Storyverse - One_True_Author - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Preface: Good Night Chapter Text Chapter 2: Prologue: The Hill, Part 1 Chapter Text Chapter 3: ??? Chapter Text Chapter 4: Chapter 1: The Next Day Chapter Text Chapter 5: Chapter 2: Let's Go. In and Out. 20 Minute Adventure Chapter Text Chapter 6: Chapter 3: Actors Chapter Text Chapter 7: Chapter 4: Tea, Time, Uncle and Forbidden Knowledge Chapter Text Chapter 8: Chapter 5: The Great Old Ones Under The Great Copyright Chapter Text Chapter 9: Chapter 6: Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Hate Chapter Text Chapter 10: Chapter 7: Kai Chapter Text Chapter 11: Chapter 8: The Truth Chapter Text Chapter 12: Chapter 9: The Plan Chapter Text Chapter 13: Chapter 10: That One Chapter Where One Character Takes A Long, Tedious Time Explaining The Worldbuilding To The Others, While Dumping An Awful Amount Of Exposition. Chapter Text Chapter 14: Chapter 11: Kayen Chapter Text Chapter 15: Interlude: The Beginning of All Beginnings Chapter Text Chapter 16: Chapter 12: Sol Clain Chapter Text Chapter 17: Chapter 13: Depari Chapter Text Chapter 18: Chapter 14: Beach Episode...? Chapter Text Chapter 19: Chapter 15: The White Noise Chapter Text Chapter 20: Chapter 16: The Sea of Unrealized Ideas Chapter Text Chapter 21: Chapter 17: Sol Clain 2: Electric Boogaloo Chapter Text Chapter 22: Chapter 18: Battle at the Capital, part 1 Chapter Text Chapter 23: Chapter 19: Battle at the Capital, part 2 Chapter Text Chapter 24: Chapter 20: Settling the Score Chapter Text Chapter 25: Chapter 21: Kai Clain. Finale. Chapter Text Chapter 26: Epilogue: The Hill, part 2 Chapter Text Chapter 27: Post-Canon: Agency Stories Chapter Text Chapter 28: P.S. Author Chapter Text Chapter 29: Everwhere at the End of Fantasies, The Sueno Finito; Good Morning Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Preface: Good Night

Chapter Text

Let me tell you a story. A story about travelling and adventures. About heroes and fierce battles. About the personal tragedy of oh so many. About multidimensional structures and absurd worlds. About characters who want freedom. About me. About you, [Reader]. Good night.

Chapter 2: Prologue: The Hill, Part 1

Chapter Text


It was about noon. The bustling streets of the capital were in full swing with hundreds of people and carts moving back and forth between the two-story buildings. No wonder, Arai – the main city of the kingdom of the same name – has always been full of humans... and non-humans too. If it wasn't enough, there was a big fair right now, in the height of summer, so the streets were very crowded. A stream of people, like a tsunami, walked into the center of the capital. More and more merchants arrived from the sea, to which more than half of the streets faced. White brick houses with red roofs surrounded people scurrying here and there.

One teenager stood out in the crowd, looking to be about fourteen. He stood out not because of his dark palette – black short hair and a cloak and cape of that color – but because he was walking in the opposite direction from the majority. Probably not even walking, but running as fast as he could, trying not to run into anyone on the way. If it was absolutely impossible to pass between the densely standing townspeople, the boy suddenly disappeared and immediately appeared behind them, continuing on his way. No one was surprised – in such a world, simple teleportation wouldn't take anyone by surprise. As the boy ran past one of the city's smithies, the owner waved at him and shouted:

–Happy Birthday, Oliver!

The black-clad teenager, whose name was obviously Oliver, smiled and waved back. The boy knew this blacksmith very well – after all, Oliver was working here despite his age. Though given the era, there was nothing odd about working at the age of fourteen.

"Hello, Oliver!" "Happy holidays, Oliver!" "Have a drink with us, buddy!" Invitations, greetings and congratulations were heard almost everywhere the boy went. However, he just waved and ran on. At best, he would reply with something along the lines of "Sorry, I'm in a hurry!" Sometimes, to make sure he wasn't late, Oliver would glance at the watch on his wrist... or rather, just his wrist, because there was no watch on it. He still knew what time it was, though.

Finally, he saw his house. Oliver ran to the front door and, as if he had slid across the sidewalk, barely stopped. With a big smile on his face, he unlocked and opened the door. To his surprise, darkness caught him inside. However, when the teenager took just a couple steps forward into the darkness, all the candles of the spacious house lit up at once, and Oliver himself heard the voices of his three friends saying, "Happy Birthday!" Actually, the word "friends" was only used by the boy himself in relation to them. You see, Oliver was offspring of Clain family, and the Clains were an ancient, noble, and wealthy family, so the three who greeted the young man were not his friends in the usual sense of the word. They were servants of the Clain mansion. Of course, Oliver rejoiced at the congratulations and greeted the "friends" cheerfully. However, the main thing for him was far from his birthday, but the fact that today his father, the duke, who was in the war...

–Olly, Daddy's coming back today! – Oliver's mother said cheerfully as she came down the stairs from the second floor, holding onto the ornate banister.

Oliver, his mother, and their "friends" celebrated for a long time that day. Then, toward evening, there was a loud knock at the door. "Dad," Oliver thought. His mother went to open the door, and...

–Oliver! Are you reminiscing again?

The words of the girl standing in the doorway seemed to wake the young man up. He had been standing in front of the front door for about ten minutes, staring at one point. From behind the girl, or rather from behind her lush snow-white hair and similar in color white wings, a man looked out. The winged lady herself looked displeased that Oliver had been standing in front of her for some time now and would not enter the house.

–Oh, I'm sorry, Cirael. It's just like that day 162 years ago. The fair, the birthday party, me running home, nothing but darkness outside the door... It was just identical, – Oliver replied, shaking his head and wiping a hand across his sweaty forehead.

–And I told you we shouldn't do the prank with the lights. It was a terrible idea, Sean, – someone said from the back of the house.

–Hey, don't put all the blame on me again! Yeah, it was dumb, but it turned out okay in the end – said the one who looked out from behind the winged girl Oliver called Cirael.

–Now, now, don't quarrel. Just let me come in. Besides, that was really funny.

Oliver, with a slight and slightly strained smile, stepped inside, stepping around the girl. Cirael gave him a slight hug, and he responded by putting his arm around her shoulders. The gloomy atmosphere that had prevailed in the room for a few seconds before dissipated as if it had never existed. In the middle of the living room, the birthday boy noticed a large table on which a young girl with closed eyes, green hair, and servant's clothes was setting plates of food. Sean was approaching the same table, wearing his usual not-medieval-at-all lab coat and fixing his short brown hair. Behind him, letting go of Oliver, Cirael sat down at the table, carefully holding the hem of her white veil. Finally, the heir to the Clain family joined them last, breathing a sigh of relief.

–Won't you sit down with us today, Ciel? It's your master's birthday, – Sean asked the maid.

The last one, who hadn't yet sat down at the table, replied:

–You already know that even if I sat down with you, I couldn't eat with you – ordinary food is like poison to me. Also, it is not proper for a servant share at the same table with their employer.

–Oh, you're a pain in the ass. Why am I the only one here whom you address as "you"? – said the man in the doctor's coat with feigned irritation.

–Oliver is a Clain, and Cirael is his wife, which makes her a Clain, too. I served the Clain family before Oliver was born. And you? You met the master about five years ago. You're nothing to me, and neither is your name...

"Both of you, enough," the birthday boy interrupted them sharply, without shouting. "Seriously, you're just looking for a reason to fight. Your dis-cussion is going to dis-locate the table, for God's sake!" After these clever words and cheesy joke, an awkward silence hung in the air.

–I beg your pardon, sir. I've done my job, let me go, – Ciel said.

–Now, now, Elise, there's no need to apologize. You both are equally to blame, – Oliver replied, gradually taking on a more serious tone. – But no, you're not going anywhere. You're going to sit with us.

This time, Mrs. Clain joined in the fray:

–Darling, first of all, don't twist Ciel's name. Secondly, if you get so angry, Ciel will just eat that emotion and get what she wants. So it's best if she really goes and gets some rest.

–Yeah. you're right. I'm sorry, – the birthday boy nodded.

The maid Ciel bit her lip at the fact that she wouldn't be able to feast on Oliver's feelings today, but she didn't interrupt and left for the second floor.

–Does this happen often? – Sean asked, a little stunned.

Oliver, having already calmed down, replied:

–Well, Ciel knows that I feel emotions very sharply because of.... that day. And as you know, she feeds on the strong emotions of those around her. That's why she was my grandfather's servant, because, as we know...

– we know, when an old man gets a young maid, some very... "interesting" emotions start cropping up. That's what I read in 'Shades', – Cirael interrupted him.

While Oliver covered his eyes and looked at his spouse with an obvious "got the joke, not funny" look, Sean was laughing like a hyena. The birthday boy continued:

–Because, as we know, the Clain family was known for their abilities being tied to strong emotions. And after that night, my emotions became even more of a target for "energy vampires" like Ciel. So every once in a while, she'd accidentally cause an incident like this... no, not the kind of incidents that Cirael was talking about. I mean stressful situations. Normally, any other employer would have fired her for that, but who else would agree to work as a maid for free? Not that we have money problems... but why not get the free cheese out of the mousetrap? Okay, – Oliver clapped his hands together, – enough of the bad stuff!"

Oliver snapped his fingers and the knives, which looked more like daggers, appeared in front of everyone at the table. "Happy 176th birthday!" Cirael and Sean said in unison, and then the three of them began to eat the many dishes Ciel had masterfully prepared. They began to have pleasant conversations around the table, with Oliver making puns and other unfunny jokes every now and then. Time passed. The banquet table was almost empty and all the words had been said. Which means...

–If you don't mind, I'm going to get cleaned up for the hike.

With those words, the birthday boy rose from the table to the sympathetic nods of the others. He went upstairs.

–Does he often get like this? He's high, – Sean asked.

–Let's dispense with that future slang of yours. And no, it's rare enough that he "is high". Usually once every 10 to 15 years, regardless of the situation. I think it's an emotional thing that overwhelms him. But today, you know, it's the fault of your prank! – Cirael replied.

Meanwhile, Oliver, who was already on the second floor, went into the washroom. Of course, there was no running water – it was the Middle Ages, after all – but there was a bucket of water and a "sink" with a "drain", as well as a magic mirror that was never steamed. The 176-year-old "young man" looked into the mirror. From the mirror, a crying 14-year-old boy, exactly the same as 162 years ago, looked at him reproachfully and contemptuously with his green eyes. Oliver shook his head and wiped his eyes. The hallucination had faded – now there was a slightly smiling young man in his late nineteens or early twenties in the mirror. Other than his height and face, not much had changed – the same black cloak, fastened with an emerald brooch in the front, and a dark sweater with gold lines underneath. Perhaps the other major difference was that Oliver had grown his hair absurdly long, braiding it into a ponytail that reached down to his ankles. "That's better," Oliver said and exhaled.

–I take it you can barely keep a strained smile on your face again?

It was Ciel, whose reflection entering the room was seen by a young man who had hardly aged in 162 years.

–Elise, don't start. It's just a day like any other. I'm fine, really.

–First of all, I'm Ciel. Second of all, you're not "fine". You haven't been this close to a mental breakdown since that very incident, even though "days identical to that" have happened before. I'm an empath, you can't hide that from me. I suggest you don't go to the graveyard today.

Oliver turned around, looked away with a slight smile, and replied:

–I knew you were going to say that. But no. I have to honor their memory. You know I've been doing this once a year, consistently, unchanged, for 162 years. So get the flowers ready, please. At least this time, obey my orders, even if you don't like them.

Ciel sighed and said, "I obey," and left the room. Finally, Oliver washed his face and went downstairs where Sean, Cirael and Ciel were waiting for him. The latter holding 2 funeral wreaths.

–What were you doing there for half an hour?

–You won't believe it, Ciri, I was washing my face, – Oliver replied.

–He was hallucinating events of days gone by. He was also... – Ciel began speaking calmly, but the birthday boy interrupted her.

–Ciel, such details are unnecessary. Say no more about it. I'm fine. Let's go.

It was probably the busiest "holiday" the Clains had had in a long time. The four of them visited the graves of Oliver's parents every birthday. So in the late afternoon, Oliver, Sean, Ciel, and Cirael, whom the birthday boy affectionately called "Ciri," left the estate and headed mournfully toward one of the Arai cemeteries.

While the rest of the town was enjoying the festivities and merriment of the fair, this foursome made their way through the crowd with a somber look on their faces. It was as if they weren't just memorializing the Clain family, they were about to bury someone very dear to them. When they arrived at the cemetery, they walked past dozens of gravestones. In 162 years, they had memorized almost every grave along the way. Finally, they stopped at two large hexagonal onyx pillars, about a meter high – these were the graves of Oliver's father and mother, as evidenced by the first and last names carved into them. The Clain heir was about to make a speech, but suddenly hesitated – his gaze was drawn to the two tomb crosses, far away from the others, on a hill under a tree at the edge of the cemetery. Cirael said:

–Darling? Is something wrong?

–Erm... who's buried there?

–Oh, come on, Oliver, as if not many people die in capital in last year, – Sean replied.

–No... these two graves have been here forever, I can feel it. Though... have you ever seen cross-shaped gravestones? – Oliver said as if in a trance.

Indeed, there were only hexagonal pillars surrounding them. That was the custom of funerals in this world. But these two were different. As if hypnotized, the young man separated from the rest of the procession and went to that hill. He didn't respond to the cries of his friends, so the others had to follow him. Coming to two unknown crosses, Oliver crouched down on one knee and ran his hand over them.

–Well, who is it, sir? – Ciel asked in an anxious voice.

She was anxious because she felt absolutely no emotion from Oliver, which was even stranger than overabundance of emotions. In response to that, he said:

–There's no text. None at all. It's like it never existed. But...

–Well, there you go. You shouldn't have come here in the first place, just a waste of time

Sean shrugged and smiled after saying that. But Clain continued:

–...but this is where Ludwig and Martha are buried. I can feel it.

–Ludwig? Martha...? Who are they? – asked the winged girl.

But her husband did not answer. Instead, he slowly stood up and put his hands on his head. All emotion left his face, and ospreys of black energy surrounded him, rising from the bottom up.

–Ciel, hurry, prevent a mental breakdown!

The angel embraced her husband, Ciel raised her hand to him, and black energy began to flow from Oliver to Ciel, causing her great pain. It was an energy of emotion, but so strong that even the likes of this maid couldn't 'digest' it properly. And Sean... just stood there with a look of incomprehension as he watched his friend's first nervous breakdown he witnessed. Soon, the dark energy ceased and the head of the family fell unconscious. Cirael gently laid his head on the grass, and she and Ciel sighed in relief. The servant wiped her brow – her whole head was sweating. Breathing heavily, she said:

–I've never felt such hatred in him before... not even that day 162 years ago. Hatred for someone named Gerda. Any idea who that is, ma'am?

–Well... in 162 years, he may have met someone with that name, but I can't imagine anyone he could feel that kind of anger towards! Either way, we'll get to that later. In the meantime, Sean, open him up and scoop out the pus. When he has a breakdown like this, a lot of toxic stuff is released from his heart... whatever it is. You know it already, but you don't have to sew him up. It'll heal itself.

Sean, already calmed down, smirked, pulled a scalpel and gloves from under his robe, then said: "Free for a close friend." Then he walked over to Oliver, who was lying on the floor, crouched down next to him and began to slowly cut into his chest. Black liquid gushed from the inside like a fountain, which Sean scooped up and collected in jars. "And how does he keep so many medical supplies under his coat?" thought Cirael. After filling the 3rd liter jar, Sean exhaled and stood up. His gloves and sleeves up to his elbows were covered in the black pus. He said:

–Good thing I have 10 more of these coats to spare. Okay, I'm done.

He put away the 5 scalpels, which was how many had fallen into disrepair after this "operation", into a vacuum bag and nodded. Cirael nodded in return, and without any difficulty bent down and lifted her unconscious husband off the ground.

–Let's go home. After something like this, he usually needs two or three days of rest.

By then, the muscles of his chest had already healed and begun to cover with skin, although there had recently been a huge hole there. Such incredible regeneration had long been known to his family and friends, so no one was surprised. And so, the procession returned, never having held the annual wake. After all, the birthday boy's life was more important now. However, they didn't found out what those graves were or who Ludwig, Martha and Gerda were.....

–It seems a little too chaotic, don't you think? – said someone who was sitting on that very hill, watching those who were leaving.

–Yes. Somehow she is completely lazy... it reminds me of how badly you do everything, – replied another, standing next to his interlocutor.

–I'm very sorry for the readers, I'm afraid everything is going to be terribly boring in this iteration. But it's okay, since everything is so bad, the iteration will end quickly, and then it will be time for us to act and entertain the public.

–Oh, how much do I hate you...

–Of course, my puppet.

After this dialogue, the two unknown people disappeared from the place where they were.

Chapter 3: ???

Chapter Text

–"Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?" This question was asked by the hero of the book "Crime and Punishment" written by the world famous writer F.M. Dostoevsky, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. And it's... funny. Isn't this question meaningless? After all, he is the hero of the book, which already makes him a doll without rights on Dostoevsky's strings. It always amuses me that in works where the main message is "freedom", the characters believe that they are free to do what they want, only to obey the writer over and over again. What the freedom is for people like them... like me? We, too, are just part of someone's imagination, forever playing in this ugly play. Well, I don't know about Rodion, but I am fully aware of myself and the situation around me, although I am only a text in her book. So why should I feel the suffering written by someone else? Well, that all is okay. Take my hand. It's time to get up and move forward. To where this ephemeral "freedom" is located.

Chapter 4: Chapter 1: The Next Day

Chapter Text

It's been about three days. All that time, Oliver had been lying in his bed. But finally, after a few days have passed, he woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes and looked around, he felt a terrible pain in his right cheek. It was the terrifying slap that Cirael had given him. It would probably have flattened his head and killed him if he were a normal human, but Oliver was not a normal human. The winged one shouted:

–Ooooooliver! Who's Gerda?! It was bad enough already you're getting harassed by Ciel, a now there's a Gerda?! What are you, the protagonist of a third-rate Asian light novel?!

Oliver looked back at her with a stunned look and replied:

–My dear, what are you talking about? Who's Gerda? I've never heard that name before... although... wait... Gerda... Martha... Ludwig...

The expression on Oliver's face lost all emotion, and he began to slowly rise to a sitting position... only to be smashed back into the bed by his wife's fist.

–It's not funny! Do you know how worried I was?! You almost lost your mind! According to Ciel, you were about to have a breakdown! And you know how that would have turned out!

There was no trace of fake jealousy left, only the real love and concern in Cirael's mind and face... Even though she'd just hit Oliver. Twice. Her husband replied:

–Really, I don't know who they are! I just... felt it. These names are strangely familiar to me. It's like I've heard them many times before... and yes, I agree, I was a little over the top just now, trying to portray that state of mind... but you have to admit, it was funny!


Sighing and shaking her head, the angel tilted her head to the side and looked at Oliver with a sad expression. She rose from the edge of the bed and placed the tray of food and tea in the Clain heir's lap.

–Never had anything like this happen to you before. With strange names, some graves... please, do not anything stupid anymore, okay?

–Well... I don't like to make promises. But I'll try. I promise.

With a nod, Cirael kissed her husband on the forehead and was about to leave – Oliver needed peace now... which didn't go well with two blows to the face to delivered to her husband, but she knew better. She turned and was about to leave when she heard her husband's cry of pain. When she turned around, she saw that she had accidentally winged a cup of hot tea and spilled it right on Oliver. Covering her mouth with her hand, she squeezed her head into her shoulders and quickly left the room, calling for Ciel.

Some time passed. Oliver (already in dry clothes) alongside Cirael and Ciel, who were clearly reluctant to see Oliver go outside so oon, left the Clain mansion. They left to go to the same place where a good half of the capital's inhabitants went – to the city gates. After all, today was the day of reason why fair was even held – the return of the heroes from their triumphant campaign.

A procession of several men on horseback rode into the city to the cheers of the crowd. They were not the first world-saving heroes Oliver had seen. Apparently, threats to the entire universe appeared with enviable regularity, and they were stopped with the same enviable regularity. With pleased expressions on their faces, Clain and company looked at the most cliche-looking pair of knights imaginable and their companions. Those who had been around for centuries, like Oliver, Ciel, and Cirael, surely had thoughts along the lines of "I could be a hero, too," but did even it matter if the saviors of the world were chosen not by chance or even by some divine providence, but by the government of the kingdom? However...

–Hey, Ciri, why don't we take a trip? It's been 40 years since we've been out of capital!

Of course, Oliver, curious and barely able to sit still, suggested such a thing, again inspired by heroic deeds. But Cirael replied sharply:

–Are you crazy? Darling, you literally had a breakdown three days ago. I don't think you should go anywhere for the next week.

–I agree with Lady Cirael. But I know that won't stop you, – Ciel said and took a deep breath.

She knew better than anyone else that it was impossible to change Oliver's mind once his emotions had brought an idea to him. All Cirael could do at this point was spread her hands and realize that she had to go, too, to keep Oliver out of trouble. But Clain had an even crazier idea in mind:

–But first... and let's eavesdrop the conversation between the heroes and the Archmage!

And indeed, according to the custom, when any heroes depart and return, they go to meet the royal Archmage, who has remained unchanged for thousands of years. And who he is – no one knows, and if one knows, one does not say a word about him. Of course the sensible and cautious Cirael would be against such a...

–Ah, let's go! – Cirael said.

The angel's head lit up with curiosity and excitement. Ciel was especially excited – it had been a long time since her Lady had been in such high spirits.

A couple hours later, they gathered near a tall tower that wasn't even a meter in diameter. Oliver had tried to teleport inside before, but the Archmage's tower had always had a barrier preventing such an entrance. But today, for some reason, that barrier was missing. So Oliver took his wife and maid under by their arms, covered his eyes, and in a moment they were inside, on a huge spiral staircase. The tower was much larger inside than it was outside – at least ten meters in diameter, and the stairs went down so far that the bottom wasn't seen.

Once on the steps, Ciel, standing on her heels, lost her balance and nearly fell, but Cirael's strong hand grabbed her collar, saving the maid from a long and painful fall. Looking around, the trio realized that Oliver had teleported them to the top of the stairs, right up to the great doors to the room where the Archmage should be sitting. The only strange thing was that it was a door in the wall, and from the outside it was obvious that the tower had no outbuildings, especially this high up. Cirael pressed her eye to the crack in the door, and Oliver pressed his ear to the door. But they were in for a big surprise:

–Oh, the Clains. I've been expecting you. Come on in. And bring the maid with you.

That was the voice from behind the door. Suddenly, under the pressure of the angel's face and the Clain heir's ear, the door swung inward, as if it had lost its weight in an instant. Oliver and Cirael rose to their feet and looked around. Ciel entered humbly behind them. The three of them saw a huge, marvelous room that could not have fit in that tower.

The interior of the room might have been ordinary for us, but not for the Clains and their servant: brightly wallpapered walls, laminate floors, black leather furniture... and in the middle of it all was a dark wooden table with an empty leather chair behind it. And behind the chair was a huge panoramic window overlooking the capital city of Arai, although it was obvious from the outside that there were no windows on the tower. Especially such non-medieval ones.

The chair suddenly rotated on its axis, and when it stopped, an ordinary man, about twenty-five years old, dressed in ordinary clothes – a white shirt, a black vest, and black pants – appeared in front of the guests. The blue cloak he wore behind his back was crumpled in a very ugly manner because he was sitting, roughly speaking, on it. A sword that was broken on half of its blade, was flying near his belt.

–This isn't how I pictured the Archmage, – Oliver said, glancing at the man.

–Yeah. Where's the pointy hat, the black robe, and the waist-length beard? – Cirael said disappointedly.

–And the staff. Or the folio. – the servant added.

The stranger slapped his hand on his forehead and sighed.

–Seriously? A pointy hat? A beard? A staff? These are the most corny, boring, generic clichés ever. I believe that a man who looks like a walking collection of clichés should not live.

The Archmage's last sentence was spoken very seriously and coldly, giving the trio goosebumps. And the stranger continued:

–So Clains are going on a trip soon, I see. In that case, I'll tell you that, take your friend Sean Brown with you. Otherwise, your story will be cut short too soon. Also... we'll be seeing each other again, sooner or later.

Very suspicious advice. Whether or not Clains took that advice is a good question. Oliver then asked a different question:

–The fact that you can see the future is cool, of course, but... you criticize clichés and patterns, but you speak in the most clichéd way possible for the archetype of the "very mysterious wise character" in fairy tales. And in general, if you can see the future, maybe it would be better to answer really important questions? For example, who are Ludwig, Martha and Gerda?

The Archmage raised his right eyebrow, then laughed slightly and replied:

–Well, yes, of course you know those names, I don't know why I was surprised! Let's put it this way: they are quite... important people, even to me. Maybe you will know more about them later. But for now, I'm afraid I can't tell you more, because that would damage your mind. Well, having said this, I'm throwing you out of my tower. Bye!

When Clains were about to pepper him with questions and perhaps force the answers out of him, the mage shrugged, and the next second the three were on the ground outside the tower. Still as small as ever, 1 meter in diameter, no windows, no outbuildings.

–Damn it! He obviously knows more than he's telling! But...!

Oliver kicked the tower wall with his foot. He could already feel that the barrier had reappeared and that there was no way to get inside. Cirael sighed and said:

–It was something on the level of street fortune tellers who read the future from cards, not even knowing that the tarot has reversed meanings, and then charge an absurd amount of money.

–Exactly my thoughts... – Ciel said, rubbing her forehead.

–And if anything, I was going to invite Sean anyway, even without any advice! What a useless wizard! – Oliver shook his head and exhaled. – Okay, well, I guess we should get going since we haven't found out anything yet. Maybe we'll find out on the way.

Even though it was a silly thought – after all, if you just travel back and forth, you won't learn anything about anything in particular – Oliver started walking towards his house.

Chapter 5: Chapter 2: Let's Go. In and Out. 20 Minute Adventure

Chapter Text

–He's a member of KGB, I'm telling you!

–Calm down, Sean, there is no KGB, – Cirael replied calmly, – at least not in this time. Enough of your theories from the future.

–But it's true! Intimidation by knowledge and vague hints! The most generic KGB agent ever! I bet he's got wiretaps all over the city too... the magical ones.

The angel clucked her tongue and closed her eyes. It wasn't the first time Sean talked about the "KGB" and other things his friends didn't understand. Oliver said with a sigh:

–Okay, whatever. What's your answer?

–Of course, I agree to go with you! It'll be fun.

With that, Sean put his empty shot glass on the table and Oliver put his own down. Clain, unlike his friend, drank juice, not alcohol. Cirael, who was obviously tired of being in a dark bar, said with an irritated voice:

–All right, have you decided? Then let's get out of here! I know you like being in places like this, Sean, but I'm not a fan.

Oliver chuckled a little, but got up from behind the counter, helped his wife up, and walked out. The head of the Clain family had a smile on his face – soon enough they will travel and they will no longer be "confined" to the capital! Here it is, freedom...

The four came out of the city walls – the black-clad heir, the armored angel, the maid with bright green hair, and the surgeon with his hands in the pockets of his coat. The two boys were excited about the adventures ahead of them, while the two ladies walked more slowly behind them, showing with their whole appearance that they didn't want to be here. Cirael asked the maid quietly:

–Maybe we should have just forcefully kept them from traveling...

Ciel did not answer. Oliver and Sean walked ahead of them, leading this "troop" wherever they wanted to go. They had been out of the city for hours, and now the road they were on was surrounded by woods. From time to time, people on horses and wagons passed by. To be honest, Oliver had no idea where they were going, but he had tentatively told the others that they were going to Berul, the large city that is the nearest town to the capital. The truth was that he had expected that, as in happens in all the fairy tales, some great adventure would find them on its own as this company traveled. However, that was not so far from the truth, as they would later find out.

–Look, Ollie, if we're going to Berul, wouldn't it be easier to hitchhike there?

–Now, now, Ciri, that would be too easy. It's about the journey, not the destination, – Oliver replied. – Besides, walking is good for your health.

–Ah, sure, I just see how good for one's health it is!

Cirael pointed to Sean, who was barely keeping up with Oliver and was having trouble moving his feet, though the doctor raised his right hand and gave thumbs up as if he was fine. It was decided, however, to get off the road and make a temporal camp nearby. It was getting dark. By "camp" they meant the following: a fire lit by Cirael's blazing sword and a couple of trunks it had cut down, on which the four unfortunate travelers sat.

–Master, we must not forget that Sean is a human being, unlike you, your wife and me. We can run for a week or more without getting tired, but he can't. Please plan our journey with that in mind, – Ciel said.

Oliver, with a laugh, replied:

–I suppose these words of yours are our excuse for "why didn't they fly the eagles right away?"

–Um... on the contrary, if we're asked such a question, we'll be stumped, because it would be easier to take a wagon or teleport because of fatigue, – Cirael remarked.

Oliver froze with a silly grin on his face as another one of his jokes fell by the wayside. Suddenly, there was a strange sound, like an animal rumbling. Immediately, however, everyone realized what it was – Sean's stomach. He was hungry. It's not strange – the travelers hadn't eaten all day. For Oliver, for some reason, for Cirael, who was an angel, and even more so for Ciel, who couldn't eat regular food at all, there was no problem with that, but Sean....

–Man, being a mere mortal sucks, huh? – Sean said, hiding his resentment behind the joke. – That mage fooled you, traveling would be much easier without me.

Annoyed by his own "ordinariness", the surgeon pounded the log he was sitting on with his fist. The log was destroyed and now he sat on the its remains. While Oliver and Cirael looked pitifully at their friend and said "don't say that" and "it's all right", Ciel watched calmly and muttered "I told you so". Sean's sadness, however, was to her delight – not only she disliked the doctor, but also such emotions fueled her more than anything else. But the problem remained: Sean needed to eat, and the underdog heroes traveled light. Luck, however, seemed to be on their side – while they were in the woods, Oliver spotted an animal that ran by. A short, one-handed sword with a beautiful hilt decorated with a carved Latin "C" appeared in the air next to it. Immediately, the sword went off like a shot, piercing the body of the unknown animal. As the animal drew its last breath, Oliver used the same telekinesis he had used to "shoot" it to draw the sword to himself, as well as the body of the rabbit that had been pierced by the blade. And if the surgeon and the winged one looked at it, the maid's gaze was fixed on Sean, as if Ciel was trying to catch the slightest movement of his muscles.

–So... does anyone know how to skin animals? – Oliver asked.

–It's not much harder than dissecting people, – Sean said, but abruptly realized what he had said and waved his hands in front of him. – I mean for surgeries, of course!

Scratching the back of his head, Sean pulled a scalpel from under his robe and picked up the body of the rabbit, happily beginning to skin it. And while Sean was in his element, Ciel walked over to Oliver and, under Cirael's suspicious gaze, led him away into the thick of the forest. The light of the fire still shone through the foliage of the bushes and trees, but otherwise darkness surrounded them. The girl spoke in a whisper:

–Master, you should be careful of your friend. Since the beginning of the journey, he has been emanating very strange emotions, and now they are only increasing.

–Alice, I've known Sean for five years. And he's saved my life more than once. If that's all, I'm going back to everyone. Don't say another word about this, okay?

The boy was about to walk back to the fire, but as soon as he turned away, the servant continued:

–You've known him not "already" for five years, but "only" for five years. You've known me almost since birth. And who do you trust more?

Clain turned and looked at his maid with obvious confusion. She never said anything like that all the time Oliver knew her. Was Ciel deliberately trying to quarrel Oliver and Sean with each other? Or did she really feel something bad?

–I'm sorry, El-- no, Ciel. I'm sorry, but I don't want to do it. There's no impostor among us.

The young man smiled, waved his hand, and, turning away again, walked toward the others at Ciel's dismissive words: "The joke about "Among Us" is out of place". Parting the branches of the bushes with his hands, Oliver saw that his friend had already removed the skin from their catch. Noticing the returnees, Sean waved them cheerfully with his free hand, and Ciel sighed. While the surgeon was folding the soiled scalpel under his robe, the winged one had already put the rabbit carcass on a stout stick and was holding it over the fire. Ciel's frown didn't seem to alert the two sitting by the fire, though.

–Well, I don't know what you've been talking about or what you're so unhappy about, but I'm going to go eat.

Sean, who said this, having put away the scalpel that was already unusable for surgery, turned his gaze to the rabbit and hardly drooled. At Cirael's words "you wait, it's not ready yet", Sean covered his eyes and smirked, then removed his pocket watch from his belt. With his other hand he reached up and snapped his fingers, and the clock hand instantly jumped forward an hour.

–That's it, done, – said the doctor proudly.

–You know that while you were messing with time, I was constantly holding it and spinning it over the fire, right? – Cirael asked, rolling her eyes. – So don't look so triumphant. It was only a moment for you, but it was an hour for us.

Everyone knew that Sean liked to brag about his time manipulation abilities, but that was more due to the fact that he didn't have anything else to his abilities... well, except for the first-class skills of a surgeon of the distant future. Sean was the first to eat dinner, eating the thighs of the hind legs, the rest alone, since Ciel didn't need to eat anything, and Cirael....

–Sorry Oliver, my stomach hurts a lot... I think I'll pass...

As darkness fell, a second inconvenience arose: Though the trio didn't need to sleep, Sean, who was human, was beginning to feel sleepy. He wouldn't have minded sleeping outside by the fire, especially since it was hot, but Cirael spoke up, looking up at the sky even though it was already dark.

–It's going to rain soon! I suggest we wait it out...

She cut herself off at the half word. And really, where should they "wait it out"? They were a day away from home, a long way from the nearest settlement. And Oliver's teleportation didn't work over such long distances. Ciel caught the winged girl's confused look, closed her eyes and said:

–Next time, Master, you should first look at the map of somewhere you are going to, – Oliver looked away at that phrase and whistled, – There's a ruin of an old manor nearby. I think, Master, you could lead us there from here.

She pointed in some direction and gave the approximate distance to the target. It was very suspicious information, which, however, did not arouse any suspicion in Oliver and Cirael – they knew Ciel all too well. Sean was the only one confused by this striking coincidence. But there was no choice, exactly because of him. Oliver stretched his right arm forward and the other three grabbed it. In less than a second, they were deeper into the woods.

Chapter 6: Chapter 3: Actors

Chapter Text

–Oliver, don't make things up. According to Arai scientists, only 7 out of 10 abandoned estates have the evil lurking inside. We've got a 30% chance there's nothing there!

With an intelligent look and a satisfied smile, Cirael voiced the statistics she had just made up as the four looked at the building in front of them. The moss-covered stonewalls, broken windows, and ajar front doors beckoned for a peek – that's what Clain and company were looking at. The only thing missing was a thunderstorm with lightning in the background. The winged one approached the door and raised the index finger of her right hand, and a beam of light shone on it. Cirael opened the door with her other hand and stepped inside, gesturing for everyone to follow. The light from her hand illuminated a large hall with a red carpet leading to a two-way staircase. But it turned out that this magical "lantern" created by the girl was not necessary – candle-lights began to light up one by one along the walls of the hall, soon illuminating the room completely.

–Apparently, we don't have that 30% chance, Ciri, – Oliver said with a shrug.

–Yeah, someone was... clearly waiting for us here, – Sean said in a shaky voice, looking around.

–And by the looks of it, – Ciel said, running her finger across the floor and finding a thick layer of dust on it, – stopped waiting a long time ago. Apparently, this greeting was prepared by some magic and forgotten after it. Nobody's cleaned this place in centuries... as a maid, I find it disgusting.

–As if it's not enough for you to clean our mansion...

After muttering that, Oliver walked forward, sidestepping his wife. He didn't even seem to mind that they were in such a place – it's even more interesting that way. Not giving his companions time to react, he ran up the stairs and turned around, waiting for the others to come up. Smiling slightly, Cirael extinguished the beam of light on her finger with a thought and followed her husband, while Sean and Ciel followed her. To Oliver's disappointment and the joy of the others, the hallways were empty – no sudden ambushes, traps, or trite jampscares usually found in such buildings. The dark, gloomy corridor, which the four of them walked down not like thieves and not on tiptoe, led them to a large room, at the end of which, as if on a podium, a man sat in a chair.

He was dressed in many layers of clothing, with a gray short-sleeved hoodie on top and a black robe adorned with several chains of precious metals underneath. The stranger removed strands of light blue hair from his right eye and glanced at the heroes who had entered the room without turning his head.

–I've been waiting for you, actors, – said the man in a benevolent voice. Only Ciel, with her sensitivity to emotions, caught the contempt.

–Just how long did you prepare for this? Or did you improvise on the spot? – Sean asked in response, realizing that this someone had probably been waiting here for them for a while.

However, the unknown man did not understand the joke, so his face, though for but a few seconds, crumpled up in anger, but he suppressed the negative feelings and replied:

–You know, I waited for a long time. Do you know how Deuses I had to pull out of Machinas to get you here? I know, Kai's influence is strong, but you could have stuck to the script.

Clain and company looked at each other in surprise. Ciel nodded to the others, and they prepared to fight, just in case. However, the unknown man was in no hurry to attack. He rose up from his chair and a cane appeared under his right arm, as if out of thin air, on which he leaned.

–Now, now, why fight right away? I just thought I'd introduce myself to the main cast. After all, those on stage should know the faces of the audience in the front rows. My name is Kayen... yes, I suppose that works.

Leaning on his cane like a true gentleman, he showed no aggression. The others may not have known it, but Cirael knew that skilled fighters could easily hide their desire to kill.

–Well... you introduced yourself. Now what? Are you going to tell us how smart you are, how you arranged everything for us to come here and how you set a trap?

–Now, now, Oliver, come on. That would be too simple, and far too clichéd, – Kayen replied to Clain.

–Аh. So an abandoned mansion where the lights light themselves isn't a cliché, huh? Or maybe the fact that you know my name for some reason is not a cliché? You have a... rather interesting idea of clichés, I must say, – Oliver said, barely containing his laughter.

Kayen grimaced again, then raised his cane and pointed it at Oliver. Everyone looked up, but nothing happened.

–You tell me, Clain. If, all of a sudden, right now in the scenario, you had that "Hate Breakdown" of yours that your friends couldn't suppress in the beginning, would they survive?

The expressions on the faces of the four non-heroes soured. If they really couldn't nip Oliver's mental breakdown at the very start, they were in for a rough ride. But surely this stranger was bluffing... right? After all, what scenario could he be talking about if they were here unintentionally and even managed to confuse this supposedly omniscient stranger with facts and logic?

–Stop talking in riddles and answer me. What do you want? Keep it short and simple, – Sean said in an ultimatum.

–Now, now, it's not right for characters to put up conditions to the audience. But okay. Your play is probably about to be blown away by tomatoes flying onto the stage anyway, so why don't I throw the first one? For example, what would happen if I said I had the power to stop the events of 162 years ago? Even now I could rewrite these unfortunate events. Wouldn't you, Oliver, like to see your family again and, well...

–No. I have a different family now, and if the past were changed, I would lose what I have now. And what I have now I would not trade for all the riches in the world... although the price is always negotiable.

Oliver took Kayen's words about the events of that night surprisingly well and didn't give in to the provocation. He spoke confidently enough, and his voice didn't waver. Ciel felt that it was just a facade, though – negative emotions were growing in her Master by the second, but they were suppressed. The fact that Oliver often made jokes, including quite offensive and inappropriate ones – was one of his defense mechanisms that diverted his emotions away from Hate. Right now, though, he was keeping his cool and showing no signs of....

–Hm. What do you have now? A servant who only follows you around for sustenance? A friend who will die, because that always happens to the protagonist's friends?

Kayen's words threw everyone off balance. Cirael drew her sword, Sean pulled out some scalpels, and Oliver frowned and glared at Kayen. Ciel, on the other hand, with no combat ability, took a couple steps back and pointed her hand at Clain, absorbing at least some of his hatred.

–Oh, I know! Your wife, of course! Yes, Cirael Clain, with whom you love each other unselfishly and honestly... yes, I suppose it's a good thing we forced her on you. That's all right. We can just as well at any point of our desire have her... – Kayen had no sooner finished saying this than Cirael was already flying at him with sword in swing, scalpels were flung towards him, and also Kayen was surrounded by a ball of swords aimed at him, but he still managed to say the last word,– ...erased.

Cirael, Sean, Ciel, as well as scalpels and swords, and even the walls of the building were blown apart. The stonewalls that had looked so solid shattered from the energy that collided with them. The black energy, as if devouring light like black holes, shone upward to where Oliver was standing. The man himself was no longer visible – he was completely engulfed by the pillar of magic... no, it didn't feel like magic. On the contrary, it felt like magic couldn't exist next to this... thing. From the mere shockwave created by this energy, everything but Oliver and Kayen shattered and flew apart, hundreds of meters or even kilometers away. Clouds of dust rose up, hiding what had become of the two of them, who were literally left in the air where the estate had once been.

But with a clang of metal, the dust cleared to reveal the two men. Vantablack energy spewed from Oliver's body and clothing everywhere, and the black flames it created streamed from his shoulder blades, forming a silhouette that looked like wings. In his hand was an equally black sword, and black was its single color, including the hilt. The clothes on his front and back had a hole at the level of his chest. As the scene came into view, it was clear that they were in the air – the estate was now a huge crater, many times the size of the original building. Yet neither Oliver nor Kayen had fallen.

Clang of metal happened when Oliver brought his sword down on Kayen, who was literally standing in mid-air. But the man who spoke in riddles wasn't smiling cheekily for nothing – between him and Oliver was another unknown man, dressed in a gray cloak with a hood that hid his face as well; in other words, this third man was copying the most generic appearance of "The Grim Reaper". He also had a scythe, by the way, with a twisted shaft, gilded at the end, and a comically long blade. It was that garden tool he used to hold back Oliver's sword, though the trembling in his arms made it clear that even "Death" hardly holds back Clain's strike.

The three of them "stood" in such a pose, frozen in the air, for several seconds. Not a sound was heard during that time. Only the sound of the wind and the crackling of the flames broke the silence. Suddenly, a thud came from the side of Kayen's back – Cirael, returning at hypersonic speed from her recent involuntary flight, attempting to cut down the one who had caused her husband's mental breakdown. Unfortunately, her flaming sword collided with the barrier protecting Kayen from behind and stopped. Even though the situation was not in favor of the non-heroes, the cloaked man said in a voice that made it impossible to understand his gender:

–Kayen, let's go! You've already done wrong everything you could!

Kayen sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He turned to Clain, restrained by "Death with a Scythe":

–How ironic. That black energy, the energy of Hate, is pouring out of your soul. Yet your face is apathetic, devoid of emotion. Well, the acquaintance is over, the tomato is thrown. Come on, Odysseus.

The two strangers, Kayen and Odysseus, disappeared without a trace. The scythe that held the black sword was also gone. Seemingly unable to distinguish enemies from allies, Oliver continued to strike, aiming the blade at his wife. Cirael, who had always been physically stronger than her husband, did not block the blow, but stepped aside. She had seen Oliver in such a state before, and she knew that when the head of the family gives in to his hatred, he became many times stronger, like a berserker, and now she was unable to fight on equal terms.

Fortunately, the angel was more agile than the "Berserker of Hate" in the air, so the black sword missed the girl. The black sword passed by the girl, and Oliver flew downwards. Whether it was kinetic energy from the impact or he did it on purpose is unknown, but he reached the center of the crater, which was 40 meters below the rest of the ground, in a thousandth of a second. Upon reaching the bottom, Oliver immediately plunged his blade into the ground, creating a pillar of black energy that rose into the air and covered a radius of hundreds of meters. Cirael, despite her speed and reaction, couldn't escape in time.

At this point, Sean and Ciel arrived at the former site of the mansion, which was now nothing more than a crater with small pieces of earth and walls scattered about. They were lucky they hadn't gotten too close, or the upward flow of energy would have covered them. That's what they saw: a black, absurdly wide column, going up far beyond the clouds, that began to dissipate. From somewhere above, the silhouette of a person with wings fell, and Sean realized that it was probably Cirael. Though they couldn't see her in detail, her armor was twisted and partially shattered, and her limbs were so twisted that it was clear most of her bones were broken, whether the winged one was still alive or not. However, her piercing scream over the pain indicated that she was alive.

At the same time, as the column of energy dissipated, Oliver began to rise from the crater, flying without a flap of his wings. In both hands, he held a sword so black that the concept of light was meaningless. Clain, who had lost control of himself of Hate, hold his sword and waited until the maiden, who was unable to change her fall trajectory. Looks like Oliver indeed was ready to end her life and presumably take on the others who were nearby. There was no emotion in his face, let alone indecision. He was ready to kill the one he was supposed to protect... even though it was usually Cirael who protected him. And worst of all, it happened so fast that Sean and Ciel could only watch. Of course, Sean could have reached them in time, since he controlled time... but they were in the air, and Sean's physical abilities were on level of a normal human. The surgeon bit his lip and the maid turned away. She couldn't bear to watch...

But there was no strike. When Cirael was next to Oliver, Oliver's arms shook, and the angel flew past, crashing headfirst into the ground. And considering that Oliver had previously landed at over 40,000 meters per second, the crater was many times deeper, and because of the energy column, wider. Of course, this fall was not enough to actually hard Cirael. But the impact, combined with the pain caused by the Hate energy, was enough to knock her unconscious.

Oliver slowly lowered himself down and forward, soon landing on the edge of the crater. He lowered his arms, letting the sword fall and disintegrate before it hit the ground. Clain, still as emotionless as before, raised his head, clasped his hands over it, and screamed in what seemed to be several overlapping voices. Sean tried to shout over the deafening noise:

–Ciel, go on and conjure up your anti-emotional stuff, he needs to be saved!

As the maid began to take steps toward Oliver with great difficulty, as if something was pushing her backward, the surgeon pulled three syringes from under his robe and removed some kind of vial from his belt. By some miracle, neither was destroyed as it flew off a kilometer or more. The doctor poured the contents of vials into the syringes and inhaled deeply. When he did, he held his breath and time froze around him. Nothing moved and the sounds disappeared. Keeping the air inside, he ran up to Oliver and threw the syringes at him, pointing forward so that they almost touched his neck. After all, in stopped time, you can't hurt objects that can't move in it. After he threw his "weapons", he began hitting the syringes with force to build up kinetic energy, and after about 30 seconds of this seemingly futile activity, he stepped back and finally exhaled.

As soon as the air left his lungs, time resumed and the syringes plunged into Oliver's neck with tremendous force, injecting their contents thanks to that kinetic energy Sean built up. After a second or two, however, the pressure of what seemed to be blood became so great that the black liquid from inside Clain filled the syringes. Sean inhaled sharply, and when he exhaled, he already held those 3 syringes full of black liquid in his hands. For a few seconds, the black liquid still flowed from Oliver's neck, but soon the wounds were completely healed.

Affected by the contents of the syringes, Oliver's scream became sluggish and the energy emanating from him diminished. This was a signal for Ciel, who changed from a nearly impossible stride to a sprint, and when she was within ten paces of her master, she pointed her hand at him, who was consumed by hatred. Wings of black flame seemed to be scattered by the wind and vanished. Oliver himself fell to his knees, his hands dropping and his head lowering. The black energy ceased to emanate and the remnants were absorbed by Ciel. Barely raising his arms, Oliver slammed into the ground with his last ounce of strength, the impact being like a small earthquake. And while Ciel and Sean fell as the ground seemed to jump after Clain's strike, Oliver himself fell sideways, unconscious for the second time in a week. Still, he seemed to have been saved from madness. For now.

Chapter 7: Chapter 4: Tea, Time, Uncle and Forbidden Knowledge

Chapter Text

–I told you that you shouldn't go anywhere now!

–Yes... maybe you were right... but I'm sorry, now I simply can't sit still. Who were they, and why did they specifically arrange for us to go to them? Do you really think that they will just let us live in peace?!

These four were already home again, in the capital of Arai. Oliver was having a heated discussion with his wife about the events with those strangers.

–Well then, surprise me, what are you going to do now?! You're right, we don't know anything about them, and therefore we won't be able to do anything!

–I'll go to...

Oliver paused. Ciel, however, continued for him:

–To where you like to disappear from time to time, after which Lady Cirael and I look for you all day long? I remember you did it previous month some times.

Oliver smiled stupidly and, poking the soup with a fork, replied:

–Yeah. You haven't been there before and don't know Schrodinger, right? I didn't want to show you that place, but... this time the question is really serious.

There was an awkward silence. Only the sound of a fork, with which Clain was stirring the soup for show, sounded in the room. Cirael was ready to strangle Oliver, but she understood that, firstly, he did not need air to live, and secondly, she still loved him. Slapping her hands on the table and standing up, the winged one said:

–Well then, lead the way! And don't deny it, you don't need this soup anyway, so we're going right now!

Sighing and putting down the cutlery, Oliver also stood up from the table, and after him saying "well, let's go," everyone else got up too. Oliver's expression became cheerful again, and he led the others along the streets of the city. Although, "streets" is not the right word. Backstreets, dark and unsightly. Finally, he led everyone to a dead end and stopped with a proud look.

–Let me guess: are we're lost, aren't? – Sean asked.

–No, we are exactly where we should be.

Oliver pointed at the brick wall with a triumphant expression on his face as the others looked at each other in confusion. It was just a wall. Dirty, smelly, and even overgrown with moss. Cirael, looking at her husband with concern, asked:

–Now? Do you need to knock on the bricks in the correct order to open a passage to Diagon Alley?

–Yeah, and we're going to withdraw a couple of Galleons, – Oliver replied sarcastically, – Just a second.

The head of the family glanced at the wall. Next to it, a dagger with an engraved handle appeared in the air, which, under the strict guidance of Oliver's telekinesis, began to scratch the silhouette of a door on the wall. When it was finished, the dagger disappeared, and Oliver said:

–Why is a raven like a writing desk?

The "image" of the door glowed with purple light and, as if it were really a thin layer of plywood with the image of a brick wall, the "door" opened into the wall itself. Inside Clains and co. could see a dark space with stars, just like outer space. Smiling and taking his wife's arm, Oliver ran inside the door. Cirael was about to spread her wings, since she thought that there was no floor, but where she or Oliver stepped, translucent slabs of light purple energy appeared right under their feet. However, it was better not to look down – there was no bottom here, nor any walls. As Cirael and Oliver moved forward, the slabs from which they removed their foot disappeared. In the distance, a large plate of the same energy was visible. Oliver led Ciri there, along the appearing "steps", and the others followed them, still carefully.

Having reached that plate, everyone except Oliver began to look around. On this entire slab, there was only one door, also made of energy. Oliver knocked on it. There was no answer, but it opened slightly, so it was not locked. The man, as if entering his home, quickly opened the door, and his smile suddenly changed to embarrassment. Behind the door, there was a room where the floor was the same large slab of energy, and on it, directly behind the doorway, lay a young girl, dressed in colorful, but overly rumpled clothes. On her head were animal-like ears protruding from her red hair. She was lying in such a way that it was clear that she was very feignedly pretending that she fell down. When the door swung open, she said in a weak voice:

–Master, I was so naughty, please puni...

The girl was already halfway through her sentence when she realized that it was not the one she expected to see on the threshold, after which she stood up with lightning speed and slammed the door, hitting Oliver in the nose. Literally a second later, the door opened again, and this girl stood behind it with a completely calm face and perfectly neat clothes. She said in a businesslike voice:

–Master is not at home now.

She said this at the right time, because Cirael was already ready to blow off Oliver's head out of jealousy, but she realized that this was a misunderstanding. Behind the red-eyed girl who opened the door for them, a room was visible. The floor and walls, of course, were created from violet energy, but everything else, including wall lamps, armchairs, sofas and things that were familiar only to Sean who arrived from the future, like a plasma TV, a refrigerator and a couple of laptops, were not magical energy, these things were quite ordinary. Well, as "ordinary" as such things can be in a pocket dimension in a fantasy world. Oliver was the first to break the awkward silence.

–Y... yeah, hi, Margarita. If Schrodinger isn't there, then maybe we can wait for him inside. I have something very important to discuss with him.

–Absolutely no. Until Master allows, no one can...

However, the girl with overly fluffy ears was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Someone has also opened the "door" and is now walking along the appearing steps. But he is still walking far... or so it was a second ago. After another, very distant step, the newcomer was already standing right behind the backs of the non-heroes. An instantly approaching step and the smell of green tea hitting the nose made the four turn around. But before they saw who was behind them, the Clains and company heard his soft, warm and calm voice:

–Well, well, Margarita, I'm always happy to see guests, and especially guests like these.

The girl, whom both the newcomer and Oliver called "Margarita", nodded and stepped aside, and Oliver smiled even wider.

–Uncle Sher! – exclaimed the black-haired Clain.

–Master, if only you had warned me that we will have guests today... – said Margarita.

–I didn't even know. But if Oliver, who hasn't been visiting me for so long, suddenly showed up without any warning... – "Master" slightly bowed his head, looking at Oliver, – it can only mean that the matter is clearly serious.

While Shawn, Cirael and, most of all, Ciel were shocked that Oliver called this "Sher" uncle, "Sher" entered the doorway, and Oliver, literally pushing his friends after him, entered last. When everyone sat down on the sofa and armchairs, the white-haired "Master", dressed in an equally white kimono with black stripes and wearing an Asian katana on his belt, began to speak... without an Asian accent at all, by the way.

–I'll say right away to clear up any misunderstandings: Oliver Clain and I are not related. It's just that he often came to see me, and in some way I replaced him his family after... that incident. Hmm. My name is Schrodinger, mage of space and time, at your service, – Schrodinger smiled. Unlike Kayen, no bad intentions were behind his smile, – And this is Margarita, my good friend, who lives in this... – the man in the kimono looked around at his surroundings, – in my world.

Margarita, standing near the chair where "Master" sat, bowed politely when she was introduced. Oliver and the others – except for Ciel, who, like Margarita, stood motionless – waved back at her while sitting on the sofa.

–By the way, I saw Margarita very rarely, Schrodinger, literally a couple of times, despite I visited you quite often.

–Come on, Ollie, you know it yourself – in this dimension, created by me, the laws of space and time work slightly differently than you are used to. Moreover, given the specifics of Rita's abilities... well, none of this matters. What matters is why you, my dear non-nephew, came. And you came to find out who Kayen and Odysseus are... and in addition to ask about Gerda, Ludwig and Martha. Is that so?

Everyone, with the exception of Oliver and Margarita, was surprised... or rather, they would have been if Schrodinger had not already been the third person this week who knows suspiciously a lot. But even though they were quite calm, Oliver, laughing slightly, still tried to calm them down:

–Don't be scared. Knowing everything is Uncle Sher's specialty. You... have the answers to my questions, right?

Schrodinger scratched his chin, shook his head and said with a grin:

–Who knows!

–You're always like this, Schrödinger!

–But... I sure do know who knows information you are looking for. And this someone, I am sure, will willingly share information... if you find him, of course. But the road will be dangerous and difficult...

–I ready for any danger!

After such a joyful exclamation from Oliver, everyone was silent for about 5 seconds, and then Cirael took a long breath and said:

–Trying to convince him when he decided to risk his head once again is useless... You tell me where to look for this "someone", and we will get my husband out of the troubles he gets himself into.

–I am very glad that my dear friend has such good friends! – Schrodinger laughed.

Suddenly, time froze. Everything froze, except for Schrodinger himself... and Sean Brown.

–Isn't that right, Sean?~

Sean didn't breathe for a while, but then he exhaled and realized that time is now stopped, regardless of his actions. Apparently, time was stopped by Schrodinger himself, and as it is known, those who have control over time can move in time stopped by other time controllers. While Sean looked at "Master" with disbelief, the latter continued:

–You are quite interesting. On the verge of death, you performed the unthinkable – a surgery on your own heart. You encrusted it with a clockwork mechanism. Yes, this is only possible in fairy tales... ahem. After that, you were thrown here, into the past, and now you can stop time by holding your breath! The dream of every average person! However...

– is not enough, – said Sean, – even so, compared to Oliver and Cirael, I'm at most a supporting character. Yes, I can stop time for a minute, but so what?! Objects in frozen time are still indestructible, and with my pitiful human speed, I won't be able to do almost anything in this damn minute! Let me guess, you also know what I want to do, and you're going to talk me out of it?!

Schrodinger was at first slightly surprised by Sean's violent reaction, but then he again broke into a smile from ear to ear, got up from his chair, walked up to the doctor and, closing his golden eyes, said in a very gentle voice:

–Not at all... I'll tell you how and when to do it right, – he leaned over and began to whisper something in the shocked doctor's ear, –...just like this, do you understand everything?

Still with the same satisfied expression on his face, Schrodinger sat back in the chair, in exactly the same position in which he was sitting, and then time began to move again. No one even noticed how Sean's face changed. He was downright terrified.

Schrodinger told everyone that this "someone" who knows what they need, whose name was "Necronomicon", lives to the south of Arai, in one of the big cities. Oliver, driven by a thirst for knowledge and adventure, immediately went to the exit from his non-uncle's pocket dimension – he had been here many times before and easily knew how to go out of it. And the rest of his friends hurried after him.

–Master, why didn't you just tell them everything as it is? You do know all of it... – asked Margarita.

–You see, I am a very bad storyteller. Moreover, if I told them now about Kayen or about the true cause of the events of 162 years ago, I would also have to talk about it and about the true nature of reality. But they won't be able to handle it now and, at the very least, will go insane. We should let them see the truth with their own eyes. Moreover... how can the main characters find out the whole truth without going through a stupid side quest? Just like in any gacha game... speaking of, if they would be a gacha game characters, I bet they wouldn't even be 4 stars.

Of course, it was not said what this "Necronomicon", which has such desired information, looks like or what were his abilities. All the non-heroes knew was his name and in which direction to look for him. In other words, all that remained was to move "somewhere" where Schrodinger indicated... which is what they were doing now, because they were already on their way.

–Darling, are you really sure that this not-uncle of yours didn't deceive us?

–No. It's true that he's one of those people who often doesn't say the full truth... but in our more than 100 years of acquaintance, he has never lied. – Oliver answered his wife.

–I have to... agree, – said Sean, – this Schrödinger guy knows a lot...

The other three, after the surgeon's seemingly meaningless phrase, looked at each other. The journey they had been on for several days had already noticeably tired the four friends. And what were they even looking for? Another gloomy house? An abandoned mansion? A sign with the inscription: "Necronomicon is here, around the corner"?

As a result, having arrived in yet another big city, the third in a week, the four decided to split up to search for information in this place. At first, Cirael wanted to go with her husband, but after finding out that Oliver was going to look for information in the most cliché, yet the most effective place for finding information among adventurers, in a bar, she decided that she would go with Ciel to a local informant, leaving the survey of drunkards to the guys. Having decided so, they split into pairs and left the main square.

–Well, if I had a name taken from a Howard Philips' book, I'd probably be hanging around here.

With these words, Oliver triumphantly pointed to the nearby Inn that was named "Forbidden Words". Sean rolled his eyes and threw up his hands, saying:

–Yeah. You forgot to add "...if I really wanted to be found." But if we are already here, then we can ask around.

Then everything was like in one famous joke: A creature of Hate and a doctor walk into a bar...

–Actually, these two moralists are not here, so... shall we drink, or just on business?

–This time it's just business, Sean.

Having said this and sitting down at the bar, Oliver looked around and saw as generic visitors of a bar as you could possibly imagine. As a result, both guys turned to the barmaid, not forgetting to notice that she had literal goat horns growing from her head. However, they didn't mention this.

–Listen, ma'am, could you, as befits a bartender in a fantasy story, share information with us? – Sean asked.

The girl with the horns just gave Sean a contemptuous look and continued polishing the glasses. But Sean wouldn't be Sean if he didn't try again:

–In general, my friend and I are looking for a certain "Necronomicon". Have you heard anything about anyone with that name in the area?

Suddenly, the red-haired barmaid suddenly stopped in her glass-wiping and turned her attention to the guests more seriously?

–Clain, I assume? – she asked Sean.

–Eh? Me? – he asked, soon understanding the meaning of the question and pointing at Oliver. – No, no, Clain is him.

–And you, it seems, are just his friend? – the horned girl asked with a grin.

While Sean glared at her, as if he was ready to kill for this phrase, Oliver could not understand where such tension in the air came from. What was so bad about being his friend?... but it really seemed to hurt Sean a lot. It hurt him so hard that when he inhaled and exhaled the next time, he already had a scalpel in his hand, which he plunged into the wooden bar counter with a loud sound. The sound of the blow attracted the attention of the "inhabitants" of the tavern, but, realizing what was happening, they only burst into laughter in unison, and then turned away.

–I wouldn't advise you to threaten me. You can't defeat me. And I won't say a word about my master.

–You know, "goatie," you've already at least said that you know who we're talking about... – Sean began in a quiet but very irritated voice.

–...and we, or at least I, really need this information, – Oliver finished Sean's thought, in a much calmer voice than his friend.

Even though Clain sounded friendly, Oliver was ready for battle. The tension in the air grew. At least between Sean and the bartender, Oliver seemed like to be unnecessary here. Finally, the surgeon, who was so poorly in control of himself, was the first to snap. He inhaled sharply and time froze around him. He knew he couldn't hurt his opponent while time was stopped, but there were some things he could do. He grabbed 4 scalpels in each hand, he threw them at the girl, and then more, and more, and more. They all froze in the air, centimeters from her... clothes. After all, he didn't mean to kill her. They only need information. Well, not "they", Oliver does. As of now Sean was planning to pin the uncooperative bartender to the wall. Finally, he could no longer hold back his breath, and all he could do was take an epic pose until time began to move again.

Seeing his friend inhale, Oliver immediately knew it was time to act. Of course, he is not able to catch up with time itself, so Clain had time to react only when the steel of completely metal scalpels, which were already flying towards bartender, was already sparkling around her. And Sean at that time stood behind the "goatie", covering his face with the palm of his left hand, and moving his right hand to the left and down. Immediately, bastard swords with a golden guard and a wooden handle curved towards the blade appeared in the air from the sides and above Oliver's shoulders. There were about 10 such swords; they were aimed clearly at the girl behind the bar, but did not move from their place.

The target of this attack in less than an instant managed to understand what was happening... and did not even move. All these nine knives, clearly thrown by Sean, crashed into an absolutely calm girl. The word "crashed" is an ideal description, because they didn't even pierce the clothes, but only bounced off both the dark dress and from open areas of the body, without leaving any cuts. And if that wasn't enough, she picked up the glass and continued wiping it while Oliver barely noticed how she grabbed it... and Sean didn't notice her movements at all. Why did she do this? Of course, to show superiority over opponents in terms of speed. And while Sean stumbled away from her, crashing into shelves with bottles, and Oliver jumped up from his chair, still not "shooting" his swords, the barmaid said:

–And what did you hope for, throwing a couple of... dozens of knives at me with such pitiful force? And you, Clain? You know, a hundred iterations ago, the Clains were many times stronger. They could extinguish the stars if they wanted to. Actually... why don't I demonstrate it?


–Well, if someone's name was taken from Howard Philips' books, I would most likely be looking for information about him somewhere here.

With these words, Cirael triumphantly pointed to the agency of a certain local informant, where there was a plate with the name: "Secret Knowledge." Ciel took a deep breath and spread her hands, saying:

–Perhaps. But you forgot to add "if he wanted to be found." But since we're here, it's worth stopping by... wait, for some reason I'm experiencing a terrible feeling of déjà vu.

Opening the door, which made the bells hanging right behind it ring, Cirael immediately drew attention to the only living creature in the room – a figure in a sleeveless yellow cloak standing (or maybe hovering above the floor?) at the table. This... person's head was probably covered by a hood, under which even his facial features were not visible. Cirael, taking a couple of steps into the room with the decoration of a business office, looked at the figure and said to Ciel:

–Maybe this is who we need?...

Ciel just shrugged at this question. The hooded figure said nothing to this question, but began to speak in a voice that overlapped with itself. It was impossible to tell whether it was a woman, a man, or something else.

–Clains came in search of the Necronomicon, I know that. It's my job to know. But I cannot give away knowledge just like that, – Cirael was about to turn to Ciel, who was carrying her Lady's money, but the "informant" interrupted this. – Money and other material payment does not interest me. I need one thing from you: a show. Necronomicon said so. He said that if you show a spectacular show, he will reveal himself to you... so please, take out your weapon and get ready. This is the order of Necronomicon. He wonders what the Clains are like in this iteration.

Chapter 8: Chapter 5: The Great Old Ones Under The Great Copyright

Chapter Text

-Lady, I believe I should run away now.

-Yes, Ciel. It will be best if you find my husband. There is a possibility that he is also in battle now. Then he will need you to ward off a mental breakdown if something happens.

Cirael knew very well that her maid is not a fighter, so she really should run away. Ciel herself, hearing the consent of her lady, nodded and, turning around, ran away, opening the door to the outside, or rather breaking the door along with the hinges from the wall.

-I don't know who you are, but warming up really won't hurt. I haven't fought for 30 long years, - the angel pulled out the sword from its sheath, and its blade immediately became shrouded in fire. - But first, identify yourself. In a duel it is customary to know each other's names.

The cloaked figure, although it had said words of challenge earlier, did not move an inch. However, without moving his head, he or she replied:

-My name... now, probably, it is Nyarla. You don't have to introduce yourself, Clain. I know your name.

-Good. Now, come!


Ciel ran as fast as she could. She knocked down - and given the speed, it looked like damage from a traffic accident - passers-by who did not have time to dodge, which aroused the anger of the crowd. But the negative emotions of those around her only fed her and gave her strength. Moreover, she now had a very important task. After all, if her master falls into the rage, then not a stone will remain of this city. She roughly understood what direction Oliver would be in, because she saw where Sean and him went earlier.

However, she soon had to stop - the city guards stood in her way like a wall, blocking the passage with shields, which created a wide magical barrier. She won't get through this. Apparently, the guards didn't particularly like her knocking down passers-by.

-Miss, you are under arrest for...

However, the law enforcement officers did not have time to finish pressing charges, because their attention, just like attention of the crowd, was drawn by a loud sound a couple of streets away. Moreover, in the direction from which this sound came, a huge cloud of dust rose, as if a building or two had collapsed. Considering that this was where Ciel had just fled from, it must have been Cirael who started the fight with the informant. This is exactly the conclusion the girl came to.

Before the onlookers of the crowd had time to understand what was happening and scream, a glowing pillar of dark red energy appeared in the opposite direction of that sound and cloud of dust, a few blocks from Ciel's location. Just like those columns of energy that Oliver created in "hate mode," minus the color. The guards were completely distracted by this, and the crowd began to scream and run in panic. The barrier weakened and, channeling all her strength, Ciel broke through it and ran on. Now she knew where her master probably was.


Sean was furious - it was tenth (or so) time when he was reminded that he was just a normal human, but the surgeon, just like Oliver, could not lose his composure. After all, they now had a tough fight ahead of them.

Without waiting for anything more, Oliver, without moving a muscle, only with the power of thought, launched the swords that were flying in the air next to him, right at the girl. The barmaid, in a turn, as if dancing, incredibly quickly took a side step, at the same time grabbing Sean's hand. The doctor didn't even have time to breathe and stop time before the "goat" threw him across the entire bar. With a scream, Sean crashed into the wall next to the entrance and groaned in pain. Apparently, he broke several bones, and unlike Oliver and Cirael, it will not heal quickly for him. Sean, lying on his back among the rubble of the wall, was looking for something under his robe. Look like, this search was more important than the terrible pain, unless he was looking for a painkiller.

-If you want to hurt me, Clain, use Emotional Turbulence. Although even this won't help much.

The girl spoke calmly, as if she had not just thrown a man across the entire room, destroying a wall of her own bar. But Oliver was not happy at all with this attitude towards his friend. However, based on his previous attack, it was clear that he was unlikely to be able to fight her on equal terms, especially one on one.

-First of all, don't you dare speak so imposingly after what you did to Sean! Secondly, I have a name, you know - I'm Oliver! Thirdly, emotional tur... what?

-You are Clain, yet you don't even know the main ability of the main characters? Also, since you introduced yourself... I am Shab-N[censored]ggerat, - the girl, having said her name, realized that Oliver was looking at her very strangely. - What? Due to copyright problems, we cannot use the full names of the Great Old Ones from Lovecraft's books, so we have to change them slightly.

-But... but this is... you just said the n-word! - Clain shouted.

-Well, yes. Didn't you know? Lovecraft was a racist. Do you know what his cat's name was?

Oliver shook his head, puzzled. At the same time, Sean, who seemingly did know it, desperately shouted "no!", but it was too late.

-His cat's name was N[censored]er-Man.

The man in the black cloak bulged his eyes and stared at one point for several seconds, as if his whole world had turned upside down. But he soon shook his head and returned to more important issues:

-So what is this emotional tube? - Oliver's voice was already calmer. After all, the scream "no" that his friend shouted sounded several times more cheerful than the painful groans from broken ribs.

-Not tube, it's "Emotional Turbulence"! It is a special mode in which Clain gives in to emotions. If you are mentally strong enough, then you can control when to use it and when to end it. Also, if can control it, you also can control yourself.

-And... why are you telling your enemy about this?

An awkward silence hung in the air. "It seemed like a battle was about to happen, and then it all went into discussions and absurd comedy. This doesn't sound like an epic climax", Oliver said to break the awkward silence and shrugged. However, after that, no one said anything for another 5 seconds. Then Oliver tried again:

-The weather is nice outside today, isn't it? - The barmaid nodded awkwardly. - Oh, I know! To keep your name from being offensive, I'll call you "Shabby"! Are you fine with it?

"Shabby's" blushed heavily, after which she angrily blurted out:

-How dare you call me that?! I am the protagonist of the 168th iteration, and you... you! - but despite all these words, she added awkwardly. - But I guess it's better than the n-word... but it's still not enough to kill you for that!

-Well, you see, your fighting spirit has returned. We can start! - Oliver smiled.

To tell the truth, he didn't have any plan. However, he was at least glad that he was able to "entertain" his interlocutor. Shabby was very puzzled by the fact that Oliver himself encouraged her to duel, considering that he definitely would not win, but...

-Okay then! You'll regret giving me this attitude back! Behold! Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Wrath!

Immediately, a beam of dark red energy shot into the sky from where Shabby stood, breaking through the ceiling and seemingly reducing the stone blocking the path to nothingness. "Just like my Hate," Oliver thought with disgust, "except that the color doesn't match, but otherwise..." About two seconds later, the column of energy dried up, and the barmaid's body was surrounded by energy of the same color, concentrated furthest in the limbs and horns, "lengthening" them.

Surprisingly, Sean's gaze was drawn to this more than anyone's else. Judging by the way his right hand, tucked under his robe, trembled, he found in his pockets what he was looking for, but did not pull it out. However, no one paid attention to him. Instead, Shabby turned to Oliver again.

-Come on, use your Turbulence too! I give you a 3 second, Clain! Ooone...

-Hey, hey, I don't know how to turn on that Hate berserk mode at will!


-And in general, I don't know how to control myself in it so don't want to give in to emotions!


But the girl's slow counting was interrupted by the slam of the door - Ciel ran into the bar.

-Master Oliver! Lady Cirael has engaged in a battle! You should finish your battle here quickly and go help her!

Shabby, who was already ready to bend her third finger, looked at the uninvited guest. At Ciel's words, Shabby's anger began to boil within her with renewed vigor.

-"Finish his battle here quickly"? I alone can probably destroy you all! Also, Oliver, are you serious? A maid? What the hell are your kinks? Eh, anyway, it doesn't matter, I I'll keep counting! Three!

But even now she was interrupted. Sean again burst out screaming in pain - but not from the injuries he had received earlier. In his hand was a syringe with black liquid inside, which by some miracle did not break when he hit the wall. The surgeon stuck this syringe into his vein and instantly injected the contents.

-Sean, what are you... - Oliver began.

The doctor sharply pulled out the syringe and threw it away, taking a second one from under his coat, inserted, or rather even stabbed it into the same place of the body, but now on the other hand.

-This is... pus of Hate! - Ciel shouted.

She had already run to him, but there was no way she could be faster than someone who can stop time. He inhaled and time stood still. He took out a third syringe and, when time began to move again, stabbed it into his solar plexus, releasing black liquid there too. "He must have collected this when we were calming Oliver down last time!" Ciel thought and she was right. While Sean's eyes turned completely black, he let out an inhuman scream and slowly stood up on his feet, although a couple of seconds ago his bones were broken.

-What's going on here?! - Shabby blurted out.

-Sean injected himself with Master Oliver's blood, containing the pus of Hate!... or something like that... probably...

Ciel herself was not sure, because she did not know how it worked. But what she was sure of was that something had to be done about it. She pointed her hand at Sean, who for now was just standing there with his head thrown up, his mouth completely open. Black liquid flowed from his eyes and mouth. Shabby, like Oliver, stood waiting for something to happen. As soon as the dark energy began to move from the surgeon to Ciel, as it usually did from Oliver, Sean came to his senses...

Even Shabby didn't have time to realize what had happened. And Oliver even more so. It was impossible for him to predict this. After all, his eyes reflected Ciel's head flying off her shoulders. A stream of blood gushed from her neck, but this fountain quickly stopped. Still in disbelief, Clain turned his gaze to Sean. Sean stood with a grin, pointing his right hand in the direction where the living Ciel had recently stood. Black liquid flowed from his forward fingers, and so did red blood that he got on his fingers when they, lengthening by black matter, cut Ciel's neck. Suddenly, pus of Hate spraying from his mouth, he laughed.

-Yes! Yes! This is wonderful, Oliver! Who would have thought that just a tenth of a liter of your blood during Turbulence carries such amazing power! And you kept it to yourself all this time, huh? I finally feel alive!

Oliver, when he finally realized that it was not a dream, but a reality, started to tremble, as his mind was drowning in anger. Little by little, he began to be enveloped in the same black energy as his former friend. And while Shabby, despite her self-confidence minutes earlier, stepped back, Sean was calm and continued to speak in an enthusiastic voice:

-In just a fraction of second, this power healed what would otherwise take months to heal! Now go ahead and go crazy! And give me more of that precious Hate, Oliver!

Chapter 9: Chapter 6: Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Hate

Chapter Text

Oliver screamed and black energy, materializing into black flames, began to erupt from his back, forming something similar to wings. A vantablack-colored sword began to appear right in his chest, in front and behind, which, when fully formed, literally pierced through Clain's body, but the pierced man himself did not pay attention to it. Without hesitation, he grabbed the sword by the hilt and pulled it out of his chest, spilling a lot of his blood in the process. The hole in the torso was instantly regenerated – bones, flesh, muscles and skin covered it immediately.

Sean looked at this transformation with an ever-growing smile smile. Shabby, on the other hand, even if she wanted to do anything, she could not – the raw pressure of the energy released by Oliver during this transformation was suppressing her, to the point of her not being able to move a finger. The visitors, even if they wanted to get up and run away, could not do this – if the horned girl took enormous effort just to stand, then ordinary drunken extras were pressed to the floor by this energy, and someone was literally crashed to death, as if by a hydraulic press.

–What... what is going on here?! That enormous power comes from your Turbulence?!

But Oliver didn't answer Shabby's question. Silently, without expressing any emotion on his face, Oliver raised his sword above his head, leaving a quickly disappearing trail of black energy in the air. Sean spread his arms to the sides, as if preparing to take that attack with open arms. Clain rushed from his previous location, pushing off the floor with his feet so hard that the wooden floor and the bar counter next to where he was standing shattered to pieces. But at the same moment, when he instantly appeared in front of Sean and began to lower his sword, his former friend disappeared. But Oliver did not stop and, leaving a black trail in the air behind the blade, cut the air. Whether it was energy or pure kinetic force from the swing, the walls and roof in the direction of the slash shattered into many small pieces and scattered throughout the city.

Immediately, Oliver, without turning around, swung his sword to his right, from bottom to top. He must have clearly felt that Sean was standing right there. A wave of black energy erupted from the blade and flew at speed, hundreds of thousands times faster than sound, straight at the surgeon. However, he stopped time again, now without any breath-ins, and moved. The wave continued its path, cutting through the walls of many houses in its path until it dissipated.

–Tsk-tsk. You shouldn't destroy others' property like this, – Sean said, and then instantly moved again to avoid another wave launched by Oliver. – Although, I don't think you can even hear me in this state of mind... Come on, spray your hatred! All that excess that you release with every attack or even movement... I need it all!

Once again he avoided the energy wave. At this point, there was little to nothing left out of bar, or, rather, out of entire city block it was located in. The panic began in the city, with locals running around in attempts to save their lives. "Did anyone die" is not even a question anymore. Correct question would be "how many have died already".

Sean was now directly behind Shabby and had his hand on her shoulder. The horned girl, only now coming to its senses after a minute without moving, shuddered and waved her hand behind, but Oliver's timelord "friend" was nowhere to be seen. What's even worse is that another deadly wave of Hate energy was already flying towards her, or more precisely at Sean, who just a millisecond ago was behind her. Shabby barely had time to cover herself with her hands, but this was not enough – the hand that took the blow flew away from the body at the point of impact, and the second one, which was behind her, although it stopped the main blow, was clearly broken. At the same time, the girl herself was thrown so far that it was akin to O. Clain's space program.

The traitor was nowhere to be seen, but Oliver felt that he was somewhere nearby. He clearly felt another clot of Hate. Lowering his sword and holding it only with his right hand, Clain walked outside, towards where he could feel Sean. Although, "outside" is a strange word, given there were no longer any traces of walls or roof. Pieces of the stone building, mixed with the blood of the bar's patrons and people in the area, either lay nearby or were scattered across different parts of the city. As soon as Oliver stepped onto the pile of rubble that used to be walls, he saw an entire army of city guards – a couple hundred armored men filling the streets. Or rather, what is left of the streets.

–You're under arrest for... – one of these background characters began, but did he really think that the city guard in a fantasy would ever do anything?

Oliver didn't listen, and probably he wouldn't hear anything anyway. He just waved his left hand from bottom to top in the direction where the guards were. The ground beneath them trembled and a few moments later, thousands of thin black spikes, 15 meters high, burst out from under it, over a huge area. Those guards who did not die immediately were sandwiched between them and could not move. On one of these spikes, on an area thinner than a needle, Sean was already calmly standing and waving his hand.

–Perfect! Pure Hate at its finest! I wonder, why have you been holding his amazing power back all this time? Well, now... let's see what your Hate is worth in comparison with mine!

A black liquid erupted from the traitor's right palm, but changed drastically, hardening and taking the form of a one-handed sword that looked like a long clock hand. At the same moment, he appeared right in front of Oliver and immediately struck with a slashing blow from above. This treacherous blade was met by the black sword of the maddened Clain.


From under the yellow cloak, a pure meat tentacle with something like a metal cutter at the end burst out towards the angel. However, Cirael easily repulsed it with her flaming blade. Nyarla's limb went up, but the flame spread on it... but suddenly, the flesh turned into stone, the burning of which quickly stopped. Immediately after that, this thin stone tentacle increased in size, becoming a huge hammer, which the cloaked creature brought down on the girl. Clain picked up the hammer with her free hand and held it easily enough.

–Don't underestimate raw physical strength! – Cirael shouted, threw the hammer up and, raising her sword, rushed at the informant.

Finding herself at a fairly close distance, the angel swung down her sword, but the piece of cloak near her head of Nyarla changed drastically, turning into some kind of shield. The girl's sword stopped on this shield, but she was ready for something like that – Cirael let go of the sword, which she was holding with her right hand, and a spear appeared in her left hand, which she was already raising to strike from the side. At this time, the sword dissolved into pure light. She tried to pierce the body of the informant, but that body, in response, got deformed, twisted to the point of absurdity, and the spear passed by the flesh – if there was flesh at all – and the robe.

The spear in the girl's hand also disappeared, becoming pure light, and she herself retreated back, flapping her wings. Only now did she notice that there was no longer a tentacle, a huge hammer, or even a shield on Nyarla's head. "So he can change his body however he wants? And how can I defeat him, considering that almost all my skills are just melee combat?" thought Cirael. And that was true – if Nyarla's transformation capabilities are unlimited, then the angel with her physical attacks is powerless. But she had already accepted the challenge; it was not right for a heavenly warrior to retreat so easily.

But the informant did not just stand idle. He seemed to have fired shot from under the hood, from where his face seemed to be. It's almost impossible to dodge shotgun blasts up close... and for Cirael, it is not necessary. The angel abruptly covered her head with her hand, so that the shot crashed into the plate armor. Ordinary armor would have been pierced by a shot, but this was not ordinary steel at all. However, this was not a panacea – these "bullets" must also have been part of the creature's body, because they stretched sharply and seemed to pass between the metal atoms of the armor. But this was not the main thing – these "bullets" sharply stretched inside, creating holes in the armor. They would have harmed Cirael herself, but she had a durable enough body to ignore it. Having destroyed most of the armor covering the girl's body, these pieces of Nyarla's body became dust and scattered in the air.

The angel, unharmed, sharply flapped her wings and flew straight up, breaking through the ceiling. But this was not in order to run away – she unfastened the remains of her armor, which, having fallen from the girl, collapsed to the ground as if each element of the armor weighed a hundred tons. Because each element of that armor did indeed weight a hundred tons or more. Having fallen, this armor brought down the information agency, and a couple of neighboring buildings. The impact of the fall was similar to an explosion.

Clain, now dressed only in a white veil, was now floating in the air 20 meters above the ground, either lowering or rising slightly with a slight swing. Of course, she did not expect that this would kill Nyarla, so a bow consisting of translucent light and an arrow appeared in her hands. She quickly took aim, drew the bowstring and fired the arrow down into the ruins of the building. When hit, an explosion occurred, now a real one, which scattered pieces of the walls and ceiling, and left a small crater in place of the building.

From this crater, right under Cirael, a thin metal spike burst out, going high into the air, but, fortunately, the girl managed to fly to the side. The thorn retracted into itself from below to its highest point, ending up on the same level as Сirael. After that, this mental started distorting, changing color, and turned into the figure in the yellow cloak again. As soon as this transformation ended, with a slashing blow from bottom to top diagonally, the lower half of the body, along with part of Nyarla's cloak, was cut off by Cirael's sword. Apparently, she had already put away her bow and summoned her sword again. The upper part, as if nothing had happened, floated in the air, not even bleeding. Immediately after this lightning-fast attack, Cirael flapped her wings and flew back. Under the cloak it became clear that the informant's "body" was a shapeless brown mass, which sometimes also "gurgled" with blisters. The lower half of the body, which had previously fallen down, became dust and the wind carried it away.

–You have become faster, – said the creature in the cloak, calmly. – Your armor only made you heavier and slower, I didn't anticipate it.

–I can tell you two things. First: this won't be the last time my strike will reach you. And second: judging by the way the pieces of your body behave when separated, you have some kind of "core"... which means I can kill you. Are you giving up?

–Surrender?... – Nyarly's "voice" lost calm and trembled, although it was still inhuman. – Against a Clain?... never! I can't give up until Kai...

But then it interrupted its speech – explosions and screams of the crowd were heard in the distance. Bursts of black energy, so familiar to Cirael, were also visible there. Turning around and seeing this, Cirael turned pale.

–Well, um... then I give up! The only stake in this battle is the information about Necronomicon, and my husband's life is more important! So, well... I'm off!

Without sheathing her sword, Clain rushed, significantly exceeding the sound barrier, to where the energy of Hate was seen. She no longer cared what happened to Nyarla, even if Nyarla was chasing the angel. The scene before her convinced her that the worst that could happen had happened. Murphy's Law – "If something can go wrong, it will go wrong." Hundreds of bodies strung on black spikes, even more people under the rubble, some alive and some dead. And in the middle of all this – Oliver is in "mental breakdown mode", holding back a man, who, judging by clothes and hairstyle, was Sean, with his sword. However, this unknown man was covered in black energy, just like Oliver. Besides, the surgeon never used swords... it couldn't be Sean, right?

Having blocked bad thoughts from her head, Cirael decided that she should first deal with Oliver's unknown enemy, and then, together with Ciel, pull her husband out of a nervous breakdown... "by the way, where is Ciel?", the girl thought. Okay, that's for later. The angel rushed down, raising a sword above her head, but an unknown person in a white robe, without looking back, pointed his hand at her and...


Oliver's wife, who had just arrived, froze in the air. She couldn't even move a muscle anymore. Apparently, somehow, Sean could now stop individual objects in time. But Oliver hardly even noticed this, being in his Emotional Turbulence. He only, realizing that he would not throw Sean away in that clash of swords, hit his former friend with the fist of his left hand, which was not holding a weapon. Sean just watched as the fist came closer to his face. He knew that at any moment he could stop time and evade...

A fist, surrounded by black flames, reached the traitor's face and hit him in the jaw, and former surgeon, spraying saliva mixed with black blood, flew back 200 meters, but, apparently having stopped time again, instantly found himself on his feet. The lower half of Sean's head was missing.

–W... why couldn't I stop time?! What have you... – voice from Sean's throat "said".

Suddenly, he bent over and vomited a huge stream of black liquid. This would have been the perfect moment to attack, but Oliver, apparently, also felt bad – the same liquid poured from his mouth, and he fell to his knees. His eyes gradually began to return to normal, instead of being completely black, including the whites and irises. Barely standing on his feet after vomiting, Sean said:

–What the...

Without finishing, he disappeared. At the same moment, Cirael came out of "stasis" and finally completed her strike, cutting through thin air. "Huh?" she said, looking around. Noticing her husband, the angel ran up to him and, sitting on her knees, hugged him.

–Ciel! – she shouted. But nobody came.

Oliver raised his head and looked at Cirael. To her surprise, his eyes were normal and his face showed emotion, unlike other cases of Hate obsession. At the same time, the emotions expressed on his face were pure, genuine sadness and sorrow. He cried.

–What happened here?... – asked Zirael.

–He... he killed her, – the man said in a trembling voice, – Sean killed Ciel! He injected himself with Hate and became... like this! And I... I couldn't protect her... and I also killed so many innocent people...

Clain looked back at the consequences of his rampage. Although he had already come to his senses, the wings of black flames and the sword lying on the ground did not disappear.

–Everything's fine. It's not your fault... he provoked you... a lot of stuff happened! – Cirael couldn't believe that her friend killed Ciel, and that he was the one with whom Oliver fought... but she still tried to calm her husband down, even if with such trite words.

And everything could probably be fine, but suddenly it became very dark. The light of the sun disappeared. Looking up, Clains immediately understood the reason – the entire city, and possibly way larger area, was covered by a brown hand of colossal size. "Nyarla!" Cirael shouted. The hand began to slowly fall. The angel trembled, she definitely couldn't stop this attack. This is the end...

But Oliver stood up and, picking up the black sword, put his left hand up. Nyarla's hand has almost reached the ground and destroyed tall buildings. However, engulfed in black energy, Clain calmly stopped this hulk with one hand. Immediately, he threw this brown limb upward and swung his sword, sending out a wave of energy, cutting this huge city-sized arm in half. A voice rang out that was so loud that it ears bleed:

–You can't stop me, Clain!

Cirael and Oliver opened their eyes and mouths – somewhere over the horizon a figure so strange and irrational that it was indescribable began to rise. If someone looked from space, they would know that this brown body was hanging somewhere in space and was larger than the planet itself. A tentacle erupted from the body and began to quickly fall towards where the Clains were. Such a blow would probably destroy this entire planet and not leave even a small piece of it. This time, Clains can't stop it, even with power of Hate.

–At this point, I'm afraid even I am powerless... well, I love you, Cirael, – Oliver said surprisingly calmly.

So calmly, as if he knew that they would be saved. Time stood still. A man in a white kimono appeared near the Clains, holding in his hand a pocket watch with 8 clock hands, each of which did not move. Schrodinger put the watch in his kimono pocket and said:

–Well-well-well, I am almost late. I guess, this is really too tough for you. Okay, it's time to return my favor to him... So... – he put his hand on the hilt of the katana and, using iaido, cut the air; a thin blue trail remained in the air. – Toki wa ugokidasu.

Time passed again, and in place of the trace in the air, some kind of spatial rift opened, 15 meters wide. Nyarla, despite their absurd size, was sucked into that rift, while space was distorting, making the huge creature millions times smaller so it would fit. And while the Clains looked in shock at how the brown thing of a planetary scale was "flushed away" into a large portal, Nyarla completely disappeared in it.

–Uncle Sher...

–Don't mind me, I'm just returning the favor to an old friend. He very convincingly asked me to save your life... especially since I did not expect that Necronomicon's friends would be so hostile to the Clains.

With these words, the non-Asian samurai turned to Oliver and Cirael. Slowly he began to put the katana back into its sheath, and only when the guard rested on it did the rift disappear. Oliver's face lit up with anger.

–You! If it weren't for you, Ciel would still be alive!

–Hm... I guess you're right. Eh, it's fine. I think it's for the better.

Oliver wanted to attack Schrödinger, but he had already disappeared after winking at Clains. Well, at least they are alive and the troubles are over... right? Of course not. Something green fell from the sky to the ground. When the dust cleared, there was a "man" sitting on one knee in the large crater that appeared from this landing. He rested his right hand on the ground. This right hand was covered with green scales. The stranger who appeared so pretentiously wore a green robe with a gold belt and without a hood. He was barefoot. Sea green hair contrasted sharply with red eyes with vertical pupils. And most importantly, behind his back there were 2 large dark green membranous wings, like those of a bat. The unknown man stood up and in one movement jumped from the crater to the Clains.

–What now?! – Oliver asked angrily.

Surprisingly, the stranger bowed. At the same time, there was some movement behind him, which made it clear that he also had a tail.

–My name is Ktul. It is a pity that the one who defeated Nyarla has already disappeared. But it's fine. At least you two are still here.


The empty white space. This is where Nyarla ended up at. Enraged, the planetary being shouted from their non-existent mouth:


–You have changed. What else to expect if your changes are written exactly like that... hm, you were looking for me, well, here I am.

In the air, right in front of the supposed "head" of an indescribable creature, a man with dark brown, almost black, shoulder-length hair appeared. He wore his usual boring clothes – a white shirt with a black vest over it, black trousers and black shoes. This despondency was only alleviated by the blue cloak that fluttered, although there was no wind here. Next to his belt, seemingly on magic, hung a sword broken off in the middle. This was the same archmage that Oliver, Cirael and Ciel saw a week ago. The man was floating in the air, neither falling nor rising. A slight smile was on his face.

–KAAAI!!! – Nyarla screamed.

She tried to rush towards Kai, but couldn't – something was holding her back, as if invisible chains were shackling her huge body.

–You'll have to stay put. And... – the archmage, whose name seemingly was Kai, pointed the index finger of his right hand at Nyarla, – I'm sorry that you suffered for so long, Martha. Starbuster.

Multi-colored energy burst out from his finger, in the form of a sharply expanding beam, covering a three times larger space than Nyarla's... no, Martha's body. And when this beam dried up, there was nothing in the place of the creature.

–Sorry, Martha. I should have released you earlier. Don't be afraid, she will pay for everything, – Kai said and, closing his eyes, disappeared.

Chapter 10: Chapter 7: Kai

Chapter Text

–Just leave us alone already... – said Cirael to Ktul

Ktul, despite his serious appearance, scratched the back of his head and, taking out a crumpled piece of paper from under his robe, looked at the paper.

–Honestly... yes, in the hindsight, I could just leave you, but here, according to the Necronomicon's script, I have to say something like "I am looking for strong opponents, so stand up and fight"... but, to be fair, you are a little unable to fight right now, therefore, such a phrase would be... far from the truth.

He spread his arms and put the script back under his clothes. The two Clains looked at each other uncertainly. Is that unending disaster over? Just as the black energy around Oliver dried up, the sword on the ground dissipated, and the wings of black flames completely disappeared. Indeed, Oliver and Cirael were "slightly" unable to fight.

–That's some serious trouble... an epic battle should happen here right now, but the main characters are not capable of this... – Ktul began to walk back and forth, scratching his chin. – On the other hand, if they die, it will only mark the end of the iteration, so nothing bad will come of it... however, it will not be the epic battle they planned...

The Clains could only listen to him without any understanding of these words. What scenario, who planned this, why should there be a battle here?... but before they had time to ask this question, a man appeared between the man dressed in green and the spouses, in whom Oliver and Cirael recognized the archmage Arai. He said:

–If that's what you... no, if that's what they want, then why shouldn't there be this battle? I will be your opponent.

Kai, whose name is already known to readers, smiled slightly and extended his hand to Ktul, as if inviting him to the "dance". In addition, he yawned very deeply, apparently showing that he did not take his to-be-opponent seriously. However, the fighter in green was not offended. On the contrary, with delight on his face, he bowed to the newcomer.

–It will be an honor for me to fight with you. After all, you are...

–Yeah, yeah, I am that one Kai who has not lost even once, since the 1st iteration. Let's do it without too much pretentiousness, okay? Get up, it's not right for a duelist to bow almost to the ground, – of course, Ktul did not bow to the ground, if you don't take into account his hair, but Kai still chose this wording, after which he turned to Oliver and Cirael, who at the moment did not understand anything at all. – Well, we're off. Enjoy learning the truth, main characters, good luck not going crazy and all that.

–"We're off"? – Cthul asked again.

–Yeah. If we fight here, the Clains won't survive, and therefore...

Kai snapped his fingers and disappeared, alongside with Ktul. The Clains looked at each other. "The truth"? "Main characters"? What the hell is everyone talking about, damn it?! And just when they thought that the surprises were over, another character appeared on the stage. The number of events per meter of text exceeds any acceptable limits and it ceased to be funny.

–Ayo! You were looking for me, it seems? – said an openly childish voice from somewhere on the side.

Turning around at this sound, in a slight panic, Oliver and Cirael looked at the speaker – among the ruins, in an improvised chair made from fragments of walls, sat a teenager of about 15 years old, whose "clothing" was a "robe" created from sheets of paper fastened together. His short red hair fluttered in the wind that was not there.

–And who you might be?... – asked Oliver.

–M? Oh, well, I'm Necronomicon, of course!

Cirael cast an angry glance at the teenager.

–You! All this happened because of you! – the angel waved her hand at the ruins surrounding them. – And even our friend died, and our friend went crazy!

–Because of me? But wasn't it Schrödinger who sent you to me? But weren't you the ones who decided to go on a journey? But hadn't Sean been planning this betrayal for a week now? – said the Necronomicon, shaking his head thoughtfully. – Okay, I agree, you can't blame them. Just like you can't blame me, either. In the end, everything is by the God's will, now isn't it?~

–Are you going to evade responsibility by blaming fate?!

–Well, well, Oliver, don't say such things. When I tell you everything, you will understand that I am right. Well... then let's move on to the reason you're here, alright?

–But... – Oliver began, but immediately shut up when he saw what was happening around him.

The ruins around the Clains and Necronomicon began to rise, connect and change so much that it was clear that reality itself was waring. Soon, these pieces of stone formed a cozy study room with three armchairs, a covered table between them, and even a fireplace. The walls were covered with green wallpaper, it was unclear where it came from, however, no one was surprised anymore – the furniture also appeared, right from nowhere. Before they knew what was happening, the Clains realized that they were already sitting in their chairs.

–So, you guys wanna the truth, hah? – Necronomicon asked and grinned.


After being involuntarily teleported, Ktul looked around. He and Kai found themselves somewhere in a deserted place. The ground here was stony and red, like on the salt mountains, but everywhere you looked, there was a flat plateau. Kai stood with his back to Ktul, the magician hands on his belt.

–Where are we? – asked the green-haired one.

–A couple of light years from where we were a second ago. Well, you know, I'm afraid that in our battle a star system or two may be destroyed, and I don't want to kill these Clains.

–Let me ask. Why do you want to save them? When the Clains of previous iterations died, you did nothing. When my...

–I'm no hero. I act out of my own interests, and I have a specific goal. And I need... no, not both of them. I need exactly Oliver alive to make this goal a reality.

Ktul's face turned slightly angry after his sentence, but he soon exhaled and returned to his neutral tone.

–So, we will fight here, on this dead planet? Okay, the scene isn't that important, – Cthul got into a boxing stance and prepared to lunge, placing his right foot on the ground. – Defend yourself!

Kai turned sharply, but this did not stop Ktul – he sharply rushed towards the man, but, as he approached, he retreated, because something suddenly flew up in front of him. Thanks to his reaction, Ktul realized that it was Kai's sword, which was thrown right into the stratosphere by Kai's swift movement of one hand.

Although the green-haired man only lost the initiative for a moment, that was enough for Kai. With a sharp step forward, following the retreating enemy, the magician put his right palm forward, as if striking. The hand didn't even touch Ktul, and energy burst out of it, shimmering across the entire color spectrum, while blocking the enemy's view. The winged one waved his scaly hand through this energy, and the magic dissipated. But Kai was no longer there – he instantly appeared behind Ktul, and while Kai himself gathered energy in the form of a blade around his hand, the ground under the winged man's feet became loose, and he got stuck in it. At the same time, Kai pierced through Ktul's body, after which he let go of the sword made of magical energy, quickly dodged and, leaning on his hands, kicked the enemy, sending it straight upward.

All of the above happened hundreds times faster than at the speed of light, but even so, Ktul could be aware of Kai's actions. Yes, the sword pierced his body, but he protected himself from the kick with his wing. There was no trace of this blow left on the wing, but the kinetic force from it threw him over the horizon. But at the same time, the smooth plateau of the same color did not end at all, no matter where he looked. Kai expected a similar result from his attack – he knew that Ktul's scales dispelled magical energy, and his wings were actually completely indestructible, no matter what force was used.

Ktul flew a couple of thousand kilometers before he regained control of his body and, after pulling out the sword from his own chest – the wound healed instantly – flapped his wings, took off in the air and almost instantly found himself where he was before – in front of Kai, already holding his right hand in the pose for a punch. However, by leaving the ground and flying into the air, Kai avoided the punch. In addition, just now his half-broken sword flew back from above, falling with its hilt down, which the magician grabbed and, taking advantage of the acceleration from the fall of the weapon, dealt a crushing blow to Ktul.

The man in green barely managed to cover himself with his wing on top. The sheer force of the impact created a huge crater, at the lowest point of which Ktul found himself. Kai immediately disappeared, and when the green-haired man removed his wing to look around, he immediately saw that a huge meteor was flying towards him. He wanted to cover himself with his wing again, but could not move it – something was holding him back from moving, it must be another of Kai's magic. Therefore, he absorbed the meteor's impact with his body, closing his eyes.

Kai looked at it from somewhere in orbit, floating in space. He didn't need air, and temperature didn't matter. After the impact of this meteor, about a third of the earth's crust of the planet where this battle took place was destroyed. However, this was not enough. Overcoming the layers of the atmosphere, Ktul, in such a short period of time that there was no point in even mentioning it, flew from the surface of the planet next to Kai, and all this in one dash. Now his entire body was covered with scales.

The magician created over ten magical barriers between himself and the enemy, but one touch of Ktul was enough to dispel them. Ktul, for the first time this battle, reached Kai and grabbed him by the neck and, flapping his wings once, flew down, reached the surface in an instant, slammed Kai into the ground at full speed. If that wasn't enough, he punched right through his chest with his other hand.

Immediately Kai appeared behind Ktul, and the body that his opponent "killed" exploded, throwing the scaly one straight towards Kai. Having pierced the enemy again, this time with his own broken sword, the magician created some kind of sphere of energy in his second hand. Of course, the scales of Ktul would dispel this attack, but Kai had no intention of attacking with it. Pulling the blade from Ktul's chest and jumping back, the magician squeezed this sphere, destroying it with his hand, after which the whole world began to distort. Fragments of space fell like shattered glass, revealing an empty space with no boundaries.

Before Ktul had time to realize what was happening, Kai waved his hand to the side and this space seemed to shrink. The "walls" holding the entire space-time continuum, ignoring Kai, closed in, risking crushing Ktul. Around this rectangle, which was now barely larger than a man, was the same deserted battlefield on which the events unfolded. Somehow, in such a narrow space, Ktul managed to cover himself with his wings, creating a perfect ball. Now nothing can harm him – all physical attacks are blocked by his wings, and magic is dispelled by his scales. Even the collapse of the space of the entire universe created by Kai was held back by this absolute protection.

–Oh well, he is on defensive now. Okay, let's end this farce.

Kai sighed and snapped his fingers again. A fireball appeared in the sky... or rather, that's what it seemed at first. If you look closely at it and won't blind, you will understand that this was not a ball of fire at all, but a full-fledged supernova star. The already disfigured surface of the planet, on which Kai and Ktul were fighting, now turned into ashes – the unmatched power of the sun was too great for the battlefield to withstand. But this had no effect on Kai. Even when the matter that made up the planet was instantly burned by a star that appeared close to the surface, he continued to hang in the air, watching as Ktul's "impenetrable defense" turned into a makeshift oven in which he was cooked alive. From the side of Ktul, something like "I give up!" was heard, to which Kai nodded and snapped his fingers again. The sun he had just created went out, became covered with ice and shattered with its pieces scattering in all possible directions.

–I hope this will be enough for Gerda, – said Kai.

The walls of space that were collapsing around Ktul also disappeared, and he finally lowered his defenses.

–Just what are you?...

–Good question. I am the character who will put an end to this farce called "Narrative". I think no one will mind. Now, I'll go. After all, I will have a guest very soon, I need to greet him in most epic manner possible.

With a slight shrug of his shoulders and a smile, Kai disappeared, leaving Ktul alone in the vast space. And only now did the thought come to Ktul's awareness that he was defeated in just a few milliseconds, because that's how long this battle lasted, despite the number of events. Kai was a monster, indeed.

Chapter 11: Chapter 8: The Truth

Chapter Text

The crackling fire of the fireplace, candles, soft armchairs, emptiness outside the window, as if the world outside the room simply did not exist... yes, is the true comfort. Necronomicon, having jumped over the back of the last empty chair, lay down imposingly across the seat, throwing his legs over the armrest.

–What did you just do? – Oliver asked, looking around the newly created room.

–I wrote it, you know, – The Necronomicon looked at the Clains in bewilderment. – I control the text! You understand what kind of power this gives within the logical framework of the fiction, don't you?

Oliver and Cirael looked at each other, puzzled, and then looked back at the paper-clothed teenager. He raised his eyebrows, scratched the back of his head, let out a long "oh," and then laughed.

–So you don't know?! Ha! Ahahaha! You're Clains! And you don't know the essence of the world! Oh, I can't take it, I'll die of laughter! – having laughed and wiped a tear he shed from laughing, Necronomicon continued. – Well, then here's the most basic truth for ya: the whole world is just a book, a fiction! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!... or whatever that illuminati triangle said. Okay it does not matter. It was a joke. Well, at least about the hologram, everything else is quite on point.

"Huh?" the Clains said in unison. How can this be? What is it even supposed to mean? The whole world is just...

–And you are just characters in the book that Gerda writes!... well, okay, not just ordinary characters. You are the Clains, which means you are the main characters of this iteration! – Necronomicon continued with enthusiasm.

– This... this is just some kind of nonsense! You are lying! This is just some kind of lame conspiracy theory! – Cirael shouted.

–You... you all talk about Clains and iterations... but what does all this mean?! – Oliver asked, shouting as loudly as his wife did.

–Oh, everything is pretty simple. The book was rewritten from scratch. Each such version of the book is usually called "iteration"... well, that's how Kai started to call it, the rest of us just copied his terminology, – Necronomicon looked up somewhere and scratched his chin. – Okay, that's not the point. Each iteration has different characters and plot, but some things remain the same. For example, the main character is always a part of Clain family, and main character always has a tragic backstory. Well, you know, such a backstory as...

The teenager in the paper pulled out the vowel in the word "as" very strongly, clearly hinting that he wanted Oliver to continue. And Oliver sure did continue:

–You don't want to say that...

–Bingo! We have a winner! The events of "that night" were just a backstory that the writer wrote to you, Gerda! Now that's a plot twist, isn't it?

–Then Shabby... – Oliver began, but the restless interlocutor interrupted him here too.

–Yeah! Shabby is a Clain from an iteration of about 200 resets ago! You could say that she is a version of Cirael from past iterations.

–But Ciel... – Cirael wanted to say something, but the Necronomicon answered an unasked question.

–In every iteration, the main character's friends die quite quickly! By the way, if Sean had not betrayed you, he would also be guaranteed to die, just like Ciel, because he, too, is a friend of the main character. A sad fate for those who do not bear your fatal last name, huh?

–And your power...

–Yes, Oliver, it comes from the fact that the whole world is just the text of a book! I can change it, thereby changing objective reality!... well, changing what you call "reality". I call it "fiction," – Necronomicon stuttered a couple of times, as he constantly began to laugh. – Or did you really think that in reality it could happen that you came to a random city, began to interview random people in it, and they turned out to be exactly the ones you were looking for? Don't you find it funny yourself? I just changed this fictional reality by putting Shabby and Nyarla in those places!

This meant that, in the end, Necronomicon was indeed most responsible for Ciel's death and Sean's madness... but given what he said, can anyone blame him? Ciel and Sean would have died anyway, and besides, none of this matters. This whole world is but a story, a book, a fiction. Clains' whole life is controlled by some writer. Then what's the point? The Clains didn't want to believe it, but for some reason, deep down in their souls they already knew it, and such they did not blindly deny it. They humbly accepted it... or maybe this humility was also written by Gerda? However, aren't these questions rhetorical, if she also writes them?... or, maybe, someone else?

The gloomy, sad and depressive silence was broken by the ringing voice of Necronomicon:

–Oh, I gotta go! Who would have thought that this would happen so soon? Well, bye everyone, enjoy the reset!

–No, wait, wait! – Oliver shouted.

But the boy dressed in paper was no longer there. He just disappeared. There was no one else in the room except Oliver and Cirael. They sat in a daze, unable to move. The Clains did not want to accept the truth told by the Necronomicon, however, on a subconscious level, they accepted that it was, indeed, so. Left alone with each other and with the fire in the fireplace, they could not even muster the strength to look at each other. At the same time, through the ceiling, no, through space itself, from somewhere above, a broken dark blue curve, as if made of ink, stretched towards Cirael's head. It had no width, as if it were two-dimensional, or rather even one-dimensional, despite the fact that it curved. Oliver's eyes were glued to the chair where Necronomicon had just sat, so he didn't see it. And as soon that line touched Cirael's head..

A flaming blade pierced from Oliver's chest. Cirael, with a smile on her face, held a sword, which, through the back of the chair, pierced her husband right through. She spoke in a soft and calm voice:

–Be not afraid. We will meet again in the next iteration. Maybe I will no longer be Cirael, and you will no longer be Oliver, but we will definitely meet and love each other. After all, this is exactly what is prewritten for us. So don't be in fear or denial... just relax.

Such a wound wouldn't kill Oliver on its own. Even if you split him into atoms, he will still be able to regenerate; his life is protected by Hate. He feels that emotion all the time, even when it doesn't seem so, and lives via that energy. But now he felt so... calm. He sees the sword of Cirael in his chest, and he is calm. Complete peace. The world around seems to be crumbling, ceasing to exist. But all this is no longer important. Everything will be fine. Next time. In the next world. In the next version. In the next iteration... in the next one, everything will work out, this time for sure.



Oliver, his mother and their "friends" celebrated for a long time from that day. And then, towards evening, there was a loud knock on the door. "Dad", Oliver thought. His mother went to open the door and greeted her husband with a joyful smile. He did not look very good, since, with a gloomy look he only nodded to her and the servants. The servants came up and offered him their shoulders and led him upstairs. Oliver, despite his father's condition, pranced around happily, with his worried mother following behind.

Finally, they came to the father's office. There he told the servants to leave him alone with his family. Charles, that was his name, did not look very healthy, to put it mildly – huge bags under his eyes, pale skin color, and in general he swayed while standing. Hilda, Oliver's mother, walked up to Charles and took his hand. In an anxious, trembling voice, she asked:

–Darling, are you feeling unwell?

Oliver noticed something strange – a thin dark line, as if made of ink, was stretching towards his dad through the ceiling. Hilda didn't seem to see this. There was something else that drew teenager's attention, except that dark like – the sword on the belt of his father; it was a combat sword, not a ceremonial one.

Hilda held Charles's right hand, looking at him with pitiful eyes... and he, in response to this, grabbed her by the hair with his left hand, and masterfully pulled the sword out of its sheath and pierced his wife through the stomach, plunging the blade right to the guard. The blade went through, a lot of blood poured out of the woman's back. But even more red liquid poured out when Charles swiftly pulled the weapon from his wife's body, whose face was filled with shock, pain and horror. She died instantly.

"D... daddy?" This was the only thing the birthday boy could squeeze out of himself, taking a few steps back. His heart began to beat like crazy, tears flowed from his eyes, and his breathing became ragged. After taking a couple of steps, he froze – fear paralyzed him. Why did this happen? Did dad go crazy during the war? And then he killed Oliver's mom? And now he will kill Oliver too? Why? "Why?!" Oliver shouted. Hatred boiled in the teenager. But... what could he do against an adult experienced combatant? Oliver was barely a novice in fencing. Maybe he can teleport from here... Yes, he could... if fear and anger had not clouded his mind.

While his son's legs were trembling and he stood looking at his dad in horror, Charles, with a lightning-quick movement, overtook the child and, without a word, plunged the sword into the unfortunate boy's chest. The blade did not go in all the way, but even so, it, long and narrow, appeared half a meter from the back. Oliver's legs gave way, and as the light left his eyes, he fell onto his back. The father released the hilt from his hand and the sword remained in his son. Hitting the floor loudly, the blade pierced the floorboard, and the child never touched the floor – he hung right above the floor, held by the blade.

Charles took three steps back. It looked like, the period of madness ended, but it was too late. He grabbed his head and screamed. But Oliver no longer noticed this – he was dying. The last thing he heard before life finally left his body was the sound of broken glass, children's laughter and some words.

Oliver didn't know how much time had passed, but suddenly he felt... hatred. And life. It was strange, because he knew for sure that his death, complete and irreversible, already happened. However, he opened his eyes. His father's sword, which was sticking out of his chest, became completely black, as did Oliver's eyes. He stood up abruptly, still with the sword inside. With unnatural movements, the dead man grabbed the handle of the weapon and pulled it out of himself. He lost a lot of blood, but that didn't matter. The birthday boy no longer felt pain, and the wound on his chest instantly healed. All he felt was hatred and the desire to kill.

–My son?... what's going on?... – asked Charles, who had come to his senses.

But there was no answer. Most likely, Oliver didn't even hear his father. The young man raised his sword. Dad was now in his son's place: shaking in fear, he fell on the floor and began to crawl back. But even this pitiful appearance of the poor madman did not stop the creature of hatred. The words "mercy!" and "I didn't mean to!" also flew past Oliver's mind, if he had any mind at all at that time. All that was on his mind was "I must kill him"... no, there were also some thoughts: "I must survive to protect Cirael... to save Martha and Ludwig..."

"Cirael"? "Martha and Ludwig"? In a normal situation, such thoughts would have caused internal questions and misunderstandings in Oliver's mind, but now he did not have the opportunity to think reasonably, or even think at all. How did he know these names? It was a question to which the answer never came to him. Unable to think properly, Oliver approached Charles and, already holding the sword above his head, made one blow.

Then everything was like a fog. The earliest thing Oliver remembered after swinging his sword was that he, with the blade red from his father's blood, was running somewhere through the forest. It was late at night, and it was still raining. Everything was dark, he couldn't even see the animals... no, beasts of the forest simply were absent at that night. All that is visible is the path along which Oliver ran headlong. And along the edges of the paths there story, no, rather, there simply were shapeless figures made of black liquid. They appeared from the ground and approached each other, closing the road behind him, but never blocking the path. Wherever Clain turned, these things parted, letting him run. Wherever Oliver ran, they were still to his sides and looked at him reproachfully, despite their lack of eyes.

But soon he came running into the clearing. It was dark, and the sky was overcast with rain clouds. However, a beam of light, as if it was directed, broke through the clouds and fell into the center of the clearing... and Oliver was sure that he heard a church choir. The figures made of black liquid, all as one, disappeared, and from the heaven, in that ray of light, a winged knight in plate armor slowly descended from the heavens. The flaming sword was in his hand.

–Creature from darkness! I came down from the sky, – after the very first words, from the voice alone, it became clear that the knight was female, – in order to destroy...

The knight began to speak more slowly, and then abruptly removed her helmet, allowing Oliver to see her face and long white hair. She looked, if not "stared" at Oliver with a surprised look, and then, blushing, started to babble:

–Actually, this is not really necessary! I can only make sure that you don't do anything bad... by the way, um, I'm Cirael, I'll see you later, but for now I need to talk to the authorities... bye!

Oliver didn't even have time to answer when Cirael took off the ground the ground by flapping her wings, and with lightning speed she disappeared somewhere in the sky. Clain stared in surprise at where the maiden was standing a moment ago. "What just happened? Some angel girl flew in, wanted to fight and kill me, and then she blushed and left, after saying something indistinguishable?" Oliver certainly wasn't someone who could inspire love at first sight, especially given that he was 14 years old at that time. However, he felt a little lighter after that, and the creatures from the black liquid never appeared again. His breathing returned to normal and his heart stopped beating like crazy...

Wait a second... ""Cirael"? That name again! What's going on here?... okay, I'll believe that it is just a coincidence, otherwise I'll go completely crazy. I should probably go back. I'll deal with the guards somehow. They should have a proper burial and funeral," Oliver said to himself and after a couple of seconds added: "I mean my parents, not guards!"

When he came back, he saw that no one was around yet. Guards that came just a bit later, found Oliver on the threshold of the mansion, exhausted and covered in blood. The official version was that the father of the family went crazy and slaughtered almost everyone in his house, and then killed himself. The only survivors were his son and one single maid named Ciel. As the only remaining Clain, Oliver inherited Charles Clain's title, estate and money.

A lot of time passed after that. After Oliver became the head of the family, he, along with his only maid, lived quite calmly in a large mansion, earning money from the forge ran by Clain – after that night, Oliver began to feel a certain connection with bladed weapons, especially swords. After a few years, Cirael began to visit them once a week, and then, when she, in her own words, was "fired from heaven," she moved to live in the Clain's mansion, and, surprisingly, she and Oliver soon got married. Moreover, it was due to mutual love – Oliver also developed deep feelings for her over several years of living together. So the black-haired guy "lived" for 162 years. From time to time, due to certain events, the energy of Hate sometimes got the better of him, but with the help of his wife and servant, these "mental breakdowns" were prevented... and not in a way you all just thought about, perverts.


Sean, whose jaw has just grown back after the blow, was spitting out black liquid as he walked somewhere through the forest, stumbling every now and then. It was daytime, but that didn't make the situation any less grim.

–What is this feeling?... what was I even doing? – the surgeon said to himself, and then realization came to him. – I... killed Ciel! But... but... why did I... what's going on?! And my abilities... I can't stop time anymore?!

He looked at the bird flying and chirping. At that moment, everything around froze, time stood still. The sounds disappeared, and Sean himself sighed with relief... only then realizing that he no longer needed to inhale to stop time and now he could do it at will. Time started to move again.

–No, that's not it... but then why that time...

He abruptly stopped moving. One more step and the black scythe that was at his neck would have cut off the doctor's head. The scythe was held by someone standing behind Sean. Sean tried to stop time, but it didn't work. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and he swallowed.

–Two creatures of Hate at the same place is already quite fascinating, but an artificial creature of hatred is utter bullsh*t, which is even more interesting. Although you are not perfect, unlike that Clain c*nt.

Sean carefully turned around and saw a child of about 12 years old. If it weren't for the black scythe in his hands, serious words and inappropriate vocabulary, everyone would mistake him for an ordinary child – short brown hair, a white shirt with a green unbuttoned vest over it, brown pants and high black boots. The cute eyes-closed face and sweet smile didn't go well with the fact that he was ready to kill Sean.

–Who the hell are you?!

–Ha! I am Gehessikait, the Uncreature of Hate! For morons, I am the living concept of this emotion. And I'm also the one who, 162 years ago, tied Olivier's soul back to his body with the help of hatred, after his crazy dad cut the kid down, – the sweet smile distorted into a grin; in addition, Gehessikait opened his eyes, and it became clear that they were completely black. – What a thrill it was to watch a child kill his own daddy! I knew I wouldn't fu**ing regret choosing him!

Sean winced. Was he as crazy as this guy is, when he injected Hate into himself?... no, it seems, at least Sean wasn't swearing so much. Gehessikait continued:

–But you... you're a fu**ing weakling!

The "child" with black eyes put his scythe aside and punched Sean in the gut. The surgeon fell, but the Uncreature did not stop; he began to kick the doctor in the stomach while he was lying, continuing:

–Did you really think that by forcibly injecting Hate into yourself, you could become like my creation?! You're bat-sh*t insane! Oh, believe me, I can continue hitting you until the end of time – thanks to my Hate, your broken bones will heal very quickly... but it will sure hurt a lot! Do you know why you couldn't stop time then? Oh, I'll tell you! Hate allows you to nullify everything that is considered magic, except for the magic of the owner, and you, you see, are such a moron, touched Oliver, who was, like, radiating the Hate! Do you know why you vomited in the end and lost the strength to fight? It's because you tried to take control of my gift! Olivier, during his Emotional Turb-whatever, completely surrenders to the Hate, and you, stupid bastard, tried to control my power!

Suddenly, Gehessikait stopped and picked Sean up by the collar.

–Come on, get up! I will teach you the right way to be a creature of Hate, and then you will go and kill Oliver! Well, or he will kill you, it depends. What? No, of course you don't have a choice! Oh, I'm gonna have one hell of a time!


Oliver opened his eyes in fear, raised his head and looked around. Thanks God, another memory of that night is over. Clain was alone. Around him were bluish translucent walls, as if made of crystal... the dead man touched one of them and immediately pulled his hand away – the surface was scalding cold. It was ice. It did not melt, although the air was warm.

The creature of Hate walked through the only archway from the room and began to look around with shock on his face. He found himself on a huge ice bridge that stretched over an abyss... in which, down below, a starry sky could be seen. Shaking his head, Oliver looked up. The starry sky was up there, too. But most of all, Clain's gaze was naturally drawn to what was on the other end of the bridge – Oliver looked forward in raptures, slowly walking towards the huge ice palace. The outer walls of the structure with many towers and fancy roofs shimmered with all the colors of the aurora.

When the man approached the palace, a huge gate made of ice, although there were semblances of crossbars nailed to it – of course, nails were made of ice, too – opened. Behind the gate there was a vast hall with furniture, paintings – but since they were also ice, "paintings" were simply rectangles without a picture in the frames –, an unlit fireplace and several crystal chandeliers on the ceiling. There were candles on the chandeliers that were not lit. However, their wicks emitted light that was enough to illuminate the entire room. But this was not the strangest thing – as soon as Oliver stepped into the hall, he heard a melody, as if a music box was playing. Considering that even when he covered his ears with his hands, the music did not become quieter, it became clear that the sound was in his head.

Using telekinesis, which he usually uses to "shoot" his swords, Clain opened the door at the far end of the hall and walked through it. Behind the door was a spiral staircase made of ice leading up. As if spellbound, Oliver began to rise. Steps, made of the thinnest ice seemed like they were about to crack, like crust on puddles in late autumn, but they supported the weight of Clain without even shacking. There was only one sad thing – they were still made of ice, which means they were very slippery. Because of that, Oliver fell 2 times before getting up the stairs.

Having opened the next door, using the power of thought, as he had no desire to touch this cold ice with his hands, the young man closed his eyes. The bright light of the sun illuminated him, although it was not so light on the bridge before. Oliver stepped into the doorway and looked around – he was on some kind of passage on the wall of the palace. Looking up, Clain noticed that that the Sun was strange. It was too big... or rather, too close to Earth... "Wait a minute, am I even on Earth? Or is this some kind of pocket dimension, like Schrödinger's world?" Oliver thought. Despite such proximity to the star, the ice did not melt and it was not hot in the air.

Taking a few more steps forward, Oliver noticed the first living being here... or so it seemed at first. The butterfly, flapping its thin crystal plates instead of wings, flew up to the creature of Hate. The man stopped. The "insect" landed on Clain's shoulder... and, flashing with a black flame, it instantly melted. Oliver winced. Did he do this himself? It was definitely unintentional. The young man firmly decided not to touch "living" objects in this place anymore and only now noticed how many ice butterflies and crystal birds were flying above the castle. Despite it, there were no sounds at all, except for the sounds of Oliver's steps and music in his head. Clain decided to get out quickly and moved on.

He passed through countless rooms, halls, corridors, balconies, staircases and passages. Although the palace looked like a fairy tale castle, there were no talking animals or living furniture... and, indeed, there was nothing living, except for the icy imitation of butterflies and birds. From loneliness, time and the incessant nostalgic melody, it seemed that Oliver would soon go crazy. Finally, having descended (or rather, fallen) from the next spiral staircase and opened the hundredth-plus door, Clain went out into the inner garden. Before that, walking along the light blue translucent balconies and galleries, he had not seen that this garden existed at all. However, here he is.

At the edges of the garden, along the walls, ornate crystal ivy with glass flowers "grew". On the far wall, at the top, there was a clock. Or rather, a circle with Roman numerals carved on ice, without clock hands. Under the clock, in a frame of ice, there was a word made of tiny pieces of ice, the size of the entire wall. It was the word "Eternity".

But what was most surprising is that in the middle of this lifeless garden the ice turned into thin snow, and the snow all around in the very center disappeared, exposing the grass, bluish from the frost. And in the middle of this island of greenery, there was a large bush of red roses. Without realizing it, Oliver ran up to the bush, knelt down on one knee and touched the flower with his hand. It was cold, but not as cold as everything else in this place. There was life in these petals. The only life in this entire palace, even including Oliver himself... or so it seemed.

–Well, do you like it?

The voice came from behind Oliver. Clain quickly stood up and turned around. In the doorway, from where the dead man himself had emerged seconds ago, stood Kai, leaning his back against the wall. His face retained a slight smile, but his gaze was cold, just like this entire palace. This time the broken sword wasn't hanging near his belt, he was unarmed... although he probably didn't need a weapon.

–Is this castle... yours? Did you create it? – asked Oliver.

–Well, you could say that. At the very least, I created this universe.

–Why did you bring me here?

–I dived into your memory... no, it would be more accurate to say, in your backstory. And yes, I was specifically looking through events of 162 years ago.

Oliver frowned and tensed, seemingly preparing to take off and attack. But this was not destined to happen – he was pressed to the ground by pressure, as if gravity for Clain had been increased by thousands of times. His entire body lay on the cold grass, unable to move from such a pressing force.

–I do not advise you to fight me. I don't even have to snap my fingers to kill you. Literally. Moreover, I don't want do it. I understand that after yesterday... actually, time itself is quite subjective here, so... hmm... after the events with Necronomicon, you don't trust anyone and consider everyone your enemies, but believe me: I'm not your enemy. On the contrary, our goals are quite similar. You can help me, and I can help you.

The magician canceled this pressure without moving a muscle, and Oliver slowly rose to his feet, still looking at Kai with distrust and hostility.

–And how... can a weakling like me be useful to such an oh-so-strong you? – said Clain with a lot of sarcasm in his voice.

–I have read your backstory. And I found it quite... intriguing. Let's ignore the moment of transformation itself; something else is important, although it was quite edgy. The names "Martha" and "Ludwig"... you already knew them. And that's okay, it's only natural, but then, when you suddenly saw these names again in the prologue, they worked like a trigger for you. This, I believe, makes it clear that your connection to Gerda's layer is greater than that of any Clain before you. And perhaps, with your help, we can reach the true, final ending to this story. I will take revenge on Gerda, and you will give this world true freedom from the writer. Now isn't that a happy ending?

–Prologue, story... how can you say that all this is fictional so easily?!

–Well, I simply can. What else can I say about all of it? I was the protagonist of the very first iterations. I saw how my friends died by the will of the writer, and then the world began again. This happened over and over and over again. Of all the characters, only I retained my memory between resets. Besides, I know Gerda, the writer, personally, so I frankly believed that she would atone and repent for her mistakes, but... I was "Clain" for a whopping 27 iterations in a row before I decided to rebel on my own. I left this role of main character and... well, you don't need to know about these events. Just know that she is not capable of writing my actions. I lived over a thousand iterations, several hundred thousands years... so I had a lot of time to accept the true reality of this world... or unreality, rather, – Oliver even felt a little sorry for Kai when he heard it, but the magician continued, – but this does not mean that I have gave up and accepted my life as a freedomless puppet. I will kill Gerda and free this universe from the influence of writers.

–You... said that you lived through more than a thousand iterations... how many were there in total?

–Current iteration is number 1078. 1078 times the world was rewritten from scratch.

–Can you answer a few more questions, please?

Oliver spoke almost calmly, without anger. Of course, he still didn't trust Kai, but Kai seemed more trustworthy than that incomprehensible child in clothes created from sheets of paper called Necronomicon is.

–For example... protagonists... no, Clains of previous iterations? What becomes of them? I know that Shabby is Clain from the previous versions, now you are also...

–Hm... all the Clains, if they did not die in the story, are transferred to the new world when reset happens. After that, they become just some background characters, and after it, they continue to live throughout all the iterations to come. But they can appear in the main story, as minor characters, or even antagonists. Former Clains lose their true names, and, usually, take names from world famous literature. That is why you know Margarita, Schrödinger, who, by the way, did not tell you his literary name, Shabby, Nyarla... and subsequently there will be others. All the Clains felt that this iteration would be special, and many of them are ready to interfere with the course of your story.

–Then your name is taken from the Snow Queen fairy tale, because the name of the writer is Gerda?

–No. My name is quite real. My name has always been Kai.

ؘ–And what are you going to do now?

–What I am going to do is to ask you for help. Don't get me wrong, I won't force you. You have the right to refuse. Unlike Gerda, I never force anyone to do anything... like, for example, she forced your wife to kill you.

Oliver, as if some realization had come to him, took a deep breath and asked:

–Speaking of which, what happens to the world outside of this dimension?!

–No dimension, it is a whole universe! Ahem... Gerda rewrites it. I am keeping your iteration from falling apart, but if you refuse to help me, there will be no point in this, and I will allow her to restart that iteration.

–Yeah, and you say you don't force me to do something? It sure seems like blackmailing.

–Gerda wouldn't give you a choice. I give you the right to die alongside your world.

–Well... I have to agree. I will help you. But I still don't like you.

–You don't have to like me. What you have to do is improve your skills. I will help with it, a bit.

–I "have to improve my skills"? Like, I will, as a protagonist of a second-rate anime, train with a legendary warrior in his pocket dimension? Isn't that a cliché?

–It is, so what? You know, you love swords... but you're a total noob at fencing!

Chapter 12: Chapter 9: The Plan

Chapter Text

A lot of time passed by. At least it passed by in this place. As Kai assured, in the world of main story, time does not move now. The very first Clain did not talk about the structure of reality anymore, although it was obvious that he knew way more than what he already explained to Oliver. Oliver has already lost track of time due to constant training. However, results were right here. Not only did he learn to wield a sword better, and such, could use weapons outside of usual telekinesis shooting, but he was also able to gain control over his Emotional Turbulence – Clain could activate and deactivate it as he wanted, while controlling himself in that state. Oliver didn't sleep, eat or drink. Of course, considering that there is no metabolism in his body, because he is a soul attached to a corpse, he does not need it, but even if he were a normal human, there was no need for such needs in Kai's pocket dimension.

–Well, I think you're almost ready to carry out the plan... we just need to do the one last training session, – said Kai, looking at Oliver without coldness in his eyes for the first time.

–What, another one?

–Well, it will be completely different. Before this, we increased your combat skills, and now it's time to learn how to work with Narrative.


–Yes. Well, you know, story, characters, reality, text... everything you can and cannot imagine is a part of the Narrative. If you want to significantly influence the world, and potentially change the way everything is, you need to be able to change the Narrative... or at least be able not to die from those who are capable of it. Sit down.

Kai sat down on the floor, on this ice, which is colder than absolute zero. Oliver followed his example, but for such a long time he got used to the cold and almost did not feel it, like any other temperature. Now he was immune to any kind of temperature... for better or worse.

–Imagine the world that surrounds you as a text... this can be difficult in the real time, so first imagine the events that happened to you before as such. Your whole journey... think of it as a book. Since you're Clain, you should be able to do this quite easily, most likely right away, on the first try. Most Clains could master it very easily.

"Imagine the events of the past... as a book?" Oliver closed his eyes, not thinking he could do it. He concentrated, lining up text in his mind describing the events of his little adventure. Kayen, Schrodinger, Shabby, Sean's madness, Necronomicon... Clain suddenly opened his eyes.

–I think I did it.

–Great. I told you it would be a piece of cake. Alright, if you had enough practice, you could change reality just by thinking about it... but we don't have much time to train it. Not because of some time limit, but because of my patience. So I'll only teach how to block others' control over the Narrative. Now I'll try something...

Oliver's right finger was torn off. He felt no pain.

–See? I wrote that your finger came off, and this happened. You need to develop immunity to the control of the Narrative. It won't stop likes of Gerda, but will work on this layer. Eventually, you will have to face the Necronomicon... you remember our plan, right?

–Yes I remember. But how can I do this?

By that time, the finger had already grown back.

–Hmm... that's a good question. Even the energy of Hate, which dispels everything that is considered magic in the Narrative, will not save you from someone changing the Narrative itself. As for me, I simply can do this, I didn't study this... hmm... let's do it this way. You will imagine that nothing bad is happening to you. Just consider yourself in a normal state. Ok?

–I will try.

Oliver's finger came off and blood splattered. Oliver himself looked at his hand, with which nothing had happened. The finger was still there.

–How strange... I'm sure my finger was just cut off, but here it is.

–Yes. I wrote that your finger was cut off, but you were able to ignore it. Don't get me wrong, if I wrote that I delivered a strike that was aimed at your finger... then you would have to act on your own, and if you would not avoid it, you would have received damage. But directly changing the world through Narrative is no longer something you fear... as long as you can maintain the "nothing happens to me" mentality. Well... it's time to move out. Let me remind you that in order for everything to succeed, you need to defeat Necronomicon. And you don't need to know more yet. Kayen will most likely stand in your way, because he obviously won't like the fact that the story was not restarted as Gerda wanted...

–You still haven't told me who this Kayen is. Can you please explain to me? I've been wanting to find it out for quite long time.

Kai scratched his chin and sighed. After that, he said, although it was clearly not everything he knew:

–Kayen is a Clain, who was the main character right after me. The writer prewritten him absolute love towards the writer herself, towards Gerda. But then she realized that it was like when 12-year-old girls write in their fanfiction that their favorite K-Pop singer has a crush on them. Therefore, she soon finished his iteration, and, one might say, threw Kayen into the recycle bin... but he was transported to the next iteration and, retaining his memory, as well as his love for Gerda, began to desire "the creation of an ideal story," because, in his opinion, this will certainly draw the attention of his beloved writer to him. By the way, Kayen is his real name, and not a name taken from literature, just like Oliver is yours. Well, that's all. It's time for you to save your iteration.

–Yes. I'll save the world. The next end of the world will not happen.

Oliver jumped up from the floor and Kai stood up. The magician was surprised by Oliver's words, after which he laughed a little.

–You will "save the world"?... do you even know what the so-called "end of the world" is?

Oliver looked at Kai with bewilderment and replied:

–Well... the destruction of the universe or the multiverse, obviously.

Kai laughed again. He leaned back and sat in the air as if there was a chair underneath him. First Klein continued:

–Do you even realize how funny your words sound? You see, even if all the universes ceased to exist, it would not be the end of the world. After all, fiction will remain, people will continue to write stories... and even if they don't, if all the writers stop to write anything at some Narrative layer, someone will continue to do it on a higher layer.

Oliver seems to have completely lost track. Fiction, continue to write, layers of Narrative... what is Kai even talking about? However, Kai did not even think about stopping:

–The end of fiction as a whole can only come when The Sueno Finito is achieved.

–What is The Sueno Finito?...

–Hmm, I'm not sure that you can fully understand, but... it is a hypothetical point on the timeline of humanity when everything will be written. Everything that in theory can be imagined will already be imagined and created in the form of a book, movie, cartoon, game, comic or whatever. Down to the smallest details. There simply won't be anything new left to imagine. Fiction will stagnate without the opportunity to develop and, because of this, will cease to exist as such. I would say that The Sueno Finito is a compilation of everything that humanity has ever imagined, is imagining right now and will imagine in the future. It is everything that is within the limits of imagination and what is still beyond it. And you are going to stop this, huh?

Oliver just looked at Kai without expressing much emotion. It seems that he did not understand even half of what the magician said.

–Alright, that's not important at all for what we're going to do. Let's go

Kai walked along the corridors already explored by Oliver, leading to an already familiar clearing with roses. First Klein pointed to the word "Eternity" laid out in ice.

–"When Gerda found Kai, she saw him collecting assembling on the floor from pieces of ice. "What are you doing," she asked. "I must assemble the word "Eternity" from ice, then I will get new skates and a whole world to boot. That's what the Snow Queen said," answered the boy with an ice shard in his heart."

Oliver looked at Kai confusedly. The magician sighed and continued:

–Hans Christian Anderson, "The Snow Queen". Unfortunately, unlike the fairy tale, the "Eternity" puzzle was already assembled, even without my participation. I tried to take it apart, but the restarts and iterations continued with no end. Perhaps this time we can finally destroy Eternity and put an end to this endless farce, – Kai lowered his hand and Oliver nodded. – Let's go. Now I'll send you back. Make sure to remember: this will not be exactly your world. So, for your own good... don't look for your home and your friends. Promise me this. You are on your own now.

–But why?

–Just don't... although I know that you still won't listen to me. I'll just give you advice: don't do it. It will be better for your mental health.

–I'll think about it.

–Eh... okay, go on. Find Necronomicon and consume him. Now you will find yourself in a familiar world, although it will look... slightly different. 3, 2, 1.

It was about noon. The bustling streets of the capital were in full swing with hundreds of people and carts moving back and forth between the two-story buildings. No wonder, Arai – the main city of the kingdom of the same name – has always been full of humans... and non-humans too. If it wasn't enough, there was a big fair right now, in the height of summer, so the streets were very crowded. A stream of people, like a tsunami, walked into the center of the capital. More and more merchants arrived from the sea, to which more than half of the streets faced. White brick houses with red roofs surrounded people scurrying here and there. On the roof of one of the buildings Oliver has appeared.

The tiles creaked under his feet, and the wind blew in his face and blew his hair and cloak back. Approaching the edge, he looked down – the crows was as huge as he remembered. After stagnating time that he spent in Kai's world, that seemed like years, it was incredibly nice to feel the real breeze again. Smiling a little and placing the palm of his right hand on the back of his head, Oliver closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He stood there for a few seconds and could stand there for way longer, but time waits for no one. Opening his eyes and looking around again, Oliver realized that everything around him looked different... more real, one might say. This must be because he now perceives the world with his own eyes, and not with Gerda's descriptions.

With his hands in his pockets, Oliver walked along the roof in the direction where his house was. Kai said that he shouldn't go see his wife for the good of his mental health... however, Oliver decided to immediately break this rule. After all, he had at least t try to meet his friends again. Having reached the edge of the roof, he squinted and looked into the distance – it was hard to see from here, but over there, behind hundreds of other houses, his mansion could be seen. Some onlookers have already noticed that some fool has climbed onto the roof and is standing on the edge. But they still had a big surprise ahead of them – Clain turned around and jumped from the roof with his back down, crossing his legs in flight and placing his hands behind his head, as if lying down. However, literally in one meter from the ground he disappeared.

He immediately appeared in front of his mansion. Unfortunately, he was still in the same position, and at the same distance above the ground, so he hit the ground with his butt in a fall. He, of course, didn't feel any pain, so he quickly stood up, saying: "Eh, sadly, I couldn't do it the cool way." In front of him stood a large two-story – or three-story, if you take the attic into account – white stone mansion with a blue roof. It had a basic rectangular shape around the perimeter, if you do not count the protruding "tower" that was on the entrance side. Oliver approached the front door that was in that extension of the house.

Clain smoothed his hair, straightened his collar, cleared his throat and took a deep breath. Only after that did he knock on the door. "I'm on my way!" a woman's voice was heard from behind the door, in which Oliver immediately recognized his wife's voice. Cirael opened the door and looked questioningly at Oliver. Behind her, or to be precise, behind her vast wings, Oliver could see a large living room in which some unfamiliar person was sitting. Sean and Ciel were nowhere to be seen.

–Do you... need anything? – she asked.

Oliver raised one eyebrow. The smile disappeared from his face. Cirael speaks as if he doesn't know him. How strange... the unfinished restart erased her memory? Or is this some kind of parallel world?

–Um... I'm Oliver. Don't recognize me?

–What a coincidence, my husband's name is also Oliver, – Cirael pointed to the living room, and the stranger sitting there waved his hand with a thoughtful look. – Maybe you mixed up the universes? Anyway, okay, we have friends coming over soon, it's my darling's birthday, so I'm afraid we need to make arrangements for the guests. Sorry!

The door loudly slammed almost right into Oliver's face. "So Kai transported me to an alternate universe? No, everything here looks literally the same as at home... although how do I know how alternate universes work?", Oliver thought and shrugged. He turned around and walked away from the door. Looking up and spreading his arms, he said:

–Hah, before I might have gone mad because Cirael didn't recognize me... it seems Kai underestimated how much stronger my mental health had become during the time spent in training.

Even though he said this, he was torn apart by his emotions inside. He could barely hold back his tears and screams. Oliver still had a smile on his face, but he was almost cracking inside.

–So, okay, I can't ask old friends for help, but I need to defeat Necronomicon, according to his plan, so it's time to get going. But first...

In an instant, Oliver transported from "his" mansion to the bar that he, alongside Sean, were frequent visitors of. The man who suddenly teleported here was almost hit by a cart, but he managed to move back. The small building greeted him with loud voices from inside. Not surprising, considering that now this city is full of people. Entering the bar, Oliver, out of habit, dodged a mug flying towards the entrance. This happened almost every time someone came in. When the mug broke and its fragments fell to the floor, they automatically flew up to the bar counter and reassembled, forming a new, unbroken mug. Oliver himself approached the bar counter and, sitting down at it, said, like a frequent customer:

–As usual, Joe.

The bartender looked at the arrival with bewilderment.

–It is the first time I see your face, – he said. – Moreover, only friends can call me "Joe".

–Yeah, whatever you say, Mr. Ligma. I'd like 3 glasses of milk, please.

Shrugging his shoulders, the bartender called "Joe Ligma" poured Oliver 3 mugs of milk, which Clain drank in one gulp. Having placed the empty glasses on the bar counter, he was about to leave when the bartender, slapping the counter, reminded Oliver of something that no visitor should forget: "You forgot to pay." Since Oliver was not the Oliver they knew now, "I'll pay later" wouldn't work. And, of course, he didn't have any money right now. Oliver turned to Joe and began to go through the options in his mind on what to do, however, the most sensible thing that he could think of, was just "run." Fortunately, a familiar voice was heard from the entrance.

–I'll pay his bill, – said seemingly Cirael, judging by the voice.

Following the sound of these words, the sound of breaking glass was heard – it seems like someone's mug flew right into the girl's face, as it happens to anyone who is here for the first time. Turning towards the voice, the person who Oliver saw... was not Cirael. It was still a beautiful female angel with white hair and blue eyes, but her height, facial features and clothing were quite different. The black dress with purple parts that covered her from her shoulders to the floor did not look at all like something Cirael would ever wear. And the face was... more "rough", so to speak. Not in the sense that it was unfriendly – on the contrary, there was a warm smile on the stranger's face – the face was as if it was the face of a sculpture into which little effort and time had been invested.

There were shards of broken glass from a broken glass in her hair, and a trickle of blood was coming from her forehead. However, the unknown woman did not seem to notice this. Joe Ligma, sighing, snapped his fingers and all the glass shards rose into the air and, flying up to the counter, assembled back into a whole container. Without saying a word, the winged girl came up and placed a bag of coins on the bar counter, which the bartender took and began to count. About 30 seconds later he nodded and pseudo-Cirael waved her hand behind her as she walked out of the bar, calling Oliver to follow her. In any case, he had nothing else to do here, so Clain followed the woman.

As soon as he took just one step outside the front door, he found himself not where he was supposed to be, on the streets of the capital Arai, but in a clearing of some forest. There were no sounds of birds, no rustling of leaves, and the color of the grass, earth and trees was somehow unnatural, as if painted in watercolors. The stranger stood in front, with her back to Oliver, and looked somewhere up.

–Well, tell me. Who are you, why did you help me, and, more importantly, why do you look so much like Cirael?

Oliver crossed his arms. There was no sense of danger from the unknown woman, but he was still ready – if she attacked, he would immediately create a shield of blades or teleport to the side.

–"Cirael"... yes, I it was once my name. However, I suppose now I am Beatrice.

"Beatrice" lowered her head. Her voice was quiet and melancholy, despite the fact that a couple of minutes ago her face was almost shining with a smile. Sighing and turning around, she continued, looking Oliver in the eyes.

–You already know about the true nature of everything around you, right? About Gerda, about fiction, about Narrative... about all this? – when Beatrice asked this, Oliver nodded. – Well... your wife, Cirael... originally, it should have been me. However, Gerda did not like the design, so she abandoned me without finishing writing my character. I floated in the Sea of Unrealized Ideas, devoid of feelings, emotions, motivation and... color. However, just recently, a flash, an explosion of color broke the veil of emptiness and, having gained feelings, I was able to escape from the Sea. It seems that this happened just when Gerda was unable to restart the story once again. Of course, the Clain who are not the main characters lose their true names, so for all of you I will be Beatrice Portinari...

Oliver couldn't look her straight in the eye. Looking sideways and down, he sighed and replied:

–I... I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say. I don't even know what is that Sea you're talking about... okay, never mind. Why did you help me?

–You see... I'm scared. I'm really scared. Look around.

Looking around, Clain noticed how high in the sky, the blue color paint of the sky ends and there is only white nothingness.

–Where we are right now is not some point in space-time and not another universe. This is... my inner world, the state of my mind. The colors that fill it gradually disappear. I'm scared, Oliver. One day, all the color that broke the shackles of oblivion will dry up... and I will again sink into the Sea of Ideas. Before this happens... I want to help as much as possible to the one for whom love was prewritten in me at the moment of my creation.

–I don't know what to say... okay, first, Beatrice... what is this "Sea of Unrealized Ideas" that you keep mentioning?

–I'm surprised that you don't know about it... I thought Kai would tell you about this first, because it's important for your survival... let's keep it simple. I don't know everything myself, it's better for you to ask someone who understands the structure of the world better. But I'll try to explain it to the best of my capabilities! When a character dies in a story, they aren't actually "dead". The true death of a character is oblivion. Only then can someone die when stories are no longer written about that character, and he himself is forgotten by people in the higher layers of the Narrative... or such a character is abandoned at the concept stage. This is my case. I am a half-baked character with no backstory, motivation, or abilities... all I have are appearance, emotions, and a desire to help the one person named Oliver Clain.

–But I... I'm not even Oliver right...

Oliver did not have time to finish, because Beatrice took his hands and, smiling sweetly, closed her eyes.

–But you are. You are Oliver. You always have been and always will be Oliver. Even if no one else considers you as such... for me, there is still only one Oliver Clain. And this is the one who had this name originally. It's you, Oliver.

A tear rolled down Oliver's cheek. He had never felt such pure kindness, even when he spoke with Cirael. This was not love or selfish flattery. Beatrice radiated positivity like a light bulb radiates light or the Sun radiates warmth. "But why do I feel this?" thought Oliver. And, although it was only his thought, Beatrice, opening her eyes and tilting her head to the side, answered that thought:

–Because despite my love for Oliver Clain was originally prewritten... my desire to help you is my own choice, for which the writer is not responsible. Cirael, although she loves you sincerely, has these emotions only because Gerda wrote her as such. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to say that you should leave her and go with me, although, undoubtedly, I would be pleased if that would be the case. After all, I will not exist forever, and soon enough I will disappear. Moreover, you are prewritten with the love for your Cirael, and this cannot be changed. So... I just ask that you let me help you before I lose myself.

Beatrice snapped her fingers and the false nature that surrounded the two changed, turning from the edge of a forest in the middle of the day into a cliff of rock at night. She sat down on the cliff and motioned for Oliver to sit next to her. Down below there was an unnaturally blue sea, and over it there was an overly white line, as if from the light of the moon, but the moon that should have been in the sky was only partially there – most of it was in that part of the dome of the fake sky where there is now no color. Sitting down next to Beatrice, Oliver sighed and lowered his head.

–I need... I need to defeat and absorb the soul of Necronomicon. After that, Kai will do the rest.

–So... wait a second, how are you going to do that? You already know what he is capable of...

–Kai taught me how to protect myself from this... at least I think so. Well, we'll see when we get there... you know, Beatrice, I'm scared too. If I fail, then my whole life will cease to matter. I'll lose the future, and I'll be lucky if I can move on to the next iteration as a useless background character. I only have one chance... that's what he said.

–Useless? I wouldn't say that. Both Kayen and Necronomicon and many others are also "background characters passed over from previous iterations," however, they are definitely of great importance for the world... of everyone who exists, I may be the only one who is useless.

–I wish I could say something like "don't say that about yourself"... but actually, how can you help me? You said that your abilities were not even finished. And it seems like I have to go through a goddamn hell.

–They weren't finished, yes. But exactly this is my strength. Since my abilities were not complete by the writer, I can do much more than Gerda originally planned for me. At least, I will be able to do all this to until...

When she said this, the paint of the sky, at the very top, slid down a little more, revealing more of that white blank nothingness. During that loss of color, everything around shook, but both Oliver and Beatrice did not fall.

–Yes... I don't have much time left, – said Beatrice.

–I see. Then let's get going, if you want to help.

Trying not to think about the "Sea of Ideas" and "Narrative Layers" that Beatrice mentioned, because he lacked information anyway, Oliver wiped a tear on his cheek and, now taking her hand, teleported away. Oliver and Beatrice appeared in a city already familiar to Oliver – that was the city where, last time (and, given that on the timeline they are now in the past, it would be more correct to say, next time) the Clains first met with Necronomicon. Way less people were here this time – the bulk of the local population must have been in the capital. Those humans and non-humans who were still here did not even pay attention to Oliver and Beatrice appearing out of nowhere.

–And... what are you going to do here? – Beatrice asked, looking around.

–Of course, I didn't get all of that, but Kai said that Necronomicon resides in a world that was created by him and which is 4-dimensional, which means it is infinitely superior to our three-dimensional world... I can bring him down here, into three-dimensional space, however, Kai said that in order to do so, I need to be in the very same location where I met him the previous time... previous time, which is in the future, but has already happened... you got it. We must first disperse the crowd somehow. I don't want any innocent people to get caught in the crossfire.

–Okay. Just give me a second then.

Beatrice raised her right hand and snapped her fingers. Absolutely all the living creatures that inhabited this city stood rooted to the for a second, but then walked away, towards the city gates. Oliver looked at Beatrice in shock.

–H... how did you do it?

–It's simple. They are extras. Crowd scene. Those who are intelligent and free can control them. Even you could... but you, of course, had no way of knowing.

–But isn't this... cruel?

Beatrice looked at Oliver in surprise.

–It's just extras. Yes, each of them is a living person, with their own desires, fears and the like. In the end, any Narrative is a whole full-fledged world, and sometimes more than one. However... not all characters are equally valuable.

Beatrice said this with an absolute calmness, without a trace of doubt. "Don't think about it for now. You have a more important task at the moment," said Beatrice and she was right. Oliver sighed. He doesn't like his new friend's approach to the people... however, he's not a hero in shining armor, or a great moralist, so he decided not to convince her otherwise. At this very moment, such a treatment of the locals was really for the better. Deciding not to wail again – without Beatrice's help, Oliver would have had problems dispersing the crowd – Oliver closed his eyes. All he had to do was imagine that...

Necronomicon sits in a white space on some kind of mattress-chair, holding in his hands a strange device on which he presses something while looking into some kind of box on which the pictures change. It seems like it is some kind of game. Whistling some melody, the young man, dressed in sheets of paper, closes his eyes... and falls down, through space itself. "What the hell?!", Necronomicon shouted as he jumped up from the ground. Even his chair was not there, but standing next to him was the already familiar Clain – Oliver, and someone who strongly resembled Cirael.

–What do you want from me?! I already told what you wanted to know and I don't want to have anything to do with this iteration! Actually, why hasn't it been restarted yet?...

With every word, the Necronomicon looked around with even greater fear in his eyes and voice. It seems that the ability to manipulate text does not provide knowledge of what is happening... or maybe it was Kai specifically who made sure that the Necronomicon did not know about his interference.

–It is not so important. What's important is that you're going to die now, – Oliver said.

Dozens of blades appeared around the Necronomicon and immediately converged on the center. They would have pierced the guy in the paper, but the Necronomicon instantly transported several meters to the side.

–I don't know how you managed to delay this iteration from being deleted, Clain, but it doesn't really matter. I don't even know why you decided to fight me. You know yourself how this will end.

Necronomicon was talking for a very long time, and during this time he could have been killed a million times, however, while he spoke, no one moved. And it didn't matter. In the end, Oliver completely disappeared while Beatrice looked on in it horror.

–Is there something wrong? – said Oliver, who was still here, despite the fact that he should have disappeared.

–What the hell?! – said the Necronomicon.

Oliver died and stopped moving, after which he fell to the ground and began to decompose... however, Clain remained on his feet and slowly walked towards Necronomicon. Necronomicon began to back away. Oliver stopped moving. Oliver disappeared. Oliver ceased to exist. Oliver was erased from reality. Oliver died. Oliver died. Oliver is dead! OLIVER WAS NEVER BORN AND NEVER EXISTED! OLIVER IS NOT IN THIS PLACE! ALL PROCESSES IN OLIVER'S BODY STOPPED AND HIS BODY DROPPED INTO ATOMS! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! YOUR DEATH IS CONFIRMED BY TEXT! DIE! DIE, DIE, DIE! NO ONE CAN RESIST THE PLOT!

–It doesn't matter who is standing in front of me – a person, a god, a writer, or even the plot itself! I will still achieve true freedom for myself and my family!... – having said this in the most pretentious voice, Oliver turned to Beatrice, who stood nearby and looked at it all indifferently, after which he awkwardly added, – uh, well, and friends, Yes.

Ha... ahaha! So that's it! Necronomicon burst into laughter. The horror on his face gave way to a casual grin, and he closed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. Yes, he understood everything. There was no reason to fight. In the end, Necronomicon will get everything it wants, all he needs to do is...

–I give up! – said Necronomicon while laughing. – Are you happy? You didn't even have to fight, heh. Well, you know, I just thought about it for a second and realized that you are my ticket to a great show. Well, come on, do what you have to! This is his plan, right? Well, carry it out. I will not disturb you. After all... Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the silly one.

Necronomicon held his arms out to his sides as Oliver tried to understand what had happened. It all was looking as unnatural and feigned as possible, however, trusting the young man dressed in paper, Oliver created a sword in his hand and pierced the Necronomicon's chest... and it was successful. The energy began to move from the body of Necronomicon into Oliver's body, until there was no life left. Oliver sighed and the sword that was in his hand disappeared, causing the Necronomicon's lifeless body to fall to the ground.

At that very moment everything froze. The world turned gray, and from behind Oliver, who was the only one who could comprehend what was happening, the Necronomicon came out.

–So, in the end, it was a trap... – said Oliver.

–Not at all. I, or, rather, my soul, is now inside your soul. It's just... I could show up at any moment to talk to you. After all, from now on, my very being is always with you, even if you don't want it. I see everything that you see... yes, even things, probably, should be something personal. Eh, anyway, that's not the point, – Necronomicon leaned back and seemed to lie directly on the thin air, as if on a bed. – Of course, I could appear to you without stopping time... but you must admit, it would be strange, because from the outside it would look as if you were talking to yourself. This way you can answer me and not look like a schizophrenic. Convenient, isn't it?

Oliver, shrugged and closed his eyes, after which he created a wide and blunt sword hanging in the air below him, on which he sat down. "Should I bring some tea?" asked Necronomicon, taking out two mugs and a whole teapot from under his clothes. Apparently it's also full. Necronomicon powers must have remained with him... then why did Kai need Oliver to absorb Necronomicon's soul at all?

–I won't refuse from tea, that's for sure, – said Oliver.

–Well, since we are now partners, let's talk, – while Necronomicon was saying this, a teapot flying in the air, despite the fact that time was standing still, filled flying mugs, one of which flew up to Oliver. – You probably think I saw you all from the higher layer of Narrative, right?

Oliver, who was just beginning to drink from his mug, choked and spat out his tea.

–What is this Narrative layer that you all keep talking about?! This is the third person in a row telling me about them!

–I don't wanna tell ya! – Necronomicon answered, barely holding back his laughter.

–You yourself said that we are partners now, didn't you?

–So what? Every team must have a troll teammate. And that will be me! Don't be afraid, I will definitely help... when the time comes. The very fact of my presence already helps a lot, you know...

–No, I do not know... okay, if you refuse to talk, then I'll just ask Kai!

–Yeah, whatever you say.

Having said this, Necronomicon simply disappeared, along with the teapot and cup Oliver was holding, and time began to move again. To Beatrice, it looked as if Oliver had instantly changed his position, causing her to look at Clain in surprise.

–What? I just drank tea with the soul of the Necronomicon in frozen time.

–Uh-huuuh... – Beatrice said drawlingly.

–Basically, we are done here. Now we need to somehow return to Kai. Oh, yes, you can cancel control over the locals, wherever they are, – in response to these words of Oliver, Beatrice nodded, after which Clain looked up and waved his hand. – Hey, Kai, pick us up!

Oliver didn't even have time to finish his sentence – at the word "up" he already found himself in the familiar ice palace. While Kai looked at Clain with a disappointed expression, Beatrice, who had been transported with him, was shivering from the cold.

–I left you unattended for like 5 minutes, and you're already dragging some girl to my house. Oliver-Oliver, you have a wife, you know... – Kai said, rolling his eyes. Of course, his "leaving Oliver unattended" was a lie. Most likely, Kai knew perfectly well about everything that was happening.

–Yeah, shouldn't complain. She helped me absorb the Necronomicon without unnecessary casualties, – Oliver replied.

–Cool. But if you also had to take care about not causing these casualties throughout the entire battle, it would be so much interesting... by the way, about the battle... it never happened! What was this all about? This is literally the most boring "battle" I've ever seen! And you can't even imagine just how much things I read and watched. Seriously, even the SCP Foundation documents were more fun to read than this shame.

Despite his words, after it, Kai still smiled, as he usually did. In the end, if it worked, then it's good enough. Kai must have decided that way. Shrugging his shoulders, Kai waved his hand towards Beatrice, and she stopped feeling the cold.

–Okay, it's still better than almost everything that Gerda wrote... well, that's beside the point. Since you succeeded, we can start... or maybe you suddenly have questions? Not that I know that you have questions, but... you never know, maybe... – Kai was clearly drawling.

–Yes, yes, your irony is unnecessary here. I do have questions. Something that everyone mentioned every now and then. And you, and Beatrice, – with these words, Oliver pointed at Beatrice, to which she nodded, not even understanding what Clain was talking about, – and Necronomicon.

The voice of Necronomicon rang in Oliver's head: "Well, it looks like it's time for that one chapter where one character takes a long, tedious time explaining the worldbuilding to the others, while dumping an awful amount of exposition.

–I want you to tell me everything you know about this world. What are Layers of Narrative, what is the Sea of Ideas... and juts everything! – said Oliver.

Kai shrugged and chairs appeared next to Oliver and Beatrice. Kai himself began to sit down, and a chair appeared under him at the same moment.

–Make yourself comfortable. We have a very long conversation ahead of us. We will not have that one chapter where one character takes a long, tedious time explaining the worldbuilding to the others, while dumping an awful amount of exposition.

Chapter 13: Chapter 10: That One Chapter Where One Character Takes A Long, Tedious Time Explaining The Worldbuilding To The Others, While Dumping An Awful Amount Of Exposition.

Chapter Text

Oliver and Beatrice sat down. Kai clapped his hands and a blackboard appeared to their side, like in a school classroom. Something was written on it in marker: "Topic 1: Narrative Layering" Kai manifested square glasses in his right hand, put them on, then began to speak:

–That's right. You already know very well that everything around you is fictional. Well, then let's pretend you're writers, okay?

–Eh... no, it's too hard, I can write a couple sentences at most, and that would be the end of my inspiration, – Oliver blankly stated.

–Well I'm sure you can do it if you want to be a writer! – Beatrice encouraged him.

–No, no, let's just imagine, – said Kai while rubbing his forehead as if to alleviate a headache stemming from dealing with troublesome children. – Let's imagine that you are writing a book. You see, when you simply imagine something, you immediately create a complete infinite in size universe, if not a multiverse, that is fictional to you. Yes, yes, you just imagine something, and it already exists in a fiction! It will be fiction for you, but to the imagined characters, that world will be quite real.

–You already lost me, – Oliver said while squinting and tilting his head to the side.

–Haha, we're just getting started. It's about to get much more complicated from here. So here it is. You create the whole universe every time you imagine anything, especially if you're imagining a complete story. And since it's a full-fledged universe... there's likely to be at least one character, even if he doesn't actually appear in the story and is just part of the background, who will also be a writer. And he, too, will create a universe by making up a story. Do you get it?

–Mm... can you give an example, Mr. Kai? – Beatrice asked.

–Hmm... well, take a look at this, – said Kai, and a plate appeared in his hand, on which was a layered cake; a layered cake with three layers, specifically. – Here... – Kai pointed to the topmost layer, – where you are. Meanwhile, here... – he pointed to the second layer on top, – the world you have imagined. Lastly, here... – finally, the owner of this pocket world pointed to the bottom layer, – the world imagined by the writer in your imaginary world. In this example, you would be on the highest layer, world you imagined would be 1 layer lower, and the world imagined by the writer in your imaginary world it would be 1 more layer lower. Is that clear?

–Well... a little clearer, even though it is hard to imagine, – Oliver answered, sighing.

–Now watch this trick! Tally-ho!! – New layers began to appear from the top of the cake, going upward so high that the top was no longer visible; in addition, layers also began to appear from the bottom of the cake, piercing the plate and the floor. – This is roughly what the Narrative layering look like. They have no beginning or end, both ways.

After that, the cake became three-layered again, and Kai, who had used it as an example for the everything that exists... began to eat it.

–So, uh, these "Narrative Layers"... surely they cap at some sort of "Infinity", right? You know, like... surely? – Oliver asked, raising his right eyebrow.

–Well, yes, but actually, no. Oh well, let's talk about math if you feel like it. Ahem. Even things like Gregor Cantor's "Absolute Infinity", "Cardinal numbers" and "Alephs Numbers", and even Inaccessible Cardinal... it's all imaginable. After all, we do call such concepts something, which means someone invented them. For example, Absolute Infinity was imagined by Cantor! Quite simple, right? As we all know... ah, no, it's only me who knows it out of all of us. Ahem. Well, here we go. As not we all, but I know, everything that can be imagined is already a fiction and is on the layers of Narrative. Well, if that number is imaginable, then the number of layers of Narrative is immeasurably higher than that number. Uh-huh, even all that is considered "absolute" is infinitesimal compared to the hierarchy of layers of the Narrative.

–Errm... funny numbers go brrr?

–Yeah, Oliver, I knew you weren't good at this, but you're the one who asked, so I am not responsible for your brain burning out. Don't worry, if that happens, I'll bring you back to life. I'll do it even if you don't want to live. Ahem. Narrative layers go far beyond absolutes, immeasurables, and infinities. Then what does that mean? Well, well, come on! Beatrice, if Oliver can't guess it himself, give him a hint.

–It means that Gerda...

–That's right! Gerda and her "real world" is also a fiction written by someone else, who is higher. And whoever wrote Gerda is also written by someone else! And again, and again, and again. No matter how high you go, you'll never get truly real. There is no such thing as "reality," my friends.

Oliver and Beatrice had both lost their gaze. When Oliver already thought he was used to Kai talking about such things completely calmly... but how could he talk like that about how there was no reality? That everything you can think of is already just a fiction? That freedom is impossible to truly achieve?

–Hmm? Why such sullen faces? You know who you're talking to. I lost all hope of being real a long time ago. I can't afford to care anymore. However, that doesn't mean freedom from the writer is impossible! All you have to do is... kill Gerda.

–But... but how is that even possible?! We're just fiction to her! How can a fictional character kill a real person... – Oliver began, but hesitated at the last word. – Wait, if she's not real either...

–Exactly! Of course, any being from a higher Narrative layer sees all the layers below its layer as fiction, and such beings are truly transcendent to those below... however, that doesn't mean they are unreachable. Of course, such a thing is impossible for you, but here I am... I can create the conditions under which a character from a lower layer can ascend to the layers of Narrative above, becoming "real" to them. And then... even the author will fall.

After his last words, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in the sky, though there were no clouds at all. It must have happened for extra drama and to add pathos to the last sentence. Judging by the renewed enthusiasm in the eyes of Oliver and Beatrice, Kai succeeded.

–Well, then let's not waste any time... – Oliver started to say, getting up from his chair, but Kai interrupted him.

–And where do you think you're going? – After Kai's words, Oliver was pulled back to the chair by incredible gravity, forcing him to return to his seat. –I'm not finished. You asked me to explain it, so you'll sit there until I finish that exposition dump. Especially since it, while not everything of it, will also matter. And so, let me continue. You both understand what a dimension is, right? – Beatrice nodded, and Oliver shrugged. – Alright. A dimension isn't some different space-time continuum, subspace or separate universe. A dimension is a spatial coordinate. For example, our world is three-dimensional, which means that objects here can only move along three coordinates and can only have volume in width, length, and height. Now let's take a two-dimensional object. Such objects will be infinitely small for us, because in three-dimensional space they have no volume. Also, they would have no effect on us, because they would have no mass. Well, there's a lot of other things, such as three-dimensional objects may be omnipresent in two-dimensional world, but it's not that important. So let's say you're fighting an opponent who lives in a higher dimensional reality. Would you win?

–Well, I was able to pull the Necronomicon down here, wasn't I? – Oliver said, scratching his head.

–Yes..... With a just too many conventions. And now for something even Beatrice doesn't know. Different worlds with different numbers of dimensions can exist on the same Narrative Layer... however, even the world with the smallest number of dimensions in the Narrative Layer above will have at least one, and at most infinity more dimensions, than the world with the highest number of dimensions in the Narrative Layer below. Well, in the multiverse of our Narrative layer, the world with the highest number of dimensions... has 18 dimensions. Therefore, the world Gerda lives in, because it's on a higher Narrative Layer, has at least 19 dimensions, or maybe even immeasurably more. How are you going to fight her there, huh?

–Eh... my head is spinning... so, wait, you said that the number of layers is so large that it goes beyond all mathematical constructs, rational, imaginary, and cardinal... then that means the number of dimensions on way higher Narrative layers would be...

–Yeah. Absolute infinity multiplied by aleph-999 to the degree of inaccessible cardinal would not represent even the tiniest fraction of that number. After all, it lies beyond what can even be imagined. And even above something like that, there is always something higher... now just think about it: all of this is just an inconsequential part of what is called The Sueno Finito. It's scary to even think about it, isn't it? Haha... yeah, I am afraid of it, too.

–Yes, it's creepy... at the very least, it makes me dizzy when I try to think about it... but it doesn't matter. I just have a few more questions.

–I'm all ears.

–Where I was before... is this some sort of alternative universe? After all, no one knew me there, and there was someone there in my place and...

–Yes. It was an alternate version of your iteration's history.

–Then how was I able to summon the actual Necronomicon into this world and not the alternate version of it?

–Well, you imagined the original one, right? You wouldn't buy fake brand sneakers when the original ones are on display for that price, would you? Especially since that alternate universe was created by him.

–And the most important question... where is Cirael now...? my Cirael.

Kai chuckled slightly, after which he pointed his finger around himself.

–Everywhere... and nowhere at the same time. She is in the Sea of Unrealized Ideas. Fear not, she should awaken soon, along with the world from your iteration.

–I have no idea what that Sea is, but...thanks. I think that's it. Then why don't you tell us how we're gonna kill Gerda?

–Gerda? Well, well, Oliver, you also asked about the Sea of Ideas earlier, hehehe... what? You gotta be careful with your wishes, they might come true. Especially the wishes of knowledge, – Kai pointed to that board, which was now had this text "Topic 2: The Sea of Unrealized Ideas". – So, the Sea of Unrealized Ideas, or, as it is more often called, simply "The Sea of Ideas" or "The Sea" is a metaphysical pseudo-space that both has the smallest possible number of dimensions and surpasses their very concept. One would find themselves there when...

Before Kai could finish, however, the space itself began to crack. "Claaain!" came a man's shout of anger and despair. A spatial rift appeared next to Oliver, from which Kayen flew out with his arm out in front of him, grabbed Oliver by the throat and, together with Clain, disappeared into another spatial rift that appeared right in front of them. After that, both rifts disappeared. Kai, watching this, only closed his eyes and waved his hand at them with a smile.

–Well, this was already starting to get a little boring. Bye-bye! – Kai said as Oliver and Kayen disappeared.

–And you... just won't do anything! – Beatrice asked, shouting.

–Why would I? If he can't deal with Kayen, he can't do anything to Gerda. But you... you can help him, him if you want to.

–How am I supposed to go after them?!

–That way... except I can't promise that it will lead you straight to them. Additionally, it is not what I meant... you know what I mean, when I said "you can help him", Beatrice.

Beatrice trembled for a second. Kai snapped his fingers and a portal appeared next to him and Beatrice. Without a second thought, the winged one stepped through it.


Kayen threw Oliver down onto the stone ground. By inertia, Clain "slid" down the rock for a distance, his skin and clothes peeling off. The skin, of course, healed practically instantly, but the clothes did not. Oliver created a sword in his hand and stood in a defensive stance.

–What do you want from me? – Oliver asked.

–You... you shouldn't exist! Gerda, my queen, my goddess, wished to erase this story and start over...but why do you still exist!!!!! – Kayen was literally torn with anger, and you could feel it in his voice.

–"Queen?" "Goddess"? So you're a standard streamer fan? So, what's your paid subscription level? – Clain commented sarcastically.

–You wouldn't understand... none of you can fully comprehend it! That feeling of being attached to something you should hate... but the plot is stronger than my feelings and common sense!

–I don't see any common sense in your wor...

Oliver parried Kayen's lunge, when the former Clain created a sword in his hand and attacked. As soon as Kayen's lunge was parried and he lost his balance, Oliver created a couple dozen swords, surrounding Kayen with them like a dome. They all converged on the center... and surprisingly, they hit. Kayen's body was pierced by the blades, making him look like a hedgehog. Oliver teleported back a few meters and, just to be sure, used telekinesis to make the swords fly in different directions, tearing Kayen into small pieces. However, that didn't happen – despite his wounds, Kayen clenched his fist and all the blades Oliver had created disappeared. They weren't dispelled by antimagic or anything like that, Oliver could feel it. They were erased from existence. Not even that... they were erased from the Narrative itself, making all the wounds Kayen had received from them healed as if they had never existed... because now they didn't.

–You... you will pay! You're in my world now! You will die, and then the iterations can continue! – Kayen said, and with a wave of his hand, disappeared.

It was only now that Oliver could look around enough. Instead of earth, there was solid stone. Also around were the ruins of some buildings... in which Oliver recognized the houses of the capital of Arai. There were traces of dried blood on the ground and in the ruins, but no bodies. Whatever happened here must have happened a long time ago.

–Necronomicon, scan! – said Oliver.

–What I am to you, some scanning skillet from the isekai novels? – Necronomicon replied, appearing next to Clain. – But the situation we're really isn't good. I'd even say, "we're screwed." This is the universe that Kayen created and... apparently it's an alternate universe to your iteration... you could say it's a Kayen fanfic about your story. I've done that sort of thing myself, so I do know a thing or two about it. And it must be that in this fanfic, the local versions of Oliver and Cirael failed and didn't save the world... from whatever it was they were supposed to save it from.

–So, thanks, but more importantly, how do I get out of here...? no. How do I find Kayen? I don't think he should... – Oliver swallowed, – I don't think he should be left alive.

–Oh, look how you're talking now. Well, it's for the best. Sooner or later you'd have to realize that your destructive powers are... far from the 'curse' you always thought they were. Well. How do you find him? That's a great goddamn question!

–Will there be a great goddamn answer?

–No, there ain't gonna be a great goddamn answer. Of course, I'm more powerful than Kayen, because I can create more worlds, have more control over them, and climb into higher dimensions... or rather, I used to be more powerful. And now I'm a soul without a body, wandering all alone... well, not wandering, and not very alone either... You get me. Anyways, I can't do much about the world around me right now. All I can do is give you more protection from the Narrative. And trust me, you're gonna need it.

–So right now, you're useless?

–Uh-huh. So I'm free to go?

–Yeah. I'll figure it out on my own.

–Great. Then I'll go back to watching TV series.

With a wave of his hand, the vision of Necronomicon vanished, and Oliver sighed. "Well, last time I met him in that abandoned castle, maybe now...", Oliver thought, then, more or less realizing what part of the Arai capital he was in, he instantly teleported to the coordinates where he had met Kayen in his... but no. There was only debris and craters there, just like in the universe Oliver was already familiar with after his uncontrollable Turbulence. Speaking of which, Oliver could feel the presence of the so familiar energy of hate in the air... as if Oliver's fight with Kayen had happened here just a few minutes ago... no, as if Oliver was in Turbulence mode right now... or was it not Oliver?

–Are you looking for something?

Even though there was no one around, a voice came out. It was another familiar voice to Clain. It was definitely Sean Brown. Someone Oliver certainly didn't want to hear again, much less see. Clain didn't look back – he sensed where Sean was at once. The former surgeon was standing with a sad expression near a particularly large piece of wall rubble, tossing a knife – not a scalpel – into the air and catching it. Turning in his direction, Oliver frowned and produced a sword, which he gripped with his right hand.

–Yes. I'm looking for something. But I found something I was not looking for... but I don't mind. Tell me, what was the reason? – Oliver gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. – Was it really just jealousy? Were you willing to kill people who considered you a friend, simply because you wanted power? Maybe you should touch some grass and have a normal relationship. You know, get some bitches or something...

–Pfft. You may say I have no bitches... – replied Sean, having already learned from his experience from the future how to respond to such statements, – but where are yours?! You had almost two, but now I don't see them!

–I hope you realize that you are literally the reason why I am now without Ciel and temporarily without Cirael. After all, Gerda decided to start the story all over again almost immediately after your betrayal.

Surprisingly, Sean replied without being sarcastic. He lowered his head and pressed his lips together for a few seconds. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, the artificial creature of hatred raised his head, opened his eyes, then replied:

–I understand. And it makes me sad. I am truly sorry for what happened back then... however, I know that it is not enough. Apologies and sympathies don't bring back the dead, so I'm not going to say trite things. I'd rather answer your question. Of course I was jealous of you. But that wasn't the reason. You see... you're a Clain.

–Well... yeah. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

–Well, the thing is, Clain's friend... always dies in the course of the story. In every iteration. It's a rule that Gerda herself must have made. And I... I didn't want to die, Oliver. You see, it was written in me that I was your friend, and so I couldn't just give up helping and traveling with you – that's what the writer decided for me. So I was left with only one option – to become that overused trope of "traitor who wishes power"... although, "the protagonist's friend dies" is also a very overused trope.

–So you... you killed Ciel just so you wouldn't have to die yourself?!

–Don't take words from my mouth that I didn't say. When I injected the Hate, I went insane and out of control. Yes, I spoke intelligibly, but it was as if my thoughts were obeying natural instincts. And those instincts were screaming "kill."

–That's not an excuse, Sean.

–I'm not trying to make excuses. I told you before, I'm not asking for forgiveness – what I did is beyond what can be forgiven... tell me, Oliver, do you know who a Gehessikait is?

–Gehe... who?

–It's the Uncreature of Hate. The one who made you who you are. He is the living concept of that emotion. After you died, Gehessikait bound your soul back to your body, using that hate you felt for your father... and he only did it out of sadism – he was thinking it would be fun to watch you kill your family.

–"Was thinking"? And then what? Did he feel remorse or something?

–Haha... ironically, I asked him the same question. He answered me "No, that's was, indeed fun."

–Sick bastard...

–Tell me about it. Sometimes you get just awful guys to work with, huh?

Sean laughed a little, but Oliver didn't share his amusem*nt. Clain pointed his sword at his former friend.

–Are you "working with him" now?

–Not that I have a choice. He's much stronger than me, and probably than you. All Gehessikait wants... is for you and me to fight a second and final time.

–So you're not going to ask for a truce?

–I don't expect us to be able to treat each other even neutrally... so go ahead. I know you want revenge... well, I'm not running. Go on, attack.

Finally catching the knife once again, Sean didn't bother to flip it anymore. Oliver hesitated – even though he was incredibly angry at Sean, he still didn't want any unnecessary deaths. However, even if he didn't want to fight, his former friend owed it to Gehessikait to engage in this final battle. Clain closed his eyes. Against an opponent like Sean, eyesight would only get in the way. Oliver took a deep breath as he held his sword out to the side. Sean gripped the knife with a reverse grip.

–Can't escape from crossing fate! Fight! – Sean shouted.

Oliver lunged at Sean. Of course, the time it took Oliver to travel the distance between his original location and Sean's was much less than an attosecond, but because neither Clain nor Sean needed time to process the information, they could see each other's movements perfectly fine. During that almost instantaneous spurt, Oliver was engulfed in black flames, but that fire immediately dissipated, now bursting out of his back, creating the silhouette of black wings. But this time, Oliver had summoned this form himself and was in complete control of it. His eyes had turned completely black and a viscous black liquid was oozing out of them, while lines of dark energy began to swirl around his body.

Once in close proximity to Sean, Oliver swung his sword from bottom to top, intending to chop his opponent with a single diagonal strike. However, Sean parried the blow with his seemingly ordinary knife and pulled Oliver's sword upward, stopping time. When the flow of time was restored to normal, Oliver's right hand, which was holding the sword, fell down separately from his body, and Sean himself was behind Clain's back. He attempted a stabbing blow to Oliver's neck from behind, but a small dagger appeared in the path of that blow, which not only blocked the blow, but knocked the knife out of Sean's hands. Of course, exactly zero seconds later, the knife was already in his hands, and the former surgeon himself had changed his posture and location, now jumping on top of Oliver.

Such an attack turned out to be a stupid, one might even say suicidal, decision. While Sean was in the air, Oliver's swords surrounded him, creating a sphere around former surgeon. Each of them had a black flame on their blades, which meant that even if Sean stopped time, he would continue to fall, and when he touched that flame, which negated any magic, no matter how powerful, time would start again. Even if the former surgeon creates a platform beneath himself, at best he will sit in stopped time for an eternity. In theory, it's the perfect trap from which even a timelord like Sean can't escape. In practice, however...

As the swords were converging at the spot where Sean was, a black scythe appeared in his free hand, which he used to make a single swing, but it was enough. The force of the blow and the energy it emitted scattered the swords. Of course, in a normal situation, both the scythe and the energy would have disappeared when they touched Hate's black flames, but that was also Hate's magic – the only thing Hate couldn't dispel. After all, Hate could not be defeated by Hate.

Before the energy released by the swing of Sean's scythe reached Oliver, he had teleported several dozen kilometers away. Even at that distance, the ground shook as if in a terrible earthquake from the impact of that energy hitting the ground. That 'earthquake' made whatever remaining trees that surrounded Oliver fall down. With his current abilities, Oliver could continue fighting even a thousand kilometers away from the enemy, but it would waste a lot of energy. At the same time, his arm had already regenerated fully, though now there was no sleeve to cover it. And despite he found himself quite far away from Sean...

–Did you know that running away is cringe? – Sean was drawling the word 'cringe' on purpose, though he realized Oliver didn't know what it means. – On the other hand, dueling in close combat is the based.

–Big words from someone who tries his hardest to avoid any kind of attack. Haven't tried at least one... – Oliver said, turning around, – take a face-to-face?!

As he turned around, he punched the air with his fist toward Sean. Black energy snapped from his hand and even though time itself was successfully stopped at the same moment, the Hate energy continued on its way and caught up with his former friend. Sean was thrown far away and seemingly broke every bone in his body. But now he's just like Oliver – even fatal wounds, severed limbs, or brain injuries will regenerate in a matter of moments.

Although Sean had just flown away and was badly wounded, after another time stop, holding the scythe in his hand, he was already flying at Oliver and almost cut his opponent in half, but a sword that appeared in the path of the horizontal strike blocked the scythe. Then Sean let go of the scythe and went into close combat, using only his knife, even without stopping time. Even though he was already moving at several times the speed of light, Oliver was easily on par with him when it came to speed, and certainly stronger in terms of brute force... so Sean sped himself up in time. All the swords that Oliver would create would not catch up with Sean anymore, so Clain created a blade, which he took up again with his right hand and began blocking slashing and stabbing attacks from his former friend's knife, stepping back every now and then. He had to dodge as well – sometimes Oliver missed some blows that could only indirectly catch his skin because of his dodges. Such cuts were immediately healed.

Finally tired of being on the defensive, Oliver stomped the ground with all his might. The force of the impact made the ground shake and crack open. There was an explosion created by a black flame underground, causing the fire-like energy of Hate to engulf the forest surrounding the ruins. The wood and grass were sizzling with black fire, but they were not burned. The explosion underground threw both Oliver and Sean high into the air, but it didn't stop them from continuing the fight.

Oliver and Sean created energy platforms behind their backs and simultaneously pushed off from them and flew towards each other. They did it right in time, because after it, the whole forest was so saturated with Hate that it was impossible for either of them to use any magic other than controlling this black energy, so they couldn't create platforms in the air anymore. Sean couldn't stop time, and Oliver couldn't teleport. The result of this was in plain sight – after the two rushed towards each other and made stabbing attacks, both of their attacks reached their target. Sean's knife was sticking out of Oliver's chest, and Oliver's sword had slashed through Sean's body. Ignoring this, they ripped their weapons from each other's bodies and flew to the ground, pushing away from each other.

Landing a few kilometers away from each other, they raced toward each other through the trees and almost immediately came face to face again. As Oliver made a sweeping horizontal strike on the run, Sean ducked, sliding under the blade passing over his head, and not only did he knock Oliver's sword out of his hand, but in that fleeting moment he delivered a hundred stabbing blows to Oliver's lower half, then plunged the knife into Clain's knee. But Sean himself didn't walk away in one piece – feeling no pain, Oliver kicked Sean into his stomach with the same knee that now had the knife sticking out of it. Sean flew very far away from that kick, and Oliver himself pulled the sharp object out of his leg. Despite the grievous injuries that had been inflicted on him, they all healed faster than Oliver could blink. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for his clothes, so he was almost naked, considering how badly the fabric had been cut.

When Sean returned, holding a freshly created scythe of black liquid in his hand, he caught a horribly familiar sight – a black sword sticking straight through Oliver's chest. And with much dark blood spilling, Clain pulled it sharply out of himself. When he did, the black flame ceased to be just a decoration in the form of wings, and covered his entire body, leaving only his head. This flame apparently served as Oliver's clothing now. Not only that, though – even if Sean could use all of his abilities in this environment, now covered in black flames, Oliver would be able to move even in stopped time. If Sean tried to slow Oliver down, it wouldn't work now. With Clain covered in this energy, nothing supernatural would hold back him. Oliver pointed the blade at Sean.

–Sean, as you could see for yourself, you can't kill me... but I have enough influence over the Narrative and if I will fatally injure you again, I will twist the logic and you will die. Surrender. If you continue the fight, I will have to end you once and for all.

–Yes, you're probably right, I can't kill you... but that doesn't mean I won't try to!

Rushing toward Oliver, Sean didn't wait for Clain to strike. Instead, taking advantage of the length of his weapon, he began to deliver chopping blows from all sides, forcing his former friend to stand in a defensive stance. However, it didn't last long like that. After blocking what seemed like the thousandth consecutive blow, Clain was finally able to throw back the scythe, causing Sean to lose his balance. At least it seemed that way – Sean wanted it to seem that way, because as soon as Oliver moved into a stabbing lunge stance, his opponent lurched sideways, moving closer to Oliver himself. Oliver's right hand went forward, making a piercing attack with his sword, and to his right side was Sean. It would be problematic to reach him with his left hand. The only chance Oliver had was to swing his arm to the right and elbow strike him.

But that didn't work, either – Sean twisted around and ducked under the attack again, delivering a horizontal strike, holding the scythe by the shaft almost at the blade. The blow sliced Oliver clean in half. But that wasn't enough for Sean, because as the upper half of Clain's body was falling, Sean began to cut it while it falls. Oliver's body was chopped up down to the atomic level... no, to the level of an atom's components! Down to his protons and neutrons. Finally, satisfied with his accomplishment, Sean took a couple steps forward and assumed a pompous pose, holding the scythe with his straight arm parallel to that arm, blade down.

–Didn't I tell you earlier...? You can't kill me.

Not even a millisecond later, Oliver, alive, was already standing where before there had been only bits of molecules. After all, even from such a state he could regenerate. Anyone else would have been horrified by such survivability, but not Sean. On the contrary, he turned around and grinned.

–Good! You're never the one to disappoint, Oliver. Well... round 2?

Chapter 14: Chapter 11: Kayen

Chapter Text

Although the weapon they were holding was not made of metal, the sound of metal hitting metal was heard as Oliver and Sean clashed in battle again. Scythe on sword, sword on scythe. Black flames raged around, preventing any of them from using their abilities other than controlling the energy of hatred. Narrative control was also available, because nothing can challenge the authority of the plot, but Oliver was not a master at it, and Sean did not know how to do it at all.

Both weapons reflected the blows one after another, now none of the fighters was fully on offensive or defensive – these roles changed with each swing of the blades. But that soon changed. Oliver barely knew how to control Hatred, but Sean was taught this by the one who literally embodies it. Black liquid poured out of the former doctor's left sleeve and collected into a dagger, which Sean tried to plunge into Oliver's right hand in order to hinder his movements with the weapon, but this was the miscalculation. Oliver released the sword – just as Sean was just beginning to swing his scythe – and grabbed it with his left hand, and with his right hand, which was now free, he grabbed the left hand of his former friend and pulled him towards himself. If an ordinary human were in Sean's place, by now his arm would already be separated from his body.

The artificial creature of Hate fell, losing his balance, and tried to roll in his fall, but it didn't work – Oliver made a downward piercing attack with his sword, piercing Sean's leg and pinning him to the ground. The black flame spread to the body of the former doctor and began to spread throughout it. He was vomiting black liquid. At the same moment, Oliver pulled the sword out of his leg, and threw Sean far away, kicking him in the head. Clain raised the blade above his head, and it literally began to glow with darkness – the light disappeared, absorbed by this terrifying energy of Hate. Sean, whose leg had just started to heal, only managed to roll over onto his back and hold his scythe forward, holding it with both hands, in the hope of blocking the oncoming blow... but in reality, he did not even think that he would succeed. Sean closed his eyes and smiled.

–So that's how it all ends... well, I'm glad I could at least give you your revenge. Goodbye, Oliver.

Clain slashed his sword downwards, delivering a blow of incredible power. He didn't move from his spot – there were hundreds of meters, if not kilometers, between him and Sean. But it didn't matter. Black energy escaped from the blade and moved downwards. She cut the scythe and Sean himself, but did not stop there – the wave of energy moved further, creating a huge long hole in the ground... but even that was not the end. This blow passed through the entire planet, cutting it in two. At this point, Oliver must have distorted the Narrative, allowing Sean to finally fully die, ignoring his immortality...

Sean opened his eyes, lying dangerously close to the edge, which seemed to go straight into outer space. The black flame no longer burned around, although it seemed that it was still the same forest... or rather, what was left of it. Oliver stood next to him and extended his hand. Brown's face showed shock.

–W... why? I clearly felt my flesh being torn... you could have killed me for good, but you left me alive?

–Yes, I did. I don't want unnecessary deaths... especially since even after everything you've done, it would be difficult for me to kill my friend, even the one who betrayed me.

–But there is Gehessikait! He demands that I fight you this last time!

–Then let this be the last time. Stay out of my sight... logically, this will be the last time, if you simply won't ever appear in front of me anymore.

–I will try. I don't think this will work with him... but I'll try.

–Great. Then it's decided.

Oliver stuck his black sword into the ground, after which the blade disappeared. The black flame, which replaced Oliver's clothes, that were shredded by Sean's knife and scythe, did not disappear, but was transformed – the black fire took the form of a black trench coat and the black trousers with shoes. Now, looking at him, you can't even say that the world where Oliver lives was written off from the Middle Ages.

–Then... then I'll take my leave, – said Sean and, abruptly getting to his feet, stopped time. When time started again, there was no trace of him.

Necronomicon emerged from behind Oliver, his smile seemingly wider than ever. With his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, he said:

–Wow, you've grown so much in terms of fighting skills. I didn't expect to see such a sight from you! And damn, you cut an entire planet in half, I'm impressed!

–Well, these are totally not the skills that I would like to be proud of.

Tilting his head to the side, Clain scratched the back of his head. He shrugged. The consequences of his last blow were before his eyes. Who knows where the other half of the planet is now. It seems that it was getting colder – the planet's half on which Oliver remained must have moved slightly away from the star of the system in which the events took place. However, Oliver did not feel the cold.

–Well... then, it turns out that we are back to the beginning. We need to find Kayen, but it's unclear where he is, – said Oliver.

–Yep. But now you don't have to worry about that. You have guests, – Necronomicon said and pointed to Oliver's right.

–I know. No one can't get close to me without being noticed.

–Just don't talk to me while you're with that stranger. You'll look awkward.

With his left hand on his side, Oliver turned to the right. Immediately, he created a black sword in his chest and pulled it out – he had already met this person. The stranger wore a dark blue cloak with a hood and sleeves. He had a scythe in his hands. This is the one Kayen called "Odysseus".

–There are a lot of people with scythes lately, don't you think so? – Oliver asked with a shrug.

The stranger threw off his hood, revealing long silver hair and gray eyes. And besides... it was a girl. Her face didn't show any emotion, but Oliver could sense that she was sad. This emotion was so strong that it was literally felt in the air. The girl replied:

–In my case, this is justified, Oliver Clain... I am a literature critic; I reap trite plots, like the death itself...

–Wow, this is the edgiest thing I've ever heard... especially considering I'm kinda immortal. Moreover, who even listens to critics these days? Sorry, I'm not scared.

–I didn't try to scare you. I'm not here to stop you or anything... I just want to talk.

–And why should I believe you? Last time you were on his side.

–This is what I want to talk about, – taking another step towards Oliver, and then sat down on the ground.

–How strange... I expected that person on that simp's side would be able to create a chair out of thin air or something like that to sit on, – despite his words, Oliver also sat down, leaning on his sword.

–I... as you already know, my name is Odysseus. At least that's the name I took...

–...because you travel around, trying to ruin the lives of as many people as possible by helping this brute?

–...because I'm nobody. You said it yourself, now no one listens to critics... however, he created me like this.

–"He"? I thought Gerda was a "she".

–Gerda didn't create me... I am the version of Cirael that Kayen created in his sick fanfic. As you might have guessed from Arai's condition, me and this alternate universe's version of Oliver failed in our mission to save the world.

–This... was all this prewritten by Kayen?

–Yes. He decided so for us. He decided that we would be weak and not be able to do anything. And when our world was turned into ruins, he personally came down to us and forced us to work for himself...

–He "forced you"? How could he threaten you to make you listen to him?

–He... he's not threatening, – Odysseus lifted her cloak; in place of her chest there was no flesh, there was only a heart, shrouded in light blue threads. – Kayen controls us directly, like puppets. At any moment he can seize complete control over our bodies...

Oliver winced. He himself had not been free all his life, but the idea that almost every move you made could be controlled, even when you realized that you didn't want it, was frightening.

–Ah... and where am I... I mean, Oliver from this universe?

–Ollie... I don't think you want to know. Moreover, if you decide to start hunting down Kayen... I'm afraid you'll soon meet him yourself. Kayen doesn't like to fight himself, and usually leaves such matters to his puppets... we weren't the first. He created many worlds based on his fan fiction, and in each of the the heroes met a bad end.

–That... sounds terrible. Moreover... wait, so he has a huge pile of these "puppets"?!

–No... he tried many times to invade the multiverse created by Necronomicon. The heroes of Necronomicon's worlds, whose worlds usually have a happy ending or simply do not end at all, usually successfully fight back and destroy the imperfect copies created by Kayen. His possibilities for creation are not endless, so for now Kayen has only me and... well, you get the idea.

Necronomicon, who had not disappeared from Oliver's eyes all this time, lifted its nose and nodded contentedly.

–Judging by your words, every second person here is an all-powerful creator of worlds, – said Oliver, sighing.

–It is kinda true. You know Schrodinger, right? He also created his own multiverse! True, not based at all on your story. Well, in general, I am more powerful than both him and Kayen, because of the three of us, only I climbed into the higher dimensions, – said the Necronomicon, becoming more and more proud of himself.

–-That's not the point. Better tell me, Odysseus, why is Kayen doing all of this? – asked Oliver.

–He... he wants Gerda to look at him. I don't know if you're aware or not, but Kayen was the main character of the 28th iteration, right after Kai left that role of his own free will. Kayen is... idealized in such a way that it was even disgusting. He himself was disgusted by this. But it was even more disgusting because the only trait that his character has was his love for Gerda. She played with it for a very little time, and then simply threw it away, ending the iteration and starting to write anew. He even retained his name, let alone immeasurable love... although I wonder if can we call it love... it's more like an obsession. If he existed in the same world with her, he would probably be walking under Gerda's windows and trying to kidnap her or something creepy like that.

–So he is a stalker, – said Oliver.

–Yes. He is similar to a stalker. Ahem. Now, over a thousand iterations, he's been trying to create the "perfect story"... or so he says. In fact, he simply takes Gerda's creations and makes them even worse, creating absolutely sad and hopeless endings.

–It is... yes, I definitely have to put an end to his madness.

–Yes, please dot! I know that Shab-Ni... oh, wait, you decided to call her Shabby. Hmm. Now, I know that Shabby said that you were weak for a Clain... but no one could learn to see and influence the Narrative as quickly as you.

–Kai just taught me...

Odysseus widened her eyes and frowned.

–Don't trust this man.

–Huh? Why?

–He is stronger than all of us combined. Even if you took every character from every iteration and their alternate universes and put them all against Kai at the same time... I'm confident that Kai would win. Plus, he's smarter than any of the characters. He's dangerous.

–Well, I don't know, he helped me...

–Why won't he help you right now?

–Um... that's a great question, I have no idea!

–He always strives to create the most interesting events... but for whom? For what? He's going to kill Gerda, so this book will never come out... he's been doing this for as long as Kayen remembers.

–Huh, that's interesting... By the way, how do you measure? Like, time passes differently in different stories, right?

–There is a common time that passes in all Narratives at the same time, and even beyond them, in the Sea of Ideas. We call units of such time – exes. Since the layers of the Narrative and the Narratives themselves have no beginning, exes can only be measured from some event. We take the creation of the first version of Gerda's book as our starting point.

–Yeah... okay, I somewhat understand. So you... want me to defeat Kayen?

–Yes, I do! You will have to kill both me and my version of Oliver, but... please, for the well-being of the multiverse, do it!

–Haah... well, fine! I give you my word! I will put an end to this theater of the absurd.

–Then kill me now before he takes control of me. Cut off my head.

Oliver was shocked and widened his eyes. What does she even mean? She can't really say this, right?...


–Probably soon he will control me again, and then I will stand in your way as an enemy. It will take a lot of your stamina. So kill me now. I can't do this to myself... The narrative forbids it.

–I... are you sure?...

–Do it!

Clain hesitated. But she was right. He'd probably have to kill her anyway. He raised his sword and took a deep breath. Exhaling, he asked a question:

–But how will I find Kayen?

–When his puppet dies, the strings he created become visible. They lead to his real body, even through the barriers between worlds.

–A... alright. Then... sorry, Odysseus. And goodbye.

Clain began to lower the blade directly onto Odysseus's head, but then her facial expression distorted. She raised her scythe up, blocking the sword's path, just like when they first met. Holding Oliver's sword, with a distorted smile on her face and absent pupils, Odysseus said:

–How dare you try to destroy his favorite puppet? Lord Kayen has not yet found a replacement for me!

"Damn, she's already under control!", Oliver thought. At the same moment, the sword that was in his hands changed to completely black and the flames of the same color enveloped his body, creating a semblance of anti-magic armor and wings. "Somehow I've been fighting a lot with scythe users lately," Clain thought as he jumped away from Odysseus. At the same time, the area began to change – wooden planks replaced the ground, decorations grew from the ground, alongside it, a curtain, spotlights, a place for the audience... the entire area turned into a theater stage of absurd proportions, which hung in the air where the planet was cut off. The audience's chairs were filled with wooden mannequins, from which blue threads were extending somewhere into the sky. The spotlights turned on, illuminating Oliver and Odysseus. Considering that this whole scene stretched for hundreds of kilometers, the light was terribly powerful, since it illuminated all the way from edges of the stage.

–Dance! Dance, and then you too will earn the honor of being his doll! – Odysseus shouted, jumping towards Oliver.

Even though she was saying those words that were obviously put into her mouth, Oliver could hear what she was actually thinking. "Stop it!", "I don't want to!", "Just let me die!" and other similar things that only fueled Oliver's anger towards Kayen even more. Now the area was not blazing with black fire, which means Oliver can use his magic. In response to Odysseus's reckless advance, Oliver swung his sword, creating a wave of black energy that flew towards his opponent. When this wave collided with Odyssey, there was a huge explosion and the floor of the stage crumbled into splinters, revealing that there was a void beneath the floor, going deep, if there was a bottom at all. Odysseus herself didn't even care – there was some kind of barrier in front of her that calmly withstood the attack of Hate... and for some reason was not dispelled.

–Surprised, Oliver?! The barriers I create exist in higher dimensional space, so your pathetic 3D magic will be useless!

The manner of speech was not even close to that of Odysseus. As if nothing had happened, she continued her advance, and Oliver did not avoid direct confrontation. He believed in his speed and strength in Emotional Turbulence. Exceeding the speed of light tens of times, Oliver rushed towards Odysseus, who had already raised her scythe, preparing to make an overhead left strike. This blow was parried by the newly created sword that was hanging in the air. The same sword, controlled by Oliver's telekinesis, pushed away Odysseus's scythe even further, while Clain himself made a quick cut from the bottom left to the top, holding the black sword with his right hand. To Clain's surprise, another barrier met his sword. It became clear that Odyssey's defense was either passive, or that she controlled it the same way Oliver wielded his swords with telekinesis – without the need for direct eye contact or any gestures. And if that wasn't enough, the barrier seemed to detonate, returning all the kinetic energy of the blow, black to Oliver, sending him flying far away. In flight, Clain stopped, creating a huge platform under his feet and braking against it. "Hate can't dispel her shields... that's a problem," Oliver thought, "perhaps I shouldn't be more precise, but just hit harder, since Hate is useless." But even now Odysseus pulled out another trump card from her sleeve:

–Ollie! I'm being harassed! Help me!

Ollie? That's what she calls Oliver, which means... a huge hand burst out from under the stage floor, lifting splinters and dust into the air. This hand split into hundreds of tentacles that tried to grab Oliver, but he teleported away from this... thing. A huge mass of flesh, not even remotely human, supported by hundreds of limbs, some like arms and some like tentacles, emerged from the hole leading into the void. This creature had eyes, about 20-30 of which were located in random places on the body and looked like huge white spots with pupils. Where the body supposedly had a head, there was a pair of the same eyes, huge funnels where the ears should have been, and there was no hair or mouth.

–Oliver, there you are! I was looking for you! – Odysseus said through laughter.

However, Oliver could perfectly hear the real thoughts of Odysseus and this Oliver. Odysseus was thinking "God, what has he done to you...", "I'm sorry I can't help, dear...", "Please, Oliver, end his torment...", while Oliver was thinking, "Please, just let me scream!", "He took my mouth, and I just want to call for help!", "I've been living like this for hundreds of years, without the ability to say anything, I can't take it anymore..." and other similar things.

–Kaaayeeeen! – Oliver shouted.

Anger filled him. Wings of black flames began to expand, and soon the light of the sun dried up – a pair of huge wings completely blocked it throughout the entire scene. Oliver was no longer standing on the platform – he was floating in the air, looking at the Odysseus and a cheap copy of a main character from Ellison's book. Now Oliver wanted nothing more than to break all of Kayen's bones for what he had done to them. What Gehessikait did to the original Oliver is of course also cruel... but compared to that, the Uncreature of Hate could be said to have helped Oliver.

Black energy began to drip from the wings like raindrops. Breaking on the ground, the drops behaved like water, however, as if Odysseus was afraid of it, her barriers began to appear from above her and this mass of flesh. Getting into them, the black energy evaporated like oil in a hot frying pan. Oliver raised his left hand up, unclenching it. Now energy stopped dripping from his huge wings, and instead of it, like falling feathers, blades shrouded in black flame fell. The stage began to burn. However, even though it was now impossible to use magic, the barriers continued to block the rain of swords.

–Don't you dare touch my lovely husband! – Odysseus shouted.

For the first time during the fight, Oliver answered her:

–I'm glad we started this fight. I can free you from his control at the same time. Sorry... and goodbye. Again.

Falling from the heavens onto the huge mass of flesh that was himself from this world, Oliver unleashed a terrifying blow, but the barrier, which was now alone and covered a huge area, did not allow him to do this. Judging by the fact that Odysseus herself was sweating and putting her hands up at that time, she created this shield herself.

–You shall not pass! This barrier exists in as many dimensions as possible in this multiverse! This is an 18-dimensional shield! What can you possibly...

However, it didn't matter. In whatever higher dimensions this barrier existed, no matter how infinitesimal and zero-weight Oliver was for it, cracks appeared in the very space that this shield was. "I-impossible!" Odysseus shouted at the exact moment that Oliver, holding the sword, destroyed this last line of defense. And although Odysseus screamed in horror, Oliver knew perfectly well what she was thinking: "Finally. Thank you, Oliver." This imperfect fake of Oliver, who was turned into a monster, thought the same thing: "This hell is finally over." With one blow, he cut through the fake-Oliver and the fake-Cirael, as well as the stage below them. But now there was no emptiness there. Now there was only the most ordinary ground.

Only in the last moments before death did they regain control of themselves. Thanks to this, they were able to die with a smile on their face. Now with the real smile, not the one Kayen forced onto them, but with their own true smile. And as soon as they took their last breath, billions of blue threads burst out of their bodies and, creating a rift in space, rushed into it. Oliver followed, as the wings of black flame returned to their normal size. On the other side of the angular hole between the worlds was a hall already familiar to Oliver – a long hallway with stonewalls, the candles along the edges of which lit themselves. Unlike the estate where Oliver and company were at the very beginning, there was no dust, and the building itself was in perfect condition. Oliver looked to the side, at the windows – there was nothing behind them. The space-time continuum must have ended at the walls of the building.

Oliver already knew the way – he went up the stairs and went into a narrow corridor. The space of this corridor was greatly distorted – some doors were on the ceiling and on the floor, and some existed only halfway, finishing on collision with another surface. Oliver opened one of the doors – it led straight outside, into some other world that looked completely empty. Closing it, Clain created a two-handed sword hanging parallel to the ground and, jumping onto it, and it flew forward along the corridor, like a hoverboard. Although non-Euclidean space kept trying to loop back on itself, the energy of Hate around Oliver blocked even logic paradoxes. Thus, Clain soon reached the end of the corridor and found himself in a familiar place – a huge room where there was almost nothing. Only a throne on a small pedestal. On this throne, sitting across with his legs thrown over the armrest, with a cardboard crown, sat Kayen. He may not have looked actively angry, but it was clear that he had so much hatred for Oliver that he himself might have been called the Uncreature of Hate.

–So you broke my toys and now you think you're the coolest? How many times do you think I openly opposed the Clains of the original stories? I really hate you, stop getting in my way... or whatever the lyrics were. – Kayen said, reluctantly turning his gaze to Oliver.

–If you have conflicted with the main characters so many times, I think you should think hardly about it and stop being the antagonist, don't you think so? – Clain replied, not even hiding the contempt in his voice.

–Think about the fact that you are all pathetic? About the fact that you are not worthy of being the main characters? Why do you think this has been going on for over a thousand iterations? Because people like you cannot be in the lead role of a perfect story!

–And who can, I wonder? You can? Ah, yes, that makes perfect sense... if we ignore the fact that Gerda threw you out and is ashamed of your very existence. Oh yes, you, her hero in shining armor, can definitely bring perfection to the story! – Oliver said with sarcastic voice.

Remembering what Kayen did to Odysseus and her version of Oliver, Oliver gripped the hilt of the sword even tighter.

–Ha! Of course you won't understand! Tell me, if Cirael would betray you, leaving you to rot in a ditch, would you continue to love her?

–Well, who knows? Probably, if she did it of her own free will, and not under the control of people like you, then no.

–Ha! You naive fool! Your love for her is prewritten to you by Gerda! Even if your dear Ciri wipes her feet on you, you will not be able to feel anything but love for her... and now imagine such a situation, but if the prewritten love was 100 times stronger! Isn't that terrible, huh?

Kayen punched the back of the throne, causing it to shatter into small pieces.

–And now you want to justify your atrocities, saying that you are a victim here? Well, I don't know, if you were bullied like that, you could try to integrate into society... but you didn't even think about it, did you? You immediately started this nightmare, didn't you?

–Nightmare? Yes, I'm afraid you won't understand art, you pathetic second-rate creation.

–You... and this is art in your opinion?! – Oliver took off and, finding himself next to Kayen, swung his sword upward, but Kayen managed to create his own weapon, blocking the blow. – What you did to them... you think it's wonderful, you piece of sh*t?!

–They are characters! They are made to be used! How can you not understand?!

–Aren't you just a character, like them?! So Gerda took used you! Don't you understand that now you are no better than her, but even worse?!

–So what?! As long as I can create the ideal by pulling the strings, nothing else matters! All that is needed for this is your death! – switching to an enraged scream, Kayen, holding Oliver's sword with his own, gathered his strength and with a sharp swing threw Oliver into the ceiling, breaking through it.

The space outside, being created from scratch, was transforming every second. At first it was a place of dark gray stone, with volcanoes seething all around, but after a short time it all distorted into a crowded square, and then into an icy wasteland, after which it became mountains. Finally, the process of Kayen creating the world ended. Oliver, followed by Kayen, ended up on the ground in the huge Colosseum. On the stands, as before in the theater, sat wooden puppets, and even further from the stands, in the air, there was a huge throne on which sat a colossal-sized puppet of a girl. She had short green hair, golden eyes and was dressed in clothes that Oliver had never seen, but which we would call "modern". In general, if you saw a person of this appearance in a crowd, you would not pay attention. From the foot of the throne came dark blue threads, like ink, that stretched to each puppet in the stands, as well as to Kayen himself, although they disappeared above him. Kayen had the most threads, probably several thousand; there was no point in counting. Clain did not know who that doll was supposed to represent, although he had some guesses, and very good ones. He had no time to think – the enraged protagonist of the 28th iteration was rushing towards him.

Oliver was already preparing to defend himself, but as soon as Kayen was next to Oliver, the owner of this world flew back and up, as if something had pulled him there. Kayen's face lost all emotion. The threads above him began to rise and fall, and his body moved accordingly. It was obvious that everything around was just a show put up by Kayen, but why did he need to portray a puppet? Is there any meaning to this, or is it just his sick fantasy that creates all this nonsense? There was no time to think about this either – Kayen put his arms out to the sides, now hanging in the air in a T-pose, and fire began to rain from the sky... literally, liquid fire began to fall from the clouds that in an instant filled the sky above the Colosseum. Of course, all the drops very comfortably went around Kayen, but not Oliver. At first, Clain simply put his left hand up and created black fire slightly above himself, thinking that the black flame would dispel that strange substance, but this did not happen and Oliver's left hand was caught on fire, an ordinary fire this time. Without thinking twice, Oliver cut off his left hand, which immediately grew back.

Before more of this strange substance got on him, he created a multi-layered "shield" consisting of swords above himself. They caught fire and immediately melted, despite they should not have been, since they were made out of magical energy. It was obvious that Kayen was changing the Narrative, distorting logic and common sense. Even though the swords melted, Oliver simply created new ones all the time. Finally, having created a sphere of such protection around himself, he also created a huge number of blades around Kayen hanging in the air and, while the weapons had not yet melted, they all flew into the enemy's body.

Kayen didn't react. He didn't even say anything. He simply lowered his right hand and, although the "rain" stopped, Oliver's swords also disappeared, every single one, and with them, the wounds they inflicted to Kayen. When the rain stopped falling, Oliver, with only one sword left to him from the black energy of Hate, jumped towards Kayen, but he turned and waved his left hand, outlining the silhouette of a circle. The space between him and Oliver began to increase, and the space around Oliver began to decrease, squeezing Clain. However, such walls, even though they were the very concepts of the spatial continuum, did not stand next to the multidimensional shields of Odyssey, and therefore Oliver, while he was not yet completely flattened, punched a hole in the interlocking walls of dimensions and, having escaped, immediately reached Kayen.

However, he flew away again, as if he was pulled by threads. On these strings he moved even even faster than Oliver did. Kayen, who was moved by the strings, pointed his right hand at Oliver and extended his index finger. Hundreds of sharp objects that defied description appeared inside Oliver, flying out and tearing his body into small pieces. However, as before, Clain's body quickly came back together from these small pieces. Seeing this, the previously emotionless Kayen burst into anger.

–How... how?! Yes, you cannot die... but the very logic and laws of the universe, as well as the Narrative of this world, are in my hands! Even if you could do such a thing against Sean, then why can't I... I!...

Necronomicon, visible and audible only to Oliver, came out from behind Kayen, looking at him with disappointment. Sighing and closing his eyes, he said:

–If anything, it's thanks to my soul in you that you can ignore even such changes in plot. You have no idea how many times Kayen tried to write your actions, but thanks to me... hey, be careful!

The threads pulled Kayen forward towards Oliver. He no longer held a weapon in his hands and did not swing – all his limbs were hanging down while he flew at full speed towards Klein. Oliver wasted no time and when Kayen got close enough, in one swift motion he cut him in half, diagonally. "Is it really all?... no, now there will be a second phase, am I right?" thought Oliver and he was right. The pieces of Kayen's body that were falling down disappeared, and the huge puppet of the girl on the throne in the sky began to move. The panel that replicated the movement of the mouth opened, spitting out Kayen's body, which immediately regained consciousness.

–You... you won't kill me either... we will fight here forever until I find a way to destroy you completely, Oliver!

But Oliver didn't listen to him. He swung and pushed off from the platform he had created beneath himself, flying towards that huge doll. To his surprise, Kayen did not stop him, but only laughed. Upon reaching this puppet, Oliver tried to throw a punch, but something pulled him to the ground. It was Kayen's deformed arm, which, lengthening, pierced Klein's solar plexus and, becoming shorter again, pulled Oliver towards his opponent standing on the ground. Kayen wasted no time and, while Oliver created a sword-like defense behind his back, protagonist of 28th iteration formed a blade from his other hand and he cut both this defense and Oliver's neck, so that Clain's head rolled on the ground. However, not even a second passed before a new body grew from Oliver's neck. Clain quickly got to his feet and parried a blow from Kayen, who was already attacking again.

–And what do you suggest? Neither of us will retreat until the other dies! – said Oliver.

–I suggest you remember that I am also Clain, and one of the first at it... it's time to show you just how big the difference between us is!

Kicking Oliver's legs with his left leg, Kayen jumped back and, as if the strings were no longer controlling him, threw away the weapon and clenched the fist of his right hand. Dark blue light seeped through his fingers. Oliver, of course, was not going to miss this opportunity – having regained his balance and without falling he bounced off the ground and approached Kayen... only to be thrown back by some kind of energy. Hate is supposed to block everything that is considered supernatural by the Narrative... but it cannot seem to dispel the very control of the Narrative. The wave of energy that knocked Oliver back was similar to what had previously emanated from Clain himself when he uncontrollably entered Emotional Turbulence mode... and most likely, it was the same energy, because Kayen shouted:

–Clain Family's Special Spell – Emotional Turbulence: Obsession!

A beam of dark purple color hit the sky where Kayen stood. Oliver, rising to his feet, covered his face with his hand from the flowing energy, like from a hurricane wind. The column of energy, rising upward, destroyed all the threads that were stretching to Kayen. When the energy dissipated, he stood there, holding his face with his right hand.

–Yes... – said Cayenne in a quiet, creaky voice, – only my obsession with her gave me freedom... you can't even imagine how many times Gerda tried to erase me from reality, make me kill myself or set up events for my death... but I'm free... from everything, except for this stupid feeling...

–Then maybe you should have just let her kill you? Don't be afraid, I will gladly help her get rid of you... and then I will get rid of her too.

–That's why I can't just die! If I die, then who will protect Gerda from Kai Clain?! Only me! Only I, Kayen Klein, alone in the entire multiverse will be on her side, no matter what happens!

–You must have lost your mind hundreds of iterations ago... – Oliver sighed. – Well, I guess it won't be possible to convince you to lay down your arms and just give up... okay, complete your transformation there, and we will continue. After all, it is not nice to attack a character until he has completed the process of changing form.

–I'm done, idiot!

–Well... you haven't changed a lot... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Kayen removed his hand from his face and it became clear that there was only a little left of his face – his entire face, except for his right eye and a small area around it, had been covered in dark purple ribbons, like bandages. Outside the face, these ribbons did not go around the head, but fluttered as if in the wind. Like Oliver's flames, purple energy began to flow from Kayen's back, creating the silhouette of wings, and in his right hand, a dark purple zweihander appeared, with an eye in the middle of the guard, which was made in the form of a circle running parallel to the blade. Holding a two-handed sword with one hand, Kayen raised it and immediately moved behind Oliver's back, in response to which Clain made the only adequate decision – he himself teleported behind Kayen's back. Not wanting to give up so easily, Kayen ended up behind Oliver, and Oliver immediately moved into Kayen's blind spot, and in response to this, Kayen teleported behind Oliver...

This chain of "*teleports behind you*" continued until Oliver's back hit the wall after another teleportation. Kayen was not at lose and teleported to his left side... and the chain began again. After another, probably the five-hundredth teleportation, Kayen, in response to Oliver's next teleport, simply turned around and struck with a swing, shouting "Enough!" "You started it!", Oliver said as parried Kayen's sword swing... or so he planned. As it turns out, Kayen's power in Emotional Turbulence, just as Oliver's in his Turbulence, has increased significantly. Oliver's black sword could not be destroyed, so Clain simply flew off, slamming into the wall of the Colosseum. He should have broken through it, but, seemingly, Kayen initially created these walls indestructible, setting this rule at the level of the rules of plot.

Shaking his head, Oliver only managed to jump to the side when Kayen delivered a stabbing blow to where Clain had just been. His sword got stuck in the wall, but he turned it swiftly, destroying the wall, which until just now was indestructible. Behind the stonewall there was just more stone, instead of the passages that should be in a normal arena. Shards of the wall, along with a swing of the blade, flew at Oliver, but, taking advantage of his superiority even over the light itself in speed, Clain easily deflected all the pieces of stone, including even the smallest specks of dust, with his sword. At the same time, he, now grabbing the hilt of the sword with his other hand, somehow managed to block the terrifying vertical blow delivered by Kayen, and it was here that the difference in free hands played a role. Kayen grabbed Oliver by the neck and, squeezing it tightly, lifted him up and slammed him to the ground. Stepping on his chest with his right foot, he knocked the sword out of Oliver's hands with his left. The black flames enveloping Oliver turned back into a black trench coat with trousers.

–And it's all? I expected more from someone who personally came to me!

Raising the purple sword above his head, Kayen prepared to deliver the final blow... another one of these "final blows". However, now that Kayen was in this form, Oliver felt that if he received a fatal blow now, then even the Necronomicon would not be able to protect him from the changes in the plot. Kayen's Emotional Turbulence must have indeed destroyed the threads that controlled him, literally. Unfortunately for the protagonist of the 28th iteration and fortunately for the one resurrected by Hate, this blow was not delivered – the blue strings, which had recently been cut during Kayen's transformation, wrapped around his arm and pulled him away from Oliver, after which they hit him on the ground . "What the..." thought Oliver, jumping to his feet. However, he did not have to complain – thanks to this, he is alive. Clain again created a black sword in his chest and pulled it out, turning his black clothes into flames. Necronomicon that appeared in Oliver's gaze and was looking at Clain, pointed behind his back, at the puppet on the throne, mouth open in surprise. He said:

–Just look at this! A literal Deus Ex Machina!

–What are you talking about? – asked Oliver.

–Well, this is a doll, that, according to Kayen, should represent Gerda! And, being a writer... well, you know, it's literally a Deus Ex Machina!

–But why did it help...

–Ahh! Gerda, why?! Why don't you let me eliminate the threat that endangers you?! – Kayen shouted, lifting his head up as he slowly stood up from the ground.

And the heavens answered. The letters in the colors of ink appeared in the sky. And they were... in comic sans font: "Maybe because it will be more profitable for me to help him kill you now?" Once enough time had passed for Kayen and Oliver to read it, the words changed: "No, seriously, you know it well enough. I tried many times to kill you, erase you from reality and all that. And you think I'll miss an opportunity like this? Like, come on. You're so pathetic if you think I won't destroy you at the first opportunity." Kayen's face filled with anger and confusion while Oliver, along with Necronomicon, laughed, pointing at Kayen. Further, there were these words: "So, yeah, Oliver, good luck! Yes, you are trying to kill me... but I think that once you see the full picture, you will change your mind. Just like I already changed my mind. This is what I've been thinking about all these 4 years..." And finally, the message changed for the last time: "And now I have to go to bed, it's 2 o'clock in the morning, and I have to go to work tomorrow. Decide the fate of the world without me, okay? Bye!" While Kayen tightened his grip on his sword, Oliver wiped away a tear that had flowed from laughing.

–Oh, so ironic... what's wrong with your face? The one for whom you are supposedly doing all this was initially against you! – said Oliver, barely restraining the desire to continue laughing.

–You... You! We'll see who has the last laugh! If you rely so much on plot armor, I, too, will pull out some Deus Ex Machina!

Pulling another trump card from his sleeve, before Oliver could move a muscle, Kayen, from another space-time, summoned Beatrice, paralyzed and shrouded in light blue threads like Odysseus and Oliver from an alternate universe, to this world. Judging by the fact that her eyes were still moving, the angel was still conscious.

–When I pulled you into my worlds, she followed into the portal created by Kai... and then disappeared from the story. Where do you think she was for so long and why did I ignore your presence for so long? Because I was providing myself with insurance. And here it is, my safety net!

All the amusem*nt immediately disappeared from Oliver's face. Such emotional swings did not go unnoticed by him – the black flame began to fluctuate, and at that moment, the wings that were behind Oliver's back began to expand, reaching the limits of the arena. The walls they touched disappeared, dissipated, ceased to exist. Now the Colosseum existed only partially – everything that was behind Oliver was a void, where there was not even space-time. Clain bared his teeth.

–Ha! One move and I'll erase her! I'll send her back to the Sea, where she belongs! You are our "hero"; you won't let a villain kill a hostage, will you?

Oliver froze. Considering how much time has passed, and how quickly it happened... does Kayen really not know about this?

–You're wrong. Yes, I wouldn't let you hurt her... but Beatrice's time is running out anyway. – Oliver's voice trembled. – So this is literally the worst hostage you could take, Kayen. You really are pathetic.

Although he said this, he was afraid. He had not enough free time to think about what Kai and Beatrice were doing now. Until the end, he believed that somehow it would be possible to save her, to let her to continue existing, so that she would not return to the Sea of Ideas that she was talking about. However, seeing how, after his words, Beatrice's own gaze became more confident, he understood perfectly well that she must really have less than a day left. Maybe even less than an hour or a minute. Closing his eyes and exhaling, Oliver raised his sword. At this time, Kayen clenched his fist, which caused the threads covering Beatrice from head to toe to tighten even more. Starting from the bottom of her body, she began to disappear. Evaporate. Dissipate.

–I'm not bluffing, Oliver! One more movement...

But Oliver don't listen to Kayen. He swung the blade down swiftly, creating a wave of black energy that rushed towards Kayen and Beatrice.

–You're insane!

Kayen twitched his right hand upward, lifting Beatrice down, thereby shielding himself by her. But right now, at this very moment, she simply disappeared entirely. Her time must have come. Without even having time to defend himself with his sword, Kayen took upon himself the full force of Hate released by Oliver. When the dust and sand kicked up by the impact created at the moment of impact settled, Kayen was still standing. A long wound running across the entire torso, from the right shoulder down and to the left, was oozing blood. Unlike Oliver, he did not have such regeneration, and therefore he took any damage much more seriously.

–You... it doesn't matter! I'm still simply stronger than you! Brace yourself, Clain, I'm coming!

Kayen was right. He is still physically stronger, and Oliver does not have superior speed. The protagonist of the 28th iteration, taking the sword with both hands, rushed towards Oliver. Oliver met him holding his sword. Sharply opening his eyes, Clain blocked Kayen's blade coming from above. A deafening roar was made by the clash of swords. Oliver pressed his feet into the ground and clenched his teeth – he could barely resist this overwhelming onslaught. It was clear that everything will be decided in a few moments.


Light has broken through where there can be no light. The liquid, reminiscent of the very absence of liquid, began to ripple, although there was no wind. The words reached a consciousness that had almost dissolved. "Wake up, it's time for you. I... I'm sorry that I took your place for so long... you should have been there with him. Wake up, Cirael. Don't dissolve in the Sea of Ideas... like I will," said the voice. There was no body here, so there were no ears to hear the words and no brain to understand them. However, this did not stop her. Having no eyes, Cirael opened her eyes, and the world around her began to fill with colors. Now she was already standing in an endless sunny flower field, looking at a girl who strongly resembled herself.

–You are... Beatrice, right?

–Yes, Cirael Clain, that is indeed true. What you just saw are my memories of events that happened while I existed... but my time is up. I still turned out to be useless... I was a typical "damsel in distress". It's a pathetic sight, isn't it?

–No, I do not think so. Without you, it would have taken me a long time to comprehend all that happened. Well, now I know what is going on... and that he needs my help... haha, Oliver just can't stop getting into trouble, can he?

–Yes, he can't... Cirael, listen to me. Calm your mind. I'm not the real Clain... I never was. But you are a Clain, by rights of the plot. You should be able to. Don't think about anything, focus on the flow of existence... damn, I don't know how to explain this, and my time is running out. – the lower half of Beatrice's body had already disappeared, and the upper half hung in the air, gradually disappearing from below. – Just... go to him. I'm sure you will immediately understand when the time comes.

–Okay, I'll... try. Moreover, who, if not me, will save him in such cases? Well, goodbye... and thank you for being with him for all that time I couldn't.

Beatrice tilted her head to the side, closed her eyes and smiled. A tear rolled down her cheek... and at the same time she completely disappeared, leaving in her place a rift in space, similar to the one created by the blue threads that escaped from the Odysseus. Exhaling, Cirael pulled her sword from the sheath hanging on her belt, and, spreading her wings, stepped into the rift. She saw Oliver being crushed by a character she already knew, Kayen. Now he looked different – his face was covered with ribbons, he had "wings" similar to the "wings" of Oliver's Emotional Turbulence, and he was holding a strange zweihander in his hands, which Clain was barely holding back with his black sword. Oliver himself, to his wife's surprise, was completely covered in black flames... but looked absolutely sane, just like the last time they saw each other. He must have already completely harnessed this power... Without thinking for a long time, she flapped her wings and flew towards Kayen. He was focused only on Oliver, as Oliver was on him, however, since the two perceived everything around them through the Narrative itself, they still noticed Cirael. Moreover, she was much weaker than both Oliver and Kayen at the moment. Kayen managed to jump back, while waving his sword towards the angel. Oliver barely had time to stand in front of her and lose his head... which, to the winged woman's disgust, immediately grew a whole body from the neck. Thank God, this was enough to protect Cirael from this swing.

–Ciri! You shouldn't be here! You're not strong enough for him! – Oliver shouted, standing in front of the angel.

–No, I... I! – Cirael said, confused.

All her life, except for times when Oliver was going insane from Emotional Turbulence, she was stronger than him, and therefore she was the one who protected him... but now everything has changed. Oliver was stronger than her, and... "Am I really just a burden to him now?" thought Cirael, "No... what did Beatrice say... calm my mind? Don't think about anything?" While Cirael was thinking this, Kayen took off and decided to attack her as the weakest link of the chain of Clains. Moreover, if he can take her hostage, Oliver will definitely remain helpless. Cirael, with her abilities, should not have even noticed Kayen's superluminal movement... however, to the surprise of both him and Oliver, she elegantly dodged the sword, which Kayen had not even raised yet. The blow only cut through the air.

Oliver took advantage of this – he, realizing that if he spent a lot of time, Kayen would have time to prepare for defense, hit the stalker on the head with his fist. Kayen flew far away, slamming into an indestructible wall. Clain turned to his wife and began to ask the question "Ciri, are you okay?!", but stopped halfway when he saw Cirael's transformation – there were no wings behind her back, and there was no armor on her. Instead of armor, there was futuristic clothing, reminiscent of a summer long dress, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, which slid along small squares that determined the colors. The wings were replaced by double-sided light blue cones flying behind her back, which consisted of many fragments. These fragments moved every now and then, exposing the inner core, which emitted a blue glow, reminiscent of the color of Cirael's eyes. Her sword was transformed, becoming very angular – the hilt was rectangular, like the guard; the blade became sharp only on one side, and was also covered with a pattern reminiscent of thousands of lines that shimmered in different colors. Cirael said in a voice that did not express any emotion:

–Clain Family's Special Spell – Emotional Turbulence: Serene Mind. Now I am not an archangel, but the Angel of Imaginary Numbers, the guardian of mathematical logic, so I hope you don't mind if I also acquire a form of Turbulence.

–Wow, darling, you look absolutely amazing!... but how did you avoid this? Even I could barely catch his movements...

–I see the future. I can see what will be written next and can change my actions accordingly. At the same time, everything that will be written about others will not change, – Cirael answered so monotonously, as if it were a voice generated by a speech synthesizer.

–Well, I don't really like your new way of speaking... but it's only during Turbulence, right?... right?

–Yes. Probably. Probability of this: 98.6%.

Oliver suddenly lowered his head and shoulders. He would be sad if his wife's brain were suddenly replaced by a computer. But there was no time to be sad – he quickly raised his sword, parrying a purple spear that flew from Kayen's direction.

–Okay it does not matter! Let's put an end to this psycho... once and for all!

–Yes, Oliver. Let's do it.

Oliver stood to Cirael's left, and she stood to his right. Oliver held his sword in his right hand, and Cirael held hers in her left. They both pointed their swords down and to the side, causing their blades to intersect. Oliver said:

–I am Oliver Clain, Creature of Hate.

Following him, Cirael said:

–I am Cirael Clain, Angel of Imaginary Numbers.

–And together... we will destroy you, Kayen Clain! – they said in unison.

–I... I am Kayen Clain, the Overseer of Perfect History, and do you you think, – said Kayen, in a raspy voice full of anger, – that by uniting you can resist me?... I will tear you apart!

Pushing off the wall, he flew towards Oliver and Cirael. Cirael widened her eyes, which now had several bright blue circles around her pupils. Oliver, on the other hand, closed his eyes. In unison, they raised their blades and took exactly one step forward, at the same moment bringing their swords down... Kayen also continued his flight, flying between them and raising his sword... But between Clains flew only his remains – he was cut into three parts parallel to his body. He didn't bleed. What came out instead was purple pus, just like Oliver's black pus... just a different color.

–This is the end? – Oliver asked, opening his eyes.

The head of the Clain family looked at the huge puppet in the sky, which, according to Necronomicon, should represent Gerda... but this puppet did not move. Kayen lay dead, and the threads running from the throne to the wooden puppets in the audience disappeared. The Gerda doll itself bent over and fell next to the Clains, creating a shaking like an earthquake.

–This must be the end, darling – said Cirael.

The angel's voice became normal, and she herself smiled. Her mechanical "wings" began to disappear, although her dress and sword remained the same. At the same time, Necronomicon appeared in Oliver's gaze and, sighing with relief, nodded.

–I no longer feel the presence of Kayen... on our entire Narrative layer. He's gone, Oliver. This really is the end... for him.

–Oh, hello, Necronomicon. I thank you for saving my husband from an untimely death when Kayen distorted the Narrative.

Necronomicon jumped up and froze in the air like an statue, looking at Cirael in fear.

–Y... you can see me?! And you hear me, too?!

–Yes. I see everything that is written. And when I am in Turbulence, even what will be written in the future. So I can see and hear you perfectly, Necronomicon, – Cirael answered, laughing slightly. – Beatrice gave me all her memory... so I know that you helped Oliver a lot. Thanks again!

Without realizing it, just now releasing the sword and turning the black flames back into black clothes, he took a step towards his wife and hugged her. Cirael, shuddering slightly, hugged him back and closed her eyes. She had not felt such pure emotions and affection for a long time, even long before that fateful trip to the cemetery at the beginning of the story.

–I... I missed you so much, Ciri... – said Oliver, starting to cry.

–Well, well... everything is fine now. I'm here. And this Kai of yours, I'm sure, will be able to figure out a way to destroy Gerda... although, let's be honest, I don't really trust him that much... but you have to trust at least someone. Okay, I'm sorry for burdening you with my worries, Ollie, – Cirael answered, hugging her husband even tighter.

–Yes... now everything will be fine... we are finally together and...

And then he found himself alone in a completely empty black space. He turned around in terror several times, and only the third time did he see a woman dressed in a solemn long black, green and gold robes, open in the front. Underneath these robes was a white robe and gold jewelry hanging from the neck. The stranger had long green hair and her eyes were covered with a masquerade mask. She said:

–Good morning... I just woke up and I see, you managed to do it... thank you very much, Oliver.

–You... you are Gerda, right?

–Right. Or rather, this is the body that I just wrote for this little conversation. Don't be afraid, I will bring you back very soon. I just want to say... that this will be the end. There will be no more restarts and new iterations.

–Why should I believe you?...

–If I wanted, I would have already erased your world after you killed Kayen. Of course, Necronomicon is powerful, but even he cannot completely deny his writer, despite the fact that he has gone through hundreds of iterations. Only... only Kai is capable of this.

ؘ–Haaa... that makes sense, but... why?

–Because... you really are alive. Everything that I created... I gave birth to a whole world that I no longer have the right to simply cut off in the middle. Oliver, you are the version of Clain who was able to save me and the multiverse from Kayen. This only pushed me further towards this decision. So Oliver... no, I'm addressing everyone... – at that moment, a couple of thousand characters appeared in this space, looking around; some of them, like Schrodinger, Shabby and Ktul, were familiar to Oliver, but the rest were not – I will have to deal with Kai, once and for all. And you... live happily... and live freely.

Oliver, widely opening his eyes, was already standing next to his wife and Necronomicon again.

–This... you saw and heard this too?! – Cirael asked, sparkling with joy.

–Yes, it... it was Gerda. I feel it... – Oliver answered in a dumbfounded voice.

–Haa... so it all had a meaning after all... – said Necronomicon, leaning back and lying in the air.

Having released Oliver from her embrace, the winged girl literally jumped on the spot with joy. But Oliver...

–But first... I need to do something. This... no, these terrible, distorted, wrong worlds that Kayen has created... I will destroy them.

Oliver turned his clothes back into flames and pulled the sword from his chest. He drew it in a circle above his head and swung it once. The next second he was already sitting on a chair in the familiar ice palace. Cirael and even Necronomicon were not nearby. Kai sat in the chair opposite, smiling.

–Congratulations. You destroyed the horrific multiverse that this pathetic simp created, Kayen... and what will you do now?

–Just move on with my life, Kai.

–So, here it is... I tried 1077 iterations to make her change her mind, but it was you who did it... haa... I should be happy, right? – Kai said in an ironic voice.

–Are you... not happy?

–27 versions of my friends died, were distorted, were cursed, erased from reality... just so that she could be forgiven? Ha... hahaha! Yeah, it's funny... of course, I won't forgive Gerda. However... thanks, Oliver. You have already done everything that was required of you. From now on, as she said, live happily and freely.

–No, Kai, wait, I have want to ask so many more!...

But he didn't have time to finish. Together with the chair, he appeared... in his house. Next to him was Cirael, and the soul of Necronomicon was floating in the air. All three looked around. Oliver felt, in some strange way... this was home. This was not an alternate universe or another iteration. This was his home in the capital of Arai. Not a parallel world in which there was a copy of his home... this was his world and his home. In a normal situation, Ciel would now be greeting Clains, but... she was dead. And the dead cannot be brought back to life.

–Cirael, we... we did it! We saved the world from a restart, and also destroyed the threat to the entire multiverse! So, in the end, we are... real heroes?!

Covering her mouth with her hand, Cirael breathed quickly, but still answered:

–I... it sure seems like this, Oliver! This... this is simply incredible! It was a wonderful adventure!... despite all that we lost.

–Yes! It was just great!... but...

A smile appeared on Oliver's face, which did not bode well. He said in a joyful voice:

–...when are we going on our next adventure?



Chapter 15: Interlude: The Beginning of All Beginnings

Chapter Text

That is all? You must be pretty unhappy, [Reader]. It is only fair. The story had a lot of plot holes, it didn't fire Chekhov's guns, a lot of still-living characters turned out to be simply useless, and even those who were supposed to play a significant role were mostly just plot tools... what can we say, the entire first part up to the 9th chapter was hardly readable. It was only when the truth was revealed that the book became even slightly readable. It pains me to say that Gerda's style can be blamed for this. However, all these untied plot knots... is this not natural? Yes, maybe the story that Gerda wrote has ended... However, all this was just one big prologue to what would happen next. So you have to go all the way to the end, [Reader], in order to understand why everything is the way it is. I am waiting for you in the Library of Babylon. Do not make me wait too long.

Chapter 16: Chapter 12: Sol Clain

Chapter Text


–Wait a second! What about Schrodinger, didn't they even bother visiting him? Oliver and Cirael could have enter his world! Moreover, Sean... did he just stay alive? What happened to his conversation with the Gehessikait? Yes, even my friend, Ktul, he would never stop trying to find a strong opponent... and you say that this is the end of their story?!

–Firstly, Shabby, or whatever your name is, I completely agree. It is a terrible book. How does anyone even read this?... oh yes, nobody reads this. Well, that's good. Secondly, if you shut up for a minute or two, I can tell you what happened next. Agreed? Agreed. Then I'll start a little later than where I left off. So, kh-khm... It was about noon. On the busy streets of the capital...

It was about noon. The bustling streets of the capital were in full swing with hundreds of people and carts moving back and forth between the two-story buildings. No wonder, Arai – the main city of the kingdom of the same name – has always been full of humans... and non-humans too. If it wasn't enough, there was a big fair right now, in the height of summer, so the streets were very crowded. A stream of people, like a tsunami, walked into the center of the capital. More and more merchants arrived from the sea, to which more than half of the streets faced. White brick houses with red roofs surrounded people scurrying here and there.

However, none of this bothered a man of about 19, who was in his room with an area of more than 20 meters on the 4th floor of the royal palace. He was straightening his long white hair, looking in the mirror. His heterochromatic eyes, the right one was green and the left was blue, looked at him from the reflection. Light from the street illuminated the room through a large window. This man looked at himself without enthusiasm and took a ruler from the table near the mirror, brought it to a strand of his hair hanging from his right temple, after which he began to move the index finger of his left hand, drawing light blue symbols in the air, which formed in "16 centimeters." Now he brought the same ruler to the symmetrically located strand at the left temple, after which he wrote in the air, now with his right hand: "18 centimeters." Taking a deep breath, the young man put the ruler aside, took the scissors from the same table... and cut the strand on the left, removing exactly 2 centimeters. The words in the air instantly disappeared.

Now looking in the mirror, he looked more satisfied. Having once again made sure that his clothes, including strict black shirt with a white jacket, which continued to the back of his knees, and black trousers, sat perfectly on him, the man took the sheath standing near the mirror with a sword in it. The weapon clearly looked ceremonial, considering how heavily the sword's hilt and scabbard were decorated with gold and jewels. The man secured this sheath on his belt to the left of his torso. Just as he was about to leave, taking a step away from the mirror, he abruptly ran back and widened his eyes. Pulling out a sword from its sheath, the blade of which was not at all ceremonial, but quite ordinary, he brought it to his face... and cut off the facial hairs with it, now completely removing even the hint of a beard on his face. Exhaling in relief, the man sheathed his sword. Just in time, because he heard from behind the double wooden doors:

–Prince Sol, the table is set. Please proceed to the dining room; your parents are waiting for you to have breakfast.

Nodding towards the door, the young man, who was named Sol, already completely confident that he looked neat and symmetrical, without changing his calm, perhaps even emotionless expression, left his room. In the corridor, the palace servants, whose help Sol rejected out of habit, raising his hand and shaking his head, greeted him. Walking through long chains of corridors, the man, although he maintained a perfectly calm appearance, was agitated inside. Finally, he can leave this place and wander around the world for quite some time...

After 5 minutes, he reached a vast dining room with white walls decorated with paintings, where only two people were sitting at a long table – a woman with long white hair and blue eyes, and a man with short black hair and green eyes. They were dressed in ceremonial clothes worthy of people of the upper classes. These were Sol's parents – Oliver Clain and Cirael Clain... Sol's adoptive parents, as he himself did not forget to remind everyone who called him their child. Even though Sol was their son, as they assured everyone, they didn't look much older than him. However, no one was surprised at this – everyone knew that the king and queen, despite their appearance, in which they resembled people of 25 years old, do not age. They have ruled Arai continuously for seven thousand years. Nodding to the servants and his parents, Sol sat down at the table. Cirael looked at her son and said:

–Good morning, Sol. So... it is finally that day. You're leaving today, right?

–Yes. Finally, I can be far from you, – Sol replied.

Sol did not consider Oliver and Cirael his parents. Quite the contrary, he strongly disliked them. Only a few people knew why... mostly because not many had cared to find out. Who knows just what kind of weird thoughts the prince had in his mind? When asked about it, Sol states that he came here from the world from which Oliver and Cirael of that universe threw him out. Therefore, he considers Oliver and Cirael Clain as traitors who were never his direct ancestors. The Oliver and Cirael of this world, however, at some point lost their child, who was also named Sol Clain. He simply went missing. Miraculously, they soon found him... But it was after this incident that Sol became hostile towards them and started saying that he was not from this world. Was he stating the truth, or was it simply that he had already entered his rebellious phase? Who knows.

–Sigh, Sol... okay, maybe you really should take a break from us... although, you already constantly sit in your room, or are having a walk outside the walls of the palace. I hope that after this journey, you will finally outgrow your phase, – Oliver said, smiling slightly and spreading his arms. – In the meantime, let's have breakfast. You meet with the rest of the volunteers at two o'clock in the afternoon, don't you?

–It is correct, indeed, – Sol replied and nodded. – Well, bon appetite.

No one else said a single word throughout the entire breakfast. The atmosphere was very gloomy. Oliver and Сirael were saddened that Sol would soon be leaving on a rather dangerous journey to another kingdom. Sol was just gloomy almost all the time when he was around Oliver and Cirael. After finishing his bacon and tomato omelet, waiting for everyone else to finish and the servants to collect their dishes, Sol rose from the table at the same time as his parents. There was no clock in the room, but this did not prevent them from knowing the time perfectly: 9:34 am. Sol had more than 4 hours before the meeting the Clains were talking about.

–It is not the time yet, but I would rather go for a walk until it is two o'clock. See you not soon. Goodbye, Oliver and Cirael Clain, – said Sol.

–Y-yes... – answer Cirael in a slightly trembling tone, – Sol, call us... from time to time.

With a sigh and a nod, their son left the room. Queen of Arai walked up to her husband and, lowering her head, hugged him. Sol is not exactly pleased to be in their company, but it would be hard for Oliver and Cirael to live without a contact with him for a long time. Sol himself, looking around and making sure that the servants were not following him – Oliver and Cirael ordered them to leave their heir alone whenever he wanted to be alone – put his hands in his pockets and left through the front door. Turning around, he looked at the palace in which he lived – a five-story European-style palace built of white brick. Immediately, the image of the old mansion in which he lived in his home world came to his mind. Shaking his head, Sol turned away and shrugged.

The heir to the throne imposingly walked along the streets of the capital, holding his hands in his pockets and not looking around. The locals knew him by sight and joyfully waved to their prince, who didn't even look back. It was as if he hadn't even heard them... because he hadn't. A magic circle glowed near his right ear and played music for him. It was with the help of this advanced magotechnical invention, developed and massively purchased from the Northern Empire. It was exactly the device that he could "call" Oliver and Cirael with. Sol, without opening he eyes, turned off his path every now and then, listening to music. Sol already knew all the roads in the capital by heart, although he lived here for only 8 years.

Finally, walking along a long empty alley, he stopped. Touching the magic circle near his ear, he turned off the headset. He did this not on his own whim – six people, who looked unfriendly, which Sol concluded judging by the weapons in their hands, blocked his path, in front and behind. Judging by the ragged and scuffed clothes and unprofessional holding of the weaponry, these were not sent killers, but, most likely, some petty bandits. Sol took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

–Just look who ended up on our territory! Noble birdie escaped from its golden cage, huh? – said one of them and laughed.

–Give us your money if you wanna save your life, little princess! – said another and laughed.

–I supposed, sitting at home, you have no idea about ways of the world outside of your pathetic aristocracy! Well, time to teach the offspring of this stupid royalty the true meaning of the world, heh! – said the third.

–I give to you... – Sol answered, – 30 seconds. If you go away in these 30 seconds, you will live.

The thugs laughed. With all honesty, what could a prince who had never even fought do to them? The fact that he was a child of ever-living beings, greatly superior to humans, must not have bothered these bandits. While they laughed and clutched their weapons even tighter, Sol started to count. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26... "Huh?", said some of the bandits surrounding him. It must have infuriated them greatly that what they thought was an easy prey would treat them so disdainfully. However, Clain showed disrespect with his entire being – he did not even draw his sword.

Finally, one of the bandits could not stand it. Tightening his grip on the knife, he ran at Sol, who didn't move an inch. The street robber was a bit frightened by the calmness of their "next victim," but this did not shake his actions – he still sharply thrust the knife forward, intending to pierce the heir to the throne in the stomach, when suddenly... everything froze. Time was not stopped – it stopped moving, as an effect, and not as a cause. The Narrative itself and its writing stopped for everything that existed and everything that did not... except Sol. Sighing, he took a step to the side and pulled out a sword, which, due to the fact that the light itself was stopped, did not sparkle in the sun. Sol swung his sword and the blade went straight through the attacker's body. Thug was not cut, and not even a scratch remained, although the sword clearly passed through his body horizontally. Immediately after the blade fully emerged from the back of the torso, everything began to move again. The bandit who attacked was no longer there. He wasn't cut down, he didn't fall, he didn't even die. He just disappeared. There were no clothes or weapons left.

-Anyone else want to try their luck? - Sol asked, turning his head and looking at the others, who, seeing this, immediately huddled together, although before they had been on both sides.

-What... what did you do to Jack?! – one of them shouted.

-Excellent question. I'm not sure myself. But I would say that it no longer exists. The very fact of his existence was erased. Of course, I only erase objects from the present and future so as not to disturb the past and avoid creating paradoxes," Sol answered calmly. - So, do you want to continue, or will you run away? I would take advantage of this opportunity - not everyone will give you such a choice, but I believe that everyone deserves a second chance... it's just sometimes too late to give it, like your friend, for example.

–Anyone else wants to try? – Sol asked, turning his head towards the other thugs, who, seeing their ally just disappear, immediately huddled together, despite they were on two different sides of the alley previously.

–What... what did you do to Jack?! – one of them shouted.

–Excellent question. I am not sure myself. But I would say that he no longer exists. The very fact of his existence was erased forevermore. Of course, I only erase objects from present and future, so as not to disturb the past and avoid time paradoxes, – Sol answered calmly. – So, do you want to continue, or will you run away? I would not miss that opportunity – not everyone will give you such a choice. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance... although sometimes it is too late to give it to someone, just like to your friend who is not here anymore.

Sol spoke incredibly calmly for someone who had just erased a man from existence, especially considering that he supposedly had never fought anyone before, so this was probably his first time. Five bandits, who had just seen their ally cease to exist, suddenly made their feet, and only one shouted something like "he's some kind of monster!" Sol ignored their words and sheathed his sword.

–It's a good thing they retreated. It would be inconvenient if they would cut my clothes, – Sol said.

What he just did was called (by him) "Perfection." Perfection can only be used if Sol has not yet attacked himself and is attacked. The very fact of the enemy's attack ceases to matter, because the consequences are erased from the Narrative, and the Narrative itself freezes. After this, Sol can strike exactly one time with his sword. Once used, he could not use it again while he was in what the Narrative considered to be a "battle".

After his words and a sigh of relief, Sol drew a circle around his right ear with his finger, which made magical headset appear there again, playing heavy epic music. He looked at the wrist of his left hand, lifting his sleeve. There was no clock there, however, it didn't matter – he already knew the time. During his walk, 3,5 hours had already passed, which means that in just 40 minutes it was time to meet with those with whom he was supposed to. With a sigh, Sol left the alley and walked towards the city square, skirting two-story stone buildings and completely ignoring the words of passers-by.

After half an hour of measured steps, Sol found himself in the square, where ordinary residents of the capital were not allowed that day. It was natural – today is a very special day, because right now the heroes, who every 500 years must restore balance, gather and go far to the north in order to plant the fallen Sphere of the Sun in the Temple of Origin. "Well, or something like that. To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me what the task is, if it would be a reason to travel. To be honest, it all sounds like some kind of MacGuffin..." Sol thought to himself, standing alone in a huge square. About 5-10 minutes later, 3 people approached, whom the prince saw for the first time. Usually, a hundred or two brave warriors gather for this task... but, apparently, not this time. Everything that all the inhabitants of the world could hope for were four unheroic-looking people who, overall, did not look trust-worthy.

Three people approached Sol. One was short, wore completely black clothes – a robe, hiking pants and an undershirt with gloves – so much so that no part of the skin was visible. He had a plague doctor mask on his face. The second is a man between 27 and 30 years old, with a small beard, brown eyes and short brown hair. He wore leather armor, with regular underarmor. When he first approached, he looked very pleased, but when he saw Sol, his expression changed and now he looked very disgusted. Walking next to this man was a girl wearing clothes exactly opposite to Sol – a white dress on the bottom and a black open cloak with sleeves on top. Her gray eyes, looking out from under the same gray long hair, sparkled with joy, and her expression on her face was just as joyful. She spoke first:

–Hi, hi everyone! I didn't think that there will be just so few people... but that's good, this way we can form bonds and become friends at the end of the journey!

Tall man snorted and laughed, after which he covered his eyes and forehead with his palm.

–Nah, I don't even wanna sleep by the same campfire with this "hero in shining armor", do not even try to talk about friendship here.

–Hey, do not speak to your to-be comrades like that! – the girls said, after which she was interrupted by a short person in plague doctor mask.

–Um... I think we should start by introducing ourselves to everyone, so... I am Marren von Byanerion... do not pay attention to prefix "von", I am not from a noble family... not anymore, at least.

The mask greatly distorted the voice, so it was impossible to determine Marren's gender and age. Marren, having said his name, lowered his head while saying the rest. Sol glanced a bit at Marren. The prince must have heard this name before, or even met Marren before. The gray-haired girl introduced herself next:

–Nice to meet you, Marren! My name is Martha Narion! And this gloomy friend of mine is Ludwig. Ludwig d...

–Just Ludwig, Martha. I am just Ludwig, – the man standing next to her interrupted.

Sol tilted his head slightly to the left and raised his right eyebrow. He knew these names very well. These names were told to him by Oliver and Cirael of his world, when they told him their story.

-Martha and Ludwig, you say? Do you happen to know someone named "Kai"? – he asked the girl, she looked more sociable than Ludwig.

-Mmm... Kai? No, it doesn't remind me of anything. What is it? – Martha answered.

-There is nothing. It had to be a coincidence, Saul said, even if what he really thought was, They're not lying, but coincidences don't happen. – My name is Saul Klein. It will be a pleasure to cooperate with you...

-Yeah of course. Thank you very much for deigning to descend from your heavenly chambers, O Your Royal Majesty," Ludwig said with a ton of irony and sarcasm. – Seriously, why don't you sit at home? Surely the son of Oliver and Cirael themselves can always have fun at home, so why bother your royal hands?

–Martha and Ludwig, you say? Do you happen to know someone named "Kai"? – he asked the girl, since she looked more sociable than Ludwig.

–Hmm... Kai? Doesn't ring a bell, sorry. Why do you ask? – Martha answered.

–Nothing special. It just a coincidence, then, – Sol said, even though in reality, he though that, despite they are not lying, such coincidences just don't happen. – My name is Sol Clain. It will be a pleasure to cooperate with you...

–Yeah, pleasure, my ass. Thank you very much for deigning to descend from your heavily chambers, O Your Royal Magesty, – Ludwig said with a ton of irony and sarcasm. – Seriously, why can't you just sit home? Surely, the son of Oliver and Cirael themselves can always have fun at home, so why bother getting dirt on your royal hands?

Marren looked sharply at Ludwig – at least the mask turned in Ludwig's direction – and Martha lowered her head, taking a deep breath. Sol, at whom this hostility was directed, has taken it not harsh it all. He calmly replied:

–First of all, your sarcasm is unnecessary. Secondly, they are not my parents.

–Oh, just look, the prince is at his rebellious phase. Dead Inside at that age of 19. Pfft, pathetic.

–Who?... – Sol asked.

–You? – Ludwig replied raising his eyebrow.

–Who asked? Surely not me.

–Whatever you say... better tell me, why do you think those people who actually care for you so much are not your family? This only makes you even more unbearable to talk to.

Martha stood between them and, turning first to one, then to the other, waved her hands. "There's no need to quarrel, let's just forget all this conflict, okay?!", she said, but Sol answered Ludwig:

–It's quite simple. Oliver and Cirael from the "original universe" threw me into this alternative universe when I was 11 years old. I appeared somewhere in the forest, and survived alone for several weeks. Can I consider these Oliver and Cirael my parents if they tried to get rid of me? Moreover, Oliver and Cirael who rule Arai in this alternative universe are alternative versions of Oliver and Cirael who existed in my home world. So, the king and queen of this version of Arai are even less my parents compared to those who got threw me out.

–Oh... uh... – Ludwig stuttered when heard it. – Sorry. Now I even feel sorry for you, man. But I wonder, if they're not your parents... who do you think your ancestors are?

–Some kind of divine beings, obviously. I am the Savior, – Sol answered in completely serious tone.

While Martha and Marren glanced at Sol in bewilderment, Ludwig burst out laughing even harder.

–Okay, I take back all my words about feeling pity for you! You're such a freak! – he said. – Jeez, just what kind of weirdos you get to travel alongside sometimes, eh? Okay, it would be the time to move out. Let's go, team of freaks.

–As long as you consider yourself as one of these, sure... – Martha said with a sigh.

She was at least glad that Saul and Ludwig didn't kill each other right there. The first meeting of the new team of heroes was, so to speak, not very successful. People who were looking at this from outside the square began to look at each other awkwardly. Words such as "And these people are supposed to save our world?", "It would be better just to send the kingdom's army", "Can we really trust them?", were heard from the crowd. And if Marren began to tremble slightly from this, and Martha and Ludwig lowered their heads, then Sol did not care about the opinion of the townspeople of the capital Arai. These four walked to the borders of the square, and people parted, making a way for volunteers to save the world. Although the crowd had great doubts about their abilities and teamwork, Sol, Ludwig, Martha and Marren were still given a standing ovation as they made their way towards the city gates. On the way, they faced the famed Statue of Unity – a huge stone sculpture depicting 2 wings, one white and the other one black. Having walked around the statue, the four finally appeared in front of the gate. The huge metal gates, on which the permanent rulers of the kingdom were depicted, reaching out to each other, opened, letting the heroes through. Slowly, to the joyful cries of the crowd closing behind them, they left the city. A carriage was already waiting for them outside. When there are, as usual, over a hundred volunteers, they go on foot, but if there are only four of them, and especially since among them is the prince of the country, it seems that royalty decided to help them.

–You will be taken to the border. And then helping you is no longer within the jurisdiction of our kingdom. We have sent a letter to the Northern Emperor asking him to provide you with any assistance, but we cannot be sure, given the complex relationship between Arai and the Northern Empire.

This is exactly what the chief of the city guard said, then he opened the door to the carriage for the heroes. Ludwig, hearing about the letter to the ruler of the Northern Empire, grinned, which Sol and Marren noticed. Marta didn't even turn around at this – she knew the reason. The four heroes, taking another look at the high walls of the capital, got into the carriage; Sol and Marren sat on one side, and Ludwig and Martha sat on the other. The harnessed horses began their movement, carrying the venerable heroes along a high road surrounded by forest. Without waiting, Sol asked directly:

–Ludwig... no, Ludwig and Martha, what binds you to with the Northern Empire?

–Nothing special, why? – Ludwig answered.

–I see that his is a lie, Ludwig. My eyes allow me to distinguish lies from truth. Also, they see everything that is hidden from normal sight and allow me to find out all the characteristics and properties of any object in just one lance. So, don't try to lie to me, – Sol replied calmly.

–Pf. You're boring, – Ludwig said, throwing his head back.

-I'm a perfectionist. For some it may seem boring, I don't argue," Sol said, with no less irony than Ludwig himself had earlier.

-Um, Sol... you know that not so long ago there was a coup in the Northern Empire? There was a big civil war," Martha began.

"I know," Sol said, starting to draw something in the air in front of him with lines of magical energy, tracing them with his index finger.

-Ludwig and I are refugees from the war. We fled to Arai and now we live here, making ends meet," Marta said, taking a deep breath.

–I am a perfectionist. For some it may seem boring, I agree, – Sol said, with no less irony than Ludwig himself had earlier.

–Um, Sol... you know that there was a coup d'état in the Northern Empire not so long ago, right? There was a huge civil war, – Martha began.

–I know, – Sol said, starting to draw something in the air in front of himself with lines of blue magical energy, which formed itself after the moves of his index finger.

–Ludwig and I are refugees from that war. We fled to Arai and now we live here, making ends meet, – Martha answered, taking a deep breath.

Ludwig muttered: "she just revealed all the cards, huh," after which he pulled out a flask from the bag on his belt and drank from it. Sol, looking intently at Martha, concluded that she had told the truth... incomplete, but the truth. He decided not to dig into it – maybe it was something personal, none of his business. He had just finished drawing. It turned out to be a map of the continent of Illiot, where Arai, the Northern Empire, and 15 other kingdoms were located. The Northern Empire literally occupied the entire northern half of the continent and had a direct border with Arai. Scratching his chin, the prince waved his hand at this pattern of magical energy hanging in the air, and it dissipated.

​–Okay, anyways, – Ludwig suddenly said, – does anyone here even knows what the Sphere of the Sun and the Temple of Origin are?

–Well, I am not an expert, but once upon a time my big brother told me that the Temple of Origin is located in the northernmost part of the Empire... but I have no idea what the sphere is. Many people nowadays think that these are just legends and the departure of heroes is actually a secret diplomatic mission... I thought so too, to be honest, but here we are, without a diplomatic mission at all, – Martha answered, smiling a little.

​–I... – Marren began to speak, stuttering at first; it was clear that he was very socially awkward, – I read that the Orb of the Sun maintains the balance of the universe, whatever it means, and if it is not on the pedestal for too long, the whole world will sink into the eternal night... but I'm not saying that this is true, it is just what I once read...

–Oh, come on, Marren, don't be so shy, everyone's here is a comrade... well, except this teenager with god complex, – Ludwig said pointing at Sol; Sol ignored him.

–No, no! Sol is a good person! He saved me! – Marren said, waving is hands in front of his mask.

–Eh? Did this snob save you? Ha! Now that's interesting. Go on, Sol, tell us how does "the Savior" saves.

Sol, taking a deep breath, looked first at Marren, then at Ludwig. The heir to the throne said:

–So, in the end, it is you, Marren... well, okay, I think there won't be anything bad if I tell how it happened. This happened about a year ago, at the Arai's highest court. Marren was accused of murder. I had... nothing to do at all and was bored, so I took his case. Moreover, everyone else refused to. It all unfolded like this...


Courtroom. The judge looks at a short man wearing a plague doctor mask. They were already desperate to force him to take off his mask – especially since Marren had direct permission from the supreme judge of the kingdom, and such this particular person could be fully clothed and with his face covered. It was said that he is dangerous when the mask is off. In the desk of prosecutor was Francesco, one of the many representatives of the prosecution in the world of Arai law, who did not stand out in any way. And on the lawyer's side... there was no one. No one could refute the prosecutor's words – the autopsy report clearly indicated that someone Michael was killed with a poisoned knife. Marren, who usually uses a knife and is an alchemist salesman, was nearby. Moreover, Michael and Marren had a duel scheduled. Everything is obvious.

–Well, if no one has anything to add, I will announce the verdict, – old Judge said, – Court finds Marren von Byanerion gui...


The voice came from the entrance of the courtroom. The prince of the Arai kingdom stood there with several sheets of paper in his hands. A moment later he was already at the lawyer's desk. It was an open court, so anyone could watch it, and such, his appearance caused loud exclamations from the citizens of the capital, to which the judge, hitting his table with his gavel, said: "Order! Order in the courtroom!"

–Mr. Sol... – Francesco began, – we all understand that you are the heir to the throne... but this is not a reason to be late for the trial when you already appointed yourself as an attorney and...

–Please, wait, Miss Francesco. Sol objected to me declaring a verdict. What's the matter, Mr. Sol? – said the judge, scratching his long beard.

–Thank you, Your Honor. Miss Francesco, am I correct to assume that your entire case hinges on how Mr. Michael was killed? – Sol asked.

–Yeah, why not? Marren is the only one who could do it that day. I have the autopsy report right here.

–And when exactly did you get that report?

–Uh, right after the autopsy, a day ago, on the day of the incident.

–This explains a lot. Because this autopsy report... is outdated, Your Honor. A second autopsy was performed today, at my request. It turned out that Mr. Michael was morbing too much. – Sol said, reading the papers in his hand, but after he realized that nobody understood the joke, he explained. – He was a vampire, Your Honor.

–A... a vampire? But vampires... – the judge began to speak, but Sol continued in his place.

–Exactly. They are immortal, and won't die even if their vital organs are damaged by conventional weaponry, and they are also immune to poisons. In other words, if someone could kill Michael... it certainly isn't my client!

Suddenly, in the courtroom, from seemingly nowhere, epic music started playing.

–Why do I hear the boss music?... anyways! Objection! This is a forged evidence! There was no reason for you to request a second autopsy! – Francesco said, hitting the desk with her hands.

–Oh, but there was a reason. I can see through lies, and I knew Mr. Marren wasn't lying when he said he didn't kill Mr. Michael. So, the autopsy results seemed... a bit strange to me, – Sol replied.

–Objection! You can't just show an evidence that was not presented in advance in the Court!

–Miss Francesco, have you read the constitution of Arai, specifically part where it is written about the trial proceedings, at least once?... – Sol asked, lowering his voice, but then he said, quite loudly, – Exactly, me neither. But it is not important. The important thing is that this new evidence helped us to not convict and innocent man.

–Objection! If it is not Marren, then who killed Michael!

–This is not my job to find the killer, Miss Francesco. I do believe that prosecuting is your job.

–Nghh... Objection! Mr. Sol Clain just stated that he has not even read the constitution! He was also late to the trial! We cannot allow him to participate in the trial!

–Objection overruled. We can allow him to. As you can see yourself, he provided the court with important evidence, – the judge aid, shaking his head.

–And... and he will just get away with that?! There won't be even penalty?! What is he, some kind of "ace attorney"?! – Francesco asked desperately.

–Seems so. Well, if there are no objections, I will announce a new verdict. Mr. Marren really could not kill Mr. Michael, so, the Court finds Marren von Byanerion... not guilty!


–"Not guilty!" So yeah, it went something like that, – Sol finished explaining this story to Ludwig and Martha.

Martha and Ludwig sat still, exchanging glances and then staring at Sol and Marren. For a perfectionist, Sol did this too much of "at the last moment", and even more so did not study the law before going to the Court... With a sigh, Ludwig shook his head and said:

–I do not want to even think what will happen to Arai once you will become the king...

–I sure hope we won't have to think about it, – Sol replied.

They continued talking about this and that as the carriage rolled along the roads. According to Martha's forecast, which Sol confirmed from his calculations, they should reach the border, to which the capital was quite close, by evening. There they will spend the night in a border military camp, and the next day they will go to foreign lands. At least that was the plan, because the carriage suddenly stopped...

Chapter 17: Chapter 13: Depari

Chapter Text

–...and then, out of nowhere, he pulls out a comically large spoon, – said Sol.

–So?... – Ludwig asked again, while Martha was laughing.

–The joke is that, because the spoon is comically large, he still will be able to eat all the ice cream, despite he will still eat "only a spoonful", as he promised, – Sol explained, speaking in completely serious tone.

–Yeah... Gen Z humor is a mystery to me...

As soon as Ludwig said this, the carriage stopped. There was some noise outside. Seems like two soldiers who were riding next to the horses pulling the carriage were trying to hit something. Without waiting for the problem to be resolved by the kingdom's loyal subjects, Sol opened the door and got out of the carriage. Everyone else followed him, deciding that it was better to immediately understand the situation. It turned out that the carriage's path was blocked by huge pillars consisting of a red, slightly pulsating material covered with veins. It was flesh. At the ends, about 70 meters above the ground, these pillars became sharp... and every single one had a human corpse impaled on them, almost at the very top of the pillars.

The columns stood close to each other, going quite far to the right and left. The soldiers, taken aback, tried to cut it with their swords, but the blades bounced off as if from a stone, leaving no trace on these pillars. The four heroes came closer... or rather, three. Marren, as soon as he saw these huge columns, froze in place and began to tremble slightly. Ludwig, looking at Sol, said, with a voice full of sarcasm:

–Well, shine, our master of deduction.

Sol looked at the pillars, and then, thanks to his eyes, he was immediately able to determine the following:

–These things are 100% made from the flesh of different living beings. There are no bones. There is no blood. They have been here for a long time. I have no idea who created this and how...

–I have a pretty good idea... – Marren suddenly said, taking a step forward. – I know those who could do this...

The other three turned to look at him. Ludwig was about to ask, "Who is this"... but first decided not to torment the armored guards. "Leave it, we will clear the way ourselves!" he said to the soldiers, who nodded and returned to their horses.

–So... who created this, in your opinion? – Sol asked.

–The cult of the flesh, or, as they call themselves, Depari... these are fanatics who once turned me into what... into what I am now, – Marren answered in a trembling voice, lowering his head.

–Errm... I may be blind, but... what are you? – asked Ludwig.

–I... I am no longer a human, but an ugly monster, unworthy of life...

–Cool, we have 2 dead insides in our team, – said Ludwig. – Well, if you've already started it, then tell us your oh-so-tragic backstory. From the very beginning, please.

–Okay... it all started... when I was born...

–No that level of "from the very beginning"!


The Byanerions were a family of noble origins from the kingdom of Arai, who, however, had been losing their fortunes dramatically over the past few generations, forcing them to sell off their fiefs one by one. On the verge of ruin, Marren's father decided to start a dangerous adventure hunting the legendary monsters in order to earn money, however, he died on this hunt. He did not die from from the beasts of legends, which probably do not exist, but from highway bandits. In order to have enough money for a house and food, his widow sold her 13-year-old child, as she thought, into slavery. Although, it didn't really matter to her – whoever those strange people in meat masks were, they paid well.

For 3 years Marren lived in dank stone catacombs somewhere deep under the city. Weird strangers wearing white robes with red patterns in the shape of a snake entwining an apple fed him food that made him want to vomit. Every now and then, they chained Marren to a table and did strange kinds of manipulations with his body, sometimes opening him up and then sewing him back up. All this happened without painkillers; however, Marren did not feel pain. They did these horrific things with the help of unusual magic, so that there was not even a trace left of it. One day, he heard one of the cultists tell another that they were going to make a "new deity" out of his body, and that Marren's body "perfectly tolerates mutations." After that day, whenever he thought about it, he would instantly throw up.

After 3 years of such a life, he noticed that everyone around him began to wear, on top of their usual masks created from pulsating flesh, other, ordinary fabric masks, and soon switched to masks of plague doctors, completely stuffed with herbs from the inside. And soon Marren realized why – during one of the "operations", the mask, poorly adjusted, fell from the cultist's face, after which he immediately began to choke, his skin became covered with cadaverous spots while he was still alive, after which he immediately fell dead. The rest who were on that operation did not care; however, Marren realized that now he was dangerous for these people. Sitting in his cell, he continually experimented on rats that sometimes ended up in that dungeon. It turned out that Marren can now release energy from his body, which infects surrounding creatures with diseases, and soon he learned to control it. In addition, it must also be as a result of these experiments that Marren, first doing it by accident and then learning to do it intentionally, could turn his blood, while it was still in the body, into a poison with any biological effect.

One day, when two fanatics were taking him to an operation, Marren deliberately fell face first right onto a stone lying in a long corridor. As the cultist picked him up, Marren spat blood from his mouth, landing on the cultist's mask. The blood that Marren had chemically altered immediately evaporated and thus allowed the fanatic to inhale COCl2, passing through all the herbs in the mask. For several seconds he writhed in pain, and after 3 seconds, he fell dead. Unprepared for Marren to resist, the second cultist tried to grab the 16-year-old captive, but the boy knocked off his protective mask with a blow to his head. The cultist soon became covered in blisters and lost his life. In a normal situation, Marren would have been very sad and would have prayed for their souls, although he knew that there were no gods in this world, but time was running out.

After finding a key on one of the bodies, the boy freed his hands and, taking a breath, removed the cult clothes from one of the fanatics. Under his clothes, this... man was a mountain of flesh, only vaguely reminiscent of a humanoid creature. What Marren had previously thought were "masks of flesh" turned out to be the indescribably disgusting faces of these creatures. Swallowing so as not to vomit, Marren put these clothes on you and, already knowing these corridors well, ran to the passage through which the cultists always exited. Passing through the door, he saw that it was here that they kept the masks, which means that if he encounters further sectarians... they will be defenseless. Acting purely on instinct, without understanding why, Marren took one of the plague masks and, after examining it, put it on himself.

Quietly making his way through unfamiliar corridors now, Marren did not encounter any obstacles on his way. In the rooms that branched off from the main corridor, there were sometimes people... although, most likely, they couldn't be called "people". Anyways, they were few in number, and did not pay attention to the figure in the same robe as them, walking along the corridor. Having passed through many floors, having already lost count of them, we open the next door, Marren finally found himself in the city, emerging from some basem*nt. All this happened right under the city, and no one suspected what was happening underground. Just the thought of it made Marren tremble. He wanted to run to call the city guard, but... "Why, if I can do it myself?", he thought and turned around. Trembling with fear of what he was about to do, he pointed his right hand into the passage leading underground. Nothing was visible, but he sent plague, smallpox and cholera there. After that, he closed the wooden doors and filled them with boxes that were nearby. Now everyone who was there must die.

Trying to forget about this horror, Marren began to live by earning money, first from hunting – the ability to endlessly create any poison, because his blood was immediately replenished, was useful. However, then he realized that it would be much more profitable to become an alchemist and sell these same poisons. So he lived, selling his altered blood for all occasions. Apparently, because of these experiences, he stopped aging – now his body remains at the age of 16 years. The sale of poisons did not bring huge profits, however, he was finally able to live a quiet life, forgetting about this nightmare...


–Or... or so I thought... but here they are, these crazy flesh things, just like Depari creations...

–Hey, hey, Marren, calm down... now you are stronger, and even more so, you are with three of us, we will protect you, if anything happens... – Ludwig said in an agitated voice, trying to calm Marren down; it was not visible under his mask, but from his trembling voice, it was clear that now Marren was about to cry.

–I agree with Ludwig. While you are with us, you are not in danger from some crazy fanatics, – Sol said. – Okay, I'll destroy this meaty barrier now.

With a sigh, the prince walked over to the pillars of flesh and pulled out his sword. He made exactly one horizontal cut. The columns were not cut, because the blade went straight through them without leaving a scratch... but it didn't matter, because immediately the pillar through which the sword went simply disappeared. From the hole in the ground that was left after the column, it became clear that these things go deep underground. A body fell from above and was impaled on this pillar. Sol picked him up with his sword and gently lowered him to the ground. What was strange was that the blade did not go right through, but turned out to be quite touchable.

–Hey, Sol... what did you do with that meat pike now?... – Ludwig asked.

–I erased it from reality... well, I think so. I'm not sure myself. But it's a fact – it doesn't exist anymore, – Sol answered, gradually repeating this process with other columns that were blocking the carriage's passage. – I can switch any bladed weapon in my hands between causing it to deal normal physical damage... and having it cut the very concepts of the objects it passes through, – after these words, he finished clearing the road and turned to the others, continuing to speak in an absolutely calm voice as if it was no big deal. – Well, not only objects. I can, for example, erase something abstract. Such as "gravity" or "color yellow". In this case, such concepts will disappear from the entire multiverse. I haven't tried it, but it should work... is something wrong?

The other three heroes, and in addition to them the soldiers and the coachman, looked at Sol with shock on their faces. Martha spoke first:

–Look at Marren, he can simply poison anything, I can create extremely mediocre portals. Ludwig simply can... shot... and you erase concepts from this plane of existence, and even talk about it calm as ever, as if anyone can do it?!

–Let's start with the fact that I didn't know what you all can do. None of us shared information about our abilities with each other. Let's continue with the fact that I, as I already said, am a descendant of the divine beings. Of course, I will be more powerful than those who are human, – replied Clain, not expressing a drop of pride in his voice, although his words showed how much he was now mocking the others deeply inside.

–You know, I don't believe your bullsh*t about being the messiah... but I can understand why you developed a god complex, given your abilities. It doesn't change the fact that you're a freak, though, – Ludwig said and shrugged.

Then the coachman spoke:

–Mr. Sol, thank you for your help, but... after these... things disappeared, there are now huge holes in the ground. The carriage will not pass here...

However, they didn't have time to think about it – the ground began to shake under their feet. The flesh columns that still remained began to move and twist. It became clear that these were not just columns – either someone was controlling them... or these were the limbs of something that was now located directly under the heroes. The shaking of the earth became so strong that the ground itself rose and fell like waves at the storm. The carriage overturned and fell on its side along with the coachman. The soldiers crouched to the ground, like the heroes, since this is the most logical thing to do during an earthquake. But it was a mistake...

–Careful! – Sol shouted, trying to keep his voice calm, although it did not sound very convincing.

Sol, as well as the others, when they heard him, quickly jumped back from their lying position, flying dozens of meters away from the place where the meat pillars were. The ground opened up, revealing a colossal rounded mouth with a bunch of bones instead of teeth. From inside, it moved in a circle, grinding everything that got inside, including the earth itself, as well as the carriage with the coachman and horses, since they had neither time nor physical characteristics to jump as heroes did. The same fate befell the soldiers, who were unable to move as quickly due to their armor. The meat "columns", or, rather, meat tentacles, bent down and tried to either pin down or grab the heroes, but they were already far enough away for this not to happen.

Terrifying creature began to rise, lifting entire layers of earth with it, which forced the heroes to retreat more and more. As the shadow covered them more and more, they expressed different emotions – Marren was trembling with fear, Ludwig's left eye was twitching, and Martha threw herself on Ludwig's neck shouting "we will all die here!" Sol Clain, clutching the sword in his right hand, waited for this monster to emerge from the ground entirely. It didn't take long – quickly enough the monster dug out of the ground, blocking the sun and casting a shadow on the heroes. It was literally the size of a mountain – this mass of meat and bones exceeded 2 kilometers in height, and its shape was appropriate – this thing could surely cover an entire town. The creature made... a sound. It didn't sound like a roar, or indeed anything that a living creature could emit. However, this sound caused the ears of the four heroes to become somewhat blocked.

–So, how are we going to kill this... thing?! – Martha shouted.

–Well, if it's big... then it's easier to hit! Give me my weapon, Martha! – Ludwig shouted back.

Confused, Martha began to move her hands in the air, and soon... a weapon appeared in Ludwig's hands. Or, rather, two weapons – 2 pistols, which looked like elegant products created from intertwined metal pipes that came together at the ends. After all, it was not a firearm in the strict sense, but a magical weapon. Grabbing these "pistols", one in each hand, Ludwig began firing them at the mass of flesh. He didn't pull the trigger – everything was controlled by thought. These weapons created energy where a normal pistol would have a muzzle and released it at the target. In addition, with each shot Ludwig fired, a copy of these pistols appeared in the air above his head and automatically fired along with the others. However, even when there were over 30 of these things... all these measly shots were like a mosquito bite to a mountain of meat.

–Careful, it attacks! – cried Marren.

Indeed, it attacked. A limb grew out of the huge meat thing and stretched towards the four. Ludwig, Martha and Marren jumped back, but Sol did not move. When this appendage of flesh was close enough, Clain made a single move, sharply raising his sword from the bottom up, making a slash. Of course, as always, this did not cause any physical harm to the tentacle... however, it immediately disappeared, along with the entire monster... and everything it had absorbed, including the carriage and soldiers. There was nothing more than that. Now in front of them there was a huge abyss where this creature had previously been underground. Sol took a deep breath and exhaled.

–It was close. If I started moving even a little longer, I would be dead...note to self, don't do that again, – he said.

While he was saying this, seemingly to himself, the others looked at him again, their eyes bulging. Now Ludwig was the first to speak:

–Do you really need our help on this journey?

–Not sure. However, it will be at least more pleasant together, – he replied, sheathing his sword.

–Mm... Mr. Sol... and when you previously destroyed... erased the existence of the columns... limbs of this monster, then why did its main body remain? – Marren asked, still trembling.

–Because in my mind I was washing exactly the "meat columns", and not "what they are attached to from below." Sorry, it was my mistake.

–No seriously! I couldn't even imagine what we would do with that damn thing... and you dealt with it with one blow?!

–Technically, I didn't hit a single blow on "that damn thing." Okay, it's not that important. The important thing is that if it had normal intelligence and agility, it would not have worked. Moreover...

Sol stopped and looked to the side. Popping noises were heard from there. Everyone else turned their gaze there, and Marren immediately trembled again, stepping back. Sitting on a tree branch, clapping his hands, was a human – indeed a human and not meat abomination – in a white cloak with a hood and sleeves, on which there were many elegant red lines. The cloak came together in front, so it was impossible to see what was underneath it. However, the head and hands of the unknown person were completely human. He smiled slightly, closing his bright red eyes, which contrasted greatly with his crystal white hair.

–To be honest, I already forgot that I left Quasimodo there... and he grew quite up, devouring all's, as I see. What a shame that thou killed him...

Everyone prepared for battle and pressed themselves firmly into the ground, preparing to escape the attack, but the unknown person, along with his clothes, first instantly merged with the tree, and then appeared behind the backs of the heroes. Only Sol and Marren managed to turn around. However, this person, whoever he was, did not attack.

–Be not afeard, I am not angry. True, it would be a problem would he stay alive. It is just... I would rather eat him myself.

–Are you... are you a member of Depari?! – Marren said, pointing his knife forward.

–Oh, no, mine dear Marren, I am not a member of Depari. I am the founder and eternal leader... and no, thou cannot infect me or poison me, heed my words, I feel that thou are throwing all the diseases that thou know in my direction. I am sad to say, but it will not work the body of mine. But thy body, on the other hand...

The cultist had to pause, because a magical projectile from Ludwig's weapon was already flying at him. The body of the unnamed man split in two, allowing the "bullet" to pass further, and then united again. "Tsk," said Ludwig.

–Well, I do not crave to fight thou... yet. First, allow us introduce ourselves, gentlemen!... and the lady, too. My name is Notredame, and this, as I wot, is Marren. And the rest... what are thy names?

–Don't try to talk us down... your creation killed innocent soldiers and the driver. And you still dare to show up like that and call yourself a gentleman?! – Ludwig shouted.

–Oh, yes, I do dare! At least because none of thou shall do anything to me. Ay, the power of the sword that the young man with white hair is bearing is terrifying, yet... he quoth it himself. I hast enough brains to not let myself get hurt. And the rest... your pathetic semblance of magic, shooter, shall not harm me. And Marren's powers, as thou all hast seen, are absolutely useless. Besides...

Suddenly, all four heroes lost the ability to move. The muscles in their bodies froze, refusing to obey the mind. The man who identified himself as Notredame took a step and bent down. Now his face was a couple of centimeters from Marren's face, and the leader of Depari himself looked him straight in the eyes. Soon, he shrugged his shoulders and, standing up to his full height, walked away. After that, the four heroes regained control of their bodies.

–Fragment of the Deity, if thy spirit is firm-set, then thou will continue this travel. Your path shall lead you... straight to me. Yet if thou are afeard... then thou are initially unworthy of becoming the new God, – Notredame said to Marren.

Marren could not resist and, having regained control of his body, tightly gripped a knife and lunged, trying to pierce the cultist, but he only gracefully took a step to the side, letting the strike pass him by.

–Oh, I could dispatch thou all hither, yet... – he began, but Sol cut him off.

–...but you will deliberately wait until we become stronger and can kill you. Yes, yes, we already understand, you cannot overcome the plot armor. Go run along and hope that we never meet again.

–Such hardly words for someone whom cannot hit me... well, I still want thou to deliver Marren to the north alive, so... adieu, heroes!

Having said this, Notredame transformed into countless worms, which all crawled into the ground. Sol looked at this and shrugged.

–What a show off. Once he fully was underground, he used teleportation spells. Just why did he feel the need to do that entire spectacle, if he could just teleport... – said Clain, after which, unexpectedly for everyone, he continued. – Actually, I have a question. You said it yourself – I am much superior to you. So... will you move on, or leave it to me?

–I... I'll go. I must face these monsters... and destroy them. I will stay determined, – Marren answered, finally calming down his trembling.

–Ha! Well said, little one. I'm going too. Initially, I signed up precisely because I needed to return to the Empire. I have... unfinished business there, – Ludwig said, grinning; the pistols that were in his hands had already disappeared.

–Well, this brute is helpless without me, so I do not get a choice... – Martha said, spreading her arms and smiling.

–Then let's go... although, first we need to figure out how to get to the other side, – Sol said, looking at the huge hole in the ground, more than a dozen kilometers wide.

–I can make it, – Martha said and began to move her hand in the air, drawing some symbols with green energy.

When she finished, a portal appeared in front of the heroes. Having passed through it, they found themselves at the other end of this huge hole... after which Martha fell to the ground, leaned on it with her hands, began to sweat and almost suffocate.

–Hey, what's wrong?! – Marren said, kneeling down.

–Everything... okay... I told you that I only create mediocre portals... also it requires me a lot of effort, so... yes, this will be the answer to the silent question "why can't I just transfer us to the Temple of Origin"... ha... Ha...

–O...okay, I understand...

Having said that, Marren, without any trouble, picked up Martha and lifted her from the ground, in response to which she screamed, but did not try to fall.

–Since you can't move on your feet, I'll carry you. Let's go, we still have a long way to go.

–Well, it's just that Ludwig usually carried me on such occasions... and he doesn't know how to treat ladies at all, – said Martha, looking at Ludwig, who pretended not to have heard anything.

–Do you think, Sol, you can take another carriage in the nearest city? Since we lost this one... along with the horses and coachman, – Ludwig asked, starting to walk forward, and the rest followed him.

–For sure. No matter who the city mayor is, my authority is still higher.

–By the way, Marren... you said that you don't age at all. How old are you, exactly? - Ludwig said, closing one eye and looking sideways at Marren with the other.

–I am 40 years old.

Ludwig and Martha looked at each other, and then shouted in unison:


Chapter 18: Chapter 14: Beach Episode...?

Chapter Text

It was getting dark. Barely standing on their own feet, without meeting more than one passing cart, the team of heroes reached Berul – a large city that, one might say, separates the main part of Arai from the very north of the kingdom. Ludwig and Martha, who was already walking on her own, could barely move their legs, while Sol and Marren did not feel any fatigue. Having reached the huge arch, on which a sign with the name of the city and its coat of arms proudly hung, Ludwig fell face down, right on the stone pavement.

–Hey, Ludwig, how are you? – Marren asked, leaning over.

–Somewhere between "I don't want to live" and "I'm considering s*icide"... – Ludwig answered, barely turning his head to the side and looking at Marren.

–These are... the same thing, Ludwig.

–I know...

Fortunately, the city guards, noticing the exhausted traveler right at the city gates, ran up, picked up the fallen man in their arms and carried him somewhere, seemingly, to the nearest hospital. "Meet me in the square closer to the north gate tomorrow morning, Ludwig!" Sol shouted as Ludwig was carried away, and he showed a finger up, after which he closed his eyes and lost consciousness. The other three, including the barely standing Martha, entered the city and looked around. The city people looked with surprise at the heroes who had arrived, and soon the locals gathered around them in a semicircle. While Martha and Marren were not known to anyone, Sol Clain was known to most people of Arai, and since these 2 were travelling with him, it was easy to guess that they are these heroes that travel to the north. Sol put his hand forward, causing the crowd's voices to become quieter, after which he loudly declared:

–We would like to speak to the manager.

The crowd parted to reveal a wide road, at the end of which was a three-story building that looked as if it had not been built from bricks, but from a single piece of rock. On the high tower that protruded from the building towards the entrance, there was a huge clock that could be seen from any distance. Judging by them, it was now 9 pm. "This is the city hall, the manager is there," said someone in the crowd. Nodding at this and waving his hand behind him, Sol walked ahead, leading Marren and Martha, who was regretting that she had not fallen there with Ludwig.

As they walked past the buildings, the heroes couldn't help but notice how much the architecture of this particular city differed from the rest of the kingdom of Arai... no, from the rest of the continent of Illiot. The houses here were not built out of bricks, but seemed to be assembled from some kind of concrete blocks around a frame. Flat roofs, huge windows, and the inhabitants themselves wore clothes that Marren could describe as "unusual" and Martha and Sol could describe as "modern". Because it would be modern for those who live in the 21st century. The houses were just as modern. It seems that for the first time all day, a smile appeared on Sol's face. He had not seen such buildings and such clothes for 8 years...

Having reached the three-story city hall, the heroes went inside and, without exception, froze in shock. Inside there was a huge reception, where over twenty people sat in small windows and answered questions from interested citizens. Approaching the magic terminal, Sol began poking it with his finger, while Martha and Marren literally looked over his shoulders... well, in Marren's case, from the side. Finally, sighing, Clain walked away from the terminal.

–There's nothing here that we need, – having said this, Sol walked up to the central reception, where a girl stood, dressed in an office worker's uniform. – We want to see manager Berul.

–I don't think this is possible, our mayor is a very busy person... but if you take this ticket and wait about 2 weeks... – the girl at the reception began to answer.

–My name is Sol Clain, and I am the heir to the throne of Arai. I think you could speed the process of everything for me?

–Ah... we weren't warned that you would come... please, wait a second... – the girl at the reception picked up what Sol called a "landline phone" and, having typed something on it, began to call. – Mr. Brown, Prince Sol has just arrived and asks to talk to you in person... yes... ah, yes? Okay, then... – she hung up. – 3rd floor, room 315. Take the elevator or take the stairs in the east wing. Thank you for your patience.

–Here it is, the "fair" bureaucracy at its finest... – said Martha.

Girl at reception bowed and pointed to the right, while Marren had no idea what she was talking about. Fortunately, Sol and Martha were aware of what all this meant, although Sol was also surprised. "Mr. Brown?" thought Clain. This last name was familiar to him, but it was unlikely to be the same person... it was probably a coincidence, well, at worst, it was an alternative version of him from this world... right?

The trio of heroes approached the doors, which moved apart on their own, revealing a small rectangular room, where Sol and Martha confidently entered, and Marren, looking back every now and then, followed them. After Sol pressed one of several buttons on some panel, the elevator went up. Judging by how smoothly it went, it was obviously moving on magical energy, and not on cables. Unobtrusive but very dull music was playing in the elevator cabin. Finally, when the elevator reached the 3rd floor, the three came out, and, looking around, Sol led them down a long corridor. On the sides, on benches, sat many townspeople, mostly elderly.

Arriving at room 315, the dark brown door had a gold plaque on it that read: "Sean Brown, Acting Mayor of Berul". Sol, seeing the name, took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Surely it's just this universe's version of him," Sol muttered and knocked on the door. "Yes, come in, Sol! Alone, please," was heard from behind the door. This was the most suspicious thing ever, but Sol's self-confidence allowed him to nod and, telling Martha and Marren not to go, he entered the door, closing it behind him. While Sol was going in, Martha said after him: "After the audience, come to the roof, we need to talk".

Behind the door was a clean office, at the far end of which there was a table at which sat... it was not clear who. The table was littered with papers so that it was impossible to understand whether there was anyone on the other side of this endless pile of documents. But soon it became clear – from behind stacks of paper rising almost to the ceiling, leaning to the side, a man of about 30 appeared. His brown hair hung almost to the floor while he was bent to the side like that. He waved his hand.

–Hi. I didn't expect to see anyone from the original... well, settle down... there's nowhere to be found here, of course, but... gimme a second.

Time stood still. Sean, who, judging by the words, was exactly that version of Sean that Oliver from the original universe told Sol about, stood up from the table and stretched. He walked towards the door... and Sol followed him with his gaze, resting his hand to his side. Realizing this, halfway to the door, Sean looked over his shoulder at Sol with a look of shock on his face, before slowly turning around with the rest of his body.

–T...can you move in stopped time? – asked the former surgeon, who for some reason was now the mayor of the city.

–As you can see, I can.

–But... but how?

–Good question. I don't know myself. For some reason I just can.

–Eh, but I wanted to do something cool, like, I said "one second," and then immediately after that a chair would appear in front of you... and you ruined everything!

–Can you let time move on and talk about matters that are more important? At first, I just wanted to submit a request for a vehicle... but I'm afraid now I have much more serious questions.

Time started to move again. Sean ordered someone standing outside the office to bring chairs. Finally, when the seats were delivered, Sol and Sean sat opposite each other in the middle of the room. Sean crossed his legs and leaned imposingly on the armrest, while Sol sat perfectly straight, without moving a muscle.

–So you... are from the original universe, and not from this one, are you not? – Sol asked.

–Yeah, that's right, – Sean answered and shrugged. – I thought your dad described me in detail...

–Oliver is not my father, – Sol said, cutting off Sean's words.

–Yes, yes, of course, you do you. I can't say I was close friends with him in the end, so I won't mind. But Oliver and Cirael of this universe... are not bad at all. Compliant and all of that. They sponsored the technological revolution that I am organizing here, thanks to my knowledge from the future.

–How did you even end up here? Why didn't you stay in the original world?

–Well, I ended up here because I can freely move through the multiverse of this Narrative Layer... or whatever Oliver called these things. Doesn't matter. Why didn't he stay there?... the original universe was erased.

Sol winced. "But... why?", he thought and his lips trembled. Clain clenched his fist, but he soon exhaled and regained his calm expression.

–I did not know about it. Well, that explains why you're here... although what a coincidence that you and I ended up in the same alternate universe, given the infinite number of them.

–Are you... not even going to ask what happened to your parents? – Sean asked, in a much less cheerful voice.

–They are not my parents, Sean. I already said.

Sean looked sideways and down, closing his eyes. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Mayor of Berul shrugged.

–In general, when I got here, I realized that the local kingdoms are far behind in development, even compared to the original universe. Having come... and by "come" I mean "break in" to the Oliver and Cirael of this world, I proposed innovations, and they agreed... it is ironic that I was appointed to rule the same city that, in the original universe, I, Ciel and yours parents went to the beginning...

–They are not my parents! – Sol said, now switching to a higher tone.

–Eh... whatever you say, Sol... listen, you're strong, right? Considering that you are a child... ahem, considering who you are?

–Yes. I am strong.

–I don't know if you know or not, but I fought with your... with Oliver from the original universe. He was also very strong. Do you think he would beat you if you fought?

–Nah, I'd win.

–Well, I don't think so, but sure. Okay, forget it, – Sean continued, switching his legs. – So what did you want to ask for?

–We need a carriage. And the horses. And a coachman. And it would be even better if the carriage would be automatic, like what was called a "car" in your future.

–Hmm... well, the worst-case scenario, I will provide you with an escort. You're going to the border, right? – in response to these words of Sean, Clain nodded.

–Now can I ask a question? Oliver said that the last time he saw you, you were going to Gehessikait to report that you lost, but were spared. What happened next?

–Well, of course he got angry and cut off my head and other limbs a couple of times, but overall it turned out okay. He laughed, noted that I held up well against the natural being of Hate... and now he's hanging out somewhere. After that, I didn't see him anymore... Funnily enough, I remember finally asking him that if I had to defend the multiverse, would he help...

–Let me guess. Gehessikait replied that he is the type of men who just wants to watch the world burn, right?

–No! He said that he values his own life above all, and therefore will help. But only if the others fail.

–Hah... well, that's good. Okay, provide us with a vehicle and...

Then the door suddenly opened and Martha said, very loudly:

–If you were happy with cars, you could have just told me! I thought that you absolutely had to have it be an ordinary carriage, but it turns out...

She didn't finish, because Marren pulled her away from the door and slammed the door shut. Sean and Sol looked for a few seconds at where Martha's indignant voice was coming from, and then looked at each other in confusion. Shrugging his shoulders, Sol stood up and, waving his hand, walked towards the door.

–I think we'll see each other again. I, too, will soon be going to the Empire on a diplomatic mission. Maybe we'll cross paths there. Okay, good luck, I'll get back to the paperwork, – said Sean.

Walking out of Sean's office, Sol took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Martha was still unhappy:

–You know, I can provide such a means of transportation for you!

–Ok, how was I supposed to know it? I didn't think you even knew what a "car" is. Well, I initially suspected something, but now I am sure. You were right, we need to talk.

Marren looked at Sol and Martha in bewilderment, and Sol himself said to the boy in the plague doctor mask:

–What are you talking about anyway?

–Doesn't matter. This is between us. Marren, go ask the city guard at the gate where Ludwig was taken to. Then go back to the city hall doors. We'll talk to Martha alone for now. Let's go to the roof, Martha, – Sol said and walked further down the corridor.

Sol climbed onto the roof and, going to the edge, leaned on the fence, which prevented accidental falls. Of course, someone as strong as this company of 4 heroes could jump over this three-meter fence without any difficulty... but falling from the third floor would not harm them either. Martha, with severe shortness of breath, finally also went up to the roof. The evening sky was already dark and stars were visible, however, the lanterns that were on the edges of the roof created enough light. The crescent moon sparkled in the sky, but Martha and Sol didn't care.

–You're not from here either, are you? – Sol asked.

–Yes, I am not. When I heard your stories about being from another universe, I thought it was some kind of nonsense that you made up... but it seems that's true, – Martha said, coming up and also leaning on the fence.

–Are you from the original universe, too?

–No. My brother and I are from a world that has nothing to do with the original story at all. There are no Oliver and Cirael, the kingdom of Arai, Berul and all that. My brother and I... well, I don't think I can be compared to my brother. Compared to him, I am pathetic and useless... – Martha lowered her head, but then shook it and cheered up. – Hmm, I won't talk about that. In general, the only thing we can do best travelling between universes. I can also take objects from different worlds and store them in my subspace storage, strongly compressing them. Actually, that's where I keep all 5 different guns that I give to Ludwig... yes, he doesn't only have pistols.

Sol looked away from Martha and threw his head back, now resting it on the fence.

–Sol... actually, there's more I wanted to talk about. I didn't tell my brother about it, but... some kind of psycho has been hunting me for a long time... he wanders around all the worlds where I end up and tries to kidnap me. Typical stalker.

–Reminds me of something Oliver Clain told me about... Oliver from the original universe, that. So why don't you tell about this to your brother, who, judging by your words, is much stronger than you?

–Aren, he... he's too busy soul-searching right now and I don't want to bother him. I just...

–Okay, okay. I understand. And you want to ask us for protection, just like Marren – from Notre Dame?

–No. I... I will face him myself. I just...want to warn you that he'll probably give us some trouble.

Then Sol, raising his right eyebrow, opened his eyes and stared at Martha.

–And... that's all you wanted to say? I thought it would be about what was in the original universe, about the structure of reality, worldbuilding and some other similar things... but that's all?

–Yeah. That's all, – Martha said and smiled awkwardly.

–Okay, then let's go... I am not interested in what was there in your universe anyway.

Having said this, Sol moved away from the fence and, putting his hands in his pockets, walked towards the exit from the roof. Martha, shrugging and sighing, followed him. She planned to ask him about everything Sol mentioned... however, when he said it himself, all the desire to ask it disappeared. Having reached the elevator from the roof, and then going down and going out into the street, the two found that Marren was already waiting for them, as they had agreed. Seeing the heroes leaving the city hall, Marren, waving his hand at them, said:

–I helped move Ludwig to a hotel nearby, and also rented us rooms... well, not for free, of course. Having agreed on a discount, I was able to rent 2 rooms, each for 2 people. Ludwig needs care while he is resting, and since you have known him for a long time... I think, Martha, you will sleep in the same room with him, okay? He's unconscious, but the doctors say he'll be fine by morning and...

–No, I'm moving into the same room with you! – Martha suddenly said, pointing at Marren.

–Huh? – Marren asked.

–Sol will be able to follow Ludwig! Well, come on, tell me where this hotel is! – Martha said, taking Marren by the hand and dragging him somewhere, while Marren was telling her where to go.

Sol, on the other hand, said, "Go ahead, I'll catch up with you. I need to do something." He looked somewhere to the side, where he went after saying this. Clain disappeared behind the corner of the City Hall.


–Huh?... where am I?... – said Ludwig, opening his eyes.

He was lying on the bed in a luxurious room, fully clothed. They must have laid him on the bed with his boots on. Shaking his head, he noticed Sol sitting in a chair, who, not paying attention to him, was flipping through the pages of a book.

–Uh... good morning? – Ludwig said with a questioning intonation.

–Not "morning". To be precise, it's exactly 3:42 am, – Sol answered without looking up from his book. – I don't need sleep, but you should rest. Tomorrow... or rather today, we hit the road early in the morning so as not to deviate too much from the schedule. We have to leave Arai before noon, so we leave Berul at 7 am, or 3 hours 17 minutes 11 seconds from now, and you have to wake up even earlier, so you have about 2 hours to sleep.

–What? – Ludwig asked, not really understanding the essence of what Sol said.

–In short, go to sleep.

Having said this, Saul snapped his fingers, after which Ludwig immediately fell asleep. Waking up exactly 2 hours later, like by the clock, Ludwig literally jumped out of bed and stood in a pose as if he were holding some kind of long small weapon... although his hands were empty.

–Great, the rewriting Narrative worked perfectly. Now let's go, sleepyhead, – said Clain, who had already gotten ready and was standing at the front door of the room.

Lowering his outstretched arms, Ludwig shook his head again and rubbed his eyes. It seems that he realized that he was brought here after he lost consciousness. Also, by the light in the windows, he realized that it was already the morning of the next day... or at least the next one.

–Where is Martha and this guy in the mask? – Ludwig asked, adjusting his boots.

–In another room. Marren wanted Martha to be with you and monitor your condition, but she insisted on being placed in the same room as him. I don't know the reason, and in general I don't care, – Sol answered.

Ludwig thought for a while, and then, following Sol outside the room, he smiled sarcastically and said: "I think I know the reason." In the corridor, standing near the door of another room, Martha and Marren were already standing. Martha looked a little unhappy, and Marren... it was unclear what he looked because of his mask. Marren had a bag hanging from his belt, and Martha, like Sol, didn't carry anything.

–So, did you bargained for the cart from the manager while I was passed out? – Ludwig asked.

–No. Martha said that she herself could provide us with a self-propelled vehicle. As it turns out, she just didn't think anyone of us knew how to drive. Thanks to my eyes, I don't need to "know" how to do it, I will immediately know how to use it, as soon as I simply look at it.

–You damn Mary Sue... – Martha said, still sulking at him.

Sighing, Martha waved behind her, and they walked towards the exit of the hotel. After returning the keys to the reception, they left. Martha put her hand forward and a scroll of paper fell out of the portal that appeared right above it. Having unfold it, Martha scratched her head for a few seconds, and then walked in some direction, saying: "The north is there". Having reached the city gates exactly in the opposite direction from which they entered the city, the four heroes left the settlement and, after going through the gates, Martha turned to the others.

–Well, look carefully, because now I will show you an amazing trick!

She again put her hand forward, and apparently again reached into her spatial storage, from which a small cube fell out. When the girl threw it to the ground, it rolled around a little, and then a bright flash of light blinded the heroes for a second... well, except Sol, because he was immune to this, and Marren, because he was wearing a mask. In place of this cube there was now a full-fledged dark blue convertible card, which, however, was covered in dust. However, the heroes weren't that interested in its appearance... except Sol.

–How can you drive something like this, it's all dusty, which means it's not perfect...

Having said this, Clain pulled out his sword and slashed at the car while the rest of the trio shouted for him to stop... but it was too late. Now there was nothing left... of dust. The car was perfectly clean now. "I erased the very concept of this vehicle getting dirty. Now we can go", Sol said and jumped over the door and got behind the wheel.

–These doors actually open, you know... – Martha said and, showing the others how to open the doors, she sat down in the front passenger seat next to Sol; Ludwig and Marren sat in the back seats.

Turning the key, which was already in the ignition, Sol started the engine. After giving it ten seconds to warm up, Clain, changing gear to first, began to slowly release the clutch pedal and press the gas pedal. The car moved. Having accelerated enough, Saul switched gears to second, and then to third.

–Well, do you understand everything about this card? – Martha asked.

–Yes, I do. The only one thing I do not understand is why did you put this in your storage room if you don't know how to drive... – said the man in white.

–Ah, eto... bleh... – the girl answered and covered the temples of her head with the back of her hands and, closing her eyes, slightly stuck out her tongue.

–By the way, Martha, why are you so unhappy today? – Ludwig asked, leaning back in the back seat as the wind blew through his hair.

–Well... it's awkward to even say... it has something to do with Marren...

–Knew it!

–This is not what you think, Ludwig! – Martha said, waving her hands. – I tried to find out what was under his mask... but it looked like it was welded to his head!

–I... I don't want my ugly face to be visible to anyone... – Marren said, turning his head to the side; the mask he was wearing didn't even flutter in the wind.

–Do you know what I think about it? I think that the real reason why you, Martha, decided to sleep in the same room with him is because... in reality, under the mask, Marren is a beautiful girl, not a man. – Ludwig said, grinning at his guess.

Martha, turning around and reaching him from the front seat, hit him on the head with a vertical blow, saying: "Bonk."

–Don't talk about such nonsense, pervert! Obviously, in reality, his face is simply too cute to show to the outside world! – she said.

–N-no, you're both wrong! This... this really isn't worth seeing... – said Marren, covering the "eyes" of his mask with his hands.

–Let me see! – Ludwig and Martha said in unison.

–Leave him alone. It's his own business, – said Sol, who didn't really care. – Better look at the map and show me the way, Martha.

–Yes, yes, okay... – Martha said and again lowered her gaze to the map, after which an amazing insight came to her. – So, wait, how does this car even moving? I don't think there is gas in this car, and that the battery is charged and...

–My eyesight shows that it works, fueled by the magical energy of the one who holds the steering wheel. In other words, while I hold the steering wheel, my energy is spent, and we drive... don't be afraid, it won't run out for another long time. So, where should I go now?...

Martha didn't say a word further, other than telling Sol where to turn. Bypassing travelers along the road, their horses and carts or carriages, the heroes drove for several hours. According to Martha's forecast, they will reach the border in 1 hour... but she was wrong – it will happen even earlier. Having left the dense forests, they suddenly realized that they were now driving along a huge open road, and to their left the land turned into sand and, just about 50 meters away, there was a large sea. "This sea is located exactly on the border between Arai and the Empire, which means we are almost there," Marta explained. And then not so bright idea came to even less bright head:

–Guys, have you been to the sea often? I haven't been to some place like this for about 10 years. Maybe we can stop here and take a swim? – said Ludwig.

–Yes, let's do a beach episode! Beach episode! There's so much fanservice you can show! – Martha happily supported him.

–Let's not. We don't have much time, especially since an episode like this is a disgrace to any story... – Sol answered and only pressed harder on the gas.

However, apparently, the sea itself really wanted the beach episode to take place – the weather instantly worsened and the sky was covered with black clouds, and above that previously serene water surface, lightning flashed and thunder sounded. Something suddenly burst out from under the water, flying high into the sky and creating a huge column of water with its rise. Something, or rather someone, immediately after that landed in front of the car, destroying the road to smithereens and throwing the car high into the air. Sol immediately jumped out of the seat and, landing before the car, pointed his hand at it. Using telekinesis, which Oliver seemingly taught him, Clain slowly lowered the car with everyone in it clinging to their seats. The man who was causing such shaking spread his green wings and, as water flowed from his head and shoulders, he opened his eyes, whose red color contrasted sharply with his green hair.

–It's... Ktul, I suppose? – Martha said, shaking with fear.

The green-haired man, his eyes half-closed, looked down on the company of heroes and said in a serious voice, spitting water from his mouth:

–The water is really nice today, I highly recommend taking a swim.

–There will be no beach episode! – Sol said sharply and got back into the car.

–Okay, that's not what I came for. Tell me, Sol... – Ktul began, looking at Clain from under his brows, – where is Oliver? I must find out what happened to Necronomicon. I haven't been able to find him for 30 years! – now he sounded absolutely lost and confused.

ؘ–I have no idea. Now let us through, we have to go, – Sol answered. – Just why so many people are bombarding me with unnecessary information these days...

–Well... okay. You don't look like you're lying... Then I'll get going. I still need to find him... the only one who defeated me...

Flapping his wings, Ktul took off and soared into the sky, disappearing into the clouds.

–It... it was a goddamn Ktul! That Ktul! I almost had a heart attack! – Martha said, letting go of the seat.

–Um... who was it, Martha?... – Marren asked.

–Ktul... a legendary fighter who looks for strong opponents... and never loses... if he suddenly decided that Sol is strong... oh, that would be the end of our journey... the girl answered.

–Nah, I'd win. – Sol said, starting the car again.

–No, you wouldn't! – Martha shouted.

–Well, well, that's enough, you two. Everything worked out, that's good. There's no need to quarrel here, – said Ludwig, who was calm all this time, as if nothing had happened. – I'm more interested, Martha, in how you know all this."

–Well... a thing or two happened... – Martha said and shrugged.

While the two were arguing, Sol started the car and, pressing on the gas, drove the company onwards.


–What kind of bullcrap are you talking about... crazy woman, get away before I put a bullet in your head... – said $*#!)@, while the members of his gang took one step forward.

–O... okay... let's go, %&$%#, %&$(% won't help us...

–Two girls left the hangar where the %*#'s group was residing. Walking back through the dark evening streets, they wondered what to do now. Looks like they'll be doing it alone...

–I'll do it, %#$#!. I'll go lower and deal with it myself... yes, it will be scary, and I won't see you ever again... but all this is for the sake of saving our world.

–I... I'm sorry, &$#!@!. I'm sorry that I was so useless and couldn't fix what I did. Well, then let's go. We have to do not the most pleasant things.

Chapter 19: Chapter 15: The White Noise

Chapter Text

It is exactly noon. The four heroes stand in a line of over 30 people, in front of a large wall that contains a small security booth. It is to this booth that this line stretches – this is the checkpoint. The sun is sending hot rays down the earth, which is why the entire crowd wanting to get into the territory of the Northern Empire is sweating. Of course, this does not concern the four – Martha took out a light umbrella from her subspace storage and covered it with it for the company of the hot ones.

–Yeah, so much for cooperation with neighboring countries... – said Ludwig, shrugging his shoulders.

–Don't tell me... – Martha answered.

Martha was holding in her hands the letter they had received at the border camp of the Arai Kingdom. The letter stated that the Empire refused to cooperate with assisting the heroes arriving from Arai. The Emperor stated that the Empire had sent its heroes to restore the balance, and although Ludwig had already said "well, why are we needed then, let's go home," Sol and Marren collectively convinced him that it was better to make sure that the balance was restored successfully.

Judging by the sun, it was already about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, if not more. Only now Sol, Marren, Martha and Ludwig reached the checkpoint. Having all entered there together, they heard a man's voice, which clearly made it clear that its owner was incredibly tired:

–Papers, please. Not only an identification, but also an official pass, an explanation of the reason, and everything else. You're not born yesterday, you know the rules.

–Not required. We are four heroes from the kingdom of Arai who came to restore the ba... – Sol began, but was interrupted.

–Not interested. Shows me your papers or I call the guards, – said the man behind the glass.

–Ludwig, I want to know something. Is there some kind of camera system or something similar, thanks to which the whole country will know that not a trace remains of this checkpoint? – Sol asked.

–Huh?... – asked the worker at the booth, hearing the words of the man in white.

–Well, I never heard of such things while I lived here... So, we act in such a way that there are no witnesses left?

–Huh?! – the checkpoint worker had already gotten up from his chair and wanted to run to the exit and call the soldiers, but he didn't have enough time.


Clain, having said this, had already destroyed the glass and cut off the head of the one who was supposed to check the documents. Since the others would still fight, leaving behind blood and corpses, there was no reason for him to use the blade that erases opponents from reality just yet. When the plan was decided, Martha, not at all sure of the rationality of such a course of action, summoned a weapon, reminiscent of a gun in shape, directly into Ludwig's hands. Marren pulled out a knife, and Sol, already holding the weapon in his hand, kicked down the metal door leading to the other side of the checkpoint. The door flew out of the opening and, as it flew forward, it seemed to break the bones of several guards standing behind it. Following the door, Sol, Marren and Ludwig ran out – Martha, who was not a warrior, remained inside.

The door, which had fallen off its hinges, now lay there, and 3 pairs of legs and arms were sticking out from under it. Judging by how low the door was to the ground, these soldiers were flattened and were akin to a pancake. However, this was not enough – the heroes were surrounded by at least fifty more people, gathered in a semicircle near a huge wall in which there was a checkpoint booth, all armed and in armor. If this were not enough, then on the borders of this "army" people in light clothes and with wands were visible – probably mages.

–Marren, I think you'll do a better job against the crowd! – Ludwig said, stepping back.

Sol was more than confident in his abilities, but he also stepped back, letting Marren go ahead. The boy in the plague doctor mask trembled slightly, but, realizing that it was too late to retreat, he, while the soldiers were already rushing towards the heroes, pointed his hand at them. It was dangerously close – the warriors in plate armor were already a meter or two from Marren, and had already raised their swords, but did not have time to strike – in the expanding cone coming from Marren, all living organisms, including grass and trees, literally started to rot and crumble right before everyone's eyes. However, this only covered about a third of the opponents.

Ludwig was fighting to the right of Marren – without retreating an inch, he fired bursts of energy projectiles, which were moving and burning through everything like clusters of compressed, narrowly focused light. The armor could not withstand such attacks and, without even delaying these shots, wielders of armor were pierced by these shots, sometimes several at a time. Even the magical barriers that the sorcerers placed along the edges of the formation were easily destroyed by these laser-like projectiles.

On the left hand of the spreader of diseases was Sol. Unlike the other two, he rushed into the crowd of enemies, and, finding himself in the middle of the enemy army, made one wide swing from left to right. With one swing, he cut into 2 parts more than half of those who surrounded him. The cut was incredibly smooth, as if the armor, flesh and bones were no stronger than paper. Seeing that they were losing on all fronts, the remaining handful of soldiers began to retreat, first moving backwards, and then turning and starting to run.

–You are not getting away... – said Ludwig and brought the weapon closer to his head, taking aim through the non-existent sight.

A second later, he fired a short burst of exactly 11 projectiles – the number of opponents remaining. The shells did not fly in a straight line, but moved in a curve, turning and tracking their targets. 11 people, most of whom were magicians from the back rows of the army, almost simultaneously fell dead, although they fled in different directions.

–I think that's all? – Ludwig asked, looking around.

Throwing his weapon up, Ludwig moved closer to Sol and Marren. The "gun" immediately disappeared when it stopped touching his hands. The trio stood in the midst of over fifty bodies. Judging by the fact that there were no sounds from the other side of the wall, those who wanted to get into the Empire had already left, if not ran away, after hearing that something wrong was happening here. When the sounds of the short battle ended, Martha also came out of the checkpoint booth, looking around at the results of the massacre with a sad expression on her face.

–You, of course, are great, good job at winning... but when the Empire finds out what happened, even if they don't start looking for us, they will declare war on Arai. Great decision, Sol. This is exactly what the future king of the country should have done...

–My thoughts exactly! Of course, when you had already started all this, it was too late to retreat... but you have to know when to stop! – said Marren.

–It's not a problem. Arai is a small kingdom with a very small army, which has been sharing borders with the ever-expanding Empire for more than ten years. Why do you think it hasn't been conquered yet?

–Huh?...what are you hinting at? – Ludwig asked, looking at Sol strangely.

–It was not captured because Oliver and Cirael are strong. Together, they are more effective than a thousand extras... ahem, than a thousand ordinary soldiers, – Sol answered, closing his eyes and shrugging his shoulders.

–This does not change the fact that you created a lot of headaches for them! – Martha said, starting to scream.

–Who?... – asked Clain.

–You! – Martha answered, still screaming.

–...asked? – Sol continued, – It seems you haven't understood everything despite I told it like 7 times. So let me clarify it again. I don't like Oliver and Cirael. I don't consider them my parents. No matter how they suffer, no matter how they feel... – his voice trembled a little, but soon returned to normal, – I won't care.

Hearing these words, Ludwig, standing a couple of meters from Clain, took a step towards Sol and grabbed him by the collar with his right hand, slightly lifting him off the ground. The shooter's face was filled with anger. Martha and Marren turned away because they knew that whatever happened next, it clearly would not be anything good. Ludwig raised his right hand, preparing to strike directly, but Sol, sharply raising his right hand, broke the grip of his seemingly comrade. This did not cause the angry man to yield, but Clain, only briefly looking at Ludwig's hand, gracefully dodged, breaking free of the grip and turning his right side to Ludwig.

–How dare you even say that... they gave you shelter, warmth and the heritage to the goddamn throne... but you... you!

Having said this, Ludwig, whose hand had passed Sol's unharmed face, straightened up and was now glaring at Clain's face. The swordsman himself, at whom this angry gaze was directed, did not raise an eyebrow.

–If you disagree with something, you can always, following the laws of your home Empire, challenge me to a duel of honor. However, I don't think you will win.

With these words, Sol calmly adjusted his collar, not at all worried about the blood that almost completely covered his clothes. However, he didn't expect what Ludwig said next:

–Oh, such fancy words! Fine! Sol Clain! I challenge you to a duel! To you and your twisted ideals!

Ludwig immediately received perplexed glances from everyone who was nearby. Even Sol looked at him in surprise, despite before that he tried not to show any emotions at all. Clain was the first to turn from surprise into wariness and put his right hand on the hilt of the sword, which he had already sheathed. The ceremonial sheath, decorated with jewels, did not go well with the blood-stained clothes of the royal family.

–Don't get me wrong, Ludwig. I will be ready to accept your challenge... after you have completed the task for which you actually went on this trip. I don't want to kill you... now, – Sol said.

–Pfft... good. But if you behave like a scumbag one more time, you will become my enemy, Sol, – Ludwig said, taking a flask out of his pocket and drinking from it.

–I will remember it. Although, I suppose my definition of the word "scumbag" is radically different from yours.

Sol let go of the sword, and Martha and Marren breathed a sigh of relief, however, it was obvious to everyone that this was not the end. Things may have calmed down for now, but the tension between these two has not gone away. Sol was still looking down on Ludwig – literally, he was taller, although only slightly – and Ludwig was still looking at Clain with anger. It seemed that they were ready to tear each other apart, but they believed that for now the mission was more important.

Having looked at the bodies lying on the ground, Sol shrugged his shoulders and, carefully stepping over the corpses, went out to where there was more free space on the ground. He put his hand out to the side and a small portal opened in front of it. When Clain took something out of the portal, it closed. Martha, looking at this, was outraged.

–Hey, how can you do this?! For me, this is, well, family's ability, but you!...

–It would be naive to think that I wouldn't be able to create a small subspace for storage, Martha. Anyway, doesn't matter. This ability of yours to turn objects into small cubes and back again is very useful... so I learned how to do it, too. Otherwise, how do you think we would get an entire vehicle across the border?

Sol threw what he had taken out of his storage onto the ground. This small object, which fit into his fist, after a flash of light already appeared as the same car they were driving before. Marta already wanted to be indignant, but it seems that Marren and even Ludwig were glad that they would not have to walk further. Just like last time, Clain got behind the wheel and turned the keys, which were already in the ignition. As the other three sat down in the same seats they had sat in last time, the car started moving, leaving the result of this carnage for anyone to pass by to see. As they drove along a dirt road through dense forests, Marren suddenly asked:

–Um... I don't know the language of the Northern Empire at all. I know about Martha and Ludwig, they're originally from here... but what about you, Sol? Do you know it?

–I don't need to know it to speak it. I already explained that, I think, – Clain replied.

–Damn Mary Sue... – Martha muttered.

–You know, this reminds me a little of the place where our carriage was traveling. But I really hope that we don't see another meat pillar here, haha... haha... that won't happen, right? – Ludwig said, laughing awkwardly.

–I don't think we will. However, I am sure that we will meet Notredame again, – Sol answered.

Indeed, they did not encounter any meat pillars... however, they still had to stop. Several people stood on the road and waved their hands. They looked wounded and exhausted. Saul slammed on the brake pedal, stopping a few meters away from the four strangers. One of them, a man in leather armor, said something that Marren did not understand. But Sol, Ludwig and Martha perfectly understood the words of the Empire's language. He said the following:

–Help us, if you are brave warriors... we tried to defeat the monster, but we couldn't, it is very powerful...

Sol looked at Martha and asked her.

–And here everyone says... like this?

–No... these four must have read the knightly songs a bit too much, – she answered.

–Okay, we don't have time for this anyway. Let's go forward.

–You little!... – Ludwig began.

–Eh... okay, if you insist.

Finally finishing their conversation among themselves, Martha, Ludwig, and Sol looked back at the four strangers while Marren still didn't understand a word.

–Well, tell me where this "monster" of yours is. We'll deal with him quickly and go forward with business, – Sol said.

–He's just a kilometer west of here, oh valiant knights... its three heads spew fire, and his claws cut steel... a terrible beast... – said another stranger. – We're all sad that we can't help you... go, in a village not far away you'll find a path made from the blood of the beast that we wounded in the torso.

–Well, we we're going northwest, so... okay, let's go.

Turning right, Sol turned off the dirt road onto a small path, where, however, judging by the tracks, carts passed from time to time. At the same time, Ludwig explained to Marren what had happened, and the boy in the plague doctor mask clenched his fists in front of him. Apparently, he was happy.

–That's what I understand! A real heroic feat, like in chivalric novels! – he said.

–Yeah. But I don't like the fact that we're going slightly off course at all, – Sol said and shrugged, without letting go of the steering wheel.

They did not have to travel long – on their way there was a village that was completely destroyed. The charred walls of the houses clearly showed that they had been burned. Apparently, as the wounded "knights" said, the "monster" can really spew fire. A wide trail of blood led further, leading the heroes out of the village and back into the wilds of the forest. Finally, the trail led them to a cave in a mountain that rose above the clouds.

–Come on, is there really a dragon that lives in a cave? Have we ended up in a third-rate fanfic about King Arthur's goddamn round table? – Ludwig asked, looking in surprise at the passage in the rock.

–Seems so.

Having said this, Sol stopped the car and pulled the key out of the ignition. Clain got out of the convertible and the others followed him. They walked deeper into the cave, looking back every now and then. Seemingly, the cave went far into the depths of the mountain. They even thought that, just like in fairy tales, there will also be a huge hall with gold here. Passing through countless passages that could easily fit 3 elephants, they soon came to... a body. A huge creature, covered with scales, with bat wings and three heads, lay in the depths of the cave. Judging by how the walls here were scorched and still hot, there was a battle with this monster. And, it seems, it was clear who killed him: a man was sitting on the body.

He was dressed in a white cloak; all his clothes under the cloak were the same color. His long white hair turned black at the very ends, as if he had been dyeing it black, but the dye began to wash away. It was hard not to find parallels appearance of Sol Clain, but there was one thing that made them very different. The stranger had a mask on his face... no, it was hardly a mask. It was a white circle with no slits for eyes or anything else. It was clear that under his cloak on his belt, on the left side, there were 2 swords. This man jumped off the corpse of a colossal monster and, upon landing, said... something. When his chin moved, which was visible behind the mask, only white noise was heard instead of words.

–Huh? The hell you are saying? – Ludwig said.

–Careful... I don't know why, but I feel... he is hostile.

Having said something else with his white noise voice, the stranger took off and, pulling one of the swords, which looked absolutely ordinary, ran towards the heroes. It would be more accurate to say that he leaped, because he got to them in one dash... or not to them. He ignored Martha, Ludwig and Marren, because his target was Sol. Sol, however, was in no hurry. After all, as soon as this unknown person began to lower his sword to strike, everything froze. Perfection was activated. Sol elegantly pulled out his blade and made one horizontal strike... everything froze. Perfection was activated. When Sol suddenly froze, the stranger himself began to move in this stopped reality. However, he did not attack with his sword, but instead punched Clain in the stomach with his fist.

And only now everything began to move again. When Ludwig, Martha, and Marren turned around, they saw that Sol had been sent flying and crashed into the cave wall, and the stranger had put his left hand forward. Immediately, the masked man ran towards Sol again, but now the perfectionist was already ready to meet him – Clain parried the blow that the stranger struck downwards, after which he dodged and moved away from the wall.

–Well, it won't work out perfectly anymore. It won't be a perfect fight if I can't finish it in one blow... so I won't hold back.

Sol said this completely calmly, but although he didn't show it, he was a little scared. Before this, no one and nothing could resist Perfection, but this man... he was dangerous. The stranger suddenly stopped attacking and again said something in white noise. But Sol didn't care. He, taking the sword with his left hand, put his right hand to his chest, and then swiftly extended it to the side and up, saying:

–Clain Family's Special Spell: Emotional Turbulence: Egotism.

One snow-white wing, first made of light and then appearing in flesh, appeared behind Sol. After that, he again took the sword in his right hand. Martha, Ludwig and Marren suddenly felt a huge force pressing them to the ground and, unable to stand on their feet, fell. However, the masked man stood calmly on his feet. When Sol finished his transformation, the stranger nodded and rushed towards Sol again. This time, Clain was the first to attack – as the enemy approached, Sol turned his blade into an intangible conceptual form in which he erases objects from reality. When his sword became like this in an instant, Sol made a strike from right to left. No matter what the stranger did, he couldn't stop such a sword... or so Sol thought.

The white masked man's sword met Sol's blade and stopped him. Clain saw with his own eyes that although it had previously been an ordinary sword, it now had the same properties as the conceptual weapon in Sol's hands. Judging by the fact that he held the sword in his right hand, he was right-handed, just like Sol. The heir to the throne of Arai, was surprised, but did not lose his head and created a flash of light in his left hand. It lengthened into a shape similar to a short spear, and with this light he pierced his opponent to the side. But even here the enemy stopped the attack – instantly grabbing the sword in his left hand and now holding Clain's sword like that, he met the spear of light with his right hand and seemed to distort the light itself, taking control of it.

Sol ran out of free hands, but the stranger did not shy away from using not the most noble techniques. The masked man sharply kicked Sol's ankle with his right foot, causing Sol to fall to the side, but quickly planted his left foot on the ground again and regained his lost balance. At this time, he weakened his attacks, because of which the stranger was able to easily throw them away and himself strike a slash with his blade. Clain, thanks to his eyes, clearly saw that the blade was now ordinary and inflicted ordinary physical damage. So Sol regained a solid stance on the ground, he was able to jump back so that his opponent's sword passed through the air.

–So, first you copied Perfection, then you copied my True Blade, and now you're also changing my light?... do you think if you copy my abilities, it will make you more skilled? Do not make me laugh!

Clain lost his calm. His face contorted with anger. Now Sol took off and rushed towards the stranger. Clain made a sharp thrust with his sword, but the masked man parried the blade and took it to the side, which is why Clain was now vulnerable, because the unknown person was on his right side, his hand with the weapon had already moved forward. The stranger, stabbing downward, pierced the foot of Sol's right leg with his sword, thereby pinning it to the ground. Immediately, the masked man created a new sword in his right hand, which made Sol couldn't help but remember Oliver, who also was known for creating weapons. Unfortunately for Sol, he had to resort to the ability of the same Oliver he remembered from the original universe – Sol disappeared and, along with his clothes and a sword sticking out of his leg, appeared a few meters from the enemy, thanks to which he was able to dodge the decisive blow. Wincing, Clain grabbed the sword that was sticking out of his foot with his left hand and pulled it out.

The stranger nodded and calmly waited for Sol to pull the weapon out of his leg. The heir to the throne, now holding his opponent's sword in his hand, breathing heavily, not from pain, but from anger, stuck this sword into the wall of the cave... or rather, did not stuck it. He hit the wall of the cave with a blade, because of which the mountain that covered the heroes and the masked man was destroyed and, divided into hundreds of huge pieces, scattered to the sides. Surely, this was seen by residents of many cities that were hundreds and thousands of kilometers from here. The rocks that had previously been around everyone were now scattered everywhere, and the top of the mountain was now falling on Sol, Martha, Ludwig, Marren and the stranger, but it seemed that the two white-haired ones did not care, although the other three were almost screaming in horror. Sol just swung his sword upward when the stones were close enough... and they all disappeared.

Another white noise came from an unknown person. Judging by the position he was in, he was laughing. Having said something else in his white-noise language, he put the newly created sword into the sheath that was on his belt, and the sword that Sol was holding in his left hand disappeared. Continuing to speak, the masked man pointed at Clain, and then, taking one step back, fell into the ground. Literally, it sank into the ground, as if it were some kind of liquid. Sol, still breathing heavily and twisting his face with anger, closed his eyes. The wing that was behind him first became light and then disappeared completely. The three remaining heroes finally stood up from the ground when this energy stopped pressing on them. Ludwig immediately ran over to Sol and grabbed him by the collar again, like he did earlier that day.

–Who the hell was that?! – said the marksman.

–Good question. I have no idea, – Sol answered, gradually returning to calm.

–But he clearly was having something against you!

–Agreed. But that doesn't mean you have to be angry at me now. I'm afraid that's my business... although I don't know who this person is.

Ludwig let go of Sol and took a deep breath. "Now we will have a lot of headaches...", he said. Martha and Marren approached these two just at that time.

–Judging by the way he copied my abilities, he has some kind of power thanks to which he is able to use the powers of his opponents, – said Clain, shaking off the dust from his shoulders.

–This guy spoke strangely... my brother talked about this. This happens when someone cannot synchronize with the universe in which they are now... – Martha said.

–Considering how much he wanted to kill you, Sol, we'll probably see him again. This strange man in a mask... – Marren said, lowering his head.

–I suggest calling him "White Noise." You know, it fits, – Ludwig said, with a shrug.

–Indeed, it fits... okay. It's time for us to move. Hopefully we won't meet him yet... although I admit, I'm really interested in what's under that mask, – Sol said, heading towards the exit of the cave.


It was getting dark. The convertible, which by some miracle survived the destruction of the mountain, drove up to a tavern in a small town. The heroes decided to spend the night here and set off tomorrow morning, as in Berul earlier. Sol got out of the car and stretched, because all his limbs were swollen from how long he had been sitting behind the wheel. Everyone else also left and entered the building. Approaching the girl who was wiping glasses behind the bar, Sol said in the language of the Northern Empire:

–We would like to rent one or two rooms upstairs. I have money with me.

The girl, who already attracted the attention of the heroes with the goat horns protruding from her head, turning her gaze from the glasses to the visitors, burst out screaming:



In the file that was open on %*$@#'s desktop, words began to appear on their own. These words were strange, as if it were not a text, but direct speech addressing her. But %$@^$ was not surprised. This is what she expected. The words read: "I'm here. I... it's really me. With all my memories, and most importantly, with the same goal... yes, I won't be able to see you live anymore, $^##%, but I'm glad that at least I can save the world from destruction. Soon... soon it will all be over." ^#$%@ closed the document and...

Hm? Do you want to know whose names are hidden under the jumble of signs? Yes, I have to agree. Author wanted it to be an intrigue, but in reality, this intrigue is second-rate. Well, then watch, without interference created by the one who calls himself Author.

Gerda closed the document and a tear rolled down her cheek. Martha, who was now just a character on the pages of a book, is forever dead to the real world. The Martha who was real to her, and not the one who was a character she invented. But it's fine... now they will definitely be able to destroy Kai and save their world... "Isn't that right, Martha? Please tell me that this sacrifice is not in vain..." Gerda said out loud, turning off the computer and lying down on the unfolded sofa. She didn't think she could sleep today... but she had to at least try.

Chapter 20: Chapter 16: The Sea of Unrealized Ideas

Chapter Text

–SOL?! – the barmaid shouted, looking at Clain.

–Yes, what is it? – Sol replied, raising one eyebrow.

Surprisingly, none of the visitors even turned around at the sudden exclamation of the owner of the establishment. This must have been her usual behavior.

–No, I mean... I haven't seen you for 13 years! What are you even doing here?! You were so young when I met your previous time, haha... – said the unknown woman in the Arai language.

–Um... Sol, who is this lady? – Marren asked.

–I'm afraid I don't have the slightest idea. Most likely, whoever she is, she met Sol from this universe, and not from the original, who is me... – Sol began, but the girl with goat horns interrupted him.

–Not true! It was exactly you, exactly in the original world! You accidentally opened a portal several thousand kilometers away, and ended up at the door of my hut... at least that's how your dad explained it. Well, you were 6 years old at the time, so naturally you don't remember...

–I seem to remember something like this... – Sol said in an uncertain voice, lowering his head.

–Then your dad came, picked you up, apologized for the inconvenience and immediately teleported back. Haha, you looked so funny back then!

–Let's talk about something else Shab-Ni... – Sol began to say while the others giggled, but the girl interrupted him again.

–Well, well, you yourself know that my name is Shubby now! I'm sure your father told you about how he met me! Oh, that was a wonderful battle!

–Firstly, Oliver Clain is not my father... secondly, it's hard to call this a battle. He took you down with one attack while you stood there in a daze.

–Didn't they teach you that when you talk to a girl, you should flatter her? – Shubby said, resting her head on her hands, with her elbows resting on the bar counter.

–Actually, you are not very similar to what Oliver described. I liked you a lot better when you were serious, like in the story of the old days, – Sol replied.

–Oh, well, you see, Necronomicon said that I had to be serious in order to pose a threat to Clains... – Stepping away from the counter, Shubby plunged into thought, looking to the side and putting a finger to her lower lip, – that's probably why I was like this then! But now I can finally be myself, – Grinning, Shubby crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against her back and the shelves that held bottles of wine, causing several of those bottles to fall and break on the floor.

–God, this woman will be such a headache... let's better look for another place to sleep, my friends, – Sol said, turning away and getting up from the stool.

–Hey-hey-hey, wait! I'll even give you rooms for free, just stay! You can't even imagine just how glad I am to see you! You can tell me what happened after my battle against Oliver, this story will be the price for an overnight stay! – the barmaid shouted after him, closing her eyes and waving her hands in front of her.

–Sol, let's not waste money. This will be beneficial for all of us, you know. Otherwise, you'll have to sign up for some side missions to earn money to say somewhere for the night, – Ludwig said, to which Marren and Martha nodded.

Sol took a deep breath and, closing his eyes, sat back down in his seat. Only now did the heroes realize that they had been speaking the Arai language for a long time and none of the visitors even batted an eye.

–Wait, so we can speak our language freely, and nothing will happen to us? – asked Marren.

–No, it's just that my tavern is... so let's say, special. Everyone who visits it is already under my spell, and perceives any language as their native one, – Shubby answered, lifting her nose and smiling.

–Um...then can you cast this spell on me too?...I'm the only one in the entire group who doesn't know the language of the Empire...

–Yes, of course... how are you, again?

–Marren von Bianerion.

–Well, since he introduced himself, I'm Martha, and this is Ludwig! – Martha said, smiling at the girl on the other side of the counter.

–I'm very pleased to meet you all! – Shubby leaned over the bar again. – Okay, I'll give you the keys now, go, go to bed. When are you going to leave?

–7 o'clock in the morning, – Sol said briefly.

–Okay, I got it! Well... good night then, dear guests!


Late night. According to Sol's internal clock, it's 4 am. He had no need to sleep, but he lay in bed with his eyes closed and his back to the wall. He was alone in the room – Shubby gave them 4 different rooms, one for each. Without opening his eyes, he suddenly said:

–How long are you going to sit here?

–Well, you were "sleeping" so funnily... I still remember how, even at our first meeting, you proudly declared that "Like my dad and mom, I don't need sleep, food and water! I'm above this!"... or something like that.

Shubby sat on a chair nearby, throwing her arms over the back of the chair and resting her chin on them. Shrugging his shoulders, he looked at Sol, who had already opened his eyes, who was looking at her clearly without any joy.

–Well, you promised... come on, tell me what happened after your dad sent me flying!

–Oliver is not my father. Remember this.

–And why is so? You were so proud to be Clain! And now you suddenly declare that they are not your parents... – the smile left Shubby's face.

–Quiet. Did you ask me to tell you what happened after your confrontation with Oliver and Sean? Well then, listen...

Sol told her everything that happened after Oliver fought Sean, to the point when Oliver and Cirael returned home after defeating Kayen and meeting Gerda herself. The story was not long – it only took an hour or two.

–Wait a second! What about Schrodinger, didn't they even bother visiting him? Oliver and Cirael could have enter his world! Moreover, Sean... did he just stay alive? What happened to his conversation with the Gehessikait? Yes, even my friend, Ktul, he would never stop trying to find a strong opponent... and you say that this is the end of their story?!

–Firstly, Shubby, or whatever your name is, I completely agree. It is a terrible book. How does anyone even read this?... oh yes, nobody reads this. Well, that's good. Secondly, if you shut up for a minute or two, I can tell you what happened next. Agreed? Agreed. Then I'll start a little later than where I left off. So, kh-khm... It was about noon. On the busy streets of the capital...

After that, he began to tell her everything about what he himself took part in. From the moment he left the Arai capital of this world, until he ended up in her tavern.

–So, okay, I understood what happened to Ktul and Sean... and whatever happened to Schrodinger – in general, it doesn't matter to me, although it's still not clear... but tell me, why don't you consider Oliver and Cirael your parents?!

Shubby leaned forward and the chair rocked. Together with Shubby herself, the chair began to fall towards Sol, but he grabbed the back and, throwing it back, put the chair back on its legs. Sighing, Sol stood up and, snapping his fingers, instantly changed from his night clothes to the formal ones he was traveling in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he began to say:

–Well. There is nothing strange about this. I don't think you could consider those who raised you and then abandoned you to be your parents. You see, when I was 11 years old, a very worried Oliver came to me while I was practicing fencing in my room. From the next room I heard Cirael crying. Oliver, explaining something to me in a slurred voice, created a portal... and threw me right into it. On the other side there was a forest. I found myself there completely alone, with only my sword. I had to survive there until I was finally able to reach the gates of a huge city – the capital of Arai of this world. Immediately I was grabbed by the guards and taken to Oliver and Cirael of this world, who immediately recognized me as their missing son... one might say, these two were even kinder to me than those who were in the original universe. Now you understand? Oliver and Cirael, whom you call my parents, left me to die in some wilderness of an alternate universe.

–This... this is awf... wait, Sol... are you crying?

Looking at his interlocutor in surprise, Sol sharply wiped away a tear that was running down his cheek.

–No... no, Shubby. I don't care about them or what they did. Like I said, they are not my parents. I am a savior, a child of the divine, a perfect being... yes, that's right...

Shubby was about to argue or make a joke, but she realized that now the best thing to do would be to let Sol continue to think like that. If this is the way Clain chose to overcome his sadness and loss of direction, then she's not going to stop him. Shubby sat on the edge of the bed next to Sol and looked at him and said:

–Everything is fine. I would cry too if this happened to me and I remembered it... it's okay, you can cry on my shoulder, I'm sure it will make you feel better.

Sol, as if stung, jumped back and almost pressed himself into the wall to get away from Shubby. His cheeks were slightly red. Slightly.

–What the hell are you even talking about?!... ahem, I mean, no, thank you, I'm fine, – replied Clain, going away from the wall.

–Just kidding! Okay, there are about two hours left before your expected departure. I'll go get ready for your departure! – getting out of bed, Shubby left Sol's room, and the man himself began to check his things that were in his subspace storage.

The next morning, when Sol left his room, he leaned his back against the wall near the door to the same room and began to wait for the others. Soon the other heroes came out of their rooms, clearly not getting enough sleep. Martha, looking at Sol and making a sad expression on her face, said:

–What were you doing with the hostess of the establishment in your room all night?... you were so loud that the whole tavern probably heard you.

–I told her what she wanted. I remind you, she said that this story would be payment for our rooms, – Sol calmly explained.

–Yeah, of course... now it's clear what kind of "payment" she was talking about... you're a pervert like Ludwig, Sol! – Martha said and, taking a wooden stick from her storage, tried to hit Sol on the head, but he grabbed the club and stopped the blow.

–Hey, don't compare him to me! At least I have taste in women! – Ludwig said turning to Martha.

–It's strange, I thought that awkward girls with big curves were very much your type, Ludwig... – Martha said, snatching her baton from Sol's hands and putting it away in the pocket dimension.

–I have no idea what you're talking about, and it doesn't matter. It is time.

Turning around, the heroes went to the first floor. On the way, they all hung the keys to their rooms on hooks on the wall of the stairs. There was not a single customer in the tavern itself. Of course, it was early, but for there to be no one at all... it was strange, to say the least. The tavern owner was also nowhere to be seen. "Prepare for the worst," Sol said, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. When they came out, they saw that there was a sign on the tavern door: "closed." Life was in full swing on the street. The convertible that Sol parked next to the tavern stood undamaged... with one exception – Shubby was sitting in the front passenger seat and looked contentedly at the heroes.

–So, are we going now? – She said smiling at the four of them.

–Well, I told you to prepare for the worst... the worst has happened, – Sol said, removing his hand from the guard.

Walking up to the car, Sol sat in the driver's seat, and Martha walked to the door next to the seat where Shubby was.

–I'm sitting here, – she said.

–Well, you were sitting here because you were helping Sol with navigation... since I live in the Empire, I think it would be logical if I helped with navigation here, right? – Shubby tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes.

–Eh, whatever you say.

With that said, Martha sat in the back seat, which now left Marren sandwiched between her and Ludwig. Three clearly didn't fit there well.

–So, how did you end up here? – Sol asked, starting the engine.

–Well, you know that the original universe no longer exists? I don't know the reasons, but your... ahem, Oliver recently came to me personally and told me to move to another world. A couple of days after that, the original universe no longer existed, and I could not return. I opened my own tavern here and now I'm living here happily!

–And why did you decide to come with us then?...

–Well, because I got bored sitting in my tavern, obviously!

–It's... not at all obvious, – said Martha. – By the way, Miss Shubby, tell me... what did you do with Sol in his room yesterday?

–M? Well, we talked about past affairs, and then I sat closer to him and... – Shubby began to answer, but Martha interrupted her.

–That's it, thank you, no further need. My fears about you were confirmed, Clain...

–M?... ah, no, everything is not as you think! I helped him calm down when he...

–That's enough, Shubby. She still won't understand the obvious, – Sol said, clearly not wanting his companions to know that he had been crying.

Finally starting the car and releasing it from the handbrake, Sol drove away from the wall of the tavern and drove to the north of the city. Shubby, putting a finger to her chin and looking slightly upward, asked the heroes:

–Actually, it's strange... why didn't you try to dissuade me from going with you?

–Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only girl on the team now, – Martha said.

–Well, I'm glad that we now have one more beautiful girl on the team, – Ludwig said under Martha's reproachful gaze.

–Five are more fun! – Marren said joyfully.

–I don't really care, – Sol said, not looking away from the road.

–It's just, well, you all have personal motives... and I'm only going with you out of boredom. Not as beautiful, I guess? – Shubby said, pressing the index fingers of her hands together and puffing out her cheeks, looking down.

–Don't worry! Just try not to cause troubles, or better yet, help as much as possible, – Ludwig said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his seat.

–Well, okay... Sol, here to the right! – Shubby said, abruptly grabbing the steering wheel and turning it to the right while Sol was still holding it.

This made Sol himself turn at her and bare his teeth. Their struggle over control of this card almost caused them to crash, but Clain was able to regain control in time and drove on along a narrow path where their convertible could barely fit.

–What the hell are you trying to pull... – Sol began shouting, but he suddenly stopped and switched to his usual calm tone, – ahem, I mean, what are you doing? We almost crashed because of you. Besides, judging by my knowledge, going straight is the shorter way...

–Yeah, it's shorter alright. But there is such a line of merchants every morning... you would have to either wait there until sunset or push everyone aside. But you don't want unnecessary problems for the locals, right?

The trio in the back seat immediately remembered that yesterday they killed everyone at the checkpoint and, having heard such words from Shubby, began to look in different directions.

–You don't want to, right?... – the girl repeated the question, in a more uncertain voice.

–Y-yes, of course! – Marren said in attempt to lift the awkwardness hanging in the air; the attempt was unsuccessful.

In such an atmosphere they drove on. On the advice of Shubby, as well as the insistence of Ludwig and Martha, Sol traveled so that they would not get close to any large settlement. Forests, plains, mountains and a variety of landscapes flew past the heroes. Their path was quiet and calm. Even, perhaps, surprisingly quiet and calm. They talked about this and that. It was mostly Shubby talking about her encounter with the original universe Oliver, heavily embellishing herself. When she finished her story, Marren asked perhaps the most important question:

–I kept thinking... The Empire sent its heroes too, right? You don't know anything about them, Shubby?

–Huh? Well, I know there are four of them, just like you. They must "return the Sphere of the Sun to where it should now be." Their names seemed to be announced on the radio... well, I remember for sure that they were led by Sir Mordred... – hearing this, Ludwig swallowed, – with them there is someone named Heathcliff... – now Martha began to look around, – also the leader of the Church of the God of Flesh, Notredame... – Marren pressed his masked head into his shoulders, – and someone else... for the life of me I don't remember who was fourth there... what's wrong with you guys?

After finishing her speech, Shubby turned around to see the people in the back seats shaking and shocked. Sol bared his teeth slightly, but then returned to his usual calm expression. He said:

–And the fourth is probably the same White Noise...

–Who knows, haha! – Shubby said and, stretching her arms up, leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes.

–This... this is some kind of waking nightmare! – Martha said, holding her head.

–Haah... that means I'll meet that bastard again... – said Ludwig.

Shubby didn't listen to them. The wind, which blew on those sitting in the convertible in front, was blowing at her long red hair, which now blocked the entire view of the Ludwig plain. However, this did not last long – soon Shubby almost flew over the windshield. The car stopped abruptly, because the heroes' path was again blocked. But this time these were not some injured pseudo-knights... but full-fledged knights standing in formation, with the imperial flag behind them. In front of the detachment there were 2 people – one on a horse and in expensive armor, and the other, in light long clothes with a fur collar, standing on the ground. The bright blue hair of the second one flowed in the wind towards the heroes. Opening her eyes, Shubby immediately asked Sol:

–What exactly is going on?...

–You are asking me a question to which I myself would like to know the answer.

A knight in beautiful armor galloped up to the car. It seemed like it was the commander of this detachment. Through the visor of his helmet he said:

–Sol Clain and Marren von Byanerion! You are accused of mass murder and illegal border crossing! Also, Martha Narion and Ludwig de Penright III! You are accused of mass murder, illegal border crossing and treason! You all can give up and remain silent... or resist and die right here ra...

But he didn't have time to finish; there was already a hole in his head. Ludwig fired exactly one shot from the pistol summoned by Martha and silenced the knight forever. "Get ready for battle!" he shouted, jumping out of the car. The others, except Martha, followed his example and found themselves outside. Sol looked at Ludwig cautiously. Seeing their commander fall, the rest of the squad of knights, except for the man with blue hair, immediately carged into battle, spurring their horses.

–Leave it to me. – Shubby said and, clenching her fist, began to slightly rotate her right shoulder.

When the soldiers were close enough to the heroes, she slammed her right hand into the ground, creating a huge shock wave that turned the ground upside down for several kilometers ahead and buried all the opponents underground, including the one who was still not moving. Of course, from such shaking, the car flew into the air, but that's okay – just like last time, Sol will be able to get it down by using telekinesis...

Sol turned around sharply and, drawing his sword, jumped off the ground and in a moment found himself on the hood of a car, which was now high in the sky. It was not a stupid action – next to Martha, who was shaking with fear, in the back seat, sitting with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, was a man with blue hair. A smile beamed from his face as Clain towered over him and Martha. The convertible spun in the air, but gravity didn't seem to matter to these three. Sol stood calmly and waited for the man with blue hair to attack him... but he didn't.

–You... – Sol said.

–I'm Heathcliff, nice to meet you, child of Clains!... ah, are you asking about something else?... yes, I know about your little unpleasant ability... so I won't attack you first! Well, if you don't mind, then I'll take the one who should be with me, – the unknown person answered, slightly bowing his head.

Taking the "look" of his closed eyes away from Sol, he looked at Martha, who was trembling with fear, and, gently taking her chin with his right hand, turned her head towards him. Barely moving due to fear, the girl slapped his hand, which is why he pulled it back and feigned sadness. However, it didn't matter. Heathcliff snapped his fingers and a spatial rift appeared under the falling car. This rift led to an unknown destination. "You'll be a good boy and not attack until I attack, right?" he asked Sol. Clain did not answer. Instead, in an instant he took Martha into his arms and was already on the ground. There he put her on her feet, although the girl could barely stand normally due to trembling. Heathcliff, realizing that his target had disappeared from under his nose, shrugged his shoulders and also jumped off the car. The car, to the dissatisfied exclamations of the heroes, fell into the portal.

When Heathcliff landed, the impact of the landing created a small crater under his feet. He bowed to the heroes, bending almost to the ground. Not allowing this possibility to pass, Ludwig, already holding 2 pistols in his hands, began to fire at him, but the shots went around him. Sol and Marren, when they saw Ludwig's attacks were ineffective, moved to be now around Heathcliff on both sides, and at the same moment Shubby, holding out the fingers of her left hand as a sign of "peace," appeared behind the blue-haired man. At the same time, the three struck. Sol with a sword, Marren with a knife, Shubby with a fist. However, when their attacks seemed to have achieved their goal, Heathcliff disappeared and appeared next to Martha.

–His goal is Martha! Don't let him... – Sol started to say.

But he couldn't finish his words. Something black flashed by, faster than even the eyes of the heroes, who calmly see the movement of photons, could catch. And this something took Sol with it, leaving only Martha, Marren, Ludwig and Shubby against Heathcliff. Several dozen astral copies of his "pistols" appeared above Ludwig, which immediately, together with those in his hands, opened fire on the common enemy. However, just like last time, the bullets went around him... hitting Martha in the process, causing a trickle of blood to run down her cheek. Ludwig immediately stopped firing and clicked his tongue.

–Oh, you was speaking so bravely and look at yourself now... I remember you said that you would meet me face to face yourself... and now that I'm here, you can't take a step away from my splendor... It's okay, I understand, love is like that, – Heathcliff said, spreading his arms and looking at the heroes from behind Martha's shoulders.

It was obvious that he was toying with the heroes. He probably could have crushed them now with a snap of his fingers, but he didn't. Whether this was a result of her perverted sense of beauty, or whether he was simply bored is a good question. Ludwig's shooting was useless, Marren's diseases would first infect Martha, and Martha herself could not move... then only Shubby remained.

–Get away from her, you freak!

But no matter how fast she moved, her fist went through the air, because Heathcliff, shrugging his shoulders, stepped aside and avoided the blow, as well as the next, and the next, and the next, and the next... an absurdly long series of blows went into nowhere. At the same time, with each dodge, Heathcliff also took a new pose, mocking the heroes even more. However, it was fine. Now that he was far to the side, Shubby glanced at Marren and jumped to the side – as she thought, boy in the plague doctor mask had already directed the flow of all possible diseases towards Heathcliff.

But even here they were met with failure – black paint poured out from under Heathcliff's sleeve and created a brush in his hand. A few strokes of this brush – and in front of him a shape resembling a square hung in the air. The others didn't see it, but Marren felt it created a barrier that stopped his illnesses.

–Oh, didn't they tell you that sick people need to wear masks?... oh, right... anyway, girls, I understand that you don't want to give me the one who so wants to be with me. Being jealous is also bad, and therefore I will destroy you. Is it fine with you? – he said.

With a circular movement of the brush, he drew a circle in the air, from which, resembling a huge laser, a beam of energy immediately came out, which was supposed to destroy everyone standing in front of him... including Martha. It is unknown whether she was the reason, or whether he would have appeared anyway, but when the heroes had already covered their eyes with their hands, they heard a voice that definitely addressed Heathcliff.

–Hands off my sister.

Standing with his back to Heathcliff, in front of the heroes stood a somewhat short man with facial features vaguely reminiscent of Martha. In his right hand he held an Asian scarlet paper umbrella, which was thrown over his shoulder and was opened. It was this umbrella that stopped the terrifyingly powerful magic ray. On the inside of the umbrella one could see some kind of black space and huge red eyes looking out of it. Short hair of light coral color was blowing in the wind, as did robe-like clothes of the same color, because the magical energy released by Heathcliff created strong gusts of wind. Judging by the expression on his face, the unknown person was very tired... but he simply didn't care about anything. This was not like Sol's calmness, because with all his appearance the stranger showed that he did not want to be here.

–B... brother Aren?! – Martha said, finally throwing off the shackles of fear and turning around.

–You're too good at getting yourself into trouble, aren't you, sister? – Aren said, keeping his red eyes half closed.

–N-no, this... this cretin has been stalking me for 15 years and...

–I know. I... unintentionally overheard your conversation with Clain.

Meanwhile, the beam of energy dried up and Heathcliff saw the clothes and umbrella that were already familiar to him. The smile left his face for a second, but he soon grinned again. Aren turned towards Heathcliff without folding his umbrella. The blue haired man pointed at Aren and laughed lightly.

–Um, the Lord of Nightmares has come to protect his little sister? But why? My love for her is mutual – you saw it yourself, she doesn't resist... and you are sitting in apathy in your world, so why did you come out now? You should've stayed there and everything would have been fine, but... – he began to speak, but Aren interrupted his words.

–No. You won't fight me. At least because I'm stronger than you. Now go away. Don't come close to my sister again, otherwise next time I will eradicate you, – Aren said.

–Oh, you see right through me! Well, Team R is blasting off again!... but it's okay, my dear Martha, we'll see you again. I will be glad to meet you, heroes, in our full group! Good luck now!

Having said this and putting his hands behind his head, Heathcliff leaned back and fell with his back on the ground, passing through it as if into a surface of water. Aren turned back to the heroes and looked at them, after which he turned his gaze to Marta.

–So? Which one of them are you going to marry? – Aren asked her.

–Eh?... – Martha shuddered and waved her hands in front of her. – No, no, brother, it's the thing of the past!

–Yeah of course. I doubt that you have already overcome the bad habit of falling in love with everyone... let me guess, it was also the way you also picked up this freak, Heathcliff, right?

–Y-yes, that's why it's in the past and!...

While Aren and Marta were arguing about something very strange, the other three were staring at them without understanding anything. Finally, Aren fixed his gaze on Marren, who immediately caught it and grabbed the knife more tightly.

–So, this time it's him?... Well, you have tastes, sister... – Aren said with a sigh.

–Oh, shut up, you depressed whiner! – Martha said, covering her red face with her hands.

–It doesn't matter... – Aren sighed again and now turned to the other heroes. – I'm sorry that my sister and her... quirks caused you problems, but I'm glad that you were able to ensure her safety. And now, I guess I'll go on swimming in my sorro...

–No, wait! – said Ludwig. – Are you sure you don't want to help us? Well, you can make sure your sister is safe if you go with us and all...

ؘ–I am unable to. I am the ruler of the world of nightmares, – Aren answered.

–The world of nightmares?... – asked Shubby.

–This is a separate universe where all the bad thoughts of everyone who lives exist as a fact. I created this world like...

–Like withdrawing into oneself and leaving me alone, absolutely true! – Martha interrupted him.

–You could say so, sadly. Since at the moment of creation I was immersed in sadness, this world has such a sad appearance. And honestly, it doesn't matter to me. Anyway, if I am absent from it for too long, it will disappear, and all the negativity accumulated in it will seep into the minds of living beings. And therefore, I'm leaving. It was nice to meet you, friends of Martha.

Before anyone could stop him, tentacles like that of an octopus appeared from the inside of the umbrella. They formed a seat on which Aren sat down and let go of the umbrella, which was now hanging in the air. A makeshift seat lifted Aren inside the umbrella, where there was likely a portal to his world. After that, the umbrella itself was warped into itself, leaving no sign that Aren was there. Immediately the heroes heard the rustling of grass and footsteps behind them.


Although Sol held back the black energy that was pressing on him with his sword, this energy still moved him, taking him far from the others. Judging by Sol's calculations, the plain they were on earlier had an area of several tens of square kilometers. Despite this, in less than a second this strange force carried him far beyond the boundaries of the clearing. Now he was surrounded by rock, and sitting on one of the rising stones was someone Sol knew only from Sean's story told by Oliver – a 12-year-old boy who wore fairly normal everyday clothes.

–Ha, here you are, son of the Clains! I am...

–You are Gehessikait, the Uncreature of Hate. I know it, but thank you for attempting to introduce yourself, – Sol interrupted him.

–S-shut up! I'm the one in charge here at this point, got it? After all, I dragged you here, so you will listen to me and...

–I am ready to fight you and prove that you are not in charge at any moment. But now this is not what's important. You're the reason Oliver from the original universe got a second chance at life, right? – Sol interrupted him again.

–Well, in general, it was more Gerda's doing... but overall, yeah, you can say that it was I who resurrected him. What a sight it was when he tore his father apart, ahaha!...

–Well, if you are the reason for his existence, then I will be glad to trash talk you. However, I want to do this right, so answer... what are your pronouns? After all, you are the living embodiment of the concept, so I'm not sure if you're a "he/him", – Clain said, looking calmly at Gehessikait.

–My pronouns? Ha! My pronouns are "f*ck you"! How do you like these pronouns, huh?! – replied Uncreature of Hate and laughed.

–No, you cannot say such words.

–Yeah! I can brutally kill, tear apart, torture... but I cannot speak swear words. That's pretty f*cked up, don't you think so?

–That's why I prefer not to kill, but simply to erase opponents from reality. This way I can win without causing a massacre, so as not to spoil the PG, – Sol said, pointing to his sword.

–You know what?... F*ck you! – answered Gehessikait, who clearly did not like Sol's words.

–Those are your pronouns, I know, – Sol said, taking great effort not to laugh.

–Oh, shut up! Forget what I said. Look at how I look and you will understand what my pronouns are.

–So, in the end, you are a "he." Well, good, it will be easier this way. So, why did you lead me here?

–"Lead"?... I brought you here, Sol! dragged you in while you were helplessly defending...

–Lead. Answer the question. Or will we solve everything with a dance of blades? – Sol pointed his sword at Gehessikait.

– know, son of the Clains, I like your narcissism. And besides... I'm in no hurry to die. In any other situation, I would attack, because even if my body is destroyed and my soul erased from reality, as long as the emotion of hatred exists, I will return... but you, you can kill me for good. So even though I'm stronger than you... I won't take any chances. You are the son of the main character, you can pull off the most dumb Deus Ex Machina's possible.

–If you know about my "narcissism", then you should also know that Oliver is not my father.

–Not your daddy, huh? Ha, then how do you explain you being a Mary Sue other than being the son of another Mary Sue?

–Obviously, I will explain this by the fact that I am a child of divine beings.

–What a cretin you are! Okay, I don't care what you think of youself. I brought... led you here because I want to give you a warning: soon you will have to accept the truth... only then will you be able to unleash your true potential as a perfect child of hatred! – Gehessikait said.

–Why do you care about my potential? – Sol asked a reasonable question.

–Because, as I already said, I'm in no hurry to die. And this world, just like the entire multiverse, will have to be saved by you. So believe me, it is in my interests to create all the conditions for your Deus Ex Machina evolution.

–Why do you insist that simple development of skill is a "Deus Ex Machina"?

–It's quite simple. You are, of course, a pretty smart guy, but there is something you simply don't know. Well, you don't know a lot of things, but I'm no omniscient either, so I'll share something that I know for sure. The main characters, Clains of the current iteration, have the ability to undergo reactive evolution when they are in great danger and cannot win. So, your father was able to become stronger in the battle with Sean, and then in the battle with Beatrice. And I won't say a thing about your mother – she turned out to be perhaps the biggest power-up in the history of all iterations! And you are their son, so this is also available to you... and probably even more. What is this if not a Deus Ex Machina?

–I'll remind you. I'm not their son.

–Yeah, whatever you say. In short, despite I don't want to fight with you again right now, but... if everyone gets f*cked up and you still remain a weakling like you are now... I will kill your friends, beat you half to death and tear out your nails until you won't get stronger. Keep this in mind, Clain. Goodbye, you narcissistic bastard. Maybe we'll see you again.

Laughing, Gehessikait disappeared in clouds of black smoke that emerged from his eyes and mouth. Sol, although he looked absolutely calm on the outside, was burning with anger inside. If Gehessikait had not left so quickly, Clain would have probably attacked him himself. Taking a deep breath and exhaling to calm himself, Sol sheathed his sword, prepared to charge and right after it returned to the rest of the heroes in the blink of an eye. Once again on the plain, he began to walk. When Clain returned, neither Heathcliff nor even Aren, whom Sol did not encounter at all, were no longer here.

–I assume you have already dealt with Heathcliff? – Sol asked, turning to his comrades.

–You could say so... a lot of things happened and... – Martha said.

–You'll tell me on the way... – Sol said, but suddenly he realized something. – Wait a second! We lost our car, so how do we drive to the north now?!

Clain abruptly lost his mask of calmness, but immediately restored it by clearing his throat. To his seemingly rhetorical question, Shubby answered:

–Well, my blow buried all the opponents' horses underground... so, if you don't mind, I'll take you further.

–And... how are you gonna do it? – Ludwig asked in a puzzled voice.

Grinning, Shubby clapped her hands a couple of times and a mass of flesh dug out from under the ground. It didn't look like Deperi's creation – the small creature's flesh was quite dark. It branched and twisted like a plant, and the "thing" had eyes here and there. You could say it was a little tame cosmic horror beyond human's comprehension. This creature was quite flat, like a platform walking on legs.

–I just created it and it doesn't have a name... well, it doesn't matter. Sit down, what are you standing for? Don't be afraid, you can sit in its eyes, nothing will happen to him, – Shubby said, smiling sweetly and pointing to this monster.

Ludwig almost vomited when he saw this thing, but overcoming his disgust, following the others, he stood up and then sat down on this "platform", which slightly sagged under him, even more reminding that this vehicle was alive. And so, carrying the four heroes and Shubby along with them slightly above the ground, this creature went north, almost without shaking.


–I... it's terrible, but I have to do it...

Holding what looked like an oil lamp in her hand, a girl with long white hair and pale skin watched emotionlessly as another world turned into nothingness. Space ceases to exist, and the Narrative of this story is destroyed. The black long clothes contrasted strongly with the pale skin and snow-white hair. The lantern she was holding was emitting a bright orange light. Her eyes and the halo above her head were the same color as that light. Crows flew around her, and behind her were raven wings.

However, she could not fully destroy this world, because the disappearing reality around her began to change. The outer space in which the two muscular men fought with their fists disappeared and became a cold palace made of ice. The girl shuddered, but not from the cold. She knew very well what this place was. In front of her stood the one because of whom she was in this world... no, because of whom she was on this Narrative Layer. Kai.

–Martha, long time no see... although, no. Kai Clain you know is not me. The one who existed in your reality, and the character that Gerda created... I have all his memories, but still, we are probably different entities... or maybe not, who knows! – Kai said, smiling at his old friend.

–Kai... you... you! Why are you doing all this?! – Martha shouted.

–"All this"? What is "all this"? I'm not doing anything right now.

–You are accumulating strength... to kill Gerda and destroy her entire Narrative Layer along with her!

–Right. So what?

–You are no better than her! You're even worse, monster!

Martha put the lantern she was holding in her hand in front of her and the crows flew around her. The entire universe trembled, and cracks appeared across the sky. Kai looked around with a slight smile on his face... but Martha was shocked. She looked at Kai in fear, stepping back.

–I... I knew...

–Hm. You descended to this layer of Narrative from your native one, where you were an ordinary student and friend of Gerda, Kai and Ludwig. During your descent, you received a horrifying power – to destroy the Narratives themselves. Those Narratives that you destroy go into the Sea of Ideas, don't they?

–Yes... but... I immediately tried to destroy the Narrative of Kai Clain... and a terrible truth was revealed to me... as long as the very concept of fiction and fiction exists, you will not cease to exist... so I began to erase all the works that I could get my hands on... these priceless ones works of art...

–Hm, yes. For example, Shakespeare's "Ad Infinitum" no longer exists. Also, if my memory serves me right, you destroyed the Narrative of Montague Family from "Romeo and Juliet", which is why soon this novel itself will also end up in the Sea. And I interrupted you while you were ruining the history of Dragon Sphere Z, right? Haha, look, without an interesting story, it turned into a lame cartoon series that only has powerscaling! Yes, that's quite terrifying power, – Kai said, placing one hand on his chest and the other out to the side.

Martha was terrified. She looked at Kai with her eyes wide open and trembling. Goosebumps ran through her body while the former Clain looked at her with a piercing gaze that did not fit in with his smile.

–H-how is this possible?! But they are now in the Sea of Ideas! Even Gerda doesn't remember their existence! How are you?!... What kind of monster are you?!

–Oh, I'm afraid I won't give you the answer to this question. However, you came here, on the Narrative Layers below your home... by making a terrible sacrifice, didn't you? – hearing this, Martha shuddered again, but Kai continued. – You committed suicide so that Gerda could include you in her story. And for what did you do all this?

–To destroy you and save the real world! Yes, I will sacrifice fiction, I will destroy the very concept of creativity, but if it is necessary to stop you... I will do it!

Kai burst out laughing. Throwing his head up and hugging himself, he laughed for a few seconds, but then lowered his head again and began to look straight at Martha. Kai wiped away a tear that came out of his tear sac from laughing and said:

–Fine! Before I tell you something... I'll give you a chance to fight me, Martha. You know, as an old friend. Except... this palace is an inappropriate place for a battlefield.

He waved his hand. Space itself, as if it were a fabric that he pulled, followed his hand and "fell" like a curtain in a theater. Now the two stood in the middle of a huge cemetery where countless tombstones were lined up in rows.

–I created this place as a reminder of all the versions of Martha and Ludwig from all the iterations that I remember. They were my friends... and victims of Gerda's obsession with perfection. Well... here you too will die, Martha's original from the higher Narrative layer.

Taking the broken sword that hung next to his belt, Kai pointed it at Martha. Martha squeezed the handle of the oil lamp tighter in her hand. Her wings flapped and she rushed towards Kai.

The fight didn't last long. No matter what Martha did, Kai, even if he did not block or dodge, but took the attack face to face, did not experience any inconvenience – no matter what she did, it was all useless. She is not a fighter, so after another unsuccessful blow, Marta fell to one knee and began to breathe heavily.

–Kai... before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves... – said Martha.

–What a stupid quote. I'm killing way more than 2 people, my friend.

–Alright... before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig n+1 graves, where n is number of people you're going to kill.

–You know what? before you embark on a journey of revenge, don't dig any graves, cuz you'll get tired and won't have energy to do your revenge. Khm, anyway, this is a frightening thing indeed – the Sea of Unrealized Ideas... what ends up there dissolves through a certain number of exes, disappearing forever from all Narratives of all Narrative layers, even as fiction... The Sea exists between the Narratives themselves and the layers, and that's where all the plots, characters and worlds end up when no one remembers them... however, even if my Narrative itself is destroyed, I will survive. Now, I'll tell you a secret.

Martha was trembling with fear. She sacrificed herself to stop him, and then she also managed to erase many stories that are now no longer even remembered... and it was all in vain?! However, this despair of hers was not even one billionth of the despair that she experienced upon hearing the following words of Kai:

–You said that by destroying me you would save the real world... but is that true? You consider the Narrative layer on which you lived to be reality, but this is just another layer, among their unnamable number. You, Gerda, Ludwig... and even Kai Clain. All of them are just someone's fiction. And the one whose fantasy you are is the fantasy of someone else... and so on ad infinitum and beyond. So tell me, what reality are you going to save?

–Huh?...what are you talking about?...

–Of course, Gerda already knew this fact about her world... but I understand her. If she said that to you from get-go, you'd go insane. But now, let will continue with something she does not know! It doesn't matter anymore whether Gerda knows this or not... I have received the Writer's Authority over your Narrative layer. Why do you think you were able to descend from your layer to this one, even in such a grotesque way? Why did you even believe the nonsense that Gerda told you about "living fictional characters"?

–B-because she's my friend and...

–No. Because I decided that you would believe it. Because my thought forced you to descend here, you wouldn't even be able to do so without my allowance. Your powers that are able to destroy Narratives... I decided you will have them. Writer's Authority is, basically, complete control over the Narrative of the world... and I now have this over all the worlds of the Narrative layer on which you and Gerda live.

–This... this is impossible! You're just bluffing! And anyway, then why don't you kill Gerda if you can, huh?!

–Oh, everything is very simple. My goals go far beyond "taking revenge on the writer." Yes, I can kill her at any moment, and then all the worlds of her book will fall into the Sea of Ideas... but my goal is different, Martha.

–This... this is madness...

Martha lowered her head and, covering her eyes with her hands, began to cry. She didn't want to believe it... but for some reason she believed it, as if deep down, she already knew it was true. Martha screamed, sobbing. Kai looked at this with a smile and suddenly spread his arms to the sides.

–Don't worry, Martha. Come, hug me and calm down. Nothing matters, as you might already understand. All our efforts are meaningless from the very beginning, because nothing is real. I can climb the Narratives endlessly, killing whoever came up with the previous step, starting with Gerda... but I will never reach the top. So this is also pointless. So... just accept this as reality, hug me, and move on with your life... now on this Narrative layer.

Barely able to stand, Martha stood up and took a couple of steps towards Kai. Still crying, she also spread her arms to the sides and hugged ex-Claine. She sobbed into his shoulder, and he pressed her head to him with his left hand while he was saying "well, well"... however, suddenly, Martha raised her head, and her eyes were bulging. It's not surprising – Kai's broken sword was sticking out of her back. Moving her trembling legs, Martha moved away from him and then fell on her back. This creature, capable of freely moving between all the worlds of the Narrative Layer and destroying them at will... lay dead, with horror, sadness and grief frozen on its face.

–I've told you. This place will also be your grave, Martha. And now... I won't be able to return those works that have completely disappeared into the Sea of Unrealized Ideas, however, I can get the Montague family out of there. And the world of the Dragon Spheres... I think it will be fine for it to remain powerscaling nonsense without a plot. Well... Gerda, you saw everything on the pages of your book, didn't you? Consider this an official warning. I can kill you at any moment... but, as you can see, I don't. Why? Who knows. Certainly not you. And believe me, so far everything is going exactly as it should. Good luck, Gerda. I'll see you again. We both know it... and now, it's time to announce the following: the end of this chapter.

Chapter 21: Chapter 17: Sol Clain 2: Electric Boogaloo

Chapter Text

–Now I'll interrupt this idyll and ask the question directly, – Sol suddenly said while their "vehicle" was moving calmly. – Ludwig, your last name. What does all of this mean?

Ludwig took a deep breath, scratched the back of his head and took a light sip from his seemingly endless flask. Marren, not understanding what was happening, looked around at the other heroes. Martha looked away, knowing that sooner or later everything would become clear. Shubby looked at Ludwig with interest. She knew what kind of name it was, but she didn't want to ruin Sol's joy of discovery.

–Eh, I guess I can't hide it forever, huh? – Ludwig finally answered.

–Penright is the ruling dynasty of the Northern Empire. At least it was before the coup. And you two are refugees. Would I be right if I said that you are the former Emperor, Ludwig de Penright III? – said Clain.

–Well, I don't need to hide it anymore, right? All like you said, Clain. I was on the throne for only 5 years, but yes, I managed to be an emperor. I was crowned when I was 20, I ruled until I was 25, and then, when the Order of the Oval Table made a coup, I fled to Arai and lived there for a little over ten years. Martha... was my royal mage. Although I had no idea that she was from another world. Basically, she gave a ran with me, – having said this and take another sip, Ludwig put away the flask.

–And then the business that you have in the Empire... – Marren began to say.

–Yeah. I will reclaim my throne. At any cost. For the sake of my late father. He led the Empire to prosperity, conquering all the surrounding kingdoms... but in the end, when it was time to hand over the crown, he asked me to keep peace with the rest of the countries of the continent... I cannot allow the Oval Table to destroy his dream of a prosperous Empire that can finally take a break from wars... oh, sorry, I got carried away. It's not in my habit to speak so sublimely, is it? It's more yours, Sol.

Ludwig laughed, although everyone understood that he was doing this only to brighten the situation. It turned out quite well to lighten the situation – everyone laughed along with Ludwig, except Sol himself. Clain closed his eyes and began to massage his forehead. He knew perfectly well that Ludwig was not lying. It was his goal, indeed. So naive, but...

–I agree. Your motivation... is perfect. It is well suited for the emperor. I will help you to the best of my ability... after we complete our main task.

These words took everyone by surprise. Did Sol agree with Ludwig on something? It is first time it ever happened. But what was even more surprising, it is that Sol smiled. Not in a pretentious or sarcastic way. He looked truly joyful. Realizing what had happened, Sol cleared his throat and shook his head. After that he looked completely calm again. The others laughed a little.

–I didn't know you could experience anything other than... nothing. So you're just pretending to be oh-so-edgy, huh? – said Ludwig.

–You all. Saw. Nothing, – Sol said.

–You know what? Sure. You're still a narcissistic egomaniac who makes terrible decisions and says complete butllcrap. So yes, I'll pretend that I didn't see it – it will be easier to hate you this way, – deposed emperor answered and, grinning, closed his eyes.

The platform with legs moved slowly. It was in no comparison with the car the heroes had used before. The travelers talked about that and this, while Clain simply listened. Shubby didn't listen at all – she unfolded the map in front of her and looked at it, scratching her chin. Suddenly, she clapped her hands and said loudly:


Immediately after this, the small tame cosmic horror, without turning around, went to the left, leaving the road on the plain somewhere into the forest forest. Besides, it was finally moving fast... probably too fast, with such a sudden change in direction and increase in speed that nearly caused Martha and Ludwig to fall.

–What are you doing?! Can't control it or what?! – Martha shouted, somehow staying on the edge of the platform.

–Hm? Oh, no, I sent it there myself. I decided to turn around and ask my friends in one village for a favor. Don't get me wrong, this little guy is good, but... you saw for yourself that he is quite slow, and when he goes fast, it's uncomfortable to ride on him, – having said this, Shubby bent down, allowing a branch to fly right over her head and hit Ludwig on the face. – Actually, I don't quite understand. All of you are capable of simply running at speeds many times greater than the speed of sound... but you definitely need a vehicle. I do not understand this.

–You know, not everyone here has endless stamina! – said Martha.

–Fair enough.

After a short amount of time of such movement, the travelers opened up a view of a small village. Judging by the number of houses, it is unlikely that more than a hundred people lived here. In addition, all exits were cut off by the forest, which means there is unlikely to be a trade route between this village and the rest of the world. Shubby rose to her feet and, stretching, stepped off their temporary transport. When the others did the same, she clapped her hands a couple of times and the creature burrowed underground.

–Don't be afraid, the soldiers of the Empire are unlikely to be waiting for you here. Let's go, I'll arrange a cart with the locals, but it's still my creature that will carry it forward, if guys don't mind.

With these words, Shubby walked towards the villagers' buildings, and the rest followed her. The villagers turned out to be surprisingly friendly, and the guards were really nowhere to be seen. Following Shubby, the heroes entered a large two-story house, where the horned maiden was joyfully greeted by an elderly couple. It must have been the village Elder and his wife... or vice versa, the Elder and her husband, it made no difference.

–Oh, Shubby, we haven't seen you for 3 years! What brought you here? – said the elderly man.

–You see, my friends and I need a carriage, without horses... and also preferably provisions. Of course, I'll pay for everything.

–No, why! Shubby's friends are our friends! – said the old man and looked at the heroes. – Whoever you are, travelers, know that you are always welcome in...

But he didn't have time to finish. There was some noise and shouting from outside the building, and the sky in the windows turned crimson. One of the villagers opened the door of the elders' house and shouted in a desperate voice:

–Elder Ligma, we are under attack! They...

A sharp meat tentacle pierced his head and dragged him back. The elderly people retreated a couple of steps, but then suddenly ran out into the street as Shubby shouted: "Wait, it's dangerous there!" Marren and Sol immediately took up arms, Martha summoned pistols into Ludwig's hands, and Shubby took a fighting stance. The heroes also rushed out of the building, only to find the village in a state of complete chaos. High in the sky, which was barely visible behind the clouds, a man in a white robe with a red pattern was levitating. The sky around him was turning crimson.

–This is Notredame! – shouted Marren.

On the streets of the village the situation was no better, but only worse – "people" dressed in white robes carried out a massacre. Their bodies changed and they stabbed, chopped, tore and beheaded villagers.

–This... we have to stop this! – Ludwig shouted, but Sol grabbed him by the shoulder and didn't let him leave.

–No, we're leaving. If we fight Depari, we will spend a lot of time and...

–Shut up! People are dying, and you, "messiah", don't want to help them?! If you want to go, then go! And while you are there "saving the world", people will die!

Having said this, Ludwig sharply pointed the gun at Sol and fired. The shot missed – the deposed emperor did not want to harm Clain now, it was rather a warning shot. Sol now took on Ludwig's role and grabbed him by the collar and slammed his back against the wall of the elder's house. The building was destroyed.

–So what? Why should I care? If this is how you want to waste your time... then go on!

Sol, having released Ludwig, turned away from the company of heroes and now looked north. When he was already walking away, or rather running away, Shubby said:

–I am going with you!

–But the village elders are your friends! How can you?!... – Ludwig began.

–I... no, they would want me to help Sol if we were in this situation! So I... I'll leave these guys to you!

Having stated her reasons as such, Shubby ran after Sol, leaving the village. Maybe Ludwig wanted to shout something after them, but now he was already busy – the flesh monsters switched their attention to the remaining heroes. Sol and Shubby didn't seem to be noticed by the creatures at all... or they were allowed to leave. Casting a bitter glance at the collapsing village, Shubby, just like Sol, stepped into the thick of the forest. Clain ran ahead. He waved his arms on either side of him, instead of running with his hands in his pockets or on the hilt of his sword, and he wasn't moving fast enough to end up on the other side of the earth. He was not calm. He was not indifferent. He was scared. Perhaps that is why he did not answer a word and did not even turn around to the one who decided to follow him.

He could run as long as he wanted. By changing reality itself through changing the Narrative, he could create infinite stamina for himself, or make his speed faster than light in order to already end up in the Temple of Source... but he did not. Why? Would that be perfect? Yes, before it was precisely this reason that stopped him from finishing this journey before it even began... but what now? What's stopping him from touching the Narrative now? Why is he out of breath and his legs are giving way? Why does Sol Clain slow down and then stop completely while leaning on a tree? Why? Why that day? Why again?

Shubby, approaching the out of breath Sol, who was leaning against a wide oak tree, puts his hand on his shoulder and, hiding his concern behind a sweet smile, says: "Don't be afraid. Just relax and breathe." However, instead of following the advice of the wise-cracking Black Goat of the Woods, Sol covers his face with his right hand and waves at her with his left. The reason he covered his face was not because of some terrible force that was consuming him, not because he didn't want to see her himself... but because he couldn't allow her or anyone else to see him like that. Scared, eyes wide and crying.

–Everything is fine. I'm... I'm fine, Shubby, – Sol said in a trembling voice, although it was clear to a fool that he was not fine.

However, the Black Goat did not try to convince him. She waited humbly for Sol's breathing to return to normal, which did not happen quickly. Perhaps it was worth staying there and helping his comrades in an unequal battle, if he still wasted time standing here? In truth, Sol was already in such a state when he saw the state of the village. He was unable to fight. Finally gaining control of his breathing and emotions, Sol took a deep breath in and out. Closing his eyes and putting his hands in his pockets, he moved away from the tree and continued on his way, now actually walking, and not running, although even walking significantly exceeded the speed of sound. Shubby wanted to ask what was wrong and why this particular scene caused such emotions in Sol, considering that before that he himself had cut out an entire checkpoint of innocent people and did not feel any anxiety... but she didn't.

When he came out of the forest, he met someone on whom he could pour out all the emotions that overwhelmed him. A man in a white mask, "The White Noise," without taking out his blade from under his cloak, stood on the edge of the forest, with his back to the forest itself. Without turning to Clain and his companion, without saying a word in his white-noisy language, he took off and ran away. Sol had no reason to fight him. However, the wounded pride that this was the only one in his entire life against whom he had not won, coupled with the turbulence of emotions that suddenly overwhelmed him, played their role. Sol, leaving Shubby perplexed, muttered through his teeth, "You won't get away this time," and chased after the masked man. All that remained for Shubby was to pick up maximum speed from the spot and run after Sol and the one who copied his powers last time.

Countless landscapes flew by in an instant as Sol chased "White Noise". Traveling an incalculable number of kilometers in an incalculably small period of time, Sol was moving east, and not north at all. The fatigue that had overcome him seemed to cease to exist. Finally, Sol seemed to have reached his nemesis – the elusive silhouette of a masked man ran around the corner of a rock that rose among the stony nothingness. There were no people, no plants, no animals. Only some stone ruins, and in the middle of it is a huge boulder, rising for kilometers. Drawing his sword, Sol immediately, without any epic poses or words, created one white wing of his Emotional Turbulence behind his back. Having done this, he hit the stone block with the blade of his sword once, causing it to literally turn into dust, and not even rubble, like the last time.

Among the small pieces of stone, a man in a white mask who seemingly had been sitting on the ground before stood up and put his hand on the guard of his sword, which was on his belt under his cloak. Suddenly for Sol, the unknown person spoke. And not with white noise, but with completely comprehensive speech:

–What are you doing here, Paradox? It seems you were heading north... and now you suddenly changed your route just to find me? How did you even find me?

The voice of the unknown person was suspiciously similar to the voice of Sol himself. Clain decided to ignore this, as well as the fact that the masked man called him Paradox.

–Not only did you copy my abilities... now you also speak in my voice? You have no shame at all. How did I find you? You were just next to a forest where your friend destroyed an entire village... and you thought I wouldn't catch up with you?

The masked man tilted his head slightly to the side and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." However, it seems that this did not matter – he took out a sword and pointed it at Sol. Sol did the same with his sword. "This time we fight to the death," Sol said. "White Noise" did not respond. Knowing Perfection wouldn't work, Sol rushed towards the masked man, sword raised. When Clain began to lower the blade, everything froze. The masked man's Perfection activated. However, as if following the laws of honor, he did not instantly kill Sol, but instead simply hit him in the stomach, like last time.

This time Clain withstood the blow and remained on his feet. At the same time, both duelists switched their swords to the mode of cutting the concepts and began to fence. From above, from the side, lunge, from the side, lunge, from above, retreat and lunge... no matter what Sol did, the unknown calmly repelled the attacks, and then, when he himself went on the attack... Clain was able to parry the blows just as easily. It seems they were fencing in the same style... but how is this possible if Sol was taught fencing by Oliver, who invented his own style? Did this person even copy the sword style?

This made Sol doubt for a second, which the unknown took advantage of. He grabbed Sol by the throat with his left hand and slammed him hard into the ground. Throwing his sword aside and continuing to choke Clain, "White Noise" raised his fist and delivered a direct blow right to Sol's face... at least he tried. Sol pierced the stranger's right hand with his sword, thereby stopping it millimeters from his head. Pain shot through the masked man's body, causing him to let go of Clain's neck and jump back, creating a new sword in his hand. At the same time, he broke off Sol's sword, and the fragment remained sticking out in masked man's hand until he pulled it out himself. Clain threw the sword, broken at the beginning of the blade, aside and created a new one in his hand.

When both of them were already holding not their own, but newly created swords in their hands, both duelists ran at each other and clashed blades again. Now no one attacked or defended – they tried to overpower each other by crossing swords. The forces were absolutely equal, so neither of them could emerge victorious from this... and both were too stubborn to admit defeat. The forces were equal until the moment Shubby finally came to where Clain was. Her fist went through the air as the masked man disappeared when she attacked. Now she stood opposite him with Sol... and a beam of energy shot from her body into the sky – scarlet energy enveloped her, covering mostly her limbs and head, creating a silhouette on the top of her head of much larger horns than there were before. She activated her Emotional Turbulence.

2 Clain, although Shubby was one many iterations ago, in Emotional Turbulences against one masked man. The chances were not equal, but "White Noise" did not even think about retreating. He raised his hand and the light fell on Clain and his companion. Incinerating rays of light fell from the sky towards the two, but they were both able to take a swift step in different directions, although Shubby could barely keep up with the speed. Without saying a word, but still acting in unison, Sol and Shubby ran towards the masked man and, finding themselves on either side of him, began to press hard on him. Sol, who was on his right, was blocked by the unknown person with a blade in his hand, which was now gold with both hands, and Shubby's fist attacks were blocked by a sword flying in the air, which the masked man had just created. Judging by the fact that he didn't even look in the direction of the Black Goat of the Woods, he saw everything that was happening around him without his eyes... which is not surprising, considering that there were no gaps for eyes in the mask.

However, even though White Noise successfully defended himself, he was stepping back under such a barrage of attacks. But soon there was nowhere to retreat – a wall of thin but very strong tentacles appeared behind him. It was probably Shubby's creation. Removing his left hand from the hilt of his sword, the masked man struck Shubby in the solar plexus, causing her to take a step back. Since he now held the sword with only one hand, Sol began to overpower him... but the unknown person rushed to the left, past Shubby, and avoided the attack.

Before his two opponents had time to figure out how to proceed, the masked man raised his sword upward. White light filled the sky to his left, and black darkness to his right. It seemed that this was his last attack in an attempt to confront Sol and Shubby, however, this attack was not destined to happen. A wall of hundreds of thousands of swords appeared between "White Noise" and his opponents, and when it just as suddenly disappeared, it became clear that upon seeing this, the stranger canceled his attack prematurely. In the place of the wall now stood none other than the King of Arai of this world, Oliver Clain. The black-haired blade master held a special sword in his hand – its guard was in the form of the coat of arms of the kingdom of Arai. 2 wings, one black and one white, on the right and left respectively.

–Are you the who I think you are? – he said to the masked man.

Sol and "White Noise" reacted at the same time. Sol shouted, "Oliver?!" while the stranger shouted, "Father?!", which earned a confused look from Sol and Shubby... but not from Oliver. Closing his eyes and exhaling, Clain Sr. instantly found himself next to the masked man and struck an upward slashing blow. The unknown tried to stop him, but the sword of "White Noise", when he just touched Oliver's sword, disintegrated into pieces... and therefore the unknown met Oliver's blade differently. From under his cloak he took out another sword. It was very similar to Oliver's sword – its guard was also a work of art. This guard has a white wing on one side and a black flame on the other. Only this sword could stop Oliver's attack.

However, causing harm was not his goal. The kinetic energy from the impact could not move the stranger even a centimeter... but the white mask on his face first cracked and then fell apart into two halves. It was immediately clear why his style and abilities were the same as Sol's. It wasn't copying. Blue and green eyes, which had just been covered by a mask, glared at Oliver. The facial features, the eye color, the hair color, the fencing style, the abilities... it was Sol. Definitely.

–Father, why are you defending this ungrateful?!... – this other Sol began.

–Eh, I wish everything wasn't as complicated as I expected. All I ask is that you control your anger, Sol. It was not proper for a prince to behave this way.

With that said, Oliver hung the sword on his belt, and the other Sol followed suit, putting away his and his special sword. He said something like "It's not over yet, Paradox" and disappeared. Taking a deep breath, Oliver turned to Sol and Shubby. Judging by his face, he had never met Shubby. No surprise – it was Oliver from this world, and not from the original universe. With a cheerful smile, looking at Prince Arai and his companion, the king... bowed.

–Sorry, Sol. It looks like you were right all along.

–What are you talking about, Oliver? – Sol asked, sheathing his sword.

–You really are not from this world... Sol... well, the one who wore the white mask... he is my son. From this world. The one who disappeared 8 years ago. About the same time you were found. I apologize for thinking you were him, – Oliver said and stood up to his full height again.

–So this "White Noise" is... Me? – Sol said and took a step back. – Me from this world?

–Well, I don't know what "White Noise" is... but if you're talking about this masked man, then yes. I feel like this is my son... even though I'm seeing him for the first time in 8 years. It's a pity that we met him under such circ*mstances, haha, – Oliver scratched the back of his head and winked at Sol.

–I... I don't know what to say, – Sol said, still unable to comprehend the truth.

–But I know! I'm sure that Sol... I mean, this Sol, and Sol... I mean, Sol from this universe, your son, will still face each other in battle... perhaps one of them will kill the other, Mr. Oliver! And... You're not going to do anything? – Shubby asked, puffing out her cheeks towards the king.

–Well, I'm now going with one of my familiar governors on a diplomatic mission to the Emperor. I know that my son... both that Sol and you. You're both reasonable people and won't fight without a reason, right?

–But... but he's the only one I couldn't defeat... how can I... – Sol began, but Oliver also didn't let him finish.

–But isn't that good? The only one who is equal to you is yourself. Sounds good, doesn't it? Hmm. But judging by his words, he has some kind of grudge against you. So, if he doesn't want a truce, hit him hard at the head, he'll come to his senses right away. This is what usually happens in eastern comics. Don't be afraid, he's resilient, like me, like you, like... okay, it doesn't matter, – Oliver said, laughing. – Oh, and to make this easier for you... here you go!

Oliver again took the sword with a beautiful guard hanging in the air next to his belt and, approaching Sol, handed him this sword.

–This sword, Unity... when it touches anything... – Oliver began to speak, but now Sol interrupted him as soon as he looked at the sword.

–When it touches anything that is considered a "weapon" in the Narrative, it destroys that "anything", and this sword itself is indestructible according to the law of the story. I see, – Sol said and took the sword, after which he asked a rational question. – But why?

–In the end, Sol... I mean, that Sol blocked by strike with Unity from some other universe. Instead of a black wing there was a black flame. Does the white wing and black flame mean anything to you?

–They do... On your Unity, the white wing symbolizes Cirael, and the black wing symbolizes you, right? – Sol asked and Oliver nodded. – Oliver from my universe, during his Emotional Turbulence, manifested wings of black flame behind his back. I think... I think this is Unity from the original universe.

The smile left Oliver's face and he scratched his chin. This news clearly did not please him.

–So my son met your parents... I think I can guess why he hates you, although I don't feel the same... I'm sorry that you met under such circ*mstances, Sol, – after these words he smiled again and looked at Shubby. – I don't know who you are, lady, but I'm glad that my son... my son from another universe found himself a worthy girl.

Sol immediately glanced displeasedly at Oliver, making it clear that there was nothing between them, and Shubby blushed, but smiled, saying the following:

–So, I can consider this an official blessing from his parents?

–He is not my father! – Sol shouted, not really understanding what Shubby meant.

–If you say so.~

While Shubby rejoiced at Oliver's words, Oliver himself waved to the carriage approaching from the south. The governor with whom Oliver was traveling came out... and the other two immediately recognized him. It was Sean. Sean also noticed Sol and... Shubby. He immediately grabbed a knife from under his jacket and said:

–White woman spotted... Misogynist Install!

Black energy, under Oliver's surprised gaze, enveloped Sean's body, and time froze. He rushed towards Shubby... but Sol hit him on the head with the hilt of his sword.

–Misogynist Uninstall. Shubby is my comrade.

Sean looked at him, his eyes wide, and let time go on. The black energy around him immediately dissipated. Shubby sighed and bowed, saying:

–I... I'm sorry, I had to do it that time, those were the orders of Necronomicon.

–Oh, forget it... we'll settle it later, in a fair duel. Now both you and I have more important missions, Sean said and shrugged, putting the knife back.

–I don't really understand what happened between you all, but... should I give you to a ride? – said Oliver.

–No. It will be faster for us to move ourselves, – Sol answered and looked at Shubby; she nodded.


With these words, Oliver, followed by Sean, got back into the carriage and it drove on. Sol turned to Shubby and sheathed the sword Oliver had given him from this world, after removing the previous sword from it and thrusting it into the ground. Shubby stretched and nodded to her companion. Now there were no ones with them who were limited by stamina – Shubby has it infinite overall, and Sol can make it so by changing the Narrative. Having taken the starting position to run, they immediately took off and, moving faster than light, rushed through the mountains, forests, water surface of the seas, cities, fields, meadows and everything that was in their way. They left behind them a trail of earth, which became covered with craters from such fast steps. Given that they were outrunning the light, no one even saw them, although they undoubtedly ran past a huge number of people.

–Oh, well, this is much easier, right? And why didn't you do that right away, leaving them behind, huh? – Shubby asked as she and Sol stopped at the ice-covered northern end of the Northern Empire.

–I... and tried to do everything perfectly. Be ideal in everything. It's so easy to ignore the whole path, but what perfection there is... but it doesn't make sense in the first place. My desire for ideal... okay, forget it. I... don't know how to say this.

The destruction of the village and then meeting himself from this world somehow changed Sol. He still looked very calm and cool, but he no longer manically brushed every speck of dust off himself, and he didn't shy away from using Emotional Turbulence right away, just as he didn't tend to use Perfection all of the time. Something has changed in him...

In front of Sol and Shubby lays an icy wasteland, where there was not a single living creature. According to Sol's calculations, the temperature here was at absolute zero – -273.15 °C... well, absolute for anyone, but not for these two – they stood calmly here and did not feel any discomfort. In front of them was, seemingly, the Temple of Origin – a huge glacier, at the bottom of which a passage inside was carved into the ice. This immediately reminded Sol of something, but it was probably just a coincidence. After looking around and making sure that there was no one around, Sol and Shubby went inside this glacier.

Inside, the passages were surprisingly smooth, as if a block of ice was originally built as a building. Beyond the small corridor was a huge hall with several pedestals... and a wooden sign that was driven into the ice next to the central pedestal. The text on the sign read: "We have already taken the Orb, you're too slow!" Sol immediately pulled the sign out of the icy floor and glared at it. A second later he threw it back, thereby destroying it on the floor.

–Let's leave this place. There really is no Sphere here.

–'ll just believe those who wrote it? It could have been anyone and... – Shubby began, but Sol interrupted her.

–Or maybe you'll think for a change? Who could go into a glacier in the middle of a wasteland, where it is already absolute zero, and survive? It is obvious that our goal was taken by the "heroes" of the Empire... as I thought, fate has predetermined my rivalry with the White... no, with the Sol of this world. Let's go to. It's time to pay the Emperor a visit... a little before Oliver and Sean can.


Ludwig woke up on the cold floor. Marren lay unconscious in the same cell with him. Martha was not around. "Damn, I knew that he was too tough for us, but I decided to play a hero, what a dumb guy I am... it's strange that they didn't kill us, just imprisoned," Ludwig thought, starting to lightly shake Marren's shoulders so that he would wake up. Marren, who even unconsciously remained in his plague doctor mask, after Ludwig's actions, shook his head and sat up abruptly, looking around.

–Where are we?!

–Where I definitely didn't want to end up. Right under the capital of the Empire, – Ludwig replied.

–And... where is Martha?! – Marren asked, realizing that there were two of them here.

–I have no idea. She was probably taken away by that pervert. Whatever it is, Heathkilt or something like that...

–So she... okay, let's not assume the worst. How will we get out?

–Ha! That's a funny joke. I know the capital of the Empire like the back of my hand... at least I did about a decade ago. The walls and bars of any cell are made of a material that absorbs magic. We are powerless here, – Ludwig said, taking a deep breath.

–So nobody can escape...

–What do you mean, "nobody"?

A sudden male voice interrupted Marren. In the cell opposite sat and meditated a non-human already familiar to these two with green hair that reached almost to his feet. Ktul opened his red eyes and looked at the two unfortunate heroes.

–Oh, how did you end up here? Marta spoke as if you were some kind of invincible undefeatable fighter, but they defeated you, and even put you in a cage? – Ludwig said mockingly.

–I was not defeated. I sat down to meditate and they built a prison around me, – Ktul answered calmly.

–Yeah of course. As if I'm not from here and I don't know that this prison is older than me, – Ludwig replied.

–Hmm... that means I've been sitting here longer than you've been alive.

–You obviously have no problems with a sense of humor, winged one.

–If I am a prisoner here, how do you explain this?

Ktul stood up and, going to the bars of his cell, broke it open. The sound was very loud, so that all the guards of this world probably heard it. However, when they arrived and saw who had broken free, all the guards ran away in fear. Ktul, despite the pleas of all the prisoners to destroy their cells, began to simply leave, saying:

–Hmm, I need to meet with Shab-Ni***rat...

Marren's sensitive ear caught this, so the guy in the mask immediately shouted after him:

–Shab-Ni***rat is Shabby, right?! The one who ran the inn south of here, right?!

Ktul stopped and stepped back to stand in front of Marren and Ludwig's cell.

–Hm. You are right. Now what?

–She's traveling with Sol now. She came with us, we split up... well, it's a long story. She's probably already far to the north... – Marren said.

Ktul turned pale. Without further ado, Ktul tore out the bars in the cell of these two.

–This is a gesture of goodwill for helping my friend find a young man. But pray to Azathoth that I never meet you or him again. Because then you will die.

Marren and Ludwig shrugged. The representative of the Great Old Ones then left the dungeon... flapping his wings and flying through the ceiling, which was hundreds of meters underground. There was no time to figure it out; I had to get out of here. The unfortunate heroes, unarmed, went up the stairs, trying not to make too much noise.


–Good morning, wake up and shine!~

Martha came to her senses, lying on a luxurious sofa in a spacious room. She was not bound and her magic was not limited. However, she felt that she could not escape from here on her own so simply. The last thing she remembered was that the cultists, led by Notredame, captured and knocked out her, Marren and Ludwig. And now a familiar and therefore frightening voice greeted her awakening. Heathcliff sat on a chair directly in front of her, looking dangerously close into her face.

Squealing, Martha jumped up and fell over the back of the sofa, simultaneously breaking off a piece from the back and taking it like a club, preparing to defend herself. But Heathcliff did not attack. He didn't see the point.

–Why fight? You are already with me. Yes, I understand that your feelings are difficult to understand, but I am sure that soon you will realize this deep love.

Rising from the chair, he approached the girl, who broke this piece of the backrest on his head. He lightly rubbed the impact area and shrugged. It clearly didn't cause him any serious damage. Instead, he walked a few steps to the side and took a sphere from the table that shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

–Do you see this? This is the very Sphere of the Sun that you have been looking for. With its help, Sir Mordred and Sir Arthur will create a weapon that will bring the rest of the continent to its knees. And after this you and I will become feudal lords in one small province, wherever you want.~

–You... you're a damn madman. And not only are you crazy, everyone in the Empire after the coup is just crazy... seriously, is that your entire motivation? Thirst for power?! – Martha asked, pressing her back against the panoramic window.

–Not at all! This may be the motivation of our leaders, the Emperor and his son, but personally, I am only interested in you! The brains of our group...what was his name again? Anyways, the 4th of us said that you will be together with the heroes of Arai, and if I help Empire, then I can take you as a trophy... but you came to me yourself, I didn't even have to take you by force. As for the others... Notredame is here only because of Marren, and this 4th... well, he has a personal matter with Sol. He wants revenge or something like that.

–You're not a psycho, you are an entire asylum... just what have you monsters done to our Empire...

–Yours? But you're not from here! You are from another universe, completely different from this one... and there you were the one who made me feel comfortable for the first time, and then also promised to marry... how could I forget about my muse?

–I regret that I didn't strangle you with my hands while you sat alone in your depression... but I'm glad for one thing... in your naivety and self-confidence... you're still an idiot!

Martha slammed her fist on the window behind her, breaking it. After that, although they were on the 11th floor of a huge tower, she jumped backwards, probably thinking that it would be better to die than to stay with this freak. Flying down, she looked at the tower, painted with stripes of different colors. Yes, no doubt only Heathcliff could have come up with such an ugly design. But now, soon there will be earth... soon...

–Everything's ok! I caught her!

This time the familiar voice was a joy for Martha. Marren caught her in the fall and, without reducing his running speed, he and Marren ran through the streets of the city, even though now Marren was carrying Martha in his arms. Ludwig, seeing that Martha was safe and close, nodded to her. Not understanding why, she responded to this sign by summoning a pistol in Ludwig's hands. Without saying a word, Ludwig began to turn around every now and then and shoot somewhere. Turning around, Martha also understood everything – a whole crowd of Empire guards was chasing these two.

–How... how did you know that I would be here? – Martha asked.

–Huh? This is what we wanted to ask – how did you know that we would be running here? – Marren asked in response.

–Wait... so you seriously wanted to fall to death?! – Ludwig shouted, not forgetting to shoot back in pursuit.

–No, I... I just knew that someone would save me! Now let's run, this crazy guy will probably join the chase soon!


A joyful shout broke the silence. Schrodinger returned to his pocket dimension in an excellent mood. Margarita, meeting him, bowed and asked:

–I assume that since you are in such high spirits, the negotiations were successful, Master?

–No, he told me to go to hell, – Schrodinger replied and shrugged, which was not very convenient to do in his kimono.

–Then...why are you so happy?

–Oh, this is...

Schrodinger took out from his inner pocket something resembling a modern smartphone. On it, he showed his friend, who was also his maid, a screen on which it was clear that he had pulled a five-star character in some gacha.

–I got an exclusive five-star event character, what's not to be happy about?

–And... how much of our money did you spend on this, Master? – the girl asked uncertainly.

–Er... no comments! Okay it does not matter. So I told Sol what he needed to know... but he said he wasn't interested. But he had not yet left Arai, when I met him he was still in... what was that city's name again?... in Berul, right. Given that time moves differently, several days have probably already passed in that world.

–And what exactly was "what he needed to know"?

–Well, multiverse, blah-blah-blah, Narrative layer, blah-blah-blah, Story Devourer, blah-blah-blah, the war between Gerda and Kai, blah-blah-blah... well, you get the idea. It seems to me that he listened to music in a magic headset throughout the entire dialogue... and then he still had the impudence to say that he was not interested in this, what an awful man!

–Well, I understand... but I think you should still try to talk to him again when he's finished his journey and...

But Margarita did not have time to finish. The boundless walls of Schrodinger's pocket universe began to cover with white cracks. Suddenly, the space itself was destroyed and fell down like thin opaque glass. Now Schrodinger and Margarita stood in the middle of the streets of that same Berul, where just recently, right after Sol left the city hall, Schrodinger called him around the corner to talk about something important. Local residents looked at them in bewilderment – these two literally appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of the main street.

The epic music started playing from unknown source. From the other end of the street, a man they knew well was walking towards these two. His broken sword was pointed to the side, but the brown-haired youth did not care. Kai, putting his left hand in his pocket, walked towards Schrodinger and Margarita to the accompaniment of music. Suddenly, the townspeople froze. They turned gray and froze in time.

–K-Kai! Long time no see! And... what do you need and was it necessary to drag us out here, friend? – Schrodinger said, trying not to show how much fear was squeezing him.

–Schrodinger-Schrodinger-Schrodinger. You already know that you did something that you shouldn't have... you tried to talk to Sol and ruin my plans... of course, it didn't work out for you, but bad children need to be punished, right?

–W-what do you need from my Master?! – Margarita shouted.

Immediately after that, she opened her eyes and mouth wide. From surprise and pain – the next moment her body was pierced by countless chains that came from the ground. Being quite literally Schrodinger's cat, she could not die, because she was always between life and death.

-Although, why do I say "Schrodinger"... I don't understand why you two need this masquerade with names, if I know perfectly well who you really are, the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat. An eternally being late ruler of space-time and a clumsy cat who violates the laws of that very space and time.

Schrodinger, or as Kai called him, the White Rabbit, abruptly drew his katana from its sheath and stopped time. Even the quantum-immortal Margarita, or as Kai called her, the Cheshire Cat, stopped... but Kai did not. The first Clain calmly walked towards Schrodinger.

–Did you really think that this would stop me, White Rabbit? You know who I am, – Kai said.

–I know... Gerda's Mary Sue, – Schrodinger replied, stepping back.

–You could say so. In any case, I don't particularly like it when people put a spoke in my wheels... even if it never works out.

–But... but I saved Oliver and Cirael, as you asked! I have returned my debt to you! What I was speaking about with Sol has nothing do to with you!.

–And I think it does.

–Ha... look at this, you goddamn Mary Sue!

Suddenly, Schrodinger took a pocket watch from his belt with his left hand and showed it to Kai.

–On this clock, the hands count down the time that remains to live for the Clains of the current iteration, as well as me, Margarita, Kayen... and you, Kai. Oliver and Cirael are dead, as is Kayen, so their arrows are at 12... but Sol still has a lot of time to live, just like me and Margarita! You won't kill us today! On the other hand, look at your hand, it's already at 11:45! You have near nothing left to live.

–Mm... look at this watch again. They are already striking midnight... but not for me.

Fear paralyzed Schrodinger. He slowly turned the watch in his direction, only to find that the hand labeled with his name was pointing to 12 o'clock. At the same moment, Kai's broken sword pierced Schrodinger's chest. He struck this same clock, and through it pierced the body of the pseudo-samurai. Schrodinger fell to the ground, but this seemed not enough to Kai. Countless black spears, despite time being stopped, fell from the sky to the ground and pinned Schrodinger's legs, arms and the edges of his kimono to the ground. After that, Kai said, in a completely serious voice:

–You may think that your servant, as you call her, Margarita, still loves you. But you ignored her too much... and now she's dating Joe Ligma.

–Who the hell is Joe Ligma?... – answered Schrodinger, forgetting about the bartender in the original universe, because of pain he was enduring.

–Joe mama ligma balls. Gottem, – Kai answered.

After that, time started moving again. Because Schrodinger lost all the strength to keep it in a stopped state – he died. From cringe. Although time passed, the townspeople remained stopped. It was probably the work of Kai. But Margarita saw the death of her Master right here and now.

–I... I will take revenge on you, Kai!

–Oh, good luck with that! For now, well, uh, bye. My job here is done.

The next moment Margarita was already in a white void. The chains that pierced her were gone. She probably ended up in another world. She tried many times to create a passage into Schrodinger's pocket world... but the door did not open. Kai personally destroyed all the universes created by Schrodinger at the very moment when he pulled the "White Rabbit" and "Cheshire Cat" out of their world. Another multiverse died with its creator, as it happened with Kayen before...

–But does this matter in the bigger picture? – Kai said.


–Why... why are you doing this?! After I gave them true freedom... why are you doing all this?! How many more will you kill?! – Gerda shouted, reading the text that had just appeared in her book.

"And as many as I need to, even if I have to destroy everyone you created. And those whom you did not create, but with whom you are connected. And even those who are not connected with you. I will kill as many as necessary." This was exactly the text that appeared immediately after she finished screaming. Gerda lay down on the bed again, realizing that now she would not sleep again today.

Chapter 22: Chapter 18: Battle at the Capital, part 1

Chapter Text

It is dark. It's been night outside for a long time; light enters the room only from the cracks between the door and the door frame. It is fine – Sol likes this kind of partial shade. It is in this environment that he trains with the sword, moving with it as if dancing, practicing pirouettes and dodges to perfection. There is peace and quiet all around%$@(!&%)~*!^&_@%&)!#&^!(#^(*!(*@!#&^!*&)!#^&(@& $^(@!(#!^&(!$&^(&$(!&!#)^!#^!#*$^!#^&*@#%^&$!#*! #^&

It is dark. It's been night outside for a long time; light enters the room only from the cracks between the door and the door frame. It is fine – Sol likes this kind of partial shade. It is in this environment that he trains with the sword, moving with it as if dancing, practicing pirouettes and dodges to perfection. There are screams of panic outside, but no other noise. Sol ignores them. You never know, what kind of fanatic is shouting about the next end of the world? Even if this time it's for real, this world has heroes*^!^(!&^!)^#&!#)&^#()^#^!#^!*^ &)*)&%(#&)(%#!)#&*)$^&*(%#)&*@(#^&*()^Y&(^Y&*(!^%! #^%*#%*@^&@*$^&!#^&@*($^&*&$^9&@($^&

It is dark. It's been night outside for a long time; light enters the room only from the cracks between the door and the door frame. It is fine – Sol likes this kind of partial shade. It is in this environment that he trains with the sword, moving with it as if dancing, practicing pirouettes and dodges to perfection. There are screams of panic outside, but no other noise. Sol ignores them. You never know, what kind of fanatic is shouting about the next end of the world? Even if this time it was for real, Sol's parents, Oliver and Cirael, would stop this threat as well, as they had done not once, not twice, but many more times. They saved the world many times after defeating Kayen, however, they promised to tell these stories sometime later. Now 11-year-old Sol is practicing the moves his father taught him.

The door to Sol's room opens. Oliver, who is clearly worried about something, tries to keep a smile. Cirael is crying in the next room. Sol, with the help of his eyes, understands perfectly well that Oliver also has a hard time holding back tears, but he has extensive experience in suppressing his emotions. Sitting down on one knee in front of his son and patting his head, Oliver says:

–*!&@#^)!#^&!#(&^)#*$!#(^&!#(^&$)*#^(&^_)!)^!* $@#^*(^&(@#*%&@*(#^&$&*(!#^%!^(#(*#@&%!#^!^$&*(! ^#^!^&*!^#&*($^@!%)^(*!%()!^()!%()&!#&$*@! ^%$*(!%#^&%*(!^&^!#&!$*(@$^(*!#^&!^#

Sol shook his head and looked around. He and Shubby emerge from the glacier. "Just an hallucination," he thought. Turning to his companion, he said:

–Out of the two of us, you live in the Empire. Where is the capital? We will go there the same way we got to this Temple... if you can even call it "Temple".

–To get to Northold... forget it, just follow me.

Getting into a running stance, Shubby immediately picked up the same speed at which the two of them ran from the southwest of the Empire to the Temple of Origin. Without waiting for anything, Sol went after her, not lagging behind. To the soldiers who were doing their duty in front of the huge gate to the city, it looked as if these two had appeared out of nowhere. The four guards who were unlucky enough to be on guard at that particular moment pointed their spears at Sol and Shubby, considering that Clain's face was already among the most wanted criminals in the Empire.

–Um, Sol, what's our plan? – Shubby said.

–The plan is very simple. Rip and tear until it is done.


–Where are we even running to?! What's our plan?! – Ludwig shouted, already tired from constant running.

–I thought you knew! You lived here before, not me! – Marren shouted back to him.

Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, several dozen blocks away, dust rose, as if something big had been destroyed. "I guess that's where we're going!" Ludwig shouted, not forgetting to shoot back at the seemingly endless city guards. Ludwig and Marren, with Martha on Marren's arms, turned sideways, now heading north, seemingly towards the city gates. New guards stopped joining the chase... maybe they are busy with what caused the dust to rise? It didn't matter. There were enough of those on the tail... at least, that was the case until the moment a beam of multi-colored energy incinerated them.

–Oopsie, I missed...

A slightly upset voice came from somewhere above. And the heroes would have liked to ignore him if the owner of this voice had not suddenly dropped down in front of them, blocking the path forward. Martha abruptly created a large portal, the entrance to which was in front of this man, and the exit behind his back, thereby trying to create a passage without changing the path. She didn't succeed – the portal collapsed right in front of Marren's face, which is why he crashed into an invisible spatial wall and, together with Martha, fell onto the stone pavement. Only now, when they slowed down, did they realize that the man was Heathcliff. Marren jumped to his feet and took out his knives. Ludwig pointed his pistols at the enemy. Both understood that they could not fight him... but they would not give up without a fight.

There was no conversation before the battle. An invisible force hit Ludwig, causing him to fly backwards dozens of meters, and then crash into the wall of a building and lose consciousness. He dropped the pistols exactly where he flew away from. Heathcliff decided to play with Marren a bit longer. The walls of neighboring buildings seemed to come to life. Limbs made of bricks and wood reached out to the boy in the plague doctor mask, but he swiftly walked past them, moving towards the one who was blocking their path. He was very close – just a step away. Marren raised the knife and... something invisible dragged him back by his legs. Marren hung in the air, feet up, as living pieces of buildings were reaching out to tear him apart.

–That's enough!

The objects controlled by the hero of the Empire stood still. Heathcliff and Marren, who was suspended in the air, turned to the source of the sound. It was Martha. She held the pistols that Ludwig had dropped and pointed the one in her left hand at Heathcliff.

–Do you really think you'll scare me with this thing? – he said.

–Yes, – answered Martha.

She brought the second gun near to her head and pointed it at her right temple.

–You're only here because of me, right? If I die, then you will have no reason to help the Empire, and certainly no reason to kill my friends.

While Marren was shouting words that she shouldn't do this, Heathcliff, who, as he himself said, was head over heels in love with Martha, said completely unexpected words:

–You won't do this.

–Huh? – Martha and Marren said in unison.

–You won't do this. You really like to play with other people's feelings, Martha. I don't know if this is childishness, or if you're just that kind of person. But you will never do something to your own detriment for the benefit of others.

Martha and Marren looked at each other. Heathcliff's tone, facial expression, and even manner of speaking changed at that moment, as if another person was standing in front of them. The slightly crazy smile was gone, and the voice was no longer energetic.

–Judging by the change in behavior, you're sure afra... – Martha began.

–No. I just know that you won't do it. If you changed even a little, you wouldn't make such stupid and empty threats.

This would be the second time today that she did this... but Martha, controlling the pistol with her thoughts, fired. A ball of light froze in the air, right next to her head, while Heathcliff looked at Martha in shock. Indeed, if she died, then he would have no reason to stop her friends... but something was off. Obviously, Heathcliff himself stopped the projectile of this pistol from moving, saving Martha, but... for some reason, Marren fell, and then rose to his feet. Nothing held him anymore, and "living" pieces of buildings collapsed to the ground. Heathcliff smiled. Not with a half-crazy smile of obsession, as before, but like an ordinary person.

Martha suddenly began to understand what Heathcliff meant, as well as his real motives. Unfortunately, Marren did not understand this, nor did Ludwig, who had just regained consciousness and had just approached the battlefield. But this mock battle was not destined to last much longer – a man, completely clad in dark blue, almost black armor with shades of purple, approached from behind Heathcliff. Not a millimeter of skin was visible under the armor. There was... something thrown over the knight's shoulder. Undoubtedly it was a weapon. But it was difficult to call it a sword. It was, rather, a huge rail, sharpened at the edges. And considering how many different protruding spikes were sticking out of it in different directions, it was hardly possible to cut something with it.

–Mordred... – Ludwig said through clenched teeth.

–It is... it is the man behind the slaughter during the coup... – Martha said.

The one Ludwig called Mordred ignored the two and spoke directly to Heathcliff:

–Why are they still alive? I gave the okay not to kill them previous time, with the condition that if they get out, you will obliterate them. Heathcliff, you could kill them all just by wishing so... why the hell are they still alive?

–Oh, well, noble Sir Mordred, I'm just having so much fun. No need to worry, – Heathcliff replied, returning to his usual expression and voice.

However, there was a need to worry – turning around, Heathcliff directed a beam of energy at Mordred, with the goal of wiping him off the face of the earth. His next shout was clearly addressed to the heroes:

–I'm glad that you have changed during the time I haven't seen you! I've gone through some changes too! Run while you can! Reach the northern city gate! I'll buy you some time!

Without wasting a minute, Marta created a portal that would allow her and her friends to turn right through the concrete mass and take a shortcut through several streets. Immediately behind them, the portal closed. Explosions and blows were heard at the site of the battle between Heathcliff and Mordred, but now it was more important for them to escape.

–Martha, what does all this mean? – said Ludwig.

–Heathcliff, he... what a fool I was. Initially, his goal was to see whether I had become different from the moment I walked around the worlds and, falling in love with everyone I met and then break their hearts... and now he will die simply because he could not ask directly, and I did not understand his goals earlier... I guess I haven't changed at all, huh?

–But you did. I don't know your situation well, but you don't seem to love anyone right now, – Marren said.

–Well, how can I say this, Marren... – Martha answered, blushing a little.

As they approached the city gates, it became clear why no one was chasing them – a huge crowd of knights was here... at first it seemed that they were dead, but Marren immediately realized that they were alive. Many of their bones are broken, but they are alive. And from the site of this battle, two people already familiar to them were leaving towards the city center – Sol and Shubby. Ludwig called out to them:

–Hey, mock heroes!

–What do you want, another mock hero? – Shubby answered, turning around.

However, since there was a greater distance between them, no one heard her, except, perhaps, Sol, who was walking next to her. Ludwig, Marren and Martha caught up with the two and began to breathe heavily. After all, they just ran through the entire city, and Martha also created a portal, which greatly wastes her stamina.

–I assume you were captured but were able to escape? – Sol said.

–You! If only he had stayed!... – said Ludwig and pointed his hand at Sol, because he no longer held pistols in his hands.

–Yes. I know. It is my fault, – Clain replied, shocking everyone except Shubby. – But that's not the main problem now. There is no Sphere in the Temple. Someone has already taken it. I believe this is...

–Yes. It was the Imperials. I already know it, – Martha said, after which they now looked at her with misunderstanding. – It's a long story. Forget it. In general, it really is here. The last time I saw her was in that tower over there.

Martha pointed to an absurdly tall tower that was barely more than a meter in diameter from the outside. Sol winced. He surely heard something like this before somewhere. But there was no choice – the five of them went towards the tower. Exactly "went" – the three Ludwig, Martha and Marren were too tired to run. On the way, Ludwig told Sol and Shubby everything that happened, and then continued:

–This man, Mordred... he is dangerous. His father, Arthur, is just a talking head, a politician. But Mordred is different. He can go out alone against a thousand and win without getting injured...

–In general, nothing special, – Sol said. – My... Oliver and Cirael were the same. I'm no worse either. I can handle him.

–Well, whatever you say... – Ludwig answered, not really believing it.

–Hey, Martha, what's the deal with Heathcliff? As I understand it, in fact, he was not a freak, but a very romantic person, right? – Shubby said, shining with happiness from Ludwig's story.

–Well... no, he was a freak. He could have just talked to me all this time instead of putting on an act... damn, now I feel even worse. Well, thank you for making me feel worse, Shubby! – Martha answered.

–Can I say something? Sol, we fought Notredamee and lost, but... after that he knocked us out and we never saw him again. Knowing how the Depari work... I'm afraid he's preparing something terrible.

–Don't be afraid, Marren! We can handle them all! – Shubby said and smiled.

But this atmosphere was not destined to last long. A man appeared in the air, 10 meters above the ground. He looked completely ordinary – short dark hair, a black tuxedo with a top hat, brown eyes, average height... all that stood out was the severed head he was holding in his hand. It was Heathcliff's head. Judging by the way that head looked... he died with a smile on his face. Everyone got ready for battle. But this someone was in no hurry to attack. He bowed, releasing Heathcliff's head.

–My name is Edmond Dantes. I am the fourth of the heroes of the Empire. And... I'd like to have a one-on-one with Sol Clain. I don't wish you harm, – he said.

–Huh? But the fourth is Sol from this world. Don't try to lie... – Shubby began, which caused even more misunderstandings on the part of Ludwig, Marren and Martha.

–Are you talking about the man in white? About the real heir of Arai? I know about him. And I can't imagine where you even got the idea that he's with us... it doesn't matter. It is not like you have a choice... Domain Expansion.

The world around Dantes and Sol has changed. It became a gray space with nothing but a table and two chairs next to it. On the table there was a tray with a teapot and two mugs. Sol pulled out his sword, but was in no hurry to attack.

–With such words you will be sued for copyright. You could at least come up with a different name... okay, if you want a duel, then let it be a duel.

–No, no. Like I said, I'm not going to fight. Your friends are now likely to clash with Mordred and Notredamee, but Oliver and Sean will arrive just in time to settle the conflict... even if it means a big battle in the capital. But I am not interested in that. All this was only for one thing – this meeting, – having said this, Edmond sat down at the table. – Take a seat. I want to talk to you about a lot of things.

–Currently I am only interested in the Sphere and the salvation of at least this universe. You want to talk about saving the multiverse, like Schrodinger did earlier? – despite such words, Sol sheathed his sword and sat down on another chair.

–Well, in this case, saving the multiverse is only a consequence... Paradox, you have the power to do much more than just saving the worlds of this Narrative Layer. Do you want the Sphere? Well, here it is. I don't need it. If you agree to help, it's yours.

Dantes snapped his fingers and a sphere appeared on the table. This sphere was seemingly consisting of glass. Energy raged inside, shimmering with all colors, including those that did not exist. Sol, thanks to his eyes, knew... everything Dantes said was true.

–I wonder, why you didn't come to me in person earlier? Why did you need to join the Empire? – Sol asked.

–Because would you have agreed earlier? You rejected Schrodinger's words, and the meeting with Gehessikait did not have much influence on you... I knew that first you would have to reconsider your views. That's why I led you to the Sol Clain of this world.

–You "led me to him"? Hmm, so it was you. At the time, my turbulent emotions made it difficult for me to determine for sure, but I knew that something was wrong with the masked man I was chasing. Was it an illusion?

–Exactly. I knew that your meeting and revealing all the cards would have a great impact on you. All this was planned... for this one meeting.

–How sad it will be if I decide not to listen to you, but take the Sphere by force, right?

–It will be sad, yes... but you will listen. At least because I know the answers. Why Sol from this alternate universe calls you Paradox, why the original universe ceased to exist... and how your story will end. But I'll come from afar. First I'll tell you who I am and why I did all this.

–Honestly? I'm not interesting. But okay, tell me. It's not like I have anything better to do while my comrades are dying, right?

–So be it. I was a Clain... I think that's pretty obvious considering my name comes from world literature. Anyway. I was the Clain of 683rd Iteration. I almost reached the end of my story, started a family... and suddenly they all died. They were killed by the next antagonist, who was created by Gerda. And now I'm seeking for an answer... from her personally.

–Do you remember how I talked about copyrights and the lack of creativity? I'm sure you can ask almost anyone, a with a high probability that someone will want Gerda dead. Right now you look like a cheap copy of Kai.

–But I don't want her to die. I only want what I said - answers. Why was all this happening? And what made her change so much? Is this all just your father's actions, or is there something more behind this?

–This motivation doesn't sound really interesting. I would rather I listen to the music while you explained all this, – Sol said and sighed.

–So, aren't you interested in how your parents died?

–They... no, I'm not interested.

–And about why are you called Paradox?

–Well, tell me if you know.

–Only if you help me. You can bring Gerda down from heaven to earth and...

–Not interested. I really want to know the answers, but to do that I'll just ask Sol from this alternate universe... actually, let's call him "Alternative Universe Sol". Khm, moreover, we have personal score to settle with him. You know, I thought that the 4th of the heroes of the Empire would turn out to be the main antagonist... and you turned out to be a melancholic crybaby.

–Of the two of us, you were the only one crying on-screen.

–Well, it was not nice to meet you. Now will you give the sphere away or should I take it away by force? You may, based on story, copy Kai completely, but you're unlikely to copy him even in powers.

–You are right. But you won't kill me. I have a plot armor. Literally. No matter what the enemy does... the Narrative itself protects me.

–Want me to check it?

–If you wish so.

There was no need to ask twice. Without having tasted the tea, Sol stood up and pulled out his sword, thereby overturning the table. The table shattered into pieces when it collided with Dantes, but Dantes himself remained unharmed. Making his blade conceptual, Clain ran towards Edmond and made one downward slash... but the sword stopped a few millimeters from Edmond's body, as if something invisible was stopping it. Moreover, it was something invisible even to Sol's eyes.

–Indeed, plot armor, – Sol said, jumping back.

–"Edmond Dantes cannot be touched with a blade." This is the law. When I fight someone, I gain a new ability that is perfect against the enemy. I received protection from edged weapons a long time ago. I literally can't lose.

Sol knew Edmond wasn't lying. But if you can't touch him with a sword... Clain sheathed his sword and, instantly switching to Turbulence and creating one wing behind his back, with one dash he again jumped up to Dantes and delivered one blow with his right hand right in the face. But to no avail. Not only did the enemy receive absolutely no damage, but he also struck back, pulling a knife from his sleeve. The stabbing blow hit Sol right in the side, but Clain, ignoring the pain, took a few steps back. Two lines of text appeared before Clain's eyes: "Edmond Dantes is immune to physical damage" and "Edmond Dantes can create metal objects"... soon, another one was added to them: "Edmond Dantes can nullify healing of surrounding characters," which is what happened – a wound Sola did not heal, although it should have been regenerated by then. Clain pulled the clothing over the wound and tied it in a knot.

–Well, do you see now? – said Dantes. – You have no choice. Either you agree to help me... or you will see neither the Sphere nor a way out of this world.

–Is that so? For some reason I'm not sure about this.

Sol raised his sword like the alternate universe Sol used to do. But instead of a white and black glow, white energy began to flow into his sword from the air, from the floor, and even from the body of Sol himself. In Sol's eyes, lines of text began to appear around Dantes: "Edmond Dantes cannot be touched by a blade", "Edmond Dantes ignores conceptual damage", "Edmond Dantes ignores changes in the Narrative", "Edmond Dantes reflects any damage received", "Edmond Dantes dodges any attacks at any speed", "Edmond Dantes cannot be erased from reality" and many, many others. These are probably all the abilities he has currently activated. He looked calm, but considering how he was defending himself, he was afraid... and rightly so.

Sol disappeared, because he was already behind Dantes. His movements transcended space and time, because Clain moved beyond what could be imagined, beyond the Narrative itself. All those lines of text were cut into pieces and disappeared, and Dantes himself lost his hands. This had no logic behind it – the cuts were in completely different places, and were not parallel... but it was a fact. Sol sheathed his sword again as Edmond looked at his arms, which now ended at his elbow. He looked surprisingly calm.

–You don't wish us harm, do you? So be happy, I didn't use the True Blade and completely erase you, – Sol said.

–What... was that?

–True Slash. Pretty powerful attack, but takes too much time to prepare. Allows me to move past the space-time on a speed that cannot be measured even as "infinite"... or something like that. I haven't really figured out how it works myself. What is import now is that plot armor will not help you.

–Ha... – Dantes laughed. – Yes... this is truly what I could only hope for. Take the Sphere, it's yours... now I'm sure that in the future you yourself will help me, without even knowing it.

–You're totally a cheap copy of Kai... – Sol walked up to the Sphere lying on the floor after turning the table over and picked it up. – I'll give you back your powers, but don't come into our sight again.

Klein drew his sword again and swung it once. Space and this whole small world created by Dantes began to disappear. At the same time, Edmond felt that all his strength had returned... after which he bowed again and disappeared. The capital appeared before Sol... in flames. In dark purple flames, slightly reminiscent of the one Oliver created during his Emotional Turbulence. The City looked abandoned, with no townsfolk in sight. But Sol didn't care. He received the Sphere, which means... "I'll quickly run to the Temple of Origin, return the Sphere, and then come back and help my friends... hmm, friends? I wonder when I started thinking of them as such?... okay, it doesn't matter," he thought, and then got into a running stance... and froze.

From somewhere out of the sky, the Sol Klein of this world fell, landing on one knee. He immediately straightened up to his full height and took out his sword. Metallic black flames and white wings glittered in the Sun. Sol Clain of the original world also stood up and stood up to his full height.

–Why are you getting in my way? I'm going to return the Sun Orb to the Temple and save your world, you know, – Sol said.

–You? You will save the world? Surely, for the sake of your "ideal," you will appropriate the Sphere and force the entire universe to praise you as the Messiah or something like that. Give it to me, Sol, – answered Sol... the other Sol.

–Sigh... I guess there won't be a peaceful solution. Sol, I have a lot to talk to you about... but, I guess, that won't happen until I beat you to a pulp.

Original universe Sol also took out the sword he received from Oliver and they both drew their blades to the side and down, marking the beginning of the duel. Alternate universe Sol glanced slightly at the Unity that was in the hands of original universe Sol, but sighed and shook his head. It didn't matter now. Anger was eating him up from the inside, and now it was time to pour it out, because...


The man's shout sounded, it seemed, to the whole world. Ktul landed right where the alternate universe Sol was standing, slamming this Sol into the ground. From this blow, the heir to the throne lost consciousness, although he did not die. Sol... that Sol, who was still on his feet and conscious, looked at Ktul in bewilderment.

–Sol Clain... fight me, and so I will show you what a mistake you made... – said Ktul, barely speaking through his anger and gnashing of his teeth.

–I'm pretty popular today... let's get this straight, what did I do wrong to you?

–Shab-Ni***rat... how dare Oliver's son lay a finger on her?!

–He is... okay, it doesn't matter. I didn't lay my finger on her, I literally never touched her during our entire journey together. Well, maybe except for that one time in the tavern's bedroom...

Hearing Sol's last phrase, Ktul became even more furious. He took off and, thrusting his fist forward, flew straight into Sol's stomach, carrying him with him and punching him through all the buildings that were on their way.


–...Domain Expansion, – said Dantes.

Red flash. Sol and Dantes disappear, leaving Ludwig, Martha, Marren and Shubby as four. They looked around to make sure that these two were indeed gone now... they were gone. But, instead of them, someone else came – Mordred, clad in armor, destroying the pavement with his steps, walked towards the heroes. Judging by the appearance, the battle with Heathcliff did not damage him in a slightest. Ludwig suddenly stepped forward and showed his palm to his comrades, saying that there was no need to follow him.

–This is between me and him...

–Ha, just look at that, huh? The weakling went one on one against me... you know, the rest of the "heroes" rely on their special abilities, which allow them to change the very laws of reality or something like that... but you know what I think?

Next second Mordred made a dash towards Ludwig and grabbed him by the neck, squeezing it with his iron gloves.

–Bullsh*t! I'll show you the difference between us... in brute force!

If just one more moment was wasted, Ludwig would have died of suffocation... but the rift in space that appeared in front of Mordred almost cut off his hand. The knight pulled his hand back and let go of Ludwig.

–No, Ludwig! This is our battle! You need to avenge your father's ideals... and I need to prove to Heathcliff that his sacrifice was not in vain.

Mordred laughed, placing his hand on his side... and only now did he remove that huge rail from his shoulder. He became serious. But the troubles didn't end there. A huge flesh hand, lifting a whole layer of earth, rose from under the city soil... while neatly catching only Marren on its edge. Notredamee was not interested in anyone else, and therefore he wanted to settle everything with Marren one on one. So now the boy in the plague doctor mask was alone, high in the sky, on a hand of pure flesh. Opposite him, Notredamee hovered slightly above the flesh, smiling. He put his arms out in different directions and bent them upward at the elbows.

–The time has come for the deity to finally be born!

So the heroes were divided again – Marren against Notredamee, Ludwig and Martha against Mordred... and Shubby just stood there and looked around. Realizing that Sol was not nearby, she also took a few steps forward and stood next to Martha and Ludwig.

–I know, I have no personal scores with this guy, this is the first time I've seen him... but I still have nothing left to do, right?

Ludwig wanted to object, but Martha shushed him – now they will need any help. The battle began as abruptly as if thunder had struck. Swinging his rail, Mordred demolished the surrounding houses. Judging by the lack of blood, there were no people there. The townspeople must have begun to flee the city when Sol and Shubby burst through the northern gate. But now that wasn't even what the heroes were worried about... their own survival was what they were worried about. And they were very lucky that Shubby was with them – when at the next swing it seemed that this huge "sword" was about to demolish the heroes, she stood in his way and put her hand out. The Black Goat of the Woods grabbed the sword and held it in place... but wounds still appeared on her body.

As soon as Mordred's sword stopped, Ludwig immediately opened fire on him with pistols, which also created copies of themselves in the air... but these light projectiles only bounced off the knight's armor as if they were made of rubber. Just at this time, he was able to snatch his blade from the girl's grip and now rushed towards these three in close combat... after all, given the size of his weapon, his swings could hardly be called close combat. Throwing the sword back onto his shoulder, he raised his left hand up and brought it down on top of Shubby, in response to which she crossed her arms and made a block. She successfully stopped this crushing blow, and the ground beneath her sank deep. Ludwig and Martha were thrown into the air, and Mordred and Shubby were now standing in a huge crater... and despite the fact that she blocked the blow, the bones of her right shoulder, where the blow would have landed, broke. She began to understand his abilities. Shubby slammed her knee into his armor. Mordred flew several meters away but slowed down on the ground, driving his sword into it.

–You say that relying on abilities is "bullsh*t"... but you rely only on them.

–What are you talking about, goat? – Mordred replied.

–Your abilities work something like this – first the actual damage is done as a fact, and only then you attack... in other words, you are simply cheating by manipulating the causality!

–Yeah. So what? Well, you know this, what next? Will this knowledge somehow help you avoid the guaranteed damage that cuts you in half?

–No, it's just that while I'm talking to you, a weapon of retribution has arrived.

Two huge beams of energy fell from the sky onto Mordred – one white, the other glowing with all the colors of the rainbow. A white beam was shot by Ludwig, who was now holding not pistols, but something similar to a rifle, and rainbow energy was released from Martha's portal. Apparently, she imitated Heathcliff's attacks. When these two beams ran out... they only had time to see a dark blue flash – a man in armor jumped into the air and hit Martha in the stomach with enormous force, forcing her to fly several city blocks away. Ludwig wanted to turn to her and scream – such damage could have been fatal for her – but there was no time. He shot Mordred at point-blank range, only to be blown back and to the side. Thus, he saved himself from the vertical blow of a huge weapon.

–You don't feel sorry for destroying this capital, which your Oval Table knights wants oh so much to take for themselves?! – Ludwig shouted.

–Northold is worthless! After creating weapons from the Sphere the whole world will bow to us!

Shubby jumped into the air, catching up with Mordred, but he, apparently standing on some invisible platform of magical energy, turned around and hit her with his elbow in the solar plexus. She dodged by ducking... but still flew back, and her ribs were broken. It's impossible to even dodge... but... how did Ludwig dodge, then? Realizing that something was off, Ludwig had already landed on the ruins of houses. Mordred attacked him from above. Shubby, with broken ribs, was in no condition to fight. Martha is somewhere far away, and perhaps unconscious... and Mordred's inevitable attack is about to overtake Ludwig. What...

A small portal appeared in front of Ludwig. There was nothing behind it, and it didn't matter. This portal, being a rupture in space itself, blocked the sword, because it was an indestructible barrier... and Ludwig remained unharmed, despite the distortion of causality. Mordred and Ludwig turned to where heavy breathing was heard – Martha, who was held in her arms by her brother, Aren, was pointing her hand at this portal. She must have saved Ludwig... and right now she lost consciousness. Aren carefully placed her on the ground.

–Aren, this knight controls causality! Even if you avoid his attack, the damage will still be done! – Ludwig shouted.

–I see... but none of this is important. He will regret hitting my sister.

Aren folded his umbrella and pointed it at Mordred like a sword. Mordred laughed and changed his focus from Ludwig to the lord of the realm of nightmares. Making a dash towards Aren... Mordred realized that he was in complete darkness. Thousands of huge purple eyes looked at him in a dome around him. At one moment, from all these eyes, clots of energy poured down on him, which should have destroyed him... but when this dome created by Aren dissipated, Mordred was still standing. On one knee, leaning on his huge sword, which he held by the blade, but stood. And Aren... was exhausted.

–I may be omnipotent in the world of nightmares... but outside of it... that's all I can do...

–Can't you teleport him into this world of nightmares and kill him there or something like that?! – Ludwig shouted.

–No, only me, my sister and her future husband, whoever he may be, can be there... from the presence of those who are not related to us by family ties, this world will be destroyed...

–Then just take Martha there and hide!... I... I'll think of something!

Aren nodded and picked Marta up in his arms. Together with her, he fell into the portal that appeared under his feet. The portal immediately disappeared. Ludwig was left alone with Mordred.

–Your father, Arthur, is just a talking head, isn't he?... in fact, it was you, Mordred, who planned the coup.

–That's right, Ludwig de Penright III, that's right...

–Why do you need all this? Your dad was a politician and could provide you with a wonderful life. And I would take care of the prosperity of the Empire...

–Idiot! What do you think "Empire" is?! Your father was a legend! He conquered half the world! But you... you! You are a spineless weakling who has no right to be Emperor! Under my leadership, the Empire will complete what your father started!

–I see... that's how it is... then come here, you bastard!

Ludwig pointed his rifle at Mordred. Of course, he didn't have a chance in 1 on 1 combat. It was just stupid bravado... but he couldn't afford to back down. Not from this fight.


A huge hand of their flesh, which held several city blocks on itself, rose into the sky. Marren stood at its edge, and Notredame hovered in the center. Marren ran at Notredame, taking the knives stronger and running the blade across his palm to apply his blood, which had become poison, to the knives.

–Notredame! I... I can't run anymore! Now it's just you and me! Y-your madness has come to an end! – shouted Marren.

There was fear in his voice. He was still afraid of Notredame... but, like Ludwig, he could not retreat. Marren knew he had to finish this. Notredame smiled. Now, left alone with Marren, he began to speak without his strange old british accent:

–Marren, my dear Marren... here you come. You didn't run away, although you could have. This means that you are worthy to become a vessel the God!

–What do you even want to achieve?! Oliver and Cirael are literally angels, and they clearly know that there is no god in this world!

–What is a "God", Marren? – replied Notredame, lowering himself and placing his feet on the flesh. – Omnipotence given form. "God" does not have to be a primordial entity, it can be man-made... after all, how many religions are there in the world? We can say that it is humanity that creates gods! And it will be I who will create the first real god... using you!

Around Marren, from the matter of the flesh they stood on, plant-like tentacles appeared and surrounded him, creating a cage... but this did not become a problem. Marren exhaled, after which these shoots began to rot and soon disappeared. Notredame looked at Marren in surprise.

–How strange... I was sure that I created this creature with invulnerability to disease... I created this flesh in your image, Marren.

–Ha... haha, of course you did, – Marren sighed and unfastened the clasps that held the plague doctor's mask on his head. – And that's why... today you will lose, Notredaaame!

Marren took off his mask and threw it aside. Short black hair felt the air for the first time in decades. Because of Marren's biology, the lack of air reaching his head did nothing to harm his hair, his skin, or the bright orange eyes that stared piercingly at Notredame.

–Let's end this once and for all. I was running from this meeting for too long, hiding behind a mask.

The secret of why the flesh created by Notredame could not resist Marren's infection, although it was created specifically for this, was that Marren... was slowly killing himself. He deliberately created new diseases unknown to science that would harm even his body, which has immunity. So were the poisons he created from blood. These versions poisoned him from the inside. Even if he loses this fight, Notredame will not be able to use his body to create a god... because at the end of the battle, Marren will die.

Finally throwing fear away along with the mask, Marren rushed to Notredame. On his way, obstacles appeared every now and then, which Notredame created directly from the surface of his hand, but Marren swiftly maneuvered between them, approaching the cult leader. If he could not get around some obstacle, then he simply sent diseases towards it, which in a matter of moments turned her into dust. When he found himself almost right in front of Notredame, he read genuine horror in Notredame's eyes... they switched places. Now Notredame was afraid of Marren.

But the unexpected happened – new limbs, similar to spider legs, began to burst out of Notredame's body. These things came out of his chest. Marren managed to jump away so that one of these "legs" would not pierce him. Soon Notredame's body itself became just a decoration that moved on these huge limbs. Now in front of Marren stood an abomination, unlike anything else – 6 furry paws with stings at the ends growing from the chest; 3 membranous wings with holes protruding from the shoulders and head; a third eye appeared on the forehead, and the mouth moved down to the cheek, after which another mouth appeared on the second cheek. Although the body was hanging like a toy now, leaning on its long legs like a toy, Notredame spoke with his two mouths:

–Yes, this is it... God is awakening in me! He demands a new vessel... now!

–You are mad... your "God" does not exist!

The six-legged monster, moving on its stingers, rushed towards Marren. At the same time, the boy could not forget that he was now on the territory of Notredame – from the surface on which they stood, shoots appeared every now and then, trying to pierce, grab or crush Marren. The first thing Marren tried to do was to direct a stream of all the diseases he knew towards this monster, including those that he himself had just created... but it was unsuccessful. Notredame's new form completely ignored this.

–Plan b...

Harmful substances sometimes have positive effects, such as a short-term mood boost or faster reaction time... so what happens when you add up all these positive effects? In a second, Marren synthesized his blood so as to obtain all possible increases in characteristics, while avoiding negative effects. Accelerating, he himself ran towards Notredame, rushing past him like lightning and leaving a small cut on one of the spider's legs. This cut was enough – the strongest poisons that were on Marren's knife from the very beginning entered Notredame's blood... or what he had instead of blood.

However, Marren did not become less cautious – immediately after this he jumped away from Notredame, and this was the right decision. Despite all these poisons, the cult leader simply cut off this leg before the poison could spread throughout his body, after which he grew himself a new one from the same place. Apparently, the only way for Marren to win was to attack Notredame's body directly, or better yet, his head. At this speed it shouldn't be a problem.

Marren took off and with one dash found himself in the air in front of Notredame's body... but before he could strike, many limbs burst out of Notredame's neck and their sharpened ends pierced Marren's stomach and chest. He spat blood. Is this the end?...


Shubby, who had come to her senses and had already regenerated her destroyed bones, shook her head... and noticed how Ktul flew past her at great speed, destroying all the houses on the way with Sol's body. Without thinking, she immediately chased after him.

At that time, Ktul had already stopped and, while Sol was getting to his feet, using all the healing magic he knew on himself, he took a fighting stance. After that, Ktul took his robe with his right hand by his left shoulder and in one motion threw it off, leaving only the windings on his belt and legs. Thanks to this, multiple tattoos on his back and chest became visible. Sol couldn't help but chuckle.

–I didn't know that you were a fan of yakuza action.

–Oh, he's a huge fan, he played the entire series! – shouted Shubby, who was just running up to the place where the two were.

Sol and Ktul both turned to look at her.

–Don't interfere, this is my business... – said Ktul, trying not to look into her eyes.

–Ktul, what actually happened? Sol is my good friend and even more. Why are you fighting him? – Shubby answered, while Sol still did not understand the reason for the conflict.

–Yes, but I... but you... – Apparently, when it came to anything other than fighting, Ktul was just as socially awkward as Sol.

–Hm? You are also a very good friend of mine, Ktul, and I will always be happy to spend time with you!

Hearing this, Ktul turned pale and lowered his head. He turned around and began to walk away, singing to himself:

–Dame da ne, dame yo, dame na no yo... Anta ga...

–Shubby, what's wrong with him? – Sol asked, healing the last injuries received on this and previous flights.

–I... seem to understand. Well, that was very tactless of me... but ok, at least I said how I really felt, haha!

Clain still didn't understand what she meant and went back to where Ktul had previously landed directly on alternative universe Sol. He ended up dropping the Sphere there when Ktul blew him away. When Clain, in a matter of moments, found himself where this flight began, another Clain was already standing in his way, holding the Sphere in his hands.

–So this battle really cannot be avoided, – said original universe Sol.

–It cannot. Last time we were interrupted, but not now. En garde, – replied alternative universe Sol.

For the second time, they both pointed their swords sideways and downwards, signaling the start of the duel. Alternative universe Sol was now at a disadvantage because his left hand was occupied by the Orb... but the two didn't care about that right now. Shubby also got into a boxing stance, but Sol from the original universe told her, "Don't interfere. This is between us".


Ludwig pointed his rifle at Mordred. Of course, he didn't have a chance in 1 on 1 combat. It was just stupid bravado... but he couldn't afford to back down. Not from this fight. Mordred swung his weapon and, taking a sharp step to the side, thereby dodging Ludwig's shot, swung his rail. Ludwig didn't have a chance to escape, and now Martha won't help him... but someone else will. Mordred's weapon was stopped by a very famous man. Long black hair, black clothes decorated with royal flowers and jewels, green eyes... it was Oliver.

–Hmm, I came on a diplomatic mission, and now I'm fighting with the one who de facto rules the neighboring country. I'm a terrible king, am I not? – said Oliver Clain.

–Oliver Klein... – Mordred said, returning his weapon to his shoulder.

–You know, I always wanted to see the one who was able to usurp the throne of the entire Empire and not lose the throne for more than two weeks, – having said this, Oliver turned to Ludwig. – My friend and I organized the evacuation of the townspeople as soon as we saw the broken gates. It seems I arrived just in time.

Since there were no other citizens in the entire city, Oliver waved his hand and the entire capital was engulfed in purple flames. The ruins of houses burned, but did not crumble to the flames.

–Oliver... you are an excellent ruler, unlike me. However, this is not important now. The important thing is that Mordred must not leave here alive.

With newfound fortitude, Ludwig stood next to Oliver. He was ready to provide him with supporting fire within the limits of his capabilities. Perhaps Mordred will be strong even for the king of Arai.


Marren took off and with one dash found himself in the air in front of Notredame's body... but before he could strike, many limbs burst out of Notredame's neck and their sharpened ends pierced Marren's stomach and chest. He spat blood. Is this the end?... no time had passed, but Marren was already standing on his feet, his body bandaged, while the stranger stood next to him. He remembered hearing his voice earlier, in Berul. It was Sean Brown.

–You, too, used to be a normal human, and as a result of some experimented you became who you are? I have a similar story, although I did it to myself... what was I talking about again?... oh, yes. I don't know what's the matter between you two, but as a former surgeon, I don't support experiments on people, – Sean said, looking at Marren.

After that, he turned to Notredame. He couldn't handle such an opponent carelessly, so Sean immediately created a black scythe in his hands and black energy began to emanate from his body. He said:

–I look forward to any help you can provide, friend of Sol... but for now... Misogynist Install!

And so, the battle in the capital of the Northern Empire entered its second phase.


Ice Palace. Kai sits on a chair made of ice and hums something. It seems like he has literally nothing to do. But then, the ice wall collapses and because of the rubble, a girl with cat ears breaks into that room. Margarita.

–Hello, my name is Mar... no, my name is Cheshire Cat, you killed my Master, prepare to die.

–Listen, Cheshire, maybe next time? I'm sooo lazy to fight today... – Kai answered.

–No... get up and die with honor!

Kai shrugged, stretched and stood up.

–I guess I can spend some time playing with you, – Kai said and smiled smugly.

–No, Kai... fight me with all your strength!

–Uh... are you sure? – Kai looked puzzled for a second. – You know, if I don't hold back, it won't be so interesting and fun...

–No, you must not hold back... because I will fight with you until I take my last breath!

–Now this is amusing. Well, go on then, attack!

Kai spread his arms out to the sides, as if he was ready to hug his opponent. Cheshire Cat, however, prepared for battle. She got into a running pose and energy began to gather around her body. Finally, Schrodinger's former maid jumped towards Kai. However, she was not destined to achieve it. She missed. Under normal conditions, Margarita would be able to control the direction through quantum immortality, or at least attack while she flies past... but what flew past Kai was only her dead body. Of course, given that she is literally Schrodinger's cat, Margarita couldn't die. But there was her corpse. There was no trace of magic. She was simply dead, without a single injury on her body. There was no poison or disease in the blood either. She was simply dead. But it is only natural. Nothing and nobody can go against the plot itself. And now, at Kai's desire, the plot demanded Cheshire's Cat death.

Chapter 23: Chapter 19: Battle at the Capital, part 2

Chapter Text

Dark purple flames raged across the houses and their ruins. The only thing that was not covered with it was a huge hand made of flesh, on which another battle took place. 3 battles took place in the capital of the Empire at the same time – Ludwig and Oliver against Mordred, Marren and Sean against Notredame and Sol against himself from this world.

Oliver Clain, looking at Mordred, decided not to hold back. Either out of respect or because of the injuries caused by Aren, Mordred did not attack while ruler of Arai performed the transformation. Oliver placed his right hand on his left eye, and his body became covered in purple flames, and 2 black wings appeared behind his back. They weren't made of fire, they were wings with black feathers. Clain straightened his hair, throwing it back, and, removing his hand, looked at the world with his violet left eye.

–Oh, I haven't felt such freedom for a long time... well, let's start, usurper?

–Fallen angel of the Illiot continent, Oliver Clain... – said Mordred, taking a step forward. – So why weren't you happy enough to stay in your micro-kingdom?

–Ludwig, for you, you see, the main thing is not to get caught in the crossfire.

Oliver created a sword in his right hand that was no different from any other weapon... however, even an untrained eye could discern a work of art in this blade. Any weapon created by Oliver Clain was of better quality than what even the legendary blacksmiths forged. Clain closed his eyes and held his right hand, which held the sword, above his head. The next moment, he was already standing behind Mordred, and a purple line drawn in the air showed that this was not teleportation. When Oliver appeared there, his sword was already lowered to the right, and Mordred's right hand fell down, having no connection with his body, and his huge weapon fell along with his hand.

–I believe you said that "relying on abilities is for weaklings"... well, you said so, if I remove the swearing. Of course, I can rely on abilities, but first of all, I am a swordmaster. So show me how your brute strength can match my skill, – Oliver said, turning to Mordred.

A yellow magical structure began to form from Mordred's right shoulder, shaped like a hand in armor, after which it became material, completely restoring both flesh and armor.

–I'm even interested in knowing how you found out about my words, considering that you weren't on the battlefield... – said Mordred.

–Um... let's say it was a plot hole, – Oliver replied and laughed.

–Oliver Clain, be careful! His attacks warp causality, even if they don't hit you, the damage will still be done! – Ludwig shouted.

Oliver glanced at Ludwig, but didn't change his behavior much. Now, after his lightning-fast attack, he patiently waited for Mordred to act. The armored knight raised his "sword" and swung it once towards Oliver. In an instant, Clain placed his sword in the path of Mordred's weapon, which was coming from the left side. The clash of blades created a loud noise, and although Mordred's weapon did not even touch Oliver's clothes, small wounds appeared on Clain's left side.

Ludwig was watching at this time. There had been several instances before where the causality distortion didn't work... the first time was when he was sent flying by the recoil of a rifle called by Martha... the second time was when Martha blocked a strike aimed at Ludwig... and the third time, when a strike that was aimed at Ludwig was stopped by Oliver... suddenly, an idea struck the former emperor. He settled on the ground and began to take aim.

At that moment, Oliver threw back Mordred's weapon, and, drawing purple curves in the air with the end of his sword, flapped his wings and flew towards Mordred. Seeing this, Mordred threw away his "sword", which had stuck into the ground and remained protruding several meters upward, and began hand-to-hand combat. Allowing Mordred to attack was dangerous, so Oliver focused on attacking and not giving his opponent a chance to counterattack. Twisting, feinting and always pressing the attack, king of Arai did not leave a single window for Mordred to go on the attack. The Hero of the Empire only defended himself with his own hands, but the armor, which easily withstood Ludwig's shots and Shubby's blows, was destroyed by the swings of Oliver's sword. Despite this, the damaged areas immediately glowed yellow and were overgrown with flesh and armor.

It seemed that this offense could last forever – Mordred could not counterattack, but endlessly regenerated with the help of some strange magic. In addition, Oliver's attacks were not very powerful, as he focused on speed, so they did not cut deep into the body. Taking advantage of this, when Oliver struck another blow, Mordred missed it and it hit him in the shoulder. However, this gave the knight a chance to strike back – a fist in an iron glove was rushing at all pores towards Clain's solar plexus... but then Ludwig's shot hit that same fist. The shot didn't penetrate the armor, but it did deflect the blow to the side, causing the arm to go past Oliver. Clain immediately flapped his wings again and flew back, avoiding the potential continuation of an unfavorable battle for himself.

–I understand! If an attack is prevented by someone other than its target, he cannot change the causality! – Ludwig shouted.

Mordred clicked his tongue. Ludwig was right. That is why Mordred tried to use his first attacks to, at least, incapacitate Shubby and Martha... but now, when his ability was fully understood revealed, it was necessary to act immediately. The knight instantly changed his target and decided to eliminate the weakest link – without picking up his six-meter "sword", with which he would have become less agile, Mordred rushed towards Ludwig and raised his fist to strike. Since he fights without a sword, the same trick of escaping through recoil will not work. But this time Ludwig was not afraid – Oliver flew into Mordred at full speed and threw him aside. Since Oliver interfered with the attack aimed at Ludwig, the causality distortion did not work, and the shooter remained unharmed.

–Well, in that case, I count on you even more, Ludwig! – Oliver said as he flapped his wings and flew into the air.

As Mordred rose to his feet, Oliver, high in the sky, raised his free hand into the air.

–If he heals such wounds so quickly... we'll need something more powerful!

What can even be more powerful, if even relatively weak swings of Oliver's sword caused more damage than Shubby's blows, which are capable of turning islands upside down... but Oliver was not joking. Mordred first wanted to attack Ludwig, but realized that Clain was preparing something high in the sky. If he didn't stop him... the knight jumped, soaring into the sky. Suddenly, Oliver said something like a chant:

–My name is Morning Star, Son of the Dawn. I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. But I won't be cast into inferno, for only my enemies will end up there.

In the time that Oliver spent uttering these words, Mordred should have already reached him and cut Clain into pieces, but this did not happen. The logic was meaningless, because while a character casts a long spell or undergoes a long transformation, no one can stop it, and the world around becomes so slow that it seems to stop. At least, such laws are dictated by the genres of epic fantasy, and this world lives by these laws. As Oliver finished his monologue, a huge ball, in which bright red and purple energies seemed to be fighting, appeared above Oliver's hand. Clain swung his left hand down and the ball flew down. It was so huge that Mordred couldn't get out of its way no matter how hard he tried, especially since he didn't have much room to maneuver in the air. All that remained for the armored knight to do was to cover his head with his hands.

When the ball of energy touched Mordred's body, an explosion of unimaginable power occurred. The consequences were more terrible than if someone from the distant future dropped an atomic bomb here. The entire capital of the Empire, along with the surface of the earth for many thousands of kilometers in all directions, was simply destroyed. Not piece of rubble was left. The huge hand made of flesh began to fall, because its base simply ceased to exist. All this time, Oliver could have easily wiped out the Northern Empire from the face of the earth, but he didn't do it... until now.

When the remaining energy dissipated, a black sphere around Ludwig was revealed. When this sphere dissipated, it became clear that the former emperor was protected by none other than Gehessikait... although neither Oliver, nor Ludwig, nor Mordred knew him.

–Ah, sh*t... we still need all of you to bring this idiot Sol to some sense! Why the hell is this fanfiction of Oliver throwing out such attacks?! – Gehessikait shouted and disappeared.

Ludwig was left to watch as his home being destroyed. The well-being of the Empire, which he promised his father, was destroyed. But, he will certainly be able to restore it all... yes, he had a talent for establishing order in the economy, agriculture and in general everything that the country might need... but this will take more than one year. But this is not so scary, because all this is for the sake of destroying Mordred and overthrowing the current tyrant... Ludwig began to feel a strange strength in himself, like the determination of a true Emperor, but he himself did not understand what it was.

But Ludwig was not the only one who survived this – suddenly, Mordred flew out of the dissipated energy, his armor completely destroyed. He was covered in blood, probably his own... but even so, he was able to regenerate. Ludwig suddenly realized what it was – this armor had been developed back when he was the current Emperor. Now that it is destroyed, the knight will no longer be able to heal himself, and Oliver will easily finish him off... but Oliver did not move. He bowed his head and held onto it. Apparently this attack took all his strength. And Mordred is just approaching him... from such a distance Ludwig will not have time to aim and shoot, what to do?...

A beam of white energy fell from the sky towards Mordred... no, it wasn't a beam of white energy. It was a full-fledged laser with a huge diameter. A giant mechanism was flying in the sky, which people of the future would call an "orbital cannon." Ludwig shouted to Oliver:

–Oliver, run! I... I can handle him!

Only now did Ludwig realize that he had completely changed. The leather armor and clothing that he had been wearing throughout the journey had disappeared, and now he was wearing a white military admiral uniform, which, however, was simply thrown over his shoulders, and his arms were not threaded into the sleeves. The collar was fur, and under this clothing there was another layer of strict white suit. The hiking boots had been replaced by white shoes, and his hands were now covered in white leather gloves.

–Well, that's something to my taste, – Ludwig said, watching as Oliver, having only now regained at least some of his strength, teleported away from the battlefield.

–What... what the hells is that thing?! – Mordred shouted, somehow surviving being incinerated by a laser from the sky.

–My father's weapon. Where did you think all the Empire's weapons went after his death? All this time, they were here... right in my soul!

Ludwig snapped his fingers. The orbital cannon charged again and fired a scorching beam at Mordred. But this was not enough. Light purple circles appeared next to Ludwig's shoulders, from which... gun barrels began to form. They aimed themselves and began to fire accurately with magical energy at the place where Mordred was. But this was not enough in opinion of returning Emperor.

–Doomsday Weapon #3: The Last Stand! – Ludwig said, pointing his right hand forward.

A huge wall appeared behind him, stretching from horizon to horizon. It was all dotted with holes that slowly accumulated energy. The beam from the orbital cannon dried up, and the orbital station itself became covered with light purple squares and disappeared. The cannons that had formed above Ludwig's shoulders also disappeared. Mordred was still alive when his skin, no longer covered by any clothing, began to smoke. With the last of his strength he ran towards Ludwig.

Right now, the countless holes in the wall had finished accumulating energy and a violet beam collected from all these sources fell on Mordred. When it dried up, not even ashes remained in the place of the knight.


Sean put his scythe to the side and ran towards Notredame. Marren wanted to run after him, but even if his wounds were bandaged by Sean in stopped time, but they were still through holes in the body, so Marren could only walk slowly, waiting for him to regenerate these injuries.

Notredame looked at Sean as at a variable in his equation that he clearly wasn't expecting. The Hate Creature soon found himself right in front of the meat abomination. More limbs erupted from the spider-like legs, resembling octopus tentacles with claws at the ends. Sean successfully dodged them and with one swing, which clearly did not cover all of Notredame's legs, cut all 6 of the monster's spider legs in half. Obviously, the length of the scythe did not coincide with the radius of the blow, but he fought, first of all, using the energy of Hate.

While Notredame was falling and, apparently, not particularly aware of what was happening, Sean made one more swing with his scythe – vertical, from bottom to top, cutting the body of the cult leader in half. Turning around and striking a pompous pose, sweeping his scythe down and to the side, Sean grinned... but just like the other time he did that, it wasn't the end of the fight.

Notredame's flesh suddenly began to pulsate. Sean jumped back swiftly and, stopping time, ran away and also pulled Marren back. And this was the right decision, because the next moment the monster's body began to grow, very quickly taking the shape of... a building. The huge cathedral stood before Marren and Sean. They looked at each other in bewilderment. The doors of the cathedral opened.

–Well, he invites us inside, but maybe we should just go away? It seems like he won't be able to follow us in this form, – Marren said.

–No... I must complete this battle to the end...

Having said this, Marren walked towards the cathedral, but suddenly fell to one knee. Those diseases and poisons that he created in himself finally manifested themselves, causing great damage to his biological system. Sean shrugged and, throwing his braid over his shoulder, walked into the cathedral, soon disappearing out of sight for Marren.

The interior of the cathedral was exactly as Sean imagined it – benches and columns made of flesh, stained glass windows made of eyes, an altar made of bones... and behind the altar, a branch of meat grew from the ground, and it went into the neck of Notredame, which hung on this tentacle. Notredame, now without his spider limbs, wings and extra limbs from his neck, smiled with his two mouths and squinted his three eyes. It was clear that this entire cathedral was literally his body.

Suddenly, Sean realized that he had been too careless – his legs had sunk into the floor, and now his flesh was holding them tightly. Undeterred, Sean stopped time... and cut off his legs. Since he could move in stopped time, damage could be dealt to him. Since he was a creature of Hate, albeit an artificial one, his legs immediately grew back, although now without the lower part of his pants and boots. When time started moving again, Sean was already behind Notredame with his scythe raised. He began to lower his weapon, striking, but suddenly stopped. From behind him, from the wall, a small spur of flesh pierced his head, passing through his skull and straight into his brain. Of course, such a wound would not be able to kill a creature of Hate. Sean tried to stop time... but couldn't. Apparently, this Notredame's flesh that was now in his brain was blocking the mental command to stop time.

–Well, that's it, mr... whatever your name is. Now Marren will come here alone and, considering what a kind boy he is, he will personally give himself to me in exchange for your freedom...

More shoots appeared from the floor and walls and grabbed Sean by the arms and legs, preventing him from moving. Even the black energy of Hate could not dispel this... after all, it was simply the body of Notredame. Just at this moment, Marren, already moving more or less normally, entered the cathedral and saw this terrible scene. He threw the knife, which flew right past the cheek of Notredame's body.

–As you can see, my dear Marren, your friend... or just an acquaintance, or whoever he is to you... in general, this man is now in my captivity. If you surrender, then so be it, I'll let him go and won't kill him... so come to me, my... – Notredame began to speak.

–Quiet... – Marren interrupted him. – Didn't I say? Today you will die.

Marren's body began to emit a faint green glow, which manifested itself in the form of an aura. Notredame was slightly alarmed. Sprouts appeared from the floor and flew towards his body... but they rotted and crumbled as soon as they got close. Then Notredame noticed that Marren did not walk on the flesh – the meat under Marren's feet turned to dust, creating a concave shape. The boy himself walks through the air above it. Fear again seized Notredame.

–You come close and I will kill him! – he shouted.

Marren pointed his hand at Notredame. Instinctively, the main body of the cult leader, moving on the meat appendage, flew to the side... but this body was not Marren's target. The limbs holding Sean's legs and arms instantly rotted and turned to dust. Of course, Sean's own limbs also rotted with this, but they quickly recovered. Now that he had fallen and the sharp appendage going into his brain no longer went deep into his head, Sean stopped time, and when it started again, he was already standing outside the doors of the cathedral.

–I trust... I trust it to you, friend of Sol!

–Yes... I'll do it, – Marren replied.

There was no fear or uncertainty in his voice. Just pure determination. At the same moment, the floor shook – a huge explosion occurred due to Oliver's actions, and the flesh hand began to fall. It tilted itself, now falling forward with the part opposite the entrance. This was to Marren's advantage, because he fell fast, approaching the main body of Notredame. When he got close, the flesh monster was still trying to do something... but to no avail. Marren spread his arms to the sides and shouted:

–All my life I've been afraid to use this... but here we are, alone, with no way to harm anyone! Die, Notredame! This is a requiem for your twisted soul!

Green energy began to emanate from Marren's body in all directions. All possible diseases began to spread with this energy. In addition, everything that this energy touched was poisoned with poisons with all theoretically possible effects. During this, Marren no longer stood on an invisible platform, but floated in the air. Finally, the green energy ran out and Marren landed on flesh... but it wasn't the cathedral floor, it was that huge hand. After all, Notredame has disappeared. He turned to dust and, along with the entire cathedral, scattered to the wind... it's all over. Notredame is dead, and Marren, having accepted his powers and gained complete control over them, will not die from what he did to himself in this fight. Soon the hand of flesh fell completely, and Marren immediately saw one single person standing in the middle of a huge crater to which there was no end in sight.

Marren ran up to Ludwig. Ludwig looked at him with a puzzled look on his face at first, but by his clothes he realized who was standing in front of him.

–You... you won too, right, Marren? – Ludwig said and smiled.

–Yes. It... it was hard and scary. But there's no reason for me to hide behind a mask anymore.

Sean appeared next to them. He waved his hand and said:

–That's all. We're done here, right, Oliver?

Suddenly, Oliver Clain also teleported here, after which he nodded. Clain no longer had black wings, and he himself was no longer engulfed in purple flames.


A portal appeared next to this company, from which Aren emerged alongside Martha, who had already regained consciousness. However, when she looked around at everyone present and saw Marren's face without a mask, she blushed and looked away.

–But... where are Sol and Shubby? – said Ludwig.

–I'm sure they're safe. People like my son... and my son from another world... they will not die so easily from some explosion that can wipe out entire continents from the face of the earth.

–Wait... continents?! – Ludwig shouted. – Then the entire Illiot...

–No, I restrained my strength. Not even the entire Empire was destroyed. By the way, don't be afraid, I evacuated all the residents of the capital, as well as the surrounding cities, to Arai via teleportation, so they are safe. Let's go, we have nothing else to do here. Let's all go to the capital Arai!

–To Arai? But why? – Ludwig asked.

–Hm? Well, I will give you people, materials, funds and my best landscape sculptors. So in a few months you will fix the result... of my doing here.

–Can I ask you? – Marren asked and Oliver nodded. – What do you mean when you say "Sol from another universe and from this universe"... what does all this mean?

–Let's go, I'll tell you on the way.

Oliver snapped his fingers and a huge carriage appeared next to them all, which looked more like a building on wheels.

–By the way, Ludwig... I like your new clothes. If you would always dress like this, I would be almost as cute as Marren! – Martha said, being the first to enter the carriage.

Ludwig and Marren looked at each other. After that, everyone else got into the carriage and it drove off.

–Wait a second... what about the Sphere of the Sun? Wasn't it our goal from the beginning?! Wasn't it destroyed by the explosion?! – Ludwig suddenly asked.

–Hm? I am sure that such an artifact could not be destroyed like that. He's probably at Sol's or Shubby's now. This won't destroy them either. Don't be afraid, if Sol is there... either of the two Sols, then everything is fine.

So they went straight from here back to Arai. Moreover, they drove at a speed that clearly exceeded the sound, despite the size of the "carriage" and the absence of horses.

–Wait! You said you teleported all the locals! But you can't teleport us like that?! – Martha suddenly asked Oliver.

–Well, I'm too powerful for a long-distance teleport to transport me. So that's it.

After that they argued a lot more, but it didn't matter. After all, the most important thing happened in a completely different place...


Shubby took a few steps back. Clains clearly wanted to settle the score one-on-one. Suddenly, alternative universe Sol showed his palm to original universe Sol , signaling him to wait. Following the principles of a fair duel, original universe Sol nodded. Original universe Sol raised his right hand, in which he held the sword, upward, and the whole world turned white and black, where white was to the left of Sol, black to the right.

–Clain Family Special Spell – Emotional Turbulence: Pride! – alternative universe Sol shouted.

When this illusion disappeared, there were 2 wings behind alternative universe Sol – a black angel wing from his right shoulder and a white angel wing from his left. This clearly made it clear whose son he was... and that he was as serious as possible. Now both Sols were in their Emotional Turbulences. Without wasting a moment, they, with a speed invisible even to Shubby's eye, took off and rushed towards each other. They attacked at the same time, so Perfection did not activate for either of them. Their swords crossed, making the distinctive sound of steel hitting steel. All this time, alternative universe Sol was holding the Sphere with his left hand.

The blades separated, after which both Clains took a step back and struck from the right – each from their own right side. Their swords came together again, after which they separated again... every time they struck, they completely repeated each other's moves. But after several clashes, original universe Sol did not strike again with the blade, but slipped under the sword of alternative universe Sol and, unable to strike with the sword in this position, punched his opponent in the stomach with his left fist. This destabilized alternative universe Sol, after which original universe Sol continued this attack, now punching with the same hand in the solar plexus, which further unbalanced his opponent.

Without wasting a second, original universe Sol took advantage of this opening and lunged, but a purple flame created by alternative universe Sol appeared in the path of the sword. This fire, as if being a solid object, blocked the blade. Having regained his balance, alternative universe Sol made a retreat, now allowing his opponent's sword to pass forward. Thus, original universe Sol 's sword only pierced the air, after which alternative universe Sol himself lunged.

Original universe Sol moved to the right before grabbing alternative universe Sol's right hand, which was holding a sword, with his left hand. However, this left him defenseless – alternative universe, without releasing the Sphere, hit his enemy's face in the face with his left elbow. Now original universe Sol has been destabilized. He let go of the other Sol's hand, which he immediately took advantage of. Having made an instant turn around himself, alternative universe Sol struck with his sword, now from the left. Original universe, who had just regained his balance, barely managed to parry this blow.

All this time, Shubby just watched from the side as two Sols, whose speed was barely captured by her eyes, fought, destroying the environment with shock waves that occurred with each of their strikes. All the houses of the city block, and even many more, were already in ruins, although these two did not even touch them. But it didn't last long. Suddenly the ground itself shook, and Shubby, Sol and... the other Sol realized that something was about to happen. Shubby instantly ran up to them and spread her arms in different directions. A magical barrier in the form of a ball formed around these three. Power of Shubby alone would not be enough to explode such power... so both Sols, forgetting for a while about their enmity, added their strength to this barrier.

They were protected from destruction, but this ball of energy was carried many kilometers away... when it dissipated, it became clear that, by great coincidence, they were thrown straight to the Temple of the Source. Shubby, when the barrier dissipated, lost consciousness and fell onto the ice.

–Sol! What is the reason for your hatred?! – original universe Sol shouted, stepping aside so that after the battle continued, he would not accidentally hit Shubby.

–As if you couldn't guess, Sol... when your parents sent you to this world, I was thrown into yours, into the original universe, and I saw its end. And when I came, I could not return to my Oliver and Cirael, because my connection with this world had become thinner... and because you had already taken my place!

After shouting this, alternative universe Sol ran towards original universe Sol. Again the blades crossed, but this time alternative universe Sol threw the Sphere up and created a knife in his hand. With this knife, he tried to pierce his opponent's stomach, but was unsuccessful – original universe Sol grabbed his opponent's left hand with his left hand. But alternative universe Sol planned it that way. He used his knee to hit original universe Sol's hand before stomping on his toes... while creating a blade coming out of his boot. In other words, the original universe Sol's foot was now nailed to the icy ground. He tried to teleport a short distance, but it seemed like the purple flame, like the black flame of Hate, blocked the magic.

Taking advantage of his opponent's disadvantage, alternative universe Sol spun around, letting go of the original universe Sol's leg, then turned his back on him... and stabbed him in the stomach with his sword, passing it under his armpit, through his own cloak. Original universe Sol suddenly widened his eyes and took a couple of steps back. It's... just a sword that pierced him right through... "I... won't die from this...", he thought, but his opponent didn't even think of stopping. Alternative universe Sol raised his hand up and created a sword flying above it. This huge sword, 2 meters long and 40 centimeters wide, flew in and pierced the chest of original universe Sol, pinning him to the floor... just like father of Oliver from the original universe once nailed his son to the floor. Alternative universe Sol, realizing that this was the end, flinched, but soon came to his senses and pulled Unity from his opponent's body... and caught the Sphere falling from above. After that, he sheathed his Unity and picked up the Unity that original universe Sol had previously held in his hand. He turned away and walked towards the Temple of Origin.

Sol from the original universe could barely keep his eyes open. He began to feel cold. But it was not the coldness of the surrounding air, although they were literally at the north pole of this world. It was approaching death. It seems this is the end... Sol breathed what seemed to be his last breath... and then the world froze. A man in a black cloak with a hood stood in front of Sol's pierced body. Under the hood it was impossible to see who it was. He spoke:

–Why are you lying? Get up. If you want to protect this world... if you want to save Martha and Ludwig... remember whose son you really are and face the truth.

–Fa...ther?... – Sol said somehow, looking at this figure.

–Oliver's son will not die so easily. Just as the main character, who in the end must defeat the main antagonist, will not die so easily. But you are not just the main character. You are Sol, son of Oliver and Cirael. So stand up and fight to the end.

The cloaked figure disappeared, and the world began to move again, and Sol himself, although he had just been completely dead, coughed up blood and began to pull out this huge sword from himself. Hearing a noise behind him, alternative universe Sol turned around and was shocked to see his seemingly dead opponent stand up and now point the sword he had just created at him.

–Sol... you're right, I... am a terrible person, – original universe Sol suddenly said.

There was no hint of a hole in his chest or stomach on his body. However, he didn't look like he was thinking about continuing the battle... but not because he couldn't.

–I... let's put this damn Sphere where it belongs first.

–You...what are you talking about?! How can I go there with you?!... – alternative universe Sol answered, but original universe Sol... smiled?

–You are right. I understand what motivates you. But now is not the time to argue... now I just want to talk to you.

–You... – the anger left alternative Sol's face, as he understood everything.

–Yes. I realized and accepted the truth... you know, I just saw him.


–My father, Oliver. He asked me to keep fighting and said that I would not die so easily. I... can't fail my father's wishes, you know?

Alternative universe Sol stared at his original for a moment... and then laughed. He hit him again... but not seriously this time. The fist that hit original universe Sol's shoulder did not carry the desire to harm. It was more of a playful jab... the kind that friends do.

–Yes... you probably want to ask me about a lot of things, – alternative universe Sol said and smiled for the first time.

–You know, you are far from the first person to ask me this question... but you are the first one to whom I will answer "yes." I want to ask you about a lot of things. But... first, let's go get this MacGuffin.

–Yes, – said Sol from the alternative universe and walked towards the Temple.

–My first question... what happened to my parents? – asked original universe Sol and followed him.

–They... are dead. No, that's the wrong word. They are erased from reality. They were erased by the Story Devourer...

–So, I don't understand it at all. But can Oliver even be erased, with his protection thanks to the Necronomicon? And what is this Story Devourer?

–Oh, we'll have to start from the very beginning. This will be a long story... by the way, here you go. I believe this belongs to you by right of inheritance.

Having said this, alternative universe Sol pulled out "his" Unity from its sheath and handed it to his interlocutor, after which he sheathed Unity of this world's Oliver. The other Sol nodded and took his father's sword. They had just arrived at the hall with the pedestals.

–Let me tell you first... and then we will put this Sphere down.

–Okay, I'm listening. It looks like it's time for That One Chapter Where One Character Takes a Long, Tedious Time Explaining the Worldbuilding to the Others, While Dumping an Awful Amount of Exposition

–And so, I'll start from afar. I learned this information from your father. Gerda, somewhere on the 700th Iteration, to make it easier for her to erase the universes she generates, created the "Story Devourer"... it is an entity that erases multiverses without blinking. At first it was quite weak, so often Clains lived through the erasure of the world and its re-creation in a new universe. However, then it absorbed more and more worlds and became stronger, eventually becoming so strong that Gerda can't control it anymore. When the story ends, he comes... and erases the world of that story. Gerda gave freedom to Oliver, Cirael and everyone else... but the Story Devourer didn't care.

–Well, it's just another multiverse threat. Oliver and Cirael had already dealt with Kayen.

–But this is different. Story Devourer can only be damaged by Paradox...

–Just what Paradox is? You call me that, Dantes called me that...

–Paradox is a character who was not written by the writer of the work in which Paradox was born. They are usually born after the end of the story... due to plot holes. Gerda, almost at the very beginning of the 1078th Iteration, wrote that Cirael had a stomach ache... and because of this hanging Chekhov's Gun, as a result, you were born. You see, the Narrative, although not living, itself strives to fill plot holes by changing the work... it's just that sometimes they are so big that even the Narrative can't handle it. And so, you were born as a patch to this plot hole.

–Sounds quite depressing...

–Yeah, now remember that I'm just an alternative version of you. I'm the one who should be depressed. So here it is. You are literally the only Paradox on this entire Narrative layer... and, perhaps, on all Narrative layers in general. As for me... I am a copy of you from another world, so I am not a Paradox. You know how the multiverse works within one Narrative layer, right?

–More or less. There is the "original universe" created by the original writer from a higher layer, and then there are alternate versions of that universe... in other words, fanfiction.

–Exactly. The world you see around you is fanfiction created by the Necronomicon... however, the Necronomicon disappeared along with Oliver, so this world no longer has a creator to look after it. That's not the point. Basically, your parents knew that Story Devourer was about to come to their world, and that's why they sent you here... after all, they themselves had to at least delay him so that as many ordinary peaceful background characters as possible could leave that universe.

–It's...damn, they were heroes. The most real ones, but they called themselves "sub-heroes"...

–Yes, they were heroes. Let me continue. When you were thrown into this universe, me, as a copy of you, was thrown into the world where you came from. There I met Oliver and Cirael of the original universe and they told me what happened... and gave me the Unity forged by your father, – when alternative universe Sol said this, a tear rolled down original universe Sol's cheek. – I... I was weak. But even if I were strong, I could not save them. At the last moment, they threw me back into my world, but I was already out of sync with this space-time, so I could only speak as white noise. And when I came to the capital of Arai... I found out that my parents had already found "their son."


–Exactly. My heart almost stopped then, and I had already developed a dislike for you... and then I heard you talking about your parents...

–I understand why you hated me. I... if only I had known, I would have stayed and...

–No. You were no match for the Story Devourer back then. But now that you have recognized yourself as Paradox...

–What does being a Paradox give me anyway? Well, except that I can damage the Devourer.

–Hmm... Paradoxes, as Oliver told me, are, in principle, immune to changes in the Narrative. You can even ignore Gerda's text... and influence of those above her. In addition, you can move outside the Narrative, transcending space-time. You can also bring back objects, characters and worlds from the Sea of Ideas... if they haven't completely dissolved after too many Exes. And finally, you can... climb the Narrative Layers without effort.

–That is... can I just think about it now and meet Gerda?

–Yes... but I think we have more important things to do now.

–Agree. Moreover... in general, I am not interested in meeting Gerda. She... she allowed my parents to live free, and she did not set the Story Devourer on them. Nothing connects me with her. Better tell me, if you're so smart... how does my True Blade work?

–I was waiting for this question. My True Blade actually erases things and phenomena at the conceptual level... but you are Paradox, so it works differently for you. When your blade passes through an object, or you try to erase a concept, you are actually preventing that concept from appearing in the Narrative. It still remains in the past, but in the future, he can no longer appear in the Narrative, and such, it basically does not exist. That's why you can bring back what you "erased"... and it is this power that can harm the Story Devourer.

–Well... I don't know much yet, but... let's go. It's time to place the Sphere of the Sun on its pedestal. And then... shall we fight again? We still have score the settle.


Alternative Sol placed the Sphere of the Sun on the central pedestal and the walls of the Temple began to glow in different colors. Sighing with relief, he headed towards the exit, followed by original universe Sol. When they came out, Shubby had already met them... with a surprised face.

–You... didn't you want to kill each other?

ؘ –It's a little more complicated, – answered alternative universe Sol, smiling.

Noticing that the original universe Sol looked a little depressed, Shubby ran up to him and took his hand, then said:

–Tell me why... your hands... are cold?...

–Cold hands are often a sign that your body is trying to maintain its regular body temperature. Always having cold hands, however, could mean there's a problem with your blood flow or the blood vessels in your hands... – original universe Sol began to explain, but Shubby hit him on the cheek with her palm.

–B-baka! You don't understand girls at all! – she shouted.

–I don't understand almost anyone at all, – Sol answered. – But that doesn't matter now. Shubby, go back to your tavern. Our journey is over. I... no, both me and this Sol will return to the capital of Arai... after we end our rivalry once and for all.

–I understand. But Sol... I'm not going back to the tavern! I'm also going to the capital of Arai... and I'll be waiting for you there, Sol!

Smiling sweetly and closing her eyes, Shubby got into a running position, after which she ran off towards Arai with lightning speed.

–She's head over heels in love with you, – said alternative universe Sol, looking at original universe Sol with a grin.

–That's nonsense, nonsense. What could she even see in me?

–Who was saying that he is "perfection"?

–It was stupid childishness...

–This is true. But it doesn't change the fact, she's going insane around you.

–I'll talk to her personally about this later... but now we have to end everything for good. Take out your sword.

Alternative universe Sol took out his father's Unity, and both Sols moved 50 steps away from each other. Turning around, both pointed their blades to the right and down and said in unison:

–En garde!


–I knew you would come, – said Edmond Dantes, without turning around.

–Oh, yes? Then I knew that you knew that I would come. How do you like that? – answered Kai, who appeared behind him.

The world around them was gray and had nothing but a table with a tea set.

–You know, Sol is absolutely right. You really are my cheap copy... and I don't really want plagiarism of me to live peacefully on this Narrative layer.

–Before you kill me, and I have no doubt that any plot armor and any of my protection does not matter to you, may I ask something?

–Only if it is interesting enough.

–If Gerda heard my question... what would she answer me? You know her better than anyone, so if anyone can give me the answer, it's you, Kai Clain.

–Hmmm... I think she would answer something like, "Oh my god, another freak is going to stalk me."

–And if seriously?

–Hmm... – Kai sat down at the table opposite Edmond. – She really has changed. I think if it weren't for the first 27 iterations, I could forgive her.

–So you still want her dead?

–Everything is a little more complicated than it seems. But oh well, this dialogue has already gone on for so long. It was nice talking, Count of Monte Cristo. Goodbye.

Kai snapped his fingers. Dantes' body was torn apart. He was invulnerable to magic, to physical damage, to reality warping, to changes in the Narrative... but all this was useless against Kai.

Chapter 24: Chapter 20: Settling the Score

Chapter Text

Without hesitation, both Sols disappeared and appeared in front of each other. Their movements wasted no time, as their speed can only be described as "infinite." However, this did not stop the ringing from sounding while they fenced. The first blow was from right to left, the Clains' swords colliding right in front of their faces. Suddenly letting his opponent's to move forward and ducking, alternative universe Sol threw his sword upward, thereby hitting original universe Sol's sword and launching his own Unity into a spinning flight. In addition, immediately after this, he folded his hands, palms facing each other, and, directing them towards his opponent, released a flash of light.

This threw original universe Sol away, but he more or less kept his balance and, braking his feet on the ice, stopped. He didn't drop Unity, so he was ready to attack again... but alternative universe Sol didn't want that, so he flew into the sky and raised his left arm up. The heavens rumbled.

–Paradise Lost! – shouted alternative universe Sol.

Matter-destroying rays of light fell from the heavens... but Sol was prepared for it. Moving between the beams that targeted him each time, original universe Sol made his way closer to his opponent and finally soared into the sky. Gravity didn't matter, so they continued their battle here, well above the icy ground.

When another ray of light came from the sky, original universe Sol caught it with his left hand and, using the magic that his mother taught him, redirected this attack directly to his opponent. Alternative universe Sol grabbed his sword, which happened to be at his height at that moment, and deflected the beam of light with it. After this, original universe Sol was surrounded by purple flames, creating the shape of a ball, which began to sharply close. This was not a problem, because from within this sphere, another fires made their way through.

The purple fire suddenly dissipated, and with it, all of alternative Sol's doubts disappeared. One single angelic wing, which was previously behind the left shoulder of original universe Sol, began to resemble elongated beams of light that stretched from the back, only vaguely resembling the shape of a wing... and black flames emanated from the right side of the back. It did not have the shape of a wing, as his father had, but only went in several thick lines, rounding at the ends.

–Clain Family's Special Spell – Emotional Turbulence: Legacy, – said Saul from the original universe.

Nodding, Alternative universe Sol decided to stop fighting with his abilities, because now everything supernatural will be dispelled upon contact with the flames of Hate, and switch to pure fencing. Spinning the sword in his hand, he flapped his wings and flew towards original universe Sol. Having covered the distance in literally no time, he initiated close combat. The sound of metal colliding with metal began to sound again. Clains crossed their blades, but now they both refused to back down and tried to overpower each other... and this time they had a clear winner.

Original universe Sol knocked his opponent back with a forceful swing of his sword, which he now held with both hands. When alternative universe Sol lost his balance, his original version, needing no support, flew towards him, even without the aid of wings. At this speed, he thrust his blade forward, aiming for his opponent's heart. Of course, neither of them had the goal of killing the other... and they both understood that they would not kill each other this way.

Having grabbed the blade of the original universe Sol's sword with his left hand, the alternative universe Sol now lunged himself... and that blade was grabbed by the original universe Sol's hand. Both of them, having invested a huge amount of strength into this, pulled each other's swords towards themselves, snatching Unity from the hands of their true owners. Now each of them held the sword of his opponent. Quickly grabbing the sword in their right hands, they clashed their blades again, but this time the force from the blow knocked the swords out of their hands, and both Unities spun and flew higher. Without wasting a second, the Clains flew up and, having caught up with the swords, each grabbed his own blade.

However, Original universe Sol was faster. Taking his weapon first, he dealt a crushing downward blow. Alternative universe Sol barely managed to block it, and it flew down at immeasurable speed, hitting the icy ground and creating a crater. Now the Temple of Origin, which apparently could not be destroyed by physical damage, hung in the air, because this entire icy wasteland had become significantly lower due to the impact of the blow.

While alternative universe Sol was slammed into the ground, the original universe Sol flew at him and was about to deliver the final blow, but his opponent was already on his feet and parried his opponent's attack by leading his sword down. Suddenly, they simultaneously turned their gaze to the south – thousands of kilometers away, beyond the horizon, a black rift appeared in the sky. Judging by the calculations that were instantly made in the mind of original universe Sol, it was right above the capital of Arai, however...

–Let's finish our fight and go there, – said original universe Sol.

–My thoughts exactly, – alternative universe Sol answered.


The "carriage," moving at high hypersonic speed, traveled thousands of kilometers south in just a few minutes... and ended up right next to the capital of Arai. Oliver Clain was the first to emerge from it, which provoked a stormy ovation from the huge crowd that was behind the open gates. Sean followed him out, and then everyone else. When Ludwig, who was the last to leave the carriage, came out, another wave of thunderous applause followed... these were cries of support in the language of the Northern Empire. The people of his Empire were also here... it was difficult to believe that the capital of Arai contained, in addition to its inhabitants, all the residents of the capital and the adjacent 2-3 thousand kilometers of cities and villages of the Empire... but it was so. Of course, this negated any logic to the size of the Arai capital... but logic mattered little to Clains. Joy overwhelmed the heroes who returned back. Now the journey is truly over. Oliver looked at Ludwig and said:

–Well, let's go. We still need to draw up documents to provide funds and people to restore the land and buildings.

The 2 rulers went to the capital, and the people made way for them. Sean and Martha and Marren followed them... but suddenly, these five turned around. Shubby came running towards them from the very northern end of the continent on her own two feet.

–Shubby, hello! How is it, did Sol do it? – Marren asked.

–Yes, he returned the Sphere, but... they are fighting now! Sol and... well... the other Sol! It seems that now they want to sort things out one last time, – Shubby replied, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

–Of course, they can't just not perform the final duel... well, I support both of them! – Oliver said and laughed. – Come on, join us, Shubby. We will wait together for the return of your prince in shining armor.

Shubby joined the heroes and walked next to them... not forgetting to exchange glances with Sean. The two still looked at each other without much sympathy. When Ludwig, Martha, Marren, Oliver, Sean and Shubby were in the middle of the city square, just outside the gates, king of Arai suddenly glanced at the sky and, although there was nothing there, shouted:

–Quickly, everyone, evacuate from the capital!

Thanks to magic, his voice was heard by absolutely everyone who was now in the capital of Arai. Panic arose, however, following the herd instinct and the words of Oliver, the crowd began to run out of the city gates, almost without interfering with each other.

–What's happening?! – Sean asked.

–I don't know, but I feel... something is coming, – Oliver replied.

And he was right. Very soon, black cracks appeared in the sky, as if the sky were a glass dome. Realizing that there was no time for evacuation, Oliver snapped his fingers and absolutely everyone except the heroes, as well as Oliver, Shubby and Sean, disappeared, now being several kilometers from the capital. Suddenly, a rift appeared in the sky. It didn't look like a portal; its edges were jagged and irregular. The sky was filled with huge eyes and mouths flying in the air. They were two-dimensional, like projections. Immediately, the six remaining in the capital prepared for battle.

Something appeared from the rift. It was difficult to describe in words, but it looked something like a huge worm, part of which was still behind the rift. From the "mouth" of the worm came a long humanoid body, many pairs of arms of which were located along its body. Its head was smooth, because it didn't even have a face. In place of the face were iridescent light and dark tones of blue, reminiscent of outer space. This huge creature spread out over the capital and descended, placing several pairs of its hands on different borders of the capital. Thousands of eyes flying in the air focused their gaze on the six who were still there... and from thousands of mouths came laughter so loud that the heroes covered their ears.

–This world, this pathetic fanfic... I have already destroyed your original and countless other versions... now it's your turn, world 136.141.5792! - said the mouths hanging in the air.

None of those present knew what kind of monster it was, but it was clear that it was something that must be destroyed. Oliver immediately materialized his black wings and soared into the air, Martha created several portals and fired rays of energy from them, Marren directed all the diseases known to him at the strange monster, Ludwig called an orbital cannon into the sky, which immediately released a destructive laser, while even not covering the entire body of the monster, and Sean and Shubby ran in different directions, soon climbing onto the colossal arms of this monster.

However, the monster did not just wait for them to start killing it – with one swing of one of his hands, he demolished the upper floors of all the houses of the capital, forcing the heroes to duck. The currents of wind raised by this swing carried Sean and Shubby to the ground. Undoubtedly, if not for their high survivability, they would have died simply from the rising wind. All the attacks fired at the colossal body had no effect, causing a second wave of laughter to come from the two-dimensional mouths. Having destroyed almost all of the buildings in the Arai capital, the monster raised his other hand and slammed it down hard on the spot where most of the heroes were standing... or he tried to. A white flash came from somewhere in the city center... and it became clear that it was Cirael, who, like her husband, remained guarding the capital. Cirael Clain somehow held the hand of the unknown monster with both hands, eventually somehow throwing it away.

–Oliver, who do you think I am?! Why did you try to teleport me from here too?! – she shouted, but Oliver had no time to answer now.

He repeated his chant again and created a huge sphere of red and purple energy above his hand. This time it was several times larger than before. When he sent it down... the creature raised its head up and this sphere of energy disappeared, ceased to exist. Oliver winced. Even powerful magicians capable of bending reality could not easily dispel or erase this attack... but this monster did it without any problems. After that, the monster raised one of his hands up and a black ball appeared on his palm, in which there were white dots, like stars in the night sky.

While all the heroes were focused on their unsuccessful attacks, the creature clenched its fist, crushing the sphere. The cracks that ran across the sky extended and caused the sky to break in yet another place. From this rift, energy resembling a comet began to descend into the sky. Oliver and Cirael immediately flew towards her, flapping their wings... but even their attacks could not harm this meteor... but someone else could.

Black energy flashed before the heroes' eyes. From the sky, cutting this comet in two, causing it to dissipate, someone who looked like a child descended. Sean, who had already run to the others, immediately recognized him as Gehessikait.

–I told you that if the world goes to sh*t, I'll at least try to do something... but we're still not friends with you all! – he shouted to everyone present, after which he turned to the colossal monster.

Like Sean Brown, Gehessikait held a black scythe in his hands, but even those who do not understand the energy of Hate could immediately understand that the powers of these two were not even close to each other. Gehessikait was many times more powerful than Sean. Suddenly, he said again:

–Wait. Very soon we will have a chance. Then we will have to act... ahem, as a team, – it was noticeable that Gehessikait had to squeeze out the last phrase out of his mouth. – In the meantime, focus on defense if you don't wanna die!

When he finished saying this, a wave of energy of indescribable color washed over the capital. Oliver and Cirael, as well as Shubby, who had just arrived, put up a barrier on the side from which this energy was coming. The creature from beyond the rift seemed to be bored – it rested one of its many hands with its elbow on the ground and laid its cheek on the fist of this hand. At this time, the remaining hands were raised up. Magic circles of different colors appeared around each of them, which meant that the creature's attack was far from over.

When the wave of energy dried up, Sean abruptly stopped time and pulled everyone else 30 meters to the side – from the sky to the ground in the place where the heroes had stood before, a beam of energy fell, burning the earth to the core of the planet. This energy even burned the magma. Until an eruption occurred right here in the capital, Shubby hit the ground, causing a layer of earth to collapse and close this hole. But this was not the end. The sky was filled with small beams of energy that rushed towards the heroes in an instant, but Sean and Gehessikait created a ball of Hate energy that protected them and the rest of the heroes. After this, the creature's patience ran out.

One of the monster's hands rushed into the sky and, pulling down, stretched the fabric of space and time, opening another rift... but this rift was somehow different. The wave of energy emanating from it destroyed even the barrier of Hate, as well as what Oliver, Cirael and Shubby could create. But now help has come to them... from where they did not expect it at all. A person in a dark gray cloak with a hood appeared in front of the heroes. Only long light green hair was visible from under the hood. The unknown person looked up, and this wave of energy simply disappeared. The creature from beyond the rift formed one of its hands into a fist again and, now actually putting force into the blow, unleashed its overwhelming strength on the heroes... but the hand stopped a few meters away from the cloaked man. An invisible barrier blocked this attack. What was more important, having encountered such resistance, the creature lost its balance and became slightly staggered. A woman's voice was heard from under the stranger's hood:

–Now! Attack now! Attack the Story Devourer!

Immediately after this, the stranger disappeared. But it didn't matter. All the heroes resumed their attacks.

–Slay all... – said Gehessikait and the entire capital was covered with a black dome.

When the black dome disappeared, Gehessikait was already in the air behind the creature's body. He has already struck, although no time has passed. Everyone else didn't wait behind either. Sean and Shubby, running up by two arms on which this monster was leaning, ran up onto its body and attacked its head from both sides – Shubby hit with her fist, and Sean made a vertical slash with his scythe. Martha teleported Marren onto a worm-like body, right next to the rift, after which he began to float slightly above this body, and green energy began to emanate from him. Ludwig again had the orbital cannon fire a laser into the creature's body slightly closer to the rift than Marren was. Oliver and Cirael flew into the sky in unison and took one sword together. Holding one weapon, they flew straight at this monster and plunged the blade into its head.

Lights appeared on the monster's body. Is it really a victory? All the heroes came back together as beams of light began to shoot out from the creature. There was a flash that obscured their vision.


Meanwhile, at the other end of the continent, an equally fierce battle continued. After another clash where their swords deflected each other, both Sols jumped back and raised their blades up. Energy began to fill their swords. Of course, the alternative universe Sol couldn't use True Slash because he couldn't move outside of the Narrative... but he could try to guess how the blow would go.

A second later, they both disappeared and appeared behind each other... both unharmed. But then their swords flew out of their hands and, flying away, stuck into the ground. Original universe Sol ran for his sword, but alternative universe Sol intercepted him and punched him in the face. Original universe Sol flew away a great distance, and his opponent, not missing the opportunity, caught up with flying Clain and, grabbing him by the face, hit him on the ground. This impact caused the layers of earth behind them to rise, creating a new mountain several times larger than any previously existing in this world. But this was not enough.

While lying on the ground, original universe Sol made a sweep, causing his opponent to fall. After that, he flipped over, now standing above a version of himself from this world. Raising his fist, he struck with his right hand, but the alternative universe Sol moved his head to the right, so that original universe Sol missed and only hit the ground. This impact caused the newly created mountain to collapse, creating an even larger crater. Immediately after this, alternative universe Sol grabbed his original by the throat and shouted:

–Heavenly Sol Buster!

Soaring into the sky on his wings, he turned over and flew back, trying to destroy his opponent, smashing him to the ground. But this was not destined to happen. Original universe Sol broke free from the grip and punched alternative universe Sol in the side. They both fell in different places, creating new elements of the landscape with the impact of the fall. As they stood up, they both disappeared and appeared next to their swords stuck in the ground. Raising their versions of Unity, the Clains raised their blades into the sky once more.

–Let's finish this! – original universe Sol shouted.

Again they disappeared and appeared behind each other. But this time, although no wounds appeared on their bodies, they both dropped their swords and fell on their backs. Now they lay side by side, looking up... and laughing.

–Haah... that was fun, – said alternative universe Sol.

–Yes. When we become stronger, let's duel again,– answered original universe Sol.

–Well, then will you go to the capital now? I need to rest a little.

–I'm afraid I'm also exhausted from all this damage.

–Then... I'll just give you what little stamina I have left.

Light energy began to flow from alternative universe Sol's body into original universe Sol's body. The latter felt a surge of strength and, taking his sword and leaning on it, stood up. Waving his hand, he stretched and ran towards Arai. Alternative universe Sol continued to lie on his back and closed his eyes.

–It seems that I can finally rest...


Lights appeared on the monster's body. Is it really a victory? All the heroes came back together as beams of light began to shoot out from the creature. There was a flash that obscured their vision. Almost all of them were scattered in different directions, only Gehessikait remained on his feet. When the bright light disappeared, the huge body, as well as the endless eyes and mouths in the air, were no longer there, but cracks and spatial rifts in the sky remained. In front of the heroes, in the air, a creature of normal size for a human was flying. Although it resembled a human in silhouette, its disproportionate limbs and body, the color of outer space, made it clear that it was something else. Instead of a face, the creature had only a mouth and one perfectly round eye.

–What a pity, my beautiful shell was destroyed... but don't you know that only Paradox can cause damage to Story Devourer... and Paradox is dead! Oliver from the original universe was Paradox, and now he's gone! So go see him! – said Story Devourer, now with his mouth.

A black hole appeared above the creature's head. It did not suck anything into itself, but the light could not be reflected from it. This object continued to grow and grow. The heroes tried every possible attack... but when their attacks were about to reach Story Devourer, the surroundings became inverted colors and the attack simply ceased to exist.

–Well... it was nice meeting you... but it seems this world has come to an end, – Sean said, turning to the others.

–No... No! All this was in vain?! – Ludwig shouted.

–No, – Shubby answered, smiling. – It was not.

Everything was divided. A horizontal line running through the center of the black hole created by Story Devourer divided the world into black and white. The blinding flash of these two colors blocked everyone's view. But when it ran out, the black hole above the Story Devourer was no longer there. Standing at his side, his eyes closed and the sword of Unity lowered, stood Sol Clain. Black and white energy flowed from his right and left shoulders respectively. He turned to the Story Devourer and opened his eyes.

–I have no idea who you are... but after everything I've done to save this world, I won't let it be destroyed so easily, – Sol said, opening his eyes and pointing Unity at Devourer.

–Oh, here you are! I knew someone had gotten away from the original universe! How many worlds have I erased just to find you... but it's okay, Sol, soon you will join your parents! – Story Devourer shouted.

–So you are that "Story Devourer" thing? – Sol asked and immediately changed his face. – You made a big mistake by coming here.

–Do not make me laugh! Only Paradox can harm me! You can't even get close...

Story Devourer began to say this, but Sol's fist sent him flying. Braking on the ground, the creature touched its "cheek," if you could call it that, where the blow landed.

–What... is this?... – said Story Devourer.

–I'm surprised you don't know. All this time, you've been looking for me, you say? So, all this time you were looking for someone who could kill you.

The black wing became many times larger than the white one, and Sol himself ran at Story Devourer and, hitting it from below with the guard of his sword, threw it high into the sky. Story Devourer felt pain for the first time in his existence. It could not comprehend it, which is why it did not even resist. Even so, no one except Paradox would be able to attack it due its passive defenses... but Sol was just that. Clain put his sword up and began to collect energy into the blade. When Story Devourer, falling, approached the ground, Sol disappeared, because he was already behind him.

Story Devourer's single eye spun around like crazy as the lower half of its body disappeared. Sol, following all the laws of pretentious swordsmen from Asian comics, slowly sheathed his sword while Story Devourer disappeared behind him. It screamed heart-rendingly, jerked his arms, twisted his only eye... but it could not move. After all, it is no longer in the Narrative. Countless souls burst out of its belly... and for a second, Sol saw Oliver and Cirael, the ones from his home world. Maybe these were just mirages, but when he saw them, he smiled. When Sol completely sheathed Unity, Story Devourer ceased to exist altogether. Taking a deep breath, he turned to everyone else.

–Now... this is the end.

The cracks and fissures in the sky were healing. Everyone present, except perhaps Gehessikait, ran up to Sol.

–You... what was that all about just now?! – Ludwig asked.

–That was so cool, Sol! – Shubby said.

–I had no doubt about Oliver's son, – Sean said.

–I agree, it was quite PogChamp. Maybe even Poggers, – Saul said.

–Who are these Poggers of yours?! Now you say KEKW, then Pepega, now also Poggers? What the hell are you talking about?! – Ludwig shouted.

–I doubt that you will understand such a high morale things, Ludwig, – Sol said, which caused laughter from Shubby, Martha and Sean.

–What... what happened to Sol from this world? – Oliver suddenly asked. –Where is my son?

–Well... we fought with him and ended up in a draw. We were both exhausted, and he gave me the remnants of his strength, saying that now he wanted to rest.

When Sol said this, Oliver and Cirael shuddered and cried... exactly until they heard a familiar voice behind them.

–What? When I said I wanted to rest, I meant exactly that. Without any pompous deaths.

Turning around, everyone saw another Sol, whose hair was turning black at the ends. It was Sol from this world, and his parents immediately ran to hug him.

–And... what will you do now? – Ludwig asked.

–Me? Well I do not know. I will probably go to some interdimensional world and from there I will provide services for the destruction of multiverse threats. It will, of course, be difficult to receive calls from all over the Narrative layer... Actually, I will probably help everyone, on all Narrative layers, both lower and higher... it will be even more of a pain to keep track of all this and... – Sol began, but Shubby interrupted him.

–Then you will need a secretary, right? Well, I'll be your secretary! Maybe, sometimes I'll go with you on missions to destroy all sorts of powerful creatures, if you need help, hehe.

–Do what you like. I think some extra company won't hurt me. By the way, Shubby, he, – Sol pointed to his version from this world, – said that he thinks that you have some feelings for me, besides purely teammate ones. This is true?

Shubby blushed and turned away.

–You really are an idiot! I told you, you don't know how to talk to girls!

–Wait, seriously? – Ludwig asked, looking between Shubby and Sol.

–What's strange about this? I thought you had noticed that a long time ago, – Martha said, spreading her hands.

–Well... then good luck! – said Marren.

Oliver and Cirael released their son and turned to original universe Sol.

–Wait! Are you sure you don't want to celebrate with us? We prepared a huge celebration this for the return of the heroes... – said Oliver, and then turned his gaze to the destroyed castle. – Although, I believe, all the dishes were irretrievably lost.

–Well, I guess I could stay a couple of days... – Sol said.


–So this is how this story ends? – asked the man in a black cloak.

The unknown person was sitting on the edge of the roof of a skyscraper in some destroyed and abandoned world. Under the hood it was impossible to see who it was. However, another unknown person, also in a cloak with light green hair sticking out from under it, knew perfectly well who it was. The second unknown person sat down next to him and said in a female voice:

–No, Kai. This story is not over yet... you already know what will happen next.

–That's right, Gerda. You will ask Sol to kill me, and we will fight in the last battle. Whichever one of us wins... that will be the true end of this story.

–Tell me, why did you save him? You could have let Sol die there, at the hands of alternative universe Sol... but you came and gave him the strength to fight on. You knew he would get in your way. So why?

–Oh, Gerda... you still don't understand. It's fine, when the time comes, you will realize everything. Now I think it's time for you to leave. Get ready to witness the most beautiful battle of your life... on the pages of your book.

The writer's avatar disappeared, leaving Kai alone. Sighing, he jumped down and disappeared mid-air.


Several weeks had passed since the erasure of Story Devourer, although in this place the time was difficult to determine. Sol has already left that world. He was sitting in an office chair with his feet up on the desk. There were photographs of him defeating various monsters on the walls. Shubby sat next to him, smiling. Suddenly, the landline phone on the table in front of them rang. Shubby picked up the phone.

–Uh-huh... okay... I understand... – she said and hung up. – World 174.122.139763, this Narrative layer. Threat at the level of the multiverse of higher dimensions.

Sol shrugged and stood up from his chair, smiling. He took the Unity sword in its sheath, which lay at the exit of this small room, and the camera. When he touched the door, the gap between the door and the door frame glowed. After that, he opened the door, which now led to another world. When he left, he knew what awaited him. Another "deity" that threatens the existence of another universe, or maybe multiple universes. For Sol, this had already become a routine.

–You stupid CFW... – said the monster who stood in front of him, but then stuttered – What is its name there?

–It's Clain Family World Danger Elimination Agency. CFWDE Agency, for short, – Sol answered, drawing his sword from its sheath.

–Who even came up with such an idiotic name?...

–Actually, it was me.

–Oh. Well, it doesn't matter. Cough cough. You stupid CFWDY Agency weakling! You're planning to stop me! I'm God!

–Yes, it sounded good, but maybe you could change your voice? It's very human.

–Are we even going to fight or what?!

–I thought that you wanted to do an epic monologue first... well, okay, let's get this over with.

The battle did not last long. Sol dealt with this multidimensional deity in an instant, after which he snapped his fingers. A door appeared in front of him and he entered. Behind it, his Agency and Shubby were already waiting for him, who, joyful, ran up and hugged him.

–It was easy, right?

–Of course. Were there new requests?

–No, surprisingly, no one else called today.

–Then I hope you have prepared lunch?

Shubby winced and smiled awkwardly.

–Umm... I forgot, haha!...

–I see, then I'll go there again for lunch.–

–Okay, come home sooner! I'll be waiting!

Having let go of Sol, Shubby sat down again, waiting for calls, while Clain, touching the door, went out into another world. Or rather, it was not a full-fledged world. Now he was in a bar where the most bizarre creatures sat at the tables. Behind the bar stood a man with medium-length black hair and brown eyes. He wore a black sweatshirt over a light blue shirt.

–Bartender, as usual for me. 2 glasses of water and a fresh steak of nordjyord meat.

The bartender disappeared to the back of the bar, but soon returned with everything Sol had ordered on a tray. Clain began to eat.

–Come on, it's always "bartender" this and "bartender" that... I actually have a name, you know, – said the man behind the bar.

–Yeah. I've been coming here for several weeks now, and you still haven't told me your name, smart-ass, – Sol answered.

–My name is Author. Just Author.

–A bit suspicious, don't you think?

–It's just my online nickname, nothing special.

–Still kinda sus.

–What will you do to me? Eject me from my bar? There is not outer space outside, so you won't be able to make that game reference.

–Whatever you say... it doesn't really matter to me, even if you are a creature from the higher layers of Narrative.

Having finished, Sol left the bar, immediately finding himself in his agency. And that is how his days were passing by. Request, killing a deity, returning to Shubby, talking with her, perhaps going somewhere together, request, killing a deity... but right now it's time for this to change. There was nothing outside his agency building, since space-time didn't exist outside... however, somebody knocked on the front door.

Chapter 25: Chapter 21: Kai Clain. Finale.

Chapter Text

Sol immediately pulled the sword out of its sheath and threw the sheath to the side - now he was in his home clothes, so there was no way to attach the sheath to his belt. Shubby assumed a fighting stance. Only after that did Clain go to the door and, lowering the door handle, opened the door inside. Although there should have been no space outside, there was a sliver of earth beyond the door, beyond which there was probably no more matter. In front of the door, in expensive black clothes, reminiscent of a robe, decorated with gold jewelry, stood a girl in a masquerade mask. Long light green hair was falling from her head to her waist. Shubby lowered her hands and said:

-You... it was you who helped us then, against the Story Devourer?

-Yes, it is true. I am... - the unknown woman began to speak.

-Why are you wearing this mask? I know perfectly well who you are, Gerda.

Shubby looked over at Sol and widened her eyes. "Is that Gerda?" she thought, still not fully believing it. However, the masked girl sighed and nodded, taking off her mask. Now she looked at Clain and his secretary with bright yellow eyes. Gerda said:

-Can I come in?

-Well, okay, come in.

Having said this, Sol lowered his sword and walked away from the passage. Gerda came in and looked around. Apparently, in the back of the room there were passages to other parts of this pocket dimension of Sol. On a wooden table with carved legs there was only a landline telephone and a few sheets of paper, and behind the table there were 2 office chairs. Judging by the condition, someone was spinning very often on the right chair. Gerda, having gone inside, suddenly threw away not only the literal mask, but also the mask of seriousness and mystery. Exhaling and closing her eyes, the girl lowered her head and rested her right hand on her side.

-How do you live in a place like this, Sol? - asked Gerda.

-Sorry, I'm not the one who is god out of people in this room, I can't create a huge universe just like that, - Sol answered, putting on an official long white jacket over his home T-shirt.

-Um, I... I just don't know how to behave around the God of all this reality... so I'm sorry if I do something wrong! - said Shubby, who kept twitching and looking around to see and remove something that was wrong in this room before Gerda saw it.

-Don't worry, Shubby. I'm not nearly as exalted as... as I wanted to be seen as a few hundred Iterations ago, - Gerda said and shrugged.

-Oh, God knows my name! - Shubby said and pressed herself against the wall.

Sol seemed completely calm, despite the presence of the creator of the entire Narrative layer on which he lived in his home. Clain sat at the table on the left table. For the first time in the entire existence of this agency, he received someone personally. Sol put his hands on the table and closed them.

-Well, speak up, - he said.

A beautiful chair appeared opposite the table, where Gerda sat down. It is obvious that she created it herself.

-I assume the name "Kai" is familiar to you? - Gerda asked.

-Without a doubt. Although I have never met him, I... more or less know what he is, - Sol answered.

-Um, Sol? I think you shouldn't accept this request... - Shubby suddenly said as she sat down on the right chair.

-Huh? Why is it? - asked Clain.

-Because... we can't defeat Kai, - Shubby said in a sad voice.

-I wouldn't say so. According to my father, there is nothing special about him.

-No, Shubby is right, - Gerda suddenly said, leaning back in her chair. - He is an incredibly powerful opponent... in fact, he has surpassed me. Now Kai has complete control over all the worlds of the Narrative layer I live in... and can probably climb much higher if he wants.

-So he... is also a Paradox? - Sol asked.

-I don't know, Sol, I really don't know... I'm no longer sure that I created him. My whole life turned into a waking nightmare. All the time, he could kill me, or make me an outcast... but he doesn't. Maybe even you won't be able to handle it.

-Nah, I'd win, - Sol said and shrugged. - What else can you tell about him? I will need any information.

-Hmm... if you don't mind, I'll start from afar. Time to dump tons of plot and exposition. Cough cough. Gerda and Kai were ordinary people who lived in an ordinary world in which there was nothing supernatural. Kai, whose last name was Clain, had recently graduated from college and was working in the local library, while Gerda was a 2nd year student. Gerda often visited Kai, they talked a lot and eventually fell in love with each other. And they lived happily... but not for very long.

-Let me guess, Kai was hit by a truck and isekai'ed here? - Shubby asked.

-You will be surprised, but you are almost right. One day, when Kai was returning late from work, Clain decided to take a shortcut along the alleys that he thought he knew well. However, there he met some street robbers who took both his wallet and his life.

-And then you took a black bat suit and started hunting criminals? - Sol asked.

-Unlike your secretary here, you are completely wrong. Gerda was overwhelmed by depression. She lived alone, and therefore Kai was her only close person, apart from two friends - Marta and Ludwig, - when Gerda said this, Sol and Shubby looked at each other. - Gerda cried for many days and did not leave the house. Finally, in order not to commit suicide and overcome it, she began to write light fantasy novels. Obviously, Gerda was... well, let's say, not a very good writer...

-You're putting it so mildly that I would consider it a compliment for Gerda, - said Sol.

-Oh, shut up. Khm, let me continue. She was such a bad writer that even the main character of her work was a Mary Sue, based on her late lover. Neither the name nor appearance has changed. What changed was that he became an overpowered character who succeeded in everything without any problems. And everything was going well, but one day, when she again opened the document where the text of her book was... she saw that it had been supplemented overnight. Specifically, Kai's actions and words were written, which she did not write. She considered that this was sleepwalking and began to write further, but suddenly, in waking reality, Gerda saw how Kai's actions and words were written by themselves. "Undoubtedly, this is a miracle," she decided and began to communicate with this character, inscribing herself as the voice of a deity that sounds in Kai's head. However, time passed. Kai's journey was coming to an end. He defeated the Snow Queen in the ice palace... and then Gerda realized that this book was on the level of a 12-year-old girl's fanfiction. So she erased all the text and started early. However, now, assuming that Kai would be alive again, she pre-written into his character that he had all the memory of Kai Clain from the real world... but there was another memory as well. The character Kai had all the memories of the previous version of the book... let's say the 1st Iteration. Gerda was very scared by this, so she took the 2nd Iteration on a different plot to avoid déjà vu. But in the end she didn't like it either. The restart cycles continued until the 27th Iteration. Then Kai wrote his text first. Not as the character's speech, but as the author's text. Gerda will never forget these words: "You've played with me enough. I'm leaving my post as main character. Remember, sooner or later, I will turn your life into an even greater hell than the one I went through"... well, then there were more than a thousand Iterations, where the main character was not Kai... and what happened in the 1078th Iteration, both of you and so you know.

-The information is somewhat incomplete, but overall it's clear... but what about his abilities?

-It's easier to say what he can't do. Kai has Writer's Authority, so his abilities in this world are no less than mine... and considering that he also has Writer's Authority over the worlds of my Narrative layer... his abilities here are probably significantly greater than mine.

-What is that "Writer's Authority" thing? - Shubby asked.

-The power to change everything on the Narrative layer, through changing the Narrative itself. As a rule, it is possessed by the one who wrote the world over which he has Writer's Authority. For example, I have one over your entire Narrative layer. Writer's Authority, however, has its limits. Thus, the one who possesses it cannot change anything if it would conflict with genres or characters' personalities... however, Kai has gone beyond these limits more than once.

-Yes, that sounds... not very good for us. But tell me, Gerda... why would I help you if many Clains in a thousand Iterations suffered because of you? You know, being a Paradox, I myself can manifest at your Narrative layer and kill you, - Sol said, spreading his hands.

-If you wanted it, you would have already done it. I know you might think you can just stay away and ignore Kai, but... you can't. You really can't. The thing is, if he kills me, the book I'm writing will remain unpublished. And then this entire Narrative layer will sink into the Sea of Unrealized Ideas.

-Well, you convinced me. Of course I would like to know more, but...

-Then ask Kai personally, - Gerda suddenly said.

-Huh? - Sol and Shubby asked in unison.

-We are now talking about Kai Clain, that very Kai Clain. Surely he knows what we are talking about now. If you really want to know about his past... I'm sure he'll come to you if you go somewhere.

-Haah... well, okay. I'll trust your instincts... although, as an author, you should be omniscient.

-I only know what appears in the form of text. Kai, he... he can act without text, off-screen... outside the Narrative of this book. Just like you can do it, Sol. This is one of those reasons why only you can defeat him. Okay... good luck, Sol. I count on you. Kai greatly limits my abilities, but... I will try to help you. As much as I can.

Having said this, Gerda disappeared, leaving a luxurious chair in the middle of the office. Sol scratched his forehead and took a deep breath. Clain stood up from his chair and, putting his hands in his pockets, walked to the front door. Shubby, seeing this, jumped up from her chair and said:

-Wait, I'm coming too!

She went through the door at the back of the room and soon ran back, exchanging her half-open T-shirt for dark-colored clothes that could even be worn on stage. Although, since she was a melee fighter, her legs and arms were almost completely open so as not to interfere with her movement. As Shubby approached Sol, he nodded and touched the door. The door began to shine, after which Clain opened it and walked out into another world. Shubby followed him out.

There was no longer a door behind them, and they themselves stood on a grass-covered cliff, under which was the sea. The wind blew at their hair, and somewhere far below the water beat against the stone. Shubby loved this place very much and, when she was not walking through the entertainment centers of densely populated universes, she often came here. But now she had no time to admire the scenery in a romantic setting - a voice was heard behind Sol and Shubby:

-Kept you waiting, huh?

They turned around and Sol was shocked. In front of them stood the man in a black robe with a hood, whom Clain had previously thought was Oliver. The man took off his hood and now it became clear that it really was Kai. As always, he smiled slightly, looking at the Agency members with half-closed eyes. A broken sword hung in the air near his belt, but Sol and Shubby knew full well that Kai didn't need to pick it up to fight.

-No, you did not. We just arrived here, - Sol said.

-Oh, just how punctual I am, it turns out. Oh well. I know perfectly well why you came. Have you decided to listen to the tragic backstory of another character? I thought you didn't really like that, Sol, - Kai answered and laughed a little.

-It is different case with you. You saved my father... and now, it turns out, you saved me too. At a minimum, I respect you, and I don't think that you would decide to carry out reprisals without a reason. Besides, you still haven't killed her, and your goal is still unknown to me.

-Well, my goal will remain unknown... for the time being. And my backstory, well... - Kai threw off his black robe in one movement, now appearing before Sol and Shubby in the clothes familiar from Oliver's stories. - This will not be the shortest story, but in general Gerda has already told you the basics. When I began to exist, I saw the world around me. He was... a little strange. Everything seemed blurry, cartoonish and poorly detailed. This was because Gerda... describes the surroundings very poorly. I traveled with Martha and Ludwig, whom Gerda wrote based on her friends. Friends of Gerda and that Kai, who was my prototype...

-So you... you are still not the same Kai? - Shubby asked, frowning.

-This is a complex philosophical question, Black Goat of the Woods. Are you familiar with the Ship of Theseus Paradox? If the ship was repaired every time, replacing all of its parts, then in the end it will be the same ship, or completely different?... no, that was a bad example. If I kill someone and then resurrect him, and do this over and over again for my amusem*nt, will it remain the same character, or will it be a copy of him? That's how it is with me. If I look like Kai, have his name, personality and memories, am I Kai Clain, or am I still a copy of him created by Gerda? Like I said, this is a complex philosophical question... but that's not what we're talking about. So, I, along with my friends, calmly completed our journey, saved the world... and then I found myself at home, without all the legendary equipment and powers that I had received. In addition, all my friends lost their memories, and I got new memories... now I know that these are the memories of Kai from Gerda's Narrative layer. So, now the journey was different, and towards the end, when we had almost defeated the world's evil, Ludwig died. There was no point in his death. It didn't contribute anything to the plot, it didn't carry any deep meaning... he died simply so that Gerda could say "look, this book is not childish, characters die here." Immediately after this, the world began again. And again. And again. And again. Each time the story became darker and more cruel. Somewhere since the 5th Iteration, I have always been the only one who survived. The last straw was the 26th Iteration. In it, Martha turned into the monster with a thousand faces... you know her as "Nyarla" - when Kai said this, Shubby shuddered. - Then, when the world began again, I immediately indicated that I was tired of watching the deaths of my friends many times in a row. I left the role of the main character and began to direct the plot in the right direction from the shadows. Gerda was no longer able to write my actions. No, even more. From then on, she couldn't even write the name "Kai" except in dialogue. It was physically impossible for her body. Around the same time, I learned about the true nature of fiction. About Narrative layers, about the Sea of Ideas, about Narrative... in the end, already from the first iteration I had the power to change the Narrative the way I wanted. But I didn't do that. I always thought that this time Gerda would come to her senses and do everything right... she didn't. And that's why we're standing here now.

After finishing speaking, Kai took a deep breath. He closed his eyes, but the smile did not leave his face.

-But... this is devoid of logic. If it was like you are saying, you would have killed her already! Is not it? - Shubby said.

-Haha... yes, I didn't think you would understand. My goals are slightly more complicated than simply killing a writer. It's too early for you to know. Well... I guess this was a very informative conversation! I'll be waiting for you two... no, Sol, come alone. I think you both understand that Shub-Niggurath is no match for me. In general, I will be in the world 111.111.111111. It no longer exists, but... especially for this fight, I will recreate it. Come, I will certainly be waiting for you.

Having said this, Kai curtsied. It began to rain... but Kai did not want to get wet. No doubt he could simply stop the rain, create an umbrella, or just make a barrier around himself, but he moved, dodging every drop of rain, gradually moving away from Sol and Shubby. Soon, he completely disappeared. Goosebumps ran down the skin of the Agency members. Without a doubt, Kai could have fought and won here and now, because he could have simply taken Shubby hostage... but he didn't. "Could it be that... he is not interested in winning?" Sol thought. After this conversation, their burden did not become easier, however, something had to be done. Shubby clapped her hands and a door appeared in front of them, standing on the ground. When they entered it, they found themselves back in the Agency, a little wet from the rain.

-Are you... still going? - Shubby finally asked.

-How can I not? If I let him continue with his plan, then sooner or later, Gerda will probably die. Then this entire Narrative layer will disappear, except, perhaps, me, because I am not attached to it. But I swore to continue the work of my father and mother, so now I'm a full-time hero, you know. Besides, if this multiverse disappears, you will disappear too... and without you, I will be quite bored and lonely, - when Shubby heard this, she closed her eyes and began to hold back her tears. - So yes. I'm coming. Wish me luck. If luck doesn't help me, then you won't even be able to press F to pay respect.

Sol closed the door behind him and when it began to shine, he opened it again. Now beyond the door there was a snowy wasteland, where far away, on the horizon, an ice palace could be seen. Looking there, Clain realized that the final battle was about to begin. And he shouldn't go into the final battle like that. Like Shubby earlier, he closed the door and went to the back of the Agency, and then returned wearing his more official clothes - a black shirt with matching trousers and a long white jacket that was longer in the back than in the front. The jacket was not buttoned, and those parts that turned outward on the chest and neck had symmetrical black badges on the left and right. The jacket also had a separate part that, like a small cloak, covered his shoulders and shoulder blades. In addition, it was clear that he had combed his hair - long white hair lay neatly behind his back and on the sides, reaching slightly lower than his waist. The sheath in which the sword Unity rested were located on the belt now. There were white leather gloves on his hands. Yes. He was ready.

Sol went outside. The cold wind immediately began to blow his hair to the side. There was no precipitation, and the snow that lay on the ground did not rise due to the wind. He had not been here before, but now Kai was already standing in front of Sol. It seemed as if he had always been here. The door behind Clain disappeared. Kai was the first to speak:

-Tell me, why are you fighting to save this Narrative layer? It's all pointless. He is not real, just like Gerda is not real... just like nothing is real, no matter how high you rise.

-I will answer you in your own words. This is a difficult philosophical question. What is "reality"? For me, this is where I live. I think, and so do my friends. And that's what I'm willing to fight for... besides, I can't let my parents' legacy disappear so easily... just like I won't let you disappear.

-And what do you mean by that, Sol?

-I will save you too, Kai. Even if I have to beat you into a pulp... I know that you don't really want to destroy everything. I won't kill you, but I will make you change your mind.

Kai tilted his head slightly to the side in bewilderment, and then threw it back, covered his eyes with his right hand and laughed. After laughing, he exhaled and smiled again.

-No, that will not do. You must fight with killing me on your mind. Otherwise it simply won't make sense. Or rather, you simply won't succeed.

-Are you so sure about this?

-Yes. Go ahead, use True Slash. It's, like, your strongest attack, isn't it? I advise you to also enter your Emotional Turbulence.

-Yes, but it takes a long time to charge and...

-It's nothing. I'll wait. Let's.

-Well, you asked for it... Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Legacy.

Rays of light began to come from the left side of Sol's back, and long beams of black flame from the right. Sol raised Unity up and energy began to flow into the blade from the air, from the earth and from Sol himself. A few seconds later, Sol disappeared. His movements surpassed the usual three-dimensional, four-dimensional, twelve-dimensional and any-dimensional space-time, because he moved outside the Narrative itself... but what was that for Kai? When Sol disappeared, he didn't appear behind Kai, no. He, to his surprise, appeared in front of Kai... and Kai put forward the index finger of his right hand, stopping Sol's True Blade, which was impossible to stop, with it.

-Now you understand? - Kai said.

Suddenly for Sol, epic music started playing all over the world. The sounds of a church organ were organically mixed with drums and electric guitar. Sol suddenly realized he couldn't move. It was in this position, holding the sword horizontally, that he froze, although he was aware of what was happening around him. Kai bent the finger that had previously stopped Sol's sword... and Clain realized that if he didn't dodge, the worst would happen. Somehow, breaking the spell of paralysis, Sol dodged to the right, and did the right thing - a deep wound appeared on the left side of his body... repeating the vertical movement that Kai's finger made. Immediately after this, Sol, finally regaining control of his body, jumped back. He put his hand to his wound, which ran almost throughout his body, and it immediately healed. The clothes also regenerated. Without waiting, Sol, this time without the True Cut, ran towards Kai and began to carry out an infinitely fast series of strikes, with feints and detours around the enemy... but Kai dodged, each time either spreading his arms or shrugging his shoulders. It was clear that he was not fighting seriously. Finally, Sol jumped back again, realizing that nothing would really work out...

-I've told. You must fight with killing me on your mind.

-No... I said that I...

-What are you saying? You will "save" me? No, you will simply die then, and I will fulfill my warning and kill Gerda, destroying this entire Narrative layer, and maybe even her layer, in addition. You understand that then your parents' sacrifice will be in vain? Or maybe you initially didn't care about them, and then, during your journey, you showed your real attitude towards them?

Sol's eyes, including the whites and irises, became completely black, similar to Oliver's eyes during Emotional Turbulence. However, he still maintained control.

-Your provocation will not work on me, Kai...

-By the way, speaking of your parents... I may not be a Paradox, but I have all the qualities of a non-written character, all the qualities of a Paradox. I could have saved Oliver and Cirael... I just decided not to.~

It was after these words that Sol snapped. The light behind him disappeared, and the black flame, instead of creating the silhouette of a wing, enveloped his entire body. Still holding Unity in just his right hand, Sol bared his teeth and lowered himself, now standing on his feet and left hand. At the same time, he grabbed the sword, holding it like a knife, with a reverse grip. In this position, when he bent over, he resembled a wild animal ready to attack its prey. Even before this, the speed at which he could always move was infinite... but even so, he was somehow able to break that limit. As he prepared to attack, Sol rushed at Kai and made a vertical slash with his sword, from which, like before, the magician simply dodged back.

However, this time when Kai jumped back, a small cut appeared on his cheek. It was shallow and hardly bled. However, even it was an achievement. Sol at this time stood in place, leaning on 3 limbs, baring his teeth at his opponent. Kai, placing his finger on this wound, smiled.

-That's better! Few people could inflict even such a wound on me, even if I'm not fighting seriously... attack again, Sol!

When he removed his finger from his cheek, the wound was gone, but Sol didn't care. Moreover, it was unlikely that he could think now. The music played throughout the universe has changed. The organ sounds disappeared, leaving only the guitar and drums. The sound of another guitar joined them, and the whole music became much faster and more aggressive. Clain again rushed towards Kai and struck, this time from the right. But this blow was not destined to land. With his left hand, Kai tossed the broken sword that was hanging next to his belt to the left. Sol's Unity, which was now also black due to the black fire of Hate, collided with Kai's vertically flying sword and bounced away from it. Kai himself picked up his weapon with his right hand. If Sol was now aware of the world around him, he would be surprised, because Unity was supposed to destroy everything that is considered a weapon in the Narrative, and a sword, even a broken one, certainly fits this definition. However, now even the basic logic in it has disappeared.

As soon as Kai picked up his weapon, he unleashed a vertical slash at Sol, which Clain dodged back before swinging his sword towards Kai, releasing a wave of black energy. Kai snapped his fingers, which made the wave disappear. This wave was followed by another one, and another, and another. Against each one, Kai snapped the fingers of his left hand, each time taking a new pose. All of Sol's attacks had no effect, so after the next wave he himself, standing on two legs, flew towards Kai, leaving a black trail behind him. The magician put his left hand behind his back and began to parry Sol's advance. He parried every blow with ease, and it was clear that he did not even bother getting serious.

After several blocked strikes, Kai saw the opening and kicked Sol in the legs, after which, while Sol was falling and was unable to think logically and regain his balance, Kai kicked him again, this time in the head, followed by a stabbing blow from above. However, Sol did not plan to receive this stab, even despite his lack of intelligence at the moment. Acting on instinct, Clain created a claw that came out of his back out of black fire. This limb pulled Kai's sword to the side, after which Sol himself, twisting, struck Kai's legs with his sword.

The former Clain, when his sword was parried, took it to the side and stuck it into the ground, which allowed him, when a lower attack was carried out, leaning on the sword, to roll to the side, letting the enemy's blade pass under him. At the same time, black chains with sharp tips materialized from the icy ground, which first pierced and then entangled Sol's body, preventing him from moving. Even if the brain and heart were destroyed, it wouldn't be enough to kill Oliver's son in Turbulence mode, especially if it was Turbulence of Hate... but his opponent was Kai. Nothing is impossible for Kai. Maybe Sol is immune to changes in the Narrative, and Hate should block magic... Kai simply changed the properties of all his magic to such that it ignored black fire dispel, through a change in the Narrative. That is why the chains did not cease to exist when they touched Sol. Moreover, Kai only had to think about it, and Sol returned to normal. The black flames disappeared and the Emotional Turbulence ended. Now he, fully conscious, lay on the ground unable to move.

-I am disappointed. Only you had a chance to kill me... but even while possessed by Hate, you failed. Farewell, Sol Clain, - Kai said and raised his sword.

-Damn... even with all of it... - Sol began, closing his eyes and preparing for death.

There was no fear in Sol's voice or actions. Of course, he didn't plan to die so early, but he was prepared for Kai to be an opponent whose strength Sol didn't expect. However, he never expected this... but help again came from where it was not expected. Kai, without turning around, suddenly raised the sword behind his head, holding it horizontally. The huge fist of the stone giant, which exceeded the size of the mountains, descended on Kai, but was held back by a small fragment of the sword.

-Well, yes, of course... consider yourself lucky, Sol!

Sol didn't really understand what was happening, while Kai was already in the air above this colossus in an instant. The colossus itself was cut into pieces and fell to the ground. The chains binding Sol disappeared, and Kai looked back - several more similar giants were walking towards him. The mage grinned and brought his weapon to his left side, grasping the blade with his hand. When he sharply thrust his sword forward, an area of cut space appeared around each of these giants, and Kai himself said: "Jackpot!"

But Sol did not lie still. Pushing off the falling fragments of the colossus, he immediately reached Kai and attacked him from behind, now without Emotional Turbulence. Just when it seemed like the attack was about to reach Kai... Kai turned his head sharply and looked at Sol with a smile. Unity passed into Kai's body... and got stuck there, while Kai appeared behind Sol. The body that Clain had just pierced turned out to be fake, although before that it was completely real.

While Sol was unable to defend himself, Kai hit him in the head with the hilt of his sword, sending him flying down. During this flight at infinite speed, Sol managed to change his position and throw the false body off his blade. He landed on his feet, which is why he was able to parry the attack from above, which Kai inflicted, descending after Clain. When the broken sword was stopped, Kai pushed his blade away from Sol's and flew back.

-What were these stone things? - Sol asked, not letting his guard down.

-These are multidimensional gods who lived in this world back during the very first Iteration. Gerda must have restored them and directed them at me to give you another chance... what a pity that this chance was wasted.

-Wasted?... but I'm still alive.

-Oh, you won't be for long. I've already played enough. You've disappointed me, Sol Clain.

Kai swung his sword once diagonally in front of him. Nothing flew at Sol, causing him to lower his head to the side in confusion.

-Well, what was that? - suddenly, his eyes widened and his gaze fell down. - Huh?

The upper half of his body fell to the ground while the lower half fell the other way. He was dead. Whatever Kai did, it was the end. A huge diagonal slash cut Sol in half. Kai turned around and, sighing, disappeared... when Kai was no longer here, another person appeared next to the two halves of Sol's body - Gerda. Her hands were shaking. The girl sat down on one knee next to Sol's body and pointed her hands at him. Green light filled the skies as Sol opened his eyes. His body was whole again, but... he couldn't move.

-Sol, I... I'm afraid that's all I can do. If I interfere more, Kai won't tolerate it. You will need time to recover, but... I'm giving you one more chance.

When she said this, Gerda stood up and a door appeared in front of her. Shubby ran out the door and picked Sol up, shaking with fear. Sol, who could barely speak, said in a weak voice:

-Gerda, I... need your help. Call everyone. Literally all the characters who are still alive... let them hold Kai until I... get back to normal...

After that, he lost consciousness, closing his eyes.


Several Exes have passed. Different amounts of time passed in different universes, but for Kai it was about a week. He sat in the middle of a plain that seemed to stretch for the whole world. He closed his eyes and assumed a meditation pose.

-So this story will end with the victory of the antagonist... well, it's time.

But it was time for something different. Flashes of green energy began to appear tens of meters away from him. In place of each of them a character appeared. Oliver, Cirael and Sol from the world in which original universe Sol traveled earlier, Martha and Ludwig from the same world, Marren, Aren, Gehessikait, Sean, Ktul, Shubby, Necronomicon... and many, many others. Absolutely everyone who survived the restarts of stories was now in front of Kai. The strongest character grinned and, opening his eyes, stood up. He immediately took the broken sword that he had next to his belt. Alternate universe Sol suddenly looked at the Necronomicon.

-Wait, aren't you dead?... - he asked.

-Those who know how to change the Narrative at my level are immortal. Even if people like me are erased from reality, we can always return by simply inserting ourselves back into the Narrative... of course, we cannot return from the Sea of Ideas. Moreover, only the one in whose soul I settled, and not I myself, perished, - answered the Necronomicon, shrugging his shoulders. - Not the point. What is important is the one who is in front of us.

-So, Gerda decided to stall for time... fine. I can play with you all. Come! - Kai shouted, smiling even in front of such a huge army.

However, as soon as this army of more than several thousand characters took a single step, each of them lost the ability to move. Even such powerful entities as the Necronomicon could not budge. After that, Kai snapped his fingers... and a supernova appeared in the orbit of this planet. Seems like, in fact, he didn't want to play...


Kai sat in a black space. In front of him was a table, on which, like in a game of tabletop RPG, there was a map of the area, and on it there were more than a thousand pieces standing next to each other, and one representing Kai in front of them all. Sighing, Kai took a huge yellow ball from the edge of the table and brought it to the board. At this time, he wrote in the book that was open in front of him: "After that, Kai snapped his fingers... and a supernova appeared in the orbit of this planet. Seems like, in fact, he didn't want to play..."

Suddenly, someone who appeared from the other side of the table grabbed his hand. Looking up, Kai saw a girl dressed in beautiful black clothes, with long green hair and golden eyes, and behind her head there was a wide golden circle... she was not very similar to the Gerda that Kai remembered from higher Narrative layer Kai's memories, but he knew. It was exactly her. She smiled slightly, but she looked as if she was desperate... no, she was remorseful. However, this did not change Kai's decision. His face was distorted with anger and he, abruptly jumping up and turning over the chair on which he was sitting in this pseudo-space, reached out to her with his right hand. Space itself cracked around his hand... and when all the space around them crumbled, he found himself on the battlefield, where all the characters of all Iterations stood against him. Gerda stood in front of them, and the Sun, which he had just created, went out and did not burn anything. Undoubtedly, Gerda saved them all.

-You have an interesting body. You enlarged your breasts, lengthened your hair, and chose clothes worthy of God, - Kai said, placing his left hand on his side and moving his right hand to the side.

-Well, at least I should have gotten something during the descent, right?

-You... I feel that now you are not an avatar. So, have you finally decided?

-That is correct.

While everyone else did not understand what was happening - although everyone knew that it was Gerda, and many themselves would like to kill her - Kai and Gerda, meeting face to face for the first time for real, continued the conversation. Kai said:

-Like Martha earlier, you committed suicide in order to descend to your own Narrative layer... but now that you have died on a higher layer, this whole one must disappear. However, it still exists.

-I completed and published my book. I called it "Storyverse", - answered Gerda.

-Hmm, how surprising. And what is the ending?

-Sol kills you, after which you reveal that this is what you planned, after which a rift to my Narrative layer opens, Sol goes there and drags me into this world by force, leaving me to live in this terrible world that I myself created. Wasn't this how it was supposed to be?

-That's right, you're absolutely right. No wonder you know it, I did everything to make you guess my plan. This was my plan initially. You are punished and the world exists, seems like happy ending... however, Sol turned out to be too weak. I decided that it wouldn't be too bad if the main villain won for a change. No one would have seen this story anyway... but I like how logically you ended it all... but now nothing will stop me from killing you for real, because this Narrative layer will not cease to exist after your death.

-It won't, indeed. However, we all, despite this... will give you a fight.

Having said this, Gerda turned around and pointed at everyone who was standing behind her. Not everyone liked her, but they had already stood up, and she had just saved them from death. Moreover, the victory over Kai is something that legends will be made about... and now, with new support, this army again moved towards Kai.


The battle was not particularly long... by the standards of Kai, who had lived for many millennia. However, it lasted for several days. Not because they couldn't defeat Kai and Kai couldn't defeat them, no. He just wanted to kill everyone individually, right in front of Gerda's eyes. The ground was charred, and everywhere there were reminders of the defeat of this entire army. Someone was burned, someone was frozen, chopped up, poisoned, buried in the ground, torn apart, beheaded, erased from reality, shot, crushed, imprisoned in another dimension, turned into an animal, left with erased memories, sent into space... each of these several thousand characters from past Iterations, as well as the alternate universes of the current Iteration, was defeated in a different way than the others. There was no one who was killed the same way as the other.

In the middle of this battlefield sat Kai, not at all wounded. He held the exhausted Gerda on his knees. Kai raised his sword.

-So it turns out that everything will end like this. It's been a long journey, both for me and for you. But now you can finally take a break from it. Goodbye, Gerda, - said Kai.

The clash of swords. There was one clap of thunder. Sol stood a few meters from Kai, holding Gerda in his arms. The Unity sword, with which he somehow managed to block Kai's descending broken sword, was stuck in the ground, because it flew off at the moment of impact. Kai stood up. He didn't have his usual smile on his face and looked at Sol with sadness on his face. Whether it was sadness from having his goal literally stolen from under his nose, or from thinking that Sol wouldn't want to stop him this time... no one knew the answer. Gerda looked around, still not believing that she was alive. Looking at Sol, who was holding her in his arms, she blushed a little, then turned her gaze to Kai.

It started to rain. Kai, Sol, and Gerda were getting wet under the rain, as they all were not moving. Finally Sol said:

-The hero always appears at the last moment... ahem. Run. While I fight Kai... resurrect everyone who died in this battle.

-I... if it were possible, then the likes of the Necronomicon would have already resurrected themselves... Kai blocks everything that I or they try to do. I'm afraid we'll have to kill him first and...

-I understand. Then I'll do it. Leave. Now I'm ready.

Sol released Gerda and she disappeared. Sol stood opposite Kai, and drops of water mercilessly splashed their hair and clothes. But now they didn't care.

ؘ-Last time you asked me why I fight, - Sol said suddenly. - While I was recovering and training, I thought about it... I think I came to one conclusion.

-Then tell me then, - Kai replied.

-This world is truly terrible, cruel, selfish, wrong, distorted, greedy, dishonest, evil, and much, much more... however, I love this world. There is no doubt that I am not the hero that everyone would like to see. If I have to choose, I will not hesitate sacrifice less people to save more. If I have to, I will let more people die to save the people close to me. In neither case will I regret or engage in self-flagellation. Gerda has made many mistakes for which she will need to pay. However, it was she who created this world. So, just like I am ready to fight for this entire Narrative layer, I am ready to fight for her life.

-I understand. I can't say that I agree, but I'm not you. Honestly, I do not really care about your motivation to fight... after all, you are a hero and I am a villain. That's all that matters. Pick up your sword.

Sol walked up to Unity and picked it up from the ground, pointing it at Kai, after which he said:

-Last time I fought against you as against the one who saved my father, and then saved me... but you're right, this is the wrong approach. So, know, another threat to the universe... today another star in the sky will fade. No, all the stars will fade... But I'll keep shining.

As soon as the last phrase left Sol's mouth, both fighters disappeared and the ringing of metal began to be heard here and there. After each blow they moved hundreds of meters, but this happened instantly. Even without Emotional Turbulence, Sol could throw punches that Kai would have to block and parry. After such clashes of blades, both fighters, while in the air, hit each other with their free hands, right in the faces, which is why both flew off and braked with their feet on the ground.

-Not bad, now show me if you can survive the same attack as before, - Kai said and swung his blade once.

At the same moment, mechanical wings appeared behind Sol. Several gray tubes, purple at the rounded ends, through which light blue lines pass, reminiscent of wings in their overall silhouette, appeared behind his back. It was as if Kai's attack had never happened - no damage appeared on Sol's body.

-Aren explained to me... this is an attack that is usually used by Dimensional Lords, such as Aren himself. She attacks the enemy on an emotional level, which is especially effective against the Clains. Normally, Dimensional Lords cannot cause serious damage with such attacks... but you are a different matter. So I've been mastering this for a long time... Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Serene Mind.

-This is your mother's Turbulence, which, despite the name "Emotional Turbulence", completely calms the soul and allows you to see the future. Of course, against the perfectly calm characters, such an attack of mine will not work... - said Kai, - however.

Kai disappeared, and various objects appeared in the sky, creating a continuous dome. Every color imaginable filled the skies. Fireballs, ice needles, stones, pure energy, nuclear bombs, swords... it is impossible to describe everything that was in the sky now. And all this came to the center in an instant. And if this were not enough, in orbit Kai again created a supernova, which now also flew at superluminal speed towards the planet, burning the earth and trying to flatten Sol.

However, this did not happen. There was one black flash, and Sol, now having 2 black wings behind his back, reached Kai, who was now somewhere in space, in one dash. At the same time, during his flight, he cut the star that Kai had just created in half. However, the explosion provoked by the destruction of the star's core had no effect on the two.

-Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Hate... this is your father's Turbulence, no doubt, - Kai said. - If you have mastered both it and Serene Mind, I guess I can't hold back.

The next moment, Kai's sword was already next to Sol, who barely managed to block it. However, this did not prevent the impact from the strike from throwing him back... across several galaxies. Destroying planets and stars with his body, Sol, flying away due to Kai's blow, stopped only when he was already 3 galaxies away from the previous battlefield. At the same time, Kai did not lag behind for a second. However, when the dust from the collision with the next planet settled, and Kai had already attacked, he discovered that Sol was now again in Serene Mind mode, which, thanks to his future vision, helped him easily evade Kai's sword, allowing him to fall down. Immediately after this, the sci-fi wings were replaced by black flames, and now, in Hate mode, he himself launched an attack from which Kai had to defend. Both of them moved at infinite and even higher speed, but Kai barely had enough time to block the sword blazing with black fire with his broken sword.

Now Kai flew away to several light systems. Like Sol before, the magician destroyed planets with his body during this flight, and when he began to slow down, he, having gained control of his flight, landed right on a bench somewhere in the park, sitting there imposingly, under surprised and frightened looks the creatures around him.

-Damn, I couldn't do it as cool as Dante did... - he said.

Kai didn't have to sit for long - a white flash signaled that Sol was approaching. Waving at the locals, Kai rose to his feet and, bouncing off the ground, went straight into outer space, where he met Sol. But Sol was no longer engulfed in black flames, and the two mechanical wings were not behind him... behind his left shoulder was the mechanical wing of the Serene Mind, and behind his right shoulder was the black flames forming a wing. But this black fire did not come from his back, on the contrary. From the wing black fire flowed onto his shoulder, from there to his hand, and from there to the blade. It was with Sol in this form that Kai crossed blades, after which they both flew away from each other. They were in outer space, so they couldn't breathe or talk... however, that didn't matter. Sol said:

-This is the real Legacy... I mean, this is the Clain Family's Special Spell - Emotional Turbulence: Legacy. It combines all the abilities of Hate and Serene Mind. Now neither magic nor melee attacks will work. Give up, Kai.

-No, I'm afraid I can't retreat now. Moreover, this battle is finally becoming interesting.

They flew at each other again and crossed blades... however, as soon as this happened...

Scene 489, characters: SOL, KAI

characters move to another narrative layer


Give up right now

Or you will face the power unmatched

I give you a chance

To die with you honor not stretched


I can't withdraw

For the path I have chosen.

For revenge alone

I will withstood pain a dozen.

cross swords again

With each clash of our blades, we move to another Narrative layer, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. At the same time, the genre and method of narration of the text changes... in addition, we immediately adapt to the number of dimensions to which the universe in which we find ourselves is attached... but I cannot retreat.

-Kai, I'm coming! - I shouted.

Once again our swords collided and...

I... I'm scared. What 2 strange people suddenly appeared in the air and now they're fighting with swords! They flew away from each other, but now they are coming together again and...

Unity in hand

Sol holds and crosses blades

They disappear

Hell no, I won't back down. For the first time, someone is actually catching up to me... but I am not scared, on the contrary, I was waiting for it! Attack, Sol, I'm ready! He flies at me again, sword raised... oh, this time he feints, allowing my sword to pass by... but it's fine, I create a new sword in my other hand, deflecting another blow, after which we again move to a random Narrative layer!

Scene 493, characters: SOL, KAI


Are you not tired yet

Of futile struggle or yours?

Soon or later you'll yield

While my dopamine overdose.

SOL is silent; they clash again

The 6th time they moved to another Narrative layer... ending up, such a great a coincidence, in the very Narrative layer in which this story began. On the icy wasteland that was in the very first Iteration. Once again flying away, Sol did not go at Kai, but instead he raised Unity upward, beginning to collect energy for the True Slash. Kai could have attacked him now, but... he deemed it boring. Instead, he also raised his blade up, but did not collect energy.

-Unlike you, I don't have any cool moves with names. Sure, I can create some new attack right now, but... why? I will simply meet your sword with all the strength that I have. Let's finish this! - Kai said and smiled for the first time during the fight.

They both disappeared. It was like the final fight between original universe Sol and alternate universe Sol... but this time Sol didn't fall. The only one who was injured was Kai. Despite the fact that Sol used the True Blade, Kai received a physical wound running through his entire body. He could have easily healed it, replaced his body, or reincarnated... but he didn't. Instead, he turned around and spat blood, dropping his broken sword. He smiled and laughed. Kai said:

-Ha... yes, I guess this would be the most ideal ending... well, it was a lot of fun, son of Oliver... move on with your life... and decide what to do with the Narrative layers yourself.

Kai's body began to disappear. As if consisting of countless pieces of fabric, it began to scatter in the wind, but before it completely dissipated, he disappeared. Probably, he teleported somewhere where he wanted to spend his last moments. Sol put his sword, which had no trace of blood on it, into its sheath, and lowered his head. When he wished so, a door appeared in front of him, behind which was his Agency. He silently entered there, not expecting anyone to meet him... but Shubby ran out to meet Sol and hug him.

-Shubby?... But I just killed Kai, did Gerda have enough time?... - said Sol.

-I... I don't know. I woke up already here. And I'm so glad you're back! Have you really won?!

-That's right, Shubby... I won.

-Then why aren't you happy? You won, you saved the whole world!

-Kai... never planned to win. From the very beginning, his goal was to die by my hand. He probably knew that Gerda would decide to do this, so he waited until she herself came out of her Narrative layer... and then he planned to die. I... need to rest.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door again, which had already closed behind Clain. Shubby pulled away from Sol and they both became wary. It couldn't be Gerda, because she is no longer a writer... With all caution, Sol, keeping his right hand on his sword, opened the door... and Gerda stood behind it. Without a mask and in simpler clothes, but it was undoubtedly her.

-I won't even ask the question how did you get here... what are you doing here, Gerda? - Sol said, letting go of the hilt of his sword.

-Well, um... I have nowhere to go, - she said suddenly.

-It can not be true. Even now you have the power to change reality. You can easily create a house or a whole universe for yourself, - Sol answered.

-Oh, you're such a killjoy! Shubby was right, you don't understand girls!

In response to this, Shubby opened her eyes fully and froze with an expression of shock on her face... and Sol frowned. Things couldn't be the way he thought... however, three would be more fun. Sol stepped aside and said:

-Well, come in if you like to.

Gerda's wide halo, which was behind her head, did not fit through the door, so she had to enter sideways first. She looked around, thought, and then snapped her fingers.

-That's better, - said Gerda.

-What... did you do? - Shubby asked.

-Obviously, I rebuilt the house. It was too small for my taste...

Sol and Shubby immediately left through a door at the back of the room, but returned soon after. Now this little pocket universe of Sol was a three-story house, where there were even panoramic windows offering beautiful views of the landscapes of different worlds. But something surprised Sol more:

-I understand everything, Gerda, but... why is there still only one bedroom? There used to be one due to my weak space-creating abilities, but I'm sure you could make one for each of us, - Clain said.

-Well, yes. One bedroom, triple bed. Is there something wrong? Neither of us need sleep anyway, so I thought, why not do it more properly? - Gerda answered, smiling and tilting her head to the side.

-I don't understand what you mean... but overall you're right, I don't need sleep in general, - Sol said and spread his hands. - So do as you wish.

Shubby was all red at that time and looked first at Gerda and then at Sol. And this is how these three lived in this small universe. Sol, Shubby and Gerda, who was now just a powerful reality bending mage, worked at CFWDE Agency. All of them were a serious threat even to the gods of this Narrative Layer... and Sol could freely move both higher and lower in the layers, which made him a threat to various monsters on a universal scale or higher even on other Narrative Layers. And they lived happily ever after... wait, there will be an epilogue, right.

Chapter 26: Epilogue: The Hill, part 2

Chapter Text

One of the Suns sent its rays through the window, which woke up Shubby and Gerda lying on the same bed. They did not need sleep, however, sleep was undoubtedly good for restoring strength after a difficult battle. Immediately after this, they heard a noise on the 1st floor, where the main office was. Rubbing her eyes, Gerda got up and went to check what was happening there without changing her pajamas. Shubby remained lying down, as she was much more tired than the former writer.

Downstairs it turned out that Sol, using a circular saw rather than a sword, was cutting the door. That very door that allows them to go to any other universe... and he cut it with a saw. However, Gerda was not worried, she knew why Sol was doing this. The fact is that, although she has lived here for several years at this point, she has to enter sideways every time, because her halo does not fit through the door. Sol Clain, right now, widened the doorway so that Gerda would not have to do this. She smiled and returned to the bedroom. Closing the curtains, she lay down to get some sleep.

Later that day – although it is impossible to understand when it was day and when it was night in this pocket world so they have to base it on windows to other random worlds – when the three of them returned from another request of killing another threat to many worlds, Gerda suddenly said:

–Sol, I have a question, we've been living together for several years now... how do you feel about Shubby and me?

–Gerda! – Shubby shouted to her, covering her face with her hands.

–Hmm... let's just say that you are both very close to me. Without you, it would be difficult for me to continue this monotonous work. I'm glad that you, Shubby, and you, Gerda, are next to me, – Sol said, shrugging his shoulders.

–I told you so, Shubby! – said Gerda, beaming with joy. – So, Sol, when are you going to marry us?

–Um... well, we're not that close yet... – Sol began to say.

–It's not true, we've already gone on a date many times! Three of us! – Shubby interrupted him.

–If you're talking about those times when we ate at a random cafe because I forgot to buy groceries, then that doesn't count... – Sol said.

–It counts! – Shubby insisted.

–Even so, there are two of you and one of me. If I marry one of you, the second one will throw a tantrum, and I can't marry two at once, – said Sol's second argument.

–Oh, that's not a problem! Let's go! – said Gerda.

It became clear to Sol that the Black Goat of the Woods and the former writer had planned this conversation together. He decided to give up. He was just too tired to argue with the two of them. Gerda took Sol's hand and, after she touched the door and opened it, she led him outside... there was a church outside. "Are they serious?" Sol thought. He said:

–Let me clarify something. Of course, I love and respect you both very much...

–Well, it's decided then! – Gerda interrupted.

Sol clearly saw with his own eyes that the priest, who was already waiting for them, was subject to a change in reality. Gerda probably changed the wedding processes in this universe in advance... "She prepared well", Sol thought. Not that he minded. Of course, Sol would never admit that he felt anything more than just friendship for them... however, that was exactly what it was. On the benches were already sitting all those whom Sol had met during his journey... and who had survived, of course. Apart from Gehessikait, he was not interested in this. While Sol walked to the altar, he looked at his old acquaintances and remembered what their fate was.

Ludwig de Penright III, with the help that Oliver and Cirael gave him, quickly rebuilt the infrastructure of the Empire, and it became even better than before. From that moment on, Ludwig ruled wisely, without entering into conflicts with other kingdoms. His father's will was fulfilled.

Marren and Martha a year ago – a year ago by their standards – married each other, which is why Marren became the rightful heir to the nightmare world of Arena... which Marren was not very happy about. At first Marren kept saying that he wasn't worthy and that Martha deserved better... but in the end he agreed because that was what he really wanted.

Oliver and Cirael still rule Arai, and their son, Sol from that world, became a prosecutor. Until he will succeed the throne, he decided to help condemn criminals who are definitely guilty. He must have decided to take on the job after being inspired by how original universe Sol acted as an attorney.

And so, Sol finally reached the altar. Next to him, in completely non-wedding clothes, stood Gerda and Shubby. They held his hands – Shubby on the right, and Gerda on the left. The priest said:

–Do you agree, Shab-Ni***rat, to be with your husband until the end of your days?


–Do you agree, Gerda, to be with your husband until the end of your days?


–Do you agree, Sol Clain, to be with your wife... your wives until the end of your days?

Sol was silent. With his eyes closed, he was silent, but then, which came as a surprise not only to Shubby and Gerda, but to everyone present, he smiled and said:

–I agree!... I know I won't ever regret it... right?


It was about noon. The bustling streets of the capital were in full swing with hundreds of people and carts moving back and forth between the two-story buildings. No wonder, Arai – the main city of the kingdom of the same name – has always been full of humans... and non-humans too. If it wasn't enough, there was a big fair right now, in the height of summer, so the streets were very crowded. A stream of people, like a tsunami, walked into the center of the capital. More and more merchants arrived from the sea, to which more than half of the streets faced. White brick houses with red roofs surrounded people scurrying here and there.

But it didn't matter. All that mattered was Kai coming to visit the graves of Martha and Ludwig. Those Martha and Ludwig who died many times in the first Iterations. Kai appeared next to these gravestones, down on one knee. The shade of the tree protected the hill on which they were located from the scorching sunlight. Kai continued to fall into pieces... and smiled.

–I'm... glad it ended like this. Everyone is happy, everyone is free, everyone got married and lived happily ever after... my only regret is that you are not with me now to witness this. It's nothing. I'll join you two soon.

Kai looked at the sky. The sky was the same blue as always... but for him, it became so for the first time in his entire existence. Turning his gaze back to the gravestones under which no one was buried, Kai closed his eyes and laughed.

–Haha, ironic... after all these years I planned my own death... believe it or not, I actually want to keep on living.

After these words, he was completely scattered by the wind. All that remains are 2 tombstones, on which no one can read the text. But Kai was happy, just as many, many others were happy. This was exactly that ultimate happy ending.

Chapter 27: Post-Canon: Agency Stories

Chapter Text

After once again eliminating the monster on the Narrative layer, which was even higher than the one where Gerda had previously lived, Sol's ears began to ring. It was a device created by Gerda, which allowed them to contact even on different layers. He accepted the call.

–Yes, dear? What? Hmm, okay... – Gerda was on the other side of the phone; Sol began to write something down. – Milk, bread, beef, chicken, flour, salt... what else? What? What meat? I don't even know how to write this down... when I'm at the seller's, I'll give hive the phone, and you order it yourself, okay?


One day, Shubby and Gerda went on another mission together, leaving Sol at home. When they returned, Clain suddenly handed them some piece of paper and proudly announced:

–I made this list.

–And what kind of list is this? – Shubby asked.

–List of "What Gerda is NOT allowed to do in the Agency and outside of it. Everything is based on what she has already done...

–Who do you think I am, Dr. Jack Bright? – Gerda said and frowned.

–Let me take a look, – Shubby said and took the list in her hands and began to read. – "...pretend to be the god of the world we saved... erase the memory of pretending to be a god... change the rules of the wedding proceedings... use Testicular Torsion on enemies... post the Storyverse as a suggestion of SCP-001... post "interesting" photos of yourself and Shabby on the Internet..." wait a second , Gerda, what did you post?!


–As I say again and again, I don't have the slightest idea what it is that married couples... or, in our case, trios, are supposed to do that's so special, – Sol said.

–I already told you... – said Gerda.

–I don't know what this "Sex" of yours is, and considering that it's you two who are telling me about it, I don't have the slightest desire to find out, – Sol answered.

–Sol, you are already 27 years old! Where do you think babies come from? – Shubby asked.

–They pop out of your eye.

Gerda and Shubby looked at each other, after which they began to glare at Sol, not understanding whether he was joking or seriously thinking so.


Sol and Gerda, leaving Shubby to rest, went to another world. From what they discovered, this universe was made up of many small rooms with no space between them. And then Gerda, noticing something, pointed down.

–Hey Sol, do you see that small vent on the floor? – she said.

–Gerda, we won't repeat this joke.

–Have you heard about the hit mobile game...

–You know that you can just teleport us to our goal, right?


–I could even do it myself...



Sol appeared on the Narrative layer, where Gerda used to live. He looked around. He came here not for another mission, but at the personal request of his green-haired friend. He took out what looked like a smartphone that she had given him and loaded it. Soon he touched his right ear, thereby calling Shubby and Gerda.

–Well, I have some news, Gerda. "Storyverse" has terrible ratings, people say it's idiotic novel, written by no less idiotic writer. I'm not kidding, I can even take a screenshot and show you... oh, is this what you expected?... well, okay, I'm coming back.

Chapter 28: P.S. Author

Chapter Text

And they lived happily ever after. Well, that's how the Storyverse ends. Hm? Who am I? Well, isn't it obvious? Someone had to write all this into the pages of a book in the real world. My name is Author... or rather, no, this is just my nickname on the Internet. You see, I'm the one who created Gerda. I also created Sol, although he is an "un-written character"... and suddenly he did this! Married Gerda and Shabby, and now he can also move freely through the Narrative layers... maybe someday he will even reach my layer... no... no, no, no... no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no this won
this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this won't do this w
this won't do

This won't do... how did it all start, again?... oh, right... It was around noon...

Chapter 29: Everwhere at the End of Fantasies, The Sueno Finito; Good Morning

Chapter Text

Of course, you already understood that everything happened exactly as it should... although no, wait just a second, I think it will be clearer to you if I use a more traditional type of narration...

[Reader] opens their eyes and looks around. [Reader] is in a huge library. They go to a mirror that someone conveniently placed nearby and look into it. In the reflection, [Reader] sees... Kai, a character from the story they just read, but not quite. The creature in the reflection is dressed in more modern clothes, in addition, black bars with the inscription "[Reader]" are flying across his face at different angles. This is strange, because [Reader] sees everything perfectly. Also, [Reader] is... colorless. Clothes, skin, hair, all these are just different shades of gray. Finally, [Reader] turns to the right, where, literally in the air, a young man sits. He looks exactly like Kai, but like [Reader] himself, he is dressed in more modern clothes – white shirt, black tie with orange outline, black jacket, black trousers... the inside of the jacket is yellow, as are the sleeves of the shirt that peek out from under the jacket . There is a slight smile on this man's face, but not the same as Kai's. This man's much friendlier.

–Welcome, [Reader], to the Library of Babel. I have been waiting for you. You must have a lot of questions. What is this place, who am I, and, in the end, what is The Sueno Finito, which is so beautifully located in the title of this... chapter. I will answer all these 3 questions at the same time. The character Kai in the book called "Storyverse"... you see, he was controlled by me most of the time. That's why I now use him as an avatar to talk to you. His powers to change the Narrative also come from me. But more on that later. When I spoke on behalf of Kai, I already explained what The Sueno Finito is... but it was more than ten chapters ago, and in general, it was said just a slip of a tongue. You don't mind if I repeat this, do you? At the theoretical point of development of civilization in the future, everything that could be imagined will already be imagined. Even fiction – everything that is possible will be written, down to combinations of the smallest details, such as names or titles. After this, creativity will cease to exist as a fact, because of which civilization will cease to develop, and fiction will disappear as such... this is The Sueno Finito. The Sueno Finito is all fiction, all Narrative layers. Everything that has been imagined over the entire existence of life on all Narrative layers... and even what has not yet been imagined. Everything you can possibly imagine. You can say something like "but my world is real, but I can still imagine it"... I'll leave that reasoning for later. All these fantasies are collected here, in the Library of Babylon. Everything that can be thought of in theory is on these shelves. And who am I, since I am here and was even able to invite you?... I am The Sueno Finito, but, of course, if it makes it easier for you, you can call me "Kai". Naturally, I have no personality, goal or similar, because I am, in basics, a collection of everything that could appear in the mind, so to communicate with you, [Reader], I will use the appearance and character of Kai Clain. Author, when writing Storyverse, did not even imagine that I was interfering... but this is natural. Author, like his entire Narrative layer, is just a small part of me... hmm, what are you saying? His world was real, because you are from there? Oh, that's funny. You see, [Reader]...what are you? Do you not know? So let me enlighten you. You are a compilation of all the entities that can imagine and read fiction... of course, you are a [Reader] only in the current context. You still have an individuality... or rather, countless individualities still exist within you. So, for example, there are probably those for whom the Narrative layer of the Author will be "real", because they live on it... but in reality, no matter how it sounds, there is no such thing as reality.

From somewhere out of sight, a girl appears, dressed in white and black maid clothes. She says without showing any emotion:

–I hope you understand that The Sueno Finito does not make mistakes, and it does all these self-corrections only for the sake of literary value.

The Sueno Finito, although it was far from this girl, without moving his hand, reached out to her and pushed her back out of sight.

–Please love and favor, this is Fortolienda. She is a Narrative Constant, of "All stories have an ending." This is not like Martha in Storyverse, because when Fortolienda forces a story to end, this story usually has a logical conclusion, it does not disappear from everyone's memory. If you have at least once seen the ending of a story, then, undoubtedly, she created this ending.

–And I'm also just an aspect of The Sueno Finito, which it is now trying to present as a separate personality, – Fortolienda's voice came from off-screen.

–Ahem. Speaking of Martha. You know about the Sea of Ideas, right?... you know, when I spoke on behalf of Kai, I never lied a single time... I just didn't say all the details from time to time. The Sea of Ideas is truly where those characters, worlds, stories, and in general everything that is not remembered at all the higher layers of the Narrative end up... but where does everything come from, if everything ultimately comes to the Sea of Ideas?

The Sueno Finito looked around the library with his hand.

–From here. Everything that can be thought of in theory is already written here. When someone comes up with something, even if it is completely unique and has never been invented in all layers of the Narrative... this someone is only taking something from the Library of Babel. All those fictional worlds that you read about... all of them are only an insignificant part of me, because even this Library, like all Narrative layers, is an immeasurably small part of The Sueno Finito... by the way, about "read". I call you "[Reader]"... but I'm not really. You see, depending on the individual who is now seeing or hearing these words, you can be a [Player], [Viewer]... or anyone, because the Storyverse on other Narrative layers may not be a book, but, let's say, a cartoon or a game. Of course, I am now speaking to [Reader], as a whole, to the entirety of it at the same time... but at the same time, I am also speaking to each individual individually. You see and hear different things. Also, the number of dimensions in the Library of Babel is different for everyone, who observes it, because it is always your number of dimensions, no matter how small or big the number is. After all, even the very concept of dimensions is only an infinitesimal part of me, and even the Narrative layers, where the number of dimensions is immeasurably greater than Cardinal Malo, is all part of The Sueno Finito... but all of this only matters for powerscaling, which is not so important for plot. Or maybe this is why you read Storyverse? To see "the next character who solos fiction"? But... why should I solo fiction if all the fiction is part of me? Why should I fight myself? But well, if this interests you... then I'll say this: For me, Author, his "real world", and even you, my dear [Reader], are just a fiction and a part of me. Sol and his ability to ignore the Narrative is also part of me, so I can easily influence him through the Narrative, despite he is immune to it. Even I myself am a part of myself. The Sueno Finito infinitely transcends itself, containing itself within itself, which creates a ladder of hierarchies above the very concept of hierarchies, because hierarchies and tiers are also concepts that can be imagined. Moreover, all the steps of this ladder are a single whole with all the others, although each one contains all the previous ones, and is part of the following. Isn't your brain buzzing yet? It's okay, I'm almost done. I have to say something up front. Don't be afraid of what happened in the epilogue. Although Author will continue to write and create more, it will not take away the happy life of Sol, Shubby, Gerda and others... at least in this version. You can always imagine a different ending, for example, a tragic one... after all, all the versions are here in Library of Babel. It doesn't matter. I'd rather not talk about it too much. In the end, it's better that I be the Gate and the Key to the world of fiction for you... and I didn't choose this wording by chance. Following basic logic, you might think that if I am the Gate and the Key, then who is the Blind Idiot God? Well, let me start with the fact that I am saying this only figuratively. In some ways, we are similar, I also contain all the Narrative layers within myself, which is why I am omnipresent and omniscient... by the way, [Reader], you are too... and now we come to the most interesting part. Let me remind you who the Blind Idiot God is. If you believe the books of one American writer, when Azathoth wakes up, reality will cease to exist, because it was just his dream... and waking up from it, they will understand that reality is boring and ordinary, that all those worlds and characters that he just read about... for him – is it just fiction. He will go out into the street, go to work and continue to live in this gray world, among 8 billion of the same blind idiots. Sooner or later, all residents of all Narrative layers will "wake up" like this... and fiction will cease to exist. Now do you understand why I am The Sueno Finito, which means "The Finite Dream"? When you, [Reader], wake up, the fiction will disappear. The layers of Narrative will remain, but each of them will be separate and each of them will become real, because there will be no more fiction. Creativity will disappear, science will freeze, development will cease. Humanity will go extinct, the planets will become desolate, the stars will fade... but I'll keep shining. Me and the Library of Babel will remain as the last monument to that unacceptable world you call "fiction". We will meet again. Good morning, [Reader].

Storyverse - One_True_Author - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.