Lanzarote, Weather Forecast, Spain (2024)

Lanzarote Weather Overview

Lanzarote enjoys a subtropical climate with warm temperatures, low rainfall and endless sunshine throughout the year. It is the northernmost and along with Fuerteventurathe easternmost island ofSpain'sCanary Islands.

Where Is Lanzarote?

The Canariessit far south of the Spanish mainland, closer to the west coast of Northern Africa than Spain itself, leading to higher temperatures and a drier climate than most Spanish resorts.

The Canaries are often dubbedThe Islands of Eternal Spring, due to their enviable climate, but temperaturesvary throughout the year dropping slightly in winter and increasing a little in summer.

Despite this, Lanzarote and the other Canaries are still thought to have the perfect temperature all year round, much cooler than the Sahara, which lies at the same latitude, but warmer and drier than the rest of Europe.

Climatic Influences In Lanzarote

Even though Lanzarote is only 127km away from the Sahara Desert, there are several other factors that greatly influence its climate.

Thenortheasterly trade winds are at their most consistent at the height of summer (June,JulyandAugust). These winds moderate the temperaturemore than you'd expect for an island on a level with the Sahara.

What Is A Calima?

When thewinds change direction and come in directly from the east, they cross over the Sahara Desert first, bringing scorching temperatures up to 10°C higher than normal. The sand and dust in the air can causelow visibility

This is known locally as acalimaand, although it can happen at any time, it usually occurs at the change of season.

The other climatic influence which coolstemperatures in Lanzarote is the Canary current. Caused by the trade winds. This current helps in moderating the temperatures by guiding cooler seawaters from the north of the Atlantic, past the shores of Lanzarote and on along the west coast of Africa.

These cool waters mix with the naturally warmer waters that lie just above the Canary Islands, creating a pleasing water temperature around Lanzarote,perfect for swimming at any time of the year.

This. as well as the fact that the Canary Islands are in the Atlantic Sea is whyaverage seawater temperaturesaround Lanzarote are cooler than those of holiday destinations in the Mediterranean.

Microclimates In Lanzarote

Lanzarote's geographical position, close to the Western Sahara and Morocco, makes it the hottest of the Canaries, whileitsflat topography means there is little regional variation in weather conditions.

The lack of high mountains also means that cloud coverage and rainfall is less intense in Lanzarote, resulting in more sunshine hours all year round. However, Lanzarote weather differs very slightly throughout the different parts of the island, with several specific microclimates.

The north of Lanzarote is usually cloudier and windier than the south and often characterized by wetter weather, resulting in more lush plant growth and an overall greener appearance.

The south of Lanzarote is known for its drier, hotter and more moderate climate, boasting around 2500hours of sunshine each year.

How The Mountains Affect the Climate In Lanzarote

Despite the island's relatively low topography, there are two low mountain ranges whichsomewhat block the cool northeast trade winds and the hot westerly winds coming over from mainland Africa.

The western side of the island is typically hotter and drier than the eastern side. This has created astark contrast in landscape from one side of the island to the other the western side is desert-like, often compared to the alien surface of Mars, while the eastern side is quite green.

The combination of ahot and dry microclimate of the south and west of the island, and the cooler and damper microclimate of the north and east, make the southwestern regions such asPlaya Blancaand the Timanfaya National Park hotter than the northeastern parts of the island such asLa ArrietaandGuatiza.

The volcanic landscape of Lanzarote

plays a crucial role in shaping theisland's weather patterns. The unique topography, characterized by its rugged terrain and volcanic formations, has a significant impact on the local climate.

One of the key influences of the volcanic landscape is its ability to create microclimates across the island. The porous volcanic soil retains heat during the day and releases it at night, leading to temperature variations between different areas. This phenomenon contributes to the formation of local breezes and wind patterns, which affect the distribution of rainfall and cloud cover.

Furthermore, the volcanic terrain also influences the island's precipitation levels. The mountainous regions of Lanzarote often experience higher rainfall due to orographic effects, where moist air is forced to rise and cool, leading to condensation and precipitation. In contrast, the low-lying areas receive less rainfall, creating a diverse range of ecosystems and habitats.

In addition to its impact on temperature and precipitation, the volcanic landscape of Lanzarote also contributes to the island's unique atmospheric conditions. The presence of volcanic ash and particles in the air can affect visibility and air quality, especially during periods of volcanic activity. These particles can also interact with sunlight and cloud formation, leading to stunning sunsets and unique cloud formations.

Overall, the volcanic landscape of Lanzarote not only shapes the physical appearance of the island but also plays a crucial role in determining its weather patterns. By understanding the interactions between the volcanic terrain and the atmosphere, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the dynamic and ever-changing climate of this remarkable island.

Which Canary Island Has The Best Weather?

Each of the Canary Islands boasts a unique set of microclimates, providing a diverse range of weather patterns and landscapes.

InLanzarote and Fuerteventura, located to the east, the climate can vary significantly from that of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are known for their arid, desert-like conditions, with stunning volcanic landscapes and little rainfall.

On the other hand,Tenerife and Gran Canaria offer a more varied climate, with lush greenery, mountainous terrain, and occasional rainfall. This variety in microclimates makes each island a distinct paradise, waiting to be explored.

Windier regions tend to be Costa Calma in Fuerteventura and Costa Teguise in Lanzarote, although they also enjoy slightly higher temperatures in summer months.

Temperature/Sunshine Hours

From April untilNovember, Lanzarote is mostly hot and dry. The average high temperature climbs from 24°C in April to a peak of 29°C in August, getting back down to 24°C by November.

At the beginning and very end of the season, nights cool down pleasantly to around 17°C but the peak months generally stay around 20°C.Luckily, sea breezes which blow freely across the island, and the low humidity, ease the heat.

But if the Sirocco wind is blowing from the east, from Africa and the Sahara, temperatures can soar to 40°C and drought can set in.

WinterWeather in Lanzarote

How Warm Is Lanzarote In Winter?

December to March remains warm with mildly cool nights. The averagehigh temperaturedrops to around 21°C for most of the season, creeping up to 23°C in March.

Night-time lows fall to 15°C in December, 14°C in January and February, getting back up to 15°C by March. This means temperatures are never as chilly as elsewhere across Europe.

How Much Does it Rain In Lanzarote In WInter?

Rainfall does increase in the Canary Islands in winter, but downpours are only expected on around two to four days in each month. And they don't tend to last very long.

These brief bursts of rain leave plenty of time for sunshine and most days see at least seven hours. The sea temperature drops to its coolest between February and March, but at 18°C, it's still just warm enough for swimming.

Which Is The Most Popular Resort in Lanzarote?

There are manyoptions for places to stay in Lanzarote, ranging from resort towns to quaint coastal villages. The weather across the whole region is generally very warm, so many areas are popular with holidaymakers and travellers.

The most popular Lanzarote resorts tend to be Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carmen andCosta Teguise. There are many inland villages and coastal options, so there is definitely something for everyone.

All these resorts enjoy warm weather and high temperatures. However,temperatures in the north tend to be a bit lower than the south.

Northern Region

The north of Lanzarote fromLa SantatoCharco del Palois the greenest part of the island which experiences the most rainfall and the coolest temperatures. Butdon't let this put you off visiting the north of Lanzarote is still significantly drier and warmer than many other Europeandestinations.

Although there are no major tourist resorts in this part of the island, there are several villages worth visiting:

Charco del Palois a naturist resort established in 1970 on the northeastern coast of the island. Nudity is permitted throughout the whole resort, with the exception of a supermarket and some restaurants.

You won't find any major hotel chains here most of the apartments are privately owned and rented out to holidaymakers.

Temperatures In The Northern Region of Lanzarote

The weather at Charco del Palo is a good representation of the forecastfor the entire north section of the island.

Average temperatures here range from 17°C inJanuary(which many would find too cold for naturism!) up to 25°C inAugust. These temperatures are slightly lower than those you get in Lanzarote's southern resorts.

Eastern Region OfLanzarote

The east of Lanzarote from Guatiza toArrecifeis home to two very important towns:Arrecife, the island's capital, andCosta Teguise, one of the island's oldest holiday resorts.

The east coast of Lanzarote is slightly warmer than the north and the further south you go, the higher the temperatures get.

Arrecife is a good marker for the weather in the east of Lanzarote and since the island's main weather station is located at the airport here it's the most accurate location for recording weather statistics.

Temperature In Eastern Lanzarote

Average temperaturesfor Arrecife range from 17°C inJanuary, up to 25°C in August andSeptember.

Rain InEastern Lanzarote

Rainfall is practically non-existent during the summer months in fact,June,Julyand August see absolutely noprecipitation, on average. But things aren't as dry in winter, withDecemberand January both subjected to an average of 30mm of rainfall each.

Sea Temperature/Sunshine Hours In Eastern Lanzarote

If you're sensitive to the cold, you'll find the weathermost pleasant betweenAugustandOctober, when theaverage sea temperatureis at its highest at 22°C.

Due to its low topography, Lanzarote is one of the sunniest of the Canary Islands, with anaverage of eight hours of sunshine each day. May to August are the sunniest months when the sun shines for an average of 10hours each day.

December is the least sunny month, withsix hours of daily sunshine.


Southern Region of Lanzarote

The south of Lanzarote from Playa Honda to La Hoya is the most popular place for people to visit, since it's where you'll find the best resorts, the warmest weather and the most beautiful beaches.

The two main resorts in the south of Lanzarote arePuerto del CarmenandPlaya Blanca, with Playa Blanca being slightly warmer. Because Playa Blanca is usually warmer and sunnier than any other resort in Lanzarote (even when the rest of the island is shrouded in cloud, the sun is usually shining in Playa Blanca) it's often said that the resort could have a microclimate of its very own!

How Warm is Puerto Del Carmen?

Average temperatures in Playa Blanca range between 17°C inJanuary, up to 25°C inAugustwith highs of 28°C.

These temperatures are similar to those you'd get in other parts of the island, but visitors often claim the resort is hotter because there is very little wind.

Sunshine Hours

The sun shines for an average of nine hours each day in Playa Blanca, with theaverage daily sunshine hoursbeing at their highest betweenApril andJuly, when the sun shines for 11 hours each day.

How Much Does It Rain In Playa Blanca?

As well as being the sunniest part of the island, Playa Blanca is also the driest part of Lanzarote.

Decemberis the wettest month, when 33mm ofrainfalls, but the rest of the winter months are relatively dry, with approximately half the amount of rainfall each month. As is the pattern in Lanzarote, the summer is bone dry, with an average of norainfall betweenJuneand August.

How Warm Is the South Coast OfLanzarote?

Because it's located so far south, theaverage sea water temperaturefor the coast around Playa Blanca is slightly warmer than the rest of the island. At 22°C, the sea is hottest between August andOctober, but it never drops below 18°C even in the coldest months meaning it's always warm enough for a dip.

Western Region Of Lanzarote

How Warm Is The Western Region of Lanzarote?

The west of Lanzarote fromEl Golfoto Tenesar is slightly different from the rest of the island.

Instead of being peppered with holiday resorts and Canarian villages, it's covered by two major parks theParque Nacional de TimanfayaandParque Natural Los Volcanes.

El Golfo is a good representation of the weather for the whole of the west of Lanzarote. The average temperatures in this part of the island range between 17°C inFebruaryand 25°C inAugust, although because of the extremely windy conditions, these temperatures can often feel cooler.Take a jacket or jumper with you when visiting.

The winds which batter the west of Lanzarote aren't all bad, though. They make it almost impossible for any vegetation to grow, which allows the parks to keep their unique volcanic appearance.

The only exceptions to this are some vineyards inLa Geria, which can withstand the wind and volcanic soil, all the while creating sweet grapes for the famous malvasía wine produced on the island.

Rain In The Western Region

The amount ofprecipitationin the west of Lanzarote is similar to what falls in the east of the island.Decemberand January are the wettest months, when an average of 26mm and 25mm of rain, respectively, falls.

However, just like across the rest of the island,June,Julyand August are completely dry, with no average rainfall.

Parque Nacional de Timanfaya

The Parque Nacional de Timanfaya is the most popular attraction in the whole of Lanzarote, due to its alien-like appearance and fascinating history.

The Montañas del Fuego (Fire Mountains) within the park developed between 1730 and 1736, at which time over 100 volcanoes rose up, covering approximately 50km2of land, and began to erupt, devastating surrounding areas. Even though the last eruption occurred in 1824, the park looks just as it did almost 200 years ago, thanks to the low rainfall and therefore lack of erosion.

Unusual Weather In Lanzarote


Hazards in areas with such consistent climates as theCanary Islandsare rare. But dust storms, known locally as 'calimas', occur on a regular basis in Lanzarote.

Although they can happen at any time, they're most common when one season is turning into the next, such as in February, May, August and November. These dust storms can be so severe as to partially block out the sun and reduce visibility to 200 meters or less.

The dust storms are largely controlled by North Africa's weather patterns.

When the Sahara experiences a heavy rainfall in its short wet season, the dust storms in Lanzarote are far less likely. However, if it misses out on its yearly rainfall, the storms are likely to be far more intense.

It's not just the rainfall in North Africa which controls the dust storms it's also the trade winds, controlled by pressure over theAzores.

When the air pressure is at a normal level over the Azores, the trade winds cross Lanzarote from a northeasterly direction. However, when the air pressure over the Azores is particularly high, the trade winds cross over Lanzarote directly from the east.

The winds then pass by the Sahara Desert first, where they pick up high temperatures (up to 10°C higher than normal) and a lot of sand and dust particles in the air which cause reduced visibility. Extreme sandstorms can bring transport to a halt temporarily across a few days, but they can also pass extremely briefly in just one hour.

On average there are between two and seven significant dust storms every year in Lanzarote, each one lasting between one and 10days.

But don't let the idea of a dust storm put you off visiting Lanzarote, because with the exception of very rare occasions when they're uncommonly strong, they don't cause much of a problem.

If the island is hit by a dust storm when you visit, your best bet is to get somewhere cool i.e. stay in your air-conditioned hotel or head for the coast, where the sea breeze usually makes the temperatures feel more bearable.

2020 Canary Islands Calima

In February 2020 the Canary Islands were engulfed in a sandstorm so vast it obscured them from satellite view, as a seasonal blast of hot, sandy winds known as Calima swept across from the the Sahara. Winds rose to 100mph and carriedclouds of red sand that buffeted the islands, creating a thick orange haze.

Extreme Weather

Hottest and Coldest Days on Record

The hottest day ever recorded in Lanzarote was August 6,1980, with a temperature of43.6°C. It happened during a dust storm and is more than 18°C higher than the average for Lanzarote in August.

At the other end of the scale, the coldest day ever recorded in Lanzarote is January 10,1974, when temperatures as low as 8°C were registered. This temperature was recorded during a particularly cold winter and is 9°C lower than the average for Lanzarote in January.

How Much Does It Rain In Lanzarote?

Despite being known for its dry and arid climate, Lanzarote has received some torrential storms. During November 2014, Lanzarote received 127.3mm of rainfall, making it the month with the highest amount of rainfall since records began.

On the other hand, November 1998 was the month with the lowest monthly rainfall, when Lanzarote received a grand total of 0mm across the month.

The highest number of rainy days ever experienced by Lanzarote in one month is 19,in January 1996. This January made up part of a particularly wet winter for Lanzarote and saw the island receive a total of 19 wet days 16 more rainy days than the average of three making it the wettest month since records began, in terms of wet days.

The maximum number of storm days ever to occur in one month in Lanzarote is three, in March2011. This small number is proof of how uncommon storms are in Lanzarote and when they do materialise, evidence of how short they usually are.

The highest amount of precipitation in one day happened on January 25,1980, and resulted in 71.5mm of precipitation all of which fell within a 24 hour period.

Even though most of Lanzarote's rainfall occurs between January and March, it's very unusual for such a high amount. These figures are exceptions to the rule, but it is worth staying aware and checking the up-to-dateforecast.

Extreme Storms

The worst dust storm ever to hit Lanzarote in recent times occurred between August 9and August 11in 2013. On this weekend, AEMET (the Spanish MET office) issued a yellow alert for high temperatures up to 35°C and estimated that there would be 90 micrograms of dust in the air per m3.

The previous year on March 9and 10,2012, the island was also subject to a severe dust storm which reduced visibility down to 600m.

One of the worst rainstorms ever to hit Lanzarotetook place between December 9and December 15in 2013. For most of this week, Lanzarote was put on yellow alert by AEMET for high rainfall, dangerous coastal conditions and strong winds of up to 80km/h.

There were many disruptions to the island, including the closing of the port which stopped numerous boats including one cruise liner from docking.

November 2014 was wetter still, with persistent and widespread showers falling on the island over 12 days, resulting in a total rainfall of 135mm more than three times the usual for November.

The strength of the wind was also very high during this month, particularly on November 28/29, when AMET put Lanzarote on orange alert for gusts of up to 130km/h, waves 5-6m tall on the north, west and south coastline, and 15mm of rainfall per hour.

Lanzarote, Weather Forecast, Spain (2024)


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