If only you knew - Chapter 11 - Willowmoon81 (2024)

Chapter Text

I decided that I wasn’t gonna attempt to talk to Chris, if he didn’t talk to me. I was just gonna have fun.

Of course I spotted him and the guys, the second we walked in. He just took a sip of his drink and walked in a different direction.

The party was at this rooftop, but it was raining horribly, so we were inside.

Nick and Matt came up and said hi and complimented my costume.

All I wanted was just for him to talk to me. I understood if he was misreading it, but he could just ask.

Even after that stupid song, he must know how I feel.

Later at the party we were still ignoring each other and it was really bothering me.

He was my best friend and I needed him.

I felt overwhelmed and luckily Vinnie could tell.

He wrapped a comforting arm around me.

It slid down to just comfortably around my waist, and he was just making sure I was okay.

“You good..?” He asked looking down at me “Yea” I smiled softly.

Chris was walking out of a bathroom, just where we were standing.

He glanced down at Vinnie’s hand, then back up into my eyes.

The look in his eyes made me wanna scream.

He kinda angrily put his drink down and continued to walk outside, into the pouring rain.

“Go” Vinnie let go of me, kinda pushing me to go after him.

I did. I ran after him this time.

He had walked out, standing looking out over the balcony, and he of course heard my heels clicking.

“You could’ve told me you got a boyfriend” he turned and I saw his eyes had gone glossy.

“I don’t have a boyfriend” I sighed “Really? Because you sure make a big deal to make it seem like you do” he said annoyed “Chris-“

“Did you have to post those videos..?” He asked, sounding so hurt.

“Well maybe I wouldn’t have, if you would talk to me! You barely look at me anymore and we’ve hung out like twice since we got back. I know things have been hectic. But the only reason I'm hanging out with him is because you’re not there. And you clearly don’t care enough about me to ask what’s going on. So why do you even care that I was with him?!” I asked, getting frustrated.

“Because I love you!” His voice cracked at the end, and I felt my heart drop.

“Because I am in love with you. And I have tried so hard to fight it, because I didn't wanna lose you as a friend. I was so terrified that you didn’t feel the same way and it would ruin everything. But then the accident happened, and the way you reacted, made me think you must feel something for me too. And then I almost kissed you.

And god i was so scared that it had f*cked it all up, but then we went back to normal. Until you talked to Vinnie. And I thought you had decided, that you didn’t want me like that…which is why I’ve been distant. And then that f*cking song…I didn’t want you to know that I related it to you, so i ran. But I do. You’re the first person I think about, always. And I love you. I love you so much it scares me, and I'm so sorry about that…I’ve ruined everything haven’t i?” He was crying, so was I, and we were both completely soaked by the rain by now.

I felt like I had just been hit by a bus, in the best way possible “Chris..” I took a step forward, taking his hands and he looked so scared.

The fact that I was currently holding his heart in my hands and had the power to completely destroy it.

“You don’t feel the same, okay, that’s okay..” he sniffled “No Chris…I love you too” i said and the way his face lit up, made me so happy.

“Really? You’re sure?” He asked “Oh yeah I’m sure” I smiled and he took a step towards me.

He seemed nervous for a second, but finally leaned in and kissed me.

One hand on my waist and the other holding my cheek pulling me in.

I of course kissed him back immediately, somehow feeling like I could finally breathe.

We had to pull back for air.

We were still inches apart, both panting and stupidly smiling “So you and him are not-“

“No. The reason he was holding me was because I was crying over you earlier..” I admitted “You were..? Im so sorry i-“

“Don’t apologise” I smiled and just wrapped my arms around his neck and kinda cupped his cheek, caressing it.

I think we were both just taking it all in.

“So you’re in love with me huh..?” I asked, making him chuckle “Oh shut up” he then kissed me again.

This time slightly more passionate, his hand nearly around my throat and my hands in his hair.

It was still pouring rain and I had kinda forgotten that.

“We should probably go back inside or we'll get sick” Chris smiled and took my hand pulling me back.

Luckily we had gone out back, so nobody but us knew what had just happened “Maybe we shouldn’t walk in holding hands” i said and he looked so disappointed.

“Of course i want to, god I don’t wanna let go of you right now…but there’s a whole room of people and-“

He pulled me in, kissing me softly “I know what you mean.., c’mon” he put his hand on the small of my back instead.

Luckily there was music and someone on the stage, so nobody really noticed we came back “I gotta go find Tana- wait I can tell her right?” I asked “Yeah, I was gonna go tell Nick” he smiled “Okay” I smiled all giddy, not knowing what to do with myself.

We parted ways, but looked back at each other.

I found Tana and Brooke “God you’re drenched” Brooke said, but i just couldn’t stop smiling “Oh sh*t it my makeup okay?” I asked.

“Could be better, we’ll go fix it” they went with me to the bathroom and luckily there was nobody in there.

“So why were you outside, long enough to get this wet?” Tana asked, as we tried to dry my hair “Chris just told me that he loves me”

They both gasped “Omg finally!” Brooke said “Finally?” I asked “Well after the way he looked at you when you slept on the plane, it would be odd if he wasn’t in love with you” she smiled.

I told them everything and they were so excited for me “But he’s still not the relationship type right?” Brooke asked “f*ck that! Let her get some dick and worry about it later” Tana said making me laugh “I like that mindset”

“Alright now you look hot again, go find your man” Tana slapped my ass and I walked out so excited.

Then I got a call from Sabrina, saying they had left the party and Nessa had an episode, and that she really needed me.

I was sad that I couldn’t spend the night with Chris, but she was my best friend, i had to.

I went to find the boys.

“Luna” Nick smiled knowingly and Chris turned smiling too “I have to go” i said and his smile faded “Nessa had an episode she needs me. I know we just-“ he took my hands.

“It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere. We’ll figure something out” he said and i just wanted to kiss him, but we were in the middle of the crowd, so i just reached up and hugged him.

“Well you two definitely made up” Madi chuckled, while walking over, making me smile “Wait how are you getting to Nessas?” Nick asked “I was just about to call an uber”

“Nahuh” Chris immediately said “Matt can we maybe-“

“Yes of course” Matt smiled “Aw Matt you’re angel” i reached up pinching his cheek “Hey?” Chris said offended “Sorry” I smiled.

We all got down to the car. I was so worried for Nessa, because Sabrina sounded serious.

“I’m sure she's okay,” Nick said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Matt parked at her apartment building and i got out, Chris did too “I’m walking you to the door” he said “Okay” i smiled and reached down grabbing his hand.

“I really am sorry, we have so much to talk about and-“

“Luna, it's okay. Like i said i'm not going anywhere” we made it to the door and I could buzz myself in with a spare key.

“I’m always right here to talk, you take your time okay” he said “God i love you so much” I completely caved and just stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again. He gladly kissed me back, smiling against my lips.

“I love you more” he said, once we let go “Not possible” i smiled “Oh i think it is” he said and took a step back.

“Wait” i kissed his lips quickly, making him laugh “What? We have a lot of lost time” i smiled “We sure do, call me when you can okay?” He said, hesitating to let go of my hand “I will, drive safe; don't die or anything” i said “I'll try”

I made it up to Nessa’s and she was a mess, crying and Sabrina and I just sat with her for a while. She had taken some pills, but not enough to do anything, so she was okay.

“Wait, how did you get here?” She asked. after a little while “Matt and the boys dropped me off” I explained “Oh good, so you and Chris are okay?”

“Actually…” I smiled “I kinda have to thank you, ‘cause listening to that song kinda made everything fall into place. We were ignoring each other and he thought I liked Vinnie. So we got in a fight at the party, and he told me he loves me..” i smiled.

“Oh that’s so great!” Nessa hugged me immediately. “And then he kissed me and it was amazing” I explained everything and I was just so happy.

Of course I knew, that this didn’t mean we were dating, but at least I knew how he felt.

I slept at Nessas and Sabrina drove to the guys the next morning, and we brought donuts.

Nick opened “Hi, I completely forgot to say i was coming i hope that’s okay-“

“Is that Luna?!” I heard Chris in the kitchen and then running down the stairs and then he immediately picked me up, hugging me so tightly.

“Here” I handed Nick the donuts and hugged Chris back.

“So I'm guessing you did wanna see me?” I chuckled as we pulled back and Nick walked up the stairs “You’re kidding? I’ve been waiting the second you left..” he looked behind to check that Nick was gone, before he turned back and kissed me.

I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around him.

We were both very eager, he lightly tugged on my bottom lip, making me whimper slightly into his mouth, only making him pull me closer.

“Matt! Luna brought donuts, get in here!” Nick shouted and we pulled apart smiling “C’mon” he took my hand walking up, but i pulled him back and kissed him one last time “Sorry” i smiled and we walked up into the living room.

“So it’s gonna be like this all the time?” Matt asked “No no we can keep it down, but nothing has to change I promise” i smiled at him.

“Yeah instead of being just besties we’ll just be occasionally making out in front of you” Chris smirked “Chris” I lightly shoved him.

Chris then turned my head, holding my chin “How about we just go to my room instead..?” He smirked and I blushed so hard “Okay”

He stood up and took my hand, dramatically kissing it “Ew guys” Nick said from the kitchen “Sorry Nick” i smiled and went with Chris, holding my hand.

We almost made it to his room “Use protection at least!” Nick shouted down the stairs, making us both laugh.

He closed the door and I sat on his bed “Have we already ruined hangouts?” I asked really thinking about it “No no no, like you said, nothing has to change”

I was just on his bed, on my phone and I was so happy.

Then “plane to Paris” came on, and I kinda paused.

He did too, he closed whatever tab he was on on the computer and got up walking over to the bed.

I immediately smiled, as he crawled over and kissed me “That damned song..” he smiled against my lips and kissed me again, making me chuckle.

“Can I ask you something..?” I asked as he was just kinda laying, with his head on me and we were just enjoying eachothers company.

“Of course, anything” he looked up at me, with such puppy eyes I wanted to cry “When did you know, that you didn’t just like me as a friend?” I asked.

“Oh” he thought for a second “Well obviously I’ve always thought you were gorgeous” he smirked “Alright okay, but like when did you know?” I smiled.

He sat up on his elbow “The second you left Boston” he said and I looked so confused “That was like four almost five months ago” i said and he just nodded “Oh..” I said and suddenly felt bad.

“Don’t look like that..” he said “Sorry i just, I’ve been completely clueless, I’ve only been sure for like maybe a month” I confessed.

“That’s okay, I think I only realised it cause Nick kinda had to tell me” he chuckled “Really? How?”

“Well, when you left, we all missed you of course. But I think it was different for me, like it physically hurt. And I just wanted to call you all the time… I never realised how I felt before, because I never had to miss you, you know?” He explained and then looked up at me.

It was so sweet I wanted to cry. I nearly teared up “Oh no, did I say something wrong?” He asked slightly, and slightly panicked, making me smile.

“No, it actually couldn’t have been more perfect” I said and leaned up, kissing him softly.

He melted against me “Who knew Christopher Sturniolo was such a simp” I smirked “Oh f*ck off” he said and hid his face in my neck “Don’t worry, I won’t tell…” I pulled him closer and played with his hair.

“Speaking of telling. What are we gonna do, you were supposed to do the pumpkin carving with us and Madi” he said “Oh right…we’ll just have to act like nothing changed” i said “Sure let’s see how good we are at that” he smiled against my skin.

“We have to try” i chuckled “Yeah, and if they figure it out, then f*ck it” he said and I paused “Really? You don’t care?” I asked “No, of course I don't want you to get attacked. But i also don’t give a f*ck what they say” he said making me smile so hard.

“Alright, we’ll see what happens. What are you wearing to Nessa’s by the way?” I asked “I don’t know a suit? What are you wearing?” He asked “Oh that’s a surprise” I smiled “I’m sure you’ll look so hot no matter what..” he leaned up slightly and placed a kiss on my neck.

If only you knew - Chapter 11 - Willowmoon81 (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.