How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (2024)

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What if I told you there's a powerful natural remedy that can help fight off various infections and provide anti-inflammatory benefits? Homemade DIY oregano oil has been used therapeutically for centuries, and it's one of the simplest home remedies around.

Learn how to make your own homemade oil with this easy DIY recipe.

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (1)Pin

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

WARNING: Speak with your naturopathic or healthcare professional prior to using oregano oil for any medical condition.

The Benefits of Oregano Oil

Made from the oregano plant, oregano oil has many medicinal properties and benefits, making it a valuable addition to your herbal remedies toolkit.

It effectively treats sore throats, coughs, fungal infections, athlete's foot and even acne. But that's not all.

Oregano oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling.

It's important to remember that oregano oil is highly concentrated, so it should never be used undiluted.

Making DIY Oregano Oil at Home

I'll include more details and a recipe card below, but making this potent oil with dried herb flakes and olive oil is easy.

Simple to Make

The best way to make your DIY oregano oil infusion at home is to add dried oregano to a carrier oil like olive oil.

And once you've made your oregano oil, store it in a mason jar with a tight-fitting lid. Place it in a cool, dark, dry place, and it will last for months.

Some fun ways to use it include adding it to homemade salad dressings, rubbing it on your chest to help with respiratory issues, and even using it as a natural insect repellent.

Overall, oregano oil is a multi-purpose natural remedy that's easy to make and use. Add it to your herbal remedies chest or wilderness survival kit. It will help protect you against common ailments.

Even better? This potent oil is affordable to make at home, especially if you grow herbs indoors. You might even want to add oregano to your backyard garden. It might even be time to start your own potager garden.

Making your own DIY oregano oil at home is a simple and cost-effective way to ensure you always have this essential ingredient in your pantry or bug-out bag.

You can make oregano oil from fresh or dried leaves any time of year, but it's best to harvest them in early June for optimal results.

Choosing the Right Type of Oregano for Making Oil

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (2)Pin

Not alloregano varietiesare created equal when making essential oils.

The most potent variety for therapeutic purposes is wild oregano (Origanum vulgare). This type contains high levels of carvacrol and thymol, giving the oil powerful antimicrobial properties.

Look for this species in local nurseries or online seed stores if you plan on growing your supply.

Using Fresh or Dried Leaves in the Process

Use fresh or dried oregano leaves to make your DIY oregano oil. However, you'll find some differences between the two methods.

Fresh Oregano Leaves

If you can access abundant fresh wild oregano, using them will yield a more vibrant and aromatic product.

Be sure to wash and thoroughly dry the leaves before starting. Gently pat dry with a clean towel to remove excess moisture.

Dried Oregano Leaves

Dried leaves are convenient if you can't access fresh ones from the grocery store, especially during off-season.

When working with dried oregano leaves, ensure they're completely free from mold and stored away from direct sunlight before use.

Store-bought organic dried oregano works well, too - ensure they're sourced from reputable suppliers to guarantee quality.

You may want to buy in bulk. That way, you'll have a ready supply to help stock your prepper pantry and first aid kit.

Both methods will produce a potent oregano oil that can be used for various purposes in an off-grid lifestyle.

Supporting Digestion with DIY Oregano Oil

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (3)Pin

Oregano oil has been a potent and versatile natural remedy for many ailments for centuries.

Rich in volatile oils, oregano oil can help support digestion, fight candida, bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections, intestinal parasites, and worms.

It can also be used topically to treat muscle and joint pain and boost your immune system during cold and flu season.

Takingoregano oil internallymay even improve your digestive health. It's said to stimulate bile production and promote healthy gut flora.

This helps break down food more efficiently while keeping harmful bacteria at bay.

Add a few drops to a glass of water to use oregano oil for better digestion. Or mix it with some coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil.

Fighting Candida and Bacterial Overgrowth

Do you go foraging for wild greens? If so, keep your eyes open for wild oregano.

Oreganum vulgare, commonly known as wild oregano or true oregano, contains carvacrol and thymol. These are potent antimicrobial agents effective against various pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoans.

These compounds work together to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, such as those responsible for causing candidiasis (yeast infection) and other infections caused by bad microbes.

  • Candidiasis:Recent studies have shown that taking oregano essential oils orally may help reduce symptoms associated with oral and vagin*l forms of this common fungal condition.
  • Bacterial Overgrowth: Due to itsantimicrobial properties, oregano oil can be used as a natural alternative to antibiotics for treating bacterial infections, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and Helicobacter pylori infection.

Treating Yeast Infections and Intestinal Parasites

Oregano essential oil's antifungal properties make it an effective remedy for yeast infections. Apply it topically (to the skin) when diluted with carrier oil. Or take it internally (by mouth) in capsule form.

Additionally, theanti-inflammatory propertiesof oregano oil help soothe irritation caused by these infections.

Intestinal parasites are another common issue that oregano oils may address effectively due to their ability to kill off harmful organisms without causing harm to the host body.

To treat parasitic infestations, consider taking capsules containing wild oregano extract daily under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure safe and proper dosage administration.

The use of oregano oil can offer a variety of health benefits and is worth exploring further. Creating a DIY oregano oil concoction in the comfort of one's own home is a simple process, and thus it should be examined.

Taking DIY Oregano Oil Internally

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (4)Pin

Now, it's true that oregano essential oil is a potent natural remedy that can be taken internally to help boost your immune system and fight infections.

However, it's essential to remember to mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut, olive, or jojoba oil before ingesting it. This will help prevent any adverse reactions (like diarrhea) and ensure your body absorbs the oil effectively.

Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties

Oregano oil is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent natural remedy for various health issues. And in addition to taking it by mouth or topically, it can also be diffused in the air to help purify the air and promote respiratory health.

By making your own DIY oregano oil at home, you can always have this essential oil on hand for any off grid living situation.

Therapeutic Uses of DIY Oregano Oil

Here are a few more details on how to use oregano oil therapeutically.

Boosting Immunity During Colds & Flu Seasons

Oregano essential oil has documented antiviral properties, making it an excellent natural remedy during cold and flu seasons.

Taking oregano oil internally can help boost your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells that fight infections. To use oregano oil as an immunity booster, mix 1-2 drops with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before ingesting.

Relieving Sinus Infections and Bronchitis

The anti-inflammatory properties found in wild oregano make it effective in treating sinus infections and bronchitis symptoms.

It helps reduce inflammation in the nasal passages while clearing mucus buildup from the lungs.

To relieve these respiratory issues, add 1-2 drops of diluted oregano essential oil into a bowl of steaming water; then inhale the steam for several minutes daily until symptoms subside.

I like to follow it up with a hot shower and my homemade peppermint and eucalyptus shower steamers to help with congestion.

Topical Applications for Muscle & Joint Pain

  • Anti-inflammatory:Origanum vulgare contains carvacrol which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects on muscle tissues when applied topically. Mix 5-10 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil and massage it into the affected area to relieve muscle pain.
  • Antimicrobial:The antimicrobial properties of oregano essential oils can help prevent infections in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with a carrier oil before applying to the wound site.

Oreganol oil is an excellent natural remedy for many common ailments, and its culinary uses are just as impressive. Cooking with oregano oil can bring a zesty flavor to your culinary creations, from savory sauces to tangy dressings.

Precautions When Using Oregano Oil Therapeutically

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (5)Pin

Oregano oil is a powerful natural remedy with numerous health benefits. However, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects and precautions when using it therapeutically. In this section, we'll discuss some important considerations to keep in mind before incorporating oregano oil into your wellness routine.

Potential Interactions with Medications

Before taking oregano oil internally or applying it topically, consult with a healthcare professional if you are currently on any medications.

Some compounds inoregano essential oil, such as carvacrol and thymol, may interact negatively with certain drugs like blood thinners or antidiabetic medications. It is wise to be cautious and get professional advice before combining natural treatments with prescription drugs.

Side Effects of Overusing Oregano Oil

  • Allergic Reactions:Although rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to oregano oil due to its potency. If you notice any signs of rash, itching, or swelling after using the product, discontinue use immediately and consult a medical professional.
  • Blood Sugar Levels:Taking oregano oil internally has sometimes been known to lower blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should monitor their glucose levels closely while using this remedy and adjust their treatment plan accordingly under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
  • Risk of Bleeding:The anti-inflammatory properties of wild oregano can increase the risk of bleeding, especially for individuals with clotting disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications. Before using oregano oil, those with clotting disorders or taking blood-thinning medications should consult their doctor.

It's also worth noting that pregnant and nursing women should avoid using oregano essential oil due to its potential impact on hormonal balance. Always consult a healthcare professional before introducing any new natural remedies into your routine, particularly if you have existing medical conditions or are taking medication.

Incorporatingoregano oilinto your off-grid lifestyle can be highly beneficial when used responsibly and in moderation. Awareness of potential issues and consequences is essential for securely taking advantage of this multifaceted remedy to back up your general health and contentment while inhabiting a disconnected habitat.

Cooking with Oregano Oil

Incorporating oregano oil into your cooking provides additional health benefits while adding a unique flavor to dishes.

Here are a few ways to use it in your homestead recipes.

Enhancing Pasta Sauces and Marinades

One of the easiest ways to incorporateoregano oilinto your cooking is by adding it to pasta sauces and marinades.

Add a few drops of your homemade DIY oregano oil to add flavor to tomato-based sauces. Try it in your favorite venison stew recipe or as a meat or vegetable marinade.

Start with just one drop per cup of sauce or marinade, then adjust according to taste preferences.

Creating Flavorful Salad Dressings

Oregano oil also pairs wonderfully with other ingredients commonly found in salad dressings, like olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, and mustard.

To create a simple yet flavorful vinaigrette using oregano oil:

  1. Mix ¼ cup extra virginolive oil, two tablespoons red wine vinegar (or any preferred vinegar), juice from half a lemon (optional), salt & pepper;
  2. Add one drop of oregano essential oil for every two servings;
  3. Whisk together until fully incorporated, then adjust the seasoning to taste.

Adding Depth to Soups and Stews

When it comes to soups and stews, a little oregano oil goes a long way in enhancing the overall flavor profile.

Add one drop of wild oregano essential oil per quart of soup or stew during the final 10-15 minutes of cooking time.

This will allow the flavors to meld together without overpowering other ingredients. Remember that less is more when using potent oils like this, so start with just one drop and add more if desired after tasting.

Note: When incorporating oregano oil into your recipes, always use a high-quality carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil for dilution purposes before adding it directly into your dishes.

Adding oregano oil to your cooking can lend a delicious complexity of flavor to your dishes. Still, when applying it for medicinal purposes, one must be mindful of certain safety measures.

FAQs Diy Oregano Oil

Read on for some commonly asked questions.

Can I Make My Own Oregano Oil?

You can make your own oregano oil at home using fresh or dried oregano leaves and a carrier oil.

The process involves chopping the leaves, combining them with the carrier oil in a glass jar, and heating it gently to infuse the mixture. After straining out the solids, store your homemade oregano oil in an amber glass bottle.

What Is Homemade Oregano Oil Good For?

Homemade oregano oil has numerous health benefits, including its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that combat infections, relief from muscle and joint pain, support for digestive issues, and immune system boosting effects. Additionally, it can be incorporated into cooking as a flavor-enhancing ingredient.

Why Can't You Take Oregano Oil Every Day?

Oregano oil should not be taken daily because it's potent and may cause irritation or adverse reactions. It's best to use it as needed for specific health concerns or incorporate small amounts into recipes occasionally rather than consuming large doses regularly.

What to Avoid When Taking Oregano Oil?

Avoid taking high doses of undiluted essential oils internally without proper guidance from healthcare professionals. Pregnant women should consult their doctors before using any essential oils, including oregano essential oil (Healthline). Also, refrain from mixing with medications without consulting a medical professional first.

Recipe for Homemade Oregano Oil

If all that wasn't enough, oregano oil is also delicious in recipes like bread, pizza, or spaghetti sauce, drizzled on salad or vegetables, any pasta dish, or as a bread dipping oil.

It would be worth making in your pantry even if it wasn't for all the other health reasons.

But buying organic oregano oil at a health food store or even your supermarket can be expenses.

So use this recipe and make it at home. Then store it in your pantry for up to three months or in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Supplies You'll Need

  • Dried Oregano leaves
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • Medium Pot
  • Water

How to Make Oregano Oil

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (6)Pin
How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (7)Pin
How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (8)Pin
How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (9)Pin

In a mason jar combine equal parts olive oil and dried oregano leaves.

Shake to cover all the leaves well with oil.

Bring water to a boil in a pot and then turn off the heat.

Submerge the oil mixture in the jar up to the “shoulder” of the jar.

Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.

Remove and place in a warm sunny window for 2 weeks, shaking the jar daily or every other day.

After 2 weeks strain the oil through a cheesecloth or mesh strainer.

Place strained oil back in the jar and store it in a cool dark location like the pantry or even your fridge for a longer shelf life.

Some herbalists suggest taking oil of oregano 1-2 teaspoons a day for conditions that would typically call for a prescription of antibiotics.

It's easy to make this homemade DIY oregano oil recipe

Ultimately, crafting your own DIY homemade oregano oil is an excellent way to tackle infections, ease muscular and joint pain, and naturally promote digestive health.

By following the instructions, you can easily create your oregano oil infusion with fresh or dried leaves and a carrier oil of your choice. It's important to remember proper dilution techniques and safety precautions when using oregano oil topically or ingesting it orally.

Once you've mastered the art of DIY oregano oil, why not further your journey toward self-sufficiency by exploring other homesteading topics?

Visitanoffgridlife.comfor more information on alternative energy sources, living off the land, prepping for emergencies, and more!

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (10)

Homemade DIY Oregano Oil

Yield: 1 pint

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Additional Time: 14 days

Total Time: 14 days 30 minutes

Make this simple DIY oregano oil to use therapeutically and add flavor to your homemade dishes too.


  • ½ cup dried oregano leaves
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil


  1. In a mason jar combine equal parts olive oil and dried oregano leaves.
  2. Shake to cover all the leaves well with oil.
  3. Bring water to a boil in a pot and then turn off the heat.
  4. Submerge the oil mixture in the jar up to the “shoulder” of the jar.
  5. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove and place in a warm sunny window for 2 weeks, shaking the jar every day or every other day.
  7. After 2 weeks strain the oil through a cheesecloth or mesh strainer.
  8. Place strained oil back in the jar and store it in a cool dark location like the pantry or even your fridge for a longer shelf life.


Take 1 - 2 drops of oregano oil a day for any type of condition that would normally call for a prescription of antibiotics.

Nutrition Information

Yield 96 Serving Size 1
Amount Per Serving Calories 11Total Fat 1gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 1gCholesterol 0mgSodium 0mgCarbohydrates 0gFiber 0gSugar 0gProtein 0g

How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (11)Pin
How to Make Homemade DIY Oregano Oil Recipe (2024)


How to make oil of oregano at home? ›

  1. Boil water in sauce pan. ...
  2. Then place the carrier oil and crushed oregano leaves in the jar.
  3. Place the jar into the hot water and let it sit for 5-10 min.
  4. Remove the jar from the water and place in a sunny window for 1-2 weeks.
  5. Shake the jar every few days.
  6. Once the time is up strain the oil from the leaves.

What is the best carrier oil to make oregano oil? ›

Creamy and rich, Coconut Oil is an excellent carrier oil to blend with Oregano Oil to make massage blends to soothe sore muscles. Coconut Oil is also an antibacterial and antifungal carrier oil, so it can also be used blended with oregano to treat bacterial or fungal skin problems.

What are the main ingredients in oregano oil? ›

The major constituents of this oil were carvacrol (61.08%), p-cymene (9.87%), γ-terpinen (6.34%), and borneol (2.38%).

How to prepare oregano as herbal medicine? ›

Boil 3 cups of water and add a handful (2 teaspoons) of clean oregano leaves, they can be dried or fresh. Boil for three minutes, remove from heat, let stand for five minutes. Strain the leaves and serve. OPTIONAL: You can sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey and half a lemon.

How do you make 100% oregano oil? ›

Place the oregano in the glass jar and cover it to the top with oil. Use equal amounts of dried oregano and oil. Fresh leaves may wilt in the oil, so you may need to use less oil than the orginal volume of oregano leaves. Stir to combine the ingredients and adjust the oil if it doesn't cover the leaves.

Can I make oregano oil with fresh oregano? ›

Herb oils are easy to make and so versatile to use. Here I provide you with a recipe using fresh oregano but you can use any herb that you have growing in your garden.

What is the downside of oregano oil? ›

The typical recommended dose ranges widely based in part on the relative concentration of essential oils. Oregano oil is usually well tolerated but side effects of higher doses can include abdominal discomfort, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and headache.

What can you not mix with oregano oil? ›

Potential Drug Interactions
  • Blood thinners: Oregano may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in people taking blood thinners.
  • Diabetes medications: Oregano may lower blood sugar levels. ...
  • Copper, iron, and zinc supplements: Oregano may decrease the absorption of copper, iron, and zinc in the body.
Jun 26, 2023

Can you make your own oregano essential oil? ›

Heat up your olive oil in the double boiler. The oil should never boil during the process. Add the oregano leaves to the oil and allow the leaves to simmer in the oil for several hours. If time allows, let the leaves sit for five hours but keep an eye that the oil never boils.

How long is homemade oregano oil good for? ›

Storage Conditions: Oregano oil should be stored in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or refrigerator, to maximize its shelf life. It ideally lasts up to six months to two years, dependent on the storage environment.

Is there a difference between oregano oil and oil of oregano? ›

Oregano essential oil is a much more concentrated substance than oil of oregano. Manufacturers typically use heat to extract the oil from the leaves, stems, or flowers of the plant. Unlike oil of oregano, it is not safe to consume oregano essential oil.

How much oil of oregano is an antibiotic? ›

Oregano oil uses:

For internal use, take 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days. Fight Pneumonia and Bronchitis: For external infections, apply 2 to 3 diluted drops to the affected area. To prevent internal bacterial overgrowth, ingest 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days.

Who should not drink oregano tea? ›

Allergies: Oregano can cause reactions in people allergic to Lamiaceae family plants, including basil, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, and sage. Surgery: Large doses of oregano might increase the risk of bleeding. People who use large doses of oregano should stop taking oregano 2 weeks before surgery.

What does oregano oil help with? ›

Oregano oil has many uses. It fights bacteria and fungus, so it can work on skin infections and acne. Some people take it for colds. It may work to lower cholesterol levels.

How to make oregano and honey for a cough? ›

In a jar, put the oregano at the bottom, then the garlic, then lemon and onion. Pour the honey and water over the ingredients, making sure the water covers all the ingredients completely. Put the lid on the jar so it is airtight, and let it steep overnight. Strain the liquid the next morning and only drink the liquid.

Is homemade oregano oil safe? ›

Studies have shown that it can fight bacteria and fungal infections and has antioxidant properties. You can find it in health food stores or make your own at home. It can be dangerous in large quantities, and it can irritate your skin, so talk to your doctor before you add oregano oil to your health care routine.

Is there a difference between oil of oregano and oregano oil? ›

Oil of oregano is an oil that people extract from the leaves of the oregano plant. It is available in the form of consumable capsules or a liquid. Oregano essential oil is a much more concentrated substance than oil of oregano.

How often can I take homemade oregano oil? ›

Oregano oil uses:

For internal use, take 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days. Fight Pneumonia and Bronchitis: For external infections, apply 2 to 3 diluted drops to the affected area. To prevent internal bacterial overgrowth, ingest 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days.


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