14 recipes you won't believe actually existed in the 1970s (2024)

'); $videoEl.append('' + '' + ''); setTimeout(function(){ $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e){ if(e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; player.muted(false); //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = player.currentTime(); if(currentTime < 3){ player.currentTime(0); } var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); adsManager.setVolume(player.volume()); }); $('.video-close-floating').on('click', function(){ WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); player.pause(); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); if(adsManager){ adsManager.pause(); } }); if(hideClose){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); $('.video-close-floating').remove(); }, 500); } }, 500); } else{ //wait 500 sec call again setTimeout(function(){ WVM.addMuteButton(videoId, player, hideClose); }, 500); } }; WVM.addFloatingAbility = function(videoId, player){ var deviceName = 'desktop'; if($('#media-container-' + videoId).length > 0){ if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; }else{ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $('.next-dropdown-accordion').height(); } if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); }else{ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); //console.log("container height: " + WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $(window).on( "resize", function() { if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; }else{ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $('.next-dropdown-accordion').height(); } if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); }else{ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); console.log("container height: " + WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); }); //console.log("VIDEOTOP: " + WVM.VIDEO_TOP); //console.log("VIDEOHEIGHT: " + WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT); $(window).on( "scroll", function() { if(!WVM.IS_FLOATING){ if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); }else{ WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId + " .hlsvideo-wrapper").height() + $('#media-container-' + videoId + " .now-playing-container").height(); } } //var top = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; var offset = WVM.VIDEO_TOP + (WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT / 2); var offsetBack = WVM.VIDEO_TOP; var changed = false; //console.log("VIDEOTOP: " + WVM.VIDEO_TOP); //console.log("VIDEOHEIGHT: " + WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT); //console.log("scrolltop " + $(window).scrollTop()); //only float if playing var isPlaying = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['IS_PLAYING'] || WVM['player_state' + videoId]['AD_IS_PLAYING']; if(isPlaying){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').hide(); } var offsetFloatAd = 99999999; if(deviceName == 'desktop' && $('#float_anchor').length > 0){ offsetFloatAd = $('#float_anchor').offset().top - WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT; //console.log("float anchor offset top " + offsetFloatAd); } if($(window).scrollTop() > offset && isPlaying && !WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING']){ $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).height(WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'block'); if(!WVM.IS_FLOATING){ changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventStart); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = true; $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('floating-video'); //set right var sWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var sHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; if(sWidth > 700 && WADS.IS_STICKING){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); }else if(!WADS.IS_STICKING){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); } if(sWidth <= 700 && WADS.IS_STICKING){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); }else if(sWidth <= 700 && !WADS.IS_STICKING){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); } if(deviceName == 'desktop' || sWidth > 900){ var leftPos2 = $('aside').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left; var leftPos = $('aside').offset().left - 50; $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('left', leftPos + "px"); var newWidth = Math.floor(sWidth / 3.5); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', newWidth + "px"); } else{ $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100% !important"); if(!WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'block'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .next-dropdown-accordion').css('display', 'block'); } } if(sWidth < 900 && sWidth > 500 && WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('floating-video'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('mobile-container'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('promo-playlist'); } //floating-video $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ var hWrapper = $('.floating-video .hlsvideo-wrapper').height(); var npWidth = $('.floating-video .now-playing-container').height(); var ndWidth = $('.floating-video .next-dropdown-header').height() + 20; var scrollerHeight = sHeight - (hWrapper + npWidth + ndWidth); scrollerHeight = 180; //scrollerHeight = parseInt(scrollerHeight * 0.5); if(WVM.device_name == 'desktop'){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + " .mobile-list-videos").height(scrollerHeight); } }, 100); } if($(window).scrollTop() < offsetBack || $(window).scrollTop() > offsetFloatAd){ if(WVM.IS_FLOATING){ changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'block'); if(WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .next-dropdown-accordion').css('display', 'none'); } } if($('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')){ if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + videoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').show(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); //console.log("showing desktop"); if(!WVM.player_state139110['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(videoId); } }else{ if(changed){ //default closed for mobile/floating player $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(videoId, currVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).html(myTitle); }else{ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').show(); } } }else{ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); } } ); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .video-close').on('click',function(){ //set back to paused and stop floating WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); player.pause(); player.ima.getAdsManager().pause(); }); } }; WVM.setupCarousel = function(fullVideoId, player){ // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded //alert("setting up carousel"); console.log("setting up carousel on desktop"); $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['CAROUSEL_INIT'] = true; if($('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).length > 0){ var container = document.querySelector('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId); imagesLoaded( container, function() { var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(screenWidth > 850){ //alert("setting up carousel3"); WVM.IS_DESKTOP = true; $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId + ' .page-carousel-lg-slides').css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId].slider = $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).owlCarousel({ loop: false, center: false, nav: false, dots: false, autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: true, margin: 25, responsiveClass: true, animateOut: 'slideOutDown', animateIn: 'flipInX', navText : ["",""], responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 } } }); }else{ WVM.IS_DESKTOP = false; $('.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); } }); } }; WVM.setupToggleButton = function(fullVideoId, player){ if($('.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId).length > 0){ new DG.OnOffSwitchAuto({ cls:'.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId, height: 24, trackColorOn:'#F9F9F9', trackColorOff:'#222', textColorOn: '#222', textColorOff: '#222', textOn:'On', textOff:'Off', listener:function(name, checked){ var theVal = 1; if(!checked){ theVal = 0; } $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/update_autoplay_video/', data: { autoplay_on: theVal }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId]['autoplay'] = checked; }, error : function(){ console.log("Error loading video"); } }); } }); } }; WVM.setupAccordionButton = function(fullVideoId){ var deviceName = 'desktop'; $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + fullVideoId).on('click', function(){ if($(this).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')){ //hide $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); }else{ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); } var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); //playerId, mediaId, fieldName var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //alert("Getting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); }else{ //expand $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); if(!WVM.player_state139110['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } }else{ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); if(!$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ if(!WVM.player_state139110['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } } } $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'none'); } }); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } //console.log("current Video " + currVideoId); var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //console.log("setting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); }; WVM.sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value, eventLabel) { if(WCS.ONLY_CONTENT || WEBVIEW.is_webview){ WEBVIEW.log_stats("video-" + action, value, WCS.THREAD_URL); var eventCategory = 'app_video'; if (window.gtag) { gtag('event', action, { 'event_category': eventCategory, 'event_label': eventLabel, 'value': value, 'non_interaction': nonInteraction }); } }else{ console.log('test'); var eventCategory = 'video'; if (window.gtag) { gtag('event', action, { 'event_category': eventCategory, 'event_label': eventLabel, 'value': value, 'non_interaction': nonInteraction }); } } }; WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function(mediaId, returnArrayIndex){ var currId = null; if(mediaId == null){ return null; } var found = false; for(var x =0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++){ var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if(myMediaId == mediaId){ found = true; currId = myMediaId; break; } } var nextId = x + 1; if(nextId < WVM.playlist_ids.length && currId !== null){ if(!returnArrayIndex){ return WVM.playlist_ids[nextId]; }else{ return nextId; } } return null; }; WVM.getPlaylistArrayId = function(mediaId){ for(var x =0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++){ var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if(myMediaId == mediaId){ return x; } } return null; }; //unimportant stuff like tracking... don't put anything platform specific here WVM.finishPlayer = function(player, playerState, playerSettings){ var percentsPlayedInterval = 25; //player.off('ready'); player.on('ready', function(){ playerState.PLAYER_READY = true; }); //player.off(['waiting', 'pause']); player.on(['waiting', 'pause'], function() { playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; $('.vjs-loading-spinner').removeClass('badspinner'); }); //player.off('playing'); player.on('playing', function() { console.log('playing'); }); player.on('loadedmetadata', function(){ if(playerState.PLAYER_META){ return; } playerState.PLAYER_META = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("loadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoloadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adstart'); player.on('adstart', function(){ console.log("starting ads"); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = true; playerState.PLAYED_AD = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adend'); player.on('adend', function(){ var playPromise = null; console.log("ad end"); playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; setTimeout(function(){ if(!playerState.IS_PLAYING || player.paused()){ } }, 500); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('timeupdate'); player.on('timeupdate', function(){ playerState.IS_PLAYING = true; var fullDuration = this.duration() * 1000; var fullCurrent = this.currentTime() * 1000; var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * 100); //console.log("timeupdate " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if(rand > 20){ if(fullDuration > 1 && ((fullDuration - fullCurrent) > 1) && !$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ console.log("hiding spinner"); $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner'); } } var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration()); //this is a hack because the end video event is not firing... var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime()); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 10) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ if('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR){ console.log("skipped timeupdate end"); }else{ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } } if(!playerState.START_SENT){ if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('start', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promostart', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } playerState.START_SENT = true; } var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i; currentTime = Math.round(this.currentTime()); duration = Math.round(this.duration()); percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / duration * 100); for (percent = _i = 0; _i <= 99; percent = _i += percentsPlayedInterval) { if (percentPlayed >= percent && __indexOf.call(playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'], percent) < 0) { if (percentPlayed !== 0) { if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('percent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promopercent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } } if (percentPlayed > 0) { playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'].push(percent); } } } }); //player.off('ended'); player.on('ended', function(){ console.log("ended"); playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("complete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promocomplete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } console.log("current id " + currId); console.log("playlist ids"); console.log(WVM.playlist_ids); var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); }else{ var videoId = playerState.ORIGINAL_ID; WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); console.log("Playlist complete (no more videos)"); } }); //player.off('adserror'); player.on('adserror', function(e){ //$('#ima-ad-container').remove(); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.log(e); console.log("ads error"); var errMessage = e['data']['AdError']['l']; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; // && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.' if(!playerState.AD_ERROR){ var dTime = new Date().getTime(); WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl(); //console.log("not calling backup ad tag url: " + WVM.adTagUrl); /* WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.adTagUrl + "?" + dTime); WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds(); //reload src WVM.activePlayer.src({ src: masterSrc, type: 'video/mp4' }); //firefox *really* hates this load event WVM.activePlayer.load(); */ } playerState.AD_ERROR = true; }); //player.off('error'); player.on('error', function(event) { if (player.error().code === 4) { player.error(null); // clear out the old error player.options().sources.shift(); // drop the highest precedence source console.log("now doing src"); console.log(player.options().sources[0]); player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry return; } }); //player.off('volumechange'); player.on('volumechange', function(event) { console.log(event); var theHeight = $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .vjs-volume-level').css('height'); var cssVolume = 0; if(theHeight){ cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace('%', '')); } var theVolume = player.volume(); if(theVolume > 0.0 || cssVolume > 0){ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'none'); }else{ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'block'); } }); //WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //setInterval(function(){ // WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //}, 2000); WVM.allPlayers.push(player); } if(!WVM.rawCompleteEvent){ WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state139110']; }; } if(!WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent){ WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state139110']; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + playerState['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000; var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000; var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime); console.log("raw timeupdate: " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 50) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); if(newMediaId){ console.log("loading new video from rawtimeupdate"); WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } if(!$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner') } }; } WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){ var playerState = WVM['player_state' + playerId]; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + WVM['player_state' + playerId]['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); //COMPLETE EENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); //TIME UPDATE EVENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true; WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true; };

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WVM.autoplayAllowed = true; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; callback(); } }) } function checkMutedAutoplaySupport(callback) { canAutoplay .video({ timeout: 500, muted: true }) .then(({ result, error }) => { if(result === false) { // Muted autoplay is not allowed. WVM.autoplayAllowed = false; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; } else { // Muted autoplay is allowed. WVM.autoplayAllowed = true; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = true; } callback(); }); } WVM.autoplayAllowed = false; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; WVM.printPromise = function(playPromise, theType){ if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then(_ => { console.log("PLAY-PROMISE: success for " + theType); }) .catch(error => { console.log("PLAY-PROMISE: failure for " + theType); }); } }; WVM.DO_STARTUP139110 = function(){ var didCheck; if(!didCheck){ checkUnmutedAutoplaySupport(function(){ console.log("is promo"); var maxTries = 10; var imagesInterval = window.setInterval(function(){ try{ if(!google){ console.log("no ads"); } }catch(exx){ console.log("no ads"); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); } var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(screenWidth >= 900){ initPlayer139110(); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); }else if(screenWidth < 900) { var $promo_mobile = $('#promo_player_mobile'); var $playerElement = $('#promo_player_desktop').first(); $('#promo_player_desktop').first().detach(); $promo_mobile.append($playerElement); setTimeout(function(){ $('.desktop-only').remove(); initPlayer139110(); }, 100); //initPlayer139110(); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); } else{ console.log("imagesloaded waiiiiiitting"); } }, 500); }); didCheck = true; }else{ var imagesInterval = window.setInterval(function(){ var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var playerId = 139110; if(screenWidth > 900){ $('.mobile-only').remove(); initPlayer139110(); }else if(screenWidth <= 900){ var $promo_mobile = $('#promo_player_mobile'); var $playerElement = $('#promo_player_desktop').first(); $('#promo_player_desktop').first().detach(); $promo_mobile.append($playerElement); setTimeout(function(){ $('.desktop-only').remove(); initPlayer139110(); }, 100); } window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); }, 500); } }; WVM.load_script = function(uri){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = uri; tag.async = true; tag.onload = () => { resolve(); }; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.appendChild(tag); }); }; var maxWaitTime = 80; var startInterval139110 = setInterval(function(){ var COLLECTORS_CALL = false; var FIRST_TIME_VISITOR = false; if(typeof(TOP_AD_VIEWED) == "undefined"){ TOP_AD_VIEWED = false; } if(WEBVIEW.is_webview || TOP_AD_VIEWED || COLLECTORS_CALL || FIRST_TIME_VISITOR || maxWaitTime < 0){ WVM.DO_STARTUP139110(); window.clearInterval(startInterval139110); }else{ maxWaitTime--; } }, 100); // Helper function to check if element is in view function isElementInView(element) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) ); } // Function to toggle video playback function toggleVideoPlayback(video, isVisible) { let propertyName = 'player_state' + '139110'; //console.log(139110) //console.log(propertyName); // To see what property name is formed console.log(WVM[propertyName].AD_IS_PLAYING); // If the above log shows correct property name if (WVM[propertyName].AD_IS_PLAYING == true) return; if (!WVM.activePlayer) return; if (isVisible) { WVM.activePlayer.play(); } else { WVM.activePlayer.pause(); } } // Event handler for scroll and resize events function checkVideoVisibility() { const videoPlayer = document.getElementById('html5-video-139110'); // Replace with your video element ID const isVisible = isElementInView(videoPlayer); toggleVideoPlayback(videoPlayer, isVisible); } // Add scroll and resize event listeners window.addEventListener('scroll', checkVideoVisibility); window.addEventListener('resize', checkVideoVisibility); // Initial check checkVideoVisibility();

14 recipes you won't believe actually existed in the 1970s (2024)


What was for dinner in the 70s? ›

Hosting a fondue dinner party was popular in the 1970s, and fondue pots were the ultimate wedding gift during that decade. The Swiss dish consisting of melted cheese served in a communal pot was enjoyed by dipping chunks of bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks.

What food was invented in the 1970s? ›

1970: Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn is introduced. Agronomist Redenbacher has found a yellow corn that expands nearly twice as much as other brands. In five years, it will be the country's largest-selling brand. 1970: Hamburger Helper is introduced.

What did Australians eat in the 1970s? ›

Despite (or because of) influences from our migrants, the 1970s will be forever remembered by Anglo Australians for the following:
  • Avocado vinaigrette.
  • Fondue.
  • Prawn co*cktail.
  • Vol au vents.
  • Lobster Mornay.
  • Oysters Kilpatrick.
  • Chicken à la King.
  • Chicken in a basket.

What was 70s hippie food? ›

The cuisine that the counterculture took to in the late 1960s, and then helped introduce to the mainstream in the 1970s, embraced whole grains and legumes; organic, fresh vegetables; soy foods like tofu and tempeh; nutrition-boosters like wheat germ and sprouted grains; and flavors from Eastern European, Asian, and ...

What food to serve at a 60s party? ›

Of course, no retro co*cktail hour menu would be complete without some old-school appetizers like a cheese ball, fondue, and deviled eggs. Those beet dyed eggs were even topped with some fried Spam because meat in a can was all the rage. Canned fish was a staple in the 60s too.

What is 70s buffet food? ›

Quiche, vol-au-vents, chicken wings… Part of a sketch from the famous comedian Peter Kay, pair this list with other 70s recipes such as blancmange and cheese and pineapple sticks, and this line-up of pick and mix buffet food is no longer just a part of a joke.

What did people eat for breakfast in 1970? ›

Breakfast hasn't changed much. People ate eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, cereal, milk, and juice. Breakfast bars and breakfast burritos weren't a thing then.

What was the 70s chicken dish? ›

Chicken Chasseur is a classic recipe from the seventies that is just as delicious today. An easy one pot meal which is perfect for dinner. Every decade throughout the last century seems to have its own distinctive features. If you think of the 1920's you will think of the Charleston and flappers.

What did they use instead of meat in the 1970s? ›

As of April 1973, the lab had identified three likely sources for making plant-based, meatless protein: canola (then known in Canada as rapeseed), sunflower seeds, and soybeans. "It is quite possible now to produce meat substitutes which smell and taste exactly like meat," De Man added.

What snack foods were popular in the 1970s? ›

Snack foods have changed a lot in the past several decades. We take a trip down memory lane to the 1970s, where products like Space Dust, Marathon Bars, Tie-Bits cracker and Aspen Soda reigned supreme.

Did people eat out in the 70s? ›

I grew up in the Southern US in the 1970s and 1980s. My family was lower middle class and we ate out maybe once a week. If there is one constant about the foods I ate, many items were made from a recipe from the back of the box, or used convenience items like Shake and Bake.

What did people eat for breakfast in 1770? ›

Yes, the colonists would have eaten 2-3 meals a day. For breakfast colonist might have eaten porridge or mush, which is a warm cereal and could have been made with cornmeal, oats or beans. They may have had bread with butter and jam, but one thing they would not have had was milk!

What did they eat 100 years ago? ›

Previously, the American diet was largely meat and potatoes, only later growing to include fruits, vegetables, and milk. But as manufacturers began to streamline their production of canned and frozen food, these packed and prepared items became extremely popular.

What was swinging sixties party food? ›

Popular party snacks were: chunks of pineapple and cheddar cheese on co*cktail sticks stuck all over a grapefruit. And milk shakes with balls of different pastel-coloured ice creams. Or you could make Jelly in pretty shaped moulds with different layers of tinned fruit in them.

What were the most popular snacks in the 1960s? ›

Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Doritos, Starburst, Chips Ahoy!, Gatorade, Sprite, and Ruffles all debuted during the decade, and fast food came into its own with McDonald's. New kid-friendly (read: super-sugary) breakfast cereals abounded, like Froot Loops, Honeycomb, Cap'n Crunch, and Lucky Charms.

What dessert was popular in the 60s? ›

It was a decade of flambée, fondue, Jell-O and junket.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.