be dead Harry. Either dead, or a shell of her former self. Granger’s smart and brave, but you’re strong and resilient in ways that few people are. Don’t sell yourself short Harry - you’re pretty amazing,”

Harry said nothing for a moment, and then he peered over his shoulder with a forced grin, “You think I’m amazing?”

Draco sighed, “Oh for f*ck’s sake,”

“No, no - don’t let me stop you. Go on,”

“You’re fine okay; just fine,”

Harry laughed, “Ah, ah - you were telling me how amazing I am,”

“Yeah, because no one has ever been cheered up by being told that they’re ‘just alright’,” Draco said tartly, “Now kindly f*ck off yourself and make your stupid eye,”

On the second (or third, if you counted his first evening home) Saturday of the holidays, he approached the Aethonan suite with more caution, wary of the potions professor who was likely to be on the other side of the door. He knocked - politely and clearly - then waited a beat before carefully pushing the door open and peering round its edge.

As he expected, he found Harry and Snape sat on the opposing armchairs. Of Snape, all he could see was the man’s back as he had made no effort to turn and see who had disturbed them. On another day, he might have been disgruntled that he was being so dismissed in his own home, but not today. Today, he was immediately distracted by Harry’s intense gaze.

Where the week before it had been filled with a feral fury, today it blazed with purpose. His look faltered for a moment, as if some niggling worry had come along to distract Harry from whatever had given him the look of determined conviction on his face, before his focus redoubled. Draco unglued his feet before Snape could comment on how he lingered at the door, stepping behind the professor, his and Harry’s eye contact never faltering.

What was that look for?

He chose to pass between the sofa’s back and the fireplace, cutting in through the space by Harry’s chair, rather than taking the shorter route by Snape. The Moirai’s heads perked up with interest, snuffling at his sleeve and reluctantly sloping out of the way so that he could take a seat before weaving their way under his arm and into his lap. Atropos looked faintly annoyed, hissing at her sister heads, while Lachesis considered him through a neutral gaze. Clotho’s tongue brushed against his inner wrist, tasting his sent, before burrowing her head into his palm and encouraging his fingers to stroke across her brow.

Harry’s stare had still not left him, and had somehow intensified. Draco had no idea what it meant. He had no idea what might have happened between the evening before and now for Harry to look at him with such singular purpose. Harry glanced away for a split second when a familiar golden cloud filled with silver fireworks appeared in the air between them, but he was not distracted for long. Draco couldn’t help but look though, eyeing the sinister black spectre that cut through the vibrant manifestation of Harry’s magical core.

It made sense really: that Harry would be brilliant and shining and the Dark Lord would be dark and ominous.

The brilliant cloud flickered out of existence.

“Are we sitting in silence this morning?” Snape said coldly.

“I could tell you to get f*cked, if you like?” Harry answered at once, though he never looked in the professor’s direction, “I thought you’d have tired of hearing it by now though, if I’m honest,”

Draco expected an explosion of fury from Snape, but all he allowed himself was a heavy disapproving sigh, “I’m not quite sure what the Dark Lord intends to make of you Potter, but I know that he will struggle to make anything out of the dark stain on the ground you shall quickly become if you take that tone with his more unstable followers,”

Harry was finally persuaded to break eye contact with Draco, directing a baleful look in Snape’s direction and saying darkly, “Do you promise?”

Snape scowled and left without another word.

“Do you usually antagonise him like that?” Draco asked curiously; Harry nodded, “Aren’t you worried about him retaliating?”

“What can he do to me, that hasn’t already been done?” The question, dismissive and detached, silenced Draco immediately as he realised all of a sudden that he didn’t really have any idea as to what had been done to Harry, “And besides: he’s had it coming for literally years,”

Draco struggled to recover, “I… y-yes. I suppose so. He always has been rather biased against you - though one might suggest his was an over-correction for the adoration that you’re generally the subject of,” his words were stumbling and overly formal, as they had a tendency to become when he was nervous.

Harry grinned though, leaning closer across the gap that separated their seats, “Ah yes, Draco - because you and your Slytherin cronies showed me such adoration,”

Draco scowled, “Oh shut up - you were a noble arsehole,”

“Me?!” Harry let out a bark of laughter, “I was the arsehole? You were a rich, pompous, prejudiced twat! You’re still a rich, pompous, prejudiced twat,”

“I am not pompous,” Draco insisted, “but I am rich,” he gestured to the room around them.

“And prejudiced?” Harry said curiously.

Draco hesitated, “I am… trying,”

“Well.. it’s more than I ever thought I’d see you do,” Harry admitted, his grin softening, “A decent human-being we shall make of you yet, Draco Malfoy. You know… it’s funny,” his tone took on an edge, as if he didn’t find it funny at all, “that as you tip the scales into being a better person, I tip towards being a worse one,”

“That’s not true,” Draco denied immediately.

“I think about killing your aunt a lot,” Draco’s mouth snapped closed with a click of his teeth meeting at Harry’s frank admission, “About… about plucking out her eyes…,” his neck twitched in an aborted movement, as if he had been about to peer over his shoulder to the bathroom behind him, “I think about Macnair… about slitting his throat. And Mulciber, well,” he let out a hollow laugh, “there are many things I think about doing to him. About getting revenge. Paying them back in anyway I can. And I don’t even feel guilty about it,”

“What do you feel?” Draco asked quietly.

Harry’s tongue peeked out to touch his top lip, “Anticipation,” his look turned challenging, as if daring Draco to disagree with him, “Good people don’t anticipate torturing other people, Draco. I… they’re not even here, my friends or- or Sirius… but I feel this constant pressure on my shoulders, like they need me to carry on being good and pure despite everything that’s happened or I’ll have failed them somehow. But it’s just so hard to,”

Draco found his voice, “I don’t need you to be a good person,”

Harry blinked at him, “What?”

“I don’t need you to be a good person,” Draco insisted more firmly, “You aren’t some paragon of the light - no one is. You think Dumbledore hasn’t had an evil thought or done an evil thing here or there? Stop holding yourself to such impossible standards. Stop punishing yourself for being human Harry,” he shook his head and repeated, “I don’t need you to be a good person,”

Harry stared at him, his lips parted in surprise. He blinked once, then twice, then slowly closed his mouth. In Draco’s lap, Clotho nudged her head against Draco’s fingers and it was only then that he realised he had stopped petting her. Harry looked down to the snake for a long moment, and then back up to Draco.

“What do you need me to be, then?” He asked quietly.

The answer was an easy one, “You. Just you. Unapologetically, you. If you weren’t at least a bit of a dickhe*d, I’m not sure I’d like you all that much, anymore” Harry let out a disbelieving huff, “How about we make a bargain?”

“What kind of bargain?” Harry said warily.

“If I’m becoming a better person, and you’re becoming a worse one, then we agree to meet in the middle. You can stop me from becoming a boring goodie-two-shoes, and I can-,”

“Stop me from becoming the devil’s right hand,”

Draco shrugged, deliberately flippant, “Something like that,”

Harry eyed him, his gaze faintly suspicious, “You don’t seem very upset that I fantasise about stabbing your aunt to death,” he pointed out.

He paused to consider the question; he doubted Harry would believe him if he didn’t at least mull it over.

Did he care that Harry wanted to kill Bellatrix?

He found, to his surprise, that he really didn’t.

He didn’t care if Bellatrix lived or died - she was his aunt, yes, and some part of him held affection for her. But he wasn’t blind to the evil she was capable of and would no doubt continue to commit. He might have been more on the fence about the idea though, he had to admit, if it weren’t for the fact that some of those evils were committed against Harry.

He considered how he felt about Harry unapologetically day-dreaming about hurting someone, and found he wasn’t much fussed about that either. This wasn’t some random person he wanted to hurt - it was someone who had done him a great wrong, and Draco already embraced the idea of revenge with a little more enthusiasm than he expected was acceptable amongst polite company. That it was Harry’s revenge only made it that bit more justifiable in his mind. It wasn’t like Harry was dreaming about kicking puppies or drowning kittens, after all.

“I’m not,” and he really wasn’t; what did that say about him, he wondered? “I like you more - much more - than I like my aunt,” he really did. He considered his answer further, “And I’m sure she has it coming,” she definitely did. There was a moment where Harry looked at him blankly, but gradually a reluctantly pleased smile worked its way onto his mouth, “Now: are you going to tell me why you were looking at me like you were trying to set me on fire with your mind earlier?”

Draco regretted speaking when Harry immediately lost his smile. He watched as Harry battled with himself - his intense, focussed gaze battling against an insecure downward turn of his lips and wrinkling of his brow.

Finally, he settled on determined, though the anxious furrowing of his brow gave him away, “I need to ask you a favour,” he said firmly, “I… I think I finally made an eye that might actually fit,”

“Really?” Draco blurted out without meaning to, “That’s fantastic Harry! Show me!”

His serious expression gave way to a giddy grin, and all conversation of murder and revenge was forgotten as Harry scrambled to his feet. Draco regretfully scooped the snake from his lap and deposited her at his side, feeling unreasonably fond as she snuggled into his side as he sat forwards in anticipation.

Harry sat down heavily, a moulded piece of white glass held securely between his fingers, and he held it out for Draco to take.

Draco inspected it carefully, turning it this way and that and running his fingers across its surface as if he had even the faintest clue what made this piece of glass any different to Harry’s many other attempts, “This is amazing!”

“You think it looks the same as all the others,” Harry said, his voice amused.

Draco nodded with a grin, “I have no idea if this is good or bad,” he admitted with a shrug, “but if you say its the one, then who am I to disagree?”

Harry accepted the eye back with a fond shake of his head; he ran his thumb across its surface and held it up between them, “It’s a lot smoother - no bumps or bubbles or ridges on its outward facing surface, and no sharp edges on the inside either. The shape isn’t too small, so it will take up the whole socket, and not so large that it won’t fit,” he hesitated, “and it looks like a similar shape to… to what’s under here,” he tapped his closed eyelid, suddenly self conscious.

“I knew you could do it,” Draco said, finding himself unreasonably proud, as if he’d had any input in Harry’s success, “I knew it!” Harry grinned despite himself, “But… you said you needed a favour?” And he lost his smile immediately.

Harry swallowed heavily, “I… Will you… I think I need help - putting it in,” he shifted uncomfortably, “I think… I think I can probably get it in but I’m half terrified of getting it in and then it getting stuck and not being able to get it out and having this hunk of glass stuck in my face that I’ve worked months on perfecting only… only…,” Harry took a steadying breath, “Yeah, I may have gotten myself a little worked up about this,” he admitted weakly.

Draco took a moment too long to answer him. He found his chest tightening with some unnamed emotion - Harry had confided in him, Harry had asked for help from him - and he stumbled over his words before Harry’s face could fall further, “O-of course I’ll help!” Of course Harry had confided in him; other than his mother, there was no one else to confide in, “What do you need me to do?” But that didn’t matter. Draco would help, and he would have helped even if there were a room full of people clambering for the opportunity.

They ended up stood together in front of the bathroom mirror. Harry struggled to manipulate his eyelids out of the way to slot the prosthetic into place. No matter which way he moved, his forearm seemed determined to completely block the vision in his right eye. Draco meanwhile, was stood at his side with his hands held awkwardly in the air as if to offer help but equally not sure what to do. Finally, Harry let out of furious huff of frustration and dropped his hands by his side.

“It’s useless,” he muttered, “I can’t get it in,” he turned a despondent gaze in Draco’s direction.

“I could try, if you want me to?” Draco offered at once, practically itching to get his hands on the prosthetic by Harry’s side. Harry turned suddenly hesitant, “What? What’s wrong?”

Harry averted his gaze, staring down at the glass in between his fingers, “I… I don’t want you to see it,” he muttered.

“See what?”

“The socket… what’s left where my eye was. It’s… it’s not nice,” he touched his face self-consciously, then reached for the fringe that wasn’t there anymore as if to brush it in front of his eye. His arm fell fell uselessly by his side.

“It’s fine, Harry,” Draco said, finding that he really meant it. He’d never had the strongest stomach for anything gory or unpleasant, but the idea that any part of Harry could be truly repulsive to him was impossible. Whatever his eyelid was hiding, Draco would cope. Harry still looked unsure, “Honestly Harry - it’s fine, it really is. Why ask me to help, if you won’t let me?”

Finally, Harry turned to him, offering the prosthetic and staring resolutely over Draco’s shoulder. Draco reached forwards carefully, conscious that he was about to touch Harry’s face. Delicately, he rested his thumb against Harry’s cheek and with his forefinger pressed gingerly over his eyelid, Draco pried the lids apart.

Behind Harry’s lid, was pink flesh, clean and… and unremarkable. He felt suddenly ashamed that he had ever thought that this part of Harry was ever something to be ‘coped’ with - something to be braved. It was just skin. It was just Harry.

“Don’t stare,” Harry whispered, making him jump.

Draco’s gut twisted at Harry’s sad face, “S-sorry,” he said immediately.

“Does it look that bad?”

“No - not at all. I mean it!” Harry scoffed, while Draco lifted the glass delicately to his face, “Really - it doesn’t. It’s just… it’s just a part of you,”

“That doesn’t mean it’s not gross,”

“It’s not gross,” Draco snapped, first attempting to slot the glass into the lower lid, and then pull the upper lid over the top, “It’s just a part of you, and while I’m sure that there are some gross parts of you (I image your feet are disgusting), this isn’t one of them,” Draco struggled with the top lid, and Harry’s reluctant chuckles didn’t help.

“f*ck you - my feet are fine,”

“And so is this,” Draco insisted, changing tact and aiming to tackle the top lid first, “It’s… it’s just another scar. Another story. It’s not gross,” he nearly dropped the prosthetic as he fumbled with Harry’s bottom lid.

He had been on the verge of a triumphant grin as the glass slid into place, when he heard Harry whisper so quietly that he wouldn’t have heard it if they hadn’t been stood so close, “I hate it,”

He shrugged, “I don’t. I’ve been finding it difficult to hate any part of you after you proved yourself such an interesting pen-pal - this included,” he dropped his hands to Harry’s shoulders, and turned him bodily to face the mirror, “Now: what do you think?”

He expected to look in the mirror and find Harry staring critically at his own reflection. Instead, he found Harry staring back at him, a slight smile on his lips. He hadn’t looked at the pure white prosthetic for even a moment when he answered.

“I think it’s perfect.”


Can I just say that I bloody love gnomes. They’re such an under utilised gold mine of potential hilarity.
Hope people enjoyed :) see you next week! Counting down the days to January when no one has any money and I’m left alooooone.

Chapter 17: Draco: All eyes on me


Harry froze, his gaze suddenly fixing itself on Draco, intense and heavy, and Draco was reminded at once of the way Harry had said ‘It’s perfect,’ earlier that week. The gaze was there, and then gone again just as quickly. Harry shifted, but he didn’t look uncomfortable. He looked nervous, and faintly confused, his eye flitting between Draco and the floor


Enjoy! :) Again, another chapter proof read while post night shift because the Christmas period is hell if you work in a hospital haha

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Draco couldn’t take his eyes off of Harry’s face.

The sun had set hours ago, but Harry didn’t appear to have noticed. He’d made no move to turn on the lamps that lined the walls. Draco hadn’t either, having chosen instead to ignore the essay on his lap that needed completing. Not that he’d gotten very far with it anyway, when every corner of his mind seemed abruptly taken up by one Harry James Potter.

Harry was hunched over the drawing table, his face illuminated by the blue-flame of the torch and the glowing gold he held in the heat with a pair of tongs. The dancing light on Harry’s cheeks made him look positively ethereal, as if the light were emanating from within Harry’s very skin. Draco watched as his lips moved, whispering incantations to the flame and gold as if he were sharing a secret with them.

The gold - a piece no bigger than Draco’s fingernail - began to stretch and stretch into a thin wire, winding round and round itself into a cone spiral. Harry’s lips moved faster and faster, as if the wire were a cobra and he a snake charmer.

Draco’s gaze dipped momentarily to the three headed Runespoor that had pressed herself into his thigh, enjoying his body heat as she snoozed. He supposed that Harry was a snake charmer in many ways. He looked up again at the sound of a soft curse - Harry’s lips had stopped moving and had twisted into a displeased scowl.

The wire had snapped.

Harry sighed, and returned the wire to the heat again, whispering to it to encourage it to return to its original form.

That morning, Harry had had low expectations in regards to his chances of success. Draco wasn’t sure why though, when he had already achieved so much. Draco fully expected that by the time he returned for the summer holidays, he would find a Harry with two working eyes.

Draco gave up on any pretence that he was working and slid his unfinished essay onto the coffee table. The Moirai wasted no time and had replaced the parchment’s position on his lap before Draco had even registered that she was moving. Silly snake.

Harry was chanting to the wire again, his words nothing more than a murmur on the air by the time they reached Draco’s ears.

How long would it take a professional to learn this?. Though, he supposed that Harry had more motivation than most, and more time too, as well as what he was beginning to suspect was an exceptional reservoir of raw magic. He was doing all of this without a wand after all.

Draco had been eager to help, and so that morning had taken Harry’s work on runes and gone over them with a fine-tooth comb, correcting stroke patterns and double checking intended meaning and how each rune would interact with its predecessor and successor. Draco tried to keep his level of concern to himself, but he was genuinely worried that Harry could blow his own head off if they weren’t quite right and he activated them while the eye was in place in his empty socket.

Harry seemed significantly less concerned, and that in itself was enough to have Draco checking, re-checking, and then checking his work again. He was reminded of their conversation about choice and who would choose Harry Potter over the rest of the world, and Draco found resolve steeling itself in his gut.

Draco had made his choice, and even if the effort killed him, he would find a way to make sure that Harry chose likewise.

Harry swore softly once more - the new spool of wire had snapped too. He let out a frustrated sigh and leant back in his chair and out of the torches glowing light. It was only then that he seemed to realise how dark it had become. He looked about in confusion, and then back over his shoulder towards Draco.

Lumos,” in an instant, the lamps that lined the walls burst into life, and Draco found himself squinting against the light. The flame at the torch’s mouth petered out into nothing, “How long have you been sat watching me in the dark?” Harry asked dryly.

Draco flushed and petted a careful hand down the Moirai’s back, “You seemed like you were concentrating - I didn’t want to throw you off,”

“A likely story,” Harry muttered, a hint of a grin on his face, but it was obliterated by an enormous yawn.

“Is it tiring?” Draco asked curiously, “I suppose it must be. Concentrating like that and using that much magic wandlessly,”

Harry shrugged, rubbing at his face, “Yeah, it is, but I’ve not been sleeping well,” he admitted, “I keep… I keep having this recurring dream…,”

Draco’s gut stirred uneasily, “Oh… do you want to talk about it?”

Harry hesitated, “It’s nothing terrible - not really. Not considering the things I could be dreaming about,” his lips twisted briefly into a grimace, “I keep dreaming about when the Dark Lord set the Fidelius charm. I…,” his eyes flicked nervously to Draco.

“You can tell me,” Draco said firmly, “If you want to. You can tell me anything,”

Harry nodded slowly, “They dragged me outside - out of the cellar and out into the grounds and then beyond the drive with everyone else. All the Death Eaters, including your mother and father, and the Dark Lord himself. I keep… I keep dreaming about it. Sometimes it’s just a replaying of the memory, which is hazy at best now, but other times it's a full reenactment of it with details that I couldn’t possibly know and so they must be a fabrication of my own mind, but they always feel so real,”

“Like what?” Draco asked carefully.

“Like your mother and I looking at one another - which can’t have happened because I didn’t have my glasses and could barely make out the outline of the house never mind the people around me. Or some of the Death Eaters passing around a bottle of fire whisky. I know I didn’t see that, but the dream and my actual memories have blended so much that it’s difficult not to remember it like that. Sometimes the dream isn’t a memory or a reenactment though: sometimes I’m a bystander watching it happen, or sometimes it's from someone else’s perspective. Sometimes… sometimes it's from the Dark Lord’s perspective,” he admitted grimly, “which I’m starting to think might be genuinely how he saw it - I’ve seen things through his eyes before, so it’s not beyond belief,”

“What happens then?” The snake in his lap mewled in displeasure as he leant forwards curiously, “In this dream - other than the Dark Lord setting the Fidelius charm, what’s special about it?”

Harry shrugged, “Nothing. The Dark Lord casts the spell, and everyone starts making excited sounds about the charm, then the Dark Lord announces the location of the Manor to include everyone present in the secret, and then I wake up,”

Draco hesitated, “That doesn’t sound very… significant,”

“It’s not,” Harry agreed, “Of everything that has happened, it’s probably the least significant thing. Which is what’s bothering me. Am I missing something? What do you know about the Fidelius charm?” He asked suddenly.

“Not much,” Draco with a shrug, privately vowing to learn as much as he could on the subject, “It’s a charm to hide places or people. Very powerful, very complicated, and uses a secret keeper who’s the only one who can tell the secret to others. That’s about the extent of my knowledge,”

Harry hummed distractedly, “I tried to see if there were any books in here that spoke about it, but there aren’t. Or none that Tippy can find for me,”

“I’ll check the library at school,” Draco promised, “See what I can find. What do you think you’re missing?”

Harry sighed heavily, and said as he exhaled, “No idea,” he paused, seemingly gathering his thoughts, “Though I suppose I should be grateful that this is what I’m dreaming about. There are worse things my subconscious could have chosen to fixate on,” and Draco was reminded yet again that, other than Harry’s missing eye, he really had no idea what Harry had been subjected too.

Part of him wanted to ask, but a bigger part of him was frightened to. What would asking achieve anyway, other than satisfying his own morbid curiosity? It certainly wouldn’t be helping Harry. Though, if Harry wanted to talk about it, then Draco would listen. He owed him that and more.

Not for the first time, Draco felt something akin to anticipation at the idea of being Harry’s confidant, but he shoved the feeling down. Sometimes he felt like he was simply sitting around and waiting for Harry to lower his barriers and let him in further. He hated to admit it, but he found himself wanting Harry to need him.

Wanting Harry to need him just seemed so… predatory. Like he wanted Harry incapacitated and crying out for help. A weak and sinking ship in a storm. He didn’t want that - not at all. Perhaps ‘need’ wasn’t the right word… he didn’t want Harry needing him like some defenceless puppy, no… he wanted… he wanted

He realised the answer to his own question with a jolt that he disguised by looking down at the snake in his lap.

He wanted Harry to want him, just as much as he wanted Harry.

He clamped down on the thought almost as quickly as it had risen its head, casting the word ‘want’ from his mind like it had burned him. He couldn’t think about wanting. ‘Wanting’ was dangerous, for reasons Draco refused to contemplate, almost as much as he refused to contemplate exactly what he ‘wanted’ from Harry.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked, his voice faintly concerned.

Draco peered up at him and found his gaze caught in place by Harry’s singularly vivid green eye, “Yeah,” he said hoarsely, “Just thinking about what book would be best to start with,” he lied.

In his lap, Atropos let out a loud hiss, her eyes fixed suspiciously on his. What was that about?

“She says you’re lying,”

“What?” Draco said sharply, looking between Harry and the snake.

“Runespoor’s are very good at telling when people are lying - she said ‘The Pretender lies’,” Harry explained, his voice level and controlled but there was a hint of hurt he couldn’t disguise.

“The pretender?”

Harry waved away his confusion, “That’s what she calls you. They call Narcissa The Mother, Snape The Deceiver and so on - nicknames for everyone,”

“Yes, but Pretender to what?” Draco asked curiously, hoping to lead Harry away from his original question.

Harry waved him away again though, “I have no idea - she’s a snake Draco. No one said they always make sense. Now - what are you lying about?” Draco swallowed heavily, “I… I won’t be upset,” Harry promised hesitantly, “Actually - you know what, forget it. You have a right to your own private thoughts. You don’t have to tell me,”

He made to turn back to the drawing table, and Draco found himself practically tripping over his words in an effort to stop Harry from shutting down, “I wasn’t thinking about a charms book,” Harry froze and peered at him, nervous and curious, “I was… I was thinking that I don’t actually know what you’ve been through, and that if you wanted to tell me I’d listen, but I didn’t want to make you talk just to satisfy my own curiosity,”

Harry’s mouth opened just the smallest amount. He glanced down to the snake in Draco’s lap and waited for her verdict. The hiss that Atropos gave was begrudging even to Draco’s untrained ears.

“What did she say?” He asked warily.

Harry smiled the smallest amount, “She said you were telling the truth,”

Draco couldn’t help but drop his graze from Harry’s eye to his lips for a second, “I mean it - you can tell me anything,”

Harry hesitated, then nodded, but would say no more on the subject.

It was only as he was leaving later that evening, that Draco realised something odd about Harry’s phrasing - he’d said that they, the Moirai, called Snape The Deceiver, but that she, Atropos, called Draco the Pretender.

Did the others call him something else?

Harry smiled more during the last week of the holidays. He seemed something approaching happy, experimenting with his golden thread, enjoying breakfast with Draco’s mother, and poking fun at Draco at any given opportunity. Draco found himself almost lulled into the same naive daydream he’d had when he’d first returned from school - that things were fine. That Harry was fine.

He knew better, and he wouldn’t be so naive again.

Harry might be smiling, but Draco imagined that that was because overwhelming misery was simply unsustainable in the long term. He could hardly blame Harry for trying to find some joy in his new life, but even if he was happy in the moment, Draco was constantly reminded by the four walls around them that Harry was not okay, and never would be for as long as he was a prisoner.

Draco found himself almost consumed by thoughts of freeing him - by maladaptive daydreams that came just before bed and kept him awake for hours long after he had meant to fall asleep.

Draco was no fool though - there was no way for him to free Harry that he could see. As the Malfoy heir, he was able to alter the wards that surrounded the property, but not without alerting his father if. Without changing the wards, or without one of them gaining a dark mark, Harry would never be able to step over the property line. And that was if he could sneak him down to the perimeter of the house in the first place. And even if he could, where would they go after he was free? For he would have to run too, and he doubted Harry had any desire to return to the Order.

He had to bite his tongue more than once to stop himself from saying the words, ‘I wish I could help you escape.’

They seemed hollow and useless - what good were wishes to Harry?

Instead, he resolved to care for Harry in every other way that he possibly could. He trimmed his hair without being asked to whenever Harry’s fingers where able to grasp his ebony strands in a fist. He healed the burns that Harry accrued in his effort to create the iris of his new eye, determined to stop Harry from gaining even more scars under his watch. He had Tippy bring cakes and sweets for dessert every single day, to the point that Harry would laugh and pat his stomach, refusing more and citing his expanding waistline.

His mother had noticed. He knew she had - he could see it in the way she looked between them, slow and considering, her smile frozen on her face and something like concern drawing her brows together. How long would it take for her to bring it up? Perhaps she never would - as far as she was concerned, he liked girls and that was the end of it.

The thought had butterflies swooping through his stomach. He had brought himself dangerously close to an admission he wasn’t quite ready to make; to himself, or anyone else.

With only two days left before he had to return to school, Draco found himself sat on a cushion on the floor at the end of Harry’s bed, opposite Harry himself. Between them was a silly little book about divination that had had Draco rolling his eyes in disbelief until Harry had threatened to throw it at him if he didn’t take this seriously.

Draco had been about to leave for the evening, his parchment rolled up neatly and his quills gathered away, when Harry had stopped him.

“Do you… do you still want me to teach you wandless magic?” Draco had agreed immediately, “Okay - I can teach you the meditation techniques tonight if you like? And you can take the bookwith you to learn at Hogwarts. It takes a lot of practice to begin with, so I doubt you’ll manage anything tonight but, uh yeah,” he’d said in a nervous ramble that had confused Draco, until he’d said, “I’m going to take a bath first, if that’s alright? Meditating always leaves me super sleepy, so I’ll be half-asleep by the time we’re finished, and I’d rather just get into bed straight after,”

And so that was how they had come to this point: Draco fully dressed, peering through his lashes at Harry in his pyjamas with his damp hair. There was a hint of stubble on his cheeks. Draco still hadn’t taught him to shave, and he was running out of time. He’d have to bring his shaving things tomorrow.

If Tippy had arrived to help bathe Harry, Draco hadn’t seen her. He must have rushed for Draco. He looked… he looked soft, and warm, and vulnerable. Draco pulled his gaze away, glancing around the bedroom with interest. He hadn’t had time to look around the last time he’d been in here - it was as opulent as the rest of the suite with tall ceilings and a matching dressing table and wardrobe. The bed was ridiculously high as well - he imagined Harry had to half climb into it every night. He found himself looking at Harry again without really meaning to.

Draco screwed his eyes shut, and tried his best to focus on the meditation techniques that Harry had described to him. It wasn’t anything Draco hadn’t done before - meditating and emptying his mind had been the cornerstone of his mother’s education on occlumency. Except he wasn’t just emptying his mind for this - he was emptying it and filling it back up again with a detailed examination of himself. How he felt. How he was sat. What he was touching and smelling and hearing.

Draco found himself peering through his lashes at Harry again and gave up. It was no use. He couldn’t concentrate with Harry so close, bathed in the soft light of the lamp on the bedside table to his left. It seemed like all he did recently was admire Harry in different lighting.


The word made him swallow heavily.

“Are you just going to sit and stare at me?”

Draco spluttered and nearly choked on his spit; eyes still shut, a wide smile spread across Harry’s face, “H-how did you know?!” He looked for the Moirai, but she had curled up on Harry’s pillow before they had begun and was nowhere to be seen.

“I can practically feel your eyes on me,” Harry said with a laugh in his voice.

Draco scowled at him and shut his eyes tight. He counted his breaths in and out, fighting to empty his mind and sink into himself. Before long though, he was carefully opening his eyes the smallest amount and peering through his lashes at Harry, only to find Harry peering back. Draco couldn’t help it - a guilty grin spread across his face, and he found an amused one being sent back to him. He gave up all pretence of mediating, unfolding his legs and opening his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Draco said, “I am taking it seriously, I promise I just…,” he gestured to the bedroom, “I’m curious,” he admitted, “and it’s weird seeing you in pyjamas.

Harry flushed, “Oh - uh…,”

No! No, it’s fine,” Draco licked his lips nervously, “You just… you look soft,”

Harry froze, his gaze suddenly fixing itself on Draco, intense and heavy, and Draco was reminded at once of the way Harry had said ‘It’s perfect,’ earlier that week. The gaze was there, and then gone again just as quickly. Harry shifted, but he didn’t look uncomfortable. He looked nervous, and faintly confused, his eye flitting between Draco and the floor.

Draco had been on the verge of regretting saying anything, when Harry broke the silence between them, “Is that a good thing?”

Draco found his mouth was suddenly dry and he hunted for an answer that wouldn’t give too much of himself away, “It’s not a bad thing,”

He couldn’t help but watch how Harry’s Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed.

Draco was in a world of his own as he wandered back towards his bedroom. His mind was filled with images of Harry; soft and warm bathed in yellow light and staring across the room at Draco.

So distracted was he, that it took him a split second longer than it should have done for him to realise that his room was not unoccupied.

His mother was perched on the end of his bed, considering an old Slytherin tie of his wrapped around her hand with a faraway look in her eye. It took her a second longer than him to realise that she wasn’t alone. She looked up and started just the smallest amount before a warm smile spread across her face.

“Draco! I was waiting for you,” she patted the empty mattress next to her, and he approach uncertainly.

“I can see that,” he said warily, taking a seat at her side, “Why?”

She shrugged, an action that was uncharacteristic in and of itself, but that only further drew attention to the tight nature of her smile, “I haven’t seen much of you, and you’ll be going back to school again soon. I missed you. Is that allowed?” He said nothing, and she nodded in the direction of his desk where a mug of something steaming sat placed precisely upon a coaster that did not belong in his room, “I bought you hot coco,”

“Thank you,” he made no move to stand to retrieve it.

Her eyes darted between his, almost hungrily, “You’re looking tired, little dragon; is everything alright?”

He looked tired? He chose not to comment on the dark circles beneath her own eyes, “Just sleepy – Harry’s been teaching me to meditate to try and learn wandless magic. It was very relaxing but I’m not sure it’s achieved very much,” he hesitated, feeling almost as if he were about to confide in her someone else’s secret, “I’m starting to think that Harry has a lot more raw power than anyone has ever given him credit for,” he admitted, “To see him making that eye - there’s no way it’s normal how quickly he’s developed such fine control over his magic,”

“Yes, it’s really quite something isn’t it?” There was a hint of pride in her voice that he’d heard many a time during his childhood when she’d spoken about him, “He seems much happier as of late - especially when you’re around,”

“Well, I’m always around whenever you see him,” he pointed out, unable to keep the defensive edge out of his voice.

“You’re happier around him, as well,”

A thrill of adrenaline in his gut had him swallowing dryly, and though his voice came out level, he couldn’t help but be paranoid that it was almost too level, “We’re friends,”

Narcissa nodded slowly, “Just friends?”

And Draco could have been sick there and then, “What do you mean?” He felt suddenly hyper aware of himself - of the sound of his ears popping as he swallowed, the pounding of his heart in his chest, the way his mouth had turned suddenly bone dry.

“You don’t write about Pansy much anymore… it makes me wonder if you ever plan to marry her,”

“Marry Pansy?” Draco felt frustration creeping up his back, “Mother - what on Earth are you talking about? I’ve told you before that Pansy and I have no intentions of marrying one another. And how have you leapt from me and Harry being friends, to that?!”

“Are you gay, Draco?”

For a moment, he was stunned into silence by her frank question, and he found himself stumbling over his answer, “W-what? Am I-? No! I’m not gay! Not wanting to marry Pansy doesn’t make me gay - I like girls, I just don’t like her. We grew up together! She’s basically my sister! I know some pureblood families have no issue with incest, but I bloody well do! I like girls! And what the hell has this got to do with me and Harry being friends?!”

He half expected to be scolded for his tone - outraged and blunt as it was. But Narcissa simply listened, an unendingly patient expression on her face as she waited for him to run out of steam. When he had, she simply said:

“Not just girls, though,”

There was a denial on the tip of his tongue just waiting to fall out of his mouth and kill the conversation there and then. It hung on though, perched on his taste buds and refusing to move. He swallowed heavily.

If not now, then when?

“Not just girls, though,” he whispered; Narcissa nodded encouragingly, “I like girls but… but I like boys too. I like both,”

Narcissa smiled kindly and unwound his tie from around her hand to thread her fingers carefully through his hair, “I know, little dragon,”

An incredulous laugh escaped him as a huff of breath, “How did you know?!” Had he really been that obvious about Harry?

“Draco,” she scoffed, “I’m your mother. I knew you when you were nothing more than a fluttering sensation in my belly. I’ve always known something was different,”

Realisation dawned, “Is this why you keep asking about Pansy?”

She looked suddenly faintly guilty, “I was trying to present you with opportunities to tell me,” she admitted.

“That I was gay?” Draco clarified, “Which I’m not, in case that wasn’t clear. I suppose I’m bisexual?” The word felt strange in his mouth even though it was true. Perhaps it was because he’d never said it out loud?

“Yes - it was clumsy of me I suppose,” she ran her knuckles across his cheek; she hesitated, “Are you sure you’re not gay? Because it’s okay if you are, little dragon,” she said very quickly.

“Are you asking for a run down of every girl I’ve ever kissed and how I felt about it?” Draco asked dryly, hoping she wouldn’t actually ask him that, as the list was embarrassingly short.

“No, of course not. Just… if you’re sure,”

“I’m sure,” he said firmly, “Does… does father know?” His heart stuttered in his chest at the very thought.

“He suspects,” she answered lightly, her hand finally falling back to her lap, “as I suspected. He doesn’t care though, Draco. Neither of us do. You’re our son no matter what, and the Malfoy family has never been like the Lestrange’s or the Montague’s or the Black’s even. Forcing their children to marry for the sake of forming an acceptable pureblood match,”

“But you do want me to marry a pureblood,”

The only sign of her discomfort at his flat question was the way she rewound his tie around her hand, “Yes, of course that’s what we would want for you, if you consented to us making an arrangement for you. But… but even if we didn’t Draco,” she took a steadying breath and forced a firmness into her expression and voice, “Harry would be a poor choice, Draco,”

Draco straitened, “Since when were we talking about Harry?” He said coldly.

“Don’t be obtuse, Draco,” she scolded, her knuckles tightening around his tie, “You look at him like he hung the moon and every star in the sky. Your affection for him is obvious to anyone who knows you. But you must put these feelings aside Draco; you must keep away from him,”

“Why?” He snapped, still refusing to admit to anything, “What’s wrong with Harry? Is it because he’s a half-blood?”

“Harry is lovely Draco, and believe it or not, this has nothing to do with his blood-status, and everything to do with the danger that surrounds him,” she cautioned, “He is the eye of a storm that risks killing us all if we get too close,”

You’re the one who wanted me to be friends with him!” Draco cried furiously.

Narcissa shook her head, “Not like this though, Draco. Not like this,”

“Not like this? What do you - ah…,” realisation suddenly dawned, “You want us to be friends, but you don’t want me to actually mean it, so that when it all falls apart, Harry’s the only one who gets hurt. Right? I thought you liked Harry,”

She sighed, “I do like Harry, Draco. But we must try and keep our distance from him all the same. Do not forget: the Dark Lord has set us a task Draco. To keep Harry happy and sane, and we risk failing in that task if we allow ourselves to become too heavily involved, and that puts us all at risk of punishment from the Dark Lord,”

“You’re delusional,”

“Excuse me?” Narcissa reared back in disbelief.

“You heard me,” he insisted harshly, “You’re delusional. You’re sat here talking about keeping our distance, as if you’re playing some sort of role, but you forget,” he let out a laugh, “I see you with him every day. You aren’t playing a role over breakfast - you genuinely care for him. This isn’t some part you’re playing mother,”

“Well of course I’m kind to him Draco-,”

“No,” he interrupted sharply, “No. You worry about him, and you have done for months. He wasn’t there when you were warning me to be delicate with him and to be careful. You’re being a hypocrite mother,”

“You will watch your tone, Draco,” she said waspishly, “I have let a lot of your recent disrespect slide, but you will remember that I’m your mother,”

“And yet you allowed Harry to be incredibly rude to you on that first Sunday we had breakfast together,” Draco pointed out, “and don’t pretend that that was some kind of strategy or manipulation. You were worried about him,”

She huffed in frustration, “Regardless of whether or not I care about Harry-,”

“You do-,”

Regardless! You are my son, Draco, and I love you more than life itself,” Draco found himself silenced by the weight behind her words, “Any sort of involvement with Harry is dangerous. What do you think the consequences would be of you breaking his heart? To you, and the rest of us. You’ll get yourself killed, if you’re not careful Draco. And don’t think for a second that the Dark Lord wouldn’t use your affections to control you, because he would, and then you’d be even more firmly under his thumb than your father,” by the time she had finished speaking, her cheeks were flushed a furious red, and a strand of hair had fallen out of her clip; she straightened her skirt sharply, and swept her hair back, “Keep away from Harry, Draco. Do you understand? I forbid it,”

Draco ground his teeth together, breathing carefully through his nose and pressing down the fury in his chest, “Well,” he said, his voice clipped, “regardless, you don’t need to worry. There’s nothing between Harry and me. We’re just friends, and he likes girls anyway. Only girls,”

His mother turned pitying, “Oh Draco-,”

“I’m tired,” he interrupted her loudly, “I want to go to bed now, please,”

Narcissa lost her tense edge, nodding slowly and saying, “Of course, little dragon. I’ll see you in the morning,”

Draco didn’t respond and didn’t react when she pressed a kiss against his crown.

When his bedroom door closed with a click behind her, he found it difficult to do anything much more than simply sit and stare into the middle distance, trying his best to ignore the new hollow feeling in the centre of his chest.

Draco could barely look at his mother the next day, and practically wilted in relief when she eventually left him and Harry alone after breakfast. He ignored the warning look she threw over her shoulder before she stepped out. If Harry noticed, he didn’t comment, instead choosing to wandlessly transfigure the sugar into salt. He then proceeded to chuckle to himself at odd intervals throughout the day as the memory of Draco spitting tea all over the carpet came back to him randomly.

If it were anyone else, Draco would have been angry, he thought. With Harry, he found himself reluctantly impressed by the magic, and easily distracted by Harry’s face. He didn’t mind being the butt of the joke if it made Harry smile like that.

Just after dinner, he excused himself for a moment, citing the need to retrieve some schoolwork that he needed to proofread before he returned to school the next morning. This was a lie (he had huge amounts of work he still hadn’t completed, never mind the proof reading), and Harry knew it was.

He co*cked his head curiously as the Moirai, who were draped across his shoulders, whispered in his ear, “You’re lying,” he said, not sounding even slightly concerned or offended.

Draco sighed in frustration, “I am,” he agreed, halfway out the door, “Can’t keep a single bloody secret around that snake,” and Harry’s expression turned positively intrigued, “I’ll be five minutes - you can wait that long,”

Harry cried out something after him, but Draco didn’t hear what he said.

Draco didn’t run to his rooms and back, but that was only because he didn’t want to stand panting in front of Harry like some over eager puppy.

He returned after marching (but definitely not running) to his rooms with a mahogany box in his hand - a gift from his father with the Malfoy family crest ingrained on the lid face. He had left Harry seated at the drawing table, but returned to find him perched on the armchair that faced the suite door, the Moirai curled around his forearm and hissing in his face. They looked round as one at Draco’s entrance, and Harry leapt to his feet immediately.

He hesitated for a moment, then returned his Runespoor to his shoulders, and approached cautiously, “What’s that?” He nodded to the box in Draco’s hands.

Draco met him mid-way across the room and flicked the box’s tiny golden latch over, and flipped the lid open with an overly grand gesture, presenting the box and its contents to Harry as if he were presenting an overly expensive bottle of wine for his approval.

Sitting in the cases’s moulded, red velvet cushioned interior was Draco’s shaving set: a niffler fur shaving brush, a fine, circular, silver compact that contained his soap, and his straight razor with its blade folded into its hollow dragon horn handle. He’d left the strop in his room; the blade was ever sharp after all.

Harry gaped at him for a moment, and then his mouth spread into a wide grin, “Are you going to teach me to shave?” He said excitedly, stepping into Draco’s space. He hovered his hand over the case as if he were afraid to touch its contents.

“If you still want me too,” Draco had to fight to pull his gaze from Harry to the snake about his neck, “This may be difficult with a three-headed snake in the way though,” he admitted.

With the Runespoor deposited in front of a freshly lit fire, Draco gathered himself around Harry at the basin in the bathroom, carefully lifting his brush and soap free from the case.

“The key to a good quality shave, starts with a good quality soap,” Draco lectured, half peering over the other’s shoulder as he worked Draco’s faintly scented soap into a thick lather with the shaving brush, “The soap acts as a lubricant for the blade, so you can achieve as close a shave as possible without turning your face red raw - be generous,” he advised as Harry lifted the brush to his face, “Don’t forget your neck,”

Harry chuckled as he swept the brush up and down his throat, “I have shaved with a blade before, Draco,” he smiled at Draco in the mirror, moving to slot the brush into its holder, but taking the opportunity to swipe it across the back of Draco’s hand first.

“Yes, thank you,” Draco said with a reluctantly amused sigh, drying his hand on the flannel and reaching for his razor, “Now - this is sharp,” he warned.

Harry snorted, “Duh,”

Very sharp,” Draco stressed, pulling the blade open with care and grasping the handle with his fingers, “Now - this is how you hold it. Do you see?” Harry reluctantly reached for the razor, fumbling slightly with his grip, “Here. Let me show you,” Draco tried to ignore the feeling of Harry’s gaze on his face as he manipulated his fingers around the blades handle, moving his fingers this way and that until Harry’s grip was sure and firm, “Go it?” He practically heard Harry gulp.

“Got it,” Harry’s voice came out faintly hoarse, and he cleared his throat, “So, now what?”

“Now, I suggest you start here on your cheek,” he carefully moved Harry’s hand to his face just in front of his ear, “where your face is mostly flat. Getting around corners and edges is the really tricky part - I still hate shaving my chin. Now… now move your hand like this, hang on,” Draco adjusted his grip where the blade was hovering just above his cheek, “You want around a forty-five-degree angle. And you don’t want to be too heavy handed,” he warned, “Nice and light and delicate,” he guided, his eyes fixed on the air between the blade and Harry’s cheek, ready to catch Harry’s hand and stop him from accidentally hurting himself at a moment's notice.

“Okay, okay - light and delicate, got it,” Harry murmured, focussed.

Draco watched, practically holding his breath as the blade closed the gap to Harry’s cheek and then stopped and trembled ever so faintly in the air as if some invisible barrier had come up between the blade and Harry’s skin. He frowned, biting his tongue - what was happening?

Suddenly, Harry froze. Then, with a heavy sigh, he carefully pulled the blade from his face and folded it shut. With the razor held tightly in his fist, Harry leant forwards over the sink, his eye fixed on the basin and his expression pinched.

“I can’t,” he said tightly.

Draco shook his head in confusion, “What do you mean? It’ll be fine - I promise. The cuts sting but I won’t let you hurt yourself,”

Harry let out a bitter huff, “No. I can’t. The room,” he bit his lip, and tears gathered in his eye, “The room won’t let me,” he turned his miserable expression in Draco’s direction, a mockery of a smile playing around his lips, “It won’t let me hurt myself, remember,”

Draco… didn’t know what to say.

Harry drew himself up, carefully placing the razor on the basins edge, and reaching past Draco for the hand towel. Without meaning too, Draco snatched out a hand and caught Harry by the wrist. He expected Harry to flinch and snatch his hand back, but Harry only stilled and peered at him curiously.


Draco swallowed heavily, “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” the word was said without hesitation, as if Harry’s answer was obvious.

Draco took a steadying breath - was he really about to do this? He glanced over his shoulder at the toilet seat - no, too low. Next, he looked to the bathtubs edge - too unstable.

He slid his hand down Harry’s wrist to take his hand, “Come on,” Harry allowed him to pull him from the bathroom without complaint.

Perched on the end of his bed (half-stood in fact, the mattress was so high), Harry was pliant and trusting, turning his head this way and that with the briefest touch of Draco’s fingers and holding perfectly still as Draco swept the razor blade across his cheek. Strictly speaking, Draco wasn’t sure he needed to be stood in between Harry’s legs like this, but when Harry had separated his feet to make room for him it had seemed rude not to step into the space he had created.

Draco could practically hear his mother’s voice in his ear. He was treading on dangerous ground.

He tried not to stare at Harry’s lips. He covered his distraction by cleaning the soap from the blade on the hand towel they had brought with them from the bathroom.

“Have you ever shaved someone before?” Harry asked quietly.

“No,” Draco answered just as softly, his eyes flicking briefly to Harry’s, “Lift,” he encouraged his jaw up with a finger under his chin.

“Is it much different?”

Draco shrugged, his tongue pressed against his bottom lip in his effort to focus, “A bit. New. More difficult, I think,”

“How so?”

“Well… normally I can feel the blade on my skin, so I can tell when I’m using the right pressure or not. On you, I’m having to use muscle memory alone,”

Harry hmm’ed quietly, “Well, you seem to be doing an excellent job,”

“Thanks,” Draco said dryly as he worked his way around Harry’s Adam’s apple, “It’s been my life’s ambition to hear you pay me a compliment. I can finally die happy,”

Harry’s chuckle was breathy and came with the slightest uptick of his lips.

With only straight streaks of soap left on Harry’s face from the path Draco’s blade had taken, Draco wiped the blade clean, closed it with a click, and dropped it on the towel. Now, with nothing to distract him, Draco found his focus turned abruptly to Harry himself.

Harry was staring up at him unblinkingly, his gaze darting between Draco’s eyes, down to his lips, then back up again. He swallowed loudly, his breath shuddering and nervous. He looked left, then right, then down, then up, and then round again he went.

It would be so easy - so easy - to just bend down slightly and press their lips together.

It wasn’t his mother’s words in his mind that stopped him though, but Harry’s.

‘Just because I’ve adjusted - just because I’m coping - it doesn’t mean that I’m suddenly okay with all of this. I will never be okay with this.’

Kissing Harry now, as much as he wanted to, would be the height of selfishness. Harry needed a friend, not someone else who wanted something from him.

He took a shuffling step back. No, kissing Harry was the wrong thing to do.

“There,” he said with a tight smile, “All done. How does it feel?”

Harry’s gaze flickered. He blinked, as if coming back to himself. He broke their eye contact and stroked a distracted hand across his cheeks and down his neck. He offered Draco a nervous smile, glancing up through his lashes and clearing his throat anxiously.

“Good,” he muttered, “Smooth. Soft. Better than when Tippy does it,”

Draco nodded once, increasing the space between them, “Good. Well. At least I know that if my mother’s grand ambitions for my future fall through, I at least have the option to become a barber,” he attempted to joke.

Harry smiled, but he was obviously elsewhere, his hand still pawing mindlessly at his face.

Draco was at Harry’s bedroom door bright and early the next morning - earlier than even his mother would be. He didn’t think he could handle being around them both together right now. He felt as if he were suspended in time, stuck staring down at Harry’s lips. If she saw them together, she’d know, and he wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t ready to give a name to the way his chest clenched whenever Harry looked at him, let alone have her confronting him over it again.

It would mean leaving without saying goodbye but needs must.

Pushing his way cautiously into the room, he wasn’t expecting to see Harry stepping out of the bathroom.

Harry blinked at him; once, twice, and then Harry finally seemed to realise who was stood opposite him. He turned shy, pulling the dressing gown that had been slouching down his arms up and onto his shoulders.

“Morning,” he murmured, tipping onto his toes as he stumbled closer, “You’re very early,”

“I know - I’m sorry. I didn’t want to wake you but I… I wanted to say goodbye to you without my mother here,” Draco wandered further into the room until they were an arm's length apart.

“Why?” Harry asked cautiously.

“I didn’t want to share,” he said it as a joke, but it was painfully true, “Mother’s goodbye ritual can last up to an hour, and then I’d never have time for you,”

“Won’t she be disappointed?”

Draco shrugged, “She’ll get over it, I’m sure. Or she’ll scold me in writing,”

“Maybe she’ll send you a Howler,” Harry teased lightly.

Draco scoffed, “Never. Mafloy’s do not air their dirty laundry in public,”

“Ah, no, of course not,” Harry agreed solemnly, the hint of a smile in the corner of his lips, “Far too sophisticated I hear,”

“Not really - just emotionally repressed and terrified of social humiliation,” Draco found himself grinning at the surprised bark of laughter that escaped Harry, “If you asked my father, I think he’d rather drop dead than be embarrassed publicly,”

“My aunt and uncle are similar. They always presented this perfect facade to the neighbours - no matter the cost. It was…,” Harry trailed off, his expression turning faintly sad, “suffocating,”

“I don’t feel suffocated. I can be myself at home, just… my mother calls it a mask,” he explained, “A front to show the world to protect ourselves. Though I guess it feels like I’m always wearing it now,” he admitted, “Except for when I’m with you,”

“What about with your mother?” Harry prodded curiously.

Draco smiled tightly and shrugged. How could he explain?

I have feelings for you, and my mother knows it.

He hadn’t even said it out loud, and his stomach was swooping as if he were plummeting to the ground in pursuit of the golden snitch.

“I never used to wear a mask around her, but everything has changed now. I love her still, obviously, but I guess I feel… let down by her. I’ve always known on an intellectual level that my parents weren’t infallible, but now… now it’s clear just how fallible they actually are,”

“I never really had that,” Harry said with a shrug; he backtracked quickly, “Sorry - I don’t mean that as a dig about you having parents and me being an orphan. I meant that - for me - my aunt and uncle have never been a source of comfort or security. There’s never been any revelation about their faults because they’ve always been so glaringly obvious. Even when I was very little, I knew I couldn’t count on them for anything,”

“Were they not like parents to you?” Draco asked carefully.

Harry snorted, “Let’s just say that they wouldn’t have lost any sleep if I’d died the same night my parents did,” Draco blinked in surprise. He struggled to think of something to say, but Harry beat him to it, “You said you’d be writing to your mother - will you write to me again as well?” He said hopefully.

Draco nodded at once, “Of course - I don’t know how I’d cope without my golden-boy-pen-pal,”

Harry smiled shyly, his gaze flicking between Draco’s eyes and to his lips again. Draco was reminded abruptly of the previous evening, “I should probably get going,” he said before he could be drawn in by tempting thoughts of Harry’s mouth, “I promise I’ll write though. I’ll write my first letter on the train and post it back as soon as I get to school,”

Harry nodded eagerly, “Yeah - yeah, I’d like that,”

Draco left him reluctantly. Harry watched silently as he backed towards the door, unwilling to look away even a moment earlier than he needed to.

Making his way down the stairs and towards the front gates, Draco could barely keep up with the confusing, roiling blend of emotions that batted for dominance in his chest.

It felt as if he were walking a tight rope over shark infested waters. Ahead of him, Harry beckoned him ever onwards, a warm smile on his face. On one side of the rope, the disapproving face of his mother and father waited, the Dark Lord a figure that loomed threateningly behind them. On the other, an image of Harry crying on the bathroom floor again, and his own heartbreak.

But… but the way Harry had looked at him. Like a thief in the night, hope snuck up on him and curled her fingers around his heart.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts, that he almost didn’t notice the figure that was walking towards him across the drive. He recognised his dirty blonde hair immediately, and Draco very nearly stumbled over his feet. Mulciber was staggering towards him, the toes of his boots catching on the gravel and his left arm swinging awkwardly at his side. Was he… was he drunk? At this time?

Mulciber, who had been focussed on putting one foot in front of the other, suddenly looked up and caught Draco’s eye. His lips twisted into a hateful leer, and it was only as he got closer that Draco realised why his walk looked so unbalanced: his right arm was missing. Of course, it was.

“Draco!” He cried, throwing his left arm, and what remained of his right open in greeting, “M’ boy!” His words slurred together.

“Mulciber,” he greeted blankly, keeping the reproach out of his voice and moving ever closer to the gate, and ever closer to Mulciber.

“How av’ you bin’? How’s’school?”


“You off back now? End o’ the holidays, issit?”

Draco’s eyes caught on the sharp edges of the man’s broken, yellowing teeth, “Yes, it is,”

Mulciber nodded heavily and came to a stop as Draco came level with him. Draco froze when he suddenly snapped out his hand and grasped him by his upper arm, “Hey… hey…,” he whispered, his breath hot and putrid on Draco’s cheek as he leant closer, “Tell me: how’ve you been treatin’ that little bitch?”

“W-what?” Draco stuttered, the fear in his gut giving way to confusion.

Mulciber continued as if Draco hadn’t spoken, “It’s his fault, y’know? This,” he lifted what remained of his right arm, “Him and his stupid f*cking snake. f*cking whor*!” He spat, “Shoulda… shoulda let your aunt take both of his eyes,”

Confusion gave way to fury.

Draco ripped his arm free from Mulciber’s grip, snarling at the man, “Let me go!” He snapped.

Mulciber stumbled unsteadily at the sudden action, toppling over and landing flat on his back. He groaned; his eyes screwed shut against the bright sunlight. Draco watched him, panting and seething as Mulciber rolled onto his side and vomited onto the gravel. Filled with the kind of rage Draco had only ever known a taste of before, it took no thought at all for him to kick Mulciber as hard as he could in the gut.

Mulciber let out a bark of surprise, then groaned in pain with his arm clutching at his stomach and vomited again.

Draco sneered down at him, “Disgusting,”

He turned and continued his journey down the drive, the hope that had burnt in his chest smothered and dead. In its place, an uneasy queasiness threatened to have him joining Mulciber in emptying his stomach contents onto the drive. The encounter had left him wondering:

What had Mulciber done to Harry? And would he do it again, if given the chance?


I have to tell someone about this because I literally don’t speak to anyone IRL about what I write 😂 I just hide my iPad from my husband and give him major side eye when he tries to sneak a look.
But I had a major revelation about this fic in the shower (a literal shower thought) and I can’t even tell you people reading this because it’s a major spoiler 😂 but essentially there’s a plot point I’ve been planning for chapters and chapters and drip feeding in and I’ve just figured out how to factor it into the wider over arching plot to help drive everything forward.
And I am literally elated.
But also half horrified because this revelation may or may not add another ten chapters to the story if I realise it to its natural conclusion 😂 which I’m still on the fence about cuz it might just be over kill
What have I started hahaha my god
Till next time!

Chapter 18: Harry: Schooling


The past three weeks had passed like a dream, lulling Harry into a false sense of security. He had nearly forgotten where he was and why.


Just a heads up - I’m going to skip posting next Friday and take a short break for three reasons:
1) Work is ridiculous atm - I’ve gone through my time sheet and I’ve worked around an extra 70 hours this month (and I already work full time) :(
2) I currently only have one other chapter completed, and I like to have at least three in reserve so I can think on them and to better facilitate forward plot planning
3) I’ve been spending a bit of time writing something different that I couldn’t get out of my head, but that’s nearly finished so will return to this with fresher eyes and a renewed focus :) now this other thing is on paper all I can think about is this now haha I felt weirdly guilty about writing something else while this isn’t finished, but this is definitely going to be a marathon and having a break has worked wonders
Sorry to let people down for next Friday! But I’m sure you’ll all be busy with Christmas and New year anyway haha
Will begin reposting as normal from the first Friday of the new year though :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry stood frozen; his breath caught in his throat as he stared down at the limited view of the main drive that the suite’s far corner window afforded him. He was not alone: the Moirai, who grew heavier with every day that passed, were coiled around his neck and vying amongst themselves for the best view.

“What is happening?” Clotho hissed anxiously as Lachesis nudged her out of the way.

“We cannot see,” Atropos grumbled, attempting to avoid the fight by twisting around to Harry’s other shoulder, but her stretch was limited by the length of her own neck where it branched off from her sister’s, “We cannot see!” She insisted.

“It is not clear,” Lachesis said smoothly, always the calm and collected one between the three of them, “Our eyes are made for hunting in the jungle, not spying on our prey from the tree tops,” she turned to Harry, Clotho nudging her out the way to try her own eyes, “My own: what is happening? Why are you so distressed?”

Harry swallowed and fought to find his voice, “I…,” he licked his lips, glancing briefly to where his fingers where gripping painfully onto the windowsill; he returned his gaze to the drive, “It’s Mulciber-,” Atropos snarled and instantly whipped round to force Clotho out of the way, her teeth bared in fury, “He just met Draco on the driveway,” Harry continued, ignoring their squabbling, “Draco… Draco pushed him over and kicked him in the gut,”

Lachesis rumbled in approval, “The Suitor protects. The Suitor defends,”

“He is well fanged - sharp and venomous. Ready to bite. He will be a good mate,” Clotho said, a dreamy quality to the wobble of her head, “A good provider. He brings gifts and grooms you. His intentions are clear. Will you reciprocate, we wonder?”

A scoff caught in Harry’s throat, emerging as nothing more than a choked huff. She was ridiculous; they all were. It had taken less than three weeks for them to go from considering Draco with thinly vailed contempt, to daydreaming about their future hatchlings.

The thought had sad disappointment swirling in his gut. He doubted he was destined to ever have “hatchlings”. In the grand scheme of things, not realising his deep desire to be a father was the least of his worries. It was just another dream he’d had to put to bed, but it was one that was more difficult to put down than most.

From the moment that he’d truly understood that his relationship with the Dursley’s was abnormal, he’d longed to have a family of his own. A wife and children. Maybe a dog? Or rather, he thought, considering the serpent around his neck fondly, perhaps a snake.

“He is not totally unsuitable,” Atropos grumbled reluctantly, taking Harry by surprise. It was the first positive thing he thought he’d heard her say about Draco possibly ever, “Though he is unhandsome, and you will have ugly young,” she added quickly, “but I suppose at least they are likely to survive infancy,”

“Draco is plenty handsome,” Harry said thoughtlessly, before stumbling over his words, “I mean - I mean he’s not ugly,”

Atropos snorted, “He is pale and without colour,”

He couldn’t argue with that, he supposed. Draco was paler than even Harry, who hadn’t seen the sun in nearly a year now. And at least Harry had some contrast between his skin and his dark hair. With his platinum blonde hair and pale grey eyes, Draco was practically monochrome. But Harry didn’t dislike the effect - if anything, he liked the ethereal quality it offered him. It made Draco look like some deity that had deigned to grace the mortals with his presence.

It matched beautifully with the way he moved. Harry had never noticed it at school (too busy hating the other boy) but Draco moved like a dancer - with purpose and grace. Even when he had been shaving Harry, every movement of his hand had been precise and deliberate. He hadn’t cut Harry even once.

Harry shuddered at the memory of his finger and thumb carefully clasping Harry’s chin to move his face where he wanted it.

“Do not despair, my own,” Lachesis said kindly, taking his contemplative silence for moroseness, “You have enough colour for the both of you. Your young will not be as unattractive as he,”

Harry shook his head, a reluctant smile on his mouth. That they thought him more handsome than Draco was laughable. He was thin and gangly with knobbly knees and awkwardly pointy elbows. No. No, he could never compare to Draco.

He swallowed down the fizzing feeling in his stomach and returned his focus to the drive. He jolted in alarm when he realised that Mulciber had disappeared while he’d been distracted. Before he could grow too concerned, he was distracted again by the suite’s door opening.

“Good morning, Harry,” Narcissa greeted warmly, toeing off her heels at the door as was her way, “What are you looking at darling?” She asked curiously, crossing the room to stand behind him, “And good morning to you three as well,” she added to the Moirai.

Clotho sighed in pleasure, “Ah, the Mother. She is kind,”

“Mulciber was on the drive,” Harry answered her quietly.

She stiffened immediately behind him, her hand coming up to his shoulder, “What? He should not be on the property - it was definitely him?” She said sharply.

Harry nodded slowly, “Draco crossed him on his way out of the grounds,” the hand on his shoulder tightened its grip, “He grabbed Draco’s arm, but Draco shoved him away and kicked him in the stomach,”

Narcissa let out a careful sigh, “Good. That’s good… Draco was unharmed?” Harry nodded, his graze still fixed on the drive, “Did you say Draco left the grounds already? Did he come and say goodbye?”

“Yeah - earlier than I expected,” he glanced over his shoulder to her, “Did he not come and see you?”

She offered him a tight smile, “No,” she said simply, “but no matter; I shall write to him. Now, come away from the window with me and have some breakfast,” Harry hesitated, returning his gaze to the spot where he had seen Mulciber last. Narcissa stroked a careful hand through his short hair, “Don’t worry darling,” she soothed, “He cannot reach you here,” and Harry allowed her to lead him away.

6th of April 1997


As I promised before I left, this letter finds me sat on the Hogwarts express, a compartment to myself and a ghastly amount of schoolwork left to me to complete. So much work, in fact, that I am considering simply leaving it and taking the hit on the detentions I am sure to be given.

I hope this letter finds you well - not missing me too much yet, I hope? What am I saying: of course, you are.

Chin up, scar-head. It’ll be July before you know it. God know’s what we’re going to do cooped up in that room for the entire summer, but it’s a sacrifice that I am willing to make for you. Count yourself lucky you have as good a friend as me.

Say hello to the Moirai for me (even Atropos).


The past three weeks had passed like a dream, lulling Harry into a false sense of security. He had nearly forgotten where he was and why. He had almost felt like Jane Eyre; confined to a fine stately home, surrounded by people who told him half-truths in their effort to conceal a mysterious secret. If Draco had whipped out some half-crazed wife from the attic, Harry wouldn’t even have been surprised.

But no. He wasn’t Jane Eyre. He wasn’t in Jane Eyre. He was in something more akin to Dracula, he imagined: a horror, psychological and monstrous all in one. And who was he in this story, he wondered? Mina Murray? Or Johnathon Harker? A blend of the two perhaps.

Regardless, he knew precisely who Dracula was, and he was sat opposite him.

The Dark Lord had returned to his life, and it was as if he had never left.

“Did you enjoy the Easter break with young Master Mafloy, Harry?” He asked softly, his hands folded in his lap, his red eyes fixed intently on Harry, pinning him in place.

“Yes, my Lord,”

“Good Harry… very good. I thought it only fair that you were allowed to enjoy a break along with everyone else,” he paused meaningfully.

“Thank you, my Lord,” Harry didn’t attempt to put feeling into his voice - it wouldn’t matter anyway.

“You are most welcome, Harry,” the Dark Lord said genially, “But I’m afraid that, much like our dear Draco, we must now resume your education,” Harry watched, his expression blank, as the Dark Lord reached a single bony hand within his robes, “and in order to get the most out of that education, I feel that it is now necessary that this is returned to you,” Harry stopped breathing, barely daring to move as his gaze followed the path of the Dark Lord’s hand as he withdraw it from his robe, bringing with it a thin rod of wood that Harry recognised in an instant.

The Dark Lord considered Harry’s wand with interest, turning it this way and that and running his fingers along its length.

“I purport to be skeptical of notions such as fate and destiny,” he said softly, lifting the wand to consider it in the light, “And yet one must admit that the fact that our wands are brothers is more than serendipity,” he hummed to himself, testing the wand with a swish that had finches bursting from its tip, only for the birds to disappear in a shower of sparks before they could even make a sound, “If our wands are brothers, then perhaps that is what we shall be to one another,” he mused, speaking as if Harry wasn’t there, “I have never been particularly paternal after all, I must admit. Though brothers… brothers…,” he tested the word in his mouth, and shook his head, “No. Not brothers. Perhaps simply ‘family’? Do not fret Harry, I shall find a word that defines what we are to one another one day, and I shall tell you when I have,”

“Yes, my Lord,” Harry practically whispered, his eye following the movement of his wand intently.

The Dark Lord held the wand out for Harry to grab but pulled it away slightly before Harry could take it, “Understand Harry,” he said intently, “That this is both a demonstration of trust, and a privilege that can be revoked at a moment's notice. Am I understood?”

Harry nodded, “Yes, my Lord,” he suppressed the sigh of relief that threatened to escape him when he finally closed his fingers around the handle of his wand. Warmth spread up his arm, as if his wand were rejoicing at their reunification the way that Harry was.

“Will you be teaching me?” He asked curiously.

“I shall be responsible for some of your education, but not all,” the Dark Lord paused to consider him, “In September, the majority of your teaching will be taken over by Severus, but until then, Bellatrix and Narcissa will be responsible for much of your schooling,”

Harry froze, dread pooling in his gut, “Bellatrix,”

A cruel smile twisted at the Dark Lord’s lips, “Yes,” he said softly, “Bellatrix. But do not fear Harry: I have every faith that Bellatrix will not break my trust again, and besides, you shall not be left alone with her,” he glanced about the Aethonan suite, “I would have her teaching you combative magic, and as you may appreciate, these rooms, spacious though they are, are hardly suitable for duelling. As such, you have my permission to venture out into the rest of the house under the condition that you are escorted by one of my most trusted followers: the Lestrange’s, the Malfoy’s or Severus. Am I understood?”

Harry took a careful breath in through his nose, and out through his mouth, willing his heart to stop racing, “Yes, my Lord.”



Are you alright? I saw through the window what happened with Mulciber as you left. I felt sick when he grabbed you. And don’t respond with some flippant comment - you won’t throw me off with that. I see right through you, and your ‘ultra cool attitude’.

I was really frightened for you.

I told the Moirai that you said hello - I can’t tell you what they said back because it’s embarrassing. Clotho definitely has a crush on you, and Atropos even said that you weren’t totally useless the other day (though she did follow it up by calling you ugly, so take from that what you will).

And you don’t need to worry about us being stuck in the Aethonan suite over summer.

The Dark Lord has given me permission to leave the room, so long as I have an escort (which will be you, I imagine). He’s decided that Bellatrix is to start teaching me to duel. We start tomorrow, out on the lawn.

Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. It’s like I’m transported back to the cellars again. I’m trying desperately to dredge up the anger and the hate I feel towards her, to try and avoid the fear. I’m so tired of being afraid.


P.S Thanks again for the calendar – I can actually put the date on these letters!

Harry wasn’t shaking, but that was only because he had erected the strongest occlumency shields possible without turning completely catatonic. He only felt enough to recognise the slow transformation of the twisting fear in his gut into burning fury. Fury he could work with.

He was stood outside on the Manor’s grounds, the sun beating down upon him for the first time since June the previous year. He half expected his skin to sizzle under the light like a vampire, but it obviously didn’t.

Seated on one of the low stone benches that lined the rose garden, with his Runespoor coiled around her shoulders, Narcissa acted as a spectator, though she wasn’t alone. Stood stiffly off to her right was a tall, broad, serious man that Harry faintly recognised but couldn’t place. He wasn’t really considering either of them though. All of his focus was taken up by the witch who stood twenty paces away from him.


She looked conflicted: part disgust and fury at being commanded to educate Harry, and part delight and anticipation at getting to ‘educate’ Harry. Harry knew with certainty that, despite her orders and their onlookers, he would be returning to his rooms with some kind of injury before they were done.

“Right then ickle Potter,” she simpered, twirling her wand in her hand, “The Dark Lord has said that I’m to make sure you can survive a proper fight,”

“I’d rather win in a fight, than simply survive,” Harry said dryly, his occlumency shields holding his voice steady, “If it’s all the same to you, of course,”

She snarled, and her eyes flicked to the man who stood beside Narcissa. Something in his expression prompted her to control herself, and she said demurely, “Of course. The Dark Lord would want you to win. We shall start with the basics. Shielding. Begin!”

Harry barely had time to voice a question before she was firing spell after spell at him, her wand arm a flurry of movement that he could barely keep track of. None of her spells were anything particularly dangerous, but regardless he hadn’t a hope in hell of keeping up. He threw up shield after shield, but still more than one hex penetrated his defences and left him winded, or with warts spouting up around his neck, or sores building in a ring around his wrist.

Finally, the barrage let up, and she sneered at him.

“You shall have to do better than this, Potty,”

Harry flinched at the nickname, “It’s hard to do any better when my instructor refuses to instruct me,” he snarled back, rubbing at his sternum where a curse had punched all the air out of him.

“You’re not a first year, boy. You should know Protego,” disdain dripped from her voice, “Again!” She cried, and while Harry was more prepared this time, he fared no better. If anything, he fared worse, until he resorted to simply holding a shield in place and watching as it gradually cracked under her barrage of spells. It held for a long time - a very long time - but when it inevitably gave way, he was blasted clean off his feet.

“How are you ever going to fight back if you simply hold a shield?” Bellatrix shouted; Harry imagined she was gesturing furiously at him, but he was too busy staring up at the blue sky from the flat of his back to check, “I thought you said you wanted to win in a fight, and not simply survive? You might as well just hide behind a wall like a coward at this rate!” She screeched.

Harry rolled his eyes, the occlumency shields practically settling into his bones until the fear he’d once felt around Bellatrix was diminished into nothing and only the hate remained.

He glanced round at the sound of boots padding towards him and found the sun abruptly hidden behind an enormous figure. The man who had been stood beside Narcissa peered down at him. He took a single deep breath in that had his shoulders rising and falling, and then reached down for Harry.

Harry expected to be dragged to his feet, but instead he was carefully lifted and steadied by a hand on his shoulder. Harry resisted the urge to shove the hand away. He took stock of the man in front of him and realised suddenly that he recognised him. He had been somewhat drawn the last time Harry had seen him as he stood trial for the torture of Neville’s parents, but it was undoubtedly him.

Rodolphus Lestrange considered him through his heavy brow and dark eyes. Much like his wife, there was an echo of beauty about his face that had faded somewhat since his incarceration but was still there if you looked closely.

“You were a seeker?” He said, his voice deep and rumbling.

It took Harry a moment to register that he had been asked question, “Y-yes,” he stuttered.

“You should be quick on your feet then. Why waste magic on shielding that which you could evade?” He turned Harry bodily, and pushed him back towards his wife, “Dodge her spells. If she can’t hit you, then there’s no need to shield,”

Harry turned back to Bellatrix, who seemed even more furious for her husband’s intervention. He was ruining her fun, Harry imagined.

She raised her wand, and Harry steeled himself.

11th of April 1997


I admit I hadn’t even considered that you might have seen my altercation with Mulciber. I can assure you that I’m fine - I promise. I’m glad to hear that you think I’m ultra-cool though.

I know, I know - you asked me not to joke around, but I promise you, I really am fine.

The idea of you having to spend time with my aunt makes me feel ill. Be careful around her. You won’t be alone with her, will you? Will mother be there? Or literally anyone else. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how dangerous and unstable she is. I didn’t tell you before, because I wish to avoid upsetting you, but she actually tried to attack me at dinner over the Easter break. If I hadn’t responded as quickly as I had, she would have caused me serious injury.

Please exercise caution. I hate to agree with the man, but Snape was right when he said that the other Death Eaters could seriously hurt you. If I come back to a stain on the lawn that used to be you, I’ll be extremely perturbed.

If you are beginning to learn to duel, am I right in assuming you have had your wand returned to you? Perhaps you should not rely upon it too heavily? It could be taken from you again just as easily as it was given back, after all.

I wish I was there with you. It seems all so pointless trying to get good grades when the real fight is outside of the castle. I’ve never really thought about it before, but it really is excellent what Weasley and Granger are doing with your Defence Association. They could really save some lives.

Stay safe.


P.S Of course Clotho has a crush on me - who wouldn’t?



Don’t worry - we aren’t being left alone.

Your mother is almost always there, and your uncle Rodolphus is as well.

He’s not the kind of person I’d have expected Bellatrix to be married to. Don’t get me wrong, he’s all kinds of terrifying, but he certainly doesn’t seem to be quite the same brand of crazy as she is. He seems to actually want to help me get better, which is incredibly useful, as Bellatrix seems to just enjoy having me sprinting this way and that trying to avoid her spells.

I wish I could be at school with you. I know that, if I were there, that I’d be saying the exact opposite though. I’d be on the edge of my seat preparing to leave and join the Order or something. How different my life could have been. It would have been better, in many ways, but I can hardly imagine it.

We would certainly have never become friends. I’m not saying I wouldn’t change things if I could, but if I did, I’d be sad to lose you for it.

I’d regain the Dursley’s as well, and I’m equally not keen on the idea of re-gaining that particular hair shirt.


“You’ll have to do better than this, Potty!” Bellatrix crowed in triumph as, once again, Harry stared up at the white clouds above him as he tried to catch his breath. He could hear Atropos hissing furiously, but she was held at bay by the determined and ever faithful Lachesis. Narcissa was soothing her under her breath; the poor serpent was always in need of consoling during these training sessions. She despised seeing Harry hurt.

Rodolphus had been right. Evasion had been the key to walking back to his room at the end of the day without a limp, but it wasn’t enough.

The fact of the matter was that Harry hadn’t played Quidditch in over a year. He’d been locked away for months and had lost any muscle tone or stamina that Quidditch had afforded him. He was, in a word, unfit, and he could only manage dipping and dodging and diving and twisting out of the path of Bellatrix’s spells for so long before he was a panting, sweating mess.

He could last about ten minutes now before he had to start throwing up shields, but it was nowhere near enough to outlast Bellatrix. He was desperate to outlast Bellatrix. He was desperate to start learning offensive spells and have her sprinting this way and that about the grounds.

He sighed when a familiar figure blocked out the sun. Rodolphus blinked down at him. As usual, he manhandled Harry to his feet without so much as a by-your-leave, simply setting him down and brushing grass from his shoulders.

“You’re unfit,” he commented flatly, stepping away to size Harry up.

Harry scoffed, “Yes, thank you for noticing,” he snarked.

Rodolphus pinned him with a disapproving look; he called to Bellatrix, “We need to start him on a fitness regime, or he’ll end up passing out like a muggle with ashma,”

“Asthma,” Harry muttered, rubbing at a bruise on his arm; Rodolphus sent him a quizzical look, “It’s called asthma,” he repeated, “not ‘ashma’ - though I suppose you made your point anyway,”

Rodolphus’s expression turned amused, “Asthma,” he parroted back, trying out the word in his mouth.

“What are you going to do?” Bellatrix cried across the grounds, “Have him running laps?”

Rodolphus shrugged, his eyes fixed on Harry in a way that made him feel as if he were being slowly peeled apart, “Yes,” he said firmly.

16th of April 1997


I confess that I don’t know my uncle as well as I should, though as he’s a Death Eater I think we can safely assume that he’s not of good character. But if he’s keeping you safe, then I suppose I shouldn’t complain too much.

I wish you were here as well. I wouldn’t want to lose your friendship, but if it spared you all the pain and suffering you’ve experienced then I would give it up in a heartbeat, and trust that fate would bring us together one day in the future. Surely, we wouldn’t have hated one another forever?

You’ve mentioned your relatives a few times, and I must admit I’ve been too cowardly to delve deeper. I’ve been afraid of causing you more pain or finding myself in a position where I didn’t know what to say. But if you want to tell me about them, I’m willing to listen, and I can’t promise I’ll give the best advice, but I do promise to try.

I miss you and your stupid face. No one here is quite as interesting as you are.




If you won’t complain then I f*cking will - the man has had me sprinting around the grounds until I’m near ready to collapse. He’s decided that I’m not ‘fit enough’ and while I don’t technically disagree, I would like to officially complain. I barely have the energy to work on my eye at the end of the day now: I fall asleep almost immediately and only make it to the bath because Atropos keeps threatening to bite me if I don’t.

But it is wonderful to be outside again. I’ve missed the sun. I’ve missed the wind in my hair, short as it is. I’d rather be lying down on the grass and sunbathing though. I’ve never been this pale in all my life.

My relatives were awful, and that’s all there really is to say about them. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that they were essentially abusing me. Even writing it now makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel like it marks me as a victim, and I hate that.

They knew I was a wizard, but they didn’t tell me. They were determined to ‘beat it out of me’ and they tried with great enthusiasm. I never really knew what it was to have a family that loved me. I was just this stranger that lived in their house, and they hated me. It was made that much harder by how much the spoilt my cousin - a million birthday and Christmas presents, two bedrooms, every day out possible. All while I was left with the neighbour, Mrs Figg.

And I know that Dumbledore knew. He had to have done, because Mrs Figg is actually a member of the Order, and he set her up to keep an eye on me.

I can’t believe this is only just occurring to me. He really has known all this time, and he did nothing.


I wish you were here. This would be easier if you were here.


Harry was practically dripping in sweat. The sun was blazing in the sky above them, beating down on them and creating a heat that was oppressive and stifling. Narcissa hadn’t let him leave the manor without first smothering him in some kind of sun blocking potion - he imagined it worked the same as muggle sun cream, and it certainly smelt better.

The glaring sun hadn’t stopped Rodolphus from having him running around the grounds at the house’s east wing, or from completing so many push ups and sit ups that Harry thought he might vomit. Harry hadn’t expected any sort of praise after he’d finished his prescribed exercise, but he’d certainly expected more than a single approving nod and a bottle of water and a nutritional potion.

The sun also hadn’t stopped Bellatrix from then trying her level best to curse him to within an inch of his life. She had recently settled on casting simple stinging hexes (no doubt because of the speed and accuracy with which she could send them flying his way) and while they wouldn’t do him any long-lasting harm, they still f*cking hurt. She was in an especially foul mood that afternoon, and though it meant that Harry suffered the brunt of it, he still found himself pleased for whatever had happened to have ruined her day so thoroughly.

Narcissa wasn’t there today - she didn’t come every day, and Harry couldn’t blame her. It couldn’t have been particularly interesting to watch him make an absolute fool of himself in his attempt to avoid having to soak his welts in murtlap essence before he went to bed everyday. And if she didn’t come, then the Moirai would consent to remain in the suite as well, and so would equally be spared from having to watch him suffer. It always distressed her intensely.

Narcissa would always return though, before the days end, and walk him back to the Aethonan suite.

Not today though.

f*ck this!” Bellatrix practically growled, destroying the rose bush closest to her with a particularly powerful blasting curse. The shrubbery exploded in a ball of flame and petals, and Harry heard the terrified screech of a bird from somewhere within the garden, “We’re done for the day,” she snapped, turning on her heel and marching away from the carnage she had made of her sister’s flowers, “Class dismissed,” she called over her shoulder.

Harry watched her go, his wand still held out in front of him, half expecting her to spin around and start trying to hex him again, thinking he had lowered his guard. It was only when a second bush caught fire, that Harry realised she wasn’t coming back.

She was early though. They’d finished early. Narcissa wasn’t here to take him back. He suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable, like a seal on a sheet of ice surrounded by killer whales on all sides. He knew the way back to the rooms, but the idea of making his way back alone had him paralysed with fear. What if this was another trick? What if Mulciber was waiting for him again, and he didn’t even have the Moirai with him this time?


He flinched and looked round to find that, at some point, Rodolphus had extinguished the bushes (which were now blackened and wilting sadly) and had stepped up to his shoulder. He swallowed and considered Rodolphus nervously.

“You’ve never said my name,” he said, accusatory.

Rodolphus simply blinked at him. He glanced briefly to his wife’s gradually diminishing back, before addressing Harry again, “I will walk you back to your rooms now,”

Harry tried not to stare at Rodolphus on the walk back. He couldn’t for the life of him figure the man out. He didn’t seem to hate him the way that his wife did, but he also didn’t seem to regard his wife with as much affection as Harry would have expected. He seemed to merely tolerate her and didn’t share in her gleeful joy at the hurt she caused Harry every day. But likewise, he didn’t seem to take any particular pride or pleasure in Harry’s triumphs either.

Perhaps to Rodolphus, Harry was simply an instruction to be carried out. The man had garnered a reputation as one of the Dark Lord’s most faithful, after all. That made the most sense. This wasn’t personal for Rodolphus; it was simply another way for him to show his Lord his loyalty.

At the top of the staircase, Rodolphus stopped, “You can find your way from here,” he said, his voice level.

Harry hesitated for a split second, before offering him a grateful nod, “Thank you,”

Rodolphus inclined his head but did not turn to leave until he had seen Harry step across the threshold.

Huh. What was his deal?

23rd of April 1997


What I’m hearing here, is that you’re getting buff. Am I going to come home to find you with enormous muscles? Are you going to be posing here there and everywhere to show them off? Also: please do keep bathing. My mother isn’t above using the house elves to force you into a bath if she needs to. She did it many times to me as a small child, though Tippy may struggle more with you than she did five-year-old me.

That’s awful Harry. All of it. Nothing I can say can make any of it better, but please know that the offer to listen isn’t a one off. Anytime you want to talk about it? I’m here.

I don’t understand how they could treat you that way - you were a child! It’s disgusting. Muggles like that drive magical people towards the Dark Lord. They reinforce all of the prejudices that witches and wizards have against them.

It’s hard to swallow that Dumbledore would voluntarily leave you with them. I’ve never been fond of the man, but I never thought he’d simply take a step back and leave you with such awful people.

I’m sorry Harry. I really am.

The moment we’re able to, I’m going to take you to experience every single thing you missed out on as a child. We’ll go to sweet shops and Quidditch matches, and I’ll throw you extravagant birthday parties. We’ll make up for lost time. I swear it.




‘Buff’. Ha! Hardly, I’m not sure I have the frame for big muscles. I’m certainly getting leaner though. Your uncle is working me to within an inch of my life. He’s a tricky one to figure out. I can’t figure out what the deal is between him and your aunt. Was their’s an arranged marriage or something? I don’t think they even like each other.

To be honest, I don’t really talk about my relatives. Sometimes it feels like some chronic injury that never healed; I just got used to it. Learned to cope. I try not to think about it too hard, because it just makes me sad. There’s so much of my life to be sad about, I don’t want to add one more thing.

I used to look up to Dumbledore so much, but now I don’t think I even really know who he is. I certainly don’t know who I am to him.

Anyway - tell me how school is. How’s your revision going? Did you manage to write all of those essays that you had left?

The Moirai miss you, by the way. Clotho keeps asking when you’re coming back, and Lachesis keeps making them curl up in your spot on the sofa. Atropos, predictably, is less overt with her feelings, but she mentions you frequently.


Harry could barely see through the windowpanes for the rain that was lashing against them. He wasn’t upset about it though - it was only the rain (and the fact that the grounds were gradually turning into a swamp) that had stopped Bellatrix from dragging him outside and torturing him a little bit more.

The Moirai were pleased as well - they had refused to leave his side, and he’d only asked them to climb down from his shoulders when their weight had started to make his already sore neck ache even more. She was just over three feet long now from tail to snout (Clotho’s to be specific) and increasingly thick in the middle.

“Water,” Clotho murmured dreamily, her nose pressed up against the window and following one of the many rivers of rain that were running down the glass, “Lots of water,” she glanced back towards him from her position on the windowsill, “I love you,”

“I love you,” Lachesis muttered around a wide yawn.

“I love you,” Atropos agreed more reluctantly, burrowing under her middle sister’s neck and shielding herself from the chill that came off the window.

He’d taught her to say, ‘I love you’ and what it meant at the beginning of the week, and now she insisted on saying it to him almost constantly. It made him want to cry, but he hid it from her, just incase it made her stop. He’d almost started to believe that no one loved him anymore.

“I love you too,” he responded, stroking a finger down each of their noses in turn before returning to the work he was meant to be doing.

As Bellatrix had refused to venture out into the downpour, Narcissa had agreed to take on his schooling for the day. She had turned the focus from offensive magic to other less violent magic.

“Magic is more than a weapon. It is a tool and understanding that tool is crucial for making it work for you,” She had said plainly, “Today, we’re going to start with the notice-me-not charm. It’s an excellent method for disguising things you would rather went unnoticed, but getting the right balance can be tricky. Too weak, and the item you want to go unnoticed is spotted easily, too strong, and a skilled wizard will notice the way their gaze is directed away from the object you are trying to conceal,”

She hadn’t been a particularly strict teacher though, and he was sure she knew that his attention had wandered from the book she had thrust under his nose. It was interesting, but he could barely keep his eyes open.

He was exhausted - mind, body, and soul.

He hoped it rained for a few more days.

30th of April 1997


I wish I could give you an insight into Rodolphus, but I know very little of him. My mother did warn me not to ask Bellatrix about him though. I got the impression that, while she may have married for love, he certainly hadn’t. I certainly wouldn’t bring it up to her yourself - I don’t want her to hurt you anymore than she already has.

I can understand why you don’t like thinking about them. I’ve just realised that I never apologised for laughing about your bedroom being a cupboard. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t (and don’t) find it funny - I just didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry.

The rational part of me wants to say that Dumbledore is working towards the greater good, but it just doesn’t sit right. I don’t care about the greater good. I care about you. If your living with abusive relatives and dying to destroy the Dark Lord is all for the greater good, then the greater good can burn. I’d rather the world were that little bit worse if it meant that you were that bit safer.

School is fine I suppose. I didn’t complete those essays until the early hours of the morning and as you can imagine my grades were… poor. Otherwise, things are much as they were. Granger keeps trying to corner me after potions. She’s realised that something is different. I want to tell her about you, but I don’t even know where to begin.

Maybe one day I’ll pluck up the courage.


P.S give the Moirai a kiss from me.



Got it. Don’t ask Bellatrix about her loveless marriage unless I want her to kick my arse.

It’s been raining here so I’ve had a bit of a reprieve from her and Rodolphus, thank Merlin. I was about ready to drop. I think it’s mostly the nutritional potions holding me together at this point. Your mother is meant to be teaching me, but she’s mostly just letting me nap. I hope it rains a bit longer. Cross your fingers for me.

I think Dumbledore is so focused on being the hero, that he’s justified to himself all of the unheroic things that he’s done.

I miss her and Ron so f*cking much. They were my first true friends - they’re like the brother and sister I never had. I feel like half a person without them sometimes. I wonder what we’d have been like in a few years' time, if we’d been able to graduate Hogwarts together.

Do you have friends like that? You Slytherin’s always seem so aloof to the rest of us. Your mother mentioned Pansy? Or is she more of a girlfriend? I know you told your mother you were just friends, but I wasn’t sure how true that was.


It was early. So early in fact that the sky had only just begun to change from a deep blackness to a creeping blue. It had been raining for days now, and Harry was surprised to find himself relieved that the weather had finally let up. Recovered and reinvigorate, and against his better judgement, Harry was excited to get back to training. He hadn’t realised it before but staying inside with only Narcissa and books for company had been driving him insane.

He’d been using his time inside wisely though.

With his improving fitness and strength, Bellatrix had moved on to him attacking as well as defending. They were still only using stinging hexes while he perfected his reflexes, but there was something intensely satisfying about making the woman flinch and hiss in pain. If he had his way, he’d have her screaming before the end.

However, this new turn in their lessons had revealed to him a weakness that he hadn’t anticipated, though he supposed he should have. His lack of depth perception was holding him back, and Harry couldn’t bear to have the wound that Bellatrix herself had dealt him be the thing that stopped him from beating her. With this in mind, he had turned every inch of his focus to completing the eye that had been months in the making.

And he’d done it.

He stared down at it in disbelief, turning it this way and that and inspecting its smooth glossy surface. A spiralling iris of gold wire stared back at him. If he looked closely, he could see that the spiral wasn’t perfect, but that was by design. It was only the golden runes peeking out at him. He turned the eye over and checked the runes where they emerged through the back. It was these runes that would bind with his flesh and hold the eye in place as well as making it function.

The book had mentioned in only a passing comment that: ‘The initial installation of a Wednesday system may cause intense discomfort for the patient’. He had a feeling that ‘intense discomfort’ was code for excruciating pain. What was a little more pain though, in the grand scheme of things?

He hesitated for a split second, before scrambling to his feet and marching determinedly towards the bathroom. Three heads watched him from the sofa but made no move to follow.

“I love you!” One of the chirruped after him - Clotho, most likely.

He paused at the bathroom door, “I love you too,” he could hardly leave her hanging.

Stood in front of the bathroom, Harry gathered himself.

He’d practiced putting this eye in multiple times now, always daydreaming of the day when he’d be putting it in and keeping it in. He removed his glasses and placed them carefully on the basin.

He lifted his top lid and slid the prothesis underneath. The fit was snug, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Holding the eye in place, he pulled his bottom lid down and tugged it around the eye’s base. Satisfied that the eye was secure, he lowered his hand and simply took in his appearance.

The eye was striking. With the distance of the sink basin between him and the eye, he couldn’t make out the rings of gold at all. Instead, it looked almost like a real eye, except for its intense, unnatural colour. Now all he needed to do was activate it. He opened his mouth, ready to say the spell, but he paused. He braced against the sink. Better to be prepared.

He licked his lips, and tried again, “Incitare incantatio prothesium,” the effect was immediate, and Harry was instantly grateful he had had the forethought to lean against the sink.

He let out an involuntary cry, screwing up his eyes and gritting his teeth at the sudden burning shooting pain that rushed from his eye socket, down his nose, back towards his ear and all along his scalp and jaw. He tasted metal and realised distantly that he’d managed to bite his tongue. He didn’t unlock his jaw though. He couldn’t. He felt as if his teeth had been welded together in his attempt to bare the pain that somehow felt worse than when Bellatrix had ripped out the original eye.

And then, just as quickly as it had come, it was gone.

Harry panted, his arms and legs trembling as he struggled to keep himself on his feet. He was half collapsed over the sink and staring down at the ground, blinking dazedly and panting as he tried to get his breath back. He struggled into an upright position, just enough so that he could spit a mouth-full of blood into sink. Finally, he looked up to the mirror, and froze.

The gold eye peered back at him. He watched, half terrified, half fascinated, as the gold iris contracted and expanded reflexively, as if testing its own limits. He swallowed and carefully closed his right eye.

He smothered a sob in his hand.

He could see.

He could see!

It had worked! All his months of hard work and trial and error, and it had worked!

He stood simply staring at himself, closing one eye and then the other and marvelling at his success. He tested the motion of the eye again and again, one hand covering his organic eye and seeing how far he could look up and down and left and right. Other than looking almost otherworldly, it was perfect.

The vision in it was perfect as well, and he was reminded of his conversation with Draco. It wouldn’t be worth it to try and correct the vision in his remaining eye though - it was too dangerous.

He didn’t know how long he had been stood in the bathroom looking at himself when he heard the door to the suite opening. He rushed out at once and found Narcissa distractedly toeing off her heels and calling out to him.

“I hope you’re ready for today, Harry,” she said, her eyes fixed on her feet, “Bellatrix seems determined to make up for lost time,” she turned away from her shoes, and smiled in a warm greeting, “I’m sure Rodolphus will be able to reign her in though,” she reassured him, approaching unhurriedly, “He’ll no doubt be annoyed if you can’t train because she-,” she froze suddenly. She took half a step back, looking him up and down and taking him in.

“Hi,” he said to break the silence, and with nothing better to say.

“You did it,” she whispered, watching in fascination as he blinked and looked between her eyes, “You did it… you actually did it!” She let out an elated cry and rushed forward, enveloping him in a tight hug and pulling him to her breast, “You did it! You did it! You did it!” She crowed, a hysterical laugh creeping into her voice; she released him suddenly, holding his face in between her hands. Tears gathered in her eyes, “I am so proud of you,” she said vehemently, “So, so proud. This is amazing! You’re amazing!” She pressed a kiss against his forehead, and she wrapped her arms around him again, laughing in his ear and rocking them both together in a furious, almost giddy embrace.

Harry smiled into her shoulder, tears of his own gathering in his eyes. His eyes! He was near crying for another reason as well though. It was the first time that he thought he might know what it was like to have a mother who was proud of him.



I know you haven’t written back yet, but I couldn’t wait.


I can’t wait for you to see it - it’s still bright gold so it’s obviously not real, but I don’t care. I can see!!


They had an audience.

They’d been gaining one for a while now, stood a reasonable distance away and never venturing any closer (Harry thought there might have been some kind of ward in place preventing their approach). Harry had been able to ignore them mostly, but now he couldn’t.

He found himself peering over at them, his eyes darting between them, eyeing their stature and what little of their features he could make out over the distance between them. He was looking for a man with a single arm and another man with a black pencil moustache. If they were there, Harry couldn’t see them.

He couldn’t let himself become too distracted though. Bellatrix wasn’t above cursing him when he was looking the other way. He tried to stick to snatching glances at them during sit ups. Until Rodolphus kicked his heels and told him sternly to pay attention that was.

Bellatrix revelled in their spectators. Whooping and laughing for them and curtsying whenever Harry took an especially bad fall. They’re laughed and whooped in response. To begin with that was.

Harry wasn’t sure what it was that Rodolphus had said when he’d stalked over to them one day, but they’d kept unnervingly quiet ever since. Had he warned them, Harry wondered, that the Dark Lord wouldn’t take kindly to them mocking his protégée. Harry didn’t take kindly to it either, but he almost wished that Rodolphus hadn’t made them stop. It was motivation. Motivation to see every single one of them bleed.

8th of May 1997


It sounds like they’re working you half to death! I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that my aunt isn’t the most delicate teacher. She wanted to teach me occlumency by torturing me, you know? She’s insane. I hate the idea of you being near her.

Granger and Weasley certainly seem to be at a loss without you. They’ve become closer with Lovegood, Longbottom, and Weasley’s sister, but you can tell that they haven’t filled the gap you left behind. I don’t know what the future holds, but I feel certain that you’ll meet again under happier circ*mstances. I see a future filled with ginger babies who call you uncle.

Does anyone else know that Weasley’s in love with Granger, by the way?

Pansy is NOT a girlfriend. She’s like my sister and my closest and oldest friend. I still haven’t told her about you though. I couldn’t bear to put her at risk like that.

How about you, dare I ask? Did the golden boy of Gryffindor have his eye set on some poor girl? I heard from Pansy that you took Chang on a date, but that it had fallen through (sorry). Anyone else?


P.S I got your letter just before I was about to send this one off - that’s fantastic news! I am so happy for you! I cannot wait to see what you’ve managed to achieve! Do you think it will take you long to incorporate the peridot? I wish the end of term were closer.



This information does not surprise me at all. If the Dark Lord gave the order, I can’t imagine that there’s much she wouldn’t do. I’m defiantly increasingly grateful for Rodolphus (which I never thought I’d say). I don’t think she’ll hurt me around him, and he seems to have some influence over the other Death Eaters as well. I still don’t know what he actually thinks of me, but on some level, I think he’s on my side.

Or rather, as on my side as the Dark Lord has told him to be. Who can say.

I’ve had my suspicions about how Ron feels about Hermione (it explains why he lost his mind over her going to the Yule Ball with Krum). I’m pretty sure she feels the same. I’m not sure that Ron is mature enough for her yet, though. I love him, but he can be an idiot sometimes. Still, I hope they both still feel the same about one another, when he’s finally grown up some.

And no, there’s no one for me. To be honest, I’m not sure how much I actually liked Cho. We shared one proper date, which was a weird disaster, and one kiss, which was wet and awkward. Maybe I’m just not cut out for love? I suppose it’s all academic now anyway.

And I wish the end of term were closer as well. I miss hanging out with you. I wish I could explore the manor with you, rather than just marching out to the grounds and trying to avoid getting hexed for a few hours every day.


Harry was on his back again, panting, staring up at the the blue sky and trying desperately to get his breath back.

Dodging had helped. Improving his fitness had helped. Binocular vision had helped. But it still wasn’t enough to compete against Bellatrix’s viciousness and years of experience. He was starting to think that the only advantage he actually had was in raw power. He could throw up shield after shield and never tire. He just couldn’t necessarily keep up with Bellatrix’s frighteningly fast casting.

One day he would. But how long would that take?

Dark eyes under heavy brows appeared above him, upside down and blocking out the sun in a now well-worn ritual. Rodolphus blinked down at him, and Harry blinked back. He let out a huff of breath and stood with his hands on his hips as he considered Harry.

“Cissa said you made that eye with wandless magic,” he said flatly.

Harry twisted his head in an attempt to flip the man the right way up, “Yeah, and?”

He sighed, and glanced up to consider his gleefully whooping wife, “You should dual cast,” he said, his voice a low rumble, “You’ve got the raw power for it. Cast with your wand, and cast wandlessly at the same time,” he turned his gaze back to Harry, and for the first time, rather than simply scooping Harry up and putting him on his feet, he held out his hand.

Harry hesitated for a split second before reaching out and clasping the offered hand. Rodolphus considered him for a moment, then turned him bodily and pushed him towards a still giggling Bellatrix.

He steeled himself, shaking out his wand hand where a ring of welts were sending his fingers numb. He redoubled his grip around his wand - the last thing he wanted was to drop it before he’d even attempted Rodolphus’s new strategy.

Bellatrix grinned at him. He gritted his teeth, and they began their familiar dance.

Twirling out of the way of Bellatrix’s spells, Harry wondered if he looked as graceful as he felt. He imagined he didn't. He imagined he looked awkward and clumsy, leaping this way and that to avoid being hit. He threw up the odd shield to absorb the spells he couldn’t avoid, keeping his eyes trained on her at all times, waiting for an opening.


With his wand, he threw up a shield to block the three stinging curses she had sent sailing his way. With his hand, he aimed a jelly leg curse directly at her ankles. Bellatrix let out an alarmed cry and toppled over immediately.

Harry let out a surprised huff - he hadn’t really expected it to work.

He was more surprised by the distant laughter he heard across the grounds. Looking over, he found their usual audience suppressing amused chuckles.

He paid for it almost immediately though, and by the time that Rodolphus was leading him back to his rooms, he was walking with a faint limp.

“That was better,” Rodolphus said, his pace lazy and swaggering so that Harry could keep pace with him, “Much better, but you are still becoming flustered by her speed,”

“You’d be flustered too if you had thirty stinging hexes flying at your face,” Harry muttered, eyeing the staircase ahead of them dubiously, “Not sure how I’m going to run your laps on this ankle tomorrow,

Rodolphus seemed unconcerned, “Snape will heal it no doubt,”

Harry frowned, “Snape? Wha-? Oh,” it was Saturday. He’d nearly forgotten.

Snape was waiting for him in the sitting room. He was sat in the armchair that faced the front door, his legs crossed, and his gaze fixed on the suspicious, three headed snake that was watching him from the windowsill.

Snape scowled at the sight of Harry’s limp and the welts around his wrist.

“Have you not yet learnt to dodge boy?” He snapped.

Harry said nothing, simply rolling his eyes and consenting to Snape’s examination in silence.

Snape cycled through his usual diagnostic spells, lingering as he always did on the spell that demonstrated Harry’s magical core. Harry couldn’t blame him. It was spectacular to look at, even if it was an ‘unspooling, unconfined mess’ or however it was that Snape had described it.

It did look different though. Stronger. More vibrant. Harry didn’t ask him about it though. It didn’t matter really. Not in the end.

15th of May 1997


I find myself wishing I knew my uncle better - I still don’t quite know if I should be relieved that he’s there looking out for you, or if I should be more nervous. I shall have to defer to your judgement, as you certainly know him better than I do at this stage.

I don’t know for sure, for obvious reasons, but I’d say that Weasley has matured significantly since last June. I imagine the shock of you being taken has forced him to grow up. He and Granger are closer than ever, but you’re never forgotten. They’re always wearing their lightning bolt badges and recruiting for their Defence Association. There’s talk of a remembrance ceremony for you as well, in June.

I don’t know, if they know that you’re alive. Granger tried to corner me again, but I just can’t speak to her. It just reminds me of the horrific reality we find ourselves in, and it terrifies me that Snape might find out and tell the Dark Lord.

Just because you didn’t like Chang, doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone out there for you. I kissed Pansy once, and felt for certain that I was gay, until I snogged Greengrass and found the experience significantly more pleasant.

In the summer we shall do just that - there’s more than just that rose garden. The grounds spread all the way into the forests behind the property. We could go on a proper adventure. There’s a lake and everything, but fortunately or unfortunately, there isn’t a giant squid in there.


“Harry? Come along darling, we need to head outside,” his hand is in Narcissa’s and she’s pulling him along, a warm smile on her face as they step out into the warm summer air.

“What?” Harry mumbles confused but traipsing after her loyally none the less. Ahead of her, he can see the wide expanse of Lucius’s back, though he only knows that it’s him by the platinum blonde hair that tumbles down his back. Ahead of him he can see Rodolphus and Bellatrix and Snape and- and is that Draco?

“He’s setting the charm, Harry,” she explains, winding a comforting arm around his shoulders, “We can’t be inside the house while he does it,”

The Dark Lord is suddenly at his side but pays him no mind, striding ever onwards and past his loyal subjects as they file out into the grounds and towards the fence. Harry doesn’t particularly look at him either though. His gaze has caught on the back of Draco’s head, and he can’t look away.

He shouldn’t be here. Draco shouldn’t be here.

Snape shouldn’t be here either, a small voice reminds him, but he ignores it in favour of trying to catch Draco’s eye. He tries to rush forwards, but Narcissa holds him close to her side.

“Draco shouldn’t be here,” he tries to protest, but Narcissa only shushes him, “He shouldn’t be here. It’s not safe for him. What if he’s hurt?”

Abruptly, they’re outside of the gates and the hedges and staring back at the house, and Harry has forgotten all about Draco.

He watches silently as the Dark Lord casts his spells. Beside him Bellatrix cackles.

“Poof!” She cries clapping her hands together, “Gone! Just like that!”

Gone? But the house is still there. What’s she talking about?

And then Harry wakes up.



I completely forgot - have you managed to go to the library to find out anything you can about the Fidelius charm? With how busy I’ve been, it completely slipped my mind, and I’ve barely been dreaming I’ve been so tired, but the dream came back again last night.

I know you’re probably busy with revising, but if you get the time.

I wish you were here.



Merry Christmas people!!
See you on the 5th of January :)
I’ll probably start posting the new thing I’ve written around then as well for people who have any interest in reading something else I’ve written (it’s obv Drarry haha)
Toodles! Xx

Chapter 19: Harry: The Rat in the Cellar


Harry was reclining in the bath, his eyes shut, and his head tipped up to the ceiling as he waited for the bath water to work its magic on his sore muscles. He had no idea what Tippy added to it, but it worked wonders on the numerous bruises he ultimately left his training with every day. While he waited, he allowed his mind to wander, and as it often did when he left it unchecked, it found its way straight towards one Draco Malfoy.


So with the time I’ve not been writing this, I decided to re-read it from the begining to refresh my memory.
I was enjoying myself until I got to this chapter and thought “… oh sh*t now I need to finish it :(“
Lordy lord haha
I hope people had a lovely Christmas/New Years :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

23rd of May 1997


I can only apologise but it completely slipped my mind. It’s no excuse. I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to find out what I can. I won’t be able to check out any books to bring home with me, so I’ll use the time left at school to make as thorough notes as I can. Unfortunately, I know from experience that the books at Hogwarts are protected by anti-plagiarism spells, so I’m afraid you shall have to wait until I’ve managed to synthesise the information I find. I imagine I won’t have anything for you until the summer.

I never normally look forward to the summer, and considering who my home plays host to I probably shouldn’t this year either. But I do.

I want to show you the house and the grounds. I want to show you the tree I fell out of as a child and the wildflowers and the rope swing, I made myself (even though my father had forbidden it). I miss you too.


Rain pounded against the windows, and Harry listened to the whistle of the wind as it whipped around the house.

He’d normally have been disappointed by the need to stay indoors - he was finally getting the hang of Bellatrix’s bizarre method of teaching, and slamming the witch onto her back, while still a rare event, was something he greatly enjoyed. While their audience may have been warned off jeering at Harry, they had quickly realised that the same rules did not apply to Bellatrix. And yes, it made her more ruthless, but it was worth it. It was so worth it.

Today though, he was glad for the break. He needed time to himself for a change. Narcissa hadn’t even bothered to set him work for the day, and so he was left to find himself something to do while she read on the sofa with the Moirai curled up in her lap.

And that was how he had come to where he was now: sat at the drawing table, rolling the small piece of peridot that Draco had stolen for him between his finger and thumb. His plan had been to finally figure out how to incorporate it into his eye, but now that he was sat there, ready to do just that, he found that he was reluctant to be parted from the gem.

Draco, as a topic, was something he never gave himself much time to think about. This was by design. It made his chest hurt and his heart race for reasons he was on the cusp of understanding. Or… or at least he thought he was. He still wasn’t sure. Perhaps he just missed his only friend? Though he’d never felt so flustered when he’d thought about Ron and Hermione during the summer holidays. And then there was Cho to consider. He’d liked her, hadn’t he? He’d kissed her at the very least. And yes, perhaps it hadn’t made his heart sing or the world tilt on its axis, but he’d still kissed her. That had to count for something, right?

He cut off his winding, faintly desperate train of thought before he accidentally walked himself to the heart of the issue, and instead refocused on the apple green gem in his hands. The peridot.

Destroying it - or rather, using it for its intended purpose left him feeling uneasy. He wanted to sit and admire it and contemplate what it meant. What it represented. Why had Draco been so eager to get himself into trouble to steal it for Harry? Regardless of the answer, Harry thought it was clear that, at the very least, Draco cared about him.

The list of people who Harry thought might genuinely care for him was a short one, and Draco’s name was at the top, with his mother’s just underneath. Could he really destroy such tangible proof of the other’s affection? He’d much prefer to preserve it somehow.

He glanced over his shoulder to Narcissa. The Moirai had fallen asleep, and the hand that had been petting them was now winding her necklace mindlessly around her fingers as she read her book. The enormous cushion cut emerald of her mother’s engagement ring winked at him. The ring intended for whoever Draco intended to marry. The very thought had Harry swallowing dryly, and so he pushed it aside.

Perhaps he could do something similar to the peridot? Something to keep it close to him. He frowned to himself and returned his attention to the gemstone. Keeping it on a necklace seemed… sentimental and excessive for a gift from a friend. He could imagine Draco’s expression now. He’d freeze and then carefully find something painfully polite to say before moving on and regretting ever giving Harry the gem. He’d probably feel sorrier for Harry than he already did, and that was the last thing Harry wanted: more pity.

“Alright there, Harry?” Narcissa called mildly from the sofa.

Harry looked over his shoulder towards her. His eyes immediately found the ring around her necklace that would never be his, and he spoke without thinking, “Is there any way I could have an old chain necklace?”

Her expression froze for a split second; she recovered quickly, “Whatever for?” She probed carefully.

Harry turned back to the peridot and swallowed heavily, “I just… I… never mind,” he muttered, “It’s stupid,”

He could practically feel her eyes on his back as she considered her words carefully, “Well… I probably have a spare one you could have?”

“Really?” Harry said, surprised.

Her smile was tight, but she nodded all the same, “Yes. If you like?”

“Yeah… yeah that would be amazing. Thank you!”

She nodded, and turned back to her book. Harry watched her for a moment. He realised quickly that she was simply staring at the page, and he turned back to the drawing table. That was… odd.



It’s fine, there’s no need to apologise. I forgot about it too. I’ve been so wrapped up in your aunt and uncle’s training. It feels like I should be saying how much I hate it and that I despise what they’ve been teaching me. But I’m actually starting to enjoy it - especially now that I’m not spending every day alternating between standing and staring at your aunt or lying flat on my back and staring up at the sky.

I don’t even know if anything you find out will be of any use to me anyway. But I can’t help but think that there must be a reason that I’m dreaming about the charm being set. There must be something I’m missing.

I cut you off on your previous letter - I’ve been thinking more about Cho. It feels more and more like I’m having to convince myself that I liked her. Because its what’s expected of me - or what was expected of me - to like a girl and kiss her and take her on dates to sappy little tearooms with obnoxious cherubs. But on reflection it just all felt so forced. Do you know what I mean?

I hope Ron and Hermione are happy together. They deserve to be happy.


Harry is out on the drive again.

The Death Eaters march past him, laughing jovially and shoving one another as they follow their Lord out of the gates and beyond the manor’s boundaries. Harry knows, deep in his gut, that Draco is amongst them. He pushes his way through the crowd, peering about for Draco’s platinum blonde hair and the straight line of his back, but he’s pushed back just a split second before he’s sure he’s about to see him every time. He tries to call out. Tries to shout Draco’s name but finds he can’t make no sound.

He catches a glance of Draco’s profile, but he’s being pushed back further and further until Draco is at one end of the drive and simply watching as Harry is shoved back into the house, and the door is slammed shut.

Harry beats his fists against the door, but still can make no sound. He presses himself up against the windows and peers outside, cupping his hands around his face to block out the glare of the sun. Draco is staring at him, the expression on his face blank. Besides him, the Dark Lord raises his wand. Harry can’t see his lips, but he knows what spell is being cast. Or at least he thinks he does.

He realises quickly that the spell is not the one he expected. He hears the ceiling above him creek, and looking up he sees that flames are licking at the corners of the room.

He pounds on the window with renewed vigour, slamming his fists against the pane with furious terror. He just about croaks Draco’s name, but that’s all he can manage. The flames are surrounding him, creeping under the doors and roaring in his ears.

He is just about to be consumed completely by them, when he wakes up.

1st of June 1997


You’ll have to show me your new skills over the holidays - maybe teach me a few tricks. We can head out into the grounds to practice if you like. Try not to beat me too soundly though - a man has his ego to consider, you know.

They’ve started making plans for your memorial by the way. It’s all incredibly sad. There’s an enormous mural of you on the wall outside of the Great Hall and people have started leaving flowers beneath it. I want you to know all the good you’re doing, even confined to the manor. People are fighting because of the things you inspire in them.

Maybe you just weren’t ready to have that kind of relationship with someone? Or maybe, like I said before, Chang just wasn’t the person for you. There’s more to life than pretty girls with dark hair you know. There are pretty boys with dark hair to consider as well.

Either way, it’s all fine. Girls, boys, or no one at all.

Counting down to the end of term now.

Till next time,


“You need to use smaller movements,” Rodolphus grumbled, pulling Harry to his feet by his hand, “You’re getting tired too quickly - I told you to evade her spells, not to leap about the place like a bloody jackalope in mating season,”

“Yes, mother,” Harry responded darkly, making to turn back towards a gleeful Bellatrix. He could barely concentrate on her though. His mind was occupied with the letter on his bed that he had opened, but not yet replied to. Was Draco calling him pretty? Or was he telling Harry that he liked boys as well as girls? Or was he simply presenting liking boys as an acceptable alternative to liking girls?

Rodolphus grabbed his arm and yanked him back, “I’m not your mother - I’m trying to make sure you don’t get yourself killed,” he said harshly, “Small movements. Minimal movements,” he stressed, “Like a dance. Did they not teach you to dance at school, boy?”

“They tried,”

Rodolphus flashed frustrated teeth at him, the most emotion Harry thought he had ever seen from the man, “Well you better start learning. These lessons will save your life one day, when the Order inevitably try and take you down,” Harry swallowed dryly, icy fear spreading through his chest and driving any thoughts of whether or not Draco thought he was pretty from his mind, “Never forget: as far as they’re concerned, you’re one of us now. Do you understand?”

Harry nodded haltingly, wishing that Narcissa were there, “Yes,”

Rodolphus cuffed him over the back of the head, and shoved him towards his wife, “Good. Start acting like it,”

Harry straightened, and strode towards Bellatrix with purpose, refusing to acknowledge the ache in his muscles or the stinging hex that had managed to hit him right on the nipple and was proving to be extremely distracting and sore.

Bellatrix grinned at him, and Harry sneered back.



I’m glad that I’m not forgotten, but I wish I wasn’t considered dead. It feels like the path back home narrows with every day that passes, and being assumed dead just closes that gap even faster. Rodolphus brought it up during training - that as far as the Order were concerned, I was one of them now. I hate that with every day that passes, I feel less and less like an outsider amongst them.

I’m still dreaming about the Fidelius charm being set, except the dreams have gotten even more warped. Now, they always end with me being trapped in the manor while it burns down. I have no idea where my subconscious has gotten that particular detail from.

Are you calling me pretty? There’s no taking it back now, just so you know. I’ll never take any of your insults seriously again because now I know your secret: you, Draco Malfoy, think I’m pretty. Ha!

Anyway. I don’t know about girls, boys, or nobody at all right now. Maybe one day I will.


Harry was reclining in the bath, his eyes shut, and his head tipped up to the ceiling as he waited for the bath water to work its magic on his sore muscles. He had no idea what Tippy added to it, but it worked wonders on the numerous bruises he ultimately left his training with every day. While he waited, he allowed his mind to wander, and as it often did when he left it unchecked, it found its way straight towards one Draco Malfoy.

Just the thought of the other boy had Harry’s breath hitching in his chest. He was finding it difficult to deny any longer. He felt something for the other boy, though he wasn’t quite sure what that was, or what it meant.

Was he gay? He wasn’t sure. He kept coming back to Cho. He’d had a crush on her, hadn’t he? They’d kissed, hadn’t they? Though he had to admit, that the idea of kissing Draco was far more appealing to him than kissing her ever was. Overall, it seemed ridiculous to be in the middle of a sexuality crisis when he considered the circ*mstances, he found himself in. Gay, straight, or something else, he doubted that any journey of self-discovery would improve his odds of survival.

Harry sighed to himself, and shifted in the water, only to freeze when he realised something.

Just the thought of kissing Draco had had his groin stirring to life. He swallowed heavily and stared up at the ceiling, as if looking down would kill his growing hardness in a second. He hadn’t… he hadn’t had any sort of inclination towards touching himself since… since…

The very thought of it had his erection flagging. He gritted his teeth in frustration and fury. No. He refused to let that man take this from him. He should be able to feel like this and not be frightened of it.

He screwed his eyes shut, refusing to be betrayed by his own subconscious, and brought thoughts of Draco to his mind again. He thought about the way he coiffed his fringe just so, so that it flicked back and out of his face, only to then fall forwards and into his eyes at the most opportune moments as to make him appear sultry and mysterious. He thought about the sharp edge of his jaw and the long line of his neck. He lingered on the image of Draco’s eyes: so light as to be almost translucent with long eyelashes that matched his hair.

Trying not to think too hard about what he was doing, he reached down to his groin and took himself in his hand. He shuddered in pleasure at the familiar feeling and began to move his hand.

He thought about the expanse of Draco’s back - about the muscles he could see even through the other’s shirt and about the way his shoulders petered down to form a triangle with his narrow waist. He thought about Draco’s lips. The way they moved when they said Harry’s name. The secret smile he always seemed to have ready to go at a moment's notice, and all for Harry. He thought about his voice. He’d considered Draco a posh prick before, but he had to admit now that it was one of the things he found most physically attractive about the other boy. The upper class, precise, curve of his vowels and the sharp angles of his constants.

His hand moved faster in his lap, and he found himself arching involuntarily as he chased his own touch.

Okay. Definitely not straight, and he definitely had a thing for Draco. But then what about Cho!! Though he’d never done this when thinking about her, or any other girl for that mat-

He was distracted completely from his thoughts by the org*sm that tore through him. He bit his lips and held his breath, riding the wave of sensation and the flood of dopamine and oxytocin. Finally, he let his breath go and relaxed back into the bath.

Almost frightened to look, he squinted down his body to the streaks of white on his stomach that were being slowly dislodged by the bath water. He let out a bark of laughter, and then promptly burst into tears.

11th of June 1997


I think it’s only natural to adapt. It’s how you stay alive, and that’s what matters. You seem incredibly concerned by the good opinion of the Order, and while I can’t blame you, it would make me feel a whole lot better if you gave yourself a break. This isn’t about reputations and doing what’s right. This is about survival. If it makes you feel better, there’s nothing you could do in the pursuit of your own survival that I wouldn’t forgive or understand. I’m sure that Weasley and Granger feel the same.

I’ve actually managed to accumulate quite a lot of information about the Fidelius charm. Four rolls of parchment, and I’m still working. I’m sure that a significant amount of the information is unhelpful or unnecessary, but I’d rather that than find we’re missing something crucial when we don’t have the books in front of us.

And don’t worry - I’ll never take back that I think you’re pretty,


Harry didn’t know where Bellatrix was today, but it didn’t matter: Rodolphus was working him just as hard as he ever did, even if he wasn’t flinging hexes in his direction.

The mindless exercise gave Harry time to think. He’d started off thinking about Draco’s letter, but then Rodolphus had barked at him to wipe the silly grin off his mouth, and so his thoughts had turned to Rodolphus instead.

There was something about the man. Something that put him faintly on edge and left him feeling nervous for reasons he couldn’t explain. Not that the man had ever hurt him, except for the occasional sharp kick to the ankles when he thought Harry was slacking. Harry didn’t think he would hurt him either, not like his wife, who Harry was sure was a split second away from truly harming him at any given moment. Though he wasn’t kind, Rodolphus wasn’t cruel either.

And talking of his wife, they barely spoke to one another. Was that because they were with Harry, or was it how they normally functioned? Rodolphus never seemed to even look at her, though Harry caught Bellatrix staring after him more than once, a pinched expression on her face. Perhaps Draco was right, and it was a marriage of convenience, rather than love? Or perhaps Azkaban had turned whatever love there had been rotten years ago.

If anything, Rodolphus spent more time looking at Harry then he spent looking at Bellatrix. Any time Harry looked at the other man, he was always staring back. Harry couldn’t understand what the look meant, if it meant anything at all. It had his gut stirring nervously in anticipation as he waited for the other shoe to drop.

Was he in danger? He… he couldn’t tell.

Harry observed him in his peripheral vision. He half expected the man to spin, watching Harry intently as he completed his lap, but he didn’t. He stayed still, his arms folded over his chest and waiting patiently for Harry to reach his starting place again.

What to do, what to do.

He could tell Narcissa. Tell her he didn’t feel safe, perhaps? But then he doubted she’d have left them alone if she thought he was in danger around the other man. She had certainly refused to leave him alone with her sister, so it wasn’t as if she were concerned about hurting feelings or burning bridges.

But there was certainly something… something he couldn’t see yet.

Perhaps… perhaps this something could be used to his advantage. After all, the fact that Narcissa seemed to care for him was something that certainly contributed towards his continued survival, if only because her constant presence kept him sane.

He came to a stop in front of Rodolphus, panting lightly and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Rodolphus blinked balefully at him.

It would be playing with fire though, he admitted grimly to himself.

“We will be adding a new element to your education today,” Rodolphus said; his voice, flat and bored, screamed of disinterest, “Hand to hand combat,” he reached into his robe, “and blades,” he withdrew a knife not unlike the one that Harry had stolen from Mulciber.

Harry’s eyes darted nervously between its gleaming tip, and the deliberately blank look in Rodolphus’s eyes.

Yes, he would certainly be playing with fire, and it would either keep him warm and safe, or get him burned.



Rodolphus has decided we’re to start work on hand-to-hand combat. As you can imagine, I’m not exactly managing to best him in that department, considering the height and weight he has on me, but it’ll be helpful to know, nonetheless. We’re practicing with knives as well. I’m a lot better with them, particularly with throwing them. I’m dead accurate, and I think it's the first time I’ve seen your uncle smile about something I’ve done.

I look forward to seeing your hard work. Thank you again. I really do appreciate it. I’m sure you’re really busy with schoolwork. How is school? Have I missed anything? What’s going on with quidditch?

Less than a month left!


“Don’t hold it like that,” Rodolphus snapped, “I told you: don’t hold a knife like that,” he tucked his own blade into his belt and stomped across the grounds towards Harry who had his knife clasped in his hand as if he were about to participate in an Alfred Hitchco*ck movie, “Look-,” he grabbed Harry’s arm, and pressed his hand down so that the tip of the blade pressed against his own wrist, “- this is how you end up getting stabbed by your own blade,” he said harshly; he pulled the knife from Harry’s grasp and rearranged his fingers around it, “Like this. Until I say otherwise, only like this,”

Harry rolled his eyes, “Yes, mother,”

Rodolphus grabbed him by the face, “I told you, I’m not your f*cking mother,” he said harshly.

Harry just smiled at him as best as he could through his squeezed cheeks, “So you keep saying, but you do such a good job of it!”

Rodolphus practically growled, throwing Harry’s face away from him and striding back to his spot, “Again!” He barked.

Harry knew how to hold the knife. They hadn’t been doing this long, but Harry was a quick learner, and how not to hold the knife was one of the first things Rodolphus had taught him. Harry was simply doing his level best to wind Rodolphus up as much as he possibly could without being called out on his behaviour; he was waiting for the moment that he would snap. He hadn’t so far.

Harry raised his weapon, and deliberately allowed his wrist to go limp.

“For f*cks sake, Potter!”

There was still time.

21st of June 1997


I am so sorry it’s taken me this long to write back - school has been insane. I’ve either been living in the library, in the middle of an exam, or asleep. With them all out of the way though, I’m going to start really focussing on the Fidelius charm. I’ve considered asking Professor Flitwick for permission to enter the restricted section, incase there’s something of use in there. I decided against it though - it would only take a careless word from him in the staff room for Snape to find out.

It seems stupid that we’re still at school when the years exams are done, and I could just come home instead. I’m spending literally my entire time in the library. I’m the only one in here most of the time except for some Ravenclaws, so I’ve set up near the back out of sight where they keep the old, archived copies of the Prophet. Do you know where? I’m left well alone there.

Unsurprisingly, Slytherin did not win the quidditch cup (Gryffindor did - she-Weasley might not have anything on you when it comes to flying, but she can still catch a snitch better than I can right now). I’m not even going to bother trying out for the team next year. It’s just another distraction from the things that really matter, and I haven’t been enjoying it for months now.

Only a couple of weeks now. Looking forward to seeing you.


“We miss you,” Clotho complained, sounding for all the world as if she were pouting, “It is lonely in these rooms without you! We love you,” she said petulantly, her head following his progress as he wandered up and down his bedroom as he dressed himself. The sun was already high in the sky, and Rodolphus and Bellatrix (plus or minus Narcissa) would be coming to collect him soon for further training.

“I love you too,” he said as he did up his buttons, “But it’s not my choice to leave - to go and have Bellatrix-,”

“The Zealot,” Atropos hissed.

“- trying to torture me under the guise of teaching me. And you hate watching it, I know you do,”

“We do not enjoy seeing you in pain, my Own,” Lachesis implored, “You are ours to care for and love. Does the Suitor know of the torment you are subjected to?”

Harry sighed, sitting beside her on the bed to pull his socks and shoes on, “He knows some of it, but he can’t do anything to help me. You know he can’t,”

“I miss the Suitor,” Clotho said miserably, nosing at his side and winding her head under his arm, “You were happier when he was here,”

She wasn’t wrong. Harry missed Draco fiercely and was counting down the days until he returned from Hogwarts, “I was,” he agreed, “I miss him too,”

“There is someone here,” Atropos growled, glaring at his bedroom door.

That would be Bellatrix and Rodolphus then.

He stood, but paused to stroke their heads and press a kiss to their brows, “I’ll see you later,” he promised them, “I love you,”

A chorus of ‘I love you’s followed him out of the room, but it wasn’t the Lestange’s who waited for him on the doors other side.

The Dark Lord smiled at him, slow and cold, “Good morning, Harry,”

Harry responded reflexively, covering his surprise effectively, “Good morning, my Lord,” he unstuck his feet and crossed the room, “I was not expecting you this morning,”

The Dark Lord hummed low in his throat, turning slightly as if to consider Harry more closely, “You have gained weight,” he commented with interest, “Your face is fuller and your shoulders broader - that will be Rodolphus’s contribution to your training, I imagine. And you are a little taller, as well,”

“He has been working me hard, my Lord,” Harry said, his voice level, “Though I’m not sure he can take credit for the extra height,”

The Dark Lord gave a dark chuckle, “No perhaps not; though he did mention utilising potions to assist in your progress. To meet any nutritional short falls that might remain. How have you been finding Rodolphus, Harry?” He asked suddenly, “Has he been agreeable? He is a serious and often dower man, but I have always found him most loyal and reliable,”

Harry chose his words carefully, “He has been a good teacher,” he paused, considering whether or not to comment on the man’s interest in him, but ultimately deciding not to, “He is very invested in my success,” it might have been a mistake, keeping his mouth shut, but it was a risk he was willing to take. He didn’t think Rodolphus would hurt him, if only because he was keenly loyal to the Dark Lord.

“As he should be. I am considering making him your bodyguard of sorts. Though I am sure that, by the time your education is complete you will be perfectly capable of defending yourself, it would not hurt to have another capable wizard on whom you can rely. What do you think to that, Harry?”

“I think…,” I think that you’re positioning Rodolphus to be either my greatest enemy, or my greatest defender, “I think he would be a good bodyguard,”

Harry’s heart fluttered nervously in his chest, a new urgency rearing its head. He needed Rodolphus loyal. More loyal to him, than he was to the Dark Lord. But achieving that… could be dangerous.

“Good, I’m glad you think so,” the Dark Lord said, pleased, but not so much so that Harry thought the man genuinely cared about Harry’s opinion on the matter, “Now!” He clapped his hands together, “You are probably wondering why I’m here,” he didn’t wait for an answer, “I have had some very positive feedback from Rodolphus as to your progress - he says you are becoming quite adept at defending yourself against Bellatrix and are beginning to penetrate her defences as well. Bellatrix is less positive, I must admit, but I imagine that this is as a result of her bruised ego,” he chuckled, high and breathy, “I have come to see you today, Harry, not to reminisce with you over your successes I am afraid, but to further advance your education, in a way that I believe only I can. Come. For this lesson, we must venture beyond your rooms,”

Harry followed him obediently, his footsteps muffled on the carpet as they made their way down the stairs, their pace unhurried, the Dark Lord in front, Harry behind. The Dark Lord didn’t check over his shoulder to make sure Harry was following. As if Harry would do anything else.

When they came to the entrance hall, and the Dark Lord threw the drawing room doors open, Harry froze. Fear clawed at his ankles like devil’s snare, holding him in place and refusing to let him go. He looked nervously to the serpentine man.

“My Lord?” He was relieved that his voice didn’t tremble.

“Do not fear, dear Harry,” the Dark Lord brushed his hand through Harry’s hair and down to the nape of his neck, peering into each of his eyes in turn, green first and then gold, “It is not your punishment, that we are here for today,” his hand trailed down further until his arm was around Harry’s shoulders, pulling him into his side and leading him into the drawing room and towards the stairs that led down to the cellar.

Harry moved only because of the pressure about his shoulders encouraging him onwards. His heart was threatening to escape out through his mouth, and only his occlumency shields were keeping it in its proper place.

He didn’t care what the man behind him said: there was no world where venturing down into the cellars wouldn’t, on some level, be a punishment for Harry.

As they made their way down the stairs, a pathetic whimpering noise echoed about the stone walls and made its way to Harry’s ears. He nearly stilled again, but the Dark Lord encouraged him onwards.

Peering down into the dark below them, Harry’s breath stuttered at the sight of yellow eyes peering back, and what looked like the ghost of a snake. He frowned in confusion, blinking down at the enormous serpent as they approached until he realised what was happening.

He closed his right eye, and the superior night vision of his prosthetic eye had the image of Nagini ahead of them solidifying and becoming clearer. While he could barely see her in the dark through his organic eye, through his magical one he could see her clear as day.

“My Lord,” she hissed, her voice low and gravelly, “The rat cries and cries. He blubbers and groans,” she complained, turning to lead them both deeper into the cellar.

Harry glanced around reluctantly. Whilst he’d been down here, he was certain it had been an enormous, unending open space. Now though, the pillars that held up the ceiling above had been connected with metal bars to create around a dozen cells, each ten foot deep and six foot wide.

Their target wasn’t in a cell though.

He was at the far end of the cellar, illuminated by the slithers of light that penetrated through the ventilation at the top of the walls. The man was curled up onto himself, his arms wrapped around his knees as he rocked back and forth, muttering and crying to himself. He froze though when a small rock crunched between the dark stone floor and the Dark Lord’s shoe.

He snapped his head up, and peering through watery blue eyes, was Peter Pettigrew. The fear in Harry’s chest melted away and was replaced by another emotion that he was becoming rapidly acclimatised to: hatred.

“My… my Lord,” the rat whimpered, sitting on his heels, his hands pressed together pleadingly, “My Lord - I- I-… I don’t understand. I thought I was forgiven!”

The laugh that the Dark Lord gave was low and cruel, “Oh, Wormtail,” he snapped his fingers and the sconces that lined the walls burst into flame, casting long foreboding shadows of crisscrossing metal bars and stone pillars; Nagini flinched back against the sudden brightness and let out a low disapproving hiss, “I said no such thing,” he mocked.

“But… but!” Wormtail stuttered, trembling all over. Harry tried to unclench his jaw but to no avail; fury thrummed in his veins.

“What I said, my dear Wormtail, was that I was granting you a reprieve from your punishment until I thought of a way that your required penance could benefit my cause,” the Dark Lord squeezed his hand on Harry’s shoulder, “You’re being rude, Peter. You haven’t even said hello to Harry here,”

Watery blue eyes snapped to Harry. Peter whimpered in alarm, and then struggled to draw together something like a pleading smile, “Oh- oh Harry! It is wonderful to see you. You… you’re looking well…,” he finished in a mumble.

Harry swallowed heavily, “Hello, Peter,” he said coldly, “You look like sh*t,”

The Dark Lord let out a hoarse bark of laughter, “He’s not wrong, Wormtail. You don’t look well at all - but never fear! The suspense is over. The waiting and wondering for when you would be punished for your crime has come to an end! I have thought of the perfect use for you. You should be grateful that I have decided to include you in something so important. Tell me that you’re grateful, Peter,”

Peter stumbled over his words, “I… please my Lord. Please! Show mercy for your loyal servant!” Wormtail pressed his forehead to the ground, bowing as lowly as he possibly could without stretching out on his belly.

“What did he do?” Harry asked in morbid curiousity.

“Ah,” the Dark Lord said softly, “Our dear Wormtail here was set a task - a task which he butchered! He was meant to quietly abduct Ollivander the wand maker, but all he succeeded in doing was alerting the authorities to our interest in the man and doubling his security,” Voldemort sneered, his slit like nostrils flaring, “It will take an entire invasion of the alley to lay hands on Ollivander now. But no matter. I have thought of a way for you to make it up to me Peter. You should be pleased,”

“I am pleased,” Wormtail muttered to the ground, his voice barely audible, “So pleased,”

“Good. Sit up,” Wormtail did as he was commanded, snivelling pathetically and wiping at the tears on his face, “Now, you’re probably wondering how you can serve me, Wormtail,”

Peter was nodding eagerly at once, but the miserable twist of his mouth gave him away, “Yes, my Lord. How may I serve, my Lord?”

“You are to help me further our dear Harry’s education,” the Dark Lord pressed Harry forwards, his hands on his shoulders; he learnt closer to speak into Harry’s ear, “Do you see Wormtail in front of us Harry? Do you know who he is?”

Harry breathed steadily through his nose, knowing that no answer he could give would touch the sides of the answer that the Dark Lord wanted to hear.


“He is your parent’s betrayer. It is because of Peter here that you’re an orphan. It is because of Peter that Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban, and you sent to be abused at the hands of your muggle relatives. It is because of Peter that I returned to power and was able to send servants to bring you to me. This… all of this, Harry, it’s all his fault. If he hadn’t been such a traitorous coward, you’d still have parents Harry, and none of this…,” he swept a hand through the air in front of Harry as if he were gathering up every one of Harry’s life experiences to hold in his hand, “none of it would have happened,”

Harry shuddered at the feeling of the Dark Lord’s chest against his back, “Why are you telling me this? What are you trying to teach me?”

“Am I wrong, Harry?”

Harry spoke through gritted teeth, his familiar rage flaring up deep in his chest, “No. You’re not wrong,”

“Tell me Harry: what stands the Unforgivable curses apart from the rest?”

Harry’s breath stopped, and Wormtail whimpered, his blue eyes darting from Harry to the Dark Lord and back again. Harry wasn’t stupid. He knew where this was going. He expected to feel sick, and he did, but it wasn’t just nausea that twisted in his gut. Anticipation sat hot on its heels.

“They’re a one-way ticket to Azkaban,”

The Dark Lord hummed, “And what else?”

“You have to mean them,” Harry whispered, his eyes fixed on Wormtail.

“And that, for many wizards, is the sticking point to a well-cast Unforgivable. It is what we shall be working on today, Harry. We shall be practicing the Cruciatus curse on dear Peter here. He is an excellent candidate, wouldn’t you agree? I’m sure you hate him,” he did, “I’m sure you wish to see him punished,” he did, “How would you feel if that punishment came from your own hand?” He… he didn’t know, “Today, you shall find out,” Voldemort took a careful step back from him, his fingers still holding on to Harry’s shoulders, “Take out your wand Harry,” Harry did as he was told, “Now Harry - remember - you must mean it. You must want to cause pain. I know this is a new concept to you, and so I shall give you extra motivation:

“We shall stand here together, for the rest of the day, until you are able to cast the Cruciatus to my satisfaction. If you are unable to, then we shall return tomorrow with our dear Narcissa, and you shall watch me demonstrate the curse on her. And so, we shall continue every day, until you succeed. Do you understand?”

Harry had to fight to get his words out, terror clasping at his throat, “Y-yes my Lord,”

“Wonderful, Harry. Just wonderful. Now: raise your wand,” Harry did as he was told again, a now familiar crack deep inside of him beginning to widen, “You may begin.”


Question for people: I’ve added the minor character death tag to this because, well, people are going to die
But I’ve only just added this because it’s only just occurred to me tbh - I figured the summary and the fact it’s at the start of the second wizarding war strongly suggests character death
I just don’t know how far to tag it? Cuz I don’t want to spoil but then equally I don’t want to draw people in to something they really don’t want to read :/
I was thinking of tagging something like “minor character death akin to level of death found in canon”. I mean - Rowling didn’t tag character death I guess 😂 but she’s not necessarily someone to be emulated
Anyone have any thoughts? Or am I over thinking this?
Anyway! See you next week!

Chapter 20: Severus: The Locket


Severus had not been to the cellars in months now, much to his relief - not since he had carried Potter up from their depths in December. Stepping down into them now, he could feel the echoes of pain and misery pressing down on his shoulders. Oppressive and suffocating. If returning to this place felt like this for him, he could only imagine how damaging it had been for Potter.


Happy Friday people :)!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Malfoy’s family dining room had become like a second home for Severus. He found himself there almost every Saturday, waiting for the moment that Potter would be released from Bellatrix’s ‘tutoring’ sessions. It was less tutoring and more torture though, as far as Severus was concerned. The boy never returned to his rooms whole - he always had some injury or ailment. More than once he’d returned hobbling on a broken bone, though the boy didn’t seem to notice. It had made Severus suspicious that Potter was using occlumency once again to detach himself, but he’d quickly established that that wasn’t the case. Rather, the boy had developed an exceptional tolerance for pain.

“I wonder why that is,” the soft, sarcastic comment was like a breeze in his ear. He could see the hint of red hair out of the corner of his eye.

He couldn’t keep her out now - no matter the strength of his shields - but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Ever since he had made Black and Lupin vow to put Potter’s interests first, her presence had become significantly less angry. He interpreted it as a reflection of his own conscience, soothed by the steps he was taking to support the boy in the face of the Dark Lord and Albus both.

Still. He should definitely see a mind healer at some point.

Normally, Severus would while away his time in the dining room by either marking homework, or having tea with Narcissa, but she was nowhere to be seen today. He had let himself in and been served both breakfast and lunch now by one of the house-elves. Something was different about today, and every second he spent in the dining room had his nerves wound tighter and tighter, wondering what was happening. With no company, and no work left, Severus had begun to pace around the room, taking in the enormous family tree that adorned the walls.

It was ostentatious and unnecessary.

He paused at the branch that represented the current residents of the Manor; Lucius, Draco and Narcissa, their names in glowing gold to indicate their premier position.

“She loves him,” he heard Lily mutter further down the wall, “she could be the key to his survival and his freedom. Her and her son,”

Severus snorted to himself and resumed his slow pacing around the room's periphery.

Narcissa had spoken to him at length about Draco. He was certain that, if there had been someone else she trusted to cast the spell, she’d have twisted his arm into an unbreakable vow of silence. He could understand why. She believed that her son was in love with Potter - an extremely dangerous idea. Severus found such a thing highly unlikely, though.

“If he were though, imagine what that could mean,” Lily spoke from ten paces behind him, and he suddenly felt like Orpheus escaping Hades with Eurydice following just out of sight, “After all, love is what has you here right now. Love for me. Imagine. Imagine if Draco loved Harry in the same way,”

“I refuse to believe that the Malfoy boy is capable of that depth of feeling,” Snape muttered under his breath, speaking half over his shoulder, “Narcissa is wrong,”

“A mother knows her child,”

Snape gritted his teeth, and whipped around to confront her, but of course she was gone. He let out a huff of frustration and snapped his head to the genealogy inscribed on the wall to his right. He sighed through his nose: he had picked an apt moment to stop. He had stumbled across the last marriage between a Potter and a Malfoy, over three hundred years ago. Emilia Potter to Secundus Malfoy. A blood bond marriage, and one of the last endorsed by the Malfoy family.

It was a history that had almost faded into obscurity now - Severus only knew about it due to his childhood obsession with blood and family, desperate as he was to distance himself from his muggle father in any way that he could, and then later eager to impress the older Lucius Malfoy.

Blood bonds were an interesting business, designed to bind families together in a way that maintained unity in the magical world. When the wizarding community was smaller, and they were used widely and equally, they did just that. But by the time Armand Malfoy had landed on Great Britain, their use had long since fallen out of favour. Malfoy was quick to reintroduce them, and his preferred use of them to marry off his daughters resulted in generations and generations of witches and wizards with an innate inclination towards loyalty to the Malfoy family. Or at least, that was what the literature claimed. Severus doubted that such bonds truly lasted beyond the couple who had been bound to one another.

As well as being amongst the last of such unions, Emilia and Secundus stood apart for another reason: they were the only couple who had taken the bond in both directions. They had no line beneath them linking them to a child, and no date of death either, as if they had simply disappeared off the face of the planet.

“I should be here,” Severus glanced over instinctively at the voice, but of course there was no one there.

He moved to where her voice had come from, four paces over, and found James Potter’s name. It was alone, with no line to connect him to Lily Evan’s.

“I imagine the tapestry does not display marriages to muggleborns, or muggles, nor the issue of such unions,” Severus muttered to himself (and to her, but then what was she if not just another facet of himself), knowing that his own name had been omitted, as well as his mother’s unsuitable marriage, “The Malfoy clan lay claim to some one hundred and fifty witches and wizards, which is totally ridiculous. It is far too small a number. There is not a witch or wizard alive today in this country who cannot trace their lineage back to Armand Malfoy in some way,” perhaps, he thought suddenly, the tapestry didn’t display squibs either, “The Malfoy’s simply do not claim them for one reason or another,” maybe Emilia and Secundus had had a child in the end.

“If the Malfoy boy were to marry Harry, would he appear on this tapestry then, I wonder?”

Severus scoffed and turned to answer her, only to find the dining room doors opening, and a grave Narcissa stepping inside. A year ago, he imagined she’d have been more overtly concerned and agitated than the stoic mask she presented today.

“Severus,” she said seriously, “I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting. It has been a trying day. The Dark Lord has requested that I send you first to the cellars,”

Severus’s heart stopped briefly in his chest, “Potter?” He asked sharply.

“No,” and Severus felt as if he could breathe again, “not for Potter,” she hesitated, “The Dark Lord has been training Harry in the cruciatus curse, and has been using Wormtail for target practice,”

He gave no outward reaction but had honestly expected the Dark Lord to take a step such as this sooner; from behind him, Lily gave a flat hum.

“Well. I imagine that learning to torture is easiest if you start with someone you hate,” and Severus had to remind himself that her words were a reflection of his own subconscious, and not representative of the actual Lily Evans. The Lily he had known would have been horrified by her son’s forced torture of her one-time friend.

Narcissa continued speaking when it was clear that Severus had nothing to say, “The Dark Lord wishes for you to cast your eye over him,” he noticed how she anxiously rubbed her forefinger and thumb together, “Though he did not seem especially concerned by the amount of effort you made,”

Severus nodded slowly, “Have you seen Potter?”

Narcissa pursed her lips, “I have. Though only briefly. The Dark Lord was leading him back upstairs with an arm about his shoulders. He looked… empty,”

“Very well,” Severus said flatly, “I shall see to Potter once I have attended to Pettigrew,”

Narcissa’s shoulders instantly relaxed, “Indeed,” she said quietly, “Thank you, Severus,”

“She loves him,” Lily’s words followed him like an echo as he made his way down to the cellar.

Severus had not been to the cellars in months now, much to his relief - not since he had carried Potter up from their depths in December. Stepping down into them now, he could feel the echoes of pain and misery pressing down on his shoulders. Oppressive and suffocating. If returning to this place felt like this for him, he could only imagine how damaging it had been for Potter. Though the dark space felt the same, it did not look the same.

The cellar has been truly repurposed.

Though there still existed a small corner where barrels of elf-wine were stored, the rest of the space had been transformed. Enormous great prison bars had been erected, pinned in place in the stone pillars, creating multiple cells on either side of the cellar. What was once a cellar, was now a dungeon, though Severus could understand why Narcissa was reluctant to refer to it as such. He didn’t imagine that having a dungeon did much for her property value, after all.

He didn’t find Wormtail in a cell, however. The Dark Lord must not have considered him a flight risk. Instead, he was simply abandoned in the swathe of stone floor that stood between the two rows of cells. The man was difficult to make out with only the sconces on the walls for light, but Severus didn’t bother with a lumos. The Dark Lord didn’t particularly care if Wormtail lived or died, and Severus had to confess, that he didn’t either.

“Oh, Wormie,” he heard Lily sigh somewhere in the shadows where he could see only the toes of her shoes, “You get what you give in this world,”

Severus ignored her, and approached the twitching, crying man on the floor.

Wormtail coward from him, covering his head with his arms and whimpering garbled, near unintelligible pleas for mercy. He glanced up just long enough for Severus to see his blood shot eyes, and his red mouth. No doubt he had bitten his tongue while he screamed. Had this all been Potter’s doing? Surely the Dark Lord must have taken a turn. He found it difficult to believe that Potter could manage a cruciatus of this strength.

Unease stirred in his gut.

He didn’t bother speaking with the man, he simply raised his wand and began the series of diagnostic spells that he was sure he could perform in his sleep now.

One thing became immediately clear: Wormtail had been subjected to a cruciatus stronger than the one that Narcissa had been tortured with and had been under its influence for far longer. Either the Dark Lord was angrier with Wormtail than Severus had anticipated, or Potter was significantly more capable of dark magic than anyone could have guessed.

Wormtail twitched and flinched, though not consciously. A misfiring of neurons only. He was far worse off than Narcissa had been, and he doubted that the Dark Lord would demand the same care of him that Severus had provided for Narcissa (and he was not willing to volunteer such attentions either). Only time would tell if the man recovered. It might end up being kinder to put the man out of his misery, lest he end up like Frank and Alice Longbottom. He would not receive the patient care of St Mungo’s healers here after all.


The elf appeared with a crack at his barked command, bowing low to the ground, her ears flopping in front of her blue eyes, “Yes, Master Severus?”

“Keep him alive,” he nudged Wormtail with his toe, and received only a flinch and a whimper for his trouble, “The same regime as Potter had, though take no heroic measures to save him. Inform me if he dies, or if he becomes well enough to walk under his own power. If neither of these things happen, I will see him again next Saturday,”

“Yes, Master Severus,”

He left without another word, climbing one step at a time out of the cellars, and then making his way to the staircase that led up to the Aethonan suite.

“Harry didn’t struggle with the cruciatus, it would appear,” Lily murmured in his ear, “I wonder what motivation he had to keep torturing him like that,”

“The fact that you died because of him likely did it,” Severus snarled under his breath, ever aware that hearing voices was not a good sign even amongst wizards.

Lily hummed, and he heard her shoes clicking on the ground as if they were walking on stone, despite the carpet beneath their feet, “No - no, that’s why you wouldn’t have struggled torturing him. I don’t think it was that. Or else Harry would have allowed Sirius and Remus to kill him all those years ago. There’s something more,”

Severus didn’t answer her for the moment as they approached the bottom of the staircase in the East wing. At its bottom, Rodolphus sat on a chair, his legs crossed reading the Daily Prophet. The man had become the boy’s shadow when he wasn’t training him. He’d had Lucius key him into the wards and had placed his own around any hallway or stairway that would lead up towards Potter’s rooms.

He was taking his role as bodyguard exceptionally seriously, though Severus was under no illusion that Potter was any safer with Rodolphus than any other Death Eater. He was a man ruled by his burning passion, and yet seemed to have none to spare for his wife. He could be exceptionally dangerous, but for who, Severus couldn’t be sure.

The man flicked his newspaper down as he approached, his deep-set eyes burning into Severus’s. He sniffed, “Snape,” and lifted his paper to conceal his face again.

“Lestrange,” he responded flatly, as he headed past him and up the stairs. He couldn’t help but feel faintly relieved that the man seemed to perceive him to be trustworthy - or at least he was where Potter’s safety was concerned.

When he was sure he was out of earshot, he resumed the argument he had essentially been having with himself, “Or perhaps Potter has been more changed by his experiences than I expected,” he whispered harshly.

Lily hummed, her voice floating from just above him and out of sight, “No. No, Harry is still good. I doubt he will ever be truly evil, even if he does evil things. There’s something else,”

Severus scoffed, “Right. It couldn’t possibly be because you represent the part of me that’s desperate to save him from execution. How do I defend him if I know he’s turning into the next Dark Lord, after all?”

Her laugh was like a bell dancing in his ear, “Oh Severus. Do not pretend that you care about dark lords. You will save him for me, not necessarily because it is the right thing to do,” Severus swallowed heavily, “I imagine he could usurp the Dark Lord himself and you’d still back him,”

“I wouldn’t,” Severus murmured, focussing on putting one foot in front of the other on his way up the stairs.

He felt her breath on his cheek - excellent, tactile as well as auditory hallucinations now, “You would. For me. Because you love me, and you’re the reason I’m dead,”

He swept at his cheek furiously, but of course, there was nothing there.

“I wouldn’t,” he said more firmly, his voice echoing back at him. She didn’t answer him.

He continued his journey in silence.

He knocked on the door of the Aethonan suite, and waited only long enough to be sure that he was not about to barge in on the Dark Lord. Opening the door, he found an empty room with no Potter in sight.

He clenched his jaw, and his heart hammered in his chest. Something was wrong.

He could hear a furious hissing sound. He presumed it was coming from the boy’s Runespoor, but the snake was nowhere in sight. He padded cautiously further into the room, scouring the floor, nervous of stepping on the serpent and finding himself with Bellatrix amputating one of his limbs to ‘save his life’. Finally, his eyes caught on the snake.

She was slithering frantically in front of the closed door to the bathroom, dancing between stretching up as high as she could towards the handle and trying to work her nose into the gap in the door. One of the heads, the middle, glanced back at the sound of his footfall, and hissed urgently. All three heads were suddenly staring at him. He half expected them to bear their fangs in his direction, but he was surprised when all they did was hiss with more urgency, looking between him and the bathroom door.

He approached carefully, and quickly realised that it wasn’t only her hissing that he could hear. He could hear running water - no, not simply running. Even through the closed bathroom door, it sounded like a near waterfall from the room beyond. He eyed the edges of the door nervously, noting that no flare of light peaked out from the gap.

What was Potter doing? Not for the first time, he found himself glad that the suite was warded so that the boy couldn’t hurt himself.

“Just because he can’t hurt himself, doesn’t mean he doesn’t need help,” he heard Lily murmur from somewhere behind him. He didn’t turn to look.

He knocked firmly on the door, and called, “Potter? Are you in there?” A stupid question - why else would his snake have been frantically racing back and forth in front of the door. There was no answer though, “Potter? I’m coming in - do you hear me?” Again, no answer.

He pressed the door handle down, half expecting it to be locked, but finding no resistance. He pushed slowly into the room, unsurprised when the snake scurried immediately through the gap and towards Potter. He was reluctant to throw the door wide open - after months of training with Bellatrix, he had no doubt that the boy’s reflexes were faster than his. He’d rather not be cursed.

The sound of pouring water reached his ears, and he worked an arm through the door to pull the light switch, “Potter? Are you decent?”

No answer.

He stepped fully into the room and turned cautious eyes towards the sound of running water, prepared to look away immediately. He needn’t have worried.

Fully dressed, and with his knees pulled up to his chest, Potter sat in the bath, both taps running and water lapping at the edge of the tub and overflowing onto the tiled floor below. Potter hadn’t looked up at his entry, staring somewhere dead ahead into the middle distance. He hadn’t even looked round at his snake, who had wound her way up onto the sink basin and was stretching out towards him.

Severus swallowed heavily, and any notion that he’d had that Potter had found torturing Wormtail in anyway easy was washed away.

“Potter?” He said quietly. Potter didn’t look round, and Severus watched as the single tear that clung to one of Potter’s long lashes finally gave up the ghost and rolled its way down his cheek.

Severus approached slowly, ignoring how his robes swept through the water on the floor. He leant past Potter towards the taps, half expecting Potter’s eyes to snap to him, but they never did. He just kept staring straight ahead, ignoring Severus as he turned off the taps and banished the water that had flooded the bathroom floor. A light cloud of steam floated up from the floor and his robes as the last of the water boiled away.

Severus grabbed the chair in the corner (the one he had sat on months ago when he’d first brought Potter up and out of the cellars) and pulled it closer to the tub’s edge. He sat heavily, and waited a moment to see if Potter would acknowledge his presence. He ignored the flash of red hair he could see in the mirror behind the near frantic snake on the sink.

It became quickly clear that Potter would not speak first.

“Potter? Potter - tell me what’s wrong,” still nothing; Severus took a steadying breath, “Harry?”

Potter stirred, and two eyes, one green and one gold, turned slowly to look at him. He looked as if he were seeing Severus for the very first time. His Adam’s apple bopped up and down as he swallowed, and he finally began to speak in a hoarse whisper, “The Dark Lord made me torture Pettigrew,”

Severus nodded slowly, “I know,”

“H-he said…,” he shuddered, glancing around him as if only just realising that he was sat fully dressed, up to his armpits in the full tub, “He said he’d hurt Narcissa if I… if I couldn’t…,” and Severus understood immediately. No wonder Wormtail had been a quivering mess on the floor, and Potter a shuddering mess in the bath.

“I see,”

“I told you there was something more to this,” Lily’s tone was accusatory, “Have faith in him,”

“I-… I was so terrified that I’d fail,” Potter stuttered with a hiccup, his eyes drifting away from Severus and back to the middle distance, “I thought it would be hard. That I’d end up locked in that room listening to him torture Narcissa instead. But it…,” his expression crumpled, and tears spilled down his cheeks, “it was so. f*cking. Easy,” a sob caught in his throat, “So easy. Nearly the easiest thing I’ve done since I’ve been here. And I was getting so f*cking angry with him - with Wormtail. For the noises he was making. The crying and begging. In the end, I wasn’t even thinking about Narcissa and keeping her safe. I was just thinking about how much I hated him,”

Severus nodded slowly. What was there that he could say? What comfort could he give, that wouldn’t betray him to the boy?

“Are you hurt, Harry?” He asked softly.

Potter shook his head, but didn’t answer out loud, “Is this who I am now?” His whisper echoed on the tiled walls, “I don’t even…,” he let out a huff, “I don’t even feel bad about hurting him. Not really. I’m more upset, that I don’t feel upset. Who am I?”

“Do you want me to get Narcissa, Harry?”

Potter shook his head again, screwing his eyes shut as more tears spilled down his cheeks, “I don’t want Narcissa - I want Draco,” he said the name like a terrified child calling out for help, imploring and desperate.

His heart sank. It appeared that Narcissa was less concerned than she should have been - Potter was clearly in love with Malfoy in return.

“Comfort him,” she whispered against his neck.

It felt almost as if her fingers had worked their way through his, lifting his arm and reaching out for Potter before he could think better of it. He pressed a comforting hand to the top of his head, “I’m sorry that I can’t get him for you,”

Potter’s eyes suddenly snapped to his, though the movement was not enough to dislodge the hand that Severus was stroking through his hair. His eyes, green and gold, flicked between Severus’s. His lips trembled, “Who’s side are you on?” He gasped, confused and frightened.

Severus felt the answer tripping off his tongue before he had time to think it through, “I’m on your side, Harry,”

Potter froze, his eyes wide. He looked abruptly to the snake who was nearly hanging off the sink, and listened to her frantic hissing with rapt attention, “She said you’re telling the truth,” he said slowly, as if he hardly believed it himself, “You’re telling the truth…,” he let out a laugh, “and I still don’t know what you mean,”

Severus hummed, and let his hand fall into the lukewarm water with a small splash, “Come on Harry,” he said softly, refusing to elaborate on his slip of the tongue, “We must get you out of this bath and into dry clothes,”

Potter asked no more questions, and Severus offered no answers. He helped the boy stumble out of the bath and left him to undress while he found dry clothes for him. He left him sat perched on the end of the sofa, wearing soft pyjamas, looking faintly shell shocked with his snake nuzzling into his neck.

Severus stumbled across Rodolphus once more at the bottom of the stairs, though now he had a lit cigarette dangling from his fingertips.

“I’m not sure Lucius would approve,” Severus said dryly to cover the racing of his heart in his chest.

Rodolphus didn’t even look his way, speaking into the paper in his hands, “Lucius can kiss my arse,” and he took an exaggerated drag from the cigarette before continuing as if no words had passed between them.

Stepping out onto the drive, Severus allowed himself to feel the panic in his chest.

“Harry won’t say anything,”

“You can’t know that!” Severus hissed.

“He won’t. He’s desperate for someone to be on his side. He’ll embrace this and protect this secret,”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Then you’ll think of something,” it was the note of finality in her voice that silenced his tongue.

It was rare now that Severus arrived at Grimmauld place in time for the beginning of the Order’s meetings. It had become routine in fact, for Black to save him leaning space on the back wall for when he inevitably did turn up. Not that he needed it that evening, as he arrived only in time to nod in greeting to the Order’s other members as they streamed past him out of the dining room.

“Ah, Severus,” Albus called in greeting, banishing the swathes of parchment in front of him, “I was concerned we wouldn’t see you this evening,” Lupin and Black lingered by the dining table, exchanging subtle glances, while Moody and Shacklebolt seated themselves without a word, “Is there anything for us to speak of this evening?” He asked lightly.

Moody rolled his eyes, “Obviously there is, or he wouldn’t be so bloody late,” he grumbled, rubbing at the stump of his amputated leg.

Lupin and Black took a seat reluctantly, “Is Harry alright?” Lupin asked carefully.

Severus waited for the door to seal behind him, taking a seat at the far end of the table on the same side as Black and Lupin. He hesitated before speaking.

His impulse was to lie. They would judge Potter if they knew; perhaps condemn him. They wouldn’t understand.

“If you lie, and they find out, you will damage your reputation as a spy,” Lily muttered from the corner of the room, “Tell the truth. Save the lies for later,”

Severus cleared his throat, “It appears that the Dark Lord has begun teaching Potter to cast the unforgivables,” nervous glances were exchanged across the table, “using Pettigrew as their lab rat, and threatening the wellbeing of Narcissa Malfoy as motivation,” he paused, “It would appear that Potter was successful in his casting,”

As he predicted, Moody was the least sympathetic to the boy's ordeal, “This is how it begins,” he growled, “Mark my words! Magic such as this is a corrupting force. That he was successful in casting them is telling as to his changing mental state! It was only a matter of time before the Dark Lord was successful,”

“Shut up Moody,” Black growled, “What would you have done in his position? If you had Voldemort himself at your back?”

“I’d rather die than do anything that scum asked me to do!” Moody barked, “Die! And keep my honour!”

Black had to be held in his seat by Lupin’s arms about his shoulders.

“I think we should all bear in mind,” Dumbledore began gravely, “that even the Aurors have been known to utilise the unforgivables. And I doubt that any of them were under the same duress as Harry,”

“Against scum!” Moody declared, pounding his fist against the table, “In life-or-death scenarios!”

“One might argue that this was a life-or-death scenario, Mad-Eye,” Shacklebolt reasoned, “Harry’s life,”

“And Narcissa’s,” Severus reminded them, “His actions were to protect her. It would appear that Potter has become attached to her,”

“Is this strength of feeling reciprocated Severus?” Albus asked curiously, leaning closer.

“I believe that it is,” he answered with a deep nod, “though I’m not sure that Narcissa would admit to it, but her affection for the boy is clear to anyone who has eyes,” he hesitated, and then chose not to mention whatever was growing between Potter and Malfoy. He had no proof yet. Only a gut feeling. Though even if he had more than that, he wasn’t sure he could bring himself to say anything. It felt like a betrayal.

Moody snorted, “And how are we meant to utilise this ‘affection’? The woman is bound to the Death Eaters by her husband and son. If anything, she’s just binding Potter closer and closer to Voldemort,”

“Only time will tell,” Albus said gravely, “Did you see Harry today, Severus?”

“Yes. He was distraught. I found him sat fully clothed in an overflowing bathtub,”

“Poor Harry,” Lupin muttered, “He must feel so alone,”

Severus bit his tongue to prevent himself confessing his own faux pas. He would tell Lupin and Black another time - they would be comforted by the knowledge that Potter was not as alone as they thought he was.

“I think we can say that this event has caused Harry significant mental anguish, Alastor,” Albus said, his voice heavy, “This is not the response of a boy who has embraced evil, but of a child who is desperate for help. While we must maintain an awareness of how Harry’s experiences may be warping his ideologies and loyalties, I cannot help but feel compassion for him. He does not deserve this,”

Severus watched him closely as he spoke, looking and searching for any hint of deception. While he found none, he was not naive enough to believe that it meant anything. Albus may have felt compassion for the boy, but he doubted that would stop the man from destroying him if it meant the end of the Dark Lord, even if the choice caused him pain.

“How much longer must Harry be subjected to this?” Lupin said mournfully.

No one spoke to answer him.

Severus rose to stand with the others when it became obvious that there was no more to be said, but Albus stopped him, “Severus - might we speak for a moment?”

Black left only after pinning Severus with a hard stare, but Severus didn’t know what message he was trying to communicate.

“If you are not too weary Severus, I would ask you to accompany my on an important journey this evening. I believe I have located another of Riddle’s Horcruxes, and our last experience has demonstrated to me the value of having another pair of hands for such an undertaking,” he said frankly with a wry twist of his lips, “Though I promise not to try and wear whatever we find this time,”

Severus found himself blinking in surprise, “I… that is not what I was expecting you to say,” he admitted, “You are certain you have found one?”

Albus hummed, “Fairly certain - if you require more time to prepare yourself, we may delay our departure for another day? I apologise. I had not intended to spring this upon you,”

Severus shook his head though, “No - now is as good a time as any. Why wait?” He should have been eager to destroy another of the Dark Lord’s soul vessels, but he found himself unsettled by the prospect. He turned to lead the way out of the house.

“One less Horcrux. One step closer to Harry being the only thing tying Voldemort to life,”

Severus swallowed heavily, and silently agreed with her - with himself. What happened when all the Horcruxes were destroyed, and only Potter remained?

“I will lead the way, Severus,” Albus said, offering his arm as they stood on the house’s stoop, “Our landing zone is somewhat precarious, and I would rather guide us both to safety,” Severus did not disguise his grimace. He despised side along apparation. Still, he consented, folding his hand over the headmaster’s arm and gritting his teeth an anticipation.

The scent of salt water and seaweed flooded his senses, and he understood immediately why Albus had been so particular about their destination.

The sea, black as night and illuminated only by waning moonlight, swirled and roiled beneath them. Above them, a sheer cliff face loomed like some great God, watching and judging them. Albus had brought them to a small stretch of rocks at the cliffs base. Even the slightest error in navigation would have had them free falling from the top of the cliff and plunging into the icy water below.

“Where are we?” Severus asked slowly, “What is this place?”

Albus hummed, and began leading them down, down, closer to the cliff face in a journey that Severus found troublesome with jagged foot holds and loose rocks - he wasn’t quite sure how Albus was managing it, “This place was visited at one point or another by Voldemort as a child. Or rather,” he gestured vaguely over his shoulder, “a village that lies a little way along the cliff face,”

Severus had never thought of the Dark Lord as a child - though he knew he must have been one once, “I can only guess that he was a singularly unnerving child,” Severus called over the sound of the crashing waves.

Albus chuckled, “Ah yes. He was quiet. Cold and unfeeling, but equally precocious and charismatic. Dear Horace wasn’t the first or the last person taken in by the charm of Lord Voldemort,”

“What did he do down here? At the cliff face,” Severus paused to peer at the barren sea beyond, his gaze catching on the foaming water and the reflection of the night sky, “This is no place for a child,”

“He brought other children,” Albus said simply, “To abuse and torment them. The other boys who lived at the orphanage with him,”

Severus scrambled to catch up with the surprisingly agile man, “The Dark Lord was an orphan?”

“A self-made one - his mother died in childbirth, which I would not blame him for. But his father died at his hand,” finally, Albus came to stop at the edge of the water, and pointed out across the waves, “There - that is our destination,” Severus looked to where he was pointing and found a fissure in the cliff face, “You understand I hope, why I could not apparate us any closer?”

Severus had had another thought though, “Are you expecting us to swim that?” He said flatly, “At night, Albus?” He added reproachfully.

“You are a strong swimmer, are you not?” Albus said with a twinkle in his eye, “Come Severus - it will not be as bad as all that,”

Severus watched, grimacing in displeasure at the idea of following the old man, as he slid his way into the waves, managing something more graceful than Severus knew he could achieve. Still. He could not let a man of over a hundred do this, only for him to then remain on the rock. Hating every second of it, he lowered himself into the water, gritting his teeth against the chill, and followed the headmaster towards the cliff face.

It was not a long swim, but still Severus was half frozen by the time he was following Albus out of the frigid water and into the cave. He dried his robes at once, steam appearing in a great cloud for the second time that day. Albus paid him no mind; he was running his hands across the wall of the cave, searching and searching, though Severus didn’t know what for.

“What are you looking for, Albus?”

“The way in,” Albus said simply, “The entrance to the cave beyond, and whatever challenges Riddle has put in place for us,”

Severus sighed to himself, torn between spectating and helping. In the end, he erred on the side of assistance - the faster they got this over and done with, the better. He preferred a less tactile approach though, raising his wand and using it to cast unobtrusive surveillance charms - he had no doubt that a more aggressive approach would stir some evil to life.

In the end, they found the entrance as one, “There,” they said, their voices echoing back at them. Under the influence of Severus’s spells, a glowing archway had been revealed.

“How to open it,” Albus mused, his brow narrowed in concentration.

Severus sighed, “I imagine something droll like a blood sacrifice will be required,” he glanced about their gloomy surroundings, “This is more show, than practicality. More theatrical than the Gaunt shack. As such, I imagine breaching the protections will be equally dramatic,”

“Surely not, Severus,” Albus said, “Though… ah… I do believe you’re correct,” his lip wrinkled, unimpressed, “Crude, indeed,”

Not willing to waste time, Severus strode forwards, and with a slash of his wand across his palm, blood bloomed like a rose and began to drip down his wrist. He smeared his hand across the rock in front of them, and much as he had expected, the rock arch vanished, and revealed only darkness beyond.

Severus healed his hand as easily as he had cut it and illuminated the tip of his wand; Albus followed suit.

“I imagine that is only the beginning of the vessel’s protections,” Severus warned the headmaster as he stepped through the arch into the darkness beyond.

“I have no doubt that you are correct, Severus,” Albus said gravely.

Following behind Albus, Severus froze as an enormous underground lake came into view. He swallowed, “I can only imagine the horrors that the Dark Lord inflicted upon those children,” he said quietly.

Albus hummed his agreement, leading the way to edge of the water, “I suggest we stay on dry land this time Severus,” he said lightly.

Severus paused and directed his wand towards the translucent lake water, “Whatever is in this lake will surely kill us, Albus,” he said incredulously, turning the tip of his wand to where Albus was beginning his careful journey.

“I am sure they will,” Albus answered mildly, “I would recommend, therefore, that we stay well out of it,”

“The Horcrux will not be beneath the surface,” Severus muttered as he followed on behind, “It will be somewhere that the Dark Lord could retrieve it if he had need to,”

“I agree, Severus. I believe it is more likely to be in the centre,” Severus turned his gaze briefly to the middle of the lake where there was an eery green glow, before refocusing on the ground beneath his feet, “The question is: how do we cross the water without attracting the attention of that which lies beneath it?”

Severus didn’t answer him, he simply followed, one hand holding his wand aloft, the other trailing along the caves slippery wall. The further they walked, the heavier the feeling of dread in Severus’s gut became. He knew that whatever awaited them in the waters below was more than a simple beast. It was something evil and mindless. He doubted it would rest until they were both dead. He was beginning to regret consenting to this mission.

Severus let out a relieved sigh when Albus found what they had been looking for. With a pleased sound, the headmaster placed his hand upon a hidden chain, “Success!” He murmured into the gloom. With a tap of his wand, the chain began to move, and a small boat was gradually pulled into view.

“That boat will surely sink with us both in it, Albus,” Severus said flatly.

Albus looked troubled - more troubled than Severus was comfortable with, “I doubt it has anything to do with weight my friend, and much more to do with power,” he crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes fixed on the approaching boat, “I imagine that this boat will only allow the passage of one grown wizard at a time,” he lifted a hand, and leant forwards just as the bow of the boat was pulled by the chain into his palm.

“We are not separating,” Severus said sharply.

Albus hummed under his breath, “I… am not certain that either of us would succeed on our own,” he turned his blue eyes from the boat to the glowing green in the gloom beyond.

“But the boat won’t take any more,” Severus ran his own hand across the boats edge, and felt the truth in the matter, “No Albus - this boat will carry only one of us. There must be a way around this,”

“I agree,” Albus said with a sigh, but then he offered no more ideas, his jaw working as he chewed on his lips and contemplated the answer to the puzzle they found in front of them.

“If the task beyond requires more than one, than that must apply to the Dark Lord as well,” Albus nodded slowly, but said nothing, “Therefore, there must be a way for the boat to carry more than one. Or… or…,” realisation dawned, “Or the boat can carry something other than a grown wizard without being penalised. A child perhaps?”

“I do believe a child would have been able to ride with Voldemort in this boat,” Albus agreed darkly, but Severus wasn’t listening.

“But how impractical. Unless the Dark Lord is kidnapping children for this very purpose, which I suppose is possible, but still more trouble than I’d expect him to be willing to take. Especially for him to have specifically engineered this task to require one. No… perhaps there are other groups that do not count. Other beings. A goblin? No - they are not known for their cooperative natures,” adrenalin thrilled in Severus’s chest as he realised the answer to his riddle, “A house elf then,” Albus sighed, and Severus knew by the sound that he had come to the same conclusion, “A house elf - something that can be carried in the boat and will follow his every command - it would save him the trouble of an imperious curse,”

“I… concur,” Albus said at length, sounding sick at the thought.

“Well,” Severus said flatly, “we have plenty of those at our disposal,”

Albus sent him a reproachful look over his shoulder, “I would not command a Hogwarts’ house elf to undertake this,” he said firmly, “I do not imagine that whatever task lies ahead has been constructed with the elf’s wellbeing in mind. They will likely die,”


Severus felt a flash of rage in his gut, and the words that left his mouth were echoed across the lake by a familiar female voice that he knew Albus couldn’t hear, “So you draw the line at sacrificing house elves, but not at sacrificing children?”

Albus recoiled at his harsh accusation, “Severus - that is not-,”

“That is exactly what this is,” Severus interrupted, “You expect Potter to die - to make some grand sacrifice - but cannot bear the idea of asking a house elf to do the same thing?”

“Severus - I never thought you one to believe in wizard superiority,” Albus said looking faintly disappointed.

“Do not distract from the issue at hand,” Severus barked, then regretted his raised volume as the water stirred; they both froze and waited to see if anything would emerge from the lake’s depths. He continued when the water stilled again, “This is not about elf and wizard,” he hissed, “This is about elf and child, and you have admitted yourself that at least one child must die for the Dark Lord to be defeated-,”

“I told you - I believe Harry will survive-!”

Severus spoke over him, “- but you will not sacrifice a house elf for the same cause? You are being an idealist,” he said sharply, “People will die in this war. Wizard, witch, child, house-elf alike. You simply cannot stomach doing what must be done!”

“Oh Severus… neither can you,”

He ignored the whisper in his ear.

“We must leave, and we must return with a house elf,” Severus insisted, “Or would you rather we travel to the nearest village and imperio the first muggle child we come across to follow us,”

Albus swallowed heavily, looking as if he might cry; he turned his gaze back to the dark lake and whispered, “But how could I choose one?”

Severus shook his head, his back straightening, “There is an obvious choice, Albus. An elf that will obey you and will not be missed. Kreacher,”

Albus bowed his head in sorrow, and sighed, “I am glad you are taking this decision from my hands, Severus,” he said gravely.

“I take no pleasure in it, if that’s what you’re suggesting,” Severus snapped, turning to lead them back the way they had come, “but you’ll excuse me if I am eager to prevent more children from being tormented the way that Potter has been,”

“Ah, Severus. I didn’t realise you cared for the boy,”

Severus whipped round furiously, his foot barely a centimetre from the water, “How could I not?” He whispered harshly.

He didn’t wait for an answer, turning from the headmaster and making his way out of the cave.

“Black?” Severus called as he threw the front door to Grimmauld place open, casting a silencing spell on the portrait of Black’s mother before she could start screaming, “ BLACK!” He shouted up the staircase.

“Is that necessary, Severus?” Albus said warily, closing the door behind them.

Severus ignored him at the sound of a door being opened from the floor above, choosing instead to climb the stairs in the direction of the noise.

“Snape? Is that you?”

He found Black peering over the bannister of the floor above, Lupin appearing a second later at his shoulder, “Is everything alright?” The werewolf asked anxiously.

“We need your elf,” Severus said at once, cutting to the chase as he emerged onto the landing.

“Kreacher?” Black said incredulously, “What on earth do you want that useless thing for?”

Albus followed him at a more sedate pace, suddenly looking his age rather than like the man who had just swam through the ocean to gain access to a cave system, “Are we alone, Sirius?”

Black nodded, glancing briefly at Lupin, “Yeah - it’s just us. There’s no one else in the house at the moment,”

Albus sighed, and gestured to the drawing room behind him, “Let us sit,”

Severus couldn’t help but grind his teeth in frustration as they filed into the room and seated themselves on the moth bitten furniture. The man was delaying the inevitable to sooth his own conscience. Despite the other man’s accusation, Severus wasn’t even remotely eager to sacrifice a house-elf to destroy the Horcrux they had been metres from, but he was infuriated that the headmaster seemed so reluctant to do so. It was as if the man didn’t even see Potter as a living being, but rather a puppet to be pulled in the appropriate direction to achieve his goals.

“So why do you want Kreacher?” Lupin said warily.

“I’m afraid that I can’t tell you that Remus,” Albus said gently, leaning forwards out of his chair, “but I must assure you that it is for an extremely worthy cause. However, before you consent, I must warn you that…,” he sighed, “that Kreacher is unlikely to survive the task that I must ask of him,”

Lupin’s eyes widened in shock, but Black leapt to his feet immediately, and said grimly, “I’ll go and get him,” and he stormed from the room.

Albus looked briefly shocked.

Lupin only sagged tiredly, “He… he’s not forgiven Kreacher,” he said softly, “for lying to Harry and helping to lure him to the Department of Mysteries,”

Albus shook his head sorrowfully, “Sirius has never truly appreciated the nature of house elves,” he said sadly, “If he would only treat Kreacher with more kindness, then I doubt Kreacher would have been as eager as he was to betray him,”

Stop,” Lupin said sharply, “Whether or not you’re right or wrong, I won’t listen to you blame Sirius for what has happened to Harry, Albus,”

Albus capitulated instantly, “I would never dare to, Remus. Not when the guilt lies entirely with me,” he bowed his head, and if he expected Lupin to be placated, the look on the other man’s face said otherwise.

The sound of Kreacher’s screeching alerted them all to the elf’s approach long before the door to the drawing room was thrown open.

Sirius appeared, his hand holding Kreacher’s upper arm tightly as he dragged him alone while Kreacher kicked and screamed.


“Be quiet, Kreacher,” Sirius said dangerously, and the elf reluctantly fell silent, though he didn’t stop his twisting and kicking, and occasionally he made a choked gulping noise as his voice tried to escape, “Now listen to me - do you hear? The headmaster has a task for you to complete. I am commanding you to follow his every order, as if I myself were giving it, do you understand? You are not to refuse him. You are to do exactly as you are told. No matter what,”

With every word that Black spoke, the shaking of the elf’s head only became more panicked and frantic, until three words were able to break through the silence that Black had imposed upon him, “No! Not again!!”

Again?” Said Lupin, confused as he looked between Black and Albus, “What does he mean, ‘again’?”

Albus frowned, his eyes fixed on Kreacher, “Sirius,” he said slowly, “let him speak,” and the entire story came spilling out.

It came in fits and starts and took much cajoling from Albus and ordering from Sirius, but eventually, nearly an hour later, they had the entire story. Lupin was grey, Albus was tired, and Black was crying into his hands. More strangely, Kreacher was carefully petting Black’s head. He looked torn - part fury and part distraught.

“There, there, Master Sirius,” the elf muttered in his croaky voice, “Master Regulus would not want you to cry,”

“I…I…,” Black choked on his words, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed, “I never knew! I thought… I thought he was a Death Eater. I thought he was loyal to him - I never knew-!” He pulled his hands away, revealing his puffy red eyes; Kreacher’s stroking hand fell to his knee, “I never knew,” he whispered.

Lupin reached over to thread his fingers through Black’s hair and lean their heads together, “I know Padfoot,” he whispered, “No one knew,”

“I thought he died a Death Eater,” Black whimpered, “When really… he sacrificed it all… and I… the last thing I said to him-,” he turned desperate eyes on Lupin.

Lupin smiled sadly, and pressed a kiss to his brow, “I know, Sirius,” and Black collapsed into the other man’s chest. For a moment, all that could be heard in the room, was Black’s sobbing.

Albus cleared his voice, “Kreacher - would you be so kind as to fetch the locket for me, please?”

Kreacher nodded and did not require ordering from Black. He disappeared out of the room.

“What I don’t understand,” Lupin said over Black’s head, “is what’s so special about this locket?”

Albus made to shake his head, to refuse the information, but Severus interrupted him, “Tell them,” Albus froze, and turned uncertain eyes on him. Severus sighed heavily, “Tell them,” he insisted, “we can all be trusted, can we not? And this is information that could lead to the destruction of the Dark Lord, and it is becoming increasingly clear that this is a task that will take more than you and I, Albus,”

For a long while, Albus simply looked at him, his eyes darting between Severus’s. Finally, he sighed, and nodded, “The locket that Regulus died to retrieve that night, was a Horcrux,”

Lupin only looked confused, but Black gasped and pulled himself out of the other man’s arms, “A Horcrux?” He whispered sounding terrified.

Albus nodded gravely, “And not his only one,” he said, his voice tired and suddenly ancient, “This will be the third such item that has been destroyed. I believe that three more remain - the snake Nagini, the cup of Hufflepuff, and a third item that I am yet to discover,”

“He had six?” Black croaked, his eyes wide and horrified.

“I’m sorry - but what’s a Horcrux?” Lupin asked warily.

It was Black that answered him after swallowing heavily, “There’s… there’s a book in the house somewhere about them. They’re amongst the darkest magic that exists - invented by Herpo the Foul way back when. A witch or wizard tears their soul in two by committing murder, and then uses a dark ritual to bind part of their soul to an object. So… so that even if their earthly body dies, their soul remains, and they can be resurrected,” Sirius licked his lips, “Herpo the Foul - he made one, and there’s no record of it being destroyed. It’s believed his soul still wanders the Earth - there have been sightings of it over the centuries. If anyone set their mind to it, they could still bring him back,” he whispered.

“So, until we destroy these Horcruxes, Voldemort will never be truly defeated?” Lupin said, looking as if all the blood had been drained from him.

Albus let out a shuddering breath, “I’m afraid not, Remus,”

“We need to destroy them,” Black said sharply, “All of them. As quickly as we can,”

“That is what Severus and I have been trying to achieve, Sirius. Though… perhaps Severus is right that we should involve you. We should discuss this with Kingsley and Alastor as well - wouldn’t you agree Severus? They may have new insight to contribute,”

Severus nodded, but he wasn’t truly listening. His eyes were fixed on Black. He couldn’t help but wonder if the man would be so keen to destroy the Horcruxes if he knew that his godson was one.

“You have to tell them. They will choose Harry - they said they’d choose Harry,”

Severus wished he shared her confidence - though, he supposed, she was him.


Hope people enjoyed :) I was half asleep when I proof read this for the final time
I’ll no doubt proof read it again at some point
If anyone finds any typo’s… please don’t tell me cause’ I can’t cope right now 😂 I’ll get to them eventually

EDIT 27/04/24 currently proof reading this entire fic again, and i swear literally every other chapter is me proof reading while post night shift. Maybe I should stop that haha

Chapter 21: Draco: Dolos Mulciber


“I need to talk to you about something,” he whispered to her, “but… but not here. Somewhere private, where we won’t be overheard. Will you meet me?”

She looked immediately wary, biting her lip a little and looking nervously over her shoulder, clearly dwelling on her answer. Finally, she said, “Yes - but not alone,”



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Draco had given up on sitting at the many tables in the Hogwarts’ library. There was never enough space for him to lay all his papers out anyway, but more to the point, they were far too visible. They were just asking for him to be disturbed, either by other students or by a judgemental Madam Pince. He didn’t know what she had to be judgemental about; he’d have thought she’d have taken pleasure from seeing the books in her library made use of.

He’d never ventured to this section of the library before this year. It was at the back, abutting the restricted section where the lights seemed to be constantly dimmed for some reason, and there was a persistent chill in the air. The bookcases were no taller here than anywhere else, he was sure, but they certainly seemed more intimidating. The were positioned unnecessarily close to one another, so that when he sat on the floor, as he was now, with his legs stretched out, the bottom of his feet pressed firmly against the opposite shelf.

It was off putting and foreboding. Was it by design perhaps? To discourage curious students from venturing too close to the section of the library that was forbidden to them except with express permission from a teacher. Either way, the effect was lost somewhat on Draco. It was nothing in comparison to the atmosphere that seemed to have impregnated the walls of the manor, the place he called home. What was a little unsettling darkness compared to the home of the Dark Lord himself?

This dark, sinister part of the library had become Draco’s second home since he had received Harry’s last letter, and it was where he was sat hidden now, surrounded by books and parchment and his research. All of them focused on one subject, and one subject alone: the Fidelius charm. He was beginning to run out of time though (there was only one week left until the end of term), as well as information to find he suspected. He had resorted to copying out the charm’s underpinning spell-matrix - an undertaking in and of itself. In order to cover it, he had had to use six rolls of numbered parchment that, when laid out flat, connected to represent the entire structure. He wasn’t sure how much help it would actually be, but he felt compelled to keep writing.

He glanced away from the parchment in front of him, to the parchment beside him. Harry’s last letter sat at his hip, dog eared and worn from the number of times he had read it. There had been an unusual delay between Draco’s last letter, and this one. Upon reading it, he had understood why immediately:



I wish you were here. I desperately wish you were here. Everything is awful and f*cked up and I feel like I’m falling apart.

The Dark Lord has decided to take over some of my ‘education’.

He took me down to the cellars and made me torture Wormtail with the cruciatus. He told me that if I failed, he would torture your mother every day until I succeeded. And I…’

Part of the letter here was smudged and obscured, blended into a black mark by tears, Draco thought.

‘…couldn’t let him do that to her. I just couldn’t. I was prepared for it to be a struggle - to fight and fight all day. But it wasn’t. It was so f*cking easy that it makes me feel sick. And I don’t even feel bad that he was tortured or in pain, I only feel bad that it was at my hand. And that I was so capable of casting such an evil spell.

I feel like I’m unspooling at the seams. It terrifies me to admit it, but I don’t think I’d have needed the motivation of protecting your mother to use that curse. I think I’d have managed just fine all on my own.

I miss you. I miss you so much. I wish you were home already.


If he’d been able to do so without garnering unwanted attention, Draco would have marched down the drive of Hogwarts and apparated away the moment the letter had been delivered to his hand. But he couldn’t. Dumbledore would want answers for his behaviour, and so would his mother and father and, no doubt, the Dark Lord would take notice as well.

His reply had been short and to the point.

‘10th of July 1997


Just ten days. Ten more days and I’ll be home - wait for me.


There was a blotch of ink just beside his name, where he had been about to sign ‘love Draco’ but had changed his mind at the last moment. It had been an automatic action.

He’d barely left the library since. He needed to find something - anything - to make Harry smile again. To give him hope. He wasn’t sure he had succeeded though. Nothing in his research suggested that the Fidelius charm was in anyway fallible. Not in its intended use, at least. There were some details about what happened to the charm upon the death of the Secret Keeper, but that wouldn’t help them. If the Dark Lord died, then all their issues would disappear anyway.

He sighed, tearing his eyes from the letter to the towering bookcases above him.

He was relieved to have found this place. No one bothered him here, not even the librarian (except for the few times she had had to turf him out at closing). In fact, the only other person he had seen even a glimpse of was Granger, who, upon spotting him, had frozen, then turned on her heel and marched away. Draco had pretended not to see her leave, and he pretended not to see her every other time she had popped her head around a bookcase to look at him. It was easier that way.

His feet were beginning to tingle, the blood flow restricted by the cross-legged position he had adopted in order to lean forwards and make notes on the hard wood floor. He’d been in the position for over an hour, and he was beginning to lose all sensation in his lower limbs. He should probably stretch his legs before they fell to sleep completely, and he lost the ability to stand too.

He clambered to his feet carefully, gingerly, leaning as much as he dared on the bookcase’s creaking shelves and pausing at intervals to twist his ankles and stamp his feet to bring life back into them. He ended up hobbling along the bookcases, a shadow of the walk he could really do with, but he wasn’t prepared to leave the library just yet.

He peered at the contents of the shelves for something to do. He could understand why their contents had been stored so far back in the library. They were filled from top to bottom as far back as the shelves went with archived copies of the Daily Prophet (and a few other publications, but mostly the Prophet). They were in date order, starting from two years previously and then working further and further back. What did they do with the oldest copies when they ran out of space? Did Madam Pince catalogue the new ones?

He trailed his fingers along them, his steps becoming less hobbled as feeling came back into his feet. He paused though when he saw a face he recognised.

His aunt Bellatrix grinned up at him, many years younger but just as mad looking. Her mugshot before she was condemned to Azkaban. Rabastan and Rodolphus’s pictures were featured as well, though smaller, and neither of them were grinning. He pulled the paper free from the stack and walked it back over to his spot on the floor.

He flopped down to the ground, forgoing any attempt at grace (no one was looking, what did it matter), and peered down at the paper with a kind of numb interest.


Draco swallowed heavily; his eyes fixed on his aunt's wild pair.

He hadn’t known what she had been condemned for until she had escaped. He had felt a twinge of sadness for Longbottom at the time - orphaned but not orphaned - but he’d buried it. They’d deserved it, after all. Blood traitors who had opposed the Dark Lord.

Bellatrix sneered up at him, winking and snarling all in one.

He didn’t feel like that anymore. He hadn’t for a while and he felt almost compelled to apologise for the thoughts he had held privately, but he hadn’t. Who would it have helped? Not Draco, that’s for sure, and he doubted Longbottom cared to hear his apologies anyway.

He turned to page three, and found a double page spread cut in half horizontally through the middle to create two rows. Each row had a line of small photographs - mug shots - and below each photo was information about its subject, and the crimes they had been convicted of.

After Bellatrix, he lingered on Rodolphus. His stomach turned as he read his list of convicted crimes: murder, torture, kidnapping, gross battery and assault, terrorism. The idea of this man spending any time near Harry made him feel ill.

He moved on quickly, running his eyes across the photos and pausing whenever he found a face he recognised.

He paused when his eyes found another familiar face - Mulciber.

The man grinned at the camera, though when this photo had been taken all of his teeth had still been intact. Oh - or maybe not.

The image of Mulciber suddenly whipped round as a fist abruptly came into view and pummelled him in the face. Draco found a pleased smile forming when Mulciber turned back to the camera, still grinning, and revealed his now broken smile.

Prick. He deserved it.

Draco’s eyes trailed down to read the list of crimes Mulciber had been convicted of. As he got towards the end of the enormous list, he froze, and ice spread out from his centre, starting in his stomach and clawing its way out across the rest of him.

‘…and finally, for the rape and sexual assault of five underage wizards (the identity of whom has been protected by sealed court documents), Dolos Mulciber (son of Minos Mulciber, deceased) has been sentenced to life imprisonment.’

And suddenly, everything made sense.

His parents’ assertion that he should stay away from the man - to decline drinks and to run if necessary. The man’s strange predatory edge: like a wolf sidling his way into a flock of sheep and trying to persuade them to let him get one step closer. And Harry… oh… oh Harry

Only with the sound of water dripping on paper, did Draco realise he was crying.

He was torn. Torn between wishing he’d known this sooner, and wishing he’d never found out. He shouldn’t know this - if Harry wanted him to know, he’d have told him what had happened to him. It wasn’t fair. Harry deserved so much better than this - oh Harry!

Shame choked him. The paper in his hands disappeared and all he could see was Harry curled up in the small space between the toilet and the wall, crying into his arms. Crying because of Draco. His own tears came thick and fast now, and a mournful cry lodged itself somewhere deep in his chest but refused to move any further.

He found himself filled with self-loathing. What did he have to cry about? What right did he have to cry, when it was his family’s fault that Harry was… that he’d been

He should have gone home. The moment he’d gotten Harry’s letter, he should have run home and pulled Harry into his arms and held onto him, damn the consequences.


He flinched back at the call of his name, snapping his gaze from the paper in his lap to the face that loomed nervously above him. He had to blink the tears out of his eyes to recognise the face that had joined him.


He was hit by the sudden impulse to shout at the girl - to whip out his wand and curse her for ever having disturbed him. For having caught him crying in the library over a boy that she loved just as much as he did-

And it was this thought that brought him crashing back to earth. The curse that had been on the tip of his tongue died, and a memory of a pained sob echoed in his ears.

He gave up any pretence and turned his attention back to the paper in his lap. More tears landed on the ink below, trailing slowly towards the centre but being absorbed by the material before they could make it. He could hear Granger shuffling carefully closer, as if she were approaching a wounded animal, but he didn’t look up, even when she carefully seated herself next to him, moving a few of his papers to ensure she didn’t damage them.

“Why are you crying?”

He shook his head immediately, but found he wasn’t able to make a sound. He couldn’t tell her about this. This was something private - something painful and visceral. Something he would never tell another soul so long as he lived. It wasn’t his to tell. It wasn’t even his to know, and yet there he was. Harry deserved his privacy. No… more than that. He deserved his freedom. His didn’t deserve what was done to him - what was still being done to him.

The shame and pain were suddenly flushed out of him by a stronger feeling - one that made his bones burn and his heart pound in his chest.

Hatred. Hatred for the Dark Lord and everything he stood for. He didn’t care about blood purity anymore - he hadn’t for a while - and he certainly didn’t believe that Granger should be killed or enslaved for her parentage. But ultimately, that wasn’t what drove his hatred. It started and ended with Harry.

It all did.

He felt a drive take hold of him - like Japanese knotweed, strangling and all-consuming and near impossible to kill. A drive to save Harry. He didn’t care about sides - not anymore. There was only Harry. But he was no fool. He could hardly save Harry on his own, and the Order couldn’t be trusted. Despair threatened - what could he do, other than stay by Harry’s side through thick and thin?


His gaze snapped to her’s and found concerned and faintly unnerved brown eyes watching him.

Or perhaps… perhaps there were other people who would put Harry first too or would at the very least try and find a way to destroy the Dark Lord that didn’t start and end with killing Harry. It would break his heart if Harry died.


Finally, he embraced the thing he had known for months, but had denied even to himself: he was in love with Harry.

The revelation loosened his tongue immediately.

“I need to talk to you about something,” he whispered to her, “but… but not here. Somewhere private, where we won’t be overheard. Will you meet me?”

She looked immediately wary, biting her lip a little and looking nervously over her shoulder, clearly dwelling on her answer. Finally, she said, “Yes - but not alone,”

Draco gulped, but nodded, “Fine - yeah, fine. But bring only people you trust. And choose carefully. If I don’t think that the people you bring with you are trustworthy then I’m leaving immediately. Do you understand Granger?”

“What’s your definition of trustworthy?” Granger asked very seriously.

Draco opened his mouth but stuttered over his answer. If he answered honestly, he would give more away than he meant to, but there was no way around it - there was no other way for Granger to understand the serious nature of the information he wished to share, “Bring only people who love Harry as much as you do,”

Her eyes widened in shock. He could practically see the million questions she had racing through her mind. She didn’t voice them though, instead pushing herself to her feet and nodding, “Fine. The Room of Requirement - you know of it?” He nodded and suppressed the age-old urge to sneer; of course, he knew it, “Tomorrow. One pm,” and she turned on her heel and left him on the floor.

Alone again, all Draco could hear was the pounding of his own heart in his chest. He half couldn’t believe the meeting he had just arranged. It felt right though. In his heart of hearts, he knew that if there was anyone in the world who loved Harry as much as he did, it was Granger and Weasley.

He suddenly regretted not kissing Harry when he’d had the chance. When he’d been blinking up at him with his gorgeous eyes and looking at his mouth. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d last without knowing what it was like to have Harry’s mouth on his, but he’d go to his grave without knowing if he had to. He was sure Harry had wanted to kiss him as well - certain in fact - but that didn’t matter. He didn’t want anything that Harry didn’t want, and if Harry never wanted anything more than friendship from him, then he would cherish that friendship until his dying day. Harry deserved just one person who didn’t want him for something.

He turned his gaze back to the paper, sneering at the running ink as hatred crawled its way up his spine.

In an instant he was on his feet, rolling up his parchment carefully and securing it within his bag. He was less cautious with the books he had borrowed, sweeping his wand above them and directing them back to the shelves he had taken them from. He ignored Madam Pince’s squawk of outrage as he stormed from the library, the paper with his aunt’s face on the front page hidden in the front pocket of his bag.

Marching through the castle, fury fulling his every step, he attracted more than one curious glance from a passing student. They forgot about him quickly though. They were all celebrating - celebrating the end of term, the end of exams, and the end of another year of childhood. But there was no end for Draco - nor for Harry. Not until he was free and beyond the clutches of the Dark Lord and the Order both.

He practically burst through the castle doors, nearly knocking over a first year in his haste. He made for the lake - for its far edge where it pressed up against the forbidden forest, where the swimmers and the sunbathers avoided and where he would be undisturbed by student or teacher alike. The tears in his eyes trailed unchecked down his cheeks, but they were no matter. The wind that whipped across the grounds, and the sun high in the sky, burnt them away to nearly nothing mere moments after they fell.

At the forest’s edge, he dropped his bag, ripped the paper from its front pocket, and threw it to the ground.

Fury and hate had him panting.

Without another thought, he pointed his wand at the copy of the prophet and set it alight with a confringo so powerful that his ears were ringing for several seconds after the spell collided with the ground, leaving only a small crater in the dirt, and wisps of burning parchment floating on the air.

He wished it had been Mulciber standing in front of him, he thought viciously. He wished that the day before he’d left for school, he’d done more than simply kick the man in the gut. He suddenly understood how Harry could find it so easy to cast the cruciatus on someone he hated, but there was a feeling that Draco didn’t identify with. The regret. The guilt for having caused another pain so easily.

He could torture Mulciber to death and sleep easily for the rest of his days. The man deserved it and more. Draco imagined though, that there wasn’t much he could do in the pursuit of saving Harry that he would struggle over. It would all be worth it, if it meant that Harry was safe.

“Are you alright, Draco?”

Draco flinched violently, and spun around, his wand out.

Lovegood blinked at him curiously, Longbottom at her shoulder looking significantly warier, his own wand out and ready to defend them.

Draco swallowed heavily, and put his wand away, but said nothing.

“Was that your aunt I saw on the front page of the paper?” She asked dreamily.

Draco gritted his teeth, glancing about them to make sure they had no onlookers. He stooped to lift his bag over his shoulder, and said, his voice hard, “Yes,” before turning and trudging back up towards the castle.

Draco wished he had insisted on an early morning meeting. He barely slept, and could barely eat, nervous jitters having his stomach twisting and convulsing. He managed a slice of toast for breakfast but skipped lunch entirely. What was the point, when all he was going to do was sit at the Slytherin table and stare at the Gryffindor one?

He made his way up to the Room of Requirement nearly half an hour early.

He stood in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to dance and inspected the wall opposite. He knew how to summon the room - he was sure that most of the school must know by now, what with its newfound fame as the host of the Defence Association’s meetings. Draco turned smartly on his heel and began to pace up and down in front of the wall, his eyes closed.

‘I need a room for a meeting. I need a room for a meeting. I need a room for a meeting.’

He knew the moment that it had worked, the sound of a wooden door creaking into life. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at it. It was plain and unassuming - not at all what he had been expecting. He approached carefully. He had never been inside the Room before; he had only heard of it. He reached out a hand, pressed the door handle down, and stepped inside.

It was… underwhelming.

The room looked just like any ordinary Hogwarts’ classroom, but for the long table in its centre, and the comfortable wooden chairs on wheels around it. Six on either side. Though the fruit bowl in the middle of the table was empty, the water dispenser at its end was not. Draco grabbed a cardboard cup and pressed it against the lever at the bottom and watched as the cup was filled to the brim.

He drained the cup, filled it once more, and then took a seat in the chair that faced the room’s door. He sat, spinning his chair side to side as far as he could without lifting his toes from the ground, and he waited, his eyes fixed on the door, wondering who would step through after Granger.

When the door finally did open, two minutes before one, Draco didn’t stand, though he did still.

Granger entered first, her expression open but wary. He was unsurprised by the people who trailed in after her - first Weasley, then his sister, then Longbottom and Lovegood. He should have put money on this, he thought wryly. It was fitting, he supposed, that the group that should have accompanied Potter to the Department of Mysteries, were meeting with him now to try and save their friend. Not that they knew that yet though.

All but Granger and Lovegood offered him hard, suspicious stares. Lovegood looked only faintly curious, and terror fluttered at the edges of Granger’s expression. She knew what he was going to say. He could see it in her eyes. She was preparing herself for a confession that she had already guessed.

For a long moment, they simply stood and looked at him, not a word passing between them.

Finally, Granger said, “Shall we all sit, then?”

“Not until I know what this pointy git has called us all here for,” Weasley said firmly, stopping her in her tracks with a gentle hand on her shoulder, “I don’t sit down and break bread with Death Eaters, and I’m not going to start now just because Draco Malfoy has demanded it of me,”

A retort sat in the back of Draco’s mouth. A sarcastic comment about the lack of even fruit on the table, never mind bread, and how he didn’t parlay with blood traitors either. He could hear it in his inner ear - biting and vicious. But all it did was make him want to cry.

So he swallowed it back down, and said instead,“I would first ask for your reassurance that, what we are about to discuss, you discuss with no one else, as it would surely result in my torture and eventual murder,” Longbottom went suddenly pale and sent an alarmed look in Granger’s direction, “That… that would include your parents,” he directed to the Weasley’s, “If they were to report on our conversation to the Order, and then onto Snape, who then told the Dark Lord… well…,” he offered them a tight smile, “you’ll never have to worry about breaking bread with me again Weasley - I can tell you that,”

“We’re not promising you anything, Malfoy,” the she-Weasley snapped, her hands held in fists down by her side, “We don’t owe you anything!”

Granger looked worried, glancing nervously towards the door as if she were concerned, he might storm out. She didn’t contradict the other girl though. She didn’t say anything in fact.

Draco looked between them. He reclined in his seat and folded his hands over his lap for something to do with himself. It didn’t require much thought though - what to do next. All he could see was a half-starved boy with too thin wrists crying in a bathroom, and all of a sudden, his own life meant very little to him.

“Harry is alive,”

The effect was immediate.

All five of them froze. The Weasley’s faces turned so pale that their freckles disappeared, and Longbottom wound an arm around Lovegood’s shoulders.

Granger’s expression crumbled immediately. Her hands formed fists at her sides, and she bowed her head, her shoulders coming up about her ears, “I knew it,” she choked out in a sob, shaking off the hand that Weasley had placed on her shoulder to stride forwards and take the seat opposite Draco’s. “Where is he?” She asked urgently, leaning across the table.

“The Manor,” it felt as if his voice was being suddenly magnified by the room’s reverberation, “My family home,” moving slowly, the others joined them at the table, wheeling chairs back and sitting in them heavily, “He has been since last June,”

“Is he… is he okay?” She-Weasley - f*ck it - Ginny whispered softly, tears gathering in her eyes.

He opened his mouth to answer but hesitated. Mulciber’s broken, yellowing grin smiled at him in his mind’s eye. He closed his mouth slowly, and swallowed heavily, “He’s coping. But no. I don’t think he’s okay,”

“Have you seen him?” Ron asked sharply.

Draco nodded, feeling suddenly drained, “Yes. I spent all of Easter with him, and most of Christmas too,” he made the deliberate choice not to comment on how they had spent Christmas together; his shame wouldn’t make his tongue move to say the words, and it wouldn’t help facilitate this exchange if they knew the truth of Draco’s original animosity; he needed them on side, “When I return home this summer, I will be spending it with him as well,” there was something about the way he said ‘him’ that he felt was certain to give the true depth of his feelings away, but if the others noticed, they said nothing, “and… and we write to one another while I’m at school as well,”

“Draco,” his name burst out of Granger as an explosion, pleading and desperate, “please! We have to tell the Order! Surely, we can find some way to hide how we know where he is, but we have to tell them!”

He gave a single aborted shake of his head, his eyes bouncing from each face in front of him; this was going to hurt them, he realised, his heart sinking, “Granger. They already know,” he said lowly.

“W-what?” Neville stuttered out, “No! They can’t!”

“How could they not?” Draco said, his tone unintentionally biting; he took a steadying breath, “Snape visits him every Saturday after all,”

“But… but why hasn’t mum told us that he’s alive?” Ginny whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks, “She can barely talk about him! She cries any time his name comes up - she can’t know!”

“I assure you, Weasley: your mother knows,” Draco said darkly, “That’s why she’s crying,” they exchanged confused looks; Draco took a steadying breath, and allowed the story to spill out, “They tortured him - for months and months and months. My aunt, Macnair and Mulciber for half a year. Bellatrix ripped his eye out. She’s not crying because he’s dead, Weasley. She’s crying because he still lives,”

All three girls and Longbottom were crying now, but Ron was not.

No,” he said furiously, “There’s no way! They can’t know! Or they’d rescue him!”

“They know, Weasley,” Draco said harshly, “They’ve known from the beginning - probably longer than I have - but there’s not exactly an easy way to get him. The property is surrounded by wards, and the house itself is under the Fidelius charm. But trust me: they know,”

“Then why hasn’t Snape gotten him out?” Weasley snapped, pounding his fist against the table and making everyone but Draco jump, “He could have gotten him out!”

Draco forced back his rising temper, “If Snape is truly on the Order’s side, as you clearly believe, then it can only be because it has not been ordered of him. And if he is on the Dark Lord’s side,” he scoffed, “then still, the Order must not have ordered it of him, or else he would have lost his position as a spy,”

Ron’s lip trembled, the first hint of his own tears, “No,” the word was more the shape of his mouth than the sound he actually managed to make.

“Is that why you’ve been doing research on the Fidelius charm, Malfoy?” Granger asked quietly, her voice wobbling and her tears running freely and unchecked, “I- I saw the papers you were working on yesterday,”

Draco nodded, “Yes. Harry keeps dreaming about the charm being set in place. He thinks it might mean something, and I’m going to help him anyway that I can,”

“Why?” Ron barked, and Draco could practically feel his energy being drained in the face of the other boy’s relentless fury, “What do you care? You hate Harry!”

He tried to answer as honestly as he could, but he wasn’t ready to admit the truth out loud; he wiped away his own tears from his cheeks, “I don’t hate Harry,” he denied in a whisper, “I… Harry… he’s my friend. And I’m his only friend, right now. The only one that matters. I don’t know how to save him; I don’t even know if saving him is possible. But I have to try. I have to try,” he couldn’t keep his own anguish out of his voice, “Someone has to be on his side - someone has to choose him over this f*cking war - and if I have to be on his side by myself, then so be it, but I- I was hoping,” he wiped at his cheeks, “I was hoping that you might join me,”

“Of course, we’re on Harry’s side!” Lovegood spoke for the first time.

“The entire Order is on Harry’s side,” Ginny said, her voice heated.

Draco shook his head slowly though, “I’m sorry - but I really don’t think they are,”

“But they must be,” Granger whispered, her tears dripping from her chin onto the table now, “I… I know they haven’t saved him, but they must be trying!”

Draco hesitated - two paths appeared in front of him. The path where he kept Harry’s secret. A secret that could blow the delicate truce they were building apart. But they had to know. He needed someone else to understand what was at stake.

“What I’m about to tell you, I am begging you not to repeat,” Draco said quietly, leaning closer over the table, “It could get Harry killed. I… I think, despite our best efforts, it will get him killed anyway. Dumbledore will want him dead for it, but I don’t want to make it any easier for the man,”

“What are you talking about?” Ron’s voice was hot with frustration, “Why would Dumbledore want to kill Harry?!”

Draco licked his lips nervously, “Harry told me that… that when the Dark Lord was destroyed after killing his parents, that part of his soul broke away, and latched onto Harry’s. That’s why the Dark Lord hasn’t killed him and is trying to manipulate Harry into joining him instead. Because the Dark Lord cannot be truly destroyed so long as Harry is still alive,”

Ron shook his head in disbelief, and scoffed, but it was Granger that spoke, “That’s why… why Harry can see inside his head,”

“No,” Weasley denied.

“And why Harry can speak to snakes,” Neville added in a whisper.

No!” Ron barked, “I refuse to accept it! Dumbledore would not kill Harry!”

“I can’t say what the headmaster would or wouldn’t do,” Draco said gravely, “but it’s the truth. The Dark Lord cannot die while Harry lives,”

“I… it makes me wonder though,” Granger started slowly, “Why Voldemort’s soul split like that? Why haven’t we heard of something like this happening before? If it had, surely more than just a handful of people would know about it?”

“Murder,” Longbottom muttered to the table; he flushed when he realised, he had everyone’s attention, and he rushed to say more, “I… I heard my gran talking about it once. She was ranting to one of her brothers about the Death Eaters and calling them all murderers with split souls,” he glanced around anxiously, “I asked her about it - asked her what she meant. She said that committing murder tears your soul in two and makes you into an abomination,”

“Well Voldemort’s certainly an abomination,” Ginny murmured to herself.

“Yes… but if that was the case, then surely any murderer who died risked having part of their soul break free and latch onto someone else?”

“Maybe that’s why they use the Dementor’s kiss instead?” Luna suggested.

Granger shook her head though, “No… no there’s more to this. There must be. There’s something we’re missing!”

“What if…, Ginny started slowly, turning pale as she spoke, “what if you’ve already broken your soul into bits,” she swallowed, and her words became halting, “The diary. Riddle’s diary. What if it worked the way it did because he’d put a bit of his soul into it?”

Draco blinked, suddenly confused, “I’m sorry - what are you talking about?”

Ginny took a deep breath, “The diary that your father smuggled into my school stuff. I used it to open the chamber of Secrets. It possessed me. The diary belonged to Tom Riddle - Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort. What if that diary had a piece of his soul in it?”

Dread built in Draco’s gut, “What? Like some kind of vault for his soul?”

“This must be known magic,” Hermione said fervently, rubbing at her face to wipe away her tears, “There must be books on it - somewhere. There must be!”

“But the diary was destroyed,” Ron reasoned, apparently having been convinced of the idea, “So what does it matter?”

“What if he made more?” Luna said softly, “More things to hold onto bits of his soul,”

“It would certainly explain why his soul was unstable enough to break apart by itself,” Granger reasoned, suddenly sounding business like, “But more than that - if we can find out whatever magic this is, maybe we can find out more about it? Find a way to kill Voldemort without-,” she whimpered a little, “without killing Harry,” another tear fell, and she wiped it away roughly, “or to separate Harry from the bit of soul bound to him without hurting him,”

“But if there was a way…,” Ginny said slowly, “then why hasn’t Dumbledore thought of it?”

Granger wilted, looking immediately defeated, and the table fell silent.

It was Luna that rallied them round, “Because he doesn’t love Harry,” she said simply, “not the way that we do, at least,” she looked directly at Draco, her gaze pinning him in place, “Does he?”

Draco gulped, and admitted, “No. No he doesn’t,” in a whisper. Luna smiled a little at him, though the twist of her lips was sad, but the others didn’t notice.

“All he thinks about is the war, I imagine,” Neville pointed out, “and ending it. The bigger picture,”

“He’ll be focussed on ending it as quickly as possible and saving lives,” Granger agreed.

Ron gulped, “Even if it means sacrificing Harry?”

“Exactly,” Draco said darkly, “He won’t waste time and resources researching into the niche avenue of magic that might save Harry. Especially if he thinks he’s a lost cause and that he’s joined the Dark Lord,”

“Has he?” Ginny asked in a small voice.

Draco shook his head vehemently, “No. Never,” he hesitated, “I… I need to make sure that you all understand. Harry isn’t the same anymore. Everything that’s happened? It’s had its impact. But he despises the Dark Lord still. The room he’s kept in is warded to stop him killing himself - why do you think that is? Because he wants you all to be safe! But he… he doesn’t particularly trust Dumbledore anymore, and he has no faith in the Order. He doesn’t want to die… not really,”

“We won’t let him die,” Ron said firmly, “We’ll save him - somehow. We will!”

Granger nodded firmly, “This is going to take a lot of work,” she said seriously, “Potentially years' worth of it. And even then, we might fail - but we have to try. There has to be a way!”

When they had all finished exchanging determined nods, Draco interrupted them cautiously, “I need you all to understand from the outset, that I don’t care about destroying the Dark Lord in particular. I only care about saving Harry. And if that means I have to steal him out of the country to save him from the Dark Lord and Order both, then I will. Do you understand? Even if it means the Dark Lord can’t be truly destroyed,”

The table fell silent, its occupants sharing unsure looks. Draco could feel his heart sinking. This was what he’d been afraid of.

“He was killed before,” Luna pointed out before he could spiral too far, “Even with a bit of his soul in the diary and then a bit of it in Harry as well,” she looked between them all, “Even if his soul still lingers on the earth, that’s better than him being alive, right?”

“Someone could bring him back again,” Neville pointed out, looking faintly green at the idea.

“They could,” Draco found himself agreeing reluctantly.

“And that could take another thirteen years,” Granger said firmly, “Thirteen years for us to find a way to undo him for good, while not hurting Harry. I think we should all make a promise,” she declared, “A promise that we will all work for as long as it takes for us to find a way to destroy Voldemort for good without killing Harry. Even if it takes us our entire lives!”

No one answered, all of them looking deep in thought while still trying not to cry.

Feeling increasingly desperate, Draco leant Hermione his support, “Once Harry is safe from that man - once he is safe and at no risk from harm from anyone, then I promise. As long as it takes. Until my dying day. I will help you all find a way to destroy the Dark Lord,”

Ron nodded, and said quietly, “Me too. I’m not sure what use I’ll be. But I promise,”

“I promise!” Luna said brightly, “And so does Neville!”

Neville gulped, “I don’t think I’ll be much help either, but yeah, I promise. Of course, I promise,”

“I promise,” said Ginny firmly, “No matter what it takes, or how long it takes. I promise,”

Draco felt as if his chest might burst open in joy. It felt like hope breaking its way into his heart. Hope that there was a way forward.

“What are you going to do?” Neville asked him nervously, snapping him out of the building euphoria.

“What do you mean?” He replied cautiously.

“Are you going to go home? To where the Death Eaters are?”

“I’m not leaving him,” Draco said, unintentionally venomous, “No matter what. I am not leaving him. Even if I have to join the Death Eaters myself, I’m not leaving him. I vowed to help destroy the Dark Lord and I will, but I don’t give a sh*t about any of that until Harry is safe,” he pointed to Longbottom, “When you say you’re on his side, you mean you’re on his side and on the Order’s side. I am only on Harry’s side, and I will take whatever steps are necessary to keep him safe. Whether that’s joining the Death Eaters, joining the Order, or smuggling him in a suitcase out of the country. I don’t care. So long as he’s safe. Do you understand?” By the end of his tirade, he was panting harshly, and the table was silent.

“Good,” Ginny Weasley said softly, “I’m glad. I’m glad that there’s someone who’s going to keep Harry as their focus. You keep your eye on him, and we’ll worry about the rest,”

Draco wilted in his seat, exhausted, and nodded, “No one can know of this meeting,” he reminded them, “No one. And nothing can change between us in public. No chatting in corridors or anything. There are eyes and ears everywhere,”

“But what if we need to talk?” Luna asked anxiously.

Hermione waved her concern away though, “I’ll come up with something, don’t worry,”

What exactly that was, Draco wasn’t to discover until the last day of term, when Granger cornered him in an alcove when he’d been dragging his trunk down to the carriages.

He could only blink at the speed with which she threw up a privacy ward behind them.

“Granger - what-?” He was silenced by something cold and round being pressed into his palm.

“A way for us to communicate,” she said simply, her brow furrowed.

He lifted the object up and peered at it curiously - it was a silver sickle only… he tested the weight. There was something wrong. Though it looked perfect, and it even felt like silver, it was just a fraction too light. The sort of thing no one would notice unless they took the time to truly inspect the coin.

“You see the serial numbers?” Granger leant into his space to point at the digits around the coins edge, “I have a matching coin. When I change the numbers on mine, yours will change as well and heat up in your pocket. I’ll use it to tell you if we need to meet up. Okay?”

Draco nodded slowly, “This is what you used with your little defence group, right? Last year?”

Her lips trembled a little, but she nodded resolutely, “Exactly. They worked before, they’ll work now,” she hesitated, “Will you… will you tell Harry how much we miss him? And how much we love him?” She added anxiously, “I don’t want him to think that we’ve forgotten him, because we haven’t. And we never will,” she said firmly.

Draco nodded, “I’ll tell him,” he promised, “I swear I will,”

Granger’s shoulders relaxed, and she offered him a small, weak smile, “Be safe Draco,” she whispered. She disappeared from the alcove before he could answer her.


Full disclosure - I may have leapt into writing another drarry fic 😂😂
Currently have three or four other chapters already written for this, so may end up having a small break while I write the other fic, but it won’t be for at least another three weeks.
Never fear though dear reader! For in four days I have written a detailed 20,000 word, 12 chapter draft, and written 14,000 words of the actual fic 😂 I’m now low key obsessed with it and have very strong feelings for this fic already haha. I am going away next week so it’ll slow my progress a little, but I genuinely might have finished it before the end of Feb hopefully.
When I wrote my other long fic, I basically trained myself not to day dream about any other ideas so I could stay focussed, but I’ve been less successful this time 😂😂
Tbh though I really think it’s working in my favour because it’s giving me a break while also keeping me in the habit of writing.
Anyway! Sorry for the long rambling, self-indulgent note, but I don’t talk about this stuff with people IRL haha I needed to tell someone!!
Toodles xx

Chapter 22: Draco: The carrot and the stick


Had Harry always been this beautiful? Or was it the drugs he could feel tingling in his fingers? Or perhaps it was a drug of another kind - the love he could feel practically pouring out of him and all of it aimed at the boy opposite him.


Only just realised that posting from the drafts I have saved makes the chapter publication date the date when I original saved it as a draft 🥴
Well you learn something new everyday I suppose!
Updating early because (cue deep breath in): I wanted to.
Enjoy :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Pansy had a strange look on her face. As if she were looking at him and finding someone she didn’t recognise staring back. Draco tried not to dwell on how he had changed.

Around them, other friends were embracing and waving as they parted on the platform, tearful and fond farewells. That wasn’t how Draco and Pansy worked though. Or it hadn’t been at least, before the Dark Lord had returned. What was the point in lingering over their goodbyes when they knew that they’d be seeing one another at the weekend, at the Manor or at the Parkinson’s summer chateau? Not anymore though.

“Will you write to me?” She asked, but the note of preemptive disappointment in her voice told Draco that she already knew his answer.

“You know that I won’t Pans. I can’t,”

Her lips pursed just the smallest amount before she offered him a sad smile, “I know,” silence hung between them, gluing them together for a second longer until one of them broke and bid the other adieu, “Will things ever be as they were?” She asked quietly.

His answer was short but not unkind, “No,”

She nodded slowly, then suddenly her arms were around his waist and squeezing him tightly, “I’ll see you in September though, right?” She said, her words muffled into his chest.

Over her head, he could see Granger watching them through considering eyes; he returned her stare, and returned Pansy’s embrace, “Yes, of course,” he hoped it wasn’t a lie.

He offered Granger a nod, and pretended not to feel her eyes on the back of his head as he marched through the barrier to the muggle world, and then continued onwards out into muggle London. The dim and dreary sky above did nothing to betray the city’s true humidity. He could feel it pressing in on him, weighing his shoulders down. The kind of heat you could strip off to bare skin in and never feel anything that approached relief. He eyed the clouds that gathered above as he wound his way through the crowds. Yes, some rain would be perfect right about now.

The moment he had stepped down a secluded ally, and he knew his disappearance would go unnoticed by the muggles, he apparated home.

He blinked, disorientated by the sudden darkness around him. Where the skies of London had been covered in sad, grey, rain clouds, the sky of Wiltshire was bathed in black. Draco could practically taste lightning on the tip of his tongue. The down pour would begin before the morning, he was sure. So much for showing Harry the grounds.

He marched with purpose up the drive, his trunk hovering obediently behind him and following his every step. His eyes were fixed on the east wing’s top floor and the warm yellow light that penetrated out into the darkness.


Waiting up for him? He hoped he was. His throat felt tight at the thought of the other boy, anticipation sitting hot on the heels of apprehension. What if they had forgotten how to speak to one another again? He didn’t want to spend the first half of the holidays figuring out how to navigate the people they had grown into in one another’s absence.


The calling of his name had him looking up automatically, but he immediately wished that he hadn’t, recognising the voice a split second too later. His aunt stood at the Manor’s main entrance, her arms crossed over her chest and the glow of a lit cigarette held somewhere just below her chin. She wasn’t alone though - a man stood beside her, also smoking, though Draco couldn’t recognise him over the distance between them.

He approached reluctantly, but not before checking the location of his wand in his pocket.

It was as if his aunt had forgotten their last encounter before he had left again for school. She beckoned eagerly to him, the expression on her face pleased and strangely intense. It was a stark reminder of her duality: the aunt who seemingly loved him, and the crazed woman who had attacked him over dinner. He saw less of the damaged but loving aunt now. Increasingly, only the Death Eater who had ripped out Harry’s eye for the fun of it remained.

As he stepped closer, she reached for him and pulled him into her side, encouraging his face down so that she could press their cheeks together. She turned away briefly to blow smoke out of the corner of her mouth before kissing him on the brow and releasing him. He didn’t stumble away, but that was only because he had anticipated the action. From the scent that was floating back on the breeze towards him, and her blown out pupils, Draco realised that she wasn’t smoking any old cigarette.

Allihosty leaves, if he wasn’t mistake. No wonder she seemed so happy.

“Nephew!” She cried into his ear, “N-nephew!” She stuttered, her eyes flickering a moment before she came back to herself, “How was school? How were your exams?” Her intensity returned suddenly, her eyes narrowing and the fog leaving them.

Draco glanced to her companion, and recognised him immediately, “They went well, I think,” Macnair watched him with a kind of drunken interest, drawing on his own cigarette and exhaling, but not making the effort to avoid blowing it in Draco’s direction. It was probably a good thing. The allihosty leaves served to dampen the fury that threatened in Draco’s gut.

This man had hurt Harry as well.

“Good good! That’s excellent, Draco!” She tapped his cheek affectionately, then offered the cigarette between her fingers to him, “Smoke? Don’t tell your mother,” she added with a wink.

He accepted it without hesitation. He had smoked allihosty leaves only once before; with Pansy, hiding in her parent's greenhouse with his head tipped back to peer out through its glass ceiling at the sky above.

He hated his aunt. He hated Macnair. But they couldn’t know that until it was too late for them - until their good opinion no longer mattered. Right now, though, he needed to appear as one of them. A good little Death Eater in training, giving in to his aunt’s poor influence.

He drew on the cigarette only once, inhaling deeply and exhaling through his nose, before offering it back. Enough for her to approve, but not enough for him to lose his head. A heavy warmth settled in the back of his mind.

“Where did you get allihosty leaves?” He asked mildly.

She chuckled, “There’s a crop growing in the grounds beyond the estate,” she accepted it back, and added as if she were answering him, though he had said nothing, “Yes, yes. Not too much - you’re quite right. Or your mother will know for sure! Though,” she rolled her eyes and sneered a little, “I suppose you’re off to visit your pet half-blood first,” she sounded almost amused, as if she didn’t recall that it was over his ‘pet half-blood’ that they had nearly come to blows.

Macnair chuckled a little, leaning so far back into the Manor’s stone walls as to be nearly horizontal, “Oh yes. I had heard that the Dark Lord had made him your holiday project. Tell me,” he leant forwards with a wobble and a leer, “are you getting as much pleasure from him as we did?” And Draco knew immediately that Macnair had hurt Harry in just the same way that Mulciber had.

Bellatrix threw her head back and cackled, leaning heavily against her smoking companion and gazing adoringly up at him.

“Oh!” She gasped, “What fun times they were! Though perhaps more fun for you and Mulciber,”

Fury thumbed in his veins. He could practically feel the effects of the allihosty being burnt out of him. He should have smoked more.

Macnair leered down at her, reaching up to run his thumb across her lips, “I could make it up to you, if you like,”

Bellatrix giggled, girly and insane, and batted her eyelashes at him.

Draco ground his teeth together, and forced his voice to come out level, “I was under the impression that Harry was very important to the Dark Lord,” Draco said cooly, “A protege of sorts, or so I’m led to believe,” this caught their attention, and they turned to look at him, “I doubt he’d invest so much time and energy into securing his loyalty if he didn’t have plans for him. I am honoured to be of use to the Dark Lord in this endeavour,”

The reprimand in his voice penetrated through their drug addled haze, and Bellatrix seemed torn between fury and pride, “Well we must all play the parts we are able to, nephew,” she snapped; she gave a sneering grin, “I suppose you get your honeyed tongue from your father - your mother has never been one for flattery. Still: you content yourself with being the carrot, dear nephew, and we shall enjoy being the stick,”

Macnair let out a bark of laughter, pulling Bellatrix abruptly to him, “I’ll have you enjoying my stick,” he leered.

Draco’s upper lip wrinkled in disgust of its own accord when Macnair pressed his tongue into Bellatrix’s open mouth. Her responding groan was obscene. He turned smartly and began to march away towards the east wing. He did look back at a sudden cackle from her, though the sight of Macnair pressing her against the wall and lifting her skirts had him half running across the grounds. He regretted anew ever answering her call.

His hands trembled faintly by his sides. He clenched them into fists to try and make them stop. He hadn’t judged Harry before, when he’d said he wanted to kill Bellatrix, but he hadn’t quite understood. He did now. Oh, how he understood.

He left his trunk in the east wing’s porch - an elf would ferry it up to his room he knew from experience. He considered seeing his mother first, but the choice not to was an easy one. He just wanted to see Harry - to know that he was safe.

He raced up the staircase, his feet pounding against the carpet and his hand trailing ever upwards on the bannister, prepared to catch himself should he trip in his haste. On the floor below the Aethonan suite, he saw something he wasn’t expecting to. Or rather: someone. He paused, his eyes narrowing.

Rodolphus was stood next to a half-opened door. He nodded upon seeing it was Draco and disappeared back into his room. Draco gnawed nervously at his bottom lip as he continued his journey. He wasn’t aware that Rodolphus was sleeping in the east wing now - Rodolphus and Bellatrix had quarters in the west wing, and Draco doubted that the Dark Lord would allow Bellatrix so close to Harry again. Though perhaps Bellatrix was sharing Macnair’s room now, if he had one. Draco had no idea who was or wasn’t staying in their home anymore and had just as little idea about their sleeping arrangements.

Did Rodolphus know that Macnair was currently f*cking his wife up against a wall outside, he wondered? He doubted he cared, or else he’d be out there putting a stop to it. Rodolphus had never struck Draco as the kind of man who tolerated sharing.

He was still reluctantly dwelling on the state of his aunt and uncle’s marriage when he pushed his way into Harry’s room, forgetting to knock.

He found himself instantly harassed. An enthusiastic three headed snake, now as thick as his forearm and several feet long, brushed her coils up against his ankles, her eyes peering up eagerly to him, a chorus of hisses greeting him. For a moment, he forgot all about his aunt’s dalliances outside of her marriage. He couldn’t help but to smile down at her. Even Atropos had put her fangs away.

“She missed you,”

He looked up and felt as if someone had snatched his breath away.

Harry stood across from him, a slight smile on his face.

He was… he was radiant. More beautiful than Draco had ever realised before. His skin had lost its pallidness and had turned a glowing light brown from his exposure to the sun. He had gained a little muscle as well (Draco could just about see it in the slight rounding of his bicep) and had grown at least an inch since they’d seen each other last. He looked well - he looked healthy. In his mind’s eye, Draco could practically see him in his quidditch gear preparing to chase down a snitch. He had the build of a seeker still - strong but lithe - and Draco imagined he always would.

And his eye. His eyes.

Gold and glowing and staring right at him. On another face, it might have diminished its neighbour, but not on Harry. No, the emerald shone even more brightly for its new brother.

Had Harry always been this beautiful? Or was it the drugs he could feel tingling in his fingers? Or perhaps it was a drug of another kind - the love he could feel practically pouring out of him and all of it aimed at the boy opposite him.

The boy who was beginning to look increasingly concerned.

Harry took a half step forwards, “Are you alright? You look… odd,”

Draco nodded distractedly and cleared his throat, “Yeah… yeah, I just, ahem - drugs. I’m not used to them,”

Harry looked faintly alarmed, “ Drugs? Wha-?”

Draco waved away his concern, “Just a little bit, don’t worry. Your eye,” Harry flushed, though with pride or bashfulness, Draco couldn’t tell, “ Your eye,” he repeated weakly.

“What do you think?”

“I think its amazing,” Draco said honestly, “ You’re amazing,” the words fell out of his mouth without his consent, but Harry didn’t look upset. He tried to suppress his smile, but Draco could see it fighting at the corner of his mouth. He licked his lips and fought to find something to say to fill the silence, “So… so the Moirai missed me,” he glanced down at the snake that had rested her heads against him and was peering adoringly up at him, “but did you?” Harry nodded at once, though his expression was quick to crumple into something faintly pained; Draco smiled, “I missed you too,”

Harry took an aborted, tripping step forwards, and Draco rushed to meet him without thinking, folding Harry into his arms and holding him tightly against his chest. There was a split second where he regretted his action - anticipation building as he expected Harry to tense in his arms. But he didn’t.

Harry sighed against him, his face pressed into his shoulder and clinging to him just as fiercely. He could feel a snake curling about his ankle and nudging up towards his knees, hissing constantly.

“What’s she saying?”

Harry chuckled against him but didn’t answer immediately. The arms around his waist squeezed him tighter for a moment, before Harry was releasing him and stepping back. He turned towards the sofa and glanced over his shoulder, clearly expecting Draco to follow him.

“She says she’s glad that you’re back,” he said, sitting down in the middle of the sofa, “because I’m happier when you’re here,”

Draco froze minutely next to him. He felt as if they were teetering on the edge of something new and that one wrong move, one wrong breath, would have them tumbling down on the wrong side of it.

“Are you? Happier when I’m here?”

Harry nodded, but didn’t elaborate, his eyes roaming Draco’s face hungrily; Draco relaxed against him, unable to help the pleased smile on his face. He glanced to the back of the sofa behind Harry, and he suddenly had a fanciful notion of casually sliding his arm around Harry’s shoulders, but he stopped himself at the last second. If Harry noticed his awkward, half movement, he didn’t say anything.

“Will you have dinner with me?” Harry asked hopefully, “If you’re not too tired, I mean,” Draco agreed readily, and Tippy was easily persuaded to furnish them with the evening’s leftovers, “So,” Harry said around a mouthful of paella, “Tell me then - how was school?”

Draco shrugged, his shoulder brushing against Harry’s, “Ah - as it always is, I suppose. I brought home all the research that I did on the Fidelius charm by the way. It’s in my trunk at the moment, but we can look over it together tomorrow if you like?”

Harry nodded eagerly, “Yes! Please - I’d like that,”

Draco hesitated, chewing slowly to give himself more time to consider what he wanted to say next, “I have something else to tell you as well,” he said slowly, swirling his fork nervously through the spaghetti in his bowl, “Something that I’m worried might upset you,” Harry only looked at him expectantly, saying nothing. Draco sighed, “I may have organised a meeting with Granger last week, and told her, the Weasleys, Longbottom and Lovegood about you,” he gestured to their surroundings, “About this,”

Harry looked suddenly grey beneath his golden tan, “Why… why would you do that?” He whispered, “You could get into so much trouble Draco. You could get hurt!”

“Because I said that I was on your side, and I meant it,” Draco said firmly, “But for that to mean anything, I need more people to be on your side as well. I’m under no illusion that I can do anything meaningful for you on my own. I need allies - you need allies. And I… I don’t want to get your hopes up. I don’t know if it will mean anything in the end but I… I had to try. They didn’t even know you were alive, Harry,” he added flatly, and Harry looked suddenly anguished, “I told them about the part of the Dark Lord’s soul that’s attached to yours as well,” he added quickly, ripping the plaster off all in one.

Harry gaped at him, shocked, “Why? Why would you-?!”

“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” Draco said quickly, dropping his bowl and fork to the coffee table with a clatter and turning bodily to face Harry, “I’m sorry, but it’s something that can’t be ignored. We need a game plan to deal with it - whether that’s finding a way to separate you from it or hiding you from anyone who might want to hurt you. They vowed to find a way to destroy the Dark Lord without hurting you - all of them did. And I told them that I wouldn’t even consider helping them to destroy the Dark Lord unless you were made safe first,” he finished vehemently.

For a long moment, Harry simply looked at him, his eyes (eyes, not eye; the thought had wonder catching his breath in his chest) bouncing between Draco’s, until he gave a surprisingly wet chuckle, “I… you’re unbelievable. You know that? You… you really mean it don’t you? When you say you’re on my side?” He shook his head slowly, “This is dangerous Draco,” he whispered, “You could die,”

“Then I’d have died for someone worth dying for,”

Harry looked away abruptly, sniffing against the tears that were threatening to spill down his cheeks, “Ah, well,” he continued, false lightness in his voice, “Talking of people being on my side: Snape, of all people, told me that he was,”

“Really?!” The word escaped him as more noise than anything else: incredulous disbelief.

Harry nodded, discreetly wiping his eyes and turning back to him, “Yeah - and they said he was telling the truth,” he nodded in the direction of the Moirai, who were dozing on an armchair, apparently exhausted by their earlier enthusiastic greeting.

“He’s playing Dumbledore and the Dark Lord both - I don’t trust him,” Draco said firmly.

Harry gave a mild hum, “Funnily enough, I think I do, you know? I mean,” he added, conceding, “he’s still a massive prick, and I wouldn’t recommend approaching him, but still. Useful to know - hmm?” Draco nodded reluctantly, watching as Harry finished what remained of his dinner and placed his empty bowl on the coffee table, “So - how did you even end up speaking to Hermione anyway? I thought she hated you,”

Expectant eyes, green and gold, turned to him.

Draco felt the truth stuck in his chest. He knew, that once he spoke it, Harry would lose the relaxed slope of his shoulders and the new lightness on his face. But… this was something that needed speaking about. Or rather, this was something that Harry should know he could speak about if he wanted to.

And so, he swallowed back the lump that was holding his voice in place, and pushed through the anxious twisting of his gut, “I… uh,” he fought the urge to break eye contact, “She found me crying in the library,” he admitted.

Harry blinked, clearly shocked and concerned, “Crying? In the library? Why on earth were you crying, Draco?”

“I… I…,” he gritted his teeth to fight back the stuttering that was threatening to take over; this shouldn’t be stuttered about like some shameful secret. The idea of Harry feeling ashamed made Draco want to scream and cry all in one. Harry shouldn’t feel ashamed, “I found a newspaper. An old one, from just after the end of the last war. It had a double page spread about all the Death Eater convictions at the time. I picked it up because it had Bellatrix’s face on the front. I uh… I found… there was a column all about Mulciber,”

Harry’s confused expression dropped immediately.

Draco kept talking, because he had to; because Harry deserved to hear it, “I… you don’t have to tell me anything,” he said firmly, “Anything at all. But I… I connected some dots in my head. About Mulciber and Macnair,” Harry looked away abruptly, and there was suddenly a snake clambering onto the sofa and pressing anxiously into his space, “I’m not going to ambush you with a load of questions or- or even speak about this again if you don’t want me to. But I want you to know that you can talk to me about them - about what I think they did to you. If you want to. Whenever. Not just now and- and not just in person as well. You can write to me about it if it’s easier. And we can speak about it as often or as little as you like. Or not at all. Is that… is that okay?”

Harry was visibly battling with himself. His hands by his side were clenching and relaxing again, though Draco imagined Harry wasn’t even aware he was doing it. His expression bounced between stoicism and the trembling of his downturned lips. Tears gathered in his eyes before spilling over his cheeks, though Draco noticed that they pooled for far longer in his false one, only to be released in one enormous droplet.

“I-,” Harry’s Adam’s apple worked up and down as he swallowed, “I don’t really remember it,” he admitted in a whisper, his eyes fixed on the coffee table, his hand mindlessly stroking Clotho’s head in his lap, “My shields - my occlumency shields. They - I was… using them to block it out,” his words came as snatches, as if every one were a battle, “To dissociate,” he said the word the way he always did: as if it belonged to a foreign language, and he had only just worked it into his vocabulary, his lips and tongue working their way around it with purpose, “I remember snatches - conversation,” he swallowed heavily, “The stone floor under my knees and… and against my face,” he sniffed and wiped abruptly at the tears on his cheeks, “I mostly remember how it made me feel. Alone. Afraid. Helpless. I think… I think the helplessness is the worst part. I’ve never felt so helpless in all my life,” Harry shook his head, “I… I don’t think I want to talk about this anymore,” he whispered.

”That’s fine,” Draco agreed, “Talking or not talking. It’s all fine,”

”Even…,” Harry’s voice turned suddenly hard, as if Draco hadn’t spoken, “even if I never escape this place. Even if I’m here for the rest of my life - before I die - I want to kill Mulciber and Macnair and Bellatrix,”

“I’ll help you,” Draco said immediately, “In any way that I can. Whether that’s killing them myself, or bringing them to you, or being with you when you do it. I’ll help. I swear it,”

Harry blinked at him, his long eyelashes threading together and becoming intermingled with his tears. They were slow to separate, and were left wet and shining, “Even your aunt?”

“Even Bellatrix. And even-,” his voice caught in his throat, “even if… if something were to happen to you. I won’t rest until they pay,”

Harry said nothing, but he didn’t need to. His eyes said it all. It would have been easy - so easy - to lean closer. To kiss Harry’s mouth and sigh against him. Harry would have accepted it he thought - welcomed it even maybe (he could see it in the way green and gold flicked down to look at his mouth and trace its shape). But he wouldn’t.

It wasn’t difficult to be satisfied with his lot in life. Friendship with Harry was all he had ever wanted in his heart of hearts - ever since he was eleven years old. He wouldn’t cheapen it by dwelling on that which was a step beyond his reach. As if friendship were the consolation prize, when it was everything. Harry was everything, and he felt like a fool for never noticing it before.

They paused in front of the room’s door when Draco made to leave for the evening.

Draco resisted the urge to bite at his lips, and asked a question, “Can I hug you again?”

Harry nodded, the ghost of a smile playing about his lips, but never reaching his eyes, “You don’t need to ask,” he said softly.

Draco didn’t hesitate, drawing the other boy into his chest and folding him in a warm embrace; he let out an amused huff, “I think you’ve gotten taller,”

Harry hummed against him, “Still not as tall as you, though,”

He left with a promise to see him in the morning.

He paused on the stairs of the floor below, staring across the hall to where he knew his uncle resided, before continuing in his journey down, down past his bedroom to the ground floor and the sitting room that he should have, by all rights, visited first. He couldn’t see anything coming before Harry ever again though.

He found his mother and father sat opposite one another talking softly, the wireless playing quietly behind them. They both looked round at his arrival and expressed their pleasure at the sight of him in their own ways. His mother let out a small joyful cry and clapped her hands together, while his father’s reaction was much more subdued, the only evidence that he was happy being the half smile that he sent in Draco’s direction.

They both stood, and Narcissa enveloped him in a warm hug, before leaning back to peer into his eyes and press a kiss to his cheek. But then… then his father, the man who would usually only stretch as far as a hand on his shoulders, wrapped Draco in his arms as well. He doubted they would tell him, but just that single action was enough to give away the state of things.

Draco had no ambitions pertaining to their family being elevated in the eyes of the Dark Lord, but he had expected that their proximity to Harry would have given them some breathing room. Or perhaps it had, but his parents were finding that they did not like the view of the new life the Dark Lord was propagating ahead of them. A world of darkness and pain.

He sat with them a while but could barely bring himself to engage in their conversation. They asked about school, he thought, and he gave the answers he had given a hundred times before: school was fine, his grades were fine, Pansy was fine. What else was there to say, when life at school was beginning to feel like a dream, increasingly far removed from the reality of the world.

It was good, he supposed, that Hogwarts could still be a shelter for children, but he was feeling less and less like a child, and school felt more and more like a mirage. A false promise that concealed the real world with a thinning veil. It felt like waiting for Christmas morning that first year he had learnt that Father Christmas was a fiction. Anticipation in his gut, but despair as well, as his last remnants of childhood were peeled away.

His mother must have noticed his melancholy mood. She sent him to bed with a palm pressed to his cheek and, “Go to bed, my love. It will all look brighter in the morning.”

It did not look brighter the next morning. In a very literal sense, everything looked significantly worse.

Stood on the staircase on the floor below the Aethonan suite, Draco stared out of the enormous window into the grounds and the torrential rain that was drowning it. The sky was filled as far as the eye could see with black, dense clouds, that smothered the sun and blended night into day. Hopefully it would just be for the day - he really would like to show Harry the grounds.

“Good morning, darling,” his mother approached from the floor below, “What’s all this?” She nodded at the bags he had dropped at his feet while he stared out of the window. Each one was full to the brim with books and rolls of parchment.

“School work,” he said with a shrug; not a lie but not the whole truth either, “Might as well get it all done while the weathers like this. Harry said he was allowed out of his rooms now - I wanted to show him the grounds, and the land beyond but,” he nodded in the direction of the window just as a flash of lightening illuminated his face, “he’ll probably have to make do with a tour of the house until this clears up,”

Narcissa came to a stop at his side, and joined him in peering out of the window, “He does look better with a bit of sun, doesn’t he?

Draco nodded his agreement, but his train of thought was interrupted by a door opening in the corridor that led on from the landing they were stood on. Rodolphus popped his head out for a moment, noticed it was them, offered an uninterested nod, then disappeared again.

“What’s going on there, then?” Draco asked in a mutter.

Her answer came just as quietly, “He’s been appointed as Harry’s bodyguard. He’s moved into that room - though without your aunt, thank goodness - and keeps an eye on all the wards that surround him. The Dark Lord wishes to avoid a repeat of Mulciber,” she finished darkly; rage stirred in Draco’s gut at the man's name, but he shoved it down, and offered only a hum in response, “Come on - I’m hungry,” and she led the rest of the way up the stairs.

Just before he opened Harry’s door though, she stopped him with a hand on his forearm, “Do you remember what we discussed before the start of term?” She asked delicately, her meaning clear from her intense eye contact.

And Draco, behaving in a way that he never would have done before Harry had become a prisoner in their home, scowled at her, and shrugged off her touch, “I do. But you’ll excuse me for ignoring you until you sort out your own affairs first,” the answer was curt and simple, and nowhere near as cutting as he could have been. He opened the door before she had the opportunity to say anything more.

Harry was sat on the sofa sipping delicately at a cup of tea, a book open in his lap and a snake curled up at his side. He glanced up at their arrival and raised his cup in greeting at the same time as three heads popped up to peer at them curiously.

Draco frowned, dropping his bags heavily by the door, “What are you reading?”

Harry rolled his eyes a little, and flashed the front of the book at the Draco, but the action was too quick for him to read anything, “Required reading,” Harry nodded towards his mother, “Apparently, if you’re doing schoolwork, then so am I,” he said mildly, “Rodolphus and Bellatrix have let me off training until you go back to Hogwarts. Snape will be taking over the bulk of my education in September, but I imagine that they’ll still be teaching me combat and such like,”

Draco dropped heavily on the other side of the snake, and leant forwards for his own cup of tea, while his mother took her place in an armchair, “Why are you getting a break?” He asked, confused, “Not that I’m complaining - I’m glad we can enjoy the summer together,”

Harry glanced at Narcissa, and spoke lightly, “I imagine that you are the proverbial carrot to encourage me to be happy with my lot,”

Draco flinched involuntarily at the comment. Had Bellatrix been having conversations about sticks and carrots with Harry as well?

Narcissa glossed over the comment, however, “What are you catching up on this morning then?”

“Notice-me-not-charms,” he said with a shrug, closing the book carefully and placing it on the coffee table, “You made them sound like something that could come in handy,”

Narcissa nodded, “Oh yes - it certainly did for me when it came to disguising my pregnancy all the way up until I was just about to pop!”

“Why would you do that?” Draco asked curiously.

She shrugged, sipping delicately at her own teacup, “It was a dangerous time, and your father had many enemies. I did not wish to appear as a target,”

Their conversation over breakfast was almost painfully light, and Draco was more than pleased when his mother finally clapped her hands together, and told them to work hard, before sliding her heels back on her feet and leaving them alone.

There was a brief silence when the door closed behind her, where they simply looked at one another, and Draco wondered if his feelings were written all over his face. They must have been for Lovegood to have worked it out in only one meeting. He could practically feel them projecting themselves all over his skin like a golden tan all of his own.

Their eye contact was interrupted by the Moirai landing on the floor with a soft thud and meandering her way to the armchair that Narcissa had vacated and curling up in it, tipping the chair’s small cushion over to cover her heads and block out the lights while she snoozed.

Draco cleared his throat, “Do you want to take a look at the work I’ve done on the Fidelius charm?”

Harry nodded eagerly, and then gaped in disbelief as Draco pulled out roll after roll of parchment from his bag, “This must have been so much work, Draco!”

Draco shrugged though, “A bit, yeah,” he handed them over, “The top parchment is the more superficial information, and it gets more technical the further you read. I didn’t want us to end up missing something that you needed,” he explained, trying not to flush in embarrassment at his own eagerness.

Harry nodded distractedly and began to read immediately. It took a moment for Draco to realise that they wouldn’t be speaking again for however long it took Harry to read everything, and so he busied himself with his own schoolwork. He didn’t manage much more than an introductory paragraph for his Transfiguration homework before Harry was calling his name though.

He looked up, and found Harry staring down at only the first roll of parchment, his finger tracing Draco’s penmanship, “Yes?”

Harry licked his lips a little, “Before… do you remember what you said? That my parents had put their trust in the wrong soul. What did you mean by that?”

Shame stirred in Draco’s gut at the memory, “Oh, uh… that they had put their faith in the wrong person I suppose? Why?”

Harry opened his mouth, and began to speak, and it took Draco a moment to realise that he was reading what Draco himself had written, “‘The Fidelius charm works by the magical concealment of a secret, whether that be a place, a person, or an item, within the soul of a trusted individual: the Secret Keeper. This secret can only then be divulged by the Secret Keeper (whether verbally or in writing or by other means of direct communication) and cannot be spread further by those included in the secret.’ Does it mean it literally? That the secret is held in someone’s soul?”

Draco nodded slowly, understanding unfurling within him, and he said softly, “Yes. Yes, it means it literally. It’s part of what makes it such a difficult charm,”

“And what if someone’s soul is split into pieces?” Harry turned his eyes to Draco’s, “And what if one of those pieces resides in someone else?”

Draco swallowed, and tried for a moment to approach the subject from an academic point of view rather than the emotional one he could feel roiling under the surface of his skin, “If I didn’t know, what I know, I’d say that that was a very specific scenario. But what I think you’re trying to ask me, is ‘would that make the other person the secret keeper as well?’. Then yes. I think that it would,”

Harry closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath, “I’m the secret keeper as well,” he whispered, “That’s why… why when everyone was exclaiming about the house suddenly disappearing, I could still see it,” his eyes sprang open, “But what does this mean? Practically, I mean. What can we do with this information?”

Draco frowned and wracked his brains, “Well… there are other wards to consider as well. The Fidelius charm isn’t the house’s only protection. The wards extend beyond the house, and stretch to the very edge of the property, and can only be altered by my father and I. So… so even if someone knew the secret, they would still need to cross the other wards first,”

“How do the Death Eaters get in?” Harry asked seriously.

“The dark mark,” Draco said simply, “Father keyed the wards so that they will admit anyone bearing the dark mark,”

“So… so the only people who can get passed the wards are Death Eaters,” Harry said, wilting a little.

Draco nodded reluctantly, “And out, without being keyed in individually by my father. Harry I… I hate to say this. But I’m not sure this information is going to help us. Not right now,”

Harry sighed, staring out at the miserable weather beyond; he turned side along to look at Draco, “No, I don’t think so either. But it might come in handy one day,” he frowned a little, peering over his own shoulder at the cold fireplace, “We should probably test it really - we could be wrong,”

“How would we do that?”

Harry shrugged, still staring at the fireplace, “No idea,” he said mildly. He said nothing more and continued to stare into the cold grate and at the blackened logs within.

Draco glanced between Harry and the fireplace, “What is it?” He asked cautiously.

Harry hesitated a moment, “Your mother. Months and months ago now, she was telling me all about this room. She started telling me about its hidden secrets and almost started talking about this fireplace but stopped herself. Any idea why?”

Draco shook his head slowly, “As far as I know, it’s just a fireplace. There’s only one that’s ever been on the floo network, and it was disconnected with the wards when the Dark Lord started living here. This is just a fireplace as far as I’m aware,”

Harry gave a noncommittal hum, and sat back in his seat; he glanced down at the rest of the parchment in his lap, “What’s the rest of all of this then?”

Draco snorted, “Basically everything there is to know about the Fidelius charm,”

Harry sighed, “Better keep at it then,”

By the time Harry popped his head up and stretched his arms above his head, Draco had completed his Transfiguration essay and was rolling it up neatly.

“This must have been so much work Draco - really, thank you. I appreciate it more than you know,”

Draco offered him a small smile, “It’s nothing. It’s just a shame I didn’t use my brain to realise the significance of you carrying a slither of his soul. Could have saved myself a lot of time,” Harry gave an amused hum, “Granger has a theory, you know,” he started slowly, working the roll of parchment between his hands, “Though I suppose that it’s the she-Weasley’s theory as well. They think that the Dark Lord has split his soul before, but deliberately, and put the fragment in his diary,”

Understanding appeared immediately on Harry’s face, “The diary that possessed Ginny,” Draco nodded, and Harry bit his lip, “I guess that makes sense,” he muttered, “What kind of magic is that?”

“The exceptionally dark kind I expect. I sincerely doubt that there’s anything at Hogwarts about it - Dumbledore would have removed it. There might have been something about it in the house library once upon a time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ministry had confiscated it on one of their raids. We can look still, though,”

“I don’t suppose your father would have thought such a book worth concealing from them either,” Harry said dryly, “I don’t imagine such a book is worth a lot of money,”

“No,” Draco agreed simply; hopelessness pressed in on him, and he sighed, “I… I think… I’m sorry Harry, but I need to make sure that you know that saving you from… from all of this,” he gulped a little, “It could take us years,”

Harry only nodded though, not looking at all surprised, “I know,” he smiled weakly, “I understand if you don’t want to commit so much time to this - it would be easier and safer to just run away,”

No,” Draco said vehemently, “That’s not what I’m saying. That’s not what I’m saying, at all. I’m more than prepared to go the distance. I’m telling you this because I… I want to make sure that you’re prepared as well,”

Harry sighed and rubbed at his face, “Well,” he said simply, “If you can go the distance, than so can I,”

Draco nodded but said nothing.

He would go the distance, no matter where that led them.


Draco basically has heart eyes bless him.

Chapter 23: Draco: The Rising Sun


The rain was near constant for the first ten days of the school holidays.


Just a heads up that after next weeks update, I’ll probably have a short break from posting - maybe two weeks? Time to do some much needed re-plotting and forward planning etc
Anyway, enjoy :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The rain was near constant for the first ten days of the school holidays.

After spending three of them cooped up inside working studiously through the mountain of work they had each been assigned, on the fourth day, Harry looked a little like he might cry if he spent another day scratching at a roll of parchment with a quill.

He stared miserably out into the grounds, his arms crossed on top of the windowsill while Draco attempted to start his potions essay. Harry had sighed no less than six times before Draco spoke up.

“What’s the matter?”

Harry peered sheepishly over his shoulder at Draco’s resigned tone, “I wanted to see the grounds with you,” he admitted, dropping his eyes to the snake that had wound her way demandingly in between his arms, “I’ve only ever seen the grass in front of the rose gardens. Rodolphus never takes me anywhere else. I want to see the rest of it: you made it sound amazing,” he added wistfully, staring out into the dreary outdoors and scratching under Clotho’s chin.

Draco glanced down to the parchment in his lap, bare but for the title that he had written neatly at its top. If they worked just another day, he’d be very nearly done with all of his schoolwork already. But then his eyes found the slight downturn to Harry’s lips and the wistful glaze over his eyes, and his decision was made for him.

Harry looked over at the sound of him rolling his parchment up and replacing the lid on his ink pot.

“Well - it can’t rain the entire summer, I’m sure. Did you want to have the tour of the house while it still is though?” The effect was immediate. He could practically see Harry’s ears perk up with interest as he turned away from the dreary view outside, “Only the east wing, mind. The west wing is mostly for guests anyway - we’ve never really lived in it,”

“I’ve seen the conservatory - what else is over there?”

Draco shrugged, standing with a stretch, “Mostly rooms for entertaining guests or doing business. My father has a study and a sitting room and a bar. There’s a long gallery as well, and that leads onto the grand ball room. Upstairs is bedrooms mostly and some other parlours and the such like,”

“You have a ballroom,” Harry said, an incredulous grin creeping onto his face.

“We have two,” Draco corrected with false modesty, “There’s a smaller one for more intimate functions in the east wing,”

“Of course, you f*cking do, you pompous git,” Harry said with a roll of his eyes, “Come on then - we better get started. I expect the proper tour, you know?” He said meaningfully, and he was suddenly ducking closer and resting his hand in the crook of Draco’s elbow as if it were the most natural thing in the world; he pulled him towards the door, “The one you’d give the minister for magic when he came to visit,”

Draco frowned at him, momentarily distracted from the racing of his heart in his chest, “How did you know about that? Did mother tell you?” But Harry only smiled, and admitted to nothing, “Isn’t she coming?” He nodded towards the snake that had quickly stolen the warmth of his now vacated seat.

Harry wrinkled his nose and shook his head, “She’ll get bored. She’d much rather snooze. She’ll come with us when we go outside though,”

Draco shrugged and didn’t argue; he wasn’t convinced that Harry himself wouldn’t get bored if he were honest.

It felt alien to cross the room’s threshold with Harry in tow; akin to spotting a Hogwarts professor in Diagon Alley outside of term time, only with a dash of anxiety. He half expected the Dark Lord to leap out of the walls themselves and condemn them both for stepping foot beyond the Aethonan suite. It was only Harry’s untroubled demeanour that kept Draco calm.

“So, are these relatives of yours?” Harry asked curiously, eyeing the portraits on either side of the hallway.

“Yes,” Draco answered, not missing how his great-great grandmother looked to their joined arms and raised an amused eyebrow, “Through blood or marriage - we can start in the family dining room, if you like? It has the family tree in it,”

Harry hmm’ed with interest as they descended the staircase, “There’s one of those at Sirius’s house - a tapestry. Is it like that?”

“Sort of, only make it more Malfoy,” Draco said, his tone self-deprecating.

Harry grinned over his shoulder, “So unnecessarily ostentatious, you mean?”

Draco chuckled, and opened his mouth to respond, but his answer died on his lips at an unexpected interruption.

“Where are you going?” Rodolphus had appeared suddenly on the landing below them, his dark eyes narrowed and steely.

Draco straightened instinctively, a cool mask sliding into place, but he needn’t have bothered. Ahead of him, Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, “We’re just investigating the house - is that acceptable? The Dark Lord did say I could leave my room with an escort,”

Rodolphus did not seem impressed, his gaze darting between Harry and Draco and their joined arms, “And what are you expecting a boy barely of age to do?” Rodolphus near growled, “Run to his mummy and ask for help? Or is he banking on any potential threats being inebriated to the point of unconsciousness like Mulciber was?”

Harry flinched, and Draco felt his teeth baring of their own accord, “We’re not leaving the east wing,” he said coldly, “which, I’m led to believe, is warded against unwanted visitors. In which case, your own wife will be the only threat to Harry’s wellbeing, and I was under the impression that the Dark Lord had persuaded her to see the error of her ways. Though, I suppose I would never have described Bellatrix as a fast learner,”

If Rodolphus was offended on his wife’s behalf, he gave no indication to suggest so, “And you think you could take her on, do you?” He said with a huffing laugh, “She’d eat you alive, boy,”

Harry interrupted before they could argue further, pulling Draco along behind him to the landing, “I’m sure Draco and I could make enough noise so that you know we need you to come play hero, Roddie, don’t you worry,” Rodolphus practically growled when Harry lifted a hand to give his shoulder a mocking tap, “Or do you not think your old legs could get you there in time?”

He half expected the man to snap his teeth at Harry, but he only scowled and barked, “Stick to the house. Do not go into the grounds without me, do you understand Potter?”

Harry waved away his concerns as they descended further, “Yeah, yeah, whatever,”

As they came to the landing below, Draco peered up and over his shoulder. He found Rodolphus watching them intently - no. Not them. Harry. His eyes were fixed on his head in a way that had the hairs on the back of Draco’s neck standing on end. They flicked to Draco, and he scowled, before disappearing.

“That was strange,” Draco muttered to himself.

Harry answered him flippantly, “Eh, Rodolphus is fine. Just paranoid,”

Harry stepped through into the family dining room, a small gasp escaping him as the chandelier burst into life, golden light illuminating the previously gloomy room, “‘More Malfoy’ - right, got it,” and his hand slipped from Draco’s elbow as he wandered towards the nearest wall and the genealogy inscribed upon it.

Draco followed a few paces behind him, finding himself unable to look away.

Harry reached out a hand to trail his fingers across the wall, and Draco could just about see his eyes following the path of his hand. His hand. Oh, his fingers. Had they always been this beautiful? Delicate and strong in equal measure. In his mind's eye he could see them closing around a snitch and snatching it from the air. Or curling around his wand and preparing to defend himself. If it was up to Draco, he’d never have to defend himself again. If it was up to Draco, he’d be safe and content for the rest of his life.

But it wasn’t up to Draco.

He had just been beginning to make himself feel sad, when Harry stopped abruptly, “I’m not on here,” he said curiously, his hand dropping down by his side, “Neither’s my mother,”

Draco didn’t need to look to know the truth of the matter, “It’s enchanted - other families have to inscribe their family trees themselves, but not us. It does it itself. But it doesn’t recognise marriages to muggles, or muggleborns,” he admitted, “and doesn’t show the product of such unions,”

Harry snorted and shook his head, “I don’t know why I’m surprised,” though he sounded less upset than Draco had expected.

“It doesn’t display children who are born as squibbs either,” Draco added.

Harry grimaced, and peered over his shoulder, “Do I want to know what the Malfoy family did with the children that didn’t appear on this family tree?”

Draco winced and shook his head, “No, you don’t,”

Harry nodded and turned back to the wall, his golden eye glinting in the light as it darted about, “The Black family tree is nothing like this - it's just a tapestry stuck to the wall,” he paused, “And it's covered in blast marks where members have been disowned for one reason or another,”

Draco took an involuntary step forward, feeling almost as if there were magnets drawing them together, “Father would never allow such a thing,” he might have been imagining it, but it felt as if Harry had relaxed back into him, though a slither of air still remained between them.

“Even with blood traitors?”

Draco nodded, “He always said that doing so would draw unnecessary attention to them, and that it was better to allow their names to fade into obscurity as simple, genetic dead ends,”

“How do you know that?” Harry asked curiously, turning slightly so that his shoulder brushed against Draco’s chest, “Sounds like an odd topic of conversation - though, actually, what am I saying?” he snorted a little and shook his head, “It sounds like exactly the kind of thing your father would lecture you about,”

Draco rolled his eyes, “I know it's hard to believe it, but my parents didn’t spend my entire childhood lecturing me about blood traitors and mud- muggleborns,” he didn’t miss the way that Harry’s lips twitched in pleasure at his last second word change, “At least ten percent of it was spent learning about why Malfoy’s are just better than everyone else,”

Harry let out a surprised laugh and grinned at him, “Oh f*ck off,” he chortled.

Draco smiled back at him, wide and fond, “I actually asked him about it,” he said, answering Harry’s earlier question; he pointed across the room to where ‘Andromeda Black’ was written, “I wanted to know why my mother’s sister’s name was still there when she’d gone and married a muggleborn, and that’s what he told me,”

“Are there others on here?” Harry peered about curiously, as if something would jump out at him, “Others who were disowned but the story of why has been lost to time?”

Draco hesitated for a moment, wondering if the story was too close to home, before nudging Harry further along the wall and pointing to names just above his head, “They were,”

Harry tilted his head to the side, “Emilia Potter and Secundus Malfoy,” he read slowly, his eyes flicking between them, “Why were they disowned? And,” he frowned a little, “why are their names connected in red?”

“They were bound by blood - it’s old contract magic. Ensures the absolute loyalty of the bonded - depending on the vows they make,” he gestured to the other line of red on the walls, “The Malfoy family used to marry off most of the daughters by blood bond - especially if they were marrying into another powerful family. Mother says that it ensured that the other family remained loyal to the Malfoy’s through the generations, but Father said it was a misconception, and that the fealty only existed for the bonded,”

“Why were they disowned then?” Harry said with a confused frown.

“Because they did it in both directions,” Draco pointed to the nearest other blood bonded couple (Venus Malfoy to Jacob Longbottom), “So they tied the loyalty of the Malfoy’s to the Potter’s as well, including, theoretically, every house that had ever sworn fealty to the Malfoy’s through blood. I’d say the fact that they were expelled from the family lends weight to my mother’s perspective on blood bonds, wouldn’t you?”

Harry gave a noncommittal hum, “I can see why that didn’t go down well,” he mused; he paused, “There’s no date of death. Why?”

“Father said they ran away,” Draco said with a shrug, resisting the urge to run his knuckles along the back of Harry’s arm, “Disappeared into obscurity - changed their names and severed their family ties so that the family tree disconnected them. They did die, obviously - they have to have done - the tree just won’t have realised it,”

“Why would they do that?”

Draco pointed to the name slightly above their’s on the tree, “Primus Malfoy. The eldest son. The marriage threatened his right to inherit, so he put an enormous price on their heads. On the black market and in secret, of course,” he added, “and then ploughed a load of gold into the ministry to get them to near condemn the practice of blood bonding,”

“Is it illegal then, now?” Harry asked quizzically.

Draco snorted, “No - just discouraged. Primus wouldn’t have wanted a practice that Malfoy’s were famous for to be quite so openly vilified,”

“Makes sense,” Harry muttered, “So they didn’t have children then?”

Draco shook his head, “No,”

Harry shrugged a little, “Or none with magic, rather,”

Draco paused. That had never occurred to him before. He chose not to comment.

“Do you want to see the sitting room?”

Harry wandered around the sitting room with interest, running his finger along the side tables and across the back of the sofas and armchairs and along the mantel piece as well. It was almost as if he were absorbing something of the room’s essence through the contact. He paused in the middle of the room, his eyes darting between the chairs. What was he doing, Draco wondered? What was it that Harry was seeing that he wasn’t sharing?

Harry briefly seated himself in his father’s favourite chair, his hands flexing on its wooden arms. He was quick to wrinkle his nose and stand, turning to investigate the pale globe that sat in the corner of the room instead. He spun it, watching as it twirled about freely, and he chuckled.

“I’d have expected this to contain alcohol,” he admitted with a wry grin over his shoulder.

Draco raised his eyebrows and stepped closer. He stopped the spinning globe with his palm and turned it until Wiltshire was positioned precisely at the globes very top. The silver screw at the apex flashed gold, and Draco twisted the globe’s supporting struts right, then lifted carefully to reveal the collection of bottles within.

“Ah,” Harry said slowly, reluctantly impressed, “I spoke too soon,”

Draco chuckled, and flipped the lid closed again, “No point taking any,” he explained shrewdly, “My father has it enchanted to alert him if I do,”

“Fond of stealing alcohol from your father, are you?” Harry said mildly.

Draco snorted, “Not since he caught me the first time,”

“I bet that went down well,”

“No, it didn’t,” Draco said dryly.

“Do you spend much time in here then? Or rather,” Harry paused, correcting himself, “Did you spend a lot of time in here, before you started spending so much time with me?”

Draco shrugged, twirling the globe and watching it spin, “Sometimes - mostly when I was very little and wanted to spend all of my time with my parents. As I got older, I spent more time in my room. This is mostly where my parents sit together in the evenings, if they’re not in their own suite,” he hesitated, “I think… the older and more distant I’ve gotten, the more time they’ve spent here,”

“Hoping that you’d join them?” Harry guessed.

“Probably,” Draco agreed, feeling a flash of guilt, “I haven’t spent much time with the two of them together for a few years now. Since the Dark Lord moved in basically which was…,” he let out a puff of air, nodding slowly, “years ago,” he shook his head in disbelief, “I can’t believe it's been years,”

“I’ve been here for one now, remember,” Harry pointed out, turning suddenly somber, “Who knew so much could change so quickly, hmm?” He turned and wandered away from the globe and towards the french doors and the enormous windows along the walls; he scowled at the sight of the dreary weather beyond and the enormous puddles on the patio.

Draco felt himself compelled to follow; he attempted to redirect the conversation, but the only way he found to steer it was towards a different but equally upsetting topic, “Where did you spent time when you were with your relatives then? I presume not with them,”

Harry scoffed, coming to a stop with his hands in his pockets and his nose nearly touching the cold glass, “Defiantly not,” he muttered, “They didn’t want me anywhere near them really. Spent a lot of time locked in my cupboard, then a lot of time locked in my room, and then a lot of time wandering around the estate trying to find something to do with myself,”

“You locked yourself in your cupboard?” He found himself half tripping over the sentence - it was one he had never envisioned himself saying. He came to a stop beside Harry and tried to keep his gaze fixed on the garden outside but found his eyes staring at Harry’s reflection instead.

“No. They locked me in it – and my bedroom too,”

It was a struggle not to start cursing things, “That’s despicable,” he growled lowly, “Just… just f*cking awful. I’m surprised you don’t want to kill them as well… I’d want to kill them…,”

“My aunt and uncle, they’re… they’re…,” Harry shook his head and grimaced, “I think they’re the line,” he admitted quietly, “If I start wanting to kill them then where do I stop? How much does someone have to have wronged me, for me to decide that their death is the only acceptable answer? Where I’d want to-,” his voice suddenly disappeared in a pained gasp.

Draco looked at him sharply but realised quickly that Harry’s pain existed only within himself by his twisting expression and the way he clutched at his chest. He swallowed heavily, “What is it?”

Harry let out a shuddering breath, “Just… just thinking about Wormtail,” he murmured, “Wondering if I’ve already crossed that line…,”

Draco licked his lips nervously, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Harry shook his head, “Not right now. Tell me about your parent’s suite,”

Draco took a moment to gather his thoughts with the sudden change in direction of their conversation, “Urgh, it’s a little like yours I suppose, but not as large. They certainly don’t have an entire library or a harpsichord in there,” he added dryly.

“A mostly useless library,” Harry scoffed, “Except for this,” he pointed to his golden eye, “And the harpsichord is useless too - I can’t even play it! Do you have other instruments in the house?”

Draco nodded, “Yes - we have a music room in fact,”

Harry turned immediately interested, and leant away from the cold glass, “Show me,” he near demanded in his eagerness.

“We’ve not finished exploring the downstairs yet,” Draco pointed out with a knowing grin, “There’s another sitting room as well - and a library and a few parlours,”

Harry waved him away though, “Show me the music room,” he reached forwards and took Draco’s arm in between both of his hands, and Draco was gone, “Please?” How could he refuse?

The first floor of the east wing was taken up almost entirely by the ballroom and the sitting rooms that surrounded it. His mother had been fond, once upon a time, of using it to host her many society friends, when using the grand ballroom with its long gallery in the west wing would have been excessive. Towards its back, through a door hidden in the left-hand corner atop a shallow stage, was the music room.

They lingered a while in the ballroom, Harry spinning in its centre and staring up at the art that had been painted directly onto the ceiling. The lack of windows in the room was disguised by the enormous, grand mirrors that hung on every wall, reflecting the light above and giving the illusion that the hall was near twice its actual size.

Harry wasn’t distracted for long, “Where’s this music room then?” He said, impatient and teasing, the dreary world outside, and the reality of his situation forgotten for the moment. Draco tried to forget as well.

He risked it, reaching forwards to catch Harry’s hand in his and pulling him along towards the back of the hall. He couldn’t help but to glance over his shoulder, and found Harry watching him through wide eyes, his expression indecipherable. He didn’t try to pull away though; rather, he rearranged their hands so that their fingers slotted together.

Harry dropped his hand mindlessly though once they were in the room, so that he could freely wander about to inspect the rooms contents. Draco took a seat on the piano bench and watched him as he paused periodically to carefully pluck strings and press keys. He lingered over the harp, his fingers trailing carefully along its carved wood and cat gut strings. He turned a smile to Draco. His eyes flashed with interest at the sight of the grand piano that Draco was sat at, and he approached with something like wonder on his face.

He pressed a careful finger down on the piano’s lowest note and his eyes pinned Draco in placed, “Teach me?” He said, his expression hopeful and faintly excited.

Draco smiled, and nodded immediately, his heart clenching in his chest, “Of course,”


He was so gone for the other boy and his blazing eyes and golden skin and wild hair. How had he ever been able to deny it to himself? How long had he been denying it to himself? It would explain a lot about school if he’d secretly been in love with the other boy this entire time. No wonder he was so angry when Harry had turned down his friendship in first year. No wonder he had been so envious of all the attention that Harry had ever received. No - not envious. Jealous. It all made so much more sense when he viewed their enmity through the lens of a boy too immature to cope with the fact that the boy he loved, didn’t love him.

He wasn’t that boy now though. He could cope with never being more than Harry’s friend. Maybe that meant he was becoming a man now?

Harry took to the piano surprisingly quickly. Once he had learnt a simple tune, the melody with one hand and the accompanying chords with the other, he had put them together with ease.

“It’s probably all this training I’ve been doing,” Harry explained casually when Draco pointed it out, his eyes tracking the movement of his hands; he occasionally hit the wrong note, the muscle memory for the keys not quite there yet, but he was never off rhythm, “It’s a bit like dual casting, I suppose. Having to focus simultaneously on two things - only this is two different rhythms rather than two different spells. If anything, I think this is easier,”

“How is training?” Draco asked with interest, pretending that his heart wasn’t racing in his chest.

“Surprisingly fulfilling,” Harry admitted ruefully, “More fulfilling than anything we’ve ever done at school really - except perhaps Defence Against the Dark Arts with Remus or not-Moody,” he said with a sigh, his hands faltering for a moment before he resumed playing, “I wonder what Snape is going to teach me,” he mused, “More combat do you think? I keep thinking about what he said to me - after the Dark Lord took me down to the cellars. About being on my side. He didn’t expand, and he won’t answer questions about it now either. What do you think he meant?”

Draco swallowed nervously, “I don’t know what he meant,” he admitted, stealing himself for the next question he knew he had to ask, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about what happened in the cellar?”

Harry’s fingers stilled, and he spoke even as he shook his head in the negative, “It was horrific,” he muttered, staring down at his fingers; he gave a trembling sigh, “and it was as easy as breathing,” he dropped his hands into his lap, and looked into his palms, “I’m not the person I was before, am I?”

Draco struggled to find something to say, and so said the only thing that felt true, “I don’t think either of us are.”

While the rain drizzled on, Draco and Harry occupied themselves with exploring the house. They wandered from the library to the music room to the sitting room and back. They enjoyed breakfast with his mother, and lunch with her occasionally too. Draco pretended not to see the way that she watched them - keen and suspicious. Did she see what he saw? Harry staring across the dining room table at him, a soft flush breaking through his rapidly fading tan. Draco had asked him about it.

Harry had shrugged, “I’ve always tanned quickly - but it fades just as easily as well,” and Draco had found himself even more fascinated, watching as golden brown softened closer and closer to a complexion that more resembled his own. He was desperate for the rain to stop, just so he could watch that sun kissed look return in real time.

They hadn’t seen his father even once on their outings. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was by design, or if his father was truly that busy. He was glad in a way though. His mother had been kind enough to keep her mouth shut about whatever it was that was growing slowly but surely between them. His father would not be so accommodating, he was sure. He could imagine it now: his father reeling back in horror and hissing an urgent command in his ear to get himself under control.

His father had once commented that Draco seemed unusually preoccupied with Harry, back when they had been enemies and life had been normal. Perhaps Draco wasn’t the only one who had been in denial for all these years.

They may have not seen his father, but they did see Snape on Saturday morning as usual.

For a man who had claimed to be on Harry’s side, he maintained a positively frosty demeanour, glaring at Harry and Draco both in turn. Harry had just shrugged, and said, “Just because he’s on my side, doesn’t mean he’s not still a total twat,” and Draco had not argued to the contrary, “And besides,” Harry had added, “I imagine you being here doesn’t help. I don’t suppose he trusts you any more than you trust him,”

Draco had shifted uncomfortably, “But you… you trust me, right?” He’d asked anxiously.

“Yes,” Harry had answered very seriously, “Yes, I do. More than anyone,” and Draco had been placated.

On the eleventh day of the holidays, the rain finally abated, and the sun made an appearance. High in the sky and blazing brilliantly and bouncing off the puddles in the grass, making it appear as if the grounds were covered in mismatched mirrors. Harry had practically pressed himself up against the window in his eagerness, then he’d wilted.

“That’s a lot of puddles,” he’d muttered.

Draco had peered over his shoulder, and hummed his agreement, “It is - but don’t worry. The ground’s drainage is excellent. With the sun, it should only take a few days to dry out,” and if it hadn’t, Draco would head out with the house-elves in tow himself and set about banishing the pooling water if it would make Harry smile.

They day before Harry’s birthday, the grounds were still significantly waterlogged, and unless they wanted to pull on wellies up to their knees, Draco knew from experience that there would be no venturing out beyond the hedges that surrounded the gardens.

Harry sighed sadly, the Moirai coiled around his shoulders, “I thought maybe it would clear up by my birthday,” he said miserably; he squinted up at the blazing sun in the sky, “Come on stupid sun!”

“It will by tomorrow,” Draco assured him, joining him at the windowsill, “Trust me. The sun is hotter today. It’ll be gone by the morning, you’ll see,” he glanced over to the other boy, and realised something with a jolt, “Are you growing a beard?” He asked incredulously.

Harry offered him a sly grin, “I wondered how long it would take you to notice,”

“When did you stop shaving?”

Harry shrugged, “Couple of days ago,”

“Why?” Draco asked, the question coming out dumb and blunt.

“Well…,” Harry said slowly, “I figured that, as I can leave the suite now, you might take me somewhere else to teach me to use a straight razor again,”

Draco felt a pleased smile threatening on his lips, “And when were you going to tell me this? Or were you just waiting for me to notice the fuzz,” he reached out to take a playful swipe at Harry’s cheeks.

He expected Harry to duck out of the way of his hand, but he didn’t. Instead, he pressed his cheek briefly into his palm, and Draco found himself pinned in place by green and gold eyes. His heart fluttered in his chest, and its pace became near frantic at the sweet smile on Harry’s face.

“I was going to tell you tomorrow,” Harry admitted, pulling his face from Draco’s palm with reluctance, “Thought you’d teach me for my birthday,” he hesitated, “You still haven’t shown me your bedroom,”

Draco’s heartbeat became a furious pounding. Harry. In his room. The thought had his mouth turning dry and his ears ringing. He swallowed, or he tried to, “Yeah,” he cleared his throat, his voice having come out hoarse and breathy, “Yeah, okay. If you like,”

They left the Moirai behind, and Rodolphus didn’t even make a show of popping his head out of his bedroom door.

“So, this is your room,” Harry said with interest, spinning on the spot as he took in the four walls of the room that Draco called his, but that he had barely spent any time in over the last year; he paused to inspect one of the few posters that Draco had decorated the space with. He had never been one for intense personalisation - his trunk remained unadorned, and his bed at Hogwarts was as generic as any first years, especially when compared to his dorm mates.

“The bathroom’s through here,” Draco inclined his head towards the door to his en suite, and Harry followed him obediently.

Harry’s hand on his cheek was sure and steady, and he didn’t cut himself anywhere near as much as Draco had when he’d learnt to do this. Draco tried to forget that that was mostly likely because Rodolphus had been training him with a blade for weeks before the school holidays. Still, any cuts that he did obtain, Draco was quick to heal in the razor’s wake. He wouldn’t have Harry bleeding in his presence if he could help it.

It wasn’t until Harry had put the razor down and spun to face Draco, a smug, bright smile on his freshly shaven face, that Draco noticed the glint of gold about his neck.

He frowned quizzically, and reached for his throat, “What’s this?” He pretended not to feel as Harry shuddered faintly under the brush of his fingers. He found a chain - thin and gold - and hanging around it something that took him a few seconds to recognise, “Is this…?” Secured in a gold setting, the peridot that Draco had stolen months and months ago stared up at him, “Is this the peridot?” A stupid question - he knew the answer.

Harry’s nod was jerky and his answer breathy, “Yeah,”

Draco could hardly look away from the little green stone in between his fingers, but when he did, he found his eyes fixed on Harry’s mouth.


He swallowed, and let the stone fall, “You didn’t want to use it in your eye?”

Harry gave a half shake of his head, “I wanted to keep it with me,” and Draco could have kissed him there and then.

But he didn’t. Instead, he nodded, smiled, and took a careful step back, “Good,” Harry watched him intently, “That’s… that’s good. I like it,” Harry said nothing, “Did you want some aftershave? I think I have some in my trunk,” it wasn’t a lie, but he had only said it so that he could escape the small room that they were boxed in together.

He was halfway across the room, when he realised, he could hear fast footsteps behind him. He turned, and Harry was suddenly there, stepping into his space and pressing their lips together.

A surprised noise escaped him, but Draco had been so keyed up to kiss Harry already that he returned the kiss without thinking, his mind suddenly wiped clean of all sensible thought. He felt fingers winding their way cautiously into the front of his shirt and pulling him closer. Harry’s breath came as a warm puff through his nose where it was pressed against Draco’s cheek. He pulled back the smallest amount, and the drag of their lips together as they separated had the hairs on the back of Draco’s neck standing on end.

He expected Harry to pull away, but he didn’t.

Instead, he pushed closer, brushing their lips together in chaste kisses again and again, building in heat with every touch that was initiated and then broken only for them to come together once more. The soap that remained on Harry’s face smeared against Draco’s, but he paid it no mind, the whole of his being focussed on every part of his face and body that was touching Harry’s.

Draco’s hands trembled as he wound an arm around Harry’s shoulders to pull him closer into his chest. His free hand stroked at the angle of Harry’s newly smooth jaw, cradling his face and holding them together.

f*ck. f*ck. He smelt so good - he felt so good. This was amazing - it was everything he’d been telling himself he couldn’t have. f*ck.

As one, their lips parted and their tongues brushed just the smallest amount, but it was this that broke the enchantment that held them together.

Harry froze, then separated their mouths abruptly. He blinked up at Draco, panting softly. Draco stared back, the hand that had been cradling Harry’s jaw falling slowly until it was hanging down by his side.

“I…,” the word, desperate and fearful, hung between them, a question and statement both.

Draco swallowed heavily, “It’s okay,” he whispered, soothing and calm, “It’s okay, Harry. It’s okay,”

Harry’s lips trembled, “None of this is okay,” he whimpered, his eyes suddenly wide and flicking about the room, “None of this will ever be okay,”

“No,” he agreed, “but this is, if you want it to be,”

Harry’s eyes snapped back to him, and he finally seemed to realise that his hands were fisted in Draco’s shirt. He didn’t release his grip; he simply looked at his hands, “I think… I think I like boys,” he whispered.

“I think you do, too” Draco agreed carefully, feeling increasingly in over his head.

“I… I don’t like girls?” he sounded unsure even to Draco’s ears.

“You can like both,” Draco risked rubbing his hand gently up and down Harry’s back; what was he meant to do? Was he doing the right thing? Should he apologise? He wasn’t sorry though - and Harry had kissed him first - had marched right across his bedroom just to do so, in fact.

“Why… why did you kiss me?” Harry whispered to his hands.

“I like you,” Draco answered simply with a half shrug, “Why did you kiss me?”

“Because…,” Harry peered up at him, some of the fear gone from his eyes, “Because I like you,” he admitted, “I… I…,” he gave a single laugh, “I like you,”

“You don’t have to sound quite so surprised about it,” Draco commented mildly, still rubbing his back, “I can be quite likeable, I’ll have you know,”

Harry nearly grinned up at him, but his expression collapsed into something agonised, “Is… is this real?”

Draco frowned in confusion, “What?”

“Is this real? I know… I know you were only my friend because the Dark Lord asked you to be but… but is this-?”

“No- no,” Draco interrupted him, “No. This is real. I’m your friend for real, and this is real too. This is real,” he pulled Harry fiercely in his chest, winding his arms around his back, “All of it is real – never doubt that,” Harry buried his face in his neck and held him back just as tightly, his breath coming as shuddering, hiccuping sobs.

f*ck. f*ck. He was so f*cked. It was reckless and foolish and might end up with him dead, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care even a little bit, when he had this heat blazing in him. He wouldn’t give this up. Not for anything. Not even to save his own skin.

Harry spoke against his chest, his words muffled, and it took Draco a second to understand, “This is okay?”

Draco released a shuddering sigh, resting his cheek on Harry’s head and letting his eyes slide shut, “Yes,” he whispered back, “if this is okay with you, then it's okay with me,”

Harry pulled away, and Draco was worried for a moment that he was about to run, but he needn’t have been. He leant closer to press their lips together again in a single, nervous, exploratory kiss - as if Harry hadn’t just suddenly grabbed him moments earlier. Their lips parted, but they didn’t separate, their foreheads and noses pressed together.

Draco glanced at his bed out of the corner of his eye, “Did you want to lie down? Just to lie down,” he clarified immediately, “To… to cuddle I suppose,” he chuckled, realising suddenly that his hands were trembling faintly, “If you want to that is… if you don’t want to, then I don’t want to either,” he said firmly, “I don’t want anything you don’t want,” if Harry noticed the faint tone of desperation in his voice, he was good enough not to comment. He simply led Draco by the hand towards the bed.

They ended up facing one another, Harry half cocooned in Draco’s arms and their legs wound together. Draco couldn’t help but to press kisses into the others hair, almost compulsively. He enjoyed the way that the short strands tickled at his face, but he found himself missing the other’s longer hair if only for what is symbolised: a time when Harry wasn’t afraid to grow his hair out. A time when Harry felt safe.

He would feel safe again - even if it killed Draco, Harry would be safe again.

He repeated it in his own mind like a prayer. If anyone was listening, any deity or spirit, they gave no indication.

“Draco?” Harry asked quietly from beneath his chin.


“What is this?”

Draco sighed against him. The truth - that Draco was in love with him - felt like too much. Too much expectation, when Draco expected nothing, but hoped for everything, “I don’t know what label we’d give it - but I don’t think it needs one right now. What do you think?”

He heard Harry swallow nervously, “It… it means something though, right?”

Draco nodded, pressing his cheek into Harry’s hair, “It means everything,” he admitted frankly, rubbing a hand up Harry’s arm, “I think though… that it would be safer if this stayed between us,” he said reluctantly, “I don’t know what the Dark Lord would make of it, and it would kill me if he separated us,”

Harry shuddered in his arms, “I don’t want him to take you away,” he muttered into his chest, clinging even tighter and burrowing further into Draco’s arms, “We’ll keep it between us,” he agreed.

And for just a moment, Draco allowed himself to pretend Harry was just a boy he liked (the boy he loved), and not the boy that had been held prisoner in his home for the last year.

Later that night, when Harry had left and Draco was alone in his room, lying in his bed, he closed his eyes, and curled his fingers into his palm, pretending until he fell asleep that he held another’s hand in his.


23 chapters and they finally kisssss!

Chapter 24: Draco: Summer love


Harry had kissed him.

A smile threatened at the corner of his mouth.

Harry had kissed him!

Suddenly, the bird song was that bit sweeter, the heat was invigorating and glorious, and the light chased away the darkest corners of his occupied home.


Apologies for being a bit late!
Enjoy :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In his half-dazed state, Draco had neglected to close the curtains before he had fallen asleep, and so the blazing sun pressing against his eyelids had him wide awake early on the morning of Harry’s birthday. He could have shut them with a flick of his wand, but finding the motivation to do so was a struggle.

The sun light stretched long shadows along the ceiling above him; tree branches swayed in the breeze and made the light flicker in a way that he couldn’t ignore. He watched what he thought might have been the silhouette of a pigeon for a few moments as he came back to himself, still half asleep but increasingly aware of how uncomfortably hot the dawn had made his room. He managed to kick a single leg out from under his duvet, and then settled again. Bird song grated incessantly in his ears.

And then he remembered the night before, and Draco was wide awake, and untroubled by the heat or the light or the birds outside his window.

Harry had kissed him.

A smile threatened at the corner of his mouth.

Harry had kissed him!

Suddenly, the bird song was that bit sweeter, the heat was invigorating and glorious, and the light chased away the darkest corners of his occupied home.

He swung himself abruptly out of bed, and for a long moment, he simply sat on the edge of the mattress, a stupid smile on his face as he waited for his spinning head to still.

Harry had kissed him!!

Later, the outside world would come crashing in, he was sure, but for now he would enjoy this feeling to its fullest. This fluttering in his chest that had his breath catching and his ears burning and his fingers twisting into his sheets as the emotions inside of him fought to escape.

Harry had kissed him.

A mantra, part disbelief, part reverence. Just the memory of their lips touching had Draco’s heart pounding and his- oh. He was hard. That… could be a problem. He needed to get ahold of himself. He didn’t want this to happen around Harry - not like this at least.

He checked the time - six am. Well, he had time to sort himself out.

He masturbat*d twice in the shower, the lukewarm water cleansing his skin of the sweat that had built up in the night as the temperature had risen and washing the evidence of his activities down the drain. Without really meaning to, he had found his mind filled with thoughts of Harry and his sweet smile and glowing eyes and what Draco imagined hid beneath his robes. It was as if their kiss from the night before had opened the flood gates to all the fantasies he had kept buried. He tried not to feel guilty for it when he was dry and his post-org*smic haze had dissipated; irrational though it was, he couldn’t help but feel as if he had done something wrong.

Would it make Harry feel uncomfortable to know that Draco had touched himself while thinking of him like that? Though Draco had no intention of telling him, and the idea of policing his own thoughts was absurd.

And then he remembered the long line of Harry’s neck that hooked behind his jaw and travelled up towards his ear, only to then dip down towards his collar bones in the opposite direction. He ended up stroking himself to completion for a third time that morning, and though he didn’t feel guilty when he was done, he was starting to feel a little bit insane.

Three times in a morning seemed like a step beyond teenage hormones.

Still. He’d rather this than an accidental erection when he inevitably became distracted by Harry’s lips or his strong hands, or the magical strength he could practically see simmering under the other’s skin. The last thing he wanted was to make Harry uncomfortable; to be just another person waiting to take something from him, when in truth it was the complete opposite. Draco wanted to give, not take. He’d give him everything if he could.

He showered again before he left his rooms. He left the window wide open as well; he was sure to return to a million invading insects later that evening, but he preferred that to the smell of sex.

It was only as he arrived at Harry’s door (still early - it was barely half seven) that he realised he hadn’t gotten Harry anything for his birthday. He chewed his lip anxiously. Hopefully his mother had. He knocked, and in a scene reminiscent of the last day of the Easter holidays, he found Harry crossing from the bathroom to his bedroom.

Harry blinked, his hair even messier than normal and his eyes faintly glazed from sleep. A small, shy smile appeared on his face, and he rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck. The sweet action stood at odds with the boy who had confessed to finding it easy to torture his parent’s betrayer only days before, but Draco didn’t honestly care. He’d never had an issue with dismissing the worst parts of someone he loved before, and he wasn’t about to start now. He didn’t even particularly count torturing Wormtail as some great crime or moral failing or however Harry might describe it. In fact, he only cared about it at all, because it had upset Harry so.

Harry had said that he was becoming a worse person, while Draco was becoming a better one, and maybe he was right. But rather than heading towards the dark or the light, Draco was beginning to believe that they were both meandering their way towards some variable shade of grey. He was okay with that. He hoped that Harry would be okay with it as well, one day. The light owed him nothing, and the dark had tried to destroy him. Draco would keep him safe from both, if he could.

“Morning,” Harry said in a quiet mumble, “You’re quite early,”

“Couldn’t sleep,” Draco said with a shrug, closing the door and stepping out of his shoes, “Left my curtains open like an idiot, so I’ve been up since about six,”

“What have you been doing all this time? You could have come to see me earlier,” Harry said, half stumbling as he wandered closer, a wide yawn splitting his mouth wide open.

Draco didn’t want to lie, but telling the truth didn't sound like the best idea either; instead, he side stepped the question, “I didn’t want to wake you,” he met Harry in the middle of the room, “Happy birthday. I’m sorry but I didn’t get you anything,” he admitted regretfully, “It didn’t even occur to me,”

Harry opened his mouth, then hesitated. He licked his lips, and stepped closer carefully, his hand reaching out and holding onto the front of Draco’s shirt for balance. He paused, as if he were waiting for Draco to push him away, before he leant up and pressed their mouths together in a chaste, barely there kiss. His lips tingled at the contact, and it was a struggle not to follow Harry when he pulled away.

Would it always feel like this? Like a thrill of lightning jolting through him.

“That’s enough,”

Draco blinked dumbly at the simple, shy statement, “What?”

“A kiss - that’s all I want,”

For probably the first time in his life, Draco truly understood what people meant by the term ‘lovesick’. It was nearly incapacitating. This feeling deep is bones. He’d never been one for love songs, or poems, or romance novels before, but now he was sure he could have written some all of his own, if only to have somewhere safe to pour the overwhelming feeling in his chest. For he couldn’t put them on Harry’s shoulders - the other boy had enough to worry about without having to worry about Draco losing his head and throwing pebbles at his window in the evening or early morning too.

Draco realised abruptly that he had been silent for too long, and Harry was beginning to look nervous, “You can have one whenever you want,” he blurted out, near shouting, “I- uh - a kiss, I mean. You can kiss me. Any time. Consider this blanket permission,”

A slow, near disbelieving grin was spreading across Harry’s face, “Who’d have guessed that Draco Malfoy was secretly an enormous softy,” he said with a chuckle.

Draco didn’t deny it, but he did clarify: “Only for you,” which only served to make Harry seem even more pleased.

Harry grinned and lifted up onto his tiptoes to kiss Draco again, “Let me just get dressed,” Harry said breathlessly against his mouth, turning towards his bedroom reluctantly, “Your mother will be here soon,” and he disappeared.

Draco’s heart sank at the thought of his mother, and any pleasure from the touch of Harry’s mouth faded away.

She would know. He and Harry could sit at opposite ends of the room with their backs to one another, and not exchange a word for the entire day, and she would still know. Reality threatened to crash down around him, and so he mitigated the destruction by sitting on the sofa with a heavy sigh, and letting it in. Still, it was like being dunked in ice water, but he clenched his teeth and bore it.

This burgeoning thing with Harry was dangerous - for both of them - but Draco was too selfish to let it slip through his fingers. He would need to tread carefully, allowing just enough cold reality to nip at his heels as to keep him alert, but not enough that it would have him cowering away. He could do this. He would. There were no guarantees in this new world that the Dark Lord was building, and Draco wasn’t prepared to miss out on this.

He flinched involuntarily at the sound of the suite’s door opening with a click. His mother paused to slip her heels off at the door - no, not heels today; sensible, flat, summer sandals. She glanced up at him and offered him a warm smile. She wore a lightweight dress with a light blue cardigan thrown around her shoulders and a pair of sunglasses threaded down the middle of her bodice. She was clearly dressed for an outing, but where?

“Good morning, Draco dearest,” she greeted, padding across the room to press a kiss to his cheek, a nondescript gift bag hanging from her fingers.

“For Harry?” He said, nodding down towards it and hoping she wouldn’t notice the way his voice wobbled a little on Harry’s name.

“Of course,” she said seriously, dropping down into an armchair, “He’s seventeen. A very important birthday for a young witch or wizard,”

“What did you get him? I wasn’t aware you were able to do much shopping with things the way they are,”

She shook her head, “You’ll find out soon enough,”

As if on cue, Harry stepped out of his bedroom, the ever-growing Moirai draped about his shoulders and whispering in his ear. If Draco wasn’t mistaken, which he was sure he wasn’t, all three heads snapped immediately to him and let out a chorus of pleased hisses. He hoped his mother didn’t notice; they were fonder of him now than they had been, but they didn’t normally greet him like this.

“Good morning, Narcissa,” Harry said; he couldn’t decide if Harry was better at hiding his true feelings, or if Draco was just paranoid, he’d give them away. Either way, Harry stepped closer as if nothing had changed, “Is that for me?” He dipped momentarily to allow the Moirai to slither from his shoulders; they headed immediately for Draco and worked their way into his lap eagerly.

Narcissa was on her feet again, a pleased smile on her face, and if she was confused by the Moirai’s behaviour, she gave no indication to that effect, “Good morning, Harry - happy birthday!” She pulled him into a warm hug, stroking her fingers through his short hair and squeezing him briefly, “And of course - it’s not every day that you turn seventeen,”

She watched anxiously as Harry opened the bag and unwrapped the box within; what had she gotten him, Draco wondered, for her to be so worried about its reception? He’d never known her to be anything more than cooly confident when it came to gift giving. When Harry flipped the box open, Draco understood why.

It was a pocket watch - a silver one hanging from a silver chain, with a glass dial window so that even with the front closed, the hands and the clock’s golden mechanism could be seen ticking away inside. Harry turned it over in his hands and revealed an image that been engraved into the back; a three headed snake half twisted into a knot, where its tail and three heads pointing at the twelve, three, six, and nine o’clock position.

“It’s traditional for a witch or wizard to receive a pocket watch when they turn seventeen,” Narcissa explained, smoothing her skirt with her hands, “We had Draco’s custom made years ago in anticipation of his birthday,” it was currently on Draco’s bedside table, and he honestly hadn’t thought of it until this moment, “but I’m afraid there has been no such opportunity to have a unique one made for you. Instead, this watch was my father’s, and he left it to me when he died. It already had a snake on the back, and so I asked Lucius to have the design altered for you,”

Harry’s head snapped up, “Lucius did this?” He sounded dubious, and Draco couldn’t blame him, “I… find that hard to believe,”

Narcissa laughed a little, “Oh Harry - there is very little that that man wouldn’t do for me, and secretly I think he would be very unhappy if you didn’t approve of the new design, if only because it would make me unhappy as well. Well… do you? Like it?”

“Yeah!” Harry blurted out, “S-sorry - I should have said sooner, I was just a bit… overwhelmed,” he smiled weakly, “I love it. I really do - thank you,”

Narcissa smiled widely at him, and Draco suddenly understood why Narcissa hadn’t noticed that something had changed between them. She was too busy loving Harry in her own way, to notice that Draco loved him too at that moment.

“Wonderful Harry - I really am glad,” she smoothed her skirt again, “What did Draco get you?” She asked curiously, and Draco felt immediately guilty.

Harry smiled though, “Something slightly less material,” he said with a chuckle, “And certainly more last minute,” he added dryly.

Narcissa looked confused, “I don’t understand - did you forget Harry’s birthday, Draco?” She said in disapproval.

Draco opened his mouth to defend himself, but he needn’t have done, as Harry was laughing and waving away her concern, “Oh don’t worry - I’m happy with what I got,” Draco froze, wondering what on earth Harry was about to say, “Draco promised to take me down to the lake,” and Draco relaxed.

“Yes,” Draco agreed quickly, “since the sun has come back out,”

“Ah, I see,” Narcissa said with a nod, “Well - perhaps you could do that another day. Only I’ve organised for us all to have a little picnic for lunch this afternoon to celebrate - in the rose garden,”

After promising to collect them in a few hours' time, she left without bothering to have breakfast with them, and they were alone again.

For a long moment, Draco simply watched Harry as he inspected the pocket watch. He turned it in his hands and flicked open the face and peered at the mechanism, tracing his finger across the silver edge and the engraving on the back. Finally, he set it down on the coffee table and turned his eyes to Draco. He glanced down at the three-headed snake in Draco’s lap, who had been nudging incessantly at Draco’s fingers to keep him stroking her heads and scratching her chins.

“Do you know what they call you?” Harry asked softly; Draco shook his head, “They call you the Suitor,” his lips twitched into a small fond smile, “I told her for months that she was wrong. That you weren’t a suitor. I guess she was right all along, huh?”

Draco swallowed but couldn’t actually manage to say anything. He nodded slowly. Harry’s eyes flicked between his, then dipped down to his mouth. He took a breath in, but rather than English, soft hissing escaped from between his lips. The snake in his lap glanced round, and with what Draco interpreted as great reluctance, she slithered from his lap.

“Can I…,” Draco jumped; Harry was suddenly closer to him on the sofa, “Can I kiss you again?”

Draco found it impossible not to stare down at the other’s lips and the way that Harry had turned them a pretty red by biting at them, “I told you,” he said, his voice unintentionally hoarse, “You don’t have to ask me,”

Harry swallowed, and then they were kissing again. Draco found himself incredibly grateful for his morning’s activities, else he was sure he’d have ruined this for them with an inconvenient erection. He could feel arousal attempting to stir in his groin as it was, though he was able to suppress any answer.

It was still difficult though. The glide of their lips together was one thing, but the press of Harry’s hand to his cheek and the way his fingers played with the hairs at the nape of his neck was another. Their upper bodies ended up flush together, but fortunately the way they were sat kept their lower halves apart. To say that he wanted to take it slow was inaccurate. Rather, he wanted to take it at whatever speed that Harry himself set.

And so, with this in mind, he allowed himself to be led. He kissed Harry with a closed mouth in sweet, chaste touches until Harry himself pressed closer. He kept tongues and teeth to himself until he felt Harry biting curiously at his lower lip. He kept his hands to Harry’s shoulders and above, and because Harry never reached any lower, he didn’t either.

He didn’t know how long they kissed for, but it was long enough that he was faintly out of breath when they parted.

Harry gazed up at him, his cheeks flushed, the pupil of his green eye blown so wide as to make his eye appear nearly black. His artificial gold eye apparently didn’t respond to arousal in quite the same way though, and appeared as it always did.

Harry’s flush suddenly deepened, and he snatched his hands away and angled his body from Draco’s, “Sorry,” he muttered, “Sorry I didn’t mean to,”

Draco was confused for a moment, and then he noticed the tenting in the other’s trousers. He couldn’t help but to feel slightly relieved that he wasn’t the only one driven to distraction by their kissing, “It’s fine,” he tried to assure him, “It’s totally fine,”

Harry looked dubious though, and looked pointedly at Draco’s crotch where he lacked any reciprocation, “Yeah but… but you haven’t… and I…,” he squirmed uncomfortably.

Draco hesitated, wondering if the truth would be too much, or if it would be exactly what Harry needed to hear… f*ck it, “That may be because I wanked multiple times this morning, because I was so worried that I’d have a similar reaction around you and I wanted to avoid it,”

Harry scowled a little and muttered, “Clever… why were you worried about it?”

“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he admitted, “Or make you think I expected anything. I just,” he shrugged weakly, “I just don’t want to hurt you,”

“I’ve… I’ve never done something like this with anyone,” Harry said in a murmur.

“What about Cho?”

Harry snorted, “I’m not sure kissing while the other person is crying counts,”

Draco winced, “Oh - was it that bad?”

He let out a yelp when Harry spun to slap his arm, “No!” He squawked in offence, “She’d been crying about Cedric!”

Draco hesitated, “I hate to say it Harry: but kissing while crying about her ex sounds even worse,”

Harry scowled, but a reluctant smile threatened on his face; he tilted his head in consideration, “Have you ever done anything like this?” He asked curiously, apparently forgetting to be embarrassed by his erection as he turned closer to Draco again.

“I’ve done some snogging in my time,” Harry grinned at his deliberately pompous tone, “and me and Blaise may or may not have wanked each other off after the Yule Ball,” he added reluctantly, the memory of the awkwardness that lingered between them for weeks after still making him faintly uncomfortable, “It was a mistake - I much prefer him as just a friend,” he finished firmly.

Harry shuddered a little, “Sorry - just imagined doing that with Ron and it made me feel a bit sick,” he glanced at his groin and threw his hands up in disbelief and angled himself from Draco again, “Sorry,” he said sounding painfully embarrassed, “It won’t go away!”

Draco bit at his lip as he mused over what to say, “Look,” he started frankly, feeling not for the first time as if he were having to shoulder the maturity of someone a decade older than himself, but doing so gladly if it meant ensuring Harry’s wellbeing, “I could… I could touch you, if you wanted me to, but I think that you would regret it afterwards,” he admitted, “When the horniness had faded, I mean. Merlin knows I’ve done things I’ve regretted in the pursuit of an org*sm, and no!” He said when Harry turned curious eyes in his direction, “I’m not telling you what I did, before you ask,” and Harry pouted a little, “But I think… I think maybe we shouldn’t do this right now,”

Harry hesitated, before saying quietly, “I… I touched myself thinking of you once before,”

Arousal stirred in Draco’s groin again, but he ignored it; he took a steadying breath, “Y-yeah?”

Harry nodded, “I cried after,” he said softly, and it felt as if Draco’s arousal had been dunked in ice water, “I think it was just… just everything being a bit overwhelming. It was the first time that I’d done that since… since…,” Harry explained in halting words; he swallowed, “And I think I was just so relieved that I could still touch myself like that and… and… you know?” Draco nodded, not sure he totally understood but trying his best to, “It was just a lot. That release of emotion and- and hormones too, I guess,” he paused, “I think you’re right,” he said with a sad smile, “I think I’d just end up overwhelmed and upset. But I do want to…,” he flushed a deep red, “I want to be able to do that…,” he muttered.

Draco reached out cautiously to take Harry’s hand in his, “We don’t have to rush anything,” he assured him, “We’ve got plenty of time,”

“We’ve got a month,” Harry said, his tone near petulant.

Draco only shrugged though and kept his mouth closed. His knee jerk response, that they had the rest of their lives, seemed like a bit much after only one day. Instead, he said, “Go for a shower or a bath. I’ll still be here when you’re done, and by then it’ll be time for lunch probably,”

Harry showered for a long time (Draco couldn’t help but wonder if he’d chosen the shower for the sound cover) and Draco deliberately distracted himself with schoolwork until he was done. There was nothing better to kill a burgeoning erection than detailed transfiguration theorem he found. Draco didn’t comment on Harry’s blood shot eyes when he finally emerged, but he did offer him a small smile. He hesitated for a split second before opening his arms in an obvious invitation.

He pretended not to see the way that Harry’s expression crumpled a split second before he buried himself in Draco’s chest. They were quickly joined by a jealous three headed snake, who wound between them and then settled in the space she had created for herself. Harry chuckled wetly in his ear and snuggled closer.

With no one looking at him, Draco took a moment for himself.

A moment to feel all of the heartbreak and pain he could see coming their way in the not-so-distant future. It was inevitable, he was sure. He had no doubt that their story ended up with one, or both of them either dead, or tied to a cause they didn’t believe in. But it was just that little bit more bearable if they could have this until then - if they could be together. What was the point in worrying about it? They would only suffer twice for it.

Harry leant back, and froze at the sight of the single tear that had trailed from the corner of Draco’s eye, “You’re crying - what’s wrong?”

Draco sniffed and smiled, brushing his fingers through Harry’s fringe, “Just sad, because you’re sad,” he said simply, “Best get ready - mother will be here soon,” Harry paused before he stood, staring carefully into Draco’s eyes; Draco squirmed uncomfortably under the scrutiny, “What?”

“Just… I’d never have guessed that you would be like this,”

“Like what?”

“So loving,” Draco’s breath caught in his chest, “but on reflection, it’s no surprise at all. Even when you were awful to me, it was only because of how much you loved your mother,” he leant closer to press their lips together lightly, “I’ll only be a minute,” and he left Draco alone with the warm serpent in his lap.

His mother came to collect them a little after twelve, a large hat in her hands and a pair of sunglasses for them, “It’s not prescription,” she said apologetically as she handed a pair to Harry, “I didn’t think quite that far ahead,” Harry only shrugged and slipped them into a pocket.

On their way down the east wing’s staircase, they were briefly stopped in their tracks by a disapproving Rodolphus. He watched them descend through narrowed eyes, his lips pressed together in a thin line, clearly preparing to say something.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous Rodolphus,” his mother said before the other man could speak, “He’s going to be with me, and I won’t let him out of my sight. We’re only going to the rose garden,”

Rodolphus let them pass without a word, but he scowled after them until they were out of sight.

They ended up in the middle of the rose garden, where a large blanket had been spread out across the grass, complete with lunch and three deck chairs. After they’d eaten their fill, Narcissa had taken a deck chair, sunglasses on, hat pulled low over her brow, and the Moirai had stretched out beside her in the grass. Harry and Draco ignored the chairs though.

Instead, they stripped off their shirts and stretched out on the blanket to sunbathe. Draco found his eyes caught on the peridot necklace that hung around Harry’s neck. It made him think of the emerald engagement ring that his mother wore around hers. She’d never allow him to give it to Harry, he was sure. But that was okay. He didn’t need it.

He tore his eyes from the stone and turned his face to the sky. He was being insane. How long had he been burying these feelings? It was absurd how quickly he’d gone from hating the other boy, to friendship, to daydreaming about a future he doubted they’d see. No wonder his mother had been suspicious all those months ago. This feeling in his chest was near overwhelming.

His mother had brought a wireless outside with her and had thankfully tuned it to a channel that played only music rather than what Draco was sure would be depressing news about the state of the wizarding world. Though Draco was sure he didn’t know a single song, Harry still attempted to hum along with the melody. By the end of each song, he knew enough of the chorus to at least to hold a pleasant tune.

The entire afternoon was a struggle not to stare at Harry as they exchanged idle conversation. It was made doubly difficult by the fact that he knew Harry wanted him to look - he could tell by the way that Harry would stretch and then glance casually in his direction, and then smirk when he found Draco already looking back.

The sunglasses his mother wore made him nervous though. He couldn’t tell if she were watching them, or simply relaxing with her eyes closed. He wished that she would leave them alone. He considered lying on his front and turning his head away from Harry, and he tried it as well, but he just ended up on his tummy staring across the blanket into green and gold eyes.

They didn’t head in until they were shiny with sweat and fanning themselves against the heat. His mother walked them all the way to the bottom of the east wing’s staircase, where Rodolphus had seated himself with a paper in hand. Draco was sure that he saw the orange glow of a cigarette, but it was nowhere to be seen when they were closer.

Narcissa stopped him before he could follow Harry upstairs, “Darling - will you join us for dinner? Your father is home and would love to see you,” she said this with a soft smile, but Draco could see the tightness in the corner of her mouth.

He responded as if he couldn’t though, “Yes, of course. Seven?”

She gave a singular nod, “Seven,” she pressed a palm to Harry’s shoulder, “Enjoy the rest of your birthday darling,” and she was gone, swaying down the hallway towards the sitting room, her sun hat dangling from her fingers.

He was nearly late for dinner, but it was entirely Harry’s fault. When Draco had turned to leave, Harry had caught him by the arm and pulled his head down with a hand at the back of his neck to press their lips together.

“I saw you watching,” he whispered against Draco’s mouth when they parted, “Out in the grass. I saw you looking at me,”

“Did you want me to stop?”

Harry grinned, and shoved him towards the door, “Never.”

Draco’s shower was rushed, and his hair was still damp when he pushed the dining room doors open. Two sets of eyes, one grey, one blue, turned to him.

He cleared his throat, spotting the soup bowls that had been set out, and striding towards the place that had been set for him opposite his mother.

“I apologise for my tardiness,” he said with a bow of his head, unfolding his napkin and draping it across his lap.

“You are forgiven,” his father said simply, stirring his soup in lazy circles, “Your mother said that you had a good day enjoying the sun,”

“Indeed,” Draco agreed, his eyes flicking to Narcissa and finding her looking between them both meaningfully; he frowned and glanced to his father and found him returning her gaze with a frown. There was something going on, “Did you have a good day, Father?” He sipped delicately at the soup, falling back into manners he frequently neglected around Harry.

“I confess, I have done very little today,” Lucius answered mildly, lifting his own spoon to his mouth, “The Dark Lord has seen fit to grant me a short reprieve from acting on his behalf - I shall be at home for the week, but then I am afraid that I must leave for less pleasant shores once more,”

Draco made a faint sound of acknowledgment but said nothing more. Much like himself, his father always turned excessively verbose when he was uncomfortable. As if he could talk his way out of feeling.

They ate in silence but for the gentle clinking of their spoons against their porcelain bowls. Draco let the quiet linger, waiting for the moment that his mother or father would say whatever it was that they had brought him there to say. His patience failed him though when, upon the disappearance of their empty bowls, they had still said nothing.

“So,” he said, frustration making his voice tight, “Are we going to sit here in silence for the entire evening, or is one of you going to talk about whatever it is that has the two of your staring at one another across the table when you think I’m not looking,”

Narcissa cleared her throat a little, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, but it was his father who spoke for them.

“Your mother… your mother informs me that you and the Potter boy have become close,”

Draco stiffened in his seat, and his answer came as a sneering drawl, “I was under the impression that that was what you wanted. I thought you’d be happy,”

“I never told you to fall in love with the boy,” his father said sharply, and Draco reeled back as if he’d been slapped.

He turned on his mother, “You told him!” He barked, “You told the man with a mind that the Dark Lord describes as ‘loud’-,”

“I am perfectly capable of shielding-!” Lucius argued hotly, but Draco spoke over him.

“-you told this man!” He gestured to his father with an open palm, “Something that I haven’t even told you! Something that I denied to you!” He ignored his father’s furious grumbling.

Narcissa’s hand was at her throat, her fingers winding her emerald ring around and around anxiously, “We only fear for you Draco,” she implored him.

He scoffed, “Fear for me. Fear for me! If you’d truly feared for me then you’d never have allowed that man into our home!”

“Draco! Your voice!” His father hissed.

Narcissa continued more calmly, “You are a teenage boy, Draco. Teenagers are, quite famously in fact, impulsive and hot headed. You are not thinking this through. And do not try to deny your feelings,” she said very quickly when he opened his mouth to protest, “I spent the morning with you both and had a front row seat to the way that you look at that boy. You cannot pretend with me, Draco. I know you too well. But you are going to get yourself killed! Teenage love burns hot and fast, Draco. I will not see you harmed because you can’t control yourself!”

Draco gritted his teeth; there was nothing he could say that wouldn’t give him away. That wouldn’t reveal the true depth of his betrayal. There was no going back now.

“Ignoring the fact that he’s a half blood,” Lucius said with a wrinkle of his lip that made Draco want to hit him there and then, “the boy is becoming increasingly important to the Dark Lord. You risk bringing yourself to his attention for all the wrong reasons,”

“Have you not considered how he could use you to control Harry, Draco?” Narcissa said quietly, her hand stretched across the table imploringly, “If the Dark Lord found out about how close you are, he could set it as your new task in fact. He could command you to manipulate Harry, Draco. I know you won’t admit it to me, but I know how much you love him. I can see it in your eyes. Just imagine how it would break your heart to use Harry like that,”

“I wouldn’t,” Draco hissed through his teeth, “I would refuse,”

“Then you would die, Draco,” Narcissa countered coldly, “You would die,”

For a moment, the room was silent but for Draco’s panting breath.

And then Draco was on his feet, the chair’s legs screeching against the hardwood floor as he threw his napkin down onto the table, “Then I would die,” he said simply, looking between them: his father, shocked, his mother, resigned, “It would be lovely if we could get passed the soup course next time,” and he left without another word.


So I think I’m going to take a few weeks off from posting - but I will still be writing in that time, replanning and creating myself a good few chapters head start for when I start posting again
Plus I’ve been writing like crazy recently and as much fun as it is, I’d like a break haha
I’m going to say I’ll start posting again on the 8th of March :) so I’ll see you all then!

Chapter 25: Draco: The Lake


It started a pattern. They would walk out in the grounds of the house, then make their way beyond the hedges and explore the trees and the leaves and the one-time paddock and the lake, until Rodolphus was scowling and barking that they’d been out there long enough, and it was time to leave. Until Harry’s skin had turned gold again with the sun, and his eyes positively glowed.


Hello again!
Surprising no one, I didn’t actually have a break from writing 😂 but I did slow down a little bit. And maybe start another WIP haha lord knows when that will be done or posted though.
Also had a very surreal moment when my own fic (The Shadow of Time) popped up on my Foryou page on TikTok!
Anyway - I hope this was worth the wait!

Chapter Text

Draco kept his mouth shut in regard to the conversation he had had with his parents, even when Harry asked how dinner had been with them the next morning.

Draco shrugged, and said, “Fine, I suppose. I would have preferred to eat with you though,” and pressed kisses against his cheek until Harry was laughing and twisting away from him and disappearing into the bathroom. It was dangerous to be like this together so early in the morning - his mother could arrive at any moment.

He didn’t want Harry to worry, not when his parents only suspected that they shared feelings for one another, rather than that they had acted upon them. It was probably selfish of him, but he was half terrified that Harry would want to go back to being ‘just friends’ if he knew. He couldn’t bare to give him up, not for any price. And he balked at the idea of Harry knowing that his parents didn’t approve - mostly his mother. How could Harry not take that personally? Even if her concerns were less to do with him, and more to do with extraneous factors beyond their control.

No. Knowing would only upset him and wouldn’t solve anything. Harry deserved to be happy, and Draco would do all he could to protect and cultivate that happiness.

He pretended not to see the way his mother eyed him as they ate breakfast together, her gaze concerned and meaningful. He wondered what it would take for her to start warning Harry off as well. How would she phrase it? Would it be positioned as protecting Draco, or as protecting Harry? He almost scoffed at his own naivety. She knew Harry well enough to know that he cared very little for his own well-being.

Draco’s though? Harry might have changed since being taken by the Dark Lord, but he hadn’t changed that much.

When she left them, throwing Draco one last pointed look over her shoulder, Draco turned to Harry.

“So,” he said simply, “I have a promise to fulfil still,”

Harry froze in the middle of standing from the sofa, a quizzical frown on his face, “What?”

“You told my mother that I promised to show you the lake,” Draco pointed out, “Today’s as good a day as any,”

Harry was grinning instantly, “Yes! Let’s bring the Moirai - they’ll love it!”

Draco wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but he ended up with the three-headed snake draped around his shoulders and behind his neck as they made their way down the staircase towards the ground floor. Draco would never have guessed that the snake was so heavy - no wonder Harry rarely carried them around anymore.

Draco realised that he had forgotten something, however, when they arrived at the ground floor.

“Where are you going?” Rodolphus was at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up at them over the top of a newspaper.

“Outside,” Harry said simply, nearly skipping down the last few steps, “I presume you’re coming with us,”

Draco had to follow at a more sedate pace, the Moirai weighing him down, “We’d be fine,” he pointed out cooly, playing off his slow progress as aloofness, “I doubt there are any in this house who would be foolish enough to attack us. Not after Mulciber,” the sneer on Draco’s face at the man’s name was no act.

Rodolphus was standing though, and tucking his paper away, “I have a duty to our Lord,” he said, his voice near rumbling, “I would not rely on the sense of others to see it done,” he bowed a little, mocking, and gestured towards the house’s east entrance, “After you,”

He followed them like a shadow, merely a few paces behind them and looming over them.

Harry did not tolerate it, “I hope you’re not going to follow us this closely the whole way, Roddie?” He scoffed, “It’s difficult to have a private conversation with you sitting on our shoulder,”

Rodolphus snorted derisively, “I can’t imagine there’s anything you two girls could gossip about that I would find interesting or shocking,”

At the house’s door, Harry spun and stopped him with a hand in the centre of his chest, “Then you’ll be kind enough to give us a a few metres of space? Since you’re so sure you won’t be missing out on anything,”

Draco swallowed nervously, watching silently as Harry reached up a hand to tap Rodolphus’s cheek with his fingers. He suppressed his own flinch when Rodolphus grabbed Harry’s wrist and spun him around to push him forwards with a shove in the middle of his back.

Harry only laughed though, choked and surprised, and stumbled onwards, catching Draco’s hand and dragging him along, “Come on, Draco,” he said, “Let’s leave this drama queen alone,”

Draco glanced over his shoulder at his uncle. The man scowled after them, but waited at the door to the house until there were several metres between them before beginning to follow again.

“Come on Draco - I don’t know where I’m going remember,” said Harry.

Draco cleared his throat, and changed their direction towards where he knew a high, thin gate opened out through the hedges into the lands beyond. When he was sure that Rodolphus wouldn’t be able to hear them, he said, “Should you talk to him like that?” He muttered under his breath, pausing to readjust the large snake around his neck and push Clotho’s face away where she was nuzzling into his ear.

Harry shrugged, and reached up a hand to pet Clotho’s face, “He likes it when I’m bratty,” he said simply, “I can tell. He thinks its funny,”

Something like ice water flooded Draco’s guts. He resisted the urge to snap his gaze to his uncle - there was no need to, when he knew that the man would be staring intently at Harry. Instead, he turned his attention to the tenseness in Harry’s jaw. There was something in his tone of voice as well. A false lightness. There was more to this, than simply baiting the man. Harry played it like a game. It didn’t feel like a game.

“You’re playing with fire,” Draco said lowly, “He… he looks at you,” he said cautiously, “All of the time,”

Harry smiled a little at him - there was something sad in his eyes, “I know he does,”

Draco shook his head, “He shouldn’t look at you - not like that,”

He heard Harry sigh, “And how is he looking at me?”

Draco risked a glance over his shoulder, and was unsurprised to find Rodolphus staring at Harry, his gaze fixed and full of a barely hidden intent; he swallowed nervously, “Like he wants to do more than look at you,”

He was surprised when Harry stopped petting the Moirai to briefly press his hand to Draco’s cheek, “I know,” and he dropped his hand quickly.

Draco… Draco didn’t know what to say.

He licked his lips nervously, “He could really hurt you, Harry,” he said under his breath.

Harry only sighed though, “They could all really hurt me Draco - he’s nothing special,” his tone was faintly comforting and at total odds with his words.

Draco could hear the dismissal in his voice, but he refused to accept it, “Yes - but you’re not actively winding up the rest of them,” he hissed.

Harry looked at him sharply, “What does it matter Draco?” He said reproachfully.

Draco couldn’t help but to scowl at him, grunting a little at the writhing snake around his neck, and pausing to allow her to climb down to the ground, “It matters because I don’t want you to get hurt,”

Harry frowned at him and pulled him along so that they maintained the distance between them and Rodolphus, “I have to do something, Draco,” he grumbled.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, as far as allies go, I have you, your mother, and -,” here he let out a slightly hysterical laugh, “- Snape of all people. I need more people. People who like me. People who pay attention to me for me, not because of the Dark Lord,”

“So, you’re trying to manipulate him?” Draco said with a deep frown.

Harry let out a bark of laughter, “Trying and succeeding - you think he’d let anyone else call him Roddie?” He gave a half shake of his head, “He likes me more than he likes own wife,”

“He can’t stand Bellatrix,” Draco pointed out.

Harry shrugged, “I never said it was much of an accomplishment - it winds her up as well. That he shows me more interest than her,”

“But that kind of interest Harry…,” Draco trailed off nervously, “What if he’s just another Mulciber?”

Harry came to an abrupt stop next to him, and Draco nearly tripped over his feet stumbling to a halt; the look in Harry’s eye was hard, “Then I’ll have misjudged, and he’ll just be someone else for me to kill,” he near growled.

It didn’t make Draco feel any better; it was a struggle not to look over towards his uncle, “I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said weakly.

Harry smiled sadly at him, “Oh Draco. No matter what happens, I’m always going to get hurt,” Draco wished they were alone. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and take Harry’s hand, “Now come on,” Harry turned and continued walking towards the gate they were getting ever closer towards, “I want to see the lake - and the stables,” he said suddenly, “Your mother said they were in the grounds. Where are they?”

“They’re just beyond the hedges - you can just about see the roof,” Draco pointed off towards the left, “They’re not much though,”

“I don’t care,” Harry said simply, “I want to see everything,”

“We’re not done talking about this,” Draco said, reaching out a hand for the fence.

Harry sighed, “I’m sure we’re not,”

Hey!” The sudden bark from the man who they had been discussing made them both flinch; he was striding towards them quickly, a scowl on his face, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“The stables,” Harry said, rolling his eyes and peering over his shoulder to Rodolphus, “and the lake. Is that acceptable?”

No,” Rodolphus said belligerently, “You are to stay within the grounds,” he said harshly.

“We’re still well within the wards,” Draco pointed out in a drawl, “The grounds extend for nearly a mile into the forests beyond,”

“And besides,” Harry said, half a grin on his face, “You’ll be with us, won’t you?” Rodolphus huffed, “Though perhaps not in the stables - stay at the door, will you? Not a lot in there that can cause me any harm, I imagine. Unless there are horse ghosts or something,”

“You’re pushing it boy,” Rodolphus growled.

“You’re meant to be my bodyguard, Roddie, not my child minder,” Rodolphus’s eyes flicked briefly to Draco, “Or do you not trust dear Draco here? The Dark Lord did say that the Malfoy’s could be trusted with me, didn’t he?”

Draco could practically hear the man grinding his teeth together, “Even my fanatical wife has been known to admit that the Dark Lord is not infallible. He may have forgotten the past betrayals of the Malfoy’s. I have not,”

“You’re worried the Malfoy’s will betray the Dark Lord then?” Harry said curiously, leaning away from the gate and ignoring the snake who was sniffing at his ankles; Rodolphus said nothing, “I think the more pertinent question, is do you think that Draco will betray me?” It took a long time, but the man’s tense shoulders gradually relaxed, and he reluctantly averted his gaze, “Exactly. Now if you don’t mind,”

Harry caught Draco’s hand, pulled the gate open with a screech and a clang, and marched through it, followed closely by the Moirai who hissed excitedly at their new playground. Draco was so distracted by Harry’s hand in his, that he spared barely a moment to take in the view outside of the hedges: woodland that went on as far as the eye could see, and was interrupted only by an enormous stone stable, and the rotting wooden fences that surrounded a space that had once been a paddock.

Harry marched determinedly towards the stables, dragging Draco behind him. He hesitated only long enough to say over his shoulder, “Stay out here, will you Roddie? Bodyguard, remember? Not my babysitter,”

Harry threw open the door - wooden and surprisingly heavy with blue peeling paint - and pulled them both inside. The closing of the door plunged them into darkness. Draco found himself pinned between the stone wall, and Harry. He blinked rapidly to clear his eyes of the dust that had swirled into them, and to encourage them to adjust to the dim lighting.

He curled his arms around Harry’s back as he took in the space they had found themselves in. It didn’t look much like a stable any more. Other than an old, now dry water trough, the only indication that it had once housed animals at all, were the bridles that hung from the wall beside them, though their leather was now cracked and crumbling. Otherwise, it now looked more like an abandoned workshop, with dust covered sheets disguising the equipment beneath. In the far corner was what he was sure looked like a printing press, but he had no idea when it was last used.

“Harry? You okay?”

Harry sighed against him and hummed, “Yeah just… just worried for you,”

“For me?” Draco said incredulously, peering down to where Harry had buried his face in Draco’s chest.

“Worrying about what Rodolphus said - what if the Dark Lord loses faith in your family? What if he targets you all?”

Draco felt Harry’s fingers curl into his shirt, clinging tightly to him; he ignored this though, and turned their conversation back towards their previous discussion, “I don’t understand what you’re doing with Rodolphus, Harry,” he said warily.

“I told you,” Harry sighed, and stepped back, “Trying to get him to like me,”

“I think he’s obsessed with you,” Draco said darkly.

“Same thing,” Harry waved away his concern, and made to turn for him, but Draco stopped him with a hand on his wrist.

“It’s not the same thing,” Draco said harshly, “Obsession is dangerous. Obsession is what has people murdering their lovers and their children,”

All of this is dangerous,” Harry spat, suddenly furious, “All of it! Defying the Dark Lord, and living with Death Eaters, is dangerous. All I want, Draco, is to gain some semblance of control over my life,” he shook Draco’s hold free and stepped away, further into the stables, “And yes, that might be more dangerous than simply rolling over and going from being Dumbledore’s man, to being the Dark Lord’s, but its worth it. I want to be my own man. Is that too much to ask?!

Draco glanced warily to the door at his near shout, but Rodolphus was nowhere to be seen.

Harry stood in the middle of the stables, his head bowed, his shoulders rising and falling rapidly as he panted furiously, the sun streaming through the slats in the windows bathing him in light. Draco approached him cautiously, reaching for his hands. Harry froze, and while he didn’t melt back against Draco’s chest, he did allow Draco to hold him.

Draco pressed his forehead into the back of Harry’s neck and murmured into his skin, “You can’t control Rodolphus, Harry,” He warned him softly.

Harry turned, his eyes, green and gold flitting between Draco’s; his expression turned hard, “Not yet, I can’t,” his tone brokered no argument.

Draco couldn’t help but to smile down at him, “If anyone can, it’s you,” he half expected to be pushed away, but Harry only leant into his kiss, “I’m sorry if I upset you - I didn’t mean to start an argument. I just worry,”

Harry shook his head, pressing their forehead together, “It’s fine,” he muttered, “I know. I’m sorry for shouting,” he turned suddenly nervous, “Do you think he heard any of that?” His eyes stared worriedly at the stable door.

“If he did, it was nothing incriminating,” Draco assured him.

Harry didn’t seem reassured, but turned his attention to the stables to distract them both Draco thought, “This place doesn’t look like a stable anymore,”

“It hasn’t been for a long time,” Draco pointed out, “My father has made multiple attempts to renovate it - to make it into something new - but he never commits,” Harry made a sound, a hum, noncommittal but interested, “It’s a shame you couldn’t use this space before,” Harry sent him a curious look over his shoulder as he pulled the white cloth free from what looked like some kind of circular saw, “You could have made your eye here,” Draco clarified.

Harry snorted a little, and nodded to the worktable and the saw in its centre, “With this? If I wanted to cut my arm off maybe,” he chuckled a little, the sound tight and faintly forced, and he wandered further away to the next sheet, “What did your father do with this stuff, anyway?”

Draco felt compelled to follow him as a sedate shadow, “My mother said that, after my grandfather and grandmother had both died, that he had, what she called, a ‘flight of fancy’. Suddenly decided he wanted to step out of his father’s shadow and the stereotype as a Malfoy ministry man. Bought all of this equipment and started talking about starting a business making enchanted furniture,” Draco snorted, running his finger along the circular saw and spinning it. It was near clogged with rust though, and where he expected a fine high ringing sound, he heard only the creak of seizing joints and it managed only one rotation, “She said it didn’t last long. My father’s never done a day of hard work in his life, so there’s no surprise that he fell back into a life of creature comforts,”

“What would you do?”

“What do you mean?”

“You mother mentioned curse breaking,” Harry explained, “with your future: what would you do?”

Draco found himself struggling for something to say; it was hard to imagine the future right now, when so much of his present revolved around Harry and the Dark Lord. And so, he didn’t answer, “What would you do?” He asked curiously, watching as Harry pulled another white sheet free, revealing some kind of grinder or sander this time, “Learn to be a glass blower maybe?” He suggested.

“Is that what you think I’d have done with this space? While I was making my eye, I mean. Made enormous glass bowls or something?” Harry chortled a little and turned towards the printing press with interest now.

“No,” Draco disagreed, “I think you’d have made something more beautiful than glass bowls,”


“Yes - crystal figures maybe? Fancy marbles,”

Harry chuckled and shook his head, “Marbles - really?”

“Not like that - I mean enormous ones. The kind that you think you can see galaxies in,”

Harry sent him a curious look, “You think I’d be capable of something like that?”

“Well,” Draco stepped closer and reached for him carefully, pressing his thumb gently against Harry’s cheek just below his golden eye, “you made this, didn’t you?” He cleared his throat, and let his hand fall, “Or maybe crystal balls - you have been reading that divination book after all. How’s your inner eye these days?”

Harry snorted and pushed playfully at his shoulder, before turning back towards the stable door, “Oh shut up - come on. I want to see the lake,”

Draco followed with a grin, reaching forwards briefly to tangle their fingers together, but dropping his hand the moment they were outside and blinking against the bright sunlight. Draco hadn’t realised how much cooler it had been in the stone stables until they were hit with a wall of August heat.

Not that Rodolphus seemed affected by it. Despite his heavy black robes, the man wasn’t even sweating. He scowled at little at the sight of them but did nothing more than wait until they were several paces ahead of him to start following them again.

“So how much of this is Malfoy land?” Harry asked curiously, climbing over a particularly gnarly tree root and peering about at the canopy of leaves above them with interest.

“All of it,” Draco said simply, “There are acres and acres in all directions that belong to us. It’s partly why the Dark Lord was so interested in being based here, I imagine, as well as the grandeur I mean. It’s pretty handy tactically,”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, only the house and its immediate grounds are covered by the Fidelius, but the rest of the Malfoy owned land is bordered by the wards. So, even if the wards were breached, there would still be enormous swathes of open land to be traversed before someone could get to the house. Lots of opportunities for them to be stopped,” Draco didn’t miss the sharp look that Harry sent him, “During Cromwell’s campaign to over throw the Monarchy, he tried to march an army through the woods to take the land and Malfoy manor both - and to execute the Malfoy Lord of the day,” Draco added, “He’d been accused of witchcraft, naturally. Anyway. It didn’t much matter. He burnt the woods down and trapped the army inside with the wards. They all died,”

“I see,” Harry said slowly, his lips pressed together as he listened intently. Draco could see by the look on his face that his message had been received: even without the Fidelius, there would be no rescue coming from the borders of the property.

Gradually, the ground beneath their feet began to slope downwards, and the trees ahead of them began to thin, until they stepped out from beneath the canopy of leaves into the bright sunlight again. Harry winced minutely against the rays, lifting a hand to shade his eyes and peer out into the lake beyond. He let out a low whistle as Draco appeared at his side. Draco heard Rodolphus’s steps still behind them. It was an effort not to peer over his shoulder.

“It’s beautiful,” Harry said softly. Draco couldn’t disagree with him.

The banks slopped down and down to the lake below, though stone steps had been cut into the bank and lead down to a wooden jetty that jutted out about a quarter of the way into its centre. It was picturesque with the beaming sun and the flowers at its edge and the dragon flies hovering above its surface.

“It’s a shame we didn’t bring swimming trunks,” Harry said mournfully.

Draco had been about to make a joking comment that they could go skinny dipping, when he remembered Rodolphus at their back, and that for many painful reasons, Harry might not be comfortable with nudity like that, “We can next time,” he said instead, “If you like?”

“Did you swim in this often? There’s nothing nasty in there, is there?” Harry said cautiously, “Grindylow, or something?”

Draco snorted, “No - there was a kelpie in it a few years ago, but it didn’t stay long,”

“I thought kelpies liked flowing water, not lakes,”

Draco shrugged, “I have no idea - we had some terrible flooding and it just appeared. Only for a few days though. Other than that, theres some fish, and that’s it,”

“Have you ever fished in it?” Harry said, faintly intrigued.

“Absolutely not,” Draco said flatly. Harry laughed next to him, and leant in his space, “Shall we go down to the water?”

Harry nodded and caught his hand briefly to pull him down the stone steps, but he released him quickly. Rodolphus hovered at the top of the bank, his disapproval clear on his face.

They lingered at the water’s edge, attempting to skip stones across its surface and leaning over the edge of the jetty to peer down to its bottom, side by side on their hands and knees like children.

“I bet it’s cold,” Harry murmured, his eyes flitting about to follow the path of a fish that darted through the water. Draco hummed his agreement but said nothing more. It was a struggle to keep his eyes fixed on the water when all he really wanted was to look at Harry. To watch how the reflection of light from the water rippled across his face.

The tranquility of the moment was somewhat spoilt by the Moirai throwing herself bodily into the water and soaking them through.

Harry sighed as he pulled his glasses free to try and shake the water from them, “I suppose I should have seen that coming,”

Draco grumbled and dried them both with a flick of his wand, scowling at the snake who was now swimming to the edge of the water, a fish clamped between Atropos’ jaws and a positively smug air about her, “Oh? Is she known for leaping into large bodies of water?”

“No, but they’ve been muttering about the fish for the last five minutes,” Harry said sheepishly, before calling across the water to the snake who was climbing back up onto dry land, “Yes! Very clever!”

Not for the first time, Draco wished that he could speak pastletongue, watching the ever-growing snake scurry back across the earth towards them. She sounded pleased. Pleased and excited, with not even an ounce of remorse. Harry stood slowly, answering her, his voice warm and forgiving. Clotho reached her nose towards him to encourage his fingers to stroke down her snout, while Atropos chucked the fish in her mouth up once, then twice, then swallowed it down with a scoffing sound. Lachesis watched them serenely.

“Yes, yes,” Harry chuckled, straightening, “I love you too,”

Draco’s ears peaked with interest, “She knows how to say I love you? And what it means?”

Harry nodded and turned them back towards the stone steps and the bank above where Rodolphus scowled down at them, “She’s known for a while. It’s her favourite thing to say,”

“That’s sweet,”

“It is, isn’t it,” Harry said, allowing their fingers to brush briefly, “Come on - back to the house, or more exploring?”

In the end, they wandered their way through the grounds for another two hours, the Moirai swapping between their shoulders, lethargic and lazy with her meal. Rodolphus stayed always at their back. It was a struggle for Draco to not peer over at the man. There was no need to when he knew what he was looking at. Harry. It was always Harry. It was almost as if the man had flashlights for eyes, and Draco could see them fixed on the back of Harry’s head. It made it difficult to focus on their conversation.

Later, when they were back in the house and Harry’s suite, he let out a whoosh of air in relief. Rodolphus was forgotten quickly though, when Harry stepped into his space and fixed their lips together.

It started a pattern. They would walk out in the grounds of the house, then make their way beyond the hedges and explore the trees and the leaves and the one-time paddock and the lake, until Rodolphus was scowling and barking that they’d been out there long enough, and it was time to leave. Until Harry’s skin had turned gold again with the sun, and his eyes positively glowed. They were interrupted, as usual, by Snape every Saturday, but his scowl wasn’t enough to dampen their mood.

And then, when they were alone, they’d kiss and touch for hours at a time. Their hands never wandered lower than their waists though. Draco wanted to. Of course he did. He wasn’t blind: Harry was beautiful, but he’d never touch Harry again if he told him not to.

Things changed though, a door creeping open, on the day in the middle of August that they finally remembered to take swimming trunks down to the lake.

“Roddie!” Harry barked from the jetty, glaring up at Rodolphus on the muddy bank, “Turn away, unless you want to cop an eye-full, you pervert!”

Draco didn’t even freeze anymore at Harry’s baiting - he’d become so used to it. Above them, Rodolphus rolled his eyes and shouted, “Don’t drown Potter!” Over his shoulder before turning his back and sitting down on the hill facing away from them.

“Are you a good swimmer?” Harry asked curiously as he stepped out of his robes. At his feet, the Moirai ducked out of the way of one of his shoes and gave him a reproachful hiss.

“Yes,” Draco meanwhile, had already folded his robes up neatly and placed them on the bottom stone step; he was trying not to stare as Harry undressed. The crescent shaped scars had fury bubbling in his gut, and he was loath to draw attention to them. To make Harry feel self-conscious because of them.

“Good,” Harry said with a sigh, leaving his own robes in a tangled mess, “At least one of us is,” he turned to Draco, only to flush bright red at the sight of Draco’s bare chest; he coughed a little to clear his throat and shifted awkwardly.

“Alright there, Potter?” Draco teased quietly.

“Yup,” Harry said with a pop, “Just peachy keen,” and he began to stride out towards the end of the jetty, the Moirai following him, “You better keep up,” he warned, “Or I really might drown, and then I don’t know what you’ll say to Rodolphus,”

“Are you not a good swimmer?” Draco said anxiously, scrambling to catch up with him, “But… the second task of the Triwizard tournament. They said you’d have come first if you’d have just saved Weasley and come straight back,”

Harry snorted, “Yes, and I’d just taken gillyweed, remember. I can swim enough to survive I guess, but I wouldn’t put money on it. The only lessons I ever got were the one’s the school took me on when I was about eight. The Durlseys were hardly willing to pay for them or take me,”

“You know,” Draco near growled, “I don’t understand Dumbledore’s rationale. Let’s send him to the family of muggles who hate him, but then hope he grows up willing to die to defend people like them,”

Harry stilled at the edge of the jetty; Draco could see his toes flexing over the edge, “I think…,” he paused, and swallowed, “I think he wanted me to feel… to feel worthless. To be grateful for any scrap of affection. To make dying to save everyone else feel like the obvious thing to do. Really, I think, if he were as clever as he makes out, he is, me turning on him would have seemed obvious,”

“He’s blinded by arrogance,” Draco said, feeling suddenly wise, “He’s so convinced that he’s got everything in hand, that it never occurred to him that he might be wrong,”

Harry smiled at him, small and sad, “Exactly. Now come on,” Draco let out a yelp, stumbling back when Harry suddenly leapt forwards into the water, only to bob up a moment later, “ Sh-sh*t! It’s s-so cold!”

Draco rushed to follow him without really thinking, Harry’s comments about his swimming abilities propelling him forward. Hitting the water was like hitting ice in comparison to the warm August air. He was under the water for only a moment, his eyes catching Harry’s frantically kicking feet, before he was back on the surface with Harry and shaking his head to empty his ears of water.

“Why would you jump in like that?” He grumbled, reaching for Harry and pulling him closer, “If you can’t swim well,”

Harry only grinned though, shivering a little, “Knew you’d be in straight after,”

Draco rolled his eyes and set about trying to make sure the other boy didn’t drown.

It became quickly apparent that, while Harry could swim just fine in the short term, he had absolutely no stamina for it. His face would flash briefly with panic, but his solution was rather clever in Draco’s opinion. Rather than struggling for the edge, he’d simply lean backwards, and float on his back while he caught his breath.

“How do you do that?” Draco grumbled, “I can’t float like that at all,”

Harry looked up, wafting his arms a little to compensate, “What?” He said, confused, “Surely everyone can float,”

“Not me,” and Draco attempted to demonstrate, adopting the same position as Harry, only to immediately sink arse first into the lake. He emerged to Harry’s pleased laughter.

“How can you not float?!”

They ended up in the shallower end of the lake, along the side of the jetty where Draco could burry his feet in the lake’s floor, and Harry could just about stay up if he stayed on his tiptoes.

“This is ridiculous,” Harry grumbled, reaching for Draco’s shoulders and clinging to him like a limpet, “This is better,” Draco looked nervously over his shoulder, but couldn’t see Rodolphus for the jetty that separated them, “He can’t see,” Harry assured him; and then his hands traced across Draco’s neck, and he said more meaningfully, “He can’t see,” and Draco found his face being turned back, and Harry’s lips on his.

It was only natural, holding one another like this, slippery and wet with bare skin on bare skin and their lips and tongues touching time and time again, that Draco felt himself becoming hard in his trunks. He ignored it, or rather, he wanted to ignore it, but it was difficult when Harry damn near had his legs wrapped around his waist. Without meaning too, he felt himself brushing up against Harry’s front.

He separated their mouths with a gasp, “Sorry,” he panted against Harry’s mouth, “Sorry - didn’t mean to,” he made to encourage Harry’s groin away, but Harry refused to be moved, “Harry?” He said cautiously.

Harry’s gaze flicked between his eyes and his mouth; Draco caught sight of the tip of his tongue, and he licked his lips nervously, “I want to touch you,” Harry whispered against him, “Can I touch you?”

Draco shuddered involuntarily but suppressed his knee jerk impulse to agree. Instead, he said, “Are… are you sure?”

Harry nodded, “If that’s okay with you?”

“Yeah… yeah, that’s okay,” Draco whispered.

It was a terrible idea really, touching one another like this when Rodolphus was only just out of sight, but if anything, it added to the excitement of it.

“Okay,” Harry whispered as well, loosening one of his arms from Draco’s neck and reaching cautiously between them.

The first searching touch of Harry’s fingers beneath his trunks and around his co*ck under the water had him sucking in air sharply, and screwing his eyes shut tight. The touch moved, searching lower to the root of him and just holding him there for a moment. Harry made a small, interested noise, and Draco felt his grip readjust and his hips move, only for Harry to give a small gasp and then laugh.

“What?” Draco asked anxiously, having to practically peel his eyes open.

Harry was grinning at him though, and shook his head, “I wanted to see if I could touch us together but,” he laughed and shook his head again; Draco could only gasp softly when Harry’s hand around him tightened and then began to carefully move up and down, “I nearly half drowned myself without thinking about what lowering myself so our groins touch would mean,”

“I could touch you,” Draco murmured mindlessly, “If you want me to - I’ll touch you back if you want me - ah! f*ck… if you want me to,”

Though his hand continued to move relentlessly, Harry hesitated in answering; then he nodded, small and unsure, “Y-yeah?”

“Only if you want me to,” Draco repeated, biting back the whimper that was threatening to escape him.

Harry paused, then said, “Yeah, yeah, okay,”

Fitting their arms between them while still being able to hold onto one another was a struggle, and Harry nearly slipped twice, but it was worth it. Harry sighed softly against him, while Draco felt as if he were constantly having to swallow his voice down to stop himself from giving them away.

They didn’t last long - of course they didn’t. Draco came first, his legs trembling so that he staggered and promptly dropped Harry in the water. Harry was forgiving fortunately, bursting above the surface, spluttering and laughing, “Is that the thanks I get?” He chortled, reaching for Draco’s shoulder to steady himself as he wiped the water from his eyes.

“Come here,” Draco murmured, reaching his hand beneath the waist band of his trunks again, “Want to make you feel good,”

Harry hummed and pressed his groin forwards and against Draco’s waist, clinging on so that Draco didn’t need to worry about holding him, and could focus instead on touching him relentlessly. Draco sealed their mouths together when Harry started to come, swallowing down the moan that tried to escape him, and holding them together until Harry had stopped twitching in his hold.

He was nearly frightened to look at Harry’s face when they separated, terrified that he would find regret and distress staring back at him. He didn’t though. Harry only looked pleased, dipping forwards to drop a kiss on the end of his nose.

“Come on,” he said softly, stroking Draco’s cheek with wonder, “We need to get out, or Rodolphus will coming looking for us,”

The entire walk back to the house, Draco couldn’t help but to steal glances of Harry. Of his quickly drying, eternally messy hair. Of his slim nose and sharp jaw. Of his collar bones, visible through the white undershirt that clung to the moisture there.

He stopped looking though, when he realised that Rodolphus was looking too. He wished they’d paused to dry off better, but he could hardly make them stop to do so now. If Harry was bothered by the other man’s staring, or even aware of it, he never indicated anything to that affect. He simply smiled serenely at Draco, the sun glinting in his golden eye as they stepped out from beneath the canopy of leaves.

When, upon arriving at the Manor’s east entrance, they were greeted by his mother, he felt as if lead had been dropped in the pits of his stomach. She was twisting her hands together and fidgeting as she watched them approach. She didn’t try to smile, and she spoke before they could.

“The Dark Lord wishes to see Harry,” she said, her voice painfully level and at complete odds with her body language.

Next to him, Harry came to an abrupt stop, “Why?” He asked blankly.

She gave a half shake of her head, “He wants to see you in the cellar,” Harry took a sharp breath in, “I’m to take you there now, Harry,”

Draco was suddenly overcome with the urge to cling to Harry’s sleeve. To hold on tight and refuse to let him leave. But he didn’t. He watched, finding himself further numbed with every step that Harry took at his mother’s back away from him, and towards the cellar.

It felt like having the carpet ripped out from beneath his feet.

It had been so easy to pretend, out in the sun, half submerged in the lake with Harry held tightly against him, that they were in the middle of some grand summer romance, rather than the living nightmare they were actually in.

It took him a long moment to realise that Rodolphus had left him at some point. Not just him though. The Moirai had wrapped themselves anxiously around Draco’s ankles and were peering up at him like a small child looking for reassurance. He swallowed heavily, staring down at her.

“It’ll be okay,” he whispered soothingly; he might not have been able to understand her, but he was strangely certain that she could understand him, “It’ll be okay,” he said again, before leaning down and offering his hand to her. She slithered her way up his arm and around his shoulders, and nuzzled in close to him as he carried her up the stairs and to the Aethonan suite.

He couldn’t bring himself to leave once he was inside, not with the Moirai looking so anxious and ill at ease without Harry there. Or perhaps it was him who was anxious and ill at ease? Either way, he thought they were both soothed by the other’s presence, and he sat for a long time with the snake curled up at his side.

Draco didn’t know exactly how long they were alone for, because there were no clocks in the Aethonan suite, and he couldn’t bear to cast a tempus only to find that mere minutes had passed. And so, he watched the manor’s shadow grow longer and longer as the sun set on the house’s opposite side.

At a click of a door handle, Draco was abruptly on his feet.

He faltered though at who he saw at Harry’s side, a long pale hand resting on his shoulder.

He dropped his head immediately in deferential bow, “My Lord,”

Draco expected a high mocking laughing to come from the other man at Harry’s side, but the Drak Lord made no such sound. Instead, he hummed with interest, “Draco… I wasn’t expecting to find you here,”

Draco glanced up anxiously, his eyes flicking from the deeply curious expression on the Dark Lord’s face, to the deliberately blank one on Harry’s, “I was waiting for Harry, my Lord, but I will leave now if you require privacy,”

“There is no need,” the Dark Lord said slowly, and Draco could practically feel the back of his neck burning beneath the other’s gaze, “I was merely returning dear Harry safely to his rooms. Perhaps he would benefit from the support of a trusted friend,”

Draco struggled to keep his gaze averted; the way the man said the word friend made his skin crawl, “Of course, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord gave another interest hum, “Enjoy the rest of the holidays Harry. From September, we shall be commencing your true education,” and it was with that final parting, faintly ominous comment, that he left them.

He knew, Draco thought immediately, his heart hammering in his chest. He knew about him and Harry. He’d seen it written all over their faces, and in the way that they didn’t look at one another in his presence.

He knew he knew he knew.

He was distracted from his building panic by the shuddering breath he heard Harry release. He swallowed back his own anxiety, and said, “Harry? Are you okay?”

Harry’s expression twisted into something grim and steely, and his voice trembled very faintly when he spoke, “He made me kill Wormtail.”

Chapter 26: Draco: Of Dreams


The final weeks of the holidays were spent almost exclusively outside, regardless of the quality of the weather, much to Rodolphus’s displeasure (he had followed them through the wood with a stormy expression, resolutely ignoring the rain drops that clung to his heavy brow).


Just a note that you guys who read WIP are the real MVP’s <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For a moment, the room was still as Draco processed Harry’s words.

He tipped forwards, from one foot onto the other in Harry’s direction, but he’d barely taken a single step when Harry was turning away from him and striding towards the bathroom.

“Gonna’ have a shower,” he heard Harry mumble, his voice faintly breathless as if he was struggling to breath. He shut the door fast behind him before Draco could force his own words past his lips, leaving Draco and the Moirai alone.

While Draco felt rooted to the spot, the Moirai clearly didn’t, and they followed him, their hisses sounding frantic even to Draco’s untrained ear. His heart hammering in his chest, Draco watched numbly as she pressed her body against the wooden door, attempting to climb it or break through, Draco wasn’t sure, but all she achieved was a kind of desperate dance. It was only the sound of the shower turning on that dislodged Draco’s feet from the carpet.

He approached the increasingly distressed snake with caution and murmured to her gently, “Hey… hey… it’s okay,” two heads peered back at him abruptly, Lachesis, her eyes narrowed, and Atropos, her fangs bared; she put them away quickly though at the sight of Draco, “It’s okay,” he tried again, reaching out for the serpent, “He just needs to be alone,” Draco sympathised with her; he didn’t want to leave Harry either. He wanted to storm in and hide him in his arms. He knew that Harry didn’t want that though - not right now at least, “It’s okay - come and sit with me,”

He half expected her to bite him as he lifted her carefully against his chest, but she didn’t. It didn’t make it any less of a struggle though; she was heavy in his arms and Clotho still stretched out desperately for the wooden door. It became suddenly significantly easier though, when Clotho whipped around and clung to him, nuzzling into his neck.

How strange, he thought, that after the animosity that had been between them once upon a time (though it was one-sided in truth, for Draco had never before considered that a snake would be worth regarding as either friend or enemy), that they now served as a source of comfort and reassurance for one another. He wished he could speak parseltongue. That he could tell her in her own language that everything would be okay.

He hoped it would be okay.

He’d expected tears from Harry. He’d expected anguish and horror. Not this display of restraint and control. And while he was glad that Harry wasn’t sobbing on his knees, clinging to Draco desperately and struggling for breath (Pettigrew didn’t deserve tears), he couldn’t help but worry that Harry was burying his true reaction deep down inside of himself.

Carrying the snake over to the sofa and sitting down with her in his arms, it was a struggle for Draco not to scoff at himself. He didn’t understand how Harry could think that Draco was growing into a better person, when Draco didn’t even remotely care that Harry had killed someone, or the validity of his motivations for doing so. He only cared about how the experience had affected Harry. It was growing increasingly obvious to Draco, that nothing much at all mattered to him outside of Harry.

How far would that extend, he wondered? What would he do, and do gladly, in defence of him? He’d find out, he was sure.

The sound of thundering water in the bathroom beyond fell suddenly silent, and the Moirai twisted round with interest, three pairs of eyes fixing themselves on the bathroom door. He strained to listen as well, holding his breath until all he could hear was a faint ringing somewhere in the middle of his ears. He needn’t have bothered though.

He saw the thinnest slither of light emerge from behind the door as it was opened a crack, “Draco?” Harry’s voice was small; the Moirai practically threw herself from his lap at the sound, and slithered furiously in Harry’s direction, “Would you grab me some pyjamas please?”

It took a split second for Draco to register what he had said, but then he was up as well, “Y-yeah,” he stuttered, “Give me a second,”

He nearly tripped over his own feet in his urgency to get to Harry’s bedroom, rushing across the sitting room floor and throwing the door open. He had to pause for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust against the darkness, but once they had, Harry’s clothes were easy to spot, folded neatly and poking out just beneath his pillow.

Handing them through the cracked bathroom doorway, Draco tried his best to keep his eyes averted, though it was ridiculous really when he’d been quite comfortable with Harry’s near nudity in the lake earlier. This felt different though. More vulnerable, and he felt compelled to protect Harry’s modesty.

Harry had no such concerns though; he chuckled sadly, the sound more tired than amused, “You can look Draco - it’s not like you haven’t seen me mostly naked before,”

Draco felt his cheeks heat up in a hot flush, “Didn’t want to presume,” he muttered, but he couldn’t help but to glance surreptitiously at Harry out of the corner of his eye, and he caught a glimpse of Harry’s bare skin - the top of his thigh where the skin hadn’t been exposed to the sun and was still milky white, and the centre of his chest where the peridot necklace sat nestled - before Harry was pulling his bottoms on and his top over his head, “Are you okay?” He hadn’t meant to ask the question, but it was out past his lips before he could help it.

Harry, who had been stooping to stroke his fingers against Clotho’s brow, froze for a second, and then said, his eyes averted, “Would it make me a terrible person if I said that I was mostly completely fine?” He murmured, sighing.

“I don’t care,” Harry threw him a sharp, confused look, “I don’t care if being fine makes you a terrible person,” Draco clarified firmly, “So long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters,”

Harry’s expression softened, and he stood slowly, “Then yeah, I’m okay,”

Draco shuffled backwards so that Harry could step passed him and out of the bathroom, the Moirai at his heels, “Do you want to sit down?”

Harry shook his head though, “Will you come and lie down with me?” He said instead, “In bed, I mean. I am fine, but I… I wouldn’t say no to a hug,” he admitted weakly.

Draco felt suddenly filled to the brim with nervous energy, striding across the room towards Harry’s room like a man on a mission. Harry followed at a more sedate pace though, lazily towel drying his hair, his head inclined down and hissing at the serpent who followed his every step. He froze unexpectedly though - at something the snake had said Draco thought.

“What?” Draco said cautiously, holding the bedroom door open.

Harry looked up to him, his mouth hanging open in surprise for a moment; then he flushed red, “She… she wants me to tell you that she loves you,” he muttered, barely able to meet Draco’s eyes.

Draco’s voice felt trapped in his throat, and it took a few swallows to dislodge it, “Well, you can tell her I love her too, I guess,” he said; he was fond of the snake, he only wished that he could understand her the way that Harry could. He wished it was Harry who had said that they loved him though, rather than Harry acting as the mouthpiece for someone else, but he had no expectation that Harry would be as faintly unhinged about Draco as Draco was about him - it had only been a few weeks after all. Though in circ*mstances such as theirs, it only made sense that feelings developed and deepened quickly.

Harry hissed out a response to the snake by his side, and she practically preened in pleasure.

They climbed into bed together, the Moirai taking a spot at their feet. Harry left his glasses on the side and crawled into Draco’s arms, his still wet hair soaking into the crook of Draco’s elbow where his arm was tucked under Harry’s neck so that they could peer into one another’s eyes in the dark. The small amount of light in the room reflected brightly in Harry’s golden eye, making the other appear almost black in comparison.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Draco whispered against him; they were so close that he could practically feel the wisp of air between them as his mouth moved around his words.

Sparkling gold that had been fixed on Draco, flitted away from him; he heard Harry swallow, “I’m worried that, if I tell you, you won’t like me anymore,” Harry whispered.

“There’s nothing that you could say, that would make me not like you anymore,” Draco assured him.

He heard Harry swallow again, and then he started to talk:

“He said that… that Wormtail hadn’t recovered from the cruciatus. That it was important that I learnt that there was a place for mercy in his world, and that mercy right now was putting Wormtail out of his misery. He… he said that he had hoped to use him to teach me imperio, but that he was nearly certain that I’d have no problem with it anyway, and so he was going to use it as an opportunity to teach me the killing curse. He… he kept reminding me that I needed to mean it for it to work, and that he’d find a way to help me mean it if he had to, but he hoped he wouldn’t.

“The first time that I tried it, it didn’t work,” Harry admitted, “He just started… shaking and foaming at the mouth and his nose started to bleed. The Dark Lord said that it was a good first attempt… that it triggered a seizure and that he was p-proud of me for doing so well on my first try. That I was close,” he heard Harry sniff wetly, “When I cast it, I tried to use the idea that it was mercy to make it easier. To convince myself that I meant it. I was just freeing him from more pain and misery. But when I failed, I knew that… that I wasn’t convincing myself of anything. Not when I knew there was another better reason for me to kill him.

“I was trying not to, but I kept thinking about what a good opportunity it was to practice killing someone who deserved it. I keep saying that I’m going to kill Mulciber and Bellatrix and Macnair… but I’ve never killed anyone before. What if, when it came to it, I failed? So, I approached killing him like… like a lesson. A skill to be tested. If I wanted to get revenge, then this was the time to try it out.

“I tried again, and on my second attempt, I succeeded,” Harry’s fingers flexed around the front of Draco’s shirt, and he released a shuddering breath, “The Dark Lord was proud of me and I… rather than feeling horrified, I felt triumphant. Successful. I didn’t feel guilt or remorse, and I still don’t. The fact that I don’t is what has me feeling… out of sorts. I should feel guilty,” Harry muttered, “A good person would feel guilty. I’m not a good person anymore, not at all,”

Draco pulled him closer, working his arms around his back and clinging onto him, “I told you before,” he said, his voice distorted somewhat from how he had his cheek mushed against the top of Harry’s head, “I don’t care if you’re a good person. So long as you’re okay, and you’re safe, I don’t care,”

“I think… I think that I care,” Harry whispered against him, and Draco felt moisture soaking into the front of his shirt that he knew wasn’t coming from Harry’s hair, “I wish I was a good person again,”

“I’m not sure its possible to stay a completely good person, and survive under these circ*mstances,” Draco sighed against him, closing his eyes, “It’s like being angry with a starving man for stealing bread to feed himself. It’s easy not to be a thief when you’ve got a full belly. So maybe you’re not a good person right now, but one day, when you’re free, you’ll be able to afford to be good again. I promise you, you will. Until then, you just need to survive,”

“At what cost?”

Draco leant back, and peered into his eyes, “Any cost, Harry. Any cost is worth it. Please - please survive for me. You can blame me,” he dragged Harry into his chest again, and held on tight, “for anything that you have to do to survive. Don’t feel guilty. Put that guilt on me. You’re doing what it takes to survive for me, after all. Because I couldn’t survive without you,”

Harry didn’t say anything more, he just snuggled closer and held on.

Draco left only when the sun had long since set and the stars were out in the sky. On his way down the east wing’s staircase, for a split second he was sure that he caught a glimpse of Rodolphus at his bedroom door, but then he looked again, and no one was there. Still, the uneasy feeling didn’t leave Draco even as he locked his own bedroom door behind him and climbed under the covers.

The final weeks of the holidays were spent almost exclusively outside, regardless of the quality of the weather, much to Rodolphus’s displeasure (he had followed them through the woods with a stormy expression, resolutely ignoring the rain drops that clung to his heavy brow).

The lake had quickly become their favourite place to go, and Harry’s strength in swimming came on steadily but surely. That wasn’t why they went there though.

They went there so that they could huddle behind the jetty and touch one another out of sight of anyone (except for an occasionally overly curious Moirai, who Harry would roll his eyes at and waft away from them as she peered over the jetty’s edge down at them).

Just the sight of the lake had Draco half hard in his trousers now - the response near Pavlovian.

Harry’s touch was addictive, stroking him from root to tip until he was coming in his hand, their lips sealed together so that the noises that Draco couldn’t help but make ended up swallowed down between them. There was something about the water that made it all feel strangely safe - the way that everything they did was hidden beneath the surface, barely making a ripple up above.

When they weren’t touching each other, they were laughing and giggling together, or floating serenely in the water - or rather, Harry floated serenely while Draco trod water and watched him jealously and struggled to keep his hands to himself. He was beautiful. Golden brown and gorgeous like an Olympic God come down to earth. Like Ganymede himself. That he wanted anything to do with Draco was insane.

And Draco wanted him, oh how he wanted him. He wanted him all of the time. Even when he had only just come, he wanted him again as soon as physically possible. It was an urge he tempered though, with great difficulty. He never touched Harry first. Never reached out a hand if one hadn’t been offered in the first place. He knew Harry was starting to become frustrated with him though.

“You can touch me, Draco,” Harry would whisper against his mouth, reaching for Draco’s wrist to press his hand down and beneath his waist band, “I want you to touch me,”

There was something else in his expression too - something quietly relieved. As if he was secretly glad that Draco never reached for him first, but he couldn’t bear for Draco to know that. And so, Draco never brought it up. He simply shrugged with a faintly guilty smile and wrapped his fingers around Harry and stroked him until he was burying his face in Draco’s shoulder to muffle the sounds that he was making.

On the morning of the last day of the school holidays, Harry was quiet. He watched Draco with sad eyes from the middle of Draco’s bed, his legs crossed and his fingers picking nervously at the cushion in his lap while Draco packed his trunk in anticipation of leaving for another term.

Draco couldn’t leave him like this, though. Sad and lonely. He wanted to leave him laughing and happy.

And so that was how they ended up here, in the woods, but not by the lake today. No, today, they were in the clearing with the rope swing that they had finally managed to stumble across only because Draco refused to be turned back towards the house until they had.

Rodolphus was sat with his back against a tree, ignoring them resolutely with his face buried in the Daily Prophet while Harry whooped and cackled, clinging to the rope as Draco swung him around on it. Draco had had his own go first, but the weight he had on Harry made it difficult for him to swing the rope quite as successfully as this. That was until Harry had had the bright idea of using magic to help things along. Draco had been quick to give up his go after that and had had to stand very still with his hands on his hips while he waited for the queasiness to settle.

Harry was perched on the wooden beam that made up the swing, his hands clinging to the rope as he tipped backwards, his face directed up towards the canopy of leaves above. Draco watched, fixated and enchanted by the way the sunlight that reached the forest floor danced across Harry’s skin. There was something about the image. Something fleeting and transient. Something that made him feel as if the slice of happiness that they had made for themselves was already slipping through his fingers, never to be captured again.

“I’m going to miss you,” he heard Harry whisper, his eyes closed, “I’m going to miss you so much,”

Draco caught the rope in his hand to stop it moving and hauled it closer so that he was stood towering over Harry where he reclined in the air. Harry’s eyes opened, and Draco would have kissed him then and there if they weren’t out in the open.

“I’m going to miss you too,” he whispered back, taking in Harry’s face hungrily as if he could take the image of it and bottle it for later consumption; for when all he had of Harry was his handwriting and words on parchment, “So, so much. It’s been like a dream, having you with me like this. I don’t know how I’ll cope without it. Without you,”

Even as Harry grinned up at him, Draco could feel loss settling into his bones, and he felt certain that they wouldn’t have another summer like this again, “You romantic,” Harry said in a chuckle, but then his smile began to slide from his face, “I’m afraid,” he admitted quietly.

Draco frowned, distracted from his own impending sense of doom, “Of what?”

“Of what’s going to happen when you’re gone. What the Dark Lord is going to make me do. Of the person I’ll be when you come back,”

“You’ll still be you,” Draco said at once, reaching out with the hand that wasn’t holding onto the rope to stroke his knuckles against Harry’s cheek, “I’ll still -,” his words caught in his throat at the last second, saving him from accidentally telling Harry that he’d still love him.

“You’ll still what?” Harry asked softly.

Draco swallowed, “I’ll still want you,” he said instead, “No matter what you do, I’ll still want you,”

Harry smiled sadly, but ignored his words, “Will you write to me?” He said instead.

“As often as I can,” Draco vowed, “Everyday if I can,”

The sudden sound of a branch snapping had Draco snatching his hand back, and both of them whipping their heads around to stare nervously at Rodolphus, but the man was still hidden behind his paper.

Harry sat up carefully, “Come on - let’s go back to the house. It’s starting to get colder anyway,”

On the walk back to the house, it was a struggle not to reach out and take Harry’s hand in his despite the constant shadow at their back. He could tell that Harry felt the same by the way that he would occasionally ‘accidentally’ graze the back of Draco’s hand with his little finger. For a brief, mad moment, Draco considered suggesting that they should just come out with their relationship to the Dark Lord. He doubted that the man would separate them - in fact, he would probably encourage it for the extra leverage it gave him over Draco and Harry both.

It was this thought that kept Draco’s lips sealed though. He wouldn’t be used as a pawn to control Harry. Not if he could help it.

They didn’t part ways though, once Harry was back in the Aethonan suite. Instead, Harry reached out for him, taking his hand and saying shyly, “Will you spend the night with me? Your mother won’t be here until after you’ve already left. She wouldn’t know,”

The rational part of Draco’s brain knew that it was a terrible idea, but it was easily ignored.

Draco swallowed, and nodded, “Yeah… yeah okay. Just let me go for a shower and find something to sleep in, okay?”

Draco tried not to rush, but he failed miserably. He practically raced his way back to his room and scrubbed at himself furiously in the shower. He ended up spending two minutes hissing and rubbing at his eyes and trying to flush out the soap that he’d managed to get into them. He shaved quickly and simply, ignoring his razor and sticking to magic so that he wouldn’t need to do it in the morning and could spend longer in bed with Harry.

Draco had never slept in the same bed as someone else before, not since he was a small child and sneaking his way into his parent’s bed. This wasn’t that though. This was something that felt new and delicate. Something just for them.

He found Harry waiting for him in the sitting room in his pyjamas looking warm and cozy with the Moirai curled up in his lap. They hissed in pleasure at the sight of Draco.

“They say that they love you,” Harry murmured, glancing bashfully up from the top of their heads to Draco’s eyes.

Draco let out a shuddering breath, and didn’t break Harry’s eye contact when he said, “I love them, too,”

Harry smiled, but said nothing to the serpent in his lap; instead, he said, “They know,”

Draco hovered awkwardly by the door, not quite sure what to do now that he was there and didn’t have to leave until the morning. Harry took the lead thankfully, standing and saying, “Come on; let’s go to bed. We can talk there instead. It’ll be more comfortable, and I want to cuddle,”

Draco followed him obediently, and with the door closed behind them and locking them away from the rest of the world, Draco stripped out of his robes and pulled on his own pyjamas. When he was dressed again, he was surprised to find Harry not on the bed, but instead sat cross-legged on the floor with his eyes closed.

“What are you doing?”

“Meditating,” Harry murmured.

Draco blinked in surprise, “You still do that?”

Harry hmm’ed under his breath, “It’s soothing, and my magic is always more easily controlled if I’ve been doing it consistently,”

Perched on the edge of the bed, Draco couldn’t help but poke fun at him, “Ah,” he said wisely, “So your connection with your inner eye remains strong?”

Harry scoffed, and peaked at him through his golden eye, “I don’t know about my inner eye, but doing it certainly gives me some freaky dreams,”

“Yeah? How do you know that it’s the meditating?”

Harry shrugged, closing his eye again, “I don’t for sure, but they don’t tend to happen if I skip it and go straight to bed. It could just be a coincidence of course, but it’s pretty consistent,”

“Do you think you’re dreaming the future?” Draco said jokingly, ignoring the niggling worry in his gut.

Harry snorted though, clearly unconcerned, “No, not unless you’re planning on burning Dumbledore at the stake any time soon?”

“Not any time soon, no,” Draco agreed, but his interest was piqued, and he pressed forwards curiously, “What other dreams do you have?”

Harry sighed through his nose and shrugged, “They change, but some do reoccur. I dream about fire a lot. Since you showed me the woods and told me about your ancestor burning them down, I dream about it every other night, but even before then I was dreaming about the manor burning down - sometimes I’m trapped inside, and sometimes you are. But… when it’s you, you never seem worried about it. It’s weird. There’s a cottage I dream about a lot too. A cottage where it snows inside, and it has a pond in the garden except… except actually, the whole place is under water, and the pond is under water too. And I dream about drinking whisky with Dumbledore at the Hogshead while McGonagall turns a kebab over the fire - do you know what a kebab is? It that a muggle thing? And she’s slicing off bits of the meat onto a plate for us. And I dream about a cobblestone street too - with Hogwarts castle in the background,”

“Is it in Hogsmeade as well? The same dream but a different part of it, maybe?”

Thoroughly distracted by Draco now, Harry opened his eyes and gave up on meditating, “No,” he said, “It’s not Hogsmeade. And… and the castle looks like Hogwarts, but in my dreams, I know that its not. Is that weird?”

“Dreams are always weird,” Draco reasoned.

“I’ve been dreaming about Remus and Sirius a lot as well,” Harry said, turning suddenly sad, “Sometimes they’re hugging me, sometimes they’re trying to kill me. Sometimes it starts as one, and ends as the other,”

“They’re both trying to kill you?”

“No,” Harry shook his head, “Remus is normally sat down watching, and its Sirius that tries to kill me. I’m never afraid though. Just… just sad. Sometimes, in the end, he kills me, and sometimes he fails,”

“What happens when he fails?” Draco asked softly.

Harry was silent for a moment, then he whispered, “Then I kill him instead,”

“Do you have that one a lot?” Draco guessed based on Harry’s haunted expression.

Harry nodded and rubbed his eyes, “Yeah. I guess I’m just afraid of having to hurt someone that I love. The Dark Lord may have started with Wormtail, but I doubt he’ll finish with him,”

“Do any of your dreams ever come true?” Draco asked warily, a sinking feeling in his gut. What if these were more than just strange dreams?

Harry scoffed, and pushed himself to his feet, “I’m not seeing the future, Draco,” he rolled his eyes, “I’ve just got a lot on my mind. Now come on. Let’s get into bed,”

Harry crawled past him up towards the pillows at the top of the bed and settled on his side. Draco followed him, lying down opposite him so that the edges of their palms brushed against one another. For a long quiet moment, they just looked at one another, and Draco felt like he had out in the woods watching Harry tip his face back to the sun. As if the moment was running through his fingers like quicksand, slipping further and further out of reach.

But then the corners of Harry’s lips were twitching up into an amused smile; Draco frowned at him lightly, “What are you smiling at?”

Harry glanced meaningfully down their bodies towards the bedroom door, and Draco lifted his head to follow his gaze just in time to see a serpent’s tail disappearing out of the room. But then there was a hand at the back of his head pulling him back, and Harry was significantly closer than he had been before, “She said she knows when she’s not wanted,” Harry murmured against his lips, before covering them with his own.

It was intoxicating, kissing Harry, it always was. A high not unlike smoking Allihosty leaves - a kind of tingling euphoric feeling, that gave everything an almost surreal quality. There was no way that Harry was really this good, after all. No way he smelt this good and felt this good and looked this good. The touch of his lips left Draco feeling powerful. As if he could conquer the world if only Harry would keep kissing him.

Then Harry shimmied closer, so that their groins were pressed flush together, and Draco felt suddenly brave.

He pulled back slightly, and whispered against him, “If you like…,” he swallowed back a sudden shiver of nerves, “If you like, I could use my mouth on you,”

Harry blinked at him, the pupil of his green eye blown so wide as to make it look black; his sharp Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and he nodded, “Yeah, yeah okay,”

Draco flashed him a reassuring grin, stroking his fingertips across Harry’s lips, “Tell me to stop, and I’ll stop,” he promised; he stayed where he was until Harry nodded shakily, and then he shimmied his way down Harry’s body.

Harry’s hands at his sides followed him down, trembling faintly as they reached for the drawstring of his trousers and lowered them down below his groin. Draco caught the waist band when Harry’s hands could reach no lower, pulling them all the way off and then palming soothingly at Harry’s sides as he settled on his knees in between Harry’s spread thighs.

“Are you okay?” Draco murmured, peering up through his eye lashes at the other boy and finding him staring nervously down his own body at Draco.

“Yeah,” Harry said in a gasp, “Yeah. Promise. I’m okay,”

Draco nodded, and finally turned his attention to not only where Harry’s co*ck lay against his abdomen, but to the butterflies that were swirling around in his own stomach. He was almost as apprehensive as he was excited. He took a single steadying breath and pressed forwards before he could think too hard about what he was about to do.

It was more intimate than he might have guessed, having Harry pressing against his hard pallet and nudging against the back of his tongue, and it took him far longer than it should have to realise that he needed to start breathing through his nose. It was stumbling, and awkward, and odd, but at just the same time it was incredibly arousing and, judging by the sounds Harry was making, pleasurable.

Draco would never have guessed that he’d be one to enjoy giving oral – he’d thought it would be something he did only because he wanted to be a good lover, and he could hardly expect someone to suck his co*ck if he wasn’t willing to return the favour. But this wasn’t the unpleasant favour he’d thought it might be. Addictive as they were, Harry’s kisses had nothing on the almost delirious pleasure Draco derived from hearing Harry pant and swear above him. It made him feel powerful and desirable.

He realised suddenly that Harry’s hands were curled up into tight fists in the duvet. That wouldn’t do. He paused to reach for Harry’s wrists to settle his hands on the back of his head. Harry didn’t need encouragement, his fingers gripping Draco’s hair and pulling just enough that Draco could feel him there, but not enough to hurt. He swore loudly when Draco took him back into his mouth.

His only regret was that he wasn’t experienced enough to undo Harry the way that he wanted to. He tried to find a rhythm, his hand and mouth working in tandem, but he could hardly believe how annoyingly difficult he was finding it to be coordinated in this - to suck and bob his head in a consistent rhythm while breathing through his nose and not gagging when he took slightly more of Harry into his mouth than he could comfortably manage. He was concentrating so hard on making it good for Harry, that he could almost forget his own arousal in between his legs and how desperate he was to be touched - almost.

“I’m gonna’ come, Draco,” Harry panted above him.

Draco reached behind his head to silently squeeze Harry’s wrist to indicate that he’d heard him, but he kept going. His jaw was beginning to ache, but he had been fixating on the idea of Harry coming in his mouth from the moment he realised that giving head wasn’t something to be endured, but something that he enjoyed.

“I’m gonna’ come,” Harry warned again in a gasp, his breathing becoming stuttered and erratic, and just as he said he would, his cum began to fill Draco’s mouth.

Draco had to admit, he didn’t even remotely enjoy the taste of it. He didn’t pull off until Harry was tapping his shoulder, and when he did, it was to spit the mess into his hand. He leant past Harry to reach for a wand on the side table. It was only as he was banishing the mess that he realised that the friendly and cooperative wand in his other hand was Harry’s, not his.

He looked up to Harry, an apology on the tip of his tongue for using his wand without asking, when he saw the way that Harry was looking nervously down at him.

“What?” Draco said flatly, beginning to feel self-conscious under Harry’s scrutiny. He wasn’t annoyed at him for spitting it out, surely?

Harry averted his eyes, “Sorry,” he muttered, “I didn’t mean to cum in your mouth,”

“Oh!” Draco said, surprised, and he waved away his concern, crawling back up the bed to snuggle into him, “I wanted you to,” he assured him, pressing a closed mouthed kiss against his shoulder. The taste of Harry’s cum lingered in his mouth - unpleasant and bitter - but the more he thought about it, the more certain he was that the taste was worth it to make Harry feel good.

Harry was quiet for a moment, allowing Draco’s kisses against his neck and shoulder but not reciprocating them, “Do you… do you want me to…,” he trailed off meaningfully, his cheeks flushing red.

Draco leant back and stroked his cheek, “Only if you want to,” he said evenly, finding that he meant it; a year ago, he’d have balked at doing that for someone and not expecting anything in return, “I’m just as happy with kissing you and getting myself off though,”

“I want to,” Harry said firmly, turning suddenly determined, “Just… just… I don’t want you to cum in my mouth,” he muttered, shy once more and flushing red.

“I won’t,” Draco promised, “What do you want me to do?” Harry looked unsure, his nerves obvious as he glanced down Draco’s body to his groin; Draco squeezed his fingers, “Harry - you don’t have to do anything,” he stressed, “Anything at all. If you want, I can just take myself off to the bathroom and sort myself out there - I might scar the Moirai if I walk past them like this though,” he added just to see Harry try and fail to suppress a smile.

“No,” Harry said, caught between a scowl and a grin, “I want to. I want to make you feel good,”

“It’s fine - you don’t have to. Do snakes have eyelids? Can you tell the Moirai to close their eyes?”

“Draco. Shut up,” Harry said flatly, “Now lie on your back,”

Draco did as he was told, lifting his hips obediently when Harry tried to pull his trousers down. He was halfway through wondering if this was a mistake when he felt Harry’s hot mouth close around him, and then it was hard to think of anything at all.

This was nothing like hands.

So hot, and warm, and wet. Not as tight as the circle of Harry’s fingers, but it didn’t even bear comparison. No wonder the boys in the dorms were so eager to get their co*cks sucked if it felt like this. He controlled himself carefully though, fisting his hands in the sheets much like Harry had done before and keeping himself carefully still.

But then Harry was moving his hands to the back of his head. Harry may have fisted his fingers in Draco’s hair, but Draco couldn’t do the same, his fingers slipping through Harry’s short strands. He was temporarily thrown out of the moment by the memory of why Harry kept his hair so short, and why Harry might not want his hair pulled. He gritted his teeth and sank deliberately back into feeling the warmth of Harry’s mouth. Instead of gripping Harry’s hair, he stroked his fingers carefully across his scalp, down the back of his neck and around behind his ears.

He didn’t last long.

“You need to stop,” he grunted, “I’m about to cum,”

Harry pulled off quickly, but he didn’t stop touching Draco, stroking Draco with his hand, his grip tight and relentless as he kissed at his outer thigh until Draco was coming all over himself with a whine high in his throat. Harry banished it, wandlessly and wordlessly, a mindless display of power that had Draco’s co*ck twitching with interest again, but he was spent.

Harry crawled back up towards him and settled into Draco’s side, the cold tip of his nose pressed against Draco’s throat so that Draco could feel him, but he couldn’t see him.

“Are you okay?” Draco whispered gently to him, cradling Harry into his chest; he felt Harry nod against him, and burrow closer, but he said nothing, “You sure?”

“Yeah… yeah just -,” he heard Harry swallow, “Just hold me?”

There was the faintest wobble in his voice, and Draco felt regret creeping in. He should never have suggested it. If he hadn’t sucked Harry off, then Harry wouldn’t have wanted to reciprocate, and then Harry wouldn’t be lying there in his arms feeling… feeling Draco could only guess how.

It was as if Harry could read his mind though, and he slapped Draco’s chest sharply, “Stop it,”

“Stop what?”

“Dwelling - feeling bad,” Harry grumbled against him, “I’m okay. Just feeling… vulnerable,”

Draco squeezed him closer and twisted his head round to kiss his temple, “You know,” he said, sighing into his hair and closing his eyes, “I really like you. I really, really like you,”

“Yeah?” Harry whispered, “I really like you, too,”

“I like you like… so f*cking much,” Draco groaned against him, squeezing him even tighter.

Harry chuckled out something pleased but sad, “I like you too - very much,”

Draco grasped his jaw between his hands to seal their lips together, “I can’t believe how much I like you,” he spoke into his mouth.

He felt Harry’s smile more than he saw it, “I didn’t know I could like someone this much,” he whispered back.

They fell asleep together, wrapped in one another’s arms, and as he dozed, Draco couldn’t help but to fantasise that they were both using the word ‘like’ when they really meant ‘love’.

It was hard to leave Harry in the morning - hard to even let him leave his tight embrace, but he needed to leave early, or risk being caught by his mother. They pressed themselves together fiercely, desperately, exchanging kisses and sharing one another’s air for as late into the morning as they dared until eventually, reluctantly, Draco was making his way down the staircase from the Aethonan suite on his own, feeling as if he had left his heart behind in the room above.

He didn’t get far.

He was so shocked by the hands that suddenly wrapped themselves around the front of his robes, and slammed his back against the wall, that the only sound he managed to make was a surprised yelp. He felt cold dread spreading through him at the sight of Rodolphus’s furious snarl mere inches away from his face.

Who knows?” He growled, his spittle landing on Draco’s face.

Draco spluttered and tried to gasp out an answer despite the hand at his throat making it difficult to breath, “Knows what?”

Rodolphus near roared, hauling Draco close and then slamming him back into the wall, “Don’t play coy with me nephew!” He hissed, “Who else knows that you’re f*cking the boy?”

Draco bared his teeth viciously, refusing to be cowed, “No one,” he ground out, “No one knows,”

“You better make sure it stays that way,” Rodolphus snarled, “You’re going to get yourself killed if you’re not careful. You’re not even remotely subtle - you think I didn’t know that you were busy touching each other’s pricks in that lake? But in the house,” he scoffed with a mocking shake of his head, “But in the house?!” Rodolphus slammed him against the wall again, and released his throat to slap him harshly across the face; Draco let out a grunt of pain, and Rodolphus pressed closer, his face so close to Draco’s that he had to twist his head to the side so that their noses didn’t touch, “I thought you were smarter than that, but perhaps you really are more like your father than your mother,”

“No one knows!” He bit out again. He made to turn his head towards his uncle, but Rodolphus grasped his jaw and pinned his head against the wall so tightly that Draco’s temples began to scream in pain.

“They will if you can’t think with your head rather than your co*ck!” Rodolphus pulled him suddenly from the wall, and practically threw him back towards the staircase, and it was only Draco snatching his hand out for the bannister at the last possible moment that stopped him from tumbling all the way down to the bottom, “Now get out of here! Before your mother catches you,” Draco stumbled away, resisting the urge to cradle his throbbing cheek, “And see if you can’t find some sense before Christmas!” Rodolphus roared after him.

Draco’s hands trembled uncontrollably by his sides, and he had only one thought in his mind:



Dun duuuuun!!
See you next week people :)

Chapter 27: Severus: Becoming


Potter had changed.

Severus had known this intellectually, but it was only now that he realised what that actually meant.


Weirdly have now seen this fic on TikTok and another of mine.
This is very cool to me 😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Severus was exhausted and struggling not to show it.

The Order meeting the evening before - not the general one, but the one with Moody, Shacklebolt, Black and Lupin - had ended in the early hours of the morning. Normally, Severus wouldn’t have been concerned. He’d have had the chance for a lie in. Not today though. Today was the first of September, and while in normal years, he’d have had several hours to burn while they awaited the arrival of the students, as the new primary tutor for Potter, he had no such luxury afforded to him.

He was sure that Potter was unaware of the fact, but they’d be starting his education bright and early that morning - Severus just needed to finished packing his trunk at Spinner’s end before he left for the room that had been allocated to him at Malfoy Manor.

As much as he resented that the meeting hadn’t ended until it was approaching two in the morning, he recognised that it was an important one. While the Dark Lord still expected him to attend Order meetings as a spy, not being based at Hogwarts would limit Severus’s opportunities to communicate with Albus and the others. It was not just the fact that it was his final opportunity to debrief before diving into the viper’s den that made it important, but the topic of conversation.

“Gentleman,” Albus had said warily, folding his hands in front of him and looking between each of them in turn, “as you are all aware, we have been ramping up our efforts to discover the location and identity of the last of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes - within certain limits, of course. It is imperative that the Dark Lord is not alerted to the fact that we are aware that such items exist, that we are actively hunting for them, or that some items have already been destroyed.

“I have made the decision to focus the search upon Hogwarts Castle. I’m sure you can appreciate the gargantuan nature of this task, and so I must ask for your help in searching its halls. I have also extended this request for help to other trusted members of the order - Minerva and Aberforth for example - but I have not alerted them to the nature of the item for which we hunt. The fewer of us who know what we are truly looking for, the better,”

“What makes you so sure he’d have hidden something in the castle?” Moody had said gruffly, his shocking blue eye whirling around madly, but lingering suspiciously on Severus on occasion.

“Many years ago, Riddle came to Hogwarts and interviewed for the position of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I was already suspicious as to his motivations, and so I refused him the position. The castle has always been very important to him. It was perhaps more his home when he was a boy than it is for most students. I strongly believe that his pattern of using artefacts that relate to the founders, will have extended to hiding such items within the castle itself. I cannot be certain, of course, but it is only the scale of the problem at hand that has dissuaded me from searching sooner.

“Still: it is imperative that we begin looking now. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that, should the Ministry fall, or should I fall, that the school would land in the hands of Lord Voldemort and beyond the reach of the Order. If we are lucky, we will have completed our search by the end of the school year, and if we are even luckier, we will have found and destroyed another of the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes.”

Severus did not regret that he could not be pulled into such an inspection of the school - the task sounded frustrating and near impossible for a building that harboured so many secrets - but he did recognise that his talents would have been of use in the search. Still, he had other responsibilities to attend to.

The more he thought about moving to Malfoy Manor to act as Potter’s tutor, the more he felt like a governess from some Brontë era novel. Part of him resented Potter for it, but another couldn’t help but dwell on how good of an alternative to working at Hogwarts this would have been under different circ*mstances. Working for a rich family to tutor their child. This version of events was less pleasant, not only for the context within which he was relocating to Malfoy Manor, but for Potter himself.

They still didn’t get on. Not really. Not that he had truly expected them to. Over the holidays, and with the Malfoy boy to play witness, Potter had been a strange combination of flippant and cold, and frequently, in a word, bitchy.

I’m not sure that you can blame him, Sev,” her voice echoed, faintly reproachful from the spare bedroom where he couldn’t see her.

Leant over his trunk and packing the last of his things with a twirl of his wand, Severus sighed, and grumbled out, “I am well aware,”

He heard her scoff, and the phantom sound of mattress springs creaking as she readjusted on the bed, “Perhaps it will be easier now,” she suggested lightly.

“Now what?” He asked distractedly, inspecting the contents of his trunk.

Now that you’re going to see more of him - now that you’re going to be teaching him. Maybe you’ll truly get to know him,”

He laughed under his breath, flipping the lid of his trunk closed and securing it, “We hardly got along in my classroom - I doubt we’ll get along any better outside of it. Or don’t you remember the disaster that was his occlumency lessons?” He felt ridiculous the moment he had said it. She hadn’t been there - though, actually, of course she had been. Because she was him, after all, he reminded himself.

She laughed anyway, a sound like a ringing bell that followed behind him as he carried his trunk down the stairs, “It’ll be better without Draco there,”

“How so?” Severus peered about his kitchen and dining room for anything he had forgotten.

Isn’t it obvious? He was showing off for him - and he probably wanted you to leave quickly too. So that they could be alone together,”

In the middle of reaching for his travel cloak, he froze. He swallowed back the denial he could feel building, and instead he chose not to acknowledge what she had said, “You’ll have to stay away when we’re there,” he warned her; it was strange really, that he’d discovered that the quickest way to be rid of her haunting apparition, was to simply ask her to leave, “At least until we’re alone,” he added. She had become too much of an emotional crutch for him to even contemplate the idea of banishing her completely.

He felt her at his back as he stepped out of the house, “Of course,” he heard her say softly, her voice dancing on the breeze and whispering past his ear, “Look after my boy, for me, Sev,” and he knew the moment she had disappeared, by the sudden emptiness behind him.

He swallowed, steeled himself as he always did, and apparated to the Manor.

In the foyer of the East wing, he handed his trunk off to a quivering house elf, who accepted it with a squeak before disappearing with a crack. Unburdened, and deciding that they might as well get started sooner rather than later, he made his way up the staircase to the Aethonan suite.

It was only as he arrived on the top floor and began to approach the suite’s door, that he realised that he could hear furious shouting coming from its other side. He lingered at the threshold, practically holding his breath to try and make out the words being exchanged. He only managed to discern that one voice definitely belonged to Potter, but the other? The other he wasn’t quite so sure.

He opened the door carefully, going unnoticed with the shouting, and found Potter and Rodolphus at once another’s throats, screaming at the top of their lungs and looking as if they were moments away from leaping at each other with their teeth bared.

YOU’RE A FOOL!” Rodolphus roared, looming over Harry, his hands clenched in fists at his sides and tiny bits of spittle flying from his lips, “THIS COULD BE THE END OF YOU!

Potter’s Runespoor was curled up at his feet, coiled threateningly, her fangs bared and clearly prepared to strike at a moment’s notice, but she did little more than hiss furiously up at the man who loomed over Potter - she was clearly holding back only on Potter’s command.

Potter let out a laugh, cold and mocking, “Of everything that’s happened, and where I am, do you really think this is the thing that’s going to finish me off? The thing that the Dark Lord will kill me over?!”

“There are worse things than death - you of all people should know that you stupid boy!” Rodolphus hissed.

Potter wasn’t cowed by the comment; if anything, he grew more vicious, “I do know it. I know very well. So, f*ck YOU if you think I’m giving up on the one thing that brings me an iota of joy in this MISERABLE f*cking house!”

HE’LL USE IT AGAINST YOU!” Rodolphus bellowed, “ YOU SHORT SIGHTED IDIOT CHILD! Do you need me to knock some sense into you too?!”

Potter sneered, leering up at Rodolphus and clearly baiting him, “If you lay a finger on me Rodolphus, then you best believe that I’ll make you f*cking eat it!”

Severus decided that he had seen enough. He cleared his throat, and they snapped their eyes to him as one.

“What is this?” He said softly, tailoring his voice to the dangerous edge that frequently made even his seventh-year students sh*t themselves, but it had no impact on the man and boy in front of him. Potter threw Rodolphus a dirty look, and Rodolphus ground his teeth together and fell silent other than for his furious heaving breaths, “Nothing to say?”

“f*ck off Snape,” Rodolphus snapped, “I’m not one of your bloody students,”

He gave Potter one last nasty look, before storming out of the room, smacking his shoulder into Snape’s on his way out and nearly bowling him over. A juvenile display.

The room was silent now but for the furiously hissing snake heads at Potter’s heels, “Care to illuminate me as to what’s gone on here?” Severus asked coldly.

Potter didn’t answer him, instead saying shortly, “Why are you here?”

Severus scowled at him, “It is September the first, and the things you have to learn are far too important to wait for the second. Now. Tell me. What was that?”

“What? So, you can shout at me as well?” Potter snarked.

“Potter!” Severus said sharply, “Enough. Tell me,”

Potter swallowed heavily, and the red flush of his cheeks faded into a something paler and more frightened, though his eyes remained defiant, “He found out about me and Draco,”

It was all he needed to hear. No more words were required for him to understand the true extent of Potter’s confession. Lily wasn’t there in front of him right now, but he could still practically hear her ‘I told you so’ whispered into his ear.

“I see…,” he said slowly.

Potter rolled his eyes, and tried for ambivalence, but Severus could see how his fingers trembled, “Is that all you have to say?”

“He’s right,” Severus pointed out, finally stepping further into the room and taking a seat on one of the armchairs; Potter sat himself down reluctantly in the one opposite, while his Runespoor spooled herself about his ankles, “If the Dark Lord were to find out, he would use it against you,” Potter said nothing and averted his gaze, “… Does the Dark Lord already know?” And Severus felt a thrill of adrenaline in his gut at the idea.

“I don’t know,” Potter admitted quietly.

Severus inhaled carefully through his nose, and fought to keep the frustration out of his voice, “What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’?”

“He saw us together,” Potter muttered, “We weren’t doing anything,” he rushed to clarify, “We… we didn’t even speak to each other in front of him. But I… there was something,” Potter swallowed, and said more firmly, a note of fear in his voice, “There was something,”

Severus controlled his breathing with difficulty, frustration blaring through him at Potter’s own lack of self-control and forethought, but he could practically hear Lily in his ear, to the point that he wasn’t sure if it was a hallucination or just his overactive imagination.

He’s just a boy. They’re in love. He has nothing else. Let him have this,’

He could have scoffed at her - at himself! Love. Potter was a child. What did he know of love?

“The damage is done,” Severus said flatly, “If he knows, he knows, and there is no taking back that knowledge. There is only managing it going forward,”

Potter shook his head, confused, “How?”

“I’m sure the path will become clear,” he said shrewdly, “it usually does. But for now, we must focus on your education,”

Potter gritted his teeth and shook his head derisively, “And what aspect of my education was so important that I could have the holidays off, but that you had to be here at eight am on September the first,”

“Your survival,” Severus said heavily.

Potter released a long sigh, “Survival,” he said the word particularly, enunciating it with precision and gravitas, “Draco’s been somewhat pre-occupied with it. He seems convinced that anything I do is worth it so long as its in the pursuit of it. Is that your attitude as well?”

The question felt like a test, though Severus couldn’t have said what answer Potter was looking for, “I think that there exists for all of us a line where survival no longer becomes worth it,” he said heavily, “Where the pain of life exceeds the finality of death. Only you will know when you have crossed that line,”

Green and gold eyes stared at him hard for a long moment; then Potter said, “And what options are there available to me, should I decide that I am beyond that line?” He glanced at the room around him, “Because I can’t see many. And Rodolphus is a very effective bodyguard - I’m sure he’d guard my body even from myself,” he tilted his head to one side, “Would you help me? Or will I be floundering on the other side of the line all on my own?”

Severus resisted the urge to swallow, “I would help you,” he vowed softly, “Whether that was to come back from that line, or to step off of it. I would help you,”

Potter relaxed the slightest amount, and nodded, “What are you going to teach me?”

“A great many things - dark magic, defensive magic, protective charms, simple magic, complicated magic. As much as I can for as long as I can,”

“Will it be only you teaching me then?”

“While I shall be responsible for your overall education, from next week, Rodolphus shall continue educating you in hand to hand combat and weapons, and Bellatrix will still be involved in your duelling education, and I imagine the Dark Lord will have his own take on what you should be taught,” Potter sneered a little at the mention of Bellatrix, “Mad though she may be,” Severus said seriously, “the woman is a formidable duellist. If you can learn to best her, then you will be capable of besting near every witch and wizard you come across with only a few exceptions,”

“Even you?” Potter said with an amused quirk of his brow.

“If you listen and you learn, and you have even half of the power that the Dark Lord seems to think that you have, then the goal is for you to best all of us, me included,”

Potter fell silent for a long moment, and then asked quietly, “Why?”

Severus frowned, “What do you mean, ‘why’?”

“Are you grooming me to kill him?” Potter said, his voice hard, “The Dark Lord - are you grooming me to kill him?” For a second Severus wondered if Harry was more brain-washed than he’d thought he was. Did he not want the Dark Lord dead? Should he tread more carefully than he had been? “You said that you were on my side - but what does that really mean?”

“It means that I want you to survive,” Snape said firmly.

Potter chuckled darkly and shook his head, “Because its what the Dark Lord wants? Or because its what Dumbledore wants?”

Severus struggled over the answer, before deciding to risk it, and tell the truth, “Because it’s what your mother would have wanted,”

Potter blinked at him, clearly surprised, “What?”

“I may have hated your father, Potter,” Severus said warily, “but once upon a time, your mother was my closest friend,”

Potter looked bewildered, “And yet you joined the Death Eaters?”

“I was a fool,” Severus said harshly, “A short sighted fool ruled by his bigotry and entranced by dreams of grandeur and power,”

Potter sneered faintly, “And what changed?”

“He murdered her. And I realised that I had helped to kill a wonderful woman,” he felt a thrill of adrenaline as he realised his phrasing; he bit his tongue, hoping that Potter wouldn’t question him, and would presume he was placing general blame upon himself, rather than specific blame. When Potter said nothing, he said, “So Potter, I don’t care if you kill the Dark Lord, or fulfil that ridiculous prophesy. I only care that you survive,”

They sat together quietly for a long moment.

“What are you teaching me today then?” Potter asked simply.

Severus took a steadying breath, “We will start with the more subtle arts - the arts that will serve you well in this world of deception and lies. Today, I will teach you legilimency.”

Potter had changed.

Severus had known this intellectually, but it was only now that he realised what that actually meant.

The boy was singularly focussed and driven, and though he occasionally rolled his eyes at Severus, he tucked away what remained of their mutual animosity, and absorbed Severus’s lessons like a sponge. He asked questions, listening carefully and watching Severus through narrowed keen eyes, barely pausing to blink and following Severus’s every instruction.

This was not the child that Severus had taught for five years at Hogwarts - he wasn’t a child anymore. Any of the baby fat, physical and psychological, had been trimmed from him little by little over the past year, leaving behind a man who had been hammered and pressed and ground down until only his sharpest most fierce edges remained. He was a storm of power and force that Severus, trained and strong as he was himself, struggled to weather.

He had planned to cordon off a section of his mind to allow Potter to attempt to penetrate it, but he established quickly that that wouldn’t be enough to allow Potter to practice legilimency on him without risking the integrity of his own mind. He had had to regroup. Instead, he allowed Potter free rein, tucking away only his most private of thoughts and keeping them safe. The goal, rather than force, was subtlety. The game: try and penetrate the unguarded portions of Severus’s mind without detection.

Before the end of the week, Potter was able to describe in exacting detail to him, the room that had been Severus’s as child in Spinners end, and Severus hadn’t even felt a gentle breeze within his mind.

“I can listen to peoples’ thoughts with this,” Potter said as Severus stood to leave for the day; he looked bleary eyed and tired after a week of constant mental and magical effort, but still more with it than Severus imagined most wizards would be after such a gruelling week, “but can I plant thoughts?”

Severus shook his head, “There is legilimency for the seeing and hearing of thoughts, and occlumency for the shielding and masking of one’s mind. There is no art for manipulation or planting. Not that I know of, and I admit I know a great deal on this topic,”

Potter nodded slowly, “Hmm… could you though? In theory?”

Severus didn’t know quite how to answer the question, “There are a great many things that magic can, and cannot do, Potter. I frequently find that the barrier between the two is discovery,”

Potter turned somber, “I’m not sure that I want to be responsible for discovering how magic can be used to make people see things that aren’t there or remember things that never happened,”

Severus turned towards the door, and said over his shoulder before he left, “Whether or not you discover some new discipline of magic, Potter, I can guarantee you that that isn’t what you’ll be remembered for in a hundred years time,”

Severus wished that he could say that his day was officially done, but he had one final commitment before he could ask one of the house-elves to bring him his evening meal. He left the the Manor, and at the end of the drive, he apparated away to Grimmauld Place.

The house was quiet when he opened the front door, as he had expected it to be. There was no meeting planned for that evening, and that was precisely why Severus was there - there would be no one to question why he might be interested in visiting Black and Lupin by themselves.

He walked tiredly through the house, climbing the stairs to the first floor one careful step after another. He had never felt this burnt out after a week of teaching before, but Potter was practically ravenous for information in a way that Severus found most children rarely were. Though, as he’d already concluded, Potter could hardly be called a child anymore. Not really, not matter how much Severus still thought of him as a boy.

Light escaped around the edges of the drawing room door, and Severus opened the door without knocking.

He wasn’t even remotely surprised to find Black and Lupin locked in an embrace, their lips pressed together. If he didn’t know better, he’d have guessed that they timed it so that he would walk in on them, if only for how often it seemed to happen. He knew though, that it was less that they planned to embrace in this way just as he was arriving, and more that they spent much of their time alone like this. Making up for twelve years of separation, Severus imagined, and then the year after it that Black had been on the run in the countryside.

He was almost disgusted with himself that he wasn’t even remotely irritated to keep finding them like this. He was envious, it was true, but months of being in their confidence made it difficult to hate the men in quite the same way he had when they were at school. He wished desperately that he had what they had, even if it was in the midst of the horrors of war.

He suddenly understood with a flash of realisation, why Potter was so desperate to hold onto the Malfoy boy, damn the consequences, and he wished that Lily would reappear to him as a whispering voice in his ears once again. The more time he spent with Potter though, the less and less he heard from her. He should have felt relieved that the hallucinations were abating, but he didn’t. He only felt as if he were losing her all over again.

Black and Lupin didn’t burst apart guiltily the way they had the first few times he caught them. They simply separated and turned towards him with interest.

“Severus,” Lupin greeted him, anxious but warm, warmer than Severus would have ever expected before Potter was abducted, “Have you eaten? Can we get you anything?”

Severus shook his head with a sigh, “No, thank you, I shall eat when I return to the Manor,”

“How’s Harry?” Black asked eagerly as they seated themselves.

Severus was always impressed by how genuinely desperate Black always seemed to be for news of Potter, even if that news was only, ‘Today, Potter rolled his eyes at me and told me to get the f*ck out.’

“Potter is as well as he can be,” it was a line that Severus fed them with nearly every update he provided, because it was the truth. Potter was straining at the seams, even as the boy fought to either hide it, or ignore it, but still he was faring better then Severus thought any of them would have expected.

“You look exhausted Severus,” Lupin said sympathetically, “Has something happened?”

Severus sighed through his nose, “It has been a taxing week,” he said, “Potter is… very eager to learn. He is more powerful than I had expected him to be,”

Black looked faintly proud, and he spoke eagerly, “Is he?”

“Yes,” Severus admitted reluctantly, “It appears that the months of training himself in wandless magic, on top of the pressure of the Lestrange’s unconventional approach to his education -,” the fact that Bellatrix in particular used it as an opportunity to torture him further, was what he meant, “- has clearly had an impact on the breadth and strength of his magical control. While this is something that I had known in the abstract, it is a different thing to be on the receiving end of it. His magical reserves are expansive. Much more than I would expect from… well… a wizard I had previously considered mediocre at best,”

Black looked annoyed and offended, “Mediocre?”

Lupin spoke over his outraged exclamation, “You wouldn’t consider him so now though?”

Severus pursed his lips, “No. Not at all. With proper focussed training, well… that prophesy feels less and less far-fetched than one might have previously assumed,”

“f*ck the prophesy,” Black said sharply, “Harry comes first. Always,”

“Always,” Lupin agreed, stroking a hand down Black’s back in a soothing gesture.

“Always,” Severus repeated almost mindlessly; he could have sworn he saw a flash of red hair in the corner of his eye, but he was well practiced at ignoring her in public, and so he didn’t react despite how much he wanted to look in her direction, “There has been another development,” he said reluctantly.

“Oh?” Lupin said curiously.

Severus chose his words carefully, “It would appear that Potter and the Malfoy boy have become involved with one another,”

Black looked confused, “Involved?”

“Romantically,” Severus said simply.

Lupin turned worried, but Black looked furious, “What do you mean?” He barked.

Severus sighed, and bit back the temptation to say something cutting and clever - did Black really need him to explain what he meant by ‘romantically’? Instead, he said, “Why are you so angry?”

Black scoffed, the sound biting and furious, “Someone else is harming Harry - of course I’m f*cking angry!” He made to stand, but Lupin kept him in his seat with a hand on his shoulder.

“I did not say that Draco was harming Potter - by all accounts, the relationship is consensual,”

Black near growled, as if his animagi form was fighting to burst out, “Harry’s a prisoner!” He snapped, “By definition, he can’t consent!”

Strangely, Severus felt a flash of irritation on Potter’s behalf, “I do not require a lecture about consent, Black,” he said shortly, “And I’m sure that Potter doesn’t either,”

Black bared his teeth in a snarl, “It’s just another manipulation! Another way to try and warp Harry’s mind and bind him to Voldemort! The Malfoy’s have been nothing but poison to Harry!”

Severus felt his patience snap, “Black. Really?” He scoffed, “After all these years, and you still insist upon seeing the world in black and white. The Malfoy boy is more like you than you care to admit! Both of you coming from Dark families and trying to break free from their expectations. And he is in someways as much a victim as Potter is - he’s just a boy. Barely seventeen. And I have neither seen nor heard anything that might suggest his affection for Potter is anything but genuine!” He grimaced lightly, “I had avoided divulging this knowledge to you, as I had only a mother’s intuition as my source of information, but Narcissa has been convinced for months that Draco is in love with him. She’s terrified of the consequences of such a relationship burgeoning between them,”

Black still didn’t look happy, scowling heavily at Severus.

“I think, Sirius,” Lupin said slowly and gently, “That, perhaps, we should be glad for Harry,”

Glad?!” Black near squawked, his neck cracking as he whipped around to look at Lupin, his expression verging on betrayed.

“Yes, glad,” Lupin said with a nod, “That there is someone in all of this who cares for Harry. We know you have Harry’s best interests at heart, Severus,” Lupin clarified, “but that Draco Malfoy is able to show Harry explicit affection and love can only be good for him. It must be very lonely in that Manor,”

Severus felt compelled to reassure them that Draco was not the only one who acted as a source of comfort for the boy, “It is not only Draco - I have not disclosed the true extent of it to Albus, but it is increasingly clear how dear Potter is to Narcissa,” he hesitated, “Potter’s relationship with Rodolphus Lestrange continues to prove worrisome, however,”

“How so?” Black said, reluctantly distracted from his outrage over Draco Malfoy’s dalliance with his godson, “Isn’t he Harry’s bodyguard?”

“He is,” Severus said warily, “but he is singularly fixated on him. I interrupted them screaming at one another earlier in the week - over Potter’s relationship with Malfoy and the wisdom of it. I don’t know what to make of it,” he admitted, his lips twisting, “Rodolphus Lestrange is, in a word, a bad man. And yet he seems to have some kind of soft spot for Potter. An obsessive and faintly unhinged soft spot, yes, but one none the less,”

“Obsessive doesn’t sound good,” Black said darkly.

“No,” Severus said through a sigh, “It doesn’t. I shall endeavour to keep an eye on the situation as it develops, but Potter will be spending time alone in Rodolphus’s company, and there is no good reason I can give to supervise them. I… I admit that I’m at a loss as to what I can do realistically,”

“We know you’ll do what you can,” Lupin assured him, but Severus didn’t miss the nervous edge in his voice.

He nodded, but didn’t offer any false reassurances. They were all painfully aware of how limited Severus was by his role as spy. They didn’t need reminding.

September passed in a blur, and for the first time in a long time, Severus found himself almost reluctantly enjoying teaching again.

He tried not to let his pleasure show too obviously on his face, but he couldn’t help but be impressed by the speed with which Potter learned from him. He’d have described him as a sponge, but the word implied some kind of passive, lazy accumulation of knowledge that happened without any kind of active participation from the boy. No, that wasn’t what was happening. The comparison would probably have offended him, but Potter was more like a swarm of locusts obliterating acres of farmland, hunting and searching for every bit of knowledge that Severus could possibly provide him with, consuming it in its entirety, then moving on to greener pastures.

It was as exhausting as it was rewarding.

Though he had many days to recuperate from the experience. Days when Potter was returned to the tutelage of his previous educators, though Severus always made himself available to Potter following these sessions. Invariably, after a morning of duelling with Bellatrix or grappling with Rodolphus, Potter would appear at his doorstep, usually either limping, bleeding, or both, and asking for help in healing himself. Severus could always tell how the session had gone based on whether or not Potter was scowling or grinning. Severus would always linger over the sight of Potter’s magical core - it was growing increasingly strong but was still as unstable as ever. The sight of it had fear creeping up on him. They needed to do something about it, or else all of his lessons would go to waste when Potter died from a sudden cardiac arrest.

He didn’t miss the way that Potter’s eyes lingered on it as well, sad and resigned.

Severus tried to keep him distracted, and turned one of his own sessions into a duelling lesson (in the ballroom rather than on the grounds - unlike Bellatrix, he wasn’t willing to be humiliated in public should Potter beat him) more out of curiosity than anything else, and the impact of Bellatrix’s painful methods of educating him were immediately obvious. Potter was singularly vicious, and frighteningly fast when it came to casting, and even though they were only exchanging stinging hexes, Severus had never realised such minor spells could be made to hurt quite this much.

Judging by the smug but mildly apologetic expression on Potter’s face though, he was well aware.

It wasn’t just Rodolphus and Bellatrix who involved themselves in Potter’s education. More than once he had interrupted Narcissa and Potter sat peacefully at the harpsichord, hunched over the keys and pouring over a book full of sheet music together. No matter how important Severus thought his coming lesson was, he always nodded to them, and promised to return in an hour.

Potter looked so happy leaning into her side, staring up at her and practically bathing in her affection, that Severus was loath to interrupt them.

And then there was the Dark Lord.

Every Friday evening, without fail, the man would collect Potter from his rooms (invariably interrupting Severus’s lesson) and take him down to the cellars for his own brand of education.

Initially, Severus would immediately return to his own quarters, but the sight of Potter’s pale face the next morning was enough to have him sitting in the Aethonan suite with Potter’s suspicious Runespoor, waiting for his return. Severus never asked him what they had been doing, and Potter had only volunteered the information once.

“He’s using me to torture people,” Potter had muttered as Severus pressed his fingertips into his shaking wrist, searching for his thready pulse, “Punishing people who have failed him. Interrogating people of interest. It’s getting easier,” he admitted bitterly, “He doesn’t even bother threatening Narcissa now,”

Severus had said nothing, though his mind dwelt on the conversation they had had about survival and crossed lines. He’d promise to help Potter, if he could no longer tolerate survival, but he didn’t honestly know if he could honour that promise. Just the thought of it had Lily pressing in at the edges of his vision.

He never saw her now, nor heard her. Not for weeks and weeks, and even though he knew she was only a part of him, he couldn’t help but miss her and wonder if he would ever hear her voice again.

At the the beginning of October, the pattern to their week changed at the command at the Dark Lord.

“It is time, Severus,” the Dark Lord had murmured to him; they had been stood side by side at the window to Severus’s room, staring out into the grounds where Potter and Bellatrix were duelling, a surprisingly large audience of Death Eater’s watching them from the far side of the grounds, “Time for our dear Harry to be introduced into the fold properly,”

“Of course, my lord,” Severus had murmured back, “I shall prepare him,”

There was no way, that Severus could see at least, that Potter could be prepared. He would simply have to endure.

It was evening, and Severus was lingering when he would usually have already left.

“What?” Potter said quietly, glancing up from the letter he had been writing.

It was over a foot of parchment and far longer than any essay he had ever submitted for Severus, the writing small and cramped as if he were worried that the weight of extra parchment would slow down the owl that carried it. Severus would have known who it was for, even if he hadn’t caught a glimpse of the letters top. He imagined that the Malfoy boy’s letters were just as long, and while Potter only wrote ‘Draco’ at the top, Severus could image that Draco started his with more flowery language. ‘My Harry’ or ‘my darling’ something of that nature. He seemed that sort - the closet romantic.

Severus spoke carefully, “The Dark Lord has commanded that you take your place at the table,” Potter stared at him, “Tomorrow evening, you shall join the Death Eater’s meeting at his side, and you shall be expected to attend every meeting that follows going forwards,”

There was the briefest flash of anxiety on Potter’s face, “Why?”

“Don’t play dumb, Potter,” Severus said tiredly, “You know why. This is the culmination of over a year's worth of work as far as the Dark Lord is concerned - a year of making you his most prized Death Eater,”

Potter turned contemplative, drumming his fingers on the desk, “He won’t make me take the dark mark,” he said it as a statement, “His play isn’t just to make me a Death Eater. He wants me to stand out. Am I right?”

“I cannot pretend to know the Dark Lord’s mind,” Severus said warily, “but I imagine you are at least close to the mark,”

“And I won’t be able to achieve that if I’m snivelling at your coat tails,” Potter continued in a mutter, “I’ll be fine,” he said, answering the question Severus hadn’t asked, “I’ll be fine,”

Severus was less confident.

He realised immediately upon collecting Potter the next evening for the meeting, that he had been wrong to be.

Potter had clearly dressed with purpose - dark, sleek robes that fitted his silhouette perfectly, accentuating the trim nature of his waist and the growing broadness of his chest so that he looked every bit the grown man he was turning into.

And Severus didn’t know what he was doing, but he was certainly doing something. He was exuding an… an air almost. An atmosphere that had the hairs on the back of Severus’s neck standing on end and the animalistic part of his brain preparing for fight or flight. It was practically palpable.

“I’m ready,” Potter said firmly, reaching down to allow his Runespoor to climb up onto his shoulders and wrap herself around his neck.

It was immediately clear upon entering the drawing room, that Severus wasn’t the only one who felt the oppressive shadow that followed him. It was enough that the less stoic Death Eaters - the newer ones, or the ones who had never seen the inside of Azkaban - struggled to meet his eyes. They stared openly at the serpent he carried though. No doubt word as to what had happened to Mulciber’s arm had spread.

The Dark Lord awaited them at the head of the table, a pleased smile barely disguised in the corner of his mouth. He didn’t need to gesture to the seats that had been saved - one at his right for Severus, beside Lucius Malfoy, and one at his left beside Rodolphus Lestrange for Potter - for them to know where they were expected to sit, but he did so anyway.

Potter’s Runespoor slid curiously to the hardwood floor and disappeared beneath the table much to the silent displeasure of many around the table. Nagini, coiled at her master’s feet, hissed lowly as the Runespoor threatened to wander to close. Only a chiding hiss from Potter (that had the Dark Lord smirking, and more than one Death Eater shifting uncomfortably) had the Runespoor retreating.

Taking his seat, he inclined his head briefly to first Lucius, and then to Narcissa. He then turned his gaze to Potter opposite him, expecting to find a green and gold eye looking back at him. But he wasn’t - instead, Potter’s eyes were fixed blankly further down the table. Severus followed his gaze and knew immediately who he was staring at so coldly.

Macnair was sat reclined lazily in his seat, his fingers tapping mindlessly on the tabletop as he exchanged casual conversation with Rosier. He glanced around, no doubt noticing the eyes that were glued to him, and though he paused briefly on Potter, he looked away disinterestedly. Severus had been about to look away himself, when Macnair suddenly flinched and turned sharply back to Potter.

But Potter had turned away himself and was looking to the Dark Lord with rapt attention. His expression was blank, but Severus thought he could see a hint of furious triumph in the glow of his eyes. Severus was distracted from dwelling on what had inspired the look, by the Dark Lord addressing the table.

“My loyal Death Eaters,” his voice came cool and soft, “We gather here today for an auspicious occasion. Many of you have been aware that a new place had been carved out amongst you - a place for one whom was once my greatest adversary, but who I now believe may grow to become my greatest ally and supporter,” the table collectively ignored the way that Bellatrix hissed under her breath, “Harry’s presence here amongst us, and his unwavering loyalty to the cause, has dealt a blow to Dumbledore and his Order that I do not believe they can truly recover from. Even now, almost a year later, Severus tells me that his absence inspires conflict and discourse amongst their ranks. For if the Boy-Who-Lived now recognises the folly and futility of supporting Albus Dumbledore, who else can truly support him?” There was an amused and approving rumble of voices along the table, “Do you have any words you’d like to share with your new brethren Harry?”

Severus half expected Potter to falter - to stutter over his words - but he didn’t. They were smooth and measured, “I am ready to serve, my Lord,”

There was a ripple through the room - soft barely there sounds of interest and intrigue. The Dark Lord reached out a hand to gently stroke the back of Potter’s head; the ownership in the action was obvious.

Severus didn’t miss the approving nudge that Rosier gave Macnair.

Neither did Potter.

With all eyes on the Dark Lord, Severus thought that only he noticed the way that Rosier suddenly flinched and glanced around, and the tiny smirk on Potter’s mouth.

By the time Severus had escorted Potter back to the Aethonan suite, the boy was practically snarling with fury.

“Did you see Macnair?” He growled, lowering the Moirai onto an armchair carefully before ripping off his heavy outer robe, “The man has the audacity to act as if I don’t exist - after six months of making my life a living hell - only to then look smug when the Dark Lord said I’d been turned to his side,”

“What did you expect?” Severus said impatiently, “He might mean something to you, but I can say with certainty that you matter very little to him,”

“He does not mean something to me,” Potter said viciously, “I have not elevated my rapist into some figure to be revered or reviled,” he sneered, turning away to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

Severus’s breath caught briefly in his throat - it was the first time he’d heard Potter acknowledge so directly what had been done to him.

He managed to find his words again by the time that Potter was stalking back into the room, “What did you do to him?” He asked curiously.

Potter froze, “What?”

“To Macnair, and then to Rosier,” Potter’s jaw clenched but he said nothing, “This wouldn’t be some new discovery of yours, would it?”

Potter spoke through gritted teeth, “And if it was?”

Severus nodded slowly, “Then you should keep working on it. And tell no one,”

Potter blinked in surprise but said nothing more when Severus turned to leave.

Potter became almost a different person completely in front of the Dark Lord and the other Death Eaters. Cold and harsh. He’d snorted in amusem*nt when Carrow had yelped in alarm when his Runespoor had brushed past his ankles. The Dark Lord had chided Potter, his voice amused and indulgent, and Potter had grinned and apologised, though his insincerity was obvious.

The strange possessive affection the Dark Lord had for the boy was obvious to see.

The act, that Severus realised quickly had been curated specifically to appeal to the Dark Lord, was dropped the moment they were alone. In someways, he would soften. Less sarcastic and more earnest. In other ways he would harden. He’d become less indulgent and more prone to scorn. It left Severus wondering if this version of Potter was just another performance, except this performance had been tailored just for him.

No. No, Severus imagined any performance designed for him wouldn’t include Potter calling him a ‘c*nt’ quite so frequently.

As the month approached its end, and with Halloween just around the corner, Severus found himself contemplating for how much longer the Dark Lord would keep Potter confined to the manor. He was more than capable of protecting himself and he had a loyal Rodolphus practically champing at the bit to be by his side if he wasn’t. And there was no real reason for Potter to leave the Dark Lord’s side - not really. The boy was protected and looked after and practically coddled when he wasn’t being forced to commit atrocities. Even if he were being treated poorly, Severus knew that there was no way that Potter would willingly return to the Order. Not with the soul they still shared.

His questions were answered unexpectedly one evening, a few nights before Halloween, when the Dark Lord knocked on his door.

Finding the Dark Lord at his threshold, Severus couldn’t help but be eternally grateful for his long years at Hogwarts for keeping him in the habit of only changing into his night clothes when he was ready to get into bed.

He bowed his head lowly, “My lord,” Severus said demurely, “how may I serve you?”

The Dark Lord hummed, “Come Severus. I have need of you,”

Trepidation built in Severus’s gut with every step they took in the direction of Potter’s room.

They found Potter sat at the drawing table in his pyjamas, smiling down at the letter in his hands. His head snapped up at the sound of their entry, and he dropped the parchment in his hand and jumped up into a clumsy bow.

“My Lord,” Potter’s voice trembled just the smallest amount, his confused anxiety clear, “I was not expecting you - I am not properly dressed,”

“No, Harry,” the Dark Lord said softly, pacing further into the room, Severus at his back, “You were not - I apologise for not sending word ahead of my approach,” the Dark Lord reached for him with a gentle hand that cradled Potter’s cheek, then settled on his shoulder, “I did not wish to put you on edge,”

Potter swallowed, and Severus could practically see him fighting to maintain eye contact with the Dark Lord, “How may I serve you, my Lord?”

The Dark Lord sighed softly, “It is time Harry,” he said gently, “Time for you to join my Death Eaters in the world, and work with them to further our cause. Though I want nothing more than to keep you safe in these walls, I know that you are quickly growing into a man. I cannot coddle you forever. On Halloween, I will send you with the Lestange’s, and Lucius out into the world - fitting, don’t you think? When it was they that brought you to me,”

Potter nodded shakily, clearly thrown, “Y-yes, my Lord,”

“I have had appropriate robes made for you,” the hand at Potter’s shoulder swept up to his jaw again, so that the Dark Lord could stroke his cheek with his thumb, its tip lingering just beneath Potter’s green eye, “So that you are as one with your new family. They will protect you, and keep you safe as you take this step out into the world as my right hand,” he paused, then reached forwards with his other hand to slowly slide Potter’s glasses from his nose. Potter froze under his touch, watching through wide eyes as the Dark Lord tucked his spectacles away within his robes, “There is just one more thing that we must do,”

“M-my lord?” Potter’s voice shook, and he shot Severus a frightened look - Severus had almost forgotten what Potter looked like when he was afraid.

“Don’t worry Harry, you shan’t need them any longer. Now lie down,”

“My Lord?”

“Lie down Harry - on the floor. Severus shall fetch you a cushion for your head. I do not with for you to fall and hurt yourself,”

Potter was guided to the floor by the Dark Lord’s hands at his shoulders, his fingers tangling in the man’s robes and clinging to him like a child.

“Hush, Harry,” The Dark Lord said gently, stroking his cheek, “Hush,” the hand that wasn’t cradling Potter’s cheek reached within his robes, and pulled free a thin silver wire, “I wonder Harry, if that book you used to make your eye told you anything about how the vision in your other eye could be improved,”

Potter froze, then began to tremble anew, though Severus didn’t understand why, “M-my Lord,” he whimpered.

“Did it Harry?”

“Y-yes… p-please don’t -!”

“Hush Harry, hush… I would never let any harm come to you; you know this. But this must be done - runes, in silver, imbedded in the back of your eye, and you shall never need glasses again,” Severus’s stomach churned, “but it will serve me another purpose as well. Such runes were used, once upon a time, by wizards who owned slaves. They would burn them into the back of their eyes for many reasons. There were runes to track them. Runes to control them. Runes to demand their loyalty and obedience,” the Dark Lord chuckled, “I don’t think I need all of those though, do I Harry?”

“N-no, my Lord,”

“Because you are already loyal and obedient,”

“Y-yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord smiled slow and cruel, “I know,” he whispered, “I know Harry. But I fear, that should you be captured, you might be twisted against me. And that you might never find your way back to my side. So, I shall not take your control from you, Harry. Not all of it at least. Just enough that, when I call for you, you come back, no matter what. Do you understand?” Potter swallowed, but said nothing, “Severus,” he jolted at being addressed, “if you wouldn’t mind restraining dear Harry - I must concentrate if I am to do this without causing Harry permanent blindness,”

Severus felt as if he might vomit at any moment, but he forced the feeling down. He could see red hair out of the corner of his eye, but she said nothing to him.

With a flick of his wand, Potter was pinned to the ground. Severus could see he was trying to resit the magic that held him in place - the veins in his neck bulged as he struggled to lift his head.

“Now Harry - stay calm. This will all be over very quickly,”

Severus tried desperately to look for Lily out of the corner of his eye - anything to draw his attention from the intricate, delicate shapes that the silver wire, as thin as human hair, was being manipulated into. He couldn’t block out the sound of Potter’s screams though as the Dark Lord fed the wire into his eye.

By the time the Dark Lord was done, Severus’s ears were ringing, and Potter was shaking and silent on the ground.

Outside, it began to rain.


Just a head up that’s in about four or five weeks I’m probably going to have an other short break - I’m going for a promotion at work so I’m going to be taking some time out to focus on that
And as much as I want that promotion
I can’t tell you how much I hate that it might interfere with me writing 😂😂

Chapter 28: Harry: The House of Falling Snow


He screwed his eyes shut and held his breath against the pain, willing desperately for it to dissipate. He opened his eyes and looked back to the ceiling. He tried not to think about how, despite there being no glasses perched on the end of his nose, the ceiling above him was clear and sharp. His eyes darted about, each and every movement feeling as if there were spikes at the back of his eye-socket scraping against the soft white of his eye.


The proof reading of this was done while I was post night shift, so if any sentences don’t make sense, for my sake, let’s all just pretend that they do please 😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry stared up at the ceiling above him, his heart hammering in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.

His eye - his real eye - was burning. He blinked, only to grit his teeth against the pain. It felt as if sand were trapped behind his eyelid, scraping down his cornea in a stabbing sharpness that he felt all the way to the back of his skull. He suppressed the impulse to reach for his face. It would do him no good.

My own? My own… my own!

He could hear the soft chanting of the Moirai, their voice a gentle whispering chorus as they called for him, though he couldn’t have said where they were.

He screwed his eyes shut and held his breath against the pain, willing desperately for it to dissipate. He opened his eyes and looked back to the ceiling. He tried not to think about how, despite there being no glasses perched on the end of his nose, the ceiling above him was clear and sharp. His eyes darted about, each and every movement feeling as if there were spikes at the back of his eye-socket scraping against the soft white of his eye.

He dipped his chin down the smallest amount.

The Dark Lord, who had been crouched above him, was now only just within his sight. Looming menacingly in the middle distance. Harry closed his eyes and counted to ten. Ten seconds. That was all he allowed himself to try and gather his senses. To find a way to deal with what had happened in that moment. He could breakdown later. Right now, he needed to be cold and unfeeling.

“My own, my own, my own,”

He hissed through his teeth as he pushed himself up into a sitting position - it wasn’t parstletongue, but his meaning was clear enough that the Moirai fell silent. Harry finally gave into the impulse to reach for his face - he found a wetness on his cheeks, and his fingers came away bloody. His hands were shaking in front of him, but he knew it was from more than the physical trauma he’d just been subjected to.

“Stand Harry - let me see you,”

Harry froze for the briefest moment, half expecting to find himself compelled to follow the whispered command. But he didn’t. He stood gingerly, slowly, willing his limps to stop trembling. He couldn’t appear weak.

He mustn’t appear week.

Brief though his pause had been, the Dark Lord didn’t miss it; he let out a high breathy laugh, “I told you Harry: I’m not interested in taking your control from you. I just want to keep you safe,”

Clotho let out a miserable, “My own,” and Harry looked over to find the Moirai curled up beneath the drawing table.

Be quiet,” the Dark Lord hissed dangerously, “Your master is well,”

Harry’s eyes - his burning, stinging, bleeding eyes - found Severus at the Dark Lord’s shoulder. His face was carefully arranged into a picture of mild interest. As if Harry was nothing more than a new dog breed on show. Harry knew it didn’t reflect how he truly felt. The magic he had used to hold Harry down hadn’t been as strong as it should have been. His reluctance to restrain Harry had made the magic slip multiple times, and Harry had had to force himself to remain pinned to the floor as to not give the man away. He wondered if Snape had even noticed.

Harry turned finally back to the Dark Lord and found the man smiling at him.

“There you are,” he said softly, his red eyes taking in Harry’s face hungrily.

Harry blinked and he felt another tear escape his eye. He knew without touching his cheek that it was bloody.

“How’s your eye, Harry?” the Dark Lord whispered, though he might as well have been shouting for how clearly Harry could hear him.

Harry stuttered hoarsely over his answer, “It… it hurts,”

“Ah, I know Harry,” the Dark Lord said softly, almost sympathetically, as if it wasn’t he who had forced slivers of silver into Harry’s eye, “I know, but a little hurt can go a long way. How’s your vision?”

Harry blinked on instinct, and winced at the feeling, the scraping and stabbing, “I can see,” he said simply, wishing that he couldn’t. Wishing that the Dark Lord’s face in front of him was nothing more than a frighteningly pale blur.

“Well?” The Dark Lord said curiously.

Harry swallowed, “Yes,” and by being relieved of his glasses, Harry felt the last part of his identify as ‘Harry Potter’ slip away into nothing, as he truly became something - someone - else.

“Excellent Harry,” his voice came as little more than an eager breath, “And now for the true test,”

Harry blinked, and winced, and focussed on the Dark Lord’s mouth anxiously. He saw his lips open and move to make a shape, but he heard nothing.

And then suddenly, he was directly in front of the Dark Lord, confused and disorientated.

It was like waking from a nap when he hadn’t even realised, he was asleep in the first place. It took him a moment to realise that he wasn’t where he had started, though he had no recollection of crossing the floor. At the Dark Lord’s shoulder, Snape’s face was briefly horrified before he managed to effectively school his expression into something bored.

He felt cold fingers stroking his face and cradling his cheek, “Perfect,” the Dark Lord was smiling with thin lips down at him, “Now Harry, we shall never be parted from one another. If she were still alive, you’d have killed your own mother to get back to me,” he chortled, “Now: prepare yourself Harry. Halloween shall be your becoming. Fitting, don’t you think?” His nails dragged lightly across Harry’s cheek for a moment, before he was dropping his hand, and leaving the room with a final pleased smile over his shoulder.

Harry felt as if he were going to vibrate out of his skin, until he was stood shaking in the middle of the room. For the first time, in a very long time, he felt well and truly trapped. Though less like a bird in a cage, and more like a puppet on a string with the illusion of free will, but ultimately having to bend to the command of his master.

This was it. This was his life now. There was no escape, except in death, and he wasn’t sure he loved life enough to tolerate this until then.

With white noise deafening him, he was only loosely aware that he was being carefully steered over towards the sofa. A gentle hand on his shoulder pressed him down until he was perched on its edge, and he was staring blankly into the face of Severus Snape.

Life came in snapshots for Harry as shock took hold.

Snape above him, his expression something controlled but nervous.

The Moirai nuzzling against him, first his hip and then his elbow and then under his chin.

Harry opened his mouth and tried to say the name of the man peering down at him, and though he felt his throat vibrate as he spoke, he heard nothing.

Snape’s expression turned pained, then suddenly kind in a way that Harry had never seen from him before. He’d missed the transition between the two, and the sudden change was jarring. Harry felt his throat vibrate again, words passing his lips that he hadn’t meant to let out, and that he didn’t hear escape. He didn’t know what he’d said, but it had Snape reaching for him, a hand carefully stroking his cheek. Where the action had felt possessive in the Dark Lord, it felt familial coming from Snape. Would his father have touched him like this? This gentle comfort.

He blinked, and his eye burnt, and he remembered all over again.

That was no escape there was no escape there was no escape.

The mantra had his heart racing in his chest again and his breath coming as terrified snatching pants.

He’d been reduced to nothing more than a dog with a shock collar penned in by a fence that only he could see. Like an ex-circus bear walking in circles long after having been removed from his cage.

If he ran, the Dark Lord would only drag him back.

If he gave in, and turned to the Order for help, then all the Dark Lord would have to do was whisper a command, and Harry would try and kill them all to return to his side, and with the months of training he’d had, he just might succeed.

A sudden terrible thought occurred to him.

Was that what the Dark Lord wanted? Was that his plan on Halloween? To return him to the Order, then command him to escape, and watch the carnage that followed. Was that what he had planned for Halloween?

But no - surely not. He wouldn’t risk Harry like that, Harry was sure, even if it was only because of the fragment of soul that Harry harboured within him. The Order was filled with extremely skilled witches and wizards. No matter what reluctant compliments Snape payed him over his power and control, he doubted he could overpower them all.

Which meant it was something else. Some other initiation. Something else to give him nightmares. Though all of his had been so surreal as of late, and so vivid. Of fire and water and snakes and the Manor. Despite what Draco had said, Harry didn’t think he’d miraculously gained prophetic dreams. Harry was convinced he was just under huge amounts of stress, and his psyche was trying to find the best way to cope.

After he’d killed Wormtail down in the cellars, the man whimpering and babbling to himself and rocking back and forth, Harry had been having the same dream nightly. That he was back in the cellars again, except instead of Wormtail in front of him, it was Ron, then Hermione, then Draco, then Fred and George, then Dudley, on and on, an endless rotation of people in front of him begging for mercy, and the Dark Lord at his back whispering in his ear.

There was a flash of lightning outside of the window that had Harry flinching; the cold hand that had been cradling his cheek dropped away.

Oh God. Oh God!

He couldn’t do this. He was done with surviving - he wanted nothing more than to find Bellatrix and bait her into finishing him off. He was certain he could do it - all it would take was a few well placed comments here and there. An observation that her husband seemed significantly more interested in Harry than he was in her. That even though she was desperate for the Dark Lord’s attention, the man would never love her the way she wanted. It would be easy. He’d just need to get her alone, and away from Rodolphus, and she’d have him dead in an instant.

What was the point in survival if it was just more of this day after day until he finally fell at the end of someone’s wand? He’d long since given up any illusions that old age was in his future. He’d be lucky to last to the end of the war, he was sure.

He missed Draco.

He wanted Draco.

The thought had Harry collapsing forward and burying his face in his hands, a sob in his throat.

Life was so much more tolerable when Draco was around to hold him close and stroke his hair, while he made promises to stand by Harry’s side. Promises to save him.

There was no possibility of that now.

Dread made Harry’s heart stutter.

If Draco was true to his word, which Harry was sure he was, then Harry wasn’t the only one trapped by the slithers of silver imbedded in the back of his eye. Draco wouldn’t leave him. Draco would stay, and rot by his side.

Draco’s words from his last letter - from every single letter, in fact - echoed in his mind. He could hear them in Draco’s voice, the tone warm and longing. My darling, Harry. My heart. Faithfully yours, Draco. Eternally yours. Sometimes, it felt like he was writing to a character from a novel, but Harry loved it. Loved how it made him feel - treasured. Like something to be coddled and shielded from the world.

He should make him leave. If Harry truly loved Draco, the way that he thought he did, then Harry would make him leave for his own good. But how? When his family were so closely bound to the Dark Lord as well? Would the Order take him? Or would Dumbledore just try to make him a spy? He wasn’t sure that the ‘how’ of getting Draco to leave mattered so much though, when he had to figure out first ‘how’ he could let him go in the first place. Harry wasn’t sure that he could. The idea of being left alone in this place made him want to scream.

A soft, cold hand on his cheek pulled him back into the real world, and he realised abruptly that he had been sat, panting and panicking and existing only inside his mind.

The hand turned his face, and he found Narcissa peering anxiously at him, perched by his side on the sofa, her eyes full of tears. She swallowed.

“Oh, my darling boy,” she whispered, reaching up with her other hand to dab at his cheek with tissue that came away stained with red, “My boy,” and she pulled his head down and onto her shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his back.

Why was she there? When had she arrived? Had Snape fetched her? Had Snape recognised that he was drowning and needed the touch of his substitute mother to keep his head above water?

He collapsed against her, pressing his face into her neck and holding back the sobs he could feel in his throat as best as he could. They escaped with a guttural cry though, when he realised that he couldn’t feel his glasses biting into his face, and he remembered anew what that meant for him. He heard her speaking in his ear.

“What happened Severus?”

“The Dark Lord has imbedded slaving runes within the boy’s eye. Runes to control his behaviour - to ensure that he cannot flee,”

He felt her fingers stroking the back of his head and cradling him close.

She made a small noise high in her throat, “Oh,” the sound didn’t touch the feeling he could hear suppressed in it. What was she holding back, he wondered? Some secret wish for his freedom perhaps? A wish she dared not voice in front of Severus, for fear of him betraying her to the Dark Lord. Harry wanted to tell her that Severus was safe, but he could hardly do anything more than to tremble within her arms and stain her shoulder with his bloody tears.

There was a pressure against his thigh. He knew without looking what it was - Clotho’s nose pressing anxiously against him, and Lachesis and Atropos’s heads resting on his leg. They were whispering to him - something crooning and gentle, but too quiet for him to hear.

“Potter, look at me,” he obeyed so easily, that he almost thought it was a command from the Dark Lord, and his breath stuttered in panic. But then he remembered what the Dark Lord had said - he hadn’t taken all of his control. Only the most important part of it. The ability to control his own destiny.

It was Snape who had quietly requested his attention. He had drawn up the chair from the drawing table and was sat in front of him. Snape raised his wand, but paused, glancing at Narcissa, and saying, “Can I trust in your discretion?”

“Of course,” Narcissa said at once, “In all things. I am as much your confident Severus, as you are mine. Never forget that,”

Snape paused to nod, then began to dance his wand through the air, each movement slow and measured and delicate. Harry could feel something in his eye - something stirring to irritation, then pressure, then to a sudden stinging. He gasped out in pain and shrank away from the end of Snape’s wand.

Snape frowned, muttered an apology under his breath, and resumed his wand work, though now his movements were so minute as to be nearly imperceptible. While Harry’s eye felt like it was vibrating, it never built to the same level that had had him swallowing a cry of pain.

Finally, Severus dropped his wand, and swallowed heavily.

“The runes,” he said, his voice hoarse, “They are not impossible to remove. But to do so would alert the Dark Lord instantly. Even attempting to alter their function would draw his immediate attention. And…,” he swallowed again, “And attempts at removal, if done improperly, have the very real risk of killing you. These runes are bound to your magic, and your magic, strong as it is, is still unstable. Safe removal would require time, and practice, and research, even if your core stabilised itself somehow,” Snape shook his head, “Removing them while you are within the Dark Lord’s grasp would be futile. I am sorry, Harry,”

Harry said nothing. He simply stared through bleary eyes at the one-time potions professor, and allowed Narcissa to pull him into her again, a hand tipping his face into her shoulder.


He was crying again.

Narcissa held him close to her for a long time. Long after Severus left then. Long enough that Harry was distantly aware of someone at his door - Lucius he thought - checking where she was.

When he finally stopped crying, she guided him back to bed, and settled on top of the covers by his side, an arm open to allow him to curl into her. He felt the coils of the Moirai settling at his back.

He was so exhausted, that the process of him falling to sleep seemed to go in reverse. As wired as his mind was, it was as if his body gave up the ghost before it was meant to. He could feel himself sinking into the mattress, as moving became difficult and then nearly impossible. He tried to reach for Narcissa, but his fingers only twitched. He thought, had he not been subjected to so many horrors already, he’d have found the experience distressing. As it was though, he simply gave into it, and hoped his mind would give in soon as well.

He was still conscious when Narcissa carefully slipped out from under him, lingering to press a kiss to his brow and stroke his hair before she closed his door quietly behind her.

The last thing he was aware of before he finally fell to sleep, was the sound of the wind howling outside, and the rain pounding against the window pane.

He’s sat on a bench - a small one, with no back, and a plush cover - one he’s sat on before, but normally with Narcissa at his side. She’s not there now though.

He reaches forwards for the keys in front of him - black and white, and rather than the harsh clear almost twanging sound of a harpsichord he expects, he hears the softer, more melodic ringing of a piano. This is when he realises, he’s not alone.

Draco is at his left side, and where Draco plays the supporting chords, Harry plays the melody, though it’s a tune Harry has never heard before he doesn’t think. Not in the waking world. Because he knows he’s asleep. He always knows when he’s dreaming now.

He trails his eyes up Draco’s left arm, linger on the bare, smooth forearm, and ending on Draco’s bright grey eyes. He’d called them cold in the past, and they are he supposes, but they never seem that way when they’re looking at him. Such fondness can never be described as cold. They are soft and, he knows, full of love, but he tries not to think about that. He’s frightened at what it means - for both of them.

There is the slightest misstep in the melody - Harry’s fault - and he frowns down at his right hand, his fingers tingling and struggling to obey his commands. He turns his hand over to stare into his palm, and freezes upon what he finds. A deep cut that stretches from the skin where his thumb connects to his forefinger, all the way across. It’s dry, but within a moment of thinking, ‘There should be blood,’ red is pouring from the wound, forming a pool that dribbles down his wrist.

Then Draco his cradling Harry’s hand in his, “Be careful - or it’ll never heal properly,” white bandages appear, and Draco is wrapping his hand carefully. The white is never stained with red, the red simply disappears as if it were never there.

Harry frowns and concentrates, and tries again to move his fingers but finds that he can’t, and they’re beginning to tingle, “Did we cut too deep?” He asks anxiously.

Draco is bowed down over Harry’s hand, but he shakes his head and looks up with a smile, “No, it’s fine, look,” he releases Harry’s wrist to show him his own palm, where an identical cut exists, though it has scared and healed over, “We match,” and Harry feels relief flooding him, even though the tingling in his fingers has spread up his wrist, “Come on. Let’s go back to my room,”

They stand, and Draco holds Harry’s right hand in his left, and though Harry can see no blood where their palms are joined, there is a constant dribble of red on the floor behind them.

It’s only then that Harry realises someone is missing, and he starts looking for her.

“What’s wrong?”

“The Moirai,” Harry mutters, twisting about looking up and down the halls around them (that he knows are Malfoy Manor, but look nothing like any part of the Manor he has seen before), “Where are they?”

“She never follows us around the house, remember?”

Harry relaxes - he’s right, she never does - and just as he glances up to Draco, their positions have suddenly changed.

Draco is facing him and holding his left hand tightly; he’s reaching up with his other hand to cradle Harry’s face, “Don’t cry,” Draco whispers, “Don’t cry,”

Harry frowns, “I’m not crying?” The statement comes as a confused question.

“Don’t cry,” Draco’s thumb strokes his cheek, as if wiping away imaginary tears, “Don’t cry. It’s okay. I don’t need it. We don’t need it. It doesn’t matter. It’s okay. Don’t cry,”

Harry reaches for him with his right hand, “I’m not crying Draco,” only its not his right; it’s his left.

He frowns, and looks down only to find that, paradoxically, Draco is still holding his left hand tightly. He watches as Draco draws his left hand into his chest, then up to his mouth to press a kiss to its back, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I can feel you here anyway,” and Draco touches their hands to his chest again over his heart, “I can always feel you,”

Harry tries to reach for him with his right hand again, but he can barely move it. He scowls down at it in frustration, and he struggles to lift it to his chest. He turns it over to look at the scar in his palm again - except the scar has changed.

Now it stretches from the base of his middle finger all the way up his forearm, nearly reaching his elbow. It isn’t bleeding anymore, but it is opening up, slowly unfolding to reveal the inside of his arm, except where he expects to find bone and sinew, he finds inner workings like that of the pocket watch that Narcissa had given him for his birthday.

Inside his forearm, being lifted towards him as his skin peals back, is a knife.

It’s the same size as the throwing ones that Rodolphus has had him practicing with, except it looks different, and strangely familiar. A knife he had almost forgotten existed. Deadly, and ornate, and stolen and hidden away months ago.

A gasp of realisation escapes him, and he looks up to Draco, except its not Draco anymore.

It’s Mulciber.

A broken smile stares down at him.

“Hello, pretty bird,”

And Harry wakes up.

Harry woke up gasping, his heart hammering in his chest and threatening to escape through his rib cage, or perhaps his mouth. He blinked rapidly as he fought to drag himself away from the apparition of Mulciber that had roused him - his eye still felt painful, and dry, but nowhere near the agony of before.

He struggled to sit up and realised immediately why he had struggled so much with his right arm in the dream. He’d managed to sleep with it twisted awkwardly beneath him. His fingers tingled to the point of pain, and he hissed as he tried to flex feeling and blood back into them.

My own? Are you well?” The Moirai appeared at his side, draping herself across his lap; it was an anxious Clotho who had spoken.

“Of course he’s not well,” Atropos growled, “The Adversary put light things inside his eye and made him cry - should we find The Mother? Or the Deceiver perhaps?”

They would not understand us,” Lachesis pointed out gravely, “Only the Adversary can do that. We shall bite him if we can,” she added, the comment uncharacteristically impulsive and vicious from her. She was normally more measured than that.

No,” Harry said sharply at once, “No. Absolutely not. He’d kill you. No. Just… just keep quiet around him… and Nagini, if you see her,” he added in a grumble, thinking of the enormous snake that barely acknowledged his existence. He’d thought she’d talk to him, what with him being another parstletongue, but she didn’t even look his way, only having eyes for the Dark Lord.

She does not speak to us,” Atropos grumbled, “Stuck up common python,”

She is no mere python,” Lachesis murmured, “But yes, she is stuck up,”

Harry felt a slight rush of fondness for the serpent, “Good. Keep it that way. Nothing good can come from speaking to her,”

Were you having a bad dream, my own?” Clotho asked sweetly, nuzzling into his stomach, “You were making noises,”

The dream. Suddenly, Harry remembered.

He stood as quickly as he could without throwing the snake to the ground, “Stay here,” he muttered urgently, “I’ll be back,”

He marched out into the sitting room, sparing the stormy weather outside a brief glance, but otherwise turning his entire focus to the panel on the wall next to the bathroom.

He paused for a split second, then raised a hand, and cautiously stroked his finger down the mane of the horse engraved there. He watched numbly as the panel slid aside and revealed the blade that Harry had hidden there months and months ago.

He’d nearly forgotten.

He lifted his arm, then hesitated, then surged ahead, pulling the blade free and carrying it to the bedroom where the Moirai waited impatiently for him on the bed.

He didn’t know what he was doing - not really - but he was desperate for some kind of protection. Something beyond his magic and wits. And clumsy as it was perhaps, a knife seemed like an excellent addition to his arsenal.

What are you doing?” Clotho asked curiously.

I don’t know,” Harry said honestly, because he didn’t really. He was moving on instinct.

He dug through his chest of drawers and pulled free a belt he never used. It was falling apart before he’d even consciously thought of an incantation, transfiguring itself into a new shape. A holster of sorts, with straps and a small steel buckle. His hands moved without thought, rolling his pyjama leg up so he could affix it to his calf, and slot the blade into place. The strap adjusted with the touch of his fingers, tightening and loosening and moulding to fit the blade and to fit Harry. More than once he had to gently bat away curious noses as the Moirai pressed in closer.

When he was finished, he shook his trouser leg down and considered it. With the loose fabric, he could hardly see it at all, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough if he were wearing tight trousers. If he wanted it to be practical, he’d want it over the trousers as well.

He rolled his trouser leg up again and considered it critically. What to do, what to do…

A story popped into his head - a story told by Narcissa to him and Draco both, about notice-me-not charms. If such a charm was enough to hide Narcissa’s pregnancy, even into its final days, then surely it could be used to hide this?

He bit his lip, concentrated, and cast the strongest one he could.

What is that?” Atropos growled, “It feels wrong,”

And then there was a knock at his door, and all three heads hissed lowly.

He flinched and shook his trouser leg down immediately and threw his wand onto the bed away from him.

He stuttered as he spoke, his voice cracking, “C-come in,”

It was Snape; he stood with a large box in his arms, and a careful expression on his face. It was almost gentle, and a part of Harry hated it. He didn’t want to be treated delicately, like porcelain threatening to crack. He supposed that was what he was though - though Harry felt like he’d cracked long ago.

Severus stepped closer, “Good morn- ,” he cut himself off, frowning; he pursed his lips.

“What?” Harry said.

Snape gave a half shake of his head, then froze, and said, “What are you hiding?”

Harry swallowed dryly, his heart hammering, and he and to force himself to remember that Snape was on his side, “Why?”

“You are hiding something?” Severus clarified; Harry reluctantly nodded, “The charm. It’s too strong. I can barely look down below your waist,”

It was like a lightbulb going off in Harry’s head - Narcissa had said something similar, hadn’t she? That the art of a good notice-me-not charm was making it not too weak and not too strong or something to that effect.

He was unwilling to show Snape what he had hidden though, the paranoid part of him (which was growing everyday) half convinced that the man would force him to hand it over. And so he adjusted the charm wandlessly and without pulling his trouser leg up, dialling it down and down until Snape nodded, and said, “Very good. I shall wait for you in the sitting room,”

Harry took a long time to get dressed.

It was only with the adrenalin out of his system, that he realised how much he hurt all over. As if he’d been run over by a herd of horses or going toe-to-toe with Rodolphus and Bellatrix for half a day. He imagined it was from tensing in pain the night before.

The reminder had him bent at the waist and panting, panic creeping up his back until the Moirai managed to calm him with soothing words and the gentle fluttering of her tongues against his cheek.

It is alright my Own, it is alright,” a chorus of voices in his ear.

No escape. There was no escape, oh God there was no escape!

He pushed the voice down, not quite dissociating, but distancing himself enough that he could pretend that the anguished internal voice was someone else’s.

He dressed himself twice. First with the holster beneath his trousers, and then with it over them.

He needed to test this. As territorial as he was over the weapon, he needed to test his ability to conceal it with someone he vaguely trusted.

He found Snape sat on the sofa, the box he had brought with him at his side. He was clearly in deep contemplation, his dark eyes fixed on the windows and the rain that pelted constantly against them. He looked around though at Harry’s approach, his eyes flicking down to the serpent that had followed Harry out of his bedroom.

“Can you see it?” Harry asked abruptly at once.

Snape paused, his eyes trailing across Harry’s body, hunting, but sliding almost imperceptibly from Harry’s calf; finally, he shrugged, “No,”

Harry relaxed, and continued to ignore the desperate voice in the back of his mind, “What’s that?” He said, nodding towards the box.

Snape didn’t swallow nervously, but Harry knew a lesser man would have, “It is from the Dark Lord,” he said softly, “Your robes,” and Harry knew what he meant immediately.

Harry nodded, “Can I see?”

Snape lifted the lid away, and Harry stepped closer. The Moirai climbed up onto the sofa and peered in curiously, their tongues darting in and out of their mouths as they tasted the air around the garments.

It smells,” Atropos muttered.

The face - a thing of nightmares,” Clotho whispered.

It makes you one of his,” Lachesis said cautiously.

I know,” Harry said to them gently, nudging them out of the way so that he could actually see, “I know,”

Harry’s eyes immediately found what Clotho had been talking about - the mask sat upon the folded up black robes. It was a thing of nightmares, though Harry thought it looked ever so faintly like him. He supposed that made sense. It was for his face after all. It looked… less, than he had expected. Just like the other Death Eater masks he had seen. He’d expected something more special - with the way that the Dark Lord spoke about him sometimes, it made him feel like he was special. Special to the Dark Lord at least.

He tried not to examine why he felt so disappointed to be proven otherwise.

He reached for the mask and lifted it out carefully.

It was only as he viewed it in the light that he realised he was wrong. This mask was not quite like the others. The design that covered it, wrapping around the eyes and the mouth (a grim gated thing like all the others) in a dull gold colour was made up of tiny three-headed snakes, their mouths open and fangs bared and biting one another in a repeating pattern. Like a three headed ouroboros except rather than eating its own tail, this snake was biting at the tail and necks of all the others around it.

“We must prepare you,” Harry jumped at Snape’s gently comment, “In more ways than your magical abilities. We must prepare you… psychologically, for what is to come. For what the Dark Lord may ask of you,”

Harry dropped the mask on the robes, and it landed with a soft thump, “No one prepared me for torturing Wormtail,” he said quietly, “or for torturing the others,” there was more than one Death Eater that could barely stand to look him in the eye after all, “or for killing Wormtail,” he shook his head, “There is no preparing for this,”

Snape was quiet for a moment, then he said softly, “No, I suppose there isn’t,”

“You said that you’d help me,” Harry said flatly, the voice in the back of his mind threatening to deafen him suddenly, making his ears ring and his heart pound, “That if I couldn’t survive anymore. You said you’d help me. Did you mean it?”

Snape hesitated, and nodded slowly, “I did. I do. But… but I… I don’t believe this is that moment,”

Harry stared at him, long and hard, breathing heavily through his nose. He nodded once, then turned sharply from the man, “I’m going for a shower,” and he left the room.

Halloween arrived quickly.

Harry felt as if he had simply closed his eyes one day, only to open them another, and there he was, on Halloween morning feeling sick and not known what to do about it.

The Moirai, sensitive as they were, were quick to pick up on his ill feeling, and were loath to separate from him. Even when he went for a shower (after taking nearly half an hour to work himself up to the task of getting out of bed) they followed him and waited at the shower’s edge for him. He felt almost smothered by their affection (physically and emotionally), and it left him wondering if they had transformed into boa constrictor when he’d looked away.

Nothing happened for hours.

Other than Tippy, he had none of his usual visitors and none of his usual lessons. He ended up making lessons of his own, sat in the sitting room of the Aethonan suite and stretching the strength of his wandless magic, then meditating when the anticipation became too much.

Then, when the sun, which had been mostly hidden behind rain clouds anyway, had well and truly set, Snape appeared at his door. He stood on the threshold, simply looking at Harry, before he swallowed and said, “You must get dressed,”

He retired to his room on his own, leaving Snape with his three-head serpent.

Harry was sure that, if he hadn’t become so used to wearing wizarding robes over the last year, that he would have struggled to dress himself in the multilayered Death Eater garb that had been procured for him. He paused before he buttoned up his shirt, his fingertips lingering over the peridot necklace he still wore around his neck. For a brief moment, he allowed his heart to ache with longing and despair - how he wished that Draco were there - and then he put those feelings aside, and he continued.

Stood in front of the full-length mirror in his room, his heart raced at the sight of himself. He looked just like the Death Eaters who had stolen him away from the Ministry of Magic in the dead of night. There were details though - details that would stand him apart from the other Death Eaters. Golden embroidery at his cuffs and buttons that bit grander than he knew the others wore. There were other telltale signs as well as to the value that the Dark Lord placed on him. Like the charms he could feel woven into the fabric - protective ones, no doubt. They were in the bracers at his wrists and the dragon hide boots and the chest plate that he secured almost like a corset beneath his robes out of sight.

He took his time struggling to secure the wand holder about his right wrist, and even longer practicing the precise flex of his wrist that would have his wand flying into his hand. It took a while to get it right, and only after standing and obsessively setting and then freeing his wand again and again was he confident that he could do it without issue.

He considered the knife and the strap he had created for it, but ultimately, he decided to leave it behind. The knife was for secret protection within the Manor - he would not risk it being discovered on his person for this when he knew he would be surrounded by Death Easters all focussed on keeping him safe.

The final touch to his ensemble, was the mask.

He paused with it cradled between his hands, staring down at the reverse side of its face. Before he could second guess himself, he slotted it into place, and threw his hood over his head. It was more comfortable than he had expected. As if it had been made especially for him, which, he was painfully aware, it had been. He could only stand to look at his reflection wearing it for a moment before he pulled it off and tucked it under his arm.

Stepping out into the sitting room, he found Snape sitting silently on the sofa waiting for him, the Moira his reluctant companion. Snape’s head snapped around at the sound of Harry’s entrance. He stood, then paused. His shoulders rose and fell, and then he said, “I must check the fit,”

Harry stood still obediently, allowing Severus to work around him, checking buckles and layers and rearranging his hood so that it stayed firmly in place without blocking his vision. He lifted Harry’s arms one by one to check the bracers and the corset like breast plate, then he ducked down to check his boots.

Finally, he straightened, and they stood just looking at one another. There was a moment of quiet between them, a silent reprieve. And then there was a knock at the door.

It was the Dark Lord.

He smiled instantly at the sight of Harry as he stepped across the threshold.

“Ah, Harry,” he said gently, reaching out for him.

Harry knew it wasn’t the power of the runes imbedded in his eye that had him gravitating towards the Dark Lord’s open palm, but he wished that he could say it was. The Dark Lord wasn’t alone though - at his back, Rodolphus had followed him in obediently, dressed in his own Death Eater robes, his mask under his arm.

“I have dreamt of this moment, Harry,” the Dark Lord whispered, his fingers gently caressing Harry’s cheek, “Dream it, but hardly dared to believe. But here you are. My Harry, ready to head out into the world to realise my vision,”

“Yes, my Lord,” Harry answered softly.

“Rodolphus will keep you safe and steer you true. You must listen to him and follow his every command as if they are coming directly from my lips. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord smiled, slow and soft, and leant down to press their foreheads together, “I shall see you when you return,”

With a hand on Harry’s back, the Dark Lord guided him past Severus and into Rodolphus’s care. Rodolphus nodded at Harry and stepped to one side, an open palm gesturing to the door ahead of him, a clear invitation for Harry to lead the way. Before he left, he heard a hissing whimper, but nothing more. The Moirai knew better than to say anything in the Dark Lord’s presence.

Harry felt numb the entire journey down the stairs, Rodolphus at his back. He led them easily to the entrance hall, even though he didn’t technically know their destination, he couldn’t help but feel as if he were being guided by some outside force. As if it were pre-destined. Something he had lived before.

Stepping into the entrance hall, where the sound of distant laughter echoed from the conservatory in the west wing, he found Bellatrix, Lucius, and three other Death Eaters that he knew only from the Death Eater meetings, and not because he had met them. Rabastan, and the Carrow twins, Amycus and Alecto. The twins, with their matching deep set black eyes, nodded at their arrival and donned their masks.

Rabastan nodded at his brother, while Lucius’s eyes lingered briefly on Harry. There was something in them that Harry didn’t recognise - regret? Disdain? He couldn’t be sure, but it was there mere moments before Lucius was looking away.

“Finally, husband,” Bellatrix snapped, “We must depart. We have an appointment to keep,”

With a dramatic swish of her robes, she turned towards the door, and lead them out of the Manor and into the pouring rain. Harry caught a glance of the brief look of irritation on Lucius’s face before it was concealed beneath his own Death Eater mask.

Rodolphus whispered in his ear as they marched out into the elements, near looming over Harry’s shoulder, “Stay close to me, I shall keep you safe,” fingers briefly flexed at the nape of Harry’s neck, “Put your mask on,” Harry did as he was bid, “Do not remove it. Your anonymity is what protects you,”

Harry nodded the smallest amount, distracted by his robes, and the unquantified quality that had been woven into them that made the rain simply roll off his back without leaving a trace behind.

Bellatrix waited until they were all beyond the Manor’s gates. Harry didn’t miss the barely contained sneer on her lips as she looked between him and her husband. With them all gathered together, she nodded, and disapperated with a pop. Harry felt Rodolphus’s fingers close around his bicep, and he had only a split second to prepare himself before he was apparating them away.

They reappeared in the middle of what looked like a narrow country road, bordered by enormous, tall hedges and only wide enough to allow a single car to pass at a time with deep, worn grooves either side where the traffic had ground the dirt path down into nothing, while some grass yet remained in the centre.

Wherever they were had clearly experienced the worst of the last few days of constant rain, and though it had now abated to a gentle drizzle, the evidence of the downpour still remained. Rainwater filled the grooves and potholes that the road traffic had left behind, so that they could only stand on the very centre of the road without soaking themselves up to their knees.

How much water would it take to have this whole place under water, he wondered?

“This way,” Bellatrix said softly, jerking her head to the side and beginning a careful prowl along the road, “but be quiet. The wards may have been lowered for us by a friendly party, but we still don’t want to ruin the surprise too early,”

Harry was strategically placed in the centre of the pack as they made their way down the winding country road. Their route dipped down the slightest amount as they progressed, and very quickly became a river. He heard Bellatrix at their head hiss with displeasure, and a silent spell from her wand had the water parting like the Red Sea to allow them to pass, coming back together again at their backs with a quiet sloshing down.

Finally, the hedges parted, and revealed an open path that led up and out of the water towards a Cotswold country house with golden light from the downstairs windows penetrating out into the dreary night and a smoking chimney. There were no fences of any kind to delineate the property’s boundaries, though Harry could feel it in his bones that the house had no need for any. Wizards lived there. What would fences add that magic could not accomplish?

He could just about see a woman in the kitchen window facing them - was she washing up perhaps? If the lights were off, he thought she might have had a chance at spotting their approach.

He was quickly pushed back towards the end of their parade up the path, Rodolphus at his back and Bellatrix at the head, a trail of darkness spouting from the end of her wand and shrouding them in darkness to disguise them further. He glanced to the sides of the raised path and found that it was only the path that they walked on that was dry. The rest of the enormous garden was just as flooded as the surrounding roads.

To the left, Harry spotted a pond, though it was on the edge of simply becoming one with the rest of the flooded garden. All that existed to protect the pound from spilling out was the smallest of grass verges. The scene was a familiar one, but he had no time to stop and contemplate it.

At the door, they paused. They were so silent that Harry was half convinced they were all holding their breaths. Bellatrix glanced over her shoulder at them - she hadn’t bothered with a mask. She grinned, gave a single nod, and then all hell broke loose.

She blasted the door open with an enormous explosion of light that near deafened Harry. In one moment, they were all stood under the porch, and then in the next, Bellatrix, Lucius, Rabastan and the Carrow twins were rushing in, their wands raised.

Rodolphus’s hand closed over Harry’s shoulder though, holding him in place and stopping him from following for a moment.

Harry swallowed, his heart pounding in his chest. There were flashes of lights and loud bangs, and furious bellowing shouts and a high-pitched frightened scream. It was when the scream became a pleading sob that Rodolphus finally stepped around Harry to lead him cautiously into the house, his wand raised.

Harry didn’t bother with his own. He didn’t need it. He could feel his magic gathering at his fingertips, ready and waiting to leap to his defence.

Harry kept his eyes fixed on Rodolphus’s back as he led them deeper into the house in the direction of the shouting and screaming and sobbing. And laughter - Bellatrix and Rabastan, Harry was sure. He ignored the photos he could see that lined the walls of the narrow hallway and worked their way up the staircase next to them. This would be easier if he didn’t think of these poor souls as actual people.

They found the house’s occupants in the back room. There was a man with blonde hair, a large gut, and a strangely familiar heart shaped face. He was on his knees, blood pouring from his temple, a snarl on his face, but no wand in his hand. One of the Carrow’s had their hands fisted in his hair and their wand at his throat.

The other was a woman. She was crying, great enormous tears that poured down her cheeks, though her face was stoic and still. She was in the same position as the man - her hair being used to wrench her head back and a wand held at her neck. Harry faltered for a split second at the sight of her as Rodolphus shepherded him into the room. For a moment, he thought it was Bellatrix who was on her knees and crying silently.

He realised with a sudden swooping feeling in his guts that he knew who these people were. This was Ted and Andromeda Tonks, parents of Nymphadora Tonks.

Rodolphus settled him at the room’s back, the door they had entered by to their right, enormous glass glass doors to their left, a fireplace at their back, and the bleeding and crying Tonks’s in front of them.

Bellatrix was grinning madly down at her younger sister, “Hello, Dromeda,” she said softly, her voice dangerous.

Andromeda bared her teeth in a snarl, “Bella,” she glanced further into the room, “Rabastan,” the man removed his mask and revealed a smug smile, “and Rodolphus, I’m guessing,” she looked directly at Rodolphus (who kept his mask on); her breaths came as terrified pants, “And who else do we have with us?”

He heard Lucius give a huff of frustration, “Get on with it, Bella,” he barked.

“Oh,” Andromeda said faintly, “Lucius. I should have known. Well. To what do we owe this visit?”

She was terrified despite her attempt at bluster, that much was clear. At her side, her husband was on the verge of turning grey with the blood pouring from his temple. He blinked slow and tired. It was only a matter of time before he passed out, Harry was sure.

Harry wondered numbly about how the scene should have made him feel. Whatever it should have been, it wasn’t this faintly detached, nervous feeling, he was sure. Nervous, he knew, only because the scene was so unfamiliar. Because he was beyond the grounds of Malfoy Manor. It had nothing to do with the murder he knew was about to take place in front of him. Was that his occlumency shields, he wondered? Or had he simply lost the ability to feel?

“Does a woman need a reason to visit her sister?” Bellatrix simpered dangerously, stepping closer so that she could reach forwards and trail her fingers down Andromeda’s cheek, “It’s been so long. Cissy and I miss you, sister,”

“D-don’t touch her!” Ted tried to bark, but in his weakened state he managed only a stuttering slurred command.

For his efforts, the Carrow at his back kicked him down to the ground, and hissed, “Crucio!!”

“Stop! STOP!” Andromeda tried to cry desperately, but she was nearly entirely drowned out by the anguished screams of her husband as he writhed on the ground, his expression twisted and warped and his teeth audibly cracking as he clenched them together, “PLEASE STOP!”

The spell was lifted, leaving Ted panting and gasping on the floor, and his wife hiccuping and sobbing. She tried to reach for him, but she was yanked back by the hand in her hair before her fingers could touch his. The group chuckled in amusem*nt - all except Lucius, and Rodolphus, though the latter did let out an amused huff of breath at Harry’s side.

“Be quiet, dog,” Bellatrix said sharply, “When I want the opinion of a mudblood animal like you, I’ll ask for it,”

Andromeda was trembling, “Why are you here?!” She cried; her voice was hoarse from screaming.

Bellatrix gave her sister a sympathetic pout, “Oh, Dromeda - did you really think you could sully our good name and get away with it? By marrying and breeding with filth such as this,” she pointed her wand lazily in the direction of the still groaning Ted, and a bolt of purple light from her wand had the man crying out in pain again, “Betrayal comes with a cost, and today is the day you pay the price that’s due. You should be thanking me really. You had many years that you wouldn’t have had, had I not been so merciful. Had I not loved you so,” Bellatrix’s lips trembled the smallest amount, as if she were about to cry, “but love will not save you from this, Dromeda. I have come to collect what’s owed,”

Ted Tonks was moaning on the floor and trying desperately to clamber to his knees, his arm outstretched for his wife, “No… no, stop… stop!”

Carrow huffed in frustration, snatching a handout to catch Ted’s collar and drag him closer. Ted yelped, then when his wand was pressed into that man’s cheek, Carrow hissed, “ Incendio!”

Carrow held Ted to him for as long as he could bear the flames from his own wand - Harry could imagine the look of excitement on his face below his mask, a mad grin with wide eager eyes.

Ted roared in agony, and his wife screamed in terror.

The pain only ended when Carrow threw the man bodily from him and left him twitching and vomiting on the floor. Andromeda was screaming something - pleading, Harry thought, but he could hardly make out what she was saying.

He watched the display feeling only more and more detached from it. For the first time ever, he found himself grateful to the Dark Lord. There was no preparation that Snape could have given him for this, that the Dark Lord had not already provided in taking him down to the cellars and making him play at being torturer. It made all of this seem that little bit less horrifying and that little bit more mundane.

“Don’t play with your food, Carrow,” Lucius drawled.

Carrow hissed, and snapped, “Don’t use my name!”

“Why not?” Lucius said cooly, “They’re going to be dead soon anyway, and the Ministry are well aware that you’re a Death Eater at this point,” still on her knees and straining towards her trembling husband, Andromeda was letting out panting choked sobs, “We should be quick. Though the wards may have been lowered, I have no doubt that there are other alarms in place to alert the Aurors and the Order as to our presence here,”

Bellatrix sighed, “I only wish that my dear niece were here as well, sister. Then we could truly make it a family affair, and stamp out the lot of you. But don’t worry. I’ll find her. Nymphadora, right?” Andromeda let out an aborted scream of rage, silenced only by her own sobs, “She’ll join you all in death soon enough, I’ll make sure of it,” without looking away from her sister, Bellatrix turned her wand on her quivering brother-in-law, and said simply, almost casually, as if he wasn’t even worth the effort, “Avada Kedavra,”

There was a familiar flash of green, and the body of Ted Tonks fell still.

Andromeda released a piercing shrill scream that had Harry wincing and flinching back, and then three things happened very quickly one after the other.

First, the glass doors to Harry’s left were blown in in an enormous explosion of fire and glass that had the occupants of the room flinching and covering their heads. All except for Bellatrix, who for all her faults, was unerringly fearless, and Harry, who had had the fear burnt out of him long ago.

Second, a raging and roaring Nymphadora Tonks appeared, leaping like a bat out of hell through the hole that her spell had created, her teeth bared, and her wand pointed in her aunt’s direction, prepared to defend her mother to the death.

And third, Harry reacted to the first and second things without a thought, moving on instinct alone.

He flexed his right wrist, and his wand shot into the palm of his hand. A split second later and it was up and pointing directly at Tonks. He took a deep breath, and cried, “BOMBARDA!”

However, Bellatrix had moved first, and a moment before Harry, she cast her own spell, “GLACIUS!”

He couldn’t have said why she chose the spell she chose. Why not the killing curse? Perhaps she hadn’t gathered the will required in time? Perhaps she simply wished to capture her niece, so as to drag out her death. In the end, it didn’t matter. All he knew, was that one moment, Tonks’s skin was turning frosty, her expression freezing into place, and the next, she was struck by his spell and being obliterated into a million tiny pieces, until she was falling from the ceiling like confetti or snow around them.

For a split second, Harry saw, heard, and felt nothing.

And then the world rushed in.

Andromeda was screaming.

Bellatrix was laughing, mad and deranged, her head thrown back.

And Lucius was shouting.


If Bellatrix heard him, or cared what he had to say, she gave no indication to that effect; still cackling, she turned her wand on her distraught sister, “Oh Dromeda! It’s so much better to leave you like this!”

Lucius roared over her, “BELLATRIX! MOVE!

Harry could hear by the tell tale popping and cracking that what sounded like a small army was gathering outside of the house. His suspicions were almost immediately confirmed when the house was suddenly showered in curses and spells that made the walls tremble and the windows break.

Without thinking, he summoned an enormous shield at their back, and held it in place despite Rodolphus dragging him bodily through the house and out of the front door. He burst out into the front garden and stumbled for a moment before Rodolphus caught him under the arm with a grunt and dragged him towards the road they had arrived by.

Harry could hear their pursuers at their back by their thundering feet and shouting voices. He didn’t turn to look back though, sprinting onwards to escape with Rodolphus at his side.

What did it say about him now, that it never even occurred to him to rip his mask from his face and beg for rescue?

The sister Carrow let out a squawk and would have fallen were it not for her brother catching her under her arm and hauling her back to her feet and ever onwards in their mad dash to freedom.

Harry leapt across the property's boundaries, and the moment he had, he felt Rodolphus close his hand around his upper arm and apparate them away.

He landed on his back, the rain suddenly heavier and the clouds above them significantly darker. He was winded for a moment, panting and swallowing back what tasted like blood in his mouth. He could hear Bellatrix cackling and turning his head he found her rolling around on her back, her eyes screwed shut in mirth and her hands clutched to her chest.

While the rest of them remained on the floor, Lucius was swearing furiously and struggling to his feet, fighting with his cape that threatened to strangle him.

Harry wasn’t on his back for long.

Rodolphus appeared suddenly above him and pulled him bodily to his feet as he had done many a time in training. He had lost his mask at some point. He was frowning, and more overtly concerned than Harry had ever seen him. Without asking for permission, the man ripped Harry’s own mask free, and then sighed in obvious relief when he found Harry uninjured.

Then there was a hand at Harry’s shoulder turning him; the hand belonged to Rabastan, a man that Harry barely knew. He was grinning down at Harry in obvious approval. He shook his head, and said, “Who knew that the boy had it in him!”

Harry was numb and said nothing as the now laughing and whooping group led him back up towards the house. Harry looked between them, but none of them were paying him any mind other than to occasionally send him an appraising look.

It took him a long time to realise that he wasn’t being taken back to the Aethonan suite but was instead being guided back towards the west wing. He felt Rodolphus’s hand briefly on his shoulder though, and it was enough to calm him.

They led him through into the conservatory and into what looked like the middle of an enormous party of Death Eaters, with music and alcohol and what Harry thought might have been drugs. The attendees looked up at their arrival and let out a roar of approval, coming forwards to slap their shoulders in greeting.

Bellatrix said something, throwing her head back and laughing, but Harry didn’t hear any of it.

Around him, Death Eaters were turning their eyes to him, and nodding in approval, and he realised suddenly that he belonged amongst them, and he felt glad for it.


Have had a re-think as to the order of the next four or so chapters, and that includes adding in an additional previously unplanned chapter that, annoyingly, comes directly after this one, and it’s not written at all yet haha and so for this reason (and what with the bank holiday and me having plans and working basically every hour available and doing interview prep) I’m going to skip posting next Friday to make sure the next chapter is ready
So I’ll be back to posting on the 12th of April!
Also I don’t think I’ve said it recently, but 40 chapters is an estimate. I’ve already written up to chapter 32, and I’m mentally planning in detail up to like, chapter 36? And those four mostly unplanned chapters are NOT enough to finish the narrative haha I’ll adjust the expected chapter count at some point.
Sorry for the ramble!
Toodles :)

Chapter 29: Severus: His Boy


Severus was very deliberately not looking out of the window of his bedroom suite at Malfoy Manor.


Welcome back and enjooooy!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Severus was very deliberately not looking out of the window of his bedroom suite at Malfoy Manor.

Instead, he was sat in one of the two tall wing-backed chairs that faced the crackling fire in his room’s grate, a glass of whisky resting on his deliberately still knee. There was a kind of merry warmth to the scene that stood at odds with Severus’s internal feelings of dread and trepidation.

“Where have they taken him?”

Severus may not have been staring out of the window, but an imagined part of him was. Lily. He had barely heard a word from her since September, but it was as if she knew he needed her and she had come flooding back into his senses, more present than she had been in months and months. More than just a whispering breathy voice in his ear. There was a flicker of red hair in the corner of his eye. He didn’t dare look though.

“I don’t know,” he answered her tiredly, “You know that I don’t know,” he was growing tired of this act; that she didn’t know all the things that he knew. He supposed he should have felt grateful for it though. It was helping to maintain the thin illusion that she was real rather than an expression of his slowly disintegrating mental health.

“How long will they be?” She continued as if he hadn’t spoken, her voice anxious and faintly muffled as if she had pressed her face up against the glass in her need to stare towards the gates.

“I don’t know,” he repeated, “I know as much as you do,”

“What are you going to tell the Order?”

He sighed in frustration, and despite himself, he turned towards the window; of course, she was gone. He sighed into his hand, and reluctantly pushed himself to his feet to pad slowly towards the window, his drink in hand. He paused, convinced for a moment that he could see condensation on the glass where a face had been pressed up against it. Then he shook his head - no, just a trick of the light - and he leant up against the windowsill.

“Well?” She repeated, her voice coming from the tiny sitting area he had just left.

He gritted his teeth, “I don’t know. I don’t know what there is to tell,” he reminded her, “Not yet,”

He hadn’t met with the Order in over a week now, and in that time, so much had changed. The slaving runes in the boy’s eye, Severus’s own building despair, and though he couldn’t predict what would come of this little field trip, he expected that it would be devastating all round.

“You didn’t tell them about Peter,”

He snorted despite himself, “Technically, I don’t know anything about Peter,” he said bitterly, “Only that my services as his nursemaid were no longer required. I have seen no body,” though he had noticed that Nagini seemed both thicker around the middle and more sluggish shortly after Peter had disappeared, “and heard no reports,”

“He had Harry kill him - you don’t need reports or a body to know that,” Lily said gently, “ It’s obvious what happened,”

“It doesn’t matter,” he dismissed her, “Albus hasn’t even asked after him,”

He’ll remember ,” she said pointedly, “He hasn’t asked because you didn’t tell him that Harry had turned Peter into a dribbling mess. He isn’t expecting an update as to Peter’s condition, because he isn’t expecting there to be a need for one. You need to get ahead of this. He will find out one day that Peter is dead, and he will wonder why you didn’t tell him,”

“What should I tell him then?” Severus said flatly, his eyes still fixed on the gates, “That I think Nagini has eaten him?”

It would be a start ,” Lily said with a mirthless chuckle, “Better that your timeline is out by a month or so than to omit it entirely. You’ll think of some phrasing, I’m sure. Something vague but with enough detail to sound honest. There is a reason you’re such a good spy after all,” he only hummed at her, “What’s wrong?”

He licked his lips, “I feel as if I am constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop,” he admitted.

“How so?”

“With Albus. He… he is still behaving as if he feels that Harry can be saved from this path he is being forced along but… but…,”

“But you don’t?”

“No,” he denied immediately at her steely tone, “No, that’s not what I mean. I mean that… that I’m waiting for him to give up. For him to turn against the boy. For him to start planting the seeds of Harry’s destruction,”

“Maybe he never will,”

Severus snorted at her, “He will,” he said firmly, “If things do not change, and change soon, he most certainly will. Albus will not risk prolonging this war by misguided efforts to extricate Harry from the Dark Lord’s grip. If he believes Harry has grown into a threat all of his own, he will choose practicality over sentiment. Not that I truly blame him,” he added in a mutter, “but still I… I find myself in knots over the idea,”

She fell silent for a moment, then said softly, “You would condemn the world to the Dark Lord Voldemort if it meant saving Harry?”

He swallowed, and whispered against the glass, “Yes,”

“For me?”

“For him,” the admission had his breath sticking in his throat, “For the boy I should have treated as mine from the beginning,” he risked it, and peered over his shoulder just enough to see a strand of floating red hair, “I should have loved him for you, rather than hated him for his father,”

“Why didn’t you?”

He shook his head and looked back to the gate, “I was wounded. My pride. My heart. I blamed him, I think. That you had been targeted for him, even though that was my fault all along. And then I blamed him for being his father’s son, and not mine. Though I suppose there’s no world where he could have been mine - my own bitterness and hatred had me walking down a path you could never have followed. I… I am sorry that it has taken this torture and torment for me to accept what I have known from the start. That I was betraying your memory. I wish… I wish things had been different,” he finished in a mutter.

He heard her sigh, and stand, but he kept his eyes fixed on the gate and the lawn as he felt her approach at his back, “So do I Severus. So do I,”

He tried to pretend that tears weren’t gathering in his eyes and that emotion wasn’t choking his voice, “Do you know what I regret the most?”

“What?” He felt her breath on his neck.

“That though there was never any possibility - any world where he was mine by blood… that I have had and wasted over six years to make him mine in spirit. To care for him in all the ways that truly matter. I have been a fool. Can you ever forgive me?”

He could have sworn he felt her fingers brushing over his hair, but then he saw a flickering in the dark and he froze. He near pressed his face up against the glass, peering out into the darkness.

There! Another flicker!

He watched, holding his breath as figures appeared on the lawn - he counted them anxiously. One, Lucius, on his feet and struggling furiously with his cape. Two and three, the Carrow twins helping one another off the ground. Four, Bellatrix rolling about on her back, and though he couldn’t hear her, he knew she was laughing hysterically. Five and six, Rabastan and Rodolphus. Then Rodolphus was reaching for the final figure still on the ground and hauling him to his feet, and though Severus couldn’t make out Harry’s face, he and Rodolphus sighed as one when the man ripped Harry’s mask free.

“He’s alright,” Severus muttered to himself in a comforting murmur, “He’s alright,”

“The truth of that remains to be seen,” Lily warned him gently.

He said nothing, simply watching, his heart hammering in his chest and working its way up to his throat as the group guided Harry not towards the east wing and to his rooms, but towards the west wing, “Where are they taking him?”

She sighed behind him, a soft pitying sound, “This was always going to happen, Sev. Voldemort is making him one with the Death Eaters. They aren’t hurting him. They’re celebrating him,”

Severus turned shakily from the window and wandered back towards the armchair he had been sat in before.

The idea of Harry truly being one of the Death Eaters had him torn in two. The possibility that Harry might find himself at home amongst such vile people made him feel faintly sick and relieved in equal measure. If he was one of them, he’d be safe. The Dark Lord would protect him, and so would the other Death Eaters. But then that truly opened him up for attack from the Order and from Albus. And he was by no means immune from punishment from the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord had already proven the extreme lengths he was willing to go to to beat Harry into shape. Severus wouldn’t put it past him to lock Harry and Mulciber in a room together again just to make a point should the boy step out of line, and as much as Severus knew Harry played the part of loyal subject well, he was well aware that there existed forces that risked tearing him down.


What lengths would Harry go to to protect Draco? What kind of trouble would he walk into, eyes and arms open if only it would keep his lover safe?

Severus let out a shuddering breath and finished his glass of whisky.

It didn’t bear thinking about. Either way, it wasn’t something Severus could do anything about. What he could do something about, was how the Order perceived Harry. He only hoped he wouldn’t have to lie too heavily to prevent Albus from declaring open war against him.

He sat alone in silence but for the popping of the fireplace for he didn’t know how long. An hour? Maybe two? And then there was a knock at his door.

It was Harry, still dressed head to toe in the Death Eater robes that the Dark Lord had provided him with, all but for the mask which he had tucked under his arm. He blinked up at Severus, the action slow and lazy as if he might fall asleep at any moment. His face was filthy, with dark grey streaks down the side of his face and working into his hairline.

“Lo’ Sev,” he said, his voice croaky and hoarse as if he’d been screaming; he tipped just the smallest amount to one side before he steadied himself, “Can I come in?”

Severus stepped aside without a second thought to make way for him. Harry’s progress inside was unsteady, and he had to reach for Severus’s four-poster bed for balance on his way over towards Severus’s small sitting area. He dropped into a chair with an oomph.

Severus followed him hesitantly, “Have you been drinking?” He asked, taking his own seat and turning it so that they were facing one another.

Harry barely glanced up at him, focussed as he was on pulling his black gloves off, “Roddie -,” he paused, closing his eyes against some unseen thought or feeling, before continuing more brightly, “Roddie said it would stop it hurting,” his gloves were dumped on the small side table next to him; Harry smiled at him despite the tears that were leaking steadily out of the corner of his eyes, and down his chest, “He said…,” his lips trembled, “He said it would make it go away,” his expression crumbled briefly into something broken and pained, “He was wrong,” and then he was smiling softly again and covering his gloves with the mask that had been under his arm; he nodded to the bottle on the table at Severus’s side, “Don’t suppose you’ve got a spare glass?”

Perhaps Severus should have refused. Perhaps he should have said that Harry had had enough and that no amount of drink would take away the pain he was in. But the idea of denying the wounded boy in front of him something as innocuous as a measure of whisky with the excuse of it ‘being for his own good’ when it was so obvious that something many magnitudes more damaging than a drink had already happened that evening felt self-righteous and cruel.

Harry accepted the glass from him with a grateful nod, and he sipped at it delicately when Severus had expected him to knock it back immediately. Severus waited to see if Harry would speak. He didn’t, simply turning to stare into the dying flames.

For something to do with himself, Severus said, “I’m going to make sure you are unharmed Harry,”

Harry said nothing and tolerated the waving of Severus’s wand in silence, his eyes, green and gold, fixed on the fireplace. He moved only to sip at his drink and wipe his mouth against the back of his hand. Severus lingered, as he always did, on the golden, ever-expanding cloud that was Harry’s magical core. He watched the slither of black that swept through it. As much as Severus knew they needed to do something about the unspooling beautiful mess in the air between them, he couldn’t help but think maybe it would be kinder to leave it. To allow an unexpected cardiac arrest to bring Harry the peace he was so obviously desperate for.

Finally, Severus allowed the spell to fail. Still, Harry didn’t move.

“Harry… what happened?” He asked softly.

Harry finally looked away from the flames and to Severus. His lips trembled and he finished what remained of his drink, the crystal tumbler hanging limply from his fingertips, “It… it was an accident,” he whispered, “I… I didn’t mean to,” his lips trembled, and fresh tears poured from his eyes. They streamed freely from the green eye, but from the gold they built first into great salty pools before escaping as enormous tear drops.

“What happened?” He asked again.

Harry’s lips trembled, “They… they took me to the Tonks’s,” he whispered, “They… I…,” he let out a sob, “I didn’t mean to!” He insisted, shaking his head, “But - one second, Tonks was b-bursting into the room. And I reacted on instinct. J-just so u-used to B-Bellatrix attacking me and having n-no chance to think,” he stuttered.

Severus’s heart sank as he tried to piece together what had happened, already certain that he knew, “Did you use the killing curse, Harry?” He asked gently, but to his surprise, Harry was shaking his head.

“No. N-no! The b-blasting charm,” his voice caught in his throat, “But…but Bellatrix. She cast glacius first,” Harry reached for his face, and smeared a hand down his filthy cheek; he held his hand out so that Severus could see, and as he rubbed his fingers together, the black broke apart into a vivid red, “She… she was like snow. It’s all in my hair,” he whimpered, reaching for his head, and more red bloomed over Harry’s fingers, “She’s all in my hair,” he whispered again, choking out a sob, “Oh God. She’s all in my hair!” Harry’s fingers clenched in his hair as if he were trying to rip it out from the root, “And the Dark Lord - oh,” he whimpered, “He’s going to want to see me,” he whispered in his arms, “He’s going to be pleased with me and I- I-… I know a small part of me will be happy that I made him p-proud. I hate that it makes me h-happy to make him p-proud. Oh god… oh god!”

For a moment, Severus was frozen by horror, the image he had in his head breaking apart and fixing itself back together into an image that was many magnitudes more awful than what he had first imagined. He watched Harry rock and cry, and then jolted himself into action.

He stood, and reached for Harry, pulling him to his feet. Harry didn’t wait for an invitation, throwing himself into Severus’s arms and sobbing against him. Severus buried his fingers in the boy's hair, and used occlumency to briefly block out the sick feeling in his gut as bits of Nymphadora Tonks covered his hands.

“What are you going to tell them?”

He ignored her words. They wouldn’t help the sobbing teenager in his arms.

“What are you going to tell them?” She repeated, more urgently this time.

He ignored her again, tilting Harry’s face up to carefully smooth his fringe back and wipe away the tears on his cheeks.

“What am I going to do?” Harry sobbed high in his throat, his eyes searching Severus’s desperately, “What am I going to do?!”

“What are you going to tell them?”

“I don’t know,” he answered them both, tilting Harry’s face back into his chest and holding onto him tightly, “I don’t know. But you’re going to be okay. I’m going to take care of it. Of you. You’re going to be okay,”

Severus didn’t make him leave. He called for Tippy and instructed her to bring appropriate clothing for Harry to sleep in, and for her to run a bath for him in Severus’s en suite.

Later, looking up at Severus through wide frightened eyes, Harry allowed him to tuck him into his bed like a child.

“Close your eyes,” Severus whispered, soothing his fringe back, “Go to sleep,”

Traumatised and drunk, Harry did as he was told, shutting his eyes and burrowing under the covers, curling into a ball and hugging a pillow to his chest. The Moirai would be beside themselves in their master’s absence, but she would have to cope. Severus didn’t trust the boy on his own right now, wards or no wards.

Severus turned a chair to face the bed and pulled up a footstool. He checked his watch - he had perhaps twelve hours. Twelve hours before he would need to be leaving Malfoy Manor and heading to Grimmauld Place. By then, the whole Order would know what had happened, or some version of it at least. He had until then to choose his approach. As devastating as this development might have been, a lie still might not be the right path forwards. For all he knew, they already knew that Harry had been there. No. Perhaps the truth was the way.

Still. He had twelve hours to decide, and he needed to sleep before them.

He reluctantly closed his eyes, leaning against the chairs high wings and he tried his best to drift off despite the racing of his mind.

Twelve hours later, and Harry was still asleep. All that Severus could see of him was a tuft of his black hair peaking out from beneath the covers. Severus was torn between waking Harry, to check that he was alright, and leaving him to sleep a little longer. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the emotional and physical exertion of the evening before that had him still asleep but either way, he obviously needed it.

Severus was pulling his outer robes on and trying his best to look a step above near death. He’d barely slept in the chair, and the evidence of it was clear on his face. He scowled at the dark bags beneath his eyes in the mirror above the fireplace and did his best to avoid looking at the copy of the Daily Prophet that Tippy had brought him that morning.

He’d read it twice, his guts twisting with every word.

It wasn’t good. Ted and Nymphadora Tonks dead, Andromeda Tonks in St Mungo’s, and six of the seven Death Eaters responsible for their home invasion identified. Severus should have been breathing a sigh of relief that Harry hadn’t been named, except that Rodolphus had.

“You think that they’ll connect the dots?” Lily’s voice came from the bed behind them that he was determinedly looking away from. He imagined she was curled around her son and stroking his hair.

“I think they will suspect,” he murmured darkly, “And that will be enough. Albus and the others at least. They know Rodolphus doesn’t leave his side,” he cursed himself for having told them more than he should have, “Unless I can come up with a convincing lie, they will guess that Harry was with him,”

“Could you say he was with you?”

“Why would he be with me?” He said tiredly.

He could have been alone in his room. You acting as bodyguard in Rodolphus’s stead ,”

“A thin lie,” he muttered, “They would suspect which is as bad as knowing. No. The truth. But focus taken from the consequences of last night and refocused on this as a tragic accident. That Nymphadora Tonks was always destined to die last night, but that it was never meant to be at his hand,” he rubbed his face, “Had Rodolphus not been identified, than there would have been no need for lies - other than by omission. But Albus is too sharp for such things now. He will have guessed,”

Do you think he will condemn him for it ?” Her voice was hushed and frightened, “It was an accident. You heard what he said. And how he cried!”

Severus exhaled through clenched teeth, “We shall see, I suppose,”

He turned back to the bed and found only Harry hidden beneath the duvet and Lily nowhere in sight. Severus swallowed, then called out, “Tippy!”

The elf appeared with a pop and bowed low to the ground, “Yes, Master Severus?”

“I must leave. Stay here until Harry wakes up, then give him the hangover potion I have left out for him, then take him back to his rooms and give him a large breakfast. Then alert Narcissa that he is awake,” he pulled his cloak about his shoulders but paused, “He should not be left alone,” he said firmly.

Tippy gulped and nodded, “Yes, Master Severus,”

He lingered only to sweep Harry’s fringe back from his face so that he could see the small lightning bolt scar on his forehead, and then he left.

He was undisturbed as he made his way out of the Manor (no doubt Harry wasn’t the only one recovering from a late night of drinking) but for the soft clicking of phantom heels behind him.

“Sirius and Remus will defend him, won’t they?” She murmured.

He answered under his breath in a whisper, “Yes. They vowed to do so. It is not them that I’m worried about,”

“Alastor,” she said darkly.

“Alastor,” he agreed warily, pulling his hood up as he stepped out into the rain, “Kingsley may be practical, but he will at least be sympathetic. Alastor will not be,”

“What will you do?”

“Drown him out,” the sound of the rain around him left him feeling strangely claustrophobic as he made his way up the drive, “Burry his voice. It is not he that we must persuade, but Albus. And Albus is a soft fool. He believes too much in this prophesy,”

“You don’t believe that Harry has the power to destroy Voldemort?”

“I believe he has the power, but that is very different from the will. I believe he is more likely to simply run away from this conflict if given the chance - to save himself,”

“Albus doesn’t believe this though?” She queried, her voice somehow penetrating the oppressive rain.

“I believe that Albus believes that the prophesy is inevitable. That events will unfold that convince Harry to destroy him, no matter what,” he paused on the edge of the property, then added, “I’m not sure he has considered that Harry’s power may make him into the next Dark Lord himself. Or if he has, he is holding this concern close to his chest,”

“And what do you think? Hmm? Do you think that Harry is the next Dark Lord?”

Severus considered the question carefully, “I believe that Harry knows too much love to be a true Dark Lord. That is not to say he might not be dangerous one day, but I do not believe he will be another Dark Lord such as we have now,”

He heard her whisper a moment before he disapperated, “He will wield a power all of his own,”

She was gone when he reappeared in the square outside of Grimmauld Place. He gathered himself for a moment before he crossed the yellowing, wet grass.

He was met at the door by a frighteningly pale McGonagall. Her lips trembled at the sight of him.

“Severus,” she clasped his hand in hers, “You have heard,”

“I have heard,” he agreed gravely, stepping across the threshold and shutting the door behind him, “Have I missed the meeting? I could not get away earlier,”

She pursed her lips and shook her head, “No,” she whispered, leading him towards the dining room, “No, we have only just begun,”

The atmosphere in the dining room was somber. Heads turns to look at him silently, then disregarded him quickly to look back towards Albus at the head of the table. Severus made no attempt to make his way further into the room, settling for resting with his back against the wall as usual, though for a change he had Minerva at his side rather than Black.

The room was the fullest he had seen it in months, and he found many faces he hadn’t been expecting to see. Recent graduates who had joined their ranks directly out of school. Severus couldn’t help but feel pity for them. Barely eighteen and already fighting in a war of attrition. He wondered yet again, if anyone had told them their mortality rate. Despite their new additions, it didn’t feel as if their numbers were actually increasing.

Emmeline Vance and Nymphadora and Ted Tonks were only three of nearly twenty deaths and disappearances in recent times, and that was only of individuals who were direct members of the Order. He hated to think what the statistics were like for the people who helped them but never claimed membership.

“… I currently have no information to give you all in regard to a funeral for both Nymphadora or Ted. Andromeda is still admitted to St Mungo’s, and it would be remiss of any of us to organise proceedings in her absence. Though I am sure that many of you would wish to show her your sympathies, I must ask that only those of you who have connections to Tonks, Andromeda or Ted, express these feelings to her. Much of our safety relies on our anonymity,” Albus was saying gravely, his eyes searching the crowd in front of him, “As such, while we may have a private ceremony of remembrance at some point, I must ask you not to attend their funerals unless your connections are public.

“Times are turning dark indeed once again, and we must remain vigilant. There are credible rumours that the Dark Lord is making moves within the Ministry once again since Pius Thickness was revealed as an imperio’d plant. Robards is concerned that action could be taken against the Ministry and the Minister as soon as the new year, and we must be prepared for this eventuality,”

“Would the Ministry survive an assault, Albus?” Arthur Weasley asked gravely.

Albus grimaced, “The sad fact of the matter is, I’m afraid, that Death Eater or not, there is a level of support for Voldemort amongst certain demographics. And even where there is no support, many witches and wizards simply wish to live their lives in peace and will not attempt to rise up against Voldemort should he assume power. And though I would encourage us all to carefully try and galvanise such people into action, I cannot help but be sympathetic to them,” he admitted, “These are dark times indeed we find ourselves in, and we have seen friends and family lose their lives and liberty in trying to fight against this evil. People are frightened for their families. For their children. But there are other ways to resist the Dark Lord than open combat. It is difficult, but we must try and support our fellow witches and wizards to be brave, else this shall all be for nought,”

“And if the Ministry falls?” Bill Weasley said softly.

“I will not divulge the details, but rest assured that there is a plan in place,” Albus said calmly, “Of course, this depends on the manner with which the Ministry is overthrown - if the entire governing and legal branches of the Ministry are killed, or comply with the coup we believe is on the horizon, then any planning will be for nothing. But we are operating on the idea of a legitimate Ministry in exile. This is our preferred eventuality, should the Ministry fall,”

“Why?” Cho Chang froze when her small question had all eyes turning on her, “I… sorry. But why? What difference does it make? If the Ministry falls, then it falls,”

Albus turned kind eyes in her direction, “It is the difference between us having allies, and us being on our own. There is also the international community to consider. If any coup is completely successful and there are no legitimate elected officials to represent our interests acting in hiding, then it is likely that any government that the Dark Lord Voldemort forms will be de facto recognised as legitimate by the international community. A Ministry in exile muddies those waters and offers us the opportunity of international support and cooperation. The value of these things cannot be underestimated,”

The questions and answers continued.

“Why did they target Tonks though? Are they going to start coming for other members of the Order like this?” Jordan asked anxiously, “Do we need to start going into hiding?”

“We do not believe that the Tonks’ were targeted because of a known association with the Order. We believe they were targeted by Bellatrix Lestrange in retaliation for Andromeda, her sister, marrying and having children with a muggle-born. Other than being an Auror, there is no indication that the Death Eaters were aware of her association with us. However, as I said before, to avoid unnecessary scrutiny, those of you who do not have public relationships with the Tonks family should avoid interacting with Andromeda at this time. I know it sounds callous, but it is for our own protection. This includes you Sirius - as far as anyone is aware, you and Tonks had nothing to do with one another,”

“Wasn’t the Tonks’ house protected by wards though? By the Aurors?” Jones asked; Severus’s eyes lingered on her trembling fingertips. She hadn’t been the same since Emmeline’s arm had reappeared sans body.

“They were,” Albus said gravely, “We believe there is a mole among the Aurors. It is being investigated. However, it appears again that the Tonks were targeted for the connection to Bellatrix Lestrange and not the Order, and the wards provided by the Aurors were done so because of their relationship to their daughter and the risk it placed them at with her being an Auror, not because of their link to the Order. I will however be discussing with all of you on an individual basis how best to protect you and your loved ones. I wish to create a network of failsafes. Of impenetrable safe houses which can be accessed only by those we trust. And we must trust one another,” he turned grave eyes on the gathered crowd, “We must. Voldemort succeeds by dividing us. We must not let him,”

With every word that Albus spoke, Severus felt as if he were being wound up like a jack-in-the-box as the anxiety in his chest threatened to break free. He held it down though, trapping it in a mental box not dissimilar to the one he had once found Harry hiding within his own psyche in. He could understand why Harry had chosen to do such a thing, when it brought a strange soothing almost euphoric peace.

Finally, there was the scraping of chairs as those who had been able to acquire one got to their feet.

The slow emptying of the dining room took an age, but Severus tried not to let his impatience show. Warm hugs were exchanged, and eyes were dried and there was the usual procession behind Albus to rest gentle fingertips against, first, the cutting of Harry, and then a newly positioned photograph of Nymphadora and then her father.

Victims, Severus tried to remind himself. As much as Nymphadora and her father were victims, so was Harry. He believed it down to his core, that the sobbing boy he’d left curled up in his bed like a lost child was a victim. He knew though, that despite believing Harry was a victim with as much conviction as him, that Albus would turn to practicality the moment it became necessary. He needed to find a way to keep it from being necessary.

Minerva was the last to leave, her eyes darting nervously from Black and Lupin, their faces painfully pale and their hands clasped together, to Alastor and Kingsley, whose expressions were grim and hard. Finally, she looked to Severus. She nodded to him, then disappeared, the door sealing behind her.

There was a moment of silence.

“Severus,” Albus said, sounding suddenly the tired old man Severus imagined he truly was, “Please, sit,”

Severus did as he was bid, taking the chair that Lupin had pulled out for him and sitting with a sigh.

“Well then Snape,” Moody barked, “What have you to tell us?”

He struggled to find the words now that he had five pairs of eyes staring at him. They already knew. All of them. Or had guessed at least, judging by the desperate, wild edge in Black’s eyes. He was hoping to be proved wrong but was expecting disappointment.

He spoke before he could think too hard about it, “Harry was in that house last night,” he said softly.

“No,” Black said at once, a choked denial, “No ,”

“The Dark Lord demanded it as an initiation,” Severus continued wearily as if he hadn’t heard him.

“The seventh Death Eater,” Shacklebolt said softly, and Severus nodded reluctantly, “The one to cast the killing blow,”

No!” Black cried at the same time as Severus insisted, “It was an accident,”

“An accident ,” Moody scoffed, “An accident that had Nymphadora Tonks blown into a million little pieces!!”

“Please Alastor,” Albus said sharply, rubbing at his temples, “Allow Severus to finish,”

“He came to my rooms afterwards,” Severus spoke softly, allowing a little of his true feelings to seep into his words, the fear and heartache, just enough to convince them it was unintentional, “He was drunk - he was very drunk,” he added the lie quietly - Harry hadn’t been very drunk, but without the real Harry in front of them, he needed to sell the truth of the boy’s heartbreak as best as he could, “I asked him what had happened, and he told me that he acted on instinct. He cast the blasting charm, but only a moment before, Bellatrix had cast a freezing charm. He was devastated Albus,” he said gravely, “This was an accident,”

“The Death Eater’s accidentally killed Ted and Nymphadora Tonks, did they?” Moody said mockingly.

“No,” Severus flicked his gaze towards the retired-Auror, “No. I believe that Bellatrix had plans for the entire family to die last night. But Harry’s part in it was an accident. He cried for hours and hours. He didn’t make it to his own rooms last night. I have left him in the care of a house-elf until I return. I am concerned he might try and take his own life if he is left unaccompanied outside his warded suite,” he admitted honestly, “There is more too, Albus,” he said gravely, “There has been another development,”

“What could be worse than this?” Lupin said hoarsely.

“The Dark Lord has implanted slaving runes with the boy’s remaining eye,”

Albus’s eyes widened as the room collectively held its breath. Then he closed them and rested his forehead against the back of his joined hands, “No,” he said softly.

No,” Black said more emphatically, shaking his head, “No… no!”

“What is the nature of these runes, Severus?” Albus said, his eyes still closed and speaking down to the table.

“Harry is compelled to return upon the Dark Lord’s order. I saw it myself. As if his waking mind was trapped behind a wall until he had executed the Dark Lord’s command,”

“Did you inspect the runes, Severus?” Albus near whispered, “Can they be removed?”

Severus grimaced, “While the feat is not impossible, it near enough is. The Dark Lord utilised silver for the runes, and so they are tainted by his magic which adds an extra level of difficulty - one must peel back the influence of his magic before one can even observe the runes. Simply observing them is extremely uncomfortable for Harry. Removal would require much careful research, but still the Dark Lord would be alerted the moment they were removed. Removing them whilst Harry is still a prisoner would be futile,” he hesitated.

Albus sighed, “What, Severus? How much worse could it possibly get?”

“Improper removal will likely kill him,” he admitted, “The shock to his system would be fatal - especially while his core is so unstable. Chances of success are similar to simply pulling out the entire eye if improper technique was used, and those chances are near zero as it is,”

The table was silent for a moment.

“What did Harry ever do to deserve this?” Lupin whispered.

Moody gave a frustrated sigh, “Look - despite what you might all think, I have just as much sympathy for Potter as the next man,” he said gruffly, “What he is being subjected to is inhumane - and to suffer such cruelties when he’s just a boy? Unthinkable! But we must consider the bigger picture! Potter is just one soul in a war to save thousands! We cannot continue dedicating our resources and time to him,”

“And what of the prophesy?” Shacklebolt said slowly, while Black growled under his breath, “If the prophesy is true, then surely we are justified in expending resources to, at the very least, keep our eyes on him,”

“f*ck the prophesy!” Black barked, “I don’t give two sh*ts about the prophesy!”

Alastor spoke over him though, “Never mind the prophesy - what about these blasted Horcruxes?! It’ll all be for nothing unless we destroy them,”

“Ah,” Albus interrupted them softly, finally opening his eyes, “I may have a development in this area - I have located the area in the castle in which I believe Voldemort has hidden a Horcrux,”

“Where?” Lupin croaked warily.

“The Room of Requirement,” Albus said simply, though his eyes were still tired and weary despite his light tone.

“The place Harry held those defence lessons?” Said Black, confused.

“Indeed. However, this is as much a problem as it is a solution,” Albus admitted, “The room we believe he may have used is enormous, and full of all kinds of paraphernalia. It may take us until July to search the entire room, but having interrogated the surrounding portraits, I have ascertained that upon attending for interview for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post, Tom Riddle did indeed venture up to the Room of Requirement,”

“I thought you were starting in the dungeons,” Severus said, “How on earth have you made it to the top of the castle so quickly?”

“Ah, well,” Albus turned shrewd, “I believe that some of those tasked with hunting for the Horcruxes were not as discreet as I might have hoped,” he rolled his eyes a little, “and they were overheard. Hermione Granger connected some dots, and suggested that whatever we were looking for might be found in the room,”

Severus raised a single disbelieving eyebrow, “‘Connected some dots’. Is that what she told you? And you believed her? Brightest witch of her age or not, that’s some leap,”

Albus sighed, “I am well aware, Severus, thank you. That is something else for me to address at another time,”

Sirius turned impatient, “Is this it?” He said harshly, “Is this how easily we forget about Harry?”

“We are not forgetting Harry,” Albus said gently, “But as Alastor quite rightly pointed out, we have limited time and resources. Severus shall continue to act as our eyes and ears when it comes to him, but at this moment in time, I feel we are further than ever from rescuing him,” he grimaced, “The power of slaving runes cannot be underestimated,”

“My question is: why bother going to such lengths to contain the boy?” Alastor grumbled.

Severus held his breath for a moment, half expecting Albus to reveal the portion of the Dark Lord’s soul that Harry harboured, and condemn him once and for all, but he didn’t.

“None of us can presume to know the mind of the Dark Lord Voldemort,” he wafted away Alastor’s words with a wave of his hand, “we must simply focus on the matter at hand. Do not forget Sirius, destroying the Horcruxes is the only way to destroy Voldemort, and destroying Voldemort may be the only way we can save Harry,” Severus could see the muscles in Black’s neck twitching as he clenched his teeth, but he said nothing else, “Do you have anything else for us Severus?”

“Yes,” he opened his mouth and the not-quite-lies came smoothly, “It would appear that Pettigrew has disappeared,”

Albus frowned, “Disappeared?”

“Well, I say disappeared, but I do not believe his location is a mystery to the Dark Lord. His snake is looking especially well-fed these days,” Severus drawled flippantly.

Albus turned pensive, but didn’t press for information, “Indeed. Anything else, Severus?”


When Albus, Alastor and Kingsley had left, Black turned to him harshly, gripping Severus’s collar in his fist, “Why did you tell them?” He growled out, “Why did you tell them that Harry killed Tonks?!” He was held back only by Lupin’s hand on his shoulder.

“Because it was the truth, Black,” Severus said harshly, his frustration making his words biting, “Albus already knew it - why else would Rodolphus Lestrange have been there if not to accompany Harry? Lying in the face of such an obvious truth may prevent me from protecting Harry when he truly needs me to. Understand?”

Black was panting through clenched teeth, but it was Lupin who spoke, “I… Severus… have you already had to lie to protect Harry?” He asked nervously.

Severus’s dark eyes flicked from the near growling Black, to Lupin at his back, “That depends on whether or not you count lies of omission as being the same as out right lying,” he said sharply, “Now get ahold of yourself Black,” with a hand around his wrist, he pulled Black’s grip free from his collar, “This is only the beginning,”

Black didn’t try to stop him from leaving as he strode out of the house and into the sun.


See you next week!
Side note: I have an interview! 25th of April people - cross your fingers for me haha

Chapter 30: Draco: Tear Drops


Draco couldn’t have said how he managed to get himself to the Hogwarts Express. He was vaguely aware of apparating (and of nearly leaving a finger behind he was sure, based on the painful red ring around the base of his little finger), but he had no recollection of walking to the station, or crossing the barrier, or lifting his trunk into a compartment and sitting down.


Enjoy!!! ☺️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Draco couldn’t have said how he managed to get himself to the Hogwarts Express. He was vaguely aware of apparating (and of nearly leaving a finger behind he was sure, based on the painful red ring around the base of his little finger), but he had no recollection of walking to the station, of crossing the barrier, of lifting his trunk into a compartment and sitting down.

His cheek was throbbing with every beat of his pounding heart. He raised a hand and even the light touch of his fingertips had him flinching. That was going to bruise, he was sure.

But what was a bruise, compared to the rest of the house of cards that was tumbling down around him.

What if Rodolphus told someone? It didn’t sound like he was going to, but what if he did? They would either be torn apart (by his mother and father), or forced together (by the Dark Lord), and used to manipulate and control one another. He knew, he wasn’t stupid, no matter what his uncle said, he knew that it would be better for them to part ways. To return to simply being friends. But just the idea had Draco swallowing back a furious denial.

He would not be parted from Harry. Not of his own volition. He wouldn’t.

Oh god, he wanted Harry. He wanted him so badly that he felt as if he could cry with it. Harry would hold him close and stroke his hair and kiss his brow, and just for a moment, it would all feel better. Or maybe he wouldn’t, a part of Draco worried. Perhaps he would fear for Draco’s safety and push him away. Harry cared very little for his own well being now, Draco was sure. But Draco’s?

God, Draco missed him already. It had barely been an hour, but it felt like a lifetime. He should have taken some kind of token with him - something to hold when he couldn’t hold Harry. His mind immediately jumped to the peridot necklace around Harry’s neck. He tried to imagine what it would feel like resting against his own chest, and just the thought of it soothed his still racing heart.

He flinched a little at the sound of the compartment door opening and looking up to find Pansy pushing her way in, her trunk behind her.

She smiled a little at the sight at him, only to freeze when she looked at him properly, and then her expression turned horrified.

“Oh my God, Draco!” She said urgently, dragging her trunk in properly so that she could close the door behind her and lower the blinds, “What happened to your face?!”

Without thinking, and knowing it would hurt, he reached for his face again and winced at the burning pain. Pansy landed heavily on the seat next to him and reached for him - he flinched away though.

She bit her lips anxiously, “One moment,” and she was out of her seat again and throwing her trunk open; Draco watched her silently, until she turned back to him, a small jar in hand, “Put some of this on - it’s meant to be for spots, but it’s really soothing as well. It’ll reduce the redness hopefully,”

Draco accepted the pot from her as she seated herself again, and he tried to pretend that his hands weren’t trembling the smallest amount as he unscrewed the lid.

“Draco… what happened?”

He only shook his head, and tried to hold his breath against the pain as he delicately rubbed the salve into his skin. It burnt and stung, but the cooling effects gradually lessened the pain and made the product easier to apply.

He reluctantly looked up into Pansy’s face. She was gnawing anxiously at her bottom lip and practically sitting on her hands as if she was worried, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from reaching out for him. For a split second, he felt as if they were eleven years old again and riding the train to school for the very first time, when Pansy had been terrified that she was about to be sorted into Hufflepuff and they’d be split up. He’d soothed her, telling her that no one would dare inflict her upon Hufflepuff house - she’d eat them alive. She was his best friend, but he knew that he had been distant for an entire year now. It wasn’t really his fault, he supposed, but it wasn’t hers either, yet still she’d been unerringly loyal despite his distance. He missed her, and suddenly, need came before reason.

“I… I have something to tell you…,” he whispered.

Her eyes flashed in surprise, no doubt having expected him to hold his tongue forever, but she recovered quickly. She nodded seriously, and with a quick flick of her wand, she applied a privacy ward to their compartment just as the train let out a shrill whistle and began to pull away from the station.

The colour in her cheeks gradually drained away as his winding story came spilling out of him. He told her everything. Well - almost everything. He omitted the detail about the fragment of the Dark Lord’s soul that was attached to Harry’s, and he was vague on the details as to the torment that Harry had been subjected to. That story wasn’t his to tell, but even his vague comments were enough to have her eyes filling briefly with horrified tears.

And then he told her about them. About the kisses and touches and the feelings in Draco’s chest that simultaneously made him feel as if he were walking on air while also being choked to death. When he told her that he was in love with Harry, she said sadly, “Oh, Draco,” and squeezed his hand.

When he was done, and had fallen silent, she whispered, “What are you going to do?”

He gave a confused half shake of his head, “What do you mean?”

“Well… you want to get him out, right? To run away with him,”

He swallowed, “It sounds like a pipe dream when you say it like that,” he said hoarsely, “But yeah… yeah, I do,”

“Well… if you go back, won’t the Dark Lord just use you to keep him there?”

Draco frowned, and repeated more seriously, “What do you mean?”

She licked her lips, “If Potter feels the same way about you, as you do about him, then surely the Dark Lord will use it against him. He’ll mark you, so that you’re bound to the cause and can’t escape, and then Potter won’t want to escape either,”

“I…,” his words came out strangled, and he repeated himself like a half-terrified parrot, “What do you mean?”

He knew exactly what she meant though. He could see it in his mind’s eye - an eternal positive feedback loop just waiting to kick into gear. The Dark Lord had a hold on Harry, and so Draco stayed. Then the Dark Lord bound Draco to the Death Eaters, and so Harry wouldn’t leave. Because Harry leaving meant leaving Draco, and Draco leaving meant leaving Harry.

She spoke softly, “You have to cast your own bubble-head charm first, Draco,”

“What do you mean?” It was as if he was stuck on repeat.

“I mean you can’t save him from the sea, if you’re busy drowning too, Draco,”

He sat back in his seat, his expression turning hard, and he refused to listen to her, “I can’t leave him,” he said firmly, his voice choked, “I can’t. I promised him that I wouldn’t. I won’t,”

She nodded at him, and sighed through her nose, “Do you want to sit with me the way we did when we were kids?” She offered gently.

He hesitated, then nodded, and stretched out along the bench so that he could lie with his head in her lap. She hummed above him, and carefully carded her fingers through his hair, and rubbed the salve delicately into his skin again when his cheek started to burn.

And Draco? Draco stared blankly up at the ceiling of the compartment, his mind a pleasant numb buzz, until the train came to a stop at Hogsmeade Station.

He felt as if he were walking through a dream as he followed Pansy towards the nearest carriage. The platform was still filled to the brim with Hogwarts students - enough that he wondered if people had finally adjusted to their new reality of having the Dark Lord looming over them. The pack was certainly thinned though, he could tell. The group that gathered at the heels of Hagrid, the first years, was certainly the smallest cohort he’d ever seen. He wasn’t sure how they’d manage to make a functioning timetable with so few students. They could easily attend every class together with only a little re-working of the tables, he was sure.

Though they’d managed a train compartment to themselves, they weren’t so lucky with the carriage. Blaise pulled himself onto the carriage with a single long step, a subdued Theodore Nott at his back. When Draco had had the mind to feel any kind of way about his housemates, he quite liked Blaise, and had frequently found himself wishing that he’d chosen Blaise as one of his closest friends when he’d been younger, rather than Crabbe or Goyle (who were too stupid to register that he’d tried to extricate himself from them, and still trailed after him if he let them).

And then there was Theo. The lanky pale faced boy with dark hair and pale eyes who, on reflection, had looked to Draco as some kind of de facto leader when their father’s involvement with the Dark Lord had been publicly confirmed. It was only now, looking at the dark bags under his eyes, that Draco thought, perhaps Theo hadn’t been looking for someone to strut around the school with after all. But rather, he had looked to Draco as a peer - as someone who understood what it meant to have a father in the Dark Lord’s inner circle, and all the expectation and pressure that came with it. Though Theo’s family’s relationship with the Dark Lord was, somehow, even more complicated than Draco’s.

“Blaise,” Pansy greeted primly, “Theo,”

“Pansy,” Blaise answered, his voice deep and smooth as he unbuttoned his blazer with one hand and took a seat; he frowned though when he saw Draco, “What happened to your face?”

Draco gritted his teeth; how bad did it look, if Blaise could see it even by the dim lamplight?

He answered cooly, “I’m sure that the answer to that question is obvious,”

Blaise flashed his eyebrows, then with more careful sympathy than Draco had expected, he said, “Your father?”

Draco shook his head, “My uncle,”

Theo shifted uncomfortably, his movement drawing all of their attention. He froze under their sudden scrutiny, “Should you really be talking about that?”

Beneath them, the carriage lurched into life and began the slow journey to Hogwarts castle.

“Why shouldn’t I talk about my uncle backhanding me?” Draco said dryly, “The next time someone smacks you around the face, Nott, you can feel free to keep it to yourself if it embarrasses you that much,”

Theo’s jaw twitched, “I meant…,” he glanced nervously between Blaise and Pansy, “Talking about your uncle,” and Draco understood.

He scoffed, “Really?” He said incredulously, “It’s hardly a secret where my aunt, uncle, and my uncle’s brother are hiding, as well as a huge swathe of other Death Eaters,” Theo’s eyes flashed in alarm, “The Aurors already know, they just can’t do anything about it. You know,” he tilted his head, considering, “I’m almost surprised you haven’t been dragged to the manor. Unless you have, of course,” Draco added, doing his best to appear bored and disinterested, “I don’t spend much time with the Death Eaters. My mother worries, you see. For obvious reasons,” he pointed to his faintly burning cheek.

Theo, who had been sat near hunched over, appeared to finally act as if Blaise and Pansy couldn’t hear them at all, “That’ll be changing,” he said flatly.

Draco froze, and asked carefully, “What do you mean?”

Theo’s lip twitched into an impression of a faint sneer, “We’re of age now, aren’t we? After Hogwarts, my father expects me to take on my fair share of the family’s obligations - he wants me to take the mark,” Theo did a poor job of hiding his lack of enthusiasm for the prospect, and Draco couldn’t blame him.

Theo had more reason than most children of Death Eaters to feel conflicted about swearing his allegiance to their master. Draco didn’t know the whole story, but he knew it involved Nott senior executing his much younger wife on the Dark Lord’s orders. His father had muttered something about her being a traitor, about her feeding information to the Aurors, but Draco wasn’t sure how true that was. Either way, it had left Theo motherless. If Draco thought he was having to try and makeup for the failings of his parents in the Dark Lord’s eyes, he had nothing on Theo. What would he have to do, to convince the Dark Lord that he wasn’t a traitor like his mother?

“I imagine your father will expect the same,”

Draco stumbled over his words, “What?”

“Your father,” Theo eyed the other two in the carriage nervously, “He’ll want you to take the mark,”

Draco swallowed, “I expect so, yes,” he said mildly, as if his heart wasn’t racing at the prospect. It was a lie though - he imagined his father would be as horrified as his mother at the idea of him taking the mark. He imagined it would be the Dark Lord himself, in his case, who demanded he take it. And he would. How could he not, when not taking it would have him and Harry torn apart?

He ignored how Pansy was staring at him out of the corer of her eye. He hated how she was already being proven right.

The rest of the carriage ride was silent but for the creaking of the wheels and rustling of the wind in the trees.

Pansy dragged them to the far end of the table, as far from Theo and Blaise as she could manage without them being on a different table altogether. He expected her to scold him. To push him to be more careful. She didn’t though. She just squeezed his hand beneath the table, and whispered in his ear, “We should see Madam Promfrey tomorrow morning - see if she has anything for your cheek. She won’t ask any questions,”

He hated that she knew that.

He didn’t pay attention to Dumbledore’s start of term speech - he barely heard the name of the new defence teacher, some Auror or other that had been roped into the position - and the sorting was frighteningly short.

He was mindlessly sipping at his pumpkin juice when Pansy murmured in his ear, “Granger is staring at you,”

His eyes immediately snapped to the Gryffindor girl, as if he had known instinctively where she was sitting on the Gryffindor table. Pansy was right. Her eyes were fixed intently on Draco as if she had been willing him to look in her direction. She flashed her eyebrows a little, and Draco suddenly remembered the sickle that she had pressed into his hand at the end of the previous school year. It felt like a lifetime ago.

Where had he put it?

He searched through his pockets surreptitiously, finding quills and parchment that he’d left in his robes at the end of the year - the Malfoy elves were good, meticulously emptying his pockets before washing and then replacing anything that had removed - and finally his fingers found a pocket full of cold sickles and knuts that he had forgotten about. Except they weren’t all cold.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry about it, Pans,” he muttered as he pulled the warm coin free and inspected its face for the serial number, “It’s safer if you don’t know,”

She snorted next to him, “What can be more dangerous than knowing that you’re in love with Harry Potter?” She whispered lowly.

He felt suddenly guilty and was distracted from the coin’s face, “I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have told you,” he said earnestly.

She slapped his shoulder though and rolled her eyes, “Oh shut up Draco,”

He pursed his lips and reluctantly returned his attention to the coin in his hand - Granger wanted to meet at seven the following morning. He supposed that made sense. He’d want an immediate update on Harry if he was her as well. He guessed he’d have to live with the redness on his face a little bit longer. He tucked the coin away, and looked briefly in Granger’s direction but gave no other indication that he had understood her message. He could hardly be nodding across the hall at Gryffindor’s, after all.

He wasn’t the first to arrive at the Room of Requirement - Granger and the youngest Weasley son where already there and waiting for him, stood in front of the table they had sat at during their first reluctant meeting. They span around at once at the sound of the door opening.

“What happened to your face?” Granger asked at once, frowning lightly at him.

“It doesn’t matter what happened to my face,” Draco answered tiredly, an answer he’d now given multiple times to anyone else who had been curious and brave enough to ask him about his bruised face, “We’re not here to talk about my face, and I’d like to make this brief if we can. I want to write to Harry before class begins,”

“We are talking about it if it has something to do with Harry,” Weasley reminded him darkly.

Draco swallowed - technically, it did have something to do with Harry, but it had nothing to do with how they might free him, “It doesn’t,” he said firmly.

“How is Harry?” Granger asked anxiously, stepping towards him.

Draco opened his mouth, then hesitated.

“What?” Weasley said at once, “What happened?”

Draco swallowed, his throat dry. What to tell them?

“Is Harry okay?” Granger was edging on frantic now.

“He’s as well as he can be,” Draco assured her, his voice cracking a little bit, “We had a… good summer,” he answered honestly, remembering days spent in the water and walking in the sun, “A very good summer,” he reiterated.

“And yet you’ve come away from it with a black eye,” Weasley near growled, his hands held in fists at his side.

“Harry is…,” he wanted to say fine, but he wasn’t sure that he was fine; he didn’t think Rodolphus would tell anyone, he really didn’t, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t confronted Harry and hurt him too, “Look - I really need to write to Harry, okay? Can this wait till this evening?”

“What are you hiding Malfoy?” Weasley barked, “What’s happened to Harry?” He made to march forwards, but Granger caught his hand and held him back.

“N-nothing,” Draco fought for his words, “I… look, I… I… Harry and I… we’re…,” he shifted, his eyes bouncing frantically between them, “We’re…,” his eyes fixed on their joined hands.

Weasley shook his head in confusion, then glanced to where he and Granger were holding hands, “You’re what?!”

Granger looked less confused, a slow understanding dawning on her face; she always had been the brains of their operation, “You and Harry…?” She said slowly; Draco gave a single nod, “You and Harry…?!” She said more incredulously, “But Harry hates you! You hate Harry!”

Draco gave a humourless laugh, “I love Harry, and though I can’t presume to speak for him, I think he feels the same,”

Weasley gaped like a fish, “Y-you -! What!”

“And the reason for this,” Draco pointed to his face, “Is because my uncle caught us, so please, please! Can we make this quick so I can write to Harry, to make sure that he’s okay,”

“You and Harry,” Granger said faintly.

YOU AND HARRY?!” Weasley said somewhat less calmly.

“Yes - me and Harry,” Draco pleaded weakly.

HOW?!” Weasley again.

“I… I’ve liked him for ages, and then he kissed me in my bedroom -,”

He kissed you?” Granger and Weasley spluttered as one, their eyes flashing.

Draco swallowed, and nodded, “Yes,” he whispered, “Yes, he did. Please. Just believe me that we had a good summer together - it was like a dream really - and I am desperate to make sure he’s alright. Do you have anything to tell me? Or ask me?”

There was silence for a moment as Granger and Weasley struggled to find their voices.

“I… Harry’s… Harry’s okay?” Granger asked, her voice small, “With you, I mean? You two are okay together? You… you’re not just messing around with him, are you?”

“Harry is everything, Granger,” the despair in Draco’s voice surprised even him, “Why else do you think I risked everything to tell you about him?”

Weasley shook his head in disbelief, but Granger finally nodded her own reluctant understanding, and Draco felt as if he could finally breathe, “I… I’ve been reading into Herpo the Foul,” Granger said, her tone trying to turn into something more business like, but her voice still trembled the smallest amount, “There are a few texts that I’ve found about him - most of the books I could find in Flourish and Blotts talk about how he bred the first basilisk, but some mention him attempting to achieve immortality. I’m going to start there - in the restricted section. I’ve got blanket permission from McGonagall to go in there,”

“How did you manage that?” Draco said incredulously.

“An excellent reputation,” Granger said fiercely, “And if she’d said no, we have other ways of getting in there anyway,”

Draco didn’t bother investigating what these other ways were, “Right… right… I’ll keep you posted on Harry, and you’ll keep me posted on this?” She nodded rapidly, “Good… good,” and he left them with a respectful bowing of his head.

Professor Sinstra yelped at the sight of his face during his first lesson, and sent him off to Madam Pomfrey immediately, who smiled sadly at him and offered him a bruise healing salve without asking any questions.

2nd of September 1997

Dear Harry,

I was desperate to write to you as soon as I could - are you alright?

On my way out of the Manor yesterday, I was confronted by Rodolphus. He knows about us. I don’t think he’s going to tell anyone (he seemed especially concerned by the idea of us getting ourselves caught) but I must admit that I’ve been worrying myself sick over it. Has he spoke to you?

I miss you intensely already - the world seems suddenly devoid of colour without you in it. I find myself lingering over Thomas’s mural of you outside of the great hall for just a glimpse of your face. Last year I was amazed at its likeness, but now all I can see are the parts the Thomas got wrong. It’s something though. I wish I had a small photograph of you to keep with me. There are plenty in copies of the Prophet, but they’re all some candid photo of you, frequently when you’re at your worst, or when you look resigned at having had your photo taken again. I want one just for me.

Write as soon as you can,



Dear Draco,

I’m fine - you can take a breath and relax, I’m perfectly fine. Rodolphus did confront me about you, but I just shouted him down until Snape arrived and then he stormed out. So, yes, Snape knows about us too, but if anything, I think I trust Rodolphus more to keep it to himself. Strange, isn’t it? So don’t worry. Even if he did tell the Dark Lord, I don’t think I could stand to give you up anyway.

And I miss you as well - more than you know. I’ve thrown myself into my studies, as if I’m trying to burry myself under it so that I can try and numb myself to how much it hurts now that you’re gone. It’s like I can see echos of you all around me - more than once I’ve looked up to tell you something, expecting you to be there, only to find you gone. I’m counting the days until you come back - I’ve still got that calendar you gave me, and I’m scratching off the days one by one.

This week, Snape has been teaching me all about legilimency. It has come to me with more ease than I’d expected - I think all of the training and meditating I’ve been doing has helped. The lessons have given me an idea as well: what if I could plant thoughts into people’s minds? Or images or sounds? Snape said that no such magic exists, but he didn’t say it was impossible. I want to try. I’ll let you know if I succeed. I’m not even sure what I’d do with it, but the way that I look at it, the more skills I have in my arsenal, the better.

The Moirai miss you, by the way, and so do I.

Please write back as soon as you’re able to. I feel like I’m holding my breath with every second that we’re apart. When it becomes too much, I hold the peridot in my hand and squeeze it as tightly as I can until the chain is digging in and I can barely feel my fingers, but I can finally breath again.

How has it not even been a week? How will I cope until Christmas? Do you feel this way too? Tell me that you do, or I’ll feel like an idiot mooning after you when I’m the furthest thing from your mind.



12th of September 1997

My Dearest Harry,

You can rest assured that you are not alone; I am driven to distraction by thoughts of you on a daily basis. I desperately wish that we could be together again. I feel as if my heart has been ripped clean from my chest and left in the middle of your bed for safe keeping. I wait impatiently for the day that we are reunited, and you can make me whole again. There are words I am desperate to say to you, but I can’t stand the idea of the first time I tell you them for it to be from the end of my quill rather than my lips.

I’m glad that Rodolphus has not changed your mind. I would have understood if he had, and perhaps it would be safer for both of us to part, but I’m not strong enough to even attempt such a painful separation. Just being at school is hard enough, but it would be impossible if I knew that what we have was gone forever.

I ended up telling Pansy about you. About us. The words practically forced their way out of me. I may have also told Granger and Weasley (and I’m certain they have told his sister, Longbottom and Lovegood). I have only met with them once since the start of term. Granger suggested she was researching into Herpo the Foul and his attempts at immortality. She’s trying to learn more. I have faith in her - I know I have not expressed much fondness for her in the past, but if there is any person who can find out how we can save you, it is her.

You can tell the Moirai that I miss them as well, but not as much as I miss you.

I wish that I had some token of you with me. All I have are my memories and they are frequently lacking - how could a mere memory compare to the scent and touch of your skin? Would you send me something of yours? Anything at all - even an eyelash carefully folded in tissue at the bottom of your next letter would be enough. Just something that I might hold into the light and admire and think ofyou and your face.

Eternally yours,




You are such a romantic - it’s ridiculous. Before the summer, I think I might have teased you for it, but now I’m on the verge of begging you to tell me more. It makes my heart race to know that I’m not the only one sent crazy by just the thought of you. I have been dangerously close to using words like ‘ardently’ in my letters, as if we were in some romance novel.

Will you tell me more about school? What’s happening at Hogwarts beyond your schemes to try and save me? Sometimes I imagine a world where none of this ever happened, and we were still enemies, and I can scarcely believe that I ever felt anything other than this burning heat in my chest for you - I won’t name it until I can do so in person. I should regret the last year - being captured - and I do, but I don’t really. How could I, when it has given me you? Do you think that, in another world where this never happened, another version of us still hates one another? I feel sorry for them. They might never know what they’re missing out on.

My own schooling continues - not only with Snape, but with Bellatrix and Rodolphus and now, the Dark Lord as well. The DL has taken to taking me down to the cellars with him. He has made me into his torturer. I’d say that I hate it, except I don’t feel any kind of way about it anymore. It’s hard to feel at all on those days. The Death Eaters are easy, but the others are much more difficult. He threatened your mother to begin with, when I was struggling, but now I don’t struggle much at all.

I hate how much I don’t hate this anymore. It’s all just another day - no worse than attending potions class only with more screaming and begging.

There are other lessons though - lessons that I have with your mother. Her’s may not save my life in a fight, but I think they’re saving me in another way. She’s been teaching me how to play the harpsichord. I wish she was teaching me piano instead, but I feel almost as if the music room is our place even though we only visited there a few times. I don’t want to go there with someone else. What if it diminished the memories, I have of us there together? We should go back over Christmas, I think. You can teach me Christmas carols!

Write back quickly - I’ve lost any of the patience I had before I’m afraid. If you have to fail your NEWTS so that you can write to me, then so be it so long as you’re mine.



P.S. I have enclosed a gift for you - something that I made so that you’ll have something of me too. Something made of sturdier stuff than tissue.

Draco was lying on his back, the curtains of his four-poster bed closed around him to hide him from view. He’d never live it down if anyone else was to see the dopey grin on his face. He held Harry’s latest letter above him, and he was reading it for the third time that afternoon. This wasn’t how he was meant to be spending his free period, he knew, but Harry’s letters were the only thing keeping life even remotely bearable at the moment.

With a positively sappy sigh, he dropped the letter and turned his attention to the small item he had fisted in his hand. He sat himself up with a jerk, and searched blindly for his wand, not quite willing to look away from the small item in the palm of his hand. Finding his wand, he cast lumos, and used it to inspect Harry’s gift - his token.

It was a small piece of smooth glass that had been moulded into the shape of a tear drop, with the tail curled into a loop so that he might thread string or a chain through it if he wanted, and in the tear’s centre sat a single, long, dark eyelash.

Draco felt almost giddy at the sight of it. Positively feverish. Well and truly lovesick.

He was so distracted, that it wasn’t until the curtains of his bed were being pulled back that he realised he wasn’t alone.

He froze, only to relax almost immediately; it was only Pansy.

Hey eyes flicked from his face and his flushed cheeks to the letter on his bed - it would be blank to her eyes, he knew, “From him?” She asked. Though there was no one else in the room, he appreciated her consistent discretion.

He nodded, and she rolled her eyes, but smiled at him anyway. He was grateful to her for joining him in ignoring the horror of their situation and letting him be happy.

“Go on then - what does he say?” She flopped down onto the bed next to him.

He didn’t read it all to her - only a snippet, “‘Write back quickly - I’ve lost any of the patience I had before I’m afraid. If you have to fail your NEWTS so that you can write to me, then so be it so long as you’re mine. Yours, Harry,”

“You’re both disgusting,” she said with a chuckle, “So in love with each other that I could choke on it,” any answer Draco had for her caught in his throat at the idea that Harry might be in love with him too, even though his letters had implied that he might be, “What’s that?” She nodded at the glass tear in between his fingers.

“Harry made it,” he handed it to her carefully.

She peered into it, holding it up to the light to see better, “Is that… an eyelash?” Draco nodded, grinning but not meaning to, “Wow. You’ve got it bad,” she said sympathetically.

“I do,” Draco admitted with a heavy sigh, “Honestly Pans, he’s… he’s everything,”

She looked briefly pained, “I worry what lengths you’d go for him,”

“Any,” he said easily, “I’d go to any,”

“Does the Dark Lord know that?”

He flashed hot with indignant anger, and reached for the teardrop back, snatching it closer to his chest and holding it there.

“I don’t want to upset you,” Pansy said, painfully patient, “I just worry for you - so much,” she admitted, “You’re in so much danger,”

“I know I am,” Draco muttered to the glass he held to his heart, “but it’s worth it for him.”

25th of September 1997

My Heart,

Thank you for the glass - it’s beautiful and just perfect for feeling as if you are with me even though we’re apart. I feel sometimes as if I’ve lost my head when it comes to you. Never before have I understood what people meant by ‘lovesick’ but now I do. I’d have even laughed at myself, I think, a year ago, if someone had told me that I’d be writing you love letters like these, but now I can hardly bring myself to stop. I hope they bring you the same comfort that they bring me.

I said to you once not to dwell on the what ifs, and I still stand by that, but I would qualify it with this: I wish that you’d never been subjected to the pain you’ve endured. And yes, that may have meant we spent a few years more hating one another, but I believe with all my heart that there is no world where we don’t find one another. You’re mine in every life. I’m convinced of it.

Hogwarts is as it always is - we have a new defence teacher. An Auror on loan from the Ministry. A man by the name of Dawlish. He’s perfectly acceptable I suppose, but the man is sorely lacking in anything that resembles a personality. He’s only here for the year, though I suppose it doesn’t much matter anymore, not to me. One more year, and I’m free! I’m ready to be done with school. It all seems so trivial now.

I hate what you are being forced to do but know that I could never hate you for doing it. I’m glad, in fact, that you’re succeeding, so he has no reason to hurt you. If it was asked of me, I would gladly place myself at the end of your wand if it was required to keep you safe and breathing a day longer. Please, try and put it from your mind, and remember what I said: one day, you will be safe, and you can concern yourself with morality then. You are doing what you must. If it helps, imagine that I am with you.

I wish that I could be.

When I return, it will no doubt be too cold to venture into the gardens, and so we shall stay in the music room instead. Every second of every day if you want, and I’ll teach you every single Christmas carol I know. We can even write some more together, if it’ll make you happy. We can do whatever you want to do, if only because it makes you smile.

Yours, for now and forever,




I’m so relieved you like it - I had a horrible thought just after I sent it that I was being silly. One day, maybe we can have something more bespoke to hold us together when we’re apart? Though I’m hoping that the days of us being separated will be few and far between now. I dream about you all of the time - perhaps, if you were right, and I’m dreaming of the future, it means that we’re together, come what may. I hope so.

I met Dawlish once, very briefly, when Dumbledore fled the school during fifth year. Do you remember? He was there on Fudge’s orders. He didn’t seem very bright then, which I remember finding surprising at the time. I thought that Aurors were meant to be this elite force. It makes me wonder how much longer this can all last for. I have no idea what’s going on outside of the Manor, but I feel almost a dark shadow looming over the house. As if things are coming to a head. It’s an unsettling feeling. What is going on in the world? You have access to the Daily Prophet, right? What does it say?

Please don’t even plant the idea of me being forced to hurt you into my head - the idea makes me feel sick, but then leaves me feeling at peace at the same time. There’s no way I could ever hurt you, so why worry about it? I would destroy myself first.

Please though. Don’t mention the idea again. I hate it.

I can’t wait for you to come back. Half of my day is spent daydreaming about it. The things we’d do and talk about. Does the lake freeze over in the winter? Could we skate on it without drowning? No, I suppose not. Not without Rodolphus having a fit at least. One day we’ll go ice-skating together. Or maybe try out punting down a river. We could have a proper date one day and hold hands in public.

One day.

Write back quickly.



P.S Severus just came and spoke to me. The Dark Lord wishes for me to join the Death Eater meetings going forward. Wish me luck.

Harry’s latest letter left Draco practically bursting with anxiety, and more glad than usual for the small teardrop of glass containing Harry’s eyelash.

He’d had no chain to thread it onto, and so had instead used some string from a packaged Pansy had received from home, and had threaded the glass onto the twine, and used it to secure the tear drop to his bicep. It was rudimentary at best, but it allowed him to close his hand over his upper arm and feel where it pressed into his skin, and that was all he needed.

He was holding onto it now as he watched a barn own owl soar away through the air, his reply to Harry’s letter tied to her leg. He hoped she would be quick about it. He felt as if he could vomit at any moment, and he wasn’t sure how long he could last like this before he threw caution to the wind and did something rash like apparating himself home.

With a dry swallow, he had been about to turn to make his way back towards the castle, when he realised that he could feel his trouser pocket burning against him. He knew the culprit immediately, and it made his gut twist even more intensely.

He fished the sickle from his pocket with difficulty, anxiety making his fingers feel thick and clumsy, and he peered down at the face. He shuddered at a gust of wind - Granger wanted to meet at eight that evening. He hid the sickle back in his pocket and began the journey back towards the school.

Slughorn ended up sending him to the Hospital wing with a queer look before the end of the day - he had been so distracted that he’d nearly caused his potion to explode twice, and rather than thinking him simply stupid, Slughorn had been so concerned by his uncharacteristic clumsiness, he had instead sent him to be checked out for hexes or curses.

He hadn’t gone to Madam Pomfrey, of course. Unless she was going to offer him a calming draught, there wasn’t much she could do for him, and if he started taking them, he knew he’d never stop.

He was at the Room long before eight, having skipped lunch and dinner and simply taking himself there instead to try and do his homework to distract him. By the time the others arrived, he had finished all of his work, but he also didn’t remember a single word he had written. He’d have to go over it all again at some point, and potentially re-write chunks of it, he was sure.

He packed his back away immediately when the door opened though, and stood, greeting the group with a nod as they filtered in and took seats opposite him at the table with their own murmured greeting.

Ginny was less polite though, barking immediately, “Are you and Harry really together?”

Draco froze in the middle of sitting down, then dropped with an oof, and nodded, “Yes,” his voice came out as a croak.

“Really?” Ginny pressed, “Like… really really?”

Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and simply said plainly, “Really really,”

“You know, it makes sense if you think about it,” Lovegood said dreamily, rocking back on her seat and twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

“It really doesn’t,” Ginny said flatly.

“How so?” Neville asked curiously though.

“Well, you two were always a bit obsessed with each other, weren’t you,” she continued airily, “I didn’t even really know Harry before fourth year, but even I knew what you were to one another. You were always sniping at each other across the hall or shoving each other in the hallways. There was even a betting pool during the Triwizard tournament as to who Harry would take to the Yule Ball, and Draco and Cho tied for top, until Cho turned Harry down, and then Draco was in the lead on his own,”

“Where was Parvati on that then?” Neville asked.

“Oh she wasn’t even an option until about a week before and there was no one else to ask,” Luna said sagely.

“You’re ridiculous Luna,” Ginny said with a sigh before turning to Draco, “How is Harry?” She asked anxiously, “Have you been writing?”

“We have been,” Draco confirmed with a nod, “He is… as well as he can be. The Dark Lord…,” he tried to find a way to phrase what Harry was being asked to do without incriminating Harry in some way, “The Dark Lord is forcing Harry to act as his torturer,” he admitted, and Granger gave a horrified gasp, “It’s taking its toll on Harry, as you can imagine. And now he’s making Harry join the Death Eater meetings. That was the last thing Harry wrote to me,” Draco resisted the urge to bite his lip, “I’m waiting to hear back from him about that,”

“Poor Harry,” Neville said mournfully, “That must be awful,”

“I worry about him,” Draco admitted, “But Harry is very resilient. He’s survived things I never could. And it’ll all be worth it if we can free him,” he said firmly, before adding more weakly, “Please tell me you have some idea of how we can free him?”

“That’s why we wanted to meet,” Granger said shrewdly, “I’ve had a bit of a breakthrough of sorts. I’ve done more research into Herpo the Foul and have found multiple instances of him being described as a wandering soul. I thought originally that the author just meant that metaphorically - as in he loved to travel - but they were all referring to him posthumously. I think they meant it literally. As in he’d been killed while his soul vessel remained intact, so his soul remained wandering the Earth,”

“Like what happened to the Dark Lord,” Draco said slowly, “after he disappeared the first time, I mean,”


“So… I’m sorry,” Draco said, frustrated, “I don’t really see how this helps us other than to tell us what we already know. That if we kill the Dark Lord he sticks around as a spirit or shade?”

Granger scowled a little, “It’s a very important discovery!” She disagreed vehemently, “Herpo the Foul has never been resurrected, has he? Because none of his followers exist to anymore to bring him back! So, if we can kill Voldemort, and find some way to… to… I don’t know, conceal him? Trap him? Until all of his followers are dead at least, then all he’ll be is some malicious forgotten shade!”

“Or we’ll be back to square one in twenty years,” Draco added grimly.

She pursed her lips, “Well yes, that is true, but that’s twenty years to do something about him! Twenty years of Harry being safe!” She said pointedly; he wilted immediately, “And this is only after a few months of research,” she reminded him, “This is just the start. The goal is to make sure he’s gone for good, or at the very least, can never hurt anyone again!”

Draco held his breath for a moment, just until his frustration had dissipated enough that he didn’t think he was about to instigate a fight with Granger, “You’re right Granger,” he said after letting his breath out in a whoosh, “You’re right. We… we have to start somewhere,”

She relaxed in her seat and nodded.

Draco chose not to broach the question of how a bunch of seventeen-year-olds were planning to kill the most powerful Dark Lord in the world in the first place.


So current plan is to upload as normal next week, but I’m on holiday the week after so will be skipping
See you next week :)

Chapter 31: Draco: The Two Dumbledores


If Draco was honest, he felt as if he were living on a plain elevated above everyone else. As if he were experiencing a deep, almost aching pleasure - the kind that no one else could understand. And it was all because of Harry.


Well… this has been a very interesting week 😂
Welcome new readers!! And many thanks to beetlepimpsidepiecee for essentially bombarding TikTok with videos of her crying over this fic (never have I ever been more flattered in all my life, let me tell you)
I feel like I’m saying a million thank you’s 😂 but also thank you for the extremely kind comments people have been leaving.
Currently re-reading this and trying to fix any typo’s or inconsistencies (there’s a lot to keep track of, especially who knows what when there are three pov’s) - if anyone notices any plot holes or anything please do tell me! On the typo side of things… eh. I’d almost rather not know so long as they aren’t too horrifying 😂
Anyway! Enjoy the chapter :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

10th of October 1997

Dearest Harry,

The idea of you having to sit in a room with those people leaves me ill at ease. Will Snape be with you at least? And I hate to even mention the man, but presumably Rodolphus will be there too - they’ll look after you, right? I hope you’re able to write back to me quickly. I’m driven to distraction with worry for you.

The Prophet makes for a very depressing read, if I’m honest. I normally ignore it if I can, but I asked Pansy for some cliff notes on what’s been going on and it’s all quite grim. Disappearances and murders have been more frequent. People keep turning up in pieces by the sounds of things. She thinks that there’s going to be some mass attack to take out the Minister for Magic - a few months ago, a member of the Ministry was found to be under the imperious curse, and rumour has it that the Ministry think the plan was to assassinate the Minister and replace him. Scrimgeour’s become especially paranoid, and multiple witches and wizards have been arrested without trial, suspected of conspiring to murder him.

A lot of this isn’t in the papers though and is all what Pansy’s family thinks is happening. The Parkinson’s have always been very well versed in the latest gossip though, and if they say it, then I’m inclined to believe them. I think it’s only a matter of time before the Ministry falls, but then I don’t know what will become of Hogwarts if it’s still under Dumbledore’s control. It’s all very worrying.

I hope that this won’t matter to us though. I hope that we might be well out of the country before anything like that happens. We’ll go somewhere where we can ice-skate and hold hands - I promise.

I spoke to Granger and the others again. Granger has done more research on Herpo the Foul, and there’s some evidence to suggest that he was killed even with him still having a soul vessel, and that he then went on to wander the earth. This doesn’t sound dissimilar to what happened to the Dark Lord before. The issue is that while no supporters of Herpo remain to locate him and resurrect him, plenty of the Dark Lord’s supporters would look for him and bring him back.

This might be a solution in the short term, but we need to figure out what to do in the long. I’m hoping Granger will come through.

Faithfully yours,



Dear Draco,

Before I say anything more - I’m fine. I promise. If anything, the meeting was easier to tolerate than anything else I’ve had to do. Except that Macnair was there. It made me so angry looking at him - he acted as if he barely knew who I was. It made me want to tear him apart.

I have a small confession. Do you remember me saying that I’d asked Snape about using magic to plant thoughts? Well, I’ve been practicing on the Moirai (with her consent of course). Nothing serious or bad - just a whispered word or the small of bacon. I’ve been getting good at it, and I tried it on Macnair at the meeting. I made him hear me whisper his name in his ear, and he heard me! He looked like he might sh*t himself.

I don’t know what to do with this now though. Snape said I should work on it more (I didn’t actually tell him what I did) but I don’t know how to do that in a way that won’t be obvious. I’ll have to figure something out. Perhaps planting visions that could be dismissed? Have him think that the person next to him is saying hello maybe? I don’t know. They’re all just ideas at the moment.

I think your suspicions about what’s to come are accurate (and no, I’ve not been dreaming about it, before you ask) if only for the fact that the Dark Lord is bringing me into the fold. He must be planning something, and I’m not sure you’ll have managed to smuggle us out of the country before he enacts that plan. You can try Draco, but know I’ll not be upset if you fail. The task you’ve set yourself seems increasingly like an impossible one. I hope Hermione is successful.



If Draco was honest, he felt as if he were living on a plain elevated above everyone else. As if he were experiencing a deep, almost aching pleasure - the kind that no one else could understand. And it was all because of Harry.

He was long past feeling ridiculous for it or trying to smother the large smile that affixed itself to his face when he read Harry’s letters. Who was he trying to be ‘cool’ for, after all? Certainly not Pansy, who frequently pretended to gag when she caught him grinning sappily at Harry’s latest letter. And other than her, there was no one else.

He had been feeling as if he were floating on air on his way up from the dungeons, when he stumbled across familiar voices down a dark corridor.

“There’s nothing here - nothing at all,”

He paused at the end of the corridor; his curiosity piqued. Was that… Dumbledore?

“It’s a little early too conclude that, surely?” And McGonagall.

He hesitated, torn by indecision. And then curiosity got the better of him. He crept down the corridor, casting a disillusionment charm as he went. It wouldn’t hide him entirely from sight, but if Dumbledore and McGonagall were distracted, they might not notice him, and if they did, they might struggle to identify him before he disappeared.

He squinted against the corridor’s low light; his eyes fixed on the door at its end. It was opened only a crack, but it was enough for Draco to hear their voices murmuring out at him. He could hear other noises too - the opening and closing of cabinets and drawers and scraping of chairs against the stone floors. What were they doing?

He heard Dumbledore give an incredibly uncharacteristic snort, “I think we should down tools, so to say, until he gives us more information,”

Draco glanced nervously over his shoulder as he came to a stop at the threshold, resting a hand against the stone so he could lean closer. He could just about see their backs through the crack in the door. McGonagall was emptying a cupboard, and Dumbledore was sat perched on a stool, his hands braced on his knees, his back to Draco.

“He’s given us what he can,” McGonagall said warily.

“What - that it might be a cup with a badger on it, or it might not be that at all? How is that useful in anyway shape or form?” He let out a bark of scornful laughter, “This is like looking for a needle in a haystack, blind folded, in a world where magnets don’t exist! We don’t even know what ‘it’ is - or what makes it so important for destroying him!”

McGonagall hushed him with a hiss through her teeth, “Be quiet! We might be overheard!”

Dumbledore scoffed, and Draco ducked to the side just before he turned to peer out through the door, “What? At this far end of the castle? I doubt it. And what would any eavesdropper learn? Sweet bugger all, that’s what! Because we don’t know anything either!” What on Earth…?! Was Dumbledore drunk or something? “God forbid my blasted brother should trust us with any important details,”

Brother…? This was Dumbledore’s brother? Draco hadn’t even known that the headmaster had a brother!

“I’m sure Albus has his reasons,” McGonagall said wearily, “but I can’t help but agree with you. We’ve been at this for nearly a month now and we’ve barely cleared the lowest levels of the dungeons. If we are to have any hope of getting beyond the second floor before the end of the school year, let alone the entire castle, we shall need more to go on!”

Dumbledore’s brother gave a pleased harumph, “I knew you’d see reason!”

“Oh, do shut up, Aberforth,” McGonagall snapped, “We don’t need to re-hash old disagreements…,”

Draco didn’t hear the rest of what was said, choosing that moment to back away carefully into the wider corridor rather than test his luck further. He cancelled the disillusionment charm and continued on his way up the stairs to the great hall.

What on earth were they on the hunt for? What could the headmaster be trying to find in the school that was so sensitive that he couldn’t risk telling his most trusted supporters (his own brother, even) what it was they were looking for? Only that it was instrumental to destroying the Dark Lord?

He made his way up the stairs on autopilot, side stepping students and turning this way and that through the winding corridors on his way to breakfast. He was still dwelling over the scene he had interrupted while he buttered his toast and poured himself coffee. He glanced up when Pansy arrived opposite him, inclining his head towards her and muttering a greeting. His eyes caught on a flash of ginger hair, and without meaning to, he found himself looking at Ginny Weasley.

The sight of her sparked a memory - a memory of an evil diary and a girl possessed.

Harry said he thought that Dumbledore knew he harboured a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul. It stood to reason that Dumbledore would therefore be aware that other such containers might exist. He had surely known what the diary really was, after all, a wizard as well read and powerful as him. What if Granger had been right, and the Dark Lord’s soul had split so easily the night Harry’s parents had been murdered because he had torn it into multiple pieces already? What if Dumbledore thought the same, and was looking for more such containers? Only… only he wasn’t sure what they were exactly… but why wouldn’t he tell McGonagall and his brother what they were looking for?



“Are you okay?”

He looked sharply away from Ginny Weasley (who he realised was watching him back with a peculiar look on her face for obvious reasons) to find that the butter on the end of his knife had dropped off onto the table.

“Uh, yeah, just… just thought of something, don’t worry, I’m fine,”

She didn’t look convinced, and only looked more concerned when he wolfed down his breakfast as quickly as he could so that he could sprint from the hall to pull the sickle in his pocket free where no one could see him. He set a date and time - that evening after class - and prayed that Granger had gotten the message. He wasn’t sure his coin worked quite the same way hers did, after all.

Where only Weasley and Granger had met him before, the entire group answered his call this time, and were ready and waiting in the room when he arrived there that evening, skipping dinner entirely.

“Malfoy - what’s wrong?” Weasley said very seriously.

“I overheard something,” Draco said urgently, sitting quickly, “McGonagall and Dumbledore’s brother - I think the school is being searched for a soul container of the Dark Lord’s,”

“What makes you say that?” Granger said slowly.

“Dumbledore - his brother, I mean - was complaining to McGonagall that Dumbledore - the headmaster - had set them searching the school without telling them what they were looking for,”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re looking for a soul container,” Longbottom pointed out, “They could be looking for anything,”

“He said that it was important for destroying him,” Draco insisted, feeling faintly panicked that they might not listen to him, “He must have meant the Dark Lord - surely, so what else could it possibly be? And we already know that Dumbledore knows that these soul vessels exist in the first place - he must have known about the diary, and he defiantly knows about Harry. What if you were right Granger - and the reason the Dark Lord’s soul is so unstable is because he’s split it multiple times already. I think Dumbledore knows it as well. This has to be it!”

There was a moment of silence, then Ginny said, “But then why wouldn’t he tell McGonagall and his brother?” And Draco had no answer to give. He wasn’t sure why all the secrecy either.

“I imagine that he wouldn’t want Voldemort to find out…,” said Granger, “If… if he’s hidden them - these soul containers - then surely, he’ll just move them if he knows that they’re being looked for? Or keep them with him maybe?”

“Or make more,” Weasley suggested darkly.

“Exactly! So, if there are more to be found and destroyed, then he’d want to do it in secret!” Granger said turning faintly excited by the prospect.

“But then if that’s true,” Ginny said anxiously, “he could have hidden it anywhere in the school. The castle is enormous!”

“Anywhere,” Neville agreed looking faintly grey, “Anywhere in the world,” he added.

“What about the Chamber of Secrets?” Weasley suggested, “Surely that’s the perfect place to hide something this important? Only a parselmouth would be able to get in there after all,”

“It was searched though,” Granger pointed out, “When it was opened last - they had an entire team of Ministry workers in to inspect it and remove any artefacts. Not that there were any,” she added.

“They don’t even know what the object that they’re looking for is,” Draco said with a despairing shake of his head, “Only that it might, or might not be some cup with a badger on it,”

Weasley snorted, “A cup with a badger on it? Have they forgotten what school we’re in? Surely there are a million cups with badgers on them? Any that have got the Hogwarts crest on for a start!”

“Maybe its a cup that belonged to Helga Hufflepuff,” Longbottom suggested, “I know that there was a great-great aunt a few times removed of mine who used to own one, but she died, and it went missing. My Gran still talks about it sometimes - apparently her house-elf accidentally poisoned her,”

“Maybe its the lost diadem of Ravenclaw that they’re looking for,” Luna chimed in brightly for the first time in the conversation.

“Yeah, but its just that Luna - lost,” said Ginny.

“Even if that is what they’re looking for, they don’t know where to find it. McGonagall sounded pretty worried,” Draco admitted grimly.

Luna gave a high airy hum, and peered about them curiously, “I wonder if they’ll think to look in here,”

“What? The room we have our clandestine meetings in?” Weasley said with a snort, “I don’t think so somehow Luna,”

“No, no,” she said airily, “I don’t mean this room - I mean The Room,” and she gestured about them. Weasley chuckled again, but then froze. There was a moment of silence where they all exchanged faintly terrified looks. Draco was the first one to leap to his feet and march towards the room’s exit, “Where are we going?” Lovegood asked curiously, allowing Longbottom to pull her from the room.

They watched silently as the door gradually collapsed in on itself and disappeared from view. No one moved.

“What now?” Ginny whispered.

“Now… now we need to try and figure out what kind of room Voldemort might call to hide a piece of his soul,” Granger said grimly.

“What if he summoned a unique room?” Draco said nervously, “A room only he can call,”

“No…,” Longbottom said slowly, “I don’t think he’d do that. I don’t think he’d take the time to try and figure out how the room works the way we have,”

“What do you mean?” Said Luna.

“I think… I think Voldemort is arrogant,” Longbottom said, his voice turning hard, “I think… I think he’d just take it at face value. Too busy congratulating himself for being so clever. I think he’d just ask for a room to hide it in, and never think beyond it,” Longbottom glanced nervously about them, then swallowed and took a confident step forward.

He paced back and forth in front of the wall, his eyes closed, and his brow furrowed in concentration. On his third pass, a door materialised in the stone, and they stood and stared at it, barely daring to breath. Longbottom looked nervously over his shoulder at them.

“Go on Neville,” Luna said brightly, “Let’s see what you’ve found!”

He nodded shakily and stepped cautiously towards the door.

Draco’s heart skipped a beat when Longbottom let out a sharp gasp, “What?” He said urgently, rushing closer, “What is it?”

He froze though at what he saw around Longbottom’s shoulder.

A room unlike any he had ever seen before.

He nudged past him, and Longbottom let him through mindlessly, his mouth wide open in shock and horror at what lay before them.

The room was, in a word, vast, with cathedral like ceilings that seemed to go on forever and ever. It wasn’t the size of the room that made Draco feel like he could scream though, but its contents. It’s never ending, seemingly limitless contents. A wall of stuff built into mountains and valleys that tracked as far as the eye could see.

“Oh f*ck!”

Draco flinched at Weasley’s exclamation. The group had stumbled in after him and were staring with wide eyes at the task that lay before them.

“How… how are we meant to search all of this?!” Ginny gasped next to her brother, “It’s impossible!”

“We don’t,” Granger said grimly, “I think… I think we have to involve Professor Dumbledore,”

“And tell him what?” Longbottom muttered.

“What ever you tell him, keep me out of it,” Draco said sharply, “I had nothing to do with helping you find this, or tipping you off that the school was being searched,”

“Well he won’t just accept us coming up to him and going ‘oh yes, hello headmaster, we understand that you’re trying to find some cup of sorts that may or may not hold a bit of Voldemort’s soul - we don’t mean to alarm you, but we’ve found a terrifyingly enormous hall of junk and we’re a little bit worried that it might be in there’ will he!” Weasley cried mockingly.

“I’ll say I overheard McGonagall and his brother,” Granger said firmly, “I’ll say I don’t know what they’re looking for, but it sounded important, and I’m worried it might be in here,”

“And if he doesn’t believe you?” Draco said sharply.

“I don’t care,” Granger answered just as sharply, “He can either be grateful to me for helping him, or realise that I’ll never help him again if he pushes me,” Draco fell silent, feeling as if he were meeting a version of Granger that was new to him, “This is all for Harry, isn’t it?” She said firmly, “All of it. You were right, what you said last year. No one else is worrying about Harry, and so why should we worry about them?”

Draco nodded slowly, “Fine… fine, tell him whatever you have to,” he shuffled back towards the door, “You’ll keep me posted?”

Granger grimaced and gave a sharp nod but didn’t take her eyes off the mountain in front of them, as if she were worried that it might rearrange itself if she glanced away for even a second.

24th of October 1997

My Harry,

I’m relieved to hear back from you - I’m glad that the meeting wasn’t anything too awful, but I hate that you were forced into such close proximity with that man. It’s bad enough that you have to be near my aunt, but to have to sit and tolerate that man’s presence in a room full of people? It sickens me.

Once again though, I find myself amazed by how brilliant you are! This sounds like a skill that could become very useful in the future - for keeping you safe and keeping your enemies on the back foot. Do you think you’ll be able to project images to him? Or only sounds and smells? I can only imagine how complicated such a thing might be, but just imagine if you could.

I admit that my mind is filled with ideas as to how it might help you escape - if you could send a decoy image of yourself for training with Rodolphus for example. Or you could convince onlookers that they don’t see you. I agree whole-heartedly with Snape - you should definitely keep working on this!

I have some news of my own, but I think it’s best to not put it into writing. I know these letters are secure, but this is knowledge too sensitive even for this. I shall tell you when I return for Christmas - there are less than two months to go!

I miss you. I miss you as if we had been parted for two years rather than two months. By the time we meet again do not expect me to speak for at least a day as I shall be too overcome with happiness to have you in my arms again.

Please - write back quickly.

Forever yours,


It was clear to Draco that Granger had made good on her word when the poster for the Defence Association on the Slytherin notice board had an addendum pinned over it - the location of classes had been changed to a spare classroom on the first floor.

“I wonder why,” Draco heard a third-year girl muse from behind him as he, and a crowd of other Slytherins made their way out of the dungeons that morning.

“I heard that they’re investigating the Room of Requirement,” her friend said next to her, and Draco had to fight the urge to freeze.

“What for?”

“To see how it works, I expect,” he released the breath he had been holding, “It’s all one big mystery isn’t it, really. A room that can be as big or as small as you need and create almost anything you could possibly think of! It’s a wonder they haven’t set specialists on its years ago, I’d say!”

Draco had just emerged from the staircase that led down to the dungeons, when he spotted the woman herself. Granger was stood leaning with her back up against the wall, her arms crossed. At the sight of Draco, she turned and wandered casually away. Her meaning was clear.

After glancing discreetly over his shoulder, he followed her. He had been on the verge of thinking she was playing some ill-timed game of hide and seek with him, when a hand closing around his wrist and yanking him into a dark alcove had him yelping in alarm.

Merlin Granger,” he hissed through his teeth, his hand pressed over his hammering heart.

She ignored him though, saying firmly, “It’s done,”

Draco nodded, still rubbing his chest, “I guessed based off of your little club having to relocate,” he bit his lip nervously, “Do you think he believed your story?”

She snorted lightly and rolled her eyes a little, “I doubt it, but I don’t care. I just wanted to organise an alternative meeting place with you if we need to speak,”

“Where do you have in mind?”

“The Prefect’s bathroom,”

He raised an eyebrow at her, “And how are we making sure its empty first?”

“Don’t worry - we have a way,” she assured him, “Just don’t go in there if we aren’t there first,” she paused, looking him up and down, “And bring a towel or something as cover,” He opened his mouth to question her further, but she was gone, her robes swirling behind her as she turned back into the corridor and marched back towards the great hall, calling over her shoulder, “Wait twenty seconds before you leave as well!”

He scowled after her, and reluctantly began to count inside his head. Bloody Granger. He was beginning to think that she’d have gotten on well in Slytherin if it weren’t for the muggle-born thing.

In the great hall, he spotted Pansy instantly, and strode with purpose in her direction. He glanced away for a second to survey the rest of his house mates with disinterest, when his attention was caught by someone else. Theodore Nott was looking especially morose that morning, practically slumped into his cereal with great dark bags under his eyes, his skin a sick kind of sallow colour, and his hair looked as if he hadn’t taken a comb to it in weeks.

“What’s up with Nott?” Draco muttered under his breath as he took his seat next to Pansy.

Pansy was too well versed in gossip etiquette to glance over at their topic of conversation; instead, she made buttering her toast look like the most interesting thing in the world to her at that moment, “I heard him talking to Millie,” she said, her voice as soft as breathing, “His father’s pulling him out of Hogwarts - he’s not coming back after Christmas. He’s going to be taking his NEWTS from home and… well…,” she scratched casually at her left forearm as if she just had an itch, but Draco knew exactly what she meant.

“Why the rush?” He murmured, reaching for the teapot and nodding in greeting to Blaise further down the table, “There’s not much left off school - why not let him finish?”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the corners of her mouth tighten, “Millie thinks that things are going to change. That the Dark Lord is going to start making moves again. Properly. He’s been really quiet, hasn’t he? He’s been back for years now, but nothing big has happened, and the Ministry is weaker than ever,”

“I don’t know if I’d say he’s been quiet,” Draco disagreed, looking pointedly at the copy of the Prophet that was open in front of them, where the murder of some low-level Ministry official had been reported.

“Yes, I know, but Millie thinks he’s going to move from secret murder and disappearing people, to coming out into the open and operating unopposed, and that Theo’s father wants him by his side for it,” Draco couldn’t think of anything to say to that, his mouth turning dry as he tried and struggled to eat a slice of toast. He couldn’t help but worry about what this might all mean for Harry, and for him.

The post arrived in a flurry of rustling wings and cawing birds, as owls burst through the ceiling and soared across the hall towards their intended recipients. He stared up at them, involuntarily holding his breath in anticipation, wondering if any of the feathered messengers came with one for him. It had been a while since he’d heard from Harry - he was due a letter right about now.

He straightened when he realised that a scruffy brown owl was making a beeline for him. The bird had barely landed before Draco was reaching for the twine about its leg and freeing it of its burden. It wasn’t from Harry though. He tried not to wilt in disappointment at the sight of his mother’s delicate penmanship rather than Harry’s questionable chicken scratch, but he knew he hadn’t succeeded by Pansy’s snort of laughter.

He skimmed it disinterestedly - it was as he had expected, full to the brim with his mother’s usual detail free report as to the the goings on at home, including multiple repetitions of how much she loved and missed him. It was the end though, the postscript that made his blood run cold and forget for just a moment the letter he was missing from Harry.

P.S I must prepare you son, that the Dark Lord is currently placing pressure on your father to have you marked and pulled from Hogwarts before the new year. Your father has managed to put him off for now, and has convinced him to wait until after graduation, but you must prepare yourself my darling. It is coming.

“What?” Pansy said, concerned, picking up the change in his breathing.

He tried and failed to keep his voice light, “Theo won’t be the only one getting a new tattoo,” Pansy gasped, “Not until the end of school though,” he added, “We don’t need to say goodbye just yet, Pans,”

“Oh… oh, Draco,” Pansy said mournfully, “What are you going to do?”

He took a deep shuddering breath, and said, “What I must.”

It was the first of November, and Draco was becoming increasingly anxious at the lack of the postfrom Harry. Debilitatingly so. This wasn’t the longest that he had waited for a letter, not by far, but there was something about it that felt different. An ominous, creeping feeling in the air. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

He was withdrawn at breakfast, dwelling on what on earth could be keeping Harry from writing to him. So withdrawn, in fact, that it took him a moment longer than it should have to realise that everyone else was subdued as well.

Glancing up from his breakfast, he realised that students were gathered around copies of the Daily Prophet, their brows furrowed in concern as they read, and more than one student was gnawing anxiously at their nails. They weren’t just reading though - they were sending him looks.

He needed to read that paper.

He looked up and down the Slytherin table for a spare copy of the paper, and spotted Theo staring morosely down at his own copy.

“Hey - Nott,” Draco called softly, and the boy looked up at him slowly, “What’s happened?”

Theo just looked at him for a long moment, then shook his head. He thew the paper in Draco’s direction, and left the hall. Reaching for the paper, Draco watched him go curiously. What was that about?

He understood immediately upon looking at the front page.

On the front-page page was a photograph of a country cottage in the middle of a raging storm. It wasn’t the cottage that had caught everyone’s attention though, but the Dark Mark hanging in the air above it. The first use of the Dark Mark since the Dark Lord’s official return.


He turned the page, the tips of his fingers feeling strangely numb. He jumped to find his father’s face staring back him - that and the mugshots of Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, the Carrow twins, and then a black square with a question mark over it. His father’s photo wasn’t a mugshot though, as none existed. Not yet at least. That his father was a Death Eater was well known, but it had never been published quite like this before.

As he began to read, he squeezed his hand over his upper arm where Harry’s glass token sat beneath his shirt, the sensation giving him comfort.

Late yesterday evening, the Tonk’s residence was the subject of a brutal home invasion by Death Eaters known and unknown. The seven assailants included Lucius Malfoy (who has long been suspected to be a Death Eater but has now been confirmed as such by this assault), Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange, and Alecto and Amycus Carrow. The seventh witch or wizard present in this attack is yet to be identified. While Mrs Andromeda Tonks, sister of B. Lestrange and sister-in-law of Malfoy, is currently recovering at St Mungo’s and is expected to make a full recovery, the Prophet is sad to report that her husband, Edward ‘Ted’ Tonks, and daughter, Auror Nymphadora Tonks, are deceased. This incident marks the first use of the Dark Mark -,’

Draco stopped reading, closing the paper and staring down at the glowing and undulating Dark Mark in the photo in front of him. He didn’t look up when Pansy sat down next to him.

“What’s going on -?” Her curious question fell short as she spotted the paper in front of him.

“I think you’re right, Pans,” he said quietly, “I think things are changing,”

By the time Draco was sitting down for potions, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Harry had felt at school every time he was involved in anything evenly mildly controversial. Followed. Eyes and whispers and judgement. As if it had been him at the Tonks’ house rather than his father. He supposed he should get used to it. If he was about to become a Death Eater himself, then such notoriety would at least be earned. He wondered if the Dark Lord would ever bring Harry out in front of the public - it made sense that he would. How else to crush the hopes and dreams of those who resisted by showing them that their ‘Chosen one’ was the Dark Lord’s right hand man.

Hopefully it would never get that far, Draco told himself firmly. Hopefully, Harry would be free as a bird before any of those things came to pass.

Nott caught his eye as he joined the class, and sent him a grim, twisting smile. A smile of understanding perhaps. Sympathy adjacent, but not quite sympathy itself. Camaraderie, he thought, for the next generation of Death Eaters. Though he was fairly certain that neither of them was looking forward to it. Hopefully, Nott had some good occlumency shields, or he was almost certainly going to get himself killed.

As the class drew to an end, Draco could feel relief creeping up on him. Relief that the day was done and he could go and hide in his bed where no one could see him and think happy thoughts of Harry.

Of course, he was never that lucky.

“Ah, Mister Malfoy,” Slughorn called, raising a hand, “If you might stay behind for a moment,”

Draco, who had been half out of his seat, froze. He considered asking why, before changing his mind, and sitting back down heavily. He watched silently as the rest of the class filed out and he pretended not to see when Granger’s eyes lingered on him.

He did say something however, when after the room was emptied and they were alone, Slughorn simply nodded nervously at him, and turned to leave as well, “Uh… sir -!” But the man was gone, the classroom door closing behind him with a quiet click.

Draco stared at the spot he had seen the professor last. What was he meant to do? Stay in the classroom indefinitely? What on earth was going on…?!

His question was answered quickly however, when the classroom door opened, and revealed one Albus Dumbledore.

Draco froze at the sight of the man’s twinkling blue eyes, and he watched silently as the headmaster closed the door tightly behind him, and warded and locked it with a casual wave of his hand. For a split second, Draco panicked internally - was the headmaster locking others out, or Draco in? And then Dumbledore offered him a grandfatherly kind of smile and sat himself at the workstation to Draco’s right.

“I have to admit,” he started lightly, “I never was a fan of potions. It was purely as a result of my own arrogance, ofcourse. There was no strong-arming my way through the brewing of a good quality potion. No flashy display of power that could secure me the best grade in the class. I had to actually pay attention and follow the instructions of those who came before me. Two things that never came easily to me. It was only by this arrogance that I managed to achieve my potions NEWT,” he admitted with a self-deprecating chuckle, his eyes roaming around the classroom, “Merlin forbid that Albus Dumbledore not excel at something,” he turned twinkling eyes in Draco’s direction.

Draco stared back at him blankly.

“Now Draco, you may be wondering why I was interested in speaking to you this afternoon,” the headmaster continued, his voice turning graver, “I must first assure you that this meeting, and its purpose, will remain strictly between us, and that you are not in any kind of trouble. Not yet, at least. I come to offer you asylum,”

For the first time, Draco felt stimulated to speech, “Asylum,” he said flatly.

Dumbledore nodded slowly, “Yes. If you were to ask it of me, I would offer you asylum, safe haven, from returning to your family home, where I know that the Dark Lord Voldemort currently resides. Do not feel compelled to either confirm nor deny this,” he said, dismissing the notion with a wave of his hand, “I have many varied and robust sources of information, and I know this to be true. But you are only a child Draco - barely on the cusp of man-hood - and I also know, that your parents are likely pressuring you into joining his ranks, as I know many other children of Death Eaters are facing such pressures,” Draco immediately thought of Theo; would Dumbledore be offering him asylum as well? “I am here to offer you an alternative. I am here to offer you safety,”

Draco already knew his answer, but he asked a question anyway, “And how will you assure my safety when the Ministry falls? If the papers are to be believed, it is only a matter of time. What then?”

“I operate quite outside of the Ministry,”

“And what if you fall? What then? Or do you claim to be invulnerable?”

Dumbledore chuckled lightly, “Oh no, not at all, on the contrary I am painfully aware of my own mortality, and I strongly believe that I shall fall before the end. But there are many others who I would trust to pick up my mantle, if I should. People who would honour this offer,” Draco struggled to find any words; he swallowed heavily, and Dumbledore’s tone turned gentle and kind, “Draco… I do not believe that in your heart of hearts, you wish to become a Death Eater,”

“You don’t know what I want,” Draco said firmly at once, “Don’t pretend that you do,”

Dumbledore sighed wearily, “No, I suppose that the deepest desires of our hearts cannot often be so reduced so that another man might pretend to know them easily. You are right. But still, I do not believe that you wish to become an evil man,” Draco kept his mouth closed, “Think upon it,” Dumbledore said kindly, standing, “This offer does unfortunately have an expiration date. Once you have left these halls, there will be very little that I can do for you. I imagine you have until graduation, if you are lucky,” Dumbledore paused as if he expected Draco to say something; when he didn’t, the headmaster nodded, “I will see myself out,”

When the door closed again, it was several minutes before Draco’s racing heart and mind could be steadied enough to persuade his legs to work again.

7th of November 1997

Dear Harry,

Are you alright? I haven’t heart from you in weeks now, and I am beginning to worry. I was tempted to ask my mother if you’re alright, but I wasn’t sure if involving her was the best thing to do.

I understand if something has happened - if you don’t feel as if you can write to me the way that we have been - but I would ask you for just a short note so that I know you’re alive still. You don’t need to pretend to be okay, if you’re not. Just knowing that you’re still waiting for me to come back home is all I need.

I miss you.

Yours Draco



I’m sorry for not writing, but things are… difficult. In many ways. Not only in what I am being expected to do, but in who it’s turning me into. I’m afraid that you’ll know that I’m different before you even see me in person again. It’s all just a bit painful. I’m sorry for being a terrible conversationalist, but everything just feels a bit hopefulness right now. I’m not sure how to cope with it.

I’ll explain when you come home.

I miss you too. Always. Even if I don’t write. It’s not because I don’t want to, but because I feel as if I physically can’t. This letter has taken me an entire day to put together.

I wish you were here.


21st of November 1997

Dearest Harry,

It hurts my heart to learn that you’re in such pain. Don’t feel compelled to write to me if you can’t but know that I am always here and ready to listen to whatever you want to talk to me about.

If I don’t hear from you beforehand, I shall see you at Christmas, though I should warn you that once I have you in my arms, I may never let you go again.

Forever yours,


As they meandered and crept their way into December, Draco felt as if he was coming apart at the seams.

Being away from Harry without frequent letters from him was slowly tearing him apart, but he’d stayed true to his word, and hadn’t badgered Harry for information. He responded to every letter he did receive, brief as they often were (with one being only three words: I miss you) as if he were engaged in some kind of poetry contest, as he tried to eek as much love and longing into every single word he could. It was exhausting, but what was more tiring was trying to hold onto the overwhelming feelings in his chest that often felt as if they might crush him.

Christmas couldn’t come soon enough as far as he was concerned.

Dumbledore hadn’t approached him since the afternoon in potions and hadn’t so much as even looked his way. Draco had expected him to if he was honest - he expected some kind of pressure to step away from the Death Eaters and turn towards the light or some other such nonsense. He had noticed though, that Theo was looking strangely calm recently. Almost like he had before the start of the year. Less skittish. As if he had either come to terms with his fate or figured out an escape. Had he taken Dumbledore up on his offer, perhaps?

Knowing the rumours about Nott Senior, it seemed like a sure-fire way to end up murdered, but it wasn’t really any of Draco’s business. So long as it didn’t impact Harry, he hardly cared, and perhaps that was callous, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about that either.

The week before the start of the Christmas holidays, the fake sickle burnt in Draco’s pocket for the third time that term. The feel of it against his thigh had anxiety swooping through Draco’s gut. What could she possibly want so close to the end of the year? Had she discovered something? Something to separate the Dark Lord’s soul from Harry’s?

She was requesting to meet almost directly after their joint Defence Against the Dark Arts class - he still wasn’t confident that Granger would be able to make sure that the bathroom would be empty, but he brought a large backpack with a change of clothes to class just incase he ended up actually having to have a bath as cover.

Sat at the back of the Defence classroom, listening to Dawlish try and fail to demonstrate some speciality shield charm favoured by Aurors (though it seemed to be many magnitudes more complicated than a simple Protego, and Draco was certain that half of the class would be dead before they managed to cast it) Draco wished that they’d just skipped class altogether. He could barely keep still with his nerves, drumming his fingers lightly across his desk and ignoring the way that Brown glared at him out of the corner of her eye.

And then there was a knock on the door.

The class turned as one to look over their shoulders, and Dawlish lowered his wand and called, “Come in!”

It was McGonagall, and she was paler than Draco had ever seen her. When she spoke, her voice broke and trembled, “I’m sorry to interrupt Professor, but I need to speak with Weasley,” all eyes turned from her, to Ron, watching as he stood nervously, “Bring your bag Weasley,” she said gently.

The class was silent as they watched him go. Granger didn’t turn back to the front after Dawlish restarted the class, her wide terrified eyes fixed on the door that Ron had left by. It was only when she caught Draco’s eye that she looked forwards again.

Despite his best attempt, Dawlish was unable to secure the attention of the class again, and he gave up with trying when there was still half an hour of the class left.

Draco headed straight for the bathroom. He wasn’t even sure if Granger was going to show up, but if she was, he would be ready for her. He sat on the benches that surrounded the bath, his leg jiggling uncontrollably as he stared down at the enormous bath’s tiled bottom.

When Granger appeared an hour later, she was alone, her face was pale, and her eyes were red.

Draco jumped to his feet immediately, “What’s wrong? What’s happened with Weasley?”

It took her a few attempts to speak, opening and closing her mouth; finally, her voice came out tight with barely suppressed emotion, “Three… three of Ron’s brothers have been taken, and… and…,” she let out a shuddering breath, “His dad… Arthur. He’s dead.”


FYI mostly for new readers, I update pretty much every Friday between 8am and 9am GMT (or significantly earlier if I’m on a night shift, which I am tonight, so I’m posting today instead).
If I’m not planning an update at any point, I will tell you (like next week I’m on holiday so will be skipping)
Also I’d love to promise to finish this for anyone nervous about WIPs, but then the ao3 Gods would hear me and put me in hospital (in a non-professional capacity this time) or crash one of the planes I’m going on next week, etc etc you get the gist 😂 all I can say is I have a good track record of finishing things, and I can’t see that changing.
Plus! Changed the chapter projection as there’s no way I’m wrapping this up in 9 chapters 😂
Also! Didn’t get that job but the feedback was basically fantastic and experience is what let me down. However! There’s another role basically being made for me which would advance my career clinically rather than managerially which I MUCH prefer :)
See you all on the 10th of May :) Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the ramble haha
Edit 28/04/24 HUZZAH! I have finally proof read the entire thing up until now, and altered some details for consistency and to avoid conflicting information (nothing important don’t worry unless you have a significantly better memory than me - I’ve had to start making notes on each chapter 😂). Anyway! See you on the 10th!

Chapter 32: Harry: The Mother’s Confession


Though Harry was staring down at the letter in his hands, his eyes tracing Draco’s elegant looping handwriting, he wasn’t actually reading it. He didn’t need to. Short as it was, and with how many times he had read it, he had memorised it.


My god the self control it has taken not to start posting off schedule the moment I got back from holiday 😂😂 but then I’d quickly run out of chapters and then where would we all be on Fridays? Sad and chapterless.
… and on that note it’s been a long two weeks 😂 happy Thursday! Posting will resume as usual next Friday!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry is sat on a rickety wooden chair in the curve a bay window, his foot propped up on an equally dilapidated stool.

A bay window so filthy that he can barely see anything through its panes. Only the flicker of shadows running past. He can’t hear anything either. No footsteps of the murmuring of voices on the window’s other side. He is surrounded by silence. The kind of silence that has a sound all of its own. Like a throbbing pulsing hum that grows from a deep growl in his middle ear, into a high-pitched ringing scream. Or perhaps it has something to do with the thumping deep in his chest.

Thumping. Familiar and familial, and so close… so close that he can barely stand to stay in his seat. But he does. Anticipation freezes him in place.

He has been waiting for this moment.

He grips a glass of something smoking in his right hand, his forearm resting on his flexed knee. The glass is almost as dirty as the panes opposite him. Smeared with Harry shudders to think what. And then he suddenly realises that he can’t feel the glass rim pressing against his fingertips, and he loses his grip. The glass drops, and shatters, and he leaps up in alarm.

And then he’s in the chair again, staring at the smeared windowpanes, the arch of his foot resting on a wooden stool and a glass of something smoking dangling from the fingertips of his right hand.

He should have woken up, and it’s with this thought that he realises that he’s dreaming. But not, at the same time. It feels less like dreaming and more like de ja vu. Like he knows what he’s going to do before he does it but is guided by some unknowable force that prevents him from stepping off the beaten path. Like a train fixed to a track. He can go backwards and forwards at will, but there is no deviating left or right.

He cautiously leans on the accelerator.

He looks about the room he’s sat in. Small and stone walled with wooden chairs and wooden tables and a wooden staircase and a wooden till that looks strangely familiar. There’s a boar’s head mounted on the wall, and it twists to the side to stare down at him through beady black eyes.

And then he hears a sound - a pop and a crackle - and his attention is drawn to the blazing fire that sits in the grate. Its strength is not reflected by the sound that Harry can hear. Where he see’s a raging bonfire, he hears only the merrily flickering flame of a family hearth. There is something in the fire as well. Something pierced through the centre and rotating slowly on a silent spit. A boar? No. Not quite. A piglet. A piglet with the Dark mark tattoo’d on its middle.

He knows abruptly that it’s alive, and it opens its mouth wide to let out a scream. But it is less the high-pitched panicked squeal of swine, and more the guttural roar of a man.

He’s up, alarm propelling him to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest, and he drops the glass.

And he’s in his seat again, a glass held by the tips of his tingling fingers, and the sound of the screaming pig and the crackling fire is gone.

There is another sound though. The low heavy breathing of a man in pain and trying not to show it. He turns from the filthy window to see Dumbledore. The man is on the floor, half draped across the bottom of the stairs and clearly defending it, one hand covering a wound at his side and the other pointing a wand in his direction. Dumbledore isn’t alone though.

Stood in front of him is McGonagall, but she isn’t pointing her wand at Harry. She’s looking between him and someone else that Harry can’t quite see, her expression alarmed and frightened. He thinks that maybe she’s as frightened for him as much as she is frightened of him.

He hears footsteps creaking on the floorboard above his head.

‘I wonder what the Dark Lord will say when he hears that you’re trying to stop me in my duty, boy,’

The voice is familiar and rough, but Harry can’t tell where it’s coming from.

He considers the glass dangling between his fingers. He leans forwards and places it carefully on the stone windowsill. He stands, and then he wakes up.

Though Harry was staring down at the letter in his hands, his eyes tracing Draco’s elegant looping handwriting, he wasn’t actually reading it. He didn’t need to. Short as it was, and with how many times he had read it, he had memorised it.

He closed his eyes and worked his lips silently around the words that had burnt themselves into his memory, ‘Forever yours, Draco.’

Harry didn’t know what to write back to him, and he was glad for the permission to remain silent. What could he possibly say? Everything had changed since they’d seen one another last. Any hope that Harry had once had that he might one day be free was well and truly dead, and whatever it was of Harry Potter that had once remained at his core had been burnt out of him. He didn’t know how to communicate that in a letter. He wasn’t even sure he had the words to either, but he was sure that it would all be easier if Draco were there in front of him. If Draco could hold him in his arms and hear in the beat of his heart that he was changed.

He’d know. Without Harry having to say a word, he’d know.

He reluctantly opened his eyes and slumped back in his seat, resting his head back and staring up at the ceiling of the Aethonan suite.

He heard a dreamy singing hiss, “You are fire burnt down to ashes. Tired and spent,” Clotho murmured, her head appearing from beneath the sofa as she climbed her way up and into his lap, though now her coils were too thick and long to fit, and so the Moirai satisfied herself with simply winding as much of herself onto his knees as she could.

Atropos turned critical eyes down to the parchment in Harry’s hand, “What does the Mate say?” She grumbled, reluctantly curious.

That he misses me,” Harry murmured down at her, “That he’s mine - forever,”

You will mate soon,” Lachesis said it as a statement, not a question, as if he were but her fourth unattached head and a subject to her will as much as her sisters, “And have many young,”

”Hopefully they look like you,” Atropos grumbled, her opinions of Draco’s looks well known to Harry.

His lips twitched into a reluctant smile, but he said nothing. It was hard to find the energy to. He was exhausted. He always was recently. He felt as if he was living life on stage, constantly ‘on’ and constantly performing and it was draining him. There was never anytime to simply be him anymore. Or… or whatever was left of him.

News of what had happened on Halloween had travelled amongst the Death Eaters, and it quickly became clear to him that his reputation amongst them had been elevated to new heights.

To put it simply, they wanted him.

His attention, his approval, anything he was willing to give them. Him, the powerful focus of their Dark Lord’s affection and controlling hand. They had realised quickly, Harry knew, that if they could make themselves important to Harry, they could make themselves important to their Lord.

He spent most of his evenings in the west wing’s enormous glass conservatory, surrounded by the Death Eaters, listening to their laughter and their gossip and too loud music and wishing instead that he was wrapped up in Draco’s arms in bed.

He had the Moirai at least. They hated the conservatory for the way the sounds of the Death Eaters’ voices reverberated against the glass panes, building and building into an almost deafening crescendo of noise. Still, she never let him venture there alone, and she spent her time amusing herself with frightening the jumpier Death Eaters for the fun of it, or climbing the wooden pillars that held the roof of the expansive conservatory up, and winding her way around the wooden lattice above their heads that was covered in greenery and acted as a kind of canopy. It was almost like being in the woods again.

It was Rodolphus who, on Harry’s first night in the conservatory amongst those he would have once counted as enemies, had pushed a crystal glass of amber smoking liquid into Harry’s hand. The smell of it was enough to have Harry’s eyes threatening to water. It was Firewhiskey, Harry would only realise later.

“Drink this,” Rodolphus had murmured to him, discreetly steadying Harry’s hands around the tumbler, “It will numb you,”

He wasn’t quite right.

Many glasses later, other than the faint burning in the back of his throat, Harry felt well and truly detached from everything - as if he hadn’t just turned Tonks into snowflakes floating on the air. But he still felt the burgeoning horror of it all sitting somewhere in the middle of his chest.

That first night, Harry had been near convinced that Rodolphus had deliberately gotten him drunk so that he could take from Harry exactly what he wanted without resistance. Harry didn’t know how he would tell Draco that his suspicions had been correct, and that Harry hadn’t listen and had suffered for it.

But then, rather than steering Harry to his suite, or Rodolphus’s own room, he had deposited him at Severus’s door, murmuring, “My Lord,” under his breath and leaving Harry’s side.

How would the Dark Lord take it, Harry wondered, to know that someone other than him was being called ‘Lord’? Not well, Harry was sure.

It was only the suite’s door opening and jolting him awake that made Harry realise he had even fallen asleep. His mouth opened of its own accord into a wide yawn, and he peered over his shoulder to find Narcissa pursing her lips at the sight of him.

“Are you hungover?” She asked reproachfully.

Harry shrugged, “I didn’t drink that much. I’m just… just tired. I’m not sleeping well,”

He heard her sigh through her nose, but he ignored her and turned back to Draco’s letter in his hand, feeling as if he could burst into tears at any moment at the sight of it. He was distantly aware of Narcissa summoning Tippy, but he didn’t pay them any mind, too busy wiping away the few tears that had escaped against his will. He only looked up when a hangover potion was being pushed in front of him.

“I told you,” he meant to make his words biting and annoyed, but he only managed to sound bone tired, “I’m not hungover. I’m just not sleeping well,”

“Why not?” Narcissa asked warily, as if she were nervous of the answer.

You wake in the night,” Lachesis murmured, turning away from his lap and making for the fireplace, “Many times,” she added over her shoulder before curling up in front of the flames.

He repeated the serpent’s words to Narcissa; she sat on the sofa at his side and drew the hand that wasn’t holding Draco’s letter into her lap, “Nightmares?” She questioned gently; he shook his head, but his voice caught in his throat, and he looked up at her nervously, “What?”

“You’ll think I’m insane,” he whispered.

“I doubt that very much,” she said primly, “and even if you are insane, it won’t make any difference to me,” she cradled his cheek briefly, a fond look in her eye, “Tell me,” she said gently, allowing her hand to fall.

He swallowed heavily, “I… these dreams… when I told Draco about them, he asked me if I was dreaming about the future, and at the time I thought he was being ridiculous but… but now…,” he glanced nervously at her, “I think I dreamt of the Tonks’s cottage before it happened,” his voice broke, and Narcissa’s lips twitched, “I kept dreaming about a pond under water and a house where it snowed inside and… and when we got there that night, the garden, it- it was so flooded,” he took a breath, fighting to get the words out, “and when- when my curse hit her, she shattered and… and it…,”

“Fell like snow,” Narcissa whispered, stroking the back of his hand.

“But they can’t all be the future,” he hurried on, unwilling to dwell on the memory of having to wash the remnants of Tonks out of his hair that evening, “They can’t be. Sometimes I dream of opposite things happening - like I dream about Sirius killing me as often as I dream about me killing him,”

Narcissa hesitated, her eyes flicking left and right as she considered her words carefully, “Presuming that you are in fact dreaming of the future, could it be that you’re dreaming only of what the future might be?”

“As in… as in there are two possible futures, do you mean? One where I kill Sirius, and one where he kills me,”

Narcissa nodded, “Yes. But despite what the Oracles might say, the future isn’t written Harry, and you shouldn’t act as if it is. As if you have no choices and no free will. You do,” she insisted, “There may be a future yet where you and Sirius both live. And Harry?” She said gently, “Sometimes: dreams are just dreams,”

She was silenced by the suite’s door opening, and Rodolphus peering around it; he looked between them with a frown, “What’s wrong?” He said gruffly.

“I think I’m dreaming about the future,” Harry answered bluntly.

Rodolphus paused, raised a single eyebrow, and said, “Do you know the numbers for the Prophet’s monthly lottery draw?”

Harry blinked at him, nonplussed, “No,”

“Well, I don’t care then,” Rodolphus said, dismissing him flatly, “Get dressed. We’re out on the lawn today and your audience awaits,” and he disappeared again.

Harry scowled after him but found himself reluctantly fond of the man. Was it some kind of captor bonding perhaps? The kind designed to keep him safe. The same kind that had him both hating the Dark Lord and feeling reluctantly attached to him in equal measure.

Narcissa sighed in obvious disapproval at the other man, and stroked Harry’s hair distractedly; her eyes flicked to the letter in Harry’s lap that he knew she couldn’t read.

“From Draco?” She asked lightly.

“I don’t know what to say to him,” he admitted quietly, “Everything has changed,”

She smoothed his short fringe, “Nothing that matters, though,” she said meaningfully, trailing her fingers down the back of his head to the nape of his neck, and playing briefly with the golden chain that sat around Harry’s neck and held the peridot just above his heart at all times. Did she know? It felt like everyone knew now, even if they never said it.

“The Dark Lord means to mark him,” she said softly after a moment of silence, and for a second Harry felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room, “Not yet though,” and Harry let out the breath he had unintentionally held in a whoosh, “Lucius has managed to persuade him to wait until after his exams,”

Harry… didn’t know how to feel about this new knowledge. With the mark, Draco would be as trapped as Harry was. But wasn’t he trapping himself anyway? By determinedly hitching his hide to Harry’s? What difference would the mark really make?

“Does Draco know?”

She hummed, “I warned him. In case the Dark Lord should wish to talk to him about it. He needs to be able to control his reaction. I … it breaks my heart,” she whispered, her voice so soft, that he could barely hear her, “that he will be trapped in this life. There’s no escape, once he has the mark. You’ll both be trapped,” she said mournfully, then she paused and tapped her finger gently below his green eye, “Have you told him about this?” Green, but for its new silver flecks; he shook his head, “Why not?” He turned to her nervously, “No word shall pass my lips, darling,” she promised him, releasing his face and pressing a hand over her heart.

Truth,” Clotho mumbled sleepily from by the fireplace.

“Because it’s like you said - it means that there’s no escape,” he admitted in a rush, “This is it. I can’t leave the Dark Lord even if I wanted to now. W- I…,” he’d been on the verge of saying ‘we’, catching himself only at the last moment, but he couldn’t tell if Narcissa had realised what he’d almost said or not, “I used to dream about running away from all of this. From the Dark Lord and the war and the Order and Dumbledore. But now there’s no escape. All he has to do is whisper a command, and I come running back. There’s no chance for freedom for me anymore. The moment he knows that I’m gone, he’ll just call me back, and I can’t stop myself!”

She sighed mournfully, and pulled him into her side, but she said nothing. She held him and petted his hair and didn’t comment on the tears that were soaking her shoulder. When she finally let him up, she smiled weakly at him, “Perhaps this will be easier to talk to him about in person?” She suggested, wiping away his tears with her thumb, “I hate to say it my darling, but you should probably get moving before Rodolphus comes looking for you,” she said gently.

There was more she wanted to say. Harry could tell, but he didn’t push her. Instead, he stood, and made his way towards his room to get dressed.

The scene he emerged out onto the grounds to see, was not quite as it had been before Halloween.

Whereas before his ‘adoring fans’ (as Rodolphus was fond of calling them) had had to watch from way over the other side of the grounds, often passing binoculars between them and providing commentary to one another as to what was going on, now, with the wards that had kept them from the east wing lowered, they were substantially closer, gathered in a loose circle waiting for him, their cloaks pulled up almost above their ears against the piercing wind.

His daily training had become something of a spectacle, but the price of that spectacle had been made clear by Rodolphus on day one, when he had grabbed the nearest Death Eater by the scruff of their neck and thrown them to Harry. Practice, he had said. It was all well and good training himself to defeat Bellatrix, but Harry needed variety, he had said. Now, there were those who stood their ground at his approach, eager to test their metal against him, and then there were those who knew better and retreated to the edges of their unofficial sparring ring.

The first to face him today was a familiar face - Graham Montague. He grinned, though the way the edges of it twitched gave away the truth of his nerves. He rolled his sleeves up and revealed bare forearms.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Rodolphus had snorted in his ear when Harry had brought up the fact that very few of the Death Eaters who hung around the manor actually had Dark Marks, “The Dark Mark is for the most loyal. Not for any old hanger-on. We are his lieutenants. It is an honour and pledge both - a recognition of our loyalty and power, and a promise of our eternal fidelity. There is no removing the Dark Mark, after all,”

Harry had wanted to ask how someone like Peter Pettigrew had ended up with one then, but he didn’t need to when the answer came to him so easily. The Dark Mark was an honour and punishment both. There was no opportunity for a coward like Peter Pettigrew to deny his allegiance to the Dark Lord with it tattooed in black on his arm.

How many saw the mark with pride, and how many saw it with regret?

Facing Montague was strange. Harry remembered him as this intimidating, cruel figure at school. Now he just saw a boy, barely a man, only a few years older than him. Harry glanced behind him to the small gathering of other young Death Eaters who had remained within the ring, exchanging nervous, excited looks, each one eager to face him. Were they Death Eaters though, if they didn’t have the mark? Or did the mark not make the Death Eater? He considered asking Rodolphus, before deciding that, at the end of the day, it was only semantics.

They could be something useful though, he knew. These not-quite-Death Eaters. They wanted Harry to get to the Dark Lord, but maybe Harry could convince them that he was the prize all along.

His match with Montague was over quickly. It ended with Montague on his back, his pained groans almost drowned out by the uproarious laughter of his friends and their spectators. Harry expected to receive a dirty look, but instead, Montague stood, and nodded. He turned to go, but he hesitated upon looking at Rodolphus. He visibly swallowed and lowered himself into a respectful bow, but he didn’t go as far as to call him ‘Lord’.

Lord. Lord. Lord Harry. Stupid. It sounded so stupid. He didn’t feel like the Lord of anything. What did it matter? What did any of it matter? There was no escape. He was the Dark Lord’s now - he had the silver marks in his eye to prove it.

There were three more who had stepped forwards to face Harry. The next was Cassius Warrington, who Harry recognised immediately from the Inquisitorial squad that had caught him in Umbridge’s office eighteen months ago. Looking at him, Harry was suddenly confronted with how much his life had changed, and then Warrington was on his back, groaning and cradling his bleeding arm to his chest.

The way that Harry saw it, he had two options.

He could give up. Either become the Dark Lord’s or beg Severus to help him - or perhaps run away long enough to ‘help’ himself. He didn’t think it would take him long. He had the blade strapped to his calf at all times now; just five minutes alone beyond the wards of his room and he could plunge it into his chest and end it all. Or… or… hmm, or.

His next opponent was a young woman who he recognised very vaguely as having been several years above him at Hogwarts - Philinoe Rowle. He thought she might have been a Ravenclaw, but he couldn’t be sure. She narrowed her violet eyes on him, flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder, and raised her wand in preparation. She had faced him multiple times now, and this time she lasted only a few minutes more before she was cradling her bleeding nose and excusing herself with a bow.

Watching her exit, he returned to his musing.

Or. Or he could try and play the game, as he had been with Rodolphus. He could try and make something of himself. He could try and see if he couldn’t gain some semblance of control over his life. And maybe he could use that to take control of everything else that mattered too. The prophesy had been made for a reason after all. Perhaps he wasn’t meant to defeat the Dark Lord, but to usurp him.

Harry didn’t think he wanted to be a replacement Dark Lord, though. Mostly, he just wanted to be left alone. And Draco, of course. He always wanted Draco.

His final challenger, Saoirse Sayre, he didn’t recognise from Hogwarts at all, even though he thought she was only a few years older than him. She reminded him a little of Ginny, with her vivid red hair and pale blue eyes. That was where their similarities ended though. Where Ginny was loud and fiery, she was cold and quiet. Not that it mattered. She too was quickly on her back, hissing through her teeth and cradling her middle.

“Enough,” Rodolphus said, sounding throughly bored, and Sayre and the others fell back into line with the spectators around the edge.

With their spectatorship fees paid, it was Harry’s turn to have his arse handed to him.

He was getting better at hand-to-hand combat, but Rodolphus was a relentless force all of his own. Harry could hardly match him for sheer brute strength, and so relied on his speed and wits to dodge the man’s blows and deliver a few of his own. He was doing well too, until Rodolphus let out an almighty roar and charged into his middle, lifting him up and then slamming him into the earth.

Harry grunted, seeing stars briefly as his head cracked against the earth. He ignored the knee jerk reaction to start driving his elbow into the man’s back. Instead, he gathered magic at his fingertips, and delivered it in its pure near electrifying form directly in Rodolphus’s neck by his hands around the man’s throat, until Rodolphus had to relent.

He panted up to the blue sky, catching his breath and gathering the energy to push himself to his feet. The sky was obscured by someone leaning over him before he managed to though.

It was a man Harry had seen lurking around the edges of his audience more than once before, though he was considerably older than the rest of his audience, with a fine goatee and salt and pepper hair swept back and out of his face. There was something aristocratic and rich about him. Something that made Harry think of Lucius.

A hand was held out for him, and Harry accepted it reluctantly, allowing the man to haul him to his feet.

“An excellent display,” the man said smoothly, watching Harry through cool keen eyes as Harry straightened his robes; he paused, clearly waiting for a response from Harry. All credit to the man, he continued on easily, as if Harry’s silent rejection hadn’t phased him, “I’ve been coming quite regularly to see you train. I admit I was initially dubious as to what the Dark Lord could possibly see in you. It only took one performance for me to understand, and two to become hooked. I think we should all be tested against you - an entire force of wizards trained to your standard, and the Aurors would never stand a chance!”

Harry frowned at him, faintly irritated, “Who are you?” He asked bluntly.

The man gave a short bow, “Nott is my name - I believe you attended Hogwarts with my son. Theodore -,”

Anything else he had to say was cut off by Rodolphus, “Come on, that’s enough for one day,” and Harry was steered away by an arm around his shoulders.

They were immediately followed back up to the house by a selection of his spectators, but Nott remained behind, his steel grey eyes fixed on Rodolphus.

“Are you coming for a drink?” He heard one of them ask curiously - a young witch he thought was related to the Carrows.

“And a smoke!” Someone else chipped in, “Phil got more allihosty leaves!”

“Don’t shorten my name down to Phil, Cassius” a sharp voice interrupted, “Do I look like a Phil?”

“Who was that?” Harry asked, ignoring the attentions of the Death Eaters and addressing Rodolphus quietly at his side.

Rodolphus snorted, “Atticus Nott. He wants you to f*ck his son,”

“What?!” Harry spluttered, thrown.

“Oh, he’d prefer his son to f*ck you, I’m sure,” Rodolphus rolled his eyes, “but so long as he can get his son in your good graces, and possibly your bed, he’s not all that fussy I imagine,”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s not gone unnoticed how close you and Draco are,” Rodolphus continued softly, his voice whispering in Harry’s ear as they stepped inside the manor. The whispering was unnecessary; no one else would have been able to hear him over the laughter of the others and the growing sound of music in the conservatory, “They’re not idiots. They don’t need to have caught you with your prick in his mouth, to know that that’s what’s been happening behind closed doors,”

”How could they possibly know?” Harry whispered urgently, “Did you tell someone?” He hissed.

He felt more than saw Rodolphus roll his eyes, “No. I didn’t. There’s knowing, and then there’s knowing. They know that Draco has spent every hour at home at your side. They know that the Dark Lord is pushing for Draco to be marked, though the jury is still out as to whether or not that’s a reward for becoming close to you, or a means of controlling you both. They know enough that whispers have become rumours, and rumours have become facts,” he gestured discreetly to the other Death Eaters, “No doubt these lots’ parents all think that getting their kids into your bed is a sure fire way to get their entire families into the Dark Lord’s good graces. They’re wrong of course,” he added with a snort, “Lucius’s position in the circle has never been more precarious,”

“Why?” Harry murmured back, “What’s he done?”

“It’s more what his son has done,”

Harry’s heart stuttered in his chest, “What’s Draco done?” He asked urgently.

“Gone and fallen head over heels for you,”

Harry’s eyes snapped to Rodolphus, but the man wasn’t looking at him. He was throwing open the doors to the conservatory with a wave of his hand, and guiding Harry inside. Harry was momentarily distracted by the room, as he always was. It was so full of greenery, vines and flowers crawling up the wood pillars and into the lattices above them, that Harry was always momentarily convinced that they were outside.

The crowd behind them flooded forwards, and Rodolphus guided him towards a loveseat.

“W-what do you mean?” Harry said under his breath, sitting down heavily and making no attempt to squirm away from Rodolphus’s arm around his shoulders as he usually would have done.

“Draco was meant to control you,” Rodolphus said simply, leaning into him, “Not the other way around. Why do you think the Dark Lord is so eager to slap a Dark Mark on him?”

Harry swallowed nervously but hid his reaction when the Death Eaters that had followed them from outside flocked towards them, dragging chairs and sofas and the wireless that had been playing in the corner of the room. It was only when an amber drink was being pressed into his hand that he remembered Rodolphus’s heavy arm around him. Rodolphus laughed breathily when he began shoving him away, but he moved to the other end of the sofa without complaint.

“You should try this, Harry!” A cigarette was held up towards him; the young man who was holding it out to him (a tanned wizard with dirty blonde hair and sharp features called Jason Pyrites) flinched, his eyes flicking nervously to Rodolphus who had made an unimpressed noise at the use of Harry’s first name, “It- it’s just allihosty leaves,” Pyrites stuttered.

Rodolphus grunted and sat forwards to snatch the roll of smoking leaves from Pyrites, who knew better than to argue. He brought it to his lips and inhaled deeply, before exhaling in a plume of white smoke. He hummed and held it out for Harry to take.

Harry, having never smoked in his life, was definitely about to make a fool of himself. Still, perhaps this was some new way to numb the pain of life? He accepted it, and paused when he realised that he recognised the smell. Draco had smelt like this once. He brought it to his lips to smother the urge to cry he could feel building. He inhaled and tried his best not to cough.

This wasn’t like drinking. It didn’t numb him. If anything, it did the complete opposite. He could feel everything - from the heart ache threatening to strangle him and the urge to cry in the middle of his throat, to how the fabric of his fine robes felt against his skin and the sofa felt under his thighs. He simply ceased to care about any of it. He thought that he could have been back in the Tonks’s cottage watching Tonk’s snow down on him, and he’d have not had a care in the world.

Just the thought of it had a deranged, amused chuckle threatening to escape him.

Without meaning to, he found himself in the centre of the Death Eaters that had followed them back to the conservatory. He could feel their eyes on him, as tangibly as he had felt Rodolphus’s arm around his shoulders. He tried his best to engage in conversation with them, but he didn’t really know what he was saying, and he didn’t know what they were saying either. He needed them, he reminded himself. As useful as he was, he needed more than Rodolphus on his side. He needed his own swarm of loyal Death Eaters, each one clamouring for his mark and attention. He needed them loyal to him, and no one else.

And that meant making friends.

One moment they were chatting and looking, and the next they were laughing and touching, and Rodolphus had excused himself to sit in an armchair, watching Harry through heavy eyes with a cigar in his hand. His seat had been quickly taken, and Harry found himself with Philinoe on one side, and Cassius on the other.

Did he like this, he considered drunkenly. The way that Cassius was leaning into him, or the way that Philinoe played with her hair. He wasn’t sure. He hadn’t thought about how he felt about boys vs girls in a while - it had all been academic with Draco in his arms, but he supposed it deserved some consideration.

He glanced discreetly at Philinoe’s long neck and down to her breasts. He turned his head to Cassius. It felt a little like he was moving in slow motion, as he admired his strong jaw and broad shoulders. Cassius smiled at him, languid and inviting. For a moment, he found his gaze caught in place, and Cassius’s smile widened.

Harry rubbed a hand over his face and slumped back on the sofa, staring up at the green canopy above. There was a hand in his hair, and fingers curling around the back of his ear.

Did he like this? The thought twirled lazily around his mind. Perhaps none of it mattered anyway. It was hard to be interested in either boys or girls, when he was so intensely interested in Draco (even in his absence).


God, he missed Draco. He closed his eyes to hold in the tears, and pushed away the hands that were carefully pawing at him.

“I’m going in,” he muttered, pushing himself to his feet. He squinted: when had it gotten so dark? They must have been drinking for hours.

Cassius reached for him, tangling his fingers in Harry’s and pulling him round and protesting, “No! Don’t go!”

Harry hesitated without meaning to, his gaze lingering again on the man’s sharp jaw line, but it was easy for Harry to push him away.

So. Probably more gay than straight, but still thoroughly uninterested in anyone that wasn’t Draco. Cassius tried to reach for him again, but he was easily cowed by the cold look that Harry sent in his direction.

Rodolphus trailed after him up the stairs. Not so closely that Harry felt hunted, but close enough to stop Harry from tumbling down the stairs. He stopped them before they got to the top floor however. Rodolphus tapped his forehead and Harry hissed at the sudden stinging sensation.

“Snape needs to see to that,” Rodolphus said gruffly, “need to make sure you haven’t got a concussion,” he added as an afterthought, as if it hadn’t been him who’d slammed Harry bodily into the ground.

Harry scowled petulantly and staggered away to reluctantly knock on Severus’s door.

Severus rolled his eyes immediately at the sight of him, but stepped aside to allow him in, “And there I was thinking that I might be able to enjoy a peaceful Saturday evening undisturbed,” he said coldly.

Harry scowled but had nothing to say back to that. Instead, he sat himself down heavily in one of the two armchairs in Severus’s small sitting area. His tutor joined him, working around him in silence to heal his injuries and check his vitals.

“Have you been drinking?” Severus asked cooly.


“And smoking?”


“And fighting?”

“Yes, to all of the above,” Harry bit out petulantly, staring into the fire. He heard Severus sigh, but he said nothing else except murmured healing spells.

“You are sleep deprived,” Severus commented, pushing a potion into Harry’s hand that he drank without waiting to find out what it was, “Are you struggling to sleep?”

“Dreams - they keep waking me up,” Severus, again, said nothing, and Harry knew better than to confide his concerns that his dreams might be of the future to such a skeptical man, “Severus,” he spoke without meaning to, the alcohol in his system loosening his tongue.

Severus paused, “Yes?”

“Is there really nothing you can do about it?” He whispered; his voice was thick with emotion.

Severus sighed, not needing Harry to clarify what ‘it’ was, “I never said that,” he said warily, “I believe that it is possible for the runes to be removed - but it will take research, and the careful crafting of spells that either don’t exist, or did exist once upon a time but have now been forgotten. No slaver had the need for their slave to be freed after all,”

“Can’t we just rip the eye out,” Harry said with a choked, mirthless laugh, “I’ll just make a new one again,”

Severus leant back into his seat, his expression serious, “To do so would kill you,” he said flatly, “I must identify which of the implanted runes are those that create the impulse to return to the Dark Lord’s side upon his command, then isolate them, then work out how to remove them without alerting the Dark Lord (who would surely call you to his side, and then kill me), and without interfering with the other runes in your eye, all whilst maintaining the stability of the overall rune structure. Without doing all of these steps, then the rune structure will collapse, and you will surely die - you are especially vulnerable with your magical core as exposed as it is,” he added wearily.

Harry licked his dry lips, “How long?” He asked hoarsely, “How long would it take to… to do all that is required?”

“To learn how to remove them safely and potentially construct a brand new spell? I could only guess,”

“Guess then,” Harry said harshly, tearing his eyes from the fire to stare at Severus.

Severus pursed his lips, then wilted, “Years,” he near whispered, “Years, Harry. And their removal would have to be swift. Fast enough that the Dark Lord would not have time to act upon being alerted to their removal. This means removing them somewhere safe and isolated from the Dark Lord, or else he will simply kill me, and replace them,”

Harry nodded, ignoring the tears rolling down his cheeks, “Thank you, Severus,” he whispered.

Draco had said it might take years to free him before, but then Harry had felt strong. He didn’t feel strong now. Could he last years?

He left Severus’s room and found Rodolphus waiting at the door.

Harry managed the ghost of a scowl, and said, “I can find my own way, Roddie,”

Rodolphus didn’t try to follow him.

He expected to find his rooms empty but for the Moirai, but he was wrong.

My own?” Clotho said dreamily, draped over Narcissa’s lap on the sofa, “You have been gone hours, but it is alright, the Mother has kept us company. She is warm. She smells like home,”

“You’re back late,” Narcissa said softly. He’d have called her tone reproachful, but the word wasn’t quite right. There was something in her voice though. Something reticent and unsteady.

“Yeah,” he muttered, closing the door behind him and padding across the suite’s floor towards her.

She frowned at the sight of him, “You’ve been crying,”

He paused; he’d almost forgotten about the tears on his cheeks. He sniffed and wiped his face with the back of his hand, “Yeah,” he said again, dropping heavily on the seat next to her and lifting his hands in an obvious invitation to the Moirai. They scrambled to cross the sofa and press their heads into his hands.


He smiled tightly down at the snake in his lap, “I’m not sure that requires explanation,”

Narcissa was quiet for a moment, and he could feel her eyes on him, “No… no I suppose it doesn’t…,” and she fell silent again, so that all Harry could hear was Clotho and Lachesis’s pleased murmurs, and Atropos’s reluctant purring grumble, “Harry. I… I have a confession to make,”

Harry turned to her with a confused frown, “What?”

Her lips, which were pressed together so tightly that they had nearly disappeared, were trembling, “I… Harry, I…,” tears gathered in her eyes.

He froze, “What?”

“This… this is all my fault…,” she said, her voice full of anguish.

“I… what- what are you talking about?”

“You being here - in this house. It’s my fault,” she whispered.

“I don’t underst-,”

“Kreacher,” she said in an explosion of sound, and it took Harry a moment to remember who Kreacher even was, he felt so removed from his days at Grimmauld Place, “When-,” her words caught briefly in her throat, and she had to hold her breath to steady herself before she could continue, “When you firecalled him to look for Sirius, he… he lied to you about where Sirius was,”

“Yeah, I know,” Harry said, still confused, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,”

“I’m the one who told him to lie,” she whispered, “He… he came to Malfoy Manor over Christmas and- and told us everything he c-could without violating his orders. And we came up with the plan to lure you to the Ministry. To the Department of Mysteries. I…,” he saw her throat convulse as she swallowed, “It was my plan. This is all my fault Harry. I- I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry,”

Harry couldn’t look away from her.


He gave a half shake of his head but couldn’t make a sound.

No, this wasn’t right. This couldn’t be right. But Narcissa she… there was no way she could have…

Narcissa nodded miserably, and it was only this that made him realise he had spoken out loud, “Yes, Harry. Yes. It was me. Everything is because of me,”

“No,” the word was desperate and pleading, “No,”

She tried to smile, but with the trembling of her lips she could barely manage a grimace, “Yes,” she whispered.

He felt as if his eyes were fixed on hers. One, an instrument of his own creation, and the other polluted by the touch of the Dark Lord. Both of them physical proof as to how he had been changed by all that had happened.

All that had happened because of her.

“Harry… I-…. I know I have no right to ask anything of you,” Narcissa said softly, her voice breaking and hoarse, “but I must… for Draco’s sake, I must,”

He said nothing, hardly managing to breathe. He was distantly aware of the Moirai talking to him, but he could barely make out what they were saying.

Narcissa licked her top lip nervously, catching her tears on her tongue, and her eyes flicked to the fireplace behind him, “I told you once that this room was full of secrets,” she whispered, “and it is. But there is one that not even Lucius knows of. The fireplace - it is not all that it seems,”

Harry listened - or he tried to, but the ringing in his ears rendered him near deaf. When she finished speaking, it was only thoughts of Draco that had him saying, “Tell me again.”


So currently writing detailed plans for the end game of this fic, and I’m really starting to think 45 chapters might not be enough to finish this either. At chapter 36 and I’d say I’d consider it the end of the second act, and the start of the third and final act 😬
Might end up being 50 😬 which is very daunting, but it’s okay, we can do this! It’ll be worth it!
(Also I’m ignoring any canon descriptions that exist of Cassius Warrington and Graham Montague, because a) I can’t be arsed to find them and b) JK’s descriptions of Slytherin’s always feel a bit like a caricature. Like, to be ‘the bad guys’ they have to be comically unattractive? There are plenty of pretty evil people.)

Chapter 33: Harry: The Weasleys and the Wand Maker


Harry felt as if he were existing just a few inches above his body - there, and tethered, but barely. He couldn’t be sure if it was his mind hiding itself away against his will, or the strong occlumency shields that he had in place. So strong, that Severus has scowled at him in disapproval until he had dialled them back a touch. It felt a little like being drunk all over, only without the associated sick, dizzy feeling.


Happy Friday!! 🥰 thank you as always for the lovely comments on the last chapter - reading your theories etc is so much fun!
I’m currently writing chapter 38 and I need you guys to know how much self control it is taking me not to binge post 😩😩 so desperate to share the latest chapters they’re so f*cking gut wrenching
Anyway - enjoy! ❤️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry is sat in a wooden chair. It feels solid beneath him. Stocky and strong, but equally ancient and eternal. As if it has been in this room for the last two hundred years and never moved. Maybe it has been? He can’t say.

He’s not alone though.

Sat opposite him, his chair equally sturdy and timeless, is Rodolphus. There is a table between them, its legs black and gnarly, and Rodolphus’s hands are clasped together in the middle, so that where Harry is relaxed back into his chair, Rodolphus is near pulled out of his. He watches Harry hungrily. As if this is the last time, he will ever see him.

“I’m sorry for not giving it to you sooner,” Rodolphus whispers. His voice is a fragile, cracking thing that fills Harry with an unexpected rush of grief, and suddenly, he knows the truth of it: this will be the last time they ever see one another.

He’s dreaming. He knows that he is. This isn’t real, and yet he feels hot tears on his cheeks. He reaches a strangely numb hand up to touch his cheek to catch them, but this action takes him off his predetermined path, and he finds himself forced back onto it.

“I’m sorry for not giving it to you sooner,” Rodolphus whispers again.

“No, you’re not,” the words are out of Harry’s mouth against his will, and they are fonder and more heartbroken than he expects. What is this? What has happened? He’s long since given up questioning these dreams, and simply goes with them and the feeling deep in his bones that this, all of it, is inevitable.

“I’m not,” Rodolphus admits with a smirk. His voice doesn’t match his face. He sounds old and feeble, but he looks young and virile, “Do you have a new photo? Of Thea?”

Harry’s mouth tries to open, but it’s as if the hinges of his jaw have caught on a stray piece of bone, and he struggles, “Who’s Thea?” He says, but he knows by the timbre of his voice that it’s wrong.

“I’m sorry for not giving it to you sooner,” Rodolphus whispers.

“No, you’re not,” again, the words are an automatic response that Harry clenches his jaw against.

“I’m not,” he see’s just a hint of Rodolphus’s teeth, “I was afraid you’d stop visiting,”

“I wouldn’t have,” Harry denies.

Rodolphus nods, slow and weary, and his eyes flick down to where his hands are clasped together; Harry sees the briefest flash of shackles around Rodolphus’s wrists, pinning him to the table, before they are gone, and he sees the flicker of something else in Rodolphus’s hand. Something small and gold. Something familiar. Intrigue has Harry leaning forwards the smallest amount.

“Do you have a new photo? Of Thea?”

Harry is thrown, and even though he knows he shouldn’t, he says again with more confusion, “Who’s Thea?”

His back is pressed into the chair again, and Rodolphus’s hand is closed.

“I’m sorry for not giving it to you sooner,” Rodolphus whispers.

Harry wants to fight it, but he know’s its futile.

“No, you’re not,”

And so, he leans into it, pressing on the accelerator and hoping his patience will give him answers.

“I’m not,” Rodolphus’s lip twitches, “I was afraid that you would stop visiting,”

“I wouldn’t have,”

Rodolphus wilts, “I suppose it doesn’t matter now,” he murmurs, “Is he with you?”

There’s something bitter and sad about the question.

“He’s always with me,” Harry presses his right hand to his chest; it’s numb and tingling strangely, but it’s not enough to distract him from the dual heartbeats he can feel in his chest.

“He’s here though,” Rodolphus insists.

“He is,”

“Who’s looking after Thea, then?”

He steps off the path without even meaning too, the question coming out incredulous and confused, “Who is Thea?!”

The image stutters and fractures, and Rodolphus is suddenly wizened and weak and in a white cot, and then he’s in his chair and the scene restarts.

“I’m sorry for not giving it to you sooner,”

Harry’s eyes are on Rodolphus’s closed hand; he follows the script he knows despite his lack of rehearsal, “No, you’re not,” the shackles appear, then disappear just as quickly.

“I’m not. I was afraid that you would stop visiting,”

“I wouldn’t have,”

Rodolphus’s fingers uncurl slowly, and sitting in his palm, small and gold, is a key. Harry frowns. He recognises this key. He has one of his own he thinks. But the sight of it has anticipation building in his gut. He’s been waiting for this key. Yearning for it. He thinks this is why he has come to see Rodolphus, but it feels like a lie.

He’s come, because this is the last time.

“The key doesn’t do much,” Rodolphus murmurs, “but you still need it,”

Harry reaches for it, but Rodolphus’s hand is closing around it, “Not yet. Trade first. Do you have a new photo of her? Of Thea?”

He doesn’t even mean to, but the question, desperate and pleading is out of his mouth before he can stop himself, “Who is Thea?!”

And the scene resets.

Except they’re not sat opposite one another now. Harry is still in his eternal chair, but Rodolphus is supine in some kind of narrow infirmary bed. He looks awful. His skin is grey and thin, and he’s lost so much weight that it’s almost as if his eyes are sinking back into his skull. He squints up at Harry as if he can barely see him.

His hand is down by his side, and sitting in his palm is a tiny golden key. Tiny, perhaps only in comparison to his enormous skeletal hands. Harry reaches for it, because he’s meant to, but Rodolphus closes his hand around it, “Not yet,” he rasps, swallowing and near gasping, “Trade first. Do you have a new photo of her? Of Thea? I want to see her one last time,”

“Who is Thea?!!”

“Not yet,” Rodolphus croaks breathlessly again; Harry knows that he could tear the key from his fingers, the man is so weak, but he won’t, “Trade first. Do you have a new photo of her? Of Thea? I want to see her one last time,”

“Who is Thea?” Harry asks, desperate, but he feels himself being dragged forwards.

His numb right hand reaches inside of his cloak pocket, and he pulls out a small photograph. He feels a flash of grief-stricken fondness. This is it; he knows. This will be the last time that Rodolphus sees her, because he’s about to die, and Harry should hate him for all that he has done, but he can’t. He hates the man, almost as much as he loves him. Why? Why?!

Harry tries to stop the movement of his hand; to freeze the image so that he might peer at the photograph he’s about to hold out for Rodolphus to see. His arm trembles and tingles and he loses his grip. His hand stutters onwards. Seeing the photograph is not in his future. Perhaps because he has already seen it so many times before, that it never even occurs to him to look?

Rodolphus smiles weakly at the photo, his eyes flicking about it, “I wish I could have met her,” he says softly; his eyes flick up to Harry’s, and his palm opens fully, “Watch out for the dragon,”

And then Harry wakes up.

“My brothers and sisters,” the Dark Lord was on his feet and speaking in his usual rasping hiss down the length of the drawing room table, “the day approaches. The day where we begin our mission to take what is rightfully ours. I know you have been frustrated - do not deny it,” there was an uncomfortable shuffling down the length of the table, but rather than an explosion of anger, the Dark Lord only gave an understanding nod, “There are many here that wonder what has held your Dark Lord back from destroying his enemies,”

Harry was listening, only because it was hard to ignore the speech occurring right next to him. He wasn’t as engaged as he should have been though. Part of him was fixed on the three-headed serpent in his lap (even with the fire blazing, the drawing room was cold, and the Moirai had burrowed beneath his robes with only her three snouts poking up out of his collar so that he could stroke her heads where they rested below his throat), and another dwelt on the conversation he had had with Narcissa seven nights ago.

There is another fireplace,’ she had whispered urgently to him, ‘An identical one. In an old farmhouse in Cornwall. Draco knows of it. The fireplaces - they are linked. But this fireplace is disabled by the wards. It can be forced into activity if its brother were activated though. You could be smuggled out through them - but the farmhouse has its own wards. Wards that, like the Manor, can only be altered by a Malfoy of blood. Only Draco can alter them,’

“And the truth, my brothers and sisters, is that it is caution that has held me back,” the Dark Lord continued; Harry pretended that he couldn’t feel Severus’s eyes flicking occasionally to him, “My downfall all those years ago, was my own ego. But it was not only my downfall, but the downfall of all that we had worked together to achieve. I would not sacrifice our hard work now by repeating that mistake,”

Harry glanced down the length of the table; his eyes sailed past Narcissa and landed on Macnair. He tried not to stare at the man. The man who acted as if Harry didn’t exist. Sometimes, Harry caught a flash of fear in the man’s eyes when he looked at him. Was it regret? For agreeing to act as torturer to the Dark Lord’s protégée? Harry had no doubt that, should he demand Macnair’s head, the Dark Lord would give it to him. Did Macnair know that too?

He wouldn’t demand it though. It felt like cheating. Like throwing the game. He would have Macnair’s head, but it would be on his own terms, not the Dark Lord’s.

Or perhaps, Harry thought, suppressing a smile, it was because of the small ways Harry was learning to torment the Death Eater.

He took a deep breath, nothing more than a sigh to anyone watching him, and closed his eyes. He pushed his consciousness forwards carefully. At Macnair’s shields, he slipped past them deftly, and for a split second, he superimposed an image of himself over every other Death Eater seated at the table, so that, to Macnair’s eyes, he was surrounded by Harry on all sides.

He saw Macnair flinch and look around wildly, but before he had even turned to focus on his neighbour, Harry had retreated from his mind, and opened his eyes. He held in his smirk, and turned back to the Dark Lord, his hand always petting Clotho’s searching nose. His eyes caught briefly on Narcissa’s.

And how would Draco do that?’ Harry had asked, a numb feeling spreading out from his chest and feeling a little as if the world was collapsing around him, ‘He’s at Hogwarts, and then he will be here with me,’

Harry stared at her lips for a split second. They had trembled last night, as she had said, ‘You must make him leave, Harry,’ even just remembering it made him want to be sick, ‘The Dark Lord would mark him. He would tie him to this cause forever, and you, too. Because you would never leave Draco here, would you, Harry?’

Turning back to the Dark Lord, Harry unconsciously mouthed the answer he had given her, ‘No,’

“And so, to your eyes, I have dawdled,” the Dark Lord continued seriously, “I have sat on my laurels and taken my time. And I have. But with good reason. I never meant for my return to be revealed last June, as you well know,” he didn’t look at Lucius Malfoy, but out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw the man flinch, “If I had acted impulsively, I might have struck then. Began my grand takeover of wizarding Britain. And perhaps I would have been successful. The Ministry is weak, after all; made lame by the ignorance of Cornelius Fudge,” a dark chuckle spread across the table, “He has done more for my cause than any other,” the Dark Lord said, clearly amused, “Perhaps I should honour him in some way when I am come to power?” Bellatrix let out a bark of laughter, “His influence has left the Ministry trembling. Like a chair balancing on two legs. It would not take much to topple. It is being held up at this moment in time, I believe, only by the efforts of Dumbledore and Scrimgeor combined,”

And Draco would never leave you here,’ Harry swallowed back against the memory of her whispered words.

I can’t leave here, Narcissa. You know that I can’t. Severus said that it would take years to remove the runes - if they could be removed at all!’

She had cried then, ‘I know. I know. I don’t think there is any escape for you now, Harry. And I think you know it too. But there is still hope for Draco. He could leave. You must make him leave,’

He’d scoffed, ‘And how am I meant to do that?’

The fireplace. Tell him that it’s your only escape. That he alone can save you, when the runes are removed,’

‘And if they can’t be removed?’

‘Then at least he will be safe,

“But even they, with all their power and wisdom, cannot hope to weather our forces combined!” An approving murmur rippled around the room and there was a jeering laugh and the sound of mugs being banged against the table, “Now - with our powers drawn together and solidified, we must begin our assault. We must present the wizarding world with a terror so intense, that by the time we have hoisted the heads of our enemies on pikes in the middle of the Ministry of Magic, they will all breathe a sigh of relief, and be glad that we have brought order to the world!” There were more shouts of approval, “Now: the aim is not indiscriminate slaughter my friends,” the Dark Lord continued more softly, “Magical blood is too valuable to be spilled without cause - even the most polluted of magical blood. There is a place in this world for the mudbloods and blood-traitors, and it is in mopping our floors and cleaning our boots and saying yes sir, and yes ma’am! It is in knowing that they are less than us, and always will be!” There was a roar and the stamping of feet, “There will be time enough for slaughter, my friends. When the Aurors and the Order are before us,” he chuckled, nodding along with the boos and hisses, “Oh - then there shall be time for slaughter,”

And if he won’t leave?’ Harry’s heart had hammered in his chest, and he had felt sick with it; he couldn’t lose Draco. He couldn’t. He needed him. How was he meant to survive without him? Oh god… oh god! He couldn’t let him go. He couldn’t face the world without him.

Then you must convince him, in anyway that you can. Beg him, plead with him to see reason. Convince him that he can save you if he only leaves you now. Threaten him if you have to - threaten me,’ he’d have balked at the suggestion a week ago, but now he knew that threatening her would come easily to him. He had suddenly understood the motivation behind her confession: she had wanted him to be angry with her.

Why should I?’ Harry had said coldly, shaking with the idea of being parted permanently from Draco’s side, ‘Why should I help you with anything, when this is all your fault to begin with?’

“We shall begin our assault in Diagon Alley – the week before Christmas, when the alley is at it’s busiest. We shall target Ollivander’s - it has long been my goal to control the production of high-quality wands, but I have been hindered in this effort until now. The aim is not to kill Ollivander; not unless it is completely necessary. We must capture him, and take his wands, so that his skills may be put to better use and kept from the enemy,”

This isn’t for me, Harry. This is for Draco,’

God. The idea of being parted from Draco strangled him. Betrayal simmered inside him. She would have him alone. She, who had pretended to love him, who had confessed her greatest sin not because she felt remorse, but because she would use him now to save her true son. He meant nothing to her. Not really. And if Draco was gone, there’d be no one who cared about him, except perhaps Severus.

Get out,’ he had snarled at her, ‘Get out, and don’t come back,’

“This strike must shake the very foundations of the wizarding world!” The Dark Lord spoke with a mad fervour, “We must make them see that we have been merciful until now. That the only option for them, if they wish to live, is to join with us! The superiority of magical blood cannot be denied, and we shall take our rightful place in this world at the very top, and it shall only be by our leave that the mudbloods and muggles of this world live another day! We shall take the power that is owed to us my friends, and there are none that can stand in our way!” The Dark Lord raised a fist, and the Death Eaters roared their approval.

Harry should have done the same, he knew, but his mind was still stuck in his suite, sat on the sofa with a whispering Narcissa at his side. His lack of reaction did not go unnoticed, and the Dark Lord stopped him from leaving.

“Harry,” he said softly, holding out a hand to him, “come to me, child,”

Harry ignored the other Death Eaters that filed out past him towards the door and allowed the Dark Lord to draw him into his side. A hand on his shoulder, the Dark Lord led him towards the enormous crackling fireplace at the back of the room.

“My Lord?” Harry murmured; he felt the Moirai tighten about his waist below his robes, the length of her body slithering up his back so that her heads could rest on his shoulder.

“You are not yourself,” the Dark Lord said, “This is a day for celebration. Those who have wronged you - Dumbledore, who placed you with abusive relatives again and again, the Ministry who called you a lunatic and a liar, and the wizarding masses who ignored you - all of them, are about to learn your true power. Our true power. You should be happy,” the hand on his shoulder tightened for the briefest moment, so that the Dark Lord’s nails dug into Harry’s shoulder, “and yet you are not,” he said coldly.

“I…,” Harry peered nervously up into his red eyes; he couldn’t tell him the truth. That his despair at his situation was threatening to strangle him. But perhaps some facet of it would be enough.

“What, child?” The Dark Lord reached for his cheek and stroked his thumb against him possessively, “Tell me,”

“I don’t feel how I think I should feel,” he whispered, “I feel afraid, and alone. I feel, one moment as if I have found a family for myself, and the next as if I have forgotten who I am. I want… I want to be strong,” the truth, “I want to be all that you have tried to make me,” he tried to tell himself that it was a lie, but it was the truth as well; it would all be that much easier if he could just be the unfeeling lieutenant that the Dark Lord was trying to make him into, “I don’t want to disappoint you,” oh, and how that was more true than he wanted it to be.

As he spoke, a soft smile spread across the Dark Lord’s face, “Ah, Harry,” he threaded his fingers through Harry’s hair, and cradled the back of his head, “Do not fear. I believe in you. You shall do all that I have taught you, and more. And you are never alone, for I am here with you,” Harry ignored the instinct to freeze as the Dark Lord bowed down above him, and pressed his cold lips to Harry’s forehead, “I have faith in you,” the Dark Lord whispered against him, “Now go - sleep, and be at peace. All shall be as I have said. Together, we are unstoppable,”

Rodolphus was waiting for him at the door of the drawing room - looking at him, for a split second, all Harry could see was the frail, ill old man he had seen his dreams. And then he blinked, and the intimidating, strong Rodolphus was back in front of him.

Rodolphus followed at his back as he walked slowly back to his rooms. On the floor below the Aethonan suite, Harry stopped.

“Rodolphus,” he asked carefully, “Do you know anyone called Thea?”

Rodolphus frowned at him, “No. Sounds like something from one of those myths that Narcissa likes so much. You should ask her,”

Harry scowled, and said coldly, “No,”

Rodolphus sniffed and shrugged, “Suit yourself. I shall be in my rooms if you require me,”

Harry was silent as he watched him go. He moved only when Rodolphus had disappeared into his room.

Are you alright, my own?” Lachesis murmured sleepily into his ear from his shoulder.

As well as I can be,” he muttered back to her.

He tried not to, but he found himself groaning in frustration when he found that his rooms were not as empty as he’d hoped they might be, “It’s a weekend Sev,” he muttered petulantly, pulling his robes off and draping them over the back of the armchair closest to him. The Moirai uncoiled herself from around him, and practically dived towards the fireplace.

Sitting on the other armchair, Severus scowled lightly at him, “Yes, and in a week or so, the Dark Lord will be expecting you out in front at this little Diagon Alley raid he has planned,” he said coldly, “We must prepare you,”

Harry scowled, and sat down heavily, “Rodolphus will be there,”

“Rodolphus will not always be by your side. The Dark Lord may have given you a bodyguard, but he is expecting you to lead from the front. He intends to use your strength. He cannot use it if you are hiding behind Rodolphus’s skirt,”

“And since when do you care about realising the Dark Lord’s vision?” Harry said, unable to keep the confusion out of his voice.

“I don’t,” Severus said through gritted teeth, “I care about keeping you alive and in his good graces. He might stroke your hair and sing your praises now, but never forget what he is prepared to do to you if he feels he must,” Harry flinched, and averted his gaze, “I…,” he heard Severus let out a frustrated sigh, “I don’t say this to be cruel, but to prepare you. You have done well - rising to meet his expectations and playing the part. But that is within the safety of the manor. You have not had the same experience outside of the manor, and he has noticed,” Harry said nothing; he tried very hard not to think about what had happened the last time he had left the manor, “He is being patient, but he will not be patient forever. You must do better. I will help, but you must let me,” there was something desperate and imploring in his tone, and it was this that had Harry looking up.

He nodded shakily, and swallowed, “Yeah… yeah, okay,”

To someone who hadn’t spent as many hours with him, the slight relaxation of Severus’s shoulders would have gone unnoticed, “Good… good… we’re going to start something you already have much experience in. Using occlumency to dissociate, so that you can cope with what lies ahead of you. Though I shall be training you to use it sparingly - only when your emotions are running high and threatening your physical safety, do you understand?”

“I thought you said not to dissociate,” Harry said warily, “And I’ve already been using occlumency for that,” he admitted reluctantly, expecting chastisem*nt.

“I did,” Severus agreed, “To dissociate the way you did in the cellars is dangerous to the integrity of your mind - mental pain serves a purpose in the same way that physical pain does. It teaches us to protect ourselves from harm - without physical pain, we could easily injury ourselves without realising it. Mental pain is the same. It is there to keep us safe from that which would destroy us entirely. But we also have mechanisms in our bodies to block out pain so that we can escape a dangerous situation, like adrenaline. You have already been using these techniques you say - this is good, but I shall teach you to perfect them. To shield in a way that does not threaten the integrity of your mind. Do you understand?”

Harry nodded again, “Yeah… can I ask you something first?” Severus inclined his head, “Have you ever heard of someone called Thea?”

Severus gave him a peculiar look, and was slow to answer, “No… though there was a girl in my year called Dorothea, who we all called Thea. Why?”

So perhaps Thea was short for something - but what? How was he meant to figure out who she was if he didn’t even know her proper name?

“Harry - why?” Severus repeated impatiently.

Harry shook his head, “No reason - just heard the name and wondered. Shall we get started?”

Severus didn’t look convinced, but his desire to save Harry from the Dark Lord won out, and he began their lesson.

Harry is reclined in a wooden chair. He hears it creak beneath him as he shifts, his foot propped up on an equally fragile wooden stool. A glass of smoking liquid in a filthy tumbler dangles from the fingertips of his right hand. He considers his fingers. He… he can’t feel them precisely. He feels pressure and tingling, but nothing more. He is not alarmed by this.

He looks up sharply at the sound of shuffling feet above him - he can see the movement of shadows through the wooden planks above his head. He hears voices, muffled and high and frightened. And there’s another voice - closer and deeper and near growling.

“Get out of this pub,”

At the bottom of a wooden staircase, he finds Dumbledore. He is slumped on the ground, a hand clawing at his side and his teeth gritted and bared. Harry has never heard Dumbledore speak like this before. Rough and rude and biting. As if his voice belongs to someone else. How strange.

“Harry…,” and then McGonagall is there, stood between them as if she has been there the entire time; she speaks gently, reaching for him, “Please. Please, come with us. Hide with us,”

He stares at her outstretched hand, longing stirring in his chest. He wants to go with her, but he knows its futile. Still, he is unable to resist the temptation, and he stands. The glass slips from his fingertips and smashes on the floor, and then he is sitting again, the glass reformed and resting on his right knee.

“Get out of this pub,” Dumbledore’s words sound as if they are coming from the void. His lips move but they don’t precisely match what Harry hears.

McGonagall hushes him, “Please. We can keep you safe. Harry. Please,”

He wants to stay - the feeling sits in his chest and threatens to suffocate him with sheer longing. He knows that he can’t - that he won’t. Still, he tries. The glass shatters, and he is in his seat again.

There is a new shadow in the room, and Dumbledore watches it and sneers, while McGonagall straightens in defiance. Harry can see the fear in her eyes, and yet she holds it back.

“The Dark Lord isn’t gonna’ care bout’ a few school kids and an ancient teacher and a pub landlord,” a familiar, rough voice drawls with a laugh.

Harry puts his glass down, and he stands.

Harry felt as if he were existing just a few inches above his body - there, and tethered, but barely. He couldn’t be sure if it was his mind hiding itself away against his will, or the strong occlumency shields that he had in place. So strong, that Severus had scowled at him in disapproval until he had dialled them back a touch. It felt a little like being drunk all over, only without the associated sick, dizzy feeling.

“I should be able to dress myself,” Harry muttered, not quite able to achieve the disapproving tone he had been aiming for as he held out his arm so that Severus could secure his bracers tightly to his forearm. He could tie them himself, but this was easier, and in a way, soothing - for both of them, he thought.

They were in his bedroom stood opposite one another, the Moirai on his bed watching them anxiously.

Do you have to go?” Clotho whispered mournfully.

Harry sighed and didn’t answer her.

“It will get easier,” Severus assured him.

“I don’t want it to get easier,” Harry said petulantly.

Severus said nothing and dropped his left hand to move on to his right; the more complicated fitting as his wand holster needed to be factored into the arrangement. Harry found himself staring at his fingertips. They tingled, sharp and fuzzy, as if he had been sleeping on it strangely, and yet he had awoken with it resting on his chest several hours earlier, and the feeling had yet to completely abate.

You smell strange,” Atropos said suspiciously.

Harry turned his head, listless where he might otherwise have been sharp, “How so?”

“Dim,” Lachesis answered for her sister head, “You smell dim,

A dull light,” Clotho agreed.

He did feel dim, he supposed. A smothered flame. That couldn’t be good for survival, and Rodolphus or no Rodolphus, Harry had no doubt that he would need his wits about him for whatever chaos was about to unfold.

He pulled his shields back carefully. Just enough that, while his heart wasn’t hammering in his chest, he could feel anticipation and anxiety tingling in his fingers and toes (the stinging numbness of his right hand intensified for a brief moment, and then abated).


Better,” Clotho agreed, “You smell like a frightened rabbit trying to be brave - like the one that bit Atropos before she ate it,

Harry snorted, “That will have to do, I suppose,”

“What did she say?” Snape asked distractedly, working the leather straps into place, Harry’s forearm held close to his body so that the knuckles of Harry’s hand brushed against his robes.

“That I smell like I’m pretending not to be terrified,”

Severus paused, “Are you? Terrified?”

“I am…,” Harry searched for a word that could summarise the scramble of conflicting emotions in his chest, each one fighting for dominance and achieving it only for long enough so that Harry felt a flash of it, “I am resigned,” he said tiredly, “I shall perform as I must. I just…,”

“What?” Fingers flexed around his wrist for a moment.

Harry spoke in a whisper, “I don’t want to do this,”

Severus looked down at him, his shoulders rising and falling in a weary sigh, “You must,” he said quietly, “To survive, you must,”

“I don’t want to survive if it means this,” Harry said lifelessly.

Severus released his wrist to briefly touch his cheek with the tips of his fingers, “I have faith in you,” he returned his attention to securing the wand holster about Harry’s wrist, “You will be fine, and this struggle will all be worth it,”

“Will it? When I’m free, you mean?”

“When you are free,” Severus agreed.

“I don’t think I shall ever be free again,” Harry confessed quietly; he held his breath for a split second when Severus pulled the straps tighter than necessary.

“You shall be,” Severus said harshly.

“Narcissa doesn’t think so,” Harry said dully, his heart twinging with pain at the thought of her. The woman he felt so utterly betrayed by, but still wished she was there with him now.

“What makes you say that?” Severus said sharply.

“She told me so,”

Severus paused, then spoke carefully, “I had noticed that she has been absent from your rooms as of late. What happened?”

“She wants me to make Draco leave,” Harry said in a whisper, as if voicing such a thing in any more than a soft murmur would have the Dark Lord hammering his door down, “To force him to run, and to stop him from taking the mark. She wants me to… to make him believe that he can only save me later by escaping now,”

Severus slowed as he finished the last of the laces around Harry’s wrist, “How? How does she think you could convince him of such a thing?”

“The fireplace,” Harry glanced to the door of his room, as if he could see the grand fireplace through it, with its wings protruding from the walls and the horse’s head gazing overhead, “She said that its part of a matching set - it has a twin in Cornwall. They’re connected,”

Severus frowned and dropped Harry’s hand, “Surely all he’d need to do is bring you Floo powder,” he said slowly.

Harry shook his head, “The connection is disabled on this side - she said it can only be reactivated by opening the link from the Cornwall fireplace. The farmhouse its in is protected by its own wards though, and only a Malfoy by blood could lower them. Or… or at least that’s what she said,” Harry trailed off, doubt suddenly seizing his heart. Narcissa has been lying to him for over a year; who was to say that this wasn’t a lie too? A lie she needed him to believe so that he might free her son.

No. No, she’d been reticent about the fireplace before all of this had happened - if he were a gambling man, he’d put money on it being the truth.

“Surely Lucius would realise if Draco tried to gain access to this farmhouse?”

Harry stepped back in frustration and stretched past the spectating Moirai to reach for his outer robe, “It doesn’t matter Sev - it’s all a facade anyway. To convince him that he can save me when he can’t - we both know he can’t. There’s only one way I’ll be free now,” he said in a dark mutter.

“No,” Severus snapped, understanding him immediately and seizing his wrist, “No,”

“You said you would help me,” Harry said, accusatory and frightened despite his attempts not to be, “When I crossed the line - when survival no longer became worth it. You said you would help me! This is the only way I can see for that to happen,”

No,” Severus said again, dismissing him and turning away to the bedroom door, “Finish getting dressed,” and he left with the furious sweeping of his robe at his back.

The room was silent in his absence.

He is afraid,” said Lachesis, nudging against his elbow with a curious nose.

So am I,” Harry whispered reluctantly.

You will come back?” Clotho asked anxiously.

He turned his eyes from the door to her dark eyes. He stroked a comforting thumb beneath her jaw, but he made no promises, “I love you,” he said instead. He hoped he wouldn’t come back, one way or the other, but the idea of leaving her on her own pained him.

They chimed as one, “We love you,”

With his robes about his shoulders, he finished by securing his stolen knife to his left calf. He wasn’t as agile with a knife in his left hand, but it was more important that he kept his right free for his wand. He hoped he would need either.

He pulled his hood up and secured his mask over his face.

Severus wasn’t waiting for him in the sitting room, but Rodolphus was.

Rodolphus gave a low nod, nearly a bow, and murmured lowly, “My Lord,”

Harry resisted the urge to snap that he wasn’t his lord. Instead, he stood taller, and followed the imposing man out of his rooms and down the stairs to the front of the house. Harry kept a constant guiding hand on the bannister on their way down - as if the carved wood could steady the nauseous feeling he could feel threatening him.

They emerged into the December air to find a swarm of people gathering on the outskirts of the property. There were more than just the Death Eaters who attended the Dark Lord’s meetings there - Harry could recognise by the hair that escaped their hoods and their frames, that the baby Death Eaters who hung on his every word in the conservatory were there, though they wore masks that were less intricate than those worn by their comrades who were truly in the fold.

He gritted his teeth. He needed to be stoic. To be brave. And yet fear sat in his chest. They were going to Diagon Alley, as the Dark Lord had planned, to announce his official ‘glorious’ return to the rest of the wizarding world.

Harry didn’t much care about this glorious return.

He was too busy dwelling on the sight of Tonks snowing down on top of him.

What if he hurt someone he loved again?

The murmuring of the crowd fell silent as heads turned in his direction, though he felt their eyes pass over him. He turned, and stalking his way out of the manor, his robes floating across the grass, was the Dark Lord himself. Rodolphus caught Harry’s sleeve and pulled him to one side, bowing as he went. It was only Rodolphus’s fingers closing around his wrist that reminded Harry that he should be bowing to.

The air fell still, and though he couldn’t see with his head tilted down towards the ground, Harry knew when the Dark Lord turned towards him. The hem of his robes appeared within his vision, and Harry felt fingers under his chin tilting his head up.

The Dark Lord smiled down at him, thin and pleased. A cold thumb caressed his cheek and then released him as the Dark Lord turned to appraise his followers gathered outside of Malfoy Manor.

“Remember,” he said, his cold voice carrying on the air though he didn’t bother to raise it, “I want the wand-maker alive, as well as any other individual who might make a talkative prisoner,” there was a murmur of laughter across the crowd, “Today my brothers and sisters, we bring terror to the heart of wizarding Britain. Terror today, so that our people might be freed from fear forever!” The murmurs raised into a jeering, excited cheer, “Now, my loyal Death Eaters, we must hold our tongues,” the Dark Lord raised a finger to his lips, and though they fell immediately silent, Harry could feel their collective anticipation like a buzz in the air, “And now… we begin,” the Dark Lord smiled, and the silence was replaced with quite pops and loud cracks as one by one, the Death Eaters began to disapperate.

“We need to teach you to apparate,” Rodolphus said softly in his ear, offering his forearm, and waiting until Harry’s hand was wrapped securely around it to pull them both away from the Earth beneath their feet.

They reappeared, and abruptly the setting sun was nowhere to be seen. Harry blinked to adjust his eyes to the sun’s sudden absence; he quickly realised the cause of the darkness.

They had emerged down a winding alleyway, walled with shops and buildings on all sides and creeping up and up into the sky so that Harry imagined that the sun only penetrated down to the cobbled streets below at the height of midday. He might have only been there once before, but it was not difficult for Harry to recognise Nocturn alley. He peered up at the flats above and found expectant faces staring down at them. The silent supporters of the Dark Lord.

Harry flinched as someone brushed up against him; he heard Rodolphus snarl something at the culprit, but Harry didn’t see the point. Knocking into one another seemed inevitable when the alley was slowly filling to the brim with silent Death Eaters.

Always a tall and imposing figure, the Dark Lord with his unnatural paleness was easily picked out amongst them, peering over all their heads through keen red eyes. Finally, the Dark Lord was satisfied with their assembly, and he said softly. “Come. But stay quiet. The element of surprise shall be our friend,”

“Stay with me,” Rodolphus muttered in his ear, pulling him close by his elbow.

“I cannot forever stay by your side,” Harry bit back quietly, pulling his elbow free but following Rodolphus and the rest of the crowd forwards anyway, “He will want me to strike out on my own eventually,”

“Perhaps, but not today. Today, you stay with me,”

“And with me,”

Harry looked round sharply, just as he recognised the mildly familiar voice. Nott.

“f*ck off, Atticus,” Rodolphus growled, catching Harry’s elbow again and pulling him through the crowd so that he was on Rodolphus’s other side and next to some other unknown Death Eater. Or perhaps not so unknown, Harry thought, catching sight of a streak of platinum blonde hair.

Was this another vision of the future, only a waking one this time? Would this be Draco one day, following at his side and obeying the Dark Lord’s orders obediently?

The idea left him uneasy, but he swallowed the feeling back. He needed to focus.

The mob of Death Eaters crept onwards like the eleventh forgotten plaque of Egypt. Above them, he heard the creak of shutters either being closed, or being carefully pried open to allow a narrow view of the alley below. Those trying to hide, and those trying to spectate. Ahead of them, through the bobbing of their heads (the Dark Lord’s pale skull stood above them all) Harry could see the low sun creeping into view, and he knew that it was Diagon Alley.

How quickly would the people of the alley realise that Death and all his disciples were amongst them?

Just as soon as the thought came to his mind, a shrill scream pierced the air. The occlumency shields that had been left mostly relaxed, slammed back into place just before the blood could truly start thumping in Harry’s ears, and so he felt strangely calm and detached when, as a unified, silent swarm, the followers of the Dark Lord rushed forwards.

Not all of them though. Rodolphus kept him at his side with a firm grip around his elbow, and it was only as they broke out into Diagon alley, and the screams started in earnest, that Harry realised that they were breaking off from the main crowd of Death Eaters. There were about ten of them not counting Harry. Lucius Malfoy was at their head, his platinum hair trailing behind him as he led them determinedly in the opposite direction of the rest of the horde. Ahead of them, in between the black cloaks of the Death Eaters around him, Harry could just see slithers of the witches and wizards that were fleeing ahead of their advance.

And then a man stepped out from a shop into the cobbled street - a wiry, old man with white hair, and wide frightened eyes.

Olivander. Their true quarry.

Harry expected him to turn tail and run, and judging by the way he hesitated, Harry imagined that that had been the man’s instinct as well. But surely, he knew there was no outrunning the Dark Lord? His eyes hardened, and his look turned determined. His wand was steady as he raised it. One moment, he was still, and the next he was firing curses in their direction with a speed and accuracy Harry only thought was to be expected from a man whose life work was the life blood of magic itself.

The Death Eaters around him were clearly among the Dark Lord’s most powerful, and they were quick to react to the wand-maker’s onslaught. But not as quick as Harry.

He found the same instinct that had had him dealing the killing blow to Tonks motivating him to action. His wand darted through the air like a dance, blocking and deflecting Ollivander’s curses, and dispelling some of them just as they left the tip of his wand. With his free hand, Harry gathered magic at his fingertips, and cast the largest, strongest shield he could manage. It wasn’t a practical choice - there was no way he could maintain it for long - but he doubted he would have to.

Ollivander turned afraid again. Rodolphus chuckled with approval at his side, and Harry wondered what he should have been feeling in that moment, because he was sure it wasn’t this dull interest.

“Easy as pie,” Harry heard someone say with a chuckle - Rabastan, he thought.

But the man had spoken too soon. Behind them, a group had broken past the mob of Death Eaters that were assaulting the other end of the alley, and curses were raining down on them once more. He heard Rodolphus hiss in pain, and then let out a roar not dissimilar to an enraged dragon. Piercing and bellowing in one. A sound that promised retribution.

Harry’s heart jolted at the thought of Rodolphus being hurt - the dangerous man who, against all odds, Harry found himself strangely attached to - and he whipped around to confront their new opponents. He knew who they were at once by the sight of their red hair.

They were Weasleys, though they were too far away, and moving too quickly for Harry to be able to discern exactly how many of them there were, or who they were precisely.

The Death Eaters around him had turned to confront them, but Harry knew that he couldn’t. Occlumency shields or not, survival or not, he could not, would not, raise his wand against the family that he had wished he could call his. And so, while the Death Eater’s dealt with the Weasleys, Harry turned back to Ollivander.

This. This he could do.

Ignoring Rodolphus’s bark trying to call him back, Harry broke from the pack and advanced on the wand maker on his own. The aim of Ollivander’s wand was true despite the frightened trembling of his arm, but it didn’t matter when Harry was smothering his spells before they reached their target. Their duel was a dance of silent and flashing magic, as Ollivander was rendered impotent, and Harry aimed only to disarm, not to kill.

The Dark Lord didn’t want him dead, Harry reminded himself repeatedly, the thought bringing him a rush of relief that nearly choked him.

He didn’t have to kill him.

Finally, Ollivander was on the floor, his wrists bound and his wand in Harry’s hand. He tried to crawl away, but Harry stopped him with a lasso of magic about his throat that yanked him back and had him gasping and choking in alarm. Something twinged in Harry’s gut. He hadn’t meant to do that.

But the action had the crowd behind him laughing meanly. It was only then that Harry realised that the battle behind him was coming to an end.

“Don’t kill them,” he heard Lucius command in a shout over the sound of the Weasley’s last stand, “They are followers of Dumbledore - the Dark Lord will want to hear what they might tell us before they die,”

The twinge of regret in Harry’s gut was overtaken by a rush of frightened relief. He didn’t want them to die, but he knew what it meant to be captured alive.

A final flick of his wand had Ollivander hog-tied and on his stomach.

Then Harry saw a flash of poisonous green out of the corner of his eye - the incantation itself lost in the din. The shouting turned to horrified screaming.

He didn’t want to look, but he was unable to stop himself.

Ollivander at his feet, he turned to stare over his shoulder, and found three men on their knees with wands digging into their throats. Bill, Charlie, and one of the twins. It hurt in a deep, aching kind of way, like an old wound that hadn’t quite healed over, for Harry to realise that he didn’t know which twin was which anymore.

They were staring as one at a crumpled figure on the ground. Charlie was letting out a grief-stricken roar, tears pouring down his cheeks and mingling with the blood about his chin. Bill was trying desperately to escape the Death Eater at his back - not to fight, but to be with the body on the cobblestones. The twin was silent, his mouth open but making no noise that Harry could hear.

Harry followed their gaze, to find Arthur Weasley dead on his side, his glasses askew, his eyes open, and blood oozing lazily from a wound at his temple.

Harry didn’t have time to figure out what he could feel beneath his occlumency shields.

Rodolphus was suddenly next time him, peering down at a quivering Ollivander, “Good job,” he said gruffly. He flicked his wand, and Ollivander’s wrists and ankles were no longer bound together uncomfortably. The wand maker let out a cry of frightened alarm as Rodolphus hauled him to his feet.

“The Dark Lord will be pleased,” Harry heard Nott say pompously from where he was stood in front of the silent Weasley twin.

Harry knew without being able to see, that Lucius was rolling his eyes.

“Come,” Lucius snapped, “We did what we set out to do. We shall return with the prisoners and you,” he pointed to the Death Eaters who weren’t currently restraining a Weasley, including Nott, and said, “take what you can of his stock before the Aurors arrive. Do not risk your freedom for a few extra wands,” he said dangerously, “Burn the place to the ground before you leave,”

“Come, my Lord,” Rodolphus murmured quietly in his ear, restraining Ollivander as if it were nothing, “We must leave. Rabastan,” his brother came forwards, “Take him,” he shoved the wand-maker forwards.

“With pleasure,” Rabastan said meanly, tapping the trembling Ollivander’s cheek sharply, “Hullo Mister Ollivander,”

Olivander only whimpered.

Rodolphus offered his arm expectantly, and Harry found himself clinging desperately to his occlumency shields to try and keep himself standing as despair threatened to crush him. He had no sooner wrapped his fingers around Rodolphus’s wrist, then the man was apparating them away.

Stood facing the long drive of the manor, not for the first time, Harry found himself near strangled by the feeling of unreality that settled into his bones.

Mister Weasley was dead.

Then Rabastan shoved Ollivander forwards while Rodolphus worked about organising their captives into an orderly line facing the house ahead, but they made no move to march past the gates.

Ollivander, Bill, Charlie, and a Weasley twin’s death warrants were as good as signed. And how would they die, he wondered macabrely. It wouldn’t be quick. He knew that. Would it be kinder for him to do it now?

His fingers twitched by his side.

No. No, he knew that he couldn’t do it.

It was only when Lucius pulled a slither of parchment from within his robes and started trying to force a shaking Charlie to read it, that Harry realised why they hadn’t gone inside. The Fidelius. They couldn’t see the house. He imagined the parchment under Charlie’s nose had the location of the Manor written on it in the Dark Lord’s hand.

He stared for a moment, when a surprisingly rational thought managed to penetrate the fog that surrounded his mind.

He looked sharply to Ollivander in front of him.

His and Draco’s working theory, was that he too was the secret keeper of the Manor, but that’s all it was really. A theory. Now was the perfect time to test it.

But what was the point? Even if he proved that he was, what difference did it make? There was still no escape.

But then Rabastan was placing Ollivander’s bound wrists in Harry’s hand, and muttering, “Hold him for a minute,” and leaving him to go and investigate what another returning Death Eater had managed to bring back with him from the wand-maker’s shop.

Harry found himself panting to catch his suddenly trembling breath. Surely this was a sign? A sign that he had to try. Or had he really given up?

Lucius had moved onto Bill, and Charlie, dazed, was blinking up at the manor.


And so, Harry tried.

He shuffled closer, pulling Ollivander into him and making the man hiss in pain. He strained up, so that he could say in his ear, his voice a whisper on the air, “Malfoy manor, the home of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, can be found in the Wiltshire countryside,”

Ollivander made to peer over his shoulder, only to freeze. Harry watched, a feeling of triumph unfurling in his chest as a look of horror came over the wand-maker’s face.

And then Harry stepped back, and Lucius was there, shoving his strip of parchment under Ollivander’s nose.

It worked. It worked!

He followed the gang-chain of prisoners down the drive towards the manor.

The feeling of triumph was quick to fade, leaving only a sick feeling in its wake.

But what did it mean for him?

What did it mean for Draco?


Just realised it’s been just over one year since I got back into writing fan fiction after a decade away.
That’s about 880,000 words written in a year including the chapters waiting to be released 😂 I think I might have a problem

Chapter 34: Harry: Letting Go


Harry, as a rule, tried not to think about his own capture. He tried very hard to forget it, in fact. But he saw echoes of it now in the struggle in front of him, as the Death Eaters ahead of him battled to contain their captives.


Enjoy!! Thank you for all the lovely comments - they are so much fun to read!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry followed his feet as if some external force had taken control of them.

From the front drive, through the entrance hall, to the drawing room, and then down the steps to the cellars below. No one took any notice of him. No one except for Rodolphus, who attempted to pull him away to the west wing, but Harry had only shaken his hand from his elbow and kept on walking.

There was no one making him do this. No one making him follow this procession of prisoners as they were wrestled through the manor and to their new cages. No one had had to. He was compelled by his own conscience, or what remained of it at least.

He should witness this. If the Weasley brothers were to die, then someone who loved them should see it and remember it. They deserved that much and more. For someone to know the truth of what had happened to them. Someone who cared, even if they couldn’t show it. Someone who knew when to start missing them.

Harry, as a rule, tried not to think about his own capture. He tried very hard to forget it, in fact. But he saw echoes of it now in the struggle in front of him, as the Death Eaters battled to contain their captives.

Even if Harry hadn’t known them, he would have been able to guess which brother was which now.

Bill, the perpetual big brother, was calling and struggling desperately to get to the youngest amongst them.

Though, Harry supposed, feeling as if he could vomit at any moment, Bill was something more than a big brother now that their father was dead.

Oh God.

Mr Weasley was dead.

“Fred? Fred, can you hear me?!”

He strained against the hands that held him, not to fight back, but to reach for the twin whose name Harry knew only for how Bill was screaming it. It echoed, reverberating against the walls of the drawing room until Bill was dragged below ground and after Charlie. Behind him, Fred was silent and shaking, stumbling along, his arm twisted cruelly behind his back by Amycus Carrow.

It was unnecessary. Fred was too dazed, with silent tears streaming down his face, to fight back.

“You don’t need to be here for this,” Harry heard Rodolphus murmur at his back.

Harry said nothing.

He followed the procession down into the cellars in time to see as Fred was forced into the cell closest to the stairs. Amycus pressed him down to the floor, then leant forwards so that their noses were nearly touching. He smirked and tapped Fred’s cheek sharply before locking the bars behind him.

Bill tried again to reach for him, fighting and struggling against the two Death Eaters who were restraining him. He faltered only when a fist was driven into his jaw. It was enough for him to be forced into a cell of his own. Not the cell by Fred’s though, but the next one along, so that no matter how Bill stretched through the bars, his fingers quivering in the air, there was no way for him to touch his younger brother even if Fred had been stretching back rather than sitting and staring blankly into the corner.

“Fred… Freddie,” Bill whispered, but Harry could still hear him, “It’s going to be okay, Freddie,”

No, it isn’t,’ Harry countered inside his own head. None of this had ever been okay, so why would that change now?

He turned his attention to the middle brother. Where Bill and Fred could be described as contained, Charlie was anything but.

He was as feral as the dragons he had once tamed in Bulgaria. His shock at their situation was long forgotten as he fought and roared and battled against the four Death Eaters who were doing their utmost to wrestle him into a cell. Around them, other Death Eaters watched with their wands raised, but the fight in front of them was so chaotic and violent that the few curses they risked missed their mark entirely.

A misplaced stunning spell had one of the four on the floor in a heap, and it was the opening that Charlie needed. Now facing only three, he managed to work his arms around the neck of the shortest Death Eater. His grip tightened, there was a sickening crack, and then they were on the ground as well. There was only a moment for the others to be stunned, before Charlie was breaking free and barraging across the floor, heading straight for Harry.

Harry saw Rodolphus looming out of the corner of his eye, preparing to stand between them.

Rodolphus would kill Charlie without a second thought. He’d snap him in two. And so Harry put him down first. His wand was in his hand before he was even consciously aware of his decision. A wordless full body bind had Charlie’s arms and legs suddenly snapping together. With his forward momentum, he toppled forwards and smashed down face first into the stone floor below.

“You bastard… YOU BASTARD!!

The sudden furious shout had Harry flinching in alarm - he’d almost expected the Death Eaters to laugh at Charlie’s near comical fall, but he had forgotten the other body on the ground.

Amycus Carrow was stood over Charlie and pulling him roughly over onto his back. Harry heard a gurgle as blood began to pour from Charlie’s nose back into his mouth. The sound didn’t last for long - it was quickly replaced by the sound of Carrow’s fists pummelling into Charlie’s face again, and again, and again.


It was only then that Harry realised that the Death Eater whose neck Charlie had snapped must have belonged to Alecto Carrow.

“Stop!” Harry heard Lucius Malfoy cry, “STOP!!

Rodolphus and Rabastan lunged forwards, hooking their arms beneath the surviving Carrow’s armpits and hauling him to his feet and off of Charlie’s frozen body, while someone else caught Charlie by his heels and dragged him across the floor to the cell at the furthest end of the cellar.

“The Dark Lord will want to question them,” Lucius snapped in Carrow’s face, “All of them. Get a hold of yourself!”

“I want that one,” Carrow growled, panting, his eyes fixed on Charlie as he was thrown into his cell, “When the Dark Lord is done - I want that one!”

Charlie’s cell door was locked with a clang, and Harry released his binding spell. Charlie sat up abruptly, turning with a groan, coughing and spitting and retching and splattering the floor with the blood that had been slowly drowning him. He tried to turn - to face his captors - but with his arms trembling beneath him, he only managed a snarl. Party fury, part grief.

“Charlie? Charlie - are you alright?” Bill again; holding it together for his two younger brothers because he had to. Because their father was dead, and it was up to him now.

Harry could feel his own grief stirring as a dull echo in his chest. Grief for Mr Weasley. Grief for the brothers in front of him who were surely to follow their father to the grave. He hoped it was quick. He hoped it was painless. He hoped that the Dark Lord pulled the knowledge he wanted from them, and then allowed them death’s sweet release.

“Come on,” Rodolphus said gruffly in Carrow’s ear, his voice strained from struggling with the other man as he tried to pull him back towards the stairs, “When the Dark Lord is done, you can have him. You know, he’ll let you have him,”


With a strength that took them all by surprise, Carrow threw the Lestrange brothers from him. There was a moment where nobody moved. And then Carrow was stalking across the cellar. He pushed the wizard who was stooped over his sister’s lifeless body back and pulled her up and over his shoulder. Harry heard how Carrow’s breath trembled and quivered as he stalked past him, marching back up the steps and above ground. Was he crying, Harry wondered? He’d never have expected the man to be capable of such a thing.

“Come on,” Rodolphus said again, his voice low in Harry’s ear.

Harry hesitated.

His eyes lingered on the manor’s newest inhabitants.

Fred, pale and shaking with his back pressed into the further corner of his cell. Bill, distraught and still stretching through the bars, reaching for the youngest brother. And the feral and grief-stricken Charlie, his teeth bloody and bared, his tears streaming unchecked down his cheeks. Finally, he looked at the silent Ollivander, who had been locked away in the row of cells opposite the Weasley brothers with nary a sound, and who watched him back through pale, frightened eyes.

What was to become of them?

“Come on,” Rodolphus said again, taking his arm this time and pulling him forwards towards the stairs; Harry followed his direction numbly, allowing the large man to guide him through the house and towards the west wing, “Are you hurt?” The hand on his arm came up to his shoulder, and he felt fingertips brush lightly against his throat.

Harry shook his head, “I’m fine,” his voice sounded deadened even to his own ears.

Rodolphus huffed in disbelief, but didn’t question him further, “Take off your mask,” he said gruffly as they approached the conservatory, the sounds of elated revelry building and building into a crescendo that left Harry’s stomach clenching with anxiety, “You don’t need it here,”

Harry worked his thumb beneath the mask and pulled it free; for a moment he was shocked by the blast of cool air hitting his face. He reluctantly pulled his hood back, shuddering as the unexpected breeze worked its way beneath his robes through the gaps at his neck. Stepping into the conservatory, he understood immediately why it was so cold.

Despite the December chill, the doors of the conservatory had been thrown open as, what Harry realised abruptly was a full-blown celebration, spilled out onto the grounds. Harry struggled not to wince against the noise - laughter and music and conversation that echoed against the glass walls and reverberated endlessly back on itself.

There was drink too - of course there was, there always was - and the tell-tale sign of smoke curling into the air from the burning of allihosty leaves and other more noxious substances. It was a smell he was overly familiar with now. In the corner towards the back, leaning over a low glass table, a small group were taking it in turns to snort some kind of white powder, though Harry had no idea what it was.

“If they offer you any - refuse,” Rodolphus said upon seeing where Harry was looking; he clarified at Harry’s confused expression, “Snape says that your heart could give out at any moment - if you snort that, I imagine it’ll stop before the end of the evening,”

Since when did Rodolphus and Snape discuss his wellbeing? Or perhaps Severus had told the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord had told Rodolphus. That made more sense.

There was a sudden building cheer, and Harry realised that they had been spotted.

The Death Eaters paused, looking round with interest at the noise, and lingering on the group that had half risen to greet Harry. It was the not-quite-Death Eaters who spent their days competing for the role of Harry’s number one fan. For a moment, Harry forgot the sick, squeezing grief in his gut, and he offered them a weak smile.

Cassius Warrington stepped free of the crowd to push a beer into Harry’s hand and throw an arm around his shoulder. He pulled him away from Rodolphus and drew him towards the crowd of expectant Death Eaters - the unmarked ones. He didn’t know all of their names yet, but they knew him.

“Here, Harry,” Jason Pyrites leapt to his feet from the sofa to offer him his seat.

Harry didn’t have much choice but to take it with Cassius pulling him down so that he was wedged between him and the girl he thought might have been called Catriona Carrow, if he remembered correctly. She looked like the Carrow whose body had just been carried up and out of the cellars, only prettier and with softer features. How were they related, he wondered? Mother and daughter perhaps? Did she know that her maybe-mother, maybe-aunt, maybe-something else entirely was dead? Would she cry the way that Carrow’s twin had when she found out? Did she already know?

“We heard that you duelled with Ollivander,” Philinoe Rowle said curiously, reclined in a chair, twirling her long blonde hair around her finger, “Impressive,”

Graham Montague scoffed, “I heard it was more than that - I heard that you wiped the floor with him. Didn’t let a single curse touch you and left him hog-tied in the alley!”

The were a murmur of approval from more than just the group closest to him - they were being listened to by those that surrounded them, marked or otherwise.

Harry redirected the conversation to try and smother the desperate, trapped feeling he could feel building behind his shields. He just needed to last a bit longer - just to the end of the evening, then he could take himself to bed and cry and scream under the covers and release the grief he could feel threatening to drown him.

Oh God, Mr Weasley.

“What happened at the other end of the alley?” He asked, his voice steady as he sipped at the beer in his hand.

“Pure bloody chaos, that’s what happened,” Cassius Warrington said at his side with a snort, “But I suppose that was to be expected with Bellatrix involved,” Harry didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked about nervously; he was clearly looking out for the witch, “She blew up Flourish and Blotts, and killed the man that runs the ice-cream parlour,” Harry wondered if anyone else heard the faint note of disquiet in his voice. Harry couldn’t blame him. What was to be achieved by murdering poor Florean Fortescue?

“I used to love his ice-cream,” said Catriona Carrow softly.

“He used to give me free ones,” Harry agreed with a sad smile.

There was a moment of discomfort amongst them all, but Jason Pyrites moved the conversation along with a nervous chuckle before they drew too much attention, “A-anyway - I think the chaos was the point. Everyone was so busy with us, that no one no noticed what you were up to until it was too late,”

“We all disappeared when the Aurors finally turned up,” Saorise Sayre said, her eyes a little distant as she swept her red hair back from her face, revealing a streak of blood just in front of her ear.

“We did what we needed to,” a sudden unexpected voice took them all by surprise; Rabastan was leaning over them, his eyes flicking between them all with interest. He turned to the corner of the room where a group where sorting through the multitudes of wands that had been stolen from Ollivander’s shop.

“We killed a few of their’s as well,” said another voice, deep and soft; Antonin Dolohov appeared at Rabastan’s back, a slow grin spreading on his pale face, “And I hear we captured a few more. I wouldn’t mind the chance to kill a few more Prewetts,” he said lightly.

“Technically they’re Weasley’s,” Thorfinn Rowle said in a chuckle, winding his way through the crowd and lighting a cigarette as he made his way towards the doors, “Though I suppose they’re enough Prewett for it to not really matter,” Philinoe scowled and tried to avoid the hand he pressed briefly onto her head, but she was unsuccessful, and he laughed low in his throat as he passed, “Niece,”

“I think I might have to give one up to Amycus!” Dolohov called after him, before saying, “Sorry,” to Catriona.

Catriona shrugged, and muttered, “Didn’t really know her,”

Harry listened more than he spoke, watching as the current, and next generation of Death Eaters interacted. There was something about it. Something uncomfortable. They shared an ideology, but Harry didn’t think they quite shared the same conviction. Or madness. Not yet at least.

Was this how he should feel, he thought suddenly? Tense and nervous in the presence of such dangerous men and women. He supposed he would have done two years ago. Now he just felt… acclimatised. Adjusted. Well and truly integrated.

That couldn’t be good.

“Ah, another excellent display, Mister Potter,”

Harry could barely disguise his rolled eyes at the sound of an irritatingly familiar voice; Saorise Sayre hid her amused smirk behind her glass.

He let out a deep sigh, “Nott,” he said in reluctant greeting as the man encroached on their circle and leant up against one of the wooden pillars that supported the lattice above them.

“Once again, you prove to us all the wisdom of the Dark Lord,”

There was something about the man that Harry just couldn’t stand. He reminded him of a more sinister Gilderoy Lockhart. It was clear that he had never tried to use charm to get what he wanted before - or if he had, he couldn’t have succeeded.

Rabastan cast a baleful glare in Nott’s direction, while the others shifted uncomfortably. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that his intrusion was unwelcome, but he had drawn the Dark Lord’s name into their discussion, and none of them would dismiss him and risk sounding as if they disagreed with his praise.

“I suppose so,” Harry said mildly, his disinterest clear by his wondering eyes; he froze when his eyes found Macnair’s in the crowd. Macnair stared, and Harry stared back until Macnair casually broke their gaze to continue his conversation with Rosier. Was Mulciber there too? He thought probably not - the man had been kept firmly from the manor for months. He hoped that the Dark Lord had found some other purpose for him. Far way from Harry. It was bad enough having to see Macnair.

“Your duel with Ollivander has the making of legend!” Nott continued, catching Harry’s attention again.

“I don’t know,” Harry answered dryly, “I admit that I’ll be very disappointed if my duel with an old shop keeper proves to be the peak of my fighting career. Surely, I could do better?”

Nott smirked, “I’m sure you could, but there is something to be said for the power of old men,” Philinoe and Catriona exchanged a discreet, amused flashing of their eyes, “Dumbledore himself is well over a hundred years old - would you be so dismissive of your accomplishment should you defeat him?”

“Dumbledore is Dumbledore,” Harry said with a shrug, desperate for the conversation to end, “but even he’ll be a quivering old man one day,”

“You’re not afraid of him?” Nott said, though Harry couldn’t tell if he was genuinely, quietly impressed, or if he was still trying and failing to stroke Harry’s ego.

“What is there to be afraid of?” Harry asked flatly.

Nott’s eyebrows flashed, “He is a powerful wizard! Even the Dark Lord deems it wise to approach the man with caution,” Rabastan tensed at his side, perhaps at the subtle suggestion that Dumbledore’s power exceeded that of the Dark Lord.

“And I am a young man, and he is very old,” Harry couldn’t help his frustrated huff as he finished his drink, “He has to die eventually, and then what will he be but an empty corpse?”

“Come on Atticus,” Rabastan said with a snort, “We’re too old to be socialising with teenagers,”

“I’m twenty,” Philinoe said indignantly.

“You’re a child,” Rabastan said dryly, reaching for a reluctant Nott and turning him away from them and directing him out into the grounds.

Graham Montague waited until their other watchers had turned away to lean into the centre of their gathering, “I heard that old man Nott has offered Theo up for the Dark Mark,” he said lowly.

Saorise Sayre clicked her tongue in disapproval, “Is that how it works then? You just ask the Dark Lord for his mark, and he gives it to you?”

“If you’re part of the right family perhaps,” Catriona said meaningfully, though Harry wasn’t quite sure what she was getting at. Did she mean Draco?

“Why haven’t you got one then?” Cassius said, reaching behind Harry to try and poke her head.

She slapped his hand away with a glare, “You don’t ask for it,” she snapped, “You wait to be offered it. Or you should. It’s an honour, not a right,”

“Why’d the Dark Lord agree then?” Jason Pyrites said, something anxious in his voice that Harry wouldn’t have expected from a junior Death Eater, “I mean - my grandfather had the mark, but I’ve not been offered it either,”

Harry didn’t speak, but he thought he knew the answer to their conundrum. He imagined that the mark meant for Theo was of the same variety that would be pushed upon Draco and many others. The kind that was made to control them. He felt a new roiling of nausea low in his gut, and he swallowed carefully to stop himself from vomiting.

“I wonder what Theo thinks about it,” Montague mused.

Next to him, Cassius snorted, “I’m not sure it matters either way - he’ll still hate his father, I’m sure,”

“Why?” Harry asked curiously, turning to him.

Cassius froze, his eyes flicking about warily before he turned to speak softly into Harry’s ear, “Before the Dark Lord fell, when he was still a baby, his mother was caught selling secrets to the Aurors. Old Nott executed her for it,” Harry looked sharply at him, his opinion of Nott Senior sinking even lower, “Father or not, I don’t think anyone would like the man who killed their mother,”

Cassius opened his mouth to say more but he suddenly flushed red, his eyes widening as he realised what he’d just said. Harry couldn’t help but to grin at his obvious horror.

“No,” Harry agreed, “I imagine not,” anything else he might have said was interrupted by the calling of his name.

“Potter,” the group around him turned as one to the interloper; Lucius Malfoy looked between them with disinterest before his eyes landed on Harry.

Before - before everything - Harry had thought Draco a little carbon copy of Lucius, and while it was true that Draco looked more and more like his father every day (tall, and broad, and strong), in the ways that mattered he looked nothing like him at all. The softness of his mouth and the kindness of his eyes. The love. There was none of that here. Or perhaps not for anyone other than Narcissa at least.

“The Dark Lord wishes to see you in the cellar,” Lucius continued, and dread strangled Harry for a moment, freezing him in place as he was confronted anew with the facts he had been trying so desperately to block out.

Mr Weasley was dead, and so were Fred, Charlie and Bill, they just didn’t know it yet.

Harry only allowed himself a split second of hesitation, “I’m coming,” he said, standing and feeling the eyes of his companions following him.

He considered the Death Eater mask in his hand. He wanted nothing more than to shove it over his face and sink into sweet, sweet anonymity. But he knew that that was not what the Dark Lord would want. He would want Harry proud, his face bare and on show for all to see so that his association with the Dark Lord could not be denied. He would not accept some secret identity. Not in the safety of the manor at least.

He handed it down to Cassius, “Make sure this gets to Rodolphus,”

Harry worked his way through the crowd at Lucius’s back, his eyes wandering over the crowd of the Dark Lord’s supporters. More than one inclined their head deferentially upon meeting his eyes. He nodded back and pretended that he didn’t feel like he was choking on the terror he was forcing down. If he wasn’t careful, he was sure that he would vomit with the squirming, clenching feeling in his gut.

Lucius led him all the way to the drawing room, where he opened the door for Harry and stepped to the side to allow him to pass. There was a moment where they were both stood at the threshold, that Harry was sure that Lucius was about to say something to him. Did he know about him and Draco, in the same way that everyone else seemed to know? Or did he actually know? He must do.

Harry continued on his way before the question of what Lucius Malfoy could possibly have to say to him was answered. He might have been Draco’s father, but Harry owed him nothing, and he refused to pretend that he did. He heard the door to the drawing room close with an echoing bang.

At the top of the stairs, Harry swallowed back his fear, and pushed onwards. He had made this journey a dozen times or more now, this slow trudge beneath the earth. And yet every time felt like the first time. The panic threatening in his chest. The terror weighing his feet down. He pushed on though and greeted the fear like an old friend. Inescapable and eternal.

At the bottom of the steps, still hidden within the shadows, he stopped.

Ahead of him, he could see Ollivander bound to a chair, though he was partly hidden behind the figure of the Dark Lord. Harry’s silent arrival did not go unnoticed.

“Come forwards, child,” the Dark Lord called softly over his shoulder.

Harry took a single steadying breath, and kept his eyes fixed on the Dark Lord as he stepped out into the light.

The Weasleys gasped as one, and Bill threw himself at the bars with a clang.

“Harry!” His name was forced out as if Bill was choking, then he said in a whimpering whisper, “Oh my God, Harry,”

Harry glanced over at them - he couldn’t help it. Fred looked as if he had seen a ghost, Bill was crying softly against the bars, and Charlie (his face smeared with dried blood and his lips swollen) had pushed himself to his feet to stand and watch Harry advance through the room as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing.

“Ignore them,” the Dark Lord chastised him gently, “There will be a time to turn your attention to them, but it is not now,”

Harry tore his eyes away, and tried not to dwell on what that could possibly mean. The Dark Lord had stepped aside so that Harry could see Ollivander clearly. The man had always been pale, but he looked positively grey now.

“Mr Ollivander - I’m sure you are familiar with dear Harry,”

Ollivander said nothing, his eyes flicking frantically between them, his hands flexing anxiously against the arms of the chair he had been bound to.

“It would interest you to know, I’m sure,” the Dark Lord continued mildly, as if they were discussing the weather, “that Harry is the wizard who bested you so soundly this evening - or so I have heard. I regret to have not witnessed the display myself,”

If Ollivander found the news in anyway interesting, it was not enough to overcome the terror that was currently immobilising him. The Dark Lord was not satisfied with his silence, however.

“Come, come, Garrick,” he said, his voice as amused as it was dangerous, “If you cannot bring yourself to speak even to comment on the skill of your opponent, then this shall be a poor excuse for an interrogation indeed!”

Ollivander flinched, his eyes flicking to Harry’s and lingering briefly on Harry’s golden one; he dropped his gaze and muttered in a rasp, “Well… well fought,”

The Dark Lord chuckled, “What do you say Harry?”

“Well fought,” Harry answered.

The Dark Lord’s responding laugh was cold and breathy and it echoed all around them; Harry heard the shuddering frightened sound that Fred let out, but the Dark Lord ignored him.

“Now then, Mister Ollivander,” the Dark Lord began to pace around him in a slow, leisurely stroll. Ollivander followed his progress until the Dark Lord was at his back, and then his eyes latched onto Harry’s, the fear in them making Harry’s heart leap in his chest. He remembered that fear, “I have questions for you. They are not difficult questions,” the Dark Lord offered generously, “but know that if I am dissatisfied with your answers, then Harry here shall make my displeasure well known to you. Do you understand?”

Ollivander made a gasping, stuttering sound, and nodded.

“Use your words, Garrick,”

“Y-yes,” the wand-maker gasped out.

Behind him, Harry saw the Dark Lord smirk, “Yes what?” Ollivander gave a confused shake of his head; the Dark Lord sighed and raised his hand, “Harry,”

Harry needed no further instruction. He knew what to do. He had done it more than a dozen times before. He raised his wand, hating himself for how easily he said the incantation, and for how easily he meant it, “Crucio!”

The Dark Lord allowed him only a taste. Ollivander screamed and flinched, jolting within his bindings with such violence that he nearly tipped over in his chair, and he would have done had the Dark Lord not stopped it toppling over with a lazy hand at its back.

“Enough,” the Dark Lord said softly, and Harry broke the spell at once. He didn’t look, but he could feel the Weasley’s eyes on him. The Dark Lord released the chair, and turned to look around the cellars as if they were the most interesting thing in the world, “Yes, what?” He said again.

Ollivander flinched, clearly panicked. He didn’t know the game the way that Harry did. Harry couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t keep this up. With the Dark Lord’s back turned, he sighed softly through his nose to steady himself, and pressed gently against the wand-maker’s mind to whisper carefully to him:

My Lord. Say, ‘My Lord,’,’

Ollivander flinched in alarm, his eyes fixing on Harry and widening, but he stumbled out the words before the Dark Lord could ask the question again, “Yes, my Lord,” he croaked out.

The Dark Lord hummed with pleasure, “Excellent,” Ollivander’s eyes seemed to be glued to Harry, and he only looked away when the Dark Lord circled back in front of him again, “Now… let us begin. I seek something. A wand. Perhaps you have heard of it? It is known as the Death Stick,”

Understanding flickered in Ollivander’s eyes, and Harry’s shoulders sagged with relief that the man might be able to answer the Dark Lord’s questions, “I… I have heard of it,” when he said no more, the Dark Lord sighed and began to raise his hand for Harry, “My Lord,” Ollivander stuttered out, “I have heard of it - the… the Elder wand. It is a thing of legend,”

“But it does exist,” the Dark Lord pressed.

Ollivander nodded frantically, “Oh yes. It is very real,”

“And where might I find it?” Ollivander hesitated, and the Dark Lord sighed yet again, “Harry,”

On and on it went, a never-ending cycle. The Dark Lord would ask, and Ollivander either stayed silent, or denied any knowledge as to the location of the wand. Again and again until Ollivander was near hanging from his chair, blood dribbling from his lips from biting his own tongue, and he was gasping out a name.

Gregorovitch,” he stuttered, his words thick around his swollen and bloodied mouth, “Long ago. Gregorovitch. He bragged,” he paused to groan and spit blood onto the floor, “Claimed to be in possession of the Elder wand. Claimed he alone w-was recreating its p-properties,”

The Dark Lord stepped forwards to rest a hand carefully on the back of Ollivander’s head, “Now, Garrick. Was that really so difficult?” Ollivander whimpered, “Come now Harry. That is enough for today,” a hand on his shoulder, white and skeletal, turned him from Ollivander and guided him towards the stairs.

He caught a glimpse of the Weasley’s and their wide horrified eyes.

“You have done well,” the Dark Lord whispered in his ear as they left the cellars behind them.

Harry allowed himself a moment of relief - that he hadn’t been forced to hurt then. But he was no fool. He knew that he would be coming back down these steps again before the end. But then what? What precisely would the Dark Lord expect from him?

Harry doesn’t know where he is. There’s a cobble stone street beneath his feet, and though the night is dry, he can see by the moon light that reflects in the puddles that it has only recently stopped raining. The path is bordered by stone walls, but as he steps forwards, they melt away to reveal town houses, and the narrow path widens and gains stairs and a rail and streetlights that remind him of Hogsmeade.

This isn’t Hogsmeade though. He knows that it’s not, in the same way that he knows that the castle in the distance isn’t Hogwarts, as much as it looks like it is.

He shouldn’t be here, and just as the thought occurs to him, he peers over his shoulder, half expecting someone to be in pursuit of him. But he isn’t running away from something.

He is running towards something.

Something that has his heart racing in his chest with anticipation. Something he has missed. Something he has longed for. Something that he feels innately drawn to. A part of himself that exists outside of his body, and all he wants is to be reunited with it. To hold it in his arms again. Only then can he be whole again.

And so, he walks. Onwards and onwards, down steps and down streets and through crowds - enormous crowds that almost suffocate him and look at him strangely, but he doesn’t stop to think why. He just keeps going, the thudding in his heart growing louder and louder as he gets closer and closer to his quarry.

Finally, he is through the crowds, and at a river. A path leads down to the riverbank, while a bridge offers a route to the other side. He must cross. His bones tell him so. He takes a step forwards, then freezes.

There is a wolf on the bridge.

For a moment, they just look at one another. Then the wolf’s lips flicker into a snarl. The wolf growls. And then the wolf attacks, scrambling across the bridge in Harry’s direction, and leaping at him. Harry gasps, flinching back and holding his arms up to defend himself.

He expects to feel teeth sinking into his arm, but he doesn’t. His hand, tingling and numb, is wrapped around something. A handle he thinks. He opens his eyes carefully to find the wolf pinned below him, a knife in Harry’s hand plunged into its chest.

The wolf is panting and wheezing, a terrified look in its eyes. It gasps, then opens its mouth, and speaks in Harry’s own voice:

“Don’t pull it out!”

And Harry, his heart racing in his chest, wakes up.

For nearly a week, Harry was left alone by all but Severus, and even though they never discussed the prisoners residing in the cellars beneath their feet, their presence was felt almost as keenly in the words they didn’t say. Severus never asked Harry what he had been made to do, and Harry didn’t volunteer the information. Equally, Harry didn’t ask about the pain of the Weasley family, with three brothers gone and a father dead, and Severus didn’t tell him about it.

It was easier that way.

It all came crashing down around his ears though, the day before Draco was due to return home.

Severus was stood silently at his door, and until he spoke, Harry, seated at the drawing table with a needy three-headed serpent in his lap, refused to acknowledge him. He would carve from the day what extra seconds of peace he could find, and he knew that Severus was there to drag him back down to hell.

Finally, Severus spoke.

“The Dark Lord is asking for you,” he said solemnly.

Harry ran a finger down Clotho’s nose, and said, “What for?” Though, of course, he knew the answer.

The Moirai had barely left his side all week. One sniff of him after returning from torturing Ollivander, and she had been all but glued to him. They only parted when he showered. He had tried to take a bath one night, and in an act that had inspired his only smile that week, they had clambered clumsily into the tub to be closer to him.

“You know what for,” Severus said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Harry let out his breath in a shudder, “He wants me to torture them,”

“I know,”

“I don’t think that I can,”

“I know,”

“What do I do, Sev?” Harry said desperately, turning from the Moirai to the wizard stood in his door, “What do I do?”

“Whatever you must to survive,” Severus said heavily.

Harry couldn’t help his derisive snort, standing and allowing the snake in his lap to slide carefully down to the floor, “Survival,” he said bitterly, “What’s the point? Survival is not living. I’m a corpse, Severus. I have been for the last eighteen months. My heart just hasn’t had the good sense to stop beating,”

Severus said nothing, and Harry ignored him, pulling his cloak around his shoulders and brushing past him to head for the staircase, only speaking to stop the Moirai from following him. He was numb as he made his way down the stairs; so locked in the depths of his own mind, that it was only when he was at the ground floor that he realised that Rodolphus had been dutifully following him the whole way down.

“You don’t need to be with me for this,” Harry said dismissively, “There’s no one in this house that would harm me, you know,” Rodolphus raised a slow eyebrow at him, and Harry managed the ghost of a smile, “No one but Bellatrix,” he allowed, “and a not insignificant portion of her ire is directed my way because of how you follow me around like a little lost puppy, you know” he pointed out.

Rodolphus ignored him, and said in his rumbling voice, “I have a duty,”

Harry nodded but couldn’t bare to argue further.

He left his bodyguard at the doors of the drawing room, and tried to pretend to himself that his hands were shaking by his sides because of the cold. It was a weak lie.

The sight ahead of him was nearly an identical reproduction of the last time he had been down there, with the Dark Lord stood and partially blocking the view of a figure strapped to a chair. Except this time, it wasn’t Ollivander.

This time it was Bill.

Harry found himself in front of him, not quite sure how he had gotten there and staring down into his bright blue eyes. Harry didn’t know what he could see in them. Bill didn’t look afraid in particular, but he didn’t quite look defiant either. He looked pained. But for who? For Harry, or for himself?

“This is a test, Harry,” the Dark Lord whispered in his ear, his hands resting on his shoulders.

Harry’s heart was hammering in his chest, panic building and building until he was panting with it. Cold hands soothed him, rubbing carefully up and down his arms and squeezing gently.

“A test that I know you can pass,”

Harry’s eyes darted to the side where Fred and Charlie were stood at their bars watching him. They looked as frightened as Harry felt. Ollivander was sat in the corner of his own cell, his back pressed flush against the stone wall. He didn’t stir, but he watched silently, his lips pressed together.

“It is easy to do what must be done, when it is done to those you care nothing for,”

The Dark Lord’s chest was pressed flush against his back, and his head was inclined down to speak directly into Harry’s ear, his lips almost brushing against Harry’s skin.

“But the Order… the Weasleys? I understand that they were like your family once, weren’t they?”

“Yes,” Harry gasped out, and the Dark Lord didn’t even chastise him for not addressing him properly. He just shushed him, a low soothing noise.

“But they are not your family anymore, Harry. We are your family. I am your family,” his words were a gentle vibrating murmur that had the hairs on the back of Harry’s neck standing on end, “They’re the enemy, Harry. I know that this is a difficult thing to accept… it is a difficult step to take, and so I am here to help you. Take your wand in your hand,”

Harry did as he was told, squeezing the handle of his wand as hard as he could, until his knuckles were popping, and his skin was bone white. He felt the Dark Lord’s hand sweeping down his arm, and then pressing up so that Harry’s elbow was resting in his open palm, and the tip of Harry’s wand was pointed directly at Bill. Bill’s eyes remained fixed on Harry’s.

“Remember Harry,” the Dark Lord whispered, but his voice carried in an endless echo around the cavernous room, “You must mean it,”

And so, Harry swallowed, took a deep breath, and he tried.

He tried to find the resolve that had carried him through so many other of these torture sessions. For the conviction that this was what he wanted - what he needed to happen. That it was required of him, and so he would perform as was expected. Just another curse. Another scream. Whatever it took so that he could walk out of this cellar again, rather than finding himself locked in a cell all of his own. He dug, and he dug deep, hunting and searching within himself for the determination he so sorely needed… but all he could see was Bill Weasley and his gentle, understanding blue eyes.

Maybe he was imagining it, but it looked like forgiveness - like acceptance. As if Bill knew that he had no choice and was silently offering Harry clemency ahead of time.

“I can’t,” Harry gasped in an explosion of air, his arm trembling; it was only the palm beneath his elbow that stopped it falling, “Please. P-please! I can’t. I can’t!”

The Dark Lord sighed in his ear, the sound sympathetic, but the sudden vice like grip around his forearm that kept his wand pointing in Bill’s direction was anything but.

“You will, Harry,” he hissed, his nails digging into Harry’s skin through his clothes, “You must. Or else I shall drag Narcissa down here right now, and give you a practical demonstration every single day until you do as you are told,”

“No,” the word came out of Harry’s lips before he had even thought it, “No. I can’t. I won’t!”

The Dark Lord stilled at his back, and for a long silent moment, he simply breathed into Harry’s ear.

“Well then,” he said softly, “I suppose I shall simply have to wait until tomorrow evening instead then. What time does Draco normally get home from school, hmm?” Harry froze, barely able to breath as he suddenly understood why he had been given a week’s reprieve, “He will take their place, Harry,” the Dark Lord whispered, “And I will use the cruciatus on him until all that remains of him would be better off as Nagini’s supper, rather than being made to suffer his new miserable existence… do you understand, Harry?”

Harry’s arm trembled where the Dark Lord held it aloft. Slowly, very slowly, he pulled his arm free, his wand trembling but trained determinedly on Bill’s chest.

He steeled himself. Both against the curse he was about to cast, and against the truth that was threatening to tear him in two.

That Draco had to leave. He had to leave, and he could never come back.



As a matter of interest, the next five chapters all take place over one week! And they are literally the chapters I have been building towards for the last 30 chapters haha so I am so excited to finally get to share them.
Side note you may notice that I’ve finally committed and changed the chapter count again haha I’m up to chapter 39 now, and I’m certain that the next arch will be at the very least four chapters if not more, and then after that we have the end game, and then obviously an epilogue (which will be published on the same day as the final chapter of the main story when we get there).
See you next week!!

Chapter 35: Draco: The Harry Potter Who Came Before


The Manor felt different.

He hadn’t even taken a step inside yet, stood frozen as he was at the end of the drive, but still, he could feel it deep in his bones. Something had changed. Something was wrong. There was a kind of manic jubilation at its edges. Something mad and wild that had him hesitating, grinding the gravel beneath his heels as he stared up at the house.


It will surprise no one to hear that I really don’t think that 50 chapters is enough haha this is basically three separate interlinking fics with their three perspectives, and so its all a bit longer than I expected but hey ho I shall keep on typing!
Updating early because it’s been damn near impossible to hold this chapter in 😂😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Staring at Granger in the middle of the prefect’s bathroom, Draco didn’t know what to say. He closed his gaping mouth with a snap and swallowed reflexively to give himself time to figure out how to fill the echoing silence between them.

Granger didn’t look like she knew what he should say either, her watery eyes flicking around the room.

“I…,” Draco stuttered unintentionally, “I don’t know what to say,” he said softly; what could he say? “Sorry doesn’t seem to quite cut it,”

Granger’s eyes flicked briefly to him. She sniffed wetly and nodded, stepping away from the door to perch on one of the benches around the room. Draco sat on the one opposite her. It took her a few attempts to be able to speak, opening her mouth and swallowing, then trying again.

“Ron and Ginny have gone home early. I… I…,” she smiled sadly, making no attempt to stop the escaping tears, “I don’t know what to say either,”

“What happened?” Draco asked in a whisper that echoed against the tiled walls.

Granger’s hands clenched anxiously, and she pulled her cardigan sleeves over her hands before she pressed them between her knees, “There was an attack in Diagon Alley this afternoon,” she said softly, her eyes fixed on the enormous empty bathtub, “A big one. They… they’re saying anywhere between fifty to a hundred and fifty of Voldemort’s followers - the number keeps changing though. No one seems to be quite sure. Either way it sounds like it was chaos. No one know’s exactly what happened yet. But… but either way, we do know,” she took a deep shuddering breath, “that Arthur, Ron’s dad, he’s dead,” she sniffed, “A-and Fred and Bill and Charlie have all been taken,” her knee trembled anxiously, “Apparently George a-and Lee Jordan were busy d-defending the shop, and the others rushed off to help further down the alley. So, they weren’t all together. George must be devastated… oh God they must all be so heart broken! Do you…,” she looked to him suddenly, “Do you think that they’ll have been taken to the manor? To Malfoy Manor I mean,”

“I…,” he hesitated to try and limit the feeling of guilt that was pressing down on him; it was his home they had almost certainly been imprisoned in after all, “I don’t know. Maybe? Probably,”

“Do you think you could get to them?” She asked anxiously, her words hushed as if she were worried the Dark Lord might somehow overhear them, “Speak to them? If…,” fresh tears spilled down her cheeks, but she ignored them, “If they’re still alive,” her voice broke on the word and she swallowed and tried again, “If they’re still alive when you go home,”

“I- I’m not… if they’re there, then they’ll be in the cellars. I’m not allowed down there. I’d be caught,” Draco muttered nervously, part of him desperate to help, but the rest of him knowing that there was nothing to be done - not by him at least, “If they are there, then Harry will know more about it then me. I’ll speak to him when I’m home, I promise, and I’ll find out everything that I can,”

She nodded. She looked suddenly small and withdrawn - nothing like the larger-than-life Granger that he was so used to.

“Have you heard anything from Harry?” She asked.

“No… not really,” he admitted, though the confession made his heart twist in his chest, “Not since Halloween. He’s sent me the odd letter but… but nothing… and they’re all so…,”

“So what?”

He met her eyes reluctantly, “They’re all so sad. So pained. I… something’s happened. I know it,”


He shrugged weakly, “I don’t know. He won’t tell me. But… but it must be bad, for him to not feel like he can talk to me about it. It must be bad,” he repeated in a whisper, the dread he had been suppressing for months now swallowing him up for a moment until he felt as if he couldn’t breathe.

They sat together in silence, their shared worries and fears reverberating endlessly against the ceramic tiled walls until they were nearly deaf with it. Until they were drowned by their own impotence. They’d both made promises and vows, both to each other and to Harry in his absence. But what could they really do? When they were trapped here at Hogwarts.

Nothing. That was what they could do, and he was sure she hated it as much as he did.

“Where are you going for Christmas?” He asked to fill the silence.

Hermione gave a great weary sigh, “To be with Ron,” she said simply, only to laugh wetly, her expression crumbling as she stuttered out, “Y-you know, when… when he told me what had happened, and when he left me here, I… all I could think about was how we were all on our own now. Harry and Ron and me. I could never have imagined how things would change two years ago,” she wiped her eyes, her lips quivering, “I just feel so sorry for us all. That we’re having to live through all of this. And Harry… poor Harry is on his own. At least Ron and I have each other,”

“He’s not alone,” Draco corrected her firmly, “He’s not alone,”

She tried for a smile, “I suppose he’s not, is he? Not during the holidays at least. I never thought that I’d be glad for you, Draco Malfoy, but I am. You… you take care of him, don’t you? When you’re together. You look after him?”

“Yes,” Draco said, his voice turning hoarse with emotion, “I try to, at least,”

She nodded, catching a tear on her lip with her tongue, “I meant to ask - that day you asked to meet with us, the day in the library, why were you crying?”

Draco shook his head, “I can’t tell you,”

She frowned, confused, “What?”

“I won’t tell you, rather,” Draco clarified, his voice a little strangled by emotion, “It’s not mine to tell. I won’t tell you. Please don’t ask me again,”

She stared at him in silence for a long, tense moment. Then she nodded, and said softly, “Okay. I won’t,”

Draco couldn’t help the relieved sigh that escaped him; something occurred to him suddenly, “Why did you want to meet, by the way? Originally, I mean, when you sent the message,”

“Oh,” she jolted a bit with surprise, “Oh, I’d totally forgotten. It was… we think that there’s a book that might help us figure out… out this whole business with soul containers, but there isn’t a copy at the school - not that we can find at least, and I don’t think that asking Madam Pince about it is a good idea. I was wondering if the manor had a library, and if it does, could you see if you have it. It’s very dark magic,”

“What’s the book called?”

Her smile was weak and humourless, “I don’t know,” she admitted, “In ‘Magick Moste Evile’ it has a whole chapter all about Herpo the Foul and about the dark magic he accomplished. It said that his works were studied in the Middle Ages by someone called Owle Bullock. We don’t even know if he wrote his findings down, it’s all a bit of a wild goose chase to be honest. But… but something has to be better than nothing. Will you check?” She asked anxiously.

“Yes. Of course I will,” he promised, though he imagined any such dark book in his family’s possession was stored well out of his reach. His father might have had an inclination towards the dark arts, but he also had a healthy amount of fear for them, and never let Draco near anything he thought might harm him.

“And,” she continued quickly, “will you tell Harry that we love him?” Her lips trembled, and he could practically see the sob she was holding back hovering in the corners of her mouth, “and that we miss him still,”

“I will,” he vowed softly.

“That we haven’t given up, and that neither should he,”

“I will,”

She nodded and mopped away the tears that dripped from the end of her chin.

When they left, they didn’t say goodbye.

The Manor felt different.

He hadn’t even taken a step inside yet, stood frozen as he was at the end of the drive, but still, he could feel it deep in his bones. Something had changed. Something was wrong. There was a kind of manic jubilation at its edges. Something mad and wild that had him hesitating, grinding the gravel beneath his heels as he stared up at the house.

He readjusted the bag he had brought home with him over his shoulder and considered the side path that led towards the east wing. His feet longed to head in that direction. Towards his true home. Towards safety, and towards Harry.

But memories of the conversation he had shared with Hermione drove him down the centre of the drive towards the house’s main entrance hall, and to the drawing room and the cellars beneath the floors. He wouldn’t set foot in the cellars - he wasn’t sure he was brave enough to make himself contravene the command of his father, and by association the Dark Lord, so blatantly. There was a reason he hadn’t been sorted into Gryffindor. But perhaps, by just hovering above them, it would be enough to know who, if anyone, dwelt in the cells beneath his feet.

It was a fantasy he knew, but still the idea propelled him onwards - even his father, with his overarching control of the manor’s wards, couldn’t use them to detect who was inside the house. It would be a power he would inherit one day. Still, he tried, reaching tentatively, experimentally outwards to the wards bound to the manor’s very foundations, as if there would be some echoing memory contained within them that might tell him who had crossed them recently.

He could feel them like strings under his skin, taut and strong and bordering the property well beyond the lake that he and Harry had spent the summer in. He brushed carefully against them, and they hummed pleasantly in response, the magic welcoming and malleable to the Malfoy blood in his veins in a way that they would never be to any outsider. Even the Dark Lord himself would struggle to make wards as old as these bend to his will.

Draco made no effort to alter them. Any attempt would be clumsy at best, he imagined, and would draw the attention of his father at worst, and then how would he explain the new interest he had in the invisible prison bars that surrounded their home?

The entrance hall was empty, though Draco could see around him the remnants of activity - a whisky bottle on its side in the corner of the room, the butt of a cigarette ground into the rug. They couldn’t have been there long, the Malfoy house-elves were too good for that. Was someone standing guard perhaps? Though he imagined not, or they’d be there now. He doubted any prisoners needed a guard.

He stepped closer to the doors of the drawing room and splayed his hand across a panel. He could feel the magic in them sealing them shut. His father’s magic, tied to the wards. If they resided within, there was no way that the Weasley’s were getting out without help - help from someone with Malfoy blood, or the Dark Lord himself perhaps, and Draco wasn’t about to sacrifice his position at Harry’s side for anyone.

Draco stepped back and away from the door and sent a silent apology to the Weasleys.

He glanced from the west wing to the east. The house was still and quiet and cold, and Draco’s breath came as great plumes of mist from his lips. He could almost imagine the house was empty, but he knew better. The silence meant nothing.

His eyes found the empty whisky bottle again. He could imagine it there one week prior, when the Death Eaters had returned triumphant from Diagon Alley. A party perhaps. Some jubilant celebration of the Dark Lord’s first strike against the wizarding world. Had Harry been there? In Diagon Alley the day that Arthur Weasley had died, and his sons had been taken? Had he been at the party afterwards?

Thoughts of Harry had him turning from the doors that might or might not have contained the three Weasley brothers, and towards the east wing, and the physical manifestation of his heart there on earth. By the time he was stood at the door of the Aethonan suite, his bag still slung over his shoulder, he had almost forgotten the Weasley brothers entirely as anticipation consumed him. He almost felt as he had the first time he had stood at this door nearly a year ago: unsure and nervous but trying his best to hide it.

He opened the door carefully, and sighed as he felt the warmth of the rooms beyond wash over him. A fire burnt fiercely in the hearth and burnt away the despairing chill of the rest of the manor, so that for the time being, Draco could pretend that their’s was a love story, and not the tragedy he could feel building around them.

He took a moment to appreciate the warmth, and then his eyes found the top of Harry’s head. He was curled up on the sofa, a book in his arms. Harry’s neck snapped around at the sound of Draco entering. He made a noise high in his throat - urgent and surprised - and Draco had only a split second to think, ‘He’s different,’ before Harry was across the room and in his arms.

His embrace was desperate, his arms holding Draco fiercely to him, his hands pulling at the winter robes and cape that Draco was wearing. He panted Draco’s name once, and then his hands were on Draco’s cheeks, pulling his face down and pressing their lips together in a kiss so passionate that Draco nearly forgot how to breathe.

He dropped his bag mindlessly to the ground as he reached back to Harry, his hands flexing about his waist and feeling him under his palms. He felt different - how could he feel so different in so little time? His waist was firmer and his shoulders broader. He felt solid and strong and powerful in ways he hadn’t before.

“I missed you,” Harry panted against him, kissing him again and again, “I missed you so much, you don’t understand,”

“I missed you too,” Draco said into his mouth, separating them only enough to speak before pressing against him again, “God - it’s like I’ve been half a person without you,” he reached up to thread his fingers through Harry’s hair and to rub the short strands between his fingers.

He was momentarily distracted by the feeling of something thick and warm winding its way around his leg. He looked down to find that the Moirai had curled around his calf, and three heads were staring up at him. She looked… sad. How could a snake look sad? Or did he simply know this particular snake too well?

“They missed you too,” Harry murmured to him, encouraging his face back around so that they could kiss again, “Not as much as I did though. God… you smell so good. I can’t believe I forgot how good you smell,” Harry’s other hand ran up his arm to his shoulder, briefly catching on the glass tear drop beneath Draco’s sleeve, but he paid it no mind in his need to touch Draco everywhere he could, “Come with me,” he said urgently, a hand on the back of Draco’s head keeping them together as Harry took a stumbling step backwards away from the door and towards his bedroom, “Come with me,”

Draco followed after him blindly, nosing constantly at Harry’s skin in his desperate need to feel the other beneath his lips. The snake around his leg released him reluctantly, and he didn’t look to see if she followed them. Harry finally turned, grabbing his hand to pull him along, and Draco nearly fell into him, arousal and need making him clumsy.

“Is this okay?” He muttered distractedly, mouthing at Harry’s neck and pawing at Harry’s sides, “Is this okay?” He should slow down - what if this was too much?

“Yes,” Harry gasped, pausing briefly to rest back against him before dragging him determinedly onwards, “Yes, please,” and that was all Draco needed.

They moved as one across the room - it would have been faster to let one another go. To walk side by side. But the idea of letting Harry go, for them to part even an inch, was simply intolerable.

Four months.

Four months they had been apart. And they only had three weeks together before they were parted once more. Draco wasn’t prepared to separate any earlier for even a second.

Entering Harry’s bedroom was like walking into a wall of Harry - his scent was everywhere, comforting and familiar. He felt the tenseness in his shoulders begin to unwind and the anxiety in his stomach begin to fade as, finally, he felt as if he were home. He should just stay here. Forever and ever wrapped in Harry’s arms and his scent where he could keep Harry safe. He wasn’t sure how he would manage to leave it all behind again when he headed back to Hogwarts in the new year.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind, and smothered what he couldn’t quite shake with thoughts of Harry.

Harry, who had just stopped him in his tracks with a palm in the centre of his chest. Draco couldn’t help himself though, tipping onto his toes as if some invisible tether connected them as Harry backed towards the bed. Harry’s golden eye flashed at him in the dark, and his green sparked faintly, as if there were stars in his eyes.

He had a moment to wonder faintly about when Harry had taken his glasses off, before Harry was pulling his shirt up over his head, and Draco was thoroughly distracted by the new expanse of skin that was made available to him to touch and kiss and admire. Harry was pale again without the summer sun to turn him golden brown, but Draco didn’t care. He wanted him however he came.

He reached out for Harry before he could think better of it, pinning Harry between his chest and the bed as he stroked his fingers along the crescent scars on his shoulder. Harry’s breath hitched as Draco ducked his head down to kiss them gently, and then he let out a shuddering gasp. Even Draco wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to communicate. That the scars didn’t matter? That Draco loved him with or without them? Or perhaps it was a silent promise to help Harry destroy the men who had created them.

He didn’t know precisely how Harry interpreted the action, but enough of Draco’s intended meaning bridged the space between them he thought, when Harry whispered urgently into his ear, “Take your clothes off. I want to see you - I want to feel you,”

With their clothes off and on the ground, Draco couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him, part amusem*nt part sheer joy when Harry had to almost jump backwards to get himself up and on the tall bed behind him. He expected Harry to scowl playfully and maybe roll his eyes, but he didn’t. He simply pushed himself backwards to the headboard, reaching out for Draco, something desperate in his expression.

When Harry finally touched him again, drawing Draco into his arms and then down on top of him and in between his thighs so that their groins were pressed flushed together, Draco felt an urgency in the action that he didn’t quite understand. An anxious yearning, as if this were the last time they would ever see one another.

Draco might not have understood it, but still he tried to sooth whatever terror it was that had Harry holding onto him for dear life. He swept his hands up and down his sides, murmuring gentle words against his lips and then pressing the cold tip of his nose against Harry’s throat. He could feel Harry calming beneath his touch, but he never truly relaxed. There was something at the heart of him, something that Draco couldn’t feel beneath his fingers but could sense in the air around them. Something that felt like mourning.

He was on the verge of pulling away to ask out loud what was wrong, when he felt Harry’s fingers searching down, down between their bodies. He choked on his breath at the feeling of Harry holding them in his hand and stroking them together. Harry made a small, frustrated noise against Draco’s cheek as he struggled work his hand up and down between them.

Draco carefully pulled his arm free.

“What are you -?” Harry’s words were cut off by his choked, surprised moan as Draco pressed their groins firmly together, and rocked forwards against him so that their co*cks slid against one another.

“You’re so gorgeous,” Draco panted in his ear, thrusting against him, “Every day apart from you has been like a tiny death. I don’t know how I lasted. But now… now…,” he let out a huffing breath and groaned at the building pleasure, “I feel as if I’ve been reborn. God… God I… I missed you. I wanted to be with you so badly - every single day,”

“It’s been torture here without you,” Harry confessed in a choked, near moaned sob, “It’s been awful - s-so f*cking awful. You don’t understand,”

“Shh,” Draco whispered, his hands cradling Harry’s face as his hips worked against him. “I’m here now. It’s okay. I’ll always be here,” he pulled back slightly; he found his eyes stuck on Harry’s, and he had never meant to say it like this - he’d meant to make it some calm, romantic declaration, but he couldn’t help himself, “I love you,” four months of forced separation had the words bursting out of him in an anguished declaration, “I love you so much,”

He expected maybe some shock, or hesitation or reluctance, but instead he was faced with Harry’s unabashed reciprocation, “I love you too,” Harry panted, his voice full of emotion, “So, so much. You’re all that I can think about. You’re all that I want. You’re everything - I love you; I love you,”

Draco felt a sudden flush of something - a burst of euphoric passion in his chest that he could barely breathe through and had him panting against Harry’s lips, “I love you, I love you,” he was gripped by a sudden impulse, “I want to make you feel good - can I make you feel good?”

He felt more than saw Harry nod, “Yes…please… please - I l-love you,”

Draco knew what to expect the second time that he took Harry into his mouth, but the thrill of excitement was still nearly overwhelming. He could hear Harry above him - moaning out not only his appreciation, but words of adoration as his fingers worked their way through Draco’s hair, not quite pulling but just holding onto him.

“Feels so good,” Harry murmured sounding almost drunk, “So, so good. God… God, I love you. I didn’t know I could love someone like this. You… you’re everything, oh God, I love you!”

The scent of Harry in his nose and the taste of him on his tongue, and the words in his ears had Draco reaching down for himself - it didn’t take him long. He had barely taken himself in hand and he was coming, a wave of pleasure catching his breath in his throat. Harry didn’t last much longer, his thigh straining beneath Draco’s free hand as he fought not to thrust up into Draco’s mouth.

For a moment, stretched out on his front with his head resting on Harry’s stomach, Draco felt caught up in the euphoria of it all, the arousal and emotion keeping him pinned up in the sky and flying high. And then he began the slow, gradual decent back down to earth. The experience was a gentle, peaceful glide though, rather than a terrifying sudden plummet.

He crawled his way back up Harry’s body, reaching out for him, feeling him beneath his hands and then pulling Harry into him. Harry was pliant and boneless, his eyes flickering lazily as he allowed Draco to move him to exactly where he wanted him, until their arms were wrapped around one another, their heads sharing a pillow, the tips of their noses nearly touching.

Draco couldn’t stop looking at him. At his face, his eyes, his hair. He was beautiful, and Draco couldn’t help but to tell him so.

“You’re beautiful,” the words came out with more reverence than he had intended but he didn’t take them back. He meant them and he had more words just sitting in his larynx waiting to spill out.

Harry blinked at him, still dazed. Draco didn’t bother to question the tears he could see building in his eyes, his own emotions threatening to strangle him at any moment too.

“I love you,” Harry said thickly, “I love you so, so much. More than anything,”

“I love you too,” Draco whispered back, catching the single tear that trailed out of Harry’s green eye with his thumb before it could drip down onto the pillow, “I love you too. More than anything,” he could get lost in Harry’s eyes, the golden and the green. The new and the old, he loved them both.

He paused as he stroked his fingers through Harry’s hair. There was something glittering in Harry’s green eye - something silver. Was it just the trick of the light reflecting in the tears swimming in Harry’s eye? He didn’t have time to question it though - Harry burrowed closer and tucked his face into Draco’s neck as if he was trying to hide himself away within Draco’s arms.

“What’s this?” The question was near slurred against his neck, and Draco looked down to find that Harry was playing with the glass tear drop that he always wore bound around his bicep.

“Don’t you recognise it?” He said lightly, “It’s one of yours,”

Harry took a moment to process his words, then he said slowly, “I… the token that I sent you. Do you always wear it like this?”


Harry went quiet again, his fingers turning the tear drop round and round.

“So much has changed since then,” he said softly, “It all feels like a lifetime ago,” Harry resisted when Draco tried to tip his chin up, but he finally gave in, his watery eyes meeting Draco’s.

“Tell me,” Draco whispered, “Tell me what’s changed,”

Harry shook his head, “Everything. Me,”

Draco’s smile trembled, “Ah. Have you? Then you’ll have to tell me how, so that I can learn how best to love this new Harry Potter. I wouldn’t want him to think that I loved him any less than the Harry Potter who came before,”

Harry’s expression crumpled, and then he was crying and stuttering out a story about a cottage in the rain, and Nymphadora Tonks being turned to bloody snow at the end of his wand.

Draco listened, his heart twisting as he tried to offer as much comfort as he could without saying a word. He held his tongue and tried to communicate by his proximity alone that he cared in all the ways that mattered, but that at the same time, he didn’t care at all. He didn’t care that Nymphadora Tonks, and her father were dead, and he didn’t care about the role Harry played in bringing about those deaths. He only cared because Harry was crying over it.

“It was an accident, Harry,” Draco murmured, pressing kisses against his brow, “You didn’t mean to. And even if you did - even if you killed her in cold blood, I wouldn’t care. I only care because you care. If this experience meant nothing to you, then it would mean nothing to me as well. I love you - all of you. Even the bits that you hate,”

Harry sniffed miserably, “That- that’s not all,”

Harry stuttered through the tale of the Dark Lord’s assault on Diagon Alley. About his duel with Ollivander and the three Weasley brothers who were dragged beneath the house and kept as prisoners there. There was something about the story that felt… lacking though.

“Then Rodolphus made me go upstairs,” Harry muttered, his eyes closed against his own story, “They’re still down there,”

Draco was quiet for a moment, expecting Harry to keep talking. When he didn’t, Draco asked quietly, “Is the Dark Lord going to kill them? I only… I only ask so that I can tell Weasley. I don’t particularly like him, but he deserves to know. He was pulled out of class last week because… because of his brothers and his father,”

Harry sniffed and nodded, “I… I’m not sure if the Dark Lord is going to kill his brothers,” his voice was choked, no doubt strangled by pain at the knowledge of the Weasley brother’s imminent deaths.

Draco kissed his forehead and drew him closer into the circle of his arms, “I’m sorry,” he whispered against him, “I’m sorry that all of this happened, and that I wasn’t with you for it. It won’t always be like this - my mother said that the Dark Lord wants me to take the mark after school. I’ll always be with you then. We won’t ever have to be apart,” and Draco didn’t know why, but the statement only made Harry cry harder. Not knowing what to do, he just held Harry tightly and stroked his hair and kissed his cheeks and murmured in his ears how much he loved him.

Finally, once Harry had cried himself out and was lying limp in Draco’s arms, Draco reluctantly checked his watch. It was nearly midnight - f*ck. He was meant to go and see his mother before bed, but it was far too late for that now. Oh well. Harry was far more important, and he had no doubt he’d see her at breakfast tomorrow.

“I need to go to my bedroom, Harry,” Draco said gently, carding his fingers through his short hair.

“You could stay,” Harry said quickly.

Draco gave a confused half shake of his head, “But… my mother will catch us,”

Harry’s lips twisted into a pained smile, “She already knows. I’m pretty sure that everyone knows, or thinks that they know at least, which is close enough. The Dark Lord certainly does,” he added bitterly.

“Has something happened?” Draco said sharply.

Harry shook his head, “No. Please stay. I… there’s no secret to keep, Draco. People think we’re together regardless of what we actually do. Why deprive ourselves? Please stay,”

Draco nodded reluctantly, still not convinced it was a good idea but unable to refuse Harry anything, “Okay… okay. Come on. We should brush our teeth and maybe let the Moirai in,” he added, attempting a smile, “She’ll be jealous if you keep me all to yourself,” he sat up and peered about them, “Where are your glasses?”

Next to him, Harry was silent.

“Harry - I said, where are your glasses?” Draco repeated himself distractedly, lifting up pillows incase they had disappeared beneath one.

Harry sat up next to him, but still he said nothing. Draco turned to him, and his gaze caught on the sparkling silver flecks in Harry’s green eye. A memory sparked. A memory from months ago, and Draco’s hunt for Harry’s glasses turned more desperate as he tried to remember if Harry had even been wearing them when he arrived.

“Where are your glasses, Harry?” He asked again, this time more frantically.

Harry stilled him with a hand on his wrist, “I have something else to tell you,” Harry whispered to him.

Draco listened, and for the first time he felt despair threatening to drown him.

He hated to admit it, but Harry’s other stories of the events that had transpired in his absence - of Tonks snowing down on him and him besting Ollivander in Diagon Alley - they had inspired a nugget of hope in him. The hope that the Dark Lord was beginning to trust Harry. That one day he might trust him enough to allow him to leave the Manor without the oversight of a caretaker, so that Draco might smuggle Harry beyond his grasp.

But how was he meant to snatch Harry away now, when all it would take was a whispered word from the Dark Lord and Harry would fight to kill to get back to him? How could they possibly over come this?

When he spoke, he spoke in a desperate attempt to comfort them both, “It’s okay,” he whispered, crowding into Harry’s space to cradle his cheeks in his hands, “It’s going to be okay. It… it’s just going to take us a bit longer to escape, okay? This isn’t the end,” Harry said nothing, he just looked at Draco and blinked silently, “Snape said it might take a few years to take them out, right? Well, we always knew that freeing you was a marathon, not a race. It’ll be okay. I’ll be with you the entire time - you won’t be alone. We’ll be together. It’s okay. This isn’t the end. We just… we just might need to focus more on destroying the Dark Lord than we originally wanted to. It… it’s going to be okay in the end, you’ll see. I promise. We’ll be together, and you’ll be free, I promise,”

Harry didn’t say anything, he just listened, and then allowed Draco to tip them back onto the bed. They fell asleep wrapped in one another’s arms.

Draco woke the next morning in slow motion, as if he were wading through water, from the depths of sleep up to the shallows and then finally towards dry land. When he did finally manage to prise his eyes open, it was to find a pair of staring eyes watching him intently mere centimetres from the end of his nose. At some point in the night, the Moirai had worked the closed bedroom door open, and had climbed up onto the bed to curl up in front of Harry so that while Draco was spooning Harry, Harry was effectively spooning her. Clotho had twisted round to rest her head on Harry’s shoulder so that she could watch Draco as he slept.

Draco pulled free the arm that was wound around Harry’s waist, and carefully stroked the end of her nose until his arm was aching so much that he had to stop. He settled it back around Harry’s waist and buried his face in the back of Harry’s neck, just breathing him in while he had the chance to.

When Harry did eventually stir, it was only to turn in Draco’s arms, knocking Clotho from his shoulder so that he could burry himself in Draco’s embrace.

Eventually, and very reluctantly, Draco spoke into his ear, “My mother will be here soon,” he muttered sleepily, “and regardless of what she does or doesn’t know, I don’t want her to catch us in bed together,”

He heard Harry sigh. And then Harry was rolling out of bed without a word, navigating his way around the Moirai and catching Draco’s fingers to pull him along behind him. Draco didn’t ask what was happening as Harry led him from the bedroom to the bathroom and turned on the shower, he just let Harry manhandle him beneath the spray, and sighed in contented appreciation as Harry set about washing his hair for him. He shuddered against the feeling of Harry’s nails scratching against his scalp, and he kissed the water droplets from his shoulder.

He felt a little like a leaf being carried along by the breeze, airy and boneless as Harry nudged him to sit down on the closed toilet lid to towel dry his hair for him while Draco pressed his face into his soft stomach.

“Come on,” Harry whispered eventually, when they were both beginning to shiver in the rapidly cooling bathroom, “Let’s get dressed,”

He felt a brief flash of nerves as they crossed the sitting room towards Harry’s bedroom. When was his mother arriving? How would she react to him blatantly disregarding every warning she had ever given him? But the nerves had burnt themselves out by the time he was sat on Harry’s bed, his back against the headboard, his legs crossed in front oh him, wearing only his boxers and the shirt from the day before. He watched as Harry hunted through his wardrobes for his own clothes.

“Hermione…,” Draco hadn’t meant to start talking, and Harry froze in front of him, “She wanted me to tell you that she misses you. And that she loves you,” Harry nodded, and began to move again, but he didn’t look up as he pulled on his boxers and socks, “She asked me to look for a book in the house - a book about Herpo the Foul. She thinks that it might tell us something about how the Dark Lord created his soul containers. She thinks that understanding them is key to defeating him,”

“Right,” Harry said softly, sounding suddenly bone tired.

“We think that they’re looking for one in the castle too - the Order that is. I overheard Dumbledore’s brother and McGonagall,”

At this, Harry looked up sharply, “Another one?”

“Yeah,” Draco said softly, “We’re starting to think that maybe he has multiple but… but we’re not sure how many,”

Harry’s expression faltered, and he stared down at his hands as he buttoned up his shirt, “Right. Of course he does,”

“Hey,” Draco called gently, “Come here… come here,”

Harry reluctantly abandoned the task of getting dressed to climb onto the bed and into Draco’s lap and into his space. Not that Draco was complaining as he pressed chaste kisses to his chest and flexed his hands beneath Harry’s shirt at his waist. He felt a pang of regret for the time they had wasted - time when they could have been doing this every second of the day. And now they only had three weeks before he had to leave again.

So, he made the most of it, touching Harry in every way that he could.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said quietly, stroking Harry’s brow and then working his fingers down Harry’s neck and around a familiar, golden chain; he paused to drop a kiss against the small pendant of peridot that rested next to Harry’s heart, “It’s going to be okay. It doesn’t matter how many he has. We’re trying to find a way to destroy him despite them, remember? So that the bit of his soul that lives in you doesn’t matter. So, they won’t matter either. It’s going to be okay, yeah?”

Harry said nothing, he just pressed his relaxed mouth against Draco’s forehead and stayed there. Part of Draco wanted to slip their boxers down their thighs so that they could touch again, but as Harry didn’t make any move to initiate any kind of sexual contact, Draco didn’t either.

Finally, and very reluctantly, Draco said, “Come on - we need to get dressed. Mother will be here any moment. I’m surprised that she’s not already,” he made to move, but Harry stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

Harry sat back in his lap so that they could see one another, and said quietly, “She’s not coming, Draco,”

“What?” Draco said with a confused shake of his head.

“She’s not coming. We… we haven’t been speaking to one another for a few weeks now,”

“Why?” Draco said blankly.

“She… she told me something,” Harry’s chin dipped so that Draco could barely meet his eyes.

“What are you talking about, Harry?”

“The… the trap that was set for me in the Department of Mysteries? It was her idea,”

“No,” Draco said immediately, “She wouldn’t do that,”

“She did. She told me so herself,”

“No. No. No, she wouldn’t! She was… she was heart-broken that you were brought here. She wouldn’t do that!” He sounded desperate even to his own ears.

“Yes,” Harry said, the word weary and drained, “She would, and she did,”

“Why? If… if its true, why would she tell you that? Was she feeling guilty or something?”

“I think so, probably. But also…,” Harry swallowed and seemed to lose the ability to speak.

“Also what?” Draco pressed urgently.

Harry’s breath stuttered, and then shuddered, “Draco… Draco, you have to go,”

“Go? What… go?!”

“You have to leave. You have to go. Away from me, from the manor, from the Death Eaters, from all of it,” Harry insisted.

Draco scoffed, confused and still not understanding what was happening, “What are you talking about?”

“He’s going to mark you, Draco,” Harry whispered, “He’s going… he’s going to bind you to him, so that he won’t even need the runes in my eye to control me. I’ll never try and escape if you’re under his thumb - I’ll never disobey him, because he’ll hurt you if I even think about it,”

“No,” Draco said fiercely, “What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere!”

Harry continued as if he hadn’t spoken, “He’s already threatened you to make me do what he wants me to do Draco - he threatened you to… to make me torture Bill,” Harry sniffed wetly, “And I know he’s going to threaten you to make me kill him too. Him and the others - Charlie and Fred and then no doubt everyone else I’ve ever loved,”

“I’m not going anywhere Harry!”

“And I will,” Harry said simply, ignoring him, “I will kill them. I’d kill them all to keep you safe. You… you have to leave,”

“I’m not leaving!”

“You have to. You can’t save me from here, Draco,” Harry begged.

“I can’t save you from out there either!” Draco barked, his hands at Harry’s hips holding him so tightly that he half expected Harry to say something, but he couldn’t make himself let go.

“There’s a fireplace,” Harry said, his tone gaining a kind of desperate soothing edge, “A fireplace in Cornwall - your mother said that you know about it. She said that it links to the one in the sitting room, but that the link is broken. It only works from the other side, and that the farmhouse is protected by wards that only a Malfoy by blood can lower. Please. Please Draco. You have to go - you have to run. I… look,” Harry twisted, reaching out his fingers towards the chest of drawers and silently summoning a roll of parchment to his hand.

He pressed the parchment to Draco’s chest, “Go to Dumbledore,” he begged, “Give him this,” he unrolled it enough to reveal the address to the manor written at the top in his familiar chicken scratch handwriting, and then repeated twice more, “I tested it Draco - I’m the secret keeper as much as the Dark Lord is. Use it to bargain with Dumbledore for safe passage out of the country, and then run. Tell Snape how to contact you and leave the country. Then when… when Snape knows how to remove the runes, he can call you back,” he nodded, his words coming as a frantic gasp, “and you can lower the wards at the farmhouse, and open the connection from the Cornwall side, and we can run away together,” he leant forwards until he was whispering against Draco’s lips, “We’ll be free. But you need to leave now,” he reached out with both hands for Draco’s face, but Draco caught his wrists in a vice like grip.

Draco shook his head, “You’re lying,” he accused him, “You don’t think this roll of parchment will achieve anything. You don’t think that Dumbledore will use it to save you. You don’t think that Snape will be able to take the runes out. You don’t think that I’ll ever be able to save you. I know you, Harry. You’re just trying to get me to leave. You’ve given up - but I haven’t Harry! And I won’t ever!”

“Please… please Draco. You need to leave,”


“He will use us to hurt one another, Draco!” Harry barked, straining against Draco’s hold on his wrists, “He already is! Please… please leave. You have to. Take the parchment - with it, the Order and anyone who reads it can access the Manor,”

“And what about the wards?” Draco said sharply.

“They can call you back, Draco,” Harry gasped urgently, “They can hide you, and then contact you when they have a plan, but you have to leave,”

“And then what about the runes in your eye?!”

“Please, Draco. Run. Please - please! I am begging-!”


“Your mother wants you to leave too Draco! You have to!” Harry let out a bitter hysterical laugh, “She’s the one who was begging me to make you leave! Please… please, I don’t want you to go, but you have to. If you stay, you’ll die, or I’ll be made into even more of a monster than I’ve already become. Please… please Draco, please, ple-,”

No,” Draco cut him off harshly, “No. I won’t. I refuse. And nothing you can say will change my mind. I’m not going, and if he asks me to take the mark, I will,”

Harry swallowed, and the fingers that had been straining to reach Draco suddenly relaxed.

He spoke so softly that Draco almost couldn’t hear him, “Then I’ll make you,”

Draco blinked, and gave a confused shake of his head, “What?”

“I will make you,” Harry said firmly.

For the first time, Draco felt anger begin to prickle up his back, “And how are you going to do that?” He asked darkly, his fingers tightening around Harry’s wrists.

Harry took a deep shuddering breath, “I’ll tell him. I’ll tell him everything, Draco,” his threat was said in little more than a bitter whisper, “I’ll tell him about what we’ve been planning. About escaping, and your promise to help me. I’ll tell him about your mother as well, and the fireplace she told me about,”

“You wouldn’t,” Draco snapped, alarmed, his heart racing.

“I would,” Harry promised seriously, “I’ll tell him about your theories about the soul containers, and that the Order are looking for them as well. I’ll tell him everything I know so that he hides them and… and destroying them becomes impossible. I’ll tell him everything. Every treasonous word you and I have ever exchanged, and your mother’s attempts at betrayal as well,”

“You wouldn’t,” Draco said, more desperately this time.

Harry swallowed, “Draco… you’re hurting me-,”

“You wouldn’t,”


SAY THAT YOU WON’T!” Draco roared in his face.

A single tear trailed down Harry’s cheek, “I will Draco. I’ll tell him. And so, you’ll have to run away, because otherwise he’ll kill you. And… and he’ll probably kill your mother as well,” Harry hissed in pain at Draco’s grip around his wrists and he tried to pull himself free, but Draco wouldn’t, couldn’t let him go; Harry’s voice trembled as he continued, “But he won’t kill me Draco. He’ll do something much worse.

“He’ll… he’ll hurt me and keep on hurting me until he thinks that I’ve learnt my lesson, so-,” Harry stuttered out an anguished sob, “Please. Please leave. Forget about me. I… I’m already dead and gone, Draco. I have been for eighteen months. I’m just a ghost with unfinished business. Please. Please run. I- I’d destroy the world for you, Draco, and everything and everyone in it. That includes me. If you don’t leave, I’ll lock all the doors and burn this f*cking house down,” Harry took a stuttering breath, “So that all that’s left of me is ash,”

And Draco realised abruptly that Harry meant every single word he said.

He shoved Harry away from him and practically leapt from the bed. He stood frozen and panting for a moment, staring through wide eyes to where Harry was on the bed, on his knees, cradling his hands to his chest and crying silently.

And then Draco was gone, storming out of the bedroom and past the silent snake on the floor, lingering only to pull his trousers on before he was out of the Aethonan suite and down the stairs. He caught a glimpse of Rodolphus down a hallway, but he just kept on moving, his feet taking him further and further from Harry.

It was only when he arrived at the family sitting room that he realised what he was doing, and who he was looking for. He didn’t bother knocking, simply throwing the door open, his eyes hunting for his mother but not finding her there.

He could feel a furious growl building in his throat, but he swallowed it down. He turned on his heel and marched towards her bedroom instead. He didn’t find her there either, but he did find his father.

Lucius raised a disapproving eyebrow at the sight of him, “Draco - what happened to knocki- what’s wrong?” He cut off his own disapproving reprimand at the sight of his son.

“Where’s Mother?” Draco said sharply.

The frown on his father’s face deepened, “She’s having breakfast. She should be in the dining room. Draco - what’s wrong?!

But Draco was already gone, practically racing through the house and down the stairs again towards the dining room.

He threw the dining room doors open, and as his father had said he would, he found his mother sat at the table eating her breakfast. She looked up in alarm at the sound of the door banging open.

“Draco, darling,” she stood as he strode across the room towards her, “Whatever’s the matter…?” Her words trailed off as she took in the expression on his face.

He was panting furiously, his hands trembling by his sides as he came to a stop in front of her.

He wanted to shout at her. To scream at her. To shake her. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t asked Harry to make him leave, then this morning, which had started so sweet and soft, wouldn’t have spiralled into something so bitter and sharp. If it wasn’t for her, his happiness wouldn’t have been collapsing in real time about his ears.

“Draco,” she said softly, reaching for him, “Draco…,”

Don’t!” He said sharply, “Just… just don’t,” the word came out as a sob, “Why… why couldn’t you just let me be happy?”

Her lips trembled, “Oh… oh little dragon-,”

STOP!” She turned suddenly pale at his shout, “I’m not your little dragon!”

He took a stumbling step away from her, distantly aware that he was crying in earnest now, but he tried to block it out. He found his eyes trailing along the family tree etched into the walls in an effort to stop himself from looking at her and lashing out.

He didn’t want to leave.

He wanted to stay right there and damn the consequences. A part of him wanted to march up to the Dark Lord right that second and plead and beg for the dark mark before Harry could enact his plan of total self-destruction. But another part, the part that was quietly terrified that maybe Harry was right, and that the only way to save him lay beyond the manor, kept his feet stuck firmly to the ground.

But Harry didn’t believe he could be saved, Draco thought miserably. This was all one big ruse, and he knew it. Harry didn’t expect anyone to contact Draco to pull him back to the fight when the time was right. He wanted Draco to run away and forget all about him.

Draco couldn’t do that though. He could never forget Harry. Harry was everything. He could live to be a hundred and never see Harry again, but he would never forget him. Would never stop loving him with all that he was. There would be no others. No second loves. There would only be the Harry shaped hole in his life, open and gaping and oozing and poisoning every second of his life that they spent apart.

But how to convince Harry of that? How to make him believe that this wasn’t the end of them, no matter what happened? That even in the event of his death, Draco would simply wait on the other side for the day that they were reunited.

And then his eyes landed on two names etched into the wall, circled by red and bound eternally to one another by their blood, their magic, and their souls.

Emilia Potter and Secundus Malfoy.

The answer was as simple as it was complicated, and Draco had never wanted anything more in his entire life.

He ignored his mother when she called his name, his entire focus on putting one foot in front of the other and getting back to the Aethonan suite, and back to Harry.

They would be together. Even when they were apart, they would be together, and that was all that mattered.


Side note I finished writing chapter 40 this week and I was literally giving myself anxiety writing it 😂😂

Chapter 36: Draco: Shared not Sold


With the suite’s copy of ‘The Blood that Binds Us, Volume II: Familial Lines and Matrimony’ in his arms, he came to stand between Harry and the coffee table, the book cradled to his chest like a baby; like all of his hopes and dreams were hidden inside of its pages. In a way, they were. If Harry agreed that was. He hoped that Harry would agree.


Yes this is an early update; but it’s very slightly less early than last week 😬 eventually we’ll get back to Friday haha
If anyone’s interested, I started drip feeding the idea of blood bonds way back when in chapter 8!
Also I told my husband semi seriously that if I die he needs to post everything I’ve got lined up on ao3 (not a priority if I die I know 😂😂 but I wasn’t joking) and he said “fine but I’m taking credit mwahaha”
As if I’m posting this with my name and national insurance number or something 😂😂😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Draco couldn’t quite remember getting to the Aethonan suite.

He couldn’t remember climbing the stairs. He couldn’t remember opening the door or stepping inside. All he knew, was that one moment he was throwing the doors of the dining room open, and the next he was stood in the middle of the Aethonan suite’s sitting room, panting, and staring down at Harry.

Harry, who was sat in the centre of the sofa, no more dressed than he had been when Draco had left him, he didn’t know how long ago. The Moirai were curled defensively about his shoulders and glaring at Draco.

He was crying, Draco realised with a thrill of adrenaline. He was staring up at Draco, his expression blank, with enormous great tear drops trailing down his cheeks, his green eye blood shot, the golden one glazed and shiny.

There were words that Draco wanted to say, but he couldn’t force them out. They sat trapped in his throat. Unable to move his lips, he moved his feet instead.

He crossed the room in three long strides until he was stood directly in front of the tall bookcases that covered the back wall. He found what he was looking for without difficulty - it was exactly where he had left it months and months ago.

With the suite’s copy of ‘The Blood that Binds Us, Volume II: Familial Lines and Matrimony’ in his arms, he came to stand between Harry and the coffee table, the book cradled to his chest like a baby; like all of his hopes and dreams were hidden inside of its pages. In a way, they were. If Harry agreed that was. He hoped that Harry would agree.

He didn’t bother with the sofa. With his eyes fixed on Harry’s, he lowered himself gingerly down onto the coffee table so that there were mere millimetres between their bent knees.

It was only then that he noticed Harry’s wrists. Held protectively to his chest, the pale canvas of his skin was ruined by red rings that were already beginning to bruise. Marks in the shape of Draco’s fingers. Draco swallowed back a flash of guilt, and the sudden sick feeling that followed. He set the enormous tomb to one side and reached mindlessly forwards for him.

Atropos gave a low warning hiss, her lips parting slowly to reveal her threatening fangs. Draco froze, his eyes flicking from her to Harry. Harry watched him back impassively. As if he didn’t feel a thing. But Draco didn’t believe it for a moment - he could see every ounce of Harry’s feelings spilling down his cheeks.

After a moment, Harry gradually stretched his arms out, and allowed Draco to cradle his wrists in his hands.

“I’m sorry,” Draco whispered, carefully stroking the marks that his own fingers had made and not bothering to suppress his tears at the sight of them - at the feel of Harry’s too hot skin, “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you - never. Not even accidentally. I’m sorry,”

Harry said nothing, he simply blinked silently and ignored the tears that broke free.

“I…,” Draco swallowed convulsively, “I don’t want… I don’t want to abandon you,” he said desperately, “I can’t. I won’t. But I… I…,” his gaze found the crackling fireplace at Harry’s back, “I…,” his voice quivered.

“You have to, Draco,” Harry said softly, his voice hoarse from crying, “You can’t stay. You know that you can’t. He’ll only use us to hurt one another. You have to go,”

Draco’s head was shaking left and right without his conscious input; he bowed his head down and pressed his face into Harry’s hands to try and stop it. Harry was patient with him, saying nothing and simply stroking his thumb against Draco’s cheek.

“I won’t abandon you,” Draco sat abruptly, “I won’t! I… I might have to leave but I swear to you - I swear to you that I’m not running away,” he said fervently, “Tell me you believe me,”

“I believe you,” Harry said softly. It wasn’t doubt that Draco could hear in his voice, but resignation. As if he had already internalised a reality where he and Draco would never see one another again.

“I won’t,” Draco repeated harshly, “I won’t! I- I’ll take your parchment - with the Manor’s location written on it - and I’ll take it to Dumbledore, and I’ll beg him to let me help. To let me join the Order. So… so that I can… so that I can st-still try t-to save you,”

“Okay,” Harry said gently, but still all that Draco could hear was his weary acceptance.

He expected Draco to run, Draco realised, a lump in his throat threatening to choke him. He expected Draco to run, and he had completely accepted that eventuality. Embraced it even.

“I swear it Harry,” Draco said desperately, pressing a kiss to the back of Harry’s hands, “I swear it. I won’t abandon you. I love you. I… I…,” he gulped, and released Harry’s hands to reach for the book he had retrieved from the shelves.

Harry watched him quietly as he lay the book across their knees and flicked urgently through it, trying to find the page he had in mind. The chapter that might change their lives forever if Harry wanted it too.

“Draco… what are you doing?” Harry asked sadly.

“I won’t abandon you,” Draco repeated, hearing the near madness in his own voice, “I won’t. But a simple promise just doesn’t feel like enough. I’d make the Unbreakable Vow, but there’s no one we can trust to be our Bonder, and it…,” he wiped away the tears that were dripping from his chin, “it still doesn’t feel like enough. I need you to know that I’m still in this with you, even if I’m not next to you,” he sucked in a breath as he found the page he had been hunting for, and he spun the book on their knees so that it faced Harry, “This,” he tapped the page, and swallowed nervously, “If you… if you agree to it - I want… I would make a Blood Bond with you,” he finished in a reverent whisper.

Harry’s eyes flicked warily between Draco’s face and the page in front of him.

“I would seal my vow to you, in that,” Draco continued urgently, “It would be a promise that you’re not alone. That I’ll never give up trying to save you. Trying to free you. That I will love you beyond my dying day. If we did this, there would be no ‘till death do us part’. We would be one forever. If you agree, this will tie us together by our blood, by our magic - by our very souls,”

Harry sat silently opposite him. Every second that passed acted as a crank in Draco’s gut, doubling and quadrupling his anxiety until it was difficult to breathe.

When Harry finally spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper, “I… you don’t want to do this, Draco,”

“I do,” Draco said quickly, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life. If I have to leave you now, then I want to leave a part of myself with you. And I… you don’t have to say yes,” Draco said firmly, “I’ll keep my vow to you regardless - I don’t need magic to compel me to. But I’m desperate for you to say yes,”

“This is like a marriage Draco,” Harry said quietly, his eyes trailing from left to right as they absorbed the words in front of him.

“It is a marriage - it’s that and so much more. I’m sorry that I don’t have a ring to give you, and- and that its just us in this room and there’s no party or celebration - but I swear that we can have that one day. If you want it. A big white wedding with three hundred guests and a seven-tier cake and a ball in the moonlight afterwards. The whole shebang. I promise. Whatever you want, just… please say yes,”

Draco’s stomach clenched as Harry shook his head staring down at the page, “I… Draco - this is you selling your soul to me,” he said desperately, “I can’t let you do that,”

“I’m not selling it - I’m giving it to you, willingly. I want you to have it,”

“I… I shouldn’t say yes,” Harry whispered to the book on his knees, “This is too much Draco - too much to sacrifice for me,”

“It wouldn’t be a sacrifice,” Draco caught his hand, “It wouldn’t be a sacrifice,”

“We’re too young for this,”

Draco felt a thrill of anticipation at the doubt in his voice - the want he could hear lurking, “We’re in the middle of a war Harry,” he pressed Harry’s knuckles to his lips, “We could die at any moment - we might not even live long enough to be considered old enough for this, but I don’t care. I don’t want to risk never getting to have you as my husband because we waited until we were ‘old enough’,” he said desperately.

Harry went quiet, then said hesitantly, “I’d be your husband?”

Draco’s lips twitched into a smile, “Yes… yes, Harry, yes. For the rest of time, you’d be mine, and I’d be yours, and no matter what happens, no one could ever take that away from us. I… you don’t have to agree. You can say no, and it won’t change anything for me - I’ll still live and breathe for you. But I hope that you’ll say yes,”

Draco held his breath as he waited for Harry to speak.

“I… if I said yes…,” Harry said carefully, “Then I would want to do it both ways. To take the bond in both directions - not for you to simply swear fealty to me or something,” he shook his head, “Like that, it just sounds like a different version of the Dark Mark. I want us to be equals - like- like the witch and wizard you showed me on the walls in the dining room - whatever their names were. So that we share in this bond, rather than you selling your soul to me. Or binding it to me,” Harry added when Draco looked like he was about to correct him, “Whatever you want to call it, it’s very one sided. I don’t want that. We’re meant to be a team, aren’t we? You said that you would choose me - well I want to choose you, too,”

Draco couldn’t help his shudder of anticipation, “Are you saying yes?”

Harry’s eyes lifted from the page and flicked between Draco’s uncertainly.

“I can get down on one knee if you like,” Draco offered in a gentle joke, moving to stand, but Harry’s hand snatched out to catch his wrist before he could.

“You don’t need to kneel,” Harry whispered.

And so, Draco didn’t; instead, he kissed the back of Harry’s hand and said, “Say yes. Please - please, say yes,”

“Yes,” Harry said, the word snatched from the air between them, “My answer is yes,” Draco’s breath caught in his throat, and for a split second the room was silent, then Harry stuttered out urgently, “But you have to leave straight afterwards Draco. You have to run immediately after,”

A sick feeling swirled in Draco’s stomach, blending with the elation, “Yeah,” he said hoarsely, “I’ll go immediately after - we’ll do it at the end of the holidays,”

No,” Harry said immediately, “We…,” he choked on a sob, “If… if this is what you want, then we do it tonight, and then you leave before sunrise. Before the house is awake. Before there’s time for anything to happen - for anything to stop you running,”

Draco swallowed back his tears, “This is what I want,” he said to break the tense silence between them, “It’s not all that I want… but… but it’ll have to do for now,”

“What more do you want?”

“You. By my side, always,” he said as if it were obvious - he thought that it was, at least, “What do you want?”

“You,” Harry said simply, “and for you to be safe, even if it means that you have to leave me behind,”

Draco blinked back the fresh tears he could feel building, and bit his lip, “I know,”

Harry’s gaze dropped back to the book resting over his knees, and he traced his finger along the page; he let out a wet laugh of disbelief, “It says that the Bond is sealed with a kiss - it sounds almost like a fairy-tail,”

Draco stretched forwards to stroke the back of Harry’s hand, and then reached down for the book, closing it and pushing it to one side so that he could lean forwards and press their mouths together; Harry sighed against him, his eyes fluttering closed. He was soon laughing though, when Draco flinched back at the feeling of something unexpected tickling at his cheek. He opened his eyes to find the Moirai climbing their way over Harry’s back to nose at Draco’s face.

“You made me jump,” Draco muttered to her, reluctantly releasing Harry to pet each head in turn, but she didn’t stop moving, and continued to press into his space, wrapping her coils around his shoulders and then settling with her heads resting against his face so she could hiss in his ears, “What’s she saying?”

Harry’s smile turned painfully sad, “That she’s going to miss you. That she loves you. That she wishes I’d… I’d let you stay. She doesn’t understand,” Harry clarified, sniffing wetly, “She doesn’t… doesn’t quite understand what’s happening or why. She doesn’t understand why I’m staying when you’re going. Sometimes I forget that she’s just a baby, really,” Atropos gave a scathing hiss, “Atropos is protesting the idea that she’s just a baby,” Harry translated dryly with a trembling smile, “but she is,” he gave a small shake of his head, “She doesn’t understand. She keeps saying that we’re going to go off and grow eggs together or something, no matter how many times I tell her that that won’t happen,”

“It might,” Draco interrupted, and Harry burst into reluctant laughter, “No - no, not like that,” Draco tried to clarify over Harry’s tearful chuckles, “I mean… we could have a family together. One day,”

Harry sobered, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. He smiled but said nothing.

Draco passed the day feeling as if he were on deaths row. As if the world were ending around him, and it was near impossible to convince himself that it wasn’t. That this wasn’t forever. That this was just for now. He could practically hear his mother’s voice in his ear - short term pain for long term gain. It was a favourite phrase of hers anytime he complained about his homework or quidditch practice.

He should say goodbye to her, he realised with a jolt while he and Harry picked listlessly at sandwiches over lunch, their arms wrapped around one another. Neither of them were particularly hungry, what with the despair gnawing at their insides.

He mentioned it to Harry, but Harry only shook his head, “I… I wouldn’t,”

“Why not?

Harry’s lips twisted, “If the Dark Lord asks her if she knew you were going to run, she can deny it, and it will be the truth,”

Draco froze, “But you won’t be able to that,” he said, his blood running cold.

Harry buried his face in Draco’s shoulder, “I know, Draco,” he said softly.

“What will he do to you?” Draco asked urgently, trying to sit forwards, but Harry wouldn’t move, “If I run, what will he do to you, Harry?”

“He won’t kill me,” Harry said listlessly, “I can deal with the rest,”

And Draco nearly changed his mind there and then, terror gripping at his throat. He thought that Harry might have known it as well, by the way that they held their breaths as one. Draco let it go in a shudder, and Harry’s hold tightened around him.

“It’ll be okay, Draco,” he whispered, “You have to leave. You have to. The alternative condemns us both to a life of hell. You have to leave,”

Draco nodded, staring up at the ceiling, but he said nothing.

After dinner, many hours after the sun had set, Draco reluctantly climbed to his feet to find the few items that they would need to complete the binding ceremony.

“I can’t believe that it’s so easy,” Harry muttered, the book held open in his lap to the relevant chapter.

“It’s simple, yes, but I don’t think that it’s necessarily going to be easy,” Draco said softly, pausing to rub the pad of his thumb against Harry’s bottom lip, “I won’t be long,”

“I’ll get the room ready. Are we doing it in here or the bedroom? Or maybe the bathroom would be better - what with the blood,” Harry muttered.

“The bedroom, Draco said firmly, “I don’t care about the furniture, Harry, do you?” Harry shook his head, “And maybe if we stain the carpet, you’ll see it and think of me,”

Harry didn’t smile and he didn’t laugh.

Draco left the suite quietly and tiptoed down the stairs. He didn’t get far though.

“You’re going to get yourself killed,” Draco flinched at the heavy grumble, and looked around sharply to find Rodolphus watching him in the dark hallway outside of his room, his arms crossed over his chest, “or tortured,” he added flatly, “Probably both,”

“Do you care?” Said Draco.

“You’re my nephew. I care,”

“Because I might bring shame to the family?” Draco scoffed.

Rodolphus snorted, “Your father has already done enough of that, but he’s at least man enough to understand what needs to be done to undo the damage he’s caused,”

“And you think that I’m not?” Draco’s neck prickled, hot and angry at the idea that he was in some way unprepared to do what was necessary. Though he knew that Rodolphus wasn’t talking about the fact that he was on the verge of fleeing like a dog in the night, he still felt as if he was. It was difficult not to bite back that he was desperate to stay. That he was willing to give up anything and everything, if that was what it took to save Harry.

“I think that you are being made a fool by love,” Rodolphus considered him for a moment, “Many a man is,” he said with a sneer.

Something suddenly occurred to Draco, “You’re not worried about me shaming the family, or about me getting hurt - are you? No… no, you’re just worried that I’ll bring shame to Harry,” Draco paused, but Rodolphus stayed silent, “I’m not the only man made a fool by love, Uncle - I think that you’re talking from experience,” though Draco was loath to call the strange obsession Rodolphus had with Harry love. Perhaps it was simply the closest feeling that his uncle was capable of?

Distracted as he was, he was slow to react when his uncle lunged forwards to grip his face tightly and snarl in his face, “You know nothing of me nephew! You would do well to remember that, or the Dark Lord will be the least of your concerns,”

Draco just laughed, and his uncle threw his face away from him. Rodolphus had sealed himself in his room before Draco had managed to straighten back up again. Draco wasn’t shaken by the encounter in the way he had been at the end of the summer holidays, though it did leave him uneasy. The feeling was quickly eclipsed by nerves when he thought of what he and Harry were planning to do in less than an hour’s time.

There wasn’t much for Draco to find. He needed a cup, a blade, and something to mark out the required runes on their skin. He lingered over the quills on his bedroom desk but decided against them. Just the thought of using a quill’s sharp tip on Harry’s skin made him feel sick.

In the end, he crept down to the kitchens, shushing the house-elves who stirred at his arrival and sending them back to bed. There he found the cup he needed, choosing a fine silver goblet, and a small sewing kit in a kitchen drawer. He eyed the silver needles in the leather pouch - the length of them would be ideal for creating the fine, straight lines required if they were pressed flat against the skin.

He returned to Harry’s bedroom to find that he had positioned two cushions on the floor opposite one another and surrounded them with a selection of lit candles. Draco recognised some of them from the bedside tables and from the mantle piece in the sitting room, but he couldn’t have said where Harry had found the rest.

“There were spares in the dressing table,” Harry muttered, twisting his hands together anxiously.

Draco hesitated, “We don’t have to do this, Harry,” he whispered into the dim room, “I’ll swear myself to you without this,”

“I want to,” Harry said firmly, “I want this - but I’m allowed to be nervous about it at the same time,” Draco didn’t bother resisting the urge to step into his space to press their lips together, “Did you get everything we need?” Harry said when they parted, his eyes still closed.

“Yes,” Draco nodded, revealing the goblet; he expected Harry to say something about the sewing kit, but he didn’t.

“And the blade?”

Draco bit his lip and produced the straight razor his father had gifted him years ago from his pocket, “It… it felt fitting,” he whispered, considering it in his hand.

Harry’s lips quivered a little before he nodded, and he kissed Draco again.

“Come on - we need to wash first,” Draco said, sighing against his mouth, “How about a bath?”

Harry nodded again, but he didn’t say anything, simply following Draco through to the bathroom and pausing only to pet the Moirai’s heads where they were curled up on the sofa.

In the bath, submerged in the hot water, they sat facing one another with their legs tangled together.

“I’ve never had a bath with someone else before,” said Harry, “This is… not comfortable,” he admitted with a shrewd smile.

Draco rolled his eyes, and leant back in the tub, shivering as his skin touched the cold porcelain, “Come here, then,”

Harry didn’t hide his dubious expression as he rearranged himself so that he was resting with his back against Draco’s chest, but the bath was too short to accommodate his legs, and so he ended up with his legs partly draped over its edge. It was awkward, and it was bumbling, and at one point Harry slipped and yelped causing water to spill over onto the tiles below. It wasn’t graceful, and it wasn’t smooth, but it was familiar and warm and comforting, and it made Draco’s heart swell in his chest.

“Finally,” Harry said with a sigh, “Okay. Yeah. This is nice,”

Draco chuckled behind him, and gave into temptation, sweeping his hand down Harry’s bare chest and feeling him beneath his palm. Harry’s pleased sighs turned into groans of pleasure when Draco returned that morning’s favour, and scrubbed at Harry’s scalp with his fingertips until his eyes were closed and he was practically boneless. Draco wasn’t fully convinced by the act though; he could still feel the tenseness in Harry in his every breath.

Finally, reluctantly, with the water cooling around them, they climbed out. And again, the act was clumsy and awkward, and the porcelain squeaked under Harry’s death grip on the edge of the tub as he used it to steady himself, but Draco found that it was everything he had ever wanted, and it became harder and harder with every moment to live with the knowledge that he was leaving it all behind.

Clean, and with white towels secured about their hips, they began to prepare.

Harry looked faintly nervous, stood holding the goblet over the sink.

“It’s going to be okay,” Draco said soothingly, his arm held above the sink and goblet, and his straight razor resting against his forearm.

“Okay,” said Harry, his voice small.

Draco held in his hiss of pain as he pressed the blade’s sharp edge against his skin - it stung and burnt, but he ignored it. Blood unfurled immediately from the wound and begin to dribble down his arm. Lifting his wrist, he redirected the flow of blood to the tip of his elbow, and into the goblet below.

“Okay,” Draco said with a sigh when they had gathered an inch of blood, reaching for his wand and healing the wound he had created with a spell, “Now you,”

This was more precarious. With the charms placed upon the suite, Harry was unable to draw blood himself, and so the foot of the goblet was balanced over the plug hole while Harry held his arm above it, and Draco stood prepared with the blade in hand. He hesitated though with the blade pressed to Harry’s skin.

“Do it, Draco,” Harry said softly, “I trust you,”

Draco swallowed, and nodded, and Harry didn’t make a sound as the blade cut through his skin. They watched in silence as they added half an inch more of blood to the goblet.

With Harry’s arm healed, and both of their arms washed and dried, Draco said, “Right. Wait here,” he crossed the sitting room, passing a silent and watchful Moirai on his journey to the bedroom, and he returned with the book, and with the sewing kit, “Sit down - here,”

Harry sat obediently on the closed toilet lid, and held the book open in his lap, tilted upwards so that Draco could see the page more easily. Draco paused to inspect the drawing in front of him; a diagram of a face marked with a crown of precise runes across their brow. Runes drawn in blood, he knew, though the black and white didn’t give it away.

Draco dipped the needle into the blood, coating only the bottom quarter, and he began. He was careful and delicate, resting the long edge of the bloodied needle against Harry’s skin and replicating the pattern of straight angular runes, pausing to check and re-check the design, and re-dip the needle, until he was satisfied. The blood didn’t dry as he worked, instead staying a glistening, wet, vibrant red that didn’t trickle or move.

When he was done, Draco stepped back to consider his work. He nodded, and said, “My turn,”

Draco couldn’t help but to watch Harry’s face as he worked, his eyes narrowed in concentration and his tongue held between his teeth as he painted Draco’s fair skin with purpose, referring constantly to the page that Draco held up for him. The sensation of him drawing on Draco’s brow was strangely hypnotic, and Draco found his gaze drifting from his face down to his chest, and down to the towel tied at his hips. The pure white, clean towel. Draco reached for it and rubbed it between his fingers, watching in satisfaction as the smallest amount of blood stained it.

He hoped the house-elves wouldn’t be able to get it out.

If they had been doing this the way that Draco had originally intended - with only Draco taking the vow - then it would have only required Draco to be the one perched on the closed toilet lid having his face painted. He imagined as well, that in the past, this wasn’t something that would have been done to him by his intended, but by some official or other. Perhaps the father of the bride, or in this case, groom.

Still. He preferred it this way. The intimacy.

When Harry was done, they stood side by side, washing their hands in the sink, and the silver goblet too.

With their skin cleansed, they paused to consider their appearance. They looked wild. As if they were about to start dancing around an open fire in the moonlight, the bloody markings on their skin bright and vivid.

Draco took a shaky breath, and filled the now clean goblet with water, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” said Harry, taking his hand, “Yes,”

In the bedroom, surrounded by glowing candles, they perched carefully opposite one another on the cushions. Draco sat the book next to them, and the straight razor and water filled goblet between them.

Draco’s heart pounded furiously in his chest, “Okay?”

Harry nodded, “You?”

“Yeah, just…,” he laughed a little, “nervous. Excited. And sad,”

“We don’t need to be sad,” Harry said in a soft whisper, “This… this ties us together forever, right?”

“No matter how far apart we are,” Draco said firmly; he licked his lips, his bravado leaving him, “Right. Let’s do this,”

He tapped first the rim of the goblet between them with the tip of his wand, and then the blade as well; he took a deep breath, and he began to chant in a low murmur, “Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,” he said the words in a constant loop, until he couldn’t be sure where it began or ended.

He dipped his index finger in the water and reached forwards, anointing the centre of Harry’s forehead with it, catching the central rune and dragging his finger down the bridge of Harry’s nose until it was stained pink. When he sat back, Harry leant forwards, repeating the action, his finger on Draco’s nose trembling faintly.

Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

He stretched forwards with his left hand, and Harry placed his right hand within it, palm up. Draco reached for the razor, and forced himself to stay steady as he sliced diagonally across Harry’s palm; Harry hissed lowly, but didn’t snatch his hand back, staying obediently still until the blade was gone. Harry held his hand over the goblet, and squeezed his hand into a fist and allowed a few droplets of blood to land in the water before pulling his hand back.

Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

Draco offered first the blade, and then his own right hand. Harry’s fingers, wet with his own blood, slipped and struggled briefly with the blade. Draco’s breath hitched around his constant murmured spell as he gritted his teeth against the throbbing pain in his palm. He carried on though, never pausing, his voice rough with the suppressed pain as he tipped his own hand over the water.

Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

They watched together in the dim light as the blood and water mingled, and then swirled as if it were being stirred by some unseen force until the water was a faint red colour. It was significantly more water than blood, but the ceremony didn’t call for more, and Draco was glad for it. He wasn’t sure how either of them would have managed if they’d had to drink half a goblet of the other’s blood.

Blood dripped from their fingertips and down their wrists, staining the carpet below them.

Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

His hand shaking a little with the adrenalin, Draco dipped his left thumb into the pool of blood in his palm and he reached for Harry again. Harry leant closer, his mouth relaxed as he allowed Draco to swipe his thumb across his lips, painting his mouth red in a bloody lipstick, and then dipping his thumb briefly inside Harry’s mouth to smear more red on the inside of his bottom lip. Draco’s thumb was near clean when he removed it.

Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

Though he never stopped chanting, Draco kept the movement of his lips to a soft vibration as Harry repeated the action with his own thumb and his own blood. The taste of copper left in his wake wasn’t unpleasant. It simply sat on his tongue, and had Draco swallowing impulsively, momentarily interrupting his circular incantation as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

And now for the part that truly mattered.

“Sanguinem aeternum ligare, anima ligare aeternum, magicae ligamen aeternum,”

Draco reached out his right hand, blood dripping from the edge of his palm and climbing up his wrist; Harry took it without hesitation, and it felt as if the world around them stood still. Draco stopped his chant, and for a moment they sat in silence. The flames of the candles around them had suddenly dimmed, and the droplets of blood that had been on the verge of falling to the floor had frozen. If Draco didn’t know better, he’d have said that his very heart had stopped in his chest. He couldn’t hear it whooshing in his ears, and he couldn’t feel it thrumming within his rib cage.

He swallowed, the full force of Harry’s trusting gaze pinning him in place.

“I take you as my own,” Draco whispered, the words feeling muted against his ear drums, but he knew that Harry could hear him, “I give to you all that I am. I share with you all that I have. There shall be no barrier between us. No distance that can separate us. No death that can part us. I shall be yours, and you shall be mine. Two souls forged into one. My blood shall run through your veins and beat in your heart. From now and forever more,” Draco swallowed, taking a breath before giving voice to the important part, “I vow to love you with all that I am. I vow to fight for you until my dying breath. I vow to give all that I am so that you might one day be free,” he paused, feeling the vows settle in his blood, “What vow would you ask of me?”

He could hear Harry’s tears in his voice, “Don’t forget me,” he begged in a whisper.

“I vow it,”

There was a change in the air. Something electrifying that stopped Draco’s breath in his chest. He watched as the blood that had once been running up his wrist began to claw its way back to where their palms were joined. The blood that had splattered on the carpet, and onto the white towels that they still had wrapped around their waists, gathered into droplets that defied gravity and floated their way back towards them.

He heard Harry take a breath, and then he began to speak as well:

“I take you as my own,” his voice was hoarse, “I give to you all that I am. I share with you all that I have. There shall be no barrier between us. No distance that can separate us. No death that can part us. I shall be yours, and you shall be mine. Two souls forged into one. My blood shall run through your veins and beat in your heart. From now and forever more,” Draco could feel something happening where their palms were joined; the blood had begun to pool between their hands and seep through the gaps between their fingers, each droplet fighting to get back to them, “I vow to love you, to be yours forever. I…,” Harry sniffed wetly, “What vow would you ask of me?”

Survive,” the word came out desperate, as if it had been ripped from him, “Just survive,”

“I vow it,” Harry whispered.

Draco felt as if they had been sealed in a vacuum. The blood was gone, and Draco’s palm no longer burnt. They carefully separated their hands.

The wound, while not healed completely, was certainly not the fresh injury it had been only moments before. It no longer bled, and Draco could see where the red skin was gradually knitting itself back together again.

Harry stared down at his palm, “Did we cut too deeply?” He twitched a little, but Draco couldn’t have said why.

“No,” Draco assured him, “No - look,” he turned his palm to Harry, “Mine’s the same,”

Harry nodded, and green and gold eyes fixed themselves on his lips, “Now we just need to seal the deal,” he whispered lightly.

Draco swallowed dryly and reached carefully for his face.

They hesitated for a split second, their lips, still wet with one another’s blood, hovering but a hairs breadth apart. And then Draco surged forwards.

It was like being struck by lightening. Touching Harry was always invigorating, but it had never been like this before. This explosion of heat and sensation and desire. He’d have called it arousal, except arousal had never felt like this. This desperate need in his bones, to blend him and Harry into one being.

He had been surprised that the ritual had no requirement of sex between them to seal the bond. He understood better now. Sex wasn’t a requirement of the bond; it was simply a natural consequence of it.

Harry was panting into his mouth, “Oh God… oh God… Draco… Draco - please!”

“Yes… yes…,” Draco said mindlessly against him, licking into his mouth and pushing Harry back and covering his body with his own.

At some point, the candles had extinguished themselves, and Draco was distantly grateful that they had, else he was certain that he and Harry would have burnt the entire house down in their need and desperation to have one another.

Harry’s hands were all over him, trailing across his sides and searching down his back and exploring towards his tail bone. Then they fisted themselves in his hair and scratched at his scalp and clawed at his neck and stroked behind his ears.

Draco realised suddenly, that his heart wasn’t actually threatening to burst inside his chest, but that he could feel a second phantom heartbeat racing along side his own. Harry’s heartbeat. The thought was jolted from his mind though as they rolled into the goblet and knocked it over.

“Careful,” Draco muttered, slurring into Harry’s shoulder, “The… the razor. It’s on the floor still. Careful,” Harry hummed beneath him, the sound as distracted as it was frantic, but he was too busy trying to merge them into one to take any notice, “Come on,” Draco encouraged, “The bed - come on,” Harry whined high in his throat, the sound edging from needy to desperate and Draco felt a flash of fear in his gut, “Hey, hey…,” Draco whispered, working his fingers through Harry’s hair and gritting his teeth against his own nearly overwhelming need, “It’s okay… it’s okay, it’s just me, Harry. It’s just us,”

“I- I wasn’t expecting this,” Harry’s voice trembled faintly.

“I know. I know. Me neither. I… I didn’t know that this would happen either. But it’s okay - yeah? We’re okay. We’re together. It’s just you and me – yeah?” Harry sighed, “I love you… I love you… I love you…,” he wasn’t sure if it was his words or his tone, but it was enough to calm Harry a little, but he was still shaking faintly, “Come on - the bed. Let’s get on the bed. We’ll be more comfortable,”

Harry followed him, seemingly torn between being overwhelmed and frightened, and being desperate for more.

“It’s okay… it’s okay. I’ll take care of you - yeah? I’ll always take care of you,” something clicked, and need had Harry pushing him back and down onto the bed and climbing on top of him. Draco pressed his palm to Harry’s chest over his heart, and whispered, “Can you feel me?” Harry only looked confused for a moment, “I can feel you - here in my chest,”

A look of realisation came over Harry’s face, and he said in disbelief, “That’s… that’s you?”

“Yeah, it’s me, can you feel it? We’re part of each other now,” he reached for Harry’s face, and smeared his thumb across Harry’s forehead where the runes of blood had turned to ash on their skin and were flaking away.

Harry shuddered, “Come here,” Harry groaned into his mouth, sighing as their tongues touched, and Draco felt the fear in his gut melt away. When Harry reached down his body and unwound the towel at his waist, Draco finally realised that the fear had never been his - it had been Harry’s.

f*ck. f*ck. He hadn’t realised that it would be like this - that it would feel like this.

Harry was moaning, high and desperate in his lap as he reached for Draco’s hands and encouraged them to work beneath his towel as he ground down into Draco’s groin. Draco didn’t need encouragement, pushing Harry’s towel aside and holding and stroking their co*cks together.

It didn’t take much. The feedback of his pleasure blending into Harry’s, and Harry’s into his, had them coming suddenly as one, groaning and gasping into one another’s mouths.

It felt like the end of a firework display. The awe and the amazement lingering in the air between them as they found themselves frozen by the wonder of it all, and waiting to see if there would be more. And then finally, the tension began to unwind.

Harry trembled on top of him for a moment, then began to gradually relax, turning boneless in Draco’s arms. Draco could feel the near terrifying need leaving him slowly, until all that remained was contentment. With a satisfied hum, Harry slumped to the side, rolling onto his back and stretching and arching like a cat as he basked in the post coital bliss.

Draco couldn’t help but to reach out and trail his fingers mindlessly through the mess they had made on Harry’s stomach.

Harry strained his head to peer down to see what he was doing. His nose wrinkled, and he silently banished the mess they had made with a flick of his fingers, the cum and the ash and the blood. The spell came with a faint tingle in the back of Draco’s mind - like dipping his tongue in a fizzy drink.

Draco reached out for him, and Harry was compliant and easy, allowing Draco to pull him closer so that they were wrapped up in one another, the tips of their noses touching. He hummed in pleasure when Draco dropped slow, chaste kisses onto his shoulders. He pressed a palm to Draco’s chest, and Draco wondered if he was matching the heartbeat in Draco’s chest, with the phantom heartbeat that drummed along side his own.

With Harry cuddled into his chest, he considered his right hand curiously, and found that the wound was now completely healed, and all that remained was a deep scar in his palm. He flexed his fingers and was surprised to find that the scar was mobile and flexible and didn’t affect the movement of his hand.

He pulled his head back to consider Harry’s face - his lovely face - and found a disbelieving laugh escaping him, “I can’t believe I ever hated you,”

Harry blinked up at him, dazed, before he answered slowly, “I forget sometimes. That there was a time when we weren’t like this. It just… it all feels so inevitable, you know? Like we were always destined to end up like this. Me and you against the world,”

Draco sighed and nodded. He stroked his freshly scarred hand through Harry’s hair and whispered in Harry’s ear, “I love you. I love you, more than I ever thought I could,”

He felt a flash of anxious longing, and it took him a moment to recognise that it didn’t belong to him.

He leant back again to peer into Harry’s face, “What’s wrong?”

The line of Harry’s lips tensed, and then reluctantly tipped downwards in defeat, “I…,” he started carefully, “I want to… to do more with you. And- and now might be our only chance. I…,” he swallowed, “I think about it all the time,” he whispered, “What it would be like. If we did more,” his eyes darted between Draco’s face and his chest. He opened his mouth but seemed to be struggling to get his words out.

“You think about f*cking me?”

Harry flushed briefly, but he wasn’t embarrassed for long; he pursed his lips and nodded quickly, “Not just that though. I think about it the other way around too. What it would be like with you,”

“We can try if you want to,” Draco offered softly, “I can’t guarantee that it wouldn’t be a total failure though,” he tried to joke, “I’ve never done anything like that, so it could just end up being a catastrophe,” Harry didn’t even smile, he just fixed his eyes on Draco’s. Draco could feel the echoes of his discontent swirling in his chest, “We don’t have to either,” Draco added, “We never, ever have to,”

“I want to,” Harry bit out, “I want to. I just… I just don’t know if I’m…,”

“Harry,” Draco said firmly, “We don’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to do,”

“I want to,” Harry repeated more harshly, “I… I don’t want them to have taken this away from me. From us. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve been left with holes where parts of me are missing,” Draco’s heart sank at the tears he could hear in Harry’s voice, and the flash of anguish he could feel in his chest, “I don’t want to not have this with you because of what they did. And this might be our only chance. Anything could happen. We might never see one another ever again,”

Draco nosed at his forehead and took a moment to simply breathe him in; he pressed a kiss to the lightning bolt scar on his brow, “They haven’t taken anything from you,” he said into his skin, “You aren’t missing any parts. You’re perfect. And I want to do this with you too, but… but when we do, I don’t want you to be crying in my arms, or making yourself do it because you think it’s our only chance. If we do it… I want to do it because you love me, and I love you, and you feel safe, and there’s none of this… this pressure or this fear. We will see one another again,” Draco insisted firmly, “We will. And then we’ll have our entire lives ahead of us to do whatever you want to do,”

Harry let out a shuddering breath against him, “Tell me,” he said softly, “Tell me what our life will be like. When this is all done, and we’re free. When we can be together again. What will it be like?”

“It can be whatever you want it to be. We can do whatever you want. Be whatever you want. Live wherever you want to live,” Draco said easily, “We can leave all of this behind us and make a home anywhere you want to in the world. We can burn this house down to the ground and leave Britain behind to rot,”

Harry hesitated, “What… what if I don’t want to let it rot?”

Draco frowned, “No?”

“No,” Harry whispered, sounding as if he were miles away, “What if… what if I want to make it better,” He hesitated, his eyes flickering with something dark and determined, “What if I want to take power for myself - and take it away from corrupt politicians, and controlling, manipulative old men? What if I want to take control of my life for once? My life and destiny. So that what happened to me, what happened to my parents, what happened to Sirius, what happened to Remus, can never happen to anyone else,”

Draco kissed his brow, “Then I’d help you,” he said, “I’d destroy the Ministry for you. Fix elections. Stage coups. Bribe officials. I’d do anything Harry. Anything. I’d die for you. I’d kill for you,”

He felt Harry shudder in his arms, “And where would I be, while you did all this?”

Draco squeezed his arms around him, “By my side. Holding my hand, and pointing the way,” he said simply, “I doubt we’d struggle to take power. We’d have Granger on our side, and that woman is a force all of her own,”

“She is,” Harry agreed.

“And in the meantime, when we had some downtime from building our empire, you could have a side project in some little workshop at the end of our garden,” Harry chuckled in his arms, “You could make fancy glass figurines and sell them in the local village,”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes. And maybe we’d have pets, too,”

”Don’t say that around the Moirai,” said Harry, attempting some conspiratorial tone, but Draco could feel the phantom heart in his chest breaking, “She’ll think that she’s not enough,”

Draco snorted, his hand stroking constantly up and down Harry’s arm, “I wouldn’t call her a pet - more like a belligerent house-mate,” Harry let out a huff of amusem*nt, “No… no, maybe we’d have a dog,”

“No dogs,” Harry said firmly.

“A cat then,” Draco agreed easily, “You’d have to make sure the Moirai didn’t eat them though,” he warned.

“She would never,” Harry said with a slight grin.

“And who knows, maybe the Moirai are right, and we’ll have eggs all of our own one day,”

He heard Harry swallow and felt a pang of something longing low in his belly, “Oh really?”

“Indeed. And by eggs, I obviously mean a baby,”

“You want a family?”

“If you want one,”

“I’ve always wanted one,” Harry muttered mournfully.

“Then we’d have one,” Draco said determindly, “A little miniature version of you running around caused havoc - what could possibly go wrong?”

Harry gave a half laugh, though Draco could hear the sadness hidden in it, “Oh? And how are we managing this then? Or do I need to explain the birds and the bees to you too?”

Draco scoffed, “There are ways - or did you forget that we’re wizards?”

Harry turned incredulous, “What? Are you talking about some kind of seahorse situation? Because that sounds horrific!”

”No!” Draco spluttered, “My God no - no, I mean there are ways that we could start a family - have a baby. If that was what you wanted,”

Harry’s slight smirk wavered into sadness, “Just one?”

“To start with. I’m not mad,”

“Boy or girl?

“I don’t care, so long as they look like you,”

“Like me?” Harry said incredulously, “Why like me?”

“Because I love your face,” Draco felt an affection distinct to his own swell in his chest.

Harry’s lips trembled, “What will we call them?”

“Something astrological of course - after the stars. It’s a Black tradition you know. Perhaps… hmm… for a boy, Helios, or Phoenix, or Leo, or Perseus? Or maybe Eltanin! It would be very fitting with my name being Draco,”

“Those are very… you,” Harry said slowly.

Draco scowled and poked him in the ribs, “If by that you mean, sophisticated and excellent, then yes, they are,”

Harry smiled reluctantly, “And for a girl?”

“Cassiopeia maybe? Or maybe Lyra? Or we could go star adjacent, and name them after moons - Io, or Rhea, or Dione, or Amalthea, or Ophelia- ,”

“What did you say?” Harry interrupted him sharply.


“No- no, the one before,”

“Amalthea?” Draco felt Harry’s heart stutter briefly, and then a sudden flood of adrenaline that wasn’t his, “Are you okay?”

“We could call her Thea for short,” Harry whispered.

Draco’s nose wrinkled, “I mean - if you insist,” but Harry was smiling in a way that he hadn’t been before, and Draco felt a flash of hope, “What?” He asked carefully.

“Nothing,” said Harry, “nothing,”

The fell silent, just lying in one another’s arms, and looking into each other’s eyes and feeling one another through the new link between them. Harry couldn’t keep his hand from Draco’s chest, feeling his heartbeat and occasionally turning his hand over to look at his palm.

“Can I stay the night?” He asked, and Harry looked at him sharply, “Till the very early morning. I’ll set an alarm for five, and then I’ll go, I promise. Just let me stay with you one last time,”

Harry didn’t need much persuasion, “Okay,” he said softly, “Okay,”

Draco didn’t sleep. He just held Harry in his arms and tried to memorise the sensation. He felt the moment that Harry fell asleep though, and it was bizarre. The part of him that could feel Harry all of the time took on a kind of hypnotic pull. He knew that all he’d have to do was close his eyes, and he’d drift off as well. But he didn’t. He touched Harry’s arm and his shoulder, and kissed his neck, and felt him breathe beneath his palm.

At some point during the night, the Moirai worked her way inside the room, and climbed up onto the bed and over Harry so that she was wound around them and between them. He never would have imagined that having a snake sleeping on top of him would be comforting, but it was. While Atropos rested her head on Harry - he didn’t think she would ever like him as much as she liked Harry - Lachesis and Clotho strained around to sleep with their heads resting on Draco’s bicep where it stretched across Harry’s waist.

At five, his wand started to make a shrill beeping sound, and Draco silenced it as quickly as he could. He felt a jolt behind his bellybutton, and he knew instinctively that Harry was awake.

They were still for a moment, all three of them. He heard Harry sniffle.

“You have to go Draco,” Harry whispered into the dark, “You promised. You can’t delay any longer. You have to leave,”

Draco held his breath, knowing that if he spoke in that moment that he would start sobbing.

When the crushing feeling had passed, he choked out, “Walk me to the door?”

He was wearing the same shirt for the third day in a row, but what did it matter? What did any of it matter, when he was leaving the other half of his soul behind?

At the door, Harry helped him into his robes, and he tied his cape at his throat for him. He didn’t comment on how Draco couldn’t keep his hands to himself, or how his tears were trailing down his cheeks.

“Where’s the parchment?” Draco asked hoarsely, “For Dumbledore. Where is it?”

“Here,” Harry patted his left robe pocket, “I put it in there earlier while you were gone,”

Draco felt his lips tremble, “I won’t give up on you,” he said thickly, a sob breaking its way into his voice, “I swear that I won’t. I won’t forget you. I’ll keep trying. I will. I love you,” Harry let out a pained sound, and they threw their arms around one another, “Please. Just survive. Survive until I can get you out. Whatever it takes. Please. Please. I love you,”

“I love you,” he heard Harry whisper in his ears, “I love you, I love you,”

Walking down the stairs of the east wing, Draco felt as if his knees might buckle beneath him at any moment, his own despair and heartbreak echoing back at him in what he could feel of Harry’s own emotions.

At the the end of the drive, he stoped and turned to stare desperately back at the house. He could see the lights of the Aethonan suite glowing in the dark.

“I’m coming back for you, baby” Draco whispered into the winter air, “I’m coming back,”

He took a deep breath, and he apparated away to Diagon Alley, to floo the rest of the way to Hogsmeade Station, where he stood in the snow and shot red sparks at the edge of wards that Hogwarts shared with the village. He was greeted by the disgruntled innkeeper of the Hogshead, Dumbledore’s brother, and trembling in the cold, he followed the man towards the school.

There was no way for Draco to know then, that it would be just over two years before he would see Harry in person again.


Ngl I get the occasional intrusive thought to randomly add in untagged mpreg 200,000 words into a fic
Am I going to? No. But does the idea make me laugh? Oh yeah 😂
I find there’s something equally enthralling and intimidating about mpreg 😂 maybe I’ll write it one day, but today is not that day.

Chapter 37: Severus: The Fall Out


He froze immediately upon what he saw: Dumbledore, behind his desk, his eyes tired and weary, McGonagall sat to the side, her mouth pressed into a thin line, and Draco, sat opposite the headmaster, hunched over as if he were in pain. He looked sickly, his eyes blood shot and teary, his lips wet and trembling. He let out a whimper at the sight of Severus in the fireplace.


Warning - there are threats of SA as punishment in this chapter
And yes, I realise this is another early update 😂 but I am post night shift tomorrow and going to looking at a car to buy, and off on holiday again Friday so won’t have time to update before I leave!
Also I don’t think I say it enough, because I’m easily distracted, but thank you so much for any comments or kudos - I literally love them and my only regret is that I can’t join in theorising what’s going to happen with you guys :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Something’s wrong,”

The voice, whispered against his ear, woke Severus with a jolt.

He blinked into the darkness, his heart racing in his chest, and waited for his eyes to adjust. It took him a moment to realise what had woken him, and when he did, he froze.

Something is wrong!” The voice repeated more urgently. It was only then that he recognised the phantom, disembodied voice of Lily from across the room.

His eyes snapped to the bedroom door where he had heard her, but of course she was nowhere to be seen. He held his breath and willed his heart to still as he strained and struggled to hear what change in his surroundings had prompted her to materialise to him.


Nothing but the wind outside his window.

He had been on the verge of relaxing back into his pillows when he heard it.

The screaming.

He threw the covers clear from his body and leapt from the bed, snatching out a hand to grab his nightgown and throwing it about his shoulders; he didn’t pause to bother with his shoes. It was only when he stepped out of his bedroom into the hallway, that he realised that they weren’t screams of fear or pain. They were screams of outraged fury. He rushed to the end of the corridor and threw himself up the stairs towards the wails - of course they were coming from the Aethonan suite.

There wasn’t only screams though - he could hear shouting as well. A specific furious roar that he was faintly familiar with.


It was Rodolphus, his bellowing voice echoing so clearly that he might as well have been only a few inches from Severus’s ear.

At the top of the stairs, Severus’s heart stilled at the sight of the Aethonan suite’s open door. On the other side of it, he found Rodolphus physically restraining Bellatrix, both of his arms wrapped around her middle and hoisting her feet up off the floor so that she kicked and scrambled and stretched through the air towards the object of her ire.

Harry was watching her struggle, panting through his clenched teeth. There were four deep scratch marks in his cheek - deep enough, that blood trickled from the wound down to his chin. At his ankles, the Moirai hissed and snapped her fangs in Bellatrix’s direction, but she made no move to leave Harry’s side.

He was the palest that Severus had ever seen him - almost grey.

YOU HALF-BLOOD whor*!! WHERE IS DRACO?! WHERE IS DRACO?!! I’LL SKIN HIM ALIVE AND THEN YOU AS WELL! CALL THE DARK LORD! CALL THE DARK LORD!!” She screeched, her voice shrill and sharp and piercing. The portrait frames around the room, that had previously contained Aethonan-winged horses, had been abandoned by their spooked subjects.

WHAT THE f*ck IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Rodolphus roared in her ear; despite his impressive strength, he was struggling to contain her with her wild flailing limbs.

A BLOOD BOND!” She screeched, her expression twisted and hateful, “THEY FORMED A BLOOD BOND!

Rodolphus froze in shock for a moment, and it was almost enough for Bellatrix to break free, her nails swiping through the air like talons, desperately trying to reach Harry; Rodolphus redoubled his grip, “You didn’t,” he said in disbelief, staring at Harry, “Tell me that you didn’t, you bloody fool!”

Harry said nothing.

“Get her out of here!” Severus barked.

Rodolphus was so stunned by Bellatrix’s screamed declaration, that he did as he was told without argument, shaking his head and seemingly speechless as he swung Bellatrix through the air, almost as if they were in the middle of a strange dance. There was a moment where they struggled in the door as Bellatrix caught the frame with her finger tips. When Rodolphus wrenched her away, deep grooves were left in the wood from her sharp nails.

The door slammed shut (though Severus didn’t know by who’s magic it had been closed) and left Harry and Severus alone.

“What is she talking about?” Severus asked very quietly.

Harry’s eyes darted to his face, and then flicked nervously away to the serpent at his heels.

What is she talking about, Harry?” Severus repeated himself more firmly.

“Me and Draco formed a Blood Bond last night,” Harry whispered to the floor.

The thrill of adrenaline in Severus’s gut had him swallowing back a shuddering gasp, “Why would you do such a foolish thing?”

Harry shrugged, but he didn’t cry like Severus might have expected him to. Instead, he said, “Because he loves me. And I love him. And now no one can take that away from us,”

Severus exhaled heavily through his nose, rubbing his forefinger and thumb together in an effort to release some of the anxious energy he could feel building inside of him, “Where is Draco now?”

“Gone. I told him to run. If he did what he said that he would do, he should be at Hogwarts by now,”

It was a struggle for Severus to speak through his clenched teeth, “And how did Bellatrix find out about this?”

“The family tree,” Harry stuttered, a hint of fear in his voice, “the one in the dining room. It’s self-scribing. It… it will have updated itself to show us as… as bonded. As married,” oh Lord, they were married, “I forgot about it,” he looked down to his right palm and the newly healed scar that stretched from the webbing between his forefinger and thumb across to the heal of his palm, “Not that it really matters - I wouldn’t have been able to hide this for long. Or the fact that Draco’s gone,”

Severus suppressed his knee jerk reaction to scold him; to berate him for his stupidity. But what was the point? What was done, was done, and there was no coming back from this precipice that Harry had driven them to.

“Sit down. I’ll heal your face, but then I must…,” he trailed off; he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do, “I will see what must be done,”

Harry was silent as he allowed Severus to heal the deep scratches across his cheek; thankfully, they didn’t scar. As a matter of routine, Severus found himself cycling through his usual list of diagnostic charms. He finished as he always did, by examining Harry’s magical core, and he nearly dropped his wand with a faint gasp.

Harry looked up sharply, and they sat together, their mouths hanging open as they stared up at the enormous golden sparkling globe that hung between them. Harry’s core was no longer the unwinding, unspooling, splaying mess that it had been for the last year. Now, it was contained and orderly as it always should have been, with a shell of sparkling silver surrounding it.

And circling, but no longer able to penetrate to its centre, the Dark Lord’s parasitic soul fragment stalked about its edges.

“What… what?” Harry gasped out, clearly baffled.

Severus felt much the same, but he could feel theories beginning to form; he knew that he didn’t have the time to dwell on them though, “I don’t know,” he said simply, cancelling the spell and standing.

“What was that?!” Harry exclaimed, pointing to where the representation of his core had hung between them only moments earlier.

“Your core made whole, it would appear,” Severus said warily.

“Why?! How?!”

“I don’t know, but I suspect that it has something to do with the Blood Bond that you and Mister Malfoy now share,” Severus took a steadying breath, “I must go. You must prepare yourself. The Dark Lord’s reaction to your actions is likely to be… extreme,”

Harry paled, and nodded, mindlessly petting the Moirai in his lap.

Severus dressed as quickly as he could, unwilling to confront whatever lay ahead of him while still in his bed clothes.

He strode with purpose through the house in the direction of the dining room, a familiar comforting presence at his back. He didn’t peer back at her though; he kept his eyes fixed forwards. He had no way of knowing that the dining room was were Bellatrix and Rodolphus would be, but it seemed like the only logical place to go.

He wasn’t wrong.

In the dining room, he found the Malfoys and the Lestranges stood silently on either side of the Dark Lord, who was staring down at the family tree where the current Malfoy family’s names were written. His eyes were narrowed coldly upon the wall, but it was the only outward sign of his inner feelings.

“Ah, Severus,” the Dark Lord said softly, “Come. Join us,”

Severus stepped forwards carefully. The look that Narcissa threw in his direction was faintly panicked, but she schooled her expression quickly until her eyes were empty of all feeling. Lucius looked as if he might be sick at any moment, and Bellatrix was hissing in fury through her teeth with her every breath. Only Rodolphus looked relatively unaffected by the morning’s events, his eyes flicking warily from the wall to the Dark Lord.

Together, they stood in silence, and waited for the Dark Lord’s command.

The Dark Lord exhaled heavily through his nose, his slit like nostrils flaring as he stared down to the wall.

Their names glowed in gold on the wall, and were circled and connected by a blood red. Draco Malfoy-Potter and Harry Malfoy-Potter. Had they taken the time to discuss changing their names? Severus imagined that they hadn’t, and rather the tapestry had simply assumed the change in their absence.

Strangely, Lucius’s and Narcissa’s names no longer glowed gold as they had before. Had the manor recognised a new master, perhaps?

The Dark Lord looked up to peer about the rest of the room and the names inscribed upon the walls, “Hmm… Rosier… Burke… Crabbe… Black… Bulstrode… Lestrange… Greengrass… Avery… all respectable pure-blood families, and all of them can claim a connection to the Malfoy family tree,” he said, the steadiness of his voice in no way betraying the fury that Severus could see simmering in his red eyes, “And now a Potter, too. I should congratulate you on your new son-in-law, Lucius,” Lucius said nothing, “Did you know?” The Dark Lord asked quietly.

“No, my Lord,” Lucius said at once through a frightened gasp.

“No, my Lord,” Narcissa said, her face ashen.

They were telling the truth, Severus was sure, or else they’d have talked their son out of such a foolish action.

The Dark Lord hummed low in his throat, “And where is dear Draco, now?”

Gone,” Bellatrix spat, “Let me find him for you, my Lord. Let me find him, and drag him back!”

“I think that perhaps, in your eagerness, you would allow your temper to get the better of you Bellatrix,” the Dark Lord said cooly; Bellatrix wilted and lowered her gaze deferentially at his dismissive tone, “No, I think that, in this instance, Severus should be the one to find Draco. No doubt he has fled to the Order - to Dumbledore,”

“You would have me return him to you, my Lord?” Severus said levelly; he knew that the answer would be no.

“No,” the Dark Lord said softly, “No. I cannot foresee Dumbledore looking favourably upon you, should you drag Draco out from his protection. Draco is not worth spoiling your position as a spy. No. Instead, you shall simply ask him to return on my behalf, and impress upon him the consequences of his refusal. I hope, for Harry’s sake, that he sees the error of his ways. But not just yet. First, I must speak to Harry,” he paused, half turned to leave, and addressed Lucius, “I should punish you, Lucius, for not controlling your house appropriately. For being so far removed from your son that you did not recognise the signs of treachery as they took root,”

Lucius bowed deeply, “I… my Lord… I apologise. I will gladly accept whatever punishment you deem fitting,”

Did he grovel so, to protect his equally culpable wife, Severus wondered?

The Dark Lord’s eyes glared into the back of Lucius’s head, “In this instance, Lucius, I am sure that I can make Draco suffer enough for the both of you,” Lucius said nothing, “Come, Severus. Let us speak with Harry before you visit Dumbledore,”

Harry was waiting for them in the Aethonan suite, stood in the middle of the sitting room, the Moirai at his side, silent and still.

The Dark Lord paced slowly across the floor. Harry said nothing, and for a long time, neither did the Dark Lord.

When the Dark Lord finally spoke, his voice was dangerous and soft, “Have I not been good to you, Harry? Have I not cared for your every need? Have I not made you one of my own? My most precious follower? Have I not provided you with comfort, an education, companionship, everything you could possibly want or need?”

“You have, my Lord,” Harry said quietly, his gaze never dropping; his fingertips trembled though, very faintly.

“If you had asked it of me, I would have made him yours, Harry,” the Dark Lord said, pacing forwards and stalking carefully around Harry in a circle, “Have I ever denied you?” He stroked a hand across Harry’s shoulders, “But like this?” He came to a stop in front of Harry, and griped Harry’s face in his hand, “I told you Harry - I warned you. How easily that all of this could be taken away. I forgave you before, Harry,” he whispered, leaning forwards into Harry’s face, “I was merciful before. And I shall forgive you again, but I shall not be so merciful,”

“Yes my Lord,” said Harry, his voice little more than an exhale of air.

“Tell me Harry: where is Draco?” It was asked as a test, Severus knew; he was more interested in whether or not Harry would answer him at all. Harry stayed silent, and the Dark Lord released his face, “Very well, Harry. But remember that you have brought this upon yourself. Still. I find I am moved by affection for you, and still I shall offer you some mercy,” he back away, “a chance of salvation. But it shall be at Draco’s discretion, not yours,” he turned to Severus, “Severus - find Draco and tell him this:

“He is free to remain amongst the company of blood traitors and mudbloods, but this shall be the price of that freedom. If I cannot have his forearm, then I shall have Harry’s in his stead,” he paused, tilting his head to consider Harry, “And if he does not return to reclaim it, then I shall find someone else to fill the marriage bed that he has left empty,” Severus felt a sick feeling swirling low in his belly, but Harry didn’t react; had he expected this? “I know of a wizard who would be only too glad to take his place. Tell him, that he has until Christmas morning to make his decision,”

Severus met Harry’s eyes, and within them he could see a faint pleading edge. He didn’t want Severus to let Draco come back.

Severus bowed, “As you command it, my Lord,”

There was a terrible roar sat somewhere in his middle ear, pressing down on him as he strode out of the manor and down towards the edge of the drive. He was followed though, always, by a flash of red hair in the corner of his eye. She stayed silent though. All but for the clicking of her heels on the ground.

At the ward’s edge, his disapparated.

He burst through the front door of Grimmauld place, not bothering to knock, and the curtains surrounding the portrait of Walburga Black ripped open, and her shrill screams filled the air. He didn’t pause to close them again, or to silence the hateful words spilling from her lips.


The word was shouted from the floors above. He ignored it, and marched through the hallways towards the kitchen.

A different voice, closer this time, “Severus? Is that you?”

He continued onwards, to the fireplace, his hands shaking faintly as he grabbed a fistful of floo powder and dashed it against the grate floor.

“Hogwarts - the headmaster’s office!” He cried clearly.

The flames turned green, and a voice behind him (Remus, he could tell now) said, “Severus? What on Earth is happening?”

He ignored him, and he stepped through the fire.

He froze immediately upon what he saw: Dumbledore, behind his desk, his eyes tired and weary, McGonagall sat to the side, her mouth pressed into a thin line, and Draco, sat opposite the headmaster, hunched over as if he were in pain. He looked sickly, his eyes blood shot and teary, his lips wet and trembling. He let out a whimper at the sight of Severus in the fireplace.

“Ah, Severus,” Albus said softly, resting back slowly in his seat, “I take it that your arrival here, and Mr Malfoy’s, are not a coincidence,”

Closing his hands in tight fists, feeling rooted to the carpet below his feet, Severus said flatly, “No. They are not,”

Albus nodded, rubbing at his eyes beneath his half-moon spectacles, “Why has the Dark Lord Voldemort sent you to my office this morning, Severus?”

“He has sent me to persuade Draco to return with me to the Manor,” Severus answered.

“Ah,” Albus said softly, “But not to drag him back?” He said in a query.

“He, quite rightly, assumed that you would not approve of such an action,”

“Indeed I would not,” Albus said lightly, folding his hands on his chest, “How then, does he intend for you to persuade Draco here to leave with you?”

Severus kept his tone purposefully lacking - a kind of clinical detachment to mask his true strength of feeling, “With threats against Harry’s wellbeing should he refuse,”

Draco was on his feet at once, “What’s he going to do?” He asked, leaning forwards desperately.

“It doesn’t matter. Harry does not wish for you to return either way,” Severus said levelly.

Tell me,” Draco growled, his hands trembling in fists down by his sides, “Tell me what he’s going to do,”

“It does not matter, Mister Malfoy,” Albus said gently, “Returning is no longer a feasible option-,”

TELL ME!” Draco roared, cutting the headmaster off, “Please… please tell me,”

For a moment, there was silence between them. Minerva’s eyes darted between their faces, her fingers clenching compulsively in her lap.

Severus spoke reluctantly, “If you do not return before Christmas morning, he will mark Harry in your stead. And he…,” there was a euphemism sitting on the tip of his tongue; some polite substitute to soften the horrifying truth. A comment about finding someone else to perform Draco’s husbandly duties, perhaps? But he stopped himself. He would not be complicit in making the crimes committed against Harry more palatable. There was nothing palatable about this, “He will have Harry raped, Draco,”

Minerva let out a horrified sound.

“Take me back,” Draco said at once, “Take me back - please, take me back,”

“No Draco,” Severus said firmly, “I will not,”

“You have to!! Y-you have to!” Draco’s voice cracked and broke.

Severus shook his head slowly, “Harry is not stupid, Draco. When he agreed to this Blood Bond - when he told you to run, and to leave him behind - he would have known what that might mean for him. And yet still he chose to send you away. To make you run. To keep you safe,”

“And what about him?!” Draco cried, his shoulders shaking and his chest heaving as he tried to talk through the hiccuping sobs that were fighting to escape him, “Who’s going to keep him safe?”

“Returning will not keep him safe, and you know that it won’t,” Severus said harshly, “It might spare him some now, but it will only lead to more pain in the future. You cannot return,”

Draco collapsed at the waist, tumbling like a stack of cards until his was crouching on the ground hugging his knees to his chest and sobbing. Minerva was suddenly on her feet and rushing to his side, wrapping her arms about his shoulders, her own tears falling from her eyes.

Severus watched him cry, and felt pity as a sour taste in his mouth.

Albus sighed and wiped away his own tears, “Minerva,” he said gently, “would you please escort Draco to the Slytherin common rooms to collect his things? And then take him back to your chambers. I shall meet you there once I have a plan in place for our next steps going forward,”

“Of course. Albus,” said Minerva, her voice trembling; she brushed her hand across Draco’s brow, “Come Mister Malfoy, come, this way,”

Draco looked haunted as he allowed her to pull him to his feet, and to guide him out of the office with an arm around his shoulders. His eyes met with Severus’s one last time before he left, and Severus had to look away to stop his own devastation from choking him.

With the door shut, and the room empty but for him and the headmaster, and the silently listening portraits, Severus said softly, “What are you going to do?”

Albus gestured to the chair that Draco had vacated, something frail about the gesture, and Severus near enough fell into it, “We must meet. You and I, Sirius and Remus, and Alastor and Kingsley,” he paused to make eye contact and nod meaningfully towards a selection of the portraits around them, and they disappeared out of their frames at once, “I was about to send for them when you arrived,” he continued, “I intend to ask Sirius if he would allow Draco to take up residence with him and Remus - he cannot remain at school. He shall not be safe for as long as the Dark Lord knows where he might find him. I was thinking that we might concoct some ruse that Draco is to be smuggled out of the country,” Albus rubbed at his chin as he contemplated their options, “Use a decoy perhaps? An Order member under the polyjuice potion? If we can convince Voldemort that he is beyond his reach - that he is beyond your reach - we may avoid the risk of him ordering you to return Draco by force,”

“You believe that the Dark Lord would throw away my position like that?” Severus said warily, resisting the urge to glance over his shoulder to the fireplace. He had no doubt that Sirius and Remus would be there first, considering how he had barged through their home and ignored them.

Dumbledore sighed and smiled sadly, “If his plans come to fruition, the way I believe they will, then there may very well be a day sometime soon where he no longer relies upon your position amongst us, Severus,”

Severus frowned, but his confused enquiry was interrupted by Black and Lupin bursting through the fireplace just as Severus had expected them to.

“What’s going on?” Sirius barked, “What’s happened?”

“Ah, Sirius, Remus. Please take a seat - though I see that we are in need of some more,” Albus conjured them with a wave of his wand, two on either side of Severus.

Sirius took a seat next to Severus, and turned his question in his direction, “What’s happening?”

Albus sighed, but Severus knew that this wasn’t a conversation he could have twice.

“Wait, Black,” he said wearily, “Just wait,”

Sirius’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. Remus rested a gentle hand on his jiggling knee; perhaps in an attempt to calm it?

Moody and Shacklebolt didn’t take long to arrive, stepping over the grate one after the other with only minutes between them.

Stood in the fireplace, and the last to arrive, Moody looked grimly between the other attendees and grimaced, “It’s about the boy then,”

“Harry,” Sirius hissed, “His name is Harry,”

Moody ignored him though and limped his way over to the last remaining seat beside Shacklebolt.

Albus leant forwards, his hands clasped together with his elbows resting on his desk, “I’m sorry to call you all together on such short notice, and so early as well, but this is urgent,” he paused; to let the severity of their situation sink in, or to find his words, Severus couldn’t have said, “In the early hours of this morning, Draco Malfoy appeared on the edges of Hogsmeade Village having fled his family home and the Dark Lord Voldemort,” there were curious looks exchanged, “Before the holidays, I made an offer of asylum to him, as I did to all of the children of known Death Eaters. I thought that he had come to accept that offer, but instead he has asked to join the Order itself,”

“Why would he do that?” Mad-Eye said with a scoff, “He’s a plant, surely? Though a poor one,” he snorted, “I’ve never seen a ploy more obvious in all my life!”

“What’s this got to do with Harry?” Lupin questioned slowly, though Severus felt that this question was more for show than anything else. Lupin and Black were well aware of the connection between Harry and Draco after all.

Albus raised a hand to halt their questions, “Draco Malfoy is no plant. His interest in joining the Order is a legitimate one. It… it would appear that he and Harry have engaged in a romantic relationship,”

“Did you know about this?” Moody asked Severus sharply.

“There were indications that they were close, but I presumed only as friends,” Severus lied easily. Though the phantom of Lily wasn’t currently in the room with them, Severus still felt her flash of approval. (Of course she was in the room, he reminded himself - she was him.)

“So why is he asking to change allegiances now?” Black said suspiciously, “Is he offering to act as a spy?”

Albus shook his head, his chin pressed against his joined hands, “Even if he were, there is no avenue for Draco to become a spy now,”

“Why?” Asked Lupin, an uncharacteristic hint of impatience in his voice.

Albus pursed his lips together for a moment, “He and Harry have entered into a Blood Bonded marriage with one another,”

Sirius’s mouth dropped open and he spluttered, “What?! Sanctioned by Voldemort?”

“Very much not sanctioned by Voldemort,” Albus said pointedly, “If what Draco says is true, and I believe that it is, Harry insisted that he flee for his own safety, and to prevent them from being used to control one another,”

“And what about that required them to marry each other?” Black said through gritted teeth, “What about running away, required Harry to bind his soul to that… to that…!?”

“It was an act fuelled by love, Sirius,” Albus said sadly, his eyes turning wet for a moment, “Nothing more and nothing less. But this act may have consequences that reach further than Harry or Draco realise,”

Severus frowned as the conversation took a turn he had not predicted, “How?”

“The fealty inspired by Blood Bonds,” Albus shook his head, “it has the capacity to pass through to the generations that follow after,”

Moody let out a bark of scornful laughter, “Ha! What a load of old codswallop, Albus! Nothing more than propaganda spread by the blood purists to justify binding their children to one another fresh out of the womb! The bond does not extend beyond the couple bound!”

“I would not agree, Alastor,” said Shacklebolt sagely, “The effects of blood bonding has been studied throughout the ages - the influence they have on familial loyalty may be subtle, but you can be certain that it exists. Why else would a private agreement between consenting adults be so frowned upon in this day and age? They are verging on illegal! They are illegal in the States and Japan and much of the continent,”

“This is magic beyond my knowledge,” Remus said with a confused shake of his head as he looked keenly from Moody to Albus to Shacklebolt, “Explain, if you please,”

It was Sirius who answered him, “A few hundred years ago, Blood Bonding was used as a method of marriage,” he said with a severe frown, “It… it binds the couple to be wed by their souls, their blood, and their magic,”

“Like soul mates?” Lupin hedged carefully.

Moody snorted, “Manufactured soul mates perhaps - its a load of old rubbish,”

Sirius continued as if Moody hadn’t interrupted, “It was popular amongst pure-bloods to ensure fealty between families - it was used for making lasting alliances. There was an… impression amongst those who used them, that it ensured the loyalty of entire family lines, but I agree with Mad-eye. It’s not that the loyalty of the Bond travelled through the generations, but rather that there were simply reinforcing bonds in every generation! How could we possibly attribute long-standing alliances between families to the effect of any particular blood bond? By this logic, I should be as loyal to the Malfoys and the Notts and Lestranges and every other blood-line linked by blood bonds as the next pure-blood wizard. But I’m not!”

“I agree with Black,” Severus said with a frown, his gaze fixed intently on Albus’s face, “There is no evidence to support this, Albus,”

Dumbledore gave a shrewd smile, “I’m afraid we shall have to agree to disagree gentlemen. Though I do believe that the fact that their near ban was pushed for by the very family that used them the most is very telling,”

“Which family?” Lupin asked curiously.

“Why but the Malfoys of course!” Albus declared.

“But why?” Remus said, still clearly confused.

“The wrong Malfoy married the wrong witch,” said Sirius.

“I don’t understand,” Remus said, a hint of frustrated anger leaking into his voice.

“The Malfoy family were very particular about how they conducted their Blood Bond marriages, Remus,” Albus explained patiently, “They would marry off their daughters to prominent pure-blood families, with the proviso that her husband swear fealty to her, and her family. I doubt there is a pure-blood, or half-blood family in the whole of Great Britain that hasn’t sworn fealty to the Malfoy family at one point or another,”

“It would certainly explain their slippery nature,” Shacklebolt said darkly, “That manor was raided nearly four times a year, every year at one point, and yet still no conviction despite the overwhelming evidence to support one,”

“That isn’t the result of blood fealty, Kingsley,” Mad-Eye said hotly, his blue eye whirring about furiously, “That’s just what having ridiculous amounts of gold gets you!”

“Why was it banned then?” Remus interjected.

“Because a Malfoy took the bond in reverse - he and his wife bound themselves together as equals,” said Albus, “If my memory serves me, coincidentally, I believe that his wife was a Potter,”

“Why would they do that?” Lupin’s brow twitched, though in confusion or annoyance Severus couldn’t have said.

“For the same reason that Harry and Draco did,” Albus said with a sigh, “They were in love,”

“I don’t understand why this was a problem - will someone please get to the point!” Lupin barked, losing his temper.

Black calmed him with a hand on his back, “If the bond works the way that Albus and Kingsley say that they do, then by binding himself to his wife, that Malfoy essentially pledged the loyalty of every other pureblood to his wife as well,”

“But they don’t work that way,” Moody insisted in a growl, “It’s a load of old bollocks!”

“Enough believe that they do for the Malfoy family to have campaigned against them,” Severus pointed out slowly as his own certainty that Albus was wrong began to waver.

“Indeed Severus,” the headmaster said gravely, “and if Voldemort is one of those who believe in the ability of blood bonds to transcend the generations, then Draco and Harry have potentially placed Harry in a position of great power, but also great risk. And Draco as well, to a lesser degree,” he added, “The bond is circular, after all,”

Sirius went suddenly pale, “So they just made Harry into Voldemort’s greatest competitor for the loyalty of his pure-blood Death Eaters,” he said faintly.

“And many of the half-bloods,” Shacklebolt pointed of solemnly, “Even if they don’t know it,”

“It’s a load of rubbish I tell you!” Moody exclaimed, but even he was beginning to sound doubtful.

“I… agree with Alastor still,” Severus said reluctantly, “but we cannot deny the potential significance of this - even if it is all but a placebo effect, it will certainly work on those who are aware of their family history,”

“Which the pure-bloods are,” Black pointed out.

“Indeed,” Severus said with a nod, “This is not an insignificant development, especially when we take the prophesy into consideration,”

“‘The power the Dark Lord knows not’,” Kingsley quoted softly, “Perhaps it is the power to inspire the loyalty of wizarding Britain,”

“If that was the case - then surely Voldemort would just kill the boy! Rather than compete for power!” Moody cried triumphantly, “Oh, be quiet Black,” he growled at Sirius’s snarl, “I’m simply pointing out that were there any truth to Albus’s crackpot theory about Blood Bonds, then Voldemort would have simply killed Potter!”

“Why hasn’t he…?” Remus mused nervously.

Albus took a deep breath, and Severus felt dread crawling up his back, “Gentlemen. I must confess something that I have kept hidden from you,” no… no, he wouldn’t… surely not, “There is a very good reason that the Dark Lord Voldemort has been keeping Harry alive, and it is not simply to turn Harry to his side,” Severus felt frozen to his seat, disbelief and betrayal petrifying him in place, “On the night that his killing curse recoiled upon him, with his soul as unstable as it was, and newly torn from murdering James and Lily, a fragment of it broke free and attached itself to Harry. And so you see, the Dark Lord cannot be truly killed for so long as Harry lives,”

Albus said this mournfully, regretfully, but Severus could hardly register his tone and its sincerity. His ears were ringing with the words he had just spoken, disbelief leaving him numb and cold. He had finally done what Severus had been afraid of all along, and condemned Harry to death.

“H-Harry’s a Horcrux?” Sirius stuttered in a whisper.

“The boy has to die,” Alastor said gruffly.

NO!” Black was on his feet and suddenly shouting, “NO!! We’re meant to be saving Harry, not killing him!!”

“Saving him condemns thousands, hundreds of thousands even, and more!” Moody roared back, “I take no pleasure in it! But the fact is that he must die!”

The argument went back and forth, until half of their number were on their feet with vitriol and fury flying above Severus’s head, but Severus wasn’t listening. His eyes were fixed blankly on Albus who watched the exchange sadly, discreetly wiping away his tears.

He knew what he had done. He knew it. He had seen the ‘power the Dark Lord knows not’ and had decided that Harry had to die for it. Severus pushed the feelings in his chest down - roiling and poisonous as they were - he would deal with them later. It was a sad realisation, that he now had reason to occlude for the headmaster, as expertly as his did for the Dark Lord.


Severus flinched when Sirius rounded on him, but he responded smoothly, “I did,”

YOU KNEW?!” Betrayal flashed through Black’s eyes, “YOU KNEW?!!” At his side, Lupin was crying quietly, holding Black’s hand and trying to make him sit down again, “You slimy f*cking snake!”

“That’s enough, Sirius,” Remus said hoarsely, “Sit down - please sit down,”

“f*ck this! No! I’m done with this bullsh*t!” Sirius wrenched his hand free, “I’m going home - f*ck this and f*ck you!” He jabbed his finger at a calm Albus, and then he was gone in an explosion of green flames in the fireplace.

The room fell silent. Moody’s jaw was clenched shut, Shacklebolt sat with his head bowed mournfully, and Albus’s eyes were fixed on the grate that Sirius had left by.

Remus stood slowly. He looked between them all, then finally to Albus, and to the floor. His hands, curled into tight fists, were shaking by his sides.

“Remus -,” Dumbledore started gently.

No,” Remus said sharply. He turned on his heel, and he followed Sirius through the fire.

Dumbledore released a weary sigh, and pulled his half-moon spectacles from the end of his nose, “I was afraid that a moment like this would come,” he said mournfully, “I… I am sorry to say it gentlemen, but I believe that from now on, our discussions on the developing situation with Harry must now happen in the absence of Sirius and Remus, and without their knowledge. Are we in agreement?”

“Indeed,” Severus answered smoothly, though his true feeling threatened to strangle him.

Shacklebolt shook his head sadly, “It is… heartbreaking. That things must be this way,”

“It is,” Dumbledore agreed.

“We must do, what must be done,” Moody said gruffly, though even he looked uneasy, “And that is the end of it,”

Dumbledore cleared his voice, “We shall adjourn for now, gentleman - Severus, there is more for us to discuss before you leave,”

When Shacklebolt and Moody had left them, Severus continued shrewdly, as if he didn’t feel like he might be sick at any moment, “I’m not sure that Black will consent to harbouring the Malfoy boy now,”

“Indeed,” Dumbledore agreed with a sigh, “Before you return to the manor, perhaps you could persuade him? You have become more friendly as of late, and I am sure that such a request would be better received coming from you,”

Severus snorted, embodying the role he was playing in the same way he did for the Dark Lord, “We shall see. What am I to tell the Dark Lord?”

“That Draco will soon be out of your reach,” Albus said with a nod, “Very soon. In a month or two, I imagine that Voldemort will be emboldened enough that he won’t hesitate to command you to take him by force,”

Severus hesitated, “What aren’t you telling me?”

The headmaster turned sad and tired, “It is only a matter of time before the ministry falls, Severus,”

“How long?” Severus asked softly, “You are certain?”

“As certain as one can be in this life. I imagine it will have fallen before the end of the school year. No doubt the Dark Lord will reveal his plans to you closer to the time - his coup,”

“Can we not thwart him? When I know of his plans - could we not conspire against him?”

Dumbledore shook his head, “Ah Severus, we would be merely delaying the inevitable and sacrificing your position to boot,”

Severus nodded slowly, and asked quietly, “What’s the plan?”

“Discreet action has been taken to relocate the core of the Ministry and the Aurors to Edinburgh castle. The Minister himself hasn’t been in London for nearly two months now - he has been replaced by an impersonator. An Auror. When the Ministry falls, all of its most important parts will have already left, and then the word will go out that all who wish to should flee to the north,”

“And what is to stop the Dark Lord from simply perusing them?” Severus asked slowly.

“Hadrian’s Wall,” Albus said simply.

Severus blinked, “What? But… but those defences haven’t been used since Roman times! And even then they were used to defend the south from the north, not the other way around! And from Picts and druids - not the greatest dark lord the world has ever seen!”

“Desperate times, my friend,” Dumbledore said shrewdly, “The wall has been rebuilt - and by that, I refer to the magical barrier, not the physical wall - and it will be impenetrable to even Voldemort,”

How?” Severus said sharply.

“Power from Hogwarts was redirected south - Lord knows we’ve accumulated enough of it over the millennia to share some of it now,”

Severus balked, “The wards?! Was Hogsmeade not enough?!”

“No, not the wards - the magic itself. It has been quite an undertaking let me tell you. It has occupied the attention of all of the Department of Mysteries most skilled spell-crafts for the last six months. The Ministry will fall in the south, but in the north, here in Scotland, we shall remain a sovereign nation all of our own,” Albus said firmly.

“For how long?”

Albus answered seriously, his voice soft, “The wall will not fall. It will not. But I… it would be naive to suggest that it could not be infiltrated. We intend to establish links with the south - ways of safe passage to smuggle people to the north who wish to escape, in places like the Burrow and Grimmauld Place and Shell Cottage. But any door risks the collapse of the defence,”

“And then what?” Severus pressed.

“And then we retreat further to the Antonine Wall,”

Severus snorted in disbelief, “And then?”

“And then Hogwarts herself shall be our strong hold and well… by then, I believe what remains of us shall be compelled to head underground to become but a resistance of those who still have the will to fight,” Albus shook his head, “It is a bleak outlook, my friend, I am well aware,”

“And who knows of this plan?”

“Very few of us,” Dumbledore said seriously, “But when the time is right, the call to flee will go out,”

“And how long will they have?”

“Only hours, I imagine,” Albus said sadly, “But there is no other way,”

Severus shook his head, still not quite believing what he was hearing, “This is all very bleak, Albus,”

The headmaster took a shuddering breath, “It is, Severus. It is. There is a small slither of brightness, however,” Albus reached for the drawer in his desk, and from within it he pulled a roll of parchment; he unrolled it, to reveal its torn bottom edge, “Young Mister Malfoy brought us this - a gift from Harry,”

The mention of Harry’s name had a jolt of fury thrumming through Severus’s veins, an irrational fury that Albus would dare to mention his name, but he tamped it down to read; it was row after row of the same sentence again and again, and written in a familiar hand writing - Harry’s hand writing.

The Dark Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters may be found at Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire.’

Severus shook his head, “I don’t understand - what is this?”

“Ah, well Severus,” Albus said lightly, “It would appear that in harbouring a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul, Harry has been made as much the secret keeper of Malfoy Manor as Voldemort himself. When the time is right, and with Mister Malfoy at our side to alter the wards innate to the property, we now have the capacity to breach Voldemort’s stronghold and confront him,”

“And when will the time be right?”

“Ah. Not for a long time yet, my friend,” Albus said mournfully, tucking the roll of parchment away, “Not while Voldemort still has Horcruxes on Earth,”

Severus thought of Harry, and felt sick; he ignored the feeling, “What progress has there been on them?”

“There has been a positive development, in fact,” Albus said lightly, “Our search of the Room of Requirement has proven fruitful! We have found and destroyed a Horcrux - I had hoped to tell you this in happier circ*mstances than these though,”

“The cup?” Severus guessed.

Albus gave a single weary shake of his head, “No. The lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, of all things,”

Severus frowned, “What of the cup then? Do we have no notion of where it might be hidden?”

Albus hummed and ran his finger across his lip contemplatively, “I have been considering the possibility that it is being kept safe by one of Voldemort’s followers - it is something he has done before, with the diary and the Malfoys. But which follower?” he mused.

“And where?” Severus added with a snort.

“The obvious place would be Gringotts,” Albus pointed out, his eyes staring into the middle distance, clearly in deep contemplation, “One of the high security vaults. But many of his followers are old families - they all have vaults in the high security sections. The ones that are guarded by curses and dragons and sphinxes and other such beasts. The Notts, the Crabbes, the Goyles, the Carrows, the Lestranges. Which one would he choose?”

Severus would have put money on the Lestrange vault, but he wasn’t prepared to suggest this to Albus, when he knew that one less Horcrux only put them one step closer to Harry being the only thing that stood between the Dark Lord and his final death, “I don’t suppose we could ask the goblins?” Severus said dryly.

Albus snorted softly and rubbed his eyes, “No. The mere suggestion of such a thing would have them closing their doors to us. No, we shall have to gain access on our own,”

Severus balked, “You mean to break in?!”

“I imagine so,” Albus said mildly, “Though not yet. We cannot even attempt to strike until we know which vault to target - breaking into one vault will be challenge enough, but over a dozen? No, Severus. No, for now, there is very little we can do,”

“So what now then?” Severus said softly.

“Now…,” Albus took a deep breath in, “Now we watch, and we wait, and we listen, and we prepare. It is all we can do,” Severus nodded, and hearing the dismissal in his voice, he made to stand, “Speak to Sirius will you?” Albus reminded him, “About young Draco,”

Severus inclined his head and made to turn to the fireplace, when his eyes caught on something new on the headmaster’s desk. It was a wooden carving of a hand, the kind intended to display jewellery. On it’s finger, was a ring Severus hadn’t been expecting to see again.

“Why on Earth do you have that thing on display?” Severus blurted out.

Dumbledore looked immediately guilty, “Ah Severus… you think me a fool once more?”

“I always think you’re a fool,”

Dumbledore reached for it, and lifted it carefully from where it was displayed, “This is more than simply the Gaunt family ring Severus - and more than the Horcrux of the Lord Voldemort as well. Before it was any of those things, it was the resurrection stone. Do you know of it?”

Severus scoffed in disbelief, “You must be joking! The mythical stone that brings souls back from the dead?!” Despite his words and his skeptical tone, Severus’s guts began to freeze.

“Ah, it is no myth!” Albus said with a small laugh; Severus could feel a familiar spectre at his back, “Though what it returns is little more than a shade,” a spectre he had been convinced existed only in his mind.

“You have used it?” Severus asked bluntly while he struggled to remember if he had touched the stone when they retrieved it - if he had laid his hands on it. He must have done - he hadn’t trusted Albus to lift it from the ground after all. But would it work even when it was outside of his possession? What was he thinking? This was absurd. She was in his head - all in his head.

“I tried,” Albus admitted, “I am nothing if not a weak fool, but alas! I believe that the magic that Voldemort used to turn it into a Horcrux has corrupted it. It does not appear to work,” or perhaps, Severus thought desperately to himself, almost hysterically, it could not be wielded by two users at once, “It is a shame,” Albus said sadly, “but it is not the first incredible item to be destroyed by the Dark Lord’s arrogance. Anyway Severus - I shall speak to you again when there is more to be shared,”

Severus turned, his fingers tingling as he struggled to occlude the multitudes of feelings that were threatening to beat him down into dust. He felt a little like a muggle robot as he curled his fingers into the floo powder; the action was jerking and stiff and more difficult than it should have been.

Thoughts of his own inner turmoil were immediately pushed to the back of his list of priorities when he stepped through the floo, and was instantly confronted by a deafening noise.

The kitchen in front of him had been near destroyed since he’d seen it only an hour earlier. Shattered porcelain was scattered across the tile floor, seemingly every dish and bowel in the place. At the end of the kitchen, Sirius, howling and roaring in rage and pain, was obliterating all the surrounded him.

Severus flinched when he realised that a silent figure was sat in a chair by the fireplace; Remus watched his lover silently, his own tears rolling down his cheeks.

Severus was not as tolerant of his complete loss of control.

“Black,” he said firmly above the din, “Stop!”

Sirius wheeled around at his shout, and his anguished expression flashed instantly to fury, “You! You knew! You knew this entire time and you didn’t f*cking TELL US!” Sirius was across the room in four long strides, his hands reaching for Severus’s collar.

And Severus let him, taking even himself by surprise when he simply rested a calming hand on Black’s shoulder, “Yes Sirius… yes, I knew,” he said softly.

The anguish was back in a flash, and Black shuddered and then collapsed forwards so that his forehead was pressed against Severus’s chest, “Why… why…?” He moaned, “Why didn’t you say anything?!”

Slowly, very slowly, Severus moved his hand, and rested it on the back of Sirius’s head, “Because I was afraid for him,” he admitted softly, “Afraid of what it would mean. Of what the headmaster would do. Harry knows about it as well - the Dark Lord told him, and he told me. Albus only admitted to being aware of it once I had confronted him,”

“That’s why you made us vow,” said Remus hollowly, still fixed in the chair beside them with his head bowed.

“It is. And now I must test that vow. Will you still put him first?” Sirius was sobbing, and Remus was silent, “Albus… Albus said that he believed that Harry would survive any confrontation with the Dark Lord. He said, that in using Harry’s blood to resurrect himself, he had tied their life forces together. He believes this still, I am sure, but it no longer matters. I think that he believes that Harry must be killed. Why else would he tell you all of the soul fragment? And he intends to continue the conversations about Harry in your absence. I foresaw this eventuality. Harry’s interests and the Order’s no longer align. Now you know the truth, what do you say now? Will you still put Harry first?”

Sirius continued to sob into Severus’s chest, his shoulders shaking and trembling as his hands formed fists in the fabric of Severus’s robes. At his side, Remus stood, and rested a steadying hand on Black’s back, and then another on Severus’s shoulder, “I will,” he said fiercely, “I will!”

Still crying, Black nodded against Severus’s chest, “I will, I will, oh God, I will!” He panted feverishly.

“And so will I,” Severus paused, “And so will Draco Malfoy,” Sirius finally looked up with a weak sneer on his face, but Severus wasn’t convinced, “He has given up everything, Black,” he reminded him, “He has sacrificed everything, and bound his fate to Harry’s willingly. The headmaster has asked that you provide shelter for him - that you hide him. You should agree,”

“We will agree,” Remus said firmly.

Severus allowed a small sigh of relief to escape him, “Draco Malfoy will put Harry above all others - he already has. He will be our greatest ally in this fight,” he said firmly, “He loves Harry as much as the rest of us - more than the rest of us. He carries a part of Harry inside of him. You must take him in,”

“Fine,” Sirius said hoarsely, his eyes fixed on Severus’s chest, “Fine,”

“What will Voldemort do about this?” Remus said hesitantly, the fear in his voice clear, “He won’t kill Harry for this… wh-what will he do?”

Severus swallowed, “What was done before,” he admitted gently.

Black’s expression crumpled and he collapsed into Severus again, and Severus found himself a strangely compliant member of a three way hug with two men he had hated a year ago, but now he found himself with a strange affection for.

It was only after apparating away, and finding himself stood at the end of the Malfoy’s drive, that Severus allowed himself a moment to pause. To feel everything he had suppressed in one agonising moment; it nearly crushed him.

He took several gulping breaths as he willed his heart to steady itself in his chest. He didn’t have time for this. He tried to shake off the anxious energy as best he could, clenching his fists compulsively as he strode down the drive and did his best to fortify his shields.

He found the Dark Lord waiting for him in the entrance hall.

His red eyes narrowed on Severus, “Well?” He asked coldly.

“He will not return,” Severus said flatly.

The Dark Lord’s eyes flashed with fury, “Well. For Harry’s sake, I hope he changes his mind,”

“Dumbledore means to smuggle him from the country - I do not yet know when or how,”

The Dark Lord did not question his lie; he turned for the west wing, “Keep me informed Severus. In the meantime, Harry is to be left to contemplate his choices in solitude,”

Severus bowed, “Of course, my Lord,” and the Dark Lord left him.

The days passed in a flash.

Severus felt as if, for the days leading up to Christmas morning, that Harry existed as a ghost on the floor above him. He hadn’t expected to see Harry over the Christmas holidays, but he had expected that Harry would be safe and cared for in the company of Draco. To know that he was on his own and counting down his days on Death Row was intolerable.

Except he wasn’t on Death Row. Death Row would have been preferable, Severus sometimes allowed himself to think. At least Death Row had an end to it, rather than this long, dragging torture that stretched out into the future as far as the eye could see.

Severus didn’t sleep Christmas Eve night. Even though he knew that Draco wasn’t coming, he found himself sat around the fireplace, wishing that he would. Wishing that there would be some eleventh hour reprieve for Harry.

The sky was clear and bright as the sun rose on Christmas morning. Severus watched it creep up and over the horizon, and felt dread crawling up his back.

For the first time all week, Lily was his silent companion, and Severus took the opportunity to ask the question that had been playing on his mind.

“Are you real?” He whispered, “Are you real, or are you just a figment of my imagination?

“Oh Severus,” she said softly, her voice nothing more than the breeze brushing past his ear, “Oh course I’m a fragment of your imagination, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not real.”


Little bit of behind the scenes info that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to factor into the plot: but Emilia Potter and Secundus Malfoy did indeed go onto have a squib child, who was the magical ancestor of Lily Potter. I tried to figure out how I could include it, and instead settled for hints that they had had a squib child together, but there was no reasonable justification for why any of the other characters would know or care haha. And if anyone remembers way back when, when I said I’d had a shower thought over the plot that would make it like ten chapters longer? It was the full impact of the blood bond.
I can’t remember if I’ve already said it, but this is definitely going to be more than 50 chapters 🙃 but I can’t face changing the chapter count right now haha its only the delusion that I’m nearly finished that’s stopping me from being just a little bit overwhelmed with all of this 😂
Sorry for the rambling author notes haha See you next week!

Chapter 38: Harry: The Bear and The Bird


It was well after two am, but still Harry hadn’t moved from his position sat on the long sofa in the Aethonan suite staring out of the window. He was waiting for the dawn, and for the judgement that would follow it. If he did manage to sleep, it would only be there all the sooner. So, no. He wasn’t even attempting to sleep, he was simply sitting, and enjoying the few moments that remained in the ‘before’.


Okay right I just couldn’t hold in this chapter any longer it has been absolutely killing me!! So yes, two updates in one week haha may not be able to answer comments as soon though as I am away tomorrow. So I don’t run out of chapters, I am going to skip posting next Friday - if I win the lottery though that will change as I shall quit work immediately!

Side note but I don’t think I say enough how much fun it is interacting with you all in the comments! Do the emails blow my phone up? Yes - but I love it!!

(Warning! This chapter features attempted SA, mutilation, and suicide ideation that almost leads to an attempt.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Christmas Eve night sky was black but for the waxing crescent moon and the few stars that Harry could see with the light that spilled out of the manor and into the darkness. Orion’s Belt, Ursa Major, the North Star. And Sirius. The star he had only learnt to care about when he was thirteen years old. He’d have been able to see more at the top of the Astronomy tower with a telescope and the near pitch blackness that surrounded the castle, but there was something vaguely comforting about being able to see Sirius staring down at him despite everything else.

Did Sirius think of him, even now?

In Harry’s lap, the Moirai twisted anxiously.

Are you not going to bed, my Own?” Clotho murmured anxiously, her tongue flicking against his fingertips as he stroked her brow.

No,” he said gently.

It was well after two am, but still Harry hadn’t moved from his position sat on the long sofa in the Aethonan suite staring out of the window. He was waiting for the dawn, and for the judgement that would follow it. If he did manage to sleep, it would only be there all the sooner. So, no. He wasn’t even attempting to sleep, he was simply sitting, and enjoying the few moments that remained in the ‘before’.

He wasn’t sure what came ‘after’. He imagined it would hurt, but when everything hurt, nothing really did anymore.

It is late - you should sleep,” Lachesis said more firmly, but the effect was ruined by the yawn she failed to suppress.

He smiled to himself, and trailed a hypnotising finger down her nose, enticing her to sleep, “No. But you go to sleep. I’ll stay here with you,”

Atropos released a huffing nearly growling hiss and slowly, very slowly, all three of them fell asleep against him.

He hadn’t told them about the doom that awaited him. Euphemism was beyond them. They hadn’t understood the Dark Lord’s threat about marriage beds. They hadn’t even known to ask. They just knew that something was wrong - something more than Draco’s absence.

Harry took a shuddering breath and focussed on the view beyond the window.

For hours, very little of what he could see changed. And then gradually, very gradually, as the sun began to creep its way towards the horizon, the black night turned to a deep blue. Then that deep blue was split by an orange that threatened to burn it out completely, until it was blended out from powder blue to ultramarine with flames licking at the edges. The sun crept higher and higher, and for a few dazzling minutes, blue and a fiery orange battled for dominance. Then finally, the sky settled into a pale azure colour, as the sun set out on its daily journey from east to west, a glorious burning ball of fire.

It made Harry feel small and insignificant.

His world had changed irrevocably, and yet the earth still spun, the sun still rose in the sky, and no one in the world knew or cared that Harry Potter’s world had ended. Was ending. No one, but for the one whose heart he felt as a phantom second bad-dum in his chest.

It was easy not to think on what was about to happen to him, when he spent all his time dwelling so heavily on what had already happened to him.

The sun crept higher and higher, from morning to midday to late afternoon until all Harry could see of it was the manor’s long shadow stretching out across the grounds. No one came for him. No Narcissa or Severus or Dark Lord. No house-elf with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Then the sun was setting again, though it had been dim all around for hours before as clouds were brought in by a southerly wind, enormous dense things that looked as if they could smother him.

Finally, the sun was gone, and though it felt as if it were the middle of the night again, Harry knew it was only around seven in the evening.

The Moirai twisted nervously in his lap.

My Own… what is happening?” Clotho muttered anxiously, her head twitching from side to side as if she were looking for some unseen foe, “You have not moved or eaten all day. What is happening?”

All three heads flinched violently at the sound of the door being opened. Harry looked around more sedately and found a blank faced Rodolphus waiting for him just over the threshold.

For a moment, they just looked at one another, and then Rodolphus said, his tone surprsingly soft, “Come, my Lord. He summons you,”

Harry allowed himself a moment to feel the thrill of panic in his chest before he pushed it down and pushed himself to his feet. The Moirai slid from his lap to the floor.

Where are you going?” Atropos barked.

Stay here,” was all that Harry said, “I’ll be back,” he heard Clotho whimper, but they didn’t try to follow him.

Rodolphus followed at his back as Harry walked calmly down the hallway towards the staircase, and then down the stairs to the ground floor. It was only at the drawing room door that Rodolphus hesitated, his hand on the door handle, his brow faintly pinched as he stared at the door. What was he thinking, Harry wondered. Was he having doubts? Was his loyalty to the Dark Lord wavering? Because of Harry?

Harry didn’t bother to contemplate what it meant, if it meant anything at all, he simply placed a hand on Rodolphus’s forearm, “I can find my own way, Roddie,” he said, his voice little more than a soft rasp. He nudged Rodolphus’s hand out of the way, and pressed the handle down to open the door, but Rodolphus stopped him, gripping his wrist. Harry stared up at him impassively; he saw the muscles in Rodolphus’s jaw twitch as he clenched his teeth together.

“I would stop him, if I could,” Rodolphus said lowly.

Harry sighed and lifted his hand from the handle to touch his fingertips to Rodolphus’s cheek, but his mind could barely form a cohesive thought as it was; he didn’t have it in him to wonder what had motivated the man to say such a thing. He pulled his wrist free from Rodolphus’s hold and stepped into the drawing room.

At the top of the cellar stairs, he had to stop to take a breath. He knew what was about to happen in the chamber below. It was a kind of torture he had become accustomed to once upon a time - but this? Walking himself to it? That was a different kind of torture altogether.

He gritted his teeth, and pulled his occlumency shields tighter to him, until he felt numb with it. He took a deep breath and began the journey down the stairs. He flexed the fingers of his left hand compulsively. Would it feel different? When there was a Dark Mark burnt into his skin? Would it pull? Would he feel the snake as it writhed on his skin? Would he be able to speak to it?

At the bottom of the stairs, still shrouded in the dark, he could see the Dark Lord’s imposing figure, his back to Harry. A familiar view, except this time there was no victim tied to a chair awaiting Harry’s arrival. This time, Harry was the victim. Did he deserve this? For all the torture and the pain, he had inflicted on others?

“Ah… Harry…,” the Dark Lord’s voice was as cold and high as it ever was; Harry shuddered, then decided firmly that no. He didn’t deserve this, “I suppose I must give credit where it is due,” hadn’t he been as much the tortured as the torturer every time the Dark Lord had dragged him down here, after all? “That you have brought yourself forwards willingly,” Willing? Willing? Harry wasn’t willing. He was simply giving in to the inevitable. There was no escaping this, and so it was simply easier and less painful to push his way through it than to run away from it, “Many others would have had to be dragged kicking and screaming,” it was just another trauma to try and put behind him.

“My Lord,” Harry said quietly.

The Dark Lord peered over his shoulder, and said in a sigh, “So brave, Harry - so brave. Come. Stand before me,”

Harry glanced impassively side to side to the Weasley’s and Ollivander as he walked past their cells. Fred watched him nervously, Bill looked tired, and Charlie was stoney face. Did they think that it was more of their torture that he was there for? He ignored Ollivander who sat curled up shuddering in the corner with a thin blanket thrown over him.

The Dark Lord’s gaze on him was cold and considering; he let out a high laugh when, upon glancing towards the Weasley’s, Fred flinched back, “You can all stop looking quite so terrified,” he said, clearly amused, “I thought you Gryffindors were meant to be brave? Regardless, it is not your punishment that Harry is here for, but his own,”

Harry tried to pretend that he couldn’t see Bill staring between them. He was in the closest cell, and so would have a front row seat to what was about to happen. The urge to vomit sat uncomfortably in the middle of Harry’s throat and refused to be moved no matter how much he tried to gulp it back down.

“I could stand here and wax poetically about your transgression,” the Dark Lord said softly, “About your crime and how, even now, I am showing you mercy, Harry. For your punishment shall be confined to this night. I do not imagine that anymore will be necessary for the message to get through to you. Tell me that I am merciful, Harry,”

“You are merciful,” Harry said automatically, his voice dull and lifeless.

“I am merciful,” the Dark Lord hissed, “I should have your head for your betrayal! But then where would be your opportunity to learn from your mistakes, Harry? You are but a boy still, after all. Do you remember what I said? What I told you would happen if Draco did not return for you?”

“I do, my Lord,” Harry’s voice cracked a little.

The Dark Lord sighed and shook his head, as if in genuine remorse, but Harry knew better, “It pains me to do this, Harry, but I must follow through on my word. Do you understand, Harry?”

“Yes, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord nodded, and stepped closer, holding out his hand, “Your arm, Harry,”

Harry offered his left, and watched impassively as the Dark Lord caught his wrist. He twisted Harry’s hand this way and that, peering at the back of his hand and considering the words that were etched in his skin, ‘I must not tell lies’. He let out an amused huff, and then his eyes dropped to the arm that Harry held down by his side.

He released Harry’s left wrist, and Harry didn’t need to be asked to replace it with his right. The Dark Lord swept his fingers over its smooth back, and then turned it over to look at Harry’s palm. He let out a low hiss through his teeth and dug the nail of his thumb painfully into the new scar he found there as he considered it. Harry didn’t make a sound.

The Dark Lord’s fingers tightened around Harry’s wrist until they were locked together; he withdrew his wand from within his robes, “Yes… yes, I think that this arm would be better. Don’t you, Harry?”

Harry couldn’t bring himself to say anything.

What he expected, was for the Dark Lord to press the tip of his wand into Harry’s forearm and for him to cast whatever incantation was required in order to burn the Dark Mark into his flesh. He expected it to hurt - for it to burn into an agonising peak that had Harry writhing and screaming on the ground.

He hadn’t expected this.

The Dark Lord smiled, cold and cruel, and gave a sharp flick of his wand. Then he dropped Harry’s hand, and it fell, and fell, and kept on falling.

The Weasley’s gave a simultaneous horrified gasp, so that Harry’s own strangled, startled sound went unheard.

Then the Dark Lord was pressing closer, a claw-like hand on Harry’s shoulder pressing down and down until Harry’s knees were buckling beneath him, and shock had Harry’s focus narrowing down to his pale mouth.

“Understand, Harry,” he said, his facade of calm abandoned, his fingers trembling with rage, “Understand. If you push me, you will live out the rest of your days locked in these cellars as nothing more than a deaf, blind, mute torso who has to be spoon fed by a house-elf. Do you understand?” He snatched Harry’s face in his hand, and roared, “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!

But Harry couldn’t answer.

The pain was beginning to penetrate the cloud of adrenaline that had consumed him. He was distantly aware that the Weasley’s were marking horrified sounds - he thought that they were maybe saying his name, but he could barely hear them. He could barely hear anything beyond the dual heart beats in his chest - his own, and the echo of Draco’s.

The Dark Lord released him and was suddenly gone.

Harry’s left hand, trembling and quivering, stretched across his body to reach for his right.

But it was gone.

His hand, his wrist, his elbow, all of it. All that remained was the proximal part of his upper arm, but now it ended abruptly in a stump that, though healed, burned furiously at his touch. It was only when his eyes found his right arm, splattered in his blood and unceremoniously abandoned on the stone floor head of him, that he truly understood what had just happened.

Harry let out a shuddering breath that turned into a whimpering terrified sob on the way out of his mouth.

Oh God. Oh God!

Someone was calling his name, but he didn’t, couldn’t answer.

Oh God!!

He had the irrational impulse to lunge across the floor, to stretch for his right arm where it lay cast aside on the stone floor. As if, if he could simply gather it back to him, he could repair the damage that had been done. He knew though, that he couldn’t. And so, he cried and shook and clawed compulsive at what remained of his shoulder - perhaps only a third of what had once been his upper arm.

Oh God.

“Harry!” Harry looked to the right sharply and found Bill on his knees pressed up against the bars and stretching out for him. He hadn’t shouted his name, despite how clearly Harry had heard his voice. He was whispering. Pleading softly, “It’s okay Harry… it’s okay,” he said gently, ever the reassuring big brother even in the face of the overwhelming evidence that everything was not in fact okay.

Then Bill was flinching and looking towards the stairs, and Harry realised that they had been joined by someone new.

There was a familiar face ahead of him, framed by dirty blonde hair with broken teeth and a scar that stretched from his eyebrow down to his chin.

Mulciber considered him for a second, then said softly, his oily voice making Harry shiver, “Hello, little bird,”

And Harry couldn’t quite accept the reality of what was happening - his nails digging into the stump of his right arm so that it burnt and screamed at him, Harry felt a little as if all of this were happing to someone else.

“I see we match now,” said Mulciber, nudging Harry’s right arm on the ground with his toe, revealing a handle of something wedged into his boot as his foot stretched beyond his long, sweeping robes, “Though the Dark Lord has seen fit to gift me with a new one,” his silver right arm glistened in the low, yellow light emanating from the sconces that lined the walls, “Though it’s more of a reward I suppose. A reward for teaching you a lesson,” Harry could hear the smile in his voice; the anticipation and the barely suppressed eagerness, “I hear that you replaced the eye that Bellatrix took from you,” he continued conversationally, as he edged closer; Harry felt pinned in place by some unseen force, “It looks good on you, little bird,”

Harry watched, waiting for the other shoe to drop, for reality to rush in at him, as Rodolphus lowered into a squat in front of him. He reached forwards and traced his fingers carefully across Harry’s cheek; the smell of stale tobacco smoke had Harry’s stomach twisting.

“Don’t touch him!” Bill barked sharply, but he was ignored.

Mulciber sighed, his fingers dropping to Harry’s trembling lips, “Such a pretty, little bird. I’m not sure how Draco found the will power to leave you behind. It was hard enough for me to give you up when the Dark Lord took you upstairs - I used to fantasise about sneaking up there without anyone knowing, you know? And he could have had you every night. Fool. I wouldn’t have thrown you away like that,”

Mulciber allowed his hand to drop. He watched Harry with interest, his hands, flesh and silver, dangling between his flexed knees.

“Are you going to be a good little bird, hmm? I could make it good for you, you know?” Mulciber said cajolingly, “Did he make it good for you? Hmm? Did Draco make it good? You can close your eyes and think of him if you want, it’s okay. Just be a good boy, and undo your belt, and turn over for me,”

Harry didn’t move. He couldn’t. He still hadn’t processed what had just happened, and the limb that had once been attached to him but now lay over six feet away from him on the floor. He was immobilised. Shock and horror petrifying him, turning him to stone. He could hear the Weasleys shouting at Mulciber, but he didn’t know what they were saying. He thought that even Ollivander was protesting in a horrified croak, but Mulciber was ignoring them, and Harry could hear only him. His eyes were fixed on Mulciber’s thin mouth, and he watched, dazed, as his lips stretched into a cajoling smile.

“Do you need help?” Mulciber said encouragingly, “It’s hard to undo a belt with only one hand - trust me, I know,” he laughed darkly, and reached forwards for Harry’s trousers, “Here,”

Any illusion of control that Harry had had when he’d walked down into the cellars had been shaken to dust though. He had no control. Not over his shields, not over his magic, not over anything. He reacted instinctively, smacking Mulciber’s hand away with a gasped, “No!” He toppled backwards onto the point of his elbow as he scrambled to get away.

He didn’t get far.

Mulciber froze, “This could be nice and easy, little bird,” he said softly, dangerously, “Just take off your trousers, and spread your legs for me. It doesn’t even have to hurt. Yeah? Just turn over,”

He reached out a hand again; Harry flinched back and barked, “NO!

Mulciber stopped, then a slow cruel smile spread across his mouth, “Okay,” he said mildly, “Have it your way - I prefer it when they fight back anyway,” and he was suddenly lunging forwards for Harry, his hands pawing at Harry’s waist as he bowled him over so that he was flat on his back.

Harry’s first, instinctive attempt to punch him in the face went unnoticed; what remained of his dominant arm flailed wildly but achieved nothing. His second attempt was more successful. His left first connected with Mulciber’s cheek with a crunch and the man reared back in pain.

But then he was back just as quickly and pummelling his own fist into Harry’s face, “Little bitch,” he growled, his entire body on top of Harry as he pinned him to the ground and sprayed his face with spit, “I’m gonna’ make you bleed - gonna’ make you cry. And then when I’m done, I’ll have your mouth too, and if you even think about biting me, I’ll knock out all your f*cking teeth!” He pinned Harry to the floor by a hand around his throat, the other holding Harry’s left arm in place up above his head.

Panic made it difficult for Harry to breathe, but the weight of Mulciber on his chest made it nearly impossible. He tried to buck the man off of him, but he was weak and trembling from shock and Mulciber was significantly heavier than him. He achieved nothing but the amplification of his own terror.

The hand about Harry’s throat released him and stretched down to Harry’s groin and attempted to scramble its way beneath his waist band.

Before he could though, Mulciber was letting out a pained cry and suddenly sitting up; Harry’s left arm flopped down by his side, the adrenaline rushing through Harry’s blood making it difficult for him to do anything as flight or fight was smothered by the impulse to freeze. As if Mulciber were a bear that would simply leave him alone if he just stayed still.

Above him, Mulciber was bleeding from a fresh cut at his brow and roaring furiously at the cell closest to them.

Bill had thrown something through the bars and was screaming back furiously, “GET OFF OF HIM!

Harry panted, dazed, and stared up at the ceiling of the cellar. He made a distracted, weak attempt at lifting his pelvis to try and dislodge Mulciber from above him, but he barely managed to even make the other man wobble on top of him. Mulciber didn’t bother to look down, too busy pointing threateningly at Bill and spitting vitriol in his direction.

Harry bent his legs to try again, but all he managed to do was flex his left leg awkwardly beneath him. It was like every nightmare he had ever had. Trapped and inert and unable to fight back. Terror leaving him pinned to the ground and barely able to even make a sound.

But then he felt it.

He touched something cold and hard. The blade that he always kept strapped around his calf. Mindlessly, his fingers began to curl around the handle.


Then, snarling, he looked back down to Harry.

Quick as a flash, Harry swiped the blade through the air.

Mulciber’s eyes bulged, and he gasped and gurgled, and he reached for his throat with both hands. Blood poured over his fingers as they failed to dam the breach, and Harry spluttered and coughed and turned his face to one side to stop it from dribbling into his mouth.

Mulciber tried to say something, his jaw working silently, but it was lost in the sound of him drowning in his own blood. And then he was collapsing forwards and onto Harry, his face landing over Harry’s shoulder so that all Harry could hear in his ear was the sound of him groaning and gasping, and his blood bubbling with his every breath.

Harry struggled with only one arm as he tried to push him away. In the end, it was more Mulciber’s own struggle to breathe that had him toppling to one side and trying to crawl across the floor.

Harry heard, rather than saw, the moment when he finally died, and the cellar fell quiet.

Harry panted up at the ceiling above, and then slowly, the horror of it all came crashing down on him. He could hear sobbing and crying, and he realised distantly that the sound was coming from him.

Shaking, he struggled to sit.

Beyond the noises he himself was making, he couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t feel anything. Nothing of the biting cold of the cellars, of the light from the sconces on the walls, or the hard stone beneath him. He was so overwhelmed, that he felt as if he were existing on another plane where the only thing to be heard was his own pounding heart, the only thing to be seen was the swirl of darkness at the end of his nose, and the only thing to feel was his own strangling terror and despair.

He couldn’t do this.

He couldn’t do this anymore.

He wanted it to end - he wanted it all to end. This never-ending circle of pain and fear and helplessness.

He felt his fingers closing around the knife handle again, and his arm moved as if someone were moving it for him.

“Harry… Harry, what are you doing?”

He brought the fine point of the blade to his chest, hovering just above his heart. His chest heaved and he shuddered, and he pressed the end to his skin; it stung even through his clothes. He worked the blade down a fraction, so that it sat between two ribs. It wouldn’t take much. Just a little pressure, and the blade would sink in, in between his ribs to his heart below, and it would all end.

He closed his eyes and felt hot tears pouring down his cheeks.

Everything would be over.

“Harry… Harry, please. Please, put the knife down,”

Nothing would hurt anymore. It would be just like going to sleep after that first shock of pain. And Draco… oh, Draco.

“Harry… Harry…?”

Just the thought of his name had Harry’s grip tightening as a shuddering sob escaped him.

“Please Harry… please… can you hear me? Please put the knife down,”

Draco had said that they were bound to one another. Bound by their very souls. Harry would simply need to wait, and then the day that Draco died, they could be together again.

“Harry… Harry… give me the knife, Harry,”

It would all be so much better - so much easier. Harry sighed, and screwed his eyes shut, and pressed in…!

But his hand wouldn’t move.

He blinked down in confusion at the centre of his chest and found the smallest trickle of new blood running down the already bloodied blade, but nothing more. He tried again, but still nothing. The blade trembled as his grip tightened, but no. No matter what he did, nothing. What… why?!

And then Harry felt something wrenching at his guts - an urge so instinctive, so irresistible, that it made it difficult to breathe. The drive to survive.

Harry let out a shuddering sob as he suddenly understood.

The vow that he had made to Draco. He had agreed so easily at the time, but he hadn’t realised that it would mean this.

“Harry… please give me the knife… Harry?”

He turned slowly, his tear-filled eyes meeting Bill’s. He was stretching through the bars of his cell desperately, a hand beginning to curl carefully around Harry’s, his eyes flicking between the point of the blade that was digging into Harry’s flesh, and Harry’s eyes. He froze when he saw that Harry was looking back.

“Please, Harry,” Bill whispered, his face bruised and filthy, and his eyes bloodshot, “Please, let go of the knife,”

There was a moment of tense silence between them, then Harry was dropping the knife by his side and throwing himself against the bars. Bill’s arms came up around him at once, cradling him as close as he could with the barrier between them, and stroking Harry’s hair as he sobbed.

Harry felt as if he were falling apart in ways that he hadn’t before. He had found rock bottom, and it was made up of jagged, sharp edges, and the world around him was a roiling, terrifying ocean that drove him down against the cutting sea bed again and again, and just when he thought he was coming up for air, it would catch him about the middle and then pull him under once more.

Harry didn’t know how long he sobbed against the bars, clawing desperately for Bill’s embrace. Bill didn’t let him go. He held him back just as fiercely and murmured words of comfort into his ear.

It took Harry a long time to realise that he wasn’t murmuring anything at all. He was humming. Some nameless, soothing tune that somehow seemed to blend with the constant, ambient hum of the manor above them. He couldn’t have said if Bill was remembering some song from his childhood, or if he was singing along with the house itself.

Harry closed his eyes, and listened, and allowed himself to be comforted. The part of him that felt like a frightened child shuddered, and pressed closer.

Bill wasn’t his father, he wasn’t even his big brother, and yet he allowed himself to pretend that he was.

Bill paused his humming to say softly, “It’s okay… it’s okay… he can’t hurt you now,”

A sob caught in Harry’s throat, and the careful humming resumed.

Slowly, gradually, eventually, Harry felt the panic in his chest begin to recede, and he was left numb in its wake but for the turmoil he could feel echoing low in his belly - turmoil that he knew didn’t belong to him. He took a deep breath in, and found the phantom heartbeat that wasn’t his, and allowed the sensation of it to calm him.

His eyes flickered open to find Fred watching him, his eyes wide and tears trailing down his cheeks. His arm was slotted through the bars as if he too had been reaching out for Harry. Harry blinked at him, then slowly disentangled himself from Bill.

Bill let his arms drop at once, “Harry?”

Harry said nothing. He leant heavily against the bars as he struggled awkwardly to his feet. He stumbled and made to catch himself, but he just ended up smacking what remained of his right arm against the bars.

He hissed in pain and allowed another shudder of grief to pass over him.

Oh God. Oh God.


He flinched; this voice had come from behind him, and not from Bill. He looked around sharply and stumbled again; this time he caught himself with his left hand. Charlie was looking at him, his eyes wide and frightened. Frightened for him, Harry thought, and not of him, and that was enough for Harry to relax the smallest amount.

He didn’t want them to be afraid of him.

Without really meaning to, his eyes found first a silent, ashen faced Ollivander, and then Mulciber’s body. It was difficult to put one foot in front of the other. He was exhausted, the terror and the stress of the last week having finally burnt him down to nothing.

He hesitated when he caught his toe on the blade that he had used to open up Mulciber’s throat - the one that had once belonged to the man himself but was now Harry’s. He stooped awkwardly to pick it up and slot it clumsily back into its holster at his calf, and then he continued his stumbling journey forwards.

He stopped at Mulciber’s side and stared down at him. His eyes and mouth were open, and his blood drained from him still, though now it was a lazy, slow ooze that spread out across the cellar floor, flowing like tiny bloody streams between the enormous grey stone slabs.

Hate and grief and despair near drowned him.

He swallowed, and wiped distractedly at his chin to try and clean away some of Mulciber’s blood, “I wish you had died more slowly,” Harry whispered down to him, “I wish that it had hurt more,”

Mulciber said nothing, he simply stared glassy eyed up at the ceiling above.

For a moment, Harry was frozen by indecision. He didn’t know what to do now. Should he stay there, and wait for the Dark Lord to realise that something had gone wrong? That Mulciber was dead? What would he do then? Would he send someone else down there to finish the task that Mulciber had failed to complete.

But what of them?

He turned to find all three Weasley brothers on their feet and staring out at him, their expressions tired and stricken. Bill’s hand hovered just between the bars as if he were stopping himself from reaching out to Harry.

Harry couldn’t let them die. Not without trying to save them.

He moved unsteadily, but with purpose.

“Harry, what are you doing?”

Harry ignored the soft question, not even turning to check who had asked it. It didn’t matter.

He walked with his left hand cradling his right arm to his side as he limped carefully up the steps and up to the drawing room above. He swallowed, and he peered about carefully.

It was an intimidating space when it was full of Death Eater’s, but even empty, it was eery in its own right.

He shuffled slowly across the room until he was stood in front of the door. He stilled and would have held his breath if he could have, but he couldn’t, and so he had to strain to hear over the sound of his own panting breaths as he listened for anyone beyond the door. There was never normally a guard - would there be one there now? A guard for him?

He tipped forwards and slowly rested his ear against the wood. He flinched minutely at the thrum of magic he felt in the contact, but it was lost the moment that he leant away.

What was that?

He pressed the tips of his fingers carefully against the door, and for a moment he felt nothing. And then he cautiously pressed his magic forwards and he felt warmth spread across his hand. It was a friendly, familiar kind of magic that greeted him with pleasure. It was magic that practically begged to bend to his will.

He swallowed.

Not just familiar. Familial. It was magic that felt like a sudden flash of Draco. Were these… the wards? The ones around the house? Draco had said that they could only be altered by a Malfoy by blood, but wasn’t that what Harry was now? They had shared their blood, after all. Their blood, their magic, their very souls. Was that enough for the wards to recognise him?

The thought of the bond had a pang of mourning ringing in his chest as he remembered anew the scar on the palm of the hand that now lay, cast away on the stone floor beneath him. He gritted his teeth and struggled to think.

If he could influence this ward, could he influence the wards that surrounded the property?

If he lowered them though, the Dark Lord would almost certainly ask questions about how, and who had lowered them. And Lucius would be telling the truth when he denied any knowledge of their alteration. They were questions that Harry didn’t want him to ask in the first place, let alone try and find answers for.

But there was no other way to lower them - no other way for the Weasley brothers and Ollivander to escape. Not unless one of them was planning on begging the Dark Lord for the dark mark, he thought with a flash of bitter humour.

And then he remembered. They had a dark mark available to them.

He staggered down the stairs, nearly falling at the bottom step and catching himself on the bannister. He hissed through his teeth and shrugged his now aching left shoulder up and down as he stumbled forwards until he was standing in Mulciber’s blood and staring down at him. He lingered on the handle wedged in his boot - another blade, he was sure - and then to his left arm.

He dropped to his knees and paid no mind to the blood that soaked into his trousers. He pushed Mulciber’s sleeve up roughly, struggling with just one hand, and then turned his hand over so that he could run his fingers along the man’s mark on his forearm. It shimmered under his touch. It was just as bright and active as those belonging to any living Death Eater.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Asked Fred, but Harry didn’t know how to speak to him. He didn’t know about to speak to any of them.

He felt almost as he had on the first day that Narcissa had sat with him in the Aethonan suite; estranged and alone. Before he could dwell too heavily on the thought though, he spotted something. Something strapped to Mulciber’s ribs beneath his robes. He nudged the fabric to one side and found two wands.

Why would a wizard as weak as Mulciber need two wands, Harry thought to himself with a sneer. No matter. They would be of more use to Harry than him now.

“Harry… can you hear us?” Bill asked, and Harry ignored him.

Harry had to move around the body to reach them - he couldn’t stretch over it. He had no spare hand to lean on anymore. The thought made Harry want to be sick, but he continued and pointedly ignored his own arm lying uselessly on the ground.

He pulled the wands free, ignoring the blood he was painting them with, and considered them. He had never tried to use someone else’s wand. He knew that Draco had used his once, but that was different.

Would these even work? Well, he had the perfect person to ask just behind him.

He stood and turned abruptly to Ollivander, thrusting the wands through the bars, “Will these work?” He asked bluntly.

Ollivander flinched away, hesitated, and then cautiously accepted the wands from Harry. He tested them between his hands, bending them and listening to them and sniffing the wood and muttering under his breath, “Thirteen and a half inches, apple wood and unicorn hair. Strange,” he said in a rough whisper; he nodded towards Mulciber, “This wand was never his. It was stolen and never loyal. I don’t imagine it worked well for him,” he passed the wand back to Harry, and considered the second one, “Eleven inches, cherry wood and dragon heartstring. Once loyal to him, but no more,” he shook his head, and said seriously, “A wand like this should never have been sold to a man like him,”

Harry didn’t know what he was talking about, and he wasn’t interested in finding out either, “Will they work?” He asked firmly.

Ollivander nodded, “Yes, though perhaps not well,”

Harry could feel his frustration rising, “Well, who will they work best for then?”

Ollivander swallowed a little at his cold biting tone, “I believe that the apple wood would best suite Mister William Weasley, and the cherry wood would be better for Mister Charles Weasley,”

Harry nodded, and snatched the second wand back, limping across the room with new purpose. He paused though and turned contemplatively back towards Ollivander. His eyes narrowed on the lock on his cell door.

He hesitated, then swallowed. He lifted the hand he had remaining to him, and stretched out his fingers towards the lock. It felt ridiculous to consider, but could he even perform wandless magic with his left hand? Surely one hand was as equally magical as the other? They were both a part of him, after all?

Or they had been.

He pressed back the grief and horror, and focussed on the internal mechanism of the lock. He narrowed his eyes, his fingers trembling. The lock began to smoke, and Harry said under his breath, “Bombarda!” And it suddenly blew apart with a whizz and a bang that had Ollivander flinching back and Fred gasping in alarm.

Harry felt a shudder of relief.

He turned back to the Weasleys, stepping around Mulciber on the ground and his own arm (oh, God) to thrust a wand at Bill and Charlie. He left them to free themselves, and focussed on Fred’s lock, opening it in the same way that he had opened Ollivander’s.

Fred stumbled out the moment that the door swung open, and immediately wrapped his arms around Harry and pulled him into a fierce, desperate embrace; Harry froze, panic thrilling in his chest against his will, “Oh, Harry,” he whispered through his tears into Harry’s ear, “Oh, Harry! It’s okay… it’s okay now,” he hiccuped, “We missed you so much. We worried after you so much,”

Harry returned the embrace weakly, though he never relaxed, and he itched to pull away.

“How are we getting out of here?” Charlie asked brusquely, his eyes narrowed on Mulciber’s corpse.

“We need him,” Harry said softly, peeling himself out of Fred’s hold, “Come on. No,” he said, stopping Charlie when he leant forwards to grab Mulciber’s wrist, “I’ve got him,”

Like he had in Diagon alley, Harry used a lasso of magic and caught it around Mulciber’s neck. Fed gagged a little as it slotted into the gash in his throat and wrenched, making the skin stretch and tear, but his head remained attached.

Harry went first, his magic pulling Mulciber along effortlessly behind him up the stairs, leaving a smear of red in his wake.

“Now what?” Said Bill in the drawing room, looking around warily.

Harry dragged Mulciber to the door, then dropped his spell. He ignored the curious eyes on his back and took a deep breath. He pressed his hand against the door, the blood on his palm smearing against it.

He tried to imagine that this was just another lesson with Severus - a lesson in subtlety. He visualised the wards as if they were a mind to be infiltrated and tricked, and though the wards gravitated towards him, they were quick to forget him when he made himself invisible to them. He pressed, and he leant in just the right place, and with the smallest of actions, no more than a droplet of power in a sea of magic, he felt them release.

He let out a shuddering breath.

“No loud noises,” Harry cautioned them under his breath, “No flashy magic. If there’s anyone around, aim to incapacitate them in the quietest way possible,”

He didn’t wait to see if they had acknowledged him. He opened the door carefully, creeping forwards as he peered left and then right, and found the dark corridors deserted. Ahead of him he could see the doors that led out onto the drive, and through the tall windows on either side of them, he could see that it had begun to snow.

He pressed forwards first, dragging Mulciber behind him by his throat. The doors opened ahead of him. Did they know him now too? Opening at his will as a rightful member of the Malfoy family?

The Weasley’s and Ollivander followed at his back silently. Mulciber left a smear of red in the snow behind them as they crept down the drive. Harry didn’t feel the cold, but he was aware of Fred and Ollivander shivering behind him.

“Now what?” Fred muttered nervously when they came to a stop in the snow

And Harry could have done it with magic, but he didn’t. He pinned Mulciber’s wrist in place with his foot and bent down low to use the knife strapped to his ankle to hack and saw at the man’s arm. Above his elbow. Just like Harry. Now they really would match, Harry thought viciously.

“Oh God,” he heard Ollivander say softly.

“If you’re going to vomit, do it quietly,” Harry said grimly, blinking as blood splattered towards him. He reluctantly used magic to help him saw through the bone, but then he was standing triumphantly with the man’s amputated arm dangling from his hand.

He looked between them, and when it was obvious that no one was going to take it from him, he dropped it back down to the ground. He was beginning to realise that perhaps his perception of normality had been truly warped.

“You need the mark to get through the gate,” Harry explained flatly.

“Couldn’t you have done that down there?” Said Bill, ashen face, “It would have saved you dragging him up here,”

“I’m not done with the rest of him,” Harry said darkly; there was a moment of tense silence between them where only the falling snow could be heard, “You need to go now,”

“Aren’t you coming with us?” Fred asked at once; Charlie hushed him with a hiss.

“I can’t,” Harry said shortly.

“Why not?” Fred insisted, reaching for Harry’s wrist and squeezing it, “The gates are right there! Come with us!”

“I can’t,” Harry insisted, wrenching his wrist free, “He’ll only make me come back, and I’d rather keep my remaining arm if it’s all the same to you,” he felt a twinge of genuine panic at the thought despite the flippancy of his comment.

Ollivander stepped forwards, his eyes narrowing on Harry’s, and he rasped, “I thought that I saw something glittering in the iris of your eye,”

Harry’s lips twisted.

“What?” Said Fred, confused.

“Slaving runes,” Ollivander croaked.

What?!” Charlie hushed Fred again.

“You have to leave, and I can’t come with you,” Harry repeated himself.

“No! No!” Fred said, panicked.

Charlie quickly covered his mouth, “Be quiet, Fred!” He hissed looking around anxiously.

Fred broke free though and pulled Harry into his chest, “We can’t leave you here,” he gasped into his ear, “In this place. We can’t,”

“You have to,” Harry said, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against his shoulder, “You have to,”

And then Fred was gone, carefully pulled away by a grim Charlie, “We have to go, Fred,”

Fred was shaking his head and shuddering with his suppressed sobs, “No - this isn’t… this… I- I can’t,”

“You have to go, or they’ll catch you, and they’ll kill you,” Harry said harshly, “You have to go,”

Fred’s lips trembled, and he let out a huffing breath, “How are we meant to carry on knowing that you’re still here?”

Harry shook his head with a shrug, “How did you mange it before?”

Fred’s expression twisted bitterly, “By trying not to think about you,”

Harry’s mouth quivered and he smiled sadly, “Then you know exactly what you have to do,” Fred’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed compulsively, “You have to go now,”

Then Charlie was stepping forwards and pulling him into a fierce embrace. He released him and was replaced by Bill who cradled the back of his head.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you,” Harry whispered to him, “I’m so sorry,”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Bill whispered back.

Bill was replaced by a shaking Fred, “I’ll never stop thinking about you,” he vowed in Harry’s ear, “Never again. No matter what anyone else wants me to do, I will never forget about you. Even if it’s the last thing that I ever do, I’ll find a way to get you out of here,”

Harry watched with his heart in his mouth as Charlie scooped up Mulciber’s arm. With a last look towards him over their shoulders, the began marching towards the gate through the rapidly building snow. Harry felt a faint buzz in his belly as they passed through the wards. Did Draco feel them like this? Did Lucius?

He turned his gaze down to Mulciber’s corpse on the ground and the layer of snow that had begun to cover him. Hatred and anger seethed within him. He wished that Mulciber were alive so that he could kill him a thousand times over, each time in a way that was crueler than the last. But Harry only had his body. What to do with it? He was limited by his physical capacity and his imagination.

Harry gave into his visceral impulse and reached for the blade handle sticking out of Mulciber’s boot.

By the time he was done, Mulciber’s entrails were stretched out in the snow, the blade that had been in his boot was rammed through his left eye and out of the back of his head, and Harry was soaked up to his elbow in the man’s blood.

He didn’t feel satisfied though.

He wanted them to see. He wanted all of them to see what happened to those who tried to hurt him.

He took a steadying breath through his nose, and whispered, “Incendio,”

They came in a slow trickle, the Death Eaters, curious and wary. They didn’t talk to him. They didn’t try to stop him. They just stared between him and the blazing corpse of Mulciber in front of him. Harry didn’t know what expressions were on their faces, blinded as he was by the flames burning against his eyes.

He knew though, when the Dark Lord arrived on the drive, because the Death Eaters fell suddenly silent, and parted for him. Harry turned to watch his approach. His red eyes glowed in the dark and flicked from the flames to Harry. Harry struggled to interpret his expression. He didn’t look angry; he looked almost reluctantly pleased.

Why? Harry would have expected him to be furious that he hadn’t taken his lesson lying down.

But then Harry looked back to the mess he had made of Mulciber’s body, and thought, his stomach sinking, that maybe he understood why the Dark Lord was pleased.

Harry was changed, and the dark truth of the matter had been painted in blood and guts in the snow.

Harry took a shuddering breath and bowed low, “My Lord,”

The Dark Lord said nothing, and he didn’t try to stop Harry as he strode past him back to the house. He simply watched him go.

Harry’s feet carried him back to the Aethonan suite.

The euphoria, the pure exhilaration he had felt as he spread Mulciber out across the driveway bled away when he closed the door behind him, and he found himself trapped with the reality of his situation, rather than his fantasy of revenge.

My Own? My Own?! You are covered in blood!” Clotho’s panicked call unglued Harry’s feet.

He stumbled a little as he crossed the room towards her, “I’m fine,”

Where is your limb?” Atropos growled, “Where? What happened? Did you lose it? Was it taken?”

You are tired,” Lachesis whispered, nudging into his fingers and ignoring the blood that he smeared against her snout, “You are weary,”

My Own, my Own,” Clotho chanted in a panicked murmur.

Harry sighed and closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her scales under his fingers. He had been about to trudge slowly towards the bathroom when he realised that he was not alone.

The Moirai stilled, and Harry turned sharply towards the door.

The Dark Lord stared at him impassively through his red eyes, and for a moment they simply looked at one another. Then the Dark Lord took a deep breath, and said in a low hiss, “Come here, Harry,”

Harry swallowed, and paced carefully towards him, leaving the Moirai alone in the middle of the floor; the Dark Lord reached for him, and paid no mind to the blood that smeared across his hand as he stroked Harry’s cheek.

“Such a mess,” the Dark Lord said quietly, “This won’t do,” he withdrew his wand, and a graceful twirl had the blood purified from Harry’s skin and clothes; the grip on Harry’s face tightened, and the Dark Lord leant forwards so that he could whisper into his ear, “Remember what I said. A deaf, blind, mute torso,” Harry shuddered, and nodded, “Good,”

The grip on his face became near crushing, and the Dark Lord twisted him around so that he was staring out into the room and down at the Moirai.

Avada Kedavra,”

Harry flinched at the sudden flash of green that emerged from the wand that had been lain over his shoulder.

Clotho’s curious lifted head collapsed to the floor with a soft thud, Atropos’s guarded snarl relaxed, and Lachesis’s anxious weaving stilled.

The Dark Lord patted his cheek and was gone.

It took Harry a moment to realise what had happened. He didn’t move. Couldn’t move. His eyes were fixed on the Moirai in the middle of the floor. He felt as if time had come to a standstill, each second dragging out a little longer than the rest as he waited for the penny to drop.

One moment he was stood, the next he was on his knees over her body, his hand pressed to his mouth to hold in the scream he could feel building.

“No,” he choked out, “No,” he trailed shaking fingers down her scales, “No,” he collapsed over her, his arm curling around her, “No… no… no, no, no, no…,” he pulled her into him, and crumbled backwards against the sofa, dragging her with him as he cried into her.

He should have known.

He should have known this would happen.

He should have sent her away with Draco where she would have been safe. He sat with her cradled in his lap, his legs stretched out awkwardly ahead of him. He whispered their names down to them and willed them to look around to him. To answer him. To snip and snipe at one another and then tell him that they loved him like he loved them.

Oh God. Oh God, she was gone. She was gone. She was gone.

He cried harder, his sobs building into a scream in his throat.

He felt the last bit of him begin to drain away. The last bit of hope. The last bit of Harry. He was the Dark Lord’s now, and there was nothing left for him. Nothing and no one left to live or fight for.

Though he knew that wasn’t precisely true. Even as he sobbed over her and held her to his chest, he could feel a clenching in his gut. An anxiety. A heartbreak distinct from his own. It had been roiling inside him ever since Draco had left, though his own had drowned it out for the most part. It was a sweeping in and out of Draco’s own despair as it undulated. Growing and then waning in its intensity. Harry knew from experience that it was impossible to feel this overwhelming sense of doom all of the time.

He wondered if the feeling he could feel from Draco now was as a result of Draco feeling his own devastation. It was a cruel feedback loop that threatened to strangle Harry, but he was grateful for it. It reminded him that no matter what, no matter how smothered he felt by his own despair, the Dark Lord would never truly have all of him.

It did something else as well. It settled in him a quiet seething rage. A hatred buried beneath the pain and just waiting to be pulled forth when the time was right, and he knew with a sudden certainty that the prophesy was true.

Neither could live while the either survived.

Harry would bide his time. He would take all of the pain and all of the heartache if it meant that one day he would be able to rain hell on the man who had torn everything he had ever loved him him.

And so, he sat, and he cried, and with his legs folded awkwardly beneath him and the Moirai in his arms, he watched as the sun rose in the sky once more, and remembered what it had been like only twenty four hours earlier when he had heard her snuffle in his ear and nose into his palm. When her coils had expanded and relaxed with her every breath. She didn’t move now, no matter how much he willed it.

He hoped she could hear him in whatever afterlife it was that snakes went to. He hoped it was the same one as people, so that he might see her again before it was all said and done.

God. God. Merry f*cking Christmas he thought to himself with a bitter laugh as the sun peaked over the horizon, and then he was crying again, though no tears escaped him. He had none left to give.

He heard the door open again, and he looked around listlessly to find Narcissa staring down at him, her eyes full of horror and tears.

She swallowed, and said, “Oh,” the word strangled by her own grief, “I…,” she hesitated, then shuffled closer and sank to the floor at his side, her arm settling behind him on the sofa as she peered down at the Moirai in his arms, “I’m sorry, Harry,” she whispered, stroking a finger down Clotho’s nose; then she trailed a careful hand down Harry’s right arm, “I’m so sorry,” she pressed her face into his and cried.

Harry wanted to be angry with her. To be furious. If she hadn’t said anything, he never would have sent Draco away, and the Moirai would still be alive. But in that moment, he needed her more than he needed his anger, “He killed her,” he whispered in a whine, “He killed her. He… he killed her! It’s all my fault. I should have sent her away as well,”

“It’s not your fault, Harry,” she whispered, cradling his face to hers, “None of this is your fault,”

“And now Draco’s gone,” he shuddered in her hold, “Draco’s gone and now I’m all alone,” he collapsed into her, a sob bursting out of his mouth. She held him and rocked him and stroked his hair, and Harry longed for the day that this pain had burnt itself out. When he didn’t feel like every waking moment would be better if it were his last. When he felt hope again.

“You’re not alone,” she whispered against him, “You’re not alone,”

They were disturbed by the sound of the door opening. Harry lifted his head from her shoulder and looked around, hoping to see Severus.

It wasn’t Severus.

It was Lucius.

Harry stared blankly at him, watching as he silently paced across the room and came to a stop in front of them. He looked deeply into Narcissa’s eyes, and then into Harry’s.

Harry had been prepared for disgust or hatred, but Lucius just looked at him searchingly, perhaps hunting for what it was that had convinced his son to bind himself to Harry.

His eyes flicked to where Harry’s right arm ought to have been. His shoulders lifted and then they fell. He turned towards the bookcase, and in an action that reminded Harry of Draco, Lucius removed a book from the shelf.

It was a book Harry was only too familiar with, though he hadn’t read it in months.

Lucius dropped the copy of ‘Magical Prosthetics and Orthotics: Manufacture and Customisation’ on the coffee table in front of Harry.

“You did it before,” he said firmly, “You can do it again,” he met his wife’s eyes, nodded, and left.


Ahem… don’t hate me?

Little bit of trivia: foreshadowed Harry losing an arm way back in chapter 8 - the first thing Draco read about in the book was making a prosthetic arm, not an eye.

See you all on the 28th of June! If you’re talking to me again by then 🫣

Note: realised I used Rodolphus’s name instead of Mulciber’S in the cellar scene. Changed it!!

Chapter 39: Severus: The Moirai and the Lair of Death and Vipers


Severus waited on the landing below the Aethonan suite with bated breath. He had heard Harry climb the stairs, his gait shuffling and stumbling, and had rushed out to meet him, but he had been too late, and had instead intercepted the Dark Lord climbing the stairs after him, his steps lighter and significantly more dangerous than Harry’s.


Early post because I’m on the night!

So I found the document I made ages ago to keep track of al my ideas for fics so I don’t forget them, and I’m legitimately so sad that I don’t have time to write all of them in full right this very second :( amusingly, the small note that inspired this entire fic was on there, and it was the shortest one out of all of them haha and here we are over 300,000 words later, and I imagine at least 100,000 more still to go

Anyway, I finally bit the bullet and changed the chapter count - I'm hoping that if I change it again, it'll be because I knot precisely how many chapters are left.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Severus waited on the landing below the Aethonan suite with bated breath. He had heard Harry climb the stairs, his gait shuffling and stumbling, and had rushed out to meet him, but he had been too late, and had instead intercepted the Dark Lord climbing the stairs after him, his steps lighter and significantly more dangerous than Harry’s.

“Wait here, Severus,” the Dark Lord had said coldly, his eyes narrowed and cold, “I will have need of you,”

That had been over a minute ago. Over sixty seconds, and now nearing ninety. Severus couldn’t help but to count each one as it passed, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for the Dark Lord to pass judgement on Harry. Severus had seen the flames on the drive, and the silhouette of a corpse; Mulciber’s, he was sure. What would the Dark Lord do?

What would he do? What would he d-?

The thought was cut short by a flicker of a familiar vivid green briefly lighting up the staircase above him, and Severus gasped without meaning to.

Oh God. Oh - he’d killed him. The Dark Lord had killed Harry while Severus had stood there and done nothing to save him.

“The snake,” a gruff voice said behind him; Severus stiffened on instinct, “It was the snake - not the boy,” Rodolphus repeated, his tone almost soothing. Soothing Severus or himself, who could say?

Severus said nothing; instead, he held his breath and listened intently, Rodolphus at his back. Severus could almost fool himself into believing that Rodolphus cared for the boy too, if he didn’t know better - if he didn’t know about the Friday evenings that Rabastan reluctantly traded places with his brother so that Rodolphus could satisfy his more unsavoury urges in the local town.

Severus was pulled back to the present by the sound of a door above them opening, and muffled sobs leaking out into the rest of the hall before the door was closed again. He felt relief flood his chest, and released a shuddering breath as he realised the truth of Rodolphus’s words.

It wasn’t Harry - it was the snake. Harry might have been in pain, but at least he was alive to experience it.

“What happened?” He asked the question under his breath to Rodolphus behind him.

“Don’t know exactly,” Rodolphus said in a grunt, “Just know that that was Mulciber on fire on the drive. The boy did it. And he let the prisoners go,”

Severus peered over his shoulder, and found Mulciber stood with his hand on the handle to his door, “And you didn’t try to stop him?”

Rodolphus looked back at him, his expression blank, “What my Lord wills, is my command,” and he disappeared back into his room.

It took Severus a moment to realise that he was referring to Harry, and not to the Dark Lord.


He looked around smoothly, and pretended to not have been startled by the Dark Lord’s sudden appearance, “My Lord,”

The Dark Lord exhaled in a sharp breath through his slit-like nostrils; the rage that Severus expected to see was ever present, but there was a tinge of satisfaction there too. He was pleased with the pain that he had caused Harry.

“Go to the Order,” he ordered smoothly, “Discover what has become of our wayward prisoners, and the information that they have shared with the Order. I imagine that lips were somewhat loose around them,” he sneered, “We must know what sensitive information now exists out in the world, uncontrolled,”

Severus dipped into a bow, “As you command it, my Lord,”

The Dark Lord dismissed him with a flick of his fingers, and Severus retreated back to his room to retrieve his cloak. Severus was desperate to rush up the stairs to see Harry - to offer him what comfort he could - but he knew that he could not. Not yet.

With his cloak thrown about his shoulders to protect him from the chill and the falling snow, Severus walked down the stairs as quickly as he could without actually running. He was stopped in his tracks when he stepped out of the entrance hall, however.

He found the snow-covered gravel drive filled with meandering Death Eaters, all of them looking warily between one another and the still smouldering corpse of Mulciber. They weren’t all wary though - Rabastan and his ilk looked positively giddy with the excitement of it all. All but Macnair, who stood silently staring down at the smoking body.

Reluctantly, Severus looked as well, and felt his stomach twist.

What remained of Mulciber extended in all directions, blood and guts and entrails pulled free from him and spread out across the gravel. A knife with a long ornate handle had been stabbed through his eye and was pinning his head to the ground below. And his arm - the left one, the real one - it was gone, though where, Severus couldn’t have said.

“What do we do?” Severus looked to the group closest to him at the nervous question, to see the junior Death Eaters who trailed so obediently after Harry all gathered together; it was Jason Pyrites who had spoken.

“We leave him,” Saorise Sayre said coldly, “Harry did this, and if Harry wanted us to clean him up, he’d tell us so,”

What a mess,” he flinched at Lily’s phantom voice in his ear; she was not as horrified as he might have expected her to be.

“Don’t look so glum Walden!” Severus and the young Death Eaters turned as one at the jeering call; Rabastan was grinning over towards Macnair, a cigarette burning between his forefinger and thumb, “If you keep it in your pants, then maybe Potter will forget everything you lot did to him!”

“f*ck off, Lestrange!” Macnair spat over his shoulder, which only made Rabastan’s already snigg*ring companions laugh harder, “I’m not afraid of some half-blood whor*!”

“I’d be careful who you say that around,” Rabastan continued to taunt. He gestured with the cigarette in his hand, “These young pups are quite fond of that half-blood whor* I hear,” Macnair glanced over at Harry’s adoring fans and scoffed, but marched away without a word all the same, “And they’ve got teeth all of their own!” Rabastan crowed after him; he and his retinue broke into peels of laughter.

“Do you think Harry wants him dead as well?” Severus heard Graham Montague mutter curiously to the group as he continued on his journey towards the gates.

“Oh yeah,” Cassius Warrington said with a snort, “And Bellatrix too…,” the rest of their conversation blended into the wind the further Severus walked, until they were a phantom buzz in his ear.

He lingered a little way from the body at the sight of something sitting in the snow - something bloody and flesh like, but unlike the rest of the mess, it was untethered from Mulciber’s mutated corpse. It had clearly been thrown through the air judging by the splatter of red on the ground that was being slowly consumed by the still falling snow.

I hope that he was still alive when Harry did that,” Lily said vindictively, her words a hiss on the wind, and it was only then that Severus realised that he was staring down at Mulciber’s severed penis.

He swallowed, and continued, “You can’t be real,” he muttered, “There’s no way that the real Lily would have been so… vindictive,”

She let out a small, almost angry laugh, “How do you know? We never discussed how I’d react if someone hurt my son. I died for him, Severus. I’d have killed for him too, I’m sure. Or don’t you think that Mulciber got what he deserved?” She asked, an edge in her voice.

“He deserved this and more,” Severus agreed easily; he had never had a problem with revenge, even if the display behind him did make him feel a little ill.

Exactly,” Lily said coldly.

In an action that was so familiar to him, that Severus barely had to think about it in order to apparate from the edge of the property to Grimmauld place. The scene he found waiting for him inside of number twelve, was anything but familiar, however.

He could hear shouting, and for perhaps the first time ever, despite having her curtains open, the portrait of Mrs Back was silent - it appeared that someone had stunned her, no doubt sick to death of her adding to the cacophony of noise coming from the dining room. The dining room, whose doors were thrown wide open in a way that they never were, so that the raised voices spilt out into the rest of the house.

He ventured forwards, his every step guarded as he entered the room to see what looked like the entirety of the Weasley family in attendance, each one looking more distressed than the last.

Despite the table and the chairs, very few of the room’s occupants were seated.

Molly Weasley was stood with her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed, a grave faced Albus at her side. Together, they faced the ire of her youngest son, who was on the verge of being physically restrained by a pale and stricken Hermione Granger.

Behind him was stood William Weasley, battered and bloodied with his tearful wife latched onto his side and carefully rubbing his back. Charlie Weasley, his face more bruise than normal skin, stood at their left with his anxious sister under his arm, his fierce eyes fixed on the headmaster. At the table was sat Fred Weasley and George Weasley. Fred looked as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes distant and fixed on the grain of the wood while his twin looked nervously between his brother’s haunted expression, and the furious faces of the others. There was also a Weasley that Severus had almost forgotten existed.

Percy, stood awkwardly to the side looking uncomfortable and frightened.

The room wasn’t only full of Weasley’s though - Sirius and Remus were there, of course they were, stood to one side and watching the shouting match in front of them through wary eyes. And finally, Draco Malfoy sat on a chair with his back to the wall next to the door. He looked shell shocked, his hand rubbing continuously at the centre of his chest as if he had heart burn. He was the only one who noticed Severus’s arrival. His blood shot eyes turned slowly from Severus back to the confrontation happening in front of them.

“Ron… Ron, please calm down,” said Remus, because of course it was Remus. If anyone was going to play the peace maker in the middle of this family war, it would be him, Severus found himself thinking with a flash of begrudging fondness.

Calm?!” Ron Weasley spat furiously, “Why should I be calm?!! You’ve been lying to us! TO ALL OF US!! You let us think that Harry was DEAD!” He roared, “YOU LET ME THINK THAT MY BEST FRIEND WAS DEAD!

“P-please, Ron,” Mrs Weasley stuttered through her tears, her hands falling to press to the centre of her chest as if she were struggling to hold her breaking heart together, “Please. There was nothing any of us c-could do. I-it was only what we thought was best!”

Ron scoffed, and made to push Granger’s hands away, but she only moved them to his shoulders, and though she didn’t hold him in place, they were enough to stop him from moving, “So, you decided that, as there was nothing we could do, it would be better for us to think that Harry was dead? That we might as well try and forget all about him! And even after Dad got killed-,” here, his voice stuttered and strained with emotion, but he pushed through his grief with pure rage, “a-and three of my brothers were taken hostage, still! Still, you didn’t tell us the truth! If-if Harry hadn’t helped them to escape, then you still wouldn’t have told us,” Ron jabbed his finger in the direction of the still silent and seated Draco; Severus glanced down to him, and found his hand had moved to press against his stomach, as if he might be sick at any moment, and his eyes were flicking warily around the room, “If it hadn’t been for DRACO f*ckING MALFOY! OF ALL PEOPLE! Then we still wouldn’t know!!”

For the first time, the wider room noticed Severus’s appearance.

Sirius gave a half stumbling step in his direction, “Severus,” he said, grey and ill looking, “You’re here,” there was something surprisingly relieved about the way he said it; as if Severus’s presence brought him comfort, “Have you seen Harry?”

“Is he alright?” Bill asked anxiously.

“Of course he’s not alright,” Fred answered in a dazed whisper before Severus could speak, “How could he possibly be alright?”

Ron wasn’t listening though, “Why were you all so determined for us to forget about him?! Did you not love him at all?!!”

Molly let out a small whimper and shook her head as tears spilled down her cheeks; it was Albus who spoke though, “That is quite enough, Mr Weasley,” he said gravely.

Severus expected Ron to be cowed by the headmaster’s intervention, but if anything he looked even more enraged, “Enough? ENOUGH?! You left Harry to be tortured and manipulated for eighteen months! IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH!” He roared, “TORTURED AND RAPED!” At his side, Granger tried to wipe away her tears before they could fall, “AND NOW…,” Ron swallowed back a cry, “and now he’s had his f*cking right arm hacked off as well! As if an eye wasn’t enough!”

Severus felt as if someone had punched him in the gut - winded and sick.

What? His arm? What?! He regretted anew leaving before seeing Harry. He struggled to swallow back his nausea and to bury his burgeoning horror behind his occlumency shields.

“You are quite right,” Albus said quietly, sincerely, “but it is I who deserves your ire, and not your mother. She only did as she was instructed,”

“By you,” Ron spat out.

“By me,” Albus agreed calmly.

Ron sneered, “If you think this repentant, grandfatherly act makes any f*cking diff-!” He was cut off by Granger laying a warning hand on his chest and giving a minute shake of her head. Ron let out a shuddering, furious breath through his teeth.

“We have to do something,” Fred said hoarsely, his eyes lifting from the table for the first time, “We have to do something! We can’t just leave him there!”

“There is very little that we can do,” Albus said wearily to Fred, though his eyes took a long moment to leave a panting Ron, “Voldemort grows more powerful with every day that passes. There will be a moment very soon where we can do little more than protect ourselves and fight from a distance,”

“You mean if he should take power?” Said Fleur with a frightened look at her husband’s grim face.

“If he should take power, yes,” Albus agreed, though Severus imagined he wasn’t the only one who heard the ‘when’ that he avoided saying.

“No! No! That can’t be it!” Fred cried, suddenly leaning forwards across the table and reaching out his hands imploringly, “Harry needs us! He needs us now! He risked everything to get us out - who knows what Voldemort has done to him in retaliation! And yet still we sit here, not willing to sacrifice a damn thing for him. What about that?” He pointed to the corner of the room, and Severus realised with a jolt that there was a severed arm on a side table in the corner of the room – Mulciber’s; Fleur shuddered a little at the sight of it, “Can’t we use that to cross the wards?! We used it to get out!”

Albus sighed heavily and shook his head sadly, “There is no preservation charm on earth that can preserve that arm well enough to maintain the integrity of its dark mark for more than a few days, Fred. And there is more than the wards or the Fidelius charm that prevent us from rescuing Harry now - the power of the slaving runes in his eye should not be underestimated,”

“Can’t we remove them?” Ron interrupted through gritted teeth, barely holding his temper in check, “You’re the most powerful wizard of the age, aren’t you? Why can’t you remove them?”

“I think we can say with some confidence that I am not, in fact, the most powerful wizard of the age,” Albus said shrewdly, “Severus has assessed these runes - their improper removal will almost certainly kill Harry,”

THEN REMOVE THEM PROPERLY!” Ron burst out, only to fall silent again when Granger hissed his name and shook her head with a glare.

“I didn’t join the Order to leave teenagers to be tortured and raped,” Bill said, his voice hollow and tormented, “If we can’t even do something to stop that, then what can we do?”

Albus said nothing; he pressed his lips into a thin line and dropped his gaze. Severus was certain that his remorse was genuine - that his distress at Harry’s situation was not merely an act. And yet it wasn’t enough for him to take action.

“He was going to kill himself,” Fred said, his voice breaking, “He would have killed himself if Bill hadn’t stopped him,”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” Bill whispered, “You said it yourself, Snape. There’s no pain in death, but plenty to be had in life,”

There was the sudden sound of chair legs scraping against the wooden floors, and they all looked around just in time to see Draco fleeing the room. The sound of his feet thundering against the stairs echoed through the silent room. Severus couldn’t blame him. He had done well to stay as long as he had.

“What now?” Ginny said softly, looking up to her older brother and clinging to his arm as if he might disappear at any moment.

Albus took a shuddering breath, and wiped away a tear from beneath his eye, “We carry on. We must. It is all we can do. It… it will be difficult, I know, but try to use the rest of the school break to relax - to find comfort in one another as a family. I will see you back at Hogwarts Ronald, Ginevra, Hermione,” he nodded to them each in turn.

“I’m not coming back,” Ron said sharply, before Albus could turn to go.

Ron!” Gasped Molly, “What?! Of course you’re going!”

“No, I’m not,” he countered harshly, “What’s the point when the world is falling apart around us? What’s the point, when I could be out there trying to make a difference instead!”

“You’re just a boy!” Molly tried to argue, her voice weak, her lips trembling and enormous tears falling from her eyes, “Your place is at school! Where it’s safe!”

“I’m seventeen,” Ron near spat, “and I say that I’m not going,”

“Neither am I,” Granger agreed quietly; the couple’s eyes met, and they nodded determinedly, “We want to take Voldemort down - to save Harry. The way that he would try to save us. We can’t do that at school,”

“I’m not going back either!” Ginny declared.

“Oh yes you are young lady!” Molly said hotly, “You are sixteen years old! You are not dropping out of school - neither of you are! Not so long as you live under my roof!”

Severus could almost hear Ron’s teeth grinding together, “Then I won’t live under your roof!”

“Ron!” Mrs Weasley gasped, a hand to her chest.

“Now is not the time for division Ronald,” Albus said gently, resting a kind hand on Molly’s shoulder, “Now is the time for unity. Now is the time to be with your family,”

“I am not going back to Hogwarts,” Ron shot him a filthy look, “And… and to be honest,” he continued more heavily, “I don’t want to go home either,

“Why ever not?” Molly squeaked, her heartbreak leaking into her voice.

“I’m angry with you,” Ron admitted quietly, his own tears finally rolling down his cheeks, “I’m so angry with you, you don’t understand. I don’t want to go home with you. Right now, I’d rather live under a bridge, than under your roof,”

“You won’t have to live under a bridge,” Sirius interrupted; he offered Molly a reassuring smile, “You can stay here. Anyone who wants to, can stay here,” at his side, Remus nodded.

“No! No, Ron! You have to go back to school!” Molly said frantically.

“No, I don’t,” Ron said shortly, “and thank you, Sirius. I’d like to take you up on that offer,”

“And me,” said Granger softly, “If that’s okay. We’ll only need one room,”

“And me!” Ginny tried again determinedly.

“Absolutely not,” Molly snapped, though her voice trembled, “Absolutely not. I forbid it. You’re still a child. You will be going back to school, Ginevra Weasley, and that’s the end of it! Back to where it’s safe. You’re not even of age yet! What use are you going to be to anyone performing underage magic! No. No help at all. You’re going back to school. When…,” her lips wobbled and she sniffed back her years, “When you’re seventeen I won’t be able to stop you if you don’t want to go back but… but for now, you are going to school,”

The youngest Weasley child looked as if she might explode, her face turning puce with her fury, but Charlie’s gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her from arguing.

“It has been a long night,” Albus said softly, looking between the warring family, “I believe that perhaps it is time for all of us to get some rest,”

Next to him, Molly nodded tearfully and wrung her hands together.

“We’ll be a long in a little bit, Mum,” Charlie said gently, squeezing his hand on Ginny’s shoulder, “We’ll get Ron settled in, and then we’ll floo after you, alright?”

George nodded distractedly, his eyes fixed on the face of his forlorn twin, “Yeah Mum - you go on ahead. We’ll come home. We won’t be going back to the shop,”

Molly sniffed and turned to leave. She hesitated though, and back tracked to press a lingering kiss to her youngest son’s forehead. He tolerated it with a pinched expression and said nothing as his crying mother left the room.

“If I might have another moment of your time before you depart Severus,” said Albus, suddenly sounding twice his age. As if a strong wind might blow him over.

“Of course,” Severus said.

He watched as the others filed from the room, Remus at the head, Bill with his and his wife’s arms linked together, Charlie with his arm about Ginny’s shoulders, Ron and Hermione hand in hand, and a mildly uncomfortable and silent Percy on his own trailing after them. Sirius brought up the rear and threw a significant look over his shoulder to Severus before he closed the door.

Albus sank into the nearest chair with a sigh and warded the door with a flick of his wand. He pulled his glasses carefully from the end of his nose and rubbed at his eyes.

When he didn’t immediately speak, Severus did, “What is it Albus?” He said tiredly.

“Have you seen Harry?” Albus asked softly.

“No,” he said, “I didn’t even know what had happened to his arm until just now. I haven’t seen him since I delivered the Dark Lord’s message to Draco,”

Albus nodded and pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, his eyes closed, “I fear that this is how it starts,” he said quietly.

Severus frowned, and lowered himself into his own chair, “How what starts?”

“Harry’s becoming,” Albus admitted sadly, his eyes opening and fixing on Severus, “I believe that Harry is now firmly on the path to a terrible greatness,”

Severus masked his flash of aggrieved fury with an incredulous, “And how on Earth have you come to that conclusion?” He scoffed, “He’s just had his arm severed, and has just released the Weasley brothers from the Dark Lord’s grasp!”

“You know that he tortured them,” said Albus.

“I do,” Severus said; it was an effort not to grit his teeth together, “Under duress,”

“And yet all three of the Weasley brothers who were tortured at the end of his wand are incredibly forgiving. If anything,” Albus said with a disbelieving huff of laughter, “the experience only seems to have made them more loyal! Do you think that they’d have so easily forgiven you in the same circ*mstances?”

“Is this about your bloody Blood Bond theory?” Severus said disdainfully, rolling his eyes, “You truly believe its the bond compelling them to view him in a favourable light? And not their own pre-existing affection for the boy? And the fact that they are well aware he was coerced into his actions?”

“I believe the bond is having an effect,” Albus confirmed, “It is opening the door of acceptance to them. They have forgiven him for this because they believe he was coerced, but how much more will they be willing to forgive? When he is at the Dark Lord’s side and acting as his right-hand man?”

Severus held in a waspish comment that Harry lacked even a right arm of his own now, “This is a stretch, Albus,” he snorted out instead.

“Perhaps… but this is only the beginning,” Albus said quietly, “We must keep our eye on this. The consequences may not be fully realised until long after I am dead, but I believe that within Harry is the potential to become the next great Dark Lord. Look out for it, Severus,” he continued gravely, “Should you have the good fortune to outlive me and this war. Be wary. Be critical of your own feelings - your own affections. You must not become complacent,”

“You have lost all sympathy for the boy then?” Severus asked curiously.

“On the contrary, I have the utmost sympathy for Harry. But just like you, I must be wary of my sympathy and love for Harry. It will cloud my judgement,” he smiled tightly, then nodded, and pushed himself to his feet, “I must speak with Alastor and Kingsley - we must consider whether or not it is now appropriate to bring the threat that Harry way pose to the attention of the minster. Or Robards perhaps, at the very least. I trust in his even temper more than I trust in Rufus’s,”

“You would set the Auror’s on him?” Severus said, watching as the headmaster made for the door.

He shook his head, “I am merely sharing intelligence - making sure that we are all aware of the dice that is in play, and where it might land. Anyway. Until next time, Severus. Stay safe,” and he left.

Severus sat in silent contemplation.

He considered the furious panic he could feel rearing its head almost clinically; he smothered it in favour of a deliberate calm. He needed to think. What to do?

If he doesn’t end up killing Harry before the end,” Lily said, her voice soft in his ear as she took up the chair that Draco had vacated behind him where he couldn’t see her, “then he is surely setting him up for life imprisonment in Azkaban the moment that he no longer needs him to kill Voldemort,” Severus frowned to himself and rubbed at his chin, “You need more allies,” Lily encouraged, “More than Sirius and Remus and Draco. What can any of you do in the face of the machine that is the Auror office? Sirius isn’t the first innocent person they sent to Azkaban without a trial. They will dog Harry’s every step. Record his every crime. What will they care if they were committed under duress? They won’t. If they think he might be dangerous, then they will just shut him away for the rest of his life! Or execute him,” she said grimly.

Severus said nothing. He swallowed and rubbed the material of his cloak between his his fingers.

This is how I see it,” she continued, “Either Voldemort takes power, and keeps it, or he takes power, and one day the Ministry seizes it back. If they do, things will just go back to the way that they were before. The corruption. The abuse of power in the name of the greater good. They will destroy him Severus. You must do something. To protect him from that eventuality, you must do something,”

“It sounds like Albus believes he’ll die before the end of the war,” Severus muttered to her, as if the statement would offer them comfort. It didn’t, “We might not need to worry,”

Lily scoffed, “Right, and so he’s creating a web of people to take down Harry in his place. Alastor, Kingsley, Robards, Rufus… who will defend Harry in yours? Should you die? Who will fight for Harry then?”

Severus was on his feet and sweeping into the hallway before she had finished speaking. He followed his feet on instinct to the kitchen. He threw the door open and hurried down the few steps that connected the wooden hallway floor to the tiled kitchen. He expected the room to be empty, and it was, but he needed to be sure. To see its four walls. To look for leaks and to plug them - any crack or chipped corner that might allow sound to escape into the rest of the house. The damage that Sirius had done the week before had been repaired, almost as if nothing had ever happened to begin with, though the truth of the matter could be seen in the fine cracks in the furniture that would never be quite the same.

His eyes zeroed in on the fireplace and he hesitated over what to do. A permanent ward would not go unnoticed. A temporary one would have to do - something discreet. Something perhaps to slow the emergence of any unannounced visitor, or perhaps require them to be granted admittance. Black might not be be best pleased with Severus interfering with the wards, but he would get over it.

Severus raised his wand, and twirled it through the air, catching the metaphorical strands of the wards and forcing them to obey his command. Though nowhere near as entrenched as the wards of Malfoy manor, having only been in place for the last hundred years or so, they were still loath to bend to the will of someone other than a Black. Still, with an effort, they bowed, and Severus considered the fireplace as warded as it was going to be without permanently shutting it off from the floo network itself.

Satisfied, Severus turned on his heel and began his search of the house. He began with the only bedroom on the first floor. He knocked briskly but didn’t wait to be granted entrance.

Draco Malfoy was sat in the middle of his new bed, his legs crossed and his head in his hands. He looked up to reveal blood shot eyes.

“What?” He asked in a whisper.

“Get downstairs,” Severus commanded.

Draco blinked, and said, “Why?”

Severus stepped forwards and pulled the door shut fast behind him, as he inspected the walls for portraits that might eavesdrop and spill what they heard to a nosey headmaster. Perhaps Severus was becoming paranoid in his old age, but was it paranoia if they were really out to get you? And he had more than enough reason to believe that the headmaster was really after Harry.

“We must do something,” Severus said urgently, his voice hushed, “The headmaster would leave Harry to rot. Would you?”

“No,” Draco said at once; a singular blink of his eyes had the tears clinging to his lashes spilling down his cheeks. He didn’t look even remotely surprised that Dumbledore might have been less than enthusiastic about rescuing Harry.

“Then get downstairs - now. The kitchen. We must make plans if we are to even have a hope of extricating Harry from the Dark Lord’s side,”

Severus turned to go, but Draco stopped him, “Have you seen him?” He sat up and almost strained towards the door, “Since… since he helped the Weasley’s and Ollivander escape, I mean,”

“No,” Severus admitted reluctantly, “I came straight here upon the Dark Lord’s command,”

Draco nodded distractedly, rubbing a hand over his chest, “He… he feels as if the world is ending,”

Severus felt a flash of intrigue over the bond that now connected them, but it wasn’t the time, “You are gone,” he said simply, “And… and I believe that the Dark Lord has killed the Moirai as well,” he added reluctantly.

Draco’s grey eyes snapped to him, “No,”


“He has no one,” Draco said mournfully, sinking back into the mattress.

“He does,” Severus countered firmly, “He has me. But I am not enough - neither is your mother. We must do better Draco. We must do more – do you understand? Good - to the kitchen,” Draco nodded shakily; he unfolded his legs from beneath him and staggered for a moment, “Say nothing until I am there,” Severus warned him, “The portraits cannot be trusted. There is an ally of the headmaster amongst them,”

Severus headed up another floor, and it was easy to pick the second room to target; he could hear the hubbub behind it. He knocked, the room fell silent, and he entered. The Weasley’s, including Granger and Bill’s bride, looked back at him. They were all sat down, gathered together between the two beds and the ancient chairs in the room.

“Snape,” Bill said warily, standing, “What can we help you with?”

Severus glanced above his head, and his eyes narrowed on the currently vacant portrait frame on the wall. If he remembered correctly, this was the second frame of Phineas Black. With a flick of his wand, he froze it so that for the time being, Phineas would be unable to enter it, or listen through it.

“We must talk,” he said, putting his wand away, “In the kitchen. I shall retrieve Black and Lupin,”

“Talk about what?” Ron said scornfully.

Ron,” Granger said sharply, her eyes fixed intently on Severus.

“About Harry,” Severus paused at the sight of the forgotten Weasley brother who looked as if he was in over his head, “If you are unprepared to participate in what amounts to mutiny, then I suggest you go home instead,” Severus warned him, “I am prepared to obliviate you if I must,”

Percy straightened and gained a determined expression, “I- I might have been a little slow on the uptake, but I want to help,” he said firmly.

“Oh really?” Severus said with a skeptical raised eyebrow, “Even if it requires secrecy from your mother? From the headmaster?”

“Even then!” Percy declared, though Severus didn’t miss the anxious look he sent the eldest brother.

“We will see you downstairs,” Bill agreed with a serious nod, “Are you staying here, or are you going?” He addressed his wife.

“You are my husband!” Fleur said with an outraged huff, “I will support you in whatever way I am able to!”

“Good,” Severus said bluntly, “Draco is waiting for you,” and he left without another word, thundering up the stairs to the top floor to a room he spent a surprising amount of time in.

This time, at Black’s door, he knocked, and he waited to be invited inside. He had learnt his lesson after walking in on them one too many times.

“Come in,” called a clearly exhausted Remus.

Remus and Sirius were sat side by side on the end of the bed, the outside of their legs pressed together, and their hands clasped.

Sirius frowned at the sight of him, “Did you alter the wards?” He asked curiously.

Severus ignored him though, “Come downstairs,”

It was Remus’s turn to frown, “What? Why?”

“Come downstairs,” Severus insisted, “Yes, I changed the wards. I added to them, so that you can block access to the fireplace as you wish,” he licked the corner of his mouth - it was the only outward sign of his rising stress levels, “We are not enough, Black. You, and me, and Lupin, and Draco. We’re not enough to save Harry. We need more. Or are you satisfied with sitting back and watching as Albus sows the seeds of Harry’s destruction?”

Sirius was on his feet at once, too anxious to even scowl at Severus’s near accusation, “Lead the way,” he said sharply.

Standing at the end of the kitchen table, its wary occupants staring up at him, Severus considered the group he had gathered together, and wondered if this was how Albus felt whenever he headed Order meetings. This flash of imposter syndrome. Who was he to think he could lead these people? Who was he to ask for their fealty?

He shook the feeling off. No. He was certain that that wasn’t how Albus felt at all. The man had always been too comfortable in his role as the infallible leader. He had surely forgotten the crippling weight of responsibility that was threatening to crush Severus now.

He had to get this right. He had to, or when it was judgement day, there would be no one to save Harry’s neck from the chopping block. He took a deep breath and began to talk.

“What we discuss here tonight, can never go any further than these four walls,” he said softly, his eyes boring into the witches and wizards gathered around him one by one as he tried to communicate by eye contact alone the seriousness of the matter at hand; Draco was the only one who didn’t meet his gaze. He was learnt down on the kitchen table, his blonde hair fisted harshly in one hand, his grey eyes fixed on the grain of the kitchen table, “If there is anyone here that feels that they cannot keep this secret, then leave now,”

No one stood.

“What’s this about Snape?” Charlie asked warily.

Severus hesitated; his eye’s found Black’s, and the man gave him a single, serious nod, “The headmaster has given up on Harry,” he announced; Ron hissed through his clenched teeth, “Completely and utterly, but it is more than simply losing hope. I have reason to believe that he is actively working towards bringing about his downfall - from beyond the grave, even, so that Harry’s fate is sealed even in the event of the headmaster’s death,”

“Why?” Fred whispered aghast, “Why would he do that?!”

“He is convinced that Harry has grown too powerful - he has developed some notion that the prophesy about Harry and the Dark Lord doesn’t only predict Harry’s triumph over the Dark Lord, but of his usurpation of him. Even if Harry did not have slaving runes imbedded in his eye, I strongly believe that Albus would leave him where he is,” Severus said gravely.

Fleur scoffed, and then flushed bright red when everyone turned to look at her, “It is just…,” she said hesitantly, her eyes darting up and down the able, “It is like, a… uh, self-fulfilling prophesy, is it not? That the headmaster believes that Harry will grow into a new Dark Lord, and so he leaves him in a place to be tormented, where no one loves him, and so a frightened and lonely boy becomes a Dark Lord! It is so… so stupid! Don’t you think so?” She turned to her husband, “If Harry were only shown love and compassion, I doubt that any such thing would come to pass. I do not know Harry well, but when I did, he seemed to be a kind and compassionate boy. The last person I would expect to become a ‘Dark Lord’!”

“He was… is,” Sirius corrected himself, misty eyed.

“I agree Mrs Weasley,” Severus said with a bow of his head, “I do not agree with the headmaster’s position. I do not believe that Harry is a danger. Moreover, I believe that Harry is in danger. From Albus as much as the Dark Lord. There is… there is more, however,” Severus continued, “I…,” he swallowed nervously and glanced to Black again for support; it was as if he had read his mind.

“Has anyone ever heard of Horcruxes?” Sirius asked darkly; the table exchanged nervous looks and shook their heads one by one, “It is amongst the darkest of magics that exists, so naturally the Black family knew all about them,” he said grimly, “A Horcrux is an object that a witch or wizard may use to hide a piece of their soul to make them effectively immortal-,”

Granger gasped, interrupting him, “The soul containers!” She shook Ron’s arm excitedly at her side, “They are known magic! And they have a name!”

“You know about them?” Remus said warily.

She nodded enthusiastically, “Yes! We guessed that Voldemort has one - or more than one, probably. The diary that possessed Ginny was one,” she gestured to the other girl across the table, “and we think they’re searching the school for another one,”

“They are,” Severus confirmed, “and one has been found and destroyed. How do you know about them?” He added with a dangerous narrowing of his eyes.

Granger gestured to Draco, “Draco told us that… that…,” she paled, “that Harry holds a piece of Voldemort’s soul inside of him,” she finished in a whisper.

“Indeed,” Severus said gravely, ignoring the gasps around the table, “This is the second reason that Albus is now quietly advocating for Harry’s death,”

“No!” Fred cried vehemently, “No! This isn’t fair! Hasn’t Harry had to endure enough? We have to do something!!”

“But what?” George asked quietly, “I want to help Harry - I really do! But what can we possibly do?”

“We are already doing something,” Severus gestured to the table, “We are trying to find another way. A way to save Harry. The entire Order and Ministry are working to destroy the Dark Lord - there is little more we can do on that front. But no one cares about Harry anymore. He has gone forgotten for over a year now,”

“Not anymore,” Bill said firmly.

“No,” Remus agreed softly, “Not anymore,”

“If I may,” Granger interrupted carefully, “But I… I think that unfortunately, at this point, unless you can find a way to remove the slaving runes in Harry’s eye…,” she swallowed nervously and shifted in her seat, “I think that destroying Voldemort might be the only way to free him. I’ve been trying to research into these soul containers - these Horcruxes - though admittedly it's been very difficult when I didn’t even know what they were called! I’m hoping that, if we can understand them in more detail, we might find a way that we can destroy Voldemort in spite of them. So that we can kill Voldemort without Harry being hurt! And without us having to worry that we’ve missed one of them,” she added.

“A duel foci then?” Severus said slowly, “Both on removing the runes, and failing that, on overcoming the existence of the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes,”

Granger’s eyes flicked nervously to a silent and near catatonic Draco, “I had asked Draco to check his family for books about them but… but I don’t know if he had time,” Draco didn’t stir, but he didn’t need to.

“I have one,” Sirius said abruptly, “I meant to destroy it when we were clearing the house out, but I never got around to it. I’m glad I didn’t now,” he added with an attempt at a smile.

“How many does he have?” Charlie asked in a faintly horrified mutter.

“At least three remain,” Severus answered distractedly, “Harry, the snake, Nagini, and a cup that once belonged to Hufflepuff. The headmaster believes that this cup may be hidden in an unknown vault in Gringotts,”

George turned pale, “Are we breaking into Gringotts now?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Bill said with a snort, “Break into Gringotts? You’d have to be mad! And without even knowing which vault? Insane!!”

“It is likely to be a vault belonging to a high-ranking Death Eater,” Severus reasoned.

“The Malfoys,” Sirius said at once, only to wince and look carefully over at a still silent Draco.

“No,” disagreed Ginny, “he already gave them one, remember? And it was destroyed because of them. If it had been with them, then I’m sure he’d have taken it back,”

“Maybe the Notts,” said Charlie slowly, rubbing his chin.

“Maybe any of them,” George scoffed.

“Is there no way of getting an inventory of the vaults?” Fred asked, turning towards Bill and Fleur, “From the bank? How about if the Ministry asked for one?” He pointed his thumb towards Percy, who was listening with a furrowed, focussed brow, “Surely they’d have no choice - they’re confirmed Death Eaters!”

Bill shook his head with a dark chuckle, “The goblins don’t give a sh*t about wizard conflicts, Fred. The Ministry can request an inventory, sure, but they would only provide it with the consent of the vault's owners,”

“We could always make the request,” Percy suggested hesitantly, “Maybe… maybe if the request is put in against the correct vault, it might spur You-Know-Who into some kind of action?”

“Perhaps,” said Remus slowly, “Or perhaps it would prompt him to relocate the Horcrux. We can’t be sure,”

“But hopefully!” Said Hermione, speaking over them, “It won’t matter where this Horcrux is! We need it to not matter,” she stressed, “Otherwise… otherwise…,” she sniffed wetly, “What will that mean for Harry?”

And the table fell silent.

“I agree with Severus,” Bill said heavily, “We need a duel focus - both on destroying Voldemort without harming Harry, and freeing Harry from the slaving runes in his eye,”

“This shall be a marathon, not a sprint,” Severus warned them all, “There shall be no quick fix to this. It will almost certainly be years before we achieve success, and even then, we might still fail,”

The air in the room turned somber.

“What do we do now?” Said Percy, “What can I do, more specifically?” He added determinedly.

“You still in the Ministry’s good graces Perce?” Charlie asked curiously; his brother nodded, “Good - keep it that way. You might hear things that we need to know,”

“Nev and Luna will want in on this,” Ginny said quietly, wiping away the tears that trailed down her cheeks, “They love Harry just as much as us,”

“Do not discuss this with them,” Severus said firmly, “This is to be discussed only within this house, and even then only behind closed, locked doors, and with any portraits in the room frozen. The portrait of Phineas Black reports to the headmaster, remember,” he cautioned them.

“You know, I think my great-great-grandfather might be persuaded to change allegiances,” Sirius mused, scratching at his beard.

“Tread carefully,” Severus warned him, “Though there is no magic to bind the portraits loyalty to the headmaster of the school, convention is a powerful thing,”

“I’ll be careful,” Sirius promised, “I’ll suggest that it is only Remus and I that are conspiring against the headmaster. I doubt he’d be surprised,” he added with a snort, “Though I would be less concerned with the portraits, and more concerned with the other occupants of the house,” Sirius added with reluctance, “I agreed to offer Andromeda refuge here when she’s released from St Mungo’s, which will be any day now. Her house is no longer safe - there’s a very real concern that Bellatrix will come after her again. She’ll be staying in the room opposite yours,” he nodded towards Ron and Hermione.

“We must be very careful where we speak then,” Remus said slowly, “I imagine with Andromeda here, meetings like this will be impossible,”

“We shall be the link between us then,” Severus said with a nod, “You, Black and I. No one will question the Weasley’s or Granger talking to you, and no one will question you talking to me,” his eyes flicked to the still silent Draco, but he didn’t bring him into the conversation. The boy looked as if he were a million miles away.

The table fell into quiet contemplation once more, as nods of agreement were exchanged.

“We have to do this,” Fred said softly, rubbing tiredly at his eyes, “We… we can’t let this happen to Harry. To keep happening to him. We have to try!”

“Should we have a name?” Granger suggested carefully.

“Whatever for?” Fleur asked with a light frown.

“There is power in a name,” Bill said wisely, “Unity. Identity. A common purpose. Even if we never say it out loud,”

“Any suggestions?” George said with false mirth, “It’s like the DA all over again!”

“The Moirai,” said Draco suddenly, his voice hoarse and cracking; he sat up slowly, blinking slowly and ignoring the tears that escaped his eyes. All eyes turned on him, but he didn’t look back, “What are we doing, if not attempting to be the hands of fate?” He finally looked up to Severus, something desperate in his expression.

“The Moirai,” Severus agreed quietly as the only other person in the room who understood the true significance of the name.

Draco swallowed, then glanced down to his chest, “I have something,” he said in a whisper, reaching within his robes, “Harry and I - we figured out that- that because of the fragment of the Dark Lord’s soul that lives in him, he’s as much the secret keeper for the manor as the Dark Lord,” he pulled out of his inner pocket, the torn end of a roll of parchment, “Harry gave me this before I left. Actually, he gave me an entire role of parchment to give to Dumbledore,” he pushed the slither of parchment towards Fleur at his right side, who read it, her eyebrows flashing in surprise before she pushed it along the table, “But I…,” Draco shook his head, “I didn’t trust him,” he admitted, “I didn’t trust that that parchment would ever see the light of day in his care. So, I tore off the bottom. So that Dumbledore wouldn’t be the gatekeeper to when we can, or can’t save Harry,”

The strip of parchment was passed silently around the room, until it ended up back in Draco’s careful hands. He smoothed out the corners and tucked it away inside his pocket again.

“Perhaps we should try and laminate it,” Granger suggested gently, “To protect it,”

Draco gave an uncomprehending shake of his head, “What’s laminate?”

Granger offered him a small, kind smile, “Don’t worry. I’ll sort it,”

Draco nodded distractedly. He looked about the table as if he couldn’t quite believe where he was, and who he was with. Then he released a shuddering breath and pushed back from the table. He left without another word.

And despite the somber mood around him, Severus felt for the first time as if they finally had a chance.


No one judge me but I’ve started typing up another side project 😂 no idea when it’ll see the light of day, but honestly if I don’t get these sticky ideas typed out then they hugely detract from me writing anything else.

The Moirai and the Lair of Death and Vipers - FightFireWithFire - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.