Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (2024)

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  1. 20 hours ago



    until vermintide 2 vanishes from the face of the earth, darktide will never be worth picking up

    • 20 hours ago



      Vermintide doesn't have machineguns tho

      • 19 hours ago



        It has gatling guns, which are cooler.

    • 19 hours ago



      vt2 is honestlly too simplistic for me after playing dt, they have barely any combat mechanics and the vt2 item grind is just so insane that nobody should have to grind 100 missions for a single item

      darktide is just way more compelling. every second you hit dodge to escape shots or slide into people for the invulnerability, then you take pop shots to suppress enemies and cause them to fumble their guns and run into cover while you deal with the trash who switched to melee, gaining your toughness back on it, parrying dogs lunching at you from behind, while on the lookout for collectibles

      weapons are also way better, but its way too easy to roll BiS after just 2 missions, which is the complete opposite of how stupid the grind in vt2 is

    • 17 hours ago



      wooow the gameplay!

    • 17 hours ago



      Too much DLC to get into it now.

      • 15 hours ago



        No there's not. The DLC careers are dirt cheap and you only buy the ones you actually want to play, you don't need the map DLCs because only the host of the lobby has to own them and then anyone can play it. I also think they all suck. The only dlc you really need is winds of magic for cataclysm difficulty. And you'll probably only want that after you've played a hundred or two hours anyway

  2. 19 hours ago



    if on sale then go for it
    and if you run out of things to do then put it down for a while and come back when/if they still add more stuff

  3. 19 hours ago



    it's fine I guess, but it'll be better in 1.5 years
    biggest complaint is still doing same missions over and over and over

  4. 19 hours ago



    it's fine. not as fun as Vermintide 2 but maybe one day it could be.

  5. 19 hours ago



    Nah too grindy in spite of how fun melee is.
    I'd rather play drg or helldivers because then I don't have to think about building a character.

  6. 19 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (6)

    remember when this game was going to feature the Astra Militarum, also known as the imperial guard instead of the diversity mutants that we finally got
    I wonder who was to blame for this

    • 19 hours ago



      Yeah just what this game needs anon, more veteran players. Brilliant stuff based moron.

    • 19 hours ago



      Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (7)

      moron that never played the game

      • 19 hours ago



        I quit during the tutorial, I was nagged at the whole time over radio
        no thanks

        • 19 hours ago



          >tutorial was too hard
          Pathetic lmao

          • 18 hours ago



            it wasn't too hard, the characters were just completely unlikable and not anything like the real warhammer setting

            • 18 hours ago



              >completely unlikeable
              I like the gameplay but this isn’t even an opinion, the characters ARE fricking terrible. Every hub character save Hadron and Rannick have this extremely grating, self aware Marvel quipsh*t personality. The cash shop lady in particular is like a Borderlands character in that every single thing she says is dripping with meta humour or childlike sarcastic sh*t takes on absolutely everything, guaranteeing your enjoyment of a mission plummets as soon as she comes on the radio. The pilot is a close runner up for the worst character in the game in this regard. It’s like they let twitter users who hate Warhammer write them, it’s fricking awful.

              • 18 hours ago


                Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (8)

                Reminder that if you look at google trends interest in Warhammer 40k, darktide caused a huge spike. It's no exaggeration that darktide was the normie awakening to 40k due to tons of content creators making videos on it, and also the turning point for a lot of fans as projects created under GW's umbrella had been getting steadily more woke. If you don't like darktide's characterization of grimdark, that's too fricking bad because it's only going to get worse.

              • 17 hours ago


                you're honestly just a fricking idiot man

              • 17 hours ago


                TL;DR for the big spike around 2008-2009 ?

              • 17 hours ago


                5th edition plus soulstorm and dawn of war 2

              • 18 hours ago


                Morrow is fine and the cogboy too

              • 18 hours ago


                >tfw no b***hy tech-priest gf to call you a varlet and lecture you while repairing your broken gear after every mission

              • 17 hours ago


                I actually really like the cash shop chick. She gives sh*t to all the other c**ts.
                The pilot is unbearable and every day I wish for a mod to mute that stupid token nig.

              • 17 hours ago


                One thing nobody itt is talking about is the severe downgrade in server quality ever since the last major update, at least in EU servers.
                Even with a perfect connection your character sometimes just jitters out and ignores your inputs, it's really annoying in a high paced game like DT.
                I'd play it more but that really wears me down, especially when I miss a poxbomber shove or walk into a DH.

                Don't play favorites, Hadron is just as bad but with the whole "bad mommy" motif. Morrow is good, Rannick is fine, and so are the Enginseer and Krell to a lesser degree.
                How the frick Hallowette even got written into this game is beyond me though, I'd rather she was the one turned into a servitor.

              • 17 hours ago


                I said that here

                this the servers eat half my inputs

                . Don't know which one is worse:

                Weapon swap ignored
                Headshot sound but your fire is ignored

                Hadron is funny with the cogboy and at least acts like a mechanicus and above all else doesn't quip and self pat like the two nigresses

              • 17 hours ago


                You don't have to worry about any of this if you play psyker so that is a (you) problem. 🙂

              • 17 hours ago


                NTA I like psyker the best but sometimes it's so mindlessly OP I stop paying attention and blow myself up and it's embarrassing. Not that any of the other classes are interesting to play either. It's all pretty much mindless spam and repetitive objectives.

              • 17 hours ago


                Am not that able to play him. The force swords do no click with me ;(. But yeah I saw some video it's disgusting.

                Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (9)

                Bit drunk, missed it. Also there's the occasional infinite loading screen, which are fun.
                For me the server frickups are just my character jittering and walking in a direction while ignoring all my inputs, doing whatever action I was doing before (shooting, charging a shot, etc.)
                Hadron is fine when she's acting like a techpriest should, but there are way too many voice lines berating the rejects that's bordering on fetishistic, she has one or two silly quips that she then eyerolls about sarcastically and a few lines that don't even really make sense in the lore.
                After reading how tech priests communicate in Rogue Trader and Mechanicus, she's a serious downgrade.

                Guess it's my kink. She has an older woman voice. I saw that my server problems are less noticable when I use a cable and not a wifi.

                You play in EU ? My fs code is 1380992169

              • 17 hours ago


                Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (10)

                Thought I'd humor you but what is this mystery Black person sh*t.

                Mechanicus techpriests are way quippier, what the frick are you on?

                They're not really quips, it's just their trademark Machanicus Lingua-Technis-like speech, which I admittedly like. At least for the most part it's written more interestingly than in darktide.
                Hadron doesn't quip much either nor does she have any odd speech patterns, she's just grating in her own way.

              • 16 hours ago


                Fatshark Code. Go in social and press E

              • 16 hours ago


                Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (11)

                Didn't even know it was a thing. Sent.

              • 16 hours ago


                Cool I should be able to play tomorrow

              • 17 hours ago


                Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (12)

                Bit drunk, missed it. Also there's the occasional infinite loading screen, which are fun.
                For me the server frickups are just my character jittering and walking in a direction while ignoring all my inputs, doing whatever action I was doing before (shooting, charging a shot, etc.)
                Hadron is fine when she's acting like a techpriest should, but there are way too many voice lines berating the rejects that's bordering on fetishistic, she has one or two silly quips that she then eyerolls about sarcastically and a few lines that don't even really make sense in the lore.
                After reading how tech priests communicate in Rogue Trader and Mechanicus, she's a serious downgrade.

              • 17 hours ago


                Also to add to that, the infinite loading screens on startup exist because of you loading all players in your morningstar. Sometimes I quit and stumble upon a less populated hub

              • 17 hours ago


                Pasqal eviscerating Yrliet without a second thought cemented him as best boy in RT.

              • 17 hours ago


                Mechanicus techpriests are way quippier, what the frick are you on?

              • 16 hours ago


                Hallowette is the Commodore to Rogue Trader Brahms, who owns the Mourningstar. It partly explains why she extremely rude to everyone, as she can get away with it.

              • 16 hours ago


                I get her profile, and yet I still think she could have been less of a borderlands character.

              • 16 hours ago


                Thats fair. Personally enjoy having Morrow, tends to be more to the point which I apriciate. Also hilarious when Wolfer sometimes butts in and Morrow just cuts him off. Rannick, Hardon, Enginseer and Oska Krall can be good too.

              • 16 hours ago


                Rannick has the right amount of gay tone to be funny. He knows everyone fears him

              • 17 hours ago


                >my sh*tty opinion is objective truth because buzzword
                Based moron.

              • 16 hours ago


                >hlorf blormpf I love wiener mmpffffhgghhughmmgg

  7. 19 hours ago



    Get it on a sale. The gameplay's really satisfying, the maps are good, the higher difficulties are great, but it can only sustain you for about 50h until it starts feeling extremely repetitive. Instead of designing more maps, more guns, more game, the developers try to artificially delay the moment you drop the game by gacha-tier delayed RNG rewards. There's also no story. The progression system is also sh*t and it's best to ignore it.
    It would be an 11/10 game if the progression and variety were as good as the core gameplay, but they're far worse.

  8. 19 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (13)

    Darktide is fricking great. Gameplay is fun and the loop is basically what you get from vermintide.
    Atmosphere and aesthetics are on point. Great 40k experience, sincerely. I love the game.

    It is perhaps lacking in content. You'll find yourself running the same stuff and the mission variety isn't exactly amazing. Also the cycle of mtx for cosmetics is clearly a priority. Earnable cosmetics are obviously inferior to the ones that can be purchased.
    The game will only improve as they add more weapons and playable classes.

    I would say, in it's current state, you can have a lot of fun with the game. However it also won't hurt you to wait for a sale seeing has how the game could just use more of literally everything.

    • 19 hours ago




      I guess it's good if you remove any vox with all their Black folk

  9. 19 hours ago



    it's fun but unless the game has any major additions in the future, you missed its live service patented golden era. now it's just youtuber wannabes that have EZ MODE ACTIVATED mods and console brain-dead morons that can't get through the default difficulty missions with Max level characters. All the charm of people being good and having fun with challenge is gone

  10. 19 hours ago



    It's helldivers 2 but in first person and the Devs don't nerf anything fun into the ground to force you to buy the new battle pass

  11. 19 hours ago



    how many fricking thread do you need to understand it's unfinished. Everytime it's the same question, are you a fs employee

    • 18 hours ago




  12. 19 hours ago



    Nope its dead.

  13. 19 hours ago



    In my opinion Darktide 2 has better maps than Vermintide but the game is dead. In the last year all they've released is one boss fight. There's no new content coming and half the content they promised is still missing. They haven't even finished the content they promised for Vermintide 2 yet. The games are just stagnant, grindy, and boring. The unlock and progression system immediately turn off new players because of how moronic they are so there's zero chance of the game ever gaining popularity.

    • 19 hours ago



      >In the last year all they've released is one boss fight.
      Incredibly disingenious
      they have released new maps, a new tileset, new enemies, new weapons, new mission types, a new mission difficulty, more modifiers, an achievement based battle pass like system, several new sub classes, an event system and much more

    • 19 hours ago



      Everyone warned you about this. Fat shark has earned a reputation for releasing content at a snail's pace and being even worse with bug fixes. This isn't the first time.
      But yes, the like 3 new maps and 1 new boss fight is very little content. Who the frick knows when a 5th class will be added.

      • 19 hours ago



        Considering how long it took them to finally add the subclasses to Vermintide, probably won't see new classes for Darktide for years.

  14. 19 hours ago



    its abandoned, they only care about VT (which has less than half the players) for whatever batsh*t reason

    • 19 hours ago



      >its abandoned
      Don't listen to this moron that likely doesn't even play it. They literally just put out an update to changing the penance/achievement system.
      The game isn't getting new characters and game modes every month but it isn't fricking abandoned. Hyperbolic sh*t stirring hom*osexual.

      • 18 hours ago



        calm down Hedge it's ok your penance "update" was very good, good empty air but good

        • 18 hours ago



          Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (14)

          >we changed some achievements!
          do you want me to clap for you lmao
          get a grip

          >its abandoned!
          >>no actually updates and patches have been consistent even if they leave a lot to be desired
          >shut up I wanna sh*t fling!

          • 18 hours ago



            >actually updates and patches have been consistent
            good thing you posted another comedian otherwise I might actually think you're being serious

      • 18 hours ago



        >we changed some achievements!
        do you want me to clap for you lmao
        get a grip

        • 18 hours ago



          there's a difference between abandonment, and just working really really really very extremely slowly 😉

          Boltpistol and pickaxes soon friends!

  15. 18 hours ago



    If you enjoy high speed, often chaotic action then yes absolutely.
    If you care a lot about story and such, then no.

    The item progression is quite poor at the moment. Might get better this year.
    The player skill progression is very good. The sense of becoming better and better is very rewarding. The game has a very high skill ceiling.

  16. 18 hours ago



    >fight hordes and hordes of man's greatest enemy
    >like, other... depressed, raggedy kinda men

    wow poetry
    the enemy faction should seriously have been greenskins or something

    • 18 hours ago



      oh sh*t sorry OP and forgot my advice.
      this game was dead on arrival and is only getting apology and maintenance updates now. don't waste your money on this abortion.
      its basically payday 3.

      • 18 hours ago



        Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (15)

        >107,450 all-time peak
        >millions of copies sold
        >dead on arrival

        • 18 hours ago



          I'm amazed there are 300 masoch*sts still playing PD3.

        • 18 hours ago



          >5k players
          >not dead

          • 18 hours ago



            >if it isn't top on twitch it must be bad
            Zoomers should be culled from the board

    • 18 hours ago



      >Could have made a game about proper Guardsmen fighting Greenskins, Blood Pact, GSC, or frick it even Dark Eldar
      >Instead make a game about sh*tty literal guard rejects fighting a bumfrick Nurgle Cult in some sewers
      It reeks of GW 'intervention'.

  17. 18 hours ago



    frick no
    I put in over 300+ hours got all my operatives to 30
    waited patiently for fatshark to deliver but only to be slapped in the face. Everything in this game can break but the cash shop and fatshark will think the game is still fine. But let the cash shop break and it's all hands on deck.
    Utter disappointment if it wasnt for Jasper Kyd putting the entire studio on his back for this game it would not even be worth talking about. There is something magical about hearing Moebian Six while a horde is coming at you.

    • 18 hours ago



      >I put in over 300+ hours
      Stopped reading there. You clearly loved the game and are only b***hing now because your zoom-zoom attention span needs a constant drop of "new" to not have a nice day

      • 18 hours ago



        Not hard to put in 300 hours in a game that came out 1 1/2 years ago. It was fun with friends, something you dont have. But we all grew tired of the game.

        • 18 hours ago



          >But we all grew tired of the game.
          >after 300 hours
          Oh sh*t no way bro

  18. 18 hours ago



    I bought it last time it was on sale, It does have flaws but I really love the dog hordes modifier and the ability to stack any combination of characters is such an improvement on Vermintide. It is worth picking up for 25 bucks. I got a couple hundred hours out of it and still come back to it with some bros

  19. 18 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (16)

    It's a so-so. If you love 40k universe above all else (but dont mind main characters breaking in-universe rules constantly), go for it.

    As usual, the gunplay and melee combat is very good. Weapon variety is good. This is where it shines.

    On the bad side, you have roughly ~5 unique maps which you'll run for the entire game. Players call the maps "tilesets" and claim there's more, but its essentially 5-6 variations of the same map rearranged and with 10-20% unique locations. 25 maps or 5 depending on how you look at it. Also there's sh*t for story and the in-game dialogue is one-liners that might or might not make sense, whereas VT2 dialogue is consistent and full of exposition. If you dont mind your character calling Emperor a corpse-god, "their" emperor and sh*tting on Empire while other guys go "mmh yeah it might be like that", this wont be an issue however.

    After turning off the character dialogue I had fun for a good 30 hours. If you just want to kill tons of enemies in 40K maps, its great fun. If you want more characterization, story and coherency, go with VT2.

    • 16 hours ago



      The best line me and my buddies found was the zealot going "PILGRIM THE BARREL" when you hit an explosive barrel10/10 comedy gold, other than that the game is kinda meh

  20. 18 hours ago



    If you just want to smash and shoot heretics, go for it, it's fantastic.

    Just be aware, anything not directly related to said smashing and shooting, every supporting system like login servers, getting the gear stats you want, events, developer support and real money cosmetics shop is horrible.

    Stomach the rng item system, use what you get and experiment, use difficutly 1-3 to level. Get your feet wet on 4, use 5 when you know what you are doing on your class to farm materials to craft the weapon with the blessings you want. Move into Auric on your own discretion, players in Quickly is generally chill, in Auric Maelstrom you get the super sweates.

    • 18 hours ago



      this the servers eat half my inputs

  21. 18 hours ago



    >chatgpt responses
    fatshark shills I mean rajesh please go and stay gone.

    • 18 hours ago



      >If your response is more than 3 words than its AI generated

      Are you actually this moronic?

      • 18 hours ago



        saar he found us out saar desist!!!!!! the needful is a must!!!!!

        >completely unlikeable
        I like the gameplay but this isn’t even an opinion, the characters ARE fricking terrible. Every hub character save Hadron and Rannick have this extremely grating, self aware Marvel quipsh*t personality. The cash shop lady in particular is like a Borderlands character in that every single thing she says is dripping with meta humour or childlike sarcastic sh*t takes on absolutely everything, guaranteeing your enjoyment of a mission plummets as soon as she comes on the radio. The pilot is a close runner up for the worst character in the game in this regard. It’s like they let twitter users who hate Warhammer write them, it’s fricking awful.

        this is all factual and true

        • 18 hours ago



          Spotted the jeet.

          • 17 hours ago



            Saar we are going to call him out so everyone thinks he is a saar!!

  22. 18 hours ago



    I still desire an Eldar game.

  23. 18 hours ago



    it's a 40k game, 9/10 its not worth it if they paid you to play.

  24. 18 hours ago



    it's fun if you have a good enough PC to run it

  25. 18 hours ago



    I like how there's this one fatshark employee here desperately defending this sh*t kek

    • 17 hours ago



      Reminder there's an entire weapon customization system in the files that you can access with a mod. That was probably scraped in favor of their sh*tty varying mark

      You should see their discord the cms are the most pedantic people. Also none seem to play the game lel

  26. 17 hours ago



    It's grindy as hell to get weapon upgrades and there are really no good cosmetics you can get with earned in game currency. So no, play DRG or vermintide instead.

  27. 17 hours ago



    Do you want it to be your new "forever game" that you put 1000+ hours into? Then no, the late game grind is awful. If you just want to have some fun for a couple hundred through, it's a really damn good game and honestly always has been.

  28. 17 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (17)

    I like it, but who cares what i think. I'm just here to purge for god.

  29. 17 hours ago



    I played it for 1000+ hours and only now started to feel burned out on it.
    It has amazing melee combat and very satisfying gore. Music and atmosphere are top notch. It is the best realized 40k world so far.
    Others have said that gear grind is total cancer (frick Hadron and her sh*ttalk after putting some trash blassing on your weapon).
    Some enemies are just really annoying:
    >trappers shoot their net through hordes, shields, whatever
    >dogs jump on you silently
    >mutants scream for 15 minutes straight while running at you from the other map
    >every heretic is a marksman with autoguns who never miss a shot if you are in line of sight

  30. 17 hours ago



    >New update is 1 map, a bolt pistol, a club and a pickaxe
    How are you going to send us to a forge and have no dark mechanicus enemies? It's just so lazy. This should have been a huge expansion with new enemies, mechanicus weaponry and a new tech adept class.

    • 17 hours ago



      >get a new map
      >"this should've been a full expansion!"

    • 15 hours ago



      Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (18)

      Probably the laziest weapons and still no two-handed chain axe, power sword and what ever else other classes need. This upcoming update is weak and doomed.

      • 15 hours ago



        Reminder there's a two handed powersword in the files

        No there's not. The DLC careers are dirt cheap and you only buy the ones you actually want to play, you don't need the map DLCs because only the host of the lobby has to own them and then anyone can play it. I also think they all suck. The only dlc you really need is winds of magic for cataclysm difficulty. And you'll probably only want that after you've played a hundred or two hours anyway

        This, the dlcs are what they should be : an extension of the game if you really liked the base one.

  31. 17 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (19)

    Yes and yes.

  32. 17 hours ago



    If you like doing the same thing over and over for 50 hours, sure, buy it

    • 17 hours ago



      That's literally every game. Do you have any other epic arguments to post from your grooming discord?

      • 17 hours ago



        Maybe if you only play live service slop

  33. 16 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (20)

    There aren't enough maps and they all look very similar
    80% of weapon types suck
    Loot and crafting are sh*t
    Soundtrack is banging though

  34. 15 hours ago



    Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (21)

    >Years pass
    >We added a new way to earn new cosmetics! So you don't stink against the pay pigs!!
    >It's just slight variations of your old hobo outfits

  35. 15 hours ago



    Yes. I'd say it's decent enough these days. It has better legs than Helldiver2 as well.

  36. 15 hours ago



    the core gameplay is fun but the release and post content actively made you think the devs were just lazy buttholes.
    takes them a long time to add content and the only content that is constant are the premium cosmetic they show every two weeks.
    last update they just renewed the achievement page to be more fancy and give you recycled sh*t cosmetic and useless sh*t like fricking titles on your name, this is hardly gameplay content.
    game is worth if it goes cheap and if you have friends because public are either hit or miss, the worst kind of players i encountered are russians so far, they keep ramble random sh*t on the mic and never shut the frick up.

Is Darktide worth picking up yet or does it still need more work? (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 5506

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.