Aws Devops Training Best Way To Dive into a New Level of Expertise with Golive classes - 2024 (2024)

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Do you want to learn AWS Devops Tools ? Train with Leading SAP MM training provider, Golive Classes. We provide the best AWS Devops training in Hyderabad and all over India.

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Aws Devops Training Best Way To Dive into a New Level of Expertise with Golive classes - 2024 (2)

Aws Devops Training

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  • Real-time concepts with case studies
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AWS Devops Training Courses Curriculum


  • Amazon Web Services
  • Linux
  • Shell Scripting
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm Charts
  • Git & GitHub & GitHub Actions
  • Sonarqube
  • Nexus
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK)
  • NewRelic
  • GoCD
  • ArgoCD
  • ISTIO Service Mesh
  • Python

List of Topics:

  • AWS Account
  • AWS Regions & Availability Zones
  • Public IP & Private IP
  • Security Groups
  • SG Inbound & Outbound Rules
  • EC2 Instances
  • Creation of EC2 Server
  • Connect to Linux EC2 Server from Windows / Mac/ Linux
  • EC2 Spot Instances
  • EC2 Spot Persistent Instances
  • AWSRoute53
  • AWS Parameter Store
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • 53 Buckets
  • Create 53 Bucket
  • Encrypting S3 Buckets
  • Versioning data in S3
  • IAM Introduction
  • User creation with Security Credentials
  • Use managed policies
  • Create our own IAM
  • IAM Roles
  • IAM OIDC Roles
  • VPC
  • Private and Public Subnets
  • Route tables for public and private
  • Internet Gateway and Implementation
  • NAT Gateway and Implementation
  • Web Subnets, App Subnets and DB Subnets
  • Subnet security using NACL
  • VPC Peering
  • AWS Landing Zone
  • DocumentDB Overview
  • Create DocDB Cluster
  • Subnet Group for DocDB
  • Parameter Group for DocDB
  • DocumentDB in private connectivity
  • Elasticache Overview
  • Create Elasticache Cluster
  • Subnet Group for Elasticache
  • Parameter Group for Elasticache
  • Elasticache in private connectivity
  • RDS Overview
  • Create MySQL RDS Cluster
  • Subnet Group for RDS MySQL
  • Parameter Group for RDS
  • RDS in private connectivity
  • Backup Policies
  • RabbitMQ Overview in MQ Service
  • Create RabbitMQ Cluster
  • Subnet Group for RabbitMQ
  • Parameter Group for
  • RabbitMQ in private
  • Application Load
  • Public Application Load
  • Private Application Load
  • Single private application load balancer for multiple backend
  • Expose private apps running on private servers over Load
  • Autoscaling
  • Autoscaling with load balancer target
  • Launch Templates for
  • Encryption with AWS
  • AWS Sheild
  • Anatomy of Linux
  • Linux Command line introduction
  • List files – Is command
  • Create file – touch command
  • Remove file – rm command
  • Copy file – cp command
  • Move file – my command
  • Directory Structure in Linux
  • Change Directory – cd command
  • Current Working Directory – pwd command
  • Create Directory – mkdir command
  • Delete Directory – rm -r command
  • Copy Directory – cp -r command
  • Move files & directories – my command
  • Rename Directories – my command
  • Editor – vim command
  • Word search – grep command
  • Colum Filter – awk command
  • Line filters – head & tail commands
  • Find files – find command
  • Download content – curl command
  • Extract compressed files – tar and unzip command
  • Pipes in the command line
  • Process Management – ps command
  • Process Management – kill command
  • User management – useradd command
  • Privileged escalation – sudo command & sudoers configuration
  • Package Management – dnf command
  • Service Management – systemctl command
  • File ownership – chown command
  • Group Ownership – chgrp command
  • File permissions – chmod command
  • Network info commands
  • What are the problems we are having?
  • What shell scripting is actually
  • Introduction to shell
  • What are the cases we use shell
  • What are the cases that we dont use shell scripting
  • What are the different types of shell scripting we
  • Why bash shell is so
  • Why are we learning Bash
  • How to write a shell script in an
  • How do we get that shell script into a Linux
  • How do we execute a shell
  • How to print messages using shell script
  • How to print coloured line
  • Introduction to
  • Declaring variables
  • Accessing variables
  • Command substitution variables
  • Arithmetic substitution variables
  • Read write variable property
  • Local variable property
  • Scalar variable property
  • Special variables in shell
  • How do we take input using special variables in shell script
  • Single quotes and double quotes and when to use which codes
  • Exit status inside scripts
  • What is the function
  • How to declare a function
  • How do you access a function
  • Variable scope inside a function
  • Special variables of a function
  • Return status of a function
  • If condition in shell scripting
  • Different forms of if condition
  • Expressions inside if condition
  • String expressions
  • Number expressions
  • File expressions
  • Case condition in shell scripting
  • Loops in shell scripting
  • While loop in shell scripting
  • For loop in shell scripting
  • Input redirectors in shell scripting
  • SED editor in shell scripting
  • Sourcing files in shell scripting
  • Introduction to code
  • Introduction to git
  • Introduction to
  • How to create a GitHub
  • How to make your profile in
  • How GitHub profile can help us in marketing our profile for
  • How to create a GitHub
  • How to clone the repositories into local
  • How do we modify the code in local
  • How do we push the code to the remote repositories
  • Introduction to code
  • Importance of using code
  • How code editors can help in enhancing our
  • The best ways of creating the
  • What are the scenarios that we go with the
  • Importance of message in git
  • How do we write messages in the organizations while we
  • How do we pull the code from git
  • How do we get the changes developed in local system to remote
  • What are git
  • When to use git tags
  • How to merge a branch to
  • What are pull
  • What are peer reviews
  • How to get git commit history.
  • Application release strategy using Git
  • Starting to GitOps
  • Implementing
  • Importance of TBD(Trunk Based Development)
  • Short living branches vs Long Living Branches

Problems of shell scripting

  • Introduction to configuration management
  • History of configuration management
  • How Ansible is different from Chef and
  • Push and Pull mechanism
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of ansible push and pull mechanism
  • Installation of Ansible
  • Ansible and its version’s history
  • Difference between a Module and a Collection
  • Ansible Inventory
  • Best Practices of Inventory Management
  • Run ansible ADHOC commands
  • Send SSH credentials to
  • Problems of Ansible ADHOC commands
  • introducing declarative markup languages
  • )(NIL vs JSON vs YAW,
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Plays inside the
  • Multi Play
  • Tasks inside a
  • DEBUG module to print messages
  • Play level
  • Task level
  • Variables from the Inventory file
  • Variables from the command
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Role directory
  • Best practices of Ansible
  • Role Level Variables
  • Variable Precedence in
  • Importance of files directory in ansible
  • importance of meta directory in ansible
  • Importance of templates directory in ansible
  • What is Ansible Galaxy.
  • Roles from Ansible
  • Conditions in
  • Loops in
  • Make a unified playbook that works for both Ansible pull and push mechanism.
  • What is Ansible
  • Ansible GUI Open Source Tools
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Practical use cases of Jenkins
  • Install Jenkins
  • How to create a freestyle job in Jenkins
  • Jenkins architecture
  • Disadvantages of Jenkins Standalone system
  • Practices that can make Jenkins highly available
  • Jenkins server, Agent architecture, Why is it
  • Add a node agent to a Jenkins
  • Best practices of labelling nodes
  • How to run the jobs in a particular node using
  • How to create Jenkins jobs automatically.
  • Jenkins pipeline jobs
  • Difference between scripted pipeline and declarative pipeline
  • Agent section in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Post section in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Stages and steps in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Configure environment variables in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Configure parameters in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Pipeline triggering automatically with the trigger section in the Jenkins pipeline
  • When conditions in Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Introduction to Jenkins shared
  • Introduction to groovy
  • Groovy scripting variables conditions loop and
  • Configure shared library
  • Configure shared library inside Jenkins_
  • Global shared library versus Pipeline shared
  • Code DRY with shared library
  • Limitations of Jenkins declarative pipeline
  • Introduction to Jenkins scripted pipeline
  • Advantages of using Jenkins scripted
  • Plugin management in Jenkins


  • Introduction to
  • advantages of
  • Introduction to terraform
  • Terraform Alternatives
  • Advantages of Terraform
  • Introduction to HCL, Hashicorp configuration language
  • Code structure of terraform, Terraform file extenstions
  • Installing Terraform
  • Terraform life cycle
  • Terraform init phase
  • Terraform plan phase
  • Terraform apply phase
  • Terraform destroy phase
  • HCL code
  • Output block
  • Terraform inbuilt functions
  • Variable block
  • Terraform tfvars
  • Terraform auto tfvars
  • Variable precedence in terraform
  • Resource block in Terraform
  • attributes and arguments in terraform resources
  • Provider block in Terraform
  • Data sources in Terraform
  • Resource reference in Terraform
  • Loops in terraform
  • Loop with count argument
  • Loop with for each argument
  • Best ways of providing inputs to terraform
  • Terraform state file
  • Best ways to manage in terraform state file
  • Conditions in Terraform resources
  • Modules in Terraform
  • Local modules In Terraform
  • Modules from the vendor in Terraform
  • Best practices for writing terraform modules
  • Locals in terraform
  • Versioning terraform code
  • Terraform multi-environment coding structure
  • Best practices of terraform coding structure for real-time
  • Terraform test


  • Hardware evolution over the
  • Physical Server Vs Virtual Server Vs Container
  • Introduction to
  • Advantages of
  • Container adoption with respect to application
  • Advantages of packaging the software in the
  • Different types of container management software
  • Introduction to Docker
  • How Docker demystified container ecosystem
  • Docker architecture
  • Rise and Fall of Docker Usage
  • nifferent types c,f container runtimes
  • Public Docker images
  • Introduction to Dockerfile
  • Different instructions in Dockerfile
  • Build a Docker image
  • List Docker Images
  • Compare Docker image with AMI in Amazon
  • Docker imaging layers
  • FROM instruction Dockerfile
  • RUN instruction Dockerfile
  • COPY instruction in Dockerfile
  • ADD instruction in Dockerfile
  • CMD instruction in Dockerfile
  • ENTRYPOINT instruction in Dockerfile
  • Difference between ADD and COPY
  • Difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT
  • Docker registry
  • Public Docker registry
  • Private Docker registry
  • How to push Docker images to the registry
  • How to run a container
  • Run a container by opening a dynamic port
  • Running container with opening a static port
  • Run a container mapping volume
  • Run 2 containers mapping the same volume
  • Run a container using a health check
  • List running containers
  • List all containers
  • Inspect the information of a container
  • Introduction to ECR
  • Push Images to ECR
  • Build Docker Images with Pipelines
  • Introduction to Kubernetes orchestration
  • Importance of having an orchestrator tool
  • How Kubernetes is different from
  • Advantages of Kubernetes pod
  • Kubernetes architecture overview
  • How to interact with Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes kubeconfig
  • Set up Minikube for learning

o■ Introduction to Kubernetes YAML

  • Introduction to a
  • Create a pod with a single container
  • Create a pod with multi-container
  • Labels in Pods
  • Fetch the pods using labels
  • Annotations in Kubernetes
  • How to add environment variables to a pod
  • Introduction to config map
  • Read the environment variable from the config map
  • Read the complete config map into the pod
  • Introduction to Secrets in Kubernetes
  • Load secrets into the environment of a pod
  • How to scale a Pod
  • Introduction to the replica set
  • Create a replica set with multiple replicas of pods
  • disadvantages of the replica set
  • introduction to deployment
  • Create a deployment with multiple replicas of pods
  • How deployment is different with a replica set
  • How deployment uses replica set
  • Advantages of deployment over replica set
  • Introduction to services
  • Types of services
  • ClusteriP in service
  • Load Balancer in service
  • NodePort in service
  • Introduction to AWS EKS
  • Configure EKS with Terraform
  • OIDC in EKS
  • EKS Node Groups
  • Getting kubeconfig for EKS
  • Introduction to Namespaces
  • Disadvantages of secrets and config maps in production
  • How to use Amazon parameter store with Kubernetes
  • Introduction to Service Accounts
  • AWS IAM to EKS Service Account access
  • Create IAM roles for AWS Parameter
  • Expose a service with a Load Balancer to the outside world from the EKS cluster
  • Importance of Ingress Controller Setup Nginx Ingress Controller
  • Expose a Service with Nginx Ingress Controller

Setup Prometheus & Grafana in EKS

  • Read the metrics over
  • Introduction to Continous Integration Process
  • Importance of Code Quality Tools in CI Process
  • Introcution to SonarQube
  • Install SonarQube Open Source Version
  • Setup Sonar Client in Jenkins nodes
  • Submit sonar scans for development projects over CI Pipeline
  • Review results in SonarQube
  • Understand Bugs & Vulnerabilities
  • Understand Code Smells
  • Understand Coverage
  • Understand Code Duplications
  • Understand Code Debt
  • Understand Qualitygate
  • Create Qualitygate
  • Understand Quality Profiles
  • Ensure CI pipelines fail on the Qualitygate

I FORG Artifactory

Introduction to Binary Repository

How binary repository is different from a Code Repository

  • Introduction to ifrog artifactory
  • Install jfrog artifactory Open source editon
  • Explore hosted repos VS group repos VS proxy repos
  • Create Hosted repos
  • Upload artifacts from the CI pipeline to Artifactory

Introduction to Python scripting.

  • Python history and versions
  • Differences from V2 to V3
  • Python use cases
  • Indentation in Python
  • Variables in Python
  • Declare variables with data types
  • Conditions
  • Exception handling
  • Loops
  • Regular expressions
  • Modules
  • OS Module
  • Platform module
  • Subprocess module
  • Sys module
  • Psutil module
  • Requests module
  • Logging module
  • Paramiko module
  • Boto3 module
  • Run lambda with Python code
  • Introduction to Deployment Tool
  • Need of a Deployment tool a

Install GoCD Server

  • Configure GoCD Agents
  • Add GoCD Pipelines
  • Materials in GoCD
  • Config Repos in GoCD
  • Groups in GoCD
  • Pipeline as Code in GoCD
  • Creating Pipelines for
  • Pipeline code for Project Requirements


  • Introduction to ArgoCD Tool
  • ArgoCD architecture
  • Install ArgoCD in EKS Cluster
  • Configuring
  • Create Projects
  • Create YAML code for Projects
  • Sync Policies
  • Best practices

ISTIO Service Mesh

  • Introduction to Service Mesh
  • ISTIO Service Mesh
  • Famous service mesh
  • Injecting ISTIO Sidecar
  • Envoy Proxy
  • Configure ISTIO for
  • Additional possibilities with ISTIO

GitHub Actions

  • Overview of GitHub Actions
  • Basic concepts of GitHub Actions
  • Understanding Workflows, Events, Jobs, Steps, Runners, and Actions
  • Setting up a GitHub Repository for GitHub Actions
  • Writing your first workflow file
  • Understanding YAML syntax
  • Triggering workflows with GitHub events (push, pull_request, )
  • Using environment variables and secrets
  • Configuring jobs in a workflow
  • Running multiple jobs: dependencies and parallel execution
  • Using steps within a job
  • Utilizing actions in steps (official and community actions)
  • Managing workflow dependencies and artifacts
  • Working with conditional executions in workflows
  • Deploying applications to cloud platforms (AWS, Kubernetes)
  • Integrating with external services and APIs
  • Notifications and communications
  • Managing secrets and tokens securely
  • Best practices for efficient workflows
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Aws Devops Training Best Way To Dive into a New Level of Expertise with Golive classes - 2024 (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.