How to do the Faster EFT Tap — The Basic Recipe (2024)

The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is easy, quick, efficient, effective and a fun healing tool.

It is used to change the references held in the subconscious that result in problems in all areas of life.

It is this procedure that is used for every round of tapping.

This Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe method can be used to solve any issue — financial, personal, professional, emotional, psychological, physiological, health related.

This Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe has provided relief to thousands of people around the world with impressive results.

We encourage you to try and test this out for yourself.

But first, you will need to know the basics of Faster EFT Tapping, so let’s start!

With just SIX easy steps to learn, it is the Fastest EFT tapping technique out there.

The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe has only FIVE steps, that takes only 30 seconds to do.

Anyone of any age can learn this simple technique and use it whenever they want, wherever they are with lasting results.

It may seem a little strange at first, but after a couple of round of using the Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, you’ll feel more comfortable.

Just like with anything new you learn, it takes practice and persistence.

This will be a tool that can be used throughout your life, like brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

It’ll always be on hand for you to use, no matter the circ*mstances.

In order for a problem to exist, there must be proof (the memory or record of an experience) and feelings.

Feelings are what make a problem a problem.

It is how you feel about something that determines whether it’s a problem or not.

If you feel good, that means you like something.

Conversely, if you feel bad, it means you don’t like something.

It’s that simple.

It is the feelings that make the problem real.

For example, Tom feels angry when he hears loud music in a parked car.

Another person, Tina, may enjoy the music.

She hears the same loud music, but she feels good.

In each of those cases, the subconscious is referencing a record that connects loud music in parked cars with either a negative meaning or a positive meaning; and then the brain signals the organs to produce the matching chemicals for those emotions.

FasterEFT is an energy based system as well, founded on Neurology and Biology.

Emotions affect both our physical and mental wellbeing.

So it follows that once your turbulent emotions are healed and cleaned up, you’ll have overall wellbeing.

The foundation belief in Faster EFT is that there is no disruption of energy, unlike traditional EFT.

In fact everything in your life and body is functioning as it should.

According to the way the brain has developed in order to survive in the environment, depending on your life’s experiences.

In Faster EFT, the tapping is used to disrupt the signal between the brain and the major organs of the body that trigger the fight or flight response while changing neural pathways in the neocortex of the brain.

The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe doesn’t just deal with energy disruptions, which only fixes the outer issue of the problem.

It deals with the root cause of the problems, eliminating them completely.

Faster EFT recognizes that experiences are recorded in the subconscious for future reference.

This is how we learn to walk, drive, take a shower, eat, wash the dishes, type etc. without needing to consciously concentrate on every movement and decision.

Regular EFT specifically believes that negative emotions have nothing to do with memories, and are caused only by a disruption in the body’s energy system.

The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe interrupts that signal between the brain and the organs by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs.

This rewrites the reference or memory associated with that trigger.

For example, if Tom feels angered by the loud music and wanted to change that automatic response, he could use the Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe to disrupt the production of the chemicals that cause the feeling of anger when he hears the loud music.

And change the meaning of the loud music in his subconscious from “rude” or “disruptive” (or whatever they learned it means) to fun and enjoyment.

This will then result in an automatic feeling of enjoyment and fun when Tom hears that loud music in the future.

How to do the Faster EFT Tap — The Basic Recipe (2)

The following illustration is pretty straightforward and we’ll give a brief explanation with it as well.

For now, just identify each of these Faster EFT Tapping points on your body and follow along!

Step #1: Aim

Notice how you know you have the problem.

You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they’re there.

What do you feel?

Where in your body do you feel it?

What do you see or hear?

How do you know it’s a problem?

Step #2: Tap

Use two fingers to tap the following points, while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin:

  • between your eyebrows
  • beside your eye
  • under your eye
  • just below your collarbone

While you are tapping, say “Let it go”. You can also add “It’s safe to let it go”.

Note: It doesn’t matter which side you tap — you can do either side, or both if you like.

Step #3: Peace

Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “peace” — and go to a peaceful memory for a moment.

Step #4: Check

Go back to your problem and take notice of how it’s changed.

Do you feel different?

Is the intensity of the feeling different?

Does the memory look or sound different?

Just notice.

Step #5: Repeat

Repeat steps two to four until the feeling or memory has “flipped” — in other words, the negative memory has been replaced by a positive memory.

Read: Why do We “ Reimprint or Flip” Memories in Faster EFT?

The Key to Success in using Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe:

Persistence is essential.

Don’t stop until it’s changed — even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to change — it will, as long as you keep going until it does.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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How to do the Faster EFT Tap — The Basic Recipe (2024)


What is the faster tapping method? ›

It involves tapping on specific points on the body, typically with the fingertips, while focusing on a specific issue or problem. Tapping Therapy is often used to address a wide range of issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, traumatic memories, cravings, chronic pain, and more.

How fast is tapping EFT? ›

Tapping follows a sequence of five steps, often called a round, that takes about two minutes to complete. Lower intensity issues may only require four or five rounds to provide relief, while more intense issues may take 10 or 12 rounds. Intense or chronic issues are best addressed through consistent tapping over time.

What to say while tapping? ›

Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance. For example, you could say, "Even though I feel anxious about work tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself." Or you could say, "Even though my partner broke up with me, I deeply and completely accept myself."

How do you tap effectively? ›

The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, or any unresolved problem. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body (more specific information on this below).

Does EFT tapping really work? ›

EFT tapping has been shown to be beneficial for people experiencing anxiety, depression, phobias and PTSD. However, Ewing says although there are many scientific studies showing the benefits of EFT tapping, it's not as widely accepted as other holistic or complementary therapies, such as acupuncture.

What is the science behind EFT tapping? ›

EFT tapping works to regulate our nervous system by stimulating acupoints. EFT tapping is extremely versatile as a supplement to existing therapeutic interventions and as an effective self-help technique for immediate relief of distressful symptoms outside the clinical setting.

Is EFT tapping evidence-based? ›

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an “evidence-based” therapeutic method (Church, 2013a). It combines elements of cognitive and exposure therapy with acupressure. It is popularly termed “tapping” because its distinguishing feature is the stimulation of acupuncture points using fingertip percussion.

Can you do EFT every day? ›

There is no limit to how often one should use EFT tapping. It has a cumulative effect, so it is not a bad idea to tap daily, for ten or fifteen minutes or longer.

Is it normal to cry during EFT tapping? ›

Very often, a side effect of tapping is feeling sleepy or a bit “zoned out.” Yawning and crying are also very common, which can signify the release of suppressed emotions.

Can EFT tapping cause anxiety? ›

Numerous studies have shown that EFT tapping can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, among other emotional and physical conditions.

What are the 9 tapping points? ›

Tapping procedures can differ slightly, but most use these locations: the heel of the hand, three locations around the eye, the area below the nose, the area below the lips, the collarbone, the underarm, and the top of the head. From seven to nine taps are delivered on each spot.

Does EFT work without words? ›

I started to explain that no, you can always do EFT silently, in your head, or even just tap without words on the feelings you feel, and it is still as effective.

What are the side effects of EFT tapping? ›

Here are 12 EFT tapping side effects that myself and other practitioners have witnessed when emotions are being released and energy being repaired:
  • Yawning.
  • Sighing (big exhales)
  • Shoulders dropping.
  • Coughing.
  • Lump in the throat.
  • Butterflies in the tummy.
  • A vibrating feeling through the body.
  • Crying, tears or watery eyes.

What is the fastest human tapping speed? ›

As per the Guinness World Records, the fastest finger tapping rate was set by Japanese musician Kaoru Watanabe in 2014. He achieved a rate of 13.36 taps per second, which translates to approximately 802 taps per minute or 134 BPM. What is the fastest heartbeat rate ever recorded? About 1100 bpm (briefly).

How quickly does tapping work? ›

Most people begin to see the effects of tapping within just a few tapping session rounds, Curtis says. So, this could mean that you begin to feel some relief in just a few minutes. “Changes in your energy, emotions, and thoughts can happen after just one round or three minutes of tapping,” says Curtis.

Does the tapping technique work? ›

EFT tapping is an effective treatment for reducing symptoms of anxiety experienced with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, social anxiety, chronic pain, and more. The overall effect of EFT for treatment of anxiety pretreatment to posttreatment is 1.23, which is a large effect size (Clond, 2016).


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