Mastering Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights | Primal Strength & Movement (2024)

Are you one of those who spend long hours sitting at your desk, feeling the stiffness and discomfort creeping into your lower back and hips?

Do you struggle with simple tasks like climbing stairs or carrying groceries, often left feeling fatigued after completing basic physical activities?

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone.

You've recognized the need to address these concerns and strengthen your lower body, but you're unsure where to start.

In this blog, we'll learn the leg exercises with ankle weights, exploring their benefits, discussing various exercises you can perform with them, and providing tips for maximizing your results.

Table of Contents

Are Ankle Weights Good for Leg Exercises?

Yes, ankle weights are good and can be beneficial for leg exercises. Let’s find out the benefits of leg exercises with ankle weights.

Benefits of Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights

Adding ankle weights to your leg exercises can intensify your workout and target specific muscles more effectively. Here are some benefits:

  • Increased Resistance

Ankle weights add resistance to your leg movements, making your muscles work harder and promoting muscle growth.

  • Improved Strength

Regularly incorporating ankle weights into your leg workouts can help increase strength in your lower body, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

  • Enhanced Stability

Using ankle weights can improve your balance and stability by challenging your muscles to maintain proper form throughout the exercises.

  • Versatility

Ankle weights are versatile and can be used for various leg exercises, allowing you to customise your workout routine to target different muscle groups.

It’s essential to use ankle weights properly and with caution to avoid injury.

Starting with lighter weights and gradually increasing the resistance as your strength improves is recommended.

Overall, when used correctly, ankle weights can enhance the effectiveness of your leg workouts.

How Do You Tone Your Legs with Ankle Weights?

Mastering Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights | Primal Strength & Movement (1)

Toning your legs with ankle weights involves incorporating them into your leg exercises to add resistance and challenge your muscles.

Here's how you can tone your legs effectively using ankle weights:


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and strap on your ankle weights.

Perform squats by bending your knees and lowering your hips as if you're sitting back into a chair.

Keep your chest up and your back straight, then push through your heels to return to the starting position.

Squats target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to tone and strengthen your legs.


Start by standing tall with your feet together and ankle weights secured.

Step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

Push through your front heel to return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Lunges work your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, contributing to toned and sculpted legs.

Leg Raises

Lie on your back with your legs straight and your ankles weighted.

Lift one leg off the ground while keeping it straight, then slowly lower it back down.

Repeat on the other side.

Leg raises target your hip flexors, quadriceps, and lower abs, helping to tone and define your leg muscles.

Calf Raises

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your ankles weighted.

Lift your heels off the ground as high as you can, then slowly lower them back down.

Calf raises strengthen your calf muscles, contributing to toned and defined lower legs.

Leg Extensions

Sit on a chair or bench with your ankles weighted and your feet flat on the ground.

Extend one leg out in front of you, then slowly lower it back down.

Repeat on the other side.

Leg extensions target your quadriceps, helping to tone and sculpt the front of your thighs.

Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine and gradually increasing the resistance of the ankle weights as your strength improves can effectively tone and sculpt your legs.

Remember to maintain proper form and listen to your body to avoid injury.

Do Ankle Weights Tone Your Bum?

Mastering Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights | Primal Strength & Movement (2)

Ankle weights can contribute to toning your buttocks (bum) when used in certain exercises.

Here's how ankle weights can help tone your bum:


Lunges are an excellent exercise for targeting the muscles in your buttocks, known as the glutes.

Adding ankle weights to lunges increases resistance, making your glute muscles work harder to perform the movement.

This extra challenge can help tone and strengthen your bum.

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are another effective exercise for targeting the glute muscles.

With ankle weights strapped on, donkey kicks become even more challenging, as the added resistance forces your glutes to work harder to lift and lower your leg.

This increased effort can lead to greater toning and sculpting of your bum muscles.

Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts primarily target the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in your buttocks.

By performing hip thrusts with ankle weights, you can intensify the exercise and further engage your glute muscles, resulting in improved toning and definition in your bum area.

While ankle weights can be beneficial for toning your bum when used in these exercises, it's essential to use them properly and with caution to avoid injury.

Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as your strength improves.

Also, remember to maintain proper form and listen to your body during workouts.

With consistency and proper technique, ankle weights can be a valuable tool for toning and strengthening your bum muscles.

Safety Tips for Using Ankle Weights:

Using ankle weights can be an effective way to enhance your leg exercises, but it's essential to prioritize safety to prevent injury and maximize your results.

Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind when using ankle weights:

Start Light and Progress Gradually

When using ankle weights for the first time, start with lighter weights to allow your body to adapt to the added resistance.

Begin with weights that feel comfortable and gradually increase the resistance as your strength and endurance improve.

Choose the Right Weight

Select ankle weights that are appropriate for your fitness level and goals.

Avoid using weights that are too heavy, as this can strain your muscles and joints and increase the risk of injury.

A good rule of thumb is to choose ankle weights that allow you to perform exercises with proper form and without excessive strain.

Focus on Form and Technique

Proper form is crucial when using ankle weights to ensure you're targeting the intended muscles and minimizing the risk of injury.

Pay attention to your posture and technique during exercises, and avoid using momentum or swinging motions to lift the weights.

Keep movements controlled and deliberate to effectively engage your muscles.

Avoid Overtraining

While ankle weights can add intensity to your workouts, it's essential to avoid overtraining and pushing yourself too hard.

Listen to your body and give yourself adequate rest and recovery between workout sessions.

Overtraining can lead to fatigue, muscle soreness, and increased risk of injury, so be mindful of your body's signals and adjust your training intensity accordingly.

Use Ankle Weights Sparingly

Ankle weights should be used as a supplement to your regular workout routine rather than as the primary form of resistance.

Incorporate ankle weights into your leg exercises 1–2 times per week to allow your muscles time to recover and adapt to the added resistance.

Check for Proper Fit

Ensure that your ankle weights fit securely and comfortably around your ankles without slipping or rubbing.

Tighten the straps securely to prevent the weights from moving during exercises, but avoid fastening them too tightly, which could restrict blood flow or cause discomfort.

Consult a Professional

If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, or if you're unsure about how to use ankle weights safely, consider consulting with a fitness professional or physical therapist.

They can provide guidance on proper technique, weight selection, and how to incorporate ankle weights into your workout routine safely and effectively.

By following these safety tips and exercising caution when using ankle weights, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced leg exercises while minimizing the risk of injury and maximizing your fitness progress.

Remember to prioritize proper form, listen to your body, and gradually progress your workouts to achieve your desired results safely.

Maximizing Your Results

Mastering Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights | Primal Strength & Movement (3)

To get the most out of your leg exercises with ankle weights, keep the following tips in mind:

Stay Consistent

Consistency is crucial for achieving results in any fitness program, including leg exercises with ankle weights.

Make it a priority to incorporate these exercises into your workout routine regularly.

Aim for a consistent schedule, whether it's two to three times per week or more, and stick to it.

Consistency not only helps build strength and endurance but also reinforces good exercise habits that will contribute to long-term success.

Mix It Up

Variety is the spice of life, and it's also essential for keeping your workouts effective and enjoyable.

To prevent boredom and ensure that you're targeting all the muscles in your lower body, mix up your leg exercises with ankle weights.

Incorporate a variety of exercises such as squats, lunges, leg raises, and calf raises, and experiment with different weights and repetitions.

This variation not only keeps your workouts interesting, but also challenges your muscles in new ways, leading to better overall fitness and results.

Remember, consistency and variety go hand in hand when it comes to maximizing your results.

By staying consistent with your workouts and mixing up your exercises, you'll keep your body guessing and continue to make progress towards your fitness goals.

So keep at it, stay motivated, and enjoy the benefits of stronger, toned legs with ankle weights!

Will wearing ankle weights strengthen knees?

Wearing ankle weights during exercises can potentially help strengthen the muscles around the knees, but it's essential to use them with caution and proper technique to avoid putting undue stress on the knee joints.

Ankle weights add resistance to leg exercises, which can engage the muscles surrounding the knees, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

Strengthening these muscles can provide better support and stability to the knee joint, potentially reducing the risk of injury and improving overall knee function.

However, it's crucial to choose appropriate exercises and weights and to maintain proper form throughout the movements.

Exercises that involve bending the knees, such as squats and lunges, can be effective for strengthening the muscles around the knees when performed with ankle weights.

It's also essential to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as your strength improves.

Also, if you have any pre-existing knee issues or concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness trainer before using ankle weights or starting a new exercise routine.

They can provide guidance on the most suitable exercises and weights for your individual needs, and help ensure that you're exercising safely and effectively to strengthen your knees and improve overall leg strength.

Nutritional Considerations

Proper nutrition is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of leg exercises with ankle weights and supporting your fitness goals.

Here are some key considerations:

Balanced Diet for Muscle Growth and Recovery

Include lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes in each meal to support muscle repair and growth.

Carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables fuel your workouts, while healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and olive oil provide sustained energy.

Pre-Workout Fuel

Consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein 1–2 hours before your workout for optimal performance.

Examples include a banana with almond butter or Greek yogurt with berries.

Post-Workout Recovery

Post-workout recovery means to replenish glycogen stores and promote muscle recovery by consuming carbohydrates and protein within 30–60 minutes post-workout.

Options include a protein smoothie with fruit or grilled chicken with quinoa and vegetables.

Mastering Leg Exercises with Ankle Weights | Primal Strength & Movement (2024)


Are ankle weights good for strengthening legs? ›

Ankle weights add resistance to build and sculpt your leg muscles and is a significant advantage to bone health. They increase the difficulty of specific movements, which makes your muscles work harder and causes your leg muscles to grow. When performing these leg workouts, remember to add ankle weights.

How heavy should ankle weights be for seniors? ›

Select a combined ankle weight between 1% and 2% of your body weight. Wear the weights around your ankles at least 3 times per week for a minimum of 20 minutes per session. Consider adding ankle weights when doing slower walks for enhanced movement quality.

How do you build leg muscle with ankle weights? ›

Make sure your ankle weights are secured before you start.
  1. Donkey kicks. Donkey kicks can help strengthen your glutes and hamstring muscles along the back of your thighs. ...
  2. Fire hydrants. ...
  3. Side-lying leg lifts. ...
  4. Hamstring curls. ...
  5. Walking lunges.
Dec 5, 2023

Do ankle weights strengthen the knees? ›

[Conclusion] Knee joint repositioning sense can be improved in elderly individuals by wearing proper ankle weights. However, weights that are too heavy might disturb knee joint positioning sense.

How heavy should ankle weights be? ›

Ankle weights usually weigh between 1 to 5 lbs. But there are heavier and lighter options for beginners and advanced exercises who want to do more targeted leg exercises. Wearing ankle weights is ideal for strengthening muscles in the lower body. This includes the calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Does walking with ankle weights tone? ›

**Enhanced Muscular Engagement:** Walking with added resistance from wrist and ankle weights ensures that more muscle groups are activated throughout your walk, including your arms, shoulders, and legs. This comprehensive engagement can contribute to improved muscle tone and overall strength.

Is it good to wear ankle weights all day? ›

Wearing wrist or ankle weights constantly for weeks can end up doing more harm than good. Start in low doses by wearing them for 15, 20 or 30 minutes at a time and build up from there.

What not to do with ankle weights? ›

But Downey warns that it's not a good idea to use wearable ankle weights while you're walking or during an aerobics workout, because they force you to use your quadriceps (the muscles in the fronts of the thighs) and not your hamstrings (in the backs of the thighs). "That causes a muscle imbalance," Downey says.

When should you not use ankle weights? ›

Walking or running with ankle weights can cause a muscle imbalance. This is because ankle weights make you use the muscles in the front of your thighs (quadriceps) more. When you walk, you should use the muscles at the back of your thighs (hamstrings).

Should a 70 year old do strength training? ›

People have successfully started strength training in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s, and you can too! The same goes for people who are not active. You will need to start slowly and follow basic safety rules. But there is no such thing as being too old or out of shape to benefit from this program.

How to build leg strength in the elderly? ›

Top 10 Leg Exercise for Seniors
  1. Seated Leg Extensions. Seated leg extensions are perfect for beginners and can be done anywhere. ...
  2. Ankle Circles. Ankle circles improve flexibility and circulation, reducing the risk of injuries and falls. ...
  3. Chair Squats. ...
  4. Standing Knee Lifts. ...
  5. Calf Raises. ...
  6. Side Leg Raises. ...
  7. Toe Taps. ...
  8. Leg Curls.
Jan 9, 2024

How often should a 70 year old do strength training? ›

A good goal is about 150 minutes per week of moderate-level exercise, but you see benefits even at lower levels than that. Older adults should try to get strength training in the mix one to two times per week.”

Will wearing ankle weights tone my legs? ›

Strengthens Stems

In addition to tone your thighs, wearing weights while working out increases the overall strength of your glutes and hamstrings and calves.

Is it better to walk or walk with ankle weights? ›

Walking or running with ankle weights can cause a muscle imbalance. This is because ankle weights make you use the muscles in the front of your thighs (quadriceps) more. When you walk, you should use the muscles at the back of your thighs (hamstrings).

What muscles does walking with ankle weights target? ›

Walking mechanics naturally target the quadriceps and hamstrings, the calf muscles, and the hip adductors. Adding ankle weights while walking adds extra resistance to further engage and target gluteus medius muscles, abdominal muscles, and other specific muscle groups.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.